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Driveacademy Training Program: Training Made by Sew-Eurodrive

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Training made by SEW-EURODRIVE

DriveAcademy® Training Program

2 DriveAcademy® Training Program

DriveAcademy® Training Program

As one of the leading specialists in the areas of drive technology and drive automa- future success. In order to keep you ahead of the game in regard to drive
tion, SEW-EURODRIVE offers its customers first-class drive solutions, accompanied engineering expertise, DriveAcademy® offers various opportunities for further
by various services that make the perfect addition to the comprehensive product education and, in doing so, creates ideal basic conditions for the practical
portfolio. These include, among others, the practice-oriented product training pro- application of modern drive technology. Our training programs are unique in that
grams at DriveAcademy®, SEW-EURODRIVE’s central training institute. they apply the latest methods for achieving the best learning results, provide
Qualification is and remains a crucial component in successfully getting ahead of customer orientation for greater training efficiency and demonstrate practical
the competition. Development periods are getting shorter and shorter, especially in relevance using multifunctional training models.
technical fields, making continuous learning an increasingly important factor in See for yourself what our diverse range of training programs has to offer.

We look forward to seeing you.

Your DriveAcademy® team

Training for Drive

We promise to give you practice-oriented and demand-specific seminars with

state of the art equipment in an excellent learning environment. Our trainers
have hands-on experience and know how to hold motivating training sessions.

Place your trust in this seal of quality:

Training made by SEW-EURODRIVE


Useful Information

Online seminar catalog and contact persons Page 4

Training made by SEW-EURODRIVE Page 6

Technical Training Programs

■ Qualification program:
SEW-EURODRIVE drive engineer Page 8 ■ Control technology Page 31
■ Project planning Page 10 ■ Safety technology Page 34
■ Control cabinet technology Page 15 ■ Maintenance and repair Page 36
■ Decentralized drive systems Page 25 ■ Professional training programs Page 44

Supplementary Training Programs

■ ATEX Page 40 ■ Lowering energy consumption with the right drive technology Page 42
■ EMC in drive engineering Page 41 ■ Condition monitoring Page 43

Additional Training Information

Training locations in Germany Page 46

Training requirements and information Page 48
Condition monitoring Page 51

Training ° Communication area ° Conference ° Roof terrace ° Application room

Would you like to get a personal look into DriveAcademy® and the features of the training

program in advance? Then we invite you to take your own personal, virtual tour through
DriveAcademy®. At www.driveacademy.sew-eurodrive.de, you can explore our central
training institute and all its facilities at your own pace.
220° 240° 260° 280° 300° 320° 340° 360° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° DriveAcademy® – 360 Degrees: we look forward to seeing you there.
DriveAcademy® – 360 Degrees: Your Panorama When It Comes To Training
4 Online seminar catalog and contact persons

More Knowledge with One Click

At www.seminare.sew-eurodrive.de, the online seminar catalog provides detailed information about the training The traffic light system will inform you right away whether the training you are interested in is still available.
programs presented in this brochure. The user-friendly structure based on products or product categories will If there are still openings, you can register easily clicking the Register button. If there are no more available
guide you easily and directly to the right training program for you. openings, you can make a reservation for the next seminar.

Your contact

Franziska Klemm

Phone +49 (0)7251 75-3980


Feel free to contact me by e-mail or over the phone with any questions or requests!

Online Registration at a Glance


Step 1: Open the seminar catalog Step 2: Select the training program Step 3: Register
6 Training facility and training models

Training made by SEW-EURODRIVE

DriveAcademy® prepares your employees in the best possible way for the tasks and problems they will face
during any given work day with training programs that contain basic theoretical principles along with many
practical exercises. Training on and using modern training models ensures the necessary practical relevance
for participants. Currently, DriveAcademy® uses three types of training models: mobile models, multifunctional
models and the training facility.

Training facility in Bruchsal

Designed to encompass all aspects of materials handling technology, the training facility, with its wide variety
of technology and applications, replicates processes as they are implemented in the industry across all sectors.
Thus, it provides the training participants with an unparalleled realistic practical training ground.

Technology at the facility Applications at the facility

–  Linear motor technology –  Scissor lift table with integrated conveyor belt
–  Safety technology –  Roller conveyors
–  Control technology –  Strap conveyor
–  Decentralized installation –  Rotary tables with integrated conveyor belts
– Communication –  Tilt carrying strap conveyors
–  Control cabinet –  Two-axis gantry
–  Controlled/non-controlled asynchronous motors – Gripper
–  Synchronous motors

Mobile training models Multifunctional training models

The mobile training models are selected by us based They can be used, for example, to test the connec- The multifunctional training models are only available AC asynchronous motor and a synchronous servo-
on the content of the training program. They are used tion to a fieldbus system, to set up communication for training purposes at the DriveAcademy® in motor, fault simulation as well as startup, operation
when training programs are held at the customer’s between inverters or to teach about the handling and Bruchsal. This model type is optimal for training par- and diagnostics with various inverters for different
location. They consist of one inverter type and one startup of various components. ticipants in diverse tasks such as load simulation of motor types.
motor type with or without encoder. gear units, synchronous operation with an

