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HVAC System Design Basis - AMKkkk

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This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.




This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.
The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4

2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................. 4

3. CODES & STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 4

3.1 International Codes & Standards ................................................................................................. 4

4. DESIGN CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Design Outdoor Conditions.......................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Indoor Design Conditions ............................................................................................................ 5

5. BUILDING DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 6

6. DESCRIPTION OF HVAC SYSTEM ................................................................................ 6

7. HVAC SYSTEM COOLING LOAD ESTIMATION ............................................................ 7


9. DUCTWORK SIZING ....................................................................................................... 8

10. CHILLED WATER DISTRIBUTION.................................................................................. 9

10.1 Chilled Water Pipe Sizing ............................................................................................................ 9

10.2 Chilled Water Temperature.......................................................................................................... 9

11. ACOUSTIC CALCULATIONS .......................................................................................... 9

11.1 Noise Control ............................................................................................................................... 9

11.2 Vibration ....................................................................................................................................... 9

12. DUCT WORK AND PIPE WORK ................................................................................... 10

13. INSULATION ................................................................................................................. 10

14. REFRIGERANTS ........................................................................................................... 10

15. CONTROL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 11

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

This document presents the HVAC system design basis, which defines the scope of work
and preliminary capacities & equipment selection of the HVAC system for NAME OF THE
PROJECT. The document presents a summary of important and pertinent points, required
to ensure consistency, conformity and quality of design. The design contractor shall
provide detail engineering of the complete HVAC system that includes but not limited to
cooling load calculations, capacities & selection of HVAC equipment, specifications and
associated duct works, chilled water piping, refrigerant piping & accessories etc. The
design contractor shall comply with international codes & standards for detail engineering
of HVAC system and shall be designed and constructed for NAME OF THE PROJECT.

The overall philosophy of the design shall be to satisfy human comfort and the required
conditions for the safety, installed equipment and operating requirements.


The HVAC project scope of work shall consist of providing new HVAC equipment and
systems as described here within. This design basis is based on the relevant Standards
and Codes of Practice listed in the specified sections. The design contractor shall ensure
that the following objectives are incorporated into the design:

• An economic ‘fit for purpose’ design

• Consistency and standardization of design
• Health, safety and environmental arrangements

Design Contractor shall review, verify and finalize the design of these facilities.


The following latest editions of codes & standards were followed in preparing the
preliminary HVAC calculations, selecting the systems, sizing the equipment and preparing
the HVAC conceptual design drawings for the NAME OF THE PROJECT Units.

3.1 International Codes & Standards

International Mechanical Code (IMC)

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
American National Standards Institute Inc. (ANSI)
American Society of Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI)
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s National Association (SMACNA)
OSHA - Occupational Noise Exposure
ANSI S1.4 - Specification for Sound Level Meters

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

Location: XXXXX
Latitude: 00°00’ North
Longitude: 00°00’ East
Altitude above sea level: 00 ft.

4.1 Design Outdoor Conditions

The following design outdoor conditions as per XXXXX are utilized in carrying out the
preliminary HVAC calculations.

Summer design Dry bulb Temperature: 102°F

Mean coincident Wet bulb Temperature: 73°F

Winter design Dry bulb Temperature: 59°F

Mean Daily range: 14°F

Wind speed/Direction: 93 mph / WNW

4.2 Indoor Design Conditions

The following table shows the indoor design conditions that shall be maintained in the

Table 1 Indoor Design Conditions

Summer Winter Remarks

Space Space Relative Relative
No. Name Temp Temp
Humidity Humidity
(°F DBT) (°F DBT)
(%) (%)
Living Areas
1 75 ± 2 50 ± 20 72 ± 2 50 ± 20
& Corridors
2 Bed Rooms 75 ± 2 50 ± 20 72 ± 2 50 ± 20
3 80 ± 2 - - -
4 75 ± 2 - - -
5 72 ± 2 50 ± 10 72 ± 2 50 ± 10
6 Switchgear 75 ± 2 - - -

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

The NAME OF THE PROJECT units are located in XXXX, Country. Each housing unit is
two duplex consists of 2 living areas, 4 bed rooms, kitchens & toilets. The housing units
are constructed to accommodate approx. 700 students.
U-values for walls and roof are assumed as 0.1 Btu / (h.ft2°F) maximum for the sake of
heat load calculations. However, the detail design contractor shall determine the exact U-
values based on the building construction type & materials.


The HVAC System for building shall be stand-alone chilled water system consisting of Air-
Cooled Chillers (ACCH), Constant Flow Primary Chilled Water Pumps, Variable Flow
Distributed Secondary Chilled Water Pumps, chilled water piping, valves and associated
accessories. Chillers, Pumps, expansion tanks, air separator and chemical dosing tanks
shall be located outside the buildings in the chiller yard. The detail design contractor shall
evaluate and include the provision to install energy BTU meters at each building entrance
located in the Mechanical Room.

