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Quiz 1

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QUIZ 1 ( 2013-2014)

1. The major body component gains primarily from eating and drinking – WATER
2. How many % of the total body weight is contributed by body water. – 50-60%.
3. The one that is being dissolved. – solute
4. The one that dissolves. – solvent
5. The principal cation in the ECF – Sodium
6. The principal cation in ICF – Potassium
7. The principal anion in ECF - Chloride
8. The process by which water moves across a selectively permeable membrane from an area
of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. –osmosis
9. The solute molecules move through a semi permeable membrane from an area of high
solute concentration to an area of low solute concentration. - diffusion
10. An energy that fuelled the active transport process. ATP
11. It is a system that works to maintain intravascular fluid balance and blood pressure. -
12. A steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that help to control fluid and
electrolyte balance – aldosterone
13. An excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid. EDEMA
14. an enzyme secreted primarily by the juxtaglumerular cells in the kidney which promotes
vasoconstriction.- RENIN
15. A normal constituent of the blood that produced by the liver. - ANGIOTENSINOGEN
16. An enzyme produced by the lungs that convert A1 to A2.- KINASE
17. The fluid within blood vessels. – intravascular
18. The fluid that surrounds the cells. – interstitial
19. The fluid where is contained in body cavities, not readily utilizable for the body. –
20. It refers to the fluid inside the cells. – intracellular
21. It refers to all fluids outside the cell – extracellular
22. The major regulators of sodium and water balance in the ECF.- KIDNEYS
23. In diffusion, the larger molecules less move quickly than smaller ones. - inspired
24. In hypertonic solutions, the cells will increase in size. inspired
25. In isotonic solutions, the cell will remain in size. inspired
26. In hypotonic solutions, the cell will decrease in size. inspired
27. Insensible water loss occurs through urine, feces, and sweat. Expired
28. - 30. Factors affecting the rate of diffusion
QUIZ 2 ( 2013-2014)

1. This is the loss of extra cellular fluid volume that exceeds the intake of fluid. FVD
2. It refers to loss of WATER alone, with increased solutes concentration and sodium
concentration. – DEHYDRATION
3. The early clinical manifestation of FVD in a conscious person. THIRST
4. The classic sign of decreased fluid volume. POSTURAL HYPOTENSION
5. The best sites in assessing the skin and tongue turgor. STERNUM
6. HM solution. 1 tsp sugar + 1 tsp salt in 1 L of water
7. Type of solution for hypertonic FVD client. HYPOTONIC
8. Type of solution for hypotonic FVD client. HYPERTONIC
9. It refers to the excessive retention of water and electrolytes in equal proportion. FVE
10. The classic sign of fluid overload. WEIGHT GAIN

Physical  Weight loss, tented skin turgor, dry mucus  Increased weight gain
examination membrane  Increased UO
 Tachycardia  Moist crackles in the lungs
 Cool skin  Distended neck veins
 Flat neck veins  Wheezing
 Dependent edema
Subjective  Thirst  SOB
cues  Nausea, anorexia  Change in mental status
 Muscle weakness and cramps
 Change in mental state
Laboratory  Elevated BUN ( due to depletion of fluids or  Low BUN and
findings decreases renal perfusion) CREATININE (dilution)
 Elevated hgb,hct (hemoconcentration)  Low hgb,hct
 Electrolyte imbalances  Low urine sodium and
( hypokalemia,hyperkalemia,hyponatremia,hy osmolality
pernatremia)  Urine specific gravity
 Urine specific gravity increased decreased
 Decreased CVP  Increased CVP
 CXR- confirm pulmonary
1. This are found in the ICF and ECF that dissociate into electrically charged particles
known as ions.
2. The amount of electrolytes in a solution is most commonly expressed in terms of..
3. When caring a patient with hyponatremia, the nurse is careful to restrict :
4. Which electrolyte imbalance will cause cellular swelling:
5. Which electrolyte imbalance will cause cellular shrinking:
6. Normal serum sodium concentration ranges from:
7. When assessing a patient for potassium deficits, the nurse is aware that normal serum
potassium level ranges from:
8. Aldosterone secretion in response to fluid loss will result in which electrolyte
9. Before administering any medication containing potassium, an important nursing
intervention is to check the patient’s :
10. A client has severe hyperkalemia, what drugs may be administered to antagonize the
effect of K to the heart.
11. It has a reciprocal relationship with phosphorus.
12. When serum calcium levels rise, what hormones is secreted?
13. Normal serum calcium concentration ranges from:
14. Upon assessment to the client, the nurse elicits a positive Chvostek’s sign. This indicates
that he is suffering to what electrolytes imbalance?
15. It refer to carpopedal soasm after the blood pressure cuff is inflated.
16. It refer to the results from increased resorption of Ca from the bones.
17. Normal serum phosphorus concentration ranges from:
18. They are used for neuromuscular activity, formation of ATP and utilization of B
19. The second most abundant electrolytes cation in the ICF.
20. Normal serum magnesium concentration ranges from:

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