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Proposal WRP Cindy Sylvia Sianipar

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Arangged By:

Name: Cindy Sylvia Sianipar

NPM: 1801030203

Group: F

Lecturer: Leonita M E Manihuruk S.Pd., M.Pd






A. Background of the Research

Language is a tool, speech, or other forms of communication in the world. Language is

very important social aspect in humans’ life. It is used as a communication tool in daily
activities. Language functions are the purposes for which human beings speak or write. Harmer
(2008: 76), “A language function is a purpose you wish to achieve when you say or write.” So
language which is consist of a set of sounds and written symbol which are used by the people for
talking or writing.

There are so many languages in this world by using human in daily activity. And there
are so many types of language, but basically there are two types of language. It is spoken
language (oral) and written language. One of kind of language is English. English today become
an International language in all parts of the world. Indonesia is one of many countries where
English becomes foreign language. This language is very important in many aspects of life,
especially in education.

English is placed in all level of school in Indonesia. Moreover, English as one of the
subjects in schools has an important role because English is a foreign language, an international
language which is widely used in communication by people in most countries in the world. Thus,
the role of English in Indonesia’s education is very important.

Basically, there are four language skills in English such as listening, speaking, reading
and writing. In a language, those four basic skills are needed for communication and used to
perceive or to create a discourse in society life. But to be focus on this research is by using
reading skills. Reading became very important in the education filed because students can
analyzing what the writer says or means in a text.

Mickulecky & Jeffries (2004) say that reading is very important since it can enhance
students’ general language skills in English; so that’s why reading is very useful in human life
because by reading readers would understand many information. Reading is a language skill that
is usually the most difficult for students to learn. They feel under pressure to understand every
word because they are lacking in their vocabulary. It automatically influences their ability to
make conclusions, find detailed information and find main ideas. The teacher has an important
role to choose appropriate methods and techniques to attract students’ interest in improving
reading skills.

In teaching and learning reading skill, there are a number of particular problems which
will need to be addressed. The first problem is reading comprehension. Reading comprehension
defined as the level of understanding of a text. The problems are related to background
knowledge, cultural knowledge, and knowledge of text type. For that reason, the teacher should
have a technique which is able to improve students’ reading skill, to comprehend the text easily
and to achieve the goal of learning. To be more concrete, Indriani (2016) in her research at
SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung found that there is significant difference of student’s reading
comprehension before and after taught through scanning technique.

From the problems that have been investigated by previous studies, this study tried to
apply scanning technique actually in reading as a technique for Junior High School students. It
could be said this technique helps students find information quickly. That was to say, the reader
should find out how information arranged in reading and how the text was organized.

Based on the researcher’s experience when she was in teaching practice program (PPL),
there are some problem faced by students. The students had low motivation in reading English
text because they think English is difficult. The Students also had a problem on reading
comprehension because they did not understand what the meaning or content of the text. Not
only that, the students didn’t know what the technique they used to reading a text. So it made the
students weakness on reading comprehension.

Based of the problem above, to make student active and get involved in reading activities,
it is necessary to teach them the various reading strategies because reading with various
strategies would make students become critical and creative. A reading strategy that can be used
by the teacher to make students easy to read and answer the question is using scanning
The technique is needed not only to overcome students difficulties, but also to improve
student’s reading comprehension. Scanning technique is the technique for quickly finding
specific information in a text while to search name or date, to find key concept definition or idea
in the text without reading the whole text quickly (Brown, 2001:308). On the other hand, Ways
in Permana (2013) stated that scanning is a technique to trigger information such as names and
specific facts. When the students scan the text, they often focus on the author’s use organizers
such as slash, bold print, numbering, color, signal words such as first, second and so on. Through
this technique, the students will find it easier and faster to comprehend the text. It will help the
students comprehend the text without consuming much time.

Considering the background of the research above, the present study investigates the effect of
scanning technique in improving students ability in reading comprehension and to find out the
response toward scanning technique. Hence, the title of this study is “the effect of scanning
technique on the ability of students in comprehending narrative text”.

B. Identification of Problems
1. The students had low motivation in reading English text.
2. The students do not understand what they read.
3. The students do not understand what the meaning or content of the text.
4. The students are lack vocabulary.
5. The students do not know what the technique to read a text.
6. The students difficulties to find detailed information and main ideas.

