Amu Mathematics B.Sc. Syllabus
Amu Mathematics B.Sc. Syllabus
Amu Mathematics B.Sc. Syllabus
for three-year undergraduate programme
B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) (Mathematics)
(Main & Subsidiary)
Approved by the Board of Studies held on 01.08.2019
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
For B.A./B.Sc.(Hons) Mathematics(Main & Subsidiary)Part: I & II
Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-151 Calculus 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-152 Geometry I 2 3 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+2+2=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English, Comp. Urdu, 24
Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-251 Numerical 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-252 Geometry II 2 3 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+2+2=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English, Comp. Urdu 24
Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-351 Algebra I 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-352 Ordinary 2 3 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+4=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English & EVS) 24
Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-451 Advanced 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-452 Partial 2 3 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Open Elective 2 Total Credits
For B.A./B.Sc.(Hons) Mathematics(Main)Part: III
Credits for each course: 4
Total Credits: 24
Periods/Week for each course: 4
Maximum Marks assigned for each course: 100 (Sessional: 30 & Exams: 70)
Credits for each course: 4
Total Credits: 24
Periods/Week for each course: 4
Maximum Marks assigned for each course: 100 (Sessional: 30 & Exams: 70)
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• explain the concepts of vector space and subspace
• define vector operations for vectors in Rn.
• define the notion of vector spaces and subspaces
• explain the concept of Vector space and subspace
• analyze whether a set S of vectors in a vector space V is a spanning set of V.
• analyze whether a finite set of vectors in a vector space V is linearly independent.
• explain the concepts of base and dimension of vector space.
• explain the concept of the dimension of a vector space and express vector spaces in
different dimensions.
• explain bases concept of a vector space and properties of vectors on the bases.
• express row and column space of a matrix.
• explain some functions defined between vector spaces.
• express required conditions for a transformation to be a linear transformation.
• find kernel and image spaces of a linear transformation.
• express some of the algebra operations between linear transformations.
• explain matrix representation of a linear transformation.
• find the matrix representing a linear transformation.
• find the image set when a transformation matrix is given.
• Explain the system of linear equations is consistent or inconsistent and find the general
solution to a consistent system.
• explain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.
• explain concepts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
• find characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of a transformation
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Vector Spaces 12
Binary operations, Definition of Field with examples, Definition of Vector space with examples,
Subspaces, Span of a set, Sum of subspaces, Linear dependence, and independence, Basis and
Dimensions of a vector space, Coordinates of a vector relative to the ordered basis, Dimension
UNIT II: Linear Transformations 12
Linear transformation and its properties, Range and kernel of a linear transformation, Rank and nullity
of a linear transformation, Rank-nullity Theorem, Inverse of linear transformation.
UNIT III: Composition and Matrix Representation of Linear Maps 12
Vector space L(U,V) and its dimension, Composition of linear transformations, Matrix associated with
a linear transformation, Linear transformation associated with a matrix, Rank and nullity of a matrix.
UNIT IV: Elementary operations and Eigen-values 12
Elementary row operations and row-reduced echelon form, Inverse of a matrix through elementary
row operation, Solution of a system of linear equations, Eigen-values, Eigen-vectors.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *V. Krishnamurty, V. P. Mainra and J. L. Arora: An introduction to Linear Algebra, East
Text Book*/ West Press, New Delhi, 2002.
References books
2. S Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra (2nd edition), Springer, 2005
3. S. Kumaresan: Linear Algebra- A Geometric Approach, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
4. S. Lipschutz and M. Lipson: Linear Algebra, Schuam’s Outline Series
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. III Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Ordinary Differential Equations
Course Number MMB-352
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the
exciting world of Differential Equations, Mathematical Modeling and
their applications.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to
solve first order nonlinear differential equation, second order boundary
value problems and linear differential equations of higher order using
various techniques.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: First Order Differential Equations 10
Bernoulli equations, Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, Change of variables,
Orthogonal trajectory of a given family of curves, Equations of the first order and higher
degree, Equations solvable for p, y and x, Clairaut’s equation, Lagrange’s equation,
Singular solutions.
UNIT II: Higher Order Differential Equations 10
Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant
coefficients, Complementary functions and particular integrals, Variation of parameters,
Linear differential equations of second order with variables coefficients, Reduction of order,
Cauchy-Euler and Legendre linear differential equations, Series solution of differential
equations: Frobenius method.
