Minimum Standard of Care
Minimum Standard of Care
Minimum Standard of Care
Prepared by
National Institute of Social Defence
Regional Resource and Training Centres
Page no.
Chapter 1 Introduction and about the scheme 1
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
- To evolve and provide a whole range of community based services for the identification,
motivation, detoxification, counselling, after care and rehabilitation of drug users.
- To facilitate research, training, documentation and collection of relevant information to
strengthen the above mentioned objectives
- To develop culture-specific models for the prevention of addiction and treatment and
rehabilitation of drug users.
- To promote collective initiatives and self-help endeavours among individuals and groups
vulnerable to addiction.
- To promote community participation and public cooperation in the reduction of demand
for dependence-producing substances.
- To create and sustain an infrastructure of trained human resource personnel and service
providers to strengthen the service delivery mechanisms.
- To facilitate networking among policy planners, service providers and other stake holders
with an aim to encourage appropriate advocacy.
- To promote and sustain a system of continuous monitoring and evaluation including self
correctional mechanism.
e) It should ordinarily have existed for a period of three years.
f) Its financial position should be sound.
Extent of Assistance
The quantum of assistance shall not be more than 90% of the approved expenditure. In
case of the seven North Eastern States, Sikkim and J & K, the quantum of assistance will be
95% of the total admissible expenditure. The balance of the approved expenditure shall
have to be borne by the implementing agency out of its own resources. The Universities,
Schools of Social Work and such other institutions of higher learning will be eligible for 100%
reimbursement of approved expenditure.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 1.1
1. Financial year for which grant-in-aid applied :
2. Name and complete address of the organisation :
3. Details of the legal status of the organisation
a) Give name of the Act under which registered :
b) Registration No. and date of registration :
(Please attach an attested photocopy of the Registration Certificate)
c) Address of the Registered Office :
4. Details of Foreign Contribution received by the organization
a) Whether receiving foreign contribution : YES / NO
b) If ‘YES’ then furnish Registration No. and :
date of Issue of certificate by Ministry of Home Affairs
under the Foreign contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976
(Please attach an attested photocopy thereof)
5. Name of the programme being implemented :
(IRCA, De-addiction Camp, Workplace Prevention etc.)
6. Details of the Centre
a) Name of the Centre :
b) Complete Address of the Centre :
c) Name of the Project In-charge :
d) Tel No., Fax No. and E-mail address for contact :
7. List of papers/statements to be attached with the application as annexure
a) Registration Certificate of the organisation :
b) Registration Certificate for Foreign Contribution
c) Constitution of Management Committee/Trustees :
(with particulars of each member (i.e. name, complete residential address, parentage,
occupation with designation) and the tenure of the Committee (i.e. the last date on
which it was constituted and up to which date))
d) A copy of the Annual Report for the previous year :
e) Audited/Unaudited accounts for the previous year :
Receipt and Payment Account, Income and Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet
f) List of staff in the Centre during the previous year :
(with name, address, educational qualifications, designation and experience in the field
and period of employment)
g) Rent Agreement (valid for the current year) :
h) Half Yearly Progress Report (of the previous half-year :
in prescribed proforma :
i) Statement on the sources of income during previous year,:
including foreign contribution
j) Detailed budget estimates with break-up of expenditure :
for which grant is required
k) Name, address and account number of the Bank in which :
grant is being deposited
l) Name of the authorised representative of the organisation :
for financial transaction/ drawing grants from the bank
8. Additional information, if any, not covered by the above but relevant to the project may
also be submitted.
Date ( )
Name of the
Secretary/ President
Name of the/Institution
(With office stamp)
Note: - The applicant organization/institution/establishment is to ensure:-
a. That each enclosed document is serially numbered as Annexure-A,Annexure-B,Annexure-
C, etc. and that appropriate entry is also made against the corresponding item in the
Application Form.
b. That each document is duly certified/signed by the President/Secretary of the organization/
institution/ establishment after affixing their office stamp; and
c. That the Registration Certificate is in the name of the applicant organization/establishment
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
• Balance sheet
2) Audited Accounts for the grant-in-aid received during the previous year, if not submitted
with first instalment;
• Balance sheet
3) Audited Utilization certificate for the grant received during the previous year;
4) List of staff for the current financial year, with full particulars detailing name, address,
educational qualifications, designation and experience in the field and period of
5) Half-yearly progress report for the period ending September of the relevant year;
6) Unaudited accounts for the first instalment for the current financial year;
7) Rent agreement for the current financial year, if not submitted earlier or expiring during
the year.
Date ( )
Name of the
Secretary/ President
Name of the/Institution
(With office stamp)
Note: - The applicant organization/institution/establishment is to ensure: -
a. That each enclosed document is serially numbered as Annexure-A, Annexure-B,
Annexure-C, etc. and that appropriate entry is also made against the corresponding
item in the Application Form.
b. That each document is duly certified/signed by the President / Secretary of the
organization/institution/ establishment after affixing their office stamp
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
b. Registration Certificate for Foreign Contribution :
c. Constitution of Management Committee/Trustees :
(with particulars of each member (i.e. name, complete residential address, parentage,
occupation with designation) and the tenure of the Committee (i.e. the last date on
which it was constituted and up to which date))
d. A copy each of the Annual Report of the organisation for the :
previous three years
e. Audited accounts of the organisation for the previous 3 years:
• Receipt and Payment Account;
• Income and Expenditure Statement; and
• Balance Sheet
f. Statement on the sources of income during previous year :
including foreign contribution
g. Statement on the projects/programmes being currently :
implemented by the organisation, period of implementation and source of funding in
respect of each project/programme
h. Statement on the assets of the organisation :
i. Detailed budget estimates with break-up of expenditure :
for which grant is required based on the norms of the Scheme
j. Name, address and account number of the Bank in which :
grant is to be deposited
l. Name of the authorised representative of the organisation :
for financial transaction
8. Additional information, if any, not covered by the above but relevant to the project may
also be submitted.
Date ( )
Name of the
Secretary/ President
Name of the/Institution
(With office stamp)
Note: - The applicant organization/institution/establishment is to ensure:-
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Certified that above information is in accordance with the records and accounts audited/to
be audited and is correct to the best of knowledge and belief of the Office-bearers of the
organization, and after its perusal and satisfaction, they have authorized the undersigned by
a resolution dated ………………… to verify and submit the statement of information for
purposes of monitoring the scheme for which grants-in-aid was received from the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India.
1. I also hereby certify that I have read the rules and regulations of the scheme and I undertake
to abide by them. On behalf of the Management, I further agree to the following condition: -
(a) All assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the central grant shall not be
encumbered or disposed of or utilized for purposes other than those for which the
grant is given. Should the organization cease to exist at any time, such properties shall
revert to the Government of India.
(b) The accounts of the project shall be properly maintained. They shall always be open
to check by an officer deputed by the Government of India or the State Government.
They shall also be open to a test check by the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India at his discretion.
(c) Is the State or the Central Government have reasons to believe that the grant is not
being utilized for approved purposes; the Government of India may stop payment of
further installments and recover earlier grant in such manner as they may decide.
(d) The institution shall exercise reasonable economy in its working especially in respect
of expenditure on building.
(e) In the case of grant for buildings, the construction will be completed within a period
of two years from the date of receipt of the first instalment of grant unless the
Government of India grants further extension.
(f) No change in the plan of buildings by way of construction work will be made without
the prior approval of the Government of India.
(g) Progress reports on the project will be furnished at regular intervals as may be specified
by the Government.
(h) The organization will bear 10% of the estimated expenditure or the balance of the
estimated expenditure on the project as per the guidelines.
(i) The organization agrees to make reservation for the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribe candidate/Disabled Persons for appointment against the posts required for the
working of the organization in accordance with instructions issued by the Government
of India from time to time.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
(j) It is hereby certified that no grant is being received for the same project from any
Government, private or foreign source.
Yours faithfully,
Annexure 1.2
• This Progress Report is to be furnished by the Organizations receiving grant-in-aid under the
Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse of the Ministry of Social Justice
& Empowerment, Government of India.
• The Report is to be submitted to the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment on half-yearly
basis – the first report (April to September) should be sent immediately after 30th September
every year and the second report (October to March) immediately after 31st March every year.
• While filling up the report, the Organization should ensure that the figures supplied by them
match the figures in the records maintained by them.
• No column should be left blank and if no information is available for some particular column, it
may be clearly stated so.
