Speedy Trial To Rape Victim - An Indian Perspective."
Speedy Trial To Rape Victim - An Indian Perspective."
Speedy Trial To Rape Victim - An Indian Perspective."
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
Prashant Rahangdale,
Assistant Professor,
Amity law School, AUC
Abstract:- Rape is considered as most heinous crime against woman under Indian Criminal Law. Rape
not only defiles the physical health of the victim but also ruin her inner soul. No ointment would be
able to provide a relief to victim, as there is no medicine for mental distress. On the other hand, a
quick and fair justice to victim of rape can do the little needful. However, it is found that cases of
prolonged trial are very common in India and it works as catalyst to increase mental trauma of victim.
Nevertheless, Right to Speedy Trial is a fundamental right of a victim which is enshrined under Article
- 21 of Indian Constitution. Also there are various legislations in this regard which asserts speedy and
fair justice to victim of rape. But, problem lies in the implementation of these Law and lots of efforts
should be made to make trial process more effective so that justice to victim should not be delayed.
Key Words: Rape, Speedy trial, Victim, Fundamental right, Human rights.
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
and defiles the soul of a helpless female.” 3 fashion, it is effectively the same as having no
Besides this the viewpoint of society against the redress at all.5 This legal principle emerged from
rape victim is also adverse. Instead of ensuring Right to Speedy Trial. The main endeavor of
cooperation to the rape victim, society treats her Right to Speedy trial is to provide free, fair and
like a stigma. These all affects a lot to the prompt justice to the sufferer of a crime. Also it
physical and mental health of rape victim. is a right of human being to live his life with
However, a memory from Nirbhaya‟s case is still dignity, as he took birth in a civilized society.
in our minds, wherein a medical intern was Therefore, speedy and fair trial should be
brutally gang raped in bus at Delhi. After few ensured to rape victim, as she has suffered a lot
months only same incident was happened in due to commission of crime.
Mumbai, which is popularly known as Indu II. Purview of definition of Victim:
Mill‟s case. Nevertheless these are the Victim in normal parlance means - a person
highlighted case that‟s why we still remember against whom crime is committed or a person,
them, but there are many other unreported rape who is harmed, injured or killed as a result of a
cases which are committed every day in the crime, accident, or other event or action. The
various rural and urban stratum of India. Out harm may be either physical or mental or
of those cases some are highlights by media or monetary loss.
many are dragged behind the four walls of According to dictionary meaning a “victim”
society. is6……
An increasing trend in the incidence of rape has 1. A person who suffers from a destructive or
been observed during the periods 2009 - 2013. injurious action or agency: a victim of an
These cases have reported an increase of 3.6% automobile accident.
in 2010 over 2009 and an increase of 9.2% in 2. A person who is deceived or cheated, as by
the year 2011 over the year 2010, an increase of his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the
3.0% in the year 2012 over 2011 and further an dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal
increase of 35.2% in the year 2013 over 2012. agency: a victim of misplaced confidence; the
12.9% of rape cases were reported in Madhya victim of a swindler; a victim of an optical
Pradesh (4,335 out of 33,707 cases) followed by illusion.
9.8% in Rajasthan (3,285 cases), 9.1% in 3. A person or animal sacrificed or regarded as
Maharashtra (3,063 cases) and 9.1% in Uttar sacrificed: war victims.
Pradesh (3,050 cases). Delhi UT has reported 4. A living creature sacrificed in religious rites.