UNIT III: Differential equations in Three Variables 10
Total differential equations, Condition for integrability, Different methods of solving
Pdx+Qdy+Rdz=0; Simultaneous total differential equations, Equations of the form
dx/P=dy/Q=dz/R, Methods of grouping and multipliers; Solution of a system of linear
differential equations with constant coefficients, Solution of a triangular system of linear
differential equations, Degenerate system of linear differential equations.
UNIT IV: Laplace Transform Method 10
Laplace transform, Linearity of Laplace transform, First shifting property, Inverse Laplace
transform, Laplace transform of derivative and integrals, Unit step function and its Laplace
transform, Second shifting property, Unit impulsive function and its Laplace transform,
Convolution and periodic function theorems, Solution of linear differential equations as well
as system of linear differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace transform
Total No. of Lectures 40
1. *Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India,
Text-Book*/ New Delhi, 3rd Ed, August 2016.
Reference 2. George F. Simmons:Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes,
Books Tata McGraw Hill Comp Ltd, New Delhi, 1974.
3. Dennis G. Zill: A first course in differential equations, Cengage Learning.
4. W.E. Boyee and R.C. DiPrima: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
Value Problems, John Wiley and Sons (1977).
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Advanced Calculus
Course Number MMB-451
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives To focus on general concepts of limit, continuity and differentiability.
Idea of directional derivative and its physical interpretation. Introduce
the idea of multiple integral, line and surface integrals and connection
among all integrals (Green’s and Stoke’s theorems).
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Express the physical problems containing more variables.
• Understand the idea of directional derivative and find
extremum of physical problems
• Find area and volume of nonrectangular regions and ready to
solve problems arise in mathematical physics.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Limit, Continuity and Differentiability 12
Functions of several variables, Contour curves, level curves and level surfaces, Limits and
continuity for functions of two variables, Partial derivatives, Partial derivatives and
continuity, Differentiability, Chain rule for functions of two and three variables.
UNIT II: Applications of Partial Derivatives 12
Directional derivatives, Gradient vectors, Tangent planes, Linearization and differentials,
Extreme values and saddle points, Local and absolute maxima / minima, Method of
Lagrange multipliers (with one constraint only), Taylor’s formula for function of two
variables, Partial derivatives with constrained variables.
UNIT III: Multiple Integrals 12
Double integrals over rectangles, Double integrals as volumes, Iterated integrals, Double
integrals over general regions, Fubini’s Theorem, Area by double integration, Double
integrals in Polar form, Triple integrals in Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical co-
ordinates, Applications of triple integrals.
UNIT IV: Line and Surface Integrals 12
Line integrals of scalar fields and vector fields, Applications of line integrals: Work,
Circulation and Flux; Green’s Theorem in the plane, Evaluation of line integral using
Green’s Theorem, Surfaces and Area, Surface integrals, Stoke’s Theorem.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *G. B. Thomas Jr., J. Hass, C. Heil and M. D. Weir: Calculus, Pearson Education
Text Book*/ Services Pvt Ltd, 12th Ed, 2009.
Reference 2. D. V. Widder: Advanced Calculus, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2 nd
Ed, 2012.
3. N. Piskunov: Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. I and II, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1996.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Partial Differential Equations
Course Number MMB-452
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Advanced Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are to teach students to form and
solve partial differential equations and use them in solving some
physical problems.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Formulate and classify partial differential equations.
• Solve linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using
various methods and apply these methods in solving some
physical problems.
• Cauchy problems for first and second order PDE and their
solutions by using method of characteristic.
• Solve of BVP by using Fourier series and Laplace transform.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: First order PDE 10
Definition of a partial differential equation, Formation of partial differential equations,
Classification of first order partial differential equations and their solutions, Equations
easily integrable, Solution of quasilinear partial differential equations of first order by
Lagrange’s method, Nonlinear partial differential equation of first order and their different
forms, Charpit’s method, Jacobi’s Method.
UNIT II: Characteristics and Canonical Forms 10
Integral surfaces of first order partial differential equations through a given curve, Cauchy’s
problem for first order partial differential equations, Surfaces orthogonal to a given system
of surfaces, Cauchy’s method of characteristics, Compatible system of first order partial
differential equations, Classification of second order linear partial differential equations,
Canonical forms for hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic equations.
