Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n01
Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n01
Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n01
victims of war
•B1 Religious freedom, the
path to peace
The News Supplement for
Couples for Christ
Prelate slams terrorists’ attack on Jolo chapel Seminarian Anthony O. Aguason, 27, a
Grand Knight / A6
CAGAYAN de Oro Archbishop pines, conveyed his New Year’s mes- Fr. Romeo Villanueva, OMI
Antonio J. Ledesma joined other sage of peace in “solidarity with the was celebrating the Christmas
religious leaders in condemning victims of the Christmas day bombing” Day Mass at the chapel when a
the senseless attacks by terrorists at Sacred Heart Chapel in Jolo. bomb exploded and shattered
on a Catholic chapel in Jolo on The prelate said that “even as we the chapel’s roof.
Dec. 25. condemn the senseless bombings of in- The explosion left at least 11
Ledesma, who is also chairman nocent church-goers by some extrem- innocent civilians wounded,
of the Commission on Interreli- ists, we wish to express our message of including Fr. Ricky Bacolcol,
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
gious Dialogue of the Catholic peace and hope to all peoples of vari- Villanueva’s assistant.
Bishops Conference of the Philip- ous cultures and religious traditions. Jolo / A6
Vatican Briefing
Peace, an underground priest in Shan-
dong has called for the commemoration
of the late John Gao Kexian, the bishop
of his diocese, who died in detention
In new message, Pope focuses on religious liberty for in 2004.
Father John, who is in his 40s, told
Religious liberty — and the growing struggles of Christians AsiaNews that the message, with the
and Church institutions worldwide — has emerged this year theme “Religious Freedom, the Path to
as one of Pope Benedict XVI’s most pressing concerns. It’s a key Peace”, reminded him of the religious
agenda item in the Pope’s recent meetings with ambassadors persecution of Bishop Gao, who was
and world leaders. At present, Christians are the religious jailed because of his Catholic faith and
group that suffers most from persecution on account of its loyalty to the Holy Father.
faith,” Pope Benedict writes in a message to mark to the annual On 16 November 1999, Bishop Gao
World Day of Peace, which is celebrated Jan. 1. (CNA) was arrested for the second time in
Pingduming village, Yantai diocese.
His whereabouts were unknown there-
Church must repent, repair damage caused by clerical
after. In 2004, Bishop Gao’s family and
abuse, pope says local Catholics learnt that he had died,
In response to the “unimaginable” scandal of clerical sex abuse against ill, at the age of 77.
minors, the church must reflect, repent, and do everything possible The next day, only the family and
to rectify the injustices suffered by victims as it works to prevent such several government officials hurriedly
abuse from ever happening again, said Pope Benedict XVI. The pope buried the prelate’s body (see AsiaN-
said he and others were “dismayed” when, during a year dedicated ews, in Italian, 14 September 2004).
to the world’s priests, further cases of clerical sex abuse came to light Father John describes the prelate as
“to a degree we could not have imagined.” (CNS) loyal to the Church and to the Pope,
enthusiastic about evangelisation, who
Vatican deplores China’s ‘hostile acts’ as signs of fear, was “martyred for his faith”.
weaknesses United Front officials and official
The Vatican issued a sharp rebuke to China for forcing bishops and Church clergymen tried to get Bishop
others loyal to Rome to take part in elections for Catholic organiza- Gao to join the Patriotic Association but
tions controlled by the ruling communist party. The incidents “mani- he refused and insisted in his loyalty to
fest a repressive attitude with regard to the exercise of religious liberty, the Holy Father.
which it was hoped had been consigned to the past in present-day
China,” the Vatican said in a statement issued Dec. 17. (CNA)
to put our fingers on our wounds for obtaining religious visas, the Latin Patriarchate is trying But the patriarch continued:
and our fears, and at the same though he affirmed, “We still to accomplish, I would like to “This should not lead us to
time express our expectations have a long way to go.” He also mention: the new pediatric hos- despair. We continue to believe
and our hopes. The synod called praised the resumption of talks pital in Bethlehem which will be that on both sides, and in the
on Christians in the Middle East between the Holy See and the named after Pope Benedict, the international community, there
to live as true believers and good Palestinian Authority for the University of Madaba, which are men of good will who will
citizens, not distancing from application of the basic agree- will open in October next year, work and put their energies to-
public life, but involved in the ment signed in 2000. And he and the new Pilgrims’ Center in gether in their commitment for
development of our communi- decried the massacre of Chris- Jordan, on the site of the Baptism peace.” (Zenit)
which is the most horrific and violent today that this peace, which the angels new year; may she obtain for us and
face of history.” proclaimed to the shepherds on Christ- for the whole world the desired gift of
He asked the Lord to “bless the new mas night, can reach every place.” peace.” (Zenit)
of the World” (Ignatius Press, should be shunned. However,
$22). those involved in prostitution
In the book, the Pope was asked who are HIV positive and who
to revisit remarks he made during seek to diminish the risk of con-
his 2009 trip to Africa. He repeat- tagion by the use of a condom
ed that condoms are not a “real or may be taking the first step in
moral solution” to the AIDS pandemic The Vatican said that “anyone who respecting the life of another — even
on the continent. However, he sug- reads” the Pope’s words in context if the evil of prostitution remains in all
gested that condom use, although never could see that the Pope was not talk- its gravity. This understanding is in full
moral or justifiable, might be sign of ing about the use of condoms by mar- conformity with the moral theological
moral awakening in some people.
He cited the example of a male pros-
titute using a condom. The Pope said,
ried couples, as some commentators
“As is clear from an attentive read-
tradition of the Church.”
The Vatican concluded that the
Church’s role in the fight against AIDS
Pope calls religious leaders to
“this can be a first step in the direction
of a moralization, a first assumption
of responsibility, on the way toward
ing of the pages in question, the Holy
Father was talking neither about conju-
gal morality nor about the moral norm
continues to be one of caring for those
infected with the disease and encour-
aging all men and women to “live
renew commitment to peace
recovering an awareness that not ev- concerning contraception,” it said. abstinence before and fidelity within VATICAN City, Jan. 1, 2011—The Egypt killed 21 Coptic Christians
erything is allowed and that one cannot “The idea that anyone could deduce marriage.” Pope invited religious leaders leaving Mass on Jan. 1.
do whatever one wants.” from the words of Benedict XVI that Quoting from the “Light of the from around the world to Assisi, In addition to calling for the
Pope Benedict’s words were widely it is somehow legitimate, in certain World,” the Vatican added: “It is also Italy to renew their commitment October meeting, Benedict XVI
reported as breaking with the Church’s situations, to use condoms to avoid important to condemn any behavior to peace. asked Catholics to pray “for peace
long-standing prohibitions against the an unwanted pregnancy is completely which cheapens sexuality because, as Pope Benedict announced plans throughout the world.”
use of artificial means of birth control. arbitrary and is in no way justified the Pope says, such behavior is the for the peace summit in his words “I invite all of you to join in
Such interpretations were “errone- either by his words or in his thought,” reason why so many people no longer before the Angelus on Jan. 1. The heartfelt prayer to Christ the Prince
ous,” according to the new Vatican it added. see in sexuality an expression of their October gathering will commemo- of Peace for an end to violence and
statement: “The intention of the Holy The Pope’s words instead referred love: ‘This is why the fight against the rate the 25th anniversary of the conflict wherever they are found.”
Father is clear: to rediscover the beauty to “the completely different case of banalization of sexuality is also part of first World Day of Prayer for Peace, The Pontiff then prayed that those
of the divine gift of human sexuality prostitution, a type of behavior which the struggle to ensure that sexuality is reported Vatican Radio. gathered receive “God’s abundant
and, in this way, to avoid the cheap- Christian morality has always consid- treated as a positive value and to enable The Pope’s announcement came blessings” in 2011. (CNA/EWTN
ening of sexuality which is common ered gravely immoral,” according to the it to have a positive effect on the whole shortly after suicide bombers in News)
today.” new statement. of man’s being.’” (CNA/EWTN News)
Eco groups call for decisive action on human rights, climate justice
fact that the new administration “We ask the Government to
of President Benigno Aquino has abandon plans to implement
an average of “one extra judicial Oplan… but rather to resume
killing per week.” peace talks with the NDFP and MANILA, Dec. 11, 2010—Environmentalists we are trashing the earth that we have now? Sec. Ramon Paje to please uphold the rights
“The number of sectoral lead- MILF to ensure that the roots of called on President Benigno Aquino for deci- We call on PNoy, the DENR and concerned of our indigenous brothers and sisters—who
ers, particularly peasants, jailed injustice are stamped out,” the sive action on the issue of human rights and cli- offices, ACT NOW! ENVIRONMENTAL are greatly affected by the aggressive entry
on false charges has continued group further said. mate justice during the worldwide observance RIGHTS IS HUMAN RIGHTS!” he stressed. of large-scale mining operations and made
to increase,” they said. Signatories to the statement of Human Rights Day on December 10. Around 200 rallyists gathered outside the more vulnerable because of the climate
Illegally detained Morong were convenors Fr. Wilfredo Du- Green groups and climate justice activists Department of Energy and Natural Resourc- crisis. We also plead for justice for mining
43 who have been in jail since lay, MJ, Fr. Quirico Pedregosa, joined human rights organizations in de- es (DENR) Central office in Quezon City, heroes and martyrs!” he said.
February this year, were ordered Jr., OP, Fr. Gregorio Obejas, manding justice for victims of human rights reminding government to stop its harmful Garganera said he expects the president
released by Aquino on Decem- OSM, Fr. Tito Maratas, MSC, Fr. violations in mining areas. mining policies that kill people and displace and the DENR to take decisive action on the
ber 10. Joselito Sarabia, CM, Sr. Ailyn Jaybee Garganera, National Coordinator communities. issue of human rights and climate justice.
The government’s failure to Binco, RGS, Sr. Pat Fox, NDS, of Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM), said environ- Garganera urged DENR Sec. Ramon Paje Human rights defenders kicked off their ob-
bring to justice the perpetrators Sr. Angelita Navarro, ICM and mental and human rights go together and to uphold the rights of indigenous peoples servance of Human Rights Day at the Quezon
of human abuses is an “indict- Sr. Rebecca Pacete, MMS. government should take crucial action to who are greatly affected by mining opera- Memorial Circle. The rallyists first trooped to
ment” of Aquino’s “and daan The group’s advent gather- protect the environment. tions. the Department of Agrarian Reform then pro-
matuwid” (righteous path) man- ing was held to discern their “All these issues of mining, human rights “We join the human rights groups in their ceeded to DENR. The march is part of the 10
date, the group said. prophetic role in promoting and and climate justice go hand in hand as this call to uphold human rights for everyone. Human Rights Violations (HRV) Stops call to
The continued implementa- defending human rights in the is our world we are talking about, our land Invoking our right to a sound ecology and President Aquino “Tigilan na ang pambobola!
tion of the counter-insurgency country. (CBCPNews) and our life. Where will we all be tomorrow if climate justice principles, we call on DENR PNoy, Aksyon na!” (CBCPNews)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Associate Editor
years, I’ve verified how students to mitigate their economic crisis, It’s feared that the US will not danger in our mindless effort
Melo M. Acuña Ernani M. Ramos who study and work hard really was met with stiff, violent pro- only suffer a single dip in reces- to approve the RH Bill. To all
Managing Editor Circulation Manager succeed, while those floating in tests from the people sion, but a double dip, a double intents and purposes, that bill
“good life” sink sooner or later. In England, where a veritable whammy. Remember that they will reconstitute our healthy at-
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez This seems validated when we welfare state is ruling their edu- have been playing around the titude toward population. It will
News Editor Comptroller
consider the current world situa- cational system, similar protests financial markets for so long, put the contraceptive mentality
tion. Many so-called developed also erupted against the proposal creating a bubble and a fantasy in place, and will make us fear
countries that have been having to cut down on educational sub- world for a while until things babies and people. It will set us
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Communica- a good time for decades are now sidies. There are worse examples cannot be put up anymore. up for a big fall in the future.
tions Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and business offices in deep crisis, while many poor in many European countries. Meanwhile, some serious stud- We should learn precious
at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. countries accustomed to hard That´s because when people ies, reported in very respectable lessons from what is unfolding
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.; ISSN 1908-2940
life are emerging to be potential get used to easy life, it is very media outlets like Bloomberg in many places these days. The
saviors of the floundering rich hard to break away from it and The Economist, claim that Candidly Speaking / A7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Opinion A5
Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL Ambassador Henrietta T. de Villa
Rites of passage
Spaces of Hope Faith and Fire
The poor are our future
LIZA is a third-year college addictions; apart from chemical ***** their masters. Gangs test their
student taking up political sci- substances, many young people But where do we begin? new recruits.
ence in one of the universities in are addicted to the internet. A study reveals that for Asians,
Cebu. She is bright, articulate,
and exhibits good leadership
Physical exertion has given
way to a sedentary life with a
permeated by Confucian ethics,
the most basic need in Maslow’s
The sacrament of initiation is
and the future is now
traits. This lands her in the resulting rise in obesity even as hierarchy of needs is not physio- actually a rite of passage. Sadly,
dean’s list. malnutrition continues. logical, rather the need to belong. this dimension is often over- MAY I share with you my talk delivered during the 150th an-
She recently joined a group Sadly, many support systems Once an individual belongs to a looked nowadays with baptism niversary of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Philippines at
of young people who have have broken down. The lack or group, the latter provides for his and confirmation viewed merely the Sta. Isabel College on December 9, 2010:
discovered the joys of an early- absence of parental figures, par- or her physiological, safety, and as legal or social requirements, Today marks the closing rites of our celebration of the Foun-
morning run. After one such ticularly father figures, affects other needs. A sense of family rather than entering the thresh- dation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Philippines
run, the group invites her to the psycho-emotional lives of the and community must first be old of new life. In the early 150 years ago. That is a long time. Any movement, associa-
partake of breakfast to which she young, including their sense of nurtured. Church, becoming a Christian tion, company, or society that can last for a century and a half
automatically declines. “I am not identity. Males seem to be most This need to belong manifests was a meaningful, often an emo- must have something extraordinary in it. SSVP has not just
hungry,” she said. vulnerable to this weak link. itself in many ways and often- tional, experience with clearly- one extraordinary thing, it has three. It has God. It has the
Her reaction is strange, as Furthermore, material poverty times it is the group that offers defined periods of separation, Poor. And it has YOU, the Filipino Vincentians. God, who is
she had just finished running 2 manifests itself in widening the a sense of family that manages transition, and incorporation. our salvation. The Poor, who are our way to God. And you,
kilometers non-stop. educational gap between the rich to increase its ranks and bring The unintended de-emphasis who must be the presence of God to the Poor. The Poor, since
I approach Liza to inquire and the poor. in the faithful. The youth are of Baptism, Confirmation, and they are our way to God, are therefore our Future.
about her strange behavior It is no surprise that the mid- especially vulnerable to this at- Eucharist as composing a rite If only this were a conference, it would be interesting to come
and soon my suspicions are life crisis of yesteryears have traction. of passage has implications for up with an in-depth exposition on their connectivity – God,
confirmed: she has developed given way to the so-called first- our identity as Christians. Might the Poor, and the Vincentian. Perhaps Mayleen, Buddy and
a routine of “memorizing” her quarter crisis of today’s genera- ***** this not be a factor in split-level Ed, our Trinitarian Vincentian servant-leaders, O, they have
breakfast and lunch since her tion. Closely connected to this need Christianity or in our struggle to been faithful, with the support of International Vincentian
daily allowance only covers In addition, it is also not easy to belong is the process of be- connect being a good Christian Superior General, dear Michael Thio, could organize one such
transportation. Liza used to live to connect one’s Christian faith coming part of a group. with being a good citizen and a colloquium in the near future. For certainly Vincentian Spiri-
with her grandparents until her with citizenship and leadership. According to anthropologists, good leader? tuality, as we scan the signs of the times, needs to be propelled
grandfather, whom she was very Even here the toxic fumes of people are not simply born but Perhaps the sad initiation by new methods, new expressions and new fervor.
close to, died. Now she lives with individualism, relativism, mate- they are made what they are of many youth leaders into a But tonight is a moment for the heart. I was thinking last
her uncle and aunt. rialism, and the lack of good role through rites of passage, how- corrupt political culture can be night ... an inspirational talk ... but only the Holy Spirit inspires.