Chilled water is generated by Air-Cooled Chillers that provides high energy efficiencies at
both full and part load conditions. Chilled water distribution shall be through a Constant
flow primary, Variable flow distributed secondary pumping arrangement, with a modulating
control valve in a bypass loop to maintain minimum chiller flow. Chilled water shall be
supplied at 42 °F with a design return temperature difference of 16 °F.

The buildings shall be fully air conditioned by providing chilled water fan coil units (FCU)
located in various units of the buildings for personnel comfort & independent ON/OFF and
temperature control (cooling/heating) by space temperature sensors located in the living
areas & bed rooms. Chilled water distribution to the FCUs shall be variable flow and can
be controlled through 2-way control valve located on the return side of cooling coil.

Make-up air is required for the building due to presence of continuous central exhaust
system from the toilets & kitchens. Treated fresh air is provided to tackle with high level of
relative humidity that promotes stuffiness and murkiness in the room. The bed rooms shall
be maintained at positive pressure to prevent infiltration of dust from adjacent areas.

Supply air distribution shall be ducted while return air shall be through ceiling/side wall
return air registers/diffusers located within the space. All supply air ducts shall be properly
insulated while fresh air and exhaust air ductwork shall not be insulated.

Fresh air inline centrifugal fans and ductwork works shall be provided to feed the FCUs for
indoor air quality and comfort of the occupants as per ASHRAE 62.2.

Exhaust air centrifugal fans and ductworks shall be provided to exhaust air from kitchen &
toilets and maintain negative pressure.

FCUs shall contain two stages of dust spot filtration, 30% and 95% efficient, throw-away
type filters. An access door for maintenance to the filters & cooling coils shall be provided.

The supply & return ductworks shall be insulated and access doors, hangers and all
ductwork accessories shall be provided.
This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.
The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.
Fire dampers shall be installed in all fire rated walls that are identified on architectural

The chilled water distribution system shall consist of insulated steel. Isolation valves shall
be installed at all equipment connections and all branch lines. All equipment shall be
connected with hose connections or flexible connectors for vibration isolation. All piping
shall be sized to reduce noise and vibration to allow for quiet operation. Chilled water
pipe work shall be routed between the external Air-Cooled Chiller Units, Chilled Water
Pumps and Fan Coil Units.

Communication rooms shall be cooled by two (duty/standby) DX Precision Type ductless

split system units with floor-mounted indoor modules for normal & emergency operation.
All units shall be cooling only. The condensing units will be located adjacent to the building
on grade.

Electrical Equipment rooms shall be cooled by two duty DX ductless split system units with
ceiling-mounted indoor modules for normal operation. All units shall be cooling only. The
condensing units will be located adjacent to the building on grade.

Electrical Switchgear room shall be cooled by two (duty/standby) chilled water AHUs for
normal & emergency operation. All units shall be cooling only.

The tentative locations of HVAC equipment are shown on the conceptual design drawings.


Based on the preliminary heat load calculations, the following are the capacities for a
typical apartment building (2 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens & 5 toilets).

Living & bed rooms = 95.8 tons

Corridors = 8 tons
Mechanical room = 2 tons
Water heater room = 3 tons
Total = 108.8 tons

For 22 buildings,

Total Cooling Load = 2394 tons

Electrical switchgear bldg. cooling load = 6 tons

Grand Cooling Load = 2400 tons

Chilled Water ∆T = 16°F
Chilled Water Flow Rate = 3600 GPM

This cooling load is estimated based on conceptual design only and detail design
contractor shall validate the cooling loads by performing detail heat load calculations.

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

The capacities of HVAC equipment are shown on equipment schedule (NSH-K-005 Sht.
001) and are summarized as:

Air Cooled Chiller (ACCH-01 to 06)

Chiller Type = Air Cooled Screw

Cooling capacity = 480 Tons
Flow rate = 720 GPM
Power Input = 712.8 kW

Constant Flow Primary Chilled Water Pump (PCWP-01 to 06)

Pump Type = Inline Vertical Close Coupled

Flow rate = 720 GPM
Pump Head = 80 ft.
Power Input = 20 HP

Variable Flow Distributed Secondary Chilled Water Pump (DSCWP-07 to 08)

Pump Type = Inline Vertical Close Coupled

Flow rate = 165 GPM
Pump Head = 195 ft.
Power Input = 15 HP

Expansion Tank (ET-01)

Tank Type = Diaphragm

Minimum capacity = 1320 Gallons
Maximum acceptance = 1320 Gallons

Air Separator (AS-01)

Tank Type = Vertical mounted

Water Flow rate = 3600 GPM

Chemical Dosing Pot (CDP-01)

Chilled water system shall be provided with corrosion inhibitor which is a buffered, nitrite
based product, with sodium nitrite residual in the range of 700 to 1200 ppm or molybdate
in the range of 250-350 ppm and with a pH of 7 or higher.

