Birth of Stars
Birth of Stars
Birth of Stars
Ruled by Ketu the South Node. 0'00" to 13'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Aries).
The four quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Dharma.
Male Horse.
Symbol - A head of horse.
Deity - Ashwini Kumars.
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body organs-It generally governs the head and cerebral hemispheres of the body and is responsible for all the diseases
associated with them. They at times have a stuttering way of speech.
Ruled by Venus. 13'20" to 26'40"( 13'20" to 26'402 Aries).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The Motivation is Artha.
Female Elephant.
Symbol - Yoni
Deity - Yama
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1,2,3,4)
Body organs-- Bharani governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the head, cerebral hemispheres and
organs within the head and eyes.
Ruled by Sun. 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Kama.
Female Sheep
Symbol - Amrazor
Diety - Agni
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1)
Rasi - Vrishabha (Pada 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts-- head, eyes, brain, vision, face, neck, tonsils
Ruled by Moon. 40'00" to 53'20"(10'00" to 23'20" Taurus).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Moksha.
Male Serpent.
Symbol - A chariot
Deity - Brahma
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Vrishabha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts-- face, mouth, tongue, tonsils, palate, neck, cerebellum, atlas and cervical vertibrate
Ruled by Mars. 53'20" to 66'40" (23'20 Taurus to 6'40" Gemini).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Moksha.
Female Serpent
Symbol - The head of a deer
Deity - Soma
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi – Vrishabha (Pada 1, 2)
Rasi - Mithun (Pada 3, 4)
Body parts--- Face, chin cheeks, larynx, palate, throat, vocal chord, arms, shoulders thymus gland and upper ribs.
Ruled by Rahu the North Node. 66'40" to 80'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Gemini).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Kama.
Female Dog
Symbol - Precious stone or a human head
Deity - Rudra
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Mithun (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body parts---Tthroat, arms and shoulders and also the diseases associated with them.
Ruled by Jupiter. 80'00 to 93'20 (20'00" Gemini to 3'20" Cancer).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Artha.
Female Cat
Symbol - A bow or a house
Deity - Aditi
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Mithun (Pada 1,2,3)
Rasi - Karka (Padam 4)
Body Parts--- throat, shoulder blades, lungs respiratory system, chest, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and
upper lobes of liver.
Ruled by Saturn. 93'20" to 106'40" (3'20" to16'20" Cancer).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Dharma.
Male Sheep
Symbol - A flower, circle or an arrow
Deity - Brahaspati
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi – Karka (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts- Lungs, stomach and ribs are the main organs governed by this star and it s also responsible for the
diseases associated with these organs.
Ruled by Mercury. 106'40" to 120'00" (16'40 Cancer to 0'00 Leo).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Dharma.
Male Cat
Symbol - A serpent
Deities - Nagas
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Karka (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body parts--- lungs, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and liver
Ruled by Ketu. 120'00" to 132'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Leo).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Artha.
Male Rat
Symbol - House or a palaquin
Deity - Pitris
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi – Simha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body parts-- heart, back, spinal chord, spleen, dorsal region of spine and aorta
Purv Phalguni
Ruled by Venus. 132'20 to 146'40" (13'20 to 26'40" Leo).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Kama.
Female Rat
Symbol - A couch, platform or fireplace
Deity - Bhaga
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Simha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts-- heart and spinal chord is governed
Uttar Phalguni
Ruled by Sun. 146'40" to 160'00" (26'40 Leo to 10'00" Virgo).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Moksha.
Male Cow
Symbol - A small bed
Deity - Aryaman
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Simha (Padam 1)
Rasi - Kanya (Pada 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts--- This Nakshatra rules intestine of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are blockage of intestine, swelling in
neck and throat
Ruled by Moon. 160'00" to 173'20" (10'00" to 23'20" Virgo).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Moksha.
Female Buffalo
Symbol - The palm
Deity - Savita
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Kanya (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Part--- This Nakshatra rules Enzymes, bleeding glands, intestine of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are
gastric problems, stomach pain, blockag in the intestine.
Ruled by Mars. 173'20" to 186'40" (23'20 Virgo to 6'40" Libra).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Kama.
Female Tiger
Symbol - Pearl
Deity - Tvashtar
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Kanya (Pada 1, 2)
Rasi - Tula (Pada 3, 4)
Body parts-- rules the belly, foetus, womb, of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are wounds in stomach, leg pain,
insect bite, kidney stone and urinary infection.