I do not know how Liza does it models have seeped in the lives ever formal or informal these counteracted with youth move- And true enough, I felt the Spirit rushing me as I recalled my
and how long she would last. of the young. A generation ago, processes are. The latter always ments or activities that provide Vincentian years. If only my time and attention were not being
only grown-ups engaged in po- involves a separation, transition, a positive process initiating co-opted by the PPCRV, it would have been fantastic to gather
***** litical corruption; now even kids and incorporation. Separation the young with human and our poor friends of my Vincentian season ... our Maestranza
It is not easy to be a young per- are initiated into it early on. involves the suspension of or civic values as well as Christian squatter families—30 of them—for this foundation anniversary
son nowadays. There seems to be There is also the disturbing withdrawal from the ordinary virtues. celebration. They would have been authentic reasons for in-
more challenges and obstacles on pattern of rising membership or accustomed way of life of the Physical fitness would be spiration, for celebration.
their journey towards physical, in gangs and youth organiza- initiate. Transition is the period an entry point of the process. Since they are not here, I would like to share some stories
emotional, intellectual, psychic, tions that extol violence. A gen- marking the movement from an This recognizes the body as of our person-to-person contact with the poor in that extraor-
and spiritual integration. eration ago, kids settled quarrels accustomed way of life to a new the temple of the Holy Spirit. dinary space of being with them and for them.
The youth has many sources through fistfights; now many use role or identity. Incorporation is While the youth’s zest for life Maestranza was a 2000 square meter squatter colony in In-
of anxiety not faced by their guns to settle disputes. A genera- the intended end result of such and for healthy competition are tramuros populated by some three hundred families, with no
parents, like global warming and tion ago, even grown-ups were rites of passage. recognized, physical fitness must water system and sharing only 4 holes on the ground toilet fa-
other environmental concerns. reluctant to admit they were us- Researchers have even found ultimately be seen as a process of cilities then. It was awful. The first time I went there, the stench
There are many more sources ing condoms, now condoms are a positive correlation between making the Holy Spirit at home choked my throat, my stomach, my brain. The air could hardly
of distractions resulting from the easily accessible to practically all the degree to which persons in the temple of our bodies. squeeze through the barung-barongs that were the dwelling
convergence in modes of com- age groups. suffer for an experience and The said process would give places of some 1800 people. If the Poor are our Future, and
munication and a fast-paced, Yet, these disturbing develop- the value that they attach to a sense of family to the young with so many poor around us, then that Future is now.
instant, info-overloaded soci- ments are also golden opportu- the experience. This insight is who face many challenges. The A barung-barong I entered had this young mother who
ety, not to mention a rapidly- nities to reach out anew to the confirmed in actual practice. many “Lizas” out there certainly just gave birth 2 days ago and already she was washing the
shrinking, globalized world contemporary Filipino youth. Cadets go through their plebe deserve a fighting chance. tablecloths and napkins of a nearby restaurant for which she
where ideas and trends quickly There are spaces of hope among year. Seminarians are socialized (For comments, email Fr. Melo was paid 2 pesos per piece. What riveted my attention was
and indiscriminately spread. the youth waiting to be ignited into the clerical culture. Ap- at frmelodiola@gmail.com or visit her baby, 2 days old, lying on the floor on top of a stack of
There are many more sources of or are already being ignited. prentices learn the craft from www.dilaab.net) newspapers, old newspapers. I cannot forget how that night
I could not sleep, how I cried remembering that baby and her
crib of old newspapers. I was even questioning God. Where
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD is your justice? God, where are you? And then I realized I
A new and happy year? was lying on my soft mattress with a soft comforter to keep
me warm in my airconditioned room. And my bedsheet and
pillow cases matched the paisley prints of my comforter. And
Be or stay pro-life By the Roadside I had six sets of such beddings in my closet. I felt ashamed
questioning God about his justice when it was I who was not
living the justice of God. And I remembered Jesus when he
was born had only a manger from which animals ate as his
FATHER William Bausch tells of a cartoon St. John’s gospel that we read on Christmas truth), my freedom suffers from slavery to crib. And I dared to ask God where are you. He is there. He
first published in the magazine The New Day (Jn 1:14). The Eternal conjoined himself false values. is here. He is the Poor. The Poor, our way to God.
York World in 1925 to celebrate the birthday with our mortal nature. Isn’t that enough Fourth step: Submit to, and work for, an Then I remembered Australia. Panasco—the Australian
of Abraham Lincoln. The cartoon has become indication of the direction of true transfor- education towards respect for life from its Vincentian Conference I attended for the first time with May-
a classic. In it two farmers from Kentucky are mation? That direction must, to read the origins, sexuality according to its objective leen. We were toured to different SSVP hostels where the poor
chatting over a fence. One says, “What’s mind of John Paul II, lead us to the “Gospel meaning fulfilled in the gift of self to another could find free food and shelter for the night. These hostels
new? Anything new happened lately?” The of Life”, Jesus Christ himself (Evangelium in marriage, chastity respecting the ‘espousal had pantries as big as those of our restaurants in Manila, with
other farmer answers, “Oh, nothing much. Vitae, 29). The Incarnation is our clue. He meaning of the body’ as well as responsible groceries that could feed an army. And they were all there for
Just a new baby born in Tom Lincoln’s place must also take flesh in our daily life. Only he parenthood founded on moral values (EV the poor for free. And the Australian poor in terms of mate-
last night. There’s really nothing new around promises Life and fulfills it too. “I came that 97). In a word, listen to the many ways the rial and physical measures can in no way be compared to our
here.” Then Fr. Bausch delivers the punch: they may have life and have it to the full”, gospel of Jesus Christ is being made flesh in Filipino poor. Side by side, the former would look rich. When
“I’m sure there were folks who said the says he (Jn 10:10). our life today. they asked me to share my impressions in an assembly during
same thing in Bethlehem on the night Jesus I believe that in re-reading Evangelium Fifth step: Promote a “new lifestyle” fol- that Conference, I couldn’t keep myself from crying when I
was born. I can picture them—can’t you?— Vitae we get ample guidance on how to live lowing the primacy of being over having, realized how very, very poor our Filipino poor were.
standing on the corner, just outside the inn. the Incarnation and have newer, happier of the person over things (EV 98). Am I or is But SSVP Australia had such a big heart. Rupe Hudson,
‘Anything new happened around here?’ ‘No, lives. my family/community more concerned with their National President then poured out funds to set up
just a baby down in the stable. Nothing much First step: Develop a “deep critical sense, being good human beings and Christians projects in the Philippines. They funded the community hall
ever happens around here.’” capable of discerning true values and au- rather having more money, earning, profits, in Maestranza. Through our Sipalay Negros Conference, they
In other words, we tend to miss the point thentic needs” (EV 95). His quote from St. possessions? Am I or is my family/com- gave the capital to purchase carabaos for the poor farmers
of Christmas or even, to a degree, New Year. Paul is extremely helpful: “Walk as children munity more into improving relationships there. They even funded two projects in Smokey Mountain,
Just as Americans in Lincoln’s time didn’t of light…and try to learn what is pleasing among ourselves and with other people then the garbage dumpsite of Metro Manila where legions of
realize his greatness when he was born, we to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful rather than into achieving the best financial our poor lived. These two projects were: 1) industrial-type
Christians in our time don’t realize the awe- works of darkness” (Eph 5:8, 10-11). Is this status or the most number of projects? sewing machines that helped Smokey Mountain Community
some significance of the birth of Jesus. We decision/action/object my family and I Sixth step: Reconcile people with life and bag a Giordano sub-contract for the manufacture of T-Shirts;
tend to notice the sensational and basically have chosen following the Gospel or pleas- give witness to the true meaning of love in and 2) soap-making livelihood project.
what pleases us. We miss the real LIGHT ing mostly to my friends at the office or my self-giving and in the joyful acceptance of Then I remembered Kiko, a 9-year old Smokey Mountain
and LIFE wrapped in the utter simplicity and political circle? others (EV 99), Do I see other human be- boy. Once when I went there to visit I saw him rummaging
poverty of the manger and the swaddling Second step: Unite your faith and your ings, even babies, as threats to my space through the garbage when suddenly his eyes lighted up. He
clothes of Baby Jesus. life, starting at home, in your own choices, and my share of the earth’s goods? Or do grabbed a half eaten sandwich and without hesitation gobbled
These first few days of 2011 we will be in your own family, in your community (EV I feel a genuine sense of brotherhood with it up. He scrounged through another pile of garbage, again his
greeting one another, as in every circum- 95). I remember a lady who works for a them because of my faith in Jesus Christ who eyes lighted up. He pulled out a dirty torn magazine. As he
stance years earlier, “Happy New Year!” Catholic institution and very proud of it. But dwells in every human being and to whom went through its pages, his eyes became bigger and bigger.
Maybe we should ask why we have such she is a firm advocate of the RH Bill. People I owe the gift of myself no less? I peered behind his shoulders to see what delighted him so.
a fetish for the new. New pieces of news, ask in whispers: “Hello, don’t you see your Again let me illustrate a bit. A boy of ten I saw him savoring a page with naked women in different
new clothes, new shoes, new ideas etc. I slip showing?” Why declare yourself Catho- went caroling with friends one December poses. What is the future for Kiko? He lives on garbage. He
believe it’s basically because we are seeking lic Christian but deny it by what you do? night in a far barangay. When he came home, eats garbage. He inhales garbage, His eyes feast on garbage.
the transformation that satisfies our inner Third step: Submit to conscience formation he didn’t have as much money or goodies What will Kiko be when grows up? Garbage. The Poor are
desires for goodness, beauty, truth, justice, that must include two important criteria: as other kids of other groups. But he was our Future. The Future is Kiko?
peace, all the absolutes in life. Since nothing (a) inseparability of life and freedom; and surprisingly happy. His mother asked him How bleak for a celebration, isn’t it? But then, we have God.
earthly really brings us contentment, we set- (b) inseparability of freedom and truth (EV why he seemed happier. He said, “Because Vincentians may have enormous problems coping with the
tle for the sensational and whatever catches 96). That is to say, whatever hurts life, hurts we gave more tonight than we received, works of charity you have to come up with. But we have God.
our attentions at the moment. Result? We freedom, and vice versa; whatever is not Nanay. Most of the houses we went to said, And God is love. And now Smokey Mountain has been lev-
miss the eternal and the lasting. based on objective truth does not lead to ‘Utang la anay’ [Waray for ‘Patawad’ (We eled and from the garbage heap low cost tenement buildings,
All the more reason then for us to hear true freedom. If I say that my shirt is white owe you)…” He realized he was giving when pretty much like condominiums, have risen as houses for the
the late John Paul II’s plea that we work for when it is black (objective truth), then I’m he sang carols receiving nothing in return. poor. The poor who must live as human beings, as sons and
a transformation of our culture and society, not free from having told a lie. If I say hap- Who says it’s impossible to understand daughters of God. There are no children of a lesser God. We
such that lasting values start to put on flesh. piness means good sex and material comfort the true meaning of Christmas and Happy have only one Father in heaven. And this gives us hope—the
“And the Word was made flesh”, so declares (lie) instead of union with God (objective New Year? breathing space to hope extravagantly.
But the misery of the Filipino poor continues. And bleak-
Living Mission / A4
ness has not disappeared. It will be bleak, very bleak, if our
others. Christmas and Epiphany in our common humanity, in times to assist a variety of people Artaban. Are we truly “wise” definition of Poor and of Future were detached from Jesus.
are antidotes to any temptation the flesh. Indeed, the work of who needed his charitable help. men searching for the messiah? The POOR we must see as JESUS, the Way, the Truth and the
to privatize or domesticate the Christmas, the task of “enflesh- Yet, Artaban did not give up; He is no longer in Bethlehem or Life. This must be so especially for Vincentians. The Future
good news of God’s transform- ing” our Christmas experience, he continued his journey, al- Jerusalem. He is present in our we must understand as the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of
ing love in the world. now begins in the world. ways helping people along the needy brothers and sisters. As Love, Justice and Peace. The Kingdom that Vincentians must
Indeed, the revelation of God’s Other Wise Men? There is way. He spent all his treasures we offer our gifts to the least see as JESUS.
Word in our world is not only for an interesting story told by the aiding the needy. Finally, after among us, we are truly giving Celebrating our 150 years of being and doing is tracing back
some selected, privileged few; it American pastor and poet Henry a life-long journey and now them to Christ. The message is the way we have lived, the way we have loved, the way we
is for every living creature—all van Dyke; in 1896 he penned the empty-handed, he found Jesus clear—whether we read it in the have served. Defining a Vincentian must be an evaluation if
people, without exception. Old lengthy short story The Fourth in Jerusalem—journeying to New Testament or whether it we have lived the way Jesus lived, if we have loved the way
and young, women and men, Wise Man. In this narrative, there Calvary. Jesus told him that all is communicated to us through Jesus loved, if we have served the way Jesus served. In short, to
sick and healthy, weak and was a fourth magi named Arta- his gifts had been received: “As a contemporary short story. paraphrase a theologian: a Vincentian must be a re-definition
strong, simple and wise—all ban. He arrived in Bethlehem long as you have done it to the Generous and self-giving faith of what it means to be human.
are both recipients as well as late, only to learn that the Holy least of my brethren, you did it enables us to see and encounter Let me end with a song that I learned from our Mother
proclaimers of Jesus’ presence. Family had already departed. to me” (Mt. 25:40). Christ in others—and freely offer Butler Guild seminar last month. It touched me so much
And, what is more, we cannot He was delayed in his journey, Friends, we all are on a life- our gifts to them, to Him. Let the Faith and Fire / A7
now meet him anywhere except because he had stopped several long journey like the fictional work of Christmas begin!
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Prelate calls for united efforts to transform nation the material things he can
“Our years here on earth
respect and brotherhood!”
he said.
“May all of us be blessings
A CATHOLIC prelate called on both govern- government”, the former CBCP president are limited and finite. What for one another. In Pan-
ment and public to work together to initiate said. is important is invisible to gasinan, may everybody
change in the country. Lagdameo said the work of transforming the eye. The peso and dollar love everybody—that is the
Jaro Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, the nation must not remain only a dream are not immortal. Our souls greatest blessing of all,” he
in a New Year message, said “the goal of but a reality. are. The peso and dollar are added.
national, local and neighborhood transfor- He urged everyone to respond to the chal- not all mighty. Only God “As we usher in the new
mation” should involve everyone. lenge and work together so that “the culture is almighty. In Pangasinan, year 2011, we hold hands
But national transformation can only hap- of death will be transformed into a culture of may we always place God in together in unity and prayer
pen if it begins with oneself, he said. life… that the culture of power, privileges, our politics and business and that this year may be a year
“It can only be done if we allow change in and prestige will give way to the culture of culture—indeed in all!” of abundant blessings, a year
our perspective, mindset and frame of refer- servant-leadership and stewardship… that Wishing also for a peace- of true progress, a year of
ence, from self to others,” Lagdameo said. the culture of injustice and dishonesty will be ful year, Villegas pointed real peace,” Villegas further
When one’s perspective is changed, then converted into the culture of integrity, trans- out that true peace can only said. (CBCPNews)
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo
it is possible to change even the “face of our parency and accountability.” (CBCPNews)
Criminals / A1 Pope / A1
Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Guti- and the killing of her mother future of stability and reconciliation,” the Nigeria killed at least 32 people and injured the Holy Father further stressed in his New
errez, for his part, called on the Estrellita and seven-year-old pope said. 72 others, according to news reports. Year’s message.
faithful to pray for both the sister Jennifer in their Parañaque The Special Assembly for the Middle In the Philippines, a Catholic chapel in Jolo Essential elements of this human dignity
victims and the court. house in June 1991. East of the Synod of Bishops held in Oc- exploded while a Mass was being celebrated are the right to life and the right to religious
“We need to pray for the Su- In a vote of 7-4, the High tober discussed the situation of unpeace on Christmas Day, injuring a priest and sev- freedom, the pope said.
preme Court,” he said. “I was Court cited the failure of the in the region, encouraging “the Catholic eral churchgoers. He noted not without pain that “in some
telling ordinary people here that prosecution to prove their guilt communities in Iraq and throughout the Denouncing the violent attacks in his Dec. areas of the world it is impossible to profess
is how our legal system works,” beyond reasonable doubt and Middle East to live in communion and to 26 Angelus message, the pope renewed his one’s religion freely except at the risk of life
he said. the unreliability of the testimony continue to offer a courageous witness of call for peace urging everyone “to abandon and personal liberty.”
