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Lec 3

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Prof. Dilip Kumar Pratihar

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 03
Introduction to Robot and Robotics (Contd.)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:34)

Now, let us see how to represent the different types of joints used in robot with the help
of a few symbols, so that we can represent the whole manipulator with the help of these
symbols. This revolute joint, we have already discussed, that is denoted by R. And, this
particular symbol is also used to represent the revolute joint. This is another symbol,
which is also used to represent the revolute joint.

Now, then comes the prismatic joint, that is denoted by P, we use either this particular
symbol to represent the prismatic joint or that particular symbol to represent the
prismatic joint. Now, then comes the cylindrical joint, that is denoted by C. And here, we
can use this particular symbol to represent the cylindrical joint.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:30)

Then comes the spherical joint, which is having 3 degrees of freedom, is represented
using this particular symbol S prime, and we can also use this particular symbol to
represent the spherical joint. The Hooke joint having 2 degrees of freedom is denoted by
U. And, this particular symbol is also used to represent the Hooke joint.

Now, then comes the twisting joint, this is also a rotary joint, that is denoted by T. And,
this particular symbol is also used to represent the twisting joint. Now, with the help of
these symbols, we can represent the manipulator. So, before we start doing kinematic
analysis, what we do is, we try to represent the whole robot or the whole manipulator
with the help of some symbols used for the joints.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:48)

Now, let me take one example here, and to take the example actually, I will have to go
back to the previous slides, where we consider a robotic system. Now, here, in this
particular robotic system is one serial manipulator. And, the same serial manipulator I
just want to represent with the help of the symbols that means, I want to prepare the
kinematic diagram of this manipulator or the robot.

Now, let us see how to prepare the kinematic diagram. To prepare the kinematic
diagram, what we do is, we start from the base. So, here, I have got a fixed base, so this
is denoted by fixed base. And I have got one twisting joint here, so here I have got a
twisting joint. So, let me draw one twisting joint with the help of symbol, so this is the
symbol for the twisting joint said T.

Next joint is here, that is a revolute joint. Now, remember here, there is no joint actually
and this is rigidly connected. Here, there is no joint, the rotary joint is here, that is a
revolute joint. So, to represent the revolute joint we take the help of this type of symbol,
this is the symbol for the revolute joint. Next joint is here, so this is another revolute
joint. So, I am just going to use the symbol for the revolute joint.

The next is the twisting joint, and this twisting joint is the wrist joint, so this is a twisting
joint. So, I will have to draw one twisting joint here, so this is a twisting joint. And after
that, actually I am just going to connect one end-effector or the gripper here. And, this
particular joint will be nothing but a revolute joint. So, there will be a revolute joint here,
and after that there will be the end-effector. So, this is actually the symbol for the end-

So, this is the last one is nothing but a revolute joint. So, let me repeat. So, this is the
twisting joint, a revolute joint, revolute joint, revolute joint, then we have got the
twisting joint. And here, so we have got the revolute joint with the help of which I
connect the end-effector. This is what, we mean by the kinematic diagram of this
particular robot, OK? So, this is known as the kinematic diagram for this particular robot.

In robotics actually as we mentioned little bit, that there are four modules. And all such
modules are actually explained one after another, and these are all dependent also. So,
gradually I will be discussing all such things. But, the starting point is the kinematic
diagram, based on the kinematic diagram.

So, I am just going to carry out the kinematic analysis, that is, kinematics, based on
kinematics; I will be discussing dynamics, based on dynamics; I will be discussing the
control. And, once that particular robot is made ready, after that I will try to incorporate
intelligence to make it intelligent and autonomous. So, all such things actually, I am just
going to discuss one after another.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:32)

So, let us try to come back to the original discussion, where we stopped. In fact, this is
the place. So, we have seen how to prepare the kinematic diagram, and the purpose of
kinematic diagram, as I told, that just to represent (with the help of a few symbols), that
complicated robotic system. So, this is the purpose of making kinematic diagram.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:09)

Now, once you have studied the degrees of freedom or connectivity of the different types
of robotic joints, I am in a position to discuss about the degrees of freedom of a robotic
system. Now, the degrees of freedom of robotic system is defined as the minimum
number of independent parameters, variables, or coordinates needed to describe a robotic
system completely, and that is nothing but the degrees of freedom of a robotic system.

Now, before I discuss, the degrees of freedom of a robotic system a few preliminaries,
which all of you know, I am just going to recapitulate. For example, say a point in 2-D
plane has got 2 degrees of freedom. For example, say I have got a 2-D plane like this, say
x and y. And if I want to represent a particular point, I need only two information, one is
this x information, another is y information. And, supposing that it is having the
coordinate (x, y), so I need only two information. So, a point on 2-D has got only 2
degrees of freedom.

