Baroque Reflections in Ludus Tonalis by Paul Hindemith PDF
Baroque Reflections in Ludus Tonalis by Paul Hindemith PDF
Baroque Reflections in Ludus Tonalis by Paul Hindemith PDF
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1 author:
Vlahopol Gabriela
Universitatea de Arte "George Enescu" Iasi
All content following this page was uploaded by Vlahopol Gabriela on 07 February 2017.
Abstract: - The originality and constructive complexity of the cycle The Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann
Sebastian Bach generated a series of valuable replies in the 20th century. Among these, one of the most
ingenious and inspiring is Ludus Tonalis by Paul Hindemith. This paper aims at highlighting the main aspects
that reveal, on the one hand, the correlation of Hindemith’s work with the Bachian model, and, on the other
hand, the transformation of some compositional elements in the spirit of the new school of thought of the 20th
concept of fugue reconfigured in the new mosaic- Bachian fugue themes, but they are used especially
like sound context of the 20th century, achieved at the level of pure melodic expressivity.
through the combination of the baroque traditional
constructive techniques with the innovative Fig. 6 - J. S. Bach - W. Kl. I, Fugue 2
principles of personal thought. Each fugue begins
in the tonality of the previous piece and ends in the
tonality of the following interlude (or in a different
tonality, very similar to the latter), following the
order of series 1, the circle of tonalities ending with
the tonic of the C series. Another element related to the rhythmic aspect
Although Hindemith uses a novel sound is represented by the beginning sound of the theme,
material, reflected in the original harmonic which, in the Bachian fugue, due to the strict rules
constructions, the architectonic structure of the of imitative polyphony, was restricted to the two
fugues is perfectly elaborated, equal to the functions of tonality – tonic and dominant.
perfection of the Bachian fugues. The three main Hindemith proves to be conservative in regard to
moments of the baroque form can be found in the tonal implications of this aspect, most of the
Hindemith’s fugues, each of these sections fugues observing the traditional rule. However, as
undergoing modifications, according to the in the case of The Well-Tempered Clavier [5], two
polyphonic procedures that are used, as well as to exceptions can be discovered, demonstrated in
the type of fugue which is approached: simple, reaching the T or D sound through an intermediary
double, canonic, with exposition in stretto, mirror, element or group of elements (in Fuga quarta and
recurrent. Fuga quinta).
Fig. 7 - Paul Hindemith - Ludus Tonalis,
4.1 Exposition Fuga quinta in E
and, on the other hand, an assimilation of some expositive sector, there can also be found fugues
configurations similar to the Bachian fugues, with two or three subjects (fuga prima, fuga sexta)
characterized by great values (halves, quarters) and a fugue with exposition in stretto (fuga
and/or by theme delineation in contrasting motivic duodecima), the composer showing perfect
units. knowledge of the baroque polyphonic techniques.
In The Well-Tempered Clavier there exist three
Fig. 8b - Paul Hindemith - Ludus Tonalis, fugues with two subjects, a fugue with three
Fuga quarta, m. 1-2 subjects (II/14) and one with exposition in stretto
(W.Kl. II/3), the polyphonic complexity of such
constructions exceeding the initial didactic purpose
of the work, the two typologies being subsequently
developed in Kunst der Fuge and Orgelwerke. In
Ludus Tonalis Hindemith follows the same line of
clarity and relative accessibility, the approach of
Fig. 8c - J. S. Bach - W. Kl. I, Fugue 22, m.1-2 these agglomerated polyphonic structures
representing constructive replies to the baroque