Energy Conversion and Management: Yu-Wei Chang, Chiao-Hung Cheng, Jung-Chang Wang, Sih-Li Chen
Energy Conversion and Management: Yu-Wei Chang, Chiao-Hung Cheng, Jung-Chang Wang, Sih-Li Chen
Energy Conversion and Management: Yu-Wei Chang, Chiao-Hung Cheng, Jung-Chang Wang, Sih-Li Chen
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This article experimentally investigates the thermal performance of the heat pipe cooling system with the
Available online 24 June 2008 thermal resistance model. Evaporator and condenser, which are the two main devices, connect to each
other to form a closed system. The liquid water absorbs heat from heat source and evaporates in the
Keywords: evaporator. The evaporating fluid moves toward the condenser, and then condenses in the condenser.
Thermal resistance The experimental parameters are different evaporation surfaces, fill ratios of working fluid and input
Thermal performance heating powers. The result shows that the evaporation resistance and the condensation resistance both
Heat pipe
grow with increasing heating power and decreasing fill ratio. Flooding is found at the fill ratio of 20% with
Flooding phenomenon
the evaporation surface noted Etched Surface 2 when heating power is above 120 W. Flooding phenom-
enon is caused by the opposite flow direction of vapor and liquid in a closed two-phase system. According
to the result, the lowest total thermal resistance is 0.65 °C/W by the evaporation surface noted Etched
Surface 2 at 30% fill ratio.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404 3399
amb ambience
ave average
from the evaporator. The fins are made of aluminum. The area of
fin is 50 mm2 and the thickness is 0.3 mm. The area of contact sur- Table 1
face is 15 15 mm between heater and evaporator. The configura- Three etched evaporation surface
tion of etched evaporation surface is shown in Fig. 2. It is
Symbol P (mm) H (mm)
manufactured by chemical etched process. There are three etched
1 PLATE 0 0
evaporation surfaces with different pitch as shown in Table 1.
2 Etched Surface 1 0.6 0.2
The etched area for every etched evaporation surface is 3 Etched Surface 2 1 0.2
80 60 mm. There are four fill ratios (eg. 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) in
this experiment. The fill ratio is defined as
c¼ 100% ð1Þ the contact resistance Rif, the evaporation resistance Revap, the con-
V evap
densation resistance Rcon and the convection resistance Rcnv, which
where Vf is the actual fill volume of working fluid, and Vevap is the is mathematically expressed as
interior volume of evaporator.
T die T amb
Rt ¼ ¼ Rif þ Revap þ Rcon þ Rcnv ð2Þ
2.2. Thermal resistance network
In Eq. (2), contact resistance Rif is defined as the temperature
The thermal resistance network of the cooling system is pre- difference across the interface (the temperature of heat source Tdie
sented in Fig. 3. The total thermal resistance is the summation of minus the temperature at the center of the lower surface of the flat
3400 Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404
When the pressure inside the evaporator is high, the high pres-
sure at the entrance of condenser pipe blocks the condensation
working fluid to reflow to the evaporator. The vapor temperature 0.5
40 60 80 100 120 140 16 0
inside the evaporator will increase while the condensation liquid
Q (Watt)
is trapped in the condenser pipes. When the gravitation force of
the liquid is large enough to overcome the shear stress, the liquid Fig. 4. Total thermal resistance with plan plate surface under different input
would be able to reflow to the evaporator. As soon as the reflowing heating powers and fill ratios.
Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404 3401
and condensation resistance Rcon are the major causes to affect the ing powers and fill ratios when the plan plate evaporation surface
variation of the total thermal resistance Rt. is used. The total percentages of evaporation resistance and con-
Fig. 4 shows the total resistance of the system with plan plate densation resistance are over 65%. The percentage of evaporation
evaporation surface at different input heating powers and fill ra- resistance Revap is dropping from 44% to 39% with increasing input
tios. The total thermal resistance Rt decreases from 60 W to heating power from 60 W to 140 W at fill ratio of 20%, from 40% to
140 W at different fill ratios, and the decreasing tendency is more 37.5% at fill ratio of 30%, from 38% to 34.5% with at fill ratio of 40%
obvious at high fill ratio. The Rt drops from 0.84 °C/W to 0.73 °C/W and from 34% to 29% at fill ratio of 50%. The percentage of conden-
at fill ratio of 50%, from 0.72 °C/W to 0.66 °C/W at fill ratio of 40%, sation resistance Rcon is growing from 22% to 27.5% with increasing
from 0.69 °C/W to 0.66 °C/W at fill ratio of 30%, and from 0.66 °C/W input heating power from 60 W to 140 W at fill ratio of 20%, from
to 0.65 °C/W at fill ratio of 20%. 28.5% to 33% at fill ratio of 30%, from 30% to 34.5% at fill ratio of 40%
Figs. 5 and 6, respectively, illustrate the percentage of evapora- and from 37% to 40% at fill ratio of 50%. The condensation
tion resistance and condensation resistance at different input heat-
Fill Ratio Fill Ratio: 20%
50 Plate
Etched surface 1
50% 0.4
Etched surface 2
Percentage (%)
Revap (ºC/W)
0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
60 80 100 120 140
Q (Watt) Q (Watt)
Fig. 5. The percentage of the evaporation resistance with plan plate surface under Fig. 7. Evaporation resistance with different input heating power and etched
different input heating powers and fill ratios. evaporation surfaces at 20% fill ratio.
60 0.5
Fill Ratio
Fill Ratio: 30%
30% Surface
50 40% Plate
50% 0.4 Etched surface 1
Etched surface 2
Percentage (%)
Revap (ºC/W)
30 0.3
0 0.1
60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Q (Watt) Q (Watt)
Fig. 6. The percentage of the condensation resistance with plan plate surface under Fig. 8. Evaporation resistance with different input heating power and etched
different input heating powers and fill ratios. evaporation surfaces at 30% fill ratio.
