In most optics texts, illumination is either not mentioned, or is given only cursory treatment. The probable
reason for this is that illumination involves the psychophysics of the visual sense, which may seem out of
place in "straight" physics. However, illumination is not only of considerable practical importance, but its
definitions and methods are applicable to the transfer of any kind of radiant energy. The strange units of
illumination may be regarded askance, but a basic unit, the candela, is a fundamental unit of the SI
system. The theory of illumination involves only the cosine factor for projecting areas, and the inverse-
square spreading from a point source. Its practical results are expressed as surface integrals, which can
now be done numerically with computer aid. The theory, therefore, is quite simple and easily mastered.
Names and definitions often create confusion, however, which this article will strive to overcome.
The measurement of the energy of radiation, an objective quantity that can be measured in W, is
called radiometry. when the spectral sensitivity of the eye is taken into account, the measurement is
called photometry, where light is measured in lumens. Photometry is semi-objective, intermediate
between the physical stimulus of energy and the psychophysical response of brightness. Although we
often say "eye", the visual sense is actually located in the brain; the eye is merely a sensor.
The results of illumination theory will be applied to two important theorems about the intensity of an
image formed by an optical system. One is that the brightness of the image cannot exceed the brigtness of
the extended source that is imaged, and the other is that the illumination in the image decreases as the
fourth power of the cosine of the angle of the principal ray (the one through the centre of the entrance
We use the same word "light" for electromagnetic radiation of
frequencies in the narrow band 4 x 1014 Hz to 8 x 1014 Hz, and
also for the psychological sensation produced by it when it
impinges on our eyes and excites our visual sense. The energy
in physical light can be expressed in watt, which is precisely
defined. Its value in producing sensation, the strength of which
is called "apparent brightness," is less well defined because of
the difficulty in the quantitative evaluation of sensation.
Nevertheles, by averaging the responses of many observers, a
curve of the relative efficiency of energy at different spectral
wavelengths in producing sensation can be determined. The
result is called the "Standard Observer," whose spectral
sensitivity is plotted at the left. The peak of this curve is at 555
nm, taken as unity, and is down to 0.0004 at 400 nm and 735
nm. The commonly used visual range of 380-760 nm includes a
lot of worthless "tail" region. A better statement would be 500-
630 nm, showing how narrow the eye's spectral response really
is. A quantity called luminous flux, F, is defined that is
analogous to energy, but reflects the effectivness of the radiation at producing visual sensation. This unit
is the lumen, and at the peak of the photopic (light-adapted) eye's sensitivity, 680 lm = 1 W (some
references give 683; the difference is inconsequential). Now we can convert any spectral distribution of
energy into lumens with precision, and work with lumens as we would work with energy. It is only
necessary to multiply the energy in watts in each small wavelength interval by the visual efficiency, and
sum the results, multiplying by 680 or 683 to get the lumens.
It must be carefully appreciated that lumens do not measure brightness, which is like loudness in
acoustics. Establishing a scale of brightness is a completely different matter, and one that belongs
exclusively to psychophysics. All we know is that equal amounts of luminous flux produce equal
brightness, and more flux means more brightness, but no more than that. In fact, brightness is about
proportional to the logarithm of the luminous flux (Fechner's Law). Brightness could be defined by the
relation B = k log(F/F0), where we would have to choose a constant k and a reference luminous flux F 0.
Doubling the luminous flux does not double the apparent brightness. The term "brightness" was once used
for certain photometric quantities, but now has been replaced by "luminance" to avoid confusion with
psychophysical brightness. The eye can, however, detect equality of brightness quite reliably, and this
property is a valuable one. It is impossible to say when one surface is twice as bright as another, so
establishing a quantitative scale of brightness is difficult.
