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Faculty Development Program Advanced Design of Steel Structures

Beam Columns in Frames

Dr. Sunil Kumar Tengli
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
REVA University, Bangalore.

2.1 Beam Column

Columns subjected to combined axial force and bending moment is called as beam
i) A beam column may be subjected to single curvature bending over its length.

Fig 2.1 Beam Column

The Beam column deflects in yz plane only.
ii) In the fixed portal frame shown in Fig 2.2

Fig 2.2 Braced Frame

the rotations of the beams causes rotation of the column, due to rigid connection. The
beam transfers the vertical load to the column along with moments due to flexural rotaion at the
joints. Hence the column is subjected to axial load and bending moment.

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iii) Consider the Mill Bent ABCDE shown in fig 2.3

Fig 2.3 Mill Bent

This lateral load acting on AB is due to wind or earthquake. This causes bending moment
along with axial force in the columns.
iv) In industrial structures, the gantry girders are supported on brackets which inturn
connected to the columns. Referring to the Fig 2.4; the gantry girder transfers its
reaction ‘P’ at an eccentricity ‘e’. Thus the column is subjected to bending moment in
addition to the axial load ‘P’. In addition the column is subjected to horizontal load
which is called horizontal surge.

Fig 2.4 Transfer of gantry girder to columns

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v) In case of multistoreyed building frames, the unbraced frame is subjected to vertical

loads (gravity loads) and lateral loads. The columns are subjected to axial load and
bending moments due to lateral sway and bending.

Fig 2.5 Unbraced Frame

vi) If the purlins are placed away from the nodes in case of roof trusses also cause
bending. The net effect in that roof truss members are subjected to axial compression
and bending moments.

Fig 2.6 Purlins are placed between the nodes

vii) In case of Cable stayed bridges and Guyed Towers, the members are subjected to
axial compression and bending.

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Fig 2.7 Cable Stayed bridge Fig 2.8 Guyed Tower

2.2 Flexural Torsional Buckling

In this case the beam column is not restrained laterally. It may buckle premature out of the plane
bending by deflecting laterally and twisting.

Fig 2.9

The beam column may bent about both the principal axes and twisted.

Fig 2.10
In the above Fig, it causes biaxial bending which involves beam bending, beam twisting and
column buckling.

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2.3 Axial Load and bending moments

In a multistoreyed building, the frame is subjected to gravity loads and lateral loads. In
such cases, the column is subjected to compression and bending moments.

Fig 2.11

The corner columns in a building frame is subjected to biaxial moment and compression.
The presence of bending moments in the beam columns reduces the axial force at which the
beam column fails.

Fig 2.12

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2.4 Failure of Beam Columns

Short beam column → Failure is due to material failure
Long Beam column → Failure is due to either material strength or instability of the overall
A short column made up of plastic, compact or semi compact section under axial
compression fails by yielding.
--------------- (1)
Where is the yield strength of the material.

Fig 2.13
In the above beam column, the distribution due to axial compression and due to only
bending moment are drawn. The combined diagram is obtained by superpositions. The combined
stress distribution diagram is split into two stress distribution diagrams which consist of
exclusively moment only and also only due to the axial compression overa finite depth of the

Fig 2.14

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The interaction diagram shape can be mathematically expressed as

For small axial compression

then ( ) ----------- (2.1)


+ ---------------- (2.2)

2.5 Long Beam Columns

Consider the beam column shown in Fig 2.15 subjected to equal and opposite moment

Fig 2.15
Beam column bent into a single curvature, with maximum deflection If axial
compression is applied at the ends, additional bending moment is caused due to the axial load
acting on the deformed shape.
Due to P effect, the maximum moment in a beam column Mmax is larger than externally
applied moment Mo.
Consider the load deformation behavior as shown in Fig 2.16
If an axial compression P is initially applied, so that ( ) is maintained constant. While

the moments at two ends of the beam column is increased, the elastic behavior of beam column
is shown in Fig.

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Fig 2.16
From the above Fig; the stiffness of the beam column i.e, the slope of the moment rotation line
decreases with increases in the initially applied axial compression.

On the other hand, if ( ) is maintained constant, and the axial compression is

increased, the compressive load versus lateral deformation is non linear.

Fig 2.17

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It is to be noted that the end moments modify the behavior of an axially loaded column in a way
similar to the initial bow type of imperfections.
It is to be remembered that in the first order linear elastic analysis, the additional
moments due to P and P effects, do not have any effect as the equilibrium equations are

derived from the undeformed structure, OA in Fig ( ) Vs ( ) shows the linear relationship.

