Both texts promote the virtues of train travel (1) over other mean of transport. The first considers the
benefits it has for regular commuters, whereas the second (2) focuses on the advantaged of train travel
for longer journeys.
The first passage (3) lists some of the reasons why taking the train is often the best choice for those
taking a daily trip to and from work. These include the fact that it is less tiring, that you circumvent the
annoyance of being stuck in traffic jams and it offers commuters the chance to work while travelling or
to unwind in comfort (4) on the journey home. In contrast, the second text (5) compares trains, planes
and cars when travelling over longer distances and asserts that train travel in such cases is both less
damaging to the environment than air travel and cheaper than driving due to the high costs of fuel.
It is undeniable that the first text offers strong arguments in favour of travelling by train. Having said
that (6), there are certain aspects of rail travel that it ignores (7). No matter what rail companies say,
there is no denying that trains are often delayed and overcrowded, which in turn means commuters are
unpunctual. Additionally, the continual rise rail fares makes the daily commute prohibitively expensive,
meaning that travellers pay high prices to stand rather than sit in comfort. Similarly, the second
passage’s argument has limitations, too (7). No mention is that when travelling by train, travellers are
restricted to timetables and specific destinations. Moreover, several people can travel by car for the
same price as one, which can’t be said for rail travel.
In conclusion, travelling by train offers plenty of advantages over other modes of transport.
Nevertheless, it would be unrealistic to ignore the limitations and realities train travel entails were we to
ignore (8) the counterarguments against it.
**Use relatively formal register and objective tone**Maintain balanced a view**
First paragraph short introduction (3-4 lines) in which we convey the subjacent
common idea of both texts and from which point of view is this idea taken in each one
of them.
Second paragraph (1) Summary of the ideas of both texts using our own words. Go
into detail of the ideas of the texts and explain them but without giving your opinion.
Second paragraph (2) Summary of the first text, using our own words. In this
paragraph we need to summarize the ideas of the first text and include our opinion, in
a more or less subtle way along the paragraph.
Third paragraph (1) Give your opinion of the ideas of both texts. In this paragraph
we only focus on giving our opinion of the points outlined in the second paragraph,
comparing the ideas and making clear what we think of them.
Third paragraph (2) Summary of the second text, using our own words. In this
paragraph we need to summarize the ideas of the second text and include our opinion
of them.
Fourth paragraph short conclusion (3-4 lines) in which we slightly summarize the
main ideas of both texts mixed with our opinions in order to end the paragraph saying
what or which we do think it’s best.
Linking devices:
- Both texts illustrate similar views / different aspects with regards to…
- While the first text suggests that…, the second text advocates…
- While it is true that
- Not only do… but they also…
- That may be so, but surely,…
- In fact,…
Text A / Text B:
- Supports the idea of
- Outlines the importance of
- Makes particular mention of
- The main concern of the first extract is
- It is often claimed that
- Many people contend that
- We often hear that
- Weighing up the points made in the two texts, it is clear that text A presents a
more balanced view of the subject. When it comes to the first excerpt, it places
emphasis on the value of… but ignores the fact that…
- Another point worth considering is the fact that
- Admittedly,…, but nevertheless…
- While I agree with this point to a certain extent, there are other factors to
- Undoubtedly, - I can honestly say that
- I’m fairly certain that - In my view,
- It’s doubtful that - As I see it
- It’s highly unlikely that
- Certainly
- Paragraph - Piece - Extract
- Passage - Excerpt - Author
- Point out - The main concern
- Suggest - Make a point
- Highlight - Evaluate
- Draw our attention to - Acknowledge
- Discuss - Compare
- Describe - Advocate
- Emphasise - Demand
- Expound - Put forward
- Underline - Claim
- Outline= summarize - Argue
- Decry - State
- Mention
Expressing results:
- Accordingly - Thus
- As a consequence - For these reasons
- Hence - Consequently
Restating or explaining:
- In other words
- In particular
- That is (to say)
- Specifically
- All in all,
- In brief,
- In conclusion,
- To summarize,
- On balance,
- Taking everything into consideration, there are many good arguments for…
This report outlines some of the effects of mobile use in public areas. It will take into account how its
usage affects the way people relax, interact with friends and how mobiles effect people in close
proximity. The information is based on interviews with a selection of students. It will also put forward
recommendations on how to address negative aspects.
