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Architecture and Technology in Paimio Sanatorium: Marianna Heikinheimo

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Architecture and Technology in Paimio Sanatorium

Marianna Heikinheimo
DSc (Arch), MSc (Arch), MA (Fine Arts); marianna.heikinheimo@arkbyroo.fi

Abstract: Alvar Aalto created innovative architecture in his breakthrough work, Paimio
Sanatorium, located in Southwestern Finland and designed between 1928 and 1933. The
technological systems in construction, such as the concrete frame, electricity, air conditioning, and
lifts, developed rapidly in the interwar period and Aalto drew influences from the culturally radical
modernistic discourse around the CIAM organisation and felt that architecture should respond to
the demands of the age.

Architecture is an applied form of art, and symbolic expression in architecture is a system with its
logic. As a contrast, a building is a technological system and forms a framework within which to
solve practical problems. Thus, as a technological system, the building is both material and social,
during its construction and after. The theoretical underpinning for the study was the actor-network
theory developed since the 1980s by the French sociologist Bruno Latour.

This study clearly showed the importance of a collaborative effort in a building project. The most
famous architectural solutions for Paimio Sanatorium, a demanding institutional building project,
came into being in circumstances where the architect-innovator, Aalto, managed to create a viable
and robust hybrid that merged collective competence with material factors.

Keywords: Alvar Aalto, Modernism, Paimio Sanatorium, Finland, Bruno Latour, actor-network
theory, history of technology, history of architecture

1. Introduction
This article discusses the relationship between architecture and technology in Alvar Aalto’s
breakthrough work, Paimio Sanatorium, located in southwestern Finland and designed between 1928
and 1933. Siegfried Giedion canonised the sizeable institutional building as one of the three most
important of the inter-war period.
Architecture is an applied form of art. According to Alan Colquhoun, symbolic expression in
architecture is a system with its logic. As a contrast to symbolic expression, a building is a
technological system and forms a framework within which to solve practical problems. (Colquhoun
1962) Thus, the building as a technological system is both material and social, not only after its
completion but also when it is under construction. Although the ideology of Modernism may have
ignored the significance of local culture, buildings are inevitably cultural objects, tied to both time
and place.
The technological systems in construction, such as the concrete frame, electricity, air
conditioning, and lifts, developed rapidly in the interwar period in Europe, and architects faced new
challenges. Aalto drew influences from culturally radical modernistic discourse and felt that
architecture should respond to the demands of the age.
The research question eventually became: how did Aalto manage to reconcile international
ideology and local building culture in a country where the degree of industrialisation in the building
sector was relatively low? It was also interesting to analyse how international discourse translated
into practical solutions in Aalto's sanatorium project. Furthermore, in the tradition of architecture,
the expressive power of structures is considered part of the overall architectural solution, but how
was it with the emerging technological systems – did they become part of tectonic expression along
with Modernism?

© 2018 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

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Peer-reviewed version available at Arts 2018, 7, 78; doi:10.3390/arts7040078