In nonlinear analysis, the bending effects are magnified by P - ∆, and P – effects as the
load increases. The nonlinear variation of maximum bending moment Mmax due to increase in

load P acting at constant eccentricity ( = constant ) is shown by the curve OB.

Fig 2.18
If (P – (P - ∆) were not considered then compressive strength is Fo.
Actual compressive strength is Fci due to the maximum effect.
The corresponding moment in linear analysis is Mo.
Actual magnified moment M max.

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Fig 2.19

Magnified deflections and bending moments (M max) are obtained from

Mmax =

PE is the Euler buckling load

It is observed from the above equations that as P approaches PE , both and M max increases
rapidly and tends to approach infinity.
It indicates that if Mo is very small, as P approaches PE failure is eminent.

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Moment gradient in beam columns.

Due to application of moments in addition to axial load the column buckles in single
curvature or double curvature depending on the ratio of M1 and M2 applied at the top and bottom.
The ratios of ( M1/M2) can be +1, ˂ 1, 0, -1 respectively. Consequently the member strength are
due to the above moment gradients. This is illustrated in the following figures.

Fig 2.20 Moment gradient in beam columns

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i) The column subjected to end moments causing single curvature is weaker than the
same column subjected to end moments in double curvature.
ii) In addition to end moments, the column is subjected to wind loads. This also to be
taken into account in design.
iii) In IS 800; Cm refers to the moment gradient, known as uniform moment factor.
iv) The code gives
Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 ψ
In case (a) ; ψ = 1 and Cm = 1
In case (d) ; ψ = -1 and Cm = 0.2
But Cm ≥ 0.4 as per code.
Hence minimum value of Cm = 0.4 In the interaction equations;

+ kz ≤ 1.0

Cm appears in the numerator. Hence the fourth case where ψ = -1 is less severe when
compared with the first case i.e. when ψ = +1.

2.6 Behavior of Column at Ultimate load

When the eccentricity of the applied compression is equal to zero , the beam column
becomes axially loaded compression member.
When the eccentricity of the applied compression is very large, the beam column tends to
behave like a beam, since axial compression effect is negligible.
Thus there are two extreme limits i.e., between column and beam. Thus a range of
combination of beam column exists. Hence beam column exhibit various combinations of
buckling and plastic failures depending on the relative values of axial force, moment, buckling
strength and bending strength of the member.
The bending may be about minor axis only, causing flexural failure.
The flexural yielding may be about major axis only, causing Torsional flexural buckling
or a combination of bending moments about both the axis.

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Fig 2.21 : Minor Axis Bending

Fig 2.22 : Major Axis Bending

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2.7 Effects of Slenderness ratio and axial force modes of failure

Beam columns may fail by flexural yielding or torsional flexural buckling. The mode of
failure would depend on the magnitude of axial load, eccentricity and the slenderness ratio.

2.8 Beam column having lower slenderness ratio. ( l / r < 50 )

Fig 2.23 Beam – Column Moment Rotation Behaviour

The moment curvature relationship may be linear or non linear depending on whether the
axial force is applied first followed by bending moment or both of them increased
proportionately. The deformation is only the plane of bending. At the penultimate stage, yielding
of the compression flange occurs first and spreads through the section on further loading.
Under proportional loading, the loading path is increased by OAB. There is a small
reduction in the moment capacity below M px due to the presence of axial compression in the
member. There would be further reduction in the moment beyond point A with increasing end
rotation, due to the spread of plasticity from the end section.

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2.9 Beam column having higher slenderness ratio. ( l / r < 80 )

A more slender column, under small axial compression combined with end moments
would fail by buckling out of the plane of the bending moment.
If the bending is predominant, lateral buckling of compression flange as in unrestrained
beams occurs. The axial force would cause minor axis to deform and hence failure can be minor
axis bending and twisting ( OC ' ). The moments being below the full in plane strength.

Fig 2.24

2.10 High axial load ratio (

Beams columns having lower slenderness ratio ( < 50 ).

High axial load ratio ( )

Beam columns having high axial load combined with bending moment, yielding can
occur over larger segment of the member due to combined axial stress, bending stress and
residual stress. Due to single curvature bending deflection caused by equal moments,

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Fig 2.25

Moment magnification occurs at mid length.

The main difference in the behavior of stocky beam column under axial compression, compared
to smaller axial compression are the moment magnification, large reduction in moment capacity
due to axial compression and drastic unloading in the penultimate stage ( EF in Fig)

2.11 Beam columns having a high slenderness ratio ( l / r ˃ 80 )

In slender beam columns with larger axial load , the P – effect is larger both in plane of
and out of plane of the moment. In longer beam columns, the moment may drop drastically when
yielding starts under axial compression and magnified moment ( OEF ' ). It is to be mentioned
here that out of plane deformation could occur earlier than that corresponding to the section
under axial force and magnified moment ODF''.