“I remember what (Brazil’s) of the prosecution’s star witness faith in those lands.” the path of hatred in order to find peaceful The pontiff also decried religious extrem-
Archbishop (Oscar) Romero as the main reasons for junking solutions to conflicts and bring security and ism, saying that “fanaticism, fundamental-
said, that human justice is like a the case. ‘Most persecuted’ tranquility” to all. ism and practices contrary to human dignity
snake. It only bites those without The bishops, then, called on The pope said Christians are the most can never be justified, even less so in the
shoes. We need reforms because, the faithful to help Lauro Viz- persecuted religious group because of their Religious freedom name of religion.”
as they say, our justice system conde recover from the devastat- faith. Religious freedom, the pope said, is the Calling on people to become peacemak-
only affects the poor,” Arigo ing effects of the SC ruling. “Many Christians experience daily af- “synthesis and keystone” of all fundamental ers, especially the young, the pontiff urged
also said. They added that prayers will fronts and often live in fear because of their rights and freedoms. them to open their hearts to God to attain
The SC has acquitted Hubert be utterly welcomed as it would pursuit of truth, their faith in Jesus Christ Assuring persecuted Christians of his “authentic freedom.”
Webb and six other accused in give Vizconde the continued and their heartfelt plea for respect for reli- prayers, the pope called on government “Religious freedom is an authentic weapon
the rape and murder of then strength to pursue justice for his gious freedom,” he said. authorities to step in, citing the discrimina- of peace,” Pope Benedict said, and “it gives
19-year old Carmela Vizconde, family. (CBCPNews) In his Christmas message, the pope es- tion and religious intolerance being suffered hope for a future of justice and peace, even
pecially prayed for the faithful in China to by Christian communities in Asia, Africa, in the face of grave injustice and material and
remain steadfast in their faith despite restric- Middle East and Holy Land. moral poverty.”
tions “imposed on their freedom of religion The pope expressed hope for end in hos- Among other things, the pope’s lengthy
and conscience.” tilities, especially directed towards Chris- New Year’s message also touched on the
Reiterating the message of peace that tians who are being prejudiced because they interrelationship between religious freedom
Christmas brings, the Holy Father prayed chose to live their lives according to gospel and mutual respect; the family as the first
for countries who have suffered the most values. training ground for freedom and peace; re-
due to injustices, conflicts, natural disasters ligious freedom as a common patrimony for
and political instability. Rooted in human dignity all; the public dimension of religion; and the
On Christmas Eve, a series of bomb blasts “The right to religious freedom is rooted need for dialogue between civil and religious
targeting churches and a marketplace in Jos, in the very dignity of the human person,” institutions.
Jolo / A1
Bacolcol, a native of Mamba- boanga-Basilan-Sulu-Tawi-tawi demned,” the ulamas said. deed the accusations against
jao, Camiguin, and a graduate Chapter) has condemned the lat- They said being religious lead- the Jama’a Islamia and Abu
of Cagayan de Oro’s St. John est Church bombing in Jolo call- ers, the National Ulama Confer- Sayyaf are true, the general
Vianney Theological Seminary, ing it inhuman and barbaric. ence of the Philippines extends public should know the “brand
was ordained priest only on In a two-page statement is- their deepest sympathies to the of Islam” being espoused by
November 10 by Jolo Bishop sued on December 26, NUCP victims as they called on gov- the groups through their inter-
Angelito Lampon. said the forces of evil were once ernment authorities to “move national and local accomplices
Ledesma said Villanueva has again unleashed “to sow terror” heaven and earth to bring the “has no place in the purity of
been a long-time advocate for and “create discord” among culprits to the bar of justice.” Islamic teachings” because
justice and peace in the Sulu Christians and Moslems. The ulamas said suspicions they simply wanted to advance
archipelago. The bomb that ripped the have been cast on the so-called their personal political agenda
The message of peace an- roof of Sacred Heart Chapel in “Jama’a Islamia” or the Abu and use Islam to get support
nounced by the angel on Christ- Asturias Village on December Sayyaf but they hastened to add from innocent and desperate
mas Day, the prelate said, “was 25 has wounded at least 11 in- that “whoever did such horrific people.
given not only to the shepherds nocent civilians. The explosion acts, we say that they are inhu- The Ulamas challenged the
but also to the wise men and ev- was caused by an improvised man and that they are not serv- peace-loving Moslems to stand
eryone today working for a just explosive device. ing the All – Compassionate and up against the armed group as
and lasting peace in our land.” “The many kidnapping [and All—Loving God.” they called on people from other
bombing] incidents in the dif- “No doubt they are serving faith communities to help Mos-
Ulama condemnation ferent parts of Mindanao are Satan,” the religious leaders lems “fight squarely these forces
The National Ulama Confer- barbaric acts of violence, cruelty, added. of evil not to triumph.” (Melo
ence of the Philippines (Zam- and disrespect and must be con- They further said that if in- Acuña/CBCPNews)
People as Instrument and Hope build mutual understanding and Grand Knight of College Council nized and instituted as a new
for Dialogue and Peace.” solidarity to achieve a peaceful No. 13997 based at Sancta Maria council on February l7, 2006
Aminda Saño, president of Mindanao. Mater et Regina Seminarium with 32 members.
Silsilah Movement was grateful Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra, in Roxas City, was ordained to Since then most of the pio-
for the active participation of PIME, founder of Silsilah Move- the priesthood during a solemn neer members have graduated
the delegates, especially those ment, shared Edding’s thoughts, ceremony held at the Immacu- from the seminarium and are
who express their talents and saying: “It is our priority to late Conception Metropolitan assigned in various parishes in
Surigao/ A1 their aspirations for peace in give formation especially to our Cathedral. the archdiocese of Capiz.
the form of songs, dances and young people, to remain faithful Aguason was ordained deacon Aguason is now assigned at
specially, on the protection of “high reverence of the sanctity theatrical arts. with their religious traditions last July 28 also by Archbishop the archbishop’s residence in
the unborn,” part of the resolu- of life.” She said the youth’s activeness and beliefs and make use of Gordoncillo at the Seminarium Brgy. Lawa-an, Roxas City.
tion read. Surigao Bishop Antonieto in the vision and mission of the their energy to become a person Chapel. The new priest is the son of Fe-
“HB 13 seeks to address this Cabajog said he is elated by movement is vital in building of dialogue for personal trans- The newly ordained priest is lipe Aguason of Brgy. Dumolog,
gap by acknowledging the the action taken the provincial bridges despite the many vio- formation to make this change the first Grand Knight of this and Bebing Onayan of Sapian,
unborn child as a human being government and its commit- lence and misunderstanding be- ripple to the society as well.” college council which was orga- Capiz. (Bienvenido P. Cortes)
with human personality whose ment in protecting the life of tween Muslims and Christians. The whole day affair was not
basic right to life deserves the unborn. “Silsilah will always be here just an extravagant and fun-filled Poverty / A1
mantle of legal recognition and “I’m calling on other prov- to continue to support our youth activity but also, an occasion for
protection from the moment of inces to also come with such leg- who have the ideals and vigor recognizing young individuals groups, the fatalities of nefari- misery of Filipinos.”
conception,” it added. islation supporting the measure to make a positive change in who showed commitment and ous massacre in Cotabato, the He urged the people to say no
The resolution was also (HB 13),” Cabajog said. our society and as long as they passion to live and promote recent victims of blast in Jolo to dishonesty and reject corrupt
signed by Governor Sol Matu- On Monday, the country’s believe in the spirituality that the dialogue and peace in their own and the like,” said Odchimar. practices that plague every level
gas and Vice Governor Arturo biggest group of doctors, the movement is encouraging one to capacity by giving them the Har- He said the poor and miser- of society.
Carlos Egay, Jr. Philippine Medical Associa- enter, the spirituality to live life- mony Youth Award. able conditions of people, espe- “Let us then intensify and
This is the first time that a tion (PMA), has also thrown its in-dialogue in relating with God, At least six youth leaders were cially in the countryside, plays sustain this righteous effort of
provincial government openly support for the passage of the Self, others and whole of creation chosen to be this year’s recipient a role in provoking conflicts, eradicating graft and corrup-
supported the proposed al- HB 13. 24 hours a day,” she said. for the Harmony Youth Award “including armed ones”. tion,” the CBCP head said.
ternative to the controversial The PMA also shared its Meanwhile, Zamboanga City 2010. They were challenged to be The prelate lauded the efforts “As we embark for another
Reproductive Health (RH) bill view with the church about the Councilor Al-Jihan Edding, a role models of dialogue, young as of government and private sec- year of challenging journey, we
pending in Congress. beginning of life—“at the mo- member of Silsilah Movement they are, and to start responding tors in combating poverty. bring with us this memory of
The officials did not spe- ment of fertilization”—during during her youth, said she be- to the call of peace and making But even as he cited poverty God’s unfailing presence so that
cifically state whether they are a consultative meeting with the lieves in the capability of the one step ahead in making posi- as a factor in fomenting other we shall face the future with
against the RH bill but said they Catholic Bishops’ Conference of young to be future good leaders tive change for a future peaceful social ills, the bishop said cor- renewed strength and hopeful
will favor measures that have the Philippines. (CBCPNews) and an instrument for change to Mindanao. (Kris Bayos) ruption is the root cause “of the spirit,” he said. (CBCPNews)
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Film gives fresh take on popular
Marian devotion NAGA City— In commemo- Feleo and the special participa- cedures, the reasons for which
ration of the Tercentenary of tion of Eddie Garcia. are rooted in an attempted, but
the Devotion to Our Lady of The film’s premier showing failed, abortion which she suf-
Penafrancia, the Archdiocese was held Dec. 17 at the Universi- fered through many years ear-
of Caceres has produced a film dad de Santa Isabel’s auditorium lier and has since been troubled
that is expected to promote a at the heart of the city. about.
fresh perspective to appreci- The story revolves around a Vangie’s dysfunctional family
ate the popular devotion and young, contemporary, rebel- gravitates around Fr. Johnny,
the Roman Catholic Church’s lious woman Vangie, (Ina Feleo), and in their struggle to cope
teachings on faith, hope and whose family life and career with his illness, find themselves
love. as a video editor are disrupted drawn to Ina, begging for her
The movie is expected to when her only brother, a newly intercession. Their prayers are
bring the Blessed Mother and ordained priest, Fr. Johnny, answered, not so much by way
her Child Jesus closer into the (Marvin Agustin), is diagnosed of a miraculous cure for Fr.
consciousness of people of all of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Johnny, but by the grace of con-
faiths, here and abroad. (AML). version, of love, of forgiveness,
Directed by veteran filmmaker As a sibling, Vangie is called reconciliation, and hope.
Marilou Diaz-Abaya, the movie upon to be a donor for Fr. John- The film was produced with
titled “Ikaw ang Pag-Ibig” fea- ny’s bone marrow transplant. At the support of Naga archdio-
tures Jomari Yllana, Marvin first, Vangie is reluctant. She has cese’s benefactors and friends.
Agustin, Jaime Fabregas, Oma a clinical phobia for medical pro- (CBCPNews)
© L’Osservatore Romano
of faith, music, food and family Church’s celebration of the birth
on the occasion of the birth of of Christ this year.
Jesus. Tuason added that allowing
The figures of Filipino fam- the Philippines to participate in
ily pulling a net full of fish also this event marked in a special
recall the story of the apostles way the 60th anniversary of
in the lakeshore of Galilee who diplomatic relations between the
were called by Jesus to become of baptism and the victory of tional nativity figures in Rome Tuason family members and The Holy Father imparted Republic of the Philippines and
fishers of men. light over darkness. with the Filipino figures brought other Filipino groups to witness his apostolic blessing to the big the Holy See”.
Portrayed on the right side are The larger than life statues of an “eccentric and surprising the special event. crowd gathered around the na- The Philippines is the first
peasants and shepherds going the Holy Family and other fig- result with important symbolic Rosanna Tuason Fores, who tivity scene which concluded the country outside Italy to be given
about their daily tasks when the ures around the crib were creat- meaning: the universality of the commissioned Filipino sculp- meaningful event. a major part in the Vatican na-
joyful news of the birth was an- ed in 1842 by St. Vincent Pallotti church”. tor, Kublai Ponce-Millan, and The nativity scene was un- tivity scene, since this tradition
nounced by angels. for the Basilica of Sant’Andrea Mercedes A. Tuason, Philip- supervised the completion of the veiled during a solemn evening was first begun in 1982 under
Also included in the nativity della Valle in Rome. pine Ambassador the Holy See, statues before they were shipped ceremony on Dec. 24. the pontificate of John Paul II.
scene are elements of water and The Vatican note added that Consul Lulu Tabamo and Jose- from Davao to Rome, also came The Governorate of the Vatican (Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong,
fire to symbolize the sacrament “the combination of the tradi- phine Bantug led embassy staff, for the occasion. City organized the event which S.J.)
powered by solar energy, according generous people so they can build Mayoyao is one of the mission
to a facebook account put up by the a chapel that can also be used as a stations of the SVD priests in the
SVD’s. multi-purpose center for outreach Northern province of the Philippines.
The facebook account titled “Help activities like medical missions, The place is part of the world-famous
Build a Solar-Powered, Catholic Cha- disaster response and relief, agricul- Ifugao Rice Terraces. (CBCPNews)
Marian concert
parish priest in Payatas, a commitment he carried
on to his current post as head of Ateneo de Naga.
Tabora is known for supporting programs aimed
at helping the poor. As Ateneo de Naga president,
he has steered the university to become a modern
and technologically equipped institution in the Bicol
region. Tabora received his award together with
THE Association of Filipino Priests, and performed by Filipino priests, nuns, It aims to build inter-congregational
other awardees on December 9, according to the Religious, members of Societies of seminarians and lay faithful. exchange and sharing of charism, and
TOFIL website. The other TOFIL awardees include Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral, Dr. Apostolic Life and Seminarians in Italy It aimed to celebrate the role of Mama support to seek to establish programs
Ray L. Catague, Dr. Isagani R. Cruz, Ms. Shirley Halili-Cruz, and Dr. Anthony C. (AFPRS) held a musical concert in honor Mary in our life, in all of Filipinos. She that recognize and uphold integration
Leachon. A brainchild of the Philippine Jaycee Senate and supported by Insular of Our Lady on December 8, at 3 and 6 watches over us even in our darkest mo-
Life, the The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Award was institutionalize in 1988 to
with the local Italian Church and to
give recognition to men and women, 41 years of age and over, whose exemplary p.m. respectively. ment and gathers us to get close to her promote coordinated pastoral activities
contribution to society are worthy of emulation. The song and dance concert was Son Jesus. through the Filipino Chaplaincies and
centered on the story of the struggle in The AFPRS is a community of persons collaboration with the Embassies of the
LAUNCHED. The Media Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the faith-vocation of a priest who never lost who witness to God’s call and serve
Philippines has launched on December 16, 2010 retired Archbishop Oscar
Philippines to the Holy See and to Italy
Cruz’s personal website, www.archbishopcruz.com. The website, which is faith in Mama Mary. Christ’s body, the Church, in Italy in vari- and the Collegio Filipino in Rome. (Fr.
actually a “gift” for Cruz’s 76th birthday last Nov. 17, gives information about The event was planned, coordinated ous capacities and responsibilities. Garret Alfonso Ulanimo)
him and his statements on various church and social issues. The website also
contains a list of Cruz’s books, coin collections, and his sculptures and paint-
ings, and links to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and clips from
Religious freedom,
the path to peace
Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI For the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1 January 2011
1. AT the beginning of the new year I it allows us to direct our personal and the person is an essential value of Judeo- which leads new generations to see observed.[7] The international order
offer good wishes to each and all for social life to God, in whose light the Christian wisdom, yet thanks to the use others as their brothers and sisters, thus recognizes that rights of a religious
serenity and prosperity, but especially identity, meaning and purpose of the of reason, it can be recognized by all. with whom they are called to journey nature have the same status as the right
for peace. Sadly, the year now ending person are fully understood. To deny This dignity, understood as a capacity and work together so that all will feel to life and to personal freedom, as proof
has again been marked by persecution, or arbitrarily restrict this freedom is to to transcend one’s own materiality and that they are living members of the one of the fact that they belong to the essential
discrimination, terrible acts of violence foster a reductive vision of the human to seek truth, must be acknowledged as human family, from which no one is to core of human rights, to those universal
and religious intolerance. person; to eclipse the public role of a universal good, indispensable for the be excluded. and natural rights which human law can
My thoughts turn in a special way religion is to create a society which building of a society directed to human The family founded on marriage, as never deny.
to the beloved country of Iraq, which is unjust, inasmuch as it fails to take fulfilment. Respect for essential elements the expression of the close union and Religious freedom is not the exclusive
continues to be a theatre of violence account of the true nature of the human of human dignity, such as the right to complementarity between a man and a patrimony of believers, but of the whole
and strife as it makes its way towards person; it is to stifle the growth of the life and the right to religious freedom, woman, finds its place here as the first family of the earth’s peoples. It is an essential
a future of stability and reconciliation. authentic and lasting peace of the whole is a condition for the moral legitimacy school for the social, cultural, moral element of a constitutional state; it cannot
I think of the recent sufferings of the human family. of every social and legal norm. and spiritual formation and growth be denied without at the same time
Christian community, and in particular For this reason, I implore all men of children, who should always be encroaching on all fundamental rights
the reprehensible attack on the Syro- and women of good will to renew their Religious freedom and mutual able to see in their father and mother and freedoms, since it is their synthesis
Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of commitment to building a world where respect the first witnesses of a life directed to and keystone. It is “the litmus test for the
Perpetual Help in Baghdad, where on all are free to profess their religion or 3. Religious freedom is at the origin of the pursuit of truth and the love of respect of all the other human rights”.