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The theoretical underpinning for the study was the actor-network theory developed since the
1980s by the French sociologist Bruno Latour. The theory assigns a role for both the social and
material factors in the evolution of technological systems. Latour co-edited an article with architect
Professor Albena Yaneva in 2008, dealing with the problem of buildings looking desperately static.
(Latour & Yaneva 2008) Parallel to their pursuits, this study aimed to make visible the movement of
architecture, meaning the view of a building as a series of transformations. The actor-network theory
served in this work as a theoretical tool to make the chains of events in building Paimio Sanatorium
visible. The rich empirical material of this research shed light on the role of parties other than the
architect in the design process. As a result, the study also showed how Aalto manoeuvred in this
“expanded field” of architecture.
In the Nordic context, the Swedish scholar and architect Lisa Brunnström’s research on the
impact of the scientific management methods to architecture within the context of factory buildings
and cooperative architecture pioneers in shedding light on the interaction between technology and
architecture. (Brunnström 1990 and Brunnström 2004) Anne Beim, a Danish scholar, has studied
tectonics in architecture and expanded the scope of the architectural meaning assignment. In her view
construction technology and practices consciously contribute to the process of architectural meaning
assignment if architects treat them consciously. (Beim 2004) In Finland, Professor Pekka Korvenmaa
has studied Alvar Aalto's works for the forest industries (Korvenmaa 1998); Licentiate, Art Historian
Elina Standertskjöld has researched Alvar Aalto’s standard drawings and Americanisation in the
Nordics (Standertskjöld 1992a, 1992b & 2010), and PhD, Architect Markku Norvasuo Alvar Aalto's
architectural lighting systems. (Norvasuo 2009) The Swedish Professor Claes Caldenby recently
emphasised the need to consider architecture and engineering alongside with the humanities and
social sciences in the research of construction history, in the Nordic countries.
A large institutional building can only emerge from the interplay between many views and the
existing material conditions. The impact of the collective on the architectural solution is particularly
interesting in the case of a building that holds a canonised status. When discussing Aalto’s buildings,
we fail either to see or to understand the input of other designers and specialists. Latour's
anthropological approach and analyses provided useful insight into the collective of architecture and

2. Results

2.1 Insight, Knowledge, Skills, and Material in the Reinforced Concrete Frame
Many documents were covering this central building system, varying in quality, which made it
easier to understand the different dynamics of relationships affecting the work. Articles written by
Aalto revealed the architect’s deep engagement in creating the concrete structure, which was a
challenge he found inspiring. First, in his role as the leading specialist of the hospital project, Aalto
translated the interests of the Building Board to favour a structural designer, with whom he was close,
by pleading the merits of using an independent designer instead of allowing the contractor to make
the structural calculations, which was a more commonplace practice at that time. As an innovator,
Aalto took an active role in the contracting negotiations with the reinforced concrete contractor, even
if this tested the boundaries of his integrity. The contract negotiations were merely Latourian trials
he had to win.
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Figure 1. The patient wing building site in autumn 1930. The A-wing pillars on the external wall line were
cast in situ and protected by a bricklayer. Photographer Alvar Aalto or Aino Marsio-Aalto. Photo No. 50-
003-079. AAM.

Aalto and construction designer Emil Henriksson's previous joint projects had been successful,
and Aalto had come to rely on Henriksson's expertise, knowledge, and competence as a designer.
The professional respect must have been mutual. Henriksson, in turn, was contractor Arvi Ahti’s
business partner, and they had worked together on many developments in Turku. Henriksson
trusted Ahti’s knowledge of concrete structures, and Ahti performed to expectation. Moreover, the
men were related, which may have been an added motivation to support each other’s businesses
during the economic recession. To mobilise Latour’s set of concepts, Aalto acted as the innovator, the
initiating force, who steered the project in the direction of his visions, and who was ready to undergo
various trials to achieve his architectural goals, which he had to translate into the goals of the Building
Board. Aalto, with his architectural vision, Henriksson, with his understanding of reinforced concrete
structures, and Ahti, with his track record as a builder of concrete structures, together with reinforced
concrete as the material, formed a secure network that was capable of action. The process was carried
out as a joint undertaking by these builders, in good spirit and according to schedule, producing an
impressive tectonic outcome for the concrete frame. (Figure 1.)
The Building Board did not debate the fact that the reinforced concrete frame exceeded its
budget quite substantially. After all, Aalto’s solution, which allowed sunlight to flood deep into the
building frame, appealed to the medical experts. He used section drawings as his tool to translate
their interests, showing the medical experts how rays of sun reached the farthest corner within the
structure. As Aalto had succeeded in first persuading the medical specialist of the superiority of his
concrete frame design, the lay members of the Building Board voiced no doubts on this issue. The
process was, referring to actor-network theory, a successful translation.