C. Problem of the Research

Based on the background of the study above that scanning technique is used to know the
students reading ability and the effectiveness of scanning technique as a strategy in teaching and
learning narrative text. The researcher intends to know and analyze:

1. “Is there any significant effect of scanning technique toward reading comprehension
of narrative text ?”
2. “Is there any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension before and
after being taught through scanning technique?”
D. Objective of the Research

To answer the questions above, the researcher gives several answers here as his objective
of the study://
1. To know whether there is any significant effect of scanning technique toward reading
2. To find out whether there is significant difference students’ reading comprehension
before and after being taught scanning technique.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is focused on reading comprehension. This research is
restricted to know the students’ English reading comprehension through scanning technique.
This study attempt to find out the effect of using scanning technique to students’ ability in
reading narrative text. This study focus on use scanning technique in English multiple choice test
of narrative text, whether is effective or not. And to find out the result of students’ reading
comprehension before and after taught through scanning technique.

F. Significance of the Research

There are some benefits of the research some of them as follow:


These technique have superiority one on how they ease students in comprehending
narrative text. Scanning is one of technique that can be used as an alternative way in helping
people or reader to solve the problems and to confirm the previous theories of teaching reading.

1. For the students
The research gives students information about easiest technique to increase their
reading comprehension. This result of this research will help students to solve their
problem in reading comprehension.
2. For teachers
The teachers uses this result as a feedback on the teaching activities and it is an
alternative technique in teaching reading comprehension. Using this technique the teacher
can develop their teaching method to be more interesting and enjoyable.
3. The other researcher
This research can be used as reference for developing teaching strategy especially in
reading and provide useful references for the next Researchers interested in the same
studies or related problems.

G. Theoretical Framework

From the problems, the researcher take the theory from Anderson and Anderson (2003),
Brown (2001), Sweet & Snow (2003), and The Oxford English Dictionary.

H. Key Terms

From the tittle the researcher make some key terms, follows are :

1. Effect
According to Oxford Dictionary, Effect is a change which is a result or consequence
of an action or other cause.
2. Reading
Reading is one of the four language skill that be mustered by students in learning
3. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension defined as the level of understanding of a text The goal off
all reading is ultimately targeted at helping a reader comprehend text.
4. Scanning technique
Scanning technique is reading quickly to find some information without reading the
whole text. According to Brown (2001:308) said that scanning is the technique for
quickly finding specific information in a text while to search name or date, to find key
concept definition or idea in the text without reading the whole text quickly.
5. Narrative Text
Anderson and Anderson (2003) explain that narrative is a text that tells a story and, in
doing so, entertains the audience. It has character, setting, and action. The characters,
the setting, and the problem of the narrative are usually introduced in the beginning.
The problem reaches its high point in the middle. The ending resolves the problem.

A. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
English an international language makes students must be able to mater English. Since
English has four language skills, it means students also should able to master all of them. One of
the is reading skill. Reading is one of the four language skill that be mustered by students in
learning language. According to Savage and Mooney in Cahyono, et al (2011:49) reading is
language activity, a process of moving through printed language to meaning. Based on William
and Stroller in Cahyono, et all (2011:49) reading is ability to draw meaning or context from
printed language and interpret the information appropriately. Reading is a way in which
something interpreted or understood.
Reading aims to get information and to understand what the writers mean in the texts.
Reading is activity of process of transferring form the written to oral form. Therefore, reading
involves obtaining meaning from printed or written symbol or understanding meaning. Reading,
it doesn’t mean that reading only understand the words or the Grammar. Reading is thinking, in
order to read well in English, you must think in English. The National Council of Teacher of
English (NCTE) Commission on Reading (2004) states:

“Reading is complex, purposeful, social and cognitive processes in which readers

simultaneously use their knowledge of spoken and written language, their
knowledge of the topic of the text and their knowledge of their culture to construct

Based on the definitions above, it can be assumed that reading is something that can
increase knowledge for those who read a text and also can help someone to find something they
wan to know. By doing this, sometimes, the readers will get a new conclusion as a new
knowledge for them. Reading is one of the important skill in teaching learning. By reading it can
a key to achieve the goal of teaching learning especially in English.
2. The Importance of Reading
Reading is very important since it can enhance students’ general language skills in
English; so that’s why reading is very useful in human life because by reading readers would
understand many information (Mickulecky & Jeffries: 2004). Reading is related to understanding
message of a text from the author. Moreover, we can gain valuable lessons to be applied in our
life by reading.