the highest crime rate of 18.6 as compared to The idea of „Victim‟ through international
national average of 5.7. 4 convention is also wide in its amplitude and in
Nevertheless, Prolonged Trial also increased the this regard United Nation General Assembly
mental trauma of Rape victim. In word of
William Goldstone that „Justice delayed Justice
denied‟, which means that if legal redress is
available for a party that has suffered some
injury, but is not forthcoming in a timely 5
3 nied
Kalra Kush, ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace’, November 25th, 2015, available at 6
Shah Akash, ‘Victims, victimization and victimology
http://modelgovernance.com/sexual-harassment-of- ,’October, 17 , 2012
women-at-workplace/, visited on 13th, February, 2015 http://www.legalservicesindia.com/article/article/victims-
http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2013/Chapters/5- victimization-and-victimology-1349-1.html, Last visited
Crime%20against%20Women.pdf on 15th, February, 2015
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
offence of rape is punishable with a maximum IV. Right to speedy trial of Rape victim:
sentence of life imprisonment. The Act also Right to Speedy Justice is an essence of
added a new sexual crime, called “assault by Criminal Justice System of which Right to
penetration”, which also has the identical Speedy trial is specie. The paramount purpose
punishment as rape, and is committed when of speedy trial is to safeguard the innocents
someone sexually penetrates the anus or vagina from undue punishments but prolonged
with a part of his or her body, or with an object, pendency has created an uncountable barrier in
without that person‟s consent. that path. Huge number of cases is pending for
However, before Criminal Law Amendment Act, years together, which create mental and
2013, the definition of Rape only included non- economic pressure on litigants.14
consensual vaginal intercourse but the Moreover, Fundamental rights enshrined under
Amendment Section – 375 of Indian Penal Code, Constitution are not mere words but they are
1860 has gone a significant change and now meant to enforce effectively and proficiently. In
definition of Rape also include non-consensual various landmark judgments, Supreme Court of
penile penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth India has asserted that if there is an excess
of another person. adjournment or delay, Court has a right to
Alike every other country, Rape laws are very quash the case or the proceedings to meet ends
adequately framed in India, but it is very of justice. In the case Katar Singh v. State of
throbbing to say that justice to rape victim is Punjab15 it was declared that Right to Speedy
hardly accomplished. Dr. Kiran Bedi, Retd. Trial is an essential part of fundamental right to
Joint Commissioner, Special Branch has life and liberty. In the case Abdul Rahman
observed that “The law of rape is not just a few Antulay v. R.S. Nayak16, the bench declared
sentences. It is a whole book, which has clearly certain aspects and guidelines regarding the
demarcated chapters and cannot be read Speedy Trial and quashing of cases should
selectively. We cannot read the preamble and depend upon nature of the case. Therefore,
suddenly reach the last chapter and claim to Right to speedy trial is a basic right of the victim
have understood and applied it.”13 and it not only covered in investigation, inquiry,
However, the purpose of Criminal Justice trial but also in appeal, revision and retrial
System is to provide quick justice to the victim process.
but due to prolonged trial process, sometimes However, trial of rape cases should be dealt with
victim feel better to refrain themselves from extra sensitivity and foremost care should be
Court processes. The delay in disposal of Rape taken to provide quick justice to victim. This is
cases are very common in India, therefore, because of the fact that, the victim has already
victim has to undergo lot of mental stress. departed with grave physical and mental
Looking upon the gravity of offence, Law has trauma and if she undergone to prolonged trial
also mandated that, trial of rape victim should processes, then the purpose of Law shall be
be completed as expeditiously as possible.
Nevertheless position has not yet changed and it 14
Siddhant Saxena & Vatsal Varma, ‘Trial, time and
stills the same. judgment: the outlook of Indian judicial system’,
International journal of research and analysis , Volume 1
issue 3,2014, available at
13 ddhant%20Saxena%20&%20Vatsal%20Varma.pdf
Sweta Leena Panda, ‘Rape Laws in India’, December 21,
2012, available at 15
(1994) 3 SCC 569
rape-is-stigma-which.html (Last visited on 6th February, 16
AIR 1988 SC 1531
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
perturbed. In Delhi Domestic Working Women‟s of Fundamental rights. In Vakil Prasad Singh
Forum v Union of India & others17 Supreme vs. State of Bihar18, it was settled by Supreme
Court observed that: Court that “the right to speedy trial in all
“Speedy trial is one of the essential requisites of criminal persecutions (sic prosecutions) is an
law”, the Court asserted. In rape cases, the inalienable right under Article 21 of the
course of justice cannot be frustrated by Constitution. This right is applicable not only to
prolonged investigations. They said that it is the actual proceedings in Court but also
important that „investigations and trials‟ should includes within its sweep the preceding police
be carried out expeditiously, „otherwise the investigations as well. The right to speedy trial
guarantee of‟ equal protection of law under extends equally to all criminal prosecutions and
Article 14 and the guarantee of life and personal is not confined to any particular category of
security under Article 21 of the Constitution are cases. In every case, where the right to speedy
meaningless. trial is alleged to have been infringed, the Court
Noting the seriousness‟ of the crime, the has to perform the balancing act upon taking
Supreme Court said that rape shakes the very into consideration all the attendant
foundations of victim‟s lives. For many, its circumstances, enumerated above and
effects are long-term and so sustained that they determine in each case whether the right to
face difficulty in having personal relationships; speedy trial has been denied in a given case."