2.2 The Horizontal Health Window

The patient room windows were an essential and salient architectonic feature in the sanatorium
and underwent a complete overhaul in the time leading to the final realisation. Besides changing
from a steel window to a hybrid window, Aalto also developed the window as a holistic concept,
integrally linked with heating, ventilation and the amount of daylight benefitting the patient. He
wrote in a publication aimed at Swedish architects in 1932: “The patient room has the following
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characteristics, among others: morning sun on the patients’ beds; afternoon sun on the front part of
the room, in front of the window. Double-glazed windows in wood with L-shaped frames, with
permanent ventilation through glass panes with vertical openings. Exposure to the sun can be
adjusted using external blinds …”. (Aalto 1932a)

(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) The vignette image of the competition-stage asymmetrical design in 1929 depicts the first
version of the patient room window. Detail of drawing No. 50-655, the drawing has been cropped.
AAM. (b) One step later in the design process, the standard drawing shows that the bottom edge of
the window section was level. The architect also changed the shape of the floor so that it curved
upwards near the window. Visually the window reached the floor. Drawing 50-395, the drawing has
been cropped. AAM.

Aalto discussed the idea of continuous ventilation, and considering that he was addressing his
professional peers, he was probably referring to the then famous wall-sized sliding window for the
patient room. With this rhetorical gesture, he wanted to demonstrate his expertise in the overlapping
trends in healthcare and architecture. Naturally, the timber-framed window was not designed to be
kept continuously open in Finnish weather conditions.
True to his international ideology, as an architect, Aalto was more interested in using
industrially produced shallow-profile steel windows than traditional wooden windows. (Figure 2 a.)
However, steel windows were more expensive, and Finns needed to import the profiles. At a time of
recession, the state regulated imports and favoured local production. In the early stages of the work,
the Building Board had agreed on the use of steel windows on the condition that they were Finnish.
For this reason, Aalto never invited tenders from window manufacturers abroad, whose
products he had used in his former work. He mobilised the site supervisor to raise the issue of the
quality of industrially produced wooden windows and to turn it into a broader question of principle
regarding the Finnish timber industry, with the likely ulterior motive of influencing the view of the
Building Board on wooden windows. When the final decision was made not to fit the patient rooms
with steel windows, owing to their high cost, Aalto developed a new type of wooden window that
necessitated the use of some steel profiles for structural reasons. This window was like the traditional
ventilation window, known as the "health window," only this time horizontal in orientation.
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Figure 3. The working drawing shows the realised version of the patient room window. T-profiles
supported the two mullions of the middle row of the nine-section window. In the top and bottom
rows, the mullion ran through the structure. Drawing No. 50-321. The drawing has been edited.

The medical specialists of the sanatorium project recommended health windows and architects
have used them since the early 19th century in schools, hospitals, and other public buildings. By
reiterating this concept and defining his window as a "health window," Aalto managed to translate
the opinion of medical experts and win them over to his side. It was a question of cultural
classification of window solutions. Aalto's unusual window design required the use of a few steel
components, which entitled him to talk about innovation and a hybrid. A material hybrid was, for
Aalto, a conceptual victory over a traditional window. Inventing the concept of a hybrid window was
a significant achievement for Aalto, who could now postulate his solution to his peers in the media.
The professional media was a must-win battle for an architect wanting to position himself as an
avant-gardist, which point Beatriz Colomina has discussed in depth in her study of Le Corbusier's
media strategy. (Colomina [1994] 1998.)
While the outcome was not ideal from the architect's perspective, it is likely to have been an
acceptable compromise. Doctors had requested in their statements after the architectural competition
that the unsymmetrical windows were not to reach to floor level for reasons of hygiene. Aalto
changed the windows accordingly so that the bottom edge of all window sections was level. (Figure
2 b.) He also changed the shape of the floor so that it curved upwards near the window so that
visually, the window reached the floor in the final, realised version. The solution fulfilled the hygienic
standards of the doctors, and the architect could preserve an essential design feature. This example
is illustrative of how designers work: Aalto reframed the problem and found a new solution, which
could combine seemingly contradictory starting points. The example also shows the unpredictability
of the evolution of technological solutions – at the beginning of an innovative project, it is impossible
to know the outcome in detail. A static artefact, in this case, the patient room window in the finalised
building, gives no clues to the process of which they are the result. (Figures 3 and 4.) We need to look
profoundly to the process to understand the significance of each system.
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Figure 4. The window looks like a traditional double-glazed system but is not. Photo No. 50-003-360.

