Solar Architecture in Cyprus PDF
Solar Architecture in Cyprus PDF
Solar Architecture in Cyprus PDF
A thesis submitted to
The Welsh School of Architecture
University of Wales, Cardiff
Petros A. Lapithis
May 2002
This dissertation is dedicated to:
and to:
Table of contents
Title page i
Declarations ii
Summary of thesis iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgments v
Table of contents vi
List of figures ix
List of tables xx
List of photographs xxii
Abstract xxiv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 2
1.2 Learning through history 2
1.3 Passive design in Cyprus 4
1.4 Chapter Analysis 4
1.5 Targets 6
Chapter 9. Conclusion 277
Appendices 285
Appendix A. Questionnaires
Appendix B. Leopol polystyrene
Appendix C. Construction Costs
List of figures
Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Statistics and Research,
Republic of Cyprus, 1994.
Figure 5.7: Thickness of different Trombe walls 95
Balcomb, J. D., Heat Storage and Distribution in Passive Solar Buildings, LA-9694-MS,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 87545, 1983a.
Figure 5.24: Hour changes per hour Vs daily cooling load 114
Cook, J., Chandra, S., “Ventilative Cooling”, Passive Cooling,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989.
Figure 7.8: site plan of the solar house in a single plot of land 185
by the author.
Figure 7.9: site plan of the solar house in 6 plots of land 186
by the author.
figure 7.27: Comparison of annual heating costs and energy consumption.
Contemporary house VS Solar house 218
Figure 8.19: Temperature data loggers, 1-2/2/2000 238
Figure 8.45: Relative Humidity data loggers, 252
Figure 8.55: Wind speed and velocity, 2-3 August 2000 256
Figure 8.56: Wind speed and wind velocity, 2 August – 2 September 2000 256
Figure 8.71 Overview differences including monitoring and simulation results 267
Figure 8.72 Olgyay Comfort Chart with the monitored mean monthly 269
internal temperatures and relative humidity
Figure 8.73 Psychometric Chart with the monitored mean monthly internal 270
temperatures and relative humidity
List of Tables
Table 5.4: Sizing solar windows, thermal storage wall and the attached 93
Greenhouse for Cyprus
Table 8.1: Data Loggers reading 12/1999-12/2001 231
List of photographs (by the author)
Photo 7.26: Twin pergola 201
The aim of this research was to investigate the potential of the well-established principles of
Passive Solar Design when applied to the specific cultural, economic and climatic contexts of
The principal element of the study was the design, construction and monitored inhabitation of an
Experimental Solar House at Lefkosia. In order to establish the parameters for this design
detailed investigations were made of the following:
The research into thermal comfort concluded that, for Cyprus, an average 19.5°C – 29°C is an
acceptable temperature and an average of 20-75% is the acceptable range of relative humidity.
The psychometric chart, Olgyays’ bioclimatic chart, Humphreys’ comfort chart and Szokolays’
equation were adapted for Lefkosia. Through monitoring the Experimental Solar House from the
27/11/1999 until 18/12/2001, using computer data loggers. The results show that all heating
requirements are satisfied by solar energy, while natural ventilation or ceiling fans meet all the
cooling needs. However, it is concluded that it is impossible to accurately specify final
temperatures and relative humidity for the average person, because of the psychological,
physiological and practical factors.
Passive solar design elements have been found in constructions created since 7000B.C. and are
now fundamentally used in passive architecture. These illustrate strong characteristics of
historical and traditional architecture, which serve as exemplars for energy-saving architecture
today and are used on the Experimental Solar House.
The best-known applications of passive solar systems were researched taking into consideration
their relevance for Lefkosia and it is concluded that the passive systems that are most suited for
Cyprus and, therefore, are used in the Experimental Solar House are: Direct Gain, rectangular
shape but compact design (aspect ratio 1:1.33) with the longer axis pointing East and West,
external insulation on walls and roof, overall U-value of walls 0.6W/m²K and roof 0.3W/m²K,
low emmisivity double-glazed argon-filled, interior thermal storage constructed from brick
blocks and concrete frame, glazing- for direct gain systems, south facing window area greater
than about 10-12% of floor area require thermal mass, well distributed over floors, walls and
ceilings to reduce temperature swings, 5% north wall openings are sufficient for cross ventilation
during summer nights, optimum of south wall openings 40% mountainous areas, 24% coastal
region, 18% inland region, permanent external shading devices, vegetation (shade deciduous
trees are excellent for shade in summer while allowing sun through the winter), use of cross
ventilation, stack effect, night ventilation and ceiling fans.
Comparative annual energy use of the Experimental Solar House versus traditional house,
contemporary house and a low energy case was performed using computer simulation software
Energy 10, WeatherTool and Ecotect. Results showed that the application of passive design
techniques increased the comfort percentages from 10 to 45%. The annual energy use of the
Experimental Solar House (121KWh/m²) is less than the contemporary house (368 kWh/m²) the
traditional (243 kWh/m²). The research concludes that Passive Solar Design may be successfully
applied in the design of modern buildings in Cyprus.
1.1 Overview
When we speak of an energy crisis, we must also speak of an architectural crisis, in reference to
the multitude of uniformed architectural decisions. The maintenance of indoor comfort in
modern buildings by heating, cooling, humidification, or dehumidification, is generally achieved
by consuming vast amounts of non-renewable energy. This results in the rapid depletion of fossil
fuel reserves on earth, and in the emission of enormous amounts of harmful substances and CO²,
which is threatening to bring about unpredictable and disastrous climatic changes all over the
What seems to sound apocalyptic is in its actuality embarrassingly simple. The means are at
hand; the opportunities are part of our everyday vocabularies. There is no need to wait for
technical miracles or exotic discoveries. What is required is a willingness to identify the
essentials of our culture and separate them - and us - from the unnecessary and unproductive
Since World War II, our method of construction has changed noticeably, as have the materials of
building. Mechanical systems have changed drastically, both in response to new formulations of
comfort standards and in order to make constructions with new materials and methods possible.
The one constant and predictable tendency is that of energy use per square meter of building
increasing each year. We are now faced with the startling fact that our buildings alone consume
about twice the electricity that was used twenty-five years ago for all purposes.
When we find that the presupposed growth is not possible and would be destructive even if it
were possible, we must then dismantle the ideology that justifies these conclusions and establish
a set of attitudes and expectations that respond to the necessities of the real world. As this
research will show, these attitudes generate forms, buildings, and communities that pose not only
beauty but maintain a close relationship to the great historical building traditions.
It is important to note that passive systems have been designed, and are being conceptually
adapted in order to result in the use of the least amount of energy possible. Although sounding
light years ahead, passive design, is more a concept which needs to be understood, and become a
matter of habit thus simplifying the average way of life, rather then complicating it.
Further chapters explain in detail why Passive design is the most suitable application for energy
conservation in architecture. This research has been studied, using Cyprus as its basis, and thus
explaining the architectural difficulties faced in a Mediterranean climate, as well as simple,
passive architectural solutions, which create fundamental differences on energy usage statistics.
Architects are now beginning to realise that modern buildings do not respond to the functional
requirements that we claim are the underlying generators of form. In most residential buildings
glass areas that originally related to views are now often vestigial symbols with curtains drawn to
re-establish privacy. The materials and finishes as well as the room sizes and ceiling heights of
all residential buildings are constantly being downgraded and reduced, purely for cost-worthy
purposes. Although it is known that the sun strides each façade of a building at different hours
and different angles, changing daily, Cypriots do not build the facades differently. We know
how trees can serve as windbreaks and selective sunshields, yet are seldom called upon to serve
these purposes. The dynamics of air movement is known, and yet Cyprus buildings permit
windswept terraces and gales through open colonnades.
Let us consider the case of the traditional Cypriot house, with its bioclimatic design. Many of the
circumstances where traditional techniques have been used to control the local environment had
been effective. However, circumstances have now changed to the point were the original
techniques are no longer appropriate. Populations have become too large to be sustained by
traditional methods; climates and ecologies may have changed - often through over-exploitation
- producing a situation unfamiliar to the original society. Rather than develop a new solution
rooted in tradition, Cypriot society often opts for what is now called modern solutions.
Unfortunately, in far too many cases, the traditional devices, methods and systems used to create
comfortable living conditions, have been supplanted by modern solutions, which maybe
inappropriate and remain untested under local conditions.
It seems as though Cypriot people today often forget how to design with the immediate
environment and tend to ignore the climate, while Cyprus society remains preoccupied with
forms that are currently fashionable and items manufactured and unsuitably made elsewhere.
These “modern buildings”, producing and enclosing internal spaces, have been the main interest
and an exciting subject for most designers. They have been designed mainly to keep natural
phenomena outside, to separate and control conditions from within, as much as possible and at
whatever price, relying on mechanical devices and energy consuming systems to do much of the
This research investigates the influence of the application of passive solar systems in traditional
and contemporary architectural forms in Cyprus. It focuses on a typical Cypriot family house,
and aims towards the development of a specific regional architecture, which is sensitive to both
energy use and climatic conditions. Without advanced technical knowledge, many ancient
societies in Cyprus developed urban and architectural forms based on an empirical knowledge of
the principles of passive thermal control. According to Socrates, the ideal house should be cool
in the summer and warm in the winter. Ancient Cypriot buildings were designed with an
intimate knowledge of the site and climate, in order to achieve these ancient ideals, without
today’s existing dependence on mechanical control of the indoor environment.
Now in houses with a south aspect, the sun's rays penetrate into the porticoes in winter, but in
summer the path of the sun is right over our heads and above the roof, so that there is shade. If,
then, this is the best arrangement, we should build the south side loftier to get the winter sun and
the north side lower to keep out the cold winds.
“Socrates, as quoted by Xenophon in Memorabilia”
Much contemporary architectural design, however, has lost most of this intimate knowledge.
Orientation, design and construction now depend on the economic use of the site or construction.
Buildings are considered in terms of cost and profit. Traditional knowledge of planning has been
replaced by space standards and guidelines, while constructional techniques were eroded by
standard components. The harmony between the building, the site and the communities’
lifestyles has been lost.
The improvement of the thermal performance of buildings using passive design techniques is a
matter, which has always received the attention of architects. Since the oil crisis of 1973
however, this concern has grown to form what was then called solar and bioclimatic architecture
and is now referred to as green or sustainable. Recently, the development of energy calculation
techniques using computers has made the simulation of the thermal performance of buildings
relatively easy. The investigation in detail of the complex relationship between the external and
internal environment as well as the effect of the building envelope on this relationship can now
be easily studied.
1.3 Passive Design in Cyprus
Much research has been carried out on the ways of using design strategies for either hot or cold
climates. However, in the case of temperate climates, such as Cyprus, where both hot and cold
seasons exist and where the protection against low and high temperatures is of equal importance
has not been studied in any detail.
In a temperate climate, a thermally passive building should include passive heating and cooling
design options in such a combination that an optimum environment is established throughout the
year. The applicability of this argument is investigated in the present study by considering
methods of improving the thermal performance of houses in the temperate climate of Cyprus,
using the external building envelope as a passive system.
From a thermal environment standpoint, each inhabited building complex in Cyprus falls under
one of the following categories:
1. The climate is totally ignored. The claim is that a climate sensitive design is not required
because the climate extremes are not severe.
2. Only winter conditions are considered. The idea is to minimise the heating requirements
in order to save in fuel and ignore the problem of overheating in summer.
3. The climatic constraints influence the design of the houses.
Generally, the third design option is found in vernacular houses throughout the country but
contemporary houses always seem to be built either to ignore the climate or, in the best case, to
consider only the winter conditions and provide an inadequate shading arrangement in summer.
This thesis will demonstrate that it is possible to design climate sensitive houses in Cyprus
without the restrictions that a direct application of the vernacular construction methods would
The research is focused on the residential sector because increased energy efficiency in
residential buildings is still regarded as a 'new' area. It also assists the government's aim to
comply with the EU energy regulations, due to the present challenge Cyprus is facing with its
accession to the European Community. Increasing energy efficiency in new residential buildings
is an important method of saving energy.
The major objective in the design of a building is to provide an environment that supports and
enhances the ability of people to do whatever it is that the building is designed for. A good
designer will remain true to the major objective. Energy conservation and solar energy can
enhance this objective by providing good conditions for people. Heating, cooling and related
techniques and systems are not viewed individually by the designer. Rather than regarding his
responsibilities as provisions, his main aim is to provide the relative human ‘comfort level’. If
analysed individually, these diversions can be transformed into energy-saving applications
without constraining satisfaction.
CHAPTER 2 - The climate of Cyprus: Chapter 2 discusses the different world climatic zones and
defines the climatic characteristics of Cyprus. This chapter introduces the data used in designing
while taking into consideration the local climatic conditions. It also provides the necessary
weather data that must be analysed in order to employ the appropriate strategies for the design
and selection of the most suitable passive systems for the Cypriot house. It must be noted that
the study of the climatic conditions is confined to the Lefkosia area (inland) since it is the city
with the largest energy consumption percentage.
CHAPTER 3 - Energy Scene in Cyprus: A combination of climatic, economic, social and
political issues govern the contemporary energy policy of Cyprus. These issues characterise the
energy problem faced in Cyprus. Since the study is confined to the conditions of Cyprus, it was
considered useful to devote Chapter 3 to the analyses of the energy situation on the island and
the investigation of various energy problems, using data on energy supply and demand, with
particular reference to energy consumption in the domestic sector. This chapter analyses the
environmental problems abroad and in Cyprus, and the cause for the wide spread use of solar
energy. Energy planning policies are also discussed. The need for renewable energy sources is
one of Cyprus’s gravest concerns. Concern about the environmental impact of renewable energy
is small in comparison to those of non-renewable energy. The adverse effects that do exist can
usually be lessened or eliminated through proper planning. However, as the use of renewable
energy technologies continues to grow, its environmental impact will need to be addressed.
Some of these impacts are outlined in Chapter 3.
CHAPTER 4 - Thermal Comfort in Cyprus: Chapter 4 reviews and discusses the different
concepts of thermal comfort, and analyses them as they relate with the thermal comfort
conditions in Cyprus concluding in the proposed thermal comfort zone for the Cypriot climate.
The chapter deals with the basics of human comfort, that is, how the human body responds to
heat, humidity and light, taking into account the bioclimatic charts and research performed on
comfort conditions for passive solar architecture. Effects of environmental and subjective
factors on thermal comfort sensation of people in hot climates, especially in Cyprus, is further
discussed in Chapter 4, taking into account acclimatization and habit, variability of comfort, time
and thermal comfort.
CHAPTER 5 - Passive solar systems and methods: Chapter 5 provides an overview of the
technical principles of passive control, outlining the key methods, which have been developed.
This chapter is devoted to the strategies and considerations of passive design most suitable to be
analysed for the conditions of Cyprus. Applications of passive systems as they apply to the
experimental solar house are presented. A critique of existing passive houses and research is
taken into account, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of their systems. The
applicability of passive solar heating in Cyprus is researched in more detail, also taking into
account the issue of thermal insulation and solar control (orientation, shading devices, ventilate
Chapter 5 reviews the materials and methods used for passive solar buildings, exemplifying
research performed internationally.
The research also provides guidance on the evaluation of occupants’ satisfaction, behaviour,
implications, studies and information regarding the features and energy performance of their
passive solar home. The information resulting from the experience and perception of the
occupants will allow the designer to improve future passive solar designs for greater occupant
satisfaction and potentially fewer ‘call backs’ to correct problems.
One of the purposes of this research is to develop and document a contemporary approach to the
design and construction of buildings. As such, it will not attempt a complete historical or
geographical analysis of the entire range of building forms that are related to locate climate, and
the state of technological advancement. Yet, by selectively looking at examples of buildings in
our human heritage, we will see that there are important linking attitudes and unavoidable laws
of physical performance. Cyprus has a surprisingly rich and complex vocabulary of architectural
forms and principles. Evolution, method of construction and effects on the built environment and
examples of domestic architecture of Cyprus, is observed, taking into account villages,
traditional construction, as well as urban and rural housing.
CHAPTER 7 - Process of designing the experimental solar house: In this chapter comparisons
based on questionnaires are compiled to evaluate some of the current housing habits in Cyprus
Applications of passive systems as they apply to the experimental solar house are presented. The
bases of the design and theory of the experimental solar house are discussed. The construction
process is shown and analysed.
Chapter 7 also discusses the study of the energy effect of varied envelope treatment, by
investigating possible designs with the aid of a computer program. The reasons for choosing the
computer simulation programs are also discussed. General characteristics of traditional and
modern residential buildings are presented and comparison of the thermal performance of both
traditional and modern buildings in relation to climate is performed. It highlights possible
improvements and derives lessons from the Cypriot traditional architecture on how traditional
buildings can be used appropriately and modern buildings is improved.
CHAPTER 8 - Monitoring of the experimental solar house: The monitoring of the solar house is
presented in Chapter 8, describing the energy design considerations made and the residents' view
of the results. Data collection methods are discussed. Two year monitoring of the annual
consumption of energy and annual costs for heating and cooling requirements, were also carried
out including utility bills, temperature and relative humidity. The results of the computer
simulations and the monitoring of the house illustrate the energy conservation when adopting
simple passive design strategies. Meteonorm, Weather tool and Ecotect software are used to
compare the monitored results and the simulated predictions. The reasons for using these
computer simulation programs are discussed. Comparison of the empirical data and the Ecotect
predictions and comparison of the monitored results with comfort charts (the Olgyay Comfort
Chart and the Psychometric Chart).
The author’s user response is discussed, looking at the advantages and the disadvantages the
experimental solar house has and concluding with the lessons that were derived from the pre-
construction until the habitation period
CHAPTER 9 - Conclusions: Chapter 9 summarises the work done, concludes as to whether the
objectives of this study were met, and suggests the appropriate strategies and considerations of
passive design to be employed along with recommendations for the future. Also, motives for
constructing passive solar buildings are discussed.
1.5 Targets
A principal aim of this research is to provide future researchers and practitioners with an entrée
into the literature of passive solar architecture especially for the climate of Cyprus. Solar energy,
like many other fields, has examples of reinvention by succeeding groups of enthusiasts.
Lessons learned are forgotten. Mistakes that may have been excusable the first time are made
repeatedly; it is a waste of time, energy, and resources - all qualities we are striving to save.
Some re-invention is inevitable and even desirable in the evolution of a new discipline,
especially one that involves a subject as familiar and personal as the buildings we all live and
work in. Each generation must experience and relearn the lessons of the past, either through trial
and error or by recourse to the collective wisdom of its predecessors. It is hoped that this
research and the extensive list of references cited throughout will save future researchers and
practitioners both time and disillusionment.
The primary aim of passive design is to move a step forward in the avoidance of energy waste
and atmospheric pollution, and instead make intelligent us of the available resources to create a
comfortable and healthy built environment. The language of architecture is not a privilege of the
architect, but an instrument of the urban community of all man2. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of each professional to use fundamentals and strategies in which public
satisfaction statistics are as high as possible and yet no natural damage is caused.
N.K.Bansal., Passive Building Design, Elsevier Science B.V, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo New York, 1994.
Efthymios Warlamis, Learning From Santorini, Med Campus, Greece, 1995
2.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the significance of design while taking into consideration local climatic
conditions, providing the necessary data to be analysed, in order to employ the appropriate
strategies for the design and selection of the most suitable passive solar systems. The study is
confined to the climatic conditions of Cyprus and is restricted to the investigation of climatic
conditions in the Lefkosia area as it is outlined in this chapter.
A building can make a positive statement about energy conservation by recognising and using to advantage
the natural elements that surround it. Such a building will compliment its environment….
Stein’s quote addresses two viewpoints. Firstly, that respect for the climate is firmly tied to the
aim of conserving energy by building design. Secondly, a building that is designed to exclude
and ignore site and climate would be completely irrelevant with its surroundings2.
The principal climatic elements, with regard to human comfort and building design, are solar
radiation, temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and other such specific characteristics.
Rarely, if ever, do all the climatic elements have the same characteristics in different localities,
no matter how similar their climates appear to be. By grouping climates into types, however,
certain general truths about similar areas may stand out more clearly, and one can assess more
easily the influences of those elements shared by these regions3 .
Berg4, who distinguished the following twelve types of climate, provided a complete
classification based on climate and landscape:
1. Humid tropical forest
2. Tropical forest steppe (savannah)
3. Tropical desert
4. Subtropical forest
5. Mediterranean
6. Non-tropical desert
7. Steppe
8. Monsoon regions of moderate latitude
9. Deciduous forest of moderate latitude
10. Taiga
11. Tundra
12. Perpetually cold regions
The classification of the tropical climate by G.A. Atkinson5 is also widely acknowledged. It is
based on the temperature and humidity conditions that are predominant over the whole year. He
distinguishes six types of climate:
1. Hot dry
2. Warm humid
3. Mountain
4. Maritime desert
5. Monsoon (savannah)
6. Oceanic island
The Mediterranean basin extends approximately from 30 to 46 latitude and 6 west to 37 east
longitude. Thus from north to south it spans approximately 16o and from west to east 43o. The
area of the Mediterranean Sea is approximately 2.500.000 km2 in other words only 0.5% of the
total surface of the earth. Sixteen countries have shores bordering the sea (fig.2.1).
If one was to generalise, one could describe the climate of the Mediterranean area as moderate.
In fact this moderate characterisation is so distinctive than the term Mediterranean climate is
used to describe several other regions of the world. Givoni6 classifies the climate of the
Mediterranean region into three general categories:
1. Continental
2. Marine
3. Mountainous
The main climatic characteristics of the region are:
Concentration of the rains in winter and dry summers
Warm to hot summers and cool to cold winters
Intensive solar radiation, especially in summer
Moderate to strong winds both in summer and winter, variable but with a predominance
of north and westerly directions
Higher winter humidity along the north coast in winter and the south coast in summer.
Furthermore, detail and again according to Givoni7:
In the Mediterranean continental climate, which is found at relatively short distances from the
sea, one finds large diurnal temperature swings in summer of about 15-18°C, warm daytime
temperatures of about 33-37°C with hot days for brief periods of 38-40°C. Relative humidity
varies from 30-40% at noon to 80-90% at night. Winds are relatively strong in the afternoons to
calm at night. Winter temperatures are usually above freezing with an average daily minimum
of about 5°C but sub-zero temperatures may frequently occur.
In the Mediterranean marine climate diurnal temperature range is small, 5-10°C, with daytime
summer temperature of 25-30°C and night temperatures of 20-23°C. Winter average daily
minimum temperatures are in the range of 8°C. Annual rainfalls are higher than in the
continental areas and are in the range of 500 mm. Wind directions are variable with a
predominance of westerly and north directions. Strong north winds in the summer are quite
In the Mediterranean mountainous climate winters are much colder with temperatures of around
and below freezing not uncommon. The average daily winter minimum temperatures are around
0°C. Summer daily maximal are in the range of 30°C. Rainfall is higher than in the other two
climatic zones. Winds are strong but depend on the morphology of the terrain. Solar radiation
increases in general terms from south to north often depending on altitude and distance from the
Cyprus has an intense Mediterranean climate with the typical seasonal rhythm concerning
temperature, rainfall and weather generally. The central Troodos massif, rising to 1951 metres and, to a
lesser extent, the long narrow Pentadaktylos mountain range, with peaks of about 1,000 metres, play an
important part in the meteorology of Cyprus (fig. 2.2). The predominantly clear blue skies and
high sunshine periods give large seasonal and daily variations between temperature of the coast
and the interior of the island that also cause considerable climate change effects especially near
the coasts.
At Latitude 35° North, Longitude 33° East, Cyprus has a variation of day length from 9.8 hours
in December to 14.5 hours in June.
In summer the island is mainly under the influence of a shallow trough of low pressure extending
from the great continental depression centred over Southwest Asia. It is a season of high
temperatures with almost cloudless skies. Rainfall is almost negligible but isolated
thunderstorms sometimes occur. Thus the rainfall estimates to less that 5% of the total in the
average year.
In the winter months Cyprus is near the track of fairly frequent small depressions that cross the
Mediterranean Sea from west to east between the continental anticyclone of Eurasia and the
overall low-pressure belt of North Africa. These depressions give rise to periods of disturbed
weather usually lasting from one to three days and produce most of the annual precipitation, the
average fall from December to February being about 60% of the annual total.
Figure 2.2 Map of Cyprus
Snow occurs rarely in the lowlands and on the Kyrenia range, however falls frequently every
winter on ground above 1,000 metres. This snowfall occurs usually by the first week of
December and ends by the middle of April. Although snow cover is not continuous during the
coldest months it may lie to considerable depths for several weeks especially on the northern
slopes of the highest of the Troodos peaks.
Cyprus experiences hot summers and mild winters, but this generalisation must be modified by the consideration
of altitude, which lowers temperatures by about 5°C per 1,000 metres and that of marine influence, giving cooler
summers and warmer winters adjacent to most of the coastlines and especially along the west coast8. The
seasonal difference between mid-summer and mid-winter is quite large, at 18°C inland and about
14°C on the coasts.
Maximum temperature differences between day and minimum temperatures at night are also
quite large, especially inland during the summer. In winter these differences are 8 to 10°C on
the lowlands, and 5 to 6°C on the central plain and 9 to 12°C elsewhere. The variation of air
temperatures in Lefkosia, representing the averages of the years 1961-1990, compiled from data
taken from Meteorological Service9 is shown in Figure 2.3.
( deg C )
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean Daily Max. Temperature Mean Daily Min. Temperature
Mean Daily Temperature Mean Monthly Max. Temperature
Mean Monthly Min. Temperature Extreme Monthly Max Temp.
Extreme Monthly Min Temp.
In July and August the mean daily temperature ranges between 29°C on the central plain and
22°C on the Troodos mountains, while the average maximum temperature for these months
ranges between 36°C and 27°C respectively. In January the mean daily temperature is 10°C on
the central plain and 3°C on the mountains respectively.
In the open sea temperatures rise to 27°C in August and rise above 22°C during the six months
from June to November. During each of the three coolest months, January to March, average sea
temperature drops only to about 16 or 17°C.
Near all coastal areas, three or four metres deep inside the water, temperatures are similar to
those of the open sea and lie within the range 15 to 17°C in February and 23 to 28°C in August.
There are no significant daily changes of seawater temperature except on the coast in the very
shallow waters, of depths less than one meter.
Seasonal change in mean soil temperatures range approximately from 10°C in January to 33°C
in July at 10 centimetres depth, and from 14 to 18°C at one metre. On the mountain ranges, at
1,000 metres above sea level, these mean seasonal values are lowered by about 5°C.
Absorption of large amounts of solar energy during the day and high radiation losses in clear
skies at night causes a wide daily range of soil temperatures in summer. At the soil surface the
daily variation on a typical July day in the lowlands is between 15°C near dawn to near 60°C
during mid afternoon. At only 5 centimetres deep, the variation is reduced to between 24 and
42°C and at 50 centimetres depth there is no daily temperature change.
2.3.4 Relative humidity of the air
Elevation above mean sea level and distance from the coast also has considerable effects on the
relative humidity, which to a large extent are a reflection of temperate differences. Humidity
may be described as average or high at 65 to 95% during winter days and throughout the year at
nights. Near midday in summer humidity is very low with values on the central plain usually a
little over 30% and occasionally as low as 15% (Figure 2.4).
RH %
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0800 hrs 1300 hrs
Fog is infrequent and usually confined to the early mornings but there are longer periods of fog
in the mountains during the winter when clouds often envelop the highest peaks. Visibility is
generally good or excellent but on a few days each spring the atmosphere becomes hazy with
dust is blown in from the Arabian and African Deserts.
2.3.5 Winds
Over the eastern Mediterranean general surface winds are mostly westerly or southwesterly in
the winter and northwesterly or northerly in the summer. Usually of light or moderate strength,
they rarely reach gale force10. Over the island in its entirety however, winds are quite variable in
direction with the hypsographic of the land and local heating effects playing a significant role in
determining local wind direction and speed (Figure 2.5 and 2.6). Differences of temperature
between sea and land are built up daily in predominant periods of clear skies and cause
considerable sea and land breezes throughout the summer. Whilst these are mostly pinpointed
near the coasts, they regularly penetrate far inland in the summer, reaching the capital city,
Lefkosia, and often bringing a welcome temperature drop as well as an increase in humidity.
Gales are infrequent over Cyprus but may occur especially on exposed coasts with winter
depressions. Small whirlwinds are common in summer appearing mostly near midday as “dust
devils” on the hot dry central plain. Vortices, approaching a diameter of 100 meters or so and
with the characteristics of water spouts at sea and of small tornadoes on land, very rarely occur
in a thunderous weather. Localised damage caused by these vortices haves been reported on a
few occasions but in general Cyprus suffers relatively little wind damage.
Figure 2.5 Wind Direction in Lefkosia
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Wind Speed in Knots
0 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2.3.6 Sunshine
Sun-path diagrams show the path of the sun in the sky dome as projected onto a horizontal
surface.8 The sun path diagram (Figure 2.7) for given latitude can be used to determine the sun’s
position for any hour of the year. For example, to determine the sun’s position over Cyprus, 35oN
latitude, at 7am on August or April 21st from the diagram, it can be read azimuth 82oE to S and
solar altitude of 20o.
All parts of Cyprus enjoy quite a sunny climate as compared with most other countries
globally11. In the central plain and eastern lowlands the average number of hours of bright
sunshine for the whole year is 75% of the time the sun is above the horizon. Over the whole
summer six months there is an average of 11.5 hours of bright sunshine per day whilst in winter
it is reduced to only 5.5 hours in the cloudiest months, December and January.
Even on the high mountains the cloudiest winter months have an average of nearly 4 hours bright
sunshine per day and in June and July the figure reaches 11 hours. The mean daily sunshine
duration for each month of the year, for various locations in Cyprus, is shown in Figure 2.8,
compiled for data taken from the Hadjioannou12 and Meteorological Service13.
Figure 2.8 Sunshine duration in Lefkosia
Sunshine Duration Hours
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The monthly mean total solar radiation on a horizontal surface at representative locations of
central plain, coastal and mountain areas are presented in Figure 2.9.
The collected data indicate mean daily total solar radiation on a horizontal surface on clear days,
which varies from about 3.48 kWh/m²day in midwinter to 8.82 kWh/m²day in midsummer.
The mean daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface varies from 3.32 kWh/m²day in December
to 8.12 kWh/m²day in July in low land areas, and from 2.20 kWh/m²day to 7.77 kWh/m²day in
the respective months on the high mountains.
The direct solar radiation at normal incidences at noon varies from 0.85 kW/m² in winter to 0.91
kW/m² in summer
Thus it is seen that Cyprus enjoys a very sunny climate. The long periods of bright sunshine and
the high amount of insulation, even on the high mountains, are very important factors in making
solar energy a variable option.
Figure 2.9 Solar radiation
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, necessary climatic data has been introduced to aid design while considering the
local climatic conditions. Cyprus’s climate is within the temperate Mediterranean zone. Its
average hottest peak reaches 41°C in the summer and drops to an approximate of 5°C in the
winter. Relative humidity ranges from 40-60%, and a large daily temperature range is noted with
up to 18°C difference between day and night. Thus Cyprus’s climate calls for the need of cooling
in the summer, and the large amount of solar radiation during the summer may easily be used for
heating in winter.
Solar architecture, indeed any architecture, cannot persist without being as site-specific as
possible. Climate is one of the ultimate site-specification criteria. Climate can change due to man
activities. We should avoid the emission of greenhouse gases. Climatic data is used in the
calculations of the thermal performance, comfort, and passive solar systems and generally in all
the design considerations of the Experimental Solar House.
Stein R. G., Architecture and Energy, Anchor Press, New York, 1977.
Nelson, G., Heuristics in use, The Architecture of Building Services, Batsford, 1995, pp 16-18.
Allan Konya, Design Primer for Hot Climates, The Architectural Press, London, 1980.
Berg, L. S., Fundamentals of Climatology, Leningrad, in Russian, 1938.
Atkinson G. A., and Artch, B., Housing Construction in Countries with a Tropical Climate, paper delivered at First
Congress of the International Council on Construction, Rotterdam, 1962.
Givoni B., Man, Climate and Architecture, Applied Science Publishers Ltd, 1976.
Givoni B., Man, Climate and Architecture, Elsevier, 1969.
Meteorological Service, Surface Air Temperatures in Cyprus, paper no.3, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Republic of Cyprus, 1993.
Meteorological Service, Surface Air Temperatures in Cyprus, paper no.3, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Republic of Cyprus, 1993.
Meteorological Service, A study of the Surface Winds in Cyprus, paper no.8, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Republic of Cyprus, 1986.
Olgyay, Design with Climate, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1963.
Hadjioannou, L., Three years of Operation of the Radiation Centre in Lefkosia, March 1987.
Meteorological Service, Solar Radiation and Sunshine Duration in Cyprus, paper no.10, Ministry of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, Republic of Cyprus, 1990.
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to analyse the situation surrounding the energy issue and examine
the energy problems faced in Cyprus.
Energy is the fuel of all life on this planet.1 In the last decade, CO2 and CFCs have become the
main targets of environmental concern because of the enormity of the changes that may affect
the planet through the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer.
For the first time in history, we have become a geological agent comparable to some of the other forces
influencing our planet… During the past century, industrial production has gone up by more than a
100-fold and the use of energy has risen by a factor of about 80. We have changed the composition of the
Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere through the use of fossil fuels, the expansion of agriculture and the
production and release of industrial compounds… We are beginning to understand this marvellously
complex planet that we live on and the ways in which we are changing it, and we need to devote our best
efforts to the task. There is no time for waste.
With the exception of solar energy (analysed at a later section), Cyprus has no other energy
resources of its own and has to rely heavily on fossil fuel imports. The energy consumption is
predominantly oil based. The only other form of commercial energy used is coal. Coal is used
occasionally for cement production, when its price is competitive to that of heavy fuel oils. The
contribution of solar energy to meet the primary energy needs of the country is estimated to be
5.9% according to data collected in 1993.3 Thus, more than 94% of the total primary energy is
supplied by imports. The cost of imported energy for the year 1992 amounted to 145.7 millions
CY pounds, representing 63% of the domestic exports. Between 1990 and 1997 the final energy
consumption increased at an average annual rate of about 4%4. Due to the developmental nature
of the economy of Cyprus energy consumption is increasing at an average annual rate, for the
last ten years, at about 6.9%. This is approximately equal to the rate of increase of Gross
Domestic Product.
29.8% 5.9%
LPG Gasoline Kerosene
Diesel Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Light Fuel Oil (LFO)
Coal Electricity Solar Energy
Fig 3.1 Breakdown of final energy consumption to various energy sources
The annual energy consumption in Cyprus (government controlled area) for 1993 was about 1.3
million tons of oil equivalent (toe) including unbilled electricity in the area occupied by Turkish
invasion forces. This corresponds to a per capita annual energy consumption of 2.28 toe, which
is well above the world average of 1.59 toe/capita and below that of the European Community,
which according to Carvalho et al.5 is slightly more than double that for the world as a whole.
The forms of energy used in Cyprus and their percentage contribution to the final energy bill for
1993 are shown in figure 3.1.
The energy consumption by the various sectors of the Cyprus economy illustrated in figure 3.2 is
compiled from data taken from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Department of
Statistics and Research (1994).6 It can be seen that the total annual energy consumption of
residential buildings is 15.1% of the annual consumption of energy in Cyprus, while in Europe is
from 9-15%7.
46.3% Domestic
According to Carvalho et al.8, comparing Cyprus to the European Community, regarding the
economic activity and energy consumption, it is assessed that there is great potential for energy
conservation and improvement of efficiency in Cyprus.
The electric power system within the island consists entirely of thermal power units. The
installed capacity is 536MW and the peak demand is in the region of 300MW. Two 60 MW oil
fired units are in full commercial operation since 1989. Electricity production accounts for 33%
of the total energy requirements of the island.
The low population, the almost exclusive reliance on oil for the energy needs, the relatively high
cost of electricity, the reasonably high level of technology and the popular acceptance of solar
and wind energy (even without any incentives), make the renewable energy options, particularly
solar energy, extremely viable from a technical, social and economic standpoint.
The main features of the present conditions are as follows:
Total annual energy consumption refers to all energy sources those being, electricity and fossil
fuels. Table 3.1 indicates that the industrial sector consumes less electricity and yet its total
energy consumption is greater than any other sector. For 1000kWh to be produced, 0.344 toe is
It may be remarked that the generation of electricity accounts for 36% of the total energy
requirements of the country and that the efficiency of production of electricity from oil
corresponding to 0.344 toe/1000kWh is low, compared to the international values typified by
0.22 to 0.23 toe/1000 kWh.
The primary energy consumption in Cyprus for the year 1992 was 1.85 millions TOE. The
contribution of domestic resources, and in particular solar energy, to meeting the primary needs
of the country was estimated 5.9%. Thus more than 94% of the total primary energy
consumption was dominated by imports of crude oil and oil products. The pattern of the primary
energy consumption is given in Table 3.2.
Source TOE %
Crude oil 727,132 39
Oil products 986,004 53
Coal 74,050 4
Solar Energy 80,480 4
Total 1,867,666 100
In the development of Cyprus, energy had not become a major issue until 1973. However, a
number of factors such as the oil crisis in 1973, with prices increasing, the absence of known
commercially exploitable conventional energy resources and therefore the almost total
dependence on imported energy, emphasised the vital importance of energy to the island's
economy and pushed the need for energy planning.
After 1973, the government with the assistance of UNDP9 undertook the project for 'Energy
Conservation and Development' in order to establish an overall energy development policy for
Cyprus. The project was followed up by 'The comprehensive Energy and Conservation Project'
undertaken by the government with the assistance of the World Bank. The study was completed
in 1985, providing the government with a 5-year plan and with the capability of handling regular
systematic and dynamic, short, medium and long-range energy planning procedures within the
government. Since then, computerised energy models have been acquired in order to keep up
to-date the country's energy requirements.
Presently, due to the lengthy and the perceived high costs of producing energy from natural
resources, the government has not taken any substantial action towards the implementation of
any energy policies. However, the government is not presently considering the benefits of the
payback period.
Consultants who have been appointed to carry out a study regarding energy planning and energy
conservation in Cyprus (see fig.3.3), estimated savings from dwellings contributing to 48% of
the expected total targeted of 75,000 toe, over a 5-year period, for both domestic and commercial
buildings.10 Within this framework, as explained in the introduction, this study is focusing on
energy conservation in houses.
The total annual (1993) energy consumption (electricity included by the domestic sector) in
Cyprus comprises of 15.1% with electricity at 34%. Based on consumption by households, a rate
of growth of 4.6% is indicated between 1992 and 1993. In 1992 primary energy consumption is
192,000 toe while at 1993 is 201,000 toe. Breakdown of residential energy consumption (1993)
in terms of final energy used (Table 3.3) shows its large share of electricity consumption. In
terms of end-use of energy in households (Table 3.4), water heating holds the highest place being
half of the total consumption, and more than half of the electricity. Heating, with a national
average consumption of 0.25 toe/household, follows this.
Table 3.3 Final Energy Used by Households
The present construction trends indicating distinct preference to private, detached houses over
apartment flats (60% prefer private detached houses), coupled with higher standard of living
(70% of houses are built with central heating) imply a larger energy saving potential in this
particular type of dwelling. It can also be noted that Lefkosia is the most demanding city in terms
of heating requirements and it is defined as the location to be given priority for energy
3.5.1 Introduction
The need for renewable energy sources is one of our country’s greatest concerns. Renewable
energy technologies harness energy sources such as sunlight, wind, water, and plant material.
Unlike fossil fuels, these sources are self-replenishing and most often inexhaustible. Renewable
energy technologies include:
Solar electric (photovoltaic) systems.
Concern about the environmental impact of renewable energy is small in comparison to those of
non-renewable energy. The adverse effects that do exist usually can be lessened or eliminated
through proper planning. However, as the use of renewable energy technologies continues to
grow, environmental impact will need to be addressed. Some of these impacts are outlined
3.5.3 Biomass
Biomass includes wood, crops, manure, sewage, and municipal solid wastes. Since these
materials originate from living organisms, they are termed biomass or biofuels. The term
‘biomass energy’ includes solid organic materials converted directly to energy, while ‘biofuels’
are liquid or gaseous fuels produced from biomass.
Most of the biomass energy (heat and electricity) used today comes from the combustion of
wood, agricultural residues, and MSW. If the biomass is produced and harvested in a sustainable
fashion, then there is no net increase in carbon dioxide production, since plants consume carbon
dioxide in photosynthesis. Particulate in air emissions can be controlled through efficient
combustion and treatment of the combustion gases.
Methane generated in sewage treatment plants, landfills, and anaerobic digestion systems on
farms is an extremely clean fuel. The combustion of methane for energy is less detrimental to
the environment, as methane is considered much less hazardous as a greenhouse gas than carbon
Agricultural crops, trees, and even waste paper can be converted to alcohol fuels for
transportation. Corn, sugar cane, and other high sugar content crops are used to produce ethanol.
Biodiesel is produced from soybeans and rapeseeds. The conversion of these biomass materials
to liquid biofuels poses few environmental hazards. The combustion of these fuels creates less
overall air pollution than gasoline and petroleum diesel.
The large-scale production and harvesting of biomass energy crops concerns some
environmentalists and critics of renewable energy alike. Much of this concern relates to the fear
that large tracts of land will be converted to energy plantations where monocultures (single
species) are grown. These plantations may require heavy inputs of fertilizers and pesticides.
These concerns are no different than those posed by conventional agricultural practices and
timber plantations. Many biomass energy proponents argue that bioenergy crops can be grown
and harvested on an economically and ecologically sustainable basis on lands that have marginal
agricultural value.
Environmental Energy Ltd. in Cyprus has investigated the possibility of building a power plant
generating electricity with biomass. For a power plant with the capacity of 1.5MW continuously
over one year, it is estimated that a total of 324 hectare of land will be needed. The company
suggests that a Giant Reed is used. The grass has a robust root system that offers protection
against soil erosion and provides oxygen to the soil. It is also said to be extremely pest resistant
thus not requiring any pesticides before or after harvesting. For irrigation (twice a month from
June to September) treated sewage water is suggested11.
3.5.4 Geothermal
Vast amounts of energy can be obtained by tapping the heat trapped in rocks, water, and steam
beneath the earth’s surface. Air pollutants from geothermal power facilities include hydrogen
sulphide, benzene, radon, ammonia, and boron. Liquid effluents may contain toxic elements
such as mercury and arsenic. There is speculation that some geothermal power plant operations,
such as injection of fluids into the ground, may cause seismic activity. On the other hand,
removal of large quantities of water from the ground can cause the land to sink or subside. The
geothermal industry uses filters and scrubbers to control air and liquid pollutants, as well as
mufflers to reduce noise. Research is underway on the use of microbes to breakdown the
hazardous components of the liquid effluents of geothermal power plants.
In order to achieve 10% wind power, the three organizations - European Wind Energy
Association, Forum for Energy and Development, Greenpeace International - which have
commissioned this report concluded that a number of key political actions are required12
including Cyprus. Two initial wind studies have been conducted for Cyprus13 14, both indicating
that mean wind speeds are enough for introducing wind energy.
The Greek Center for Renewable Energy Sources together with Pilkington Solar has presented a
feasibility study on the potential for solar thermal grid electricity in Crete16, (a Greek island, in
the Mediterranean, with similar climatic conditions with Cyprus). Based on the study, a proposal
for a 50MW Independent Power Plant (THESEUS) has been presented to the Greek Ministry of
Development in 1999. The proposed solar thermal plant will be almost purely based on solar
energy, using a small amount of natural gas as back up ensuring a constant feed into the grid.
On-line hours per day is 12 in summer, 7 in winter.
Cyprus has excellent conditions for grid connected solar thermal power generation. Appropriate
site locations for solar thermal electricity are normally in arid to semi-arid countries situated in
the sun-belt, which includes the Mediterranean region, and naturally Cyprus. Considering the
similarities between Crete and Cyprus, there is no reason why the suggested THESEUS power
plant could not be implemented in Cyprus. A 100MW plant could generate close to 10% of
today’s consumed electricity in Cyprus.17
Solar ponds, a type of solar thermal technology, use layers of salt water of varying
concentrations to trap heat. This heat can be used for a variety of purposes, including electricity
generation. Several systems are in operation in the United States and Israel, and yet not in
Cyprus. The most significant area of environmental concern with this technology is that if
improperly sealed, ponds may pollute nearby land and water with salt.
3.5.7 Photovoltaic systems
Solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) technology has advanced significantly over the past two
decades, and could become a major source of energy throughout Cyprus. PV systems use solar
cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity. PV cells have no moving parts, are easy to
install, require little maintenance, contain no fluids, consume no fuels, produce no pollution, and
have a long life span. PV systems pose little harm to the environment, and have brought
electricity to remote areas where power lines do not reach.
The main areas of environmental concern associated with PV systems are in cell/module
(modules are groups of cells connected together) production and disposal. Most PV cells
produced today are made of non-toxic silicon and silicon alloys. However, there are cells made
of compounds containing toxic elements such as cadmium and arsenic. Modules made with this
type of cell technology pose little risk while operating, but may be a problem if disposed of
improperly. Collection and recycling or proper disposal of these cells/modules is necessary to
reduce potential health and environmental problems. Very few modules sold today use these
questionable cell technologies.
Varieties of other hazardous chemicals are used to manufacture PV cells and modules. These
chemicals are mainly used to clean and prepare the cell and module materials. Many of these
chemicals are also used by electronic, computer chip, and circuit board industries. If the
manufacturing facility follows government regulations for these compounds, there is little risk to
the health and safety of workers and the environment with the use of these chemicals.
PV cell/module production is very energy intensive. If this energy comes from non-renewable
sources, the supply of this energy results in pollution of the environment. Estimates of the
energy payback (the number of years it takes for the amount of energy produced by a PV module
to equal the amount of energy it takes to produce it) range from 4 to 12 years. Significant
advances in PV cell efficiency and module technology should reduce this payback period to only
a few years.
One environmental concern associated with ‘stand-alone’ PV systems is the batteries that store
the electricity produced by the PV cells or modules. The most commonly used are lead-acid and
nickel-cadmium batteries. Lead and cadmium are extremely toxic elements. However, after they
are made into a battery and the battery is installed, there is little danger of these elements being
ingested or absorbed by humans or animals. The mining and milling of these minerals, and
disposing of these types of batteries is a concern. Anyone using a PV-powered device or system
with batteries should be sure that the batteries could and will be recycled. This ensures that these
batteries will not end up in landfills or incinerators, where they pose an environmental risk. The
lead and cadmium industries actively promote the recycling of batteries. The electrolytes in old
wet cell batteries can be neutralized to avoid environmental problems. Wet cell batteries may
also produce harmful or explosive vapors if the units leak or are overcharged. Proper installation
and maintenance of battery powered PV systems will keep these problems from occurring.
There are alternative battery technologies available, such as nickel-iron, nickel-metal hydride,
and chloride, which pose fewer environmental hazards than lead-acid and nickel cadmium.
The European Union18 estimates that an average of 16.3% of Europe’s electricity needs in 1990
could be provided by stand alone rooftop PV systems. In Cyprus, most homes are already grid
connected. This means that the electricity is supplied via national grid. By utilizing the national
grid, expense of the batteries can be avoided. The whole national grid can be used as a giant
battery. The Experimental solar house is the first grid connected house, with others following.
A large portion of a building’s annual domestic hot water (DHW) needs can be supplied by a
relatively inexpensive active hydronic system using about 9 m2 of collectors for a typical
residence. A heat exchanger, usually in the hot-water tank, keeps the working fluid separate
from the potable water supply. Such a system, however requires a backup energy source, but
may pay for itself in energy savings in less than 10 years.
At present, there are six major and twenty minor manufacturers of solar water heaters in Cyprus,
employing a total of about 400 workers and producing about 11,000 units per year, compared to
4000 units prior to 197419. The savings from the SWH represent about 4% of the annual primary
energy consumption in 198820. There is an established know-how of solar energy, as well as
public acceptance of the technology.
The Cyprus government in recent years has helped the promotion of active solar energy by the
following actions:
All these measures have helped the promotion of solar energy. The technical support has been of
increasing importance, becoming practically critical now that further expansion of market
depends on quality and product diversification. It is about time to act the same way for passive
solar energy. The domestic hot water market for individual houses is closing upon saturation.
However, replacement of old units and installations in new houses do represent a significant
share of the market. Hot water systems for apartment buildings and hotels will probably
constitute the largest share of the market in the near future. However, efficient collectors and
careful systems design are essential for the exploitation of this market. Air collectors with
multiple uses (e.g. drying of agricultural products, heating of water, heating of green houses,
house heating) represent another large share of the future market.
A few Cypriot architects are now designing new houses and retrofitting older houses to passively
use the sun and other environmental factors to reduce energy costs. Passive solar systems are
characterised by having few or no moving parts (examples can be seen in Chapter 5,6 and 7).
Typically, the south side of the buildings have extensive areas of insulating glass (or even a
greenhouse), the east and west sides have less glass; and the north side, which receives no sun
and is exposed to winter winds has little or no glass. The orientation is of course reversed in the
Southern Hemisphere. Roof overhangs jut out over the south-facing glass, in order to admit
sunlight to the building in the winter, when the sun is low in the sky and heating loads are high,
and to keep sunlight out of the building’s interior in the summer, when the sun's path is higher.