31 October two priests and over fifty faith, and to express their love of God moral freedom. Openness to truth and God. Parents must be always free to [8] While it favours the exercise of our
faithful were killed as they gathered with all their heart, with all their soul and perfect goodness, openness to God, transmit to their children, responsibly most specifically human faculties, it
for the celebration of Holy Mass. In the with all their mind (cf. Mt 22:37). This is is rooted in human nature; it confers and without constraints, their heritage creates the necessary premises for the
days that followed, other attacks ensued, the sentiment which inspires and directs full dignity on each individual and is of faith, values and culture. The attainment of an integral development
even on private homes, spreading fear this Message for the XLIV World Day of the guarantee of full mutual respect family, the first cell of human society, which concerns the whole of the person
within the Christian community and a Peace, devoted to the theme: Religious between persons. Religious freedom remains the primary training ground in every single dimension.[9]
desire on the part of many to emigrate Freedom, the Path to Peace. should be understood, then, not merely for harmonious relations at every level
in search of a better life. I assure them as immunity from coercion, but even of coexistence, human, national and The public dimension of religion
of my own closeness and that of the A sacred right to life and to a spiritual more fundamentally as an ability to international. Wisdom suggests that 6. Religious freedom, like every freedom,
entire Church, a closeness which life order one’s own choices in accordance this is the road to building a strong and proceeds from the personal sphere and is
found concrete expression in the recent 2. The right to religious freedom is rooted with truth. fraternal social fabric, in which young achieved in relationship with others. Freedom
Special Assembly for the Middle East in the very dignity of the human person,[2] Freedom and respect are inseparable; people can be prepared to assume their without relationship is not full freedom.
of the Synod of Bishops. The Synod whose transcendent nature must not indeed, “in exercising their rights, proper responsibilities in life, in a free Religious freedom is not limited to
encouraged the Catholic communities be ignored or overlooked. God created individuals and social groups are bound society, and in a spirit of understanding the individual dimension alone, but is
in Iraq and throughout the Middle East man and woman in his own image by the moral law to have regard for the and peace. attained within one’s community and
to live in communion and to continue and likeness (cf. Gen 1:27). For this rights of others, their own duties to others in society, in a way consistent with the
to offer a courageous witness of faith in reason each person is endowed with and the common good of all”.[5] A common patrimony relational being of the person and the
those lands. the sacred right to a full life, also from A freedom which is hostile or indifferent 5. It could be said that among the public nature of religion.
I offer heartfelt thanks to those a spiritual standpoint. Without the to God becomes self-negating and does fundamental rights and freedoms rooted in Relationship is a decisive component
Governments which are working to acknowledgement of his spiritual being, not guarantee full respect for others. the dignity of the person, religious freedom in religious freedom, which impels
alleviate the sufferings of these, our without openness to the transcendent, A will which believes itself radically enjoys a special status. When religious the community of believers to practise
brothers and sisters in the human family, the human person withdraws within incapable of seeking truth and goodness freedom is acknowledged, the dignity of solidarity for the common good. In this
and I ask all Catholics for their prayers himself, fails to find answers to the has no objective reasons or motives for the human person is respected at its root, communitarian dimension, each person
and support for their brethren in the heart’s deepest questions about life’s acting save those imposed by its fleeting and the ethos and institutions of peoples remains unique and unrepeatable, while
faith who are victims of violence and meaning, fails to appropriate lasting and contingent interests; it does not have are strengthened. On the other hand, at the same time finding completion and
intolerance. In this context, I have felt it ethical values and principles, and fails an “identity” to safeguard and build whenever religious freedom is denied, full realization.
particularly appropriate to share some even to experience authentic freedom up through truly free and conscious and attempts are made to hinder people The contribution of religious
reflections on religious freedom as the and to build a just society.[3] decisions. As a result, it cannot demand from professing their religion or faith communities to society is undeniable.
path to peace. It is painful to think that in Sacred Scripture, in harmony with our respect from other “wills”, which are and living accordingly, human dignity Numerous charitable and cultural
some areas of the world it is impossible own experience, reveals the profound themselves detached from their own is offended, with a resulting threat to institutions testify to the constructive
to profess one’s religion freely except value of human dignity: “When I look at deepest being and thus capable of justice and peace, which are grounded role played by believers in the life
at the risk of life and personal liberty. your heavens, the work of your fingers, imposing other “reasons” or, for that in that right social order established in of society. More important still is
In other areas we see more subtle and the moon and the stars which you have matter, no “reason” at all. The illusion the light of Supreme Truth and Supreme religion’s ethical contribution in the
sophisticated forms of prejudice and established, what is man that you are that moral relativism provides the key Goodness. political sphere. Religion should not be
hostility towards believers and religious mindful of him, and the son of man, that for peaceful coexistence is actually the Religious freedom is, in this sense, also an marginalized or prohibited, but seen
symbols. At present, Christians are the you care for him? Yet you have made origin of divisions and the denial of the achievement of a sound political and juridical as making an effective contribution to
religious group which suffers most from him little less than God, and crowned dignity of human beings. Hence we can culture. It is an essential good: each person the promotion of the common good. In
persecution on account of its faith. Many him with glory and honour. You have see the need for recognition of a twofold must be able freely to exercise the right this context mention should be made of
Christians experience daily affronts given him dominion over the works dimension within the unity of the human to profess and manifest, individually or the religious dimension of culture, built
and often live in fear because of their of your hands; you have put all things person: a religious dimension and a in community, his or her own religion up over centuries thanks to the social
pursuit of truth, their faith in Jesus under his feet” (Ps 8:3-6). social dimension. In this regard, “it is or faith, in public and in private, in and especially ethical contributions of
Christ and their heartfelt plea for respect Contemplating the sublime reality of inconceivable that believers should have teaching, in practice, in publications, religion. This dimension is in no way
for religious freedom. This situation human nature, we can experience the to suppress a part of themselves – their in worship and in ritual observances. discriminatory towards those who
is unacceptable, since it represents an same amazement felt by the Psalmist. faith – in order to be active citizens. It There should be no obstacles should do not share its beliefs, but instead
insult to God and to human dignity; Our nature appears as openness to the should never be necessary to deny God he or she eventually wish to belong to reinforces social cohesion, integration
furthermore, it is a threat to security Mystery, a capacity to ask deep questions in order to enjoy one’s rights”.[6] another religion or profess none at all. In and solidarity.
and peace, and an obstacle to the about ourselves and the origin of the this context, international law is a model
achievement of authentic and integral universe, and a profound echo of the The family, the school of freedom and and an essential point of reference for Religious freedom, a force for freedom
human development.[1] supreme Love of God, the beginning and peace states, insofar as it allows no derogation and civilization: dangers arising from
Religious freedom expresses what end of all things, of every person and 4. If religious freedom is the path to from religious freedom, as long as the its exploitation
is unique about the human person, for people.[4] The transcendent dignity of peace, religious education is the highway just requirements of public order are Freedom / B3
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Singing at the
Achacoso, J.C.D. members of the college, whether by John Paul II in Evangelium
1. Rights and Duties of the as individuals or gathered in vitae.
Faithful in relation to the conferences of bishops or in The proposal to delve into the
A RECENT column of Atty. Jose Magisterium particular councils, are authentic question of whether or not the
Sison (A Law Each Day, The 1) Fundamental right to teachers and instructors of the prevention of implantation of
Philippine Star 8.XI.2010, p.15) receive an integral catechesis. faith for the faithful entrusted an embryo is an abortion only
caught my attention. Quoting The Christian faithful, since they to their care; the faithful must serves to muddle the issue and
an e-mail he received from a Jose are called by baptism to lead a life adhere to the authentic teaching take the discussion away from
Teodoro Sagalo, he focused on what in conformity with the teaching of their own bishops with a sense the more fundamental doctrine:
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina the latter qualified as “grave error of the Gospel, have the right to of religious respect (c.753). 1 the intrinsic evil of contraception.
Apostolorum university, answers the following query:) that the Loyola School of Theology a Christian education by which 3) Duty to refrain from dissent Put another way, engaging the
has posted in the Ateneo website they will be properly instructed in matters of faith and morals: All proponents of the RH Bill in a
Q: Our priest used to sing a verse from “Come Let Us Adore endorsed earlier by Fr. Nebres, so as to develop the maturity of the Christian faithful are obliged debate on the abortifaciant or
Him” during the elevation of the consecrated host. Most Ateneo President, for reflection, and a human person and at the same to observe the constitutions and non-abortifaciant character of
of the congregation would sing along with him and it was now endorsed by Roberto Rivera time come to know and live the decrees which the legitimate the contraceptives it proposes
beautiful. Then someone threatened him that they were going of the John Carroll Institute.” A mystery of salvation (c.217). This authority of the Church issues to promote is tantamount to
to report this to the bishop, so now he has stopped singing quick check of the primary source canon, situated under the title in order to propose doctrine and conceding that contraception is
this. Is there any reason why a priest could not sing during verified the presence of the offensive of Obligations and Rights of All proscribe erroneous opinions; not the issue but rather abortion.
the elevation and thus bring the message to the congregation proposals, in a paper issued jointly Christian Faithful, corresponds this is especially true of the Even from the point of view
more fully?—T.V., Canada by the Loyola School of Theology to the duty of the Church to constitutions and decrees issued of rhetoric or debate, that’s a
and the John J. Carroll Institute evangelize. by the Roman Pontiff or the concession that the Church is ill-
of Church and Social Issues and 2) Right-Duty to do apostolate: college of bishops (c.754). advised to make, since in fact the
authored by Fr. Eric O. Genilo, Aside from the Magisterium, we It is senseless to speak of a proponents of the RH Bill have
S.J., Fr, John J. Carroll, S.J., and Fr. must not forget that the whole right to dissent as an expression always affirmed their staunch
Joaquin Bernas, S.J. Church is the carrier of the true of a religious freedom within disapproval of abortion.
My questions are: (1) Does the meaning of human life; therefore, the Church. By definition, this This in fact is the problem
Catholic Church really teach─in the whole Church—not just the is a freedom that exists only in with some theologians from
an authentic, infallible, obligatory Hierarchy—has the right and civil society, and as an eminent the aforementioned theological
way─the instrinsic moral evil duty to inform the temporal canonist has poi nted out, what school: through the years, they
of contraception, or is this a structures with the Gospel exists in the Church is the have repeatedly defended the
matter of religious persuasion, message. Nevertheless, This duty “right of opinion and expression position that the official Catholic
therefore admitting of a variety of the faithful to do apostolate (cc.212; 218), a right which is not teaching on the intrinsic evil
of interpretations in a pluralistic has no public character—i.e., the absolute, but limited and one of of contraception—repeatedly
society like the Philippines? (2) If apostolate that they are bound to the limitations is the magisterium enunciated by the popes of the
the Church indeed officially teaches carry out has no public character of the Church. A member of the recent past, by Vatican Council II
the intrinsic evil of contraception, (personal apostolate), even if they faithful cannot dissent from what and at present by Pope Benedict
can a Catholic institution─like the are not barred from carrying out makes up the deposit of faith XVI—is just one more position, on
Loyola School of Theology─publicly a more public apostolate. without breaking ecclesiastical equal footing with the opposite
propose otherwise, and get away 3) Duty to give an assent of communion, since it amounts view of—what a Philippine
with it? In other words, is there no faith to Universal Magisterium: to ceasing to be a disciple of the Star Jesuit columnist calls—an
provision in Church Law against a All that is contained in the written Master.” 2 equally responsible Catholic
Catholic School of Theology teaching word of God or in tradition, i.e., in Thus, even if the Universal position that contraception is licit
something contrary to Catholic the one deposit of faith entrusted Magisterium and the Authentic in certain situations.
© Noli Yamsuan / RCAM
Doctrine? to the Church and also proposed Magisterium can be differentiated The question now is: Can
as divinely revealed either by in that an internal act of assent is these theologians, teaching in
These questions bring to a the solemn Magisterium of the required in the former while not a Catholic university, where
head something which I had Church or by its ordinary and in the latter, in both cases the young minds are supposedly
Challenges Confronting
CARPER Advocates
Freedom / B1
7. The exploitation of religious freedom life deprives the latter of a dimension too, as an expression of the person and Dialogue between civil and religious a measure of agreement about truth and
to disguise hidden interests, such as the open to transcendence. Without this of all his or her constitutive dimensions, institutions goodness, and a moral consensus; both
subversion of the established order, the fundamental experience it becomes must live and organize itself in a way 9. The patrimony of principles and of these are fundamental to a just and
hoarding of resources or the grip on power difficult to guide societies towards that favors openness to transcendence. values expressed by an authentic peaceful coexistence. The leaders of the
of a single group, can cause enormous harm universal ethical principles and to Precisely for this reason, the laws and religiosity is a source of enrichment for great religions, thanks to their position,
to societies. Fanaticism, fundamentalism establish at the national and international institutions of a society cannot be peoples and their ethos. It speaks directly their influence and their authority in their
and practices contrary to human dignity level a legal order which fully recognizes shaped in such a way as to ignore the to the conscience and mind of men and respective communities, are the first ones
can never be justified, even less so in the and respects fundamental rights and religious dimension of its citizens or to women, it recalls the need for moral called to mutual respect and dialogue.
name of religion. The profession of a freedoms as these are set forth in prescind completely from it. Through the conversion, and it encourages the practice Christians, for their part, are spurred by
religion cannot be exploited or imposed the goals—sadly still disregarded or democratic activity of citizens conscious of the virtues and a loving approach to their faith in God, the Father of the Lord
by force. States and the various human contradicted—of the 1948 Universal of their lofty calling, those laws and others as brothers and sisters, as members Jesus Christ, to live as brothers and sisters
communities must never forget that Declaration of Human Rights. institutions must adequately reflect of the larger human family.[12] who encounter one another in the Church
religious freedom is the condition for the the authentic nature of the person and With due respect for the positive and work together in building a world where
pursuit of truth, and truth does not impose An issue of justice and civility: support its religious dimension. Since secularity of state institutions, the individuals and peoples “shall not hurt
itself by violence but “by the force of its fundamentalism and hostility to the latter is not a creation of the state, public dimension of religion must or destroy … for the earth shall be full of
own truth”.[10] In this sense, religion is believers compromise the positive it cannot be manipulated by the state, always be acknowledged. A healthy the knowledge of the Lord as the waters
a positive driving force for the building secularity of states but must rather be acknowledged and dialogue between civil and religious cover the sea” (Is 11:9).