Similarly, if I consider a point in 3-D, for example, if I add one more dimension here, say
z, that is, x, y and z, so what I need is, the z information also to represent. So, x, y and z
information, so all 3 information actually I will have to find out, so, this is one
information, this is another information, this is another information.
So, in place of x y, now I need x, y and z. If I consider the 3 dimensions, that means, a
point in 3-D space has got 3 degrees of freedom. So, I think this is clear to all of you.
Now, a rigid body in 3-D space has got 6 degrees of freedom. So, how to define that,
how to how to explain that a rigid body in 3-D space has got 6 degrees of freedom.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:21)

Let me take a very simple example. Supposing that I am once again considering X, Y
and Z, so X, Y and Z, in the 3-D space. And, I have got one 3-D object, very simple 3-D
object like this. So, this is the 3-D object, which I have. Now, if I want to represent, so
this particular 3-D object in this 3-D space, how to represent. To represent this 3-D body
in 3-D space, actually what we do is, we first try to find out the mass-center. Now,
supposing that the mass-center of this particular 3-D object is this, and it is having the
coordinate, say x, y and z.

So, to represent the position of this particular mass-center, I need three information: x, y
and z. And, now, this particular 3-D object can have different orientations also, so this is
one orientation. Similarly, there could be some other orientations also, this could be
another orientation. Now, to represent the orientation, once again I need to take the help
of rotation about X, rotation about Z, rotation about Y. So, I need three more
information. So, three information for position, and three information for orientation or
the rotation, that is why, a 3-D object in 3-D space has got 6 degrees of freedom, OK?.
Now, if I want to manipulate this particular 3-D object in 3-D space. For example, say
one serial manipulator is going to come here, just to grip this particular object.
Supposing that, it is going to grip it like this. Say, I have got a gripper here, and with the
help of this gripper, say I am just going to grip it. Now, with the help of this particular
gripper, if I want to grip this particular object, what I will have to do is: this particular
gripper should be able to grip this particular 3-D object in different orientations, and
different positions, that means, if I want to grip with the help of a serial manipulator.

So, this serial manipulator should have ideally 6 degrees of freedom. And, that is why,
most of the industrial robot are having 6 degrees of freedom. Ideally, one industrial
spatial manipulator should have 6 degrees of freedom. For example, if I take the example
of PUMA, Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly, it should have 6 degrees of
freedom, ideally speaking.

And, that is why, actually I have mentioned here, for an ideal spatial manipulator, there
should be 6 degrees of freedom. For a planar manipulator, which is working on 2-D
plane, it should have ideally 3 degrees of freedom. So, by definition, a spatial ideal
manipulator should have 6 degree of degrees of freedom, and a planar manipulator
should have 3 degrees of freedom.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:06)

Now, comes the concept of redundant manipulator. Now, remember sometimes to serve
a specific purpose, we need to use some sort of redundant manipulator. And, this
redundant manipulator, if it is a spatial one, it should have more than 6 degrees of
freedom, like 7 degrees of freedom, 8 degrees of freedom. If it is a planar manipulator, it
should have more than 3 degrees of freedom; say 4 degrees of freedom, 5 degrees of
freedom, and so on. And, as I told, these types of redundant manipulators are used just to
serve some specific purposes.

Let me take one very simple example. This is a very practical example. Supposing that,
say I am just going to do some sort of welding with the help of a serial manipulator at a
place, which is very difficult to reach. Let me take a very hypothetical example. Say this
is the place, where I will have to do this particular welding, and this place is so remote,
that it is not so easy to reach that particular place. And, supposing that, this is the
geometry, and it is so much constrained scenario. And, at this particular position, say I
will have to do this particular welding with the help of a serial manipulator. The base of
the serial manipulated is here, OK?.

Now, if I want to do the welding here, with the help of a serial manipulator, the welding
torch has to be gripped by the end-effector of this particular serial manipulator. And, to
reach that particular point the base is here. So, I need to use a number of links, number of
joints, so might be one joint, one link another joint, another joint, another joint, another
joint, another joint, another joint, and another joint and might be then only I will be able
to reach this particular position.