their behavior and values are altered; and they Further, Section – 309 of Code of Criminal
suffer from constant fear and anxiety. Procedure, 1973, has directed the Court to
In addition to the trauma of rape itself, victims continue the trial process on day to day basis.
have to suffer further agony during legal Moreover, the provision stipulates that trial of
proceedings as complaints are handled roughly rape cases shall be completed within two
and not given the attention that they deserve. months.
Victims are more often than not humiliated by Although, the words used under the provision of
the police and the experience of giving evidence Section -309 of Cr.P.C are of mandatory in
in Court is so distressing, that it puts severe nature and they are meant to be followed by
psychological stress on them because of which Courts. Nevertheless, the delay in disposal of
many of them feel re-victimized after reporting rape cases are not only caused in trial process
the crime.” but also caused due to delay in registering case,
Therefore, looking upon the solemnity of offence filing of charge sheet and recording of evidence.
it becomes the foremost duty of Court to try Consequently, Right of speedy trial not only
rape cases as quick as possible. Also the covered in trial stages but also cover inquiry
prosecution is duty bound to help the Court in and investigation stages. In this connection,
fast disposal of sexual offences. This is only a Justice P. Sathasivam (Rtd. Chief justice of
way through which justice could be imparted to India) is of opinion that "filing of charge sheet in
victim of rape. rape cases and crimes against women must be
V. Right to Speedy Trial under Indian prompt and trial must take place on a day-to-
Legislations: day basis. Adjournments in the trial
Right to speedy trial is not just a guideline but it proceedings must not be granted as a rule,
is also backed by strong legislations. This right except in exceptional circumstances,"19
is deeply rooted under Part – III of Indian
Constitution, which comes under the category 18
(2009)3 Supreme Court Cases 355 [ 2009(1) JLJR
1995 SCC 14 Dhananjay Mahapatra,’ Speedy trial a must in rape cases:
Justice Sathasivam,’ Times of India, December, 25,
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
Moreover, Committee on Reforms of Criminal machineries and Courts, while dealing trial of
Justice System under the Chairmanship of child rape cases.
Justice V.S Malimatt in para 9.12.1 also said (i) The complaint relating to child rape cases
that “Delay is a denial of justice. The Courts shall be recorded promptly as well as
must realize that it is their responsibility to take accurately. The complaint can be filed by the
the initiative to eliminate delay. Delay is not victim or an eyewitness or anyone, including a
inevitable and can be curtailed by adopting representative of non-governmental
imaginative Court management techniques. organization, who has received information of
Unfortunately little attention has been paid to the commission of the offence. The case should
this”20. be taken as follows:
Prof. Madhava Menon Committee on Criminal a) Officer not below the rank of SI and
Justice System in para 5.12 has also contended preferably lady police officer.
that “Criminal Courts have the obligation to b) Recording should be verbatim
render speedy justice. For this, they have to c) Person recording to be in civil dress
speed up the processes through more effective d) Recording should not be insisted in police
management of dockets and proceedings. Day to station, it can be at the residence of the victim.
