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Birth of Stars

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 Ruled by Ketu the South Node. 0'00" to 13'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Aries).
 The four quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Male Horse.
 Symbol - A head of horse.
 Deity - Ashwini Kumars.
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body organs-It generally governs the head and cerebral hemispheres of the body and is responsible for all the diseases
associated with them. They at times have a stuttering way of speech.

 Ruled by Venus. 13'20" to 26'40"( 13'20" to 26'402 Aries).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The Motivation is Artha.
 Female Elephant.
 Symbol - Yoni
 Deity - Yama
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1,2,3,4)
 Body organs-- Bharani governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the head, cerebral hemispheres and
organs within the head and eyes.

 Ruled by Sun. 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Female Sheep
 Symbol - Amrazor
 Diety - Agni
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1)
 Rasi - Vrishabha (Pada 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts-- head, eyes, brain, vision, face, neck, tonsils

 Ruled by Moon. 40'00" to 53'20"(10'00" to 23'20" Taurus).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Male Serpent.
 Symbol - A chariot
 Deity - Brahma
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Vrishabha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts-- face, mouth, tongue, tonsils, palate, neck, cerebellum, atlas and cervical vertibrate

 Ruled by Mars. 53'20" to 66'40" (23'20 Taurus to 6'40" Gemini).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Female Serpent
 Symbol - The head of a deer
 Deity - Soma
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi – Vrishabha (Pada 1, 2)
 Rasi - Mithun (Pada 3, 4)
 Body parts--- Face, chin cheeks, larynx, palate, throat, vocal chord, arms, shoulders thymus gland and upper ribs.

 Ruled by Rahu the North Node. 66'40" to 80'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Gemini).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Female Dog
 Symbol - Precious stone or a human head
 Deity - Rudra
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Mithun (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body parts---Tthroat, arms and shoulders and also the diseases associated with them.

 Ruled by Jupiter. 80'00 to 93'20 (20'00" Gemini to 3'20" Cancer).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Female Cat
 Symbol - A bow or a house
 Deity - Aditi
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Mithun (Pada 1,2,3)
 Rasi - Karka (Padam 4)
 Body Parts--- throat, shoulder blades, lungs respiratory system, chest, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and
upper lobes of liver.

 Ruled by Saturn. 93'20" to 106'40" (3'20" to16'20" Cancer).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Male Sheep
 Symbol - A flower, circle or an arrow
 Deity - Brahaspati
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi – Karka (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts- Lungs, stomach and ribs are the main organs governed by this star and it s also responsible for the
diseases associated with these organs.

 Ruled by Mercury. 106'40" to 120'00" (16'40 Cancer to 0'00 Leo).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Male Cat
 Symbol - A serpent
 Deities - Nagas
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Karka (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body parts--- lungs, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and liver

 Ruled by Ketu. 120'00" to 132'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Leo).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Male Rat
 Symbol - House or a palaquin
 Deity - Pitris
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi – Simha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body parts-- heart, back, spinal chord, spleen, dorsal region of spine and aorta

Purv Phalguni
 Ruled by Venus. 132'20 to 146'40" (13'20 to 26'40" Leo).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Female Rat
 Symbol - A couch, platform or fireplace
 Deity - Bhaga
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Simha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts-- heart and spinal chord is governed

Uttar Phalguni
 Ruled by Sun. 146'40" to 160'00" (26'40 Leo to 10'00" Virgo).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Male Cow
 Symbol - A small bed
 Deity - Aryaman
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Simha (Padam 1)
 Rasi - Kanya (Pada 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- This Nakshatra rules intestine of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are blockage of intestine, swelling in
neck and throat

 Ruled by Moon. 160'00" to 173'20" (10'00" to 23'20" Virgo).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Female Buffalo
 Symbol - The palm
 Deity - Savita
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Kanya (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Part--- This Nakshatra rules Enzymes, bleeding glands, intestine of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are
gastric problems, stomach pain, blockag in the intestine.

 Ruled by Mars. 173'20" to 186'40" (23'20 Virgo to 6'40" Libra).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Female Tiger
 Symbol - Pearl
 Deity - Tvashtar
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Kanya (Pada 1, 2)
 Rasi - Tula (Pada 3, 4)
 Body parts-- rules the belly, foetus, womb, of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are wounds in stomach, leg pain,
insect bite, kidney stone and urinary infection.

 Ruled by Rahu.186'40" to 200'00" (6'40" to 20'00 Libra).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Male Buffalo
 Symbol - Coral
 Deity - Vayu
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Tula (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- skin, kidney, urinary tract, of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are urinary infection, white spots, skin
disease, Kidney infection.