• Normally, the first installment of a particular year would be considered after evaluation of the
half-yearly report for the preceding half-year period ie. October to March of the previous financial
year, and the second installment would be considered after evaluation of the half-yearly report for
the period April to September of the same year.
• Organizations should ensure timely submission of their progress reports to enable the Ministry to
process their grants-in-aid proposals in time.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
A. Please state the number of clients registered at the Center during the half-year under review.
For Indoor Treatment
B. Average age of clients registered at the Center during the Report period:
C. No. of female clients registered at the Center during the Report period :
9. METHOD OF DRUG TAKING (Please state the number of clients)
Oral Sniffing Injecting Any other
(During the half-year under review)
Please state number of clients referred to the Centre by :
Self Friends Family Social Private Govt. Counselling Ex-clients Law Any
Worker Doctor hospital & awareness or their enforce- other
Hospital center/De- family ment
addiction members agencies
Illiterate Literate Primary Middle Hr.Sec Graduate Post Prof. Not
(read & Education Equiv. Graduate trained known
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
14. TREATMENT – During the half year under review
Please state number of clients
OPD Indoor Total
under review)
Please state the number of clients suffering from the following ailments:
T.B. HIV/ AIDS Sexually Hepatitis B & C Abscess Any other
transmitted infection
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
(During the half-year under review)
Details of follow up programmes taken up by the Centre:
20. Total number of letters sent/telephone calls made to ex-clients:
Twice in a Once in a month Quarterly Total
month During the half-year
calls to ex-clients
21. HOME VISITS (by counselors to homes of ex-clients during the half-year)–
No. of ex-clients visited Total No. of visits undertaken
24. Please indicate the incidence of any other types of drug related morbidity
during the period and causes thereof.
I certify that the above information is correct and is based on the records maintained at the centre.
Aims of IRCA
To help the drug user to
- Achieve total abstinence – a drug free life
- Whole person recovery (WPR) indicates improving the quality of their lives by helping
them to
o identify and deal with personality defects
o strengthen inter-personal relationships
o develop healthy work ethics and financial management
o develop healthy recreational activities
o establish a crime free life
- Become aware of risk factors for relapse and develop positive coping skills to sustain their
recovery through follow-up services
- Providing guidelines to family members to break out of the ‘victim mould’ and emerge as
strong survivors, to deal with their problems and improve the quality of their lives.
Activities of IRCA
- Preventive education and awareness generation
- Screening and motivational counseling
- Detoxification and whole person recovery (WPR)
- Care and support to families of drug users
- Referral services
- After care and follow-up
- Rehabilitation
Bed facilities
IRCA will ordinarily have 15 bedded or 30 bedded facilities. In exceptional and rare cases,
the reputed centres under the scheme may be allowed to establish 50 bedded facilities after
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Both medical and psychological services are provided on an in-patient basis.The after care /
follow-up services are provided on an out-patient basis. Medical care is provided by physician /
psychiatrist and nurses. Psychological care is provided by social worker, psychologist, sociologist
or a recovering person with a minimum of two years of sobriety.
Target Groups General population in the community, students, and also those who
have dropped out, parents and teachers, employees in industries,
slum dwellers and micro credit group members. High risk groups
like commercial sex workers, mobile population like truck drivers,
children of alcoholics, street children, prison population should be
specifically addressed.
Frequency Informal awareness programme once a week (Four a month)
Methodology To be conducted in local language. Audio visual aids like OHPs, slides
and films may be used. Innovative methods like street plays, puppet
shows, seminars, group discussions are to be included.
Distribution of IEC material to be undertaken
Topics to be covered Topics to be related to the target group. Some of the basic information
to be provided.
One article on addiction or the treatment Copy of the article published / details
services available to appear in daily of the programme telecast / broadcast.
newspaper, magazine or mass media
(television, radio) once in six months.
Minimum criteria Records required
Evaluation of the awareness programme by Awareness programme register
the NGO functionary. – evaluation report to be maintained by
project-in-charge – Annexure 2.1
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
individual counselling, group therapy, re-educative sessions and yoga. Treatment plan to
include exposure to AA / NA meetings and introduction to other recovering drug user.
- Delivering services according to the schedule / timetable for the patients and their families
on a regular basis.
- Providing psychological care to families and support persons of the drug users.
Standards on counselling:
Minimum criteria Required Records
Case history to be completed within two Case history form to be completed by the
weeks through counselling sessions with counselor – Annexure 2.13
client and family members.
During the one-month programme, at least
8 counselling sessions to be provided. Each
session to last for at least half-an-hour to
forty five minutes and main issues recorded
in brief.
There should be improvement in the mental Case history form to be completed by the
condition of the client from first week to counselor.
subsequent weeks. Insufficient improvement
should be discussed with other team members
or the consultant psychiatrist, recorded and
appropriate action initiated.
Issues such as HIV positive status, extra Case history form to be completed by the
marital affairs, legal problems, marital counselor.
separation, gambling should be handled with
special efforts.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Standards for the family programme
Minimum criteria Records required
Four counselling sessions for family members Case history form to be maintained by the
to be provided (either individual or combined counselor.
sessions) and main issues recorded in brief.
Through the sessions, to help the family
members to achieve personal recovery by
becoming aware of their codependency
traits, role of family member in recovery and
develop methods to deal with their feelings
of shame, guilt, anger and resentment.
One educative session to be conducted each Therapy Manual to be maintained by the
week. counselor / social worker.
The topics of the re-education lectures
to be documented and followed to ensure
Basic issues such as the objectives of the
treatment programme, the disease process,
relapse, recovery, impact of addiction on the
family to be provided.
Attendance register to be maintained by the
Record of family members attendance to
counselor / social work – Annexure 2.12
therapy programme.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Referral services
Drug users who exhibit symptoms like violence, depression, suicidal thoughts should be assessed
and referred to a psychiatric hospital for availing specialized services.Those clients who are HIV
positive and develop any opportunistic medical manifestations such as tuberculosis, hepatitis
C, STDs should be referred to appropriate agencies which are accredited by NACO or any
other recognized institutions. There should be a system of linkages and referral in place.
Minimum criteria Records required
In case of any medical/ psychiatric problem Medical case sheet– the need for referral
beyond the scope of the detoxification centre and medical / psychiatric problems exhibited
referral should be made within 2 days.Violent by the client to be recorded by the Medical
patients need to be assessed and transferred Officer / nurse.
if necessary to a psychiatry unit
Network directory of various specialists
/ hospitals to be maintained by the project
director - Annexure 2.20
Regular follow-up services to be provided on Follow-up card which has details of
completion of treatment. counselling notes, home visits and letters
written to be maintained by the counsellor/
- One counselling session every fifteen days
social worker
during the first three months
- One session every month from the third
month till he completes one year.
- One session every two months for one
more year till he achieves two years of
Failure to report for visits for two months to
be followed up with two letters, telephone
calls and one home visit for the local patients
and one letter to the family / significant
Drinking / drug taking history and Follow up card to be updated by the
improvements made to be recorded in every counsellor/social worker
Whole person recovery to be assessed once
a year and recorded.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
In case the NGO has a vocational unit, the following records to be maintained.
Minimum criteria Records required
Education, skills and prior work experience Assessment Form to be maintained by the
of patient to be assessed before initiating him vocational trainer
into vocational training.
To monitor regularity of attendance, register Attendance Register to be maintained by
to be maintained. the vocational trainer.
The performance of the patient to be assessed Work performance assessment form to be
every third month. maintained by the vocational trainer
Requirement in a ward
- The minimum number of beds in a ward/wards should be 15/30/50 and there should be a
minimum of 1 foot distance between the beds (cots optional)
- Mattresses and pillows should be provided for each patient. Bed linen to be changed at
least once a week
- Each patient to be provided with a locker / storage space to store personal belongings
- There should be one bathroom for ten patients and one toilet for five patients. Open
toilets to be discouraged
- Computerization of all the records should be made mandatory
- Space to be provided to store records of patients to ensure confidentiality and a system
of easy retrieval. Computerization of case histories to be considered and implemented.
- Addiction related educational material such as posters to be prominently displayed at
strategic points.