2.3 The Integrated design of the patient room

When taking a closer look at the patient room, the overall design comes across as a most
harmonious one: all the furnishings were the outcome of holistic thinking, and the technological
solutions were implemented with great economy of space while optimising their function. Aalto
conceptualised the two-bed patient room as a "minimum apartment." The room was small in size,
making space-saving design solutions necessary. Aalto multiplied the available space by adding
details of his design, and by approaching the small dwelling as a holistic problem. He also created
several standards related to the patient room. However, this harmonious image tells nothing of the
process that preceded the result. (Figures 4 and 5.) It might appear that Aalto was commissioned to
create the interior design for the patient room, including all its parts. However, this was not the case.
(Table 1.)
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Figure 5. A newly completed patient room is harmonious and designed holistically. Photo No. 50-003-
361. AAM.

Table 1. Patient room furnishings

Built-in- Loose Loose

furniture furniture furniture, Chair
Furniture commissioned commissioned purchased purchased Manufacturer
from the from the standard standard
architect architect
The X
Huonekalu- ja
(Figure 6.)
X Huonekalu- ja
The table
The bedside X
table Huonekalu- ja
& cupboards rakennustyötehdas1
(Figure 7.)
The bed X
August Louhen
(Figures 5
and 8.)
The chair Huonekalu- ja
(Figure 9.) rakennustyötehdas1
1The two companies, Huonekalu- ja rakennustyötehdas, and August Louhen rautasänkytehdas (The Steel Bed
factory of August Louhi), were collaborators among them and with Alvar Aalto already before the Paimio
Sanatorium project.
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Figure 6. The wardrobe and the fixed table photographed in the museum room of the sanatorium in 2015.
Photo Ark-byroo Architects.

Figure 7. The bedside table and cupboard. Photo Ark-byroo Architects.

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Figure 8. The bed design was more nuanced than the realised version, which is visible in Figure 5 on
page 7. Drawing 50-182. AAM.

(a) (b)

Figure 9. (a) The hybrid chair with steel tube legs and a bent plywood seat is Aalto’s design from the
late 1920s. Aalto used this Modernist chair with a cantilevered structure in his standard. (Figure 2 b.)
Photo No. 105890. AAM. (b) The small, stackable armchair of the patient room was ofmade from
wood, which as a local material was cheaper than metal. Photo No. 105931. AAM.
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As the person responsible for purchasing patient room furnishings, Aalto’s role in securing the
overall furnishing design of the patient room was decisive. He divided the furniture into four
categories in the acquisition programme. Only some of these categories were part of the design remit
of Aalto’s office. From the Building Board’s perspective, it was not a question of commissioning an
artistically coherent whole. Aalto as a designer was, however, keen to realise the patient room
including the tiniest of details. Realizing the holistic design required a great deal of effort from the
architect. By manoeuvring the purchasing processes through various trials, he was able to translate
the view of the Building Board to support his intentions by always invoking the lowest price. He
exercised a great deal of power within the project. As the person responsible for composing the
acquisition programme, he knew the rules, and, as a representative of the client organisation, it was
part of his role to invite tenders. In addition to this position and the resources of his architectural
office, he also formed part of many local collaborative networks, which had taken shape during
previous projects. Therefore, for example, the manufacture of the model wardrobes for the patient
rooms at Huonekalu- ja Rakennustyötehdas (the Furniture and Building Work Factory) was
completed in record time. Aalto showed great creativity in exploiting his social networks and
material means. He managed to bring into existence a robust and viable network made up of social
and material actors, existing only for the project.

