Tablet Weaving
Tablet Weaving
Tablet Weaving
The photo on the front page is taken in the Keltenmuseum Hochdorf, where they have
reconstructed a chieftain’s grave from about 450AD. The grave was excavated in 1978,
and the museum in Hochdorf/Enz was opened in 1991 with the reconstructed grave.
Go to The band on the photo is analyzed and recontructed
by Lise Ræder Knudsen,
Preface .............................................................................................. 4
The first sample band: How does tablet weaving work? ............................ 11
A pattern with single slanted lines ......................... 12
Preparing the work .............................................. 13
Now the weaving can start ................................... 14
Starting and ending a tablet woven band ............... 15
Two dark two light – double-faced with identically positioned tablets ........ 21
Two dark two light – double-faced with opposite positioned tablets .......... 24
Two threads in the holes in two neighbour edges – pebble weave ............. 39
Postscript ........................................................................................... 44
My interest for tablet weaving grew, but I got more problems. Sometimes you must have a
pattern to look at, but I did not understand many of the patterns I saw. With the help of my
computer I have succeeded in doing my own patterns in a way that immediately shows how
the finished band will look like.
It is fascinating to think, that tablet weaving was known in the prehistoric world in many dif-
ferent places and that the technique is used in several countries even today. At excavations
in the Nordic countries as well as in other places in Europe during the last 100-200 years
numerous bands have been found, many of them woven in special techniques, which must
have required great skill. But the historic subject is so big, that I will not include it here, but
instead give some literature references.
From the Nordic countries archaeological finds show, that people have woven with tablets
since the Iron Age until the Late Middle Age, but then the technique sank into oblivion, un-
til the German textile researcher Margrethe Lehmann-Filhés about 1900 accidentally heard
about the technique in Iceland and later on saw some tablets in the Danish Folk Museum
(the present National Museum of Denmark) in Copenhagen. With the researcher´s curiosity
and care she succeeded in understanding the tablet weaving principles and making several
1: describe some tools and aids, which will help to make it easier to weave with the tablets.
2: describe and compare different methods for pattern drawing, which I have met during the
time, and tell a little about my own system.
3: describe different tablet weaving techniques and give a few patterns to each of them.
Tablet weaving is a simple method to make bands and narrow weavings. The necessary tools
are few, but the possibilities for patterns are many. There have been found tablet woven
bands from the Bronze Age with very advanced patterns, which have required very great
The tablets can be made of wood, horn, bone, leather, cardboard, or whatever you can cut
out to squares and give a hole in each corner. The width can vary from 2-3 cm to 8-9 cm and
the material must not be too flexible. A fine material for the first test is playing cards, which
you cut out into squares with rounded corners and cut a hole in each corner 1 cm from the
edge. Most playing cards are 6 cm wide and that is a fine size.
It may be good enough to make a butterfly for the weft and you can use your fingers as a
beater. But it is more comfortable to use a shuttle and the shuttle can be formed as a beater,
or you can have a separate beater.
It is very important to keep the tablets in the correct order, when you leave the work; the
easiest way is to use one or two safety pins of the sort on which you keep your resting knit-
ting masks. Put the safety pins through the corresponding holes of the tablet in order to fix
the work.
If you hold a tablet in vertical position in front of you and with one edge towards you, it is S
threaded when the thread is entered from the right; the threads are slanted in the same way
as the slanted line in an S. During the weaving the threads are stretched, and the tablet will
slant to the right like the slanted line in a Z, and we say that the tablet is Z positioned. If you
thread a tablet from the left, it is Z threaded and will be S positioned.
In the same way we talk about S twisted and Z twisted threads. A thread with the twist going
from right up towards left is S twisted; it has the same direction as the slanted line in an S. A
Z twisted thread has the same twist direction as the slanted line in a Z.