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Fig 2.26

Thus the design of beam columns having high slenderness ratio requires the investigation of in
plane bending failure by flexural yielding and out of plane.

2.12 Beam Column under Biaxial Bending

The ultimate behaviour of beam-columns under biaxial bending is effected by the effect of
plastification of moment magnification and lateral Torsional buckling. Typical failure envelope

Fig 2.27

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Shown in Fig. It is seen that with increase in the slenderness ratio, it reduces the strength of the
member except in the case of purely bending about the week axis.

For very small axial force ranges, increases in axial compression tend to decrease the bending
strength about the axes.

2.13 Design procedure for Beam-columns.

1) The factored loads and moments are determined.

2) A trial section is assumed to start with.
3) The section is classified. Plastic and compact sections are preferred over semi compact
sections as latter fail by yielding.
4) The most heavily loaded section is checked for the following.
α1 α2
+ ≤ 1.0 for plastic and compact sections.

≤ 1.0 for semi compact sections.

My, Mz Factored applied moments about the minor and major axis.
Nd is the design tensile strength.
Mdy, Mdz are the design buckling strength of member.
5) The member is checked for its bending resistance in compression.
6) The member is checked for buckling resistance in bending.
7) The lateral Torsional buckling moment is determined by any one of the following equations.

Mcr=C1 )




Fcr1b =

(or) by

Mcr =C1

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Where C1 is a factor to account for different loading and support conditions.

8) Using the calculated value of Mcr

The design bending stress and design bending strength can be determined,

Mdz ≥ Mz

9) The member is checked for overall resistance for combined bending and axial compression
using interaction equations.

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2.14 Numerical Examples

Example 2.1

A column ISHB 300@630 N/m in a framed building supports spandrel beams. The beams are
welded to the column flanges and transfer end reactions of 200 kN (beam1) and 400 kN (beam 2)
and an axial compression force of 750 kN. From the top storeys. Check the adequacy of the
column. If it’s effective length is 3.0 meters. The beam reactions and the equivalent design


Total maximum axial load = 750+200+400=1350kN

Total maximum bending moment = )X10-3=30kNm

Section classification

= 11.79 ˂ 15.7

= 27.32 ˂ 84

Section is “semi compact”.

Check for local capacity of the section,

Factored axial compressive load =N=1350kN

Factored Bending moment Mz = 22.5kNm

Design compressive strength due to yielding

Nd = Ag = 8025X X10-3

Nd = 1823.86 kN

Design bending strength under moment acting along Z axis.

Mdz = βb Zpz = Zpz (

Mdz = Zez = 863.3X103 X 10-3 mm3 x

Mdz = 196.2(103)Nmm

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Mdz = 196.2 kNm

≤ 1.0

= 0.89 ≤ 1.0

Check for member buckling resistance in compression

= = 1.2

And tf = 10.6 mm ≤ 100 mm

= 56.71

λ fcd

50 183

60 168

fcd =183- x 6.71 = 172.94 N/ mm2

Design compressive strength = fcd A = 172.94 x = 1387.85 kN ˃ 1350 kN ok

Also in the other direction;

= = 23.62

λ fcd

20 224

23.62 ?

30 211

fcd = 224 – x 13 = 219.23 N / mm2

Design compressive strength = 219.29 x = 1759.8 kN ˃ 1350 kN

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Check for member buckling resistance in bending,

Lateral torsional buckling moment

Mcr=C1 )

For uniform moment C1 = 1.0

Effective span = 3000mm

Elastic modulus E = 2X105 N/mm2

Shear modulus G = 76.92X103 N/mm2

St Venant’s Constant = ∑ = It

=2 + (h-tf)

=2 x 250 x + (300-10.6) x

St venant’s constant It = 27.7 (10)4 mm4

Iw = Warping constant = (1-βf) βf Iy hf2

hf = c\c distance between flanges = 300-10.6 = 289.4 mm

βf = = 0.5

Iw = (1-0.5) 0.5 x 2246.7 x 104 x 289.42

Iw = 4.7 x1011 mm4

Mcr =

Mcr =

Mcr = 7.82 (10)9 N mm

Non dimensional slenderness ratio

λLT =

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λLT =

= 0.166

ᶲLT = 0.5[1+αLT (λLT -0.2) + λ2LT]

ᶲLT = 0.5[1+0.21 (0.166 -0.2) + 0.1662]
ᶲLT = 0.51
χLT =

χLT =

χLT = 1.0078

Design Bending stress= χLT

= 1.0078 X

= 229N/mm2

Design Bending Capacity= βb


=197.7KNm > 30KNm (Factored design bending moment)