2.4 The Architectural Challenge of the District Infrastructure

The building design and construction preceded many fundamental decisions made concerning
district systems, including sewage and electricity. When the time to make these decisions came, no
real alternatives existed. The requirements of district systems were not observed in the early stages
of the building project, regardless of the background organisations of the Building Board, which
included Turku city officials with a wealth of technological expertise, and the State Medical Board,
which acted as a specialist organisation in all state-funded hospital projects. Neither the principal
designer nor any other stakeholder ever demanded that the installation systems be designed
concurrently with the architectural design.
From the perspective of today’s building design, it appears unfathomable that the water,
sewage, and heating systems, as well as the electrical installations, were designed after the
architectural design was complete. The knowledge and skills of different specialists were not at the
disposal of the architect until the construction had progressed to execution. The architect was
assumed to be able to take the requirements of installation technologies without interacting with
specialists in the respective fields, at a time when heating, water, and sewage technologies were still
novelties in large, modern institutions. The confidence in the architect's competence was unwavering.
The Building Board had initially requested offers on water, sewage, and heating systems without
a reference plan. The poorly prepared first contracting round resulted in no contract. Instead, the
Building Board commissioned a plan of the water, sewage, and heating systems from one of the
contractors. The second round of tendering based on the plan. The one-year delay in the water,
sewage, and heating system contract had a direct impact on the overall schedule of the project.
Collaboration between the architect and Radiator, who designed the water, sewage, and heating
systems, was fruitful and productive. However, another company, Plumbing Company Onninen, got
the contract because it had been carrying out a smaller contract on the site and was therefore familiar
with the developer. Cooperation between Aalto and Onninen was not without its difficulties and
resulted in excess billing about many details, such as the water traps for the washbasins and spittoons
in the patient rooms.
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Figure 10. A radiator design by Alvar Aalto proves his interest to look at the technological apparatus and
installations more profoundly and understand the way they function. Drawing 50-202. AAM.