In view of what the findings reveal, the following measures could encourage people to be more socially
responsible with their mobiles. The first would be to introduce “no phone” zones in public areas to
facilitate social interaction. Another suggestion would be that people either put their phones on silent or
preferably turn them off once they are in company of friends. The final measure would be to
recommend people refrain from using their mobiles when walking as it can be a hazard. These
suggestions would certainly benefit our college if implemented.
Linking devices
- Generally speaking, …
- This report makes three recommendations… firstly… secondly… finally…
- There are several ways in which… might be …
- In the light of the previously mentioned points,
- In view of what the findings reveal, the following measures could encourage
people to…
- This could result in…
- Another problem is that…
- It cannot be denied that…
- Alongside this decision
- The previous statement confirms that
- It’s a foregone conclusion
- There’s every likelihood that
- I would therefore recommend
- Taking all the factors mentioned into account/consideration...
- In the light of the results of the survey/questionnaire… would appear to be the
most viable solution/option/approach
- Those who were interviewed
- There was great appreciation for
- Comments were also made
- Complaints were made
- Many concerns were also raised about the
- Several interviewees mentioned the awkwardness of striking up
- Interviews with (students) have revealed that
- Judging by the comments made by
- Surveyed
- Reviewed
Referring back:
- As mentioned previously,
- As stated earlier,
- See above for
- As has already been discussed,
- With reference to
Dear Mr Collins, // To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter in response to your recent request for a letter of recommendation for David
Williams for the position of Project Manager. I have worked with David for the past seven years at Mitek
Systens Inc. in San diego, and I have always been impressed with his ability to handle new and
challenging projects as well as to work well with his colleagues.
I have been David’s manager for three years, before he got promoted. While being in my team of
customer support, he always greeted customers with a smile, and his expertise was such that he was
always able to answer their questions without any hesitation. After three years working with me side by
side as a colleague and a friend, I promoted him to Sales Manager for the areas of South America and
Asia. He had the opportunity, then, to create a new team of 10 people from different cities of around
these two areas that he would manage in order to increase the sales percentage in these areas. Within 2
years he achieved a sales increase of 10% in South America, and 7% in Asia. Percentages that where
even increased with another 11% and 9% during the last two years due to his social skills which make
him an outstanding leader, able to tell someone when they have done something wrong or have to
improve something without making it sound hard. Despite he sometimes is a little disorganized, it is
something that makes him success if may seem impossible to.
Apart from the professional side, I have known David for almost 15 years, and he is one of the most
puntual, reliable and self-motivated friends I have. He is always willing to help and he worries more
about the others than about himself, something that makes him really appreciated by everyone.
Considering his work experince, his successes while working in Mitek Systems and his personality, they
make him an asset to your organization. Therefore, I have no reservations in recommending his profile
to this Project Manager position he applied to.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
- Maintain a formal style.
- Neutral vocabulary, and in case it’s a recommendation letter, give our opinion
maintaining the formality.
Beginning the letter:
- If we know the person’s title and name
o Dear Dr Smallwood,
o Dear Professor Carmichael,
o Dear Ms Wilkinson, (if we know is a woman)
o Dear Mr Johnson, (if we know is a man)
- If we’re writing to a specific person but we don’t know the person’s name, title
or gender
o Dear Sir or Madam,
- If we don’t know who’ll read the letter
o To whom it may concern,
Opening phrases:
- I am writing with regard/reference to
- I am writing in reply to/response to
- I have been asked to write to you concerning
- In response to your letter of 15 January, I am writing to
- I am writing to express my (concern, opinion…) at/about
Should you require any further information do not hesitate to contact us/ you
could find more information attached in the following website… -letter
Were I to choose…, I would definitely go along with… - conclusion essay
Had it not been for…, we would not be able to…
Be that as it may,
True though this may be,
Under no circumstances will I… do sth