 Ruled by Jupiter. 200'00" to 213'20"(20'00"Libra to 3'20" Scorpio).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Male Tiger
 Symbol - A potter's wheel or an archway
 Deities - Indra and Agni
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Tula (Pada 1, 2, 3)
 Body Parts--- lower part of the belly,  urinary bladder, kidneys of kaalpurush.The disease related to it are diabetic, faint,
kidney infection, deficiency of insulin, dizziness.

 Ruled by Saturn.213'20" to 226'40" (3'20" to 16'40"Scorpio).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Female Hare
 Symbol - A Lotus flower
 Deity - Mitra
 Dosha – Pitta
 Rasi – Tula (4th pada}
 Rasi –Brischak (1st,2nd,3rd,4th )
 Body parts-- urinary bladder, foetus, anus and hip bone 

 Ruled by Mercury. 226'40" to 240'00" (16'40" Scorpio to 0'00"Sagittarius).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Male Hare
 Symbol - An earring or an umbrella
 Deity - Indra
 Dosha – Vata
 Body parts--  ovary, vagina, large intestine, womb and rectum of kaalpurush

 Ruled by Ketu. 240'00" to 253'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Sagittarius).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Male Dog
 Symbol - The tail of a lion or an elephant's goad
 Deity - Nritta
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Dhanu (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- hips, thighs, buttocks, bone marrow and sciatica 

Purv ashada
 Ruled by Venus. 253'20" to 266'40" (13'20" to 26'40").
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Male Monkey
 Symbol - Tust of an elephant
 Deity - Apas
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Dhanu (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Bopy parts--- thighs and hips 

Uttar ashada
 Ruled by Sun. 266'40" to 280'00" (26'40 Sag to 10'00" Capricorn).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Male Mongoose
 Symbol - A small cot
 Deity - Vishwadeva
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Dhanu (Padam 1)
 Rasi - Makara (Pada 2, 3, 4)
 Body parts-- thighs, marrow, dermis, knee cap, arteries 

 Ruled by Moon. 280'00" to 293'20" (10'00 to 23'20" Capricorn).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Female Monkey
 Symbol - An ear or an arrow
 Deity - Vishnu
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Makara (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body parts---  knees and skin 

 Ruled by Mars. 293'20" to 306'40" (23'20" cap to 6'40" Aquarius).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Female Lion
 Symbol - A musical drum or the flute
 Deity - Vasus
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Makara (Pada 1, 2)
 Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- knee caps, knee bones, calf muscles and hands

 Ruled by Rahu. 306'40" to 320'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Aquarius).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Dharma.
 Female Horse
 Symbol - Hundred Flowers
 Deity - Varuna
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- calf muscles, muscular tissues 

Purav Bhadrapad
 Ruled by Jupiter. 320'00" to 333'20 (20'00" Aquarius to 3'20" Pisces).
 The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
 The motivation is Artha.
 Male Lion
 Symbol - A sword
 Deity - Aja Ekpada
 Dosha - Vata
 Rasi - Kumbha (Pada 1, 2, 3)
 Rasi - Meena (Pada 4)
 Body Parts--- ankles, legs and thumb
Uttara Bhadrapad
 Ruled by Saturn. 333'20" to 346'40" (3'20" to 16'40" Pisces).
 The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
 The motivation is Kama.
 Female Cow
 Symbol - The number two or a twin
 Deity - Ahirbudhyana
 Dosha - Pitta
 Rasi - Meena (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts--- legs 

 Ruled by Mercury. 346'40" to 360'00" (16'40" to 30'00" Pisces).
 The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
 The motivation is Moksha.
 Female Elephant
 Symbol - A fish
 Deity - Pushan
 Dosha - Kapha
 Rasi - Meena (Pada 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Body Parts-- legs and toes 

There are 14 Yonis (animal symbols) in Vedic astrology. Details in the table below.

Aswini, Satabhisha Horse

Swati, Hasta Buffalo
Dhanista, Poorvabhadra Lion
Bharani, Revati Elephant
Krittika, Pushyami Goat
Poorvashadha, Sravana Monkey
Uttarashadha (Abhijit) Mongoose
Rohini, Mrigasira Serpent
Anuradha, Jyeshta Deer
Ardra, Moola Dog
Punarvasu, Aslesha Cat
Magha, Purvaphalguni Rat
Chitra, Visakha Tiger
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarabhadra Cow



1 Janma 1, 10, 19 Benefic

2 Sampat 2, 11, 20 Prosperity
3 Vipat 3, 12, 21 Obstacles
4 Kshema 4, 13, 22 Gains
5 Pratyak 5, 14, 23 Destruction
6 Sadhaka 6, 15, 24 Success
7 Vadha 7, 16, 25 Destruction, Death
8 Mitra 8, 17, 26 Benefic
9 Parma Mitra 9, 18, 27 Prosperity
Diseases as per Nakshatra placements.