Aalto actively attempted to influence the choice of contractors on many occasions. He succeeded
in engaging a contractor for the construction of the concrete frame with a quotation that was only
fifth cheapest. Aalto failed to choose smart tactic when aiming to exert his influence in the selection
of the water, sewage, and heating system contractor. He wanted to continue coop with Radiator, and
therefore emphasised the importance of Rayard radiators, which, Radiator had introduced to the
project. Contrary to his expectation, the demand did not deter other candidates. Thus, Aalto failed to
form the collaborative team he had planned; he lost the trial. It is apparent that the relations between
Aalto and Radiator deteriorated because of the decision. Aalto had probably explicitly contacted the
owner and director of Radiator, Arthur E. Nikander, who was known as a well-trained pioneering
engineer-contractor and had contributed to the design by drawing on his know-how and had trusted
in a gentleman's agreement with Aalto regarding the contract.
Aalto's role as an innovator concerning Paimio Sanatorium's district systems, it was variable.
When, in Aalto's opinion, the "wrong" water, sewage, and heating piping contractor was selected, the
architect seems to have lost interest in developing this area any further. Even the electrical
installations, such as high and low-voltage systems, which were abstract and which saw a rapid
improvement in the early 1900s, were not of special interest to him. The only exceptions to this were
the light fittings and lifts. Another unusual detail is that the ventilation design simply emerged as
part of the heating plan. Nobody specifically designed it. Although Aalto wrote in his 1932 article
"Bostadsfrågans geografi” (The Geography of the Housing Problem) about the division of Europe
into town and country, he had not grasped the character and potential of district systems. (Aalto
1932b) Perhaps he had not personally seen any real examples of the architectural treatment of
infrastructure systems. The Latourian hybrids in heating, water, sewage, or electrical systems in the
Paimio Sanatorium project were not as successful as they could have been in integrating technological
systems into architecture, except for the discontinued collaboration with Radiator and few aspects.
However, Aalto was motivated and ideas to develop heating and plumbing apparatus and solutions
inside the buildings, which became evident in his initiatives during the Paimio Sanatorium project
(see e. g. Figure 10), but he did not manage to be as innovative in a bigger scale.
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3. Discussion
Aalto’s modernist discourse was about operating locally. In Paimio Sanatorium, the new social
order of modernisation found its architectural manifestation specifically in the patient room. In line
with the Fordian ethos, Aalto was conscious of the role of the users of health care services, the patient-
consumers, and placed them in his design focus. Therefore, Aalto's creation was socially more radical
than other hospitals built in the same period. Aalto designed the patient room around the new
patrons of architecture, the ordinary citizens, in an empathetic manner. They could look out of the
window while resting on the bed, the light would not be too dazzling, and the radiator installed on
the ceiling emitted even comfortable warmth. Aalto treated the patient room as a minimum
apartment, which, from the perspective of the discourse, was a highly relevant concept. Rationalist
theory or the minimum apartment did not, as such, emphasise the individual experience. Aalto
repeated this same room 120 times through the building, but with his original solutions, he created a
sense of individuality to enrich the everyday environment.
A detailed inquiry into specific processes produced a wealth of new information about the main
building and furnishings of Paimio Sanatorium. Furniture acquisitions revealed the architect's tactics.
He favoured certain suppliers because he had previously engaged with them in a long-term
collaboration. Aalto’s strategy was to launch his furniture into serial production, something that
previous research has already suggested but the present study further confirmed that. Aalto aimed
to use standardised products for the hospital purchases, and at the same time to design the very
standards to be applied, such as the washbasin in the patient room. Standardised products by other
manufacturers were available, but they did not pass muster with Aalto. His likely motive was to
introduce his designs into serial production, and he found the existing serially produced products,
such as the washbasins for the patient rooms, aesthetically unsatisfactory.
The design contracts signed between Aalto and the Building Board did not guarantee that the
interiors in general, or even the patient rooms, would be furnished with pieces designed by Aino and
Alvar Aalto. The Building Board’s decision to select them was not an aesthetic but a pecuniary one.
The artistically accomplished designer was not successful merely because of his superior sense of the
aesthetic. He succeeded because he knew how to enact and realise his strategy.
The successful furnishing of the patient rooms speaks of the architect's ability to operate in a
social context and to direct his actions and even, when necessary, to exceed the limits of his role. In
Latour's terms, the question was about translation. The client reached its goal, which was to save
costs as much as possible while achieving sufficient quality. For the Building Board of the Paimio
Sanatorium project, the end justified the means, so they gave Aalto considerable latitude to
manoeuvre, which enabled him to bring in, one contract at a time, his old business partners as
suppliers to the hospital project.
The standards, of which several are related to the patient room, can be interpreted through
Latour's theory of the locality of scientific knowledge. (Latour 1993) First, Alvar Aalto insisted on
including the master drawings, cost calculations, work specification, working drawings and the
standard drawings among the working drawings in his design contract. It was somehow necessary
for him to establish the concept of the standard to the client, as the concept was, in this context, in all
likelihood entirely new for the latter. The architect created many standard drawings in conjunction
with the design work for Paimio Sanatorium; a practice that the contract thus legitimised. Aalto’s
letter to his Swedish friend and colleague Sven Markelius of 1932 revealed that the architect was not
paid enough for the design of the hospital in his view. However, the minutes did also reveal that the
Federation of Municipalities invested more resources in the interior design of this sanatorium than