Final equipment sizing, selection & location of the HVAC equipment is based on
conceptual design and shall be validated by the detail design contractor during detail


All supply, return and exhaust ductwork have been sized according to the Equal Friction
calculation method at 0.08 (in WG/100ft).
This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.
The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

10.1 Chilled Water Pipe Sizing

Chilled Water supply and return piping is sized based on 8 feet/s maximum velocity and
friction loss of maximum 4 feet/100ft.

10.2 Chilled Water Temperature

Chilled Water HVAC equipment selection are based on design supply chilled water
temperature = 42°F and return chilled water temperature = 58°F.


11.1 Noise Control

Noise control shall be designed to comply with the requirements of OSHA & ANSI

The area noise level ranges specified shall not be exceeded by noise generated by the air
conditioning equipment or systems.

All air conditioning equipment shall be selected to provide quiet and efficient operation.
The selection of equipment shall be based on the lower level of the range stated as a
target value. Due regard shall be given to the additive effect of multiple noise sources
within the spaces when considering the overall noise level to be achieved.

Where equipment noise levels cannot be achieved below the required level, duct or
equipment mounted sound attenuators shall be used. Duct mounted attenuators shall be
complete with bull noses and tapered exits to avoid high air pressure drops and
regenerated noise.

Sound insulation material shall not be installed as internal linings to air conditioning and
ventilation ductwork.

Where sound insulation is required to reduce noise break-in or out of a system, this shall
be fixed to the outside of the ductwork, combined where necessary with the thermal
insulation and vapor sealing requirements.

Fluid velocities in ducts and pipes shall be selected to ensure that flow generated noise
does not cause the specified noise levels of the areas, through which they are routed, to
be exceeded.

11.2 Vibration

Equipment design and selection shall minimize the generation of vibration.

All motive equipment shall be isolated from the building structure by the use of anti-
vibration mountings, with an isolation efficiency of not less than 98%. These mountings
shall be connected to the rest of the system, in which they are installed, with suitable
flexible connections designed to minimize the transmission of vibration. Where necessary,
This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.
The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.
in critical areas, the pipe work and ductwork shall be supported from adjustable spring

Anti-vibration mountings shall be of the spring, rubber in shear, or a combination of both

to suit the vibration frequencies to be isolated. Spring mountings shall be of the enclosed
type (with inspection slots) suitable for retaining the spring in position on failure.

Where equipment produces excessive out of balance forces, the equipment shall be
mounted on inertial blocks, with the anti-vibration mountings supporting the blocks.


Ductwork shall be designed, fabricated and installed in accordance with SMACNA


All ductwork and pipe work passing through building fire/smoke walls, floors, etc., shall
have the required rated fire/smoke stop installed, the rating shall be as stated on the
building architectural drawings.

Ductwork & pipe work shall not cross above electrical or instrumentation cubicles.


Insulation shall be applied for the following purposes,

• Conservation of energy
• Personnel protection
• Acoustic protection
• Condensation prevention

Ducts and refrigerant pipes shall be insulated in accordance with SMACNA, ASHRAE
associated references.

Rigid closed cell phenolic foam insulation sections shall be installed on pipe work and duct
work to support the service. Duct and pipe work supports shall be installed on the outside
of the insulation. Fiberglass shall not be used as insulation.

Pipe work and ducts exposed in HVAC plant rooms or exposed in room areas shall be
finished with aluminum jacket. External services exposed to the ambient shall be protected
with an all-purpose weatherproof jacket.


No CFC or HCFC refrigerants R11, R12, R404A etc. shall be used in air conditioning or
cooling equipment.

Design contractor shall use HFC chlorine free refrigerant R134A for air conditioning
equipment. As an alternative, design contractor may propose R407c and/or R410.
Alternative refrigerants shall be agreed between the design contractor and client.

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

The HVAC control scope shall include the supply, installation, test and commissioning of
the HVAC System for the respective buildings in accordance with ASHRAE.

Duty/standby equipment shall be supplied from different and independent electrical power

In each building, the design contractor shall provide an integrated standalone control
system. This shall include Direct Digital Controller (DDC), remote microprocessor control
panels, sensors, control devices, software, handheld field programming devices, screened
cabling, trucking and conduit for a fully operational system.

This document is prepared by Abdul Mujeeb Khan in his personal capacity.

The format of this document can be used by HVAC professionals as a sample for HVAC Design Basis Report.

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