Training – at your place or ours?
Training programs held at the DriveAcademy® or the facilities of our Drive Technology Center closest to you
are easier on the bottom line than training programs held at your location. Ú Effective cost savings of around
30%. Comparing the two is worth it. You will find an overview of all training locations in Germany on page 46.
8 The SEW-EURODRIVE drive engineer

Drive Engineer – The Qualification Program Certified by the German Chamber of Industry
and Commerce
Seminar contents

– Common drive systems and their control modes –  Using diagnostic tools for fault analysis
– Mechanical and electrical components of a drive – Testing the functionality of vital components
–  Gear units, motors, inverters – Project planning for non-controlled and controlled
–  Positioning systems drives; selection of all components using
–  Programming, startup, troubleshooting SEW-EURODRIVE standard documentation
–  Special drive types – Project planning using the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench
– Master/slave principles such as synchronous operation, project planning software
electronic cam and synchronization

Prerequisites: Training or further education to become a foreman, Seminar objectives

certified technician or certified engineer is preferred
The participants…

General information:
– Are familiar with the latest drive systems and can – Can assess a system according to EMC criteria.
start up and program them. – Can calculate and select frequency inverter controlled
– Target group: Technicians, foremen or engineers, maintenance and
– Can perform fault analyses using diagnostic tools. standard drives by hand.
start-up personnel, service staff. Employees who also deal with project
– Can test the functionality of the most important – Can perform flashover calculations.
planning for systems.
components. – Can calculate and select drives using the SEW-EURODRIVE
–  Duration: 20 days
–  Know the relevant test procedures. Workbench project planning software.
–  Price: EUR 3,800

The Seminars at a Glance

Seminar Duration Information about the seminar

Project Planning for Non-Controlled Drives 2 days Page 10

Project Planning for Controlled Drives 3 days Page 11

MOVIDRIVE® B – Servicing Drive Systems with MOVIDRIVE® B 4 days Page 19

MOVIMOT® and MOVI-SWITCH® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting 1 day Page 26

MOVIFIT® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting 1 day Page 27

MOVIGEAR® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting 1 day Page 28

MOVIPRO® SDC – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting 1 day Page 30

MOVI-PLC® – Compact Seminar 3 days Page 32

Maintenance and Repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Gear Units 2 days Page 37

Maintenance and Repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Brakemotors 1 day Page 38

Drive Engineer Final Examination 1 day


Benefits for drive engineers

1) All drive engineers will receive a voucher to attend three days of seminar in Bruchsal’s DriveAcademy® for free.*

 dditionally, drive engineers can attend any other posted seminar day in Bruchsal’s DriveAcademy® at a price of EUR 200 per seminar.*
2) A

* Both regulations apply for the duration of two years after successful completion of the final examination for drive engineers.
10 Project planning

Project Planning for Non-Controlled Drives

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Theoretical foundations for drive calculation Day 2 – Detailed calculation of a materials handling
– Flashover calculations for materials handling and application
hoist applications – Manual selection of motor, gear unit and brake
– Tips & tricks for everyday project planning – Special aspects of project planning for
situations non-controlled drives
– Presentation of SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project
planning software based on previously calculated

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …
General information:
– Can understand and use formulas for drive selection. – Can use the SEW-EURODRIVE documentation for
– Target group: Design engineers, project planners, planners
– Can perform flashover calculations for various application gearmotors and the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project
– Additional information:
types. planning software. 
You may bring your own calculator and your own laptop.
– Are able to dimension a line operated gearmotor with
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720

Project Planning for Controlled Drives

Seminar contents

Day 1 – Introduction of the project planning procedure for Day 3  – Detailed calculation and selection of a rotary
controlled drives application taking into account overhung load,
–  Detailed calculation of a trolley application axial load and bending moment
– Manual selection of gearmotor, frequency inverter – SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project planning
and components in regard to the advantages and software
disadvantages of operating at 87 Hz
– Overview of the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench
project planning software

Day 2  – Overview of EMC basics and solution concepts

– Detailed calculation and selection of a hoist appli-
cation with and without counterweight
– SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project planning

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …
General information:
– Can manually calculate and select standard drives – Can calculate and select drives using the SEW-EURODRIVE
–  Target group: Design engineers, project planners, planners
­controlled by a frequency inverter, including trolleys, Workbench project planning software.
–  Duration: 3 days
hoists and rotary applications.
–  Price: EUR 1,080
–  Can perform flashover calculations.
12 Project planning

Project Planning for Servo Drives

Seminar contents

Day 1 – Basics of servo technology Day 2 – Detailed calculation of “on-the-fly processing”

– Presentation of characteristics of the – Manual selection of motor, gear unit and inverter
SEW-EURODRIVE servo products and servo – Presentation of SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench
concepts that are related to project planning project planning software based on the previously
 – Project planning guidelines for selecting calculated task
servo applications