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun Highly Anemic , Neuralgia Jaundic Burning Low BP Mental Low BP

Eruptive temperame Low BP, migraine e Urinatio Deficiency Angina
fevers, ntal  giddines Liver n dullness Pectoris
irritability Pessimistic. s Gall Cystitis
bladder Pruritus

Moon Carefree Skin Health Robust VD Mental Phobias Irritable

temperame jovial disease, worries health Delicate diseases Aggressi
ntal Robust Hemorrha health ve but
health ge timid
Blood in when
urine opposed
Mars Skin Robust Mental Robust VD Suicidica Suicidical High BP
Anemia disease health. aberration health Gonorrh l Perversio Highly
ea tendency ns irritable

Mercury Highly Headache Self Great Leuco- Mental Timid Mental

neuralgias imaginative , mental confidence stamina derma aberratio Inferiority aberratio
Worrying. aberratio Good ns complex n
n. mental

Jupiter Robust Colic Flatulence Good Giddine Chronic Colic Liver

Loss of health pains, Piles health ss, diseases Dysentery Abscess
appetite gall tumor jaundice anorexia Infective
stones , hepatitis
Venus Vaginal Sex Leucoderm Weakne Good Sexual Nympho- VD,eye
Eye disease problems perversio a ss health diseases maniacs Diseases,
ns Gonorrhea In sex Leucorrh
Pigmentati jaundic ea
on, e Spermat-
urinary orrhea

Saturn-eye Menstruatio Eruptive Desponde Lazines Sex Robust Undiagno Dehydrati

disease, n fevers ncy s, Bladder health sed on
spleen Troubles, boils, Poor Sleepin or eye diseases Inters
,T.B, melancholia tumors, memory g disease Impotency tine
fractures, , colic Nervousne sicknes s troubles
infective Fear of Blood ss s
fevers future, diseases Rheumatis Jaundic
Hard m e
labour. Liver

Nakshatra and diseases

Nakshatra & Disease

Sg Star Nakshatra & Lord Body Parts Disease


A 1 Aswini Head, Cerebral Congestion in brain,

Hemisphere Thrombosis, Epilepsy, Fainting,
R Ketu
Head injury, strokes, spasm,
I coma, malaria, trance, small
pox, headache, neuralgia,
cerebral hemorrhage.
2 Bharani Head, Cerebral Forehead injury, cold, venereal
Hemisphere, Eyes, distemper, syphilis, reins,
Venus Organs within Head. affected, dissipating sexual
habits & weakness, cataract

3 Kritika Head, Eyes, Brain, Cerebral Meningitis, Carbuncle

Vision, 2nd, 3rd, Sharp Fever, Malaria, Plague,
T 3 Kritika 4thqtrs: Face, Neck, Small Pox, Cuts, Wounds, Brain
A Sun Fever, Injury, Accidents,
Tonsils,Lower Jaw.
Explosions, Fire, Accident.
4 Rohini Face, Mouth, Apoplexy, Breast Pain,
R Tongue, Tonsils, Swellings, Sore Throat, Cold,
Moon Palate, Neck,
U Cough, Goiter, Let-Feet Pain
Cerebellum, Cervical
irregular menses.
S Vertebrae.

5 Mrigshira Face, Chin, Cheeks, Inflamed tonsils, Pimples,

Larynx, Palate, Throat Pain, Goiter, Adenoids,
G 5 Mrigshira Arteries, Veins, Diphtheria, Constipation,
Inflamed Tonsils
E Mars Venereal Distemper,
Throat, Vocal Cord,
M Arms, Shoulders,
Ears, Thymus,
I Upper Ribs.

N 6 Ardra Throat, Arms, Septic Throat, Mumps, Asthma,

Shoulders. Dry Cough, Ear-Pus,
I Rahu
Eosinophilia, Diphtheria, Ear

7 Punarvasu Ear, Throat, Bronchitis,

Shoulders Blades, Pneumonia mummae, lacteals,
Jupiter Lungs, Chest, Thoraces, Chest, Beriberi, Upset
C 7 Punarvasu stomach, corrupt blood,
tuberculosis, liver trouble,
A Pancreas, Lobes of
Liver, Respiratory
N System, Thoracic.