Effective insulation is considered an essential element of passive design.
3.6 Conclusions
The high cost of oil products and electricity and a sunny climate have tended to make renewable
energy more competitive in Cyprus. In residences the maximum demand (of occupancy) in
summer matches very well with the supply (solar radiation) to make the water heating systems
more efficient and economic.
The application of the science and art of passive solar architecture to reduce the demand for
thermal energy in a building represents a growing area. Retrofitting existing buildings and novel
designs of new buildings to this end are a major technical challenge to the near future for
Cyprus. In the more distant future, solar ponds and photovoltaic power stations may make a
significant contribution to the energy scene.
A programme for wide scale application of solar energy has already started with a realistic
appraisal of the role that solar energy can play in meeting the national need for energy. A new
photovoltaic factory is being constructed in Cyprus, showing the importance of Cyprus in this
sector. The Cyprus Electricity Authority is now sponsoring wind energy farms and photovoltaic
systems. Grid connected houses have already started to exist (the Experimental Solar House
being the first to be grid connected and more are now following). The Cyprus
Telecommunication Authorities already use photovoltaic on their phone booths. The appraisal
identifies applications, which are techno-economically desirable from the point of view of the
individual and the nation.
In this chapter, a profile of the energy scene in Cyprus has been provided and as well as an
examination of the energy problems faced within the island. Overall, there is a great potential
for energy savings in Cyprus especially in the domestic sector - which is the objective of this
research. The implementation of regulations and principles is essential in order to reduce energy
consumptions but the main issue remains to improve the energy efficiency infrastructure since it
has been characterized as one of the key issues and inadequacies of the present Cyprus energy
institutional framework. In addition, the Cypriot government has to take into consideration the
regulations, which govern the EU member countries in the energy sector, since Cyprus has been
undergoing the process of accession to EU. Subsequent efforts are required to harmonise to the
Throughout this chapter it has been concluded that, although all renewable energy sources have
been considered (biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, solar, thermal, solar electric and
active), the ideal energy-saving architectural technique for Cyprus is passive solar architecture.
Cyprus’s climate, financial budget and geographical potential does permit or causes various
problems, with regards to all other renewable energy source, other than passive solar.
Thus, Cyprus has a dire need for energy-saving applications, as it has no energy resources of its
own. The vast amount of annual energy importation causes serious damage to the governments
finance along with causing ecological problems globally. Due to Cyprus’s Mediterranean
climate, the island hosts 100% potential in the usability of energy-saving systems. Cyprus,
therefore, is a suitable starting point, in the investigation, research and construction of the
Experimental Solar House.
Butt, L. Buildings and energy: An Overview of the Issues, Energy Efficient Building, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, 1992, pp 290.
Director of the USA Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1989.
Synergy Program, Preparation of an Action Plan for Improving the Efficiency of the Energy Sector in Cyprus,
Energia, 1995, pp 5-11.
Erotokritos., Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Nicosia, June, 1998.
Carvalho et al., ‘Energy in Europe’, Annual Energy Review, Commission of the European Communities
Directorate General for Energy, December 1991.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Statistics and Research, 1994.
Burton, Simon, et al. “Passive Solar Energy as a Fuel 1990-2010. A study of current and future use of passive
solar energy in buildings in the European Community”, Brussels-Luxemburg, 1990.
Carvalho et al., ‘Energy in Europe’, Annual Energy Review, Commission of the European Communities
Directorate General for Energy, December 1991.
United Nations, Energy Conservation and Development Project for Cyprus, UNDP Development Projects,
CY/77/009, Lefkosia, March 1981.
‘Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Project, Energy Planning and Data Base Subproject’, Final Report,
vol. 2, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Cyprus, 1985, pp 112-114.
Interview with Lordos, D. Environmental Energy Ltd., 990420
European Wind Energy Association, Forum for Energy and Development, Greenpeace International’, Wind Force
10 - A Blueprint to achieve 10% of the World’s Electricity from Wind Power by 2020, 1998.
Pashardes, S., Christofides, C., “Statistical Analysis of the wind speed direction in Cyprus”. Solar Energy Vol.55,
No.5, pp.405-414, 1995.
Department of Mechanical and Computer Engineers of the Metsovio Polytechnic in Athens, Greece and
Electricity Authority of Cyprus, March 1998.
Caddet, Renewable Energy Newsletter, no 1, Oxfordshire, UK, January 1994.
Pilkington Solar International. “Status Report on Solar Thermal Power Plants”. 1996
Greenpeace Meditterenean, “Cyprus, Energy, Revolution- a critical analysis of the present and future energy
situation in Cyprus”, Cyprus, 1999
European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, commissioned from the European Photovoltaic Industry
Association (EPIA) “Photovoltaics in 2010”. 1996
Greenpeace Mediterranean, “Cyprus, Energy, Revolution- a critical analysis of the present and future energy
situation in Cyprus”, Cyprus, 1999
Energy Service, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Cyprus “Solar Water Heaters in Cyprus: A
case study» Nicosia, August 1989.
4.1 Introduction
The thermal environment in which humans live and carry out their day-to-day activities is
predominantly influenced by the impact of climate. The instability of the thermal environment
affects the quality of human life, the normal functioning of their minds, their health and in some
extreme conditions, causes serious psychological and physical damage or death. To acclimatise
to various extreme climatic conditions is physiologically and psychologically impossible.
Therefore, the idea of creating a thermally satisfying artificial environment has been materialised
since early man learned how to protect himself from environmental extremes.
Shelter, as a protective envelope, confronts the undesired impact of climatic elements as well as
securing the privacy and safety of the occupants. Further improvement in the thermal quality of
the indoor environment is achieved through mechanical means, i.e. by the instalment of a heating
and/or cooling system. However, the recent growth in the mechanisation and industrialisation of
Cyprus along with a wide access to energy resources has resulted in far greater expenditure on
mechanical ways of stabilising the thermal quality of the artificial environment to acceptable
conditions. The introduction of the new way of building without taking into concern the climatic
condition, has seriously affected the energy consumption of Cyprus as well as the achievement
of thermal comfort in traditional architecture.
In this chapter some basic aspects of human responses to the different environmental conditions
are briefly studied, and thermal comfort criteria are appraised for both outdoor and indoor
environments in Cyprus, with more attention paid to the latter. The probable periods of
uncomfortable conditions are specified and the relevant recommended solutions are discussed
taking into account the climatologically conditions of Cyprus (Mediterranean climate).
4.2 Overview
Socrates (Greece), and Vitruvius (Italy), had analysed a few thoughts on the climatic suitability
of buildings. They were the first to have started to analyse thermal comfort for Mediterranean
climate. Up to the industrial revolution, thermal comfort was largely an academic question and,
as such, was rarely raised. When it was cold, a fire was lit to ameliorate the conditions. The
potential of the available controls was the limiting factor, rather than the risk of overheating.
When it was hot, the use of hand-operated fans was one of the only possibilities for relief. Only
in exceptional situations was the heat storage capacity of caves used for cooling, or, as in some
other cultures, man-made tunnels and wind towers were used for similar purposes. In none of
these cases was it necessary to specify the desirable environmental conditions.
The development of highly effective heating systems and the appearance of the new air-
conditioning equipment made it quite possible to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. It
became necessary to define what conditions the designer should aim for. Systematic empirical
work began in the early 1920s by Houghton and Yagloglou3 and was continued by Yagloglou
and Drinker4 who approached the problem from the direction of occupational hygiene and
industrial health. Vernon and Warner5 as well as Bedford6 carried out empirical work amongst
factory workers. Analytical work began in the U.S in the mid-1930s and Winslow, Herrington,
and Gagge7 made significant contributions.
During and after the Second World War, research activity increased to such an extent that the
lines of investigation became quite divergent within the framework not only of engineering, but
also within many established disciplines from physiology to geography and climatology. It was
left to an architect, Victor Olgyay8 to bring together the scattered findings and interpret them for
practising users.
Modern thinking suggests that the thermal performance of the building can be predicted with
reasonable accuracy and the building itself can control the indoor conditions by passive means to
an extent far greater than previously believed. Also, any active control system should work in
sympathy with the building, aimed at energy economy. The task of calculation is not only
system sizing, but also the prediction of annual energy usage.
4.3 Thermal exchange between the body and the indoor environment
The relative amount of metabolic heat exchange between the body and the environment depends
upon the degree of physical activity, the level of clothing, properties of the environment and the
ambient air velocity. A body is said to be in a state of thermal equilibrium when the rate of heat
storage within it, is assigned a value of zero. A positive or negative value means that the body is
gaining or losing heat. To maintain the thermal neutral condition some regulation of surface heat
transfer is required. The steady thermal state of the human body may be expressed by the heat
balance equation:
Heat Storage = Metabolic Rate ± Work rate ± Total Latent heat Loss ± Radiant Heat
Transfer ± Convective Heat Transfer (W/m2)
Monitoring body weight, which depends on the several environmental factors described above,
can control the total latent heat loss. Radiant and convective heat transfer depends upon the
environmental mean radiant and air temperature. The surface heat transfer coefficients for
radiation and convection.
Thermal stress
The physiological mechanisms such as the nervous, muscular, circulating and breathing systems,
operate optimally within a narrow temperature range. This temperature range is maintained by a
thermo-regulatory system, which establishes a heat balance within a wide range of
environmental condition.
The deep body temperature must be maintained at about 37oC for the effective operation of its
component organs. Under extreme activity or heavy work, the temperature may rise above 37oC,
and the thermo regulating system might operate for short duration, but when it reaches 42 to
43oC, system will break down and may cause death. Conversely, temperatures below 36oC may
result in muscular weakness and death (hypothermia).11
Due to Cyprus’s climatological conditions the loss of heat from the body becomes more difficult
due to an increase in temperature caused by increase in physical activity may cause the body
temperature to rise above 37oC. The body’s vasomotor regulation against hot conditions then
operates by allowing blood to flow to the skin, thereby increasing the dissipation of heat into the
environment in order to bring down the body temperature to 37oC. But, in spite of the increase
of blood flow to the layers of the body just under the skin and increasing the rate of circulation of
the blood, cooling of the body may still be inadequate. In such circumstances water will then be
released from sweat glands for evaporative cooling. When the body temperature rises more than
2oC above 37oC, people will suffer major losses in efficiency, become sluggish, tired and sleepy.
Continuous body temperature rises above 43oC can be lethal.
Thermal stress is experienced when the thermal balance between the body and the environment
is upset through inadequate conditions of heat balance where the rate of heat generation in the
body is not equal to the rate of heat loss.
Since body heat temperature must remain at 37oC, all surplus heat including simultaneous heat
gain from hot air and solar radiation must be dissipated into the environment. Heat loss from the
skin takes place by a complex mixture of radiation, evaporation, convection and conduction.
The rate of heat loss depends on the temperature of the air, the mean temperature of the
surroundings, air movement, relative humidity, activity and clothing. Body heat loss to the
surrounding environment is briefly described below.
Heat loss by convection: The heat transmission from the body to the air in contact with the skin
or clothing is replaced with cooler air. The rate of convection loss is proportionate to the
temperature difference between skin surface temperature, air temperature and the rate of air
movement. In Cyprus where the air velocity is low, heat transfer takes place by free convection,
which is the temperature difference’s main function.
Heat loss by radiation: This is the heat loss from the body surface to the surrounding surfaces
when there is a temperature difference between the two surfaces. The heat loss from the outer
surface of the skin to the outer surface of the clothing by conduction then to the air by
convection and by radiation, depending on the air velocity and the temperature difference
between the two surfaces. The rate of heat lost by radiation depends on the effective radiation
area of the body and the temperature of the environment.
Heat loss by evaporation: Body heat loss by evaporation takes place when the excess heat cannot
be lost by convection and radiation alone. The evaporation of moisture i.e. sweating, from the
surface of the body helps to cool down the body. The respiration process due to the temperature
difference between the inspired and expired air also loses heat. The rate of evaporation of heat
loss depends on the relative humidity of the air and the amount of moisture available for
Heat loss by conduction: This is the heat loss that takes place when there is direct contact of the
skin with an object of lower temperature. The rate of conduction depends on the temperature
difference between the body surface and the object in contact, e.g. clothes, boundary layer of air.
Heat Balance and Heat Balance Equation: One of the most important functions of the body’s
thermoregulatory system is to maintain an essential internal body temperature for healthy
survival. For a long exposure to a constant thermal environment with a constant metabolic rate,
a heat balance will exist such that the rate of heat generation in the body must be equal to the rate
of heat loss from it, and there should be no significant heat storage within the body. Based on
Fanger’s12 equation the above conditions can be expressed as follows:
The skin senses the way in which the human body responds to environmental changes. The
feeling of comfort or discomfort depends on the skin temperature. The average skin temperature
should be maintained at 34oC for thermal comfort. This is accomplished by balancing the heat
input to the skin and the heat loss. Either the body will gain or lose heat when there is a
temperature difference between the body and the environment or evaporation will take place.
The limits of existence of human life can be defined in the terms of deep body temperature as
35oC and 40oC, the normal being about 37oC. The skin temperature should always be less than
these values and the temperature of the environment should be slightly less than the skin
temperature in order to allow adequate, but not excessive, heat dissipation. Table 4.113 gives a
summary of critical temperatures. The range of environmental conditions, which will allow such
adequate, but not excessive, heat dissipation, will allow a ‘sense of physical well-being,’
commonly assigned as comfortable is thus referred to as the ‘comfort zone.’
Table 4.1 Critical body temperature (a crude guide)
40oC Hyperthermia
Evaporative Regulation
37oC Comfort
31-34 C
35oC Metabolic regulation
4.4 Effect of environmental and subjective factors on thermal comfort sensation of the
people in the summers of Cyprus
The human response to the thermal environment depends on many environmental factors such as
air and means radiant temperature, relative humidity, radiation and air velocity. But thermal
sensation does not depend on air temperature alone but rather on simultaneously the affect of the
four elements and they must be considered together in order to assess thermal responses. To
appreciate the effects of these environmental factors, it is necessary to examine briefly each of
the factors separately.
In the summers of Cyprus the average range of air temperatures in the shade is between 27 and
32oC, which is still below skin temperature (normally about 34oC), and so heat dissipation may
still take place. But when the temperature rises above 34oC, heat loss to the surrounding air may
be difficult. Radiant heat from the sun can substantially increase the heat gain to the body. But
as long as this heat gain is below skin temperature, heat loss and comfort sensation can still be
Relative Humidity
The relative humidity of the air does not directly affect the dissipation of the heat from the body
but it determines the evaporative capacity of the air and hence the cooling efficiency of sweating.
The evaporative capacity is determined by the difference between the vapour pressure of the skin
and the ambient air. The vapour pressure of the skin depends on its temperature and ranges from
about 37mmHg, under comfortable conditions (skin temperature at 33oC) to 42 mmHg in
moderate heat conditions (skin at 35oC), and 47mm in severe heat (skin at 37oC). In most
circumstances 42mmHg is a suitable working value.
Metabolic heat production determines the rate of sweat secretion and evaporation. The sweat
evaporates in the pores of the skin as it is secreted. When the ratio of sweat rate production to
the evaporative capacity of the air reaches a value where the sweat cannot all be evaporated as it
emerges from the pores of the skin, a liquid layer is formed around the pores producing an area
of wet skin.
At air temperatures in the range of 20-25oC the humidity level does not affect the physiological
and sensory responses. At temperatures above 25oC the influence of humidity on the responses
becomes apparent, especially through the effect on skin wetness, skin temperature and sweat
rate. An increase in air velocity counterbalances the effect of humidity. The physiological and
sensory response to humidity elevation is raised as the air velocity increases. In the hot summers
of Cyprus a high humidity may cause unpleasantness because of excessive wetness of the skin
and skin temperature.
Humidity has little effect on the sensation of thermal comfort when it is only moderate, i.e.
between the ranges of 40 to 60%. A person engaged in sedentary work will dissipate the surplus
heat easily, however in a hot-humid climate where the relative humidity remains high mostly,
from 60 to 85%, it may become critical because it determines the possible evaporation rate.
Moisture from the skin evaporates slowly. There are occasions when the air reaches saturation
point, when the moisture on ones’ skin cannot evaporate and sweat will remain sticky on the skin
and may cause sleeping difficulties.
This is a common climatic problem in most hot-humid climates, which can only be rectified by
increasing air movement to allow evaporation to take place. Mechanical fans are the only means
of providing the necessary air movement during such conditions, which are often experienced at
night when the humidity is higher than the day and the air speeds are relatively lower.
Solar Radiation
Solar radiation can affect thermal sensation significantly. Direct solar radiation falling on the
body surface will activate the same sensory organs as activated by the warmth of the air. The
combined effect of the solar radiation and warm air will increase the air temperature surrounding
the body surfaces. If the increase is higher than skin temperature, heat dissipation will be
In Cyprus direct radiation occurs for a long period due to the absence of large amounts of clouds.
A clothed human, physically active in direct sunlight, could suffer heat stroke in an environment
of 27oC, at 80% relative humidity. During mid-day when solar radiation is at its peak, the
cooling of the body by taking refuge under a shade of a tree may reduce the temperature of the
body to below skin temperature. The air temperature under the shade is typically about 27oC.
Air Velocity
Air velocity affects the human body by increasing or decreasing the convective heat exchange of
the body, which determines the evaporative capacity of the air next to the body and consequently
the cooling efficiency of sweating. The effect of air velocity and air temperature on the
convective heat exchange is interrelated, as convection is a function of velocity and temperature
difference between the skin and the air. The affect of air velocity on evaporative capacity is
interrelated to the affect of humidity, as an increase in air velocity raises the evaporative capacity
and reduces the affect of high humidity.
Air speeds above 1 m/s can cause annoyance and the maximum air temperature that can
satisfactorily be compensated by general air movement is about 28oC. At high air temperatures
there is an optimum value of the air velocity at which the air motion produces the highest
cooling. Reduction of the air velocity to below this level causes discomfort and heating by
reduced efficiency of sweating. Increasing the air speed beyond the level of optimum velocity
causes heating by convection. This optimum velocity is not constant, although it is dependant on
the temperature, humidity, metabolic level and clothing.
Air movement is an essential factor in order to achieve comfort in the summers of Cyprus. By
increasing the rate of evaporation, heat dissipation of the skin is also increased. Convective heat
loss takes place as long as the air temperature is less than the skin temperature.
Apart from the four main environmental factors, which affect the thermal sensation of thermal
comfort discussed previously, thermal preferences are also influenced by subjective and non-
quantifiable factors of individuals. In Cyprus climate an individuals’ discomfort is reduced by
adjustment of one or a combination of the following variables.
Clothing ensembles
Choosing clothes can be varied according to the discretion of the individual. He or she can exert
a considerable degree of control over most forms of heat exchange between the body surface and
the environment. During periods of saturated water vapour, men respond by staying with half of
the body covered by short trousers allowing evaporation from a larger part of the body. Women
normally wear thin cotton clothes. The most common ensemble is a lightweight cotton shirt and
trousers, sandal shoes with or without socks. The insulation value expressed in terms of ‘clo’
(discussed later) may range from 0.1 to 1. However the value recommended by Fanger14, suitable
for the hot-humid climates can be in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 clo.
Acclimatisation to a condition in a new location influences both the metabolic rate and the blood
circulation of the individual. The human body normally needs 30 days to reach full adjustment
to the new condition. A person in Cyprus would prefer average room temperature of 27oC and
will feel rather cool when arriving in the United Kingdom when the average room temperature is
preferred at 20oC.
Body shape
The rate of dissipation of body heat to the environment depends on the surface to the volume of a
body. A tall thin body has a greater surface area than a short rounded figure. Larger body
surface will dissipate heat more quickly. A heavier person will need cooler air to dissipate heat
State of health
The state of health affects the metabolic heat production. When a person is ill, heat production is
increased and the tolerable range of temperatures is narrower. The body needs external means to
maintain the balance such as changing external environments.
Skin colour
Light colour skin reflects more light than darker colour skins but also absorb ultra violet to a
larger extent. Dark skin has more melanin pigment which helps prevent the penetration of ultra
violet, which causes skin diseases and sunburn.
4.5.1 Overview
The most widely used comfort index is that developed by Fanger.18 Thermal comfort is defined
as the condition of mind, which expresses satisfaction with its surrounding thermal environment.
Dissatisfaction may be caused by warm or cool discomfort of the body in general, as expressed
by the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied) indices.19
Due to individual differences, it is impossible to specify a thermal environment that will satisfy
everybody. A percentage of the occupants can always be expected to be dissatisfied.
Nevertheless, it may be possible to specify environments predicted to be experienced as
acceptable by a certain percentage of the occupants. In the ISO standard, comfort requirements
are specified to be satisfactory for at least 80 percent of the occupants.
In steady-state conditions, ones’ thermal sensation is mainly related to the thermal balance of
his/her body as a whole. This balance is influenced by his/her physical activity and clothing, as
well as by the environmental parameters, regarding air temperature, mean radiant temperature,
air velocity and air humidity. When these factors are known, the thermal sensation for the body
as a whole can be predicted by the PMV index (Predicted Mean Vote), utilising a seven-point
scale from cold to hot.20 The PMV may be calculated by computer from a formula, tables or
may be measured directly by an instrument.21 The ISO standard recommends the following
criteria for the Predicted Mean Vote:
This means a PPD (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied) of lower than 10 per cent.
Corresponding comfort limits for the temperature may be found from figure 4.1 as a function of
activity and clothing.
The temperature given in figure 4.1 is the operative temperature that is uniform of an enclosure
in which an occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as
in the actual non-uniform environment. For most applications, the operative temperature is
approximately equal to the mean value of mean radiant and air temperatures. The curves in
figure 4.1 show the optimal operative temperature, in other words, the operative temperature
which will satisfy most people at any given clothing and activity. The shaded areas in figure 4.1
provide information about the acceptable range around the optimal temperature. The acceptable
temperature range becomes wider the higher the activity and the heavier the clothing.
Figure 4.1 Information about the acceptable range around the optimal temperature
In Figure 4.1 the optimal temperature corresponding to Predicted Mean Vote (PMV = 0) as a
function of activity and clothing. The shaded areas inform about the comfort range ± Δt around
the optimal inside temperature, which corresponds to –0.5<PMV<+0.5.
The activity in a given space should be estimated. Corresponding metabolic rates are shown in
figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 Corresponding metabolic rates
The insulation of clothing worn in a space should then be estimated, and figure 4.3 shows clo
values for typical clothing ensembles. The standard also provides a method for estimating the
clo value of clothing ensembles from the clo values of individual garments. The clo values have
been measured on a standing thermal manikin. On a person at a higher level of activity, the clo
values will be lower, due to a ‘pumping’ effect. When a person is sitting, the chair may add 0.1-
0.2 clo to the total insulation.
Using the ‘met’ and ‘clo’ values the optimal operative temperature and its tolerance limit may be
read from figure 4.1.
Two important examples of the application of figure 4.1 are comprised of light, mainly sedentary
activity during winter and summer. This activity of 1.2 met is typical for many spaces in
practice, for example in offices and homes. Typical indoor clothing during winter would have an
insulation of 1 clo, while summer clothing would be around 0.5 clo. According to figure 4.1,
this would correspond to a comfort range of 20-24o C during winter and 23-26o during summer.
The reasons for the variation of thermal preferences are probably twofold:
The first of these is no longer disputed. The ASHRAE22 comfort standard 55-66 gave the
comfort zone bounds of 20% and 60% relative humidity lines, 22.9oC and 25.3oC dry bulb
temperature lines for persons wearing 0.8-1 clo clothing.
Individual’s clothing levels however, vary with the season. Gonzalez and Nishi23 found that the
lower comfort limit of 22.2oC set by 55-74 is valid for people wearing 0.85 clo, at an activity
level of 1.1 met, resulting in 5% of the population being dissatisfied. Adding a woollen pullover,
thus increasing clothing to 1.15 clo, 80% of the population would find 20oC acceptable.
In summer, Gagge et al.24 observed the following clothing levels in New York:
People dressed for the season, rather than for the expected indoor temperature. They suggested
that 80% of the population would be satisfied:
in winter, with 20 to 21oC, wearing 1 to 1.2 clo,
In the latest revision of the ASHRAE comfort standard published last year, the role of
acclimatisation and habit is still not recognised but the standard is based on the recognition that
people wear different clothes in summer and winter. The vapour pressure (or dew-point
temperature) limits are the same as before, but for summer the temperature limits are slightly
increased and for winter they are substantially reduced. The basis of this is an assumption of 0.5
clo for summer and 0.9 clo for winter.
The new revision permits a variation of 1.1oC from peak-to-peak. If the variation exceeds this,
its rate must be limited to 2.2oC/h, and more than 0.6oC should not exceed the comfort limits.
The role of these mechanisms is empirically well documented. An interesting paper was
presented by Banhidi27 at the ICBEM in Portugal: in his laboratory he tested the thermal
performance of over 20 people, divided into two groups, students in their early twenties and
pensioners. To his surprise and contrary to all expectations, he found that students prefer higher
temperatures than the pensioners, the mean neutralities being:
The explanation found was as follows: students lived in colleges, having a continuously operated
district heating system, whilst the pensioners lived on their own and could only afford to heat
one room, even that, only intermittently.28 This is a clearly demonstrated case of the influence of
habit on thermal preferences. This throws some doubt on the validity of tests, such as those
reported by Gonzalez and Nishi29 where the previous conditioning of the experimental subjects is
not known.
Much has been written about the problems of the “white man’s” adaptation to tropical climates.
Lee30 gave a good summary of many relevant opinions. Few of these had any factual base and
when authors such as Markham31 refer to the “degeneration of energetic whites” in tropical
climates, it appears to be pure speculation. Climate may have an influence, but social and
psychological factors are more probable reasons if any such “degeneration” occurs.32
All other factors being satisfactory, the acclimatisation process can be completed in four to five
months. This was well illustrated by a study of Damm and Fenelon.33 They carried out a series
of physical and psychological tests on a group of European immigrants in Australia, repeated
three times:
1. At the reception centre (Bonegilla, Victoria Lat. 37o S) shortly after arrival from a European
winter in May, mean range of temperatures 6 – 15.5o C;
2. At Townsville (Northern Queensland lat. 18o S) shortly after arrival there for work on
sugarcane plantations, in June, mean range of temperature 14.7o – 25.5o C;
3. At the same location, after four months of acclimatisation, in October, mean range of
temperatures 20.5o – 29.3o C with very high humidity.
During the second series there was a reduction in physical performance as compared to the first,
and there were complaints of fatigue. During the third series both the physical and the
psychological test results were identical with the first. The acclimatisation was complete.
4.5.4 Draught
Another source of local discomfort is draught, which is defined as an unwanted, local cooling of
the body caused by air movement. In practice, draughts are one of the most common reasons for
complaints. According to the ISO standard 7730, the mean air velocity is limited to 0.15 m/s
during winter and 0.25 m/s during summer conditions34 35. The importance of turbulence for the
sensation of draught may explain many complaints occurring in practice although the mean
velocity may meet existing comfort standards. There is a need to update these standards to
include this new insight in draught risk. People do not like velocity fluctuations. The strategy to
avoid draught is therefore to keep the mean velocity and the turbulence intensity in the occupied
zone as low as possible. Selecting a proper air distribution system can do this. Displacement
ventilation with low turbulence seems to be promising for many applications. Any reduction in
the ventilation requirements caused by reduction of pollution sources may also decrease the
mean velocity in the occupied zone and thus simultaneously reduce the risk of draughts.
The following works summarise some of the investigations and experiments carried out to
determine the comfort zone of human beings. Markham36 suggested that sunstroke or heat stroke
was the upper temperature limit for man’s existence with the freezing point as the lower limit.
The ideal temperature may be assumed to be midway between these two extremes. He suggested
that a temperature from 15.6 to 24.5oC as constituting an ideal zone, with relative humidity
varying from 40 to 70%.
Vernon and Bedford37 stated that the ideal temperature, with slight air movement was 19oC in
summer and 16.7oC in winter. Bedford gives the ideal indoor temperature as 17.8oC in winter
and defined a comfort zone, which ranged from 13.2 to 23.2oC in the summer.
For different climatic regions, Brooks38 recommended that the comfort zone for Britain lies
between 14.5 to 21.1oC, 20.6 to 26.7oC for the United States and between 23.4 to 29.5oC in the
Tropics with relative humidity between 30 to 70%.
Houghton and Yagloglou39 suggested that the comfort zone was between 17.2 to 21.7oC for both
men and women and the optimum effective temperature was at 18.9oC.
Saini,40 who has been working extensively on projects in hot-arid climate, has made some
interesting observations on the comfort range for such climate. He suggested that thermal
comfort for hot-arid climate lies between 31.1 to 33.9oC.
The above range of observations outlines the probable range of comfort zones for people.
However, Olgyay41 argued that there are no precise criteria by which comfort can be evaluated.
He suggested that it could be defined negatively as a situation where no feeling of discomfort
occurs. This “No feeling of discomfort zone” is very similar to the zone of thermal neutrality.
The comfort zone does not have real boundaries as comfort parameters are based on arbitrary
assumptions. The only criterion adopted for the definition of a comfort zone are at conditions
where the average person will not experience the feeling of discomfort, this has led to the
emergence of the ‘lack of discomfort’ theory.
Since comfort zone is a subjective assessment of the environmental conditions there is no precise
criterion by which comfort can be evaluated. It can be defined negatively as a situation where no
feeling of discomfort occurs, which constitutes the perimeter of the comfort zone that is the ‘lack
of discomfort’ zone.
Work on discomfort by Billington and Chrenko42 indicated that the following elements result
with a fall in productivity, health and an increase in industrial accidents:
Conditions of stress
Increasing in air temperature
Varying humidity and rate of air flow
Increasing in effective temperature
However, when stress conditions did not apply, for example, at air temperatures of 20oC,
comfort conditions were assumed to occur. Comfort can thus be defined as lack of thermal
stress. In the region of lack of stress there is no optimum standard or tolerances. Optimum
comfort conditions could not be specified.
Other researchers indicate that global temperature is a satisfactory measure of the thermal
environment and that a 20oC globe temperature agrees to 1oC with environmental temperature.
It was suggested that provided a person can be suitably clothed, thermal balance is possible for a
wide variety of temperatures. The mean temperature of a room may be chosen upon criteria
other than the sensation of warmth, but optimum performance of a particular task or the ability to
be lightly dressed yet sufficiently warm.
While working on the same subject O’Sullivan43 stated that there is in fact no such thing as a
comfort zone but rather that there are zones of discomfort, lack of discomfort and pleasure.
Webb, Humphreys and Nicol tend to support these views, upon earlier reports.
The concept of a lack of discomfort zone suggests that thermal balance is possible for a wide
variety of temperatures provided a person can be suitably clothed. Design for a lack of
discomfort zone must recognise that differences are to be foreseen from individual to individual,
under similar conditions. An individual human being prefers to have a degree of control in his
environment and people do not stay uncomfortable if they can help it. They either change their
environment or adapt to it by changing activity, posture, clothing or physiology. The
behavioural response of an individual to any particular stimulus depends upon social conditions
and constraints. Imposing of controlled comfortable constant thermal conditions may not be
acceptable physiologically or socially. Allowance for flexibility can lead to a greater
It is important to consider that the design of the internal environment largely depends on the
primary elements of the building itself, particularly the climatic modification characteristic of the
building fabric. Lack of consideration of the above may lead to unsatisfactory thermal
performance of the building and may affect internal comfort of the building itself.
The Psychometric Chart provides a graphic representation of the full state of the air under any
condition. It relates temperature on the horizontal scale to moisture on the vertical scale. If the
temperature of a given volume of air is decreased to the point at which it can hold no more
moisture, it becomes saturated. The corresponding temperature is called the dew point and is
shown by a curved line, which gives the chart its distinguishing shape.
Given any point on such a graph, a wide range of information about the state of the air can be
found. This includes all the major climatic indicators, dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures,
relative and absolute humidity, vapour pressure, air volume and even enthalpy.
If hourly weather data for a location is known, it is possible to plot this on the chart as frequency
data. With a range of overlays, a simple visual analysis of such information can actually tell you
a lot about the characteristics of a climate. Figure 4.4 shows a red area at its centre. This
represents the comfort zone, which is based on the annual thermal neutrality temperature,
Standard Effective Temperature (SET) lines at +/- 2°C either side and absolute humidity values
between 4 and 12 g/kg.
When hourly data is plotted as points on the graph, and the relative effects of various passive
design techniques on the comfort zone are overlaid, it quickly becomes obvious which systems
are the most appropriate for any climate. This information forms the basis of the passive design
analysis system. The effects of a range of passive design systems can be overlaid on the chart.
The chart is colour schemed as follows:
Pink: Passive Solar Heating
Red: Comfort Zone
Purple: Natural Ventilation
Blue: Thermal Mass Effect
Light Blue: Thermal Mass Effect + Night-purge Ventilation
Green: Direct Evaporative Cooling
Dark Green: Indirect Evaporative Cooling
Figure 4.4 psychometric chart with the comfort zone and the yearly climatic conditions in
Olgyay first published his chart in 1953 in a paper entitled ‘Bioclimatic Approach to
Architecture’44 and it was included in his well known book Design with Climate45. Although
Olgyay based his chart on the best available published scientific information, some scientists
would consider it as intelligent guesswork, which has never been fully validated. However, it
seems to work, and both his approach and his chart had a seminal influence.
The chart takes into account all four atmospheric factors of thermal sensation without attempting
to construct a single-figure index. Such indices conceal the contribution of individual factors.
For example, a statement such as ‘it is 25oC ET’ could mean any of the following (including
many other combinations):
In architecture and building design, the various factors may be controlled by different means,
therefore it is important to be able to recognise each individually.
Olgyay first defines a “comfort zone” in terms of dry bulb temperature (vertical axis) and
relative humidity (horizontal axis.) Humidity between 30% and 65% is preferred, but under some
temperature conditions it is acceptable as low as 18% and as high as 77%. The temperature
limits (the parallel part of the comfort zone) are given for the moderate climates of the United
States, at around 40o latitude, for persons wearing 1 clo clothing, as 21oC and 28oC for summer,
20oC and 24.5oC for winter. For lower latitudes, the bottom limit of the zone may be elevated by
0.42oC for every 5o latitude change. The top would be similarly elevated, but not beyond 29.5oC.
Olgyay then examines the cooling effect of air movements and by a family of curves above the
comfort zone (measured in ft/min), he shows the limits to which the comfort zone would be
moved up if wind of velocity were present.
Radiation would have the inverse effect: it would make lower temperatures acceptable.
Yagloglou, suggests that every degree oC drop in temperature would be counteracted by 74W/m²
solar radiation. A series of curves measured in Btu/h shows the limits to which the comfort zone
would be lowered if that amount of radiation were present. For indoor conditions he suggests
that every degree drop in DBT (air temperature) can be counteracted by a 0.8 degree increase in
MRT (mean radiant temperature).
The practical limit seems to have about 3oC difference between DBT and MRT. Figure 4.5
shows the bioclimatic chart in its architectural version. The chart is a useful tool for an initial
climate analysis. The yearly climatic data (temperature and humidity) can be plotted on the
chart. This can be done at several levels of accuracy: one dot for each hour of the year; one dot
for each hour for an average day of each month (possibly connected by a line, giving a figure-
eight form loop for each month); or two points for each month (the mean minimum temperature
with early morning mean humidity and the mean maximum temperature with the afternoon
humidity, then the two points connected by a line [as shown]).
Thus the position of the area defined in relation to the comfort zone, would indicate the nature of
the climatic problem and suggest some remedial measure.
Figure 4.5 Bioclimatic chart with the comfort zone and the yearly external climatic conditions in
Olgyay`s method, based on a bioclimatic chart, was the first attempt to systematise the
incorporation of climatic conditions into the design of buildings. It is a useful method for the
assessment of comfortable and/or uncomfortable conditions likely to be found in a given
environment. It also recommends the relevant comfort requirements whenever conditions are
out of the comfort range. Despite its principle purpose, to evaluate the comfort criteria for both
the outdoor and indoor environments, Olgyay`s method has proved its major application for the
outdoor environments.
Olgyay`s bio-climatic chart, which was originally prepared for latitude 4ON is reproduced for
latitude 35N to suit Cyprus. According to Olgyay (1963), for latitudes below 40N, the comfort
zone must be elevated by about 0.11C per degree latitude. Therefore, the comfort zone is
shifted up by approximately 0.5C.
The input of climatic data requires the mean maximum and mean minimum values of dry-bulb
temperature, and relative humidity of the air (the daily and/or the monthly values). The ordinate
and the abscissa of the chart indicate the scales of temperature and relative humidity of the air
respectively. The comfort zone, which is given separately for summer and winter, lies from 21.5
to 28ºC for summer and between 20.5 and 25oC for winter (on the corrected temperature scale).
Above the comfort zone, comfort requires different levels of air movement and evaporative
cooling; these are indicated by a set of curves. For the lower limits of comfort zone, the
requirement for radiation and clothing are also shown. The expansion of the comfort zone
upward and /or downward for various expected MRT-values is also indicated on the left side of
the chart. The requirement for avoiding solar radiation is specified by the shading line below
which solar radiation is necessary.
4.9 The optimum indoors conditions for residential buildings in winter in Cyprus
In the 1950s and 1960s it was almost general practice in the U.S.A to keep buildings heated in
winter and cooled in summer to a steady and unchanging temperature of 23.8o C or even in many
cases going overboard and cooling to 22.2o C in the summer. It is salutary to compare indoor
temperature (winter) recommendations (Table 4.2), e.g., for residential buildings by various
bodies and their changes over the years.
According to the results of bioclimatic analyses of the outdoor environment in Cyprus, the winter
conditions do not appear to impose a crucial design problem for most regions of Cyprus.
However the consumption of energy to maintain indoor comfort in the winter is comprised of
most of the annual consumption in a residential building. And thus, in this part of this research,
the main attention is focused on maintaining the winter indoor comfort in the various climatic
regions of Cyprus. The design methodologies are generally based on the heating strategies in
residential buildings.
In traditional houses, the weight of the building structure contributes considerably to the
conditioning of the winter indoor environment. In general, indoor comfort is achieved to a lesser
extent by heating, and to a greater extent by the wearing of heavy clothing. In contemporary
houses, the effectiveness of the building structure is much less than that of traditional buildings.
Thus, to maintain comfort, the occupants are obliged to rely more upon heating as well as
heavier levels of clothing. Accordingly, it is contemporary houses that suffer extensively from
the inability to maintain comfort, rather than the traditional houses. Hence, the occupants of a
contemporary house are forced to acclimatise to an indoor environment, which, for the majority
of families, is uncomfortably cold because of the inefficiency the building maintains in order to
condition the indoor environment during the winter season.
Higher savings in energy can be achieved by the adoption of proper control systems for the
heating installation. Manual control systems, if not used conscientiously, can result in higher
spending. The sensitivity of the human body to overheated conditions by one or two degrees
centigrade is relatively weak, and thus, people tend to regulate the system whenever they sense
the environment has become overheated. Therefore, the overall annual energy consumption will
be wastefully increased.
The sensitivity of electric thermostats to air temperature, radiation and air movement makes it
possible to control the combined effect of all three factors in the indoor thermal conditions. The
combined effect of the three mentioned environmental factors are known as globe temperature,
measured by a globe thermometer. Globe temperature is often times taken as equal to the dry
bulb temperature for indoor environments, as suggested by Givoni46 (1976). Note that these
assumed surface temperatures are equal to the air temperatures, which was not the case in
heavyweight traditional buildings.
The human body responds to ambient temperature changes with types of activities and with the
weight of clothing. The higher the level of activity and the weight of clothing, the lower the
temperature desired, and vice-versa. Therefore, it is important that an optimum weight of
clothing is determined, before an indoor temperature is adopted.
Adopting an indoor temperature by the prior procedure, also ensures saving on energy
consumption. Since the higher the weight of clothing, the lower the optimum indoor
temperature, subsequently the energy demand for heating will lessen.
To appraise the optimum indoor conditions for Cyprus buildings, Humphreys’ 47 comfort chart,
based on Fanger’s method48 (1970), is used. Humphreys’ comfort chart uses globe temperature
as the indoor comfort criteria and unlike Olgyay`s49 (1963) and Givoni`s50 (1976) comfort charts
allows for the variation of clo values (level of clothing) from 0 to 3 clo. This is the main reason
why Givoni`s bio-climatic chart (especially for indoor studies) is not used in this appraisal, as
this chart is based on a clo value of 1. Figure 4.6 shows Humphreys’ chart, where globe and/or
dry bulb temperature (C) is indicated on the vertical axis. Comfort zones for different clo
values are shown between a pair of diagonal lines each indicating the upper and lower endurance
limits for different weights of clothing under different temperature conditions and level of
According to Humphreys’ comfort chart, assuming clothing with a thermal resistance of 1 clo is
worn, the optimum indoor conditions for a light level of activity, i.e., resting and sitting (50 and
60 met. respectively) varies between 19.5oC and 25oC globe temperature. Therefore the
optimum indoor design temperature can be accepted as 22.5oC, i.e. the average between the
upper and lower limits of the optimum range. Figure 4.6 presents the comfort chart for the
indoor conditions in the climate of Cyprus.
Figure 4.6 Humphreys comfort chart for the indoor conditions of Cyprus. 35ºN
Fanger’s comfort equation attempts to predict a single neutrality temperature, valid for all
climates, regardless of acclimatisation, dependent on clothing and activity level only. This is
contrary to accumulated knowledge as well as to the most recent research findings. Perhaps the
most interesting development in this subject is Humphreys51work. Humphreys carried out a
detailed examination of over 60 thermal comfort studies previously reported from various parts
of the world, where the mean neutrality temperature varied from 17oC to 31oC (figure 4.7). He
then collected climatic data for all the locations for the period of the original studies and
examined the correlation of neutralities with these outdoor temperatures. For non-heated, non-
air-conditioned buildings the neutrality temperature is
Tn = 11.9 + 0.534To
Where To is the mean outdoor temperature for the month(s) considered. The correlation
coefficient was found to be 0.97 and the residual standard deviation about the line defined by this
regression function is less than 1oC. All data points were within the 95% confidence limits.
For air-conditioned or heated building the regression function was found to be:
The correlation coefficient is 0.72 and the residual standard deviation is 1.5o C.
Upon examining Humphreys’ results, Auliciems found that the strange curve at the cold end of
the figure 4.7 is due to the inclusion of some data from the north of the USSR, which showed an
increase in preferred temperatures in the colder climates. As this was probably due to the
unusual asymmetrical scaling method employed by Goromosov, this data was excluded. At the
same time, Auliciems, made use of more recent data from Australia. The final database included
52 studies and some 250,000 individual votes. By an extensive statistical analysis, Auliciems
found that for all buildings the regression of neutrality on mean outdoor temperature gives
Tn = 17.6 + 0.31To(oC)
He also found that the range of acceptable conditions is from Tn – 2 to Tn + 2 (oC). The
correlation coefficient is 0.88 so there is no loss of apparent accuracy compared with
Humphrey’s' results which were for all buildings.
It is suggested that this simple formula would adequately predict thermal neutrality and
consequently the 4oC wide comfort zone. This would be valid not only for different locations
(using annual mean temperature), but also for different seasons of the year in the same location,
if for each month’s comfort limits the mean temperature of the preceding month were used.
Some authors suggest that variations in temperature are quite acceptable. Humphreys and
Nicol52 for example, gave a summary of their findings in a graph, which shows the percentage of
time when conditions would be judged as comfortable and as a function of the variability of
temperature (expressed as monthly standard deviation of globe temperature, in degrees C). It
shows that even with the optimum temperature, the average person would be dissatisfied some 3
to 4% of the time and that a standard deviation of 1oC would make practically no difference.
Sprague and McNall53 concerned themselves with acceptable limits of short-term variability of
dry bulb temperature, such as that caused by thermostat cycling. They found that a peak-to-peak
variation (ΔT) is acceptable up to the limit of
ΔT = 4.63.P (o K)
Where P is the cycle period in hours.
Later Kusuda et al.54 reviewed several studies showing substantial energy savings if a swing of
internal temperature is permitted, Shavit55 found that a swing between 21.1 and 24.4oC would
give a 37% energy saving in Pittsburgh and in San Diego some 61% in cooling and 93% in
heating. McNall et al.56 examined four locations and concluded allowing a swing of 8 K up to
75% of the building energy use can be saved. Berglund and Gonzales57 suggested that a drift of
0.5oC/h is almost imperceptible up to a limit of 2oC deviation from the optimum.
Other authors think that short-term variations in temperature are not only acceptable, but also
desirable. Givoni58 suggests that ‘slight fluctuations in the indoor conditions, such as
temperature and air velocity, are beneficial, as they prevent a monotonous feeling and have an
invigorating effect.’ Loudon and Petherbridge59 argued that maintaining a constant indoor
temperature in air-conditioned buildings is not only uneconomical and wasteful in energy but
also undesirable. They suggested that, if the mean temperature for the working day is between
20 to 24oC then a swing of 4oC, that is ±2oC during the working day, is desirable.
It is well over hundred years ago that Weber (1795-1878) and Fechner (1801-1887) laid the
foundations of the new science of psychophysics, the study of relationships between physical
and corresponding psychological events.
Fechner’s law: R = K log S
relates a stimulus to a response, where both S and R are measurable on some scale.
The most well known scales for the measurement of thermal sensation (response) are those of
ASHRAE and Bedford, given in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Thermal comfort scales
n ASHRAE Bedford
+3 hot Much too warm
+2 warm Too warm
+1 Slightly warm Comfortably warm
0 Neutral Comfortable
-1 Slightly cool Comfortably cool
-2 Cool Too cool
-3 cold Much too cool
The semantics imply that the ASHRAE scale measures a thermal sensation, but the Bedford
scale brings in the broader concept of comfort. However, even the use of the ASHRAE scale
requires a judgement. As Stevens61 refers to it: we measure a “judgement continuum” against a
“stimulus continuum” and only assume that the judgement corresponds to a sensation. His
“power law” is put in the form
J =k.Sn
J is judgement
S is stimulus; k is a constant
n is an exponent, suggested as n = 1 for cold; n = 1.6 for warmth; and n = 0.6 for loudness, etc.
In a later version, (S – So) is substituted for S, where So is the stimulus at threshold level, or, in
case of thermal stimuli, the neutrality temperature. He also suggests that there is no simple way
of knowing whether the judgement expressed is analogous with the sensation experienced.
Stevens and Hall62 showed in relation to light and sound perception that both n and k depend on
the duration of exposure and that the senses integrate the effect of stimulation over time. Marks
and Stevens63 reported on temporal summation of thermal stimuli: 3 and 6 second exposures are
well described by the power law, but shorter durations are influenced by the delaying action of
skin resistance. If the change in skin temperature (ΔT) is taken as the stimulus, over short
durations only partial summation occurs and over longer durations there appears to be no
summation. At low levels of ΔT, a “reverse summation” occurs.
Mark and Stevens64 also considered spatial summation. Earlier work showed that the same
thermal sensation could be produced (above a threshold) by larger stimulus acting on a smaller
skin area, as by a lesser stimulus over a greater area. However, the degree of spatial summation
decreases with the increase of warmth and disappears at the threshold of pain. Reaction time
also becomes shorter with increased area of increased heat input. For even short exposure times,
the threshold of pain is higher.
This ongoing work may be of interest from the physiological point of view, but has little
immediate relevance to architects and designers.
There is no doubt that the basic mechanism of thermal sensation is physiological, but
discriminatory, affective, and cognitive layers overlay it. Cabanac suggested the term
“alliesthesia” to describe the variability of sensation caused by the same stimulus, depending on
internal signals of the subject. He suggested the following mechanism of thermal perception:
The affective aspect of this sensation (pleasure or displeasure) is not entirely stimulus-bound; it
depends on internal signals. To a body in hyperthermia, a cold stimulus (even below the normal
pain threshold) will cause pleasure. In hypothermia a hot stimulus, which would otherwise be
unpleasant or even painful, would cause pleasure. He concluded that what is ‘useful’ will be
judged as ‘pleasant.’
The picture is further complicated by the fact that in real-life situations, man is not a passive
experimental subject; he or she will react to the thermal stimuli by behavioural or even
technological adjustments. The simple vote cast on a seven-point scale is ‘verbal behaviour,’
involving all the above levels.
Such a reasoning led Auliciems65 to put forward the psycho physiological model of thermal
perception shown in figure 4.8. He also suggests that the term ‘thermal comfort’ has become
hackneyed to such an extent that it has lost its precise meaning. It is today no more than a
general functional term, covering a whole range of parameters and processes. The term
‘neutrality’ should be used at the ‘sensation’ level. What the ASHRAE scale measures are
‘satisfaction’ which is at the ‘affective level’ of integration, being influenced by past experience
and thermal expectation and involving cognitive processes as well as hitherto inadequately
explained psychological factors. This is why the colour of surroundings or noise,66 may have an
influence of thermal perception. “Thermopreferendum” is the term that should be employed for
the still higher ‘effective’ level of integration (what people want), which should be the designer’s
Figure 4.8 psycho physiological model of thermal perception
The work first carried out by the Western Electric Company (but since then has repeated and
confirmed many times by independent work) showed that employee reaction to changes in
environmental conditions depends on the prevailing labour relations. If trust and understanding
exist, the reaction will be positive to a wide variety of changes. In a hostile situation, the
employee will be suspicious of even the best-intentioned changes and react negatively.
