3 Ingles I PDF
3 Ingles I PDF
3 Ingles I PDF
vrith tiew
app* Student's Book
Gudelia Matías Silva
Subdirector administrativo
Gudelia Matías Silva
Dirección editorial
Gisela L. Galicia
Asesor académico
Miguel Ángel Argueta Vázquez
Consultoría editorial
Alejandra Camarillo
Diseñador en jefe
Jesús González Picazo
Diseño editorial
Karla Ariana Romero Álvarez
Oscar J. Gándara Guzmán
Abril Cortés Suárez
Ilustrador en jefe
Luis Daniel Arenas Robles
Julio César Ávila Vázquez
Producción editorial
Francisco Javier Martínez García
Miembro de la Cámara
Nacional de la Industria
Editorial Mexicana.
Reg. Núm. 3740
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Welcome to
Think Cool i!
tudents and teachers will find tbis book flexible and informative. Reading, writing,
listening and speaking are integrated througbout tbe book. Speaking is an
important component added to tbis book.Tbere are conversations in every block
to present and reinforce tbe essential information. Additionally, we bave included
listening practices in every block as well as collaborative work.
This book fulfills the objectives of the reformed program by working with generic and
disciplinary competencies.The book has been designed fot students to accomplish all of the
units competencies as efbciently as possible.
L e sso n & to p ic G ra m m a r
Lesson 1 The verb to be (am, ¡s and are) in affirmative,
What’s your ñame? negative and interrogative forms
Personal information, greetings
History of the calendar
My performance
Summative assessment
Summative assessment
Objectives Skills Page
Check previous knowledge Reading and writing 55
Describe routines and habits Reading, speaking, listening, and writing 56
Describe family members’ routines
and habits
A busyfamily
My performance
Summative assessment
List of verbs
Objectives Skills Page
Differentiate routine actions from actions Reading, speaking, listening, and writing 107
in progress
rt~ I,:
General purpose: Uses simple present and present Progressive to communicate and
interact witn others in real social contexts in speaking and writing.
Purpose of unit i: Uses the verb to be, possessive and demonstrative adjectives in oral
ana written conversations,to introduce themselves to other people in the present simple
Generic competences
Category 2: Expresses and communicates
Competence 4. Listens, interprets and issues relevant messages in different contexts
through the use of media, tools and appropriate codes.
4.1. Expresses ideas and concepts through language, math or graphics.
4.3. Identifies main ideas in a text or oral discourse and ¡nterfers conclusions from them.
4.4. Communicates in a second language in everyday situations.
4.5. Manages information technology and communication (TIC) to get facts and express
Category 4. Learns autonomously
Competence 7. Learns by initiative and self-interest throughout life.
7.3. Articulates knowledge from various fields and establishes relationships among them
and their daily lives.
Category 5. Works collaboratively
Competence 8. Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
8.1. Suggests ways to solve a problem or develop a project team, defining a course of
action with specific steps.
8.2. Provides open views and considers other people reflexively.
Disciplinary competences
10. Identifies and interprets the general idea and possible development of an oral or
written message in a second language, using prior knowledge, nonverbal elements and
cultural context.
n. Communicates in a foreign language using a consistent logical, oral or written speech
in relation to the communicative situation.
Diagnosis Sean and check
your answers
A Listen to your teacher say the colors and number them in the order you hear
the words.
C Listen carefully to your teacher’s spelling and write the letters you hear.
1. ______________________________ 6 ._________________
2 . _____________________________ 7- ________________
3- __________________________________________ 8. ______________________
4- ______________________________ 9- ________________
5 . ________________________ 1 0 . ________________
D Match the columns. Write the letters on the lines.
1. Helio! a. Good morning, Miss Martínez!
2. Good morning, Mr. López! b . Hi!
3. Howare you? c. You are welcome.
4. Thankyou, sir. d. Fine thankyou. And you?
Lesson i
What s your
■5 f « -A -
I ■:
H flílíg
Hi everybody!
My ñame is Ernesto Casillas.
I am from Spain.
We have to get ready for our future; one important aspect we wlll deal with ¡s looking
for a job. We have to know howtofill out an application form, make an appointment,
etc. As a class project; in thls block,you have to create a conversation for an Interview.