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can understand and use formulas for drive selection. – Can use the SEW-EURODRIVE documentation for
– Can select the appropriate servo products for specific servo products and the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench
–  Target group: Design engineers, project planners, planners
applications. project planning software.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720


Project Planning for ATEX-Compliant Drives

Seminar contents

– Protection types for dust and gas explosion prevention – Important points regarding project planning of
in accordance with EN 50014 and EN 61241 ATEX-compliant gearmotors
– SEW-EURODRIVE products and their technical features: – Selection of possible ATEX gearmotor combinations
- AC asynchronous motors, brakes and accessories from the “Explosion-proof drives” catalog
- (Stand-alone) gear units and components – Maintenance and repair of gear units and motors
on the input side in line with the 94/9/EC Directive
- Controlled MOVIMOT® gearmotors
- AC asynchronous motors with frequency inverter

Prerequisites: Participants must have attended the “Project Planning Seminar objectives
for Non-Controlled/Controlled Drives” seminar and must be familiar with
the basics of the directives 1999/92/EC and 94/9/EC. The participants …

– Know the maintenance and repair specifications – Can select the correct drive and its accessories in
General information:
for SEW-EURODRIVE gear units and SEW-EURODRIVE compliance with ATEX based on project planning
motors. specifications.
–  Target group: Design engineers, project planners, planners
– Can apply the directives 94/9/EC and 1999/92/EC to
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
14 Project planning

Project Planning with the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench

Seminar contents

– Project planning basics – Correcting errors during drive selection

–  Structure of the program, operator interface – Creating documentation and parameter lists using
– Project planning and drive selection of controlled drives the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project planning software
(focus) – Interfaces to other programs
– Project planning and drive selection for non-controlled
– Configuration and assessment of solution variants
(optimizing costs, taking into account life cycle costs, etc.)

Prerequisites: Basics of project planning (calculations by hand), Seminar objectives

knowledge of SEW-EURODRIVE drives
The participants …

General information:
– Can adapt the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench project – Can configure and assess solution variants (cost relevance,
planning software to suit their requirements. total cost of ownership).
–  Target group: Design engineers, project planners, planners
– Can solve drive tasks using the project planning programs.
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Control cabinet technology 15

MOVIDRIVE® B – Quick Start

Seminar contents

– MOVIDRIVE®, components and accessories – Important parameters and their setting options
–  MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Data backup
–  Startup without encoder – Graphical analysis using the Scope function
–  Moving the drive in manual operation – Fieldbus communication and diagnostics
–  Display and diagnostic options

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
–  Can diagnose faults and eliminate them. – Can replace an inverter.
–  Can start up the inverter without encoder.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers

–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
16 Control cabinet technology

MOVIDRIVE® B – Operation and Startup

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 2 – Data backup

– MOVIDRIVE®, components and accessories –  Working with the keypad
 –  MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Startup in various operating modes, with encoder
 –  Startup without encoder –  Graphical analysis using the Scope function
 –  Moving the drive in manual operation –  Fieldbus communication and diagnostics
 –  Display and diagnostic options
– Important parameters and their setting options

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. – Can replace an inverter.
– Can set up and diagnose fieldbus communication. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
Control cabinet technology 17

MOVIDRIVE® B – Compact Seminar

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 3 – Setting up the inverter for positioning mode
– MOVIDRIVE®, components and accessories –  Introduction to programming using IPOSplus®
– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Startup of various application modules
–  Startup without encoder –  Diagnostic options for positioning control
–  Moving the drive in manual operation
–  Display and diagnostic options
– Important parameters and their setting options

Day 2 –  Data backup

–  Working with the keypad
– Startup in various operating modes, with encoder
–  Graphical analysis using the Scope function
–  Fieldbus communication and diagnostics

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. – Can set up and diagnose fieldbus communication.
– Can parameterize the inverter for various applications. – Can position an object using the integrated positioning
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Can diagnose faults and eliminate them. control and sequence control system.
–  Duration: 3 days
–  Can replace an inverter. –  Can parameterize integrated application modules. 
–  Price: EUR 1,080
18 Control cabinet technology

MOVIDRIVE® B – IPOSplus® Programming

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Introduction to programming using IPOSplus® Day 2 – Data backup

–  Setting up the inverter for positioning mode  –  Developing sample programs
–  Reference travel types –  Starting up the absolute encoder
– Program for relative value and absolute –  Replacing the encoder
value positioning  – Startup of various application modules
– Program enhancement using arithmetic commands

Prerequisites: Participants must have attended a MOVIDRIVE® seminar Seminar objectives

of at least 2 days
The participants …

General information:
– Can parameterize the inverter for operation with IPOSplus®. – Can parameterize integrated application modules.
– Can create, run and test programs using IPOSplus®. – Can start up the DIP option card.
–  Target group: Startup engineers
–  Can save source text. – Can replace an encoder.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
Control cabinet technology 19