According to Grabe (2009:5) reading is an important skill in many different settings

especially in educational setting. That is why students now days face the great demands of
reading activities since all knowledge is in written form. The students should have a good
reading ability to find the content of the text.

In summary, reading is important for students to develop their knowledge and to develop the
way they think related to the development their moral, emotional as well as verbal intelligence.
Not only for students but for everyone in this world. Reading is very important, especially in
terms of teaching and learning.

B. Reading Comprehension
1. Definition of Reading Comprehension
Reading is more than just knowing what you read; it is also about feeling and
connecting with the text. Reading can be means consolidating someone knowledge of the
language. Doing it, the reader can get any information and pleasure about the subject of the
language. This activity gives some advantages for the readers such as can increase our
knowledge about the outside world.
Different from reading in general, reading comprehension has a deeper meaning to
elaborate. There are many definitions of reading comprehension accepted from some writers.
According to Sweet & Snow (2003), reading comprehension is the process of extracting and
constructing meaning from text Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding
of a text. Reading comprehension is important of constructing meaning from text. The goal off
all reading is ultimately targeted at helping a reader comprehend text.
Grellet (2010:3) said that reading comprehension as “Understanding a written text means
extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible”. Reading comprehension is
a process of thinking. Reading comprehension is not merely in act of reading text but also an
essential part of understanding in reading activity. Based on the statement, reading
comprehension is the ability to the read text, process it, and understand its meaning. Although
this definition may seem simple, it is not necessarily simple to teach, learn, practice and so on.

2. The Process of Reading Comprehension

Formerly stated, reading is the process of making meaning of the text. Reading is a
process of decoding text, an then receiving information. The reading process itself still involves
other language processes like listening and reading (receptive process), speaking and writing
(productive process), and thinking process, Jhonson in Cahyono (2011). Those processes are the
main processes which happened in reading.

Some experts elaborate the processes of reading. These processes facilitate the readers to
read well so that they can get information from what they read. One of some experts is
(Goodman in Brown, 2001: 298) who states that processes of reading can be divided into three
categories (1) bottom up, (2) top-down, (3) interactive reading.

From the explanation, it can be concluded that reading is a complex process. Reading is
also a process that negotiates the meaning between the text and its reader so the readers can get
many information. Not only information but those who read more, have larger vocabularies, do
better on text of grammar and write better. Reading activities serve to facilitate communication
fluency in each of the other language skill.

3. Strategies of Reading Comprehension

Strategy is step that used on reading comprehension to comprehend a text. Ahmadi

(2015) states that “The reading strategy of cognitive aspect understanding ability to play an
active role in education process”. Using strategy in reading comprehension will allow us to
understand text easily.
There are many ways in which reading comprehension, where we can match some ways
so that it becomes an effective way to improve our reading comprehension especially for
students in Junior High School. The strategies for reading comprehension are :

1) Identifying the purpose in reading

2) Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom up decoding (especially for the
beginning level learners)

3) Using efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for
intermediate to advanced levels)

4) Skimming the text for the main ideas

5) Scanning the text for specific information

6) Using semantic mapping or clustering

7) Guessing when you are not certain

Based on the explanation above, reading comprehension is a process that can

make the readers use some strategies. Some reading strategies above can help students to read
comprehensively. Students can choose some technique which are appropriates for their reading
purpose and also combine their knowledge to comprehend something that they are reading or
understanding what has been read.

C. Teaching Reading
1. Definition of Teaching Reading

Teaching is activity to extend learning material to students. According to Harmer (2007:

23) teaching is not easy job, but it is necessary, and can be very rewarding when we see our
students’ progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. Sometimes students find it
difficult to understand the lesson material. Then teaching activities are needed to explain more
about the lesson material.