When you turn a Z positioned tablet forwards, its threads will twist in Z direction; when it is
turned backwards, the threads will twist in S direction, and vice-versa when the tablet is S
A tablet weaving consists of a threading draft, which tells us how to thread the tablets, and
a pattern draft, after which we turn the tablets. These drafts may look very different, and
may be understood in different ways. The problem is that we work three dimensional, and
the drafts are made two-dimensional on a flat area (a piece of paper or a computer-screen).
During the weaving the tablets are turned forwards or backwards after a pattern draft. When
the tablets are turned, the threads in a single tablet will twist and gathering the tablets with
the weft thread forms the pattern. Behind the tablets the threads will twist in the opposite
direction, and after some time the twist may be so tight, that it will bother the weaving. If
you then change the turning direction, the twist will loosen again.
This band is woven after a band from the Bronze Age, found in Hallstatt in Austria.
Here is a band from the Viking Age found in a chieftain’s grave in Mammen in Jutland. A lot of
textile pieces were found in the grave and a reconstruction of the buried chieftain’s clothes
can be seen at The National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen.
Around the World you can still meet people, who weave with tablets and make beautiful pat-
terns. The patterns in this band are from the island Sulawesi in Indonesia. They have made a
long band, cut it into shorter pieces, which they have sewn together to a bag. The bag can
be seen in the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam.
It is possible to change the position of a tablet during the weaving by revolving it about a
vertical or horizontal axis, and in that way change the twist direction. So it is possible to turn
all the tablets in the same direction all the way during the weaving; but it may be difficult if
you make a mistake and have to go backwards in the weaving.
Let us look at a pattern for a single tablet in a band. The lowest lonely
square shows us how to thread the tablet. It has two green threads in
the bottom holes and two red threads in the top holes. The slanted line
under the square shows us, that the tablet is Z positioned; it has the
same direction as the slanted line in a Z. The right side of the tablet is
the front, and it turns forward to the right. The tablet turns backwards
to the left, towards the weaver. Over the lonely square there is a col-
umn with 8 squares that show the turns of the tablet. The line to the left
of the first square shows us, that the tablet has to be turned forward,
and it is red, because a red thread is moving between the top holes of
the tablet and is seen in the band. In the next turn a green thread will
show on the band. Now follow two turns, and the tablet is back in its
start position with the two red threads on top. The next four slanted
lines show, that the tablet must turn backwards, and they will be seen
as red, green, green and red in the band.
When I weave after a pattern draft I use a homemade ruler, which I have cut out from a plas-
tic folder and given a distinct Indian ink line along one edge. I put the pattern into another
plastic folder together with a steel plate and fasten the ruler over the pattern with one or
two magnets. It is easy to move the ruler, and I can see the row I am going to weave, as well
as the rows under and over it.
You need 8 tablets, some yarn – I prefer not too thin cotton, two
clamps, a pencil or a stick of the same thickness as a pencil, a safety
pin for knitting use and four round toothpicks. The two border tab-
lets get 4 threads of the same colour. They may be turned the same
way during all the weaving. If the twists behind the tablets get too
tight, you must change the turning direction and turn the tablets
backwards, and the twists will loosen. Or you can revolve the tablets
so they get the opposite position, and the twist will loosen, when
you go on with the forward turning.
The tablets do not need to have letters or figures in the corners during
the weaving. But when you are threading the tablets, you must know
which thread threading through which hole, and for that you need
letters. In this pattern draft the figures are numbers of the tablets; the
letters to the left correspond with the letters in the drawn tablet, and
the Z’s and S’s tell us how the tablets are threaded. The drawn tablet
shows us the position of the letters, and to the right you see a Z posi-
tioned (S threaded) and an S positioned (Z threaded) tablet.
Now follow the instruction for “the first sample band” in the next
Here you see some of my aids. On the first photo you see a wood-
en block with a peg, in which I can fasten the tablet, while I put
the threads through its holes. On the next photo you see another
wooden block with two thin sticks. The distance between the
sticks is the same as the distance between the holes in the tab-
lets. In this block I gather the threaded tablets, so I can keep their
order, and on the photo beneath you see the ready threaded tab-
lets held in order with two big safety needles, one of them home
In many illustrations from the Middle Ages we see a woman sitting at a board with two posts
in between which the warp with the tablets is stretched. Such a tablet weaving loom has
been found in the Norwegian Oseberg ship from the Viking Age.