day trial has also to be restored. Government (ii)If the complainant is the child victim, then it
should provide better resources and is of vital importance that the reporting officer
infrastructure to criminal courts to help them must ensure that the child victim is made
speed up trial procedures. Use of technology comfortable before proceeding to record the
should be able to achieve the objects less complaint. This would help in ensuring
expensively”21. accurate narration of the incident covering all
VI. Guidelines of National Commission on relevant aspects of the case. If feasible,
Human Rights for speedy disposal of child assistance of psychiatrist should be taken;
rape cases22: (iii) The Investigating Officer shall ensure that
National Commission on Human Rights is an medical examination of the victim of sexual
apex body made to govern the human rights of assault and the accused is done preferably
individual. Looking upon the delay in disposal within 24 hours in accordance with Cr. PC Sec.
of Rape cases and to provide fastest justice to 164 A. Instruction be issued that the Chief
rape victims, Commission it has framed some Medical Officer ensures the examination of
guidelines, which are to be followed by Police victim immediately on receiving request from
I.O. The gynecologist, while examining the
victim should ensure recording the history of
(iv) Immediately after the registration of the
Sathasivam/articleshow/17749140.cms (last visited on 25th case, the investigation team shall visit the scene
January, 2015) of crime to secure whatever incriminating
20 evidence is available there. If there are tell-tale
http://www.mha.nic.in/hindi/sites/upload_files/mhahindi/fi signs of resistance by the victim or use of force
les/pdf/criminal_justice_system.pdf by the accused those should be photographed;
21 (v) The Investigation Officer shall secure the
clothes of the victim as well as the clothes of the
f/DraftPolicyPaperAug.pdf accused, if arrested, and send them within 10
days for forensic analysis to find out whether
http://nhrc.nic.in/Documents/AR/NHRC-AR-ENG07- there are traces of semen and also obtain report
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
about the matching of blood group and if have came down from 27% to 22% between
possible DNA profiling; 2011 and 2013.23
(vi) The forensic lab should analyze the To inspect the delay in disposal of rape cases, it
evidences on priority basis and send report is very much necessary for us to approach the
within couple of months; root causes of prolonged trial process, then and
(vii) The investigation of the case shall be taken only then we would be able to trace out the
up by an officer not below the rank of S.I. on exact reason for delay. However, some major
priority basis and, as far as possible; causes of delay are enumerated below:
investigation shall invariably be completed The reason for delay at investigation stage-
within 90 days of registration of the case. 1. The Police Manuals have suggested the police
Periodical supervision should be done by senior official to have speedy and prompt investigation,
officers to ensure proper and prompt but still it is found inaction and lethargy on the
investigation; part of police to register FIRs and to start the
(viii) Wherever desirable, the statement of the investigation earnestly.
victims u/s 164 Cr. PC shall be recorded 2. Sometime it is found that Police machinery is
expeditiously; politically influenced or pressurized by
(ix) Identity of the victim and the family shall be prominent persons and hence they have
kept secret and they must be ensured of cowardly attitude towards such persons if they
protection. IOs / NGOs to exercise more are accused of a crime.
caution of the issue. 3. Moreover, due lack of check and balance
Guidelines for Trial Court: mechanism in police functioning, the cases of
i) Fast Track courts preferably presided over by non registration of FIR and pace of investigation
a lady judge and trial to be held in camera; are not inspected properly.
ii) Atmosphere in the court should be child
friendly; 4. Police in India are not well equipped with
iii) If possible, the recordings be done in video fastest and easiest medium of investigation
conferencing / in conducive manner so that instruments like video conferencing, cyber cell,
victim is not subjected to close proximity of forensic labs etc. due to which investigation
accused; process suffers a lot.
iv) Magistrate should commit case to Session 5. Corruption at Police Station level is affecting
within 15 days after the filing of the charge the timely and qualitative investigation.
sheet. Further, due to lack of staff in Police Stations
VII. Causes of Prolonged Trial:- delay in investigation occurs.
The inordinate delay in disposal of Rape cases 6. Involvement of Police official in the protection
in India has become a stigma for administration and securities of V.I.P‟s and V.V.I.P‟s also keep
of Criminal justice system. The excessive delay them away from investigation of Cases.