MOVIDRIVE® B – Servicing Drive Systems with MOVIDRIVE® B

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 3 – Startup of servo (with HIPERFACE® encoder)
–  MOVIDRIVE®, components and accessories on a realistic application with linear feed
 –  MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software –  Setting up the inverter for positioning mode
–  Startup without encoder –  Introduction to programming using IPOSplus®
 –  Moving the drive in manual operation –  Startup of various application modules
 –  Display and diagnostic options –  Diagnostic options for positioning control
– Important parameters and their setting options
Day 4 – Troubleshooting on the training system
Day 2 – Data backup – Startup and optimizations on the training system
–  Working with the keypad
– Startup in various operating modes, with encoder
–  Graphical analysis using the Scope function
–  Fieldbus communication and diagnostics

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can diagnose and eliminate system standstills and faults. – Can position an object using the integrated positioning
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. control and sequence control system.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can set up and diagnose fieldbus communication. – Can replace an inverter.
–  Duration: 4 days
–  Price: EUR 1,200

20 Control cabinet technology

MOVIDRIVE® B – Intensive Course

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 3 – Startup of servo (with HIPERFACE® encoder) on
 –  MOVIDRIVE®, components and accessories a realistic application with linear feed
 –  MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software –  Setting up the inverter for positioning mode
–  Startup without encoder –  Introduction to programming using IPOSplus®
 –  Moving the drive in manual operation –  Startup of various application modules
 –  Display and diagnostic options –  Diagnostic options for positioning control
– Important parameters and their setting options
Day 4 – Troubleshooting on the training system
Day 2 – Data backup – Startup and optimization on the training system
 –  Working with the keypad
– Startup in various operating modes, with encoder Day 5 –  Presentation of the MOVI-PLC® control
–  Graphical analysis using the Scope function –  Setting up the inverter for MOVI-PLC®
 –  Fieldbus communication and diagnostics – Establishing communication between MOVI-PLC®
and inverter
–  Parameterizing application modules
–  Diagnostic options

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information: – Can diagnose and eliminate system standstills and faults. – Can replace an inverter.
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. – Can parameterize the application modules
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers – Can set up and diagnose fieldbus communication. of MOVI-PLC®/CCU.
–  Duration: 5 days – Can position an object using the integrated positioning – Can control and monitor the inverter using
–  Price: EUR 1,800 control and sequence control system. MOVI-PLC®/CCU.
Control cabinet technology 21

MOVIDRIVE® B – Speed Controller Optimization

Seminar contents

 Short overview of control technology

–  – Simulation of a hoist (especially startup behavior)
– Introduction of control parameters in and analysis using the Scope function
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio –  System optimization
– Startup of motor set (consisting of asynchronous motor –  Comparison of VFC-n and CFC
and synchronous motor)
– Moving of various loads and analysis using Scope function

Prerequisites: Participants must have attended a MOVIDRIVE® seminar Seminar objectives

of at least 2 days
The participants …

General information:
– Can start up a load set and analyze various operating –  Know the differences between VFC-n and CFC.
states (regenerative, motoric). – Are skilled in using the Scope startup tool and can
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
optimize relevant parameters.
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360

22 Control cabinet technology

MOVIDRIVE® B – Communication with S7 via PROFIBUS/PROFINET

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Fieldbus and components Day 2 – Controlling the inverter with the PLC via the fieldbus
– Setting up MOVIDRIVE® for fieldbus –  Diagnostics and troubleshooting of the control
communication –  Program examples
 –  Using the fieldbus monitor – Startup of the “Extended positioning via bus”
–  Integrating the drive unit into the PLC application module

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of MOVIDRIVE®, S7, PROFIBUS and PROFINET Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can connect, parameterize and diagnose the inverter – Can integrate the function modules into the PLC.
and S7 control.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
Control cabinet technology 23

MOVIAXIS® – Compact Seminar

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 2 – PDO Editor as a parameter-setting and
– Overview of options, components and accessories diagnostic tool
– Introduction to MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio – Optimizing the speed controller and running
engineering software diagnostics with the Scope function
–  Establishing communication –  User-defined units
– Startup –  Data management and project management
–  Manual operation –  Learning assessment test
–  Display and diagnostic options – Controlling via fieldbus and options for connecting
– Important parameters and their setting options to a non-SEW-EURODRIVE control
–  “Single-axis positioning” technology function

Day 3 –  Setting up MOVI-PLC®

– Establishing communication between PC and control
 – Diagnostic options for and functions of MOVI-PLC®
 – Setting up MOVIAXIS® for controlling
with MOVI-PLC®
–  MotionControl with MOVI-PLC®

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can operate the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
software confidently. – Can connect MOVIAXIS® to various controls.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Can perform startup and optimizations.
–  Duration: 3 days
–  Can save and restore data.
–  Price: EUR 1,080

24 Control cabinet technology

MOVITRAC® B – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

–  Basics of drive technology – Important parameters and their setting options

– MOVITRAC® B, components and accessories – Data backup
– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Graphical analysis using the Scope function
–  Startup in various operating modes – Offline configuration
–  Display and diagnostic options