You can askfor personal information and fill out a form. You can inelude some
¡llustrations to make ¡t more attractive and interesting.The suggested steps forthis
project are divided into 4 parts that are indicated as:
“Working on my project.”
F Match the questions with their corresponding answers.
O uestions Answers
Ñame: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last ñame: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dateofbirth: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E-mail: _________________________________________________
Telephone number: _________________________________________________
Hobbies: _________________________________________________
J Read and listen to the following information. Circle the sentences that express descriptions.
We are friends
She is m y assistant
She is Mia.
She is a teacher, too
This is Pete.
He is your lab teacher
He is 24 years oíd.
Grnmmar Focus
Personal pronouns Verb to be
I am Y o u are
Y o u are W e are
T h e y are
H e is
She is □
It is http://goo.gl/IZTsoO
M Listen to the following descriptions and write the correct number in each picture.
h y
le - r-
Who ann I?
N Listen and complete the sentences.
Example: I am a chef.
1. She__________ an English teacher.
2. They_____________soccer players.
3 .1___________a chef.
4. H e___________ a pilot.
5. W e______________ students.
6. Kyara________a dog.
7. You________a ______________.
8. They_________kites.
P Fill in the application form with personal informat¡on,then interview another student
in the web from another school your teacher knows. Write his or her information in your
notebook and present it in class.
O U n iversily
First-Y ear A d m ission s A p p lica tio n
Please enter y o u r ríame as it appears o n y o u r passport o r o th e r o fficia l documents.
Street Address
City/Town State/Province
Street Address
Current Mailing Address Phone ( _ Current mailing address valid fro m _________
Begin with Area or Country Code
□ Other Citizenship_________________________________________________________________________
If you live in the United States, but are not a U.S. citizen, how many years have you lived in the country?_________________
I f not English, language spoken in your h om e___________________________ I f not English, list your first language _
O Work with a classmate and exchange the information you obtain online.
Compare the information.
Unit 1
R Read and listen to the following conversation.
Underline the sentences that contain the verb to be.
Part i
Choose a group of classmatesyou want to work with. Discuss the following topics with
your teacher.
1. The date for your project presentation
2. The duration of the presentation
3. How many classesyou haveto prepare for your project
4. Suggest evaluation ¡deas to your teacher
Whoom I?
T Complete the missing information.
Grommar Focus
'Affirmative form Negative form InterTogative form
1 am
You are
He ¡s
She is
It is
We are
They are
Short answers
When we answer a question, we can use short responses.
he is. he isn't.
Complete the questions and answer them according to the conversation in exercise R.
Are you a teacher?
No, l’m not a teacher.
Forfurther practice,
you can log on to:
DWork with a classmate. Find out about your classmate’s family.
Followthe example:
Student A: Who ís Marcela?
Student B: She’s my sister.
Student B: Who are Ricardo and Antonio?
Student A: They’re my brothers.
E Complete lists of family words. Whoam I?
F Complete the sentences with information that is true for your family.
1. My sister _
2. My mother
3. My teacher
4. My friend _
C Work with a dassmate. Share the sentences you wrote in exercise F.
H Read the paragraph and underline all the sentences that contain proper ñames.
We use possessive
We always use
a possessive
Personal Possessive Examples: adjective +
a noun/nouns.
pronoun adjectives
l My My teacher is nice.
Look at the pictures. Write the ñames for the clothes and use the words from the boxes.
O Work with a dassmate. Look at the pictures of famous people. Select one and
describe him/her to your ciassmate. He/she has to guess who the person is.
O Work with a group of friends. Can you ñame words that describe people?
W ritealist. Examples: 1. pretty 2. tall
Workinq on mv proiacl
Let’s continué working on your project: It’s ¡mportant to check that your writing is
complete and that it complies with grammar, spelling and punctuation conventions.
Prepare and design the visual material you are goingto use for your presentation. You
can use posters, power point presentations, videos, photographs, etc.
Check your pronunciation, ¡ntonation and fluency. Ask your teacher for help ifyou
have doubts.
In a job interview,you can have a simple conversation likethis one:
A: So, What’s your ñame?
B: Jane Smith.
A: What’s your job title?
B: l'm an English teacher.
A: What experience do you have?
B: About eightyears.
A: What skills do you have for this job?