of civil and political society. 8. The same determination that respected by it. institutions is fundamental for the
How can anyone deny the contribution condemns every form of fanaticism and Whenever the legal system at any integral development of the human Dialogue as a shared pursuit
of the world’s great religions to the religious fundamentalism must also level, national or international, allows person and social harmony. 11. For the Church, dialogue
development of civilization? The oppose every form of hostility to religion or tolerates religious or antireligious between the followers of the different
sincere search for God has led to greater that would restrict the public role of fanaticism, it fails in its mission, which Living in love and in truth religions represents an important
respect for human dignity. Christian believers in civil and political life. is to protect and promote justice and the 10. In a globalized world marked by means of cooperating with all religious
communities, with their patrimony of It should be clear that religious rights of all. These matters cannot be left increasingly multi-ethnic and multi- communities for the common good. The
values and principles, have contributed fundamentalism and secularism are alike to the discretion of the legislator or the religious societies, the great religions Church herself rejects nothing of what
much to making individuals and in that both represent extreme forms of a majority since, as Cicero once pointed can serve as an important factor of unity is true and holy in the various religions.
peoples aware of their identity and their rejection of legitimate pluralism and the out, justice is something more than a and peace for the human family. On the “She has a high regard for those ways of
dignity, the establishment of democratic principle of secularity. Both absolutize mere act which produces and applies basis of their religious convictions and life and conduct, precepts and doctrines
institutions and the recognition of a reductive and partial vision of the law. It entails acknowledging the dignity their reasoned pursuit of the common which, although differing in many ways
human rights and their corresponding human person, favoring in the one of each person [11] which, unless religious good, their followers are called to from her own teaching, nevertheless
duties. case forms of religious integralism and, freedom is guaranteed and lived in its give responsible expression to their often reflect a ray of that truth which
Today too, in an increasingly globalized in the other, of rationalism. A society essence, ends up being curtailed and commitment within a context of religious enlightens all men and women”.[13]
society, Christians are called, not only that would violently impose or, on the offended, exposed to the risk of falling freedom. Amid the variety of religious The path to take is not the way of relativism
through their responsible involvement contrary, reject religion is not only unjust under the sway of idols, of relative goods cultures, there is a need to value those or religious syncretism. The Church, in
in civic, economic and political life but to individuals and to God, but also to itself. which then become absolute. All this elements which foster civil coexistence, fact, “proclaims, and is in duty bound to
also through the witness of their charity God beckons humanity with a loving plan exposes society to the risk of forms of while rejecting whatever is contrary to proclaim without fail, Christ who is the way,
and faith, to offer a valuable contribution that, while engaging the whole person in political and ideological totalitarianism the dignity of men and women. the truth and the life (Jn 14:6); in Christ, in
to the laborious and stimulating pursuit his or her natural and spiritual dimensions, which emphasize public power while The public space which the international whom God reconciled all things to himself,
of justice, integral human development calls for a free and responsible answer demeaning and restricting freedom community makes available for the people find the fullness of the religious life”.
and the right ordering of human affairs. which engages the whole heart and being, of conscience, thought and religion as religions and their proposal of what [14] Yet this in no way excludes dialogue
The exclusion of religion from public individual and communitarian. Society potential competitors. constitutes a “good life” helps to create Freedom / B5
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Church Bombing
balon taon ed sikayon amin!
we must not compromise our From the Cathedral of Saint
immortal souls. Our years here John the Evangelist, Dagupan
on earth are limited and finite. City, December 31, 2010
THE forces of evil are again unleashed to sow terror and to What is important is invisible
create discord among peoples. The latest bombing in Jolo church to the eye. The peso and dollar +SOCRATES B. VILLEGAS
wounding many innocent civilians and the many kidnapping are not immortal. Our souls are. Archbishop of Lingayen
incidents in different parts of Mindanao are barbaric acts of The peso and dollar are not all Dagupan
violence, cruelty, and disrespect and must be condemned.
As religious leaders, we, the National Ulama Conference of
Freedom / B3
the Philippines extend our deepest sorrow to the victims. We
call on the authorities to move heaven and earth to bring the and the common pursuit of truth in different rights; it means fostering an unswerving find expression in a denial of history and the
culprits to the bar of justice. areas of life, since, as Saint Thomas Aquinas commitment to base positive law on the rejection of religious symbols which reflect
Again, suspicions have been cast on to the so called “Jama’a would say, “every truth, whoever utters it, principles of the natural law.[16] All this is the identity and the culture of the majority
Islamia” or the Abu Sayyaf. Whoever did such horrific acts, we comes from the Holy Spirit”.[15] necessary and consistent with the respect for of citizens. Often these forms of hostility
say that they are inhuman and that they are not serving the All- The year 2011 marks the twenty-fifth the dignity and worth of the human person also foster hatred and prejudice; they are
Compassionate and All-Loving God but no doubt they are serving anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for enshrined by the world’s peoples in the 1945 inconsistent with a serene and balanced vision
Satan. If it is true, then let it be known to all that the “brand of Islam” Peace convened in Assisi in 1986 by Pope Charter of the United Nations, which presents of pluralism and the secularity of institutions, to
being espoused by the so-called “Jama’a Islamia” and its international John Paul II. On that occasion the leaders universal values and moral principles as a say nothing of the fact that coming generations
and local accomplices has no place in the purity of Islamic teachings. of the great world religions testified to the point of reference for the norms, institutions risk losing contact with the priceless spiritual
Theirs is to advance their personal political agenda using Islam to fact that religion is a factor of union and and systems governing coexistence on the heritage of their countries.
get support from innocent and desperate people. peace, and not of division and conflict. The national and international levels. Religion is defended by defending the
We challenge the peace-loving Muslims to stand up against those memory of that experience gives reason to rights and freedoms of religious communities.
who use Islam for their self-serving interest. And we call on other hope for a future in which all believers will Beyond hatred and prejudice The leaders of the great world religions
faith communities to help us Muslims to face squarely these forces see themselves, and will actually be, agents 13. Despite the lessons of history and and the leaders of nations should therefore
of evil not to triumph, as the saying goes, “The only thing necessary of justice and peace. the efforts of states, international and renew their commitment to promoting and
for evil to triumph is for the good men to do nothing.” regional organizations, non-governmental protecting religious freedom, and in particular
Moral truth in politics and diplomacy organizations and the many men and women to defending religious minorities; these do not
National Ulama Conference of the Philippines 12. Politics and diplomacy should look to of good will who daily work to protect represent a threat to the identity of the majority
ZamBaSulTa Region, December 26, 2010 the moral and spiritual patrimony offered fundamental rights and freedoms, today’s but rather an opportunity for dialogue and
by the great religions of the world in order world also witnesses cases of persecution, mutual cultural enrichment. Defending them
DR. ABOULKHAIR S. TARASON to acknowledge and affirm universal truths, discrimination, acts of violence and intolerance is the ideal way to consolidate the spirit of
Vice-Chair, NUCP principles and values which cannot be denied based on religion. In a particular way, in Asia good will, openness and reciprocity which
without denying the dignity of the human and in Africa, the chief victims are the members can ensure the protection of fundamental
SHEIKH JAMAL S. MUNIB person. But what does it mean, in practical of religious minorities, who are prevented from rights and freedoms in all areas and regions
Chair, NUCP ZamBaSulTa terms, to promote moral truth in the world of freely professing or changing their religion of the world.
politics and diplomacy? It means acting in a by forms of intimidation and the violation
SHEIKH ABDULMUHMIN A. MUJAHID responsible way on the basis of an objective of their rights, basic freedoms and essential Religious freedom in the world
Exec Dir., NUCP ZamBaSulta and integral knowledge of the facts; it means goods, including the loss of personal freedom 14. Finally I wish to say a word to the
deconstructing political ideologies which end and life itself. Christian communities suffering from
PROF. ALIH S. AIYUB up supplanting truth and human dignity in There also exist—as I have said—more persecution, discrimination, violence and
Sec Gen, NUCP ZamBaSulTa, Exec Dir, Salam Foundation order to promote pseudo-values under the sophisticated forms of hostility to religion intolerance, particularly in Asia, in Africa,
pretext of peace, development and human which, in Western countries, occasionally Freedom / B7
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
John’s baptism imply an acknowledgment
of John’s superiority, as John’s disciples as the Son of God whom God delights toll, the cost of giving ourselves to these
seem to have claimed? By inserting the in (Matt 3:17; Isa 42:1). In other words, causes. Some of us do not want to suffer.
dialogue between these two characters, for Matthew this Isaianic prophecy finds We are afraid of ridicule, of dismissal for
Matthew makes two points. First, John fulfillment in Jesus. According to Isaiah, refusing to compromise higher values.
is made to recognize the superior of in fulfilling the mission God gave him, the Mission / B7
effect of undue population control? It will be a sort of
depopulation tending towards humanity’s extinction.
Observe the places where contraceptives are extensively
practiced. Sure there is such feeling of satisfaction and
being unrestrained in immoral practices in a great number
of places, but the people’s strength is being sapped when
there are no more younger people who would eventually
be the support of the older generation.
The empty envelope
It is ironical to observe the phenomenon of the more
progressive powerful nations insinuating through
monetary allurements and offers, plus some veiled THEIR pre-Christmas retreat was going to sincerely desire to help the others, and should optimistic. “These days close to Jesus are
coercion so as to make the poorer developing nations end in two days. Ralph and his classmates not see this as an occasion to get back at always going to be fruitful. You have learned
control their populations. Perhaps the latent motives entered a room adjacent to the school chapel. someone for something. What was important to know yourselves better, with the help of
They approached a row of bright and colorful was to discuss the results in one’s prayer God’s grace and the ‘graced stubs’ of your
may be to get hold of the natural resources of the
Christmas stockings. Each stocking had a with Jesus before the morning Mass. The peers. But what is important is not the good
underdeveloped countries and have political control
participant’s name assigned to it. participants then tried to arrive at concrete we do, but how we allow Jesus to do good
over them. Ralph pulled out an envelope from the resolutions or conversion points based on through us.”
Certainly the issues have somehow become divisive stocking with his name. He was reluctant what they learned. At the end of the Mass, the students then
and emotional. At least we must try to seek out the truth to open it. After a few hesitating seconds he The retreat was ending, and Ralph had not approached the crib and retrieved their
of the whole issue at hand. St. Padre Pío had mentioned peeked and was once again disappointed yet received a single stub. The topic of the envelopes. Once again, they spent the few
this: “Faith is not to be argued over, either you accept it with what he discovered: NOTHING! “I last day was humility. Ralph tried his best minutes of thanksgiving after Mass to talk
with your eyes closed, admitting the inadequacy of the knew it,” he whispered with resignation, to see how he could practice this virtue and to Jesus about what they realized during the
human mind to understand its mysteries, or you reject “this is who I really am.” perform his best during the group exercises. entire retreat.
it. There is no middle way. The choice is up to you” It was a tradition in their school for juniors “Jesus,” he said in quiet prayer, “I don’t know Ralph felt resigned about not getting any
(from the book Padre Pío the Stigmatist, written by Fr. and seniors to do an annual retreat. Everyone what else I can do. I guess I’m not just up to stub. He simply took his envelope and began
Charles Mortimar Carty, p. 104). Psalm 71:15 somehow looked forward to the part called “envelope becoming good yet.” reading some Eucharistic aspirations in a
expresses this inadequacy of man in front of Divine revealing sessions” that Sister Sharon –who Now the last evening’s session was rather compilation of thanksgiving prayers after
truth. It says: “I will tell of your goodness; all day long had already passed away some time ago– had special. Like the previous days, the students Holy Mass. He then placed the envelope on
I will speak of your salvation, though it is more than I taught the students. The students were open to also placed stubs for one last time. These the empty seat beside him.
can understand.” a very discrete means to growing spiritually. stubs now indicated how well they felt one As the envelop left his hand, Ralph noticed
Surely this issue is sensitive since some prominent This was a concrete spiritual exercise had done the entire retreat. The facilitators that something different with it. It seemed
legislators have been requesting to be exempted from to know how one was perceived by his would seal the envelopes and put them inside a little thicker and he noticed something
Church sanctions. But there’s nothing personal or classmates. Every day of the retreat focused the still empty crib of Jesus. These were to be protruding from its sealed edge. He was
emotional there. The Church speaks authoritatively on some virtue or theme. Before going to part of tomorrow’s offering in the Mass. curious and carefully examined envelope.
within her realm of faith and morals. Canon law gives bed, the participants would rate how their Sister Sharon used to explain that this Slowly, he opened it and to his surprise,
other classmates performed the day’s virtue was one’s offering to Jesus. “It’s not how he saw it filled with numerous fine strands
some sanctions. But deep in your heart you know you
or theme by either placing a stub or none into many stubs you have or don’t have. What is of hay.
cannot escape from God’s justice. “It is a dreadful thing
their classmate’s envelopes. important is to offer oneself to Him as one Ralph then understood what Sister Sharon
to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31). It is This was done simultaneously and is, and allowing Him to do with what we had taught. Sometimes God empties us, so
for your own eternal well-being when the Church exhorts discretely as possible. In this way, no one are and have.” that He may then fill us with His love.
us to follow God’s eternal decrees. Man is destined, with would know who had placed the stubs or Ralph returned to his seat after placing a
God’s help and mercy, for an eternal bliss unless he loses not. The room was then locked and everyone stub into one of his classmates envelop. He felt ***
it through his own fault and pride if he dares abuse of went to bed. The following day, each one rather lost and sad. “I have nothing to offer “My Lord Jesus, grant that I may feel your
God’s goodness. Let’s not forget the hidden agenda of would go to their stocking and count how the Child except an empty envelop.” grace and second it in such a way that I empty
Satan who keeps on busily campaigning for more inmates many stubs one received. The next day, the students entered the my heart, so that you, my Friend, my Brother,
to the shady dungeons of Hell. The students were discouraged to share Chapel to attend Mass. The priest in his my King, my God, my Love|... may fill it!”
or compare the results. They each had to homily exhorted them to be generous and (St. Josemaría Escrivá, The Forge, no. 913)
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Freedom / B5
in the Middle East and especially Father. We ourselves lay down peace inexhaustible force which can in every part of the earth, soon the Organization for Security and Coop-
eration in Europe (OSCE) (10 October
in the Holy Land, a place chosen the condition and the extent of 15. The world needs God. It give the world a new direction be able to experience religious 2003), 1: AAS 96 (2004), 111.
and blessed by God. I assure the mercy we ask for when we needs universal, shared ethical and spirit, and overcome the freedom, the path to peace!
[9] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter
them once more of my paternal say: ‘And forgive us our debts, and spiritual values, and religion mistakes of the past. In the words Caritas in Veritate, 11.
affection and prayers, and I ask all as we have forgiven those who can offer a precious contribution to of Pope Paul VI, to whose wisdom From the Vatican, 8 December 2010
those in authority to act promptly their pursuit, for the building of a BENEDICTUS PP XVI [10] Cf. SECOND VATICAN ECUMENI-
are in debt to us’ (Mt 6:12)”.[17] and farsightedness we owe the CAL COUNCIL, Declaration on Religious
to end every injustice against the Violence is not overcome by just and peaceful social order at the institution of the World Day of Freedom Dignitatis Humanae, 1.
Christians living in those lands. violence. May our cries of pain national and international levels. Peace: “It is necessary before all NOTES [11] Cf. CICERO, De Inventione, II, 160.
In the face of present difficulties, always be accompanied by faith, Peace is a gift of God and at the else to provide peace with other
[1] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter [12] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Address to Rep-
may Christ’s followers not lose by hope and by the witness of same time a task which is never fully weapons – different from those Caritas in Veritate, 29, 55-57. resentatives of Other Religions in the
heart, for witnessing to the Gospel our love of God. I also express completed. A society reconciled destined to kill and exterminate United Kingdom (17 September 2010):
is, and always will be, a sign of my hope that in the West, and with God is closer to peace, mankind. What are needed above [2] Cf. SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL L’Osservatore Romano (18 September
COUNCIL, Declaration on Religious 2010), p. 12.
contradiction. especially in Europe, there will be which is not the mere absence all are moral weapons, those Freedom Dignitatis Humanae, 2.