others of the same period. These anecdotes indicate that Aalto's level of ambition and commitment
were far beyond average.
Aalto's intention behind this course of action was to bring an exciting phenomenon into his own
designer's studio and under his scrutiny. In this way, he could work it the way he wanted to, and
eventually design standards that could enter industrial production. The notions of Aalto's tactics as
the chief supervisor of Paimio Sanatorium acquisitions and purchases strengthen this interpretation.
Latour's thesis of the locality of knowledge and knowledge management seems to be highly accurate.
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According to Latour, the secret of an innovator's success lies in the innovative use of material
resources, not in the intellectual superiority of the innovator. Aalto's dominant position and his
abilities for networking seem to have been the key to success in furnishing the patient room.
As the example of the patient room window shows, Aalto succeeded in redefining the cultural
concept of the window, in this case, the horizontally oriented health window in a patient room. The
architectural press was an ideal forum for devising such new meanings. According to Latour,
society must be composed, invented, stabilised, maintained and assembled. Society does not explain
anything; we must explain society. Various distinctions, as in the case of windows – the definitions
of the traditional wooden structure and the modern structural hybrid – served as a source of
inspiration for Aalto. Through his texts and designs, Aalto contributed, at a local level, to formulating
and maintaining many concepts. To apply Latour's idea: the window of the patient room does not
explain anything, as such, but instead, we must explain the window.
It was more natural for Aalto to treat the installation technology – the water, sewage, heating,
ventilation, and electrical systems – on the same scale as the patient room, rather than on that of the
entire building or district. The resolution of the question of installation systems on the scale of the
building or the district created difficulties, mainly because the client assumed that the architect would
be able to plan the building-level solutions on his own from the very beginning of the design process,
and without input from experts or discussion of the options to hand. In other words, the architect
received no specialist support in this area until a later stage of the process. There was no readiness to
identify any alternative ways of organising the installation systems until some of the decisions had
already been made, thus reducing the remaining options. The installation systems, as distinct
systems, were thus developed for the building, without any architectonic treatment based on mutual
interaction, except for a few isolated cases of collaboration.
A technological process benefits from inspiring ideas that are tested and subsequently adjusted.
The story of Paimio Sanatorium reveals that the water, sewage, and heating pipe systems, alongside
the electrical and ventilation installations, were relatively new to Aalto, and he could not manage
their design without input from specialists. For this specific reason, it was vital for him to be able to
build reliable, capable networks. He had succeeded at the early stages of the construction phase in
bringing in some of his trusted partners, but as a consequence lost some of the Building Board's trust.
Latour's observations on descriptions of innovation and the intertwining of forces as events that
do not lend themselves to generalised concepts formed a sound basis for choosing a case study as the
angle on this topic. Aalto absorbed international influences and applied them in practice in his home
country, which was still profoundly agricultural and struggling in the throes of an economic
depression. In the case of Paimio Sanatorium, Finland was witnessing the emergence of a new
building type (typos); at that time, efforts were made to favour local or at least domestic products
and producers; the producer organisation of the building, the architect, and his vision were unique
(tectonic), as was the location (topos). The above summary bases on Kenneth Frampton's theory of
architecture emerging as a synthesis of these three factors. (Frampton 1996)
Latour's abstract thinking embodies the idea of general symmetry, in which the object is an active
entity participating in the construct. According to Latour, the effect is not one-directional. In line with
the theme of reciprocity, this study discussed how the current material reality affected the design
solution. For example, the Building Board was convinced of the demanding nature of the realisation
of the reinforced concrete frame and the imperative of a collaborative process, since it went on to
select only the fifth lowest quote. A reinforced concrete building represented new technology, which
resulted in more difficult decision-making. However, the Building Board never once questioned the
feasibility of the reinforced concrete frame.
The winning competition entry showed that Aalto could take the objectives of the clients, namely
the Federation of Municipalities and the State Medical Board, which oversaw the construction work
and turning them into action in consensus with his objectives. Aalto was keen to make sure that the
press reported the progress of his hospital project in a favourable light. Aalto became a celebrated
figure, while the other participants to the project did not actively appear in the publicity, although
Aalto mentioned some of them. In a Latourian reading, the collective became visible through its
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innovator, which was enough for the audience. The other actors and the significant input were
forgotten. The credit for the success, which was the result of the work by the entire collective, went
to Aalto alone. Latour's description of the collective reveals something essential about architecture
and is well-suited for the study of architecture, in which the role of the designer is traditionally, and
often disturbingly, assigned to a single individual. Anyone familiar with the field will know how
necessary it is to view architecture as a collective and an applied undertaking.
Latour’s view that a project will never amount to anything if its idea remains pure is also
fascinating from the perspective of architecture. A project can only materialise if it is exposed to and
intermingles with other elements. Only when the resulting machine or another artefact, in this case,
a building, becomes unquestionably established, so that this synthesis is forgotten, can an idea be
perceived as "pure." When examining the relationship between architecture and technology, it
would be unrealistic to remain exclusively in the domain of ideas.