- Information pamphlets, hand outs and other educational materials (IEC) in the vernacular
to be made freely available for the public
- The centre can have LCD projector / overhead projector to conduct awareness
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.1
Awareness programme register
Lectures / street play / puppet show / film etc
1. Date and month of awareness programme
2. Target group and number of participants and location
3. Topics covered
4. Methodology used to impart information
5. Name of Resource Person
6. Feed back from a minimum of 5 people with their signatures
7. Photographs/News Paper clippings if any
Articles published
1. Date and month of publication
2. Name of publication
3. Title of the article
Evaluation report
1. Name of the evaluator
2. Background information about the evaluator
(education, work experience, expertise in the areas of evaluation / addiction)
3. Feedback given by the evaluator
Annexure 2.2
Name of patient
Address & Telephone No.
Educational qualification
Marital status
Drugs of abuse
Years of abuse
Medical problems present
Withdrawal symptoms experienced
Prior treatment for addiction
Name of family member / support person
Address & Telephone No.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.3
Suggested tests for screening Short Michigan Alcoholism
Screening Test (SMAST)
The short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test is a 13 item questionnaire that requires only
a few minutes to complete. It was developed from the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test.
Evaluation data indicate that it is an effective diagnostic instrument and does not have a
tendency for false positives.
Administration: Self-administered or administered by a counsellor.The questions related to
information of alcohol use during the past 12 months. All questions are to be answered with
“Yes” or “No” answers only.
Scoring: Each “Yes” answer equals one (1) point.
Score Problems
1 or 2 No alcohol problem
3 Borderline alcohol problem
4 or more Alcohol problem
S.No Question Answer Yes or No
1. Do you feel that you are a normal drinker? (By “normal” we mean
that you drink less than or as much as most other people)
2. Does your wife, husband, a parent, or other near relative ever
worry or complain about your drinking?
3 Do you ever feel guilty about your drinking?
4. Do friends or relatives think you are a normal drinker?
5. Are you able to stop drinking when you want to?
6. Have you ever attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous?
7. Has your drinking ever created problems between you and your
wife, husband, a parent or other near relative?
8. Have you ever gotten into trouble at work or school because
of drinking?
9. Have you ever neglected your obligations, your family, or
your work for two or more days in a row because you were
10. Have you ever gone to anyone for help about your drinking?
11. Have you ever been in a hospital because of drinking?
12. Have you ever been arrested for drunken driving, driving
while intoxicated, or driving under the influence of alcoholic
13. Have you ever been arrested, even for a few hours, because of
other drunken behaviour?
Source: Selzer, M.L.,Vinokur, A., and Van Rooijen, L. A self-administered Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol 36(1):117-126, 1975.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
10.Has a relative or a friend or a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your
drinking or suggested that you cut down?
No (0) Yes, but not in the last year(2) Yes, during the last year(4)
Add scores of the 10 questions to arrive at the AUDIT score
AUDIT score
0-7 Low risk
8-15 Risky and hazardous level
16-19 High risk and harmful level
20 or more Highest level of risk
10. Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs? Yes No
11. Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs? Yes No
12. Have you been in trouble at work because of your use of drugs? Yes No
13. Have you lost a job because of drug abuse? Yes No
14. Have you gotten into fights when under the influence of drugs? Yes No
15. Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs? Yes No
16. Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs? Yes No
17. Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when Yes No
you stopped taking drugs?
18. Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use (e.g., Yes No
memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc.)?
19. Have you gone to anyone for help for a drug problem? Yes No
20. Have you been involved in a treatment program especially related to Yes No
drug use?
For reference,
Gavin D.R. Ross H.E. Skinner H.A. (1989) `Diagnostic validity of the Drug Abuse Screening Test
in the assessment of DSM – III drug disorders’, British Journal of Addiction 84(3): 301- 307.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.4
Admission Register – can be one / two registers
Marital status
Employment status
Kind of employment
BPL - Yes / No
Source of Referral
Date of admission
Date of discharge
No of counseling sessions
Referral to
Annexure 2.5
Medical Manual
- Introduction about the medical manual
o Definition of addiction - general guidelines provided by WHO-ICD 10
- Short term, long term effects, route of administration, withdrawal symptoms
o Depressant drugs
o Narcotic Analgesics
o Cannabis
o Stimulants
o Inhalants
o Anabolic steroids
- Medical management of addiction
o General elements of an interview
o Mental status examination
o Detoxification procedure and pharmaco therapy
• for Alcohol
• for other depressant drugs
• for narcotics analgesics
• for cannabis
• for stimulants
• for inhalant
o Use of disulfiram, acamprosate and naltrexone
- Treatment of other coexisting psychiatric problems
o Depression
o Major affective disorder
o Delirium
o Anger or aggressive behaviour with signs of intoxication
o Severe anxiety
o Psychogenic stupor
o Dealing with emergency situations
o Support for cessation of Tobacco
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.6
Stock Register (pertaining to detoxification and emergency
medical conditions)
Date Name of the drugs Available stock in No. Nurse’s signature
Annexure 2.7
Medical Form
Reg. No.
Name : Age : Date of Registration :
Drinking / Drug History
Details of alcohol /drug abused
Drugs Age of Years Years of Specific Route of Frequency Quantity Past
first of excessive type of admini- of use in used in use if
use use use drugs stration the last 30 the last any
days 30 days
Sedatives /
Heroin /
brown sugar,
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
gens LSD,
Petrol, Glue
syrup, Anti
/ Anti
/ Anti
/ Anti
Last drink / drugs taken ….. days ago
Previous history
Withdrawal symptoms experienced when the patient stopped
Alcohol Drugs
Tremors Tremors
Insomnia Insomnia
Fits Diarrhoea
Nausea Severe pain
Aches / Pains Restlessness
Other psychiatric complications
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation / attempts
- Confusion
- Aggressive outbursts
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
- Abscesses
- Bleeding piles
- Skin problems
- Any other
Other information
Use of Tobacco Products – Smoking / Pan chewing / Others :
Knowledge of allergy to specific drugs :
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Impression of counsellor
Denial: Mild Moderate Severe
Annexure 2.8
B.P. Chart
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.9
Urine sugar chart
Name : Age : Reg. No:
Colour of Urine AM AM AM AM AM AM AM
Date Date Date Date Date Date Date
Anti Diabetic
medication (dosage)
Insulin (dosage)
Annexure 2.10
Temperature chart
Name ……………………………………… Age ………………..……………………
Hours 7 13 19 7 13 19 7 13 19 7 13 19
Pulse :
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.11
Guidelines to prepare therapy manual
Issues Content
Briefing about the programme A briefing about the treatment to be given
- About the psychological therapy
- Involvement of the family
- Rules and regulations to make the stay comfortable
Rules and regulations for the Rules and regulations
clients to be explained and
- No drug use in the centre
rights and duties of the client to
be properly defined - No abusive language.
- No anti-social or immoral act.
- To maintain oneself and the centre clean.
- Radio, tapes, TV and cell phone to be used according to
the rules.
- Rights and responsibilities
Disciplinary action – issues and Specific disciplinary actions for specific issues
consequences to be clearly
- Asset of the centre damaged
- abusive language repeatedly used
- trying to have sexual relationship.
- bringing in drugs.
- making efforts to run away
- defying the rules repeatedly
Schedule and timetable for the - Schedule with specific timings
- Schedule during weekends and holidays
List and content of re-educative - Medical complications related to alcohol and drug use
- Disease concept of addiction
- High risk situations and relapse symptoms
- Methods to stay sober
- Working towards whole person recovery - Improving in
the areas of work, interpersonal relationship and financial
- Role of SHGs in recovery (AA / NA)
- Life skills enhancement – self esteem, assertiveness, stress
Individual counseling sessions - Goals of individual counseling
- Process involved – rapport building, identification of
problems and management, behavioural change and
sustaining the change
- Issues to be dealt in 8 sessions
- Format for writing the summary
Group therapy - Rules
- Topics
- Role of the facilitator
- Changes seen in clients
- Recording system
To achieve uniformity in filling up - explanation for some of the items in the case history
case history form, explanations form
to be given for a few items
- format for developing treatment plan
Re-educative sessions for - Schedule and content of sessions
- Disease concept of addiction
- codependency
- dealing with feelings of
- fear, shame, hopelessness and grief
- anger management
- problems during recovery
- issues of children and parenting
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.12
Attendance Register for patients
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.13
Case history form and treatment plan
Socio-demographic information Registration No.