B: I can speak English well, I can work with teenagers, I can handle
largegroups, etc.
Practice this conversation with your classmates and add more questions
and answers.
Please choose a job you wouid like to be interviewed for:
secretary waiter teacher sports coach shop assistant TV presenter
■-• . ■
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'' B R B K V , ; jft*i
S Look at the pictures and describe them. Use the words below.
e x o ttt
W o d e t *
Q tt r a c t w e
n a fu ra /
r 1
T Listen to the following occupations and professions and number the pictures.
M I b Xi
U Work with a classmate. Look at the previous picture and describe it.
Student A: He is funny.
Student B: Is he a photographer?
Student A: No, he isn’t a photographer.
Student B: is he fat? Is he a chef?
Student A: Yes, he’s a chef!
Whoam I?
1 one 12 tw elve 5 o fifty
2 tw o i3 th irte e n 6 0 sixty
3 th re e i4 fo u rte e n 70 seventy
4 fo u r is fift e e n 8 0 eighty
5 fiv e 16 sixteen 9 0 ninety
6 six 17 seventeen 1 0 0 one hundred
7 seven 18 eighteen 2 0 0 tw o hundred
8 eight 19 nineteen 3 0 0 th r e e hundred
9 nine 2 0 tw en ty 1 ,0 0 0 one th o u san d
1 0 ten 3 0 th ¡r ty 2 ,0 0 0 tw o th o u san d
11 eleven 4 0 forty
Who am I?
H 1 J K L M N
0 P O R S T U
1 Giant 7* Tslcs
2 Vampire 8 Cage
3 Líght 9 Awesome
4 Knowledge !0 Ouiet
5 Wheat 11 Vegetables
6 Juice 12 Judge
I Work with a group of classmates. Your teacher spells an adjective. Write it and raise your
hand. The first team to write the word correctly gets a point.
K Work with a classmate. Use the cards to spell the words or read the numbers.
Student A Student B
1. grapes 1. peaches
2. 213 2. 374
3. 818 3. engineer
4. eagle 4. 708
5- 945 5. seal
6. mechanic 6. 811
7. va m pire 7. 619
8. 673 8. knowledge
J Who am I?
Grammar Focus
An The
History of the
The sun, moon, planets, and stars are
an ¡mportant referencefor measuringthe
passage of time throughout our existence.
Ancient civilizations relied upon the apparent
motion ofthese bodiesthrough the skyto
determine seasons, months, and years.
We don’t have much information about
the details of timekeeping in prehistoric
eras; however, records and artifacts that
are discovered, show that in every culture,
people were worried about measuririg
and recording the passage of time. Ice-age
hunters scratched lines and gouged holes in
sticks and bones, possibly counting the days
between the phases of the moon.
Sumerians ¡n the Tigris-Euphrates valley ¡n today’s Iraq had a calendar that divided the
year ¡nto 30-day months, divided the day into 12 perlods (each corresponding to 2 of our
hours), and divided these periods ¡nto 30 parts (each like 4 of our minutes).
The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon’s cycles, but they realized that
the “Dog Star” now called Sirius, rose next to the sun every 365 days, about when the
annual inundation of the Nile began.They devised a 365-day calendar in 4236 B.C.,the
earliest recorded year in history.
The Mayans of America relied on not only the sun and moon, but alsothe planet Venus,
to establish 260-day and 365-day calendars.This culture flourished from around 2000
B.C. untll about 1500 A.D.They left celestial-cycle records indicating their belief that the
creation of the world occurred in 3113 B.C. Their calendars later became portions of the
great Aztec calendar stones. Other civilizations, including the modern West, have adopted
a 365-day solar calendar with a leapyear occurring every fouryears.
3. How many days and months does the Aztec Calendar have?
IN/Vyp e r fo ra ™6
Assessing m y learning
Evalúate your progress by putting a check (»/) in the correct box.
Usingverb to be to
express descriptions.
Writingexercises ¡n
with the verb to be to
describe people, places
or objects.
Usingthe affirmative,
interrogative and
negative forms of the
verb to be.
B Choose the correct verb that best completes the sentences and questions.