C Pushya Lungs, Stomach, Ribs, Tuberculosis, Gastriculer, Gall

Lips, Mouth, Ears Stone, Cough, Nausea, Belching,
E Saturn
Bruises, Cancer, Jaundice,
R Hiccups, Eczema, Dyspepsia,
Ulceration in respiratory

9 Ashlesha Lungs, Stomach, Cold-stomach dropsy,

Esophagus, Diaphragm, windiness, knees & leg pains,
Pancreas, Liver, Tissue Hysteria nervousness,
Cells, Fibers indigestion, phlegm, flatulence,
wind pressing diaphragm
making breathing difficult.

L 10 Magha Heart, Back, Spinal Sudden heart shock, grief,

Chord, Spleen, Dorsal, poisoning, backache, cholera,
Region of Spine Aorta. fainting, spinal-meningitis,
O palpitation, gravel in kidneys,

11 Purva Phalguni Heart, Spinal Cord Spine-curvature, anemia, leg

pain, swelling of ankles, B.P,
affected valves, hydraemia,

12 Uttara Phalguni Spinal Cord, Intestines, Spotted fever, pains, B.P,

Bowels and Liver. fainting, madness, brain, blood,
V 12 Uttara Phalguni clotting, palpitation, stomach
disorders, sore-throat, bowel-
I Sun
tumours, neck selling.
13 Hasta Bowels, Intestines, Gas formation, loose bowels,
G Secreting Glands, short breath, worms, hysteria,
Enzymes. typhoid, diarrhea, cholera,
dysentery, fearcomplex,
weakness of arms & shoulders,
bowel disorders.

16 Vishakha

21 Uttara Ashadha

25 Purva Bhadrapada


Diseases as per Nakshatra placements.

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun Highly Anemic , Neuralgia Jaundic Burning Low BP Mental Low BP

Eruptive temperamen Low BP, migraine e Urinatio Deficiency Angina
fevers, tal  giddiness Liver n dullness Pectoris
irritability Pessimistic. Gall Cystitis
bladder Pruritus

Moon Carefree Skin Health Robust VD Mental Phobias Irritable

temperamen jovial disease, worries health Delicate diseases Aggressi
tal Robust Hemorrha health ve but
health ge timid
Blood in when
urine opposed
Mars Skin disease Robust Mental Robust VD Suicidica Suicidical High BP
Anemia health. aberration health Gonorrh l Perversion Highly
ea tendency s irritable

Mercury Highly Headache, Self Great Leuco- Mental Timid Mental

neuralgias imaginative mental confidence stamina derma aberratio Inferiority aberratio
Worrying. aberration Good ns complex n
. mental

Jupiter Robust Colic Flatulence Good Giddines Chronic Colic Liver

Loss of health pains, gall Piles health s, diseases Dysentery Abscess
appetite stones tumor jaundice, anorexia Infective
sex hepatitis
Venus Vaginal Sex Leucoderm Weakne Good Sexual Nympho- VD,eye
Eye disease problems perversio a ss health diseases maniacs Diseases,
ns Gonorrhea In sex Leucorrh
Pigmentati jaundice ea
on, Spermat-
urinary orrhea

Saturn-eye Menstruatio Eruptive Desponden Lazines Sex Robust Undiagnos Dehydrat-

disease, n fevers cy s, Bladder health ed ion
spleen Troubles, boils, Poor Sleepin or eye diseases Inters
,T.B, melancholia, tumors, memory g diseases Impotency tine
fractures, Fear of colic Nervousne sicknes troubles
infective future, Blood ss s
fevers Hard labour. diseases Rheumatis Jaundic
m e

Professions as per nakshtras—


Psychologists, therapists, physicians and mystical healers.

Military personnel, police, criminal courts, drug dealers, alchemists.
Merchants, salespeople, travel agents, transportation fields.
Horse trainers, jockeys, athletes.Musicians, metaphysicians and psychics.


Publishers, writers, film and music industry.

Psychologists, hypnotists, psychics, occultists and astrologers.
Entrepreneurs, financial consultants and business people.
Hotels, catering, chefs and hotel staff.Lawyers, judges, politicians.
Building contractors


Spiritual teachers, advisors, heads of state.

Modeling, fashion designers, artists, musicians, singers and dancers.
Military careers, weapon makers, building contractors.
Cooks, potters, Vedic priests and people that use fire.


Fashion designers, models and actors.

Artists, poets, writers, musicians, and dancers.
Restaurant, hotel management and dignified positions of authority.
Agriculture, food products, herbalists and real estate.
Politicians and consultants.

Researchers, teachers, writers, actors and poets.