Check for overall member buckling resistance for combined

Ref Eq, Pg 71, IS 800


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As My is Zero;




Kz= 1+(λz-0.2) 1+0.8

λz= Non dimensional slenderness ratio

λz =



fcr1z= 3538.09N/mm2

λz =

λz = 0.2658

Kz= 1+(0.2658-0.2)x

Kz= 1.05

It should be less than 1.0+0.8 x

= 1.61

Equivalent uniform moment factor

Cmz = 0.6+0.4ψ

Ψ= = 1.0

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Cmz = 0.6+0.4x1.0 = 1.0> 0.4

Therefore substituting in the above equation

< 1.0

= 0.9 ≤ 1.0

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Example 2.2

A column in a building is fixed at the bottom and top end is hinged. Design the column due to a
reaction of 600KN from the beam at an eccentricity of 150mm from the major axis of the
section. The height of the column is 4m.


Axial load = 600KN = 600 X 103 N

Bending moment = P X e = 600 X 150 = 90 X 106 Nmm

Assume a design compressive stress of 80MPa

Therefore, area required = 600 X 103 / 80 = 7500mm2

The overall section is semi compact.

Section strength as governed by material failure (clause 9.3, P70)

Axial stress = (N/Ag) = (600 X 103/8025) = 74.77N/mm2

Bending stress = (Mz/Ze) = (90 X 106/863.3 X 103) = 104.25N/mm2

The fixed end moment at the bottom is half of the bending moment at the top.

Hence HB = ((MA+MB)/l) = ((90+45)/4) = 33.75KN

Shearing strength of section

Vd ={(Fy/√3) (htw/1.10)}

= {(250/√3)(300 X 9.4/1.10)} = 370KN

V/Vd = (33.75/370) = 0.09<0.6 reduction in moment capacity need not to be done.

Refer cl P71

Fx = (N/Ag) + (Mz/Ze) =179.02N/mm2

& (N/Nd) +(My/Mdy) +(Mz/Mdz) ≤1.0

Nd = (Agfy /rmo) = ((8025 X 250)/(1.1 X 1000)) = 1823.9KN

Mdz = Ze fbd

fbd is obtained from table13(a) from table 14

(kl / ryy) = (0.8 X 4000/52.9) = 60.5

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h / bf = 300/10.6 = 28.30

From table 14; = 669 MPa

From Table 13(a);

Fbd = 197.7 –(69/100) X 4.6 = 194.5 MPa

Mdz = 863.3 X 103 X (194.5/100) = 167.97 KNm

Substituting in the interaction action

(600/1823.9) + (90/167.97) = 0.86< 1 OK

Member strength as governed by buckling failure ( cl 9.3.2 P71)

+ Kz Cmz ≤ 1.0

All the section is semi compact; Mdz = Zefbd

Mdz = ZeχLT fy / γmo

χLT = 1 / (ΦLT + [ - ]0.5 ≤ 1.0

λz = = = 0.61 > 0.4

Evaluation of i.e buckling @ yy axis

h / bf = 300/250 = 1.2 from table10; P44

buckling about yy axis id ‘C’

tf = 10.6mm < 100mm; Therefore buckling about zz is ‘b’

= 60.5; Table 9( c) ; = 168 N/mm2

= 8025 X 168 X 10-3 = 1348.2KN

Evaluation of for buckling about zz axis

= 3200/127 = 25.2

Table 9 (b) ; fcd = (225+216)/2 = 220.5 MPa

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= 8025 X 225 X 10-3 = 1769.5 KN

Kz = 1 + (λz – 0.2)nz

λz =

= 3200/127 = 25.2

= 28.30

Refer table 14, P57 – IS 800

= 3990 N/mm2

λz = = 0.25

nz = = 600/1348.2 = 0.445

ny = = 600/1769.5 = 0.339

Kz = 1 + (λz – 0.2)nz = 1 + (0.25 – 0.2) 0.445 = 1.01 < 1.24 OK

Ψ = ratio of minimum to maximum BM

Ψ = -45/90 = -0.5

Cmz = 0.6 + 0.4 Ψ = 0.4

CmLT = 0.4 ( Table18, P72, IS800:2007)

KLT = 1 – ( 0.1 λLT ny) / (CmLT -0.25)

= 1 – {(0.1 X 0.61 X 0.339)/(0.4-0.25)} = 0.86

+ KLT = (600/1769.5) + (0.86 X 91/169.7) = 0.8 <1 OK

+ Kz Cmz = (600/1769.5) + (1.01 X 0.4 X 90/169.7) = 0.55 < 1 OK

Hence use ISHB300

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