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up MOVITRAC® B in various operating modes. – Can back up data.
–  Can operate MOVITRAC® B. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Decentralized drive systems 25

Introduction to Decentralized Drive Technology

Seminar contents

– System comparison between centralized and – MOVIPRO® SDC/ADC components and accessories
decentralized installation – MOVIGEAR® components and accessories
– MOVIMOT® and MOVI-SWITCH® components – MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software
with accessories
–  MOVIFIT® components and accessories

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Are familiar with the drive system for decentralized
installation of SEW-EURODRIVE and its components.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360

26 Decentralized drive systems

MOVIMOT® and MOVI-SWITCH® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents:

– Basics of drive technology – Working with the keypad

– MOVIMOT® and MOVI-SWITCH® components with – Display and diagnostic options
accessories – Important parameters and their setting options
– System comparison between centralized and decentralized – Fieldbus communication and diagnostics
installation – Data backup
– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Graphical analysis using the Scope function
– Startup in various operating modes – Closing discussion

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives:

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
– Can control and diagnose the inverter using the fieldbus
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Decentralized drive systems 27

MOVIFIT® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

–  Basics of drive technology – Display and diagnostic options

– MOVIFIT® components and accessories – Important parameters and their setting options
– System comparison between centralized and decentralized – Data backup
installation – Fault recognition and troubleshooting
– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Offline configuration
– Startup in various operating modes
– Connecting to a PLC

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up a MOVIFIT® in all variants. – Can back up data.
–  Can operate MOVIFIT®. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360

28 Decentralized drive systems

MOVIGEAR® – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

–  Basics of drive technology – Display and diagnostic options

– MOVIGEAR® components and accessories – Important parameters and their setting options
– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software – Data backup
– Startup in various operating modes – Graphical analysis using the Scope function

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the inverter in various operating modes. – Can replace an inverter.
– Can operate the mechatronic MOVIGEAR® drive system. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Decentralized drive systems 29


Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 2 – MOVIFIT® components and accessories
– MOVIMOT® and MOVI-SWITCH® components with –  Startup in various operating modes
accessories –  Connecting to a PLC
– System comparison between centralized –  Display and diagnostic options
and decentralized installation – Important parameters and their setting options
 –  MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software –  Data backup
 –  Startup in various operating modes –  Fault recognition and troubleshooting
–  Working with the keypad – MOVIGEAR® components and accessories
–  Display and diagnostic options –  Startup in various operating modes
– Important parameters and their setting options –  Display and diagnostic options
–  Fieldbus communication and diagnostics – Important parameters and their setting options
–  Data backup –  Data backup
–  Graphical analysis using the Scope function

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the above-mentioned products in various – Can operate the mechatronic MOVIGEAR® drive system.
operating modes. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can control and diagnose MOVIMOT® and MOVIFIT® using – Can replace an inverter.
–  Duration: 2 days
the fieldbus monitor.
–  Price: EUR 720
30 Decentralized drive systems

MOVIPRO® SDC – Operation, Startup and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

–  MOVIPRO® SDC components and accessories –  Data backup

– MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software –  Type code
–  Startup in various operating modes – Documentation
–  Startup of various application modules –  Connecting to a PLC

Prerequisites: Participants must have attended a MOVIDRIVE® seminar Seminar objectives

of at least 2 days
The participants …

General information:
– Can start up MOVIPRO® SDC in various operating modes. – Can replace a unit.
– Know the design and the connections of MOVIPRO® SDC. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Control technology 31

CCU – Configurable Application Controller

Seminar contents

Day 1 – Presentation of CCU application controller Day 2 –  Diagnostic functions of the Application Configurator
– Introduction to MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio – Configuration, operation and diagnostics of application
engineering software modules, part 2
 – Setting up the inverter for controlling with the CCU –  Configuration of function modules
 –  Establishing communication with the controller –  Final exercise, learning assessment test
 –  Data backup and control replacement
 – Configuration, operation and diagnostics of
application modules, part 1

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of drive technology; no programming Seminar objectives

knowledge required
The participants …

General information:
– Can operate the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering – Can start up single-axis or multiple-axis applications.
software confidently. – Can save and restore data.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can use the CCU confidently. – Can apply diagnostic functions to troubleshooting.
–  Duration: 2 days
– Can operate the Application Configurator.
–  Price: EUR 720

32 Control technology

MOVI-PLC® – Compact Seminar

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Presentation of the MOVI-PLC® control – Setting up a motion control application with various
– Introduction to MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio operating modes
engineering software – Connecting MOVI-PLC® to a higher-level remote
 –  Establishing communication with the control control
– Functions, diagnostic options and parameter
settings for MOVI-PLC® Day 3 – Presentation of the configurable MultiMotion motion
 –  Data backup and control replacement platform
–  Introduction to the PLC Editor –  MultiMotion Editor for configuring an axis
– Basics of programming according to IEC 61131 –  MultiMotion diagnostic functions
– Creating a user program for controlling
Day 2 – Setting up the inverter for controlling the MultiMotion axis
with MOVI-PLC® –  Final exercise, learning assessment test
– Establishing communication between
MOVI-PLC® and inverter
– Exercises with function modules of the motion