We may proceed as we have done for lumens with any similar weighted energy distribution, or with
energy itself, in what follows. Some of the names used, however, are peculiar to illumination and lumens,
and should not be used with energy or other radiant quantities. The Latin word lumen, luminis (n.) is one
of two words meaning "light." The other is lux, lucis (f.). Lumen was often thought of as light coming
from the eye, or a lamp, while lux was light coming into the eye, or from the sun or moon. Both these
words are used in photometry to name concepts and units. Light measured in lumens may be
monochromatic, but the concept is really intended for use with broad-spectrum light, often perceived as
Now let us consider a source of luminous flux, and a specially simple
one that has no spatial extension, but emits luminous flux along radial
lines. This point source need not be equally strong in all directions, and
can be as anisotropic as desired. Any finite amount of radiation must
be emitted in a finite cone surrounding the direction considered, that
can be made as small as desired. This cone has its vertex at the source,
and its base of area dA at a distance r from the source, the normal to
dA making an angle of φ with the radius. Then, this cone is measured
by the quantity dΩ = dA cos φ/r2 called a differential solid angle,
measured in steradians. The definition is illlustrated at the right. It is
positive or negative as the normal to dA points outwards or inwards. It is clear that the total solid angle
surrounding a point is 4π.
The luminous intensity I of a point source is the ratio dF/dΩ, and is in general a function of direction. It is
measured in candela, cd. If 1 lm is emitted per steradian, the intensity is 1 cd. An isotropic point source
of intensity I cd, then, emits 4πI lm. The candela is not far from the actual luminous intensity of a normal
candle flame, and was once defined in terms of standard lamps burning pentane, amyl acetate, or colza
oil. These days it is the intensity of an area of 1/60 cm 2 of a black body at 2042K (freezing platinum). A
60W gas-filled tungsten incandescent lamp provides about 870 lm when new. This corresponds to 14.5
lm/W referred to the electrical input power to the lamp. If the lamp radiated uniformly, its luminous
intensity would be 69 cd. The specification of lamps by candlepower was once common, but it is easier
just to give the electrical input if you want to make substandard lamps. Actually, both should be given to
estimate the balance between life and efficiency. A very efficient lamp will burn hot and expire sooner
from evaporation of the tungsten. Long-life lamps are easily made by simply reducing the lumens per
watt. A 400W high pressure sodium arc gives 50,000 lm, or 125 lm/W, about twice the efficiency of a
fluorescent lamp. An Edison carbon-filament lamp gave about 3 lm/W. This efficiency should not be
confused with the visual ratio of 680 lm/W, where the energy is already in the form of radiation. If all the
energy input to a lamp were output at 555 nm, then its efficiency would be 680 lm/W, which we can
regard as a kind of upper limit, never closely approached. The renaming of the time-honored luminous
efficiency to "luminous efficacy" is yet another example of worthless pedanticism.
The luminous flux falling on the area dA from a source of intensity I is
given by dF = IdA cos φ/r2, as shown in the diagram at the left. This
follows directly from the definition of I as luminous flux per unit solid
angle and the definition of solid angle. If the source is an extended one,
then this must be integrated over the source area. The luminous flux per
unit area falling on a surface is called the illumination E of the surface, and
is measured in lm/m2. A lm/m2 is called a lux, and a lm/cm2 is called
a phot. Clearly, 10000 lx = 1 phot, for what it is worth. For a point source,
E = dF/dA = I cos φ/r2.
The term illuminance has been proposed to replace illumination, apparently to show that the word has a
technical meaning that should be distinguished from the general term illumination. This is yet another
useless complication, with much less reason than the substitution of luminance for brightness. It might
even create some confusion with luminance, which sounds similar. Nobody confuses illumination with
lumination, and if one does, it is harmless.
Most of the confusion in illumination calculations now comes when we consider the illuminated surface
as a new source of luminous flux. Illuminated surfaces differ greatly in their response to incident light. A
specularly reflecting surface, such as that of a metal, reflects the light according to the laws of reflection.