Date of registration:
Name: Address &:
Telephone No:
Sex: Age: Date of Birth:
Religion: Community:
Educational Qualification: (Specify)
Occupation: Income:
Marital Status:
Living arrangements: Live with family:
Live with friends or distant relatives:
Live alone:
On the street:
4. How old were you at that time? Father’s Death
Mother’s Death
5. About siblings
Relationship Age Education Occupation
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Problems Parents & Siblings Wife / Children
Yes Relationship No Don’t Yes Relationship No Don’t
know know
Major depression
Suicide / attempted
Psychiatric illnesses
Alcohol dependence
Drug dependence
Any other
20. Adjustment patterns
Relationship with family members Parents Siblings Spouse Children
No family (Dead)
Disowned by family / mutual rejection
Mixed or indifferent feelings
Usually friendly minor conflicts
Not applicable
21. Family Damage as seen by the counsellor Mild Moderate Severe
V. Sexual history
22. Record extra marital experiences Present Absent N/A
(If unmarried, pre marital) If present,
- Age of partner:
- Is it a sustained relationship?
- For how many years have you known each other?
- What is the living arrangement?
- Any children Yes No Details
23. Have you been involved in any high risk sexual activities? Yes No
Sex with commercial sex workers
If yes, did you use condoms Always Sometimes Never
24. Sex with causal acquaintance Yes No
If yes, did you use condoms Always Sometimes Never
25. Have you been tested for HIV? If yes,
Positive/ Negative
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
VII.Financial History
35. Details of debts to be cleared: Amount
Money borrowed from family and friends
Loans from Banks
Loans from place of work
Money borrowed from money lenders
Money for redeeming articles from pawn shops
Outstanding debts at various shops
36. Financial damage as perceived by counsellor Mild Moderate Severe
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
X. Religious beliefs
40. Are you a
non believer
41. Do you Always Sometimes Never
- Pray at home
- Visit temple regularly
- Go on pilgrimages
- Celebrate festivals
Lack of family support
Poverty, hence not able to stay
Legal problem
Unable to cope with treatment
Inadequate facilities
Any other
In case of extension,
Reasons for extension
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.14
Group Therapy Record Form - Weekly
Name of Patient:
Counselor: Group:
Attendance: M T W TH F Date: _____ To______ Name of therapist:
Issues Code
Focus on topic
Feelings level sharing
Openness in addressing issues
Involvement with other group members’
Any undesirable behaviour
a. Listens and participates actively
b. Listens but participates only sometimes
c. Shows little interest and participation
d. No involvement
5. Any undesirable behaviour noticed like sleeping, forming of sub groups, sarcasm, etc.
Please describe (no codes given)
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.15
Follow-up card / Register
Name of patient :
Registration Number :
Date of admission :
Date of discharge :
Counsellor’s name :
Other known medical issues: (hypertensive / diabetic / IV user)
Referral to:
I. Medical review
Follow-up Complaints Name of medicine with dosage Reasons for continuing /
date of patient change of medicines
Crime free
Gainfully employed
Financial stability
Scoring Key
Alcohol/drug free life Physical well being
No News = 0 No News= 0
Continues to drink = 1 Persistent inability to function due to poor
Substituting with drugs = 2 physical / psychological condition =1
Severe relapses, sober = 3 Unable to function most of the times due to
Mild relapses, sober = 4 poor physical / psychological condition =2
No relapse = 5 Average health with transient problems =3
Absent or minimal symptoms but functions
well generally =4
Superior functioning with no problems =5
Healthy relationship with family Crime free (crime includes domestic violence, illegal
members activities)
No News =0 No News = 0
Disowned by family =1 Arrest for illicit sale and production = 1
By and large alienated
from family =2 Arrest for violent behaviour =2
Mixed or indifferent feelings = 3 Violent under intoxication (not arrested) = 3
Usually friendly,
minor conflicts =4 Crime free = 4
Highly supportive =5 Adopting higher values = 5
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.16
Letter of endorsement for free treatment
Endorsement register for providing free food to patients from the weaker
socio-economic background
Name of the patient and No. of days food given Signature of patient
Registration No.
Annexure 2.17
Declaration cum indemnity form
Project in charge
Name of the Organization
I________________________________aged_______years presently residing at___________
do hereby solemnly declare and state as under:
We the Parents / Spouse / Guardians of Shri/Smt________________________aged________
years presently residing at ________________
1. I have voluntarily and of my own accord admitted myself to the rehabilitation/de-addiction
facility …………………..
2. I state that I have been informed about the entire treatment and medication in detail and
that I also fully understood and am aware of the implications and consequences thereof.
3. I declare and confirm that I have taken upon myself the entire responsibility, liability, risk
and consequences as may arise during or after the said treatment and medication and that
I shall not in any manner and at any time hereafter hold the said treatment facility, the staff
/ management liable and or responsible in any manner whatsoever.
4. I agree to indemnify and absolve the treatment centre for the following situations.
a. Sustaining injury / fatal or otherwise while trying to escape from the centre / trying
to procure drugs
b. Attempting to commit suicide
c. During withdrawal, leading to DT and becoming violent or suicidal
d. Consuming alcohol with disulfiram and developing fatal reactions
e. Developing unexpected side effects or rare complications while taking medicines for
withdrawal / depression / psychiatric problem / opportunistic infections due to HIV
5. I state that I am aware of all the statements and declarations made by me in the Declaration-
cum-indemnity executed by me on ______day of __________ 200 and I hereby confirm
and ratify the same.
6. I am making this declaration solemnly and sincerely without any force, coercion or undue
influence and the full force and effect should be given to all the statements and declarations
made by me herein above.
Solemnly declared at ___________this___________
day of _________
200_______by the within named
________________________ _______________
Signature of the client / family members
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 2.18
Guidelines for Administrative Manual
Annexure 2.19
1/10/2007 to 31/12/2007
1/01/2008 to 31/03/2008
1/04/2008 to 30/06/2008
1/07/2008 to 30/09/2008
Sex *
Common Gender
Age *
Marital status *
Never Married
Not Known
Separated/Due to drug use
Education *
Secondary/PUC/Junior College
Not Known
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Post Graduate/Technical
Primary Education
Professional Education
Employment status *
Any Other
Currently Unemployed
Full Time employed
House Wife
Never employed
Not Known
Part Time employed
Self employed
Occupation *
Place of Residence*
Pattern of drug use*
Drugs Ever Age of Use in Daily/near Duration Intensity of
Use First use one In daily use of last drug use
Month last one regular
Month use
Propoxy Phences
Other Opiates
Other sedatives/
Cough syrup
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
No Response
If yes, number of attempts made
over the past 5 years:
Duration since last treatment
(gap between last treatment and
present in months):
Verbal abuse Never
Violent with neighbours and outsiders Never
Breaking articles at home Never
Sexual practices (no. of partners
in the last six months):
Multiple partners
Multiple partners including casual
Multiple partners including CSWs*
Single partner
Practicing safe sex in the last six
months (use of condoms):
No Response
Family history of drug/alcohol
abuse (information to be collected
about those family members who
are alive)
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Occupation Father Mother
Professional Technical and Related Workers
Administrative Executive and Managerial
Clerical And Related Workers
Sales Workers
Service Workers
Production and Related Workers
Transport Operator Workers
Worked Not Classified by Occupation
Not Applicable
Not Known
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
All treatment centers funded by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, besides other centers, which may be carrying
out similar activities with drug addicts, would be responsible for collecting the data in
the format designed for the purpose. The data would be collected for a period of three
months in a year, for all new drug users seeking your help. However, for the first month,
in case of de-addiction centers, all the persons already admitted in your center shall be
The format should be filled in on the first day of the contact itself, though the information
can be subsequently revised, if the person remains in contact with you for a longer
duration. The period of data collection would be specified each year. For example, during
the current year, the data has to be collected from the 1st August to 31st October 2000.
The data would be sent immediately at the end of the period, to the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment or any other address, which may be notified for the purpose.
After the data collection is over information about the services and the staff and other
facilities at the center would be provided on an information sheet developed for the
purpose. The data about the users would be sent along with the information about the
services at the center.
Duration: Please collect information with respect to the items given in the format from
all new drug users, clients coming to your center for the first time, seeking help, beginning
from 1st of August 2000 to 31st October 2000.
• For the month of August, in case of de-addiction centers, all the persons already admitted
in your center shall be included.
You are requested to familiarize all your staff members dealing with the drug users with the
code sheet and the manual to fill in the data. Refer to the manual in case of any difficulty.
The identity of the drug being used would require greater attention and detailed information
has been included. A list of common names used for different drugs is also being enclosed to
help you in identifying the drugs.
