Prevalence and Geographical Variations: Section 1 Glaucoma in The World
Prevalence and Geographical Variations: Section 1 Glaucoma in The World
Prevalence and Geographical Variations: Section 1 Glaucoma in The World
2 SECTION 1 • Glaucoma in the World
assess the different parameters required in a glaucoma Table 1-1 International Society of Geographical and
survey will vary. Gold standard instruments such as Epidemiological Ophthalmology Classification of
Goldmann applanation tonometer and Humphrey visual Glaucoma for Use in Population-Based Surveys
fields may not be feasible in some community-based proj- Glaucoma
ects. If more than one set of equipment or examiners are
Category 1 Diagnosis (Structural and Functional Evidence)
employed in the study, then inter-observer assessments are
Cup:disc ratio (CDR) or CDR symmetry ± 97.5th percentile for the
required to demonstrate that both teams are comparable in normal population
performance. Or
Variation in disease frequency between different popula- Neuroretinal rim width reduced to ≤0.1 CDR (between 11 to 1 o’clock
tions is a major source of epidemiological hypotheses in the or 5 to 7 o’clock)
investigation of causal mechanisms. These differences can +
A definite visual field defect consistent with glaucoma
be real or artefact. The first step is to establish that a real
variation exists and then look for an association between Category 2 Diagnosis (Advanced Structural Damage
with Unproved Field Loss)
the disease and a risk factor in these groups. Differences in
age structures can also lead to apparent differences in prev- CDR or CDR asymmetry ≥99.5th percentile for the normal population
alence. Populations with higher proportions of older people Category 3 Diagnosis (Optic Disc Not Seen)
can lead to higher estimates of glaucoma compared to Visual acuity <3/60 and IOP >99.5th percentile
younger populations. One common method to account for Or
differences in age structure is age standardization. Visual acuity <3/60 and evidence of glaucoma filtering surgery
From Foster PJ, Burhmann R, Quigley HA, et al. The definition and
DEFINITIONS AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA classification of glaucoma in prevalence surveys. Br J Ophthalmol
Differences in diagnostic criteria can result in difficulties
when comparing differences in glaucoma prevalence. An PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA
example of this is in comparing prevalence figures for
primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) from different According to the ISGEO classification, primary open-
surveys. The ISGEO guidelines have helped to standardize angle glaucoma (POAG) is defined as glaucomatous
definitions used in PACG studies. Previous criteria used optic neuropathy in the presence of an open-angle and no
symptoms rather than structural or functional evidence for other ocular abnormality to account for a secondary
diagnosing glaucoma. As a result, in the first publication of mechanism.
the Mongolia glaucoma survey, the prevalence of PACG was
1.4%,3 but using the revised grading system, the prevalence PRIMARY ANGLE-CLOSURE GLAUCOMA
is 0.8%. Similar problems arise when different criteria are
used to evaluate glaucoma progression. Differences can The ISGEO classification of primary angle-closure glau-
occur if only disc or visual field evidence is used compared coma (PACG) is a revised classification which places the
to a combination of both factors. The definitions used for emphasis on evidence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy
perimetric progression should also be carefully assessed in together with gonioscopic evidence.
each study, as this may be the true cause of an apparent The ISGEO classification of primary angle closure (PAC)
variation between different areas. Care should also be taken has three stages:
with studies that use self-reporting as the method for case ■ Iridotrabecular contact (ITC): Appositional contact
ascertainment. At least 50% of glaucoma is undiagnosed between the peripheral iris and posterior trabecular
in the population, and using this method to determine asso- meshwork (previously termed primary angle-closure
ciation with risk factors would be biased. Current diagnos- suspect).
tic guidelines suggest that glaucoma should be diagnosed ■ Primary angle closure (PAC): Presence of ITC (as
independently of symptoms or IOP. above) together with signs of trabecular meshwork
obstruction, e.g. peripheral anterior synechiae, elevated
Definition of Glaucoma for Use in IOP, excessive pigment deposition on surface of trabecu-
lar meshwork or ischemic sequelae such as glaucom-
Epidemiological Surveys flecken or iris whirling. The optic disc is healthy.
■ Primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG): PAC with
In an attempt to overcome the problem of varying evidence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy.
diagnostic criteria for glaucoma The Working Group for
Defining Glaucoma of ISGEO developed a new scheme for SECONDARY GLAUCOMAS
the diagnostic classification of glaucoma.2 This classifica-
tion emphasizes the importance of visually significant end- Secondary glaucoma was proposed by the ISGEO authors to
organ (optic nerve head) damage as a requirement for the be the presence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy together
diagnosis of glaucoma. Since the publication of the ISGEO with signs of other pathological processes.
definitions a consensus meeting of experts in the field
resulted in a modification of the diagnostic criteria for APPLICATIONS OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA
primary angle-closure glaucoma.4
Table 1-1 shows an abbreviated version of the ISGEO Obtaining glaucoma prevalence data is the starting point
classification of glaucoma. for prevention of blindness programs targeted at reducing
1 • Prevalence and Geographical Variations 3
the number of cases of blindness. The epidemiological data compared with POAG in Blacks and Caucasians living in
have several uses: these geographic regions. However, Asian Americans have
a higher frequency of angle-closure glaucoma compared to
■ Application of data to population figures to estimate the
their Caucasian counterparts, in line with the risk of their
absolute numbers affected with glaucoma in different
source population. The differences in glaucoma types in
geographic regions.
■ Highlighting regions or subgroups with a higher preva-
migrants indicate the importance of genetic and possibly
cultural influences on these diseases. While it is indeed
lence of glaucoma-related visual impairment.
■ Determination of
likely that PACG is less frequent than POAG in Caucasians,
association between demographic
unless gonioscopic assessment is included as part of the
factors, e.g. age, sex, ethnicity, and glaucoma, and
comprehensive examination of glaucoma cases detected in
ocular factors such as biometric measurements or genetic
surveys, then the true prevalence of PACG may be
factors, which may be causal mechanisms contributing
to the pathogenesis of glaucoma.
■ Comparing prevalence between different regions so that
Tanzania (East Africa) Buhrmann 3.1 Asia is thought to harbor almost half of the glaucoma cases
Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa) Rotchford 2.7 worldwide and the numbers affected are projected to
Temba (South Africa) Rotchford 2.9 increase considerably over the next 20 years.14 This is due
Tema (West Africa) Budenz 8.0 to the presence of a number of heavily populated countries
including the two most populous, namely China (estimated
population 1.3 billion) and India (estimated population 1.1
Barbados (Blacks) Leske 7.0
billion), which make up almost a third of the world’s popu-
UNITED STATES AND EUROPE lation.15 Indonesia (245 million) is another densely and
Baltimore Tielsch 1.1 heavily populated country in the region.