4. Materials and Methods

Latour urges the researcher to observe the details in view and map out the chain of events. His
example directs our attention to what networks reflect of themselves to the outside world. One of the
critical issues in the study was to delimit the object of study. According to the definition of technology
adopted in the study, the set of objects under scientific inquiry may contain any entities. The
anthropological approach enabled the research object itself to direct the researcher to the salient
themes of study. By analysing Aalto's writings as well as his drawings, the researcher formed an
opinion on which aspects of the design were vital for the architect from the perspective of
architectural theory. Besides, the study also tracked the decision-making process of the Building
Board and identified many topics that it discussed intensely, and that caused conflict. The study
followed these points of disconnect, which Latour has dubbed as trials.
From the perspective of the execution of hospital designs, one of the two archives of vital
importance was the archive of the hospital itself. The minutes of the Building Committee and the
Building Board are records of decision-making during the building process. Aalto's drawings and
photographs from the construction period and of the finished building, as well as his correspondence,
are kept in the Aalto archive, which was the second of the two principal sources of information. The
archive also contains certain other documents in addition to those produced by the architects, such
as engineers’ drawings and product catalogues.
The study compiled a robust description of each building component, or technological system
from the basis of the minutes of the Building Board and the Building Committee, the written
contracts, and the inspection records, in chronological order. The researcher looked more profound
to each building part and compared its narration with other source materials, such as drawings,
specifications, and the building itself. The minutes revealed, among other things, the intentions of
different parties, and answered questions such as who proposed what, whether someone objected to
something, whether the administrative bodies altered the plans, in what way the solutions and
decisions evolved, and who was entitled to act as the representative of these bodies in different
Architectural drawings and other design documents were grouped into categories to match the
focal points in the study, such as the designs relating to the windows. The categories included
drawings from the competition phase to working drawings, and from elevation drawings to the
smallest details and standard drawings. The researcher arranged the material in chronological order.
This method was useful for understanding the development and its challenges. As the next step, the
researcher juxtaposed these considerations against the analysis of the minutes and the workshop
drawings. Through this method, the study traced which building parts the architect afforded the
most design effort and who participated in the process.
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5. Conclusions
The study clearly showed the importance of a collaborative effort in an architectural project.
Latour refers to strong networks formed by social and material actors that together possess the
capacity to act. The more in-depth insight into the prerequisites for successful architecture that the
study has provided could be useful today. The most famous architectural solutions for Paimio
Sanatorium, a demanding institutional building project, came into being in circumstances where the
architect-innovator, Aalto, managed to create a viable and robust hybrid that merged collective
competence with material factors. Creating such a context today could lead to successful innovation
of the current environments in health care.
Latour's concept of translation offered a framework to understand why the architect justified his
design solutions differently to different audiences, such as the medical experts or the professional
peers. He needed to understand what motivated each group and interpret the same design
On the historical side, the different electrical, heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems
developed very rapidly in the inter-war period, and few had previous experience on them. The
disruption of architects’ role as master builders had already taken place roughly a century earlier
concerning the bearing system along with the use of steel structures and reinforced concrete
structures. In the early decades of the 20th century, the pace was just too fast even for an open-minded
and skilled young professional like Alvar Aalto, to master all its technological subsystems. Engineers
started occupying more mental space in building projects. This study indicates that the break took
place in the interwar period, as the architect was on the one hand expected to master all fields of
engineering until the contracting stage. The specialists only joined the project during the construction
phase, and the design team needed to reconsider many solutions.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at


Funding: The article based on the doctoral dissertation "Architecture and Technology: Alvar Aalto's Paimio
Sanatorium" at Aalto University in 2016 of the author. The National Post-Graduate Programme for Architectural
Research, the Finnish Ministry of Education, and the Finnish Cultural Fund funded the research.

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.

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