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that teaching is a complex process.
Teaching is an activity to manage the environment into a good condition to make and give the
opportunity for students in learning process to get the purpose. With the good condition,
students can achieve the best performance in learning meetings. If the result are satisfactory, it
means the process is successful.

Teaching reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain
information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style.
A person may also read for enjoyment , or to enhance knowledge of the language being read.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension.
The communicative approach to language teaching has given instructors a different
understanding of the role of reading in the language classroom and the type of texts that can be
used in instruction.

In the classroom, the teacher’s job is to increase the use of materials with appropriate
teaching actions. The teacher presents and explains new material to make it clear, can be
understood and available for learning, practicing knowledge and examinations. The teacher’s
responsibility helps students achieve their learning goals. Teachers motivate the students by
selecting or making appropriate text, encourage critical reading, and to create a supportive
environment for practicing reading. Each students has different strength and weakness in
learning. Because of this, the topic of reading text should be prepared before teacher teach in
reading class.

2. The Importance of Teaching Reading

Teaching reading had influent in the developing students’ ability in reading. In teaching
reading comprehension, teacher needs to design comprehension activities that correspond to the
purpose of the reading. There are some important benefits of teaching reading, they are;

a. Building a knowledge of language

b. Building schematics
c. To gather important facts or information
d. To make inferences and predictions
e. To gain an understanding of what the writer is trying to convey
f. To increase the pleasure and the effectiveness of reading
g. Developing an awareness of the structure of written text in English
3. Techniques in Teaching Reading

Reading is one of the important activities to increase knowledge, so that’s why students
should be able to master reading comprehension of texts. Improving reading ability of students
must use appropriate techniques that suitable with the purpose of text. There are many
techniques in reading. Following techniques often used in reading, they are:

1. Skimming

Skimming is quickly running one’s eyes over a text to get the gist of it (Grellet 2010:4). It
requires the reader to organize and remember some of the information provided by the author.
Using skimming techniques will help us to grasp the main idea but not detail.

2. Scanning

Scanning technique is reading quickly to find some information without reading the
whole text. According to Brown (2001:308) said that scanning is the technique for quickly
finding specific information in a text while to search name or date, to find key concept definition
or idea in the text without reading the whole text quickly.

3. Detailed reading

Detailed reading is reading the text carefully to understand the text. This technique is
used to extract information accurately from all text. We read every word to understand the
meaning of the text. We also can use a dictionary to find the meaning of every unfamiliar or
difficult word.
4. Active Reading
Active reading means staying focused on the material. Under this technique, the reader is
actively involved with the text while reading it. The purpose of active reading is to get a deep
understanding of the text. . Active reading will help you to form your own opinions.
5. Speed reading
Speed reading is actually a combination of various reading methods. Speed reading
emphasizes to increase reading speed rather than comprehension. The purpose of speed reading
is basically to increase reading speed without reducing reading comprehension.
Reading is the basic foundation on which individual academic skills are built. These
techniques are supporting facilities for students to be able to master reading skills. Although
there is no perfect technique, it is a factor to support students in reading mastery skills.