Beaver Dam Klein 2.1 There is considerable variation in the distribution of
Egna-Neumarket, Italy Bonomi 2.0 glaucoma subtypes in Asia. East Asians of China, Mongolia,
AUSTRALIA and South-East Asian people of Chinese descent all experi-
Melbourne Wensor 1.7 ence a higher prevalence of PACG compared to people of
other ethnic origins. The reported prevalences range from
0.5% in Handan, a rural area of northern China to 2.5% in
Aravind, India Dandona 1.7 Myanmar.16,17 The highest reported prevalence within
Bangladesh Rahman 2.5 China itself is from Inner Mongolia with 1.4% of those >40
Chennai, India Vijaya 1.62 years affected.18
ASIA (EAST) Conversely, the Japanese and Koreans have reported
Mongolia Foster 0.5 some of the highest prevalences of POAG in the world of
Singapore Foster 2.1 >3% in the >40 population, with a majority of OAG with
Tajimi, Japan Iwase 3.9 low IOP at diagnosis.19,20 People living in South Asia also
experience a high frequency of POAG, with a markedly
4 SECTION 1 • Glaucoma in the World
higher prevalence in urban compared to rural areas. Preva- Europe, and Australia.28 There was also statistical evidence
lence of PACG is higher than Western countries, but com- in all racial groups of heterogeneity, that is, a true variation
paratively lower than East Asia.21,22 between studies rather than variation by chance. This was
attributed to differences in age groups for the different
studies, survey methods, and year of publication which
reflects the change in diagnostic criteria used. In this study,
The most comprehensive data available from Africa were the prevalence is presented by different racial groups,
provided by surveys conducted in East Africa (Tanzania) and regardless of location; therefore, glaucoma prevalence of
South Africa. These reported combined primary and sec- Blacks includes surveys from Africa, the West Indies, and
ondary glaucoma prevalence figures of just over 5% (see Black populations within Europe and the USA. This would
Table 1-2).23–25 The predominant glaucoma was POAG but overlook potential differences in prevalence estimates
pseudoexfoliation (in Black South Africans), aphakic, and caused by environmental factors, which would be another
angle-closure mechanisms composed the remaining cases. source of heterogeneity. To address these issues, Table 1-2
Glaucoma prevalence among Black people living in the USA shows a summary of different prevalence estimates by
is measured as being four or more times that in Caucasians.5 region from more recent surveys with comparable methods
As the ancestors of African-Americans and the Caribbean in participants over 40 years old.
population came from West Africa, it is suspected that glau- These and other prevalence figures have been applied to
coma prevalence in this region may be equally high. This is the projected global populations for 2010 to estimate the
now confirmed by findings from a population-based survey absolute numbers of individuals with glaucoma worldwide.
in Ghana, which found glaucoma to be present in 6.5% of These calculations estimate that there will be almost 45
the adult population.26 It is very likely that the prevalence million individuals with primary open-angle glaucoma
and mechanism of glaucoma varies between heterogeneous (POAG) by 2010.14 A breakdown for these figures by region
populations of the African continent. However, what has is seen in Table 1-3.
been repeatedly demonstrated is that glaucoma affects a
higher proportion of African-derived people, has a younger PRIMARY ANGLE-CLOSURE GLAUCOMA:
age of onset, and that it may result in a greater visual mor-
bidity than in other populations.24,26
Table 1-4 shows the global variations in prevalence of
PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA: PREVALENCE PACG. Definitions of PACG vary in published studies and the
majority of the surveys in Western countries have focused
on detecting POAG. A systematic review of PACG in Euro-
A meta-analysis by Rudnicka et al.27 reviewed all POAG pean-derived populations gives a prevalence estimate of
surveys available in the literature, and estimated pooled 0.4%.29 The Proyecto VER survey of Hispanic patients in
prevalence by race. The plotted summary of all studies the USA reported a PACG prevalence of 0.1%,11 but there is
reviewed is shown in Figure 1-1, which provides a useful little population-based data from Central or South America
outline of differences in prevalence estimates. The variation other than that from the Projeto Glaucoma survey in Brazil,
in prevalence estimates between different races grouped in which found a PACG prevalence of 0.7% in a mixed ethnic-
this manner is evident, with prevalence for Whites ranging ity population.13 In Africa the data available confirm that
from <0.5% to >10%. The overall pooled prevalence esti- angle closure does exist in this population, with a preva-
mate was 2% (95% CI: 1.61–2.70%), which is higher than lence of 0.5% in South Africa and Tanzania.23–25
1.69% (1.53–1.85%) presented in another meta-analysis Recently, there has been an expansion in the number of
using individual data from recent studies from the USA, population-based glaucoma surveys conducted in Asia.