3402 Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404
resistance grows with increasing input power because the thick- 140 W. Because the boiling mechanism is intensive at high heating
ness of condensing liquid film in the condenser also increases. power, the evaporation resistances decrease with increasing heat-
The evaporation resistances Revap of evaporation surfaces of ing power. As indicated by Figs. 7–10, the Revap of Etched Surface 2
plan plate and Etched Surface 1 decrease with increasing input achieves the lowest value among all etched evaporation surfaces.
heating power at different fill ratios, the tendency is shown in Figs. Thus, Etched Surface 2 is the most effective structure to enhance
7–10. The Fig. 7 shows that the Revap by Etched Surface 2 drops boiling performance.
from 0.25 °C/W to 0.20 °C/W at the heating power from 60 W to Figs. 11–13, respectively, show the evaporation resistances of
100 W and then grows from 0.26 °C/W to 0.47 °C/W at the heating the three evaporation surfaces under different input heating pow-
power from 120 W to 140 W. This reverse is caused by dry-out. Be- ers and fill ratios. As shown in Fig. 11, the evaporation resistance of
cause the fill ratio is too low, the condensing liquid cannot plan plate decreases with increasing fill ratio. Generally speaking,
promptly reflow at such high input heating power of 120 W and the same trend is also shown by Fig. 12 with the Etched Surface
1. However, the evaporation resistance of Etched Surface 1 at fill
0.5 0.5
Fill Ratio: 40%
Plate Fill Ratio
Etched surface 1 20%
0.4 0.4 30%
Etched surface 2
Revap (ºC/W)
Revap (ºC/W)
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Q (Watt) Q (Watt)
Fig. 9. Evaporation resistance with different input heating power and etched Fig. 11. Evaporation resistance of plan plate with different input heating power and
evaporation surfaces at 40% fill ratio. fill ratios.
0.5 0.5
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Q (Watt) Q (Watt)
Fig. 10. Evaporation resistance with different input heating power and etched Fig. 12. Evaporation resistance of Etched Surface 1 with different input heating
evaporation surfaces at 50% fill ratio. power and fill ratios.
Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404 3403
0.5 above 100 W. The fill ratio between 30% and 40% is the most appro-
priate value for Etched Surface 2 for the stable performance during
Etched surface 2 the heating powers.
Fill Ratio Figs. 14–17 show condensation resistance as different evapora-
20% tion surfaces employed under different input heating powers and
0.4 30% fill ratios. The condensation resistance Rcon increases with increas-
40% ing heating power. And the condensation resistance Rcon of Etched
50% Surface 2 has the lowest value among all the evaporation surfaces.
As predicted by Eq. (7), flooding limitation might occur with
Revap (ºC/W)
Etched Surface 2 at the condition of fill ratio 20% with input heat-
0.3 ing power above 120 W. The prediction matches the experimental
result. To prove the occurrence of flooding phenomenon, the
dry out
Fill Ratio: 30%
Etched surface 1
0.1 Etched surface 2
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Q (Watt)
Rcon (ºC/W)
Fig. 13. Evaporation resistance of Etched Surface 2 with different input heating
power and fill ratios. 0.2
ratio of 20% drops below that of 30% at 140 W. The drop also hap-
pens on the evaporation resistance of Etched Surface 2 at the fill ra-
tio of 20% and 100 W as shown in Fig. 13. Note that the drop occurs 0.15
just before dry-out with Etched Surface 2. Similarly, dry-out might
happen with Etched Surface 1 at fill ratio of 20% above 140 W. The
dry-out point of Etched Surface 1 is higher than Etched Surface 2
because the pitch of Etched Surface 1 is smaller. It results in a high-
er capillary force to draw water toward heating area. As shown in 0.1
Fig. 13, the evaporation resistances at the fill ratio of 30% and 40% 40 60 80 100 120 140 16 0
Q (Watt)
are almost the same under different heating powers. At the fill
ratio of 50%, the evaporation resistance of Etched Surface 2 is larger Fig. 15. Condensation resistance with different input heating powers and etched
than that at 30% and 40% when heating power is below 100 W, but evaporation surfaces at 30% fill ratio.
becomes less than that at 30% and 40% when heating power is
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Q (Watt) Q (Watt)
Fig. 14. Condensation resistance with different input heating powers and etched Fig. 16. Condensation resistance with different input heating powers and etched
evaporation surfaces at 20% fill ratio. evaporation surfaces at 40% fill ratio.
3404 Y.-W. Chang et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3398–3404
0.3 40
Pressure (Kpa)
Rcon (ºC/W)
0.2 20
0.15 10
0.1 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 1800 3600 5400 7200 9000
Q (Watt) Time (sec)
Fig. 17. Condensation resistance with different input heating powers and etched Fig. 19. Pressure of Etched Surface 2 with times at different input heating powers.
evaporation surfaces at 50% fill ratio.
The thermal resistance model for the heat pipe cooling system
100 is developed in the presented study. Through the thermal resis-
tance analysis, the evaporation resistance Revap and the condensa-
80 tion resistance Rcon are the most influential factors to the total
resistance Rt of the cooling system. The result shows that the struc-
ture of etched evaporation surface has significant influence on the
thermal performance of the cooling system. According to the above
results, Etched Surface 2 shows the best performance among the
40 evaporation surfaces. Flooding phenomenon occurs as the system
operated at low fill ratio and high input heating power. The flood-
20 ing operation point for this system has been predicted by Eq. (7),
and the prediction is closed to the experimental result in the pre-
0 sented study.
0 1800 3600 5400 7200 9000
Time (sec)
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