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Following The Guidelines in The Instructions and Rubric Document, Complete The Template Below

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Following the guidelines in the Instructions and Rubric document, complete the template below.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Write into the cell below a 100-word statement. The cell will expand as you enter your text.

In this course I have strived to uphold my social responsibility to the best of my ability. I have interacted with my peers, professor, and teacher
assistants in a kind and respectful way. I have done my work with integrity and with excellence.

In my everyday life social responsibility is also a significant priority. In my family I seek to put others first and help each of my family members
in any way that I can. Their comfort and happiness is very important to me. At work, I do each task before me to the very best of my abilities. I
treat my coworkers and clients with the utmost respect, and continuously look for ways to serve them well by meeting their needs. At church I
volunteer with our children’s ministry. In this role I do what I can to make sure that each child feels heard, loved, and cared for.
COMMITMENT: Write into the cell below a 100-word statement. The cell will expand as you enter your text.
During this course I have been faced with many distractions from work, family, and everyday life. Throughout this course I have had to continue
to make my school work a priority. I have chosen to give the best of my time and my mental capacity to succeed in this course. I know that
through my current education I am going to achieve the career goals I have for myself. Keeping this at the forefront of my mind drives my
commitment to my education and the decisions I make to succeed.

I am not yet working in the field of education. Nevertheless, my current job required significant commitment. I work as a salesperson which
requires daily commitment to my clients, co-workers, and potential clients. When my job becomes difficult and demanding, I must pledge
myself all the more to making the concerted decision to apply myself, give my very best effort, and work with excellence. There have definitely
been times I have wanted to give up, but I know to accomplish my goals I must keep pushing forward despite the difficult times I encounter.
REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: Write into the cell below a 100-word statement. The cell will expand as you enter your text.
In this course it would be easy to simply do the assignments required of us without giving it further thought or reflection. Instead, I have done
my best to reflect on the ideas presented both personally and professionally. I have really enjoyed learning about the history, people, and
philosophies behind the educational practices we use today. With each new reading assignment, I have done my best to discern how I can apply
what we are learning to my personal and professional life.

This principle of reflective practice applies to other areas of my life beyond this course. Throughout my daily life I am constantly seeking to
grow personally through the books that I read, through Scripture, and through my personal prayer and devotions. Additionally, my work requires
critical thinking to best serve my clients and meet their needs.
INTEGRITY: Write into the cell below a 100-word statement. The cell will expand as you enter your text.
In my opinion, integrity is essential to our character as humans and especially as Christians. It is extremely important to me that I make decisions
and take actions that reflect honesty and virtue. In this course I have done what is necessary to write my original work to avoid even the
appearance of plagiarism. I have read the assigned readings and responded with my own thoughts and gained knowledge. Instead of taking
shortcuts, I have put in the work necessary to be a person and student of integrity.

In my current line of work as a salesperson there are many opportunities to stretch the truth by misrepresenting products or prices to make a sale.
This has been a practice that I stand strongly agains, and I continuously act with integrity and honesty in my presentations. My character is much
more important to me than my paycheck. Beyond work, I do my best to be an upstanding, law-abiding citizen, as well as an honest and virtuous
family member and friend.
PROFESSIONALISM: Write into the cell below a 100-word statement. The cell will expand as you enter your text.
In all of my interactions with my peers, professor and teacher assistants I conduct myself in a proper and professional manner. I am respectful of
time constraints and deadlines, and I respect others’ time and work as well. I have made it a priority to use proper grammar and etiquette in all of
my communications both written and verbal. I also conduct myself in a manner that is not emotions or feelings driven, but rather level-headed
and respectful.

The same is true of my everyday life. In my work I act in a professional manner by being respectful toward my clients and co-workers. I dress in
appropriate business attire. I speak clearly, respectfully, and effectively. I set aside my personal thoughts and emotions to display the
professional demeanor necessary in the business world.

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