Let us take to heart the words an end to hostility and prejudice of war or the result of military which give strength and prestige [13] Cf. SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL
[3] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter COUNCIL, Declaration on the Relation of
of the Lord Jesus: “Blessed are against Christians because they or economic supremacy, much to international law – the weapon, Caritas in Veritate, 78. the Church to Non-Christian Religions
those who mourn, for they shall are resolved to orient their lives in less deceptive ploys or clever in the first place, of the observance Nostra Aetate, 2.
be comforted … Blessed are a way consistent with the values manipulation. Rather, peace of pacts”.[18] Religious freedom COUNCIL, Declaration on the Relation of [14] Ibid.
those who hunger and thirst for and principles expressed in the is the result of a process of is an authentic weapon of peace, the Church to Non-Christian Religions
righteousness, for they shall be Gospel. May Europe rather be purification and of cultural, moral with an historical and prophetic Nostra Aetate, 1. [15] Super Evangelium Joannis, I, 3.
satisfied … Blessed are you when reconciled to its own Christian and spiritual elevation involving mission. Peace brings to full [5] ID., Declaration on Religious Free- [16] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Address to Civil
men revile you and persecute you roots, which are fundamental for each individual and people, a fruition the deepest qualities and dom Dignitatis Humanae, 7. Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps
in Cyprus (4 June 2010): L’Osservatore
and utter all kinds of evil against understanding its past, present process in which human dignity potentials of the human person, [6] BENEDICT XVI, Address to the Gen- Romano (6 June 2010), p. 8; INTERNA-
you falsely on my account. and future role in history; in this is fully respected. I invite all those the qualities which can change the eral Assembly of the United Nations (18 TIONAL THEOLOGICAL COMMISSION,
Rejoice and be glad, for your way it will come to experience who wish to be peacemakers, world and make it better. It gives April 2008): AAS 100 (2008), 337. The Search for Universal Ethics: A
New Look at Natural Law, Vatican City,
reward is great in heaven” (Mt justice, concord and peace by especially the young, to heed hope for a future of justice and [7] Cf. SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL 2009.
5:4-12). Then let us renew “the cultivating a sincere dialogue the voice speaking within their peace, even in the face of grave COUNCIL, Declaration on Religious
Freedom Dignitatis Humanae, 2. [17] PAUL VI, Message for the 1976 World
pledge we give to be forgiving with all peoples. hearts and thus to find in God injustice and material and moral Day of Peace: AAS 67 (1975), 671.
and to pardon when we invoke the stable point of reference for poverty. May all men and women, [8] JOHN PAUL II, Address to Partici-
pants in the Parliamentary Assembly of [18] Ibid., p. 668
God’s forgiveness in the Our Religious freedom, the path to attaining authentic freedom, the and societies at every level and
Santo Niño / B6
affected. Some would refuse to talk with he has no legal rights. His words do not of the future, it is because he envisages a 4:25b). Such being the case, one’s behavior himself and took the form of a slave,
those they compete with. Snobbery count. This implies that in the social reversal of outlook: “Unless you change always affects the whole community. If being born in the likeness of men. He
passes for virtue. The community in the order that Jesus anticipates, which is the and become like little children, you will the head, for instance, gets all the food, was known to be of human estate, and
end imitates people in the secular world Kingdom of God, one no longer thinks not enter the Kingdom of God” (Matt and some parts do not function, the whole it was thus that he humbled himself,
who are caught up in a social order that in terms of social hierarchy or status. 18:3). Changing and becoming little body will suffer. There are two important obediently accepting even death, death
values only the rich, the powerful, and the What matters is not one’s credentials children mean the same thing here: implications of this interconnectedness. on the cross!” (Phil 2:7-8). In Jesus we
prestigious. Because such a culture harms or what he has, but what he simply both refer to an abandonment of the First, because one must think not in terms see the humiliation of God, not so much
the Christian community, Jesus offers is—a child of God. St Paul puts it this standards and values of the secular of one’s individual concern but of the unlike Brother Juniper who received
an alternative social order where man is way: “There does not exist among you world and acceptance of God’s values. whole body, to be a child means to serve insults for walking naked!
respected not because of what he has— Jew or Greek, slave or freeman, male In other words, the saying involves a others, rather than one’s self: “Anyone Earlier, we noted that in the face of
prestige, money, power—but because or female” (Gal 3:28). What Vatican II change of values and a reversal in the among you who aspires to greatness our society that values being number
of what he is. His alternative, which is says is of relevance: “There remains a direction of our lives. This means, for must serve the rest, and whoever wants one, Jesus offers an alternative society.
God’s will for our society and community, true equality with regard to dignity and example, that greatness lies in one’s to ranks first among you must serve the In this community, there is equality of
is the Kingdom of God. Under the rule the activity which is common to all the being unimportant. And what the world needs of all” (Matt 20:26-27). It is through all the members, as they are all children
of God, a new set of values is provided. faithful in the building up of the Body of holds as valuable has no importance at serving one another that we express our of God, and there is unity, as they are
And Jesus does this by setting the child Christ” (Lumen gentium, 32). We know all before the judgment seat of God. equality, and our being children in one all members of one another. But what
as the greatest in the Kingdom: “Whoever of course that in the secular society, the In practical Christian living, this family of God. Second, since one ceases make this possible are the service of
makes himself lowly, becoming like a bond of the community suffers precisely means that instead of aspiring for to think of himself, to be a child means one another and the humiliation of each
child, is of greatest importance in that because members vie for the most one’s prominent place in the Christian self-effacement. One is able to assume the member. Since they go together, these
heavenly reign” (Matt 18:4). prominent place; others even destroy community, a Christian ought to think lowest rank before the eyes of the secular two are inseparable—there is no real
But why a child? The reason for this is each other just in order to be in that in terms of what he can contribute to it. society, and accept one’s nothingness. service without humiliation of self, and
that a child in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ place of prominence. Moreover, if Jesus As we saw, the community of believers is This is what Jesus precisely did: “Though humiliation is meaningless unless it is
time was a social nobody. In practice, chooses a child as model for the society one body, members of one another (Eph he was in the form of God… he emptied accompanied by service.
Mission / B6
Buhay Parokya
kalooban ng Diyos para sa utak ng paninira kay Fr. Jejemon, Look for the images of
kritiko. Tutal, biling-bili naman
kanya. hindi niya ipinagdiinan ang Archangel Gabriel, Holy
siya ng kanyang mga tagahanga
Kung paano siya makipag- kanyang pagka-malinis, bagkus Bible, and Pope Benedict XVI.
pagkat kuhang-kuha niya ang
usap sa kanyang Ama sa langit, ay naghahanda siyang lumisan (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)
kiliti ng masang aliw na aliw sa
slapstick at toilet humor. ganoon ding kapayak ang sa parokya na buo ang tiwala na
Sa Fr. Jejemon, makikita mong kanyang pakikipag-usap sa lulutang din ang katotohanan
marami ang patawang korni at kanyang inang nakabaon na sa pagdating ng panahon.
walang kinalaman sa istorya, lupa. Ang unang-unang hinango
na alam mong isinisingit pa rin ni Fr. Jejemon mula sa kanyang Katapatan at katapangan
para lang magpatawa. Meron maleta pagdating niya sa Ang katapatan ni Fr. Jejemon sa
ding patawang napapaloob sa kanyang bagong silid-tulugan ay kanyang sinumpaang tungkulin
istorya pero eksaherada naman isang aklat-dasalan, sinundan ng ay nababakas sa kanyang walang-
sa haba—tulad nung eksena ng isang naka-kuwadrong larawan luhong pamumuhay. Nang
tatlong matatandang hikain na ng kanyang yumaong ina na dumating siya sa Parokya Parm
bumubuo ng koro—sinasayang lagi niyang kinakau-kausap na Bil at inilagay siya ni Violeta sa
lang ang oras. May mga patawa animo’y buhay at kasama niya kuwartong mistulang bodega
din namang sadyang nakakatawa sa kuwarto. sa kalat at dumi, masaya niyang
dahil hindi pilit at nakabase pa sa tinanggap iyon. Masaya niyang
mga totoong pangyayari, kagaya Nagpapatawa lang ba talaga? ginagampanan ang kanyang
nung “tumikim” ng alak na Hinangad lang kaya ng tungkulin sa kabila ng pagiging
pang-misa yung tatlong batang pelikulang Fr. Jejemon na hamak ng kanilang parokya—
sakristan, kaya gumewang- magpatawa lamang, o tinangka wala silang magarang kumbento,
gewang ang lakad nila patungong din kaya nitong tawagin ang sariling man lamang sasakyan,
altar at nagkandatulog pa sa pansin ng mga nanunood sa o makabagong mga kagamitan
misa. ilang bagay tungkol sa ating na maaaring makatulong sa
pananampalataya, sa Simbahang kanilang Gawain. Para kay Fr.
Hindi maaaring pagtawanan Katoliko, at sa kalagayan ng Jejemon, ang yaman ng Parm Bil
Ang hindi mo pagtatawanan mga pari? Maaaring tulad ng ay ang mga parokyano—lalo na
ay ang pagganap ni Dolphy dati, gusto lang ng pelikula ang mga kabataang na inaasahan
bilang isang pari: dibdiban. Ang ni Dolphy na magbigay-aliw niyang magdulot ng pagbabago
papel ni Dolphy sa Fr. Jejemon habang nagbabahagi din ng sa parokyang malaon nang
ay katuparan ng isang pangarap ilang makabuluhang aral. pinaghaharian ng kasakiman at
para sa “King Of Comedy.” Ngunit sa mga manunood na sabwatan nila Mr. P, ng alkalde,
Sa ilang dekada niya bilang bukas ang “ikatlong mata” at at ng hepe ng pulisya.
artista, lumabas na si Dolphy sa may damdamin sa Simbahan, Kung katatawanan ang hanap
kung ano-anong papel maliban mayroong mga parating ang mo at ang titingnan mo lamang
lamang sa pari. Sa Fr. Jejemon Fr. Jejemon na makabubuting ay ang mga poster ng pelikula,
(na ayon kay Dolphy ay huli pagnilayan.pagkatapos ng mae-engganyo kang manood
na niyang pagsali sa Manila tawanan. ng Fr. Jejemon, at maaaring
Film Festival), nagampanan Isa na rito, bukod sa mga makita mo ang hanap mong
nang mahusay ni Dolphy ang nabanggit na, ay ang kalagayan aliw. Kung isa ka naman doon
ipinipinta ng kuwentong larawan ng mga paring matatanda na’y sa mga nangalisag ang balahibo
ng isang maka-Diyos at maka- wala pang makahalili sa parokya. at naglabas ng pangil dahil
taong pari na laging panatag Sino ang mangangalaga sa sa nakita mong kabastusan sa
ang kalooban sa anumang kapakanan nila upang sila trailer ng pelikula, at nag-aabang
kalagayan. Ang pagiging ulirang ay hindi mapagsamantalahan ka pa ng mga pambabastos
pari ni Fr. Jejemon ay hindi ng mga makapangyarihan at na lalo mo pang ikagagalit,
nakasalalay sa isang uri ng di- halang ang kaluluwa sa kanilang masisiphayo ka, pagkat ang pari
makabasag-pinggang panglabas parokya? Tama ba na ang dito ay isang tapat, matapang
na kabanalan, hindi sa pagiging mga kadugo ng pari ang mga at mahinahong kalaban ng
isang santo-santito, kundi sa kasama niya sa kumbento? May kasamaan. Sa kadulu-duluhan
pagiging isang tunay na taong nagmamalasakit ba sa kanilang ng pelikula, mauunawaan ng
tapat sa sarili at sa Diyos. kilos at pananamit upang masusing manunood na ang Fr.
Bagama’t pa-kuwela at tiyaking wasto ang kanilang bihis Jejemon ay isang butil ng ginto na
maunawain si Fr. Jejemon sa mga at kapita-pitagan ang kanilang nababalot sa mumurahing palara.
kabataan, hindi siya kunsintidor; anyo? Bagama’t mukhang Sana, dumami pa ang mga paring
marunong siyang manuheto malinis ang damit ng dalawang katulad ni Fr. Jejemon. (Teresa R.
kung kinakailangan. Masayahin pari sa pelikula, kapuna-punang Tunay OCDS)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
A New
CFC Home Office held their Christmas party at the grounds of the new CFC home
in Cubao last December 17.
A New
By Zeny Gimenez haps the Lord was directing us
ingly perfect for our needs, 2010, the feast of St. Joseph the event. cheerful giver, He also loves
to channel that same generosity were snatched from right under Carpenter, the father of Jesus. CFC celebrated this momen- those who toil so that the giving
to building our permanent CFC our noses by those who had the In that one night alone, pledges tous occasion with a gather- may be smooth.
IF we were to count our home. The Araneta dome thun- ready cash to pay. and actual donations amounted ing at the Ultra called “Filled There are many stories of
blessings in 2010, as we are all dered with the loud acclama- to about P2.5 million, bringing with Thanksgiving…CFC Cel- sacrifice. There is the sister
wont to do at the end of every tions of approval from the more Reality Bites the total to almost P8 million. ebrates!” It seemed that the who donated P108,000, will-
year, the purchase of CFC’s than 18,000 leaders present. It seemed we needed to first theme of CFC for 2010 was ingly letting go of a dream to
new home in Quezon City A few short months later, achieve a certain level of fi- The Dream Becomes Reality indeed prophetic: “Fullness own a signature bag. There is
would be at the top of the list. when CFC was officially debt- nancial capability that would The fundraising campaign of Life in Christ,” from Colos- the laundrywoman who do-
The story of how we acquired free, Joe Yamamoto would allow us to go into any nego- continued. But discouragement sians 2:6-7: Since you have nated her coin bank, containing
it is the story of a dream come wonder out loud to the lead- tiating table. That meant we set in among the committee and accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, about P700 -- a small pittance
true, of wondrous miracles, of ers in Mindanao whether the needed to raise the money the Home Office. It seemed that live in union with him. Keep but a fortune in the eyes of the
sacrifices and tears and of joys campaign for a new CFC home FIRST! Building on a vacant things were going too slow. your roots deep in him, build laundrywoman who earns less
and triumphs. should be kicked off by a small lot would entail at least P200 Was God still listening? Was your lives on him and become than that in a day’s work. That
group of leaders in every region million. The committee felt that the dream of a CFC home just a stronger in your faith, as you she chose to give it towards the
First, the Dream to be called “Gideons,” pledg- was too steep a figure to present bubble about to be burst? Why were taught. And be filled with dream of a CFC home speaks
It all began in 2007 when, still ing P50,000 each. The leaders to the community, particularly weren’t CFC leaders sharing thanksgiving.” volumes about the culture of
reeling from the shock of the would respond immediately since 2009 was not such a good the vision? True to His promise, God had giving and loving that CFC
resignation of top leaders and and unexpectedly with actual financial year for most. Thus But then, seemingly from out brought us to fullness and had teaches and lives.
the subsequent crisis spawned donations and pledges. The it was agreed to set P60 mil- of the blue, an offer came. A given us reasons to be indeed There are also the many mem-
by those leaders’ decision to donations were acknowledged lion as the fundraising goal, on four-story building on a prime filled with thanksgiving. bers of the Coops for Christ
form their own group, we also and received but would lie dor- the premise that this amount location in Quezon City was for who borrowed P50,000 from
discovered that we had been left mant. After all, the actual cam- should be good enough to be sale, there were still no takers The Sacrifices and the the Coops just to be able to be
saddled with a huge debt. But paign was yet to be launched. either as down payment for the and best of all, the entire build- Miracles counted as Gideons, never mind
we were not about to wallow in It seemed that the time was not construction materials or for an ing was being sold for only P50 The tears and the discourage- that they would have to shell
self-pity. Instead we danced in yet ripe for the community to already existing building. The million! This was well within ment have been lifted. But we out the amortization to pay back
celebration of God’s goodness be called to rally behind such a prayer was that the Lord would the P60 million target! still remember, and honor, the the loan within a year or two.
during a festive gathering that campaign. show the way. He did. Things rapidly fell into place many sacrifices that were of- These sacrifices constitute
we called “A Time to Dance.” During the Philippine Mis- after that. Suddenly, because of fered so that we may be able to the little miracles of love. But
On that night, the campaign for The Search sion meeting in January 2010, in the Build My House campaign, achieve this dream. there is one miracle that stands
a debt-free CFC was launched But the dream would not die. a totally unscripted way, one of we had the initial funds and The Build My House com- out. Under the terms of the
– “One Time Big Time!” By A committee of “dreamers” was the leaders stood up to inquire we could negotiate. God must mittee, led by Penny de Leon purchase contract, CFC would
the January leaders conference formed to quietly but actively about the plans for a CFC home. have been at the negotiating ta- and George Campos, and ably have to complete at least 50% of
in Araneta only a month later, look into the possibilities, in- That simple inquiry led to one ble with us because everything assisted at the Home Office by the total price, or P25 million, by
then Executive Director Joe Tale cluding scouting around for leader pledging his donation, went smoothly, barring the the female triumvirate of Mel December 15. We were able to
was able to joyfully announce other promising sites, prefer- followed by another, and anoth- minor legal hitches and the time Laiz, Cristy Balilo and Linda generate the monthly amortiza-
that the global community had ably already existing buildings, er. By the time the last pledge spent for due diligence. Pangilinan, worked tirelessly, tion of P5 million for October
responded generously to the since building from scratch was made, or within the space Finally, on September 22, often at the expense of family and November, for a total of P20
campaign and that we had al- would involve a huge budget of 30 minutes, the pledges had 2010, the contract to purchase time and other commitments. million, but needed the P5 mil-
ready gathered half, or about that may be out of reach. amounted to P4.8 million! True was signed and CFC gave the They issued memos, ran after lion to complete the 50%.
