Competency Framework
Competency Framework
Competency Framework
Engaging People
Leading and Communicating
Collaborating and Partnering
Building Capability for All
Setting Direction
Delivering Results Seeing the Big Picture
Changing and Improving
Achieving Commercial Outcomes Framework Making Effective Decisions
Delivering Value for Money
Managing a Quality Service
Delivering at Pace
Engaging Internationally
Demonstrating Resilience
The competency framework sets out how we want people in the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office to work. It puts the values of honesty, integrity, impartiality and objectivity at the heart
of everything we do and it aligns to the three high level leadership behaviours that every
employee needs to model in order to deliver excellent services: Set direction, engage people
and develop capability, and deliver results. Our objective has been to create a simple, user
friendly framework.
Competencies are the skills, knowledge and behaviours that lead to successful performance.
The framework outlines 12 competencies, which are grouped into 4 clusters as set out
above. For each competency there is a description of what it means in practice and some
examples of effective behaviours. These indicators of behaviour are not designed to be
comprehensive, but provide a clear sense of and greater understanding and consistency
about what is expected from individuals in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The framework is made up of twelve competencies. Below is a list of all the competencies
with a high-level summary of each one.
Seeing the big picture is about having an in-depth understanding and knowledge of your own
work and how your role fits with and supports organisational objectives and the wider public
needs. For all staff, it is about focusing your contribution on the activities which will deliver the
greatest value. At senior levels, it is about scanning the context and taking account of, wider
impacts to develop long term strategies that maximise opportunities to add value to the
citizen and support economic, sustainable growth.
People who are effective in this area are responsive, innovative and seek out opportunities to
create effective change. For all staff, it’s about being open to change, suggesting ideas for
improvements to the way things are done, and working in ‘smarter’, more focused ways. At
senior levels, this is about creating and contributing to a culture of innovation and allowing
people to consider and take managed risks. Doing this well means continuously seeking out
ways to improve and build a leaner, more flexible and responsive Foreign and
Commonwealth Office. It also means making use of new technologies and cutting edge,
market driven approaches where relevant.
Effectiveness in this area is about being objective; using evidence and knowledge to provide
accurate, expert and professional advice. For all staff, it means showing clarity of thought,
setting priorities, analysing and using evidence to evaluate options before arriving at well
reasoned justifiable decisions. At senior levels, leaders will be creating evidence based
strategies, evaluating options, impacts, risks and solutions. They will aim to maximise return
while minimising risk and balancing social, financial, economic and environmental
considerations to provide sustainable outcomes.
At all levels, effectiveness in this area is about leading from the front and communicating with
clarity, conviction and enthusiasm. It’s about supporting principles of fairness of opportunity
for all and a dedication to a diverse range of citizens. At senior levels, it is about establishing
a strong direction and a persuasive future vision; managing and engaging with people with
honesty and integrity, and upholding the reputation of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
People skilled in this area create and maintain positive and professional working relationships
with a wide range of people within and outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to help
get business done. At all levels, it requires working effectively and building supportive,
responsive relationships with colleagues and stakeholders. At senior levels, it’s about
delivering business objectives through creating an inclusive environment, encouraging
collaboration and building effective partnerships.
Effectiveness in this area is having a strong focus on continuous learning for oneself, others
and the organisation. For all staff, it’s being open to learning, about keeping one’s own
knowledge and skill set current and evolving. At senior levels, it’s about talent management
and building and ensuring a diverse blend of capability and skills is identified and developed
to meet current and future business needs. It’s also about creating a learning culture across
the organisation to use learning to inform future plans and transformational change.
Being effective in this area is about maintaining an economic, long-term focus in all activities.
For all, it’s about having a commercial, financial and sustainable mindset to ensure all
activities and services are delivering added value and working to stimulate economic growth.
At senior levels, it’s about identifying economic, market and customer issues and using these
to promote innovative business models, commercial partnerships and agreements to deliver
greatest value; and ensuring tight financial and commercial controls of resources and
contracts to meet strategic priorities.
Delivering Value for Money involves the efficient, effective and economic use of taxpayers’
money in the delivery of public services. For all staff, it means seeking out and implementing
solutions which achieve the best mix of quality and effectiveness for the least outlay. People
who do this well base their decisions on evidenced information and follow agreed processes
and policies, challenging these appropriately where they appear to prevent best value for
money. At senior levels, effective people embed a culture of value for money within their
area/function. They work collaboratively across boundaries to ensure that the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office maximises its strategic outcomes within the resources available.
Effectiveness in this area is about being organised to deliver service objectives and striving to
improve the quality of service, taking account of diverse customer needs and requirements.
People who are effective plan, organise and manage their time and activities to deliver a high
quality and efficient service, applying programme and project management approaches to
support service delivery. At senior levels, it is about creating an environment to deliver
operational excellence and creating the most appropriate and cost effective delivery model
for service.
Effectiveness in this area means focusing on delivering performance with pace and taking
responsibility for outcomes. For all staff, it’s about working to agreed goals and activities and
dealing with challenges in a responsive and constructive way. At senior levels, it is about
building a performance culture to deliver outcomes with a firm focus on prioritisation and
addressing performance issues resolutely, fairly and promptly. It is also about leaders
providing the focus and energy to drive activities forward and encourage staff during
challenging and changing times.
International Cluster
Effectiveness in this area is about leading internationally, engaging our staff, contacts and
international partners to help deliver UK Government objectives. For all staff it’s about
understanding UK Government aims in the wider UK and international context and
developing productive relationships with those external contacts and partners to help deliver
UK objectives. All staff are aware of cultural sensitivities in their area of responsibility. Staff
build up negotiating expertise through the grades and champion and use language skills
where appropriate to deepen impact. Senior leaders use the same behaviours but operate at
higher levels of sensitivity and complexity. Managers have to lead and inspire teams in an
international context. Staff adapt their approach to reflect the very diverse teams they
manage while still promoting UK values.
This is about helping our people to build resilience in international roles, supporting their
ability to adapt to working in difficult and varied international environments; and to bounce
back from crises and setbacks in these contexts. Individuals need to be aware of the impact
they have on themselves and on others, and show support for others with a pragmatic
attitude, perseverance and resolve. Individuals should be able to manage in a wide variety of
circumstances and locations and, with appropriate support, to recover from challenges and
setbacks. For leadership roles this competence would also include leading a culture of
support, while promoting a proper regard for employee safety, health and well-being.