Sommer concluded that there is no simple relationship between single environmental elements
and human behaviour. The latter is very complex; the environmental effects would be filtered
and mediated by individual attitudes, which in turn may be determined by group processes. So,
the thermopreferendum is dependent not only on physical environmental stimuli, but also on
social and psychological factors.
4.12 Time and thermal comfort
The physics and physiology of human temperature regulations have been understood for many
years, and this knowledge has enabled thermal comfort standards to be based on a mathematical
model of the heat-exchange between the human being and the thermal environment.68 This
model has been continually refined in laboratory and climate-chamber research, so that for thirty
years it has been possible to calculate the temperature people find comfortable if the metabolic
heat generated by their activity and the thermal insulation of their clothing is known. This
temperature has been shown to be, for practical purposes, independent of body-built, age, sex,
race, and the climates people are used to. Moreover, if the overall heat-balance yields a
comfortable skin-temperature and moisture-loss, it has been shown that it matters little what may
be the combinations of air temperature, air movement, humidity and thermal radiation which
provide this balance.
Tables may nowadays be consulted to find the metabolic rates for numerous common activities,
and the thermal insulation of various types of dress. Computer programs or tables are available
from which to estimate the “Predicted Mean Vote” (PMC) of the population from the
temperature of the air, its movement and humidity, and the mean radiant temperature of the
room. The ‘PMV’ may range from ‘cold’ (-3) to ‘hot’ (+3). From the ‘PMV’, the “Predicted
Percentage of Dissatisfied” (PPD) may be found. All this information is summed up in the
International Standard ISO 7730 and the rationale was originally set out by Fanger (1970).
In the real world, time plays a crucial part in people’s thermal experience. For the sake of
argument let us imagine some aspects of a typical Cypriot subject’s typical day. On getting up in
the morning she will clothe herself according to the season, the fashion of the day and the society
she lives in. When she goes out she puts on a coat if conditions outside are wintry. If during the
day the sun comes out, she may be able to take off a layer to offset the rise in temperature, but
this will depend on what clothes she is wearing, and the social relations at her workplace. Next
day she may start out with lighter or more adaptable clothing as a result. At home she may light
a fire if it is cool. Later her bedroom may be cooler than the living room, but her bedclothes
keep her warm.
Any model of thermal comfort in the non air-conditioned world needs to look at the actions
people take in response to change. Not only will this enable us to keep people more comfortable
but also a model, which takes change into account, will make considerable energy savings
Despite the comprehensiveness of the data, which is now available, and the sophistication of the
mathematical model, which combines them, there are practical difficulties in using the heat-
exchange model.69 The following example will show how these difficulties may arise:
An architect designing a residential building in Cyprus wishes to check the suitability of the
indoor temperature of the proposed building in summertime. An intelligent guess is made at the
typical summer-time clothing of the occupants, tables are consulted, and a value of 0.5 clo is
arrived at (One Clo is a unit of thermal insulation equal to 0.155m2oC/W, and is about the
thermal insulation of a suit worn with normal underwear). An informed guess is next made at the
activities of the residents, tables are consulted, and a metabolic rate of 70W/m2 is selected.
Tables of ‘PMV’ show that a room temperature of 24o would be most comfortable.
The architect then runs thermal design computer software, which calculates the indoor
temperature of the proposed building from meteorological data representing a hot spell. After
modifying the design to optimise the thermal performance within various other constraints, the
program shows a mean indoor temperature of 26o during occupied hours with a maximum
temperature of 29oC. Consulting a table of ‘PPD’ shows that about 70% of the occupants would
be dissatisfied with this maximum room temperature.
At this point a timid designer would opt for air-conditioning. But there are other questions,
which should first be asked:
Can it be assumed that 0.5 clo is correct during a hot spell as represented by the design
conditions? Would people perhaps wear lighter clothing, more permeable to moisture transfer,
and so feel comfortable at a higher temperature than the 24o suggested by the ‘PMV’? In practice
it is difficult for the designer, because, although the thermal insulation of every clothing
ensemble may be tabulated, it is impossible to know just what people will be wearing.
Can it be assumed that during a hot spell the metabolic rate will remain unchanged? Perhaps
people would adopt a slower pace of living and a more relaxed posture, and so become
comfortable at a higher room temperature? So, although the metabolic rate of specified activities
is tabulated, it is not in practice for the designer to know what the pace of these activities will be.
Can it be assumed that the air-movement would be unchanged in a hot-spell? Perhaps the people
would open windows to increase the air-movement. Would they use desk-fans? If so, would
they provide enough relief during the heat of the summer day? So, although the effect of any
given air-velocity is accurately included in the calculation, in practice it is difficult for the
designer to know what the air-velocity will be. These questions show that it is uncertain what
values should be entered into the tables used to obtain the ‘PMV’ and the ‘PPD.’ There is also an
uncertainty of a different kind: in summer in this climate and society, do people expect and
tolerate some discomfort during the heat of the day, and might they not think that the building
was performing rather well, considering the weather?
Are there examples of residential buildings in the same district which function satisfactorily
without air-conditioning? If so, how does the proposed building compare with them regarding
the indoor temperatures calculated by the thermal-design software?
This second kind of uncertainty concerns the architect’s understanding of how the occupants will
respond to mild heat-stress, the architect’s suspicion being that only if conditions are worse than
they expect complaints will arise. Complaint and satisfaction always have a context, and the
heat-exchange model is set in the context of climate-chamber research. So the architect does not
know what the ‘PPD’ means in the context of the lives of the people who will occupy the
proposed building.
Examination of these questions shows that, although the results of climate-chamber research may
have a kind of absolute physical/physiological validity and accuracy, their application to people
living in real social contexts in real buildings in real climates is often uncertain and sometimes
The conventional method of establishing thermal comfort temperatures depends upon the
application of heat-exchange theory. It is difficult to apply to buildings at the design stage,
because it requires an accurate knowledge of the clothing and metabolic rates of the occupants,
and can make no allowance for the expectations of the occupant of the buildings. The method
appears to give biased results both above and below room temperatures of 27oC, the direction of
the bias is such as to encourage over-heating in winter and over-cooling in summer. The causes
of this bias are obscure, and need to be explored. An alternative method is to use the results of
field-studies of thermal comfort. This approach to thermal design bypasses the need for any
information about clothing and metabolic rate, and the expectations of the occupants are build
into the model. Although it would benefit from further development, particularly in determining
accurately any differences between the thermally neutral temperature and the preferred
temperature, it is more applicable than the heat-exchange method, and is immediately suitable to
minimising the use of energy for heating and cooling buildings.
A review of the numerous works concerning human thermal losses has lead to another human
thermal comfort model.70 The opportunity of a norm laid down severely is discussed. The
variability of the different parameters, mainly activity, and clothing insulation may be associated
with other combinations of air and mean radiant temperatures than for example TAIR = 19oC
and MRT = 19oC. It seems that a thermal ambiance with 17oC for the air temperature and 26oC
for the mean radiant temperature is one of the best to be proposed. To support that, some
experiments have been performed in over glazed environments.
Radiatively out of balance volumes are the main characteristics of over glassed environments.
Consequently, living in such conditions requires knowledge of the human thermal behaviour.
The mean radiant temperature (MRT), accounting for blood circulation and clothing, is a well-
fitted parameter for a correct evaluation of the radiative exchanges between man and its
environment. Its determination is generally a difficulty. To solve it, a code is built, named
ECORAD, which takes into account solar radiation, emissivity of the walls, specular and diffuse
reflections. It proceeds with a Monte-Carlo method71.
In a few cases asymmetric radiative fields affect the man and this effect has to be considered. A
cold or a hot radiative exchange between the ceiling and the head or shoulders is very
unpleasant72 for the head. The reasons lie in this usually uncovered part of the body, and in its
relatively higher temperature. The spherical shape of the head and of the shoulders, the situation
in the convective flux at the top of the body made them the most sensitive part.73 The commonly
assumed limit for the amplitude of the radiant temperature vector is 6oC. But this limit might be
higher as long as the average temperature remains in the comfort zone.
Especially in sunny countries, like Cyprus, the greenhouses will not have glazed-roofs. For large
vertical windows facing the human body, this limit reaches 8 to 10oC, a cold facing surface being
better tolerated than a warm one. These results of experiments have to be taken into account for
the realisation of over glazed environments. However, the actual conditions maybe in fact be
different that the predicted ones.
There are six parameters entering the expressions, which describe the various thermal exchanges
concerning human body: air temperature (TAIR), mean radiant temperature (MRT), air velocity,
air humidity, activity and clothing insulation. A few more, which are also important, are
clothing selectivity, or clothing mean diffusivity to air and water vapour. Deval et al74 reviewed
more than 200 papers dealing with physiology in conjunction with thermal comfort and built
numerical codes, which led to diagrams related to human feeling in various situations.75 The
comfort diagrams point out three main aspects related to unbalance environment:
1. The Optimal Comfort Zone
2. The Convective Cooling Zone
3. The Radiative cooling Zone
Deval et al76 concluded that:
If over glazing is an attractive proceeding to realize solar houses, it has to be associated with a severe
control of the radiative field. Human body is conceived to live in unbalanced ambiences, but that needs to
take into account the possible effects of the various parameters, which enter in the expressions of the
thermal exchanges. In such ambiences, the compensation of the effect of a parameter by the effect of
another may be obtained mainly in the situations concerned by convective cooling. Radiative cooling
needs more precautions. The reference TAIR = TMRT = 19°C has not to been searched in any way. Over
glazing creates radiative gradients, which may be considered as pleasant if their importance is not
inordinate. Finally, living in over glazed environments there is an art of the complexity of the human alive
A research activity, which was carried out within the frame of PASCOOL77, included the work
proposed by Berger.78 The objective of this effort was to relate comfort sensation to the quality
of the ambient air (evaporative power of the air, skin witness, ventilation rates, radiative
asymmetries, indoor temperature stratification, indoor surface temperature), psychological
aspects (relation to outdoor environment, odours, outside noise, freedom of actions),
microclimate (temperature and humidity variations, air velocity), along with other commonly
used parameters (level of activity, clothing etc.) Correlations resulting from experiments carried
out in climatic chambers and results from actual monitoring were used to develop software in
order to define strategies for improving comfort conditions.
As already discussed, thermal comfort depends on clothing and activity (estimated according to
the use of a particular space) and on four physical parameters: air temperature, air velocity, mean
radiant temperature and air humidity.
The maximum rate of temperature change should not exceed 0.75°C per hour, provided that the
maximum deviation from the mean comfort temperature is lower than 2.25°C.80 In another study
of evaluating human response to indoor air changes, it was observed that there is no appreciable
difference in terms of thermal comfort between an indoor environment at constant temperature
and one with a change of 0.5, 1 and 1.5°C per hour, provided that the maximum temperature
deviation from neutral temperature is no greater than 2.25°C.81
The extent to which comfort zone can be modified, subject to the location and the prevailing
climatic conditions, is reviewed in.82 There are boundaries of applicability of various building
design strategies and passive cooling techniques that one must follow to achieve a balance
between energy consumption and comfort.
4.16 Energy balance and thermal comfort in passive solar housing in Cyprus
To evaluate the performance of different passive solar dwellings in Cyprus and internationally it
is necessary to consider not only the thermal performance but also the ‘comfort performance’ of
the system. In order to achieve this goal the level of comfort has been described according to
Fanger’s theory. The Predicted mean vote (PMV), Predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD)
and the Temperature index are computed hourly for an inhabitant located at different places in
the room. A complete set of parametric studies has been performed on two direct gain houses,
one Trombe wall design and a sunspace house.83 In each case the thermal performance have
been evaluated together with the comfort performance. The following parameters have been
Sunspace design:
Suppression of the sunspace glazing – thermal mass
Night insulation – night temperature setback
Strategy of window opening.
To evaluate the performance of a solar dwelling, it is necessary to consider not only the thermal
performance, but also the thermal comfort performance of the system. According to Fanger’s
work, a clear description of comfort can be given by three different parameters:
The predicted mean vote (PMV) on a – 3 to + 3 scale (cold or hot) where the zero vote is the
comfort neutrality.
The predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) on a 0 to 100% scale where a 5% vote expresses
the comfort neutrality and a 10% vote the beginning of a noticeable discomfort.
The temperature index (Tindex), which is the result of a ponderation of the air temperature (Tair)
and the mean radiation temperature (Tmrt).
By considering at the same time the thermal and the comfort performance of solar houses it is
possible to compare them in a more realistic way than by looking at the thermal performance
only. A complete set of simulations performed on direct gain, Trombe wall and sunspace
designs allow the following statements:
4.17 Passive heating systems and comfort
If a combination is done of any passive heating system with an auxiliary heater controlled by a
thermostat set at, say, 23.8oC, but otherwise switched on all the time, it will be very difficult to
achieve a solar fraction greater than 0.4 (and probably less).84 It is an inherent characteristic of
all passive systems that they reduce the diurnal swing of temperatures indoors, compared with
that outdoors, but that swing will not disappear, if every time the indoor temperature drops below
the set level, the heater start, the energy consumption will increase and the heat losses from the
building will be greater as the temperature differential is greater.
This was very clearly demonstrated by two almost identical passive houses in Hobart (Tasmania,
Australia)85 where one family left the thermostat-controlled auxiliary heater switched on all the
time, whilst the other switched it off at night. The energy use of the latter was less than half of
that of the former. In the latter case the indoor temperature showed a swing of 4oC, between 21o
and 17oC whilst the outdoor variation was 12oC, between 15o and 3oC.
There is a well-proven and documented general case for allowing the indoor temperature
variations for reasons of energy economy, but what would be the effect of these on thermal
comfort? In the above example, the neutrality temperature would be about 20.4oC so the comfort
range would be 18.4o – 22.4oC. The indoor temperature dropped slightly below the lower limit,
This last point has a great significance for both direct-gain and mass-wall systems. In buildings
incorporating such systems at night, when the building is cooling down, the floor or wall
surfaces would be substantially warmer than the room air. This is advantageous for two reasons:
There is a reasonable consensus regarding the degree of this dependence. Szokolay86 suggests
that the 0.5o MRT = 1o DBT relationship given by the ‘environmental temperature’ would still be
applicable in summer, or in warm climates for people wearing shorts, short-sleeved shirts, or
short dresses. But in the Cyprus winter conditions, for people during 0.8 – 1 clo, the relationship
given by the ‘dry resultant temperature’ (i.e., 1 deg. MRT = 1 deg. DBT) is more applicable.
This is the relationship implied by the revised bioclimatic chart.
In both direct-gain and mass-wall systems, the surfaces rely on perhaps 6 to 8oC warmer than air
temperature. If cold surfaces (e.g., windows) which would reduce MRT are eliminated (e.g., by
insulating shutters or curtains), it is reasonable to assume that the spherically averaged surface
temperature (i.e., weighted by the solid angle subtended by each surface) which is the MRT,
would be halfway between the air temperature and the solar surface temperature (i.e., inside of
the mass wall, or the direct-gain floor or wall surface), thus 3 to 4oC above air temperature.
Which means that we may allow the air temperature to drop 3o to 4oC below the lower comfort
limit and still maintain comfortable conditions.
There are a number of methods available to predict the daily temperature profile in a passive
solar building.87 These are then usually compared to the comfort level or the “design indoor
temperature,” to examine whether the system is satisfactory or not. The basic recommendation
of this chapter is that the design indoor temperature should be considered as a variable, as a
function of the monthly mean temperature at the location:
And that a variation of +-2 o C should be taken as acceptable. This should be valid for fully
acclimatised people at sedentary work (1.2 met), wearing their normal choice of clothes.
In order to establish the degree of success of the Experimental Solar House’s temperature control
Szokolay’s equation88 for design indoor temperature (Tn) for passive solar buildings was taken
under consideration (see chapter two and chapter seven)
The author adapted the values to match the climatic conditions in Cyprus (as taken from chapter
two) and plotted the results as shown in Figure 4.9.
Table 4.4 shows the interrelationships that exist between various thermal factors, which can be
used as a basis for compensatory measures.
The psychological considerations discussed above signify that, in practice, allowances must be
made for the attitude of the user. Firstly, between owner-occupied (or single-family occupancy)
buildings, multi-occupancy buildings (or buildings where heating is controlled by others than the
users) must be distinguished. Secondly, further subdivisions may take into account the probable
attitude of the users.
b) The occupant of a house who is involved with the system understands it, and controls it with
sympathy, will likely be satisfied even if the objectively defined comfort conditions are not
always achieved.
c) More difficult is to satisfy the commercial house buyer who is used to having an almost
instant response at the flick of a switch, who may expect the passive system to provide the
same flexibility. In this case, an active component or a conventional auxiliary heater may
have to be included, not only to cope with inclement weather, but also with the variable
wishes of the user.
4.18 Conclusion
This chapter includes some important consequences with regards to passive solar building design
in Cyprus, because indications show the emergence of an entirely new attitude toward thermal
comfort and the setting of indoor design temperatures.
Throughout this chapter, it is concluded thermal comfort deeply relies on regional climate and
therefore no two regions are expected to share the same comfort zone. An average of 19.5- 29°C
is the proposed temperature within the comfort zone of Cyprus, with an average relative
humidity ranging from 20-75%. It is however impossible to state a clarified comfort zone for any
region, as psychological, physiological and practical factors are at hand.
The design of an indoor space that does not require power-driven control systems requires
knowledge beyond the mechanics of passive solar systems, such as solar exposure and proper
ventilation. It requires an in-depth understanding of human response to climatic temperatures
within the limits of psychological and physical comfort. It is for this purpose that this chapter
examined the habits of bodily and environmental thermal exchanges as well as the objective and
subjective criteria for comfort in Cyprus. The chapter also evaluated bioclimatic charts and
theories and applied them to the specifics of Cyprus (Szokolay’s equation, psychometric chart,
Olgay’s bioclimatic chart, Humphrey’s comfort chart).
In passive solar buildings in Cyprus, the floor is often used for thermal storage (due to the heavy
weight construction methods used in Cyprus) and the floor temperature may therefore fluctuate
considerably. Although in general this does not cause problems, temperatures above 26 °C and
below 20 °C can cause complaints. However, if people are willing to modify their clothing
during the day, then a much wider temperature range is acceptable. Good use can be made of this
in passive solar buildings. The differences between the thermal requirements of individuals
should be kept in mind. The PMV predicts conditions, which will satisfy the majority. However,
in spaces, which are occupied by only a few people, it is essential that each occupant easily
modify the thermal conditions.
Draughts can often cause problems in spaces with large windows. During the night, thermal
convection downwards along the cold surfaces can discomfort from air movement. Double
glazing and moderate window heights will reduce these problems. Heat sources under the
windows can also counteract draughts.
The same cold glass, which causes draughts, can also bring (to a lesser extent) some discomfort
from asymmetric radiation. The worst cases of asymmetric radiation occur, however, when
people are exposed to direct solar radiation inside a building. Such situations are usually only
acceptable for short periods of time.
It is concluded that in order to experience comfort conditions in Cyprus, it is imperative but not
sufficient for the building to be designed in accordance to the principles of passive solar
architecture for the Cyprus climatological conditions. The indoor inhabitants must also have an
interactive relationship with their immediate environment. They must be conscious and aware of
climatic predictions and dress and respond appropriately. They must also be prepared to perform
the necessary actions on passive systems in order to attain the maximum benefits of its design.
Cyprus’s climate indicates that both heating and cooling are needed in order to remain within the
comfort zone. Heating and cooling may be attained either mechanically or by use of energy
saving design (passive solar design). This research is dedicated to the avoidance of mechanical
and non-renewable energy consuming. Thus energy saving architecture is clearly the most
suitable and reliable option.
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5.1 Introduction
The climate presents a challenge to the architect. The task of environmental control can be
summarised as follows: “to ensure the best possible indoor thermal conditions by relying on
structural (passive) controls, which may obviate the need for any mechanical (active) controls”.
Even if mechanical controls have to be resorted to, their use will be reduced to a minimum.
Passive-solar systems offer simplicity, greater reliability, lower cost and a longer lifetime.
Furthermore, the design of passive-solar systems comprises a part of the architectural design of
the house, and thus, becomes an integrated element of the building's architecture. The architect,
who is responsible for the building's proper function and its comfort measures, can make a
competent assessment of the system's adaptation in the building's design, without interrupting the
function and normal use of the building. However, the economy and the performance of passive-
solar systems hinges upon the type of system proposed. Therefore, it is necessary for the
architect to be familiar with the types of passive-solar systems developed so far. These are
described in the following sections of this chapter.
Despite the simplicity of passive solar systems, the appraisal of their performance is a complex
matter. The combined effects of the site climate, and the building’s thermal, architectural, and
geometrical characteristics govern the resulting performance of a passive-solar system. The
complexity of passive-solar systems has resulted in the exertion of considerable scientific impact
within the study of their thermal behaviour in conjunction with the associated effects.
Consequently, a variety of appraisal methods have been introduced by different groups of
building technology scientists, which facilitate the task of selecting an appropriate method.
The term “passive” as applied to the integral heating and cooling of buildings, was invented in
the United States. Passive space heating is driven only by the sun and was at first named,
“Passive cooling”. Unlike the single solar heat source of passive heating, passive cooling
embraces several heat sinks and a wide variety of bioclimatic practices in building design. But
passive cooling has had a much longer continuity of theory and application everywhere in the
world than passive heating has had. Passive cooling has begun to be an important contributor to
global building comfort.
Passive cooling is driven by the same natural energy systems of the universe, of which the sun is
the most dominant on earth. Since a general goal of passive cooling is to avoid the overheating
that is primarily generated by the sun, passive cooling is not “solar” at all. Passive cooling is
nonsolar or is indeed antisolar. Thus the term “solar” is usually dropped with relation to passive
cooling. Nevertheless, passive heating and cooling needs to be understood comprehensively
because of their mutual reliance on natural phenomena.
This chapter is mainly concerned with the various structural (passive) means of controlling the
thermal environment, and introduces the classified types of passive-solar systems, along with a
brief analysis on the feasibility of each in order to make the selection of an appropriate
evaluating method, for Cyprus.
The energy required for heating and cooling of buildings is approximately 6,7% of the total
world energy consumption. By proper environmental design, at least 2,35% of the world energy
output can be saved.1 Within Cyprus in the coastal and central areas, energy needs for cooling
can amount to two or three times those for heating, on an annual basis.2 Utilisation of the basic
principles of heat transfer, coupled with the local climate, and exploitation of the physical
properties of the construction materials, could make the control of the comfort conditions in the
interior of buildings possible. Even in areas with average maximum ambient temperature around
31.7°C, comfortable conditions inside buildings can be achieved by means of proper building
design3 that frequently makes the use of air-conditioning units in dwellings unjustified. It is
estimated4 that an increase of 9 mtoe (million tons of oil equivalent) per annum in the total
technical potential solar contribution (all potential solar usage is exploited) is possible in all the
EU countries by the year 2010, compared to 1990, if passive cooling is applied in dwellings.
Passive cooling strategies in the design of buildings in Cyprus should be considered, since the
extensive use of air-conditioning units is associated with the following problems:
Wide use of air-conditioning units has caused a shift in electrical energy consumption to the
summer season and an increased peak electricity demand5. Peak electric loads impose an
additional strain on national grids, which can only be covered by development of extra new
power plants.
Increased electrical energy production contributes to exploitation of the finite fossil fuels, to
atmospheric pollution and to climatological changes6 7.
Heat rejection during the production process (for electrical energy and air-conditioning units)
and from the operation of air-conditioning units themselves, increases the phenomenon of the
‘urban heat island’ 8 (the climate modification due to urban development, which produces
generally warmer air in cities than the surrounding countryside).
Ozone-layer depletion can be caused by CFCs and HFCs (the most common refrigerants of
currently used air-conditioning units) from possible leakage during manufacture, system
maintenance or unit failure9.
Economic and political dependence of Cyprus with limited natural resources on other
countries, richer in natural resources.
Installation of air-conditioning units presents an extra cost in the construction of a building,
followed by an additional operation and maintenance cost12.
Expenses for importation of A/C units: countries with hot climates exhibit an increased rate
of sales of air-conditioning units. In Cyprus, sales of packaged air conditioning have
increased by 900% over recent years13, with 80% of them delivered to the residential
Any definition of passive solar concepts should be based upon the entire set of “pathways” of
natural energy exchange through a building envelope (Figure 5.1). These “pathways” can be
understood in terms of the classic definitions of heating energy transfer mechanics:
The first widespread use of the term “passive” design was used to describe design concepts for
the direct use of winter solar heating in buildings (Table 5.1). If such applications are properly
designed, utilising the most common examples of passive techniques which are south-facing
windows and thermal storage walls, there is little or no need for pumps and fans to move solar
heat, as is the case with conventional heating or “active” (mechanical) solar systems from
collector to storage to building interior. But eliminating fans or pumps in a heating system is not
of itself energy saving or cost-efficient and this distinction provides little justification for
separating solar technology into “passive” and “active” classifications. The widespread use of
fans along with separate storage in “passive” solar techniques is related to the building design
and construction, its orientation, proportions, glazing and materials, whereas “active” solar
techniques are related to mechanical system design.
Table 5.1 Design concepts for the direct use of winter solar heating in buildings
This language defines what is by now the best known application of passive solar energy, as a
means of providing winter space heating for residences. In many of the system types, passive
cooling modes are included, some of which are described below (Figure 5.2).16
Roof trap
Roof trap is a fan-assisted solar heating system in winter and a natural cooling system in
summer. The attic space is used as a built-in solar collector and combination skylight and
thermal-chimney ventilator (Figure 5.2- 1c).
Thermosiphon system
Referred to as “the envelope house”. A suspense was used as the collector. A double roof and
north wall and a crawl space under the house serve as a continuous air plenum (Figure 5.2- 4c).
Cold air drops down the north wall, is drawn through the crawl space in which some form of
thermal storage is placed, and returned to the sunspace, where by displacement, the solar heated
air is drawn along the ceiling to “drive” a thermosiphon loop. Test results from several envelope
houses were reported at the 4th National Passive Solar Conference. In none of the monitored
examples was there evidence that the thermosiphon effect is sufficient to draw the solar heated
air around the entire envelope and to charge the thermal mass in the crawl space. Both rocks and
earth-pipes have been used in system variations. While these houses have performed well in
terms of comfort and low energy use, the results may also be explained by the resistance
insulation value of the double-wall construction. A thermosiphon alternative has no inherent
summer cooling mode, but is of interest because it is a passive heating system with the
advantages of liquid collector and storage, without relying upon pump and controller
components. For the same reason, thermosiphon or passive domestic hot water collector and
storage systems are preferable to active arrangements (Figure 5.2- 4a, 4b, 4d). In all of the
variations, shading during the overheated period in Cyprus is necessary to prevent undesired heat
gain. Any fixed shading presents the problem of blocking the sun during the spring (say, March-
April when some passive solar heating is desired) in order to also block the sun during the late
summer (say, July - August when the overheated period peaks). Countering overheating effects
with thermal mass provides a partial solution, but not as effectively as shading devices that can
be adjusted to changing seasonal needs.
This review of combined passive heating and cooling system definitions helps to make the point
that, while the current research emphasis has focused on separate components either for heating
or cooling, the combination of components offers the greatest advantage for practical
applications to buildings. Future research on passive solar design should therefore encourage an
integrated systems approach to building applications. Furthermore, while the natural focus of
any commercialisation of passive solar technology falls upon specific products or building
components, it is the system design and integration in a total building that determines whether or
not the component performs as intended. The result is that the process of building design
becomes a significant barrier to the commercialisation and innovation process if its particular
constraints and opportunities are ignored. In many regions of the world and especially in Cyprus,
a building that is built according to passive design principles can eliminate the need for
conventional heating or cooling by relying upon the energy from natural climatic elements
available at the building site, such as the Experimental Solar House (see chapter 7).
Figure 5.2 Best-known application of passive solar energy
5.4 Passive solar systems and financial feasibility
The feasibility analysis of the various passive solar systems use presents a special interest both
for the engineer-researcher-constructor and for the consumer-inhabitant-user. The system, as far
as energy is concerned, is not obligatorily or financially more advisable, while the change of the
macro-economic conditions can benefit or exclude the choice of some systems. In choosing a
system there are also criteria of aesthetic or functionalism. It must be, pointed out that all
systems are feasible, as long as the user-inhabitant takes advantage of them for at least 7 years.17
Some of the techniques described as passive solar systems for Cyprus can be incorporated in
conventional building design and planning without adding considerable cost to the construction.
All that is required is intelligent design. The aim of this research is not to expand on the financial
feasibility, but on certain points concerning Cyprus. Specified research could be done
specifically on this subject.
In establishing the cost effectiveness of various passive solar systemss for Cyprus, a set of issues
must be clarified:
It must be noted that the heat delivery of passive solar heating systems cannot be stopped at will,
and thus a building can continue to be heated by a passive solar system even during the summer,
when the system may cause overheating and discomfort. This section reviews the four most
common passive solar heating systems as they relate to the climatic conditions of Cyprus and
considers the specifics of their applicability:
1. Direct Gain
2. Collecting Storage (Trombe) Walls
3. Sunspaces
Their applicability is discussed in regions with hot summers like Cyprus, including the
likelihood of undesirable overheating in summer by the passive solar systems.
Increasing the area of solar glazing in Direct Gain buildings also increases the solar gain during
the daytime proportionately. It also increases the heat loss through the glazed area during the
winter nights, as well as the undesirable heat gain during the summer. The ratio between these
different thermal effects depends on the relative severity of the winter and the summer seasons in
a given region, as well as on the properties and details of solar glazing. These properties are the
solar transmission and thermal conductance of the glazing itself, the availability of night
insulation during the winter, the solar exposure and the availability of daytime insulation (in
addition to shading) during the summer.
Direct Gain concerns the significant amounts of solar energy which may be collected in
heated rooms through elements which would be found in the building, in the form of
windows, clerestories, and roof monitors (skylights with vertical glazing) facing the sun.
Roof monitors make it possible to provide direct solar gain to rooms that do not have direct
solar exposure. Thus Direct Gain can be applied to single storey buildings, which do not have
a sun-facing wall at all.
Direct gain is the simplest solar heating system and can be the easiest to build. In many cases
it is achieved simply by the disposition of windows.
The large areas of glazing not only admit solar radiation for heating but also high levels of
daylighting and good visual conditions for the outside.
Glazing is well researched and cheap and a material readily available.
The overall system can be one of the least expensive methods of solar space heating.
With adequate insulation of the building, it is possible to rely totally on direct gain as a
passive solar system used in the case of Cyprus.
Excessively large areas of solar glazing, in hot summers, may lead to the need for installing
mechanical air-conditioning in places which otherwise do not need mechanical cooling.
In any building heated by solar Direct Gain, the area of the southern windows would be
much larger than in a non-solar building. Even if the glazing is completely protected in mid-
summer from direct solar radiation, e.g. by an overhang, the diffused radiation from the sky
and the reflected radiation from the ground may cause significant solar gain, in addition to
the conductive heat gain. The risk of overheating is even greater in late summer (e.g. in
September) when temperatures may still be high and the sun’s lower elevation renders
overhangs less effective.
The simplest protection from overheating caused by Direct Gain Glazing in Cyprus (due to
its hot summers) is by the application of shading devices, which block most of the diffused
and the reflected solar radiation, such as rollable or hinged shutters outside the glazing.
Another option is to block the radiation by interior insulated panels, with their exterior
surface painted white.
Large areas of glass can result in glare by day and loss of privacy at night.
Ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight will degrade fabrics, photographs and other contents of
the building.
If large areas of glazing are used, large amounts of thermal mass will usually be needed to
modulate temperature swings that can be expensive if the mass serves no structural purpose.
If the standard of thermal insulation is increased, the area of glazing required maybe reduced
and, hence, the quantity of thermal mass will also be reduced.
Even with thermal mass, diurnal temperature swings will occur.
Collecting storage walls combine in one building element the functions of solar energy
collection; heat storage and heat transfer to the interior. In its simplest form, it consists of glazing
placed in front of a sun-facing high-mass and conductive wall, e.g. of dense concrete, with an air
gap in between. The exterior surface of the wall is painted a dark colour to enhance absorption of
radiation, or given a ‘selective surface’ to minimise long-wave radiant heat loss. Solar radiation
penetrating the glazing is absorbed in the massive walls raising the external surface temperature
and that of the air in contact with it. The fraction of the absorbed heat, which is transmitted
through the wall to the interior, is determined by the thermal conductivity of the material and the
wall’s thickness, as well as by the combined thermal conductance (to the outdoor) of the air
space and the glazing. The space behind the wall is heated by long wave radiation and natural
convection from the wall’s warm internal surface.
If vents are provided, both at the bottom and at the top of the wall (vented wall), then the warm
air in the air space between the dark surface and the glazing rises and flows into the building
through the upper vents. Room air flows through the bottom vents into the airspace. Thus a
thermosyphonic air flow forms, transferring heat to the room by convection, in addition to the
conductive heat transfer.
Under optimal flow conditions, about 30% of the total energy flow in ‘vented walls made of
concrete about 30cm thick is by convection and 70% is by conduction. A vented wall exhibits a
lower temperature in the air space and consequently less heat is lost through the glazing.
Therefore the overall efficiency is higher by about 10% in systems with ‘vented’ walls as
compared with un-vented walls18.
The relative amount of solar energy absorbed at a Trombe wall’s surface which is ultimately
transmitted to the interior of the building (the heating efficiency), is significantly higher in
summer than in winter. The reason is the different relative temperature gradients from the
absorbing surface to the indoor and the outdoor, respectively. While the indoor temperature in an
inhabited building is about the same, the outdoor temperature is of course much higher in
summer, so that a larger fraction of the absorbed energy flows inward. This factor increases the
likelihood of summer overheating, in spite of the smaller amount of solar radiation impinging on
the wall due to the higher altitude of the sun. Even a wall shaded from the direct radiation by an
overhang may absorb enough reflected and diffused radiation to cause significant elevation of its
surface temperature above the ambient level.
Moses 19 has demonstrated that external surface temperature of a collection storage wall, even
when the wall and a sidewalk in front of it were completely shaded from direct radiation by a
deep overhang, is elevated above the ambient air by up to 8oC illustrated this point in a study.
This elevation is caused by the diffused, and mainly by the reflected, solar radiation. In summer,
and also in spring and fall, glazed solar walls may thus cause severe indoor heat stress.
Therefore it was suggested by Givoni20 that in regions with sunny hot summers (Cyprus) it is
desirable to insure complete shading of the wall, not only from direct sun but also from radiation
reflected from the ground. This can be accomplished only by vertical shading, e.g. by rollable
shades or by shading panels which are installed in summer and removed in winter.
During Cyprus’s mild winters (Cyprus-mid-winter average temperature about 5oC-10oC), night
insulation may not be justified from the solar heating aspect. However, in Cyprus sunny
summers and average mid-summer daytime temperature above 30oC, the elevation of the
external surface temperature of the glazed dark wall can cause serious overheating of the interior,
and operable insulation may then be desirable. Such operable insulation will also improve the
heating performance in winter.
Practically, it is not easy to equip a conventional Trombe Wall with operable insulation or even
to ventilate the air space in summer. Ventilation of that space introduces dust on the inner side
of the glazing and on the dark surface of the wall, reducing the effective solar transmission and
absorption. This dust cannot be removed. One way to overcome these problems is to design an
accessible space, about 60cm wide, between the wall and the glazing. Such a space enables the
installation of rollabe winter insulation-summer-shade ‘curtain’ inside the protected space, which
is accessible for maintenance, dust cleaning, etc. The extra cost of this additional space should
be taken into account in considering this design detail.
The indoor temperatures are more stable than in most other passive solar systemss.
Excessive sunshine, and its associated functional problems, does not penetrate into the
inhabited space.
Installation is relatively inexpensive where construction would normally be masonry, or for
retrofitting existing buildings with uninsulated massive external walls.
If windows are provided alongside or within the solar wall then direct sun penetration
provides light and quick heating of the space in the morning, while the mass was still cold.
Glare, privacy and ultraviolet degradation of fabrics are not a problem.
Temperature swings in the living space are lower than with the direct gain systems.
The time delay between absorption of the solar energy and delivery of the thermal energy to
the living space can be more of an advantage for nighttime heating rather than for daytime
Summer overheating problems may outweigh winter benefits in Cyprus with mild winters
and hot summers unless effective shading, also from radiation reflected from the ground, is
The effective heating is felt only to a depth of about 1.5 times the wall’s height, due to the
limited depth of natural convection air currents and the decreasing radiant heat flux from the
warm sun-facing wall21.
In multi-story buildings problems with maintenance of the glazing may necessitate the
provision of access balconies. Note, however, that such balconies can function as shading
overhangs for the glazing below.
The external surface of the mass wall is relatively hot as conduction of energy through the
wall is slow and can lead to considerable loss of energy to the external environment thus
reducing efficiency.
The associate controls (e.g. external insulated shutters) can be expensive.
The south wall needs to be part glazed and part massive (Trombe wall) in order to function
effectively. This configuration can have certain space and cost disadvantages.
Discomfort can be caused at either end of the heating season by overheated air from the
Trombe wall during the day or uncontrolled thermal radiation from the inside surface of
either type on warm evenings. Venting can reduce these effects.
The need for sufficient thermal mass must be balanced with the requirements for views from
the living space and daylighting.
The Trombe wall must be designed for access to clean the glazed walls.
Condensation on the glass can be a problem.
5.5.3 Sunspaces
Sunspaces (also called Conservatories or Winter Gardens) are intermediate usable spaces
between the exterior and the interior of the building. Being separated from the main spaces of the
building, a much greater temperature swing, (resulting from a large glazing area) may be
acceptable within sunspaces, more than can be tolerated in non-isolated Direct Gain spaces.
Sunspaces are not suitable in Cyprus due to overheating problems in the summer, although other
factors or preferences may justify their use22. The sunspace is an unheated area and temperatures
within this sunspace will vary greatly and so it may not be suitable for living or growing plants
unless some control is used, which in the case of Cyprus, is not recommended.
Considering thermal characteristics and building design, two types of sunspaces may be
1. Modified Greenhouses, with a glazed inclined roof and sometimes also with inclined glazed
walls. This form, with tiled or curved overhead glazing, maximises the transmitted radiation
as the roof receives the winter sun-rays in late winter at a more optimal angle. However, a
glazed roof gets a higher solar heat gain in the summer, than sun porches, and overheating in
summer is more likely. This is the main reason that greenspaces are not desirable for the
Cyprus climatological conditions.
2. Sun Porches, with horizontal opaque and insulated roof, where the glazing is only vertical. In
this type of sunspace, the opaque and insulated roof reduces the likelihood of overheating
and the large diurnal temperature swings cause by the overhead glazing. The potential heat
gain in the winter is lower than in the case of a greenhouse type but the possibilities for
control, and for year round use of the sunspace area, increases greatly. This type is therefore
advisable in regions with hot summers. If a sufficient portion of the glazing (e.g. 20%) is
made openable, such a space becomes in summer the equivalent of a shaded outdoor porch,
providing shade for the building’s wall behind the sunspace.
They buffer the main spaces from extremes of exposure, thus reducing the potential
temperature fluctuation, glare and the fading of fabrics and furniture, which may result from
excessive indoor sunlight.
They increase the heat collection potential of a given façade, by allowing a larger glazing
area than is practicable and desirable with Direct Gain.
The sunspace area itself can constitute an additional living space in the winter and the
transitional seasons. With appropriate provision of shading and ventilation in the summer,
such spaces may be pleasant environments year round in most climates.
The interior "climate" of the house can be greatly improved by the addition of a thermal
"buffer" between the living space and the outside air. A sunspace can run the full width of
the house and the full height - reducing fabric and ventilation losses.
Sunspaces also serve non- energetic purposes: for example an additional living space or as a
greenhouse, as the indoor temperatures in the winter are not low.
Sunspaces are readily adaptable to existing houses.
Sunspaces can be easily combined with other passive solar systems.
The overall cost is higher and the energy collection efficiency per unit area of glazing of
sunspaces and the payback period of the investment in its construction is longer, as compared
with Direct Gain.
In Cyprus there are overheating problems, even on the mountains where the temperatures are
Sunspaces can experience large temperature swings.
The glazed roof of the sunspace can be sufficiently cool at night to cause condensation on its
internal surface.
Thermal energy is delivered to the house as warm air - it is less easy to store heat from air
than from direct solar radiation.
The increased humidity caused by growing plants may cause condensation and discomfort in
the building.
There are frequent debates between advocates of super insulation of residential building
envelopes and those who favour solar applications of one type or another. Obviously, the
implications of these different strategies on envelope design are significant. The primarily
opaque walls suggested by the super insulation approach are in marked contrast to the glazed
facades of many of the solar strategies.23
A study done by LANL Solar Group24 concluded that, for a given climate, there is an optimal
mixture of energy supply by passive solar techniques and reduction of energy demand by
insulation. This optimal mixture depends on the relative costs of the solar system and the
insulation, but not on fuel costs. In cold, cloudy climates almost all of the energy-savings
investment should be spent on insulation. The reverse is true in milder, sunny climates like
In the building simulations conducted by Sergides26 for Cyprus, the variable of insulation is
examined in relation to the following parameters:
1. Shape of Building
Introduction of insulation on the four selected basic shapes:
a. Rectangular
b. L-shape
c. P-shape
d. Square shape
The introduction of insulation on the four basic shapes, selected for the study, improves their
efficiency and their energy consumption for both heating and cooling decreases. The
introduction of insulation affects mostly the performance of the π shape; it upgrades it and
renders it the best energy saving shape, pushing the rectangular last in ranking. Adding thermal
insulation counteracts the higher heat losses due to the more complex π shape. This is obviously
achieved at an additional cost.
These results indicate the greater potential for energy saving inherent in the more composite
buildings, with bigger exposed surfaces, complex geometric configuration and projections than
the compact simple shapes, when insulation is applied.
2. Thickness of insulation
a. Introduction of insulation 25 mm (polystyrene)
b. Doubling insulation thickness to 50 mm
c. Tripling it to 75 mm
From the test analysis it is concluded that the energy savings do not increase proportionally.
Specifically the following are observed:
(i) Introduction of insulation on the reference design, reduces the energy load of the
(ii) The application of 25 mm insulation causes the same reduction of energy
consumption both in heating and cooling; this amounts to 20%
(iii) The savings achieved by doubling the insulation thickness on the designer are
only 6%; this increase is only 1/3 of those incurring from the initial insulation of
25mm thickness.
(iv) The tripling of insulation causes only 3% energy load reduction.
This low amount of savings difference, when insulation thickness increases, is attributed to the
fact that there is less to save on an already insulated house.
a. On roof only
b. On roof and walls
c. On roof, walls and floors
Table 5.3 Alternative combinations of Heat capacity, U-values and size of openings28
Thermal storage is an essential component in the effective use of solar energy in buildings.29 It
acts like a reservoir that absorbs and releases intermittent sources of energy like solar radiation
(or large diurnal temperature swings) to assist in providing human comfort. Although many
types of solar heating systems use remote storage (such as liquid storage tank, rock-beds, air core
systems or phase change materials), this section will address those storage techniques that are
directly coupled to the interior space of buildings. These are typically surfaces of the interior
building structural elements themselves. The heat capacity of interior furnishings and other
contents must also be considered.
Once the solar thermal storage mechanism becomes an integral part of a building’s interior, it
has to satisfy many criteria other than just the efficient thermodynamic storage and distribution
of energy. Thermal storage and release has to occur within an acceptable temperature range for
human comfort. Thermal storage materials properly used may enhance human comfort. The
thermal storage also may become part of the interior aesthetic of a building in which it is
In addition to the interior design considerations of the owner or operator and the amount of
storage required for good performance and comfort by the climate energy source, there are other
important internal sources of energy that can influence the design of any storage system. The
frequency and quantity of internal heat gains supplied or generated by occupants, lights,
equipment, and appliances can be as important as the amount of solar energy available. The
daily and weekly pattern of occupancy along with the local utility rate structure may determine
for the designer whether interior thermal storage is an appropriate energy conservation strategy
or not, and will greatly influence design constraints.
The process of sensible heat thermal storage obeys the laws of thermodynamics, which state that
energy flows from a warmer source to a colder (sink) object.30 Conduction, convection, or
radiation, or combinations of the three transfer the energy. It is useful to think of the process of
thermal storage in three parts. The first part involves the collection or the absorption of energy
by the storage material. In the case of solar energy (radiation) this occurs when the sun directly
irradiates the storage materials and its surface is heated according to the amount of energy that is
absorbed, reflected, re-radiated, or convected. The absorption of radiant energy is a function of
the absorptivity of the material’s surface. Collection of energy can also occur when the air in a
room is heated by convection from sunlit surfaces elsewhere, and heat is transferred to the
storage material, walls, floors, or ceilings. The rate of heat transfer is controlled by the
temperature difference between the air, the storage material’s surface, and the film coefficients,
as well as the rate of airflow. Usually, the rate of transfer by natural convection is comparatively
slow. It is obvious that the rate of flow and therefore the transfer coefficient can be greatly
increased by creating ‘forced’ convection, such as the use of fans. However, measurements do
show that remarkable quantities of air convect in passive solar buildings, from source to sink
zones, without mechanical means.
The second part of the sensible heat storage process concerns the distribution of energy once it
has been absorbed. It may be either convected or reradiated back to the room air and hence to
the environment, or it may be conducted into the storage material. The rate of transfer into or
out of storage mass is determined by the thermal diffusivity of the storage material’s
conductance, specific heat, and its density.
These properties control the dynamic flow of energy into and out of the storage medium, (i.e.,
the “pulse” per wave of energy) and should not be confused with the total heat capacity of the
material, which is a static measure based on the material’s total thickness, conductance, specific
heat, and density.
The third part of the storage process involves the release of energy. Once the storage material has
absorbed enough energy it will be warmer than its surrounding environment, or radiation and
natural convection. This process is controlled by the material’s physical properties of emittance,
thermal diffusivity, the temperature difference between the surface and the surrounding
environment, and the convection coefficient created by the air flow over the surface (see Figure
5.3 for diagram of the three parts of storage).
It should be pointed out that interior thermal storage does not increase or decrease the total
energy available, nor does it change the long-term heat loss/gain of the building. Thermal heat
capacity in exterior envelopes however, can reduce the energy demand on space conditioning
requirements under mild heating and cooling climate conditions such as Cyprus. It changes the
pattern of energy flow, i.e. the timing and amplitude of energy flow (volume). These energy
balance modifications have been described as time lag (as a result of the heat capacity of the
material) and amplitude reduction (primarily as a result of the conductance and diffusion of
energy within the material). The time lags may be designed into buildings to displace periods of
low envelope energy can be used more effectively. Amplitude reduction is used to lower the
peak differentials (usually temperature) that the mechanical space conditioning must handle (see
Figure 5.4) to produce the desired level of comfort.
A construction with a low thermal value (air-to-air transmittance) will reduce all forms of
conduction heat transfer through the building envelope. Such a conduction heat flow would be
large, if the temperature differences were large. With small temperature differences between the
outside and the inside, the heat flow would be small, and an improvement in thermal insulation
would not bring any significant reduction.
However, it is worth remembering that in a heat gain situation, with strong solar radiation, it is
the surface temperature value that must be used to find the temperature difference, thus even if
the air temperature difference is small, the actual temperature difference acting as a motive force
for heat flow may be large, and insulation may be important.
Knowledge of the decrement factor and time lag for different materials, thickness and
combinations of materials in various constructional elements, is important for the designer. The
aim is to permit heat gain through the enclosing elements when there are heat losses by other
channels (e.g. ventilation) but avoid such heat gain when there is already a surplus of heat flow
into the building. Thus the selection of construction with an appropriate time lag is an essential
factor in the design. Figure 5.5 shows the time lag for different roof constructions31.
The question is how much thermal capacity and with what length of time lag is desirable? A
point often overlooked is that the thermal capacity can be too much; the time lag can be too long.
For example, a wall facing east receives its maximum heating at 10.00 hours. A time-lag of 10
hours would put the inside surface temperature maximum at 20.00 hours, when it is likely to be
too hot and the occupants may want to sleep.
Mazria32 provided classic rule-of-thumb heat storage guidelines from which numerous ‘first-
generation’ passive solar building was designed. A summary of these guidelines is shown in
table 5.4 for several different passive solar system types. Monitored data show that homes
designed with these rules perform fairly well, but that problems can occur in application of these
rules to multizone or internal-loads-dominated commercial, industrial, or institutional structures,
which is not the aim of this research.
Table 5.4 sizing solar windows, thermal storage wall and the attached greenhouse for the
Cyprus climatic conditions
Average M² of M² of wall needed for each M² of greenhouse glass
outdoor window one m² of floor area needed for each one m² of
temperature needed for floor area
ºC each one m²
of floor area
Masonry wall Water wall Masonry wall Water wall
11.1 (Cyprus 0.24-0.38 0.60-1.0 0.45-0.85 0.9-1.5 0.68-1.27
winter) (with night
22.2 (Cyprus 0.13-0.21 0.28-0.46 0.20-0.34 0.42-0.69 0.30-0.51
Basically, Los Alamos results show that nearly optimal mass thickness of common construction
materials can be determined by analysis of the diurnal heat capacity of the materials. Figure 5.6
shows Diurnal Heat Capacity (DHC) responsive thickness of materials versus heat capacity
calculated by Balcomb.33 A basic finding is that the density of the specific heat storage material
has a major effect upon optimal thickness and effective storage capacity. An optimal storage
material would have relatively high density, a specific heat above 263.76kJ and reasonable, but
not excessive (overly rapid) thermal diffusivity. The thermal diffusivity is expressed as the
conductivity divided by density times specific heat. For common heat storing structural
materials, thickness greater than 150-200mm has little added effect on diurnal heat storage.