On no account/ At no time will I…
Singularly successful
Doubly / Bitterly disappointed
Distinctly remember
Virtually impossible
Exceptionally enjoyable (experience)
Strongly worded (de forma contundent)
Widely believe
Staggeringly expensive
Carefully chosen
Incredibly strong
Fully aware
Deeply committed / concerned
Desperately worried / disappointed
Highly talented
Totally unexpected
Wholly unexpected
Misleading impression
Face a challenge
Exceptionally gifted / talented
o Encounter/ against/ tackle/ rise above A PROBLEM
o Minor- potential- serious- unexpected PROBLEM
o Face- take upA CHALLENGE
o A daunting- a formidablechallenge
o Improve- increase- strengthen MOTIVATION
o It was an overnight success
o Outstanding- remarkable ACHIEVEMENT
o A burning- lifelong AMBITION
o Change drastically / significantly / substantially
o Inaccurate o Up to date
o Unambiguous o Compile
o Unbiased o Provide
o Unclear o Access
o Misleading o Obtain
o Comprehensive o Broadcast
o Unreliable
o Run out of o Put aside time
o Manage time o In the time allocated/ available
o Allocate (donar temps) o Take time off work
o Complete o Admit
o Dismal o End in
o Inevitable o Result in
o Achieve o Pursue
o Fulfil o Burning
o Meet with o A resounding success
o Guarantee o Overnight success
o Achieve
o Remarkable similarity
o There are striking similarities between
o There is a world of difference between
Do a/an... PLAN
o Controversial o Feasible
o Brilliant o Devious (retorcido)
o Intricate o Cunning (astutO)
o Put forward o Carry out
o Reject o Jettison (tirar por la borda)
o Unveil
o Overcome
o Arouse
o Widespread
o Constructive
o Mounting (creciente)
o Severe
o Breath-taking
o Spectacular
o Furious
o Pointless
o Heated
- Incomprehension - Handful
- Disorientation - Sensitivity-> emotions
- Unpredictable - Sensibility-> senses
- Incomparable - Discouraging
- Unattainable - Quickening
- Decidedly - Rehabilitation
- Disclose - Untouched
- Inroad - Disbelief
- Dissatisfaction - Illiterate
- Misconception - Irrational
- Backstage - Non-verbal
- Chilly - Unstable
- Playwright - Insecure
- Belie - Disrespect
- Unprecedented - Incomprehensible
- Unparalleled - Disapproval
- Tuition - Inconclusive
- Breakthrough - Non-confrontational
- Inexhaustible - Illogical
- Harnessing - Interpersonal
- Distressing - Disrepair
- Unfounded - Quieten- calm
- Unwillingness - Disquiet- worry
- Out of the blue
- On and off
- Jump at the chance of visiting whatever
- Come up against
- Point out
- Carry out
- Widespread (believe/use)
- Flawless (performance/technique/look/finish/skin)
- Time and again
- Shoestring budget
- By far and away (amb diferència)
- Be out of place
- To have money to burn (a lot of money to spend)
- Not only is this point relevant but also, I’ll add that…
- A turn-up for the book (unexpected event)
- Set the world on fire (extraordinary / remarkable)
- Pull your socks up (work harder)
- To have a lot on your plate (great or serious problems you need to face)
- Sweeten the pill (suavitzar algo dolent)
- Take sth with a pinch of salt
- Bring up (mention)
- Find out (discover)
- Shell out (despilfarrar)
- To be in tune with (agree)
- To strike the right chord (tocar la fibra)
- This… caught my eye
- Singularly successful
- Deeply committed/concerned
- Bitterly disappointed
- Totally/Wholly unexpected
- Carefully chosen
- Fully aware
- Widely believed
- Highly suspicious
- Widespread belief
- Misleading impression
- Remarkably accurate
- Flawless integration/performance/execution (impecable)
- Acknowledge
- Claim
- Expound
- Make a point
- Evaluate
- Draw our attention to
- Weighting up the points
- When it comes to
- As far as… is concerned
- Makes particular mention
- Outlines the importance
- Further ideas will be analysed/evaluated in the following sections
- To be a bit of contradiction
- The priority to
- Put sth on hold temporarily
- Allocate (minmal) resources to
- Freeze the development
- Sanction major investment in
- Take the initiative in
- Place less emphasis on
- Were it to allocate more resources…
- Disruptive
- This does not necessarily mean…
- The previous statement confirms…
- Alongside this decision…
- All things considered…
- Raise awareness among
- The aspects covered earlier suggest…
- Encounter/tackle a/an potential/unexpected problem
- Take up/ cope with a daunting/formidable challenge
- Outstanding achievement
- Drastically/substantially change sth
- Compile/provide misleading/(un-)biased/(in)accurate/(un)reliable/up to date
- Time allocated
- Remarkable/striking similarities
- There is a world of difference between
- Have a far reaching/long (short) term/adverse/(in)significant/lasting effect
- Carry out/put forward a controversial/intricate/brilliant/feasible plan
- Overcome widespread/mounting criticism
- Guarantee/achieve resounding success
- End in/result in inevitable/dismal failure
- Fulfil/pursue ambition
- Eventually misleading [eventually misleading failure]