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of PLC programming and drive technology Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can operate the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering – Can save and restore data.
software confidently. – Can connect MOVI-PLC® to a higher-level
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can handle the MOVI-PLC® confidently. remote control.
–  Duration: 3 days
– Can use diagnostic tools. – Can control and monitor the inverter
–  Price: EUR 1,080
– Can use the individual programming languages using MOVI-PLC®.
conforming to IEC 61131. – Can program and start up motion control applications. 
Control technology 33

MOVI-PLC® – Basics and Motion Control

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Presentation of the MOVI-PLC® control – Setting up a motion control application with various
 – Introduction to MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio operating modes
engineering software – Connecting MOVI-PLC® to a higher-level remote
 –  Establishing communication with the control control
 – Functions, diagnostic options and parameter
settings for MOVI-PLC® Day 3 – Startup of the SEW-EURODRIVE AxisControl
–  Data backup and control replacement sample project
–  Introduction to the PLC Editor – Exercises and various program examples with
– Basics of programming according to IEC 61131 AxisControl
– Configurable drive solutions with the Application
Day 2 – Setting up the inverter for controlling Configurator and CCU®
with MOVI-PLC®
– Establishing communication between MOVI-PLC® Day 4 – Presentation of the configurable MultiMotion motion
and the inverter platform
– Exercises with function modules of the motion –  MultiMotion Editor for configuring an axis
libraries –  MultiMotion diagnostic functions
– Creating a user program for controlling
the MultiMotion axis

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of PLC programming and drive technology Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can operate the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering – Can save and restore data.
software confidently. – Can connect MOVI-PLC® to a higher-level
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can handle the MOVI-PLC® confidently. remote control.
–  Duration: 4 days
– Can use diagnostic tools. – Can control and monitor the inverter using MOVI-PLC®.
–  Price: EUR 1,440
– Can use the individual programming languages – Can parameterize and start up
conforming to IEC 61131. motion control applications.
34 Safety technology

Safety Modules MOVISAFE® UCS..B Compact –

Startup, Programming and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Safety and stop categories Day 2 – Programming various functions, e.g. STO – safe
– Wiring of safety modules MOVISAFE® UCS..B torque off according to stop categories 0, 1 and 2;
Compact and MOVIDRIVE® B on the training model ramp monitoring; safe motion (safely reduced
–  Startup of MOVISAFE® UCS..B Compact speed); monitoring of the direction of rotation;
–  Settings for MOVIDRIVE® B position monitoring
–  Adjusting the position encoders – Troubleshooting
– Validating and documenting the started-up functions

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can connect MOVISAFE® UCS..B Compact according to – Can program monitoring functions.
the required safety category. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can start up MOVISAFE® UCS..B Compact. – Can perform validation and documentation.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
Safety technology 35

MOVISAFE® DCS31B – Startup, Programming and Troubleshooting

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Safety and stop categories Day 2 – Programming various functions, e.g. STO – safe
 – Wiring of MOVISAFE® and of MOVIDRIVE® B torque off, ramp monitoring, safe motion (safely
on the training model reduced speed), monitoring of the direction of
 – Startup of MOVISAFE® DCS31B safety monitor rotation, position monitoring
–  Settings for MOVIDRIVE® B –  Fault analysis and fault elimination
–  Adjusting the position encoders – Validating and documenting the started-up functions

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can connect MOVISAFE® DCS31B according – Can program monitoring functions.
to the required safety category. – Can diagnose faults and eliminate them.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can start up MOVISAFE® DCS31B. – Can perform validation and documentation.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
36 Maintenance and repair

Basic Knowledge in Mechanical Service

Seminar contents

– Overview of SEW-EURODRIVE gear units and modular gear – Selecting the spare parts
unit system – Special features, sealing of gear units
– Structure, theory of operation and features of the various – Lubricants and their features
gear unit types – Possible conversions, mounting position and
– Determining the cause of the damage speed change

Prerequisites: Training as a mechanic, mechatronic engineer or electrician Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Receive an overview of SEW-EURODRIVE gear units – Can identify a drive based on the nameplate.
and modular gear unit system.
–  Target group: Service engineers
– Obtain knowledge about the mechanical design of
–  Duration: 1 day
SEW-EURODRIVE gearmotors.
–  Price: EUR 360
Maintenance and repair 37

Maintenance and Repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Gear Units

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  SEW-EURODRIVE gear unit type code Day 2 – Proper disassembly and assembly
 – Possible conversions, mounting position of R..7 / F..7 / S..7 gear units
and speed change –  Determining the cause of the damage
 – Theory of operation and advantages of –  Oil/grease lubrication
various gear unit types –  Spare part and repair handling

Prerequisites: Training as a mechanic or mechatronic engineer Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can identify SEW-EURODRIVE gear unit types.
–  Can service and assemble SEW-EURODRIVE gear units.
– Target group: Service engineers
–  Can assess the causes of damage.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
38 Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and Repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Brakemotors