Lighter weight materials for heat storage are optimally thinner, and much less effective.
Figure 5.6 Diurnal Heat Capacity (DHC) responsive thickness of materials versus heat capacity
The Los Alamos-diurnal heat capacity (DHC) method refined by Balcomb is a very simple and
useful method for analysis of storage components and of the total interior effective heat capacity
of a passive design. DHC can be used to estimate the role of all the interior surfaces, whether
lightweight or massive, and their properties, in temperature swings and comfort levels to be
expected. Each type of surface is also characterised in terms of its exposure to transmitted solar
radiation via the collection system to make the necessary calculation.
Heavy weight construction is suitable for all the climatic regions. An average heat capacity of
300 kJ/m²K is proposed as optimum for economic reasons34. Using 215mm reinforced concrete
or 195mm perforated brick blocks produces this heat capacity.
The aspects relating to mass are of particular significance for Cyprus due to the large diurnal
fluctuations (15 to 25 ºC), and the potential possessed by mass for large solar contribution in
winter and cooling in summer35.
This implies that heat admitted during the day in winter could be stored for use during the
evening hours and in the summer could be decapitated in the cool night.
The addition of mass has already been examined in relation to the house shape (Rectangular, L
Shape, Π Shape, Square)36. The study has shown that addition of internal mass incurs energy
conservation of varied extent according to the thermal behaviour of each shape. On the contrary
addition of external mass leads to higher energy consumption in all shapes. Whereas masonry
provides good heat storage medium within a space, it readily passes this heat to the outside when
added on exterior walls.
The concept of addition of mass is presented as acceptable modification of the walls construction
in the Cyprus market. The addition of internal mass is introduced as the replacement of the 100
mm typical internal brick walls, by 100 mm concrete walls. The addition of external mass by the
replacement of 200 mm external brick walls by 200 mm concrete walls.
Studies of addition of mass, result at the following percentages, regarding energy consumption37:
- The addition of internal mass yields to 5% reduction of cooling as well as heating load.
- The addition of external mass increases energy consumption by 40%
A further 30% of internal mass, expressed in the design as additional internal wall, leaves the
energy consumption of the house unaffected. This could be attributed to the orientation of the
additional mass. A south orientation allows greater insulation in winter and mass absorbs, stores
and dissipates more heat.
Another possible reason could be the quantity of the mass. From studies38 it appears that the
extent of mass increase seems to be critical concerning its effect on the energy loading.
Extensive increase of internal mass could act adversely in as far as time needed to cool it in the
summer nights or indeed heat it in the winter.
Interior mass in direct gain systems with layers greater than 150mm of solid concrete (or
equivalent material) may even be counterproductive. An exception is the case of a south-to-
north running interior wall, like a partition that receives transmitted solar energy should receive
direct to both its surfaces during the daily cycle. Direct gain floor systems should receive direct
sun, and be well insulated on the perimeter at least. About 100mm thickness is correct for
concrete masonry paves, brick paves, and cast concrete floors.
The internal partitions should be placed in such a way that they do not obstruct the air movement
between the north and south windows. This is necessary for natural cooling during summer
In a Trombe wall, different criteria exist to determine optimal thickness. In Trombe wall design,
it is necessary to relate the heat output desired from the wall’s interior face to the wall’s
thickness, under typical operation conditions. Clearly, the use of typical masonry units of 150-
300mm (depending on density) is warranted. Thicker walls than this may again be
counterproductive according to the data. Certainly for a typical masonry Trombe wall, annual
solar heating fractions do not increase much beyond a 200-mm thickness (Figure 5.7). A more
important concern regarding wall thickness here may be structural or seismic code requirements
for life safety. However, most Trombe walls are reinforced, and many are filled with concrete or
grout to increase their heat capacity. This improves structural integrity as well.
Figure 5.7 Thickness of different Trombe walls versus annual solar heating percentage
The purpose of internal thermal storage, whether provided by masonry, PCM, water, or the use
of smaller windows on the south is to take advantage of “free mass” without danger of
overheating, is comfort and energy savings. Thermal mass use can ‘temper’ increased solar gain.
Adding thermal capacity reduces temperature swings if the mass is well distributed in the direct
gain space. Centralised masses in highly solar-driven spaces have not been shown to reduce
temperature swings effectively. However, spreading out thinner layers of heat storage materials
up to about a 12-to-1 ratio of storage layer area to glazing area provides better results. In reality,
a 6-to-1 storage-to-glazing ratio is thought to be most effective.40 This ratio was increased from
earlier rules of thumb, which suggested 3 to 1 was adequate. If temperature control (reducing
tendency for “swings”) is not adequately provided during spring and fall seasons, discomfort or
cooling energy use may increase. Couple ineffective massing of direct gain space with elevated
humidity levels and potential discomfort increases accordingly.
Monitored results41 point to direct gains being most effective in standard construction (no added
mass, insulated light frame walls) when solar glazing areas are less than 8% of interior floor
area. Above this ratio, added mass is needed either in the form of heavier envelope construction
or added interior thermal storage systems. Measured data point to the wisdom of using direct
gains in smaller amounts, combined with indirect or isolated gains systems for heat, after the
daylighting requirements are satisfied. Trombe walls, sunspaces with high-mass separation walls,
or air- core type systems can satisfy this requirement.
Placement of thick carpet over heat storage floors and hanging too many plants in sunspace
windows are other examples. There is a limit to the positive effect interior mass can have on
comfort if it is shielded from effective solar heat absorption. Occupants of passive buildings
must be well informed of the necessity for exposure of thermal storage components to direct
sunlight, or to secondary gains via reflection and convection. There have been examples of
follow-up owners covering over heat storage walls with insulation and wallboard to “hide” block
or brick exposed on the interior, thereby eliminating its storage function. One way to prevent this
kind of intervention is to provide a storage mass that is aesthetically acceptable. Also, an
operator’s manual for the building explaining the functions and requirements for the mass to
work well can be helpful.
Construction of passive solar heat storage ranges from the very simple to the complicated. The
simplest heat storage approach is to construct the building of massive structural materials
insulated on the exterior to couple the mass to the indoor space. Multiple functions of the
components can increase cost effectiveness. Many useful construction details are given in the
Passive Solar Construction Handbook42 and the European Passive Solar Handbook43 for
buildings using high- mass materials and for frame construction buildings using integrated mass
A key practice is the attention to detail in construction. Careless construction can impose
significant control problems in passive solar designs. For example, if glazing permit excess air
leakage, effective insulation and thermal mass benefits can quickly be offset. The improper use
of materials or the substitution of inferior or poorly designed components can also impose
performance and comfort penalties. In general, the simpler a passive design is, the less likely it is
to encounter operational problems.
Occupants may be unable to accept the appearance of certain passive solar components. For
example, PCM rods exposed in a sunspace may look “high tech” but occupants may not feel they
fit with traditional furniture. Similarly, interior masonry walls are “unusual” except when
associated with fireplaces. An interior designed for thermal performance and comfort may not
help “sell” the building if it does not look good to the owner/buyer. Interior masonry has been
successfully associated with commercial or institutional buildings, and exposed mass in this
setting, as opposed to residences, may be deemed more acceptable.
A solution to improve appearance is to cover heat storage materials with no insulating finishes
such as grass cloth, plaster or wall paper. New architectural patterns for masonry surfaces
provide new opportunities for exciting interior design that do not compromise the comfort and
performance of the passive solar system. PCM materials under development for integration into
structural materials such as wallboard, block, and brick hold promise for improved performance
with little or no aesthetic penalties.
In past years the spatial arrangement, and even the exterior shape, of the building were thought
related directly to performance. This was true in the earlier passive designs where less attention
was paid to envelop thermal protection and the emphasis was more on “glass and mass.” Passive
design has entered a more elegant phase since the capacity has emerged for balancing the
envelope’s construction with passive glass and heat storage requirements within reasonable
economic constraints.44 The new passive solar design ethic can be applied to virtually any
design, and proper analysis indicates what insulation, windows, mass and arrangements of these
components produces good results.
Generally, however, spaces occupied at night benefit from the use of stored solar heat in winter
and night flushing of mass in summer. Spaces occupied during the day hours benefit from good
natural lighting and reasonable fluctuations in temperature in both winter and summer.
Over the last years trends in the use of thermal storage inside passive buildings have diverged
from some of the original guidance, which tended to be weak on quantification and long on
imagination. Research has discovered important physical and thermal relationships among the
level of envelope insulation, the size of solar aperture, and heat storage requirements.45 If the
mass of exterior envelope is elevated, then a change in the amount of interior, and transmitted
solar gains must be carefully reconciled. As more energy using (heat generating) equipment and
persons are added to the interior, the requirements for solar heat are decreased, and the need for
cooling increases and becomes less “seasonal”. Addition of thermal mass can help control
transient thermal discomfort if coupled with controlled ventilation.
If a very highly insulated envelope is designed, with little thermal mass inside, care must be
applied to avoid using too much glass as passive solar collective area. Research at Los Alamos,
confirmed by monitored results, indicated that about 8% of floor area in south-facing windows
was the limit for low-mass well-insulated houses. For direct gain systems, south-facing window
areas greater than about 10-12% of floor area require thermal mass, well distributed over floors,
walls, and ceilings, to reduce temperature swings. The designer should first provide adequate
view and natural lighting with moderate direct gain glass areas; then if more heat is needed from
passive solar, the designer should consider indirect heating such as thermal storage walls,
sunspaces, or isolated gains systems. With proper levels of thermal protection for the climate and
“optional mix” of conservation and solar representing a most economical solution can be found
for each design through sound analysis techniques. These analysis techniques have resulted in
simplified guidelines for builders.
Among the earliest questions asked was how should the solar aperture be oriented to collect
maximum solar radiation? In reply windows of acceptable solar orientation and tilt were soon
articulated.46 A window of 15° on either side of due south was generally accepted as the rule of
thumb for acceptable collector orientation in most locations. The rule of thumb for optimal tilt
(the angle between the collector and the horizontal) for active solar domestic hot water (DHW)
collection was determined to be equal to the latitude angle at which the installation was located.
Thus, the collector in an active DHW system for Cyprus, whose latitude is approximately 35°,
would be best tilted at 35° to be the horizontal. For space heating, the optimal tilt was determined
to be the latitude plus 15°. The penalty for deviations up to 20° from these optima was found to
be modest (see Figure 5.8). In fact, calculations showed that vertical surfaces with additional
reflections from snow or reflectors in the foreground would intercept almost as much radiation
during the heating season as optimally sloped surfaces. This supported the case for the many
vertical-wall passive solar homes that were constructed throughout the period.
Pitched roofs should be constructed where the precipitation levels require them, i.e. the
mountainous climatic region.
Figure 5.8 Percentage change in collector area and tilt angle. Small changes in the collector area
are required when the tilt angle differs from the optimum. (The Figure assumes a south-facing
orientation) Source: Anderson 1976.
5.9 Shape
The shape of the house47 (i.e. aspect ratio) affects only slightly its thermal performance when
average weather prevails and it is designed and used in an “optimum” way as described below.
However, under extreme temperatures and solar radiation in winter, a relatively compact design
is less sensitive to changes than the same floor area but with an elongated across the East-West
axis, because less heat is lost through the smaller external surfaces and windows. Thus, less
energy is required to establish internal comfort in winter. In the summer though, the compact
design performs slightly worse under average and extreme temperatures. A compact design is
also less sensitive to changes in shading arrangement both in winter and summer and in changes
in orientation, thus being more flexible when located in an urban site.
Therefore, a rectangular but compact design (aspect ratio 1:1.33) with the longer axis pointing
East and West is preferable because it is less sensitive to changes in weather and in design
decisions than a rectangular but longer shape (aspect ratio 1:3).
The comparison of the extent of the energy savings in four shape variations shape (Rectangular,
L Shape, Π Shape, Square) conducted by Sergides48 made having the house base case as
reference. In the chart analysis of energy loading the following are depicted:
Considering that all other design parameters are constant in all shape variations, there remains
the extend, form and aspect of exposed surfaces as the only parameters in this test which
determines the heating and cooling load. This indicates the higher potential inherent in the
compactness of the form.
It was observed that a small decrease of the roof area of the rectangular house, resulted to
considerable cooling energy conservation, and raised this shape from the last to the first position
along with the square shape. This furthermore reinforces the issue that compact shapes are more
economical than the more complex ones. The compactness of the square shape incurred lower
heat loss than the three other shapes. The roof are decrease of the rectangular shape resulted to
lower heat gains.24
The addition of external mass50 affects adversely the conservation of energy in all four shapes.
The replacement of the 20cm external brickwall with 20cm concrete wall has greater degree of
density however its thermal conductivity is also greater. During the summer the heat penetrates
faster the collective surface and the potential for positive results decreases; consequently the
cooling load increases. Based on the same transfer principle, in winter the increase of thermal
losses results to higher heating demands.
Clearly, the greatest and most immediate source of heat gain to a building’s interior is the solar
radiation entering through a window. This could increase the indoor temperature far above the
outdoor air temperature, in Cyprus, as a result of the greenhouse effect. Window glasses are
practically transparent to short-wave infrared radiation emitted by the sun, but almost opaque for
long-wave radiation, emitted by objects in the room. The consequence of this is that the radiant
heat, once it has entered through a window, is trapped inside the building. If solar overheating is
a problem, as it is in Cyprus, there are four methods available for the reduction of solar heat gain
through windows. These four variables are within the designer’s control:
a) Orientation.
b) Special glass panes.
c) Internal shading devices.
d) External shading devices.
5.10.1 Orientation
The orientation of many buildings is influenced by the site and by adjacent buildings, but the
preferred orientation may be determined by considering the climatic factors of wind and solar
radiation as well as by the view, noise and requirements of privacy, which may, at times, over-
ride the climatic considerations. The orientation of a building should be affected by the
quantities of solar radiation falling on different sides at different times. However, it has been
recognised that both radiation and air temperature act together to produce the heat exchange
experienced by a body or a surface. This is expressed as the sol-air temperature, which includes
three component temperatures: that of the outdoor air, the solar radiation absorbed by the body
or surface and, lastly, the long-wave radiant heat exchange with the environment.
Olgyay51 describes a sol-air approach to orientation in which not only the radiation receipts are
considered, but also the heat impact of the diurnal temperatures. In Cyprus, protection from the
solar radiation is particularly important during times of excessive heat, when there can be
differences of as much as 3ºC or more in air temperature inside the building between the worst
and best orientation. Optimum orientation would reduce radiation to a minimum in the so-called
overheated period, while simultaneously allowing some radiation during the cool months or the
under heated period.
The heating effect of solar radiation, long wave radiation and warm air may be joined together
and made useful for building design purposes. This can be done by the use of the sol-air
temperature concept, defined as the imaginary outside air temperature which combines radiation
with convection currents, and in the absence of solar radiation would give the same temperature
distribution and rate of heat transfer through an opaque building element as exists with the actual
outdoor shade air temperatures and the incident solar radiation.
Ts = Ta + α It/ho
Ts is the sol-air temperature in °C
Ta is the outdoor shade air temperature in °C
It is the total solar radiation intensity in W/m²
α is the absorption coefficient of the surface, defined as the ratio of the ability of a material to
absorb solar radiation to the ability of a black body where α = 1
ho is the outside surface conductance in W/m² °C
Fig 5.10 Graphic Sol – air equation
By plotting the directions of maximum radiant gain for both hot and cool months, it is possible to
determine the optimum orientation for any given location. It is unlikely that the two directions
will be at right angles to each other and some compromise must be made to achieve the most
satisfactory distribution of total heat receipts in all seasons. It is difficult to generalise, but as
east and west facing walls receive the highest intensities of radiation they should normally be
kept as short as possible and openings, if they must exist on these sides, should be as small as
possible. The west side, which receives the maximum radiation during the hottest part of the
day, can be particularly troublesome.
It is preferable that one of the long walls is facing south so that the available solar radiation is
exploited in winter. If the site prohibits this, additional energy is required for heating52.
Materials research has focused on glazing, since windows usually create an adverse impact on
building operating costs. Energy penalties caused by low insulation values and uncontrollable
solar gains often outweigh energy benefits, such as daylighting. Nevertheless, windows provide
essential benefits, such as view, ventilation, and a psychological (and sometimes physical)
connection to the outdoors. Perhaps more importantly, windows are architectural elements that
can set the style of a building. Any new glazing alternatives must provide all these benefits to be
accepted in the marketplace.
There are two approaches for improving energy performance in residences that require
wintertime heating during some part of the year. Improve the solar transmission while
maintaining the thermal insulation level, or improve the thermal resistance while maintaining the
solar transmission. Either approach greatly enhances the window as a south-wall collector, and if
the improvements are large enough, as an effective cloudy-day or north-facing solar collector,
since the diffuse solar radiation can be effectively trapped.53 Today’s commercially available
argon-filled low-emissivity (low-e) windows can attain performance about midway between the
extremes of the other glazing materials. These type of windows are used on the Experimental
Solar House.
Antireflection treatment
Normal reflection losses of the two surfaces of a single layer of glass total 8%, a figure
comparable to absorption losses. This figure can be lowered to 2% by altering the index of
refraction at the glass surfaces with either mechanical treatments or coatings.
More of the openings should be placed on the south wall in order to promote direct heat gains in
winter55. The optimum percentages of south wall openings are 40% for the mountainous, 24%
for the coastal and 18% for the inland climatic regions, (Table 5.3). Small north windows should
be opened to enable cross ventilation in summer but not waste energy in winter. A value of 5%
north wall windows is sufficient for adequate cross ventilation during summer nights.
Relationship between the heat capacity, thermal insulation and size of openings
It should be noted that the relationship between the heat capacity, U-value and size of openings
should change so as thermal comfort is ensured in summer and optimum conditions are
established in winter56. However, the heat capacity cannot be lower than 200 kJ/m²K (thermal
comfort reasons) or greater than 500 kJ/m²K (economic reasons). In table 8.2 the alternative
combinations of heat capacity, U-values and size of openings are presented as well as the
average U-value of the house.
Within the range of tests conducted by Serghides57 regarding fenestration design the thermal
response of the building is examined in relation to:
1. Glazing type
Replacing north single glazing with double. This resulted to 6% savings
Replacing all single glazing with double. This concludes to 48% savings
The use of double-glazing is an effective means of controlling heat losses and therefore reducing
energy consumption.
a. The largest amount of savings in heating energy load is presented on π shape. This is
followed by the L- shape.
b. In the rectangular shape the extra cooling loading cancels the heating savings incurring
from solar gains in winter.
c. The loading of the square house remains unaffected due to its limited south glazing
increase and north glazing decrease.
d. Regarding cooling, the energy load rises in all four shapes proportionally to the extent of
the south glazing increase. This results from the greater amount of solar gain received by
the building during summer.
e. During winter the glazing variation of the tests yields heating fuel savings.
above the air temperature. Such blinds are most effective when fitted between sheets of double-
Internal shades are very often of the venetian blind type and for these to give most benefit, they
should be adjusted so that they reflect the rays of the sun back to the outside and so that no direct
rays pass between the slats into the room. Under such conditions, only 53% of the direct and sky
radiation normally incident upon a window is transmitted to the room.
Trees and shrubs provide the simplest way of protecting a low building (or part of it) from solar
radiation. Deciduous trees are especially valuable, as they do not cut out winter sunshine.
a) Vertical devices
b) Horizontal devices
c) Egg-crate devices
Vertical devices
Vertical shading devices consist of louver blades or projecting fins in a vertical position. The
horizontal shadow angle (HSA) measures their performance. Narrow blades with close spacing
may give the same shadow angle as broader blades with wider spacing.
Using the shadow angle protractor (Figure 5.9) the "shading mask" of a given device can be
established. Figure 5.10 shows the various shadow angles. For vertical devices, this is the
characteristic sector shape, as shown in Figure 5.11. If this is done on the same scale as the
protractor, on tracing paper, it can be laid over the appropriate solar chart and the "shading"
times for the particular device (dates and hours) can be read off directly. This is a quick short
cut, obviating the need to establish solar position angles.
It can be seen that this type of device is most effective when the sun is to one side of the
elevation, such as an eastern or western elevation. For a vertical device to be effective when the
sun is opposite to the wall considered, it would have to give almost complete cover of the whole
Figure 5.12 shadow angle protractor
Figure 5.14 vertical devices
Horizontal devices
Horizontal devices can consist of roof overhangs, canopies, balconies, horizontal louver blades
or externally applied venetian blinds. Projecting slabs are also common forms of horizontal
screening. Their performance is measured by the vertical shadow angle (VSA). The shading
mask is of a segmental shape as shown in Figure 5.14. These are more effective when the sun is
opposite to the building face and at high angle, such as for south facing walls. To exclude a low
angle sun, this device would have to cover the window completely, permitting a view
downwards only.
Egg-crate devices
Egg-crate devices are combinations of horizontal and vertical elements (Figure 5.16) The many
types of grille-blocks and decorative screens fall into this category. Figure 5.16 shows the
method of construction of the shading mask for a moderately complex shape. These can be
effective for any orientation depending on the detailed dimensions.
Figure 5.16 Egg-crate devices
Movable shading devices can be provided so as to shade the house during summer days but not
in winter. Closing the shutters at the appropriate time improves the U-value of the house and
protects it against solar radiation. Full shading is preferable in summer, and in any case shading
of the south wall is essential58.
The introduction of shutters to intercept the summer sun, incurs considerable reduction of
The total savings in terms of money are increased by 30%. The cooling savings alone are
42% while the heating load is increased by 10%.
The introduction of shutters as solar protection method achieves higher energy conservation
than re-orienting fenestration; the unwanted summer solar radiation is intercepted, whilst the
desired winter solar gains are almost unaffected, thus reducing considerably the cooling
The introduction of shutters and addition of overhangs and side-fins also concludes to
considerable reduction of cooling60:
The total savings are 20% for both heating and cooling.
This is by 10% fewer saving than those achieved by the introduction of shutters only.
There is 5% reduction of the heating load that is attributed to the loss of useful solar gains
intercepted by permanent overhangs and side-fins.
There is 5% loss of cooling savings that is attributed to the retention of heat by the additional
external mass of overhangs and side-fins.
The combined shading measure of shutters, overhangs and side-fins, have an estimated pay-
back period of 11 years, considering the savings reduction and the additional construction
cost of the fixed shading devices.
5.11.1 Overview
Throughout history, people in Cyprus (see chapter 6) have relied upon natural ventilation for
comfort in buildings during the summer. Buildings with massive elements are traditionally
common, night-only ventilation has generally been used. Night-sky radiation and evaporative
cooling have also been used in conjunction with night ventilation. Traditional architecture has
provided both lightweight and massive construction. Several have discussed the issues of
traditional architecture in various arid and tropical climates including, Koenigsberger, Ingersoll,
Mayhewand and Szokolay 61. For recommendations on climate-responsive housing designs
much has been written by Olgyay62, The American Institute of Architects63 and other authors64.
Good ventilation is the key to a comfortable and healthy home. The house can be cooled while
opening and closing doors and windows remove hot, stale air. This natural effect is sufficient to
keep a home comfortable. At other times, the forces of air pressure and gravity are not enough
to circulate air though a building, so some type of mechanical device is needed to provide
adequate ventilation. Fans and ventilators are an effective way to enhance air circulation. This
forced ventilation can supplement or even replace air conditioning. Through careful selection
and proper sizing, fans and ventilators can increase comfort levels and reduce energy costs. A
small amount of ventilation is necessary to control odours, moisture, and pollutants (radon,
formaldehyde, etc.). For older homes, natural infiltration through cracks in the house envelope is
sufficient for such ventilation needs [0.6-1.0 air changes per hour (ach)]. But infiltration may
not be sufficient to ventilate contemporary, tightly constructed homes adequately, and
mechanical ventilators with air-to-air heat (or enthalpy) exchangers may be required65.
Opening and closing windows can ventilate different parts of a building. The size and location
of the inlet and outlet areas determine the rate of airflow. The greatest volume of airflow occurs
when the inlet and outlet areas are equal. The velocity of local airflow is greater when there is
an imbalance between inlet and outlet areas. Larger outlets create a faster airflow near the
smaller inlets, and larger inlets create a faster airflow near the smaller outlets. Therefore, the
airflow in certain areas of a building can be changed by simply opening and closing windows.
For example, opening all windows on the leeward side of a building, and closing all the windows
on the windward side except in one room maximizes airflow in that room.
One other type of natural ventilation arises in rooms with only one window. Here, minimal
ventilation is created as some air enters the room at one time and a few seconds later some air
exits because of the fluctuating static pressure of the wind. This pattern creates minimal
When designing a building for natural ventilation, there are several guidelines to follow:
The building is designed to respond to winds from any direction.
Inlets and outlets for airflow in each room are provided.
Inlets and outlets are located so air will flow through parts of the room most likely to be
occupied, such as the sitting area in a den, and stagnant areas are avoided.
Windows and doors are used that open fully.
Vents and windows are accessible and easy to use.
Blocking windows with exterior objects such as shrubs and fences are avoided, but do not
eliminate shading. Tall trees allow air to enter while providing shade.
Vent openings are concentrated in spaces most likely to require cooling.
Overhangs, porches, and eaves are used to protect windows and vents from rain. This
extends the amount of time that natural ventilation can be used.
Vent openings are tightly sealed in winter or when using an air conditioner.
Minimal ventilation and infiltration rates are required in buildings as well as in attic spaces to
prevent condensation and wood rot. This subsection, though, does not address these types of
Steady wind-driven ventilation, i.e., cross ventilation, is usually the strongest mechanism and is
produced when a prevailing wind direction creates distinct positive and negative (suction)
pressures at the inlet and outlet. Unsteady pressure differences also may be created by wind,
such as changing pressure patterns over a windward wall with two widely spaced windows on
the same wall. The fluctuating wind directions, typical in suburban or other rough terrain, create
unsteady pressure fluctuations that can generate significant ventilation.
Figures 5.17 - 5.24 show different ventilation methods taken from the European Passive Solar
Figure 5.17 a-c when inlet and outlet are aligned with the wind, the airflow is short-circuited and
poor secondary flow is generated next to the main stream. If the wind is oblique to the openings,
the air low circulates in the entire building. If the wind is parallel to the opening, no significant
movement occurs within the occupied space.
Figure 5.18 a-e Cross ventilation can be further enhanced by placing two outlets on the building
sidewalls. This design option also addresses the frequent shifts in wind direction. The
distribution of the openings on the building facade is a key issue for efficient natural ventilation.
Ventilation is a three dimensional function and correct location of the openings including
windows is essential, the position of the inlet dominates the airflow pattern within the space. The
position of the outlet is of secondary importance.
Figure 5.19 a-d High inlets do not generate a strong air velocity in the occupied zone and are
thus less suitable for occupant cooling. However, this configuration is often interesting for night
ventilation because the air stream may be directed toward the storage element, for example a
massive coiling. Moreover the high position offers better security against intruders. Openings at
body height generally offer well cross ventilation. When the building is too deep to offer cross
ventilation, or when opposing openings are not possible, roof openings may be used to
encourage an anabatic flow. The roof opening should be designed to create a low-pressure region
next to the opening to enhance the natural stack effect.
Figure 5.20 Cross ventilation is often optimal if a room has three openings on different facades.
Unfortunately this configuration is rare as most rooms have only one external wall. With one
open window the ventilation is mainly due to the turbulent fluctuations of the wind, and internal
air movement is not significant. Ventilation can be improved if two windows can be placed on
the facade as far apart as possible. Wind fluctuations generate pressure differences between the
two windows and induce air circulation within the space. Wing walls for windward windows can
enhance the pressure differences between two windows and induce cross ventilation in the room.
Unfortunately they are ineffective for leeward facades.
Figure 5.21 a-c if the room has apertures on adjacent walls, wing walls can considerably enhance
cross ventilation. On the other hand, wing walls modify the initial flow within the space.
Vegetation can affect the airflow pattern in the same ways as neighbouring buildings or wing
walls. Moreover, it also offers air filtering, noise reduction and shading.
Figure 5.22 Influence of vegetation on airflows, also providing air filtration, noise reduction and
The stack effect arises because the density of air decreases with temperature. Thus airflow can
be induced in a thermal chimney external to the building, which, in turn, can ventilate a house.
Designers in Cyprus should commonly practise stack effect ventilation.69 During the summers in
Cyprus, daytime ventilation is impossible and the building gradually heats up during the day. At
night the cool air flushes the building. The nighttime wind speeds are usually low, thus the wind
effect is augmented by the stack effect by placing high outlets (e.g. operable skylights) and low
The stack must terminate above the roof peak so that the stack top is always under suction
compared to the lower inlet level. Otherwise, a wind coming from the opposite direction can
introduce the hot stack air into the room. Schubert70 and Hahn have written extensively for
ventilator designs, especially well suited for this purpose. One must also be careful in designing
Trombe walls for stack ventilators in the summer. Unless the Trombe wall is insulated at the
house side in the summer and is vented at a high point at the top, unwanted heating may result.
The physics of stack ventilation are well explained in ASHRAE.71 In general, the stack effect is
weak. As discussed by Chandra, Fairey and Houston72, the cross-ventilation airflow from a 2.7-
m/s wind can overcome that from an 2.4-m stack at 43°C. But during windless nights that typify
the summer conditions in many parts of Cyprus, fan-forced ventilation may be the only
alternative for providing airflow.
Solar chimneys use the sun to warm up the internal surface of the chimney. Buoyancy forces due
to temperature difference help induce an upward flow along the plate. The chimney width should
be close to the boundary layer width in order to avoid potential backward flow73.
Wind towers draw upon the force of the wind to generate air movement within the building.
There are various systems based on this principle. The wind-scoop inlets of the tower oriented
toward the windward side capture the wind and drive the air down the chimney. The air exists
though a leeward opening of the building74 75. The airflow is enhanced by cold night air.
Alternatively, the chimney cap is designed to create a low-pressure region at the top of the tower,
and the resultant drop in air pressure causes air to flow up the chimney. A windward opening
should be associated with the system for air inlet. The anabatic process benefits in this case from
the buoyancy of the warm inside air. Both these principals may be combined in a single tower
providing both admittance and exhaust of air. A self-contained system is thus created.
Recently atria have received attention as potential means of inducing stack ventilation especially
in larger buildings. Open atria and courtyards usually get hot in the daytime but can cool down
at night. Thus they are frequently used for sleeping in Cyprus. Eureka Laboratories76 developed
an atria classification system and composed a literature survey of atria use dating back to
Night- and evening-only ventilation of massive buildings is a common strategy in Cyprus where
daytime temperatures are too high for ventilation. Whether permanent use of night-only
ventilation is desirable depends on the building type and climate and whether a backup
mechanical system is used. Givoni77 conducted side-by-side tests of several building models of
different constructions and colour and insulation levels. He found that permanent ventilation
was better for white models. In other words, well-designed buildings (light coloured, insulated,
shaded windows) will maintain daytime indoor temperatures lower than that outdoors, and thus it
is pointless to ventilate them during the day. This situation is likely to be true for both arid and
humid climates.
Baer78 has performed some elegant experiments and analyses of night ventilation. He points out
that one can think of the house having two U-value (U being the overall building thermal
transmittance, W/m² ºC), one for daytime and the other for nighttime. Baer recommends
maximising the night-time U-value and minimising the daytime U-value, Baer points out that to
reject heat from massive walls at night, there are two resistances in series to be overcome: the
convective hc and the effective ventilation resistance hv, a function of the ventilation rate. Baer
recommends using ceiling fans to raise hc and increasing the night ventilation rate to about
1.5m³/ min m² of floor area equals 37.5 ach for a room with 1.95-m ceiling height. His numbers
agree with FSEC analyses (see Figure 5.21, the mild summer day in Florida has relatively same
temperatures as the mild summer in Cyprus).
Figure 5.24 Baers’ experiments and analyses of night ventilation
There are design possibilities to use night ventilation without introducing the night air into the
house. Using an air-core system where the massive elements are made of either concrete blocks
with their cores aligned or precast hollow core concrete planks may do this. Barnaby, Hall and
Dean79 have devised a design analysis of this concept for office buildings. With an air-core
system, the mass can be flushed out at night without introducing humidity into the conditioned
Ceiling fans are another means to circulate air. They replace or supplement air conditioning in a
home. Some ceiling fans are reversible. Blades turn clockwise in summer to create a downdraft,
and counter clockwise in the winter to circulate the heated air collecting at the ceiling down
towards the floor. Others come with light fixtures. Ceiling fans can also add a decorative touch
to a home. With ceiling fans, the thermostat setting can be raised up to 5ºC from the thermal
comfort level80 (depending on the occupants’ preference). Separate fans should be placed in all
frequently used rooms. They should be located over areas that are likely to be occupied, such as
over the seating area in a den or over the bed in a bedroom. Ceiling fans work best when the
blades are 210cm to 280cm above the floor and 25 to 30cm below the ceiling. Placing fans so
the blades are closer than 20cm to the ceiling can decrease the efficiency by 40 percent. Fans
also require at least 45cm of clearance between the blade tips and walls. They should never be
hung where excessive moisture could damage the wiring or warp wooden blades. These fans are
best for rooms that tend to build up heat, such as sunrooms or rooms with a woodstove.
A larger fan provides a greater range of airflow settings and ventilates a larger area at lower
velocities, with less noise, and only slightly more power than similar smaller units. A 90 or
105cm fan works best for room’s 360cm or smaller. A 120 or 130cm fan works best for rooms
360 by 540cm. Larger fans work best in central halls. Small and medium-sized fans move air in
a 120 to 180cm radius and should be placed close to the centre of the room. Large fans are
effective up to 300cm from the centre of the room because they have a greater airflow radius.
It is known that as velocity rises, the air temperature in which one feels comfortable also rises.
However, there is an upper limit to air velocity above which air movement itself causes
annoyance. According to Olgyay81,and Szokolay82, the effect of air movement alone for
temperatures around comfort are as follows:
Therefore, an upper limit of 1.50 m/s can be set above which discomfort begins because of the
draughty environment. The 1.5m/s value is acceptable for high temperatures (but less than skin
temperature) because and experience of draught can be pleasant if one is too hot. Actually air
velocities of 2 m/s have found acceptable by some authors83
The energy savings depend on climate, building type, occupant tolerance of humidity, building
mass, ventilation strategy (whenever possible of night time only), and convective heat transfer
coefficients at walls and other factors.
The savings possible by ventilating a low mass, energy-efficient, slab-on-grade frame house
have been analysed by Kusuda.84 Kusuda analysed houses in ten cities across the United States
and found saving could be 50% or more in many climates. Kusuda assumed that there would be
no cooling load for ambient temperatures below 22°C because normal, natural ventilation that is
present at any house at a level of about 6 ach would take care of any cooling loads arising when
ambient is below 22°C. A whole-house fan (WHF) ventilated the house at 30 ach if the ambient
temperature was between 22°C and 26°C. For ambient temperatures between 26°C and 28°C the
WHF was assumed to produce 60 ach. For ambient temperatures above 28°C, or the thermostat
set point, the air conditioner was used. The results of the Kusuda study for Washington, D.C.,
are shown in Figure 5.22. This figure shows the cooling electric energy used by the unventilated
and ventilated house for various indoor set points. The graphs show that in a ventilating house,
26.5% energy savings can be attained for a thermostat setting of 26oC. Raising the thermostat to
28°C and using ceiling fans can obtain similar savings. More dramatic savings can be obtained
if the house is ventilated and ceiling fans are used.
The savings from night ventilating a massive residence (e.g., a passive solar home) have been
analysed by Neeper and McFarland85 and by Kammerud, Anderson, Place, Ceballos and Curtis.86
Both studies assumed still air convective heat transfer coefficients (hc) at the massive walls.
Because of this assumption, the Kammerud study found that increasing the air change rate over
10 ach did not appreciably improve the energy savings.87 Chandra and Kerestecioglu88 have
measured hc values approximately twice the still air hc in naturally ventilated rooms. They
conducted a parametric analysis of potential energy savings of night ventilation for various
values of hc and air change rates. The house was the same one used in the Kammerud study.
This study was conducted by modifying the computer program TARR89 and inputting user-
specified hc values. The study demonstrates that for this mild summer design day, the savings
from a massive night-ventilated residence depends quite strongly on the hc (see Figure 5.24), and
the optimal ach value also depends on hc. In other words, if the hc can be kept at 105 times the
still air value, the optimal ach is closer to 25 than about 15 if only still air values of hc can by
Figure 5.25 The results of the Kusuda study for Washington, D.C.
In Cyprus the savings from ventilation depend on the allowable humidity levels. These levels
are determined by the occupants and vary widely. Most people with air-conditioned homes in
the coastal region of Cyprus do not open their windows at night if the outside is humid but cool.
On the other hand, even in the coastal regions some people live in non-air-conditioned,
ventilated homes under ceiling fans and experience little mould/mildew problems, if closets are
ventilated. Kammerud et al90 have investigated the possible savings as a function of allowable
humidity. They have found that if the allowable outside humidity is restricted to 80% RH the
savings from night ventilation is reduced by 50%. Even if the occupant is willing to ventilate
during cool but humid nights, what is to happen the next day when the air conditioner is turned
on. It is possible that in buildings with a large moisture capacitance (e.g. homes with carpets,
fabric, upholstery, lots of fabric drapes, or unpainted concrete blocks used for mass) the moisture
absorbed at night will be released the next day when the air conditioner is turned on. This could
impose a high latent load, eliminating some of the savings from night ventilation.
Vegetation in the form of trees, shrubs, creepers and groundcovers can, be effectively used to
improve the microclimate of a building in the following ways: providing shade-deciduous trees
are excellent for shade in summer while allowing sun through during the cold months.
Evergreens can be effectively used for shading the building or outdoor areas from the low-lying
sun if the right type is selected. Deciduous creepers growing over a pergola or on a wall surface
can provide shade for the summer and permit sun to penetrate when it is needed in winter.
Vegetation affects airflow that can be accelerated or directed through buildings by correct and
careful planning as long as the behaviour of the flow is predictable. Great care must be taken,
however, to ensure that the free flow of cooling breezes is not obstructed.
Shelter-dense planting of evergreen vegetation (preferably in two or three rows) can be used to
form windbreaks, provide protection against wind- blown windbreaks, provide protection against
wind-blown dust and sand, and as screens (both visual and for privacy), as well as for reducing
As vegetation is grown easily and often densely in the mountains-the main problem can be to
restrict its growth or find trees and shrubs which will not obstruct the flow of breezes. In the
plains zones, on the other hand, vegetation is extremely sparse and as it’s beneficial influence on
the microenvironment can be enormous. No attempt will be made to provide information here on
specific plant types for these areas
Although a relatively wide range of vegetation will thrive in Cyprus and almost anything can be
grown where there is sufficient water, it must be remembered that there is not one uniform
climate (mountainous area, coastal area and plains area). Each area has its own peculiarities and
differs from the others in one-way or another. As plants can cost a great deal to grow in the arid
areas, it may be advantageous if they can have a dual function; in other words a tree or shrub
grown for shade could be selected from those which bear edible fruit. When plants are being
selected for shade for use in improving the microclimate, other considerations must be kept in
Depending on kind of trees, vegetation filters sunlight and protects against direct radiation. A
complete obstruction to solar irradiation provides cool areas of shadow in summer, while
deciduous trees allow solar penetration of crown in winter for solar gain (Figure 5.23).
Different types of barriers may provide various effects of wind control depending on their height,
density and spacing relative to the building. Directing the air movement to the building and
reduction of wind speed, should carefully be considered according to the seasonal wind
conditions at a given location. Wind protection and natural ventilation require the proper
placement and screening of vegetation barriers in combinations to give the desired degree of
control in specific situations (Figure 5.27).
Figure 5.27 Different types of barriers92
Passive solar architecture began its distinction as a response to the energy crisis alarm of the
seventies. As with any architectural trend or style, the bulk of the work produced is very much a
diverse product depending on the individual project’s site particulars, program needs, financials
and more. Since the pivot of this research is the Experimental Solar House, it is meaningful to
present certain previous solar homes, which exhibit notable passive solar features.
The American firm Janus Associates, in the early eighties was faced with the challenge of
designing a passive solar building in a hot and arid region, not unlike certain areas of Cyprus
(Figure 5.23). Another commonality between the weather in that particular region of Arizona
and Cyprus is the distinct nighttime temperature drop and cloudless nights. The architects were
immediately faced with the need to create well shaded and thermally protected spaces.
Secondly, they needed to cater to heat rejection or dissipation and thirdly they needed to achieve
the right parameters for ventilation and night cooling.
Sunstone’s walls are exceptionally thick at almost 61cm. The exterior surface is an extremely
textured, exposed aggregate layer. The textured surface acts as tiny self-shading pockets, which
refract and scatter light away from the building. The texturing, with its pockets and voids also
sets up a fine insulating air layer. Testing has shown up to a 2.8oC lower temperature between
this particular wall and a similar one with a smooth surface. About 7.5cm inwards from the
exterior surface of the wall, a 7.5cm thick insulating layer is placed within the concrete wall.
Another important passive solar measure exhibited in this house is the deeply recessed windows
for maximum shading. The windows are also placed high in most rooms to help diffuse the
daylight across the ceilings.
A concept that works well with clear skies was one tested in the 1960’s by Harold Hay94. Water
in a plain ice chest can be kept at a relatively constant temperature with little effort, even in
desert conditions. This is achieved during the summer days, provided an insulating lid is placed
over the water-filled chest. At night, the lid is removed and radiating its heat out in the clear
skies cools the water. In the winter, the opposite is true. The lid is kept on during the night to
preserve the heat that was gained during the day. This system is called Skytherm. Hay and
Sunstone’s architect Daniel Aiello utilized this principle to develop and system of roof ponds
lying on corrugated steel deck that act as both the roof and the ceiling. The ponds, much like the
ice chest, have moveable, rigid insulating panels that can be manipulated either by hand or by a
small motor.
Caspar House96 was designed by Alberto Campo Baeza and is situated in southern Spain where
summers are hot and winters are quite mild not unlike the summers and winters of Cyprus
(Figure 5.24). The house is a low-cost, fine contemporary reworking of traditional climatic and
architectural concerns. It achieves a balance of privacy and tranquillity with a system of open
and enclosed spaces to provide a living area, two sleeping areas, kitchen and sanitary spaces.
The most important passive concern focused on providing summer comfort. With this in mind,
the architect enclosed the outer space, thus screening it from the fiercest direct sunlight. The
white-colored walls reflect heat and along with the cavity insulation, keep the structure cool in
With ventilation being an important cooling factor, the plan is arranged so that air is permitted to
circulate from one patio to the other. Additionally the ceilings are quite high at 4m, which also
facilitates stack ventilation. Another provision against summer overheating is the patios, the
pools and the citrus trees, when grown, provide evaporative cooling in a traditional, low-
maintenance manner.
Winter winds are a problem due to the flatness of the landscape, but since the enclosing walls
shelter the external spaces, the Caspar House is sufficiently wind-protected. Daylighting is also
not a problem, due to small scale of the construction and the reflective white walls.
The elegance of the simplicity of the Caspar House and its low-budget nature, is an excellent
example of easy-to-emulate passive solar practice. The Caspar House is an example of how low-
energy features need not be highly priced monstrosities.
Herb Beatty97 is a solar energy consultant who began practicing passive solar principles in the
frigid state of Minnesota. When he moved to Florida in the early eighties, he immediately
realized that he needed to change his point of view. In an area that averaged 4,000 cooling
degree-days a year, passive solar means passive cooling. Although Cyprus by no means shares
the tropical climatic zone with Florida, here too, the most important passive concern is
undoubtedly cooling. As a consequence of the tropical nature of Florida, major issue in comfort
is humidity. As stated in previous chapters, the location of the Experimental Solar does not face
serious humidity levels. However, most of the coastal regions in Cyprus require provisions for
dealing with excessive humidity.
Beatty’s major passive design decision was to raise the house he was building for himself,
approximately 3.6m above ground and to rest its bulk on wooden stilts. The house is arranged
around a central cooling core, with vented walls and radiant barriers (Figure 5.25). The central
core juts out above the house a full three stories high above ground and measures an area of
3.6x3.6m. Raising the house induces a chimney effect, with warm air exhausting out of the top
of the house and cool air replacing it from the shaded area beneath the main floor. Another
advantage of the raised main floor is that the higher the level, the greater the wind velocity,
which enhances evaporative cooling. As a bonus, the raised floor provides more privacy, better
views and fewer insects.
In Fort Myers, Florida, there is a consistent summer breeze blowing from the southeast and with
that in mind Beatty located a screened porch to capture it. A 1.2m deep roof overhang protects
the rest of the southern side. During the winter months sun enters freely to heat up the house,
and much like the Experimental Solar House, Beatty house requires a heat-circulating fireplace
to supply backup heat.
The house literally took just over two months to build and the passive solar features accounted
for about 5% of the total cost. The designer who is also the inhabitant has been rewarded with
electric bills about 20% of those for conventional houses of comparable sizes98.
5.13.4 Bart Prince’s Passive Solar Home and Studio in New Mexico, USA99
Bart Prince, has dedicated his life to creating architecture that, is striking, innovative and
radically unconventional. His home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is an example of his
integrated, site-sensitive approach to design combined with his own personal taste for creativity.
The design of his home makes the best use of the long, narrow suburban lot he had available to
him. Similarly to Herb Beatty, he raised the living portion of the house to three stories high to
maximize cooling via ventilation (Figure 5.26). The house exploits a fortuitous long southern
exposure with shaded glazing and clerestories to capture low sunlight that heats a series of
transparent water-filled cylinders on the third floor. The transparent tubes, known as Kalwall
tubes, are integral parts of the design, which is a modular composition and assortment of small to
large circular elements.
The passive solar applicability of the Kalwall tubes lies in their ability to store heat during
daylighting hours and release their ambient heat to maintain climate balance inside the building.
The transparent tubes, however, are not only functional and integral in the building’s operating
system; they are an elegant design feature that makes a significant statement in the overall
philosophy of the building design. As is typical of Bart Prince’s work, the overall building form
is not restrained by any convention, which is in direct contrast to the systematic thinking behind
the water tubes – a blend of freedom and structure, characteristic of the organic tradition.
The orientation of the building’s spaces and major design features such as sunscreens, berm
walls for insulation and highly controlled fenestration are all in direct response to the mobility of
the sun in contrast to a stationary building. The true unique nature of this built passive solar
example is the way in which the product combines the realities of the site, the sun and the life
and work patterns of the owner. Sometimes the need to disguise the Solar House in order to
make it more viable to more perspective homeowners become such a priority that the
extraordinary dwindles and creativity becomes pacified. Prince has no such inhibitions, making
his house bold and eye-catching and at the same time environmentally harmonious.
Figure 5.31 Bart Prince’s Passive Solar Home and Studio in New Mexico, USA
The principle of the firm Alex Tombazis and Associates is perhaps the most noted Greek
architect in the field of solar architecture and is also the architect of the Helios 2, a passive solar
residence in Ekali, Athens100. This house is an apt example of how the majority of classic passive
solar features are adapted discretely in a single building (Figure 5.16). The house measures
300sqm, extending on two levels around a conservatory and patio sited on a hillside that slopes
steeply from North to South.
One most prominent passive solar design features the house exhibits is the direct gain through
the double height conservatory and the south facing clerestory windows on the upper floor.
Double glazed doors around the conservatory on both floors control the direct flow of heat into
the surrounding spaces. Also, between the conservatory and the living areas on the ground floor
there are concrete mass walls for storing solar energy and thus heating the space indirectly.
Tombazis has chosen to achieve passive cooling through ventilation and shading on the southern
openings. The southern windows cross-ventilate with the north openings, providing comfortable
conditions for the living area and the bedrooms. The roof overhang shades the clerestory
windows and internal blinds and the deciduous trees in the courtyard shade the conservatory.
The warm air in the conservatory is drawn out though vents on the ceiling. Auxiliary heating is
supplemented by a central heating system.
According to Tombazis, solar energy contributes 59% to the energy demands of the building.
While the temperature indoors remains relatively constant as compared o other non-passive
houses during a twenty-four hour span and from season to season, the temperature is the
conservatory ranges from 10oC to 34oC throughout the year – herein lies the success of the
When built in 1978, the Kitsun Solar Townhouses, an 8-unit demonstration project in
Vancouver, was the latest in passive solar design. But its residents have since made significant
changes to the original design to address mechanical failure of the solar systems, their comfort,
and their homes' appearance. Though its skylids still respond to the day-night cycle as designed,
many residents operate them manually because they're unaware of their operating principle or
can't adjust and maintain them effectively. A fan-assisted venting system for the south-facing
Trombe wall failed causing overheating in the adjacent bedrooms. Design changes during
construction, drafty conditions, fan noise from inadequate maintenance, and ultimately fan
failure all contributed to the system's failure. Residents abandoned the vents, installing fixed
windows in their place. The operation of the Trombe wall's moveable insulting curtain was not
fail-safe and the residents removed them. And the residents eventually repainted the dark, sun-
absorbing Trombe walls in pastel colors. Many of the Kitsun project's difficulties stem from a
lack of foresight on how its new designs and technologies were likely to function over time and
how occupants would maintain them. The public accepts environmentally progressive building
only in part for its energy and environmental benefits. Innovative designs must also satisfy
occupant use patterns and expectations, provide comfort and ease of operation, and sustain this
performance over time. Designers can use advanced environmental technologies. But they must
be elegantly simple solutions and transparent to the occupant101.