P10 million, of the debts we The committee met almost to our prayer, God had shown first down payment of P10 mil- pledgors, tallied up deposits, By the first week of December,
needed to pay off! weekly, each week bringing the way. The campaign had its lion. The contract signing was cleared confusion in bank re- we had on hand only P800,000!
It was during that same con- fresh hope but also dashing soft launch. a joyous affair, with dozens of ports. Their work is not finished How would we be able to man-
ference that Joe Yamamoto was that same hope when potential The official launch would CFC leaders and staff from the but they continue to be cheerful, age raising the balance of P4.2
moved to prophesy that per- buildings, many of them seem- come much later, on March 19, Home Office witnessing the knowing that as God loves the Home / C3
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Leaps of Faith
THE year 2010 started well for during that January event but debt-free status, after hurdling Spirit renewing the face of the Catholic Church. to live them out and express
Couples for Christ. Even as the the distinction of being the very our biggest financial burden. We earth”? God in His perfect time We will see CFC touching base them in the simplicity and
community struggled with the first Gideon (the term given to can label the turn of event any answered us through a series with all peoples from all walks even quietness of their day-
crisis of leadership, there were a group of CFC who pledged which way but clearly it was a of pastoral congresses. The of life, including migrants and to-day existence.
also burgeoning signs of sure at least P50,000 towards the leap of faith. congresses, and the exhaustive their families, and providing 5. Vision and Mission- Constant
footing. At the Leaders Confer- purchase of the CFC building) Leaps of Faith have a nice ring discussions with the clergy a prayerful support and com- repetitions and reinforcements
ence at the Araneta Coliseum, rightfully belongs to Chito Ga- to it for somehow it fittingly and with each other, affirmed munity life. In faith, we claim are key and vital elements of
the clarion call was to respond lay of North Cotabato. Other characterizes the journey of the that indeed, we are. To top it abundance of material and fi- the life and mission of CFC
dynamically as ‘One CFC, One Mindanao leaders followed suit- community we all love and cher- all, He gave us the courage to nancial resources to field more that starts with understanding
Mission, One Global Army.’ Luis Kong, James Solano, Boie ish so much. CFC is all of these declare that CFC is “...moved missionaries, not just individu- the vision and mission of the
This was the perfect rallying Sescon. The brothers took the things - a community, a Catholic by the Holy Spirit, one with the als, but couples and families. community.
pronouncement for a commu- bold jump way back in Febru- lay movement, a holistic orga- Catholic Church...” The vertical jumps are defi-
nity striving to faithfully live its ary 2008, during the Mindanao nization, a foundation, family Not all leaps of faith are ver- nitely more challenging because 6. The principle of Unity in the
particular mandate of evangeli- leaders gathering in Davao City. renewal, a ‘womb to tomb minis- tical plunges. Sometimes it can they have to defy the downward Community is expanded to
zation. It led to a series of con- They eagerly responded to the try’ and best of all, a way of life. take the form of a lateral leap. pull of gravity. Notwithstanding incorporate the elements of
nected and mutually reinforcing initial call for ‘Gideons’ when In all the steps and travels it has To my mind, letting go of our these considerations, there are – INTEGRATIVE, UNITIVE
conferences and activities that, the plan to have our very own taken to date and the journey it former work with the poor and important principles to keep AND SUBSIDIARITY.
taken as a whole, point to the in- home was just a distant dream has yet to take, CFC has its True embracing ANCOP is a bold in mind:
creasing vibrancy that animates and huge fundraising was not North set on Christ and con- lateral leap. It is in consonance • Unitive – The concept of
the rank and file of CFC. fashionable. Berto Ramos of tinually takes leaps of faith with and alignment with our two-fold 1. Christ is the center of our Unity and Oneness is simple
The Family Ministries con- CFC Italy generously gave his recurring regularity. Trust in the mission of Building the Church life and work. Keeping this and straightforward and yet
tinued to demonstrate record Gideon contribution in Febru- Lord begets the quiet confidence of the Home and Building the indelibly in our life and ever perplexingly challenging. The
attendance in their conferences, ary 2010 during the CFC Europe in Him: “Trust in the Lord with Church of the Poor. Contrary to before us, we are to proclaim only way a community can
highlighting the reality that leaders summit in Geneva. Thus all your heart and lean not on some unfounded allegations, we Christ in word and in action. move forward confidently and
members of the nuclear family he holds the distinction of be- your own understanding. In all did not give up our work with “The heart of the mission is strongly is when the rank and
find the community life crucial ing the first CFC international your ways acknowledge Him, the poor but rather provided a the heart of Jesus Christ.” file accept and recognize that
to their spiritual growth. CFC Gideon. and He shall direct your paths.” much more aligned and well- they are all parts of a whole
gatherings were also eagerly Considering that, in January (Proverbs 3:5-6) integrated expression of com- 2. CFC was raised by God to be and that for the whole to
anticipated and participated not 2010, CFC did not even have Our recent history brings to munity life in ANCOP. a community of evangeliz- work well, everyone must be
only in the country but more so a specific and concrete site nor mind the dark chapters of the As if in further affirmation of ers. We are a community of a stakeholder and contribute
abroad. even the substantive fund with community that is too painful this lateral leap, our launching of believers who, on account of to making the Oneness a real-
We can compare our journey which to negotiate a purchase, to relive. The resignation of ANCOP on December 8, 2009 at the imprint of the Holy Spirit ity.
to that of riding in a car or bus, we took a big leap of faith! top CFC leaders was unprec- the Mall of Asia coincided with by way of our Baptism and
getting in the driver’s seat, and What we had was the power edented and triggered events the Feast of the Immaculate Confirmation, must faithfully • Integrative – Because the com-
as driver, knowing that taking of a dream and the supreme that plunged the whole com- Conception of Mary- the Star of discharge the great commis- munity is one and whole, all
charge involves skills and com- confidence in the Lord who munity in so much uncertainties Evangelization and our Patron- sion we all received. We can aspects of its life and work
petence. The driver knows that consistently bestows abundant and threatened to nearly break ess for the Work with the Poor and must go out of our com- must fit well and be integrated
in moving the vehicle forward, grace. us apart. The resolution was (as Our Lady of Banneux). fort zones but at no given time into the bigger body. There
he also needs to look at the rear The leap of faith yielded im- not easy or quick. It came as a So what is in store for CFC in should we get out of our zone is no room for vertical silos,
view mirror as well as the side mediate results. By September series of purification and some the years to come? Of course, of strength, i.e the charism of parallel structures or dual/
mirrors regularly and habitually 2010, we signed the contract to even called it a ‘purging” within only the good Lord knows. evangelization. If our work is multiple leadership struc-
in order to ensure safety and purchase a building in Quezon the community. We survived However, we can venture some evangelization, then it stands tures. In CFC there is a need to
unhampered travel. City. By December, CFC was through the mercy and grace of enlightened reflections. to reason that all our actions, be vertically integrated to one
Our journey in the year that halfway through the payments God, whose plans are beyond By all indications, we will see a plans and activities must be pastoral organization and one
is about to pass took us to many and looking with fullness of human understanding and com- vibrant and dynamic community seen as expressions of our pastoral structure.
leaps of faith. And so we real- hope in the next few months prehension. that will fortify and strengthen evangelistic fervor.
ize, as we look at our rear view to fully pay off our debt. To We need to appreciate the its commitment to being “Fami- • Subsidiarity – In a nutshell,
mirror, that God loves and cares date, the global family of CFC reality that God wants us to lies in the Holy Spirit renewing 3. “One CFC, One Mission, One no part of CFC must be bigger
for the community enough to continues to respond admirably release our inner baggage that the face of the Earth,” doing its Global Army, One Commu- than the whole. At all levels
guide and guard us at all turns and generously to the rally for distracts us from the life and work of evangelization with nity.” These are key words of the work, the principle
in this difficult road that we are our home. As 2 Corinthians 9:7 mission that He cut out for us. much enthusiasm and passion. that broadly outline our desire of subsidiarity prescribes
traversing. With God, nothing proclaims: “so let each one give This painful event was the best We see it involving itself in the and commitment to belong to subordinating the part to the
happens by accident. Thus, as he purposes in his heart, not example of plunging in a leap affairs of society, not just in the one undivided community. To whole, the individual to the
navigating through dangerous grudgingly, or of necessity, for of faith that brought us a fresh parishes and dioceses, but truly keep it One, we must all strive collective.
and treacherous waters, we were God loves a cheerful giver.” wind of the Holy Spirit. “For I living out its appreciation of the to do our share of preserving,
able to get clear of the dangers Another thing to be thank- know the plans I have for you,” social doctrines of the Church. It protecting, nurturing and 7. CFC must remain a prayer-
and draw a sigh of thanksgiving ful for is that this is the fourth says the Lord.” They are plans will strive to spread the bless- defending that oneness. ful and Spiritually-rooted
and relief. straight year that CFC has not for good and not for disaster, ings of evangelization not only community. Prayer life and
CFC leaders who attended incurred a deficit. Three short plans to give you hope and a among Filipinos but to as many 4. Core Values – Pro-God, Pro- foundation of a life based
the annual conference at the years ago this month, a humble future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) peoples, nations and territories Life, Pro-Family and Pro- in the Word of God are sine
Marikina Convention Center appeal for a debt-free CFC was In taking that momentous the Lord may lead us, at all times Poor. These are core values qua non of our Christian life.
in January 2010 excitedly rel- called out during the “One leap, CFC was given the rare adapting to languages, cultures that must continually be cul- Important in our lifelong com-
ished the groundswell and call Time Big Time” campaign. In opportunity to look into itself and changing circumstances tivated and nurtured daily in mitment and responsibility is
to have a building that will be spite of the economic uncertain- and go into deep soul searching without compromising our our lives. Because they are to continuously don and “Put
our permanent home. Many ties of the time, CFC members to discover the answer to: Are core values, culture, teachings, core values, every CFC mem- on the Full Armor of God.”
leaders took the leap of faith responded and we achieved we still “families in the Holy identity, and oneness with the ber and his family must learn (Eph.6:11)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3 - 16, 2011
Ugnayan C3
A Corporate Executive’s
View of Servant Leadership
By Zeny Gimenez father at age 13. Still this did not Financial Services, Investor Rela- matters and I have to make sure Philippines. We have been with duct my business. Other people
prevent him from excelling aca- tions and Legal Division. that all our actions and decisions the Sta. Maria della Strada chapter may see it differently, but I feel ful-
demically, graduating as valedic- His roots remain important to are compliant with the law.” ever since.” filled. It all boils down to a choice.
MY assignment was to interview torian from high school at the St. him. He goes to Sariaya regularly, He cited as an example of this Ysme confessed to being a fre- This is my choice. Everything is
Ysmael Baysa, Vice-President for Joseph Academy in Sariaya. But and is teaching his children, to love culture the recent purchase of quent traveler, primarily because temporal so we just have to put
Corporate Finance of Jollibee Foods poverty precluded his going to their roots as well. He sees his Jollibee of the Mang Inasal chain his company has many businesses things on balance.”
Corporation and chapter head at Manila to study. Ysme says, “I was former classmates, some of whom of restaurants. Initially apprehen- abroad. Since he is in charge of How has being in CFC im-
the Sta. Maria Della Strada chapter heartbroken. I wanted to be either are farmers, OFWs and policemen, sive about their future, the Mang investor relations, he also has to pacted on his life? “Being in CFC
in Quezon City. He had recently a journalist or an architect and regularly. He is involved in Sar- Inasal workers were pleasantly launch various roadshows to meet is so different from the corporate
been named CFO of the Year by the dreamed of going to Manila but my iaya town activities and has been surprised (and relieved) to learn investors. So how does he find world. CFC turns the world up-
Financial Executives Association older siblings (I am the youngest) involved, since 1998, in improving that Jollibee was concerned about time for his CFC commitments? side down. What one values so
and the ING Group and we wanted sat me down and explained our and preserving the Sariaya Church their welfare and was not plan- “I try to keep things simple. Ac- much in the world is the opposite
to feature his story. circumstances. I ended up going to which is more than 300 years old. ning any mass layoffs. tually I don’t think about it. All of what CFC teaches. In the corpo-
I had originally proposed to Luzonian University in Lucena and He says, “I am so proud of the Ysme and his wife Emma have I know is that I need to give up rate world, power and authority
him a question and answer ap- getting a degree in BSBA, major in work we are doing in the church, been in CFC since 1992. “We had a lot of things. I actively chose a is the ideal. In CFC it is humility.
proach, via email, considering his Accounting.” It was 1976 and he especially when we see more and our CLP in St. Joseph Church way of life that does not include In the corporate world, you have
busy schedule and his stature. But was 20 years old. more people coming to church.” in Hongkong and our leader cocktails, golf, and lunch and staff who serve you and cater to
instead, to my very pleasant sur- By May of that year, he had So how was he chosen as CFO then was Chito Magsajo who, at dinner engagements. My friends you; in CFC we learn to serve. In
prise, he invited me to lunch. found work as chief accountant at of the year? Ysme cited several that time, was the head of PNB are in Sariaya, Quezon and in my work, I deal with fund manag-
During the lunch, another of my a small company in Quezon City. criteria used in determining the Hongkong. Our household was CFC; that means I have chosen to ers who handle billions of dollars;
expectations/misapprehensions Two years later, he would be hired award: financial performance composed of 6 couples, and there replace socialization with parish in CFC, I deal with people who
was debunked. I fully expected by Procter & Gamble Phils, doing of the company (focusing on were only two Filipino couples, and community activities.” have no money even for education
to be interviewing someone who, various work in finance and inter- consistency), the role played by, with the rest being of other na- Ysme further states: “Do I feel and basic health care. So you see,
flushed with the prestige that ac- nal audit. Within eight years from or the direct impact of, the CFO tionalities. I learned the value of that I am somehow missing out on CFC makes both worlds fresh. It is
companies any award, would talk this assignment, he would move in making the financial perform- commitment early on, ironically something by choosing to reject like night and day. I really believe
only about the award and why he swiftly up the ladder, being Senior ance consistent, and the personal from one of our members, a pilot, an active social life? No, I don’t. that CFC is a gift.”
was chosen. It turns out brother Financial Analyst, doing work for integrity of the candidate. who never missed a household I have no regrets. I enjoy my life. I came away from the brief
Ysme did not want to talk about P & G Ohio and P& G Asia, then According to Ysme, “the CFO meeting because he would sched- I choose to go straight home from lunch-interview with my own
the award, except as a platform for Associate Finance Director for P plays an important role in pre- ule his flights around the prayer work and have made it a point world turned upside down and
his views on servant-leadership, & G Asia Pacific Ltd, shifting his serving the integrity of the cor- meeting days. In 1993, we moved to be home for 7 PM dinner with my own view of CFC refreshed.
on loyalty to friends, on the impor- base from Singapore to Hongkong poration. He makes sure that the to Singapore and there was a Emma and our two children. Ysme spoke of the word ‘integrity’
tance of valuing one’s roots, and and to Manila. CEO is in line with the vision/ small CFC community there. I When I go on a trip, even if I can as meaning “to be whole.’ If the
on setting priorities straight. In 2001, he became Senior Vice- mission of the corporation. He was assigned as household head stay longer and sightsee, I choose basic criteria of the CFO of the
Ysme is not ashamed of his President of Union Bank and helps create the culture of good of an all-Filipino group, almost all to go straight home to my family. Year Award was integrity in this
roots. He grew up poor in Sariaya, finally in 2003, he joined Jollibee governance in the corporation. In of them engineers employed in I bring them, especially Emma, particular context, then clearly
Quezon, having been orphaned where aside from being CFO, he is my particular case, as head of the the construction industry there. sometimes so that Emma can see Ysme deserved to be adjudged
of his mother at age 4 and of his also Head of Corporate Planning, Legal Division, I also handle legal By 1996, we were back in the the sights and shop while I con- as such.