Ruled by Rahu.186'40" to 200'00" (6'40" to 20'00 Libra).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Artha.
Male Buffalo
Symbol - Coral
Deity - Vayu
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Tula (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts--- skin, kidney, urinary tract, of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are urinary infection, white spots, skin
disease, Kidney infection.
Ruled by Jupiter. 200'00" to 213'20"(20'00"Libra to 3'20" Scorpio).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Dharma.
Male Tiger
Symbol - A potter's wheel or an archway
Deities - Indra and Agni
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Tula (Pada 1, 2, 3)
Body Parts--- lower part of the belly, urinary bladder, kidneys of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are diabetic, faint,
kidney infection, deficiency of insulin, dizziness.
Ruled by Saturn.213'20" to 226'40" (3'20" to 16'40"Scorpio).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Dharma.
Female Hare
Symbol - A Lotus flower
Deity - Mitra
Dosha – Pitta
Rasi – Tula (4th pada}
Rasi –Brischak (1st,2nd,3rd,4th )
Body parts-- urinary bladder, foetus, anus and hip bone
Ruled by Mercury. 226'40" to 240'00" (16'40" Scorpio to 0'00"Sagittarius).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Artha.
Male Hare
Symbol - An earring or an umbrella
Deity - Indra
Dosha – Vata
Body parts-- ovary, vagina, large intestine, womb and rectum of kaalpurush
Ruled by Ketu. 240'00" to 253'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Sagittarius).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Kama.
Male Dog
Symbol - The tail of a lion or an elephant's goad
Deity - Nritta
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Dhanu (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts--- hips, thighs, buttocks, bone marrow and sciatica
Purv ashada
Ruled by Venus. 253'20" to 266'40" (13'20" to 26'40").
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Moksha.
Male Monkey
Symbol - Tust of an elephant
Deity - Apas
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Dhanu (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Bopy parts--- thighs and hips
Uttar ashada
Ruled by Sun. 266'40" to 280'00" (26'40 Sag to 10'00" Capricorn).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Moksha.
Male Mongoose
Symbol - A small cot
Deity - Vishwadeva
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Dhanu (Padam 1)
Rasi - Makara (Pada 2, 3, 4)
Body parts-- thighs, marrow, dermis, knee cap, arteries
Ruled by Moon. 280'00" to 293'20" (10'00 to 23'20" Capricorn).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Artha.
Female Monkey
Symbol - An ear or an arrow
Deity - Vishnu
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Makara (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body parts--- knees and skin
Ruled by Mars. 293'20" to 306'40" (23'20" cap to 6'40" Aquarius).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Dharma.
Female Lion
Symbol - A musical drum or the flute
Deity - Vasus
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Makara (Pada 1, 2)
Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 3, 4)
Body Parts--- knee caps, knee bones, calf muscles and hands
Ruled by Rahu. 306'40" to 320'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Aquarius).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Dharma.
Female Horse
Symbol - Hundred Flowers
Deity - Varuna
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts--- calf muscles, muscular tissues
Purav Bhadrapad
Ruled by Jupiter. 320'00" to 333'20 (20'00" Aquarius to 3'20" Pisces).
The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The motivation is Artha.
Male Lion
Symbol - A sword
Deity - Aja Ekpada
Dosha - Vata
Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 1, 2, 3)
Rasi - Meena (Pada 4)
Body Parts--- ankles, legs and thumb
Uttara Bhadrapad
Ruled by Saturn. 333'20" to 346'40" (3'20" to 16'40" Pisces).
The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The motivation is Kama.
Female Cow
Symbol - The number two or a twin
Deity - Ahirbudhyana
Dosha - Pitta
Rasi - Meena (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts--- legs
Ruled by Mercury. 346'40" to 360'00" (16'40" to 30'00" Pisces).
The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
The motivation is Moksha.
Female Elephant
Symbol - A fish
Deity - Pushan
Dosha - Kapha
Rasi - Meena (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
Body Parts-- legs and toes
There are 14 Yonis (animal symbols) in Vedic astrology. Details in the table below.
16 Vishakha
21 Uttara Ashadha
25 Purva Bhadrapada
Purva Phalguni
Uttara Phalguni
Purva Ashada
Uttara Ashadha
Uttara Bhadrapadad