A glance at the south façade of the Kitsun project102 at any time of the day or night during the
summer and winter reveals varying degrees of use of the moveable systems (Figure 5.28). This
is only in part due to their satisfactory mechanical functioning. The major difference originated
from different comfort and environmental preferences of the respective occupants. The
occupants express several comfort-related factors:
Limited daylight/view
An inevitable characteristic of townhouses is the potential daylight/view from only two sides. In
the Kitsun project:
The limited south-facing window on the ground floor living/dining area in combination with
an elongated floor plan severely compromises daylighting.
The Roll-shades further reduce daylight potential when they obscure the aperture within the
Trombe wall. This conflict between two required performance requirements (thermal and
daylight) necessitates the positioning of the blind immediately above the aperture.
Thermal Mass
The Kitsun project is a ‘high-mass’ building: the mass inherent in the Trombe wall; filled
concrete block partition walls, and concrete floors.
The thermal mass provides balanced, controlled temperature on the ground floor.
The concrete block partition walls were left in their naturally occurring colour. This creates
a stark enclosure, which, despite being subsequently painted white by some residents,
remains oppressive.
A major comfort issue is overheating in the south-facing bedrooms:
These approximately 10m2 spaces have a 60o inclined 2.9m2 skylight. Although the skylids
can be closed to exclude unwanted direct solar heat, this action renders the interior space,
The upper portion of the Trombe wall provides heat to these spaces. The absence of any
effective venting of the Trombe wall space creates stratification air temperature and
subsequent increase adjacent to this portion of the wall. This, in combination with the failure
or non-use of the Roll-shades, creates a considerable solar load on a relatively small space.
Distribution Fan
A small thermostatically controlled fan was incorporated in the original design to distribute
excess heat from the front bedroom, direct gain space, to the northern lower rooms. In addition
to mechanical failure of the fans, two comfort issues affect this strategy:
Although the fan draws air from the direct gain space, it is not sufficiently warm to be used
as a ‘forced-air’ system. The air leaving the ceiling supply in the northern living room
creates a localised, drafty condition.
Inadequate maintenance has led to the increased noise generated by the fans. This, in
combination with insufficient care for sound insulation, creates an unpleasant acoustic
environment when they are in use.
Figure 5.33 Kitsun project
The idea of designing a prototype solar construction was encouraged by The Higher Technical
Institute (HTI) of Cyprus, which is an educational establishment, and acted as the design team.
The 'Prototype House' was built in 1988 in an attempt to promote, motivate and convince people
to erect low energy-consuming residential buildings, which would require low electricity
consumption and at the same time be comfortable during both summer and winter103.
Throughout the design process the aim was to maximise heat gain in winter and minimise it in
summer, and to encourage heat loss in the summer and limit it in winter since the Cyprus
climate, although mostly mild, requires both the heating and cooling of buildings104.
The building is a basic L-shape, with a courtyard on its west side protecting it from cold
prevailing winds (fig.5.29105). It is designed on a long east-west axis, with a glazed facade facing
south enjoying abundant solar radiation in winter. It has compact wall areas on the east and west
and a sloping roof, thus avoiding the sun, which rises and sets at a large azimuth in the summer.
Main rooms such as the dining room, sitting room, dayroom, and bedrooms have large glazed
openings that are located along the south facade, ensuring more solar radiation for longer periods
in winter. Secondary rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom, and toilets are placed on the northern
side, with openings on it to achieve cross-ventilation. The corridors both on the ground and
upper floor, act as buffer zones to the cold north winter winds.
The sunspace extends from the ground to the upper floor, exposing as many glazed sides to
winter sun as possible, taking the shape of a polygon and protecting its glazed area from the
summer sun by projection of its roof structure and the use of timber shutters. Winter heat
losses are restricted further to the shutters by curtains and proper weather stripping and
The main entrance lobby is located on the northern elevation of the house, protected by the
enclosed courtyard. It is deliberately designed to form a closed space so as to act as a buffer
to cold north winter winds when the entrance door opens. It increases the resistance to
infiltration between the entrance door and the inner frame of the house. The use of a glazed
panel for a transparent view when entering the lobby enhances the architectural quality of
interlocking spaces.
The semi-elliptical staircase in the open gallery, aside from its spatial and light
considerations, contributes to natural ventilation by stack effect. Hot air naturally rises to the
upper floor so that warmth can be distributed to the bedrooms in winter. In summer, when the
hot air is undesirable, the loft opening acts as its escape exit and the cool air entering the
house from the courtyard replaces it.
The fireplace is centrally located in the living room. In winter, when it is not in use, hot air is
prevented from escaping through the chimney with the aid of a damper, whereas in summer
when ventilation is required, the chimney encourages it through the stack effect.
The patio courtyard is accessible from the road with the entrance to the house through it,
and it is used as a recreation space, offering a pleasant transitional environment. It is located
to the north of the building. The courtyard acts as a cold north wind barrier and provides a
private, protected approach to the house in winter. In summer, in combination with the wind
tower, it forms an effective configuration for cooling.
A large deciduous tree in the courtyard provides shade and retains moisture in the dry heat
of the summer day. In addition to the tree, a pergola with deciduous climbing plants is
intended to provide similar cooling and shading effect.
A wind tower, located at the northern side, is the main feature of the courtyard, enhancing its
cooling effects. It is 7m high and to admit the summer breezes it has an opening to the west
side designed in such a way as to channel the air downwards. This air passes over the spray
of a fountain, which has the effect of cleaning it of dust, and cooling it before it enters the
courtyard. In winter, when this wind is undesirable, inside flaps act as barriers.
The garage is attached to the northern side of the house and encloses the courtyard on its
east side. In this way, it protects the house from the cold north wind and restricts heat losses
from this side. A door from the garage to the courtyard, near the kitchen, provides easy
access to it. Its flat roof slab, is offered as a large veranda, accessible from the upper floor
and from the courtyard by a flight of stairs.
The covered balconies are extended on the south facade of the building, acting as shading
devices. The depth of the roof extension, which covers and projects over the balconies below,
was designed so as to admit the winter sun, but to prevent it from entering the glazed façade
in summer. In this way, the balconies and verandas are offered as pleasant sitting areas for
the sunny winter days and the cool summer nights when breezes blow from the S or SW.
The elements of the house were designed and detailed appropriately with insulation, mass and
other necessary considerations so as to utilise the natural resources of energy available on the site
in order to achieve indoor comfort for both summer and winter.
fig.5.34 Prototype house in Cyprus
When scientists106 surveyed energy use patterns of low and moderate income households they
found that occupant behaviour had a greater impact on home energy consumption than greatly
improved thermal integrity and sun-tempering, and that occupants with “energy-saving”
behaviour would use less energy even in a conventional house than occupants with “energy-
wasting” behaviour living in a house designed for maximum energy-efficiency.
The relation between the occupant and the energy performance of a passive solar house has
always been a particularly close one. More attention has to be given to occupant effects in a
passive solar house than in a “traditional” one because passive solar features, upon which the
energy performance is based, can be subject to non-use, miss-use and abuse by the occupants.
The interaction of occupants and the passive solar system can be very positive. Solar houses,
built in the 1970’s, were custom-designed of people who were sensitive to energy and
environmental concerns. In many cases, the owner, designer, and builder were the same person.
For instance, the majority of passive solar homes surveyed in studies by the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE)108 109 110, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)111, the
New Zealand Energy Research and Development Committee112 were custom-built, with many
owners actively involved in design, construction and financing.
These designer-occupants typically had the motivation to pay careful attention to the operation of
the energy-related features of their home, such as movable insulation. They were also willing to
sacrifice a certain amount of comfort for energy-savings, by turning thermostats to very low set-
points, for example, or by opening a window and wearing light clothing when the direct gain
space overheated.
As passive solar houses began to move into the mass market, however, the profile of their
occupants became similar to those of “traditional” homes, and features that were particularly
cumbersome, costly or inconvenient were not marketable or accepted by the homeowner or
tenant. Also, speculative and production builders were especially cognizant of the fact that few
houses are occupied by the same people throughout the building’s life. The phrase “first-
occupant syndrome” was coined to describe houses that were very efficient when their
enthusiastic first occupants operated all the features conscientiously, but were inefficient and
often uncomfortable when the house was sold to less-committed (or less informed) occupants.
In addition to these factors, field studies of thermal performance in passive solar homes were
indicating that some energy –saving design features or devices were contributing little to energy
performance because the occupants were not using them as intended. For example, occupants
have been know to impede the proper performance of the passive solar system by covering
thermal mass, misusing controls, blocking thermal mass with furniture, opening or closing
curtains or shutters at the wrong time, failing to operate controls appropriately and so on. These
kinds of action will probably result in homes that do not fulfil the designers’ intentions or the
occupants’ expectations in terms of energy consumption or comfort.
The studies113 114 115and experience with occupant behaviour suggest three major reasons for
wasteful or counterproductive energy behaviour:
1. Lack of understanding on the part of the occupants as to how the passive solar system is
supposed to operate.
2. Improper passive solar or building design.
3. Disinclination of the occupant to be actively involved the building’s passive solar system
or energy performance.
Reason 1 can be addressed through effective occupant information. Reasons 2 and 3 important
implications for the design process and the solutions lie in decisions made early in that process.
The design of passive solar homes is not necessarily a simple matter. Because of the complexity
of building energy dynamics and the indication of the various elements of the energy system,
achieving good energy performance and a comfortable environment requires an understanding of
important, proven passive solar and energy conservation design principles. For example, room
layout must accommodate lifestyle and living patterns as well as passive solar design
requirements116 117. Sunlit rooms should be the ones in which activities occur that benefit from
high daytime light levels.
The importance of providing information to the occupant is clearly demonstrated by the results
of the occupant satisfaction studies which show that improper action on the part of the occupant
can impede the performance of the best designed passive solar home. The designer who is
interested in helping the occupant understand how the passive solar system works and how to
maximize the energy performance of the building is well advised to prepare information for the
occupant on the energy design of the house, the benefits to the design, and intended operation.
This information can also be used as a marketing tool.
Even if passive solar system is simple and requires relatively little occupant involvement,
descriptive materials such as fact-sheets or booklets, explaining how the house has been
designed to save energy, will be useful to the occupants and encourage their participation. If
possible, the materials can be discussed in a meeting with the occupants. For example, occupants
who are fully informed about the role their south (sun-facing) windows and adjoining tile floors
are playing in saving them money will be less likely to pull the drapes on a sunny winter day, or
cover the floor with wall–to-wall carpeting. Where the system is more complicated, occupant
education becomes even more critical. Occupants consider same manual operations, such as
opening or closing a door between a sunspace and a living room to control great distribution,
inconvenient. Therefore, the importance of reasonably faithful operation should be emphasized.
The information need not be lengthy. The essential information can probably be contained in just
a few pages or a few appropriate sketches. Studies show that the reasons people buy passive
solar homes, and the reasons they like them, have a great deal to do with factors other than
energy savings. For example, a sunspace provides a warm sunny place to grow plants, have a
morning coffee, or read a book, as well as contributing useful solar heat to the house.
Some of the topics than might be covered in information for occupants of passive solar homes
The passive solar components of the house. Each component should be identified and
described as to its’ function as part of the overall passive solar design.
How each passive solar component operates, and any occupant related intervention necessary
to ensure intoned component performance. This information is essential so that the
occupants know how the components are supposed to function, and the ramifications of
improper use.
Cleaning and maintenance requirements and operations. This information allows occupants
to keep the system operating at the highest possible efficiency. Information on specific
products and where to obtain them should be included.
How to determine if the system components are operating properly, and what to do if one is
not. Since many occupants do not know when components have failed, or the system is not
performing as well as it can know how to “trouble-shoot” the system is a valuable occupant
The anticipated energy performance of the house. This is based on either the design
performance or the results of a thermal evaluation of the house “as-built”. Information on
how to analyse fuel bills should be included.
One of the most striking results of occupant studies has been the overwhelmingly positive
attitude of occupants toward their homes. For instance, 88% of the 282 owners interviewed in a
U.S Department of Energy (DOE) study were “very satisfied” with their passive solar homes119,
and all of the 52 owners surveyed in the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
study were satisfied with theirs120.
What is particularly interesting, however, is the reason for their satisfaction. Aesthetics and
comfort level ranked with energy savings in most studies. In one section of the DOE study,
passive solar homeowners ranked interior design first, floor plan second, comfort level third, and
energy savings the fourth most important factor in their satisfaction with their homes. The DOE
study also indicates than an attractive living environment – openness, light, and views – was one
of the key factors motivating the purchase decision of passive solar homeowners. British market
studies carried out by the London Business School and the New Zealand Energy Research and
Development Committee121, bear this out, by concluding that amenities are as important as
energy considerations to occupant satisfaction122.
Previous surveys of the occupant of passive solar houses provide a great deal of valuable
experimental information. The lessons learned include the popularity of design features, which
manual operation are likely to be performed, and other practical information for the designer and
builder. The aspects of passive solar houses considered most beneficial by the occupants have
been identified. This information can sharpen the focus of marketing programs. In addition to
using this historical information, designers and builders should perform there should perform
their own post-construction survey of the new occupants of their houses. The same information
can be derived for the specific designs being constructed.
To emphasise future goals as passive solar techniques emerge from the research stage and are
applied to new, diverse and larger projects by Cypriot building designers and builders, two key
points deserve attention:
1. The key role of the passive solar system designer: The building design professional, architect
and engineer, in integrating components into a passive solar system, alongside other complex
building performance requirements, perform a critical role. If lessons are to be learned from
the relatively rapid advance of passive solar concepts in residential construction, it is that
passive solar systems are most effectively advocated by ‘early adapters’ who design and/or
build enough examples to quickly improve the application based upon practical experience.
Passive solar house design has in fact gone through a number of evolutions, each one
producing results which are more acceptable in appearance and more cost-effective than
earlier examples. The need for new skills of research and design integration in Cyprus is even
more applicable at the planning scale. Groups of buildings can be used to create protected
outdoor spaces. New ways of doing so, through courtyards and atria, evolve from an
investigation of daylighting, solar access and sun shading. The microclimate around buildings
can be modified by vegetation, wind and water.
2. The key role of innovation in the Cyprus building industry: Three stages - research,
development, commercialisation - are terms used to describe the process of innovation, from
the inception of an idea, tests of technical and economical viability, prototype development
and its reduction to practice. The ultimate test of successful innovation is, of course,
dissemination, which, in the case of the building industry, means that it achieves permanent
improvement in some aspect of building construction and use.
This analysis suggests priorities for research and action by which to co-ordinate passive solar
applications with innovation planning. Of particular importance is the role of the Cyprus
governmental or public policy in encouraging efforts in the private sector at the community and
individual project level. While the following steps are not proposed as a fixed decision sequence
nor are all steps needed in all cases, they suggest priorities.
1. Establish a Cyprus Energy Resource Inventory. This is simply an analysis of the existing
energy and resource flows from without and within Cyprus, alongside an inventory of
indigenous sources that could be developed for local needs. In addition to material
resources, for which the inventory method is well known, local resources from the standpoint
of energy conservation include available sun, wind, air and earth temperature and humidity,
which are potential energy sources for heating, cooling and lighting buildings.
2. Undertake a Survey of Appropriate Energy Conserving Technologies for Cyprus. Many
international methods of appropriate energy technology are known and these might be
surveyed, once local resources are known and local needs identified. This step points to a
problem that exists now and is likely to persist for some time: there is inadequate information
about the wide range of technology few are familiar enough with the entire field, which itself
is rapidly expanding. This suggests that there should be a worldwide and local “library” of
current research and applications of passive solar innovation.
3. Establish Institutional Support for Integrated Innovation Initiatives. The type of institutional
support required in each situation will depend on the specific case. Comprehensive
innovation planning inevitably suggests that a number of improvements be initiated
simultaneously, combining initiatives in urban services, in commercial enterprises, and in
community development. These programs in turn might combine financial incentives,
personnel training, outreach programs, and administrative innovations.
4. Initiate Prototype or Experimental Applications such as the experimental solar house. With
any program that involves changes in both technical and social patterns, small-scale tests are
needed so that the design can be corrected before proceeding too far. Different technological
solutions might be tested simultaneously for each problem. An investment strategy might be
to fund prototype and experimental costs only, since widespread dissemination would occur
only if results could be further implemented without artificial subsidy.
5. Establish a Training and Dissemination Plan. Solutions will involve technology transfer and
the previous two steps address these requirements. Technical innovation must be undertaken
with the social context well understood. Many energy-efficient designs for buildings,
however, do not result in energy savings because of the way they are used and maintained.
As a result, education and training are necessary components of any energy-related
technology transfer program and may require the extended efforts usually associated with
long-term community development.
The above listed steps could be used to guide any technical innovation program. These are
particularly important to the further development and wider application of passive solar concepts
to vastly different circumstances throughout Cyprus.
At this time, it can be argued that passive design is experiencing a maturity of design
applications in which solar energy is utilised in heating, cooling and daylighting buildings. The
message here to advance this important beginning, it is that passive design is a sophisticated
process to reach simple solutions. Therefore the innovations to look for in the years ahead will
be first the development of design methods to enable building professionals to identify balanced
and practical solar designs, and second the development of variations of passive solar techniques
suited to local climate and resource conditions. This could result to a clearer vision by everyone
involved of how passive design is the most cost-effective strategy available in creating an
environmentally sound habitat in the climate of Cyprus or any climate of the world.
5.16 Conclusion
The climate of opinion towards solar design has shifted over the past decades. Cyprus intense
housing market emphasises attributes other than energy efficiency. However a growing concern
about environmental issues may ultimately mature into a revived interest in solar architecture. In
this event, lessons should be learnt from existing projects. Re-examining major solar projects
(like the ones discussed earlier) after the initial period of interest, provides considerable insight
into the longevity of passive solar strategies, which rely on user acceptance and involvement. It
is clear that the acceptance of solar architecture is premised only in part on energy benefits.
Unless it can provide enhanced comfort and ease of operation together with ongoing user
education, it is unlikely that it will be sustained.
The function of passive solar technology is established by the principles outlined in this chapter:
to utilise the benefits available at the building in the form of sun, wind, earth, relative humidity
and air temperature and to reduce their negative impact. Many buildings in Cyprus are designed
with no recognition of passive solar design principles, and as a result they become uncomfortable
inside and require unnecessary energy to artificially overcome the effects of inappropriate
design, even when the outside climatic conditions are comfortable. Unshaded or inoperable
windows in summer is just one example.
The fenestration orientation is a significant determining factor, for thermal gains in winter, as
well as summer overheating in buildings in Cyprus. For the optimal orientation of fenestration
further detailed studies are needed for each and every building since this variable is closely
interrelated with many other building parameters such as the size and location of openings on the
building façade in relation to:
Internal layout.
Depth of space
The opaque building elements, which affect not only the direct insulation but also its
conversion to thermal energy and its redistribution inside the building.
What one can conclude from the passive solar design discussed in this chapter is that, for the
climate of Cyprus or any given climate, there are a number of choices of solar techniques from
which to select, each with advantages and disadvantages that must be weighed in terms of the
local climate, construction practice and competing fuel costs.
Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the passive solar system it is concluded
that the best systems which can be used for the Experimental Solar House are the following:
Direct Gain
Thermal Insulation
Thermal Storage (Interior Mass)
The simplest heat storage approach is to construct the building of massive
structural materials insulated on the exterior, to couple the mass of the indoor
Types to be used: Low emmisivity glazing, argon-filled, double-glazed, special glass
Vertical Glazing Surfaces would intercept almost as much radiation during heating
season as optimally sloped surfaces. Shading can be easily controlled for the non-
heating season.
Solar Control
By use of: orientation, shading devices.
Natural Ventilation
By use of: cross ventilation, stack effect, night ventilation and ceiling fans
The systems that can definitely not be used in the Experimental Solar House are:
Trombe Wall
Sun Space
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6.1 Introduction
Up until the Dark Ages, man has allowed architecture to evolve in harmony with natural climatic
conditions. The sun and the natural forces that were available to him were used in various ways.
Changes in global technology and regional culture have fostered changes in the attitudes
concerning the utilisation of nature’s energy. The characteristics of available materials have also
had an impact on the architectural forms predominantly used by various civilisations.
Primitive man in temperate zones took advantage of the earth and its topography as he found it to
provide him with shelter from the environment and protection from wild animals and enemies.
He used caves and the undersides of cliffs for his habitat and showed little desire to fabricate his
own dwellings. His attitude toward his shelter produced the least possible negative impact upon
the environment. These natural earth dwellings provided microclimates that were less severe
than the outside climate. The thermal inertia and insulation of the earth produced a cool home in
the summer and a warm home in the winter.
As man’s needs grew, he began constructing his shelter using materials he found around his
encampment. He learned that entries and windows facing the sun and solid walls intercepting
the harsh winter winds were the most comfortable configurations. This orientation was prevalent
until the advent of the industrial man, who, through his advanced technology, realised he could
provide a comfortable interior environment by expending fossil fuels no matter how he oriented
doors, windows, etc. Topography and the availability of resources played a dominant role in
dictating how early buildings and communities would be situated. Landforms were used to
separate classes within societies, as well as to provide protection from climatic forces and hostile
neighbouring tribes.
The ancient Greeks were aware of how to build and orient structures so as to take advantage of
the sun’s heat in the winter and to keep sunlight out - and living spaces cool - in the summer.
Xenophon wrote (c.400 BC) of how the sun should penetrate and warm south porticoes in the
winter but would be overhead in the summer, leaving the roofed porticoes in shade and relatively
cool and comfortable. He also wrote that the south side of a house should be tall, to let more
sunlight in, and the north side lower, to keep out the winter winds.
The Romans were located at much the same latitude as the Greeks and were equally fascinated
with the sun. Vitruvius (before 30 BC) in the Ten Books of Architecture presented many
energy-conserving ideas relating to siting, orientation, and climatic response:
In the north, houses should be entirely roofed over and sheltered as much as possible, not in the open,
though having a warm exposure. But on the other hand, where the force of the sun is great in the
southern countries that suffer from heat, houses must be built more in the open and with northern or
northeaster exposure. Thus we amend by art what nature, if left to herself, would mar. In other
situations too, we must make modifications to correspond to the position of the heaven and its effect on
Vitruvius, Ten Books of Architecture
Vitruvius incorporated many passive energy systems into his designs. He was greatly concerned
that his planning and layout of cities and buildings would allow the maximum use of natural-
energy forces. The need for climate-responsive architecture is reflected in his statement that,
One style of house seems appropriate to be built in Egypt, another in Spain, a different kind in Pontus,
one still different in Rome, and so on with lands and countries of other characteristics.
-- Vitruvius, Ten Books of Architecture
In hot, climates, such as Cyprus, cooling of the air is necessary. This can be accomplished by
using the maximum possible air movement. In parts of India and Africa, many buildings are
close together, restricting the potential for cross ventilation, so other means of inducing air
movement are employed. Air scoops that catch the prevailing winds and direct them downward
into the building are attached to roofs. The air travels down a large duct (approximately one
square meter) to the basement or cellar area in which jugs filled with water are kept. The jugs
are made from porous clay to allow for maximum evaporative surface. As the air passes over the
water, it is cooled and picks up moisture. The conditioned air is then directed upward through
the building by warmed air leaving the stack above.
In wet, humid climates, cooling is the primary consideration. Buildings are left as open as
possible to allow the maximum amount of air movement from the exterior to the interior. The
area of the roof is minimised to decrease solar-heat gains through it. Usually roofs are
constructed of materials that are light coloured so that heat is reflected from them. A grass or
thatched roof will allow air movement through it but will not allow water leakage. Frequently,
penetrations are provided in roofs to permit ventilation of upward rising warm air. In regions
with high precipitation, buildings are raised above the ground to prevent damage resulting from
water runoff. All the materials used in the construction of these shelters have low thermal mass
and high thermal transmission values to prevent heat build up during the day.
In those climates, like Cyprus where hot days alternate with cool nights, we find a characteristic
building form that takes advantage of the heat-retention qualities of heavy masonry. In order to
hold off the impact of the hot midday sun, store, the heat in the mass of the wall, and permit the
wall to give up its stored heat at night, partially to the inside of the house and partially to the
outdoors. The thickness of the walls is a factor of the material used and the temperature
differential and range found at that location. In the American Southwest and Saharan Africa the
characteristic material is adobe; in many Mediterranean areas it is stone masonry and stucco, the
stone varying according to the geology of the locale. In all these hot climates, since the roof is
the main recipient of the full impact of the midday sun, construction techniques have been
developed to permit it to have heat-retention characteristics similar to the walls. Limited wall
openings affect the retention of more heat for release at night. The entire structure is in delicate
balance. The characteristics described are typical, and as with all typical phenomena, there are
exceptions. In many southern areas, the vertical rays of the sun make the roof a more vulnerable
area than the walls. Where the density of the roof construction necessary to withstand the sun’s
rays would exceed the structural capabilities of the local construction techniques, there is a
greater dependence on insulation than on heat storing with its time-lag effect. The familiar
thatched roof of the tropics and rural Europe has superb insulation characteristics and can be
found in widely separated parts of the world.
Many examples can be cited in which people throughout history, faced with adverse climatic
conditions, adapted their architecture to high-energy efficiency. Many ideas found in primitive
architecture can be incorporated into contemporary designs to promote harmony with nature
instead of dominance over it. To waste our energy and that stored in our limited resources
simply to overcome nature is a futile undertaking.
In this chapter, thermal performance of both traditional and contemporary buildings is discussed
in relation to climate and in terms of the various aspects necessary for understanding such
performances. Non-thermal comfort problems arising from the use of both traditional and
contemporary buildings are also discussed, together with the attitudes that made the
abandonment of traditional buildings and guided the development of contemporary buildings.
Finally, recommendations of how traditional buildings can be used appropriately and
contemporary buildings improved are considered and discussed.
The design concept of the Experimental Solar House is achieved through the knowledge of what
has been discussed in the latest chapters and will be discussed later on. The aim of this chapter is
to investigate the problems in the residential buildings (traditional and contemporary) thus
presenting the experimental solar house as an example of an ideal energy efficient house that
takes into account climate, comfort, passive solar systems and the history of architecture of
The purpose of this research is to develop and document a contemporary approach to the design
and construction of buildings. As such, it will not attempt a complete historical or geographic
analysis of the entire range of building forms that are related to locate climate, and the state of
technological advancement. And yet, by selectively looking at examples of buildings in our
human heritage, we will see that there are important linking attitudes and unavoidable laws of
physical performance. We have available to us a surprisingly rich and complex vocabulary of
forms and principles.
The cultural heritage of a people is its most valued asset, its identity and a proud sense of
continuity as evidenced through time. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and
standing as it does at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, it has had a tumultuous history.
The Mycenaean’s and the Achaeans brought their civilisation here, establishing the first Greek
roots over 3,000 years ago. Many others passed through, including Phoenicians, Assyrians,
Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Crusaders, Venetians, Ottomans and British. The apostles of
Christ walked this land. The splendour of Byzantium, founded by Constantine the Great at
Constantinople, encompassed the island of Cyprus. Here exist prehistoric settlements, ancient
Greek temples, Roman theatres and villas, Early Christian basilicas, Byzantine churches and
monasteries, Crusader castles, Gothic churches and Venetian fortifications. In the sections that
follow, important construction habits from each historical era will be discussed.
The most ancient Cypriot community known to archaeologists is Khirokitia1 (Figure 7.1).
Following decades of careful excavation and projected reconstruction, it was found that many of
these Neolithic structures exhibited insulated walls and can be considered as passive solar
The basic architectural unit was a structure with a circular ground plan, the exterior diameter of
which varies between 2.3 and 9.2m and the interior diameter between 1.4 and 4.8m. Before
construction began, the surface was more or less prepared: it was roughly levelled and
sometimes given a coating. The walls were built directly onto the underlying deposits, with no
foundation trench.2
The materials used were stone-blocks of light-coloured limestone collected on the surface and
dark diabase pebbles from the river-bed-pise and mud brick, made from earth mixed with straw
and dried in the sun. These materials were used either singly or in combination with each other.
Walls were found to be made of stones set on one or two courses and bonded with mud mortar.
Mud brick or pise walls were made of stones embedded in pise. Walls were even built in two
concentric rings, the outer one of stones, and the inner one of pise or mud bricks, the latter
sometimes resting on a stone substructure. A whitish earth plaster covers the internal and
external faces of the wall. Flat stones, set on edge around the base of the wall would sometimes
protect it from erosion by rainwater.
Each of these units, with their diverse internal arrangements, was part of a larger domestic space:
the house. Its ideal form, as can be reconstructed from the excavations at Khirokitia, may be
defined as a compound of several of these circular units around an unroofed space, a kind of
small inner “courtyard”. Inside the courtyard there was an installation for grinding grain: a fixed
quern surrounded by pebble paving. The total domestic space thus constituted, large enough to
shelter a family, is the place of various spatially defined daily activities: grain was ground within
the limits of the house, but outside the units, in the courtyard; whereas cooking took place inside
the units, on a special type of hearth that is only found inside covered areas. Figure 6.2 shows
one of these houses in an excavated area labelled zone D. There are seven circular units of
varying size, with doorways 0.5m wide opening onto an uncovered space, which is equipped
with a grinding installation.
Figure 6.2 Khirokitia village
Kalavasos – Tenta
The Tenta site is comprised of a small village with houses clustered around the upper part of a
small hill. The plan of the domestic buildings at Tenta usually comprises a single curvilinear
structure, although it is quite possible that several buildings belonged to the same family and that
they should be considered together as a domestic unit (Figure 6.3). The diameter of the domestic
structures varies from 2.40m to 3.60m. These constructions are similar to Khirokitia.
The configuration of the superstructure of the buildings and the nature of their roofs have been
debated at length. The inward curvature of some of the walls has been taken to indicate the
existence of domed roofs, and past reconstructions of Khirokitia have shown all of the domestic
building with domed roofs. The frequent occurrence of basically vertical walls without any trace
of inward inclination would seem to indicate flat roofs (Figure 6.4). It seems most likely that
many of the structures at Tenta would have had flat roofs, but buildings such as Structure 22, the
wall of which shows clear inward inclination, could have been domed. Two alternative
reconstructions are shown in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.4 roof reconstruction
6.2.2 Byzantine period
One of the buildings studied by the Institute3, House AK114, (Figure 67.7) is at the extreme
south of the settlement, and beyond this there are no ruins. This house is of interest because of its
orientation and certain other building characteristics.
The settlement is placed on a rather high altitude, which provides excellent views of the basilica
and the sea. The elevated position also means that the climate is rather cool, since cool wind
comes in from the sea – particularly in the afternoon. Apart from the presence of the water
spring as well as the arable land and the anchorage, these climatic conditions were most likely of
importance when the site was chosen for habitation.
The Byzantine houses appear to be mainly of two types: some with only one storey and some
with a second storey as indicated by staircases leading up from ground level. All houses appear
to have been built during the Early Byzantine period of the 5th and early 6th century AD, and they
have many common architectural detail. It is characteristic that some of the building stones were
reused, and must have come from earlier structures at the site, perhaps originating from the
Hellenistic and Roman period. This important gesture of recycling has been mostly abandoned in
contemporary constructions.
Walls and doorsills are founded directly on bedrock when the houses were built. The bedrock
often became the floor of the buildings, and holes and irregularities in it were filled with a mass
of ground and rammed limestone mixed with earth to obtain a secondary floor of flattish slabs
placed on a layer of earth. Some walls were made of flattish stones laid in a ‘tile–technique’
without the use of mortar.
Other walls, or stretches of walls, were of more regular blocks, and the quoins were commonly
made of carved ashlars. Apparently the secular buildings at Ayios Kononas had flat roofs, which
were covered with mud, but tiles have indeed been found in many trenches. This may indicate
that parts of building were covered with tiled roofs. The houses consist of large units with
clusters of rooms, built up against one another, sometimes with an open courtyard and with
streets or alleys separating one unit from the next. No overall layout is detectable, but one house
seems to have three rooms of a uniform size.
Among the old houses of Lefkosia there are two almost complete remains5, (Figure 6.8), which
make up the southeast corner of the square surrounding the church of St. Sophia. The larger, on
the salient angle of the square, consists of a ground floor pierced by some very plain, rectangular
window openings, a low upper storey, a kind of attic with similar windows, and between them a
piano nobile with a large pointed window on each face under a projecting hood-mound carved
with a series of square rosettes. A stringcourse in the same design runs beneath the windows,
which used to be filled with flamboyant tracery like that of the great window of the Serai. At
some later date the ground floor was been clumsily enlarged.
The neighbouring house (Figure 6.9), in the re-entrant angle of the square, has an almost
identical piano noble with the same large window; the hood-mould has a finial at its apex and the
jambs have preserved colonnades with foliated capitals. The ground floor, which has wide
openings, must have been a shop; within are the remains of an earlier construction, similar but
larger. These two houses must have been rebuilt6 after the devastation caused by the Egyptian
army in 1426.
Figure 6.9 house East of St. Sophia
While studying the reconstruction of the house of Katsinioros it becomes apparent that during
the original construction attention was paid in creating spaces that satisfied the occupants
intended needs without extraneous luxuries. In contemporary day construction spaces are
designed mostly irrespectively of their future use, thus creating wastage.
Figure 6.10 House of Katsinioros- lower floor
The House of Dragoman Hadjigeorgakis Kornessios8 is the most important example of urban
architecture of the last century of Ottoman Rule to be preserved in Old Lefkosia (Figure 6.12).
In its time (late 18th-19th centuries) this stone-built two-storied mansion must have stood out as
one of the few grand residences in the city confined within its Venetian walls.
The house is built of local hewn sandstone and its floor plan is in the shape of the Greek letter Pi
(Π) with the façade towards the north. The two wings extend south and surround part of the
yard, which leads into a garden. The front and one side of the house facing onto the street have
iron-barred windows placed high up on the wall, giving the building a fortress–like character.
The basic structure is of worded sandstone and the keystones of some of the windows have
carved crosses, destroyed by blows. The windows on the first floor are larger and have iron bars
on the lower half only. Immediately above them are smaller square windows with lattices.
The west wing retains the fortress-like character of the exterior with solid sandstone masonry.
The much lighter construction of the north and east wings, on the other hand, is stressed by the
profusion of wooden elements - the wide eaves of the roof, the wooden window framed and
latticed – a multitude of openings and whitewashed walls. At the southern end of the east wing,
the main reception room was supported on stone-built posts and projected slightly on its western
side. It is full of light and air.
Designing an effective scheme to provide natural ventilation was a crucial consideration in early
colonial architecture on Cyprus. This concern can be noted in drawings of various structures that
were originally associated with the Pioneer Barracks. The scheme had separate arrangements for
fresh air intake and foul air exhaust, usually one set per habitable room. Fresh air was admitted
through the exterior building wall near the ceiling of each room through perforated terracotta or
cast iron grills on the outside surface, and came into the room through adjustable wooden louvers
placed on the inside surface. This bioclimatic technic passed foul air through wooden grills on
an interior wall and rose naturally via terracotta pipes within the interior wall, and was then
expelled into the prevailing breeze above the roof. Applications of this type of ventilation
scheme can be seen on plans, elevations, and sections drawn in 1880 by Williams for an office
building and a hospital that were originally to be part of the Pioneer Barracks complex (Figure
6.13, 6.14, 6.15, and 6.16). Unfortunately, the Pioneers were disbanded before the hospital and
probably the office could be built.
Figure 6.13 Buildings for Cyprus Pioneers: details of ventilation system (Williams, 1880). Fresh
air flowed from ducts in the outer walls into the room through louvers, which could be blocked
by lowering a wooden screen (above). Foul air passed from the room through other louvers into
pipes within the interior walls and was expelled through vents on the roof. (PWD Archives, G52)
Figure 6.14. Section and plan of Offices for Cyprus Pioneers (Williams, 1880). The two rows of
rooms are set back-to-back, sharing a common interior wall. This wall supports the roof and
carries six ventilation pipes inside it, each 22.5cm in diameter and leading to exchaust vents in a
single chimney-like structure rising above the roof, visible in the elevation on the opposite page.
The original plan is drawn on cardboard with water-colours used for the thicker walls. (PWD
Archives, C47)
Figure 6.15 Elevation of Offices for Cyprus Pioneers (Williams, 1880). The general aspect, with
a veranda supported by wooden posts are straightforward window and door trimmings, is typical
of early colonial architecture in Cyprus. The chimney-like structure above the roof houses the
exhaust vents of the ventilation system (PWD Archives, C47)
Figure 6.16: Plan of Hospital for Cyprus Pionners (Williams, 1880). The intended site for the
hospital was on St. George’s Hill, immediately east of the barracks block, where the elevated
building could catch the prevailing westerly wind. As the ward section of the building, on the left
of the plan, was long and had no partitions, exchaust pipes were placed in the heavy wall that
was shared with the main section of the building. The alcove in the ward houses the “night
urinal”; earth closets were in separate building in the garden. The rooms in the administrative
wing on the left are, clockwise from top to left: bedding store, linen store, pack store, orderly’s
room, prisoners’ ward, and the hospital sergeant’s sitting room and bedroom. (PWD Archive,
Martin Gimson began devising alternative interpretations of Gaffiero’s one-storey and two-
storey prototypes (Figure 6.17). The corners and openings of his exterior walls are dressed with
distinctive ashlars masonry quoins and his entries often have arched porches. His many plans
are studies of alternative ways to interconnect domestic functions such as entry and reception,
food preparation and consumption, resting and hygiene.
Figure 6.17. Quarters of married officials (Gimson 1920). Gimson’s earliest two-storey house
design was also his most elaborate. According to the specifications, the walls were of rubble
masonry, stuccoed and whitewashed, with dressed quoins etc’. Three of these buildings on
Byron street now house the Ministry of Health and the Department of Statistics and Research.
The round window to ventilate the attic can be found in many private buildings built by Cypriots
at the same period (PWD Archives, H75)
Colonial architecture has influenced the built environment and attitudes of Cypriots to a great
extent. All the private buildings built by Cypriots in those years were designed in a very clean
and simple way, which did not impinge on the environment or the viewer. Elements in Cypriot
architecture such as the rounded form of the dining room, the symmetrical roof, and the round
ventilator in the gable are common to both colonial and domestic architecture in Cyprus.
6.3 Evolution of domestic architecture
Approximately since 2000 BC, until the mid 20th century AD, construction methods have varied
only slightly10. The same building material such as wooden beams, straw, clay mixtures and
stones were used in approximate methods.
In the following study, the term ‘vernacular’ and Cypriot traditional are used interchangeably.
The term vernacular is as defined in the description for the “pre-industrial vernacular” buildings
given by A. Rapoport in “House, Form and Culture.”11 Such buildings were usually low budget
constructions with relatively little technological aids.
In most of the architecture discussed earlier, whether apparent or suggested, there is much
wisdom in the method of construction and for the most part, the solutions found and utilised are
both ingenious and economic. The buildings are designed and constructed to fully exploit
advantages offered by the local climatic conditions and are characterised by:
The positions in orientation to the sun path either to avoid direct sunlight entering the
building of the opposite.
The exploitation of breezes for ventilation and cross ventilation in the room
The awareness and exploitation of the nature of flora and its use for practical functions
(e.g. medicinal plants)
A good insulation of walls (40-50cm width) and roofs,
The small openings on the external walls for maximum insulation.
The construction of buildings was economical by using materials found in the area like stone,
wood, reeds, earth and terracotta. Structural solutions were simple and effective. For example,
the available length of those trees that were to be used as roof rafters established the dimensions
of room widths.
Town type houses typically consisted of two or more storeys. The upper spaces usually
comprised the main house while the lower ones were used as storerooms and stables. The houses
were usually larger in size than other rural dwellings. They were generally correctly orientated
with compact north walls, while most of the openings were south. There was always a courtyard
in front or at the back of the house, surrounded by high stonewalls (2-3m high). The entrance to
the house is through the courtyard of a sheltered intermediate space between the road and the
house. The existence of roofed balconies and verandas (usually made from timber) was
common. Staircases were separated from the main house and were either external, made from
stone, or internal from timber. In that way, living rooms were separated from main circulation
spaces and in most cases, intermediate spaces between entrances and the main house existed.
In towns, because of the limited area available, houses of towns were built within fortress walls
to be protected against invaders and the different needs of people, mainly merchants and
craftsmen in contrast to people living in the villages who were mainly farmers and developed a
different type of house. Usually these houses are small, two-storey houses, with small back
yards. Between the neighbouring houses, no space was left so their walls were attached together
Their shape was again rectangular, usually divided into two rooms but their orientation was
according to the direction of the public road. The yard was placed at the back of the house,
enclosed by adobe walls and the only access to it was through the house. Later when additional
rooms such, as cooking room, storeroom etc were necessary, they were built in the back yard
(see fig.6.18 and fig. 6.19 Typical type of house built in towns.)12.
1. Entrance door
2. Main ground floor
3. Backyard
4. Auxiliary rooms
5. Bedrooms
6. Balcony or Kiosk
7. Stairwell
8. Terrace formed by the roof of auxiliary rooms
On the upper floor, there is usually either a balcony or a kiosk that is facing the public road. The
access to the upper floor was an indoor stone stair placed in the biggest ground room.
The materials used for the construction of these houses were mainly adobe blocks. Wealthy
people prefered stone built houses, the so-called 'konatjia'. For the south wall, the shading was
done by the 'iliakos'. Its roof shaded the mid-day sunrays whereas its sidewalls shaded the
morning and afternoon sunrays. From the climatic data analysed in chapter 2, it was found out
that this shading allowed sunrays to enter the house through the south facing openings only from
the end of September to the end of March. Therefore, sunrays heat the house only during the cold
months thus helping the house to obtain the required temperature for human thermal comfort.
During winter days even though the air temperature is low, the radiant temperature is high thus
the environmental temperature provided human thermal comfort. During summer deciduous
trees provided extra shading.
Mountain type: limestone, timber and sun dried brick. Most of the walls were constructed from
limestone with mud and lime mortar as connecting material. Timber joists were used to
strengthen the construction and the walls were plastered with sand and lime on the internal side
and are usually unplastered outside.
Plain type: sun dried brick blocks plastered inside and outside. Many houses of this type have
the higher part of the external walls and the walls on projecting balconies constructed from
timber framework and the empty spaces between the timber joists filled with sundried brick or
small pieces of stone mixed with broken brick pieces and mud. The construction is plastered
with mud, lime and straw mortar, on both sides and whitewashed. Internal walls were also
constructed from timber framework. In this case the empty spaces were not filled but the joist
were covered with thin planks or reeds, which are plastered on both sides.
Roofs were usually pitched and constructed from timber trusses on which the planking was
covered with clay tiles or schist stones. Instead of planks, reeds were sometimes used covered
with mud. In earlier examples, there was no ceiling but later this is always constructed using
planks or reeds. The slope of the roof ranges from 25-40 degrees with the lower angles in the
plains and the higher in the mountain regions.
Floors separating storeys are constructed from timber. The lower floor consists of hard-packed
soil and was sometimes covered with slates.
Doors and windows were always made from timber and external shutters were used for the
Most of the rural type houses had only one floor, but two storey houses were sometimes
constructed. The houses were usually smaller in size than the town type, with limited openings,
and the development of the villages was compact due to reasons of defence and lack of available
space. In most cases there is a courtyard in front of the house, and where there is not, the flat
roofs were used for open-space activities. Stairs leading to the upper floor were either external
made from stone, or internal from timber. Tracing the evolution of indigenous Cypriot
architecture, an archetypal form of a single, long, rectangular roomed building called 'Makrinari"
(Figure 6.20) (long room) is revealed as the simplest basic shelter in Cyprus.
It is generally south oriented with its long axis along the East-West direction. Then the division
of this room called 'Dhichoron' Figure 6.21) (double space), the addition of other rooms called
'Sospiton' (Figure 6.22) (inner room) and a covered veranda called 'Iliakos' (solarium) (Figure
6.23) were placed.
1. Makrinari
2. Dhichoron
3. Inner room
4. Inner room
5. Iliakos
6. Traditional earth oven.
7. Courtyard.
Figure 6.22 “Sospiton” (inner room)
Due to its orientation and the mild weather conditions of the plain, the 'iliakos' was used as a
sitting room, cooking place and generally as a working place. The Solarium is an indispensable
solar feature of the Cypriot house and a unique building element in Greek architecture. It was an
early instinctive approach to passive solar design. Its solar role was predominant whether acting
as an arched corridor, as a central axis or even when it evolved into a self-contained space.
Later this type of house was developed into a multi-room house, by adding extra rooms to the
east or west of 'Makrinari' plus the courtyard. These additions sometimes kept the rectangular
shape of the house but others led to the L-shape (Figure 6.24 Additions that led to L-shape.)13
Despite these changes to the general layout of the house, the south facing 'iliakos' facing the
courtyard did not change.
Figure 6.24 Additions that led to L-shape
The courtyard is an arrangement that evolved naturally from the climatic conditions, the needs of
the family and the social structure of the community. It generally creates a microclimate that
moderates the climate surrounding the building. Planted mostly with deciduous vegetation like
grapevines, fig trees etc, it offers shade in the summer and admits sun in the winter. It also
creates windy sides that are most valuable when one seeks the breeze in the summer and calm
corners in the winter. Arched arcades at the perimeter are indispensable to shield the overhead
midday sun14.
All the openings were placed to the south wall to provide natural light and heat. The construction
of those openings was made entirely by wood. Small openings called 'arseres' were also used in
every house (Figure 6.25). These were placed at the upper part of the walls. In summer, they
allowed lighter hot air to go out of the house and be replaced by cooler air from outside, while in
winter, thymes (small dense bushes) were closing these openings and they provided thermal
External and internal walls were made from stone, usually schist, without connecting material.
They are plastered inside with sand and lime mortar while the external side is unplastered and
whitewashed in most cases.
Roofs were usually flat. The construction method is as follows: first a framework of timber
beams is constructed, which is then covered with schist, clay tiles or reeds. Over these, seaweed
or other plants are set and finally the construction is completed with a thick layer of soil that
provides insulation. In some rural areas where timber does not exist at all, roofs are stone
vaulted constructions. In some cases the vault is visible externally and in others is covered with
Floors between storeys were made from timber and ground floors were usually paved.
Using internal and external shading and adequate air movement in the case of the town type
prevents overheating during the summer. In addition the high heat capacity of building materials
helps to maintain indoors-lower temperatures than outdoors during hot summer days.
The types of traditional houses described were constructed up until the beginning of the 20th
century. Later, with the introduction of contemporary architectural practices in Cyprus, a
different construction approach began, which will be discussed in the next section where
contemporary housing is discussed.
6.4.1 Introduction
In Mediterranean and hot climatic regions where sunshine in winter is desirable and cooling and
ventilation in the summer necessary, the solarium (illiakos) and the courtyard are indispensable
solar features of the houses and unique elements of Cypriot traditional architecture. Both
components, although outdoor, open spaces of the building are focal elements around which the
various activities of all the other spaces are synthesised whether the house is in the plains, in the
mountains, the villages or the cities. They form the heart of the dwelling spatially, socially and
environmentally. They are significant architectural features and early instinctive approach to
passive solar design, which acted as climatic modifiers in the Cypriot house. Their arrangement
evolved naturally from the climatic conditions, the needs of the family and the social structure of
the community.16 Always adjoining each other, they act as transit spaces and unite the outer with
the inner building layout. They are extensions of the house outwards and simultaneously of the
outdoors inwards.
6.4.2 Winter
The design of courtyards and solariums varies according to the degree, frequency and pattern of
solar radiation, winds, rain and snow.
Solar Access:
(i) Courtyard
When the courtyard faces south it acts as sunspace receiving desired solar radiation in winter.
The solar access, in ‘patio’ type courtyard depends on:
The spacing between buildings (courtyard’s width)
Sun’s position at its lowest sun-path
The height of the building
From optimisation studies carried out with SERI-RES amongst Cypriot houses, with and without
courtyards, it was found that introduction of courtyards and south facing windows incur more
savings.17 More specifically a Π-shape courtyard saves more energy in the house than an
L-shape one.
There are more complex shapes resulting to additional factors intervening in their thermal
behaviour leading to their extra heating savings in the building. Such additional factors are:
The more composite internal layout encompassing more spaces and surfaces facing south.
Larger internal thermal mass whose position, size and distribution reduces temperature
fluctuation by retaining heat within it.
Enhanced thermal protection on external envelope as a result of the courtyard morphology of
the two more complex shapes especially the -shape.
More useful exchanges through openings and surrounding walls.
(ii) Solarium
The extent of the solarium cover admits the rays from the winter sun to penetrate and so solar
radiation can be utilised in winter. For this reason the solariums on the mountainous areas are
located in the upper levels for better winter insulation. Of course, in traditional architecture, the
width of projection of the cover varied and the indigenous builders intuitively sized it.
Optimisation SERI-RES studies show that the introduction of the permanent solarium overhang
on the fenestration of Cypriot houses, results to a reduction of heating saving only by 8%.18 This
is attributed to the loss of useful solar gains intercepted by the permanent solarium overhangs.