4. Testing Reading

There are many types of testing reading, that to determine test reading skill or ability to
understand the content, the researcher use several types, they are:
a. Multiple Choice
A multiple-choice technique is testing technique that provides choices for students in
answering the questions. According to Ben clay (2001) the multiple choice item consists
of the stem, which identifies the question or problem and the response alternatives or
choices. Usually, students are asked to choose the one alternative that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
b. True/ False
The test- takers should respond to a statement by choosing one of the two choices, true or
c. Matching format
Matching technique is testing technique which allows students to match against each
d. Completion
The students are required to complete a sentence with a single word. According to short
answer or sentence completion items ask students to answer in a few words, phrase, or
e. Short Answer
Short-answer technique is a testing technique which allows students to answer a question
in a few words or a brief response.
f. Cloze / gap-fill items
The cloze test is test that is constructed by deleting from selected texts every number of
words (usually being a number somewhere between 5 and 12). Whereas gap-filling test is
test which is constructed by deleting some words in rational basis so there is no pseudo-
random deletion.
D. Narrative Text
1. The Definition of Narrative Text
A narrative is a kind type composed both in written and spoken form, which is describes a
sequence of real or unreal events. Gamble and Yates (2002, p.20) stated that narrative text relates
a sequences of event. Narrative is defined as the act, process or skill of telling story. Meanwhile,
Percy in Permana and Zuhri (2013:2) state that narrative is a type of essay that tells a story or a
series of events in which they occur. Its purpose is to give meaning to an event or series of events
by telling story. From these statements it can be inferred that narrative texts is concerning with a
story. The story includes some events which is presented to amuse or certain the reader or
According to Anderson (2003, p.8), a narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and,
in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener. In other words, narrative text is a written
text contained a message which is aimed to make the reader understand meaning of the story.
Kinds of narrative text such as fable, folktales, fairy tales, myth, legend, etc. And the social
function of narrative text is to amuse the readers.
2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
The text structure of narrative text has been discussed by Anderson and Anderson (2003).
They explain five steps in constructing a narrative text. They are orientation, complication,
sequence of events, resolution, and coda.
“ In orientation, the narrator tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening,
where it is happening, and what is happening. In complication, the narrator tells about something
that will begin a chain of events. These events will affect one or more of the characters. The
complication is the trigger. In sequence of events, the narrator tells how the characters react to
the complication. In this step, the feelings of the character and what they do are included. In
addition, the events can be told in chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with
flashbacks. The audience is given the narrator‘s point of view. In resolution part, complication is
sorted out or the problem is solved. Coda is an optional structure in a narrative. In this part, the
narrator includes a coda if there is to be a moral or message to be learned from the story”.

Meanwhile, Siahaan (2008: 73) states that generic structure of narrative text establishes the
character, setting and time. The steps for constructing a narrative text are:
Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants
Evaluation : a stepping back evaluate the plight
Compilation : a crisis arises
Resolution : the crises is revolved, for better or for worse
Re-orientation : optional
Based on the statements above, the writer concluded that the generic structures of narrative
text are: (1) Orientation (the opening of the paragraph, where the characters of the story are
introduced). (2) Complication (the problems in the story develop). (3) Resolution (the problem in
the story is solved). (4) Coda/Reorientation (optional/lesson from the story).

3. Language Features of Narrative Text

Siahaan, Sanggam and Shinoda Kisno (2008: 74) states that there are some typical linguistic
features common to narrative, they are:
1. Focus on specific and usually individualized participants
2. Use of material process, (and in this text, behavioral and verbal process)
3. Use of relation processes and mental processes
4. Use of temporal conjunction, and temporal circumstances
5. Use of past tense.

4. Example of Narrative Text

A Hungry Crocodile
Generic Structure Text
One day, there was a hungry crocodile waiting a prey near the lake in the
ORIENTATION jungle. That crocodile hiding under the surface of the lake for a long time,
but there was not yet any prey approaching that lake to drink. That
crocodile was so cruel and thus it had no friend and the other animals hate
it so much.
At the afternoon, the crocodile could not stay any longer to the lake. It
finally walked to the ground. But that day was unlucky day for that
crocodile. After getting at the bank of the lake suddenly there was a big
branch of the tree falling upon its neck. The crocodile could not move at
all. Not long after the falling branch, finally there was a buffalo coming to
the lake to drink. The buffalo saw the crocodile and the buffalo was afraid
and would leave that lake soon. But the crocodile asked it sadly to help.
The buffalo felt sad about it and decided to help the crocodile. But after
helping the crocodile, the buffalo got something unexpected. The
crocodile bit the buffalo’s leg and the buffalo shouted loudly asking help
for any other animal near it. Kancil that was at the way to go to the Lake
heard the buffalo’s voice. Kancil run quickly to see what had happened to
the buffalo. Near the lake, Kancil saw the buffalo and the crocodile.
Kancil asked: “what happened?” And the buffalo answered: “the
crocodile bite my leg after I help to remove the big branch from its neck”.
COMPLICATION The crocodile also said: “I’m hungry and you are at my territory, therefore
I bit you poor buffalo.” The crocodile laughed at the buffalo. Kancil said
to buffalo, “It is impossible you had helped the crocodile, thus the
crocodile had the right to bite you.” The buffalo said, “I’m not telling a
lie. I can prove it.” Kancil said, “I believe that crocodile is right, but then
you can try to prove your telling. But first crocodile must release your
bite, okay?” Crocodile said, “Okay, it is easy, but after that I will eat the
buffalo.” Kancil said, “Okay, deal.”
The buffalo laid the big branch at the former position, upon the
RESOLUTION crocodile’s neck. After that suddenly kancil said, “Lets run buffalo, lets
run!” The buffalo and kancil run as fast as possible and the crocodile had
realized that it is had been fooled by kancil. The crocodile was still
trapped there and there was no one helped it.
RE-ORIENTATION The lesson from the story above is don't be easy to believe in other people
must be smart in choosing something that we will believe.
E. Scanning Technique
1. Definition of Scanning Technique