1. Bob and Peter students.
i.a m bus «.are d.be
2. a student here?
a, a re you b*you’re « J ’m áusthey
3. What time ?
a-it is b.are c. is d. is it
4. My chemistry class at 10:20.
a, is b. are «.aren't d. near
5. My mother’s sister my aunt.
a.aren't b.am c, is d. are
Generic competences:
Category 2: Expresses and communicates
Competence 4. Listens, ¡nterprets and issues relevant messages in different contexts through
the use of media, tools and appropriate codes.
4.1. Expresses ideas and concepts through language, math or graphics.
4.3. Identifies main ideas in a text or oral discourse and infer conclusions from them.
4.4. Communicates in a second language in everyday situations.
4.5. Manages information technology and communication (TIC) to get facts and express ¡deas.
Category 4. Learns autonomously
Competence 7. Learns by initiative and self-interest throughout life.
7.3. Articulates knowledgefrom various fields and establishes relationships between them and
their daily lives.
Category 5. Works collaboratively
Competence 8. Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
8.1. Suggests ways to solve a problem or develop a project team, defining a course of action
with specific steps.
8.2. Provides views and considers other people reflexively.
Disciplinary competences
10. Identifies and interpretsthe general idea and possible development of an oral or written
message in a second language, using prior knowledge, nonverbal elements and
cultural contexts.
n. Communicates in a foreign language using a logical, oral or written speech with consistent
communicative situation.
a ____
A Circle the mistakes and write the questions correctly.
Work with a group of classmates. Look at the pictures and tell each other which of these
actions you do.
answer exams makethe bed
g sendane-mail
Unit 2
Means of transportation
hot air balloon boat
What I do and how I Uve
W o rk Leísure Study
w ash-washes
fix -fix e s
fly -flie s
Verbs with vowel+y
ending.we only add s:
say - says
p la y- plays
buy - buys
Theverb “have"isan
exception: "has”
I Unscramble the words to form sentences.
pl a y (2)
We can use the
following time
expressions with the
simple present tense:
Every day
On weekends
On Monday,Tuesday,
history on Tuesday and Thursday.
In the morning
soccer on weekends.
In the afternoon e-mails every day.
At night
fish twice a week.
Once a week, ______the house on weekends.
a month, etc TV at night.
Twice a week, backgammon with your friends.
a month, etc two brothers.
3 times a week,
4 times ayear, etc
What I do and how I Uve
L Listen and read the text. Underline the sentences that express habits or routines in the
present tense.
i «a ■ s I
are awesome!
1 W
My mom
> ____
> ____
My dad
Y M y dog _____________
Unit 2
Grommar Focus
Simple present - Negative
1 don’t go
My dad doesn’t work on Saturday.
My classmates play
My sister doesn’t rock m usic.
What I do and how I Uve
F Complete the following sentences with do/does/doesn’t/don’t.
2. have a pet.
3. My sister______________go to school
8 Our brother______________watch
TV every day.
9*______________your parents
speak English?
io. My classmates___
particípate in class.
H Work with a classmate. Use the ¡nformation on the cards to ask your classmate
questions. Answer the questions with your personal ¡nformation.
(Your dad - English)
Student A: Does your dad speak English?
Student B: No, he doesn’t speak English.
Student B
I Small group work. Work with 3 classmates. Ask them questions about their or their
families’ Use the pictures for ideas.
Unit 2
J Work with a classmate. Take turns. Ask and answer questions about your classmates
family member to find out who he /she is and what he / she / does.
K Work with a classmate to play this grammar game. Read the instructions carefully and
go to the next page.
WINNER! Miss a
two I
spaces |
A Look at the pictures, listen and repeat.
i Work with a classmate to find out what time he/she does these
activities. Ask questions using: What time...?
You: What time do you wake up?
Your classmate: I wake up at 6 o’clock.
Famous people
practice, log on to:
D Listen to the conversation again and practice it
with a dassmate.
E Read the conversation and underline the sentences
that express the frequency of an action.
F Write the sentences you underlined in the previous exercise.
> _____________________________________________
> _____________________________________________
> _____________________________________________
> _____________________________________________
G Complete the missing information.
Grnmmor Focus
Unit 2
Answer the following questions using some frequency adverbs.
How often do you do these activities?