Here is the loom I have made together with my husband. I can remove the posts and fasten
them in other places, and thus weave inkle bands by using the same loom.
When you want to end the band, it is a good idea to lock it as you did in the start. But you
must use a different method. Take a thin thread and fold it double; the double thread must
be longer than the width of the band. Stick the double thread into the shed together with
the weft thread and keep the loops at the same side of the band. Turn the tablets, beat and
draw the weft thread as usually, but keep the loop of the thin thread open. Do the same
with two other thin threads. At last you stick only the weft thread through the shed, turn the
tablets, beat and cut the thread 15 – 20 cm from the band. Put the end of the thread through
the nearest loop and draw the weft thread through the band by help of the thin thread. Do
this two times more, and the band is locked.
In the drawing underneath I imagine, that the weaving goes from left to right on the paper.
The weaver is sitting in the left side, and the unwoven warp disappears out to the right. A
forwards turn goes to the right – clockwise, and a backwards turn goes to the left – counter-
clockwise. If you look down from the weaver’s place on the tablets, they are slanting in the
same way as the slanted line in a Z; they are Z positioned, and that means that they are S
threaded. You have to play attention to this, when you read a pattern draft, because some
weavers mention the threading, and others think of the position of the tablets.
Z positioned tablet
Z positioned tablets
Backwards turn Forwards turn
Nearly all my tablets are coloured red on one edge and black (or blue) on the opposite edge;
that is a great help, making it easy to find the different threads during the weaving. If I have
two light and two dark threads I put the light ones at the red edge and the dark ones at the
black edge.
The patterns, I use for weaving, are positioned in the same way as the band I am weaving.
When I start the drawing of a new pattern, I begin in the bottom of the paper and draw all
the tablets – unless it is a very wide band. Here we have eight pattern tablets with two light
and two dark threads, the light ones at the red edge and the dark ones at the black edge. In
both sides there is a border tablet with four dark threads; they are turned forwards all the
time, until the twist behind the tablets get too tight. Then the tablets are turned backwards,
and the twists will be neutralized. After this we do not any more think of the borders.
The first three quarter turns go backwards, then follow four forwards and four
backwards, which is written 4F-4B. The figures look like each other; I have put
an arrow, where you must change the direction, and in some places you must
turn 3F-4B and then 4F-4B again. That gives pattern variations up through the
band. Follow the pattern or play with the possibilities. Do not forget to lock the
band both when you start a pattern and stop it, so you eventually can cut the
patterns from each other if you want.
If we leave the principle of turning all the tablets together and instead turn
them individually or in small groups, we will get a lot of possibilities for pat-
terns, as we will see in the next chapters.
Many tablet weavers prefer to split up the tablets and gather them into two blocks with
different turning direction and turn a whole block at a time.
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced identically positioned 21
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced identically positioned 22
Tablet woven band from Nepal
Here is a tablet woven band, which I bought on a trekking
tour in Nepal. It is 156 cm long and ca 4.5 cm wide. It was
made with 48 tablets: 10 tablets for each of the centre stripes
and 9 border tablets in each side. The border tablets are posi-
tioned so, that they all must be turned in the same direction,
until the twists are too tight. Then the tablets are turned in
the opposite direction, and the twist will loosen and at last
twist again.
The long band is a sort of belt, and the long cross striped
centre part has been hidden under other clothes. The easi-
est way to weave it is to revolve every other tablet about its
axis, so they all are opposite positioned and can be turned
together. If you study the photos, you will see that the border
tablets and the pattern tablets do not change turning direc-
tion at the same time.