A surface may be perfectly absorbing, or black, and in this case it just soaks up the luminous flux and
does not return any. Most surfaces are somewhere in between. The science of illumination mainly
concerns itself with the ideal case of a diffusing surface as defined by Lambert. Such a lambertian surface
does not lose any incident radiant flux, but re-emits it in all the available solid angle, which here is 2π
radians, on the illuminated side of the surface. Moreover, it emits it so that the surface appears equally
bright from any direction. That is, equal projected areas radiate equal amounts of luminous flux. Though
this is an ideal, many real surfaces approach it.
If we integrate over dS (presuming dΩ remains unchanged), we find dF = I dΩ, where I = ∫B cos θ dS. If
θ is also about constant, then I = B (S cos θ) = B x projected area, which makes clear Lambert's definition
of his ideal diffuse reflecting surface. If we are looking normal to a disc of radius a and luminance B, then
its intensity is πa2B cd. The illumination at a distance r will then be E = π(a/r) 2B. The angular subtense of
the diameter of the disc is 2a/r = δ. Therefore, E = (π/4)δ 2B. When finding the illumination due to an
extended source, dI = B cos θ dS.
The luminance of the sun is about 1.6 x 109 cd/m2, and its angular subtense is δ = 0.5° = 8.73 x 10-3 rad.
Therefore, E = 96,000 lux on a surface normal to the sun's rays, or 62,000 lux on the level ground when
the sun's elevation is 50°. The moon's brightness is only about 2500 cd/m 2, so it illuminates a surface
normal to its rays with 0.15 lux. The remarkable adaptation of our eyes to the full range of natural
illumination is much to be admired, and gives a good reason for logarithmic response. 120 lux is the
geometric mean of solar and lunar illumination, and this is about the lower limit for comfortable vision.
The luminance of a 400W high-pressure sodium lamp is 780 cd/cm 2.
The total luminous flux E emitted per unit area from a lambertian
surface of luminance B is easily calcuated. ∫(0,π/2) cos θ dΩ = 2π ∫
cos θ sin θ dθ = π, so E = πB. The construction of this integral is
shown at the left. Note that the radius of the hemisphere is
immaterial. An area of luminance 1 cd/m2 emits π lm/m2. This factor
of pi should cause no confusion if its source is kept in mind.
However, there are other units of luminance B that include it. A
surface with a luminance of 1/π cd/m2 emits 1 lm/m2. This amount of
luminance is called an apostilb, confusingly changing from
centimetres to metres, so a square metre of lambertian diffuse radiator
radiates a total amount of lumens equal to its luminance in apostilb. Similarly, 1/π cd/cm 2 is a lambert,
and 1/π cd/ft2 is a foot-lambert. In Greek, means "away from," so apostilb is "I shine out." We should
have consistently used apostilbs for lamberts, and "exnits" for cd/πm 2. All this Greek and Latin is
interesting, but I prefer to use only lumens, candela and the distance unit so I can keep things straight.
The factor of π applies only to an ideal lambertian radiator, of course. If you assume that a surface
reradiates all the luminous flux that falls on it, then its luminance in apostilbs, lamberts or foot-lamberts is
the same as its illumination in lux, phot or ft-cd.
Since the idea of lamberts may be confusing, perhaps another description would be welcome. Suppose
you are looking at a small illuminated diffuse reflector of area dA from a certain angle, and receive a flux
of dF lumens from it. The projected area normal to your line of vision is dScos θ. If you look at it from a
different direction, the projected area may change, but the area will look equally bright, which means the
same flux per unit projected area. We may also introduce the solid angle dΩ of your pupil to find the flux
per unit solid angle as well, which will allow us to integrate the flux over any surface. Then, our
observation is that dF/dΩdAcos θ equals a constant, say L, so that dF = Lcosθ dAdΩ. To find the total
light emitted by dA, we integrate over dΩ=2π sin θdθ from θ = 0 to π/2. The result is dF = πLdA, so the
constant L is L = (1/π)dF/dA = E/π, or the total flux emitted (which will be a fraction of the total
illumination) divided by π. A lambert is a lumen/cm 2 received and reemitted per unit solid angle dΩ, not
the luminance B, which is also lumen/cm2, but directly emitted into dΩ.