Please appoint one person as the contact person-in-charge for data collection in your
organization. He/she should be sent for the training for DAMS. He/she in turn would train all
other staff involved in data collection.
Please send the filled in formats for all new users, clients coming to your center for the first
time during the month of August, September, and October 2000. If possible, please send them
by courier, to ensure prompt delivery. Do not forget to fill in the information sheet about the
services at the center, and enclose it with the data about the users.
The data has to be collected from all new cases reporting to seek help from your center,,
during the month of August, September, and October, 2000. The term new case here refers to
the person who is coming to your center for the first time. It is possible that you are providing
both counseling and treatment.The person first goes to the counseling unit and is subsequently
admitted for treatment.You are requested to teat the case as one, since the information about
the case has already been collected. This information should not be repeated, even if he/she is
being admitted for the first time.
The information has to be collected on first contact, though it can be revised subsequently, if
the person remains in contact for a longer period. It will help in collecting information from
all cases. It is always advisable to recheck the information regarding all entries, particularly
income, employment status, pattern of drug use, method of use, crime record and family
violence etc. If possible, try to get information from others sources e.g. visiting relatives and
friends, to authenticate the information provided by the person.
The format is pre-coded and is accompanied by a code sheet to facilitate you.
How to use the format:
Center code: All centers have been allotted a code, e.g. the center code for Navjoyti, Delhi is
2 4 0 7
• These codes would be the same for all DAMs format filled at your center code shortly.
Type: refers to whether you are providing counseling center use code 1, De-addiction 2 and
for both 3 e.g. Counseling Center
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Funded by:
If you are funded by ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment use code 1, for the Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare, use code 2 and in case you are funded by some other source
other than the one’s mentioned above, use code 3.
1. Date of reporting:
For example, if the date is 5th August, 2000
0 5 0 8 2 0 0 0
2. Sex: There are three categories in this item- Male-1, Female-2 and common gender-3. Put
the appropriate code in the box, e.g. If the client is a male,
3. Age: Please record the actual age. Some illiterate persons may not be sure of their age.
Help them ascertain the same by using different methods, e.g. the date of birth of any younger
sibling, and so on. In case of nay doubt, use code 99. For example, if the client is 25 years old,
2 5
4. Marital Status: The item 7 categories.There is a category, which reads as divorced because
of addiction. In case of divorced cases do probe and record accordingly, using the code 6. If the
divorce has nothing to do with addiction, use code 4. I am sure you are aware of the difference
between the ‘divorce’ meaning legal separation, and ‘separation’, where the legal formality has
not been completed; though it may have been initiated. Please use the appropriate code 4 or
5 respectively.
5. Education: The item has 9 categories in all. If a person has passed class IX but failed in Xth,
his/her educational status should be recorded as ‘middle’-code 4. The same rule at all stages.
Passing a particular stage exam is the criteria for determining the level.
6. Employment status: The item has 9 categories. All categories are self-explanatory.
7. Occupation: There are 11 main categories in this item.A number of occupational activities
are listed under each. You may read the details carefully and can consult the code-sheet for
choosing the appropriate code. For example if a person were employed in restaurant/hotel,
his/her occupation would be service worker-code 05. However, if you are not able to classify
or if the occupation does not fit in any of the categories given, use the code-11 and specify
the occupation along side.
- Engineering Technicians
- Aircrafts and Ship Officers
- Life Scientists
- Life Science Technicians
- Physicians and Surgeons (including dental and Veterinary surgeons)
- Nursing and other Medical and Health Technicians
- Scientific, Medical and Technical Persons, Others
- Economist and Related Workers
- Accountants, Auditors and Related Workers
- Mathematician Statisticians and Related Workers
- Social Scientist and Related Workers
- Jurists
- Teachers
- Poets, Authors, Journalist and Related Creative Artists
- Sculptors, Painters, Photographers and Related Creative Artists
- Composers and performing Artists
- Professional Workers
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
- Merchant and Shopkeepers, Wholesale and Retail Trade
- Manufacturers, Agents
- Technical Salesman and Commercial Travelers
- Salesman. Shop Assistance and Related Workers
- Insurance, real Estate, Securities and Business Service Salesman and Auctioneers
- Money Lenders and Pawn Brokers
- Sales Workers
- Hotel and Restaurant Keepers
- House Keepers, Matron and Stewards (Domestic and Institutional)
- Cooks, Waiters, Bartenders and related workers (Domestic and Institutional)
- Maids and other House Keeping Service Workers
- Building care takers, Sweepers, Cleaners and related workers
- Launderers, Dry- Cleaners and Pressers
- Hair Dressers, Barbers, Beauticians and related workers
- Protective Service Workers
- Service Workers
- Agricultural Laborers and related workers
- Forestry workers
- Hunters and related workers
- Fishermen and related workers
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Buprenorphine Norphine, TDX, Tidigesic, Adnok, etc
Propoxyphene Proxyyvon, Spasmoproxyvon, Butaproxyvon, etc.
Other Opiates Pethidine, Pentazocine, Fortwin, Codeine, Methadone etc.
Alcohol Sharab, Daru, Desi,Angrezi,Tharra, Sura, Guttu,Thailli,Arrack,
Todi, etc
Cannabis Bhang, Ganja, Charas, Hashish, Grass, Sulfa, etc
Barbiturates Phenobarbitone, Pentobarbitone, Gardenal, Seconal etc
Minor Tranquilizers Valium, Diazebam, Librium, Nitravart, Das Number Ki Goli,
Alprax, etc
Other Sedatives/Hypnotics Sedyn, Carisoma, Mandrax etc
Cocaine Crack, Cocaine, etc
Amphetamine Speed, Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine, Ecstasy etc
Hallucinogens PCP, Angel Dust, LSD etc
Inhalants Glue, Petrol, Kerosene, thinner, Solvetn, paints, Araldite,
Quickfix, Spirit, etc
Cough Syrup Bendryl, Corex, Phensydyl, Gathi, etc
Others Specify Avil,Vrufen,Voveran, Laxative, Lodex, Boot Polish etc
• Some of the street names may be the trade name of various drugs. However, this does not reflect on the drug
11. Intravenous Drug Use: This item is self-explanatory. Please note that the intravenous
use in the last one month or ever, are to be recorded by simply using the codes i.e.Yes-1, No-2,
and in case of no response, code-9
12. Sharing of Needles, Syringes and other paraphernalia: Similar codes are to be
used as mentioned in the data item above. Please specifically ask and record, if they are sharing
needles, cleaning them with a gauze/cloth/water if any related item is being used for preparing
an injection with fellow users/others.
13. Average Expenditure on Drugs per month: Record the actual figure of average
monthly expenditure on drug use. Identify the drug/s being used, the quantity of daily use and
its cost, and then multiply by 30 to arrive at the figure of average monthly expenditure.
14. Police Record: Simply record Yes-1, No-2, and No Response-9
15. Any Previous Attempts at Treatment: Simply record Yes-1, No-2, and No Response-9
(a) If Yes, Number of Attempts: Record the actual number of attempts using numbers 1-5. If
there are more than 5 attempts, use code-6. Incase of no response, use code- 9.
(b) Duration since last treatment: Self explanatory, see the code sheet
16. Family Violence: Family violence here refers to physical and mental torture inflicted by
drug users on any or all the family members. Three possible answers are given with definition.
Record the appropriate code. If you think the information may not be correct or if there is
no response, use code-9
17. Sexual Practices: There are four possible answers given in the code sheet, which are
self-explanatory. Incase there is no response or you think information provided may not nr
true use code-9.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
18. Safe Sex: This item refers four possible answers given in the code sheet, which are self-
explanatory. Incase there are no responses or you think the information provided may not be
true use code-9.
19. Family History of Drug Use: This item refers to the possibility of a family history of drug
use. If the father is or has been drug user, use code-1, for the mother use code-2, brother
code-3, sister code 4, father and mother code 5, and for the father and brother code 6. Incase
any other person is found to be a drug user use code 7, and mention the specific relationship
besides the box.
20. Father and Mother’s Education and Occupation: Please collect information about
the parent’s education and occupation as given above, for Education (5) and for occupation (7)
Annexure 2.20
Network Directory and a referral register
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
An organisation running a Treatment–cum-rehabilitation Centre may organise De-addiction
camps in areas prone to drug abuse especially in rural / semi urban areas. The organization
would utilized the staff and resources from the community.
The camp approach has many benefits
- Treatment is cost effective because existing facilities available in the community are made
use of.