However the summer shading benefits are exceedingly more to justify the incorporation of
solariums on the houses facades.
6.4.3 Summer
The courtyard and the solarium form a key issue in building design. In multiple thermal modes
and varied design, they moderate high summer temperatures; their careful construction combined
with the surrounding landscaping lower the temperatures around the building.
The temperatures in and around the building can be tempered or aggravated by the design and
nature of the surrounding surfaces combined with the night sky radiation. The surfaces exposed
to the clear sky cool down by radiation and the air immediately in contact with them also become
(i) Configuration
In the summer, the courtyard-building configuration is of particular significance for the
Mediterranean hot regions such as the island of Cyprus, which is characterised by large diurnal
temperature fluctuations (15 to 25°C) and the inherent potential of the courtyard to act as cold
sink by radiating heat, during the night, to the cold sky. The cool air replaces the hot air around
the surfaces and the bottom of the yard. This cooling effect lingers during the following day
resulting to comfortable ambient air.
(ii) Mass
Furthermore, the additional mass of the courtyard and the solarium absorbs and stores heat
during the day and releases it during the night to the cooler exterior ambient air. The massive
construction incurs damping and time lag of the high day temperatures.
The large corridors allow enough cool air to flow past the surfaces of the building sides and the
building enjoys the summer breezes. Also with this form of layout, the heat accumulated during
the day in the walls is removed to the outside cooler spaces during the night. In addition this
arrangement offers the possibilities of window placement for cross-ventilation.
However for the efficient functioning of this form and layout, proportions of inlet and outlet
areas, their cross-section, wind speeds and direction and surface mass are necessary to be
(iv) Overhangs-Porches
The overhangs and porches, when on the windward sides maximise airflow. They dam the
airstreams in a pocket in the wall and consequently increase the pressure on the openings of the
walls providing ventilation inside the building and replacing the hot air.
(v) Vegetation
The vegetation and fences in the form of wind channels increase the velocity of winds by
funnelling the summer breezes in the courtyards.
The treatment of courtyards and solariums are important techniques in providing shading and in
extent for the thermal building control. The introduction of solarium overhangs and sidewalls, as
solar protection devices, achieves high-energy conservation. The unwanted summer solar
radiation is intercepted, whilst the desired winter solar gains are almost unaffected, thus reducing
considerably the cooling load. From simulation SERI-RES studies on fenestration shading
devices this is found to be 37%.19
In these simulation studies, the solarium and side walls are permanent features of the building
design; the width of their projection has been defined so that in the summer the solar aperture of
the glazing is completely shaded from the high summer sun, while permitting rays from the low
winter sun to penetrate and so solar radiation could be utilised.
Before the Cypriot independence in 1960, specialised building tradesmen constructed dwellings.
In particular, the existence of itinerant building teams is very important because as they moved
from place to place, they learned a lot from local architecture and influenced the method of
construction and building types in other regions. Furthermore, local people began to travel
abroad and influence construction by bringing prototypes from many countries.
The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus in 1974 brought a deep economic crisis and 200 thousand
refugees, which were uprooted from their land in north Cyprus by the Turkish troops. Architects
were forced to consider architecture as a social science rather than a fine art. These years were a
period when it was necessary to understand social problems and to search for an appropriate
architecture to deal with them.
Government housing was designed to be constructed quickly to relieve the burden of refugees
living in tents. The refugees have immediately decorated the front of their homes with plants,
and vegetation, making them a sorrowful new home. Although quickly and cheaply constructed,
these homes satisfy basic needs like a shaded porch area and a solar heater for hot water.
The housing problem in Southern Cyprus was immediately dealt with by government’s initiative
and action, beginning with the reconstruction of destroyed areas to alleviate the housing shortage
in the cities. As a result, the housing problem passed into the hands of private businessmen, first
in Lefkosia and then in other cities. In fact, because of the absence of other investments, the
building industry began to play a determining role in shaping the Cypriot economy. The new
government took measures towards regulating of the urban space with the purpose of stabilising
the regime. Many image-driven public building projects began and several laws were passed
making construction policies less strict, allowing higher buildings and increasing the floor area
ratio. As a result, private building construction boomed during this period.
A series of reforms was introduced to the new constitution that specifies that the protection of
the physical and cultural environment is an obligation of the state. All the reforms reflect the
necessity for an adequate planning mechanism in the field of housing and environmental and
land use planning. However, the Cyprus government has not yet established any implementation
procedures and reserves for itself the right to act on any problem by highly centralising the
decision-making process on all these fields.
So far, research has focussed on the morphology of the buildings, the investigation of the social
aspects of the houses and the relation of traditional buildings to ancient Greek or Byzantine
prototypes. Rarely have these studies been used in a learning process with the purpose of
application of their spatial organisation and construction methods to a new ‘Cypriot’ architecture
based on contemporary technology.20
Since the energy crisis of 1973 and hopefully with the introduction of thermal insulation
regulation for buildings in the near future, there will be a growing interest in the exploitation of
solar radiation, which is readily available in Cyprus.
So far, the studies have been based on broad theoretical comparisons without any analytical or
experimental work being carried out. As a consequence, no effort has been made to closely
examine the Cypriot climate from a bioclimatic building design point of view. This is the
intention of this study.
Despite the interests of many Cypriot architects in traditional and solar architecture, who
certainly consider the climate, the majority of Cypriot designers tend to ignore it. Contemporary
life and the building industry in Cyprus are greatly affected by the proliferation of apartment
blocks in the large urban centres. The apartment house became the symbol of the final stage of
urbanisation. And since urbanisation is the ideal way of living for the contemporary Cypriot, the
apartment model is adopted everywhere even in the small single houses at the most
underdeveloped areas of the country.
The sites (individual plots) in Cyprus are usually small and private, with an average size of 500-
600m². The time and the method of construction as well as the use of the building are mainly the
decision of the site’s owner. The two main systems of urban development are the continuous
and the free system. The continuous system refers to an orderly, grided pattern of plot sizes and
boundaries whereas the free system refers to a more erratic separation of fields into individual
Three categories of construction financing have been developed. In the first, a contractor
undertakes the construction of the building. In the second, the owner of the property decides to
play the role of the contractor-entrepreneur and undertakes the responsibility of constructing and
financing the project. He/she usually sells or rents most of the apartments keeping one or two
for him/her. In the third (the gradual method of construction), the owner of the property builds
one housing unit for the present needs of his/her family, allowing for the possibility of
constructing additional apartments in the future to cover the needs of the growing family or
merely for investment reasons.
The results of this practice in the form of the city are the following:
1. Lack of planned connection between housing areas and other areas of the city
(educational, commercial, etc)
2. Mixed housing areas with industrial or other areas, dangerous for public health
3. Very limited green and open spaces within the housing areas
4. Bad relation between street width and building height.
5. Different housing types even in the same street-large apartment blocks adjacent to low
6. Unplanned and often unhealthy interaction between the built and natural environment.
In an analysis of the built environment of the city area,22 it was concluded that the negative
points of the housing environment are not due to the lack of adequate housing units, but to the
use of the continuous construction system, the high ratio of building area to site area. This
results in the lack of open spaces and to the quality of the immediate environment around the
houses with the result of little nature light and ventilation, no solar access etc.
6.7 Thermal performance of traditional and contemporary buildings in relation to the
In order to meet the requirements of the conditions of any climate with a reasonable capital and
running cost, building design should take into account the benefits, which can be derived from
those conditions, as well as the disadvantages to be avoided. With reference to the requirements
the climate (chapter 2) imposes on the building, the two main characteristics of the climate of
Cyprus are: high solar radiation intensities during summer and the subsequent wide diurnal and
annual range of outdoor shade air temperature.
The two above-mentioned characteristics of the climate imply that in the buildings of Cyprus, the
passage of heat through the building envelope should be slowed down during the day and as little
heat as possible should be permitted to penetrate into buildings. The effects on the building
envelope of both direct solar radiation in summer and cold wind in winter should also be reduced
as much as possible. An advantage may also be derived from the cold air during summer nights.
Such air may be used to cool the structure by ventilation. It may also be stored during the night
and used to modify the high air temperature occurring during the day. Building materials should
also be adequate to resist any possible change in their thermo physical properties under the
effects of possible high temperatures.
In order to arrive to some reasonable recommendations for the use of traditional buildings and
the improvement of contemporary buildings, it is necessary to consider how such buildings
perform under the local climatic conditions and how they cope with other requirements. Such
recommendations may then be defined in terms of the advantages of these buildings.
The various aspects necessary for an understanding of the thermal performance of both
traditional and contemporary buildings are briefly discussed below. These aspects include
architectural design, constructional materials and methods, occupancy patterns and planning.
The thermal performance of both traditional and contemporary buildings is evaluated in terms of
these aspects and in relation to the local climatic conditions.
Traditional buildings in Cyprus were discussed previously in this chapter. These buildings have a
square or rectangular plan and a courtyard. They normally consist of two floors built of a
composite mud and timber of stone and timber construction. The ground floor is of massive
construction with a thickness from 0.6 to 1,2m, the first floor being of a relatively lighter
construction and having more external windows. The plan is flexible to permit occupancy
patterns, which suit diurnal and seasonal climatic variations.
The thermal performance of traditional buildings is discussed below in relation to the climate,
and in terms of the main aspects necessary for and understanding of such performance:
External windows may be found on one or two sides of the building, depending on its position in
the planning area. Such windows are limited in number, small in size and positioned high in the
wall to reduce the amount of heat admitted into the building and to reduce ground glare in
summer. As the width of each window is almost equal to the thickness of the wall, such
windows also function as vertical louvers and prevent most of the direct solar radiation from
penetrating into buildings.
In winter, the massive construction of traditional buildings may also be heated by solar radiation,
which dominates for a long time during the day. Heat emitted inwards during the night may then
be considered as one of the desirable properties of the structure.
The only rendering material is mud plaster. This material deteriorates quickly despite sometimes
being mixed with long pieces of hay to improve its structural and thermal properties. The
rendering is therefore usually renewed every year and is usually painted with whitewash both to
reflect the solar radiation falling on the high, narrow windows.
In winter, the ground floor is rarely used unless it includes the kitchen and other services. The
first floor is usually the only space used during the day and night because it is of a relatively
lighter construction, easy to heat by solar radiation caught through the windows, which are
greater in number and larger in size than those available on the ground floor.
Although the daily movements of the occupants in summer are planned to correspond well with
the thermal periods during the 24-hour cycle, an unfortunate habit of the occupants is closing the
windows during summer nights when the outdoor temperature falls too low for comfort. The
benefits of the overnight ventilation, which if carried out could keep indoor conditions cool
during the day, are therefore lost.
In winter however, as the night temperatures are too low and the day temperatures are moderate,
the windows are usually kept closed unless opened for ventilation.
Taking into account the general characteristics of the dry climate and the requirements it imposes
on the building characteristics and the general characteristics and thermal performance of
traditional buildings discussed above, it may be concluded that traditional buildings in Cyprus
meet the requirements imposed by the climate and that these buildings are good enough
thermally to perform well under the prevailing weather conditions. It should also be mentioned
that one of the main factors, which make the thermal performance to these buildings successful,
is the integral interaction between their design and the occupancy patterns.
The architectural design of contemporary buildings (post 1970) in Cyprus is mostly based on the
educational experience of local architects. As most Cypriot architects were educated in Europe
and the United States, their designs are profoundly influenced by western architecture and there
exists a tendency to recreate an international architectural style without considering the
advantages of traditional architecture and the distinctive climatic conditions and social life.
Furthermore, despite the fact that there are some fine examples of contemporary buildings based
on correct design principles and a better understanding of the local climatic conditions, the great
majority of contemporary buildings are erected without consideration of the climatic conditions
and their influence on comfort and the well being of the occupants. This is mainly due to lack of
knowledge about the thermal performance of contemporary constructional materials and
methods, and consequently the shortage of building regulations which govern this aspect of the
art of building.
However, most contemporary buildings in Cyprus have appropriately designed functional plans.
These buildings are also frame-built, flat-roofed and enclosed with thin non-load bearing largely
glazed block work walls. Their plans may sometimes be flexible but not so much as to permit
occupancy patterns similar to those available in traditional buildings.
The thermal performance of contemporary buildings is discussed below in relation to the climate
and in terms of the main aspects necessary for an understanding of such performance. These
aspects are as mentioned earlier architectural design, constructional materials and methods,
occupancy patterns and planning.
The above-mentioned innovations and advancement in building design and technology have
made any form of building possible to create with materials such as glass, metal and building
panels of every kind characterising the new architecture. These features of contemporary
buildings have also created many problems in the Mediterranean countries by being unsuited to
the climatic conditions.
Despite the design flexibility possible in the frame-built, non-load bearing wall buildings, the
plan development has been neither parallel to the advance in the new technology nor based on
the traditional plan form.
The roof is mostly erected with a thin layer of reinforced concrete of about 12 cm and topped
with two layers of hessian damped with mastic asphalt. The upper layer may also be covered
with white sand. A layer of screed topped with an emulsion of ordinary Portland cement or
ceramic tiles may also sometimes be added to make the roof usable for sitting and sleeping.
Some roofs may also be erected from reinforced concrete ribs and hollow concrete block. The
ceiling is mostly covered with plaster and paint.
External walls are mostly erected from a layer of concrete block or hollow clay bricks lined with
ordinary Portland cement plaster and painted. The external surface of the concrete block walls is
normally rendered and painted. In the rare cases where thermal insulation is applied, expanded
polystyrene is usually placed on the inner side of the structure or in cavity walls. All other
internal surfaces are normally plastered and painted.
As many contemporary residential buildings are comprised of apartments normally designed
with a specific function for each space, the occupants are obliged to carry out their activities in
the specified zones regardless of the daily and seasonal change in weather conditions.
Alternative spaces, which can be used to avoid the overheating effects at certain times of the day,
seldom exist.
Despite the fact that an appropriate control strategy of the windows may significantly help in
controlling the indoor environment, such control is not applied for several reasons. Amongst
these reasons is the lack of awareness of the importance of such control, mainly due to lack of
advice. Other reasons are providing ventilation during the day and avoiding noise generated by
heavy traffic during the night.
In the winter, windows are normally kept closed unless they are open for ventilation at certain
times of the day and night.
The different aspects of both traditional and contemporary buildings, discussed above, are
summarised and given in table 6.1. The similar aspects of these buildings may therefore be
compared with each other and an appreciation of the thermal performance of both traditional and
contemporary buildings in relation to the climate shall be clarified.
From the thermal performance point of view, traditional buildings are much better than
inappropriately designed contemporary buildings. This means that thermal performance is not
the only criterion by which the use or abandonment of traditional and contemporary buildings
may be evaluated.
The present advance in design and technology, which may have been misused because of lack of
knowledge and experience and has as a result created inappropriately designed contemporary
buildings, has also stimulated awareness of many short-comings in the design of traditional
buildings which do not match the requirements of contemporary urban life. Advances in design
and technology have also provided many means by which the shortcomings of contemporary
buildings may be overcome, and much improved new buildings incorporating the design
advantages of both traditional and contemporary buildings may be created-such as creation of the
experimental solar house.
6.8 Conclusion
In urban and architectural studies, of Cyprus, one should never neglect early practices. Man has
always striven to build his dwellings in order to attain optimum conditions of comfort. In all
cases, man has found some fairly good and some excellent solutions. Close examination of
buildings in Cyprus gives rise to some questions about these solutions, however. The task of a
designer of a researcher is to question, to determine problems, and to search for contemporary
solutions. Indeed, this is the purpose of this research.
The interesting construction concept of the building shell in Cyprus is noted. The vertical
building shell, in other words the exterior walls, were of thick masonry, mostly of stone because
of its abundance. There are very few and very well protected window openings. Most windows
open on the patio side and are at two levels. The second register of windows, called head
windows, is near the ceiling and they are smaller in size for ventilation purposes with some fixed
open. Such a disposition of window openings is climatically favourable in both the overheated
and the under heated periods. However, the desire for privacy is another highly influencing
factor in the window placement. The roofs are flat in most cases, and are supported with similar
constructional elements covered with adobe.
From the above description, it can readily be seen that in construction of the building shell,
attention was given to capacity insulation (in this case, a natural acclimatisation) essential in the
climate of Cyprus. But the applied construction system provides rather high resistance insulation
too. Such an intuitive solution for the building shell is, of course, the result of experience. The
time lag obtained allows the outside daytime thermal impacts to reach the inside at night for a
daily period. The accumulations of these delays gives rise to a yearly pattern, wherein one can
feel cooler in the overheated period and warmer in the under heated period in a building.
In the Cyprus buildings we have reviewed in this study, we have seen that shade and ventilation
are the two main needs and are essential in the warm summers of Cyprus. These two elements
were basic to organising a built environment and as the constituent elements, and their
correlations were developed from this point of view as a result of the intensity of the climatic
conditions during the overheated period. The process of shading a built environment varied
deliberately. Our ancestors in Cyprus bred the sun’s rays in the overheated period and admitted
them in the under heated period - a principle in solar control. Once the periods were determined
for an area, the efficient and definite shading devices were designed accordingly. These shading
devices could have been natural or artificial. As natural devices, deciduous trees and climbing
plants were preferable because they can show good performance in both periods for this area.
However, when the yearly duration of the overheated period is excessive, evergreen plants
became more efficient. The artificial shading devices were manmade design elements and must
be built to permit air convection and to hinder the accumulation of warm air. When all the
necessary investigations have been completed for an area, the manipulation of shading devices
became easy with their basic knowledge of their environment.
The most impressive characteristics found in each of these examples show variety and
inventiveness. Each solution accurately reflects the available materials, the specific local
climate, and the special role the building is expected to play. Examples can be added almost
without end, showing how building form responded to all these conditions, how building
material selection and use aided this performance, and how each shift necessitated a series of
other changes to establish a new balance in the building’s performance.
Architects, critics, and consumers have been questioning the way in which professionals in
Cyprus have been planning and building recently, particularly in connection with how the
buildings perform as energy-consuming entities. In previous times there was an inseparable
interrelationship between the purposes of buildings and their forms. These forms are the product
and expression of principles that still apply. By indoctrinating ourselves with the principles
rather than the forms, we can learn from the past. The programmatic demands - the listing of
spaces for different activities and occupants within buildings - vary enormously from building to
building. Response to these demands, coupled with the regional climatic and local microclimatic
conditions and the site characteristics can lead to a rewarding richness and variety without
having to depend on the multiplication of materials, the application of surface textures for
diversions, and similar cosmetic devices.
Alain Le Brun, Khirokitia, A Neolithic Site, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation in collaboration with the
department of Antiquities, Lefkosia, Cyprus, 1997.
Dikaios, P., Khirokitia, Final Report on the Excavation of A Neolithic Settlement in Cyprus on behalf of the
Department of Antiquities of the Government of Cyprus no 1. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1953; Gjerstad, E.,
Finds and Results of the Excavations in Cyprus, 1927-1931, The Swedish Expedition I, Stockholm, 1934.
Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Aarhus, Ancient Akamas, Settlement and Environment, Aarhus
University Press, 1994, edited by J. Fejfer
Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Aarhus, Ancient Akamas, Settlement and Environment, Aarhus
University Press, 1994, edited by J. Fejfer
C. Enlart, Gothic Art and the Renaissance in Cyprus, Trigraph, London, 1987.
C. Enlart, Gothic Art and the Renaissance in Cyprus, Trigraph, London, 1987.
Egoumenidoy, F. and Floridou A., Phikardou – A Traditional village in Cyprus, A.G. Leventis Foundation,
Nicolaou and Sons Ltd., Nicosia, 1987.
Rizopoulou, E. and Egoumenidou F. The House of the Dragoman of Cyprus, Hadjigeorgakis Kornessios, Bank of
Cyprus Cultural Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1991.
Schaar, K., Given, M. and Theocharous, G., Under the clock- Colonial Architecture and history in Cyprus, 1878-
1960, Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1995.
For further bibliography on the popular houses of Cyprus see, Papacharalampous G., Η κυπριακή λαϊκή οίκία,
1968 and St. Sinos’s Αναδρομή στή λαϊκή αρχιτεκτονική της Κύπρου, 1976. Also see Hatzimichali, V., Κυπριακή
λαϊκή αρχιτεκτονική, Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 1967. 87ff and St. Sinos, The folk
Architecture and Art of Cyprus, Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1984, 354ff. The bibliography on
the popular architecture of Greece has recently been presented in Demakopoulos, J., Ανθολογία ελληνικής
αρχιτεκτονικής, 1981, 76ff.
Rapport, House, Form and Culture, Prentice-Hall Inc, N.J., 1969, 4-6.
Economou, N., and Panayiotou, P., 1985, Study of Solar Passive Systems in Traditional and modern Cypriot
Architecture, H.T.I, Nicosia, p.100-145.
Sinou, S., 1976, Anadromi sti Laiki Architectoniki, (Retrospection in Folk Architecture) Athens, p.47, p.53.
Fernandes, E., and Yannas, S., 1988, Energy and Buildings for Temperate Climates - A Mediterranean Regional
Approach, Proceedings of the PLEA 88 Conference, Porto, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Kolokotroni, M., Vernacular and Modern dwellings in Greece - A study of the Environmental Response to
Climate, MSc. Thesis, Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, UCL, 1984.
Serghides, D., ‘The Solarium and the courtyard as climatic modifiers in Mediterranean Vernacular Architecture’,
Proceedings of the 1st World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, UK, Technology and the Environment, vol. 4,
pp 23-28 September 1990, pp 1752-1764.
Lygizos, X., The international and local architecture –Art and Climate, Author’s publication, Athens, 1983.
Aravantinos, A., Urban Planning, Part II. House and City, National Technical University of Athens, 1984.
Sariyannis et al, Research on urban planning prototypes: housing, National Technical University of Athens, 1977.
Kolokotroni, M., The Thermal Performance of Housing in Greece: a Study of the Environmental response to
Climate, MSc, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, 1985.
7.1 Introduction
As discussed in previous chapters, in recent years architectural design has not always been in
accordance with the natural forces and local climatic characteristics. This phenomenon is
fuelling the increased over-dependence on conventional non-renewable energy sources to
provide human thermal comfort in buildings. The ever-expanding need for fossil fuels to supply
the subsequent large-scale demand causes a considerable drain on national economies of
developing countries, like Cyprus. If the opportunities offered by climatically sensitive
architectural design principles are utilised to their appropriate extent, it is certain that there will
be major savings in energy budgets of buildings in particular and the countries in general.
Through this research, we have concluded that in order to design a passive solar house in
Cyprus, the house must sustain, hot, dry summers, and mild winters and average relative
humidity. The most suitable passive systems to be used are direct gain, thermal insulation,
thermal storage (interior mass), glazing, solar control and natural ventilation. Examples have
been shown in order to illustrate traditional heating methods used, including shape, orientation,
insulation and ventilation. The comfort zones of a human being have also been researched in
order to conclude a zone, which is suitable for the average Cypriot. This data has been vital in
the design and final construction of the Experimental Solar House. Through this data, the author
has been able to succumb to vital decisions in and around the construction process.
The thermal performance of the experimental solar house before the construction phase is
analysed with the purpose of evaluating the ability of different design techniques to provide
indoor thermal comfort. Computer simulation software is used which are able to predict in detail
the experimental solar house’s effect on the internal environment.
Energy 10, Ecotect and WeatherTool are such simulation software (discussed further on). They
provide the following facilities:
1. Heat losses (fabric and ventilation losses, U-value calculation)
2. Net heat gains
3. Dynamic building simulation and
4. Energy consumption
The simulation software allow the designer to assess and appraise alternative thermal design and
operational strategies, by permitting the imposition of selected conditions and restrictions, with
respect to time, on plant and environmental parameters within the enclosure. To use the program
the designer inputs project, geometrical constructional details at a graphics terminal. These data
consist of building location, casual gains profiles, building dimensions, window and door
positions and the thermo physical properties of the individual homogenous elements of each
multiplayer construction and window blind arrangement. In addition to these data, shading and
internal surface insulation information is required and is also computed by Ecotect.
The structure of this simulation software gives the potential for use in a number of different
1. To conduct detailed analysis of various design possibilities
2. A parametric analysis of the energy system to increase understanding of the complex
energy interrelationships
3. In comparative analysis of design alternatives establish the most cost-beneficial strategy
4. In a test of innovatory design solutions or in an analysis critical environmental conditions
in projects where the thermal environment is crucial.
5. In low energy design and for passive solar applications focusing on the performance of
direct gain, attached sunspaces and mass Trombe walls or in attempts to optimise blind
control, movable insulation and shading devices.
With regard to the size and spatial layout of the solar house, it was decided early on to
investigate the present situation in Cyprus in order to find ways of improving the thermal
performance of the new housing currently being constructed. Therefore the model is based on
the typical four person Cypriot family house. Should the size, or the spatial layout, be
substantially altered, further research is needed to investigate the effect of the changes on the
internal environment.
In this research, a detached house was used because this represents the worst arrangement from
the point of view of a thermal environment. A detached house has greater heat losses in the
winter and heat gains in summer than terrace houses or blocks of flats, because all the external
envelope of a detached house is exposed to the external conditions. Therefore, if care is taken
not to obstruct the sun in winter and the ventilation in summer, terrace houses of blocks of flats
should perform thermally better than detached houses. However, further investigation is needed
to quantify this improvement. However, this furthers the aims of the research.
The users’ behavioural patterns were based on the way Cypriot people usually occupy their
homes during the winter and summer. However, it is important that the occupants operate the
house efficiently; otherwise there is no point in designing it to bioclimatic rules. For example, a
large glazed area on the south wall will be wasted if the window shutters are closed during sunny
days in winter, while a movable shading device will serve no purpose if is not in place during
daytime in summer as previously discussed. Also the heat capacity of the external walls will not
perform efficiently if the windows are open during hot summer days and closed during summer
nights. It is certain that bad management of a bioclimatically designed house effects its thermal
performance for the worst.
Thermal mass may not be restricted in the exterior walls. Exterior walls may be insulated and
lightweight and interior separating walls can be made with blocks or with concrete, which has a
high thermal effusivity. The thermal mass can be located on the floor or on the roof. A
thickness of 10cm of a massive material (concrete or brick) is quite suitable for providing
coolness for the span of one day or for storing passive heat during a winter day. However, it
must be kept in mind that what is important, if the house is indeed well insulated, is the quantity
of wall that is in contact with air, rather than the actual thickness of the wall.3
Another consideration, apart from the U-values, is the skill capacity of the local workmen. The
building technique must be easily comprehendible and executable, otherwise care must be taken
to find extra-ordinary workmen.
Architectural ecologists are not only concerned with quantifying the energy providing heat in a
structure but also with the “grey energy” (the theoretical energy required to manufacture the
building material) the building material posses. For instance, baked brick posse’s high values of
grey energy, as compared to stone, wood, unbaked clay or cement blocks. If the building
material is imported, one must also take into account the energy expended to transport the
material. It must be kept in mind that all materials containing PVC and plastics emit
ecologically malignant fumes upon their construction and disposal. .
Care must also be taken in choosing the type of plastering. The rule of thumb is the simpler the
better. Certain paints emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for approximately six months
and the early emissions of which are quite high for health safety. The same difficulties exist
with carpets and other synthetic material.
7.2.1 Planning the Experimental Solar House
In order to progress to the ultimate level the theory of the Cypriot solar house, the process of
construction was commenced. The principle of design and construction of the solar house is
based on the theories and findings discussed in all earlier chapters, in and inevitable compromise
with local building codes and town planning regulations. This compromise is not found to be
detrimental to the object of this thesis, since this thesis is not only about passive solar theory but
also it is about the application within the bounds presented by site-specificity.
A plot of 620 m² was acquired for the purposes of this case study. This plot is in the inland
region of the island, in the suburbs of Lefkosia, Kato Lakatamia. In Cyprus, it is customary for
most people to buy the plot of land in which they will build their home. Usually the plot is
between 550 and 650 m². Sometimes two individuals will buy one plot of land and share it
between them by building two semi-attached houses. Only a percentage of the plot can be built
according to local legislation. Over the last 20 years, the average size of a house ranges between
150 and 250 m² varying on the owners’ income. An average family with one or two children
will usually build a house of approximately 200 m². Sometimes two individuals will buy one plot
of land and share it between them by building two semi-detached houses. This could be a future
research project
From the onset of the design process, the author established that the experimental solar house
should occupy the northern part of the plot so that the southern side faces the garden. By
arranging the south side to be looking at the garden, it is ensured that no potential construction
shall obscure exposure to the sun. It was decided from the early stages of the design, that the
house will have an area of close to 200-250m2 so as to approximate the average size of a
contemporary house in Cyprus. The final area of the house is 223m2. The construction costs
should not exceed £80,000 (Appendix C), taken into account that this is the construction cost of
a typical house4. Similarly, the house shall have all the most common components of a two level
Cypriot house:
Top level:
Two bedrooms
An open plan master bedroom with a shower and toilet plus a Jacuzzi (optional)
One toilet with a bath
At the initial stages of the experimental solar house, several passive solar systems were
considered. The systems finally chosen were the ones most appropriate for the overheating and
under heating periods of the location (See chapter 5). Figure 7.1 shows the overheated period
plotted on the solar chart. In general however, the interior design, is more flexible to
accommodate the needs and preferences of the current owners.
Each different variation was calculated by computer software Energy 10 (analysed in detail
further on), looking at the optimum interior comfort temperatures without the use of auxiliary
heating in the winter. However, it became apparent that in order to better regulate the interior
temperatures, a fireplace had to be installed as auxiliary heating to compensate the few cold
rainy winter days (discussed further on).
The footprints of the house begin with the least arbitrary volumetric shape, the cubic. As
discussed in chapter 5 and 6 in the history of solar architecture in Cyprus, and passive solar
systems, the cube was the main form of buildings in Cyprus, as well as flat roofs in the inland
region. The decision was made so as to marry the traditional way of building with modern life.
Major volumes jutting in and out of the frame are kept to a minimum. Additionally, it has
empirically been seen before that keeping the wall surfaces to a minimum, results to fewer walls
requiring insulation, thereby keeping thermal losses and costs down.
The ground floor creates an open plan arrangement, which is given some order by the concrete
circular staircase located roughly in the centre of the floor. The staircase acting not only as an
aesthetic pivot but also as a solid body to hold thermal mass. The kitchen is located on the
southeastern side of the plan allowing the kitchen to be the recipient of a healthy amount of
natural sunlight on a daily basis. The kitchen will receive morning sunlight both in the winter
and in the summer, and it will be well lit for the rest of the day until a few hours before sundown.
The kitchen windows are ideally located for parents to keep an eye on playing children while
cooking or snacking on the kitchen island.
The dining area is located on the northeastern side of the ground floor space immediately behind
the kitchen space. The dining table will receive morning sun thereby enriching the breakfast
experience whereas the ambiance of evening dinning will be accompanied by electrical lighting.
The dining area is adjacent to the north wall, which has minimum openings so as to reduce heat
losses and to prevent temperature fluctuations. This feature of the north wall of a passive solar
house may seem limiting at first, but with careful consideration, a large number of functions can
be located adjacent to the almost window-less north wall. In addition to dining, the north wall
can host the fireplace and the television area. It can also be ideal for hanging large artwork.
The southwestern corner of the house that receives plenty of sunlight, particularly in the
afternoon is ideal for living room space. It provides full view of the garden and direct accesses
to the kitchen. Adjacent to the living room is the toilet, located compactly inside the staircase.
The door of the toilet is not visible neither from the living room space nor the kitchen.
On the upper floor there are two bedrooms comfortable accommodating a two children family.
One of the rooms can also be converted into office space or a guest room. One of the two rooms
has windows facing east and south and the other has just the east windows. In addition to the
two bedrooms, there is the master bedroom that includes a separate space within the master
bedroom for a shower, a toilet and a Jacuzzi. The master bedroom has windows facing south and
west. All upper floor windows are recessed so as to protect them from summer overheating.
The cavities created underneath the windows are used for closet space. (see Figure 7.21)
There is an additional toilet and bath on the upper floor to accommodate the other two bedrooms.
In the case of a two-member family, the additional toilet can be converted into a laundry room.
The advantage of the laundry space located on the upper floor in the corridor is that no great
distance need be travelled with dirty laundry originating from the bedrooms and the showers.
The construction was decided to be a concrete frame and floors and roof (constructed as the
typical Cypriot contemporary home – see chapter 6), 250mm brick work + 70mm expanded
polystyrene and plaster on the interior and exterior of the walls (discussed previously). 70mm
expanded polystyrene was used to cover the whole building, including walls concrete beams and
columns. In this way thermal bridges are excluded.
The roof is constructed by concrete and the beams of the house are reversed so that they will not
affect the interior of the design of the top floor. Wood beams and metallic sheets are covering the
600mm reversed beam construction, which shows on the roof. In this way an extra 600mm air
cavity is being formed assuring a better insulation. Then on top is covered by the 100mm
expanded polystyrene and concrete was used for forming the water canals of the roof.
Typical concrete foundations are used for the anti earthquake calculations (required by the
Cyprus governmental laws).
The water sewage treatment installation is placed on the northern side. This does not affect the
typical plumbing installation of the house, since it is an external device instead of the typical
sewage tanks that are used in Cyprus. The concept is to construct the house as all the typical
contemporary houses are constructed, (see chapter 6) with the only difference being the passive
solar features.
The electrical installation is also done by the typical contemporary methods. The only difference
is the photovoltaic tracking system, which follows the movement of the sun. The system is just
added on the main electrical meter and is grid connected to the Electricity authorities. In this way
the sun produces electricity without affecting the typical electrical installation. The system
consists of 12 panels of 85W each, thus producing 1020 KW/h. The photovoltaic array could
have been on the roof but the author has decided to place it on the ground, to produce a
sculptural effect on the landscaping of the garden.
The ground level has an open plan in order to facilitate a constant indoor temperature and natural
ventilation. It was also a personal decision on the author’s behalf. It was also considered that if
the ground floor was divided by walls, it was ensured that all the rooms would have south
openings for the sun penetration and small north openings for the north summer breezes. Since it
is an open plan, when the east and west, or north and south openings are open, cross ventilation
A circular staircase was located centrally in order to provide a mass surface area of the staircase
wall facing south. The staircase wall is used as a thermal mass storage and which will radiate
heat in the winter evenings. All winter sun entering is also dispersed to the rest of the house.
On top of the staircase are the clerestory windows, which create a stack effect for ventilating the
interior space in the summer, and allowing the winter sun in the winter. This is one of the
traditional ways of cooling and ventilating the building in the summer (examples can be seen in
chapters 5 and 6).
Another design decision geared towards trapping winter sunlight is the large south window
surface on the first and second floor lobby. Since the staircase is used as internal thermal mass
the south window openings ensures that enough winter sun is entering the house and the staircase
without the problems of the direct gain systems discussed previously. (chapter 5)
An additional measure towards blocking the summer sun from entering the house and the large
south openings is the pergola attached to the southern wall. There is a separate pergola on each
floor. The pergola is a simple, wooden construction, covered with straw mat. The pergola also
serves as a much-needed shading device for the veranda. In the summer the straw mat is placed
on the pergola and in the winter it is removed. The traditional way is to have vine trees on the
pergola, which was used as a natural summer shading device and in the winter the leaves would
fall, so the winter sun would penetrate. This is being considered and vines have been planted.
But they require 2-3 years to fully grow, so in the meantime the straw mat is being used.
Figure 7.2 summer design considerations (north-south section through the staircase)
Figure 7.3 summer design considerations (north-south section through the staircase)
Figure 7.4 winter design considerations (north-south section through the master bedroom)
Figure 7.5 winter design considerations (north-south section through the master bedroom)
Another shading device was considered for the pergola. This is consisted of aluminium
horizontal louvers that are designed in such a way that the winter sun is allowed to pass and the
summer sun is excluded. (See Figure 7.6)
For the east and west openings vertical wooden louvers were designed (Figure 7.7), so as to
avoid the eastern and western low summer sun, while letting the summer night breeze to pass
The high construction cost of both the vertical and horizontal louvers, and the percentage of
shading in the winter were considered. The permanent view obstruction of the east and west was
also considered. The conclusion is that they are not really required in the case of the
Experimental Solar House, since the uninterrupted view is an important feature of the house, and
its occupants (the author).
In order to address the problem of summer overheating, several applications of passive solar
systems were considered and it was decided to employ the following. The author chose to recess
the second floor bedroom windows on the southeast and south walls so as to prevent summer sun
from entering, but at the same time allowing winter warmth to enter. They are used as permanent
shading devices so as to avoid movable shading devices. The recessed windows create a hollow
space from the inside of the room, above and below the window frame, which can be converted
to storage space. (Figure 7.21)
Roof fans are used to assure that no overheating would occur in the extreme overheated periods.
It is actually one of the best active ventilation systems, since the indoor comfort temperatures are
not high (see chapters 4 and 5)
The feature that enhances all the overheating preventions is the second floor overhang. The
overhang, apart from aesthetic addition it offers the building, provides more space for the recess
of the windows and also protects the first floor windows from excessive summer sun and winter
The front door is located on the west side of the house, the side on the street. Other than the
entrance, there are no major openings on this wall and even fewer on the north side. The front
door, which is also recessed, is protected from draughts by placing a glass surface and door to
cover the recess, which also acts as a buffer space and a front entrance vestibule. This front
entrance system has yet another advantage: during a warm winter sunset, the front wooden door
can be kept open while the glass door is kept closed so that warmth from the sun is allowed to
enter and heat up the interior acting as a conservatory using the principles of isolated or direct
gain. The front double wooden door has 5cm expanded polystyrene acting as thermal insulation,
to ensure that the temperatures in the buffer space do not influence the internal house
temperatures. In the summer to ensure no overheating in the buffer space, the glass door is kept
always open.
According to principles of passive solar construction, the north wall needs to have the fewest
interruptions possible. The more openings the north wall has, the more opportunity is provided
for valuable heat to escape during the winter and enter during the summer (direct solar gain due
to the summer sun orientation – see fig.7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5). The west wall, which also happens
to be the front façade of the house, has fewer openings than the east, so as to protect the house
from unwanted sun at summer sunset. The east facade requires more windows since it is
important to allow the morning winter sun to enter and heat the house that has cooled overnight,
while in the summer deciduous trees are used to avoid excess summer sun.
The design demonstrates that with an understanding of the principles of environmental physics,
appropriate use of available technology and judicious use of materials and resources, it is
possible to achieve comfortable living conditions and low energy use.
The experience of living after the Experimental Solar House has been completed is one that
could have been predicted but nevertheless presents great pride to the author. The house has
succeeded in providing well-lit spaces during all the hours of natural sunlight as well as even and
comfortable temperatures during the day and night. The sheltering has proven adequate for
summer protection and the location of the openings has provided with the much-needed breeze
during both day and night.
Winter indoor temperatures have also been successful (see chapter 8). Enough solar heat storage
was collected and stored during daytime and released with the appropriate rate in order to
maintain pleasant nightly temperature. The fireplace was used to top up the heat on occasions
when winter evening temperatures dropped below the norms. In the winter of 2000 these were
only 8 times and the winter of 2001 these were 10 times. The fireplace was lit on average three
to four hours per night and the warmth was retained until well into the next morning.
The bedrooms on the top floor were also heated by the fireplace through the stack effect. When
the fireplace was used the doors of the bedrooms were kept open. Warm air rises through the
open staircase and entered the bedrooms, since there was no other escape route. Naturally the
inside temperatures of the bedrooms were slightly lower (1-2ºC) than the living room.
The principles of passive solar construction are complex in theory but remarkably simple in
application. A passive solar house may be constructed anywhere in the world provided there is
enough knowledge about climatic and site conditions. None of the decisions made for the
Experimental Solar House could be justified without the rigorous study that has been presented
in earlier chapters. The results following the construction of the Experimental Solar House, both
mathematical and experiential, have proved how the aim of this thesis has been succeeded.
Figure 7.8 site plan of the Experimental Solar House in a single plot of land (Typical plot of land
for Cyprus)
Figure 7.9 site plan of the Experimental Solar House in 6 plots of land (The author, being the
owner of the land, decided not to build on the surrounding plots)
Figure 7.10-ground floor plan of the Experimental Solar House
Figure 7.11 upper floor plan of the Experimental Solar House
Figure 7.12 roof plan of the Experimental Solar House
Figure 7.13 south elevation of the Experimental Solar House
Figure 7.15 north elevation of the Experimental Solar House
Figure 7.17 section of the Experimental Solar House
Photo 7.1 Site and neighbourhood
Photo 7.4 Electrical Installation
Photo 7.5 Staircase with toilet beneath, showing heavy mass construction
Photo 7.7 Thermal insulation wall, spanning the entire house
Photo 7.10 Roof construction, an air cavity of 60cm is between the concrete roof, assuring better
roof insulation
Photo 7.13 Water sewage treatment, tanks placed on the north side
Photo 7.14 interior originally painted with warm colours. Later the author decided to re-paint all
white to ensure better dispersion of light
Photo 7.16 Masterbedroom (south wall)
Photo 7.17 The bedroom is facing the south-east, and the windows shown in the adjacent
pictures are facing true south in order to maximise southern insolation.
(east and south wall)
Photo 7.19 The fireplace is made of cement plastering so as to retain the heat when the fire is lit.
This way, heat is retained even after the fire is out. External openings in the lower body of the
fireplace suck in cold air, heat it and release it from top openings, using the thermosyphon
system. Fireplace (north wall)
Photo 7.22 Staircase bottom
Photo 7.24 South facade and photovoltaic tracking system which follows the movement of the
Photo 7.25 The small openings on the north wall are for ventilation purposes. West and north
façade. The glass entrance, shown above, is used as duscussed page five of this chapter. A
photovoltaic fan shall be used in the summer to vent outwards excess overheating.
Photo 7.26 The twin pergola is used for both levels to protect from the southern summer sun.
West and south facade
7.2.2 Design Considerations
In commencing a project such as the Experimental Solar House, the first and foremost priority
was to design a home that would match the average specification of a new residential
construction in Cyprus. To build a database of these specifications, information was collected on
various construction statistics5. Based upon these findings the determination of the size and
space usage requirements of the experimental house. Following that, the findings of the
questionnaires on current comfort issues of the Cypriot homes were analysed and attempted to
improve them by applying the appropriate passive solar systems. Statistics
The average construction period required for the completion of a project was about 1.5 years6.
Only for 22% of all projects, the period required for their completion extended from 2 to 4 years.
Nearly 61% of the residential buildings are reported to have completed within a period of 18
Most of the new dwellings were in Lefkosia (29.3%), followed by Lemesos (26.1%), Larnaka
(17.5%), Pafos (15.6%) and Ammochostos (11.5%). Two thirds of the new dwellings were
constructed in urban areas, reflecting a high level of urbanisation.
In 1994, 8,079 dwellings have been completed in the private sector, with an average flooring
space of 170 m² and 5.4 rooms per dwelling. Of these dwellings 56% had been constructed with
central heating installation and 95% with a solar water heater.
From the new houses completed in the private sector, 64.3% were single houses, 21.5% were
semi- detached, and 14.2% upper-floor houses. The average number of bedrooms per house was
3.0. Living floor space was 131.1m² whereas useful floor space constituted 178.1 m² out of an
average total housing area of 206.5 m².
Out of the 8.079 dwellings completed in the private sector, 2.294 or 28.4% were reported for
holiday purposes or as second homes use. The distribution with these categories is 1,384 holiday
apartments, 476 holiday houses and 434 secondary homes. As expected, the vast majority of the
dwellings intended for holiday purposes are located mainly at the coastal districts, Ammochostos
29.4%, Lemesos 25.2%, Pafos 24.8% and Larnaka 15.0%. Lefkosia accounted for only 5.6%
mainly secondary homes.
The Experimental House was built in Lefkosia, where most constructions are built, because the
energy use in Lefkosia is much higher than any other city in Cyprus. The house was completed
in 1.5 years, making it suitable for competitive market planning, and bringing its construction
time limits among the average construction time needed in Cyprus.
In an attempt to evaluate some of the current housing habits in Cyprus, two questionnaires were
compiled, one by the author (Appendix A) and one by a young environmental group from the
Secondary School of Linopetra (Appendix A). The results of both questionnaires were taken
from contemporary residences with an average size of 200-250m2, with mostly four or five
residents, in urban areas of Lefkosia.
Upon examining the outcome of the detailed questionnaire of the author, certain interesting
observations are deduced.
A high percentage (69%) of the survey participants experience bothersome noises from the
outside, probably as a result of poorly insulated wall surfaces and single glazing which not
only allow heat enter and exit freely, but also allow noise to penetrate with little difficulty.
It is also observed that a high percentage of the participants frequently felt cold in the winter
(80%) and an even greater number feel warm in the summer (87%).
There were also complains about bothersome cold surfaces (70%).
Another problem area, which can be minimized by proper passive design, is the need for
artificial lighting (64%).
All this suggests the need for better, more bioclimatically appropriate constructions, with
adequate insulation and proper orientation with respect to the sun.
It also transpired that many participants experience drafts from windows and doors (86%)–
an element of ventilation that can be exploited in a passive system, if it is designed properly.
There is also a need for a more widespread use of double-glazing windows in order to
minimize moisture condensation on windows (65%), and for a better thermal and noise
An interesting fact deduced from the survey is that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots
feel safe in and around their house (91%), which makes it easier for a passive solar designer
to arrange for ventilation systems requiring frequent openings especially for nighttime
Another advantage the passive solar designer will have in Cyprus is the fact that the Cypriots
seem to appreciate the use of shutters (87%), which have been used in traditional
Of the 13% of participants who did not find shutters an acceptable means of controlling
indoor temperatures, most attributed it to the fact the shutters not working properly. This
implies the need for shutters to be placed in front of windows more appropriately planned.
A high 77% of the participants stated were satisfied with the degree of control they had over
the indoor temperature and ventilation of their house.
The second questionnaire (the school questionnaire) is important in that it provides a general
overview of the construction techniques most widely used in post-1960’s urban settings.
The majority of dwellings have no insulation (66%).
Of the houses that do have some insulation (34%), it mostly is in the form of double-glazed
windows and reflective silver coatings (a waterproofing material, which is misunderstood to
act as a thermal insulator) rather than in structural constructions, which implies that most
insulation in the surveyed houses was more or less treated as an afterthought.
From the outcome of both questionnaires, it transpired that most dwellings in Cyprus are
constructed with little or no insulation and this is the most likely cause for the high percentage of
summer and winter discomfort as well as noise complaints. Most other complaints stated (e.g.
poor natural lighting) are the result of unsuccessful bioclimatically orientated design.
Unsuccessful orientation includes buildings with no particular design attention to the southern
side to maximize winter sun heating for the interior space and to protect from summer
When providing for the plumbing facilities for the solar house, it is imperative that certain basic
requirements for habitation are met (Figure 7.18). The water in the solar boiler must always be
hot when the hot water tap is switched on. One must not consume cold water while waiting for
the hot water to arrive at the faucet. The boiler will also provide the hot water for the washing
machines. It must have enough hot water capacity to accommodate the washing machines and
the showers, and it must be ensured that the water will not run out even if the entire tub is filled
with water. In order for this to be achieved, the boiler installed will be one of 300-litre capacity
with at four solar panels, ensuring hot water in the winter.
The possibility for using solar panels to heat water for ‘under floor heating’ must seriously be
considered, so as to potentially eliminate any other heating methods. However, this system can
only be functional during the day when there is enough sunshine to operate the water pump by
solar radiation. During the night hours, the thermal energy will be stored inside the floor. If
there is an ‘evaporative cooling’ system installed in the house, then it will be operated with
rainwater. These suggested modifications will be considered further in the future.
There are two tanks of 2,000 litres capacity on the side of the house, one filled with clean water
from the municipality and the other filled water collected from an on-site water well of non-
potable water. The clean water will be used for the sinks and bathrooms and the non-potable
water will be used to flush the lavatories.
There is an additional tank of 18,000 litres capacity, which is placed underground and filled with
rainwater. This tank will be used as backup for when the smaller grey water tank runs dry.
The water from the sewage will drain to the water-treatment tank and then it will be stored in a
separate tank (Figure 7.19 and 7.20). This water will then be used to water the plants in the yard
that are not fruit bearing or edible. The fruit-bearing trees will be watered using the water well.
In the future, a pond of approximate area 80m2 will be installed and will be filled with rainwater.
Additional measures for water conservation were the installations of the servo-set flushing
mechanism in the lavatories. This compact device used in place of the regular flusher, allows the
inhabitant to choose to flush much water or less water, according to need.
In the construction of the experimental solar house 13 methods of wall construction were taken
under consideration. Upon further examination of all viable options for an efficient passive wall,
the following solutions for a masonry-insulated wall were considered (see Table 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
and Figures 7.21, 7.22, 7.23 and 7.24)
For plastering the external wall where polystyrene is placed a special plastering is being used.
This is called Adesilex FIS 13 specially used for insulation panels. The reason for this is that
typical plastering used on brickwork (mixture of water, cement and sand) will form cracks when
placed on polystyrene.