If a diffuse surface receives E lumens/cm 2, then E/π is its surface brightness in lamberts, and the light
emitted at an angle θ into solid angle dΩ is (E/π)dAcos θ dΩ. The total light emitted from dA is then E.
Brightness in Images
We have now defined the four main illumination quantities: F, I, E and B, and given the connections
between them. It is good to remember that I = dF/dΩ, E = dF/dA and B = d 2F/dAdΩ. We will now look at
some important properties of the illuminance of images formed by optical systems. In optics texts, this is
usually called "brightness," but we have explained above why this term has been generally replaced by
"luminance." The argument can be made rigorous, but we shall be satisfied with a simple demonstration
that emphasizes the principal facts.
The reason for this is clear. If the image becomes smaller, so that the same energy is concentrated in a
smaller area, the solid angle under which it is illuminated increases proportionately, so the product
remains constant. If the image is viewed by the eye so that the entrance pupil of the eye is full, the
luminous flux entering the eye will be constant, equal to the image brightness times the solid angle
subtended by the eye pupil.
If the image is formed on a diffusing screen, the same total luminous flux will come from a smaller area,
which will appear brighter to the eye. A small image of the sun may ignite tinder if its temperature is
raised enough, but this does not mean that the actual image has a greater luminance than the surface of the
sun, but only that the energy comes from a larger solid angle.
The illumination in an image (not the luminance!) falls off for off-axis image points. If Ω is the solid
angle on the axis, say A/s'2, the solid angle off the axis at an angle θ will be Ω' = (A cos θ)/(s'/cos θ) 2 = Ω
cos3θ. Since the illumination now falls obliquely at an angle θ, there is a further factor of cos θ. The
illumination BΩ' = BΩ cos4θ. Therefore, the off-axis illumination falls off as cos 4θ, which can be rather
rapid. At only 20°, the illumination is off by 22%.
Edit examples of this chapter
'''A lamp giving out 1200 lm in all directions is suspended 8 m above the
working plane. Calculate the illumination at a point on
the working plane 6 m away from the foot of the lamp.'''
import math as m
cosQ = h/length
E = I*cosQ/length**2 #lm/m^2
'''A small light source with intensity uniform in all directions is mounted
at a height of 10 metres above a horizontal surface.
Two points A and B both lie on the surface with point A directly beneath the
source. How far is B from A if the illumination at B
is only 1/10 as great as at A ?'''
Eb = I/(l**2)*(l/(l**2 + x**2)**0.5)**3
x1 = x[1]
import math as m
#(i)Illumination due to L1
#L = (I/r^2)*cosQ
L1 = (I/d1**2)*(h/d1) #lm/m^2
#(ii)Illumination due to L2
L2 = (I/d2**2)*(h/d2) #lm/m^2
'''Two lamps A and B of 200 candela and 400 candela respectively are situated
100 m apart. The height of A above the ground
level is 10 m and that of B is 20 m. If a photometer is placed at the centre
of the line joining the two lamp posts,
calculate its reading.'''
import math as m
I1 = 200.0 #Cd (lamp 1 intensity)
I2 = 400.0 #Cd (lamp 2 intensity)
h1 = 10.0 #m (height between lamp 1 and ground)
h2 = 20.0 #m (height between lamp 2 and ground)
d1 = 50.0 #m (horizontal distance from 1)
d2 = 50.0 #m (horizontal distance from 2)
l1 = m.sqrt(h1**2 + d1**2)
l2 = m.sqrt(h2**2 + d2**2)
cosQ1 = h1/l1
cosQ2 = h2/l2
#Total cost
cost = enrgy*0.3 #Rs
print "cost of running = Rs",round(cost)
Average Brightness = 6375.22 cd/m^2.
cost of running = Rs 150.0
#Lamp in watts
watt = f_out/eff #W
print "lamp wattage =",round(watt,2),"W."
lamp wattage = 4415.63 W.