Scanning technique is reading quickly to find some information without reading the
whole text. According to Brown (2001:308) said that scanning is the technique for quickly
finding specific information in a text while to search name or date, to find key concept definition
or idea in the text without reading the whole text quickly.

In this study, the researcher used the scanning technique that can be applied in teaching
reading comprehension. This technique is important to help the students to understand text
through nonverbal devices. Vaezi (2006: 5) states that scanning is reading quickly to find certain
information. These statements are also supported by Casey (2003: 2) which states that scanning
is a device used to find details of specific questions that scanning is a type of reading that
involves finding certain pieces of information located in materials that if there is no interest in
reader. This technique helps students find information quickly without reading the whole

It could be said that students’ reading skills can be measured by using scanning
technique. It is appropriate and possible technique to find out the specific information such as;
(1) main idea; called topic sentence or topic statement and it can be located in the beginning, in
the middle or at the end of the text, (2) specific information; the topic sentence by giving
definition, examples, facts, an incidents, comparison, analogy, cause and effect statistics and
quotation, (3) inference; guessing something from the information which have we read or know,
(4) reference; a relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by
which to connect to or link to, another object, and (5) vocabulary; all the words which exist in a
particular language or subject, in the text quickly without reading the whole passage.

Based on the statement above, the researcher conclude that scanning technique is the
quickly technique for students to comprehend their reading ability. So by using scanning
technique, students can be read the text quickly, get specific information such as (main idea,
specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary) and accurately to answer the available
2. Procedures of Teaching Reading Through Scanning Technique

In the teaching and learning process, the teacher should have the procedures in order to
learning process occur properly and effectively. Procedure here means how doing this treatment.
Students should know how to doing scanning based on the expert opinion. The researcher gave
the treatment to the students by understanding the teaching reading narrative text through
scanning technique which was narrative text as the materials. According to Silberman (2009), the
researcher modified activities of teaching reading comprehension process. The procedures were
as follow :

Pre-activities were conducted in a class as follow:
1. Teacher greets the students.
2. Teacher checks students’ attendance list.
3. Teacher explains what scanning technique is.


While activities were conducted in a class as follow :

1. Teacher explains students the importance of reading (to know the content of the text).
Then, the teacher asks students make some list information (contains of name, place,
time, and act).
2. Teacher distributes Narrative Text.
3. Teacher asks the students reading the text by using scanning technique. When they are
reading the text, the teacher distributes some questions which related to the text.
4. After the students finished read the text, the teacher distributes some questions which
related to the text.
5. Teacher gives students time to answer the questions.
6. Teacher and students discuss the answer the questions together.
7. Teacher distributes paper that contains of questions such as main idea, specific
information, inference, reference, and vocabulary as the first task and gives the students
time to understand the questions.
8. Teacher asks students to stop understanding the questions and distributes the story.
While students read the story/text by using scanning technique, the teacher asks/remind
students to make some notes of important information.
9. Teacher gives students time to answer the questions.
10. Teacher asks the students to collect the task and discuss the answer of the
11. Teacher gives feedback on students’ task..