Seminar contents

–  Disassembly and reassembly of motor and brake

–  Performing adjustment work on motor and brake
–  Brake controls with sample circuits
– Influence of the circuit type on the operating
characteristics of the brake

Prerequisites: Training as a mechanic, mechatronic engineer or electrician Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Know the theory of operation and possible applications – Can identify a drive based on the type code.
for SEW-EURODRIVE motors and brake systems.
–  Target group: Service engineers
– Know the mechanical design of SEW-EURODRIVE motors
–  Duration: 1 day
and brakes.
–  Price: EUR 360
Maintenance and repair 39

Maintenance and Repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Gearmotors and Brakemotors in Compliance with ATEX

Seminar contents

– Notes on repairing gear units depending on the

protection types for dust and gas explosion protection
in line with European standards
– AC asynchronous motors, gear units, brakes and
– Maintenance intervals of gear units and gearmotors

Prerequisites: Practical experience in the repair of SEW-EURODRIVE Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can professionally assemble and disassemble ATEX – Can distinguish between standard gearmotors
gearmotors with the R..7 / F..7 / S..7 gear unit design. and ATEX-compliant gearmotors.
– Target group: Service engineers
– Can select spare parts according to spare parts lists and
–  Duration: 1 day
use the operating and maintenance instructions.
–  Price: EUR 360
40 Supplementary Training Programs

ATEX Basics

Seminar contents

– Basics of explosion protection – Differences between standard drives and

– EU directives EN 94/9/EC and EN 1999/92/EC ATEX-compliant drives
– Protection types for dust and gas explosion protection – Type codes and nameplate data
– Asynchronous motors, BC and BMG brakes as well as
ATEX-complaint accessories

Prerequisites: None Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Know the differences between standard and ATEX drives.
– Know features of (BC) flameproof brakes.
– Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers, project planners,
– Know the specific parts on ATEX-complaint standard gear
design engineers and planners
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
Supplementary Training Programs 41

EMC in Drive Engineering

Seminar contents

–  General theoretical basics of EMC

–  EMC troubleshooting in the system
–  EMC measurements on drive technology components
–  Tips and tricks from people with experience

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can plan and use EMC-complaint systems
and components.
–  Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers
– Can recognize causes of faults.
–  Duration: 1 day
– Can take measures to eliminate faults.
–  Price: EUR 360
42 Supplementary Training Programs

Lowering Energy Consumption with the Right Drive Technology

Seminar contents

– Basics of energy efficiency – Group work: Practical exercise in finding an efficient

– Analysis of main adjusting lever for saving energy drive solution
– Energy-saving features of individual SEW-EURODRIVE – Introduction of selected energy-saving solutions
– Establishment of possible useful combinations of
components; typical selection scenarios

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of drive technology Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can identify energy-saving potentials in various
applications based on defined starting points/
– Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers,
adjusting levers.
design engineers, project planners, planners
– Can work out and evaluate specific approaches to
–  Duration: 1 day
solutions and possible solutions from identified potentials.
–  Price: EUR 360
Supplementary Training Programs 43

Condition Monitoring – Fault Diagnostics and Preventative Maintenance

Seminar contents

– Technical data, unit design and connection of the – Determination of the remaining service life
DUV vibration sensor, the DUO oil aging sensor and – Basics and application of thermograms
the DUB brake monitoring unit – Outlook: integration of Condition Monitoring
– Operation and parameter setting using the into the CDM database
parameterization software – Practical exercises using training models
– Interpretation of the damage progress
– Identifying the condition of the bearings

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of drive engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can start up the DUV10 vibration sensor. – Can start up the DUO10 oil aging sensor.
– Can run an evaluation using the parameterization – Can start up the DUB for function and wear monitoring.
– Target group: Service engineers, startup engineers,
software. – Can apply thermograms usefully.
design engineers, project planners and planners
– Can interpret the displayed values.
–  Duration: 1 day
–  Price: EUR 360
44 Professional training

Integration of Drive Engineering into Professional Training

Seminar contents

Day 1 –  Basics of drive technology Day 2 –  EMC in drive engineering
–  Basic gearmotor concepts – Practical exercises using models:
–  Basics of frequency inverters - Frequency inverter startup
- Knowledge of various operating modes
and “developing a feel” for torques
- Drive optimization and diagnostics

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of electrical engineering Seminar objectives

The participants …

General information:
– Can demonstrate and explain the basics of – Can start up various operating modes of the inverter.
drive technology. – Can parameterize the inverter for various applications.
–  Target group: Trainers and teachers
– Can select and integrate drive components.
–  Duration: 2 days
–  Price: EUR 720
46 Training locations in Germany

Training Locations at a Glance

Central Service Competence Center Drive Technology Center – South

Ernst-Blickle-Strasse 1 Domagkstrasse 5
76676 Graben-Neudorf, Germany 85551 Kirchheim (near Munich), Germany

Drive Technology Center – North Drive Technology Center – West

Alte Ricklinger Strasse 40-42 Siemensstrasse 1
30823 Garbsen (near Hanover), Germany 40764 Langenfeld (near Düsseldorf), Germany

Drive Technology Center – East DriveAcademy®

Dänkritzer Weg 1 Ernst-Blickle-Strasse 42
08393 Meerane (near Zwickau), Germany 76646 Bruchsal, Germany
Training locations in Germany 47

Proximity to our customers is important to us.