- The local community is involved in organising the camp, hence, they provide support to the
addict in recovery and they also get sensitized regarding the impact of addiction.
- Sustained involvement of the community promotes collective initiative towards prevention
of addiction.
On completion of camp, to provide follow-up care for a minimum period of one year at
the community.
- To sustain the momentum built at the time of the camp, meaningful activities to be
conducted on an ongoing basis.
- Repeated camps at the same camp site for a few years for new alcohol / drug users would
help in converting the village / community a drug free zone
Standards on services
Minimum criteria Records required
Identification of a host organisation and Profile of Host organisation to be
sensitizing them about the impact of addiction maintained by the counselor – Annexure
and the need for treatment. 3.1
A minimum of two programmes to be
organised prior to the camp at the
Identification of patients through community
network - formal / informal leaders, panchayat
leaders, families of addicts,Youth associations,
teachers, Mahila Mandal workers, micro credit
group members, Religious leaders and health
workers / recovering addicts.
Through personal contact or by distribution
of pamphlets, making people aware of the
camp programme.
The selection criteria to be clearly defined Camp Manual to be developed and
and followed-up. maintained by the counselor.
Providing detoxification and dealing with Medical case sheet to be maintained by
addiction related illnesses. the medical officer
Identification and creating linkages for medical Network directory to be maintained by
services to handle emergencies during the project-in-charge
detoxification, during follow up and relapses
through local resources such as physicians,
hospitals and primary health centres.
Developing a structured programme for a Camp Manual to be maintained by the
duration of 15 days with the focus on medical project-in-charge
care as well as providing support to improve
the quality of life.
Providing a minimum of 8 re-educative
sessions for patients, 8 group therapy sessions
and 4 individual counseling sessions.
To provide support to the family, conducting Camp Manual to be maintained by the
five sessions for families with components of re- project-in-charge
educative sessions, group therapy, and counseling.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Training of staff
- The treatment staff to be placed in a treatment centre that already conducting de-addiction
camps to understand and observe the camp approach
- Training to include methods to mobilize and work with the community
- Specific training on pantomime shows, street plays and folk media to be included.
- To conduct training programmes for supervisors / managers to identify early phase addicts
through poor job performance.
- To collect data regarding absenteeism, accidents, poor job performance among the
employees and relating them to use and abuse of alcohol.
- To identify, refer and treat workers with problems of addiction.
Standards on services
Minimum criteria Records required
To conduct one programme a month on Awareness programme register
creating awareness about the impact of
addiction – lecture, film shows and puppet
To conduct one programme every six months
for families of employees on the impact of
To conduct one programme every two
months to supervisors / managers on early
identification of problem employees
To conduct one programme every six months
to management / union office bearers on the
need to have a policy to deal with addiction.
To help the industries to collect data regarding
absenteeism and poor quality of work and
the use and abuse of alcohol.
To treat patients referred by industries as Register for patients referred by industries
and when needed. Annexure 3.2
Training of staff
• The counsellors or community workers should have undergone at least one week training
in an organisation that conducts such workplace prevention programmes.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 3.1
Profile of host organization
Annexure 3.2
Register for providing treatment to patients referred by
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has established a national centre for Drug
abuse prevention (NCDAP) at New Delhi to serve as an apex body for training, research and
documentation in the field of alcoholism and drug demand reduction.
Role of RRTCs
- Visit treatment centers to understand the issues and problems of the NGOs
- Establish a good working relationship with staff
- Function as a ‘mentoring agency’. Mentoring is to act as a trusted guide.
- Training of service providers based on the assessment of the training needs
- Document efforts for effective monitoring. Ensuring compliance with DAMS, Minimum
standards of care by NGOs.
- Documentation of programmes/results at the regional level
- Technical support to NGOs, CBOs and Enterprises in strengthening their programmes
- Strengthening the rehabilitation of the addicts by networking and convergence of
- Advocacy, research and monitoring on regional issues
- Exchange visits
Criteria for selection of an RRTC
RRTC to be approved by NCDAP, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
- Minimum of 10 years of experience in the field of addiction and getting grant continuously
without any break or adverse report
- Organization to have infrastructure facilities
o Training hall with a minimum capacity of 30 to 40 persons,
o Availability of training equipments viz. LCD, laptop, etc.
o Proper hostel facilities in the vicinity of the training hall/centre,
o Centrally located
- Should have long standing good training track record in the field of drug addiction and
availability of in-house trained resource persons.
- The organization should be able to showcase its treatment, rehabilitation programmes,
street-based programmes, etc.
- Established networking with state departments, NGOs, CBOs and enforcement
- Financially sound organization
- Well placed at the regional level
Structure of the RRTCs
Staff Number
Coordinator 1
Documentation officer 1
Field workers 2
Accountant cum computer operator 1
Total 5
Visits to NGOs
Minimum criteria Records required
In case the RRTC has more than 40 NGOs, List of RRTCs –Annexure 4.1
one field worker to be given for every 20
Maintaining and updating the data base of Maintaining a separate file for each NGO-
NGOs - address, phone number, list of staff, Annexure 4.2
activities undertaken
Minimum of one visit per year per NGO Guidelines for visits – Annexure 4.3
– according to the NGO load in the RRTC First visit and subsequent visits Annexure 4.4
In case more than one visit to be made,
expenses related to the visits to be
compensated by NISD as per their norm
Evaluating the functioning of NGOs once a Evaluation format – Annexure 4.5
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
RRTC as a role Model agency for partner NGOs
Minimum criteria Records required
Developing manuals and sharing the format Medical manual
during training programmes Nursing manual
Update manuals as and when needed Therapy manual
Administrative manual
Manuals to be provided by NCDAP
Maintaining medical form, case history
form, group therapy recording and follow-up
Developing a format for compiling information Format for inspection officers – Annexure
related to RRTC activities 4.12
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.1
List of RRTCs with addresses, Email IDs and States covered
4. RRTC Vivekananda 6/7, Banamali Ghosal Shri C.G.Chandra West Bengal
East-I Education Lane, James Apartment Tel. 033 -2445 2450 (Except
Society Ist Floor, Behala, Kolkata Darjeeling),
–700 034. Orissa ,
Tel. 033 -2445 2450; Tripura
033-2458 3183 (South)
Fax – 033 – 23970364 and
E.mail – vesrrtc@yahoo. Andaman; & Nicobar Islands
5. RRTC The Calcutta 48, Ripon Street Mrs.Premila Pavamani Bihar
Samaritans Kolkata-700 016. Hony. Director Jharkhand
Tel Nos. 033-2229 033-22298609 Sikkim and
5920/9731 E-mail: Darjeeling
Fax No. 033-2217 8097 premilapavamani@ part of West
E-mail: Bengal
Mr.Rajiv Sarkar
Coordinator / Head
6. RRTC TT IV Main Road Indira Ms.Jacqueline David, Tamil Nadu,
South Ranganathan Nagar, Adyar, Chennai Coordinator Karnataka
Clinical 600 020 Ph:044 24912948 Kerala and
Research Tel Nos:044 24912948 Andhra
Foundation / 24918461 /2442 6193 Pradesh
/2441 6458
Fax: 044 24456078
E.Mail: ttrcrf@md2.vsnl. And ttrcrf@eth.
Website: www.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.2
Date base of NGOs
Annexure 4.3
Guidelines for visit to NGOs by RRTC Staff
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
- Check records
o Admission register
o Case history form
o Endorsement form for providing free treatment
o Home visits and follow-up records
o Manuals
- Ask one of them to informally talk about the patients and family programme.
o Routine
o Understand whether they have group and re-educative sessions
o Check about the list of topics for re-educative sessions
o Make sure the clients stay for a minimum of around 30 days
o One Patient - one counsellor system
- Conducting family programme - A minimum of one programme a week
- Go round the ward to check
o Space for 15 clients to sleep
o Space for conducting therapy
o Room for counsellors
o Some space for TV and carom
- Memorize a few names from the admission register and casually check who is
Mr. Ashok and Mr. Mahesh.