1.1 wake up at
2.1 take a shower at
3- 1 have breakfast at
4' 1 get dressed before
5- 1 Roto school by
Wake up early
Brush your hair
Take a shower
Prepare bTeakfast
Go to school
Help your mom
Do housewoTk
Eat celery
Drink juice
Watch sports
Ride a bike
Go joggiug
Read the
Share your answers in class. Make a pie graph to ¡Ilústrate your class’ results.
What I do and how I Uve
Interview 3 dassmates about their answers to exercise I. Complete the chart.
W h a t do and how i Uve
Where you
When do they play soccer?
When we want to know the subject ¡n a sentence, we ask who.
Who lives nearthe school?
for example:
Who sings “ I love you"?
Who has a baby brother?
Part 2
Unit 2
O Write the words in the corred orderto make questions.
i. shopping / how / your / does / go / often / sister
2. go / gym / time / to / what / you / do / the
3. does / like / kind / to / music / download / of / sister / what / your
4. school / your / in / history / teaches / who
S.teacher / does / where / live / your
S Use the information to write questions. Look at the pictures to get ideas.
You: What time does your sister go to bed?
Your classmate: She goes to bed at n.
i. What time ?
2. How long
5. What kind of
Part 3
Assessing my learning
Evalúate your progress by putting a check in (i/) the correct box.
Writingexercises in
interrogative form with
simple present and
expressions of time for
the simple present.
Demónstrate confidence
and valúes to work with
teachers of other subjects.
Purpose of unit 3: Build afñrmative, negative and interrogative forms with difFerent exercises,
to communicate effectively ¡n oral and written texts based on the grammatical differences of
present simple and present progressive tenses.
Generic competences
Category 2: Expresses and communicates
Competence 4. Listens, ¡nterprets and issues relevant messages in different contexts through
the use of media, tools and appropriate codes.
4.3. Identifies main ideas in a text or oral discourse and infer conclusions from them.
4.5. Manages ¡nformation technology and communication (TIC) to get facts and express ¡deas.
Category 5: Works collaboratively
Competence 8. Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
8.1. Suggests ways to solve a problem or develop a project team, defining a course of action
with specific steps.
8.2. Provides views with opening and considers other people reflexively.
Category 6: Participates with responsibility in the society.
10. Maintains a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, valúes,
ideas and social practices.
10.1. Recognizes that diversity takes place in a democratic space of equal dignity and rights of
all people, and rejects all forms of discrimination.
10.2. Dialogues and learns from people with different views and cultural traditions by placing
their own circumstances in a broader context.
Disciplinary competences
10. Identifies and interprets the general idea and possible development of an oral or written
message in a second language, using prior knowledge, nonverbal elements and cultural
11. Communicates in a foreign language using a consistent logical, oral or written speech with
the communicative situation.
/ Circle the correct answer.
1. Look over there! Tim is bringing / brings his little brother to class.
2. My older sister is listening / listening to pop music right now in her bedroom.
3. English students are writing / write an exercise now.
4. Grandma is making / make a cake. It smells delicious.
5. Listen! Dad is reading / reads a story to Dany.
Change the following sentences into positive, negative and interrogative forms of the
present progressive.
You work late.
Sean and check
(-) You are working late.
your answers
(?) Are you working late?
l g
¡t f ;S
JH p iB *, / ' <
1 1 1
I describe what is
Work with a classmate. How many verbs can you form with these letters?
We watch TV every day: soccer games, soap operas, reality shows, etc. As a class
project, in this block,you have to tell your classmates about a program you’re watching
by using the present progressive.This presentation must contain information about the
program you're narrating. You can inelude the video ofthe program so your classmates
and teacher can watch it while you’re narrating important details.The steps suggested for
this project are divided into 4 parts that are indicated as: Working on my project.
W / describe what is
i happeninq
C Work with a group of classmates and pay attention to the video your teacher is
going to show. Write down all the actions you can ¡dentify.
Organizing a
rock concert
The Jumpers’ concert ¡s tomorrow. It’s hard to organize a rock concert. Many people are
working to make it possible.The director is checking that everything is ready.The dancers
and singers are preparingforthe show.The technicians are trying the speakers and the
sound works well.One of them is fixing a speaker.The singers are getting dressed.Outside,
some vendors are selling tickets. One of the directors is yelling because he needs a spotlight
forthe stage.The rock stars are sleeping because they are giving concerts every day.