So that you can avoid long journeys, we offer you
seminars in Bruchsal and at our Drive Technology Centers.



DTC Nord Berlin

Münster (Hannover)
Drive Technology Center
DTC West Dortmund
Technical Office
Langenfeld DTC Ost Service Competence Center
(Düsseldorf) Meerane
(Zwickau) DriveAcademy®


Service Competence Center Mitte Nürnberg
DriveAcademy ® Bruchsal

Lahr Bodensee Kirchheim
48 Training Requirements and Information

Training requirements

Registration Discount
Please register early in writing. For training programs that have a limited If two or more employees from the same company participate in training,
number of participants, the date of receipt of registration is decisive. The we will give a 7% discount off the total price.
sales and delivery terms and conditions of SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co
KG, Bruchsal are bindingly accepted upon registration. The reservation of Exclusion of liability
hotel accommodations is a voluntary service from SEW-EURODRIVE. In the training programs and in the training documents, we have provided
Liability for the reservation remains with the participant. technical information to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we
do not assume any liability for any mistakes in the technical information
Cancellation imparted verbally or in writing in the training or contained in the training
Cancellations must be submitted in writing. A confirmed registration can documents provided. Equally, we cannot accept liability for any damage or
be cancelled free-of-charge up to four (4) weeks before the start of the follow-up damage resulting from mistakes. This exclusion of liability does
training. Costs that arise due to the cancellation of a hotel reservation are not apply in cases of compulsory liability for intent or gross negligence.
not assumed by SEW-EURODRIVE.
Subject to change
Services We reserve the right to make the following changes:
The services comprise the following: – Training cancellations; we will not accept any claims for compensation
– Execution of training courses or cancellation damages arising therefrom.
– Training documents – Adjustment of the training content in line with the current state-of-the-
– Lunch, break snacks and drinks art without prior notification. In individual cases, this may be lead to
deviations from the training descriptions.
The training fee is listed in the overview. This must be paid once the
invoice has been received. SEW-EURODRIVE’s general delivery and
business terms and conditions apply to the payment of the training fee.


Training times Copyright

One-day 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The reproduction of training documents for unauthorized purposes
Multiple-day 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. as well as the distribution, exploitation and communication of their
content to third parties is not allowed. Infringements are subject to
The last day of training ends early at 4:00 p.m. compensation. The software provided by SEW-EURODRIVE during the
Exception: One-day seminars. training programs for the purpose of exercises may not be removed,
or copied in part or in whole, or used in any other unauthorized way.
Participation in training
Full participation in the training is required to obtain a participation Place of jurisdiction
certificate. Absences due to vacation time are not permitted. Training The place of jurisdiction is Bruchsal.
programs that were missed due to illness must be repeated in order
to obtain a participation certificate. Miscellaneous
Participants may bring their own laptop (personal or company laptop)
Requirements to the DriveAcademy® training programs.
Some training programs require that you attend other training
programs. (These training programs are marked accordingly in the
seminar catalog under “General Information”.)
We will check after you register to see whether you meet this
requirement. If you do not meet the requirements, we will cancel
your registration.

Safety regulations
The training participants are required to observe the safety and
accident prevention regulations applicable on the SEW-EURODRIVE
premises – especially during practical exercises. For training
programs held at the customer’s location, customer-specific safety
and accident prevention regulations must be observed. Furthermore,
the on-site safety briefing instructions are to be followed.

Seminaranmeldung Fax (pro Teilnehmer)


Seminar registration per fax (for each participant) i Registration online at


Register online at www.seminare.sew-eurodrive.de, or fax us the following form:

Topic 1.

seminar registration
3. (please copy, fill out and fax)

Seminar period 1. 2. 3.
Fax +49 (0)7251 75-3919
Location c Bruchsal c Graben-Neudorf c Langenfeld c Garbsen c Kirchheim c Meerane

Dates 1. 2. 3.

Participant Last name Title: c Project planning

First name c Servicing

Department c Startup

c ________________________

Your company address/ Company Customer no.

Billing address Contact person(s)

E-mail address

Registration address
DriveAcademy® – Product training
P. O. Box 30 23 · 76642 Bruchsal, Germany
Phone / Fax Phone +49 (0)7251 75-3912

Hotel reservation c Yes, for ______ nights Arrival date: Please read seminar terms and conditions.

c Single room c Double room Departure date:

Date / location / signature

1938 5609 / 1113
Training made by SEW-EURODRIVE

Driving the world

P. O. Box 30 23 · 76642 Bruchsal, Germany

Phone +49 (0)7251 75-0 · Fax: +49 (0)7251 75-1970
i www.driveacademy.sew-eurodrive.de

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