Now, if I use this type of serial manipulator, (which is a closed, sorry) which is an open
loop chain. So, how many revolute joints we are using: one revolute, another revolute,
another revolute, 4th revolute, 5th revolute, 6th revolute 7th revolute 8th revolute joints
here. So, I am using 8 revolute joint here, and that means, this particular manipulator
should have more than 6. Now, how to determine that degrees of freedom, I am just
going to discuss after some time but, here actually we need to note that the number of the
degrees of freedom is more than 6. This is a typical example of the redundant
(Refer Slide Time: 16:26)

Now, similarly, sometimes we use actually some sort of manipulator, which is under-
actuated. Now, by under-actuated manipulator, we mean that this is either a spatial
manipulator with less than 6 degrees of freedom or a planar manipulator with less than 3
degrees of freedom. Now, here, if I use a special manipulator with less than 6 degrees of
freedom or a planar manipulator less than 3 degrees of freedom, that is called the under-
actuated manipulator.

Let me take one example. Supposing that, one manipulator is working in 3-D space, and
it is doing some sort of pick and place type of operation. So much accuracy is not
actually required. And, here, we can even use one manipulator, having say 5 degrees of
freedom. For example, say we have got one manipulator, whose name is Minimover. So,
Minimover is actually a manipulator having 5 degrees of freedom, and that is a spatial
manipulator, so that is nothing but under-actuated manipulator, OK?

Now, I am just going to take another very practical example, just to find out the
difference between the redundant manipulator, and this under-actuated manipulator.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:07)

Let me take one task, very simple task. Supposing that, I have got one the board, the
white board. Now, on this particular white board, say I have written something, I want to
clean it with the help of a duster. Now, what are the different ways, I can clean this
particular the board. Now, this particular board is in 2-D. So, this is say the X direction,
this is your Y direction, and Z is perpendicular to the board.

Now, if I want to clean this particular board, I can use the duster in different ways, let me
take one possibility. For example, say I can use one duster in this particular direction,
and this particular direction, only in two directions. So, I will move duster along X, I will
move duster along Y, I can clean the board, so this is one way of cleaning the board.
Another way of cleaning the board should be as follows: I can move along X, I can move
along Y, and I can also rotate about this particular Z, Z is perpendicular to the board, so
this is another way of cleaning the board.

Now, I am just going to show another method to clean the board. So, I will move along
X, I will move along Y, I will move along this particular Z direction, opposite to the Z,
OK, and at the same time, I will just rotate about Z. Are you getting my point? So, for
the same task of board cleaning, so what I can do is: I can use three types of serial
Now, if I use this particular manipulator, it is having 2 degrees of freedom. If I use this
particular manipulator, it is having 3 degrees of freedom. If I use this particular
manipulator, it is having 4 degrees of freedom, OK?

Now, this is the 2-D plane. So, ideally speaking, if it is the ideal one, it should have 3
degrees of freedom. So, if I use this manipulator with 3 degrees of freedom, that is an
ideal. Planar manipulator for cleaning this particular board, but if I use this particular
manipulator, this will be an under-actuated planar manipulator for cleaning the board.
And, if I use this particular board having 4 degrees of freedom that will be one redundant
planar manipulator used for cleaning the board. I hope, the difference is clear between
the ideal manipulator, redundant manipulator, and under-actuated manipulator.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:16)

Now, I am just going to discuss the mobility or the degrees of freedom. So, how to do
mathematically, calculate the mobility or degrees of freedom of a spatial manipulator.
So, I am just going to start with the spatial manipulator, which is walking in 3-D space.
Now, let us consider a manipulator with n rigid moving links and m joints. So, there are
small n number of rigid links, and I have got small m joints. Now, as I discuss that each
rigid body in 3-D space has got 6 degrees of freedom. So, I have got n such rigid links.
So, I have got 6 n total degrees of freedom.

Now, C i is the connectivity of i-th joint. Connectivity of the joint, I have already
discussed, i varies from 1 to up to m. Now, a particular joint, say i-th joint, if it is having
the connectivity C i , it is going to put constraint, that is nothing but (6-C i ), once again.
So, C i is the connectivity of the i-th joint. And, this particular i-th joint is going to put
constraint, that is nothing but (6-C i ). Similarly, we have got how many joints, small m
number of joints. So, each joint is going to put (6-C i ) constraints. So, the total number of
constraint will be ∑(6-C i ), where i varies from 1 to m. So, this is the total number of
constraints. And, this is the total number of availability.

So, this particular difference is nothing but the mobility of the manipulator denoted by
M, and that is nothing but (6n-∑6-C i ), where i varies to 1 to m, and this particular
formula is very well-known Grubler’s criterion. And, by using this particular Grubler’s
criterion, very easily we can find out, what should be the degrees of freedom of a
particular robotic system.