not only occurs in investigation process but also 7. Due to lack of motivation to act without fear
in the hands of prosecution. For this reason the or favor in police personnel delay occurs.
very purpose of Penal Laws; to provide justice to Delay in Trial Courts:
Victim of rape, is not served and due to which 1. Excessive adjournment in Trail Courts is a
accused of rape roam fearlessly. As per the data big reason for causes for delay in trial Courts.
available till 17th December, 2014, the number
of Rape cases pending in different High Courts 23
in India is over Thirty one thousand (31,000). Times of India, ‘Over 31,000 rape cases pending in High
Courts’, December 17, 2014,
However, the conviction rate in these cases, http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Over-31000-rape-
cases-pending-in-high courts/articleshow/45542590.cms
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
2. Secondly, Trial Courts are heavily burdened Moreover, Right of Speedy trial can be ensured
with the cases because of which delay in to victim only if the investigation and trial
disposal of cases occurs. processes could be completed in a reasonable
3. The Judge – population ratio in India is very time. Excessive adjournments cause hindrance
low and because of inadequacy in number of in the path of Right to Speedy trial. In this
Judges in Courts led to prolonged trials. perspective some of the decisions of Supreme
4. Further, by research it has been found that, Court should be taken into account which has
Indians have more tendencies to file cases explicitly dealt with such a situation which has
because of rate of institution of cases increases caused grave in road into the criminal
and rate of disposal decreases. jurisprudence which can also be referred to.
5. Sometimes poor infrastructure of Courts and In State of U.P. V. Shambhu Nath Singh
lack of use to new technologies like Computers, and others25 - the legal position on this aspect
internet, video conferencing becomes has been dealt with in extensor. It was held that
responsible agent in delay. “Section 309 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
6. Insufficient number of Courts and judicial is the only provision which confers power on the
staff causes delay. trial court for granting adjournments in
7. High Courts sometime do not call for records criminal proceedings. The conditions lay down
from Trial Court for extraordinary delays in by the legislature for granting such
special cases. adjournments have been clearly incorporated in
VIII. Supreme guidelines on Speedy disposal the section. Thus, the legal position is that
of cases: once examination of witnesses started, the
In this regard, it becomes very much important court has to continue the trial from day to day
to point out the verdicts given by Supreme until all witnesses in attendance have been
Court of India in relation to speedy disposal of examined ...….. Only if there are “special
cases. Supreme Court has time to time reasons”, which reasons should find a place in
emphasized on right of Victim of rape to get the order for adjournment, that alone can confer
speedy justice. However, in major cases Hon‟ble jurisdiction on the court to adjourn the case
Apex Court has provided guidelines to without examination of witnesses who are
investigation agencies and Trial Courts to take present in court…….At any rate inconvenience
efficient measures to resolve the Rape related of an advocate is not a “special reason” for
cases speedily. In Delhi Domestic Working bypassing the mandate of Section 309 of the
Women‟s Forum v Union of India & others24 Code.
Supreme Court observed that: In Chandra Sain Jain and others vs. The
“Speedy trial is one of the essential requisites of State26 - a Single Judge has held as under while
law”, the Court asserted. In rape cases, the interpreting Section 309 of Cr.P.C. “Merely
course of justice cannot be frustrated by because the prosecution is being done by C.B.I.
prolonged investigations. They said that it is or by any other prosecuting agency, it is
important that „investigations and trials‟ should not right to grant adjournment on their mere
be carried out expeditiously, „otherwise the asking and the Court has to justify every
guarantee of‟ equal protection of law under adjournment if allowed, for, the right to speedy
Article 14 and the guarantee of life and personal trial is part of fundamental rights envisaged
security under Article 21 of the Constitution are under Art. 21 of the Constitution.”