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced identically positioned 23
Two dark two light
– double faced with opposite positioned tablets
We still use the threading with two dark and two light threads, but in this pattern we will use
opposite positioned tablets and turn them all together: Two forwards – two backwards. I will
suggest that you position all the pattern tablets in the same way e.g. Z positioned; then you
can turn them individually, when you are weaving a pattern. That is the easiest way for me to
weave patterns. But there are other possibilities; you can revolve the tablets, so they change
their position. Try it, and find out, which method is best for you.
Remember: When Z positioned tablets are turned forwards, the threads will get Z twisted,
and when they are turned backwards, the threads will get S twisted. For S positioned tablets
it is vice versa. You can still use the patterns with the slanted lines, when you remember, that
the threads must get the same twist as the slant of the lines in the pattern.
By the way it is a technique, which gives the possibility to do a lot of exciting patterns – the
more tablets the more variation in the pattern. We know many very fine patterns made this
way from Persia but also from several European countries.
Here are two bookmarks, the patterns of which you can try, when you dare use some more
tablets. Here are 42 pattern tablets; for every ten tablets I draw a vertical line through the
pattern, and correspondingly the edge of the tenth tablet has a dotted colour. In this way it
is easier to keep order in the weaving. In this technique the slanted pattern lines go one to
the side and two up, so they are rather steep. I have made the pattern draft for one of the
bookmarks in a different way. Every little rectangle means one tablet and two wefts.
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced with opposite positioned tablets 24
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced with opposite positioned tablets 25
An easy way to draw patterns for this technique is shown here. Every rectangle
symbolizes one tablet and two turns with weft in between.
TABLET WEAVING · Two dark two light – double faced with opposite positioned tablets 26
Two dark two light – diagonal weaving
This pattern is also called Egyptian diagonals; but I prefer simply to call it diagonal weaving,
as it is used in many other places around the world. The shown setting up of pattern will give
diagonal stripes, as long as you turn the tablets in the same direction, and the band will twist
like a spiral. When you change the turning direction regularly this will be no problem. The
three black and white bands in the picture have some shadows, which show that they are
not quite flat. The lowest one is a belt, which has been finished with a piece of skin, joined
with glue and dried under pressure.
Here is a little pattern draft, which I hope can explain a bit more of the twill weaving’s
mystery. At the bottom in the start the twill lines in the left half slant to the left and in
the right half they slant to the right. After the pattern figure the twill direction in the
left half has changed about a horizontal axis, and all the twill lines slant to the same
side; the pattern uses 15 tablets. When you turn a tablet four quarter turns in the same
direction, the colour will change automatically. In the
same way the colour will change, when you turn 2F-1B-
1F (or 2B-1F-1B), as you can see inside the little pattern.
In the first chapters we have worked with tablets, which were threaded through all four holes
in the corners; but of course you can use only three or two of the holes, and in that way get
other possibilities for patterns. The simplest way is to use a rather thick weft thread with a
colour, which differs from that of the warp. The weft-thread will be visible in every place,
where the warp-thread is missing and form the pattern, and that must have given the tech-
nique the name “Missed-Hole”. In the recent years many weavers use the name “Vacant-Hole”,
and it may be a little more correct. Here I will only talk about the bands, where the tablets
have two threads for the ground-weave in diagonally opposite holes, one in another colour
and perhaps a little thicker for the pattern, and the fourth hole is empty.
When a tablet is turned in the same direction, the pattern thread will be visible on the top
side at every fourth turn – with three turns in between. If you arrange the tablets in the right
way, you can get diagonal pattern lines in the band with the two ground threads in between,
and the weft thread can faintly be seen between them. If you want more than three turns
between the pattern lines, you must turn the tablets forwards and backwards one or more
times and in this way get a broader ground between the lines. When the tablets are turned to
and fro one or more times with the empty hole in the top, the ground threads will go up and
down in turn and make shifting sheds; over a bigger area it will look like a tabby ground, and
the pattern threads will be unbound on the back side of the band.