An Island Sojourn
As I started my first talk, “The Power More surprises and challenges were and refocusing on CFC and the mission for the simplicity. I learned that CFC
By Gani Rael
to See the Mission Clearly,” I saw the in store. The leader who was supposed being confessed. started in SI on Immaculate Conception
hundreds of unfamiliar faces looking to deliver Talk 3 –The Power to Heal, They shared how the split in CFC Day – Dec 8, 1998 - with initially 12 cou-
I recently went on mission to the back at me- KFCs, YFCs, SFCs, HOLDs did not show up so Bill Barile asked affected them. One leader shared that ples. Today there are about 200 couples,
Solomon Islands, upon the prodding and SOLDs with wide and attentive me to deliver it, with only 10 minutes he almost lost his trust in God and including some HOLD and SOLD mem-
of Dom Pangilinan and Denis Reyes, eyes. I felt humbled and honored to to prepare. It seemed that for this par- community because nobody seemed bers and 15,000 KFCs, YFCs and SFCs.
members of the CFC Australia National be delivering God’s message. I was in ticular talk, the CFC members would be to care about them. I shared my own Apparently there was a slow down and
Council. It was a short journey of three awe as well, because I knew that they separated from the Family Ministries. feelings about the split, including decline in the CFC numbers especially
days but it brought me a lifetime of had come from far distances, taking That was the plan but apparently God’s having zero resources, such that our after the split but the ministries are still
joyful, inspiring and loving memories. whatever means of transport, such as plan was to integrate the groups, so I mission fund was down to nothing. In going strong. In fact a bishop in one of
The venue for the weekend’s retreat the back of trucks, to get there. Some ended up delivering the talk to all. The the end they understood and affirmed the provinces is anxious for CFC and
was the Don Bosco School Gymnasium. even walked many kilometers. They separation of the groups came after the that their decision to once again align its ministries to go to his province and
Bill Barile, head and coordinator of brought their own tents because for two talk, when Bill decided that he and I with the International Council was the begin the work there.
Solomon Islands, and I arrived there nights, they and their families would be would recap and entertain questions right one. At the end of the weekend, as I was
at 7:30PM and the sight of the smiling sleeping on the floor inside the venue. regarding the last three talks from the That night, before we went to bed, preparing to go back to Australia, I
young Kristone, who would serve as I felt so humbled, knowing that in couples and Kristone, John and Kevin Kristone shared his own experiences realized that I had come to SI with so
my co-missionary, was a much welcome Australia, many would use the excuse would do the same for the family min- with the family ministries, particularly little to give but I was going away full
and joyful one. He had arrived earlier to of “distance” -- a 20-30 minute travel in istries. with the youth. He said it was really to the brim with the love and affirma-
do the groundwork, together with the the comfort of their cars – not to attend Our session with the couples be- providential that we chose not to sepa- tion from our brethren there. I looked
two fulltime local YFC workers, John a household meeting or assembly. came the highlight of the mission. Bill rate the participants during the Power to at John and Kevin and I felt humbled
and Kevin. He presented me with the Kristone informed me that majority recapped the first talk and then asked Heal talk because a number of the young by the extent of their commitment and
program schedule for the three-day of the participants did not have dinner me to take charge of the proceedings. I people told him how they were touched dedication to the work. Even during the
event. I felt that finally things were that Friday night because the SI$20 recapped the remaining two talks and by the talk and how some questions in civil unrest in 2000, they proved to be
starting to happen, in spite of our earlier conference fee that they paid did not shared some of my life’s experiences. I their minds were answered. brave evangelizers, going to dangerous
fears of low attendance and inadequate include dinner. Again, I remembered requested for volunteers to share and in Sunday, anniversary day, started with places, and proclaiming God’s Word
preparations. the abundance of food that oftentimes the beginning, no one wanted to stand a Mass officiated by a priest from Don with quiet courage. I see them carrying
The retreat opened with a very pow- ended up in the rubbish bins after every up. Finally one of the women did, shar- Bosco. It was the 4th Sunday of advent on the work even when Bill and the
erful worship session led by Bill Barile household meeting and assembly in ing that she was not even supposed to and the theme of the week was “God other leaders are gone. Truly CFC in
with the YFC music ministry. The music Australia. be there but she was so glad she came with Us, Emmanuel.” There was no Solomon Islands is thriving.
and the singing was so vibrant and loud On Saturday, Kristone and I arrived at because she had all sorts of work and doubt for everyone who was there at No amount of sharing can fully
but harmonious, that when the slow the venue at 8:30 AM. The participants personal issues at the moment and lis- the Mass that God was with us in those express the beauty of community, the
worship songs started, I just closed my must have slept very fitfully because it tening to the talks, she felt healed and three days full of Spirit filled, joyful and fulfillment, the empowerment and the
eyes and felt the Holy Spirit filling up rained during the night and I learned at peace. One by one, the participants inspiring moments. purest love that I experienced during
my whole being. I felt that I had “put that they kept moving their tents from stood up to share and I heard a lot of The anniversary program was very this mission trip. My prayer is that all
on the full armor of God” and ready to the perimeters of the gym until they healing happening, a lot of confusion simple. But the vibrancy of the worship of you are given the opportunity to
do His work. were all concentrated in the center. getting cleared, a lot of recommitment and the joy of the brethren made up experience it as well.
KFC / C1
We are CFC, We are from West C! told the kids present that, “the
greatest gift that my parents has
given me is Kids for Christ.” He
powerful praise and worship,
kids style!
The first and last day’s Masses
asked the kids to remember the were officiated by CFC Singa-
By Mike Santos The event started off with a everyone had to consider what was prepared to also celebrate letters W and C so that they can pore’s Spiritual Director, Fr.
contest ala “Amazing Race.” was important, come up with the sector’s Christmas party. be reminded of the statement, Stephen Yim, while the Mass on
Watches were synchronized and new ideas, add creativity and All came in wearing unique “With Christ, We Can be World the second day was celebrated
CFC West C of Metro Manila everyone set off for the venue, texture and yet not disregard hats as the night’s theme was Changers.” by Fr. Damian de Wind. Concel-
decided to gain a headstart Leticia’s Garden in Calumpit, Bu- the essence and objective of the “Hats Galore.” The kids responded by writ- ebrating at all the Masses were
for the year 2011 by conduct- lacan, with the aim of starting the exercise. The second and final day ing on a hand-shaped paper, Fr. Matthew Zhen, Fr. Bao Jing
ing a teambuilding activity activity on time. The sector was As the weather was coopera- started with a Eucharistic the five things they will do to po, Fr. Joseph Guo, Fr. Song
for the entire sector on the divided into several teams and tive, so were the attendees. All celebration. All were in high change the world for Jesus. Zhanping, all from China and
weekend of December 10 and each team was given a specific were eager to get involved. It spirits for the next activity. The session ended with a pray- Fr. Christian Benedict Guerra
11. Sector Head Steve and instruction. It was overwhelm- was a revelation to see the first The venue was again filled over session, exhorting God from Aklan, Philippines.
Minnie Maningat together ing to witness the Mission Core generation CFCs of the sector with noise and chaos as one to strengthen the family, and To change the world, where
with the governance and all tried to outdo to commission them as world there is war, global warming,
team composed of each other trying to changers, renewing the face of poverty, immorality and greed
Cesar and Sylvia finish the assigned the earth. may seem an impossible task.
Cruz, Joe and Letty task ahead of the oth- The closing ceremonies fea- But there is hope because the
Francia, Chito and ers. Joe Tale, CFC tured a surprise farewell video kids will be changing the world
Grace Dela Cruz Chairman and Metro and a song and dance number with and for Jesus. A generation
and Mike and Rea Manila Mission Direc- prepared by CFC Singapore. of World Changers will rise, fully
Santos, opted for tor, delivered the clos- The IKV ended with an award- convicted that with God, nothing
the teambuilding in ing remarks, inspiring ing of winners for the differ- is impossible. Yes, With Christ,
order to fulfill the and reminding every- ent talent competitions and a We Can be World Changers.
sector leadership’s one of their commit-
goal of seeing the ment to God and to
the community. Home / C1
sector more united,
more cohesive and At the end of the million in order to meet the that truly God was guiding our
more geared up for teambuilding activ- deadline? By faith we trusted every move, blessing every
the work ahead. ity, all were in agree- and in faith we moved. Calls decision, and confirming the
The teambuilding activ- taking part on each assignment actively sharing their wisdom, ment. The sector is ready went out to the leaders. Prayers dream.
ity was well attended by the and assembling ahead of time. experiences and sweating it out to Learn, Un-Learn and Re- were said in many household Within the first quarter of
Mission Core. It was great As a result of the teamwork ex- at the same time. The first day Learn. The first generation of prayer meetings everywhere. 2011, when we are called to “Put
to see the sector coming to- hibited in simply assembling all was not yet over but everyone felt CFC members and the young On the morning of December on the Full Armor of God,” and
gether -- the first generation of the teams, everyone was at the the intensity and renewed drive bloods were one in mind and 15, the miracle happened. The to gird ourselves for the mas-
CFC and the new generation venue at 7:40 am, way ahead of to be counted. purpose. We have chosen donation that would complete sive work that still lies ahead,
(coming from Family Minis- the scheduled start which was The evening of the first day this road… the road to holi- the P5 million came in, just in we will be doing so from the
tries) in communion with one worship at 8:00 AM. featured a Lord’s Day celebration ness. We will travel together time. That God engineered the confines of our very own home
another. The presence of the The entire sector got the idea that was solemn, in contrast with as one. miracle was obvious – the tim- – at our new CFC building on
young blood added vigor and right away – the learning had the day’s noisy and sometimes We are CFC! We are from ing was perfect and the amount 20th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon
vibrancy to the event. begun. During this first exercise, chaotic activity. Sumptuous food West C! was just right, no more, no less. City. What a marvelous God
This was the perfect affirmation we serve!
C4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 1
January 3- 16, 2011
CFC Anniversaries
East B Sector Celebrate 25th Anniversary CFC North A Goes Silver
COUPLES for Christ East B Sector gathered in the homily was a simple reminder for the faithful to By North A
evening of Sunday, December 12, at the Marikina be wary of the hustle and bustle of the season,
Convention Center to celebrate 25 years of evan- and instead to take time to reflect on the coming IN 1985, the first CLP in
gelization in Metro Manila East, covering the areas of the Savior. Novaliches opened in Amparo
of Antipolo, Marikina, San Mateo, and Rodriguez The sector was entertained over dinner by guest Village, Caloocan City North
(Montalban). singers from the HOLD Ministry as well as by and graduated 37 couples. In
About a thousand-strong crowd of enthusiastic Marikina’s doctor vice-mayor, Fabian Cadiz. The November 2010, CFC North A
members coming from the sector’s seven clusters, program proper then kicked off with the evening’s marked its 25th anniversary with
composed of 27 chapters filled the venue for a Spir- hosts, Jun and Zeny Farcon, introducing song- the theme ─ From Silver to Gold:
it-filled night of celebration. International Council dance tableaus performed by the different clusters Our Journey of Faith Continues.
members Joe and Babylou Tale, Joe and Mila Ya- to chronicle the history of the sector’s CFC service It was a month-long celebra-
mamoto, and Manny and Ditas Garcia graced the during the past 25 years. tion as the sector lined up four
occasion and delivered inspiring messages. The final number was a very touching song major activities to celebrate this
The festivities started with the Eucharistic “Seasons of Love” that paid tribute to the deceased significant milestone – a bowling
celebration presided by Monsignor Rigoberto members who actively served in the sector during tournament on November 21, a
De Guzman of the Archdiocese of Antipolo. His their lifetime. showcase of musical talents on
November 28, a Silver Ball on
December 10 and a Family Day
on December 12. chant competition and variety all the activities and challenged
The Silver Ball (Gabi ng shows of the family ministries everybody to stay the course in
Parangal) was held at the social as well as special presentations the journey of faith.
hall of the Sugar Regulatory Ad- of the winners of the musical After the praise parade that
ministration, Quezon City. CFC competitions. featured the participants dressed
Chairman Joe and wife Babylou F. Abe Bermundo, SOLT, of in international costumes, it was
Tale and IC member Melo Vil- the Holy Cross Parish, celebrated time for the praisefest, raffle
laroman, with wife Nini, graced the Mass. In his homily, Fr. Abe draws, and the announcement of
the occasion. Melo and Nini articulated his own thoughts on winners of the Cheering Chant,
were among the night’s hono- CFC’s nature as being of Christ Best in Costume, Foodfest, and
rees, having finished their CLP in and for Christ. He commended Praise Parade competitions.
1989 in the Novaliches area. the community for having the The support and participation
The ultimate event of the an- patience and perseverance over of everyone in the sector in all
niversary celebrations was the a quarter of a century in continu- the activities together with the
Family Day at Bagumbong High ing its service. sponsors emboldened everyone
School. A motorcade of the dif- North A Sector Head Senen to proclaim that they are now
ferent clusters from their respec- Reyes thanked the sector mem- aiming for Gold in 2035, when
tive mission areas kicked off the bers for their overwhelming CFC North A will be vibrantly
day, followed by the cheering presence and untiring effort in alive, kicking, and serving!
MCG Toronto
Msgr. Crisostomo Cacho, VG who congratulated CFC Zambales for His research on CFC focused “More recently there has been a
another victorious year for the Lord. on how CFC originated in Ma- split in the leadership of the CFC,
The Youth for Christ kicked off the celebration with an energetic nila and evolved resulting in
Christmas Celebration
and colorful ati- atihan presentation followed by a musical play pre- as a major move- two sepa-
sented by the Servants of the Lord. The Kids for Christ sang carols ment, now ac- rate groups
and performed in a hilarious yet heartwarming skit. tive in about 124 b e i n g
The anniversary had for its theme the Philippine fiesta and so countries. On formed…
everyone was dressed in native costumes. In keeping with tradition, page 97 of his m o v e - By Rico Tingin
the “Karakol,” a parade in honor of patron saints was held. book, the bish- ments with
Romy Alfaro, Provincial Area Head, announced the new line up op wrote: “The these expe-
of CFC leaders from the Council to the Chapters. Nonong Ignacio Philippine-based riences in THE CFC-Toronto Mission Core Group (MCG) gathered in
Central Luzon Regional Head, gave an inspirational message and community, Cou- their past December for a simple yet memorable Christmas celebration.
exhorted the leaders to always be mission ready, saying: “We have a ples for Christ, have now What is different from this year’s celebration was the simplicity in
great challenge but we have great anointed leaders, who will always has a mission to developed everything that we did together. And yet, everybody went home
say, yes, Lord, I will be there for you.” married couples CFC Australia leaders Dom Pangilinan better sys- happy, satisfied and understood the real meaning of Christmas.
at its very heart. (left) and Denis Reyes visited Bishop t e m s o f A call was made prior to the celebration to do away with the tra-
Porteous and were given autographed
It sees its primary copies of his new book. govern- ditional gift-giving and, instead, channel the money into sponsoring
role as being in- ance.” children through our ANCOP CS program. The target was to simply
tended for the renewal and The author concluded that continue sponsoring the three children MCG managed to sponsor
strengthening of Christian lay communities “witness to the from the money raised in last year’s Christmas party. Jong Amante,
family life… CFC offers pro- beauty of the Christian life, are at the beginning of the celebration, challenged everybody to gener-
grammes for couples with the works of the Holy Spirit and are ously respond and to do the same in their respective families.
purpose of building up Chris- movements at the heart of the The MCG members responded to the challenge such that, by the
tian family life… Couples are Church… one of the ‘surprises’ end of the night, enough money had been raised to sponsor not
renewed and strengthened. of the Spirit and extraordinary three but four children!
Strong faithful couples make action of God in our time…” The MCG also gleefully feasted on a very simple meal this year
strong secure families, which Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, in response to our elders’ call to be one with the poor. Instead of
will make Spirit-filled parishes President of the Pontifical the different varieties and excessive leftovers from prior years, we
that will serve society.” Council for the Laity, wrote the just had pancit (noodles) and sandwiches.
Further down, the bishop introduction to the book. The celebration was capped by singing of Christmas carols from
the various sectors, ministries and regions.