Table 1-3 Estimated Numbers with Open-Angle Glaucoma (OAG) and Angle-Closure Glaucoma (ACG) Worldwide, 2010
World Region Number with OAG World OAG % Number with World ACG % OAG and ACG
ACG Combined
China 8309001 18.6 7473195 47.5 15782196
Europe (including USA, Australia) 10693335 23.9 1371405 8.7 12064740
India 8211276 18.4 3733620 23.7 11944896
Africa 6212179 13.9 245844 1.6 6458023
Latin America 5354354 12 322804 2.1 5677158
Japan 2383802 5.3 278643 1.8 2662466
South East Asia 2116036 4.7 20141584 13.6 4257620
Middle East 1440849 3.2 177869 1.1 1618718
World 44720832 15744965 60465796
From Quigley HA, Broman AT. The number of people with glaucoma worldwide in 2010 and 2020. Br J Ophthalmol 2006; 90:262–267.
1 • Prevalence and Geographical Variations 5
19 Hu (40+)
18 Arkell (15-70+)
22 Jacob (30-60)
21 Foster (40-89)
24 Dandona (0-102)
29 Rahman (35-85)
27 Ramakrishnan (40-90)
17 Aisbirk (40+)
23 Foster (40-81)
26 Bourne (50-70+)
11 Shiose (30-70+)
20 Rauf (30-80+)
25 Metheetrairut (60-104)
28 Iwase (40-80+)
Subtotal 1.41, 95% CI (1.00, 2.00); Q13 = 160.65, p <0.0001
30 Wallace (35-74)
35 Ekwerekwu (30-80+)
34 Rotchford (40-80+)
33 Buhrmann(40-80+)
32 Wormald (35-60+)
36 Rotchford (40-97)
2 Tielsch (40-80+)
12 Leske (40-86)
37 Ntim-Amponsah (30-100)
31 Mason (30-70+)
Subtotal 4.23, 95% CI (3.07, 5.83); Q9 = 173.44, p<0.0001
4 Hollows (40-74)
12 Leske (40-86)
41 Bankes (20-80+)
6 Bengtsson (58.5-68.5)
2 Tieisch (40-80+)
10 Dielemans (55-75+)
44 Giuffre (40-99)
40 Salmon (40-70+)
49 Wensor (40-90+)
5 Coffey (50-80+)
1 Leibowitz (<65-75+)
47 Bonomi (40-80+)
39 Anton (40-79)
38 Quigley (41-90+)
3 Kiein (43-75+)
9 Mitchell (49-80+)
46 Cedrone (40-80+)
50 Kozobolis (40-80+)
48 Reidy (65-100)
7 Ringvold (65-89+)
8 Ekstrom (65-74)
42 Martinez (65-90+)
43 Gibson (76-85+)
45 Hirvela (70-95)
Subtotal 209, 95% CI (1.61, 2.70); Q23 = 361.74, p <0.0001
Table 1-4 Prevalence Estimates for Primary Angle- These estimates of numbers of people with PACG predict
Closure Glaucoma by Region that China will account for almost 50% of angle-closure
Region Author Prevalence
glaucoma worldwide and that 85% of all individuals with
(%) PACG will be from Asia.14 These figures are estimates but
have the benefit of the reliable epidemiological data that
UNITED STATES, EUROPE, AND AUSTRALIA have been collected in Asia. The increase in predicted
Baltimore Whites Personal 0.4 numbers of glaucoma-affected people in the next ten years
is partly due to an increase in life expectancy. The higher
Beaver Dam Klein 0.04
rate of visual loss in PACG compared with POAG heightens
Melbourne Wensor 0.06 the concern over the potential numbers with glaucoma
Wales Hollows 0.09 blindness in Asia and is the stimulus for current research
Egna-Neumarkt, Italy Bonomi 0.6 strategies aimed at effective methods of treatment and early
Proyecto VER (Hispanic) Quigley 0.1 detection of the disease.