- The clients can be met informally
o How are you, how long have you been in the programme
o What have you learnt
o Which programme helped you most - group, class, sharing etc
o Not to focus on therapists
- Conduct a session for all the staff for one hr to 1-1/2 hrs.
o Structuring the therapy programme
o Motivation
o Follow-up counseling and issues
o Recovery issues
o Issues related to family
o Whatever the needs of the staff
- Facilitate networking with SACS / Social Welfare Department if need be for advocacy
- Not to accept any gift
- Discourage them from providing transportation
- Not to meet them in your hotels
- Maintain distance
- No obligations
- Not to write in their visitors’ book
- If need be, provide recommendations objectively and specifically through letter
- Ask them whether they need any material . Preferably provide them e-materials
On returning
- Fill up the follow-up card with coding and give it to documentation assistant
- Follow-up letter in case of any recommendations, signed by project coordinator.
- If you have promised any material, send it immediately
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4. 4
First visit and subsequent visit
Local people conversant with the organization / centres
Located in a reasonably quite locality (and easily reachable)
Board is placed at a prominent site with the sponsorship of MSJE
Yes/No Remarks
1. Rooms to accommodate 15 beds
2. Availability of 15 beds ( condition and spacing of
3. Locker / storage space for each patient
4. Sitting room for patients and/or family?
Reception, enquiry, registration counter waiting
space for 5 person (min)
5. Medical check up room and for clients who are
in delirium or any emergencies
6. Counselling room? Confidentiality maintained?
7. A room to conduct group therapy and re-
educative sessions with the black board
8. Storage facilities
- medicines
- linen
- records of patients
9. In door / out door recreational facilities –
availability of open space
Other facilities
- Rights of the clients prominently displayed?
- Addiction related educational material properly displayed?
Communication set up
Telephone available
Computer facility and internet connection
Fax facility
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Patient Records
Frequency of Admission Once a month Twice a month At any time
No. of patients present at the
time of visit
No. of drop outs
No. of relapse cases
Average bed occupancy
Patients admitted for the last 3 months
Upto 30 days 31-60 days More than 60 days Reasons for stay
beyond 60 days
Drug users referred to the other centres/ hospitals for following services
T.B. HIV- Sexually Hepatitis Hepatitis Any other Intra- Counselling Total
AIDS transmitted A B infection venous services
diseases drug users
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.4
Name of the organization
Any change in the address of addiction center
Phone No. at treatment center
Fax No. :
Contact person in the organization
Availability of documents
List of documents Availability Completeness Any remarks
Register for admission and discharge
Medical form
Case history form
Follow-up form
Endorsement form for free treatment
Home visit register
Availability of manuals
Programme structure
Structure in the Regularity and Topics / issues Any other relevant
programme - details frequency handled information
Group therapy
Re-educative sessions for clients
Individual counseling
Family therapy
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.5
Issues Rating Indicators
Physical structure
Utilisation of facilities
Structure of the programme
Other factors
Over all observations
Physical setting
4 - Spacious, well ventilated with facilities for beds, therapy, counseling cubicles as well as
3 - Adequate space for beds and therapy alone
2 - Inadequate space for beds and therapy but separate cubicles for counseling provided.
1 - Inadequate space for patients as well as therapy.
Utilization of facilities
4 - 100% bed occupancy or more and treatment duration is more than 21 days.
3 - 100% bed occupancy and treatment duration is less than 21 days
2 - Less than 100% bed occupancy and treatment duration of 21 days or more
1 - Less than 100% bed occupancy and treatment duration is lesser than 21 days
Structure of the programme
4 - Minimum standards of care met in full (three lectures and five group therapy sessions
in a week, follow-up, one family session in a week and two awareness programme in a
3 - Most - 75% adherence to minimum standards of care criteria
2 - Minimum standards of care criteria met partly (50%)
1 - No structure at all
4 - All records maintained as per MSC and complete and up to date.
3 - All records are maintained as per MSC but incomplete
2 - Some of the records maintained as per MSC
1- Very few or nil records
4 - Qualified staff with training / experience for all posts
3 - Qualified staff but not trained or experienced
2 - Some staff are not qualified or vacancies not filled
1 - No qualified staff, vacancies present
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4. 6
Follow-up Card
Details of staff Name Age & Designation Date of joining Training attended
Education the organization –RRTC/NISD
Annexure 4.7
Training needs assessment format
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
ment and
and Drug
ment of
drug abuse
and HIV/
micro credit
t i n g
Standard of
Planning and
d e -
Life skills
for preven-
tion and
and working
with the
cation and
ation skills
out reach
P l e a s e
specify if
Please mark accordingly:
T - Trained (if he/ she has already received training on that issue)
Y - Training needed
N - Training not needed
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.8
Format for certificate and banner
Title of the training course
Supported by:
National Institute of Social Defence – NCDAP
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.
Organised by:
Regional Resource & Training Centre
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms…………………………………………………………………
has successfully completed programme on ------------------- organized by National Institute of
Social Defence, New Delhi in collaboration with RRTC -------------------- held at …………........
from ……….. to ………
RRTC Coordinator
Date ___________
- Organizing the stay, food, transportation of participants
- Getting training package ready – bag, pad, pen and name tag
- Ordering stationary items
- Ordering a banner
- Planning the time table, preparing PPT and handouts for distribution
- Making sure LCD, lap top, over head projector are in working condition
- Registration of the participation on the first day
- Organizing chief guest for the inaugural or valedictory function
- Organizing field visits if need be
- Taking a group photograph
- Organizing certificates
- Evaluation forms to be given and collected back
- Keeping TA claim forms ready and providing cash for traveling
- Preparing the final reports to be submitted to NCDAP with list of participants, list of
speakers, content and material of training programme, photograph and accounts related
- Review meeting to be conducted to identify gaps and planning strategies to improve the
quality of training.
Inward Journey
1. Road mileage from _____________________to __________________ Rs ___________
For ____________________________________ Km by Bus/ Auto )
2. Rail fare / Bus fare/ Airfare __________________ to _________________ By entitled class
ticket to be produced) Rs ____________________Class. Ticket no: _________________
3. Road mileage from ________________ to ________________ Rs __________________
For ______________________ Km by Bus/ Auto
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Outward journey
1. Road mileage from ________________to ________________ Rs ______________
For ____________________________________ Km by Bus/ Auto )
2. Rail fare / Bus fare/ Airfare __________________ to _________________By entitled class
ticket to be produced) Rs ________________Class. Ticket no: __________________
3. Road mileage from ________________ to ________________ Rs __________________
For ______________________ Km by Bus/ Auto
Signature (Participant)
Name (In Block letters) _______________________________________________________
Designation: ________________________________________________________________
Institution: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Annexure 4.9
Guidelines for RRTC presentation for NISD Consultative
About the RRTC and its jurisdiction
- Representing the following through different symbols in the map of respective states under
RRTC jurisdiction :
o MSJE supported IRCAs in the state
o UNODC project being implemented if any in the different sites
o Composite TIs functioning in the state for drug users
- State wise distribution of number of MSJE supported IRCA functioning under the RRTC
preferably tabulated and presented graphically.
Capacity building
- Training Needs Assessment of NGOs
- Training programmes conducted , achievements and impact (MSJE supported) for the
previous financial year mentioning the following :
o Total number of trainings conducted in the previous financial year
o Total number of people trained and their profile
o Average participation per training programme
o Total number of personnel trained ( if the same person attends more then one training
here he/ she will be calculated as one )
o Total number of newly trained people
o Theme, location and dates for conducting the programme
o Evaluation of training programmes
- Other trainings apart from MSJE supported (UNODC, NACO, etc) programmes conducted
by RRTC with details.
- Other awareness and training programmes conducted for the following target groups
- School and colleges (students and teachers )
- Youth members
- Parents
- Children
- Workplace - industrial employees, supervisors and transport worker
- HIV workers, sex workers, VCTC counselors
- Village development officers and self help group women
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Mentoring of NGOs
- Field visits conducted by RRTC during the previous financial year, state wise
Number of visits made Number of centres visited
More then twice
Not visited
- No of on site training programmes conducted and no of beneficiaries
- Evaluation of NGOs based on the criteria given, state wise
- Physical structure
- Utilisation of facilities
- Structure of the programme
- Documentation
- Staffing
- Over all observations
• Integration of Minimum Standards of Services in progress at NGOs
- List of databases maintained and updated by the RRTC
- DAMS related issues
- RRTC Team - staff and resource persons
- Training attended by RRTC staff
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.10
Regional Resource and Training Centre
Sub: Scheme for prevention of alcoholism and substance abuse – Regional
Resource and Training Centre
a) Name & address of RRTC
b) Name & address of the managing
c) Details of contact person in RRTC
(Name, Designation, Tele No., Fax No., E-mail
and website address, if any)
d) Organizational hierarchy in RRTC (in the
absence of the contract person)
f) Details of equipments with RRTC provided
by the Project
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.11
Annual report format
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.12
In conducting this proforma, the National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention (NCDAP), the
National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), and the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
(MSJE) endeavours to fulfill three primary objectives:
1) To evaluate the extent and consistency with which the Regional Resources and Training
Centres (RRTCs) have implemented and applied the terms enumerated in the Memorandum
of Understanding between NCDAP, NISD, MSJE and the RRTCs;
2) To collect information on the efficacy of current programmes that will be used to inform
the direction of future strategies developed by NCDAP, NISD and MSJE;
3) To assess the technical merit of current RRTCs and to explore the capacity of potential
NGO candidates for appointment to RRTC status.