It is always a great help to have a pattern to weave after, and in this technique I prefer to use
grey squares for backwards turning and white squares for forward turns. You can draw the
pattern on ordinary squared paper. Horizontally the number of squares corresponds to the
number of pattern tablets, and vertically the number of squares corresponds to the num-
ber of wefts; usually the borders are not drawn in the pattern drafts. Start with the pattern
lines, and do not forget, that there must be an odd number of squares between them. Lines
Try to weave the band on the photo as a sample.There are 24 pattern tablets. You can make
your own decision concerning the border tablets; the threads in the outermost tablet must
have the same colour as the ground threads, but it may have a fine effect to put one or two
tablets with threads of the same colour as the pattern threads inside the first border tablet.
The border tablets have four threads and are turned in the same direction just like the former
sample bands.
Here is the threading draft for the band. The two yellow
dots are the ground threads positioned diagonally oppo-
site. The red dot is the pattern thread, and the empty hole
is a black circle. The four tablets must be repeated 5 times
to get a total of 24 pattern tablets.
The three yellow bands are woven on the same warp. The first to the left is a common diago-
nal band with three yellow and one black warp thread. If you remove the yellow thread di-
agonally opposite to the black thread, you will get a band woven in missed-hole technique.
If you put back the black thread and remove the yellow thread from the opposite hole and
use a weft with a third colour and perhaps a little thicker, the weft will show as the pattern in
the band as you see in the photo to the right.
Underneath here we have four photos, the front and the back side of two different patterns.
Notice that it is possible to weave two different ground weaves. The pattern to the left has
a fine ground made by weaving one row 1F1B alternating with one row 1B1F. As you see on
the next photo, the pattern thread floats on the back side. If you weave 2 rows with 2F2B
alternating with 2 rows with 2B2F, the ground will get a little more rough, and the warp will
be bound on the reverse side. You can also let the warp float on the upper side as a part of
the pattern, as you see on the first photo.
The tablets are threaded with two differently coloured threads into diagonally opposite
holes. They are turned as usual with a quarter turn between the wefts, and because there
only are two threads in the tablets, they are very lively and will stand on the corner, so it may
be very difficult to keep their order. I put a long knitting needle through one of the lower
holes after every turn, and that works.
The 16 tablets must be threaded in the same way, and they must be positioned in the same
direction all the way throughout the weaving. If the tablets are coloured on the two edges
with the threads it is very easy to follow the pattern. If you do a wrong turn the tablet will
spring upwards, and you will see the mistake at once. Start the weaving with some stripes
and try to get the correct width immediately.
The circles correspond to the pattern row in the top of the previous coloumn.
There are many possibilities for the use of tablet woven bands. Perhaps we first of all think of belts
and small bags; braids on sewn or knitted clothes may look very exciting. I have seen a table cloth
with tablet woven bands interwoven into it. I find jewellery attractive, but I am just at the beginning
of that project. Small bags, big bags made of several pieces sewn together. The possibilities are
boundless, when the imagination works within you.
Collingwood, Peter: The techniques of Tablet Weaving: The tablet weaver’s bible.
Marjke van Epen has made many books about tablet weaving; look at her website!
Hansen, Egon: Brikvævning, historie, teknik, farver, mønster. (Danish and English)
Joliet-van den Berg, Marga und Heribert: Mit Brettchen gewebt, Bänder, Gürtel, Borten.
Malan, Linda og Kris Leet: The Willful Pursuit of Complexity. (About Missed-Hole)
Spies, Nancy: Ecclesiastical Pomp & Aristocratic Circumstance. (About brocaded bands)
There exist many books about tablet weaving; These are from my own book shelves.
There are also many websites, so many so I will only mention two, which have been very
interesting for me to study. They are German: and : Here are lots of links to websites with content of interest to tablet
weavers and other persons who work with bands and similar things.
“TWIST” means ”Tablet Weavers’ International Studies & Techniques” , publishes a newspaper
about tablet weaving three times a year.
Wherever I go I bring my
tablet weaving with me as
on this picture where I am
enjoying a nice summer’s
afternoon on the terrace.