Table 7.2 Wall construction consideration methods
Table 7.3 Wall construction consideration methods
Adesilex FIS 13 is used for Bonding and exterior finishing of expanded polystyrene or expanded
polyurethane, rock wool, cork, etc insulation panels for walls and ceilings directly onto plaster,
concrete and cement block. Adesilex FIS 13 is a whitish paste with a synthetic resin base in
water dispersion, selected aggregates, and special additives. When mixed with cement, it forms a
highly adhesive, highly thixotropic, easily workable mortar that can be applied vertically without
sagging and with no slippage even when used for large-size insulating panels. Portland 325
cement is added in proportion of 1 to 1 by weight. An even first layer of the Adesilex FIS 13 mix
thick enough to incorporate fibreglass mesh reinforcement (approx. 1-2 mm) is spread. The
alkali-resistant fibreglass mesh must be pressed firmly into the fresh layer of the mix with a
smooth trowel and must bridge the joints by at least 3-4 cm. After the first layer is dry, a second
layer is applied until the mesh is completely covered and the surface is ready to receive its final
For a passive building the walls need thermal mass in order to retain heat. With that in mind,
type 11 and 13 listed above are immediately rejected in the case of the solar house. Types 11 and
13 (fig. 7.22 and 7.23) can be used for passive buildings as long as the walls will not be used as
thermal mass.
Since the U-value of the wall is an important factor, types 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are rejected since they
have an unacceptable U-value.
Type 10 and 12 (Figure 7.21) have an acceptable U-value, but the high manufacturing cost does
not make them cost efficient.
The types 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 (fig. 7.24) are viable options. Type 6, 7 and 8 seems to be the best of at
of the 25cm thickness of the concrete frame of the building (beams and columns). A better
architectural design is achieved by avoiding the 5cm gap between the external walls and the
columns and beams.
With these comparisons in mind, the chosen type of wall construction for the Experimental Solar
House is type 6, since it effectively insulates the whole structure and avoids thermal bridges
where the columns and beams occur.
Figure 7.21 window construction details
Figure 7.23 wall construction details
7.2.5 Roof construction consideration methods
In the construction of the experimental solar house two methods of roof construction were taken
under consideration. Upon further examination of all viable options for an efficient passive roof,
the following solutions were considered (see Table 7.4).
For a passive building the structure need thermal mass in order to retain heat. With that in mind
all three roof types are a viable option. Type 1 and 3 are the best. A better interior architectural
design is achieved by using type 3, because of the reverse beam structure of the roof. Also a
better insulation is achieved while avoiding the 5cm gap between the external walls and the
columns and beams. The Experimental Solar House uses type 3.
Research on extruded and expanded polystyrene for the application on the exterior surfaces of
the building has being done by the author. (See Appendix B) From the research, it was
concluded that expanded polystyrene is more cost effective and cheap than extruded polystyrene.
Also it is manufactured in Cyprus while extruded has to be imported. Since one of the goals is to
use materials that are derived from the local market, it is one more reason to use expanded
A comparison of different densities of expanded and extruded polystyrene was performed. The
U-values of the polystyrene were compared with the thickness and costs on the different
structures of the building: (see Figure 7.25, showing the applications on the walls, columns,
beams and overhangs)
Brick wall
Overhangs (on exterior floors)
Columns and beams
For extruded polystyrene from the Manufacturer Fibran two types are used:
1. Polystyrene used for walls of density (ρ) of 28-30 kg/m³ and thermal coefficient (λ) of 0,025
2. Polystyrene used for concrete of density (ρ) of 28 kg/m³ and thermal coefficient (λ) of 0,029
With respect to the type of polystyrene used, the following considerations were evaluated: based
on the comparative research of the required structural thickness, against the unit price for several
different polystyrene densities, it was determined that in order to meet the required proposed
Cyprus Standards, polystyrene of weight 25kg/m3 is to be used. Figure 8.1 shows the U-values
and prices of the Extruded (Polystyrene used for concrete of density (ρ) of 28 kg/m³ and thermal
coefficient (λ) of 0,029) and Expanded (Density (ρ) of 25 kg/m³ and thermal coefficient (λ) of
0,034) polystyrene. In (Appendix B) are all the tables and graphs of the calculations that have
been done for the various polystyrenes on the different structures of the Experimental Solar
Figure 7.25 Expanded (Leopol) versus Extruded (Fibran) polysteryne
U-value (W/m2K) and Price (CyP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
thickness (cm)
Leopol U-value (W/m2K) Leopol price Fibran U-value (W/m2K) Fibran price
7.3.7 Fireplace
A manufacturer-made cast iron wood-burning fireplace was chosen for having an efficiency of
80% 7 (see Figure 7.26). A mixture of concrete and plaster to retain the heat while the fireplace is
used. The mixture also acts as a storage heater a few hours after the fireplace has been put out.
Small openings are also formed on the concrete plaster so that the cool air of the house passes
through the fireplace plaster to be reheated and then circulate back in the house.
7.3 Use of ENERGY-10 in the Design Process
7.3.1 Overview
ENERGY-10 is software used for a specific project and is designed to develop guidelines for
low-energy buildings. It has been used by the author for the initial design concept of the
Experimental Solar House. Its main features include daylighting, passive solar heating, and low-
energy cooling strategies with energy-efficient shell design and mechanical equipment. The
software requires and permits early decision-making during the design process. Energy-10,
although fairly accurate as a programme, the sustained performance estimate is warned to be just
an estimate. These estimates, by no means should be taken as certified predictions on the
performance of the building. These uncertainties are due to the following factors:
Depending on the work, movement and use of the building, it is impossible to tell during
early stages of construction, how much energy the building as a whole, will consume. It has
been estimated that occupant effects can result in an annual energy use that is anywhere from
70% to 140% of the average use in commercial and residential buildings. A major factor is
also the amount of energy a consumer chooses to waste. Some tenants are careful about how
long they will keep the heating or air-condition on, and have a keen sense of saving, both
economically and ecologically. On the other hand there are also tenants, who prefer to pay a
higher utility bill and use the buildings’ heating and cooling systems freely. In other words
each individual has different comfort zones.
The energy estimates are based on long-term average weather and solar data but it is very
possible that weather conditions during any one-year can be much different from the long-
term average.
It is impossible to predict the usage of internal gains - especially plug loads. This suggests a
significant uncertainty to forecasting energy use.
Errors may be observed in the input data due to variations between the descriptions and how
the building is actually constructed, or inaccuracies in the analysis procedures used in the
By showing the consequences of design decisions, ENERGY-10 will help the author design the
energy efficiency of the Experimental Solar House. The evaluations are based on hour-by-hour
calculations through all 8760 hours of the year, using simulation analysis. The weather data used
are representative of typical conditions for the chosen location, which is Lefkosia.
The software helps define and evaluate Experimental Solar House before it has been designed
has been developed in a fast and simple way, without having to go to the ordeal of calculating
data based on the architects own estimates. The Reference case works by calculating inputs
designed within the building. Three of the most important inputs used are location, size (sq
metres), and use of category (residences, office, warehouse, etc.). Starting from these inputs, the
Experimental Solar House can be defined and evaluated.
The next step is to do an energy analysis of the Experimental Solar House. It is the most
important aspect of using the software, as the author begins to approximate how energy use and
energy cost are divided between heating, cooling, lights, fans, and other uses, such as plug loads.
In the output graphics, peak loads are shown and the author can pinpoint when they occur can be
An additional feature of ENERGY-10 is called RANK. RANK lists out priorities in usage,
should the author wish to add extra energy-efficient strategies, evaluating their consequences,
and ranking the results. RANK should be used at the beginning of the design process because it
eliminates the ordeal of having to redesign completed areas of the building.
ENERGY-10 is based on the principle that everything is defaulted and everything can be
changed. The libraries can be edited according to the material properties, glazing properties, wall
constructions etc. and can save modified libraries for later use.
All energy into the zone shows up in one or another of these monthly categories so the total is
the building consumption, month-by-month and for the year. The yearly totals agree with the bar
In order to place a contemporary house into perspective, one must exhibit the comparison
between the energy performances of a contemporary house, one that was built post 1970, as it
relates to its counterpart, a house built with older building techniques, in the traditional way.
The most important difference in the construction specifications of these house, as they are
portrayed here is in the construction of the traditional house’s wall (adobe versus concrete and
bricks) and in the roof (earth versus concrete). The traditional house follows the characteristics
discussed in chapter four. It transpires from the results produced, that the energy performance of
the organically insulated traditional house is clearly superior that of the contemporary house with
no energy-efficient considerations.
Energy-10 Summary Page
Description: Contemporary house (Building 1) Traditional house
(Building 2)
Floor Area, m² 99.0 99.0
Surface Area, m² 535.0 535.0
Volume, m³ 767.1 767.1
Surface Area Ratio 1.06 1.06
Total Conduction UA, W/K 1063.5 804.5
Average U-value, W/m²K 1.988 1.504
Wall Construction brick hollow-20cm, R=0.7 adobe wall, R=0.6
Roof Construction concrete 15cm, R=0.3 adobe roof, R=0.8
Floor type, insulation Slab on Grade, Reff=7.3 Slab on Grade, Reff=7.3
Window Construction 4060 single, alum, U=6.81 4060 single, alum, U=6.81
Window Shading 35 deg latitude 35 deg latitude
Wall total gross area, m² 299 299
Roof total gross area, m² 118 118
Ground total gross area, m² 118 118
Window total gross area, m² 31 31
Windows (N/E/S/W: Roof) 4/3/4/3:0 4/3/4/3:0
Glazing name single, U=6.30 single, U=6.30
Operating parameters:
HVAC system DX Cooling with Gas Furnace DX Cooling with Gas
Rated Output (Heat/SCool/TCool), kW 20/16/21 15/8/11
Rated Air Flow/MOOA, L/s 1444/0 741/0
Heating thermostat 18.0 °C, no setback 18.0 °C, no setback
Cooling thermostat 28.0 °C, no set-up 28.0 °C, no set-up
Heat/cool performance eff=80,COP=2.6 eff=80,COP=2.6
Economizer? /type no/NA no/NA
Duct leaks/conduction losses, total % 11/10 11/10
Peak Gains; IL, EL, HW, OT; W/m² 1.61/0.32/7.10/3.88 1.61/0.32/7.10/3.88
Added mass? None none
Daylighting? No no
Infiltration, cm² ELA=745.1 ELA=745.1
Simulation dates 01-Jan to 31-Dec 01-Jan to 31-Dec
Simulation status, Thermal/DL valid/NA valid/NA
Energy use, kWh 36445 26154
Energy cost, CYP 1165 806
Saved by daylighting, GJ NA NA
Total Electric, GJ 46009 32793
Internal/External lights, GJ 2254/244 2254/244
Heating/Cooling/Fan, GJ 0/26891/7470 0/17006/4139
Hot water/Other, GJ 0/9149 0/9149
Peak Electric, kW 10.8 5.9
Fuel, hw/heat/total, kWh 3054/20609/23662 3054/13990/17044
Emissions, CO2/SO2/NOx, kg 12116/50/29 8668/36/20
The above figures have been stated theoretically as they are calculated upon a 24 hour basis
(without setback or set-up).
Figure 7.27 Comparative Barographs Energy Total annual energy use, plus breakout by heating,
cooling, fan, and "other" uses (everything else)
As was expected, upon comparing quantitatively the Experimental Solar House with the
contemporary house, the solar house proves to be far superior in its energy savings performance.
For instance, the contemporary house requires an astounding 4.95 Cyprus pounds per square
meter for cooling purposes, whereas the solar house requires a mere 1.33. The overall energy
requirements for the contemporary house, according the Energy 10 calculations, reaches a high
of 368 kWh/m2 as compared to 121 kWh/m2 of the Experimental Solar House.
Energy-10 Summary Page
Description: Experimental Solar House Contemporary house
Floor Area, m² 99.0 99.0
Surface Area, m² 535.0 535.0
Volume, m³ 767.1 767.1
Surface Area Ratio 1.06 1.06
Total Conduction UA, W/K 216.9 1063.5
Average U-value, W/m²K 0.405 1.988
Wall Construction brick25cm+7expol, R=5.2 brick hollow-20cm, R=0.7
Roof Construction conc15cm+10insu, R=3.4 concrete 15cm, R=0.3
Floor type, insulation Slab on Grade, Reff=1.6 Slab on Grade, Reff=7.3
Window Construction 4060 double, low e, U=1.65,etc 4060 single, alum,
Window Shading 40 deg latitude 40 deg latitude
Wall total gross area, m² 299 299
Roof total gross area, m² 118 118
Ground total gross area, m² 118 118
Window total gross area, m² 31 31
Windows (N/E/S/W: Roof) 4/3/4/3:0 4/3/4/3:0
Glazing name double low-e, U=1.48 single, U=6.30
Operating parameters:
Description: Experimental Solar House Contemporary house
HVAC system DX Cooling with Gas Furnace DX Cooling with Gas
Rated Output (Heat/SCool/TCool), kW 6/4/6 20/16/21
Rated Air Flow/MOOA, L/s 185/0 1444/0
Heating thermostat 18.0 °C, no setback 18.0 °C, no setback
Cooling thermostat 28.0 °C, no set-up 28.0 °C, no set-up
Heat/cool performance eff=80,COP=2.6 eff=80,COP=2.6
Economizer? /type no/NA no/NA
Duct leaks/conduction losses, total % 11/10 11/10
Peak Gains; IL, EL, HW, OT; W/m² 1.61/0.32/7.10/3.88 1.61/0.32/7.10/3.88
Added mass? None none
Daylighting? No no
Infiltration, cm² ELA=745.1 ELA=745.1
Simulation dates 01-Jan to 31-Dec 01-Jan to 31-Dec
Simulation status, Thermal/DL valid/NA valid/NA
Energy use, kWh 11949 36445
Energy cost, CYP 436 1165
Saved by daylighting, GJ NA NA
Total Electric, GJ 20826 46009
Internal/External lights, GJ 2254/244 2254/244
Heating/Cooling/Fan, GJ 0/7814/1363 0/26891/7470
Hot water/Other, GJ 0/9149 0/9149
Peak Electric, kW 2.4 10.8
Fuel, hw/heat/total, kWh 3054/3110/6163 3054/20609/23662
Emissions, CO2/SO2/NOx, kg 4653/22/12 12116/50/29
Figure 7.29 Comparative Barographs Energy Total annual energy use, plus breakout by heating,
cooling, fan, and "other" uses (everything else)
APPLY is a special feature of Energy-10 that provides a quick way for the designer to ascertain
the combined effect of a group of candidate strategies. APPLY automatically makes global
modifications in a building description. These modifications are made based on
1. The user selection of any or all of the Energy Efficient Strategies (EESs), and
2. The user-defined characteristics of each of those strategies. Both selections are made
under the EE Strategies menu.
An example of APPLY is shown below. Note that APPLY is used automatically as part of the
AutoBuild process to create the Low-Energy Case starting with the Reference Case; however, it
can be used at any point during the design process. (However, a Daylighting APPLY will only
work on shoebox geometry.)
Operating parameters:
HVAC system DX Cooling with Gas Furnace DX Cooling with Gas
Rated Output (Heat/SCool/TCool), kW 6/4/6 5/5/7
Rated Air Flow/MOOA, L/s 185/0 493/0
Heating thermostat 18.0 °C, no setback 18.0 °C, setback to 15.2 °C
Cooling thermostat 28.0 °C, no set-up 28.0 °C, set-up to 30.8 °C
Heat/cool performance eff=80,COP=2.6 eff=90,COP=3.8
Economizer? /type no/NA yes/fixed dry bulb, 15.6 °C
Duct leaks/conduction losses, total % 11/10 3/0
Peak Gains; IL, EL, HW, OT; W/m² 1.61/0.32/7.10/3.88 1.21/0.24/7.10/3.88
Added mass? None 49 m², 8in cmu
Daylighting? No yes, continuous dimming
Infiltration, cm² ELA=745.1 ELA=747.5
Simulation dates 01-Jan to 31-Dec 01-Jan to 31-Dec
Simulation status, Thermal/DL valid/NA valid/valid
Energy use, kWh 11949 10100
Energy cost, CYP 436 447
Saved by daylighting, GJ NA 605
Total Electric, GJ 20826 21326
Internal/External lights, GJ 2254/244 1397/183
Heating/Cooling/Fan, GJ 0/7814/1363 0/9174/1423
Hot water/Other, GJ 0/9149 0/9149
Peak Electric, kW 2.4 2.9
Fuel, hw/heat/total, kWh 3054/3110/6163 3054/1121/4175
Emissions, CO2/SO2/NOx, kg 4653/22/12 4374/22/12
The APPLY feature has produced a most valuable comparison between the low energy scenario
and the Experimental Solar House. Interestingly enough, the performance of the Experimental
Solar House and of the APPLY house is very similar overall. Certain values of the Experimental
Solar House show better performance (e.g. the annual cost breakdown) and in other cases, the
APPLY house comes out ahead (e.g. total energy use). It can be concluded that the
Experimental Solar House has competed successfully with the APPLY house.
Figure 7.31 Comparative Barographs Energy Total annual energy use, plus breakout by heating,
cooling, fan, and "other" uses (everything else)
7.4 Conclusion
The Experimental Solar House’s foremost priority was to match the average specifications of a
new residential construction in Cyprus. Thus various methods of construction were researched in
order to conclude a final most suitable method, which is adequate for the Experimental Solar
House. It was decided that the house would occupy the northern part of the plot, so that the
southern side faces the garden. This ensures that no potential construction will obscure exposure
to the sun. The area of the house is 223m². This has been decided upon researching the
approximate average size of a contemporary house in Cyprus.
Most building in Cyprus are constructed with little or no insulation, thus causing a high
percentage of summer and winter discomfort. The Experimental Solar House is designed in
accordance to comfort zone calculations so as to ensure the maximum comfort of its occupants.
The wall construction plays a significant role in the insulation of the house. After researching 13
types of wall constructions, the chosen type is type 6, since it effectively insulates the whole
structure and avoids thermal bridges where the columns and beams occur.
In order to retain heat (thermal mass) the specified roof type for the Experimental Solar House is
type 3 because of the reverse beam structure of the roof.
Vertical and horizontal louvers, although considered, were decided upon not being 100%
suitable, due to the high construction cost and permanent view obstruction of the east and west
façade of the house. The second floor bedroom windows on the southeast and south walls were
recessed so as to prevent summer sun from entering, but allowing winter warmth to enter. They
are used as permanent shading devices. Roof fans are used to assure no overheating would occur
in the extreme overheated periods.
Thus the construction of the solar house has a purpose that is multifaceted. It is an
environmental success as well as an architectural one. The house itself will be able to provide
excellent indoor air quality and natural lighting. Daylight is constantly changing in intensity and
colour, from dawn to dusk, from day to day from season to season. Some people consider it a
capricious source of light that can also be powerful vehicle of architectural expression. Since it
is constantly moving, it also changes character and varies with the weather; it can provide
buildings with a living quality unachievable with any other design element. In general, solar
buildings are designed with greater interaction with their outdoor counterpart.
When a Cypriot contemporary house was compared to a traditional house, the energy
performance of the original insulated traditional house is superior to the contemporary house,
with no energy-efficient considerations. Therefore, since the Experimental Solar House was
designed and constructed using researched material of traditional houses, once compared with a
contemporary house the results were easy to assume. The Experimental Solar House proved to
be far superior in its energy-saving performance.
When compare to the low-energy house of Energy 10, the Experimental Solar House proved a
successful competitor, with most values being overall similar.
Solar energy exploitation remains a valuable architectural tool. However, buildings are still
being built without taking into account of the climate the natural lighting, the colours the earth,
the landscape microclimate orientation, wind direction, and how all these can fit harmoniously
into the environment. People spend more than 90% of their time in closed spaces. Since we
cannot always realistically create more incentives for people to go outdoors, we might as well
improve the quality of the indoor environment.
Clarke, J.A. “Energy Simulation in Building Design”. Adam Hilger Ltd. 1985.
Maver, T.W. “Computer Software for Energy Conservation”. ABACUS, University of Strathyclyde. 1984.
Dr Flourenzou Flourenzos, Energy Engineering, Laboratoire d’Energie Solaire et de Physique du Batiment,
Lozahn, Switzerland.
Stavrou, N. “Energy Conservation in new residential buildings in Cyprus-Cost comparative study”, School of the
Built Environment, University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Wales, May 1998
Karouzis, G. “Report on Land Tenure in Cyprus”, Lefkosia, 1980
Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Statistics and Research, 1994.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (EREC), EREC is operated by NCI Information Systems,
Inc. for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy. September 2001.
8.1 Introduction
This chapter is a compilation of methods performed on data collecting, types of data collected,
data analysis techniques and it describes basic approaches used to monitor passive and hybrid
solar buildings. A system of nomenclature is established and is used to identify the issues
presented in future segments.1
Detailed monitoring has been typically conducted over long periods of time, ranging from an
entire heating season or cooling season to several years 1. Recently developed methods of
performing short-term monitoring during the heating and cooling season and extrapolating the
performance over the entire season have reduced the time and cost required for monitoring. At
the very least, electrical and fuel bills can be monitored. They can be used for a cursory
examination of the house’s thermal performance.
Proponents of passive solar buildings knew from the outset that before this energy saving
concept could be widely accepted, its effectiveness had to be thoroughly demonstrated and
documented. Therefore, since the late 1970s many governments, utilities, and private
associations have mounted research and development programmes, which included major field
studies to monitor the thermal performance of passive solar homes. These programs have
involved the collection and analysis of measurements of selected energy performance indicators,
using complicated and expensive instrumentation.
“Energy saved” is also a complex quantity, the immediate question being “Compared to what?”
A reference building with energy performance characteristics typical of conventional houses in
that area must be specified for this purpose. Another difficulty with this measure is that
comparison between two buildings is only meaningful if the same energy quantities are
compared under the same operating conditions. Obviously, operating conditions can vary
greatly, due to weather and particularly, as seen later on, due to occupant behaviour, which
affects temperatures to which the building is heated, internal heat gains, occupancy schedules,
and many other factors.
These variations make it impossible to simply compare total metered energy consumption, or
even sub metered space-heating energy. At a minimum, a consistent energy savings calculation
must account for the effects of variations of weather, by accounting for outdoor temperature
variations, and for occupancy factors by accounting for variations in indoor temperatures and
internal heat gains.
This chapter provides a commentary to the monitoring charts compiled over a period of 24
months - from 27/11/1999 until 18/10/2000 and from 21/1/2001 until 18/12/2001 months in the
experimental solar house. It also presents the monitored results on the thermal comfort charts
showing the effectiveness of the Experimental Solar House.
The data was retrieved by means of the management software GLM, which is run on a Microsoft
Windows based host computer. Data is exported from the loggers into the software in the text
formats ready for importing into a spreadsheet or other programs. The software has the capacity
to store 7900 data readings along with such information as the logging interval and description
together with the details of the individual logger including the unique serial number. The output
graphs are shown in this chapter.
Concerning internal data collecting loggers, provisions should have been made for them to be
positioned out of direct sunlight and not on outside walls or heavy weight walls, which may
provide local disturbance. According to the Environmental Committee 2, an acceptable position
is at a point 1.6m above the floor and below the head of any door so as to avoid the layer of hot
air that often occurs above the door head height and out of direct draughts. There is evidence to
suggest that the boundary layer thickness of air at a wall is about 15cm from the wall so that the
sensor should be positioned at least this distance from the wall. For the external probe, provision
was made for it to be shielded from solar radiation. Unfortunately in the Experimental Solar
House the internal data loggers were placed at a point 2.5m above the floors and placed directly
on the wall. They were placed on the interior walls and direct sunlight was avoided.
Photos 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 show the data logging devices within the house.
Photo 8.2 South East Bedroom Data Loggers
Mechanical Data:
Width: 60mm
Depth: 33mm
Weight: 50g
Memory Size: 8k (non-volatile)
No. of readings: 7900
Resolution: 8 bit
Delayed start: Relative / Actual up to 45 days
Stop options: when full, after n options, Never
Reading types: Actual, min, max
Logging interval: 1sec to 10 days
Offload: while stopped or when logging in minute multiples
Alarms: Two, fully programmable
Functional range: -40ºC - +85ºC
IP Rating: IP54 splash proof
Battery life: up to 5 years
GLM Software Version 2.3 International is the principal software for launching and offloading
all Tinytag data loggers. The application is Windows based, intuitive and simple to use with
comprehensive graph, statistics and readings views. Overlay graphs are formed to compare data
of all the data loggers in the house, and from different periods (relative time mode).
Zoom to specific data areas by 'click and drag' or by defining exact parameters or stepping
through the graph can be performed. The software provides launch confirmation screen
confirming logging parameters chosen, which can be printed as a record of the launch. The
software runs on Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, NT and ME.
8.3.1 Introduction
It should be noted that the author did not inhabit the experimental solar house until the last week
of April 2000. During the time prior to habitation from December 1999 until April 2000, the
doors and windows of the house remained closed. The Venetian blinds and pergola were not
installed. There were infrequent visits from construction workers during this period for some
final construction details. The temperature and RH data loggers in the ground floor (living room)
in the year 2001 were damaged. Unfortunately this was seen when the readings were been
downloaded into the software. For this reason no readings have been taken for this year for the
living room. Taking the readings of the year 2000, into account it can be considered that no
difference is been seen between the other rooms. Table 8.1 show the data loggers the mean
hourly temperature and relative humidity results during the period of December 1999 till
December 2001.
2 2001 19 60
3 2001 20 60
4 2001 23 58
5 2001 24 45
6 2001 28 35
7 2001 28 45
8 2001 29 60
9 2001 28 60
10 2001 26 42
11 2001 23 50
12 2001 19 58
8.3.2 Temperature
The temperature range acceptable for comfort is from 19oC to 29oC for Cyprus (see chapter 4).
Hourly temperature readings were taken all year round (fig 8.3). Specified 24 hours period each
month are plotted on graphs (fig 8.4 – 8.26)
Non-Habitation period
During the months prior to habitation, December 1999 until April 2000, the temperatures
succeeded in remaining constant in a twenty-four hour period, ranging from 1 to 1.5oC from
room to room. The temperatures achieved during the winter months and March 2000(16oC)
were approximately 6oC higher than the average 24-hour temperature outdoors. It is important to
note that the maximum difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors was up to 10oC.
(figures 8.4 – 8.9)
Habitation period
The house was first inhabited in May 2000. The daytime external temperature reached
approximately 28oC and the nighttime temperature was 14oC. The indoor temperature, however,
remained steady at around 22oC. In June the daytime indoor temperatures were unsatisfactorily
high. The reason for this sudden raise on indoor temperature is the daytime opening of windows
and doors thus allowing heat to enter. As the temperature rose, the absence of Venetian blinds
and the pergola resulted in the recording of higher temperatures.
Most of the measured room temperatures lie within a zone of +/-1 ºC around the measured
temperature curve for the day. The average differences of the measured temperatures between
the rooms for each hour range between 0 and 1ºC. In most cases, positive differences are noted
during the day and negative during the night indicating that temperatures during the day are
underestimated at night. It is noted that overall the indoor temperatures are kept in the thermal
comfort requirements, which shall be discussed further on, exemplifying each months mean
Overall, the 24hour indoor measurements indicate a variation of 0-2ºC- temperature swing.
Taking into account that the external temperature swing is 10-15ºC, this shows that a constant
temperature is preserved throughout the day.
Figure 8.3
Temperature (27/11/1999-18/10/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Dec 2000 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Time (starting 27/11/1999)
Figure 8.4
Temperature (21/1/2001-18/12/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Time (starting 21/1/2001)
As noted on the graphs below (figure 8.5-8.26), indicate the temperatures in the following areas:
Red: South Bedroom
Green: Master Bedroom
Purple: Living Room
Pink: East Bedroom
Blue: External (2000)
Yellow: External (2001)
Figure 8.5
Temperature (1-2/12/1999)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Dec 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/12/1999 00:00:00)
Figure 8.6
Temperature (1-2/1/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
2000 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/1/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.7
Temperature (1-2/2/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Figure 8.8
Temperature (1-2/3/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Mar 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/3/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.9
Temperature (1-2/4/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Apr 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/4/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.10
Temperature (1-2/5/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Figure 8.11
Temperature (1-2/6/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Jun 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/6/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.12
Temperature (1-2/7/2000)
125607 solar south br (4)
127409 solar master br (2)
127401 solar house living room
127907 solar external (5)
127406 solar east br (3)
Temperature °C
Jul 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/7/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.13
Temperature (1-2/8/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Aug 06h 12h 18h 2We
Time (starting 1/8/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.14
Temperature (1-2/9/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Sep 06h 12h 18h 2Sa
Time (starting 1/9/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.15
Temperature (1-2/10/2000)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Figure 8.16
Temperature (1-2/2/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Figure 8.17
Temperature (1-2/3/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Mar 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/3/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.18
Temperature (1-2/4/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Figure 8.19
Temperature (1-2/5/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
May 06h 12h 18h 2We
Time (starting 1/5/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.20
Temperature (1-2/6/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Jun 06h 12h 18h 2Sa
Time (starting 1/6/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.21
Temperature (1-2/7/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Jul 06h 12h 18h 2Mo
Time (starting 1/7/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.22
Temperature (1-2/8/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Aug 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/8/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.23
Temperature (1-2/9/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Sep 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/9/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.24
Temperature (1-2/10/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Oct 06h 12h 18h 2Tu
Time (starting 1/10/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.25
Temperature (1-2/11/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Nov 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/11/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.26
Temperature (1-2/12/2001)
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Dec 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/12/2001 00:00:00)
The above graphs clarify the steady difference, throughout a 22-month timeline. It is clear that
room temperatures within the house, remain relatively steady throughout all months, and are
constantly within the comfort zone limits.
The need for cooling (use of ceiling fans) rises, when temperatures rise above the comfort zone
levels i.e. above 29°C.
Figure 8.3 shows that fans needed to be used from the 15th June till the 5th September in the year
Figure 8.4 shows that fans needed to be used from the 5th July till the 20th August in the year
2001. The external temperatures remained the same for both years. However the internal
temperature in the year 2000 reaches its peak at 36°C, while in the year 2001 the internal
temperature reaches its peak at 31°C.Thus consideration is needed as to why the internal
temperature rose to such an extent in the year 2000.
The difference lies in the insertion of shading devices. In the year 2000 the Venetian blinds and
the pergola were not imported into the house, while in the year 2001, the shading devises were
used, thus proving the importance of shading devices within the house, during the summer.
Hypothetically in the future (2003) the indoor temperature may drop to an approximate of 28°C,
as the vegetation around the house will grow satisfactorily.
Should vegetation not be an option, other external shading devices, (chapter 7) which can be
used, include:
- Wooden louvers
- Shutters
The need for heating (fireplace) rises once temperatures drop below the comfort zone levels i.e.
below 19.5°C.
The Experimental Solar House was occupied in April 2000 therefore heated wasn’t needed in the
early winter months (January – March) However figure 8.3 monitors the indoor and external
temperatures throughout the year 2000. Therefore, according to figure 8.3 heating was
theoretically needed from the 15th Dec – 30th March. This relatively large need, is however
partially due to the fact that the house was still in its construction stages, and doors and windows
were occasionally left open. Figure 8.3 unfortunately shows that data was not collected from the
19th October till the 20th January. This is because the batteries of the data collectors had ran out
and were not noticed till the end of January 2001.
In the year 2001 heating was needed from the 15th January till the 10th February, from the 15th
February till the 3rd of March and from the 28th November till the 5th of December (figure 8.4)
According to Olgay’s comfort zone (21°C) heating would be needed from the 5th January till the
10th March and from the 17th November till the 12th December.
The pergola eliminated 50% solar radiation because of its shading characteristics (photo 8.5)
The living room, on the south opening, where the sun is directed during the day, is thickly
carpeted. Carpets eliminate the advantage of thermal energy storage (chapter 5) and therefore
the heat from solar radiation is not preserved throughout the day.
The windows of the bedroom and the clerestory windows were constructed 30cm smaller
than designed, thus minimizing direct gain effects.
The spacing where the clerestory window is built allows heat to escape when it rises.
The author’s art collection takes up 50% of the houses wall space, thus minimizing the
thermal storage effect.
Photo 8.4 – Thickly carpeted living room
Photo 8.5 – Pergola shading 50% of the window during the winter, eliminating solar radiation
The pergola can be redesigned, or a tent can be used, (which is the best solution as it is
manual). These are the following options, should a tent not be wanted:
Diminish the number of horizontal strips of the pergola, in order to diminish the
amount of shade
Vegetation can be grown (vineyard etc. [photo 8.5]) This technique was used in
traditional homes (chapter 6)
Construction of a permanent overhang, which would block out the summer sun,
and allow the winter sun to enter freely. The winter sun follows a lower direction,
(as shown in fig.7.10 and 7.11) and thus, constructing a small (in length)
horizontal shading device, would allow the winter sun to enter, without being
blocked. This works in practicality on the windows of the Experimental Solar
House (fig. 7.4)
The carpets and paintings make for the loss of thermal energy storage. It is impractical
however, to state that the only option is to withdraw both the carpet and the paintings.
Therefore the solution would be to add thermal mass. Thermal mass can be added by various
thermal storage techniques. For example, brick layering on a specified point, water tubing
PCM rods etc. (chapter 5)
The spacing where the clerestory window is built can be closed, (photo 7.21 and 7.23) using
either a movable device of a permanent device with a small opening (window or pull-able
closing). Although this would disable heat sink, these solutions disallow natural lighting and
solar radiation from the clerestory window itself. However, should this device be built using
a transparent material (i.e. glass), the only disadvantage would be the cost of construction.
Once passive solar architecture becomes a widespread practice, construction workers will be
well trained in following exact design instructions. However, as construction errors are
expected (size of windows), closer supervision is suggested.
In December 1999, the house was uninhabited, closed and without furniture (carpets, paintings,
pergola). The indoor temperatures range was within the comfort zone (fig 8.3), showing that
once the once the above errors are corrected; the Experimental Solar House will function within
the comfort zone.
Figures 8.27 and 8.28 show the heating and cooling needs in the year 2000 and 2001 (8.27 –
2000, 8.28 – 2001). The pink line shows the internal temperatures throughout the year. Once this
line drops below 19.5°C heating is needed (shown in red), and once the line rises above 29°C
cooling is needed (shown in blue). Through these graphs the above results are further enhanced,
as a clear distinction is noted between the years. There are moments during the heating and
cooling seasons (red and blue) where the fireplace and fans are not needed, as temperatures rise
and drop accordingly. The external temperatures are shown in green (year 2000) and brown (year
Figure 8.27
Figure 8.28
Summer daytime and night time ventilation
The months of July and August 2000 showed much more variation, since this period of time was
used to experiment with various ventilating combinations of open and closed windows. This
experimentation was aimed towards the theory that during the summer months, the best cooling
method is night ventilation. Temperature and Relative Humidity monitoring from July 27th until
August 5th 2000 showed that when day ventilation occurs then the inside temperatures are high.
The chart shows that the first days when day ventilation occurs, inside temperatures are up to
35ºC (27-31 July), while when there is no day ventilation then the inside, temperature does not
exceed 29ºC (1-5 August). It is also noted that on August 1st the inside temperature is 32ºC,
which is the mid temperature between the time day ventilation stopped. The reason for this is the
thermal mass of the house, which needed 24 hours to cool down. The same can be seen for
relative humidity. Should the windows be kept open not only during the night, but during the day
as well, the space will overheat. Once this was proven empirically, the windows were kept
closed during the day.
As the daytime outdoor temperatures rose to the high thirties, the indoor temperature rose
approximately 2oC during the day reaching a high of 29oC, and then dropped again to an average
of 27oC at night. August 2000 temperatures (28oC) were kept more constant then the months
before, since night ventilation schemes were executed and the shading devices were operated
more rigorously.
The following graph indicates the temperature levels for the dates 27.7.2000 till 5.8.2000 within
the Solar House, with the following colour indications:
Red: Southern Bedroom
Green: Master Bedroom
Purple: Living room
Pink: External
Figure 8.29
Temperature 27/7-5/8/2000
125607 solar south br (4) Temperature °C
127409 solar master br (2) Temperature °C
127401 solar house living room Temperature °C
127907 solar external (5) Temperature °C
127406 solar east br (3) Temperature °C
Temperature °C
27Th 28Fr 29Sa 30Su 31Mo Aug 2We 3Th 4Fr 5Sa
Time (starting 27/7/2000)
There is a clear difference between the external temperature and the internal. As well as being
steadier, the indoor temperatures show a much lower contrast then the outdoor temperatures.
The same results apply for the Relative humidity, measured during the same dates. The graph is
colour charted as follows:
Red: Southern Bedroom
Green: Ground Floor
Purple: Master Bedroom
Pink: East Bedroom
Blue: External
Figure 8.30
Relative Humidity 27/7-5/8/2000
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
27Th 28Fr 29Sa 30Su 31Mo Aug 2We 3Th 4Fr 5Sa
Time (starting 27/7/2000)
It should be noted that inland area humidity levels in Cyprus are distinctly lower than those in
the coastal areas.
Humidity was kept at constant levels the months prior to habitation with a maximum of 65% in
January and February 2000 and a minimum of 45% in December 2000. Outdoor humidity levels
in those months fluctuated greatly during the day, sometimes as much as 50% in the course of
twenty-four hours.
In April 2000 and more so in the months that followed, humidity levels showed as much
fluctuation during a twenty-four hour period as the outdoor humidity levels, with the peak and
the lowest values kept at less extreme values indoors.
Most of the measured room relative humidity lies within a zone of 5% around the measured RH
curve for the day. The average differences of the measured relative humidity between the rooms
for each hour range between 0 and 5%. In most cases positive differences are found during the
day and negative during the night indicating that relative humidity during the day and
underestimates them at night. It is noted that overall the indoor relative humidity is kept in the
thermal comfort requirements, which shall be discussed further on showing each month mean
relative humidity.
Overall, the 24 hour measured indoor relative humidity has a variation of 2-20% relative
humidity swing. Taking into account that the external relative humidity swing is 20-60%, this
shows that a constant relative humidity remains preserved all day long.
The following graphs indicate the annual relative humidity for the years 2000 and 2001. Further
on monthly indications are illustrated, but it is important to note the overall image the graph
bares. Through this indication, the solar house has proven to preserve a roundabout ideal
temperature and humidity throughout the year. The graph indicates the percentage of relative
humidity in the following way:
Red: Ground Floor
Green: Southern Bedroom
Purple: Master Bedroom
Pink: Eastern Bedroom
Blue: External (yr 2000)
Yellow: External (yr 2001)
Figure 8.31
Relative Humidity (27/11/1999-18/10/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Dec 2000 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Time (starting 27/11/1999)
Figure 8.32
Relative Humidity (20/1/2001-15/12/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Time (starting 20/1/2001)
The following graphs indicate the monthly relative humidity percentages of the solar house, from
the beginning of the year 2000 until the end of the year 2001. Familiar steadiness can be noted,
as well as boundary limits within the comfort zone. The graphs are colour charted in the
following scheme:
Red: Ground Floor
Green: Southern Bedroom
Purple: Master Bedroom
Pink: East Bedroom
Blue: External (1999-2000)
Yellow: External (2001)
Figure 8.33
Relative Humidity (1-2/12/1999)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Dec 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/12/1999 00:00:00)
Figure 8.34
Relative Humidity (1-2/1/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
2000 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/1/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.35
Relative Humidity (1-2/2/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Feb 06h 12h 18h 2We
Time (starting 1/2/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.36
Relative Humidity (1-2/3/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Mar 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/3/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.37
Relative Humidity (1-2/4/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Apr 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/4/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.38
Relative Humidity (1-2/5/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
May 06h 12h 18h 2Tu
Time (starting 1/5/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.39
Relative Humidity (1-2/6/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Jun 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/6/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.40
Relative Humidity (1-2/7/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Figure 8.41
Relative Humidity (1-2/8/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Aug 06h 12h 18h 2We
Time (starting 1/8/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.42
Relative Humidity (1-2/9/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Sep 06h 12h 18h 2Sa
Time (starting 1/9/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.43
Relative Humidity (1-2/10/2000)
109017 solar groung floor RH Humidity %
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Oct 06h 12h 18h 2Mo
Time (starting 1/10/2000 00:00:00)
Figure 8.44
Relative Humidity (1-2/2/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Feb 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/2/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.45
Relative Humidity (1-2/3/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Mar 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/3/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.46
Relative Humidity (1-2/4/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Apr 06h 12h 18h 2Mo
Time (starting 1/4/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.47
Relative Humidity (1-2/5/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
May 06h 12h 18h 2We
Time (starting 1/5/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.48
Relative Humidity (1-2/6/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Jun 06h 12h 18h 2Sa
Time (starting 1/6/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.49
Relative Humidity (1-2/7/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Jul 06h 12h 18h 2Mo
Time (starting 1/7/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.50
Relative Humidity (1-2/8/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Aug 06h 12h 18h 2Th
Time (starting 1/8/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.51
Relative Humidity (1-2/9/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Sep 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/9/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.52
Relative Humidity (1-2/10/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Oct 06h 12h 18h 2Tu
Time (starting 1/10/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.53
Relative Humidity (1-2/11/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Nov 06h 12h 18h 2Fr
Time (starting 1/11/2001 00:00:00)
Figure 8.54
Relative Humidity (1-2/12/2001)
109012 solar south br (4)RH Humidity %
109762 solar master br RH Humidity %
109766 solar external (5) Humidity %
109763 solar east br (3) Humidity %
Humidity %
Dec 06h 12h 18h 2Su
Time (starting 1/12/2001 00:00:00)
In addition to the temperature and humidity data collected, a small weather station5 is located on
the roof of the house. The weather station has been recording the wind direction and velocity by
a wind vane and an anemometer respectively. The data is recorded on an hourly basis and
exported to the computer software Weatherlink version 4.046.
Upon deciding where to locate the windows in order to maximize cross ventilation of the
Experimental Solar House, the wind direction data taken from the Cyprus Meteorological
Centre, (found in chapter 2). The data collected from the small weather station of the
Experimental Solar House prove that the location of the windows was correct, since they match
the data considered initially. Two examples of the wind data collected are shown in graph 8.55
and 8.56. Graph 8.55 shows results taken from the 2nd till the 4th of August and the graph 8.56
shows the compiled results for the entire month of August.
Figure 8.55
Figure 8.56
8.3.5 Utility bills
The only energy used in the Experimental Solar House is electricity, potable water and wood for
auxiliary heating. Electricity is required for lighting and cooking, whereas in most contemporary
houses cooking is done on gas stoves. The impressive thermal performance of the house was
achieved with only a few minutes of the authors’ attention each day: building fires in the cold
winters and operating windows in the summer. No adjustments in the author’s schedule were
required. For this effort, the house rewarded the inhabitants with a low winter and summer utility
bill, considering that no air conditioning system is required. The costs are in Cyprus pounds (£)
Electricity KWh
7/4-22/5/2000 320 22.17 15.2
22/5/2000-20/9/2000 1542 103.97 26
20/9/2000-19/01/2001 1589 109.75 27.5
19/01/2001-21/05/2001 1204 93.54 5/5/2001 pv 23
21/05/2001-20/09/2001 771 50.66 pv 12.75
20/09/2001-19/01/2002 1072 66.24 pv 16.6 Electricity
All the appliances in the house function with an electrical supply of 240V/50Hz. The appliances
are: electric oven, electric cooker, dish washer, clothes washing machine clothes dryer, ceiling
fans, TV, Hi-Fi system, 5 water pumps- 3 for the house and 2 for the garden, and all the lighting
Electric roof fans (Chapter 7) were placed in the summer of 2001-the second summer the house
was inhabited. They were used when inside temperatures were above 28ºC. Thus, the electric
fans consumed some electricity in that summer. Two fans were placed in the living room and one
in each bedroom. The cost was £100 each. Similar results could have been achieved with less
costly fans of £25. Having an air condition system would cost an overall of £3000 (two split
units in the living room and one in each bedroom). The cost of electricity would increase to
approximately £100 per month.
The average bill per month a contemporary house (without air-conditioning units) pays is £40 as
compared to the £12 paid for the solar house. With air-conditioning units, the electric bill of any
contemporary home of comparable size to the Experimental Solar House may reach the amount
of £100. In most contemporary homes heating is done by fuelled generators, which comes as a
separate bill.
At the time of habitation, April 27, 2000, the first bill (7/4-22/5/2000) there were 25 days before
the next reading, so the bill ran up to £22.17 for a consumption of 320kW/h. The next bill was
issued after 4 months and ran to £103.97pounds for 1542kW/h. For the months 20/9/2000-
19/01/2001, the bill ran abnormally high (£109.75 for 1589kW/h) because of a two-day artist
gathering event hosted at the Experimental Solar House that utilized, among other things,
specialized high wattage lighting. The next bill for the months 19/01/-21/05/2001 was reduced
to £93.54. The reduction was due to the installation of the grid connected photovoltaic system in
5/5/2001 almost at the end of the consumption period. In the periods, 21/05/-20/09/2001
(summer) the consumption was 771kW/h at a cost of £50.66. For the periods, 20/09/2001-
19/01/2002 (winter) the consumption was 1072kW/h at a cost of £66.24. It can be noticed that
the summer period has a lower consumption mainly of the higher solar radiation and the better
efficiency of the photovoltaic system. Another reason of the higher winter consumption is that
the author used high wattage electrical heaters for the heating of newborn chicks, which were
placed in special cages outside the house (Unfortunately the electricity consumption is metered
as total).
It can be concluded that the average monthly costs of the Experimental Solar House are a mere
£26, since heating and cooling are not needed. When the photovoltaic system was installed the
electricity consumption was reduced by 50% to £13 Water
The solar hot water collectors provide 100% of the domestic hot-water needs. Provision has been
made for hot water to be heated with an electric conductor on the hot water tank. In the case of
insufficiency, hot water is available from the solar collectors. During the last two winters, 2000
and 2001, only once was there a need to turn on the electric water heater and that operated for 15
minutes (Energy use of 0.15KW) only. Wood
The only source of heat is the wood burning fireplace used to warm the ground floor in the
evenings when the inside temperatures were under 19.5ºC. Less than four cords of wood were
To install a central heating system in the whole house costs £3300 plus £500 for the piping
installation. The piping installation was done provisionally since the author has plans in the
future to experiment on active solar heating, but this furthers the aims of this research. Another
reason that the pipes were installed is that the pipes are placed in the floors and walls. It was
sensible to do so from the construction of the house. The construction of the fireplace costs
£1000. For the central heating, system an extra cost of £2000 is needed plus £200 per year for
the oil. The boiler and burner of the central heating system has a lifetime of 15 years, while the
fire place has a life time guarantee.
A full central heating system was thought to be unnecessary because of the type of occupancy,
the high insulation standards and the expected solar gains. The fireplace in the open space
ground floor therefore provides space heating. These installations were considerably cheaper
than full central heating, and the savings made were used partly to offset the extra cost of the
other energy saving measures. The energy required for space heating has been reduced to 90% of
that required for a standard house.
During the first winter, the author had spent £80 for 3m² wood and the second winter £120 for
4.5m². The reason the increase of wood was needed, had nothing to do with thermal comfort but
with the psychological factor that the author and the visitors enjoyed lighting the fireplace. This
proves another positive aspect of the fireplace. It offers a different character to the interior space.
8.4.1 Meteonorm
Meteonorm7 software is used to measure the climatic data of Lefkosia, where the experimental
solar house is being constructed. It is a comprehensive climatological database for solar energy
applications. Including numerous databases from all parts of the world and a large number of
models developed in international research programs the programme is used as a method for the
calculation of solar radiation of the project/building at the desired location. Using a pre
determined scheme, the database functions through the algorithms and the solar energy data.
Once the designer specifies a particular location for which meteorological data is required, and
along with the type of structure and the required format the programme calculates between one
and four computation models (Table 8.3). In addition to the monthly values, Meteonorm
calculates maximum radiation values under clear sky conditions.
Table 8.3 The table shows the sequence in which the computational models are coupled in
generating hourly radiation data on an arbitrarily orientated surface at a site for which no
measurements are available.
Owing to the comprehensive framework chosen for the programme, certain inconsistencies could
not be avoided. For example, depending on whether the author chooses monthly or hourly
models the results will differ at the same location for the same surface orientation, although not
dramatically. Differences between the various databases and algorithms, based on Meteonorm
literature may be summarized as follows:
Quality of basis data: The radiation data has been subjected to extensive tests. The error in
interpolating the monthly radiation values was 11 %, and for temperature 1.9°C.
Climatic variations: Meteonorm is based on 10-year measurement periods. Comparisons with
longer-term measurements show that the discrepancy in average total radiation due to choice
of time period is less than 2% for all weather stations.
Computational models: The models used in Meteonorm are designed to calculate radiation
on inclined surfaces. One or more models are used depending on data basis. The results differ
according to whether monthly or hourly models are used. If the results are to be passed on for
further processing, the data basis and models used should be specified to ensure that the
results are correctly interpreted.
The monthly model has a tendency to overestimate total radiation on inclined surfaces. The
discrepancy compared to measured values is ± 3% for individual months and -2% for the
yearly average.
In general, the hourly model tends to underestimate the total radiation on inclined surfaces.
The discrepancy compared to measured values is ± 3% for individual months in summer and
+10% in winter. As, however, the total radiation in winter is minimal, this has only a small
effect on the yearly average, the error for this being +2%.
It is important to be aware that the data basis and computational models only approximate the
real situation. Notwithstanding this, the variation in measured total radiation between one year
and another is greater than the inaccuracy in the models.