(2001) 4 SCC 667
24 26
1995 SCC 14 1982 Crl. L.J. NOC 86 (ALL)
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
In one of the earliest cases reported in more efforts to reduce the cases of prolonged
Badri Prasad V. Emperor27 - a Division Bench of trials. However, there are some suggestions,
the Allahabad High Court has stated the which if implemented can shrink pendency of
legal position as “….Moreover, we wish to point rape cases in Courts.
out that it is most inexpedient for a Sessions 1)Offence like rape and sexual assault should to
trial to be adjourned. The intention of the Code investigated and tried in utmost priority.
is that a trial before a Court of Session should 2)Fast track Courts should be incorporated by
proceed and be dealt with continuously from its all the State governments, especially to deal
inception to its finish. Occasions may arise with rape cases.
when it is necessary to grant adjournments, but 3)Further, High Courts should call for records of
such adjournments should be granted only on all the prolonged rape trial of Lower Courts,
the strongest possible ground and for the when it is found that there is an excessive
shortest possible period….. delay.
In the decision reported in Lt. Col. S.J. 4)Even as per guideline of Supreme Court, High
Chaudhary V. State (Delhi Administration)28 - Court may quash the proceedings of cases in
has held as “We think it is an entirely which unwarranted delay occurs.
wholesome practice for the trial to go on from 5)Moreover, mandate of Section- 309 of Cr.P.C
day-to-day. It is most expedient that the trial should be followed by all the Trial Courts, which
before the Court of Session should proceed fundamentally nullifies the excessive
and be dealt with from its inception to its adjournments in trial proceedings.
finish. Not only will it result in expedition, it will 6)Courts should give more importance to the
also result in the elimination of manoeuvre and Plea bargaining mechanism for easy and quick
mischief. It will be in the interest of both the disposal of cases.
prosecution and the defence that the trial 7)Moreover, our Police machineries should be
proceeds from day-to-day. ….. Once the trial made more efficient to complete the
commences, he should, except for a very investigation process in reasonable period of
pressing reason which makes an adjournment time.
inevitable, proceed day to day until the trial is 8)Use of modern techniques in trial process
concluded. Further, it is the duty of every should be followed by using email for sending
Advocate, who accepts the brief in a criminal summons/warrants, use video conferencing in
case to attend the trial from day-to- day. We recording evidence and use of forensic labs for
cannot over-stress the duty of the Advocate to testing evidences.
attend to the trial from day-to-day. 9)Government should fill all the vacant posts of
IX. Suggestions:- judges in Lower Courts, High Courts and
The purpose of Criminal Justice Administration Supreme Court.
is not only to secure rights of Victims of rape 10)More infrastructures should be provided to
but also to provide them easiest and fastest the Courts and number of staff should be
justice. This can only be achieved, if the trial increased.
process of rape cases can be concluded in All these are some necessary suggestion which
effective and reasonable period of time. There if followed will curb the problem of prolonged
are various Laws and guidelines in this regard, Trial.
although there is a necessity to place much X. Conclusion:
Rape is one of the most heinous crimes against
(1912) 13 Crl. L.J. 861 woman. It not only tends her physical
impairment but also to that mental agony which
(1984) 1 SCC 722 stay in her mind till her life. No Court would be
Volume-5, Issue-2, January- 2016 Impact Factor: 2.389
able to return her fame which she has lost but unless it is strictly implemented. And this right
an effort could be made to provide her fair, could only be implemented through the ends of
easiest and fastest justice. However, Right to members of judicial fraternity which includes
speedy trial which is enshrined under Article – investigation agencies, lawyers and judiciary.
21 of Constitution is not just a fiction but it is Moreover, strong efforts should be made by
meant to govern the rights of victim of rape. It social groups and Non- governmental
nevertheless works as an ointment to those who organizations to guide victims of rape about
are again victimized by the prolonged trial their rights.
process. Further, our criminal justice system In the light of issues raised and authorities
has a unique feature of securing rights of sighted, it can be concluded that delay in trial of
victims, however, it is rarely seen that victims of rape victim will itself deny the justice to them.
rape do get easiest and fastest justice. It is Therefore, strong commitment is required not
pertinent to note that, only by making right to only by government, investigation agencies but
speedy trial a fundamental right or making of also by the judiciary to provide fair, easiest and
strict or special law in this regard, will not serve quickest justice to the victim of rape.
the purpose of providing fair and fastest justice,