T E S D A: Republic of The Philippines Echnical Ducation and Kills Evelopment Uthority
T E S D A: Republic of The Philippines Echnical Ducation and Kills Evelopment Uthority
T E S D A: Republic of The Philippines Echnical Ducation and Kills Evelopment Uthority
The purpose of this survey is to collect information about the skills needs of industries in the
Province of Negros Occidental. Kindly provide your responses to the following questions:
3. Legal Organization:
_______Single Proprietorship
_______Family Owned
_______Others (pls. specify) _________________________________
6. How likely are you to hire/rehire workers after the Community Quarantine?
______________ very likely
______________ slightly likely
______________ not at all
10. Are there any specific skills training assistance that you need for your workers? Pls identify.
Thank You!
TESDA Negros Occidental Provincial Office, Felipe Lacson Street, Talisay City 6115
Land Line: (034) 495-6621 / 495-6622 Telefax No. (034) 712-7175