Write Your Positive or Negative Thoughts About The Picture.
Write Your Positive or Negative Thoughts About The Picture.
Write Your Positive or Negative Thoughts About The Picture.
In this module, you will be able to skillfully determine and employ critical writing with a
clear understanding on how a critique should be written using appropriate approaches to a specific
subject or written material.
Since you have initially warmed up, let us go farther in understanding the concepts and principles
focusing on critical approaches you should be familiar with necessary for you to write a critique. A step
by-step procedure will be modeled from simple to a much complex structure depending on the required
number of paragraphs or words your teacher allows you to do so.
Critique is derived from ancient Greek (“kritike”). It is defined as a careful judgment in which
you shape your opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of a piece of writing or work of art.
Depending on the instruction of your teacher, its length may vary from 100 to 750 words or more. It is
not a summary of the piece, rather, it is the critical evaluation to further understand validity, worth,
effect, use of the material that interests readers, and/or the recommendation or appeal for further
appreciation. This could be possible by way of subjecting the piece of writing on the critical approaches
in analyzing the piece using appropriate evidence and arguments. Proper and acceptable reasons or
proofs are necessary to ensure quality and substance of the opinions you have cited which reinforces
relevant persuasion.
In writing a critique, one approach may be enough. You may use one or a mixture of approaches
depending on the length and depth of your critique. However, it is still easier for a beginner to simply
focus with one approach.
In this accord, let us denote salient structures and parts appropriate to include in the output along
with the outlined questions you have included. There has been no strict rules in terms of structure for it
varies depending on your teacher’s task requirements, however, for uniformity purposes, let us
generally use the following parts below ranging from at least 100 to 750 words.
Remember that the heart of your critique shall focus on its strengths and weaknesses and to relay
how effective is the material.
A. Introduction (Short paragraph/paragraph/s - one
to three sentences or more) A. INTRODUCTION (around 5% of the paper)
This must include the title of the material, the This includes the title of the book/article/work,
author, and your assessment of the material. the writer’s name and the thesis statement which will
For a short story, this part may also include preview your analysis.
the background of the piece, your opinion and the
thesis. The thesis includes the subject, your opinion, B. SUMMARY (around 10%)
and your main point. In this phase, objective or purpose must be
For example: cited. Methods used if applicable could be included
SUBJECT: The Blind Assassin along with major finding, claims, ideas or message
OPINION: show’s Atwood’s skills as a writer highlighted in the material. This also includes
MAIN POINT/S: because of the visual imagery, the arguments and findings on the material
strong characters and the memorable
message. C. REVIEW (around 75%)
In this phase, the following must be observed:
B. Plot Summary/Description (Short paragraph/s –
one to three sentences or more) 1. Appropriateness of methodology to support the
This involves the gist or the description of the arguments (for books and articles) or
material. For a short story, this is the understanding appropriateness of mode of presentation (other
of plot or summary of the piece examined. works) must be cited.
2. Theoretical soundness, coherence of ideas
C. Analysis and Interpretation/ Evaluation (One 3. Sufficiency and soundness of explanation in
to three or more paragraph/s) relation to other available information and
In this phase you will retrieve the guiding experts. It is likewise best to ask the following
questions of your choice to include in your outlined questions during this part:
discussion. It does not necessarily mean that you will a. What are the assumptions mentioned in the work?
include all in one but rather only those you think are Are they explicitly discussed? • What are the
needed depending on the arguments or points you contributions of the work to the field where it belongs?
wanted to stress. b. What problems and issues are discussed or
For the formalist view for example, any presented in the work? • What kinds of information
among the character, dialogue, setting, conflict, are presented in the work?
suspense, ending and plot would speak by itself. c. How are information used to support the
Analysis of the poem for formalists may involve arguments or thesis? • Are there other ways
imagery, sound, figurative language, language and of supporting the arguments or thesis aside from the
other elements. information used in the work? Is the author or creator
silent about the alternative ways of explanation?
D. Conclusion/Closing paragraph (One to three
paragraphs) D. CONCLUSION (around 10%)
At this point, you shall be able to link your 1. Your overall impression of the work shall be
thoughts reinforced with your assessment in the stated.
If in any case it is possible for you to compare 4. Suggestion for future direction of research
the masterpiece to a similar work, the better. Your 5. Clarify and summarize judgments
recommendation depends on how you have 6. Comment about why such research matters or
perceived the material observing all fair judgment what else needs to be researched in the field.
and appreciation.
TEST B: Let’s Write! Read the excerpt below and write on your notebook the critical approach used.
What critical approach is employed on the excerpt cited below?
1. a. Feminism b. Biographical c. Marxist d. Readers Response
TEST C: A poem entitled “Caged Bird” is hereunder written. Analyze and decide on the approach/es
you will use in critiquing the piece. Draft your critical approach questions and put them together in
your critique outline. Then, write a critique not less than two paragraphs or a hundred words. Use the
rubric below in checking your critique content.