VPN Account Form: Applicant Signature
VPN Account Form: Applicant Signature
VPN Account Form: Applicant Signature
Use this form to submit a request to PRAL-Data Centre for VPN remote access to FBR/PRAL Systems/Network
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VPN Account Form Form Serial # _________ (office Use)
Use this form to submit a request to PRAL-Data Centre for VPN remote access to FBR/PRAL Systems/Network
Supervisor Acknowledgment
I acknowledge that the requesting user requires the type of access indicated in this form. I understand that providing remote access
to remote users and devices exposes PRAL/FBR to certain security risks. As the immediate supervisor, I accept responsibility for
monitoring the requesting user's compliance with the FBR rules and regulations including, but not limited to, its Acceptable Use Policy.
How to Submit
1. Submit completed form with signatures to the following address:
Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd (IR/RTO Users)
PRAL – Head office, Software Technology Park-III, Plot No. 156,
Service Road (North), Industrial Area, I-9/3, Islamabad. Pakistan
2. The respective Data Centre/VPN team will inform the account details to requester after creation/changes
in VPN form
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