'''A lamp of 100 candela is placed 1 m below a plane mirror which reflects
90% of light falling on it. The lamp is hung 4 m above
ground.Find the illumination at a point on the ground 3 m away from the point
vertically below the lamp.'''
import math as m
l1 = m.sqrt(h1**2 + d1**2) #m
cosQ1 = h1/l1
#The lamp L1 will produce the image L2 1m behind the mirror.Therefore,
l2 = m.sqrt(h2**2 + d2**2) #m
cosQ2 = h2/l2
import math as m
#Avg illumination
avg = flux/A #lux
'''A lamp has a uniform candle power of 300 in all directions and is fitted
with a reflector which directs 50% of the total
emitted light uniformly on to a flat circular disc of 20 m diameter placed 20
m vertically below the lamp. Calculate the
illumination (a) at the centre and (b)at the edge of the surface without the
reflector. Repeat these two calculations with
the reflector provided.'''
import math as m
#(i)Without reflector
Ec = I/h**2 #lm/m^2 (illumination at centre)
theta = m.atan((dia/2)/h)
l = m.sqrt(h**2 + (dia/2)**2) #m (distance between edge and source
#(ii)With reflector
#Luminous output of lamp
lflux = I*4*3.14 #lm
#Area of disc
A = 3.14*(dia*dia)/4 #m^2
'''A light is placed 3 m above the ground and its candle power is 100 cos θ
in any downward direction making an angle q with the
vertical. If P and Q are two points on the grond, P being vertically under
the light and the distance PQ being 3 m, calculate.
(a) the illumination of the ground at P and also at Q.
(b) the total radiations sent down by the lamp.'''
import math as m
from scipy.integrate import quad
r1 = 3.0 #m
r2 = m.sqrt(3**2 + 3**2) #m
#Candela Power along LP
CP1 = 100.0*m.cos(0) #cd
#Illumination at P is
Ep = CP1/(r1**2) #cd/m^2
#Illumination at Q is
Eq = CP2/(r2**2) #cd/m^2
def integrand(Q):
return 100*3.14*m.sin(2*Q)
import math as m
'''A 21 cm diameter globe of dense opal glass encloses a lamp emitting 1000
lumens and has uniform brightness of 4e+3 lumen/m^2
when viewed in any direction. What would be the luminous intensity of the
globe in any direction? Find what percentage of the
flux emitted by the lamp is absorbed by the globe.'''
#% absorption is
absrp = fluxab/flux*100 #% absorption
print "percentage absorption = ",round(absrp,2),"%."
luminous intensity of globe is = 44.0 Cd.
percentage absorption = 44.61 %.
'''A 2.5 cm diameter disc source of luminance 1000 cd/cm2 is placed at the
focus of a specular parabolic reflector
normal to the axis. The focal length of the reflector is 10 cm, diameter 40
cm and reflectance 0.8. Calculate the axial
intensity and beam-spread. Also show diagrammatically what will happen if the
source were moved away from the reflector
along the axis in either direction.'''
import math as m
#Surface area is
A = 3.142*d*d/4 #m^2 (Area)
#Luminous intensity is
I = 0.8*A*L #Cd
print "Luminous intensity is =",round(I,2),"Cd"
'''A 22cm diameter globe of opal glass encloses a lamp of uniform luminous
intensity 120 C.P. Thirty per cent of light emitted
by the lamp is absorbed by globe. Determine (a) luminance of globe (b) C.P.
of globe in any direction.'''
d = 0.22 #m (diameter)
I = 120.0 #Cd (luminous intensity)
#surface area is
sa = 3.14*d*d #m^2
#(a)Luminance of globe is
L = reflux/sa #lm/m^2
print "Flux emmited by source is =",round(L,2),"lm/m^2 ."
#(b) C.P of globe is
cp = reflux/(4*3.14) #Cd
print "C.P of globe is = ",round(cp,2),"Cd."
Flux emmited by source is = 6942.15 lm/m^2 .