The Weather Tool8 is an analysis program for hourly climate data. It’s database stores a wide
range of international weather file formats and provides display options, including both 2D and
3D graphs as well as wind roses and sun-path diagrams, for the best possible climactic
understanding in the chosen location.
In addition the programme includes mechanism for defining the relative potential of different
passive designs. Solar radiation analysis, optimum orientations for specific building design
criteria are accurately determined. The programme therefore functions as a pre-design analysis
Although incorporating its own binary file format Weather Tool also reads internationally used
ASCII formats allowing the use of other software to be imported in the database. Once an
ASCII file is detected, the Read Hourly Weather Data dialog is displayed, within which
customised data can be loaded. By default however, Weather Tool looks for its own proprietary.
The reason Ecotect9 (Ecotect is the designer and producer of the programme) uses its own file
format is because based on internet download times, some ASCII weather files are huge. Ecotect
uses it’s own compression and therefore is simplified and easier to use.
The following figures illustrate the comfort percentages before and after the following passive
systems were insulated:
Thermal mass effects,
Exposed mass and night purge ventilation,
Passive solar heating,
Natural ventilation,
Direct evaporative cooling
Indirect evaporative cooling, demonstrating
The figures show beyond a doubt that comfort percentages change dramatically once these
passive systems are inserted.
8.4.3 Ecotect Software
Ecotect10 performs a 3D model and allows the designer to generate the geometry of a building
and then begin simulating and testing its environmental performance. The programme takes all
factors into account such as sun penetration, overshadowing, natural and artificial lighting levels,
thermal behaviour and acoustic response. Using analytical feedback throughout the design
process the programme provides integrated database, which can be used from the most
conceptual stages through to final design validation when accurate internal temperatures are
Even though Ecotect can be used as a very quick visualisation tool, it is easy to determine that its
primary focus is to substantiate detailed performance and environmental analysis. As a result, it
provides functions and descriptive displays such as interactive shadows and reflections,
generating overshadowing diagrams, calculating natural and artificial lighting levels, simulating
thermal performance, modelling acoustic responses and estimating cost schedules
Ecotect is designed in order to be used at the primary stages of design. This is because it is the
best and most efficient way to complete a cost-worthy and energy-saving structure without
having to repeat design, or change completed plans. Usually, throughout the use of other
software, negligence is noted on the beginning steps of design. This is due to the fact that it was
not seen as an important factor to the ecological benefit of construction, as it is impossible to
calculate precise figures. However estimates help the designer throughout the entire project
bringing him closer to his goal at very early stages, using the know-how through the software to
keep in mind all factors and all figures needed.
8.5.1 Introduction
The purpose of monitoring the solar house was comparing the collected data from the data
loggers with the Ecotect predictions. Information concerning the buildings was fed into the
computer. Then the external conditions were input for all year round, which represents the
monitored period for the house. Finally, a simulation was carried out and the Ecotect predictions
for certain days were compared with the same days with the measured temperatures. Figures
8.59-8.70 are the selected Ecotect prediction days that are chosen specifically to be the same
days as the data logger days. These two different graphs (Ecotect and data loggers) were
compared it is noted that the Ecotect predictions are not satisfactorily close to the measured
internal values.
This comparison is presented in the tables 8.2 and 8.4 and figure 8.71, where the measured
external and internal temperatures and the predicted internal temperatures and conditions were
plotted. Details of the monitored house are also included. As a way of summarizing the table,
the average predicted and measured conditions were computed and compared.
Figure 8.59 – Hourly Temperatures in Nicosia Monday 1st January
Figure 8.62 Hourly Temperatures in Nicosia Sunday 1st April
Figure 8.65 Hourly Temperatures in Nicosia Monday 2nd July
Figure 8.68 Hourly Temperatures in Nicosia Tuesday 2nd October
Concerning the comparison between measured and predicted values the following can be stated:
External Temperatures
Most of the predicted minimum temperatures lie within a zone of 0-9 ºC around the measured
temperature curve for the day. Most predicted maximum temperatures lie within a zone of 1-9
ºC around the measured temperature curve for the day. This shows that the predicted
temperatures are not actually the same as the measured temperatures. In such a case it is seen
that actual monitoring of the house is important. To get the best results monitoring should be
done in a two-year span. In most cases, higher temperature differences are found during the
summer indicating that Meteonorm overestimates temperatures during the summer. Proper
climatic data should be imported into Ecotect for a better result. This could be taken from the
Cyprus meteorological services and transferred into the simulation software. Even the climactic
data with the meteorological station does not agree completely with the temperature of the data
loggers. Since the data is a compilation of 15 years mean temperature, it is safe to state that
every year has it’s own individual mean temperature.
Internal Temperatures
The following table indicates the mean daily differences in internal temperatures, within the
solar house. Contradictions are noted between the Ecotect predictions, and the actual
temperatures. In understanding this table, it is suggested that, although indoor temperatures range
within the comfort zone, further research is needed, in the understanding of Ecotect usage.
Temperature degC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Since the external temperatures are not satisfactorily defined then the internal temperatures are
also dissatisfying. Although the measured temperatures are satisfactorily in the thermal comfort
zone while Ecotect shows the winter months temperatures low, indicating that, they are not in the
thermal comfort zone. A difference of 0-8 ºC between the predicted and measured temperatures
is achieved, showing that computer simulation models cannot actually show the actual
temperatures in the solar house. Other factors are also taken under consideration, which are
discussed further on.
The Ecotect software might be considered as a precise model for the prediction of the
temperatures in the different zones. It can be seen, through the graphs, that a daily steady
temperature is achieved in the solar house throughout the different zones. All the different zones,
which are measured and then compared with Ecotect, show that there is only a slight temperature
difference between the zones - up to 2ºC (see the Ecotect graphs 8.59-9.70).
Measured internal and external temperatures used in the house are shown in the previous figures
on the data logger’s sub-chapter. These measured mean monthly values of temperatures and
relative humidity data are shown on Olgyay’s comfort chart and the Psychometric chart. The
results show that that the temperatures and relative humidity data of the solar house are within
the thermal comfort areas proposed by Olgyay. The results show the extent to which passive
solar energy can cover the heating requirements of the solar house, while natural ventilation or
ceiling fans can cover the cooling need. Internal gains are not taken under consideration in this
Many sources, available in 1950, were used as the basis for the outline of the comfort zone13,14.
The bioclimatic chart is directly applicable only to inhabitants of the temperate zone (around 40
deg latitude), wearing customary indoor clothing, engaged in sedentary or light muscular, work,
at elevation not in excess of 300m above sea level. The comfort zone boundaries were based on
the ASHRAE standards, which suggested that between 21.5 and 25 deg c. at 50% or more of the
occupants would find the environment thermally acceptable15. The thermal comfort zone of the
Olgyay’s’ revised bioclimatic chart is shown in Fig. 8.72.
Measured internal and external temperatures used in the house are shown in the previous figures
on the data loggers sub chapter. These measured mean monthly values of temperatures and
relative humidity data are shown on the Olgyay’s’ comfort chart. The results show that the
temperatures and relative humidity data of the solar house are in the thermal comfort areas
designed by Olgyay. During the summer months it is shown that ventilation is required, while in
the winter months solar energy is required or auxiliary heating.
Figure 8.72 Olgyay Comfort Chart with the monitored mean monthly internal temperatures and
relative humidity
If hourly weather data for a location is known, it is possible to plot this on the chart as frequency
data. Figure 8.73 shows a red area at its centre representing the comfort zone.
Mean monthly temperature and relative humidity data is plotted as points on the graph, and the
relative effects of various passive design techniques on the comfort zone are overlaid, it quickly
becomes obvious which systems are the most appropriate for any climate. This information
forms the basis of the passive design analysis system. The effects of a range of passive design
systems can be overlaid on the chart.
Figure 8.73 Psychometric Chart with the monitored mean monthly internal temperatures and
relative humidity
The best thermal comfort is achieved in the months April, May, October and November. These
months need no extra cooling or heating.
The results show that to achieve thermally comfortable conditions, natural ventilation is required
in the summer months (June, July, August and September). In this case, natural ventilation actual
occurs, or if there are no breezes then the ceiling fans are applied.
In the months, December (only for the year 2000), January, February and March sunshine is
needed (solar heating). It is only 1ºC under the thermal comfort zone. This shows that passive
solar heating needs to be reconsidered for better efficiency purposes. It must be taken into
account that by considering the need for extra solar heating no over heating shall be achieved in
the summer. The same is to be said for the passive cooling needs in the summer. The results
certify that all heating requirements are covered through solar energy, while natural ventilation
or ceiling fans cover all cooling needs.
Internal gains are not taken under consideration in our case. Unrealistic assumptions of internal
gains can lead to false conclusions about room temperature and comfort.
8.7 User response for the Experimental Solar House
The strong but often subtle relationship between occupant behaviour and how energy is used in a
building has been well documented. Virtually every major study conducted on occupant
behaviour, as well as the experience of passive solar designers, indicates that the occupants have
a positive effect on the energy performance of the solar houses, which cannot and should not be
underestimated.16 Even in the case of non-solar houses, two similar houses can have very
different energy usage percentages, depending on the occupant.
1. The research has demonstrated that it is possible to design low-energy buildings and achieve
high thermal comfort at the same time, as well as good indoor air quality, and low
environmental impact. The research has shown that is possible to reduce the total energy
consumption to a small fraction of the typical consumption today. The average total
projected energy consumption of the experimental building developed in the research is 44
kWh/m2 per year. This is only about 25% of the typical consumption in residential buildings
in Cyprus.
2. The total energy consumption does not differ very much from country to country17. This is
partly because the consumption for water heating, lights, and appliances is relatively
independent of climate. The insulation levels are generally low in countries with mild
climates and high in countries with cold climates. The energy consumption per square meter,
therefore, does not differ as much as one would expect when looking at the climatic
3. It is necessary to consider the total energy use, and not focus on space and/or water heating
alone. It is, for example, important to consider both heating and cooling, as focusing on one
season could only lead to problems during the other season. In addition, reducing cooling
loads was often a greater challenge than reducing heating loads.
4. It is necessary to consider the building as a system, where the different technologies used are
integral parts of the whole. The order in which the technologies are introduced into the design
appears to be quite important. Generally, energy-conservation technologies are considered
first, passive solar second, and active solar third, in most cases all of these technologies are
used, often in a combination of systems.
5. Energy conservation, using high levels of insulation and super-windows, should be the first
option considered. High levels of insulation are beneficial in the climatic conditions of
Cyprus, as well as in countries where cooling is a major issue, Super- windows, i.e. windows
with multiple layers, low-E coatings, and gas fillings, are also always beneficial. Such super-
windows render orientation less critical, allowing the use of larger glazing areas on non-
southern orientations.
6. Mechanical ventilation systems appear to be essential in low-energy buildings, but their use
should be challenged. The solar house uses a form of mechanical ventilation in the ceiling
fans. The problems of mechanical ventilation systems should be, and were, addressed during
the design phase.
7. Passive solar gains can offer a major contribution to space heating in the climatic conditions
of Cyprus and do not lead to overheating if proper solar protection is used. Passive solar
cooling also proved to work. In both the heating and the cooling situations it was necessary
to include thermal mass in the direct gain passive solar designs, as is extended the usability of
the systems by increasing the time constant and slowing down heat build-up in the summer.
8. Passive solar systems can offer several benefits and give solar houses a market advantage.
Sunspaces and daylighting systems add amenity value to the buildings and contribute to their
energy performance when properly designed. Sunspaces are especially attractive in
dwellings, where they can reduce space heating when used to preheat ventilation air.
9. Solar domestic hot water is an effective way to reduce the water heating requirements. After
conservation, solar heating of domestic hot water was found to be one of the most effective
technologies. It is thus used in many buildings in Cyprus. In the solar house, it proved to be
the most cost-effective way of further reducing consumption.
10. Photovoltaic installations are not presently cost-effective for general use, but PV systems that
operate other solar equipment may be efficient. The solar house has grid-connected
photovoltaic systems that supply general power. Cost-effectiveness may be achieved,
however, in cases where the system is used to operate solar equipment, such as shading
devices or pumps for solar thermal collectors, where the cost of pumps for solar thermal
collectors, or where the cost of connecting to the grid is high, such as the case for outdoor
lighting. An example is a PV-powered pump for the solar water collector which is more
reliable and costs less than an ordinary controller and pump.
11. Designing new, innovative building concepts requires a multi-disciplinary design team. The
extensive uses of solar technologies, which are often integral parts of the design, make the
design process different from traditional methods. It requires the energy aspects to be
considered from the early design stage, and also requires the architects, engineers and the
clients’ collaboration from the beginning.
12. There is a lack of advanced calculation tools for integrated design. Integrated designs require
the use of tools that can evaluate total building concepts with a number of different energy
conservation and solar technologies. As such, tools were not available when the construction
of the house started, the author had to work with several tools in combination, thereby
making it harder to evaluate the building. Most of the models that were available were not
user-friendly, but the models, which were used, were.
13. Simulation can be reasonably accurate and give a good indication of how the building will
perform before it is built. The author used hourly simulation programs to guide design
decisions. Such hourly simulation provided an insight into the building performance, (not
otherwise available using more conventional calculation tools). The simulation of building
and system performance was also useful for designing the monitoring programs used in
evaluating the performance in practice. Most energy-consumption figures presented in this
research are results of these theoretical analyses, as there is only sufficient monitored data
from the building. The monitored results available show that the actual energy consumption
in almost all cases slightly exceeds predictions. This is partly due to the fact that the user
does not behave as expected. Typically, users do not optimise their behaviour from an
energy-saving point of view. Also, the builders do not always build as airtight or as exactly
prescribed. The monitored results are therefore somewhat poorer than what is predicted in
the idealized situation represented on the computer analysis.
15. The solar house provided motivation to experiment with new technologies. The author
created a group for a very fruitful exchange of ideas. The experiences and the contexts of the
participants differ. Therefore, the participants all had something to learn and something to
contribute to the development of the experimental solar house presented.
16. The experimental solar house has proven that a passive solar construction can indeed
maintain steady indoor temperatures, regardless of outdoor conditions. It was also proved
empirically that for the solar systems to be successful, the residents must be actively involved
in operating the passive solar features. Monitoring should be a rigorous and strategic process
especially in the part of the individual or individuals in charge of monitoring. It is also
apparent that technology plays an integral part in the monitoring of a building. It is also
apparent that technology plays an integral part in the monitoring of a building such as the
Experimental Solar House. All the equipment used required an internal battery to function,
thus no electricity was used. The single occasion when electricity was required was to run
the computer on the day the data was retrieved.
8.9 Conclusion
Daytime ventilation (opening of windows and doors) during the summer causes temperatures to
rise unsatisfactorily. Therefore signifying the importance of occupant behaviour within the
house. Once the pergola and the Venetian blinds were placed, temperatures remained at a
considerably steady and comfortable level. Thus proving the importance of adequate shading
devices, both for the summer and winter. The house functioned properly with only a few minutes
attention every day, in order to build fires, and operate windows.
Good performance in the passive solar house is the result of careful planning and attention to
detail which should extend to educating the people who will live in the “design” after it has
became a home. Encouraging the participation of the occupant, is just as important as fine-
tuning the design details of the passive solar system? In fact, occupants who have been left out
of the design process can undermine performance even in an otherwise excellent design.
Although the general trend in passive solar design is toward houses that are conventional in
appearance and operation, at least one fundamental difference should be emphasized:
Passive solar houses are designed to be better than conventional houses – more energy efficient,
more comfortable, and built to higher construction standards. The ideas in this research have
been presented to help designers and builders maintain this important difference and to help
occupants take maximum advantage of it.
In relation to the 20-60% relative humidity daily swing, external, the 2-20% noted internal, show
adequate calculations, which are within the comfort zone.
The collected utility bills are considerably lower, both in winter and summer, than an average
contemporary home, concluding that the Experimental Solar House averages an approximate of
£26 a month. Once the photovoltaic system was incorporated, this figure lessened to £13 a
The domestic hot water needs were covered 100% by the solar hot water collectors.
Problems occurred during the heating and cooling periods. It was concluded that in order to
cover cooling potential 100% the pergola and vegetation are necessary. To cover heating
potential 100%, various thermal storage techniques must be incorporated in order to excuse the
lack of thermal mass through carpeting and wall coverings (artwork). A tent, vegetation or a
permanent overhang is more suitable than the pergola, since they would allow shade in the
summer, and solar radiation in the winter. Spacings near the ceiling (around clerestory window)
should be covered by building transparent coverings in the winter, in order to avoid heat sink. It
is important to supervise construction closely, in order to ensure design is followed accurately.
By using Ecotect to provide temperature predictions, it is noted that differences occur between
the predictions and the actual figures. This is due to the fact that every year has its own
individual mean temperature, and the data incorporated into the program is a compilation of 15
years mean temperatures. It is important to use the program because it aids design, however
these differences ensure the importance of monitoring, in order to collect correct data.
As an overview, once thermal mass effects, exposed mass and night purge ventilation, passive
solar heating, natural ventilation, direct evaporative cooling and indirect evaporative cooling,
comfort percentages rise exceedingly higher than that of a contemporary home.
Therefore though all passive techniques, the Experimental Solar House, not only functions
successfully, but functions better than the average contemporary house.
Frey, D. J., ‘Performance monitoring and results’, Passive Solar Building, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992,
pp 399-484.
Environmental Committee, Science and Enginneering research Council. Notebook for Field Measurements of
Energy in Buildings, 1983
Gemini Data Loggers (UK) Ltd. Scientific House, Terminus Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 2UJ. England
To EN ISO 9002 part 2 (certificate No. 6234), and is approved to EN50081 part 1:1992 and EN50082 part 1 and
2:1992/95 with any standards leads or probes supplied.
WEATHERLINK VERSION 4.04. Davis Instruments Corporation. USA. 1991.
WEATHERLINK VERSION 4.04. Davis Instruments Corporation. USA. 1991.
Meteotest, Jan Remund, Ralf Lang, Stefan Kunz. Meteonorm Version 4.00. CH-3012 Bern. November 1999
Marsh, A. Square One Research Pty Ltd. The Weather Tool v1.10. 1990.
Marsh, A. Square One Research Pty Ltd. Ecotect v4. 1995.
Archard, P., and Gicquel, R., (Ed.). European Passive Solar Handbook. Preliminary Edition. pp2.24. Commission
of the European Communities. 1987.
Watson, D. (Ed.) Energy Conservation Through Building Design. McGraw Hill Book Company. 1979.
Olgyay, V. Design with Climate. Princeton University Press. Pp17-23. Princeton, N.J. 1963
U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. Application of Climate Data to House Design. Pp4-7. Washington D.C.
Archard, P., and Gicquel, R., (Ed.). European Passive Solar Handbook. Preliminary Edition. pp2.24. Commission
of the European Communities. 1987.
International Energy Agency: Solar heating and cooling program. Passive and hybrid solar low energy buildings.
Post-Construction Activities. Design information booklet number 8. August 1989. US Government printing office,
Washington, D.C., USA
International Energy Agency. Solar Energy Houses-Strategies, Technologies, Examples. James & James Ltd.
London. 1997
This thesis set out to demonstrate that passive solar architecture is a viable energy-saving
concept which can be applied in the context of Cyprus. A principal aim of the research was to
develop an understanding of the criteria for an appropriate passive solar architecture that is
sensitive to both energy use and climatic conditions. The Experimental Solar House, supported
by this research, is a pioneering project to Cyprus, and shows that passive solar architecture
functions in an energy-saving manner and is cost-efficient.
The results of these studies show that passive solar design is an appropriate energy-saving
strategy for Cyprus. The Experimental Solar House was constructed in order to put the theories
developed in the thesis into practice. Monitoring the Experimental Solar House, led to various
conclusions in relation to its performance and to indications for further development and
These findings defined the following conclusions, regarding passive solar architecture in Cyprus:
The large amount of solar radiation which varies from 3.48 KWh/m²day in midwinter to
8.82 KWh/m²day in midsummer, result in the potential for solar energy usage in winter
Due to the hot summers, passive cooling is needed in Lefkosia
This research was fundamentally specified for Cyprus for the following reasons (chapter 3):
Cyprus has no energy resources of its own. Therefore, more than 94% of the total
primary energy is imported to the island of which 15.1% of total annual energy
consumption comprises in the residential sector with electricity at 34%, creating not only
ecological imbalance but also serious financial government credit.
Cyprus’s climate guarantees 100% energy saving potential and therefore is a suitable
starting point for the Experimental Solar House.
End uses of energy in households are minimized. Water heating from 50% to 0%, space
heating from 18% to 0%, lighting 24% from to 0%, cooking 3%, electrical appliances
In order to conclude that passive architecture is the most suitable solution for energy-saving
design in Cyprus a detailed analysis of each type of renewable energy source has been
researched. The following results indicate the reasons why each of the following energy sources
is not ideal for Cyprus.
- Hydropower is not used in Cyprus, mainly because of low rainfall
- Large scale expense leads to the non beneficial factor regarding the Cyprus
- Large-scale production and harvesting of biomass energy crops lead to the fear
that large tracts of land will be converted to energy plantations where
monocultures (single species) are grown.
- In Cyprus, geothermal power plants do not exist, mainly because the geographical
potential does not exist.
- Although wind energy can be used in Cyprus, the concept needs to infiltrate mass
change, and the idea has only just been used theoretically.
Photovoltaic systems
- Although Cyprus has the ideal amount of solar radiation for the use of
photovoltaic systems, the expense far exceeds that of government potential, and
therefore is not beneficial.
Active solar
- Active systems work on an excellent theory, and in practice work well, however
are not financially efficient to be used on a wide-scale extent.
For these reasons passive solar architecture is shown to be particularly appropriate in Cyprus
The questionnaire survey of the satisfaction of Cyprus people living in contemporary buildings,
showed the following:
It is seen that residents in Cyprus experience many problems due to the climate and conditions of
Cyprus. The amount of mechanical cooling and heating used in Cyprus is rising steadily. The
best example to follow, as far as non-mechanical cooling and heating is concerned, are those of
traditional homes, which were built without the use of energy-consuming devices.
The following techniques were used in historical and traditional houses, can be used through
passive design today and are used for the design of the Experimental Solar House:
These examples, illustrate strong characteristics of historical architecture, which serve as fine
examples of energy-saving architecture today and are used on the Experimental Solar House.
Using the psychometric chart, Olgyay’s bioclimatic chart, Humphreys’ comfort chart and
Szokolays’ equation, specifically adapted for Lefkosia, an average comfort zone was derived for
application in Cyprus.
The research also concluded that it is impossible to accurately specify final temperatures and
relative humidity for the average person, because of the following factors:
Psychological: It is impossible to define a person’s psychology within the house
indefinitely. For example, although one may be a little cold, a good view of the sun, and a
sense of well-being may easily stray the specific individual from seeking heat.
Physiological: It is impossible to define a person’s body mass, temperature or amount of
clothing he or she may be wearing.
Practical: Passive solar design requires simple passive habits, which cannot be monitored
mechanically. It is impossible for example, to be 100% sure that windows will be opened
and closed, substantially enough, in order to preserve the required indoor temperature.
The development of passive solar systems is significant to the economic, social and political
issues raised in this research. The best-known applications of passive solar systems were
researched taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages for Lefkosia were being
researched and it is concluded that the passive systems that are most suited for Cyprus and used
on the Experimental Solar House, are:
Direct Gain: the simplest solar heating system and can be easiest to build. Areas of
glazing not only admit solar radiation for heating but also high levels of daylighting and
good visual conditions for the outside. Glazing is well researched and cheap and a
material readily available. With adequate insulation of the building, it is possible to rely
totally on direct gain as a passive solar system used in the case of Cyprus.
Shape of building: rectangular but compact design (aspect ratio 1:1.33) with the longer
axis pointing East and West.
Thermal Insulation: position of insulation externally on walls and roof. Thickness 70mm
expanded polystyrene. Overall U-value of walls and roof 0.6 W/m²K.
Thermal Storage (Interior Mass): The simplest heat storage approach is to construct the
building of massive structural materials (reinforced concrete or brick blocks) insulated on
the exterior, to couple the mass of the indoor space
Glazing: For direct gain systems, south facing window area greater than about 10-12% of
floor area require thermal mass, well distributed over floors, walls and ceilings to reduce
temperature swings. 5% north wall openings are sufficient for cross ventilation during
summer nights. Optimum of south wall openings 40% mountainous areas, 24% coastal
region, 18% inland region. Types to be used: Low emmisivity glazing, argon-filled,
double-glazed. South vertical glazing surfaces would intercept almost as much radiation
during heating season as optimally sloped surfaces. Shading can be easily controlled for
the non-heating season.
Solar Control: By use of orientation (one of the long walls is facing south so that the
available solar radiation is exploited in the winter), external shading devices, vegetation
(shade deciduous trees are excellent for shade in summer while allowing sun through the
Natural Ventilation: By use of cross ventilation, stack effect, night ventilation and ceiling
In order to establish the passive solar design targets, construction decisions were required at the
design stages of the Experimental Solar House. While considering all aspects of Cyprus’s
climate, land and market, the following decisions were made:
The high values of solar radiation falling on buildings in summer, and the moderate
midday values of solar radiation coming from a clear sky in winter require that:
(i) The area of east and west walls was reduced to a minimum.
(ii) The windows should be placed in south walls and avoided in east and west walls.
Small openings are provided in the north walls, mainly for natural ventilation purposes.
Windows in the south walls should also be provided with shading devices that provide
complete shading from direct solar radiation in summer but do not obstruct the low
altitude sun radiation from penetrating building in winter.
(iii) Solar radiation absorbed by opaque building elements should be reduced to a
(iv) The surroundings of buildings should be appropriately treated in order to reduce the
values of reflected solar radiation striking the walls.
The high values of outdoor shade air temperatures during summer days, and the low
values of these temperatures during winter days, together with the relatively low
temperatures during summer and winter might require that:
(i) The area of the windows was reduced to a minimum in order to avoid any excessive
convective heat gain or loss. Where large windows are required they should be provided
with double-glazing, heat-reflecting and absorbing glass, blinds and curtains.
(ii) The windows be appropriately controlled during the day and night in order to make
use of the cool outdoor air during summer night, and to avoid the high outdoor
temperature during summer days, and moreover, to increase heat gain from the sun
during winter days and limit heat-loss during winter nights.
The high values of both solar radiation and outdoor shade air temperature during the day
in summer and most days in winter and the relatively low temperatures at night require
(i) Opaque building elements be of high thermal capacity and subsequently have an
appropriate time-lag and low decrement factor, in order to reduce to a minimum the heat
passing through, and in particular to prevent heat emission into buildings during the
daytime in summer.
(ii) Alternatively, if opaque building elements cannot be well insulated in order to
obstruct heat from penetrating. The insulation may also be only a cavity.
Upon constructing the Experimental Solar House, it was decided that the house should follow the
most suitable combination of design parameters of a contemporary Cypriot home. These are:
Wall construction type: 100x250x300mm brick and 70mm of expanded polystyrene on the
exterior, with three layers of plaster on the interior and Adesilex FIS 13 on the exterior sides
(U-value 0.296 W/m²k - Type 6), since it effectively insulates the whole structure and
avoids thermal bridges where the columns and beams occur.
Roof Type: 150mm concrete, 600mm air gap, 3mm water insulation and 100mm of
expanded polystyrene on the exterior, with three layers of plaster on the interior and 50mm
on the exterior (U-value – 0.28 W/m²k - Type 3), since it retains heat (thermal mass) and
takes advantage of the reverse beam structure of the roof.
External vertical louvers: Not used, as they are not 100% suitable, due to the high
construction cost and permanent view obstruction of the east and west façade of the house.
Permanent shading devices: The second floor bedroom windows on the southeast and south
walls were recessed to prevent summer sun from entering, but allowing winter warmth to
Extreme overheated periods: Roof fans are used to assure no overheating would occur.
Following the design requirements of a contemporary Cypriot home the house was constructed
as thus: concrete frame, floors and roof, brickwork on the exterior and interior walls. The house
covered an area of 223m², and was rectangle (1:1.33) in shape.
Upon construction of the Experimental Solar House, careful monitoring was pursued, in order to
measure its performance in use (chapter 8). Through monitoring the house from the 27/11/1999
until 18/12/2001, using computer data loggers, the following can be concluded:
The maximum temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, in the
non-habitation period was 10°C
The maximum temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, in the
inhabitant period was 10 –15°C
The internal temperature and relative humidity throughout the year remained steady
(within the thermal comfort limits), despite the instability of external temperatures and
humidity percentages.
Fans needed to be used from the 5th of July till the 20th of August (maximum internal
temperature was 31ºC).
Heating needed for 30 days between December and February (minimum internal
temperature 17ºC). The only source of heating was the fireplace that proved satisfactory.
Daytime ventilation (opening of windows and doors) during the summer caused indoor
temperatures to rise unsatisfactorily (up to 36ºC, depending from the external
Once the pergola and the Venetian blinds were installed, temperatures remained at a
steady and comfortable level (importance of shading devices)
The house functioned properly with only a few minutes attention every day, in order to
build fires, and operate windows
Internal relative humidity daily swings were noted at 2-20% (within the comfort zone)
The Experimental Solar House averages an average energy cost of £26 a month (much
lower than that of a contemporary Cypriot house)
Once the photovoltaic system was installed, this figure reduced to £13 a month.
The domestic hot water needs were covered 100% by the solar hot water collectors.
In order to cover cooling potential 100% the pergola and vegetation are necessary
To cover heating potential 100%, various thermal storage techniques must be
incorporated in order to excuse the lack of thermal mass through carpeting and wall
coverings (artwork)
- A tent, vegetation or a permanent overhang is more suitable than the pergola, since
they would allow shade in the summer, and solar radiation in the winter
- The spacing near the ceiling (around clerestory window) should be covered by
building transparent coverings in the winter, in order to avoid a heat sink effect
- It is important to supervise construction closely, in order to ensure design is
followed accurately.
Differences are noted between Ecotect computer predictions and monitored data. Most of
the predicted minimum temperatures lie within a zone of 0-9ºC around the monitored
minimum temperatures of the day and most of the predicted maximum temperatures lie
within a zone of 1-9ºC around the monitored maximum temperatures of the day. Thus,
monitoring is a necessity on a two-year span, in order to learn how the house functions
after construction. Ecotect is however needed, in order to aid design.
Once thermal mass effects, exposed mass and night purge ventilation, passive solar
heating and natural ventilation, comfort percentages rise exceedingly higher than that of a
contemporary home.
The average total projected energy consumption of the experimental building developed
in the research is 44 kWh/m2 per year. This is only about 25% of the typical
consumption in residential buildings in Cyprus.
The levels of daylight in the living spaces were very satisfactory.
Overheating did not occur throughout the whole year.
Condensation did not occur throughout the whole year
Through monitoring, a few problems, or errors were also noted. These include:
Ventilation problems arose sometimes in the summer. This was because there was
insufficient breeze during the summer period. The solution was to operate the ceiling fans
at specific times.
Overheating occurred on a few summer days. The main reason is the lack of shading on
the ground floor, since one of the shading devices is vegetation. The trees have not grown
enough to provide adequate shade.
Internal Venetian blinds were placed in the east and west windows. External blinds
would have been more efficient.
The glass door of the entrance broke in the winter and cold draughts were formed through
the wooden entrance door. It took two months to replace the glass door.
To achieve sufficient heating in the bedrooms in the winter the doors of the bedrooms
have to be kept open, which results in the lack of privacy of the occupants. The same
happens in the summer. A grill can be placed on the doors, to allow sufficient natural
cross ventilation, and sustaining optic privacy.
The sunspace in the lobby was not entirely successful. In the summer months the
sunspace overheated. Fan induced ventilation is needed or the glass door should always
be kept open in the summer.
Constructors did not follow accurate design, thus creating problems on matters such as
the size of windows. Tight on-site supervision is particularly important in low-energy
Weather tool simulation software (chapter 8) showed that by incorporating passive design
techniques the comfort temperatures increased as follows:
1. Passive solar heating: from 11 to 19%
2.Thermal mass effects: from 10 to 33%.
3.Exposed mass + night purge ventilation: from 10 to 35%.
4.Natural ventilation: from 9 to 28%.
5.Direct evaporative cooling: from 10 to 13%.
6.Indirect evaporative cooling: from 10 to 22%.
The Experimental Solar house used techniques 1-4 and increased the comfort percentages
from 10 to 45%.
The monitored temperature and relative humidity of the Experimental Solar House
showed that they are within the thermal comfort zones proposed by the charts.
Comparative annual energy use was performed using computer simulation software
Energy 10 (chapter 7).
- Contemporary house (368 kWh/m²) versus Traditional (243 kWh/m²)
- Experimental Solar House (121 kWh/m²) versus contemporary house (368
- Experimental Solar House (121 kWh/m²) versus a low energy case (102
Because of Lefkosia’s climate, passive solar architecture works to its full capacity. This means
that, a passive solar house has 100% energy saving potential. This theory has not remained at its
conceptual stage as the Experimental Solar House has demonstrated it in practice.
Appendix A
1. Name
2. Address
total no. of questtionnaires
3. Number of persons in the house 134
b) noise answers %
131 97.76119
[1] often 90 68.70229 %
[2] rarely 31 23.66412 %
[3] never 10 7.633588 %
[1]neigbours 37 29.36508 %
[2] cars 69 54.7619 %
[3] central heating 5 3.968254 %
[4] plumbing 2 1.587302 %
[5] air condotionig 2 1.587302 %
[6] other animals 5 3.968254 %
??? 6 4.761905 %
e) draughts answers %
128 95.52239
[1] often 55 42.96875 %
[2] rarely 55 42.96875 %
[3] never 18 14.0625 %
If you are often bothered, where does the draught come from
(you can answer more than one)
[1] windows 36 47.36842 %
[2] mechanical ventilation 3 3.947368 %
[3] doors 34 44.73684 %
[4] other sources 3 3.947368 %
h) unpleasant smells
k) lights on
5. How much control do you have inside your home, on the follwing conditions
a) temperature
b) ventilation
c) noise
b) headache
a) water
[1] the warm water flow in not constant or the temperature is not satisfactory 19 15.96639
[2] the water has a dark colour 20 16.80672
[3] the flow of the warm water is not easily controled 7 5.882353
[4] the water takes along time to warm up 7 5.882353
[5] the solar hot water collectors don't produce enough warm water, even in the su 3 2.521008
[6] other not enough pressure 29 24.36975
they often cut it 33 27.73109
??? 1 0.840336
b) heating
c) cooling
d) shutters
Leopol Polystyrene
LEOPOL ρ=40kg/m3 λ=0,033
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81
0.01 3.3 0.44 0.968 0.840 1.658 1.518 198
0.02 1.65 0.88 0.748 0.670 1.104 1.040 396
0.03 1.1 1.32 0.610 0.557 0.827 0.791 594
0.04 0.825 1.76 0.515 0.476 0.661 0.638 792
0.05 0.66 2.2 0.445 0.416 0.551 0.534 990
0.06 0.55 2.64 0.392 0.370 0.472 0.460 1188
0.07 0.471 3.08 0.351 0.332 0.413 0.404 1386
0.08 0.413 3.52 0.317 0.302 0.367 0.360 1584
0.09 0.367 3.96 0.289 0.277 0.330 0.324 1782
0.1 0.33 4.4 0.266 0.255 0.300 0.295 1980
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
Thickness (cm)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
roof (U-value)
Thickness (cm)
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
brick wall (U-value)
1 roof (U-value)
col/beam (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness (cm)
LEOPOL ρ=20kg/m3 λ=0,035
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81
0.01 3.5 0.22 0.985 0.853 1.707 1.559 99
0.02 1.75 0.44 0.768 0.686 1.148 1.078 198
0.03 1.167 0.66 0.630 0.573 0.864 0.824 297
0.04 0.875 0.88 0.534 0.493 0.693 0.667 396
0.05 0.7 1.1 0.463 0.432 0.579 0.560 495
0.06 0.583 1.32 0.409 0.384 0.496 0.483 594
0.07 0.5 1.54 0.366 0.346 0.435 0.424 693
0.08 0.4375 1.76 0.332 0.315 0.387 0.379 792
0.09 0.389 1.98 0.303 0.289 0.348 0.342 891
0.1 0.35 2.2 0.279 0.267 0.317 0.311 990
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
brick wall (U-value)
1 roof (U-value)
col/beam (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness (cm)
LEOPOL ρ=25kg/m3 λ=0,034
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81
0.01 3.4 0.27 0.976 0.847 1.683 1.539 121.5
0.02 1.7 0.54 0.759 0.678 1.126 1.059 243
0.03 1.133333 0.81 0.620 0.565 0.846 0.808 364.5
0.04 0.85 1.08 0.525 0.485 0.677 0.653 486
0.05 0.68 1.35 0.454 0.424 0.565 0.548 607.5
0.06 0.566667 1.62 0.401 0.377 0.484 0.472 729
0.07 0.485714 1.89 0.359 0.339 0.424 0.414 850.5
0.08 0.425 2.16 0.324 0.309 0.377 0.369 972
0.09 0.377778 2.43 0.296 0.283 0.339 0.333 1093.5
0.1 0.34 2.7 0.272 0.261 0.309 0.303 1215
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
roof (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness (cm)
LEOPOL ρ=30kg/m3 λ=0,033
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81
0.01 3.3 0.33 0.968 0.840 1.658 1.518 148.5
0.02 1.65 0.66 0.748 0.670 1.104 1.040 297
0.03 1.1 0.99 0.610 0.557 0.827 0.791 445.5
0.04 0.825 1.32 0.515 0.476 0.661 0.638 594
0.05 0.66 1.65 0.445 0.416 0.551 0.534 742.5
0.06 0.55 1.98 0.392 0.370 0.472 0.460 891
0.07 0.471 2.31 0.351 0.332 0.413 0.404 1039.5
0.08 0.413 2.64 0.317 0.302 0.367 0.360 1188
0.09 0.367 2.97 0.289 0.277 0.330 0.324 1336.5
0.1 0.33 3.3 0.266 0.255 0.300 0.295 1485
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
Thickness (cm)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
roof (U-value)
ext. floor (U-value)
0 col/beam (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness (cm)
FIBRAN-WL ρ=28-30kg/m3 λ=0,025
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81 0
0.01 2.5 0.7 0.885 0.777 1.429 1.323 315
0.02 1.25 1.4 0.654 0.593 0.909 0.865 630
0.03 0.833 2.1 0.518 0.479 0.667 0.643 945
0.04 0.625 2.8 0.429 0.402 0.526 0.511 1260
0.05 0.5 3.5 0.366 0.346 0.435 0.424 1575
0.06 0.417 4.2 0.319 0.304 0.370 0.363 1890
0.07 0.357 4.9 0.283 0.271 0.323 0.317 2205
0.08 0.3125 5.6 0.254 0.245 0.286 0.281 2520
0.09 0.278 6.3 0.231 0.223 0.256 0.253 2835
0.1 0.25 7 0.211 0.205 0.233 0.230
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
Thickness (cm)
4 U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
roof (U-value)
ext. floor (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 col/beam (U-value)
Thickness (cm)
FIBRAN-BT ρ=28kg/m3 λ=0,029
brick Cost
Thickness U-value Cost wall (U- roof (U- ext. floor col/beam (CyP)
(cm) (W/m2K) (CyP) value) value) (U-value) (U-value) (450m2)
0 1.36 1.12 3.33 2.81
0.01 2.9 0.7 0.930 0.812 1.551 1.427 315
0.02 1.45 1.4 0.704 0.634 1.010 0.957 630
0.03 0.967 2.1 0.567 0.520 0.749 0.719 945
0.04 0.725 2.8 0.474 0.441 0.595 0.576 1260
0.05 0.58 3.5 0.407 0.383 0.494 0.481 1575
0.06 0.483 4.2 0.357 0.338 0.422 0.412 1890
0.07 0.414 4.9 0.318 0.303 0.368 0.361 2205
0.08 0.363 5.6 0.287 0.274 0.327 0.321 2520
0.09 0.322 6.3 0.261 0.251 0.294 0.289 2835
0.1 0.29 7 0.239 0.231 0.267 0.263 3150
U-value (W/m2K) and Cost (CyP)
Thickness (cm)
U-value (W/m2K)
Cost (CyP)
brick wall (U-value)
roof (U-value)
ext. floor (U-value)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
col/beam (U-value)
Thickness (cm)
ρ=40kg/m3 ρ=15kg/m3 ρ=20kg/m3 ρ=25kg/m3 ρ=30kg/m3
U-value U-value
Thickne (W/m2K Cost U-value Cost U-value Cost (W/m2K Cost U-value Cost
ss (cm) ) (CyP) (W/m2K) (CyP) (W/m2K) (CyP) ) (CyP) (W/m2K) (CyP)
0.01 3.3 0.44 3.6 0.165 3.5 0.22 3.4 0.27 3.3 0.33
0.02 1.65 0.88 1.8 0.33 1.75 0.44 1.7 0.54 1.65 0.66
0.03 1.1 1.32 1.2 0.495 1.166666667 0.66 1.13333 0.81 1.1 0.99
0.04 0.825 1.76 0.9 0.66 0.875 0.88 0.85 1.08 0.825 1.32
0.05 0.66 2.2 0.72 0.825 0.7 1.1 0.68 1.35 0.66 1.65
0.06 0.55 2.64 0.6 0.99 0.583333333 1.32 0.56667 1.62 0.55 1.98
0.07 0.471 3.08 0.514285714 1.155 0.5 1.54 0.48571 1.89 0.471428571 2.31
0.08 0.413 3.52 0.45 1.32 0.4375 1.76 0.425 2.16 0.4125 2.64
0.09 0.367 3.96 0.4 1.485 0.388888889 1.98 0.37778 2.43 0.366666667 2.97
0.1 0.33 4.4 0.36 1.65 0.35 2.2 0.34 2.7 0.33 3.3
U-value - Leopol (p=40kg/m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness (cm)
Appendix C
Construction Costs
Cost Description of the solar house
Cost (CyP)
le bi Dr shes
ca er n
in fin n
ca s
ov Pa ngs
C o e nt
n- n w es.
nd Pla ons
sy g
G m
lf g
El and stal e
Re con ks
- s rc e
ul rk
W stal k.
ic te
w he
tri at io
I n na g
In nfo cret
ta intin
al rin
Br cre
In wo
u or
fo at nc
e c w lat
oo lat
itu e m
do i s
l i ta
ct n g a i
k cav ura
r i io
W d
w Ex / I n
ol m
r c Plu
Nr Description Unit Quantity Rate Cost (£)
Water / Electricity / Insurances. item 1 1200,00 1200,00
A Excavation works
1 Clearing site and stripping topsoil. m2 401,00 0,50 200,50
2 Excavation of isolated pad footings; 1,50m. m3 51,50 3,50 180,25
3 Backfilling and compacting (at ground beams and m3 96,50 4,00 386,00
4 Excavation; trenches of ground beams for boundary m 73,00 0,50 36,50
5 Excavation of temporary pits; ground beams to item 27,00 5,00 135,00
boundary wall.
6 External works ( patio). m2 200,00 1,00 200,00
B Formwork for in-situ concrete
1 Formwork to sub-columns. nr 15 15,00 225,00
2 Formwork to ground beams. m2 92,00 4,00 368,00
3 Formwork to stairlandings. m 18,50 4,00 74,00
4 Formwork to round columns at ground floor. nr 2 45,00 90,00
5 Formwork to columns; ground floor. m2 45,00 7,50 337,50
6 Formwork of slab beams; ground floor. m 49,00 4,00 196,00
7 Formwork to slab; ground floor. m2 125,00 4,00 500,00
8 Formwork to staircase; ground floor. m 19,00 22,00 418,00
9 Formwork to columns; first floor. m2 57,00 7,50 427,50
10 Formwork to beams and parapets at first floor. m2 162,50 4,00 650,00
11 Formwork to slab; first floor. m2 128,00 4,00 512,00
12 Formwork to ground beams for boundary wall. m 73,00 4,00 292,00
13 Formwork to edges of ground floor slab. m 51,00 3,50 178,50
C Reinforcement
1 Reinforcement to footings. Kg 490,00 0,34 166,60
2 Reinforcement to columns; ground floor. Kg 3606,00 0,34 1226,04
3 Reinforcement to ground beams. Kg 1385,00 0,34 470,90
4 Reinforcement to slab; ground floor. Kg 386,00 0,34 131,24
5 Reinforcement to beams, staircase and 1st flr slab. Kg 4338,00 0,34 1474,92
6 Reinforcement to beams and roof slab. Kg 5600,00 0,34 1904,00
7 Reinforcement to ground beams for boundary wall. Kg 834,00 0,34 283,56
8 Reinforcement to base; for parking space. Kg 208,00 0,34 70,72
D In- situ Concrete
1 Blinding to footings. m2 34,50 4,00 138,00
2 Insitu concrete to footings. m3 15,00 35,00 525,00
3 Insitu concrete to sub-columns. m3 1,50 52,00 78,00
4 Insitu concrete to ground beams. m3 12,00 38,00 456,00
5 Insitu concrete to ground slab. m3 14,00 35,00 490,00
6 Insitu concrete to columns; ground floor. m3 4,50 52,00 234,00
7 Insitu concrete to beams, staircase and ground floor m3 28,50 32,00 912,00
8 Insitu concrete to columns; 1st floor. m3 5,00 52,00 260,00
9 Insitu concrete to beams and roof slab. m3 37,50 31,00 1162,50
10 Insitu concrete to pits for boundary wall. m3 6,00 32,00 192,00
11 Insitu concrete to ground beams for boundary wall. m3 8,00 38,00 304,00
12 Insitu concrete; base; for parking space and main m3 7,50 38,00 285,00
E Brickwork
1 Brickwork 250mm. m2 214,00 14,00 2996,00
2 Brickwork to ground floor; 100mm. m2 8,50 7,00 59,50
3 Brickwork to lintels at ground floor. m 17,00 15,00 255,00
5 Brickwork to 1st floor; 100mm. m2 75,50 7,00 528,50
6 Brickwork to lintels at 1st floor. m 20,00 15,00 300,00
7 Brickwork to parapet 0,20m of roof slab ht 0,50m. m 50,00 7,00 350,00
8 Brickwork 0,20m to boundary wall ht 1,00m. m2 73,00 13,50 985,50
F Insulations
1 Damp proof membrance at ground floor slab. m2 115,00 1,50 172,50
2 Thermal Insulation to roof slab. m2 118,00 14,50 1711,00
3 Thermal Insulation to exterior walls. m3 214,00 14,50 3103,00
G Plastering
1 Plastering to internal walls and ceiling; 3 coats; at m2 342,00 7,00 2394,00
ground floor.
2 Plastering to external walls ; 3 coats. m2 110,00 7,00 770,00
3 Plastering to ground floor surfaces; 3 coats. m 43,50 7,00 304,50
4 Plastering to walls and ceilings; 3 coats at 1st floor. m2 600,00 7,00 4200,00
5 Plastering to external walls ; 3 coats; at 1st floor. m2 150,00 7,00 1050,00
6 Plastering to 1st floor surfaces; 3 coats. m 40,00 7,00 280,00
7 Plastering to parapet at roof. m 50,00 7,00 350,00
8 Plastering to boundary wall. m2 146,00 7,00 1022,00
H Floor and Wall finishes
1 Skirting tiles at ground floor. m 5,50 17,00 93,50
2 Screed to ground floor. m2 97,00 4,50 436,50
3 Ceramic tiles to ground floor. m2 84,50 17,00 1436,50
4 Ceramic tiles to verandas at ground floor. m2 60,00 16,00 960,00
5 Ceramic tiles to kitchen walls. m2 4,00 16,00 64,00
6 Ceramic tiles to external staircase. m 16,00 17,00 272,00
7 Skirting tiles at 1st floor. m 16,00 17,00 272,00
8 Screed to 1st floor. m2 103,00 4,50 463,50
9 Ceramic tiles to 1st floor. m2 103,00 16,00 1648,00
10Ceramic tiles to Bathroom walls. m2 36,00 16,00 576,00
11Concrete bases for kitchen fittings. m 13,00 6,00 78,00
12Ceramic tiles to staircase. nr 19,00 17,00 323,00
13Concrete tiles to parking place. m2 61,00 13,00 793,00
14Ceramic tiles at main entrance. m2 12,50 16,00 200,00
1 Drainage pipes. m 25,00 9,00 225,00
2 Manholes. nr 6 45,00 270,00
3 waste water treatment tank nr 1 3000,00 3000,00
J Plumbing Installation
1 Fittings, equipment and appliances associated item 1 1500,00 1500,00
with services.
2 Provisional for future installation of pipes for central 1 500,00 500,00
3 Solar collectors and water tank. 1 2000,00 2000,00
K Electrical Installation
1 Electrical installation item 1 1500,00 1500,00
L Wood finishes
1 External and internal doors. item 1 1500,00 1500,00
2 Window casings m2 52,00 100,00 5200,00
3 Kitchen fittings and other filltings. m2 61,00 115,00 7015,00
4 pergola item 1,00 1200,00 1200,00
M Painting item 1,00 1200,00 1200,00
N General
1 Garbage storage. item 1 150,00 150,00
2 Setting out. item 1 600,00 650,00
3 Clearing site. item 1 200,00 250,00
4 Contigencies. item 1 350,00 450,00
O Photovoltaic system item 1 5000,00 5000,00
Total 77.428,73 CYP