Astrologers, mystics, psychics.
Engineers, gemologists.
Veterinarians, animal trainers.
Real estate, sales, travel industry.


Hotspice work, pain management and hospital work.

Writers, teachers, sales, public relations and social services.
Political and humanitarian projects.
Engineers, mathematicians and atomic research.
Butchers, thieves and drug dealers and chemists.


Acting, drama and the entertainment industries.

Writers, publishers and directors.
Spiritual teachers, psychologists, philosophers and mystics.
Architects, civil engineers, scientists and inventors.
Politicians and social workers.


Government and political positions.

Corporate leaders and heads of state.
Military and police work, lawyers and judges.
Musicians, poets and artists.
Geologists, dairy industry and aquatic biologists.
Spiritual teachers and clergy.


Writers, teachers, lawyers.

Astrologers, psychics and mystics.
Snake charmers, zoologists.
Stock market, speculative ventures, business skills.
Drug dealers, chemists, prostitution and gambling interests.
Sex therapists, addiction counselors.


Politicians, lawyers, heads of corporations.

Self-employed, business acumen.
Historians, archaeologists, researchers.
Actors, musicians and gifts in the dramatic arts.

Purva Phalguni

Actors, models, artists and musicians.

Radio, television and photography.
Business managers, retail sales, travel agent.
Cosmetics, jewelry and wedding planners.
Government service, politicians.
Teachers, professors.
Sex and marital therapists

Uttara Phalguni

Social workers, philanthropists, charitable work.

Healing arts, state health officials.
Writers, actors and media personalities.
Astrologers, astronomers and mathematicians.
Sales and public relations, business minded people, successful.


Craftsmen, artists and painters.

Scholars, teachers, comedians, performers and writers.
Hospital and volunteer work, public relations.
Advisors, ministers, counselors and psychotherapists.
Astrologers, palm readers, healers.
Sales, communications and networking skills.
Travel industry, conference planners.


Architects, interior designers, jewelers, clothing.

Lawyers, judges, priests.
Religious people who have knowledge of the scriptures.
Creative business people, artists.
Writers, publications, radio, TV and film.
Armed forces, police detective.


Independent profession, positions of leadership.

Business skill, sales, transportation and travel industry.
Yoga and meditation teachers, priests.
Legal professions, judges.
Stock brokers, traders in drugs and alcohol.


Teachers, public speaking, writers, literature.

Researchers, scientists.
Politicians, lawyers.
Military leaders, dictators or ambassadors for humanitarian causes.


Organizational skills, business management.

Travel industry, conference planners.
Actors, musicians, public speakers.
Dentists, surgeons and medical technicians.
Mining Engineers, plumbers.
Criminal lawyers and political leaders.

Self-employed, business managers.

Intellectuals, philosophers, researchers.
Musicians, dancers, modeling.
Military leaders, police detectives, shamans, athletes.
Engineering , mining and exploration.


Public speaking, writing.

Philosophers, spiritual teachers, ministers.
Lawyers, politicians.
Business people, sales.
Doctors, healers and pharmacists.

Purva Ashada

Teachers, writers, debaters, public speaking.

Shipping industry, boating.
Travel industry, foreign traders.
Actors, film work, directors.
Political work, lawyers.

Uttara Ashadha

Government jobs, social workers.

Pioneers, researchers, scientists, healers.
Military work, hunters.
Boxers, fighters for a cause.


Teachers, speech therapists, linguists.

Astrologers, religious scholars, priests.
Politicians, business skill, recording industry.
Professors, researchers, travel industry.


Musicians, drummers, poets.

Doctors and surgeons.
Real estate, property management.
Engineering, mining.
Scientists, research work.
Charitable projects and humanitarian work.

Shatabisha - Astrologers, astronomers.

Physicians, nurses, healers.
Writers, research work, nuclear scientists.
Clerical work, secretaries, editors.
Engineers and electricians.
Organizational development, business skill.

Purva Bhadra pad

Administrative planners, business skills.
Research skills, statisticians.
Priests, ascetics, utopian visionaries.
Astrologers, occultists, tantrics, black magicians.
Hospice work, geriatrics, nursing.

Uttara Bhadrapadad

Charitable work, non-profit organizations.

Import and exports, travel industry.
Religious work, priests, saints, astrologers, mystics.
Writers, philosophers, teachers, researchers.


Psychics, mystical or religious work.

Humanitarian projects, charitable activities.
Veterinarian, animal trainers.
Urban planners, government positions, social work.
Film actors, comedians, performers.
Journalists, editors, publishers.
Travel agents, flight attendants.

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