C.P of globe is = 84.0 Cd.
'''A 0.4 m diameter diffusing sphere of opal glass (20 percent absorption)
encloses an incandescent lamp with a luminous flux of
4850 lumens. Calculate the average luminance of the sphere.'''
d = 0.4 #m (diameter)
lflux = 4850.0 #lm (luminous flux)
reflux = 0.8*lflux #lm (flux emmited by globe)
import math as m
L = 4.0 #m (length of source of light)
d = 2.0 #m (height)
flux = 1880.0 #lumens (flux)
theta = m.atan(L/(2*d))
#As I = flux/(3.14*3.14*L)
I = 4*flux/(3.14*3.14*L) #cd/m
#Illumination produced is
E = I/(2*d)*(m.sin(2*theta) + 2*theta) #lm/m^2
Fl = Symbol('Fl')
E = coef*Fl/(3.14*d*d*(1-coef)) #lm/m^2
L1 = coef*E/3.14 #cd/m^2
#As L is equal to L1
eq = Eq(L,L1)
Fl = solve(eq)
Fl1 = Fl[0] #lumens
#Utilization coefficient is
coef = I1/I_tot
#Luminous efficiency
eff1 = 15.0 #lm/W
eff2 = 40.0 #lm/W
tube2 = 12*80.0 #W
E1_E2 = flamp*eff1/(tube2*eff2)
#Flux required is
flux = Area*E #lm
A = 60.0*15.0 #m^2
E = 100.0 #lm/m^2
coef = 0.4 # (coefficient of utilization)
lum = 16.0 #lm/W (luminous efficiency)
dep = 1+0.2 # (depriciation factor)
#Now,space/height ratio is 1.
h = 5.0 #m
#Total flux is
flux = E*A/(coef*dep) #lumens
#Total flux is
flux = E*A*W/(coef*dep) #lm/m^2
'''If the filament of a 32 candela, 100-V lamp has a length l and diameter
d,calculate the length and diameter of the filament
of a 16 candela 200-V lamp,assuming that the two lamps run at the same
intrinsic brilliance.'''
'''An incandescent lamp has a filament of 0.005 cm diameter and one metre
length. It is required to construct another lamp of
similar type to work at double the supply voltage and give half the candle
power. Assuming that the new lamp operates at the same
brilliancy,determine suitable dimensions for its filament.'''
'''A 60 candle power, 250-V metal filament lamp has a measured candle power
of 71.5 candela at 260 V and 50 candela at 240 V.
(a) Find the constant for the lamp in the expression C = aV^b where C =
candle power and V = voltage.
(b) Calculate the change of candle power per volt at 250 V. Determine the
percentage variation of candle power due to a voltage
variation of æ 4% from the normal value. '''
a = 71.5/(260.0)**b1
print "Hence expression for candle power is C = %e" %a,"*V^",round(b1,2)
In [ ]:
A surge arrester is a device to protect electrical equipment from over-voltage transients caused by
external (lightning) or internal (switching) events. Also called a surge protection device (SPD)
or transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS), this class of device is used to protect equipment in
power transmission and distribution systems. (For consumer equipment protection, different
products called surge protectors are used.)
High-frequency feeder arrester: Used to protect the microwave, mobile base stations
satellite receiver, etc.
Receptacle-type surge arrester: Use to Protect the terminal Electronic equipment
Signal Arrester: Apply in MODEM, DDN line, fax, phone, process control signal circuit etc.
Network arrester: Apply in servers, workstations, interfaces etc.
Coaxial cable lightning arrester: Used on the coaxial cable to protect the wireless
transmission and receiving system
High Power transmission.
Low installation and material cost.
Long distance transmissions.
The fault or damage in overhead lines can easily locate.
Maintenance of the line is easier.
Extension or joining on overhead lines can be performed easily and also
it facilitates easy replacing.
As it is exposed to the surrounding, safety risk is high.
A continuous pathway for the line creates obstructions.
Vulnerable to lightning strikes