It’s difñcult! A snacks seller is getting ready to work. We are all so excited!
Unit J
Read the text and answer the questions.
1. Who ¡sthe performing group?
4. W hoisyelling?
6. Who is sleeping?
F Read the text again and circle the sentences that describe actions.
GWrite the sentences you circled in the previous exercise.
> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
2. How do we usethem? B | ^ f f í X í f í S ¡ 3 T € )
1 1 jl -f.
-------------------------- :__
Grammar Focus
PTesent progressive
We use the present progressive to _________________
Subject + a m / is / a r e + v e r b in g + complement.
am speaking English now.
A single, silent “e" at the end of the verb is dropped before ing.
Example: come - coming
I am coming home. You are coming home. He is coming home.
But: "ee'’at the end of the verb is not changed.
Exampie: agree - agreeing
The final consonant after a short, stressed vowel is doubled before ing.
Example: sit-sittin g
I am sitting on the sofá. You are sitting on the sofá. He is sitting on the sofá
An "ie”at the end of a verb becomes " y ” before ing.
Example: lie - lying
I am lying on the bed. You are lying on the bed. He is lying on the bed.
/ describe whot is
L Write down the correct ing form of the following verbs.
Example: come coming
1. study 6. read
2. have 7. walk
3-jog 8. sing
4. sit 9. get
5. write 1 0 . break
NI Look at the picture and describe the actions that are taking place there.
Example: A couple is talking in the park.
N Work with a classmate and write a text to describe what is happening at the park.
Write your text below.
A Listen to the following conversation and underline all the sentences that contain
verbs with ing.
> _______________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________
V. « y
Unit J
D Complete the missing Information.
Grammar Focus
Present pTogressive
Affirmative foirn Negative form Interrogative form
A TV program
Is P o n c h o w a lk in g ?
F Now, look at the pictures and write the correct answers.
Listen to the song and pay attention to the words in bold.
Correct them ¡f necessary.
■ holdin’ on?
We new this day would come, we new it all
■ along.
How did it come so fast?
This is our last night, but it’s late and l’m tryin’ not to sleep
‘cu* I know, when I wake I w ill have to sleep away.
you is a repórter describing the event in present Progressive and your classmate is the
cameraman filming the news. Rehearse with the Information you wrote then present it
m front of the class. iotgno? Isb 9(ja GgnhGgsiq ¿i "i9Íeia ym bne
Let’s continué working on your project: It’s important tocheckthat your writing is
complete and that it complies with grammar, spelling and punctuation conventions.
Prepare and design the visual material you are going to use for your presentation.
You can use posters, power point presentations, videos, photographs, etc.
Check your pronunciation, ¡ntonation and fluency. Ask your teacher for help if you
have doubts.
Before you read
Answer the following questions.
A busy family
Tomorrow ¡sThanksgiving Day and my
family and I are in a hurry. We are getting
ready for our dinner celebration. My mother
is preparing the cranberry sauce,turkey and
mashed potatoes. My grandma is baking a
delicious apple pie and I am doing the dishes.
Myfather is decoratingthe living room, my
little brother is drawing some greeting cards
and my sister is preparing a special song for us!
I describe what is
My performance
Assessing my leaming
Evalúateyour progress by putting a check ¡n the correct box.
Usingthe present
in affirmative,
interrogative and
negative forms.
Writing information
in the present
Using simple
present and present
Sum m ative assessm ent
A Read the text and choose the correct answers.
All aboard!
Thereare many kindsof boats.One kind of boat is called a sailboat. A sailboat uses the wind to
move.Wínd makes a sailboat move in the water.The wind pushes the sailboat. Wind filis the sails.
The sailboat moves when the wind blows.
Another kind of boat is called motorboat. A motorboat uses a motor to move. The motor gives
powertothe boat.The motorboat moves when the motor is working.The motorboat makes a loud
One more boat is called rowboat. A rowboat needs people to move it. People make a rowboat
move in the water. People use oars to move a rowboat. Oars are long and fíat. Oars go into the
water. A rowboat moves when people use the oars. Asyou can see,there are many kinds of boats.
1. Which boat uses the wind to move?
a. a sailboat
b. a rowboat Sean and check
c. a motorboat your answers
B Complete the sentences with the simple present or the present progressive.
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List of verbs
Regular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
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