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Post Natal Exercise Prescription

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7031 version 3

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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

level: 5

credit: 4

final date for comment: December 2002

expiry date: December 2003

sub-field: Fitness

purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: apply
exercise considerations and guidelines to exercise
prescription for women during pregnancy and following
childbirth; adapt fitness assessment protocols for ante- and
post-natal women; establish cooperative relationships with
medical and maternity professionals; choose exercises and
exercise modes for safe development and maintenance of
fitness in pregnancy and restoration of fitness following
childbirth; and design programmes to satisfy safety guidelines
and client’s fitness goals. This unit standard is designed for
people specialising in providing exercise prescription services
to individual women and to groups working with ante- and
post-natal women.

entry information: Prerequisites: Unit 7021, Demonstrate exercise techniques;

and Unit 7022, Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of
safe physical activity; or demonstrate equivalent knowledge
and skills.

accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry.

moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation

system has been set up by the Sport, Fitness and Recreation
Industry Training Organisation - Fitness Advisory Group.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

special notes: 1 In this context, the concept of client must be considered

to include the present and future safety and health of the
unborn child or children involved.

2 Fitness sector unit standards use the term facility to

refer to the workplace which may be a fitness centre, a
recreation centre, an aquatic centre, or a community
centre where fitness activities take place. Where
usage is unclear it may help to consider facility
standards as being equivalent to employer standards.

3 Competence in this unit standard requires knowledge of

guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists (ACOG) lists of contraindications for
exercise and indications for halting an exercise session
as published in Exercise during Pregnancy and
Postpartum Period (ACOG) Home Exercise Programs.
Washington DC. ACOG, 1994 (ACOG technical bulletin,
no 189).

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

Elements and Performance Criteria

element 1

Apply exercise considerations and guidelines to exercise prescription for women during
pregnancy and following childbirth.

performance criteria

1.1 Exercise considerations and guidelines for ante- and post-natal women are
described in terms of effects of exercise on mother.

Range: as per each trimester and the post-natal period

physiological effects (per trimester) to include - heart rate (rest
and exercise), arrhythmia, blood pressure changes, respiratory
changes, oedema (nerve compression syndromes);
biomechanical effects (per trimester and post-natally) to include -
centre of mass, joint laxity (musculoskeletal injuries), postural
nutritional effects include - changes in energy needs, nutrient
needs and hydration needs, consequences of inadequate diet;
psychological effects include - reaction to performance
decrements, weight gain, changing attitudes of others.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

1.2 Exercise considerations and guidelines for ante- and post-natal women are
described with reference to effects of maternal exercise on the foetus and foetal

Range: as per each trimester

foetal temperature (congenital malformation), competition for blood
flow, oxygen delivery, and glucose availability, effects of exercise
hormonal levels, foetal distress, intrauterine growth retardation,
physical constriction.

1.3 Analysis of exercise session and programme management for ante- and post-
natal women describes indicators for consultation with health professionals
involved with clients, and for ceasing or modifying exercise and programming.

Range: medical history, target heart rates, target durations, physiological

indicators, perceived level of exertion, acute physical symptoms,
mood states, post-exercise symptoms, gradual onset symptoms;
health professionals - doctor, midwife.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

element 2

Adapt fitness assessment protocols for ante- and post-natal women.

Range: protocols may include but are not limited to

fitness assessment protocol categories - screening and body dimension
assessments, flexibility assessments, sub-maximal aerobic capacity
screening and body dimension assessment protocols include - blood pressure at
rest and in exercise, tape measurements, body mass index, somatotyping;
flexibility assessment protocols include - Sit and Reach Test, Sahrman Tests for
hamstring length, hip flexor length, and quadriceps (rectus femoris) length, Apley
Scratch Test;
sub-maximal aerobic capacity assessment protocols include - Åstrand-Ryhming
Step Test, Canadian Home Fitness Test, Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer
Test, Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test.

performance criteria

2.1 Identify fitness assessment protocols which, without adaptation, are outside
safety guidelines for ante- and post-natal women (ACOG Guidelines).

2.2 Prepare in written form an adaptation of a fitness assessment protocol from each
category to meet safety guidelines for ante- and post-natal women.

2.3 Demonstrate an adapted fitness assessment protocol from each category to

meet facility standards.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

2.4 Comparison of physical responses of women to standard exercise tests

establishes group differences between ante-natal, post-natal, and non-pregnant

Range: body weight, girth measures, flexibility measures, heart rate

response to aerobic work.

element 3

Establish cooperative relationships with medical and maternity professionals.

Range: general practitioners, midwives, Independent Midwifery Service.

performance criteria

3.1 Knowledge of local resources is demonstrated by listing local individuals and

organisations providing professional and volunteer services to pregnant and post-
natal women.

3.2 Documentation is provided to enable clients to give informed consent permitting

specified information sharing with other medical and maternity professionals with
whom the client is involved.

3.3 Knowledge of medical terminology - including abbreviations - related to

pregnancy and childbirth is demonstrated through interpretation of technical
information from medical and maternity professionals.

3.4 Communication is established with other health professionals in relation to

individual clients in order to facilitate exercise prescription for those clients.

Range: communication includes - goals of programming, qualifications of

fitness personnel, facilities and programmes available at centre,
emergency medical back up available to centre clients.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

7031 version 3
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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

element 4

Choose exercises and exercise modes for safe development and maintenance of fitness in
pregnancy and restoration of fitness following childbirth.

Range: clients’ needs - maintenance of fitness in pregnancy, physical conditioning for

childbirth, restoration of fitness following childbirth.

performance criteria

4.1 Selection of exercises and exercise modes matches clients’ needs and goals
within ACOG safety guidelines.

Range: type of exercise, intensity, body position, fitness component,

availability, accessibility, cost.

4.2 Consultation with client establishes acceptability of and commitment to exercises

and exercise modes chosen by instructor.

4.3 Discussion of safety guidelines with client meets client’s needs for understanding
of exercise and programme restrictions and guidelines.

element 5

Design programmes to satisfy safety guidelines and client’s fitness goals.

performance criteria

5.1 Programme is designed to be consistent with safety guidelines (ACOG

guidelines) for exercise by ante- and post-natal women.

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

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Apply knowledge of exercise
prescription to ante- and post-natal

5.2 Consultation with client’s medical and maternity advisers meets their needs for
information and client’s need for their support.

5.3 Consultation with client establishes client’s acceptance of programme targets and

Comments to:

Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Training Organisation

- Fitness Advisory Group
Unit Standard Revision
PO Box 160

by December 2002.

Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority

before they can offer programmes of education and training
assessed against unit standards.

Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must

engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit
standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0069]

 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2003

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