Post-activities are tasks in which learners, after interacting with the reading, reflect,
argue, discuss and give their point of view. Post-activities were conducted in a class as follow :
1. Teacher reflects on the lesson that they learned.
2. Teachers gives students homework to do individually.
3. The teacher closes the meeting.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of Scanning Technique

Reading through scanning technique has some advantages and disadvantages. It can be
explained as follows :

The advantages of reading though scanning technique:

a. The students can understand the contents of each passages exactly.

b. The students can figure out the main idea easily.
c. The students can understand the organization of the text perfectly.
d. The students can save the time when competitive exam, perfect time in management.
e. The students can save the time to read long passage.
f. The students can improve the understanding of the text.
g. The students can choose correct answer exactly.
h. The students can trained to run their eye to get information quickly, directly
i. The students can stimulated to be active and active in both asking and answering the
question about specific information and clues related to the text.
The disadvantages of reading through scanning technique (Beare, 2006: 2 ):
a. Scanning means reading quickly, in this case sometimes the students ignore to select
which one the most important information.
b. For some students, they are difficult to comprehend and apply scanning as the technique
in various texts, such as novel or short story.

4. Relationship between Scanning Technique and Reading Comprehension

The readers read the text for the aim to get information form the text. The reader tries to
understand the meaning or content from the text. In teaching reading, the teaching has to use the
technique to help the students to comprehend the text. There are many techniques in teaching
reading. One of the technique that has been proven effective in reading comprehension is
Scanning Technique. Scanning technique is a reading quickly to find some information without
reading the whole text. This technique helps the students to be focused and thoughtful readers,
enhances their comprehension. But in this research, the observer focused on multiple-choice
items in testing reading comprehension because the students were expected to be able to
comprehend some reading aspects. Then, by using multiple-choice items helps the students to
find out the piece of specific information quickly.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that Scanning technique has a relation with
reading comprehension. Scanning technique is aimed to develop the comprehension of reading.
It helps the students can be read the text quickly, get specific information such as (main idea,
specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary) and accurately to answer the available

A. Research Design
This research was conducted by experimental design using quantitative approach.
According to Khotari (2004: 3) quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or
amount. This type of research aims at discovering the underlying motives and desires, using in
depth interviews for the purpose. In this research, the researcher used One Group Pre-test Post-
test Design (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:20) in which to investigate whether there is a significant
difference of students’ reading comprehension before and after being taught through scanning
Technique. This design is classified as pre-experimental design because it is little or no control
of extraneous variables. The researcher just puts one group used pretest and posttest to see the
result of the treatment of scanning technique. The effect of experimental treatment can be seen
by analyzing or comparing the pre-test and post-test average scores (Latief, 2011: 96).
The design of the research was presented as follow:
T1 X T2
T1 : Pre-test
X : Treatment (using scanning technique)
T2 : Post-test
(Hatch and Farhady, in Setiadi, 2006: 131)

B. Population and Sample

The population of this research was the second grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Bandar in
first semester. There were five classes of the first year students in the academic year 2020/2021.
It is implementing in the First semester because the materials use in the actions were include in
the first semester. Each class consists of 25-30 students. In this research, the sample was one
class as experimental class. VIII-2 was chosen as the sample of the research.
A. Technique Collecting Data
To collect the data, the following test would be used, that is pre-test and post-test.
1. Pre-test
Pre-test was given to the students before the researcher taught by using scanning
technique. This test needed to know the basic competence of students and how far
they know about the subject will be taught. The form of pre-test was multiple
choices. Multiple choice questions were given in which the students asked to
choose one correct answer from the option A, B, C, or D. The time allocation is
40 minutes.
2. Post-Test
Post-test was given to the students after the treatment. The post-test is given in
order to find out the result of teaching learning process whether they had progress
or not after being taught through scanning technique. The aim of this test is to
measure students’ reading comprehension after giving the treatments. The form of
post-test was multiple choices. Multiple choice questions were given in which the
students asked to choose one correct answer from the option A, B, C, or D. The
time allocation is 40 minutes.

B. Technique of Analyzing Data

The focuses of the data in this study was the quantitative data. The quantitative data were
obtained from students reading comprehension test. The results of the analysis would provide an
overview of the direction, purpose and intent of the study. Techniques of analyzing data in this
research in use descriptive technique. To know the means of the students’ score in each cycle, it
was applying the following formula:
M= N

M = the means of the students’ score
∑x = the total of the score
N = the number of the students
Next, to category the number of the students who passed the test successfully, it was
applying the following the formula:
P= x 100%
P = the percentage of students who got points 70
R = the percentage of students who got points 70 above
T = the percentage of students who took the test

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