Innovations Forum: U R G F A P C
Innovations Forum: U R G F A P C
Innovations Forum: U R G F A P C
USE OF RECYCLED GLASS AND FLY #50 or finer, no expansion of the glascrete mortar bars was
observed. This means that the ASR expansion increases with
ASH FOR PRECAST CONCRETE increasing fineness of glass particles up to a certain point, and
then decreases afterwards [for details, see New York (1997,
1998)]. The practical implication of this finding is that waste
Postconsumer glass represents a major component of solid glass, ground to at least mesh size #100, is not likely to cause
waste. Because current collection methods are limited, only a unacceptable expansion due to ASR. However, for decorative
small fraction can be recycled directly to the primary market applications, it is desirable to include glass particles as large
— the bottling and container industry. The problem is partic-
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Glass Content 0.017%, while those of portland cement samples were about
0.05%. These are small and unproblematic values, yet ashcrete
The ASR expansion of mortar bars as measured in the binder seems to reduce expansion of ASR. Not only is the
ASTM C 1260 test, was found to be almost linearly propor- maximum expansion of ashcrete much smaller than that of
tional to the percentage of glass in the mortar bar mix. These regular concrete, but the expansion time histories for ashcrete
results are in contrast to reports mentioned in the literature also exhibit different behavior. For portland cement concrete,
about the existence of a possible pessimum content of reactive the expansion increases continuously during the 14 day testing
aggregate. period. For ashcrete, all curves except the one for bars with
#50 glass particles showed that expansions increase for a cer-
ASHCRETE: ACTIVATED FLY ASH WITH tain period and thereafter decrease continuously. After about
GLASS AGGREGATE 10 days, the net expansions turned negative, i.e., instead of
expanding, the specimens shrank. For specimens with #100
In addition to the use of glass aggregate in portland cement glass particles, the shrinkage started after three days. The max-
concrete, the writers examined the effectiveness of a new con- imum amount of shrinkage measured was about 0.015%,
crete in terms of reducing ASR expansion. After briefly de- which is very small compared with the drying shrinkage of
scribing the properties of this new concrete, its effectiveness regular concrete.
in reducing ASR expansions will be discussed. Investigations similar to those described above for portland
The new material is called ashcrete. It is a low-cost and cement concrete with waste glass were also conducted for ash-
environmentally friendly cementitious material and has great crete to study the effect of glass particle size, glass type, color
potential for various applications in construction, especially for and content. The test results showed that (1) unlike in portland
precast concrete. Ashcrete consists of activation chemicals, cement concrete, green glass is not effective in suppressing
Class-F fly ash, coarse and fine aggregates without any port- ASR expansion; (2) ashcrete with Pyrex glass or fused silica
land cement. The utilization of fly ash is completely different as aggregated resulted in higher ASR expansion than if win-
from that in conventional concrete. Using ashcrete as a binder, dow glass aggregate was used; and (3) 100% of natural ag-
with waste glass added as aggregate, the resulting glascrete gregate can be replaced by waste glass, and the resulting ASR
could potentially consist of 100% recycled solid waste. expansion of ashcrete is below the limit of 0.1% considered
The controlling parameters of ashcrete have been identified by ASTM C 1260 as critical. The most important conclusion
and optimized in terms of strength development and cost. Ash- is that ASR-related expansion does not appear to be a problem
crete develops strengths up to 62 MPa (9,000 psi) in 24 h. for ashcrete with waste glass aggregate.
The activation chemicals are sodium hydroxide and sodium
silicate solution. There is no high calcium lime involved, and APPENDIX. REFERENCES
thus the nature of the chemical reactions is not pozzolanic, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. (1997).
which results in a very fast strength development. The con- ‘‘Use of recycled glass for concrete masonry blocks.’’ Final Rep. 97-
trolling parameters that are particularly important for ashcrete 15, Nov.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. (1998).
have been identified, namely, the ratio of total activation chem- ‘‘Use of recycled glass and fly ash for precast concrete.’’ Final Rep.
icals to fly ash, the molar ratio of silica dioxide to sodium 98-18, Oct.
oxide (SiO2 /Na2O), and the water-to-binder ratio (binder is the
sum of sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate solution, and fly Christian Meyer
ash). The other controlling parameters are similar to those for Department of Civil Engineering
portland cement concrete, such as binder-to-aggregate ratio and Engineering Mechanics
and coarse-to-fine aggregate ratio. Columbia University
The ratio of the total activation chemicals to fly ash has an New York, NY
effect on both ultimate strength and strength development. The
basic trend is that the higher the ratio, the higher the resulting Yunping Xi
strength of the ashcrete. For economic reasons, the ratio should Department of Civil, Environmental
be kept below 20%. Also the molar ratio SiO2 /Na2O has a and Architectural Engineering
critical effect on both ultimate strength and strength develop- University of Colorado
ment. Our extensive test results showed that the SiO2 /Na2O Boulder, CO