This evaluation has been designed for the express purpose of attaining a comprehensive
understanding of current programme delivery in order to ensure the quality and relevance
of services provided by the RRTCs, the NCDAP, the NISD, and the MSJE. As frontline social
service agencies your perception and perspective of the issue-area are invaluable sources of
information, and any comments or suggestions offered to enrich the quality of service or to
elucidate existing and emerging concerns would be greatly appreciated.
A. Organization to be assessed :
Name of Organization :
Address of Organization :
Contact Person :
Address of Contact Person :
Year of Establishment :
Registration Number :
B. Assessment Team
Name of Assessor :
Designation :
Knowledge and Attitudes of Trainers and Facilitators: Please submit participant evaluations
of training courses, programs and services provided by organization.
Details of Capacity Building Programmes
Title and Brief No. of Participant Name of Dates and
Description of the in Attendance Collaborating Duration
Training Course Agency(s)
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Intra-Organizational Activity
a) If the organization is aware of other NGOs in its vicinity, what are they and in what
capacity do they function?
b) If at all, how many visits per annum does the organization visit other NGOs to conduct
TNAs? :
c) Does the organization network with State Government agencies (e.g. SACS international
agencies, CBOs)?
Business and Administration: Please provide the following documents for review by the
a) Cash Ledger and all statements regarding details of income, expenditures, etc. :
b) Bank Pass Book and all documents regarding funding and grants :
c) Register of Assets and all documents regarding physical assets, :
d) Honorarium Register and all documents regarding remuneration receipts etc. :
e) Attendance Register of Staff :
Research: Please provide detailed summaries of research activity, including an outline of the
objectives, methodology, hypotheses, sample size, analysis, social relevance, and outcome of
the studies. Areas of research may include:
i) Partner Evaluation Tool
ii) Training Need Assessment
iii) IEC Need Assessment form
A. Assessment of Equipment and Assets
NO Equipment Present Absent Source of Purchased by
Funding Organization
1 LCD Projector
2 Slide Projector
3 Computer in Training Hall
4 Screen
5 Flip Chart Stands
6 White Board
7 Over Head Projector
8 Backup Generator
9 Black Board
10 Seating Arrangement
11 Hostel Accommodation
12 Boarding facilities
13 Training Hall Capacity-30
14 Transport Facilities
15 Library & Documentation
16 No. and dimensions of rooms
3 rooms ,1 training hall and 2
17. Cleanliness/Hygiene of the
18. Lighting arrangements, fans, etc.,
19 Others specify: Fax, Printer,
Scanner, Laptops.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Confidential to be filled by the I.O.
(Comments and Observation should be specific and based on the inspection Report)
Location and accessibility of the Centre
Maintenance of the records relating to
Cleanliness and Hygiene in the centre/project
(i.e. condition of walls, floors, beds; frequency
of linen exchange; bathroom facilities; drinking
water, food provided; etc.
Availability and functionality of lights, fans,
Consistency between staff knowledge, training
and field exposure, and their responsibilities
(evaluate for indications of commitment and
Availability of training facilities, equipment, and
feasibility of conducting training programmes
Areas of deficiencies noted and suggestions for improvement
(Enclose a statement if necessary, duly signed)
Recommendation for continuation or termination of grant to the centre/project based on
services inspected. Provide specific reasons for conclusions and observations:
(Enclose a statement if necessary, duly signed)
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Annexure 4.13
Government Sites
- Government Databases (U.S.) (Point of entry for all governmental resources)
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
- Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
- National AIDS Information Clearinghouse (CDC NAC)
- National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- Al-Anon Family Group
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- National Self-Help Clearinghouse
- National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)
Other sites
- Addiction Research Foundation
- Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CSSA)
- Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
- Join Together National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)
- Center for Alcohol Studies (Rutgers University)
- Drug Policy Alliance
- Hazelden Foundation
Access to addiction treatment services without prejudice
- Services are available irrespective of religion, caste, political belief of all clients.
- Services are available irrespective of the particular drug(s) abused (e.g. alcohol, ganja,
brown sugar) or routes of administration (e.g. intravenous).
- Services are available irrespective of history of prior treatment
- Services are available irrespective of the patient’s ability to pay or employment status.
- Exclusion criteria for admission to be clearly stated e.g. medical complications / psychiatric
- Expulsion criteria to be clearly defined – e.g. being violent and abusing drugs / alcohol on
the premises.
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
- Conduct oneself as a mature individual and a positive role model by not using alcohol /
tobacco / other drugs.
- Respect client by treating him with dignity.
- No sexual relationship of any kind with client.
- No physical restraint / locking up, to be used to detain or restrain patients who are in
normal physical and mental condition. No corporal punishment of any kind may
be used for any misbehaviour of the client. Only in extreme cases where
the client is violent or delirious or not in a position to take care of himself
physically restraining him/her is allowed to ensure protection to the patient
from inflicting harm to himself or others.
- No denial of food as a means of punishment.
- Not to make use of / exploit the client for the personal gains of a staff member /
- Recognize the best interest of the client and refer him if necessary to another agency or
a professional for further help.
- No photographic, audio, video or other similar identifiable recording is made of
patients without their prior informed consent. If done for research / training, the purpose
has to be explained and consent obtained.
- Maintain all client information in the strictest confidence. Information about the patient
or his progress in treatment not to be divulged to any individual or authority without
the patient’s consent.
- No discrimination made against PLHAs (People living with HIV-AIDS) regarding admission
or in providing any other services.
- (Reference: Modified based on CHASP Standards)
Training for Medical Officer / psychiatrist
- Exposure to new trends regarding kinds of drugs abused, medical and psychiatric
problems, new medicines/ methodologies available for the treatment of addiction through
participation in training programmes and conferences once a year
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
- Organizing group activities / fun games in the evenings
- Assisting the therapy team in whatever area
As a clerk
- Receiving phone calls and working as a receptionist
- Maintaining attendance, leave letters
- Maintaining records for telephone calls, stationery and electricity.
- Getting stationery and cleaning items for the centre
- Visiting post office, bank and shops as and when needed
Manual on Minimum Standards of Services for the Programmes under
the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse
Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi 1996 Indian standard – Quality management for
hospital services (for 30 bedded hospital) –
guidelines – Part 4 Hospital support services
- ICS 11.020
The Community Health Accreditation and Manual of standards for community and other
Standards Program (CHASP), Australia 1993 primary health care services (3rd Edn.).
European federation of therapeutic Standards for residential treatment services
communities (EFTC) staff code of ethics
John Ovretviet 1997 Evaluating health interventions – An
introduction to evaluation of health
treatments,services,policies and organisational
interventions - Open University Press,
Buckingham, Philadephia.
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Scheme for prevention of alcoholism and
Government of India, New Delhi 1999 substance (DRUGS) abuse
National workshops for medical Minimum standards of care in mental hospitals
superintendents of mental hospitals and – National Institute of Mental Health and
state health secretaries 2000 Neuro Sciences (Deemed University),
Bangalore 560 029
Shanthi Ranganathan 1996 The empowered community – A paradigm shift
in the treatment of alcoholism – sponsored
by Ministry of Welfare, Government of India,
New Delhi – pp 17-36.
UDC 362.111:616 1993 Indian standard – Quality management
procedures for out-patient department
(OPD) and emergency services – guidelines
– Part 1 upto 30 bedded hospitals – Bureau
of Indian standards, New Delhi.
UDC 658.56:658.64 1992 Indian standard - Quality management and
quality system elements – Part 2 – Guidelines
for services – Bureau of Indian standards,
New Delhi.
Uwe Gunnarsen 1973 Accreditation – Accreditation of alcoholism
WHO , 1993 Standards of care in substance abuse
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