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September 23, Infer The Purpose of The Poem Listened To

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LESSON Teacher LOUELLE L. GONZALES Subject English

PLAN September , 2019 7 – Patience/7:30-8:30
Date 7 – Wisdom/ 1:00 – 2: 00 Grading 2nd
7 - Honesty/11:00-12:00

OBJECTIVES 1. Infer the purpose of the poem listened to
 Answer the given guided questions
 Perform a task through differentiated activities
2. Employ correct turn-taking, turn-giving and topic control strategies
in conversations and dialogs
 Discuss the answers through turn-taking and turn – giving.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period
of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening
and viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative language; ways to
extract and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal
cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary
selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting
information and noting details from texts to write a précis, summary, or
paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and
verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully
and appropriately.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN7LC-II-g-2.8.3 Infer the purpose of the poem listened to
EN7OL-II-d-2.7 Employ correct turn-taking, turn-giving and topic control
strategies in conversations and dialogs
My Neighbor
By Ricaredo Demetillo
III. Learning References
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learners Material Pages 226-227
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing past lesson or Daily Routine – 5 minutes
Presenting new lesson  Prayer
(Drill/review/unlocking of  Checking of Absents
1. Interlopers - a person who becomes involved in a place or situation
where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
2. Jimmy doors – to forcefully open doors
3. Snitch - steal
4. Strewn - untidily scattered
5. Intrusion - the action of intruding
6. Curiosity - a strong desire to know or learn something
7. Slyly - in a cunning and deceitful or manipulative manner
8. Beneath - at a lower level or layer than
9. Tumble - fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong
10. Longingly - with a yearning desire
B. Establishing a purpose of the My Neighbor! (reflective) 10 minutes
new lesson (Motivation)  The teacher will post a picture of Ironic Situation
 The students will explain their feelings on the pictures that they will

*the teacher will introduce the objective

C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the new lesson Read the Poem My Neighbor by Ricaredo Demetillo
LESSON Teacher LOUELLE L. GONZALES Subject English
PLAN September , 2019 7 – Patience/7:30-8:30
Date 7 – Wisdom/ 1:00 – 2: 00 Grading 2nd
7 - Honesty/11:00-12:00

D. Discussing new concepts and Let’s Infer!

practicing new skills no. 1. Guided Questions
(Modeling) 1. Why did the neighbor build high walls around his residence?
2. Describe the neighbor’s attitude towards others. Read the lines
which give clues to your descriptions.
3. Is the neigbor right to build high walls around his house? What
forced him to do such?
4. How did the people react on the action made by the neighbor?
5. In spite of highwalls and tall gate, what is the narrator able to
6. Is the daughter of his well-to-do neighbor happy? Support your
7. Do you think this “neighbor’s daughter” will be allowd to play with
other children? Why?
8. How will you differentiate the lifestyle of neighbor’s daughter from
that of the boys?
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills no. 2 Process the answers by turn taking conversation
(Guided Practice)
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Group 1. The Internalized Roles!
formative assessment no. 3.) 1. Think of a situation in the poem where “separation’ is evident.
Independent Practice 2. Devise ways on how you will address and resolve this separation
3. Act out the scene you have thought of and the resolution you have
4. Be ready for comments from their classmates.

Group 2. The Symbolic Masterpiece

1. Present your understanding of the poem through an illustration or
2. Draw an illustration which you think highlights the message of the
3. State your reasons for making the illustrations
4. Be ready for feedback

Group 3. Musically Inclined

1. Create a jingle that will capture the meaning of the poem.
2. You can improvise using body sound or any materials that can
create sound for additional taste.
3. Be ready for feedback

Group 4. The Drama

1. Write a script or dialogues between and among the neighbor, the
neighbor’s daughter and her yaya, the speaker, and the speaker’s
children as main characters in the poem.
2. Deliver the script clearly
3. Be ready for feedback
G. Finding practical application Why do we need to analyze the situation around us? Next, why is it
of concepts and skills in daily judging easily is not a good attitude? Explain.
living (Application/Valuing)
H. Making generalization and
Let the student summarize their learning in this lesson.
abstraction about the lesson
Relate the lesson to Ironic Situations.
I. Evaluating Learning Formative assessment was used. Performance Task
(Summative Test)
J. Additional activities for Look for tone and mood of a poem
application and remediation
A. No. of learner who earned 80%
LESSON Teacher LOUELLE L. GONZALES Subject English
PLAN September , 2019 7 – Patience/7:30-8:30
Date 7 – Wisdom/ 1:00 – 2: 00 Grading 2nd
7 - Honesty/11:00-12:00

B. No. of learner who scored below

80% (needs remediation)

C. No. of learners who have caught

up with the lesson

D. No of learner who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies The teacher may choose by checking on the following suggested reflection: (may
work well? Why? choose one or more depending on the class scenario)
__Group work among students’ works well because I see them all engaged in the
__ Collaborative is evident and effective during the delivery of my lesson. The
students are seen to be very cooperative in the learning process.
__ Giving students more time to explore and discover the task given allows them
to make their presentations nice and effective. It teaches them to think a great
__ Allowing students to think of their own strategies on how to present their
activity shows their thorough understanding of the lesson and enhances their
activity. Yet guidance of the teacher is very much required.
__ Grouping is seen to be very effective in every classroom activity because
students will learn on how to deal with the different family orientations showed by
their classmates. They learn to be flexible.
__ Creative presentations such as singing, dancing, acting, playing musical
instruments are also very effective. Some of them are new to teach other yet they
work effectively to showcase a creative and relevant theme activity.
__ Differentiated instructions is very much effective because it caters to the
multiple intelligences present in each student.
__ Profiling students provides the teacher from the better to the best idea on how
to deal with them and on what particular strategy would best fit for their kind.
___ Discussion first, then activity is also found out to be very effective since
students in this generation has very limited attention span.
__ Video presentation as springboard to teach are likewise effective. Students
absorb it faster if they are looking at the video; because most of the students
these days are bodily kinesthetic and visual learners.
__ Game as an introduction to a topic was also found out to be very effective as
__ Students tend to understand easy and well if they are enjoying the lesson.
Learning at the same time enjoying is effective because a happy class is learning
F. What difficulties did I encounter The following are the difficulties I have encountered in the class.
which my principal/supervisor can ___ Short attention span of the learners.
help me solve? ___ Availability of resources (textbook, workbook, TGs, CGs, internet, computer,
etc.) time management.
___ class size
__ Classroom environment (not conducive to learning, etc.)
G. What innovation or localized The following are the innovation or localized materials I had used in the class:
materials did I use/discover which I ___ use of PowerPoint application (slide deck presentation)
wish to share w/other teacher? ___video clip presentation that was created in the community if possible
___ resources coming from the community
___ The use of the names of establishments or personality from the community if
___ performing experiment that is needed in the topic that uses materials from the
___ The used of personalized activity sheets/worksheets.
___ the use of applications that can be downloaded that supports the objectives
LESSON Teacher LOUELLE L. GONZALES Subject English
PLAN September , 2019 7 – Patience/7:30-8:30
Date 7 – Wisdom/ 1:00 – 2: 00 Grading 2nd
7 - Honesty/11:00-12:00

of the lesson.

Prepared: Inspected:


SST I Teacher – in – Charge

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