Secondary glaucomas are defined by the presence of a
Andra Pradesh (>30 yr) Dandona 0.7
primary ophthalmic or systemic disease causing raised
Aravind Ramakrishnan 0.5 intraocular pressure, which if sustained then leads to glau-
Chennai Vijaya 0.87 comatous optic neuropathy.30 Although it is relatively
ASIA (EAST) uncommon when compared with POAG, these cases have a
Beijing, China Hu 1.37 greater risk of blindness. This is partly as a result of the
Guangzhou, China (>50 yr) He 1.5 underlying disease, but also due to the higher levels of IOP
Nepal Thapa 0.39 seen in these cases and the fact that they are often refrac-
Tajimi, Japan Yamamoto 0.6 tory to conventional glaucoma treatment. The geographi-
Mongolia Foster 0.8
cal distribution of these types of glaucoma will follow that
Singapore Foster 0.8
of the causal ocular pathology. For example, in countries
where intracapsular cataract surgery is still practiced there
Thailand (>50 yr) Bourne 0.9
is a higher prevalence of aphakic glaucoma.24,33 However,
Myanmar Casson 2.9
with the increasing use of extracapsular cataract surgery
Sri Lanka Casson 0.57 and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in most parts of the
AFRICA world, the incidence of this type of glaucoma should be on
Tanzania Buhrmann 0.5 the decrease.
Temba, South Africa Rotchford 0.5
Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma
Cape Coloreds, South Africa Salmon 2.3
The finding of pseudoexfoliative (PXF) material on the lens
surface is strongly associated with glaucoma and raised
intraocular pressure.34 Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma is some-
times classified as a secondary glaucoma and otherwise as
a subtype of primary open-angle glaucoma. Glaucoma
Some of the Asia-based surveys carried out in the past patients with PXF have higher IOPs than POAG patients
lacked validity due to methodological weaknesses. The without PXF35 and it is a risk factor for blindness due to
strength of many of the recent surveys lies in their adher- cataract or glaucoma.35,37 One of the problems in establish-
ence to the ISGEO glaucoma definitions, and the inclusion ing the epidemiological distribution of PXF is that to be sure
of gonioscopy as part of the definitive clinical examination of its presence or absence on the lens surface requires pupil
on all subjects. dilation, otherwise it may be missed. PXF is a frequent
Surveys from Asia confirm that angle-closure glaucoma finding in the Scandinavian countries of Northern Europe
occurs more frequently in this region although POAG is such as Iceland (31% glaucoma cases)38 but other regions
equally if not more common. PACG prevalence figures where it is prevalent include southern India,35 Mongolia,3
range from 0.8% and 0.87% in Mongolia3 and Southern and in the Mediterranean countries such as Turkey and
India21 to 1% in Singapore,30 1.5% in Guangzhou, China,31 Greece. It is rare in the Chinese and is so far unreported in
and a high prevalence rate of 2.9% in Myanmar.17 African-American/Caribbean people, West Africans,39 and
The higher figure for the Guangzhou study can be in Tanzania,23 but has high prevalence in Black South Afri-
accounted for by the older age of the population being cans (16% all glaucoma cases)24,25 and Ethiopians.40 The
examined (>50 years) compared to the other study popula- clustering of PXF in families and populations suggests there
tions. An association between visually significant cataract is a genetic basis for the condition and this is now supported
and presence of angle closure in Myanmar suggests that the by the finding of LOX 1 gene polymorphisms in people with
higher prevalence of PACG in this population could be PXF41 although nongenetic factors have also been put
reduced by improving diagnosis and surgery for cataract.32 forward as potential contributors.42 The epidemiology and
When PACG prevalence figures are applied to the popula- etiology of PXF is an area that merits further research as
tion numbers for Asia the real potential magnitude of the it is the commonest identifiable cause of open-angle glau-
burden of PACG is immediately apparent (see Table 1-3). coma worldwide.
1 • Prevalence and Geographical Variations 7
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