Now, the same thing we can also do it for the planar system to determine mobility or
degrees of freedom of a planar manipulator. Now, I am going to consider a planar
manipulator, which is working on 2-D plane. And, here, the same n number of moving
links and small m number of joints have been considered and connectivity is C i . The
number of constraints put by i-th joint is (3- C i ). And, the total number of constraint is
∑(3-C i ), where i varies from 1 to m. And, the mobility of the manipulator is given by
(3n-∑3-C i ), where i varies from 1 to m. This is once again the well-known Grubler’s

Now, here, I just want to mention one thing very purposefully, particularly in the
previous slide. Let me go to the previous slide. I am using a particular term, that is, the
mobility, ok?. So, in place of these degrees of freedom I am using this term: mobility.
Now, here I have something to say regarding the concept of mobility and the degrees of

Now, here, on principle as I told by definition one serial manipulator should have 6
degrees of freedom and one spatial manipulators should have 6 degrees of freedom.
Now, supposing that, one redundant manipulator is having certain degrees of freedom,
truly speaking, we should not call, it is having 10 degrees of freedom. Instead we should
say that, it has got the mobility levels of 10.

By definition, the maximum degrees of freedom can be equal to 6, and that is why, if it is
more than 6, we generally use the term: mobility. We say that this particular manipulator
is having the mobility level of 10, instead of saying that this serial manipulator is having
10 degrees of freedom. So, I think, it is clear.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:35)

Now, I am just going to solve some numerical examples, just to show you, how to
determine the degrees of freedom using the Grubler’s criterion for some of the
manipulators. Now, this is one serial manipulator, you can see, and here all the links are
in series, ok?. So, this is the fixed base first revolute joint, second revolute joint, the
linear joint (prismatic joint), the revolute joint, and this is the end-effector.

So, let us try to calculate its degrees of freedom or mobility. Now, here small n is
nothing but the number of moving links. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, so there are four number
of moving links. The number of joints small m is equal to 4; 1, 2, 3, 4. Connectivity for
each of these particular joints, this is, the revolute joint, prismatic joint is equal to 1, each
of the joints is having connectivity of 1.

Now, supposing that, so this particular joint is having one connectivity, then how many
constraints it put, this is a planar one. So, the number of constraints it is going to put is
nothing but (3-C i ), C i equals to 1. So, it is going to put two constraints. Each of the joint
is having one connectivity. So, each of the joint is going to put two constraints, so 2 plus
2, 4 plus 2, 6 plus 2, 8. So, the degrees of freedom or the mobility M is nothing but (3n-
∑(3-C i )), i varies from 1 to m, becomes equal to 4. So, 3 n is nothing but 3 multiplied by
4, and total number of constraint is 8. So, I am getting 4.
Although this is a planar manipulator, it is having 4 degrees of freedom, that means, this
is one redundant serial planar manipulator, so this is nothing but the redundant planar
serial manipulator. And, another observation we should take. Here, for this serial
manipulator the degrees of freedom or the mobility is nothing but 4 and that is nothing
but the sum of all C i values. Like each of these C i is equal to 1 and if you sum them up
you will be getting 4, and this particular condition is true only for the serial manipulator,
but not for the parallel manipulator.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:30)

Then, comes your parallel planar manipulator. Now, here this is very simple. So, this is
the fixed base and the revolute joint I have. So, there are 3 links and here, at the top, we
have got a top plate, and that is nothing but the end-effector. And at each link we have
got a revolute joint, one prismatic joint, and one revolute joint. Similarly, we have got
one revolute joint, prismatic joint, one revolute joint. And, each link is having how many
constraints, how many joints that we will have to count.

Now, here how many links we have, on each leg I have got 1, 2. So, 2 plus 2, 4 plus 2, 6
and this particular end-effector will be considered as one link. So, I have got a total of 6
plus 1, that is, 7 links. And, how many joints we have, on one leg, we have got 1, 2, 3.
So, 3 multiplied by 3, so I have got 9 such joints, ok? These are all, the revolute joint,
and prismatic joint, and each is having connectivity of 1, that means, each of the joints is
going to put, how many constraints 3 minus 1, that is, 2 constraints.
So, each leg is putting how many constraints, 2 constraint here, 2 constraints here, 2
constraints here, 2 plus 2 plus 2. So, one leg is going to give 6 constraints and here also
6, here also 6. So, we have got 18 constraints. So, ∑(3-C i ), i varies from 1 to m, becomes
equal to 18. 3 n is 3 multiplied by 7, that is, 21; so, the mobility is coming to be equal to
3. So, this is an ideal parallel planar manipulator. This is the way actually, we can find
out the degrees of freedom or the mobility of different types of manipulators.

Thank you.

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