UNIT III: Higher order PDE 10
Homogeneous linear partial differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients,
Different cases for complimentary functions and particular integrals, Non-homogeneous
partial differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Equations reducible
to linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients, Solution of quasilinear
partial differential equation of second order by Monge’s Method, Method of separation of
UNIT IV: Boundary Value Problems 10
Fourier series, Dirichlet’s conditions, Even and odd functions and their Fourier series,
Change of interval, One dimensional wave equation, one dimensional heat equation,
Laplace equation and their Fourier series solutions, Solutions of second order BVP using
Laplace transform method.
Total No. of Lectures 40
1. *Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India,
Text-Books*/ New Delhi, 3rd Ed, August 2016.
Reference 2. *K. S. Rao: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Prentice Hall of India,
Books New Delhi, 3rd Ed, 2009.
3. T. Amaranath: An Elementary Course in Partial Differential Equations , Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi (2nd Edition, reprint July 2014).
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Elementary Mathematics
Course Number MMB-491
Credits 2
Course Category Open Elective
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to provide essential knowledge
of basic tools of set operations, number systems, differential calculus,
integral calculus, matrices and determinants for those students which
have not mathematical background at +2 level.
Course Outcomes This course will enable the students to provide understanding in
different topics of elementary algebra and beginning calculus.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Sets and Numbers 10
Sets and elements, Empty and Non-empty sets, Subset of a set, Union and intersection of
two sets, Venn diagram, Universal set, Revisit to number system (natural numbers, whole
numbers, integers, rational numbers and real numbers), Standard notations to represent the
sets of different class of numbers, Principle of mathematical induction and its simple
applications, Complex numbers, Real and imaginary parts of a complex numbers, Algebra
of complex numbers, Conjugate and modulus of a complex number, Cube roots of unity.
UNIT II: Functions 10
Definition and examples of a function, Domain, Codomain and Range of a function, Image
and preimage of an element, One-one and Many-one functions, Onto and into functions,
Composite functions, Inverse of a function, Pictorial representation of a function, Real
valued function of a real variable, Some elementary real functions such as: linear, quadratic,
power, polynomial, rational, absolute value, signum and greatest integer functions with their
graphs, domains and ranges; Properties of trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential
functions, Even and odd functions, Periodic functions, Sum, difference, product and
quotients of real functions, Limit of real functions, Left-hand and right-hand limits,
Continuous functions.
UNIT III: Calculus 10
Derivative of a function and its geometrical explanation and properties, Differentiation from
the first principle, Derivative of function of function, Differentiation by substitution,
Differentiation of implicit functions, Logarithmic differentiation,Parametric differentiation,
Higher order derivatives, Idea of integration of a function, Indefinite integration, Some basic
formulas for differentiation and integration of functions, Integration by substitution,
Integration of the functions of certain forms, Integration by partial fractions, Integration by
parts, Definite integration and its properties.
UNIT IV: Matrices and Determinants 10
Introduction to matrices, Order of a Matrix, Different types of matrices, Properties of
matrices (transpose, symmetry and skew symmetry), Algebra of Matrices, Product of two
matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, Determinant of a square
matrix (up to matrices of order 3 x 3), Minors and cofactors, Properties of the determinants,
Applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle and solving a system of linear
equations, Inverse of a real matrix and its uniqueness.
Total No. of Lectures 40
Text 1. *Z. Ahsan and N. Ahsan: Mathematical Methods, Real World Education Publishers,
Books*/ 2016.
Reference 2. *R. Steege and K. Bailey: Intermediate Algebra, Schaum’s Outline Series, 2 nd Ed.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Real Analysis
Course Number MMB-558
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The course will develop a deep and rigorous understanding of real line ℝ and of
defining terms to prove the results about convergence and divergence of sequences
and series of real numbers.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Understand many properties of the real line, especially axiomatic theory
and point set topology on ℝ.
• Recognize bounded, convergent, divergent, Cauchy and monotonic
sequences and to calculate their limit superior, limit inferior, and the limit
of a bounded sequence.
• Apply the ratio, root, alternating series and limit comparison tests for
convergence and absolute convergence of an infinite series of real numbers.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Fundamental Properties of Real Numbers 12
Interval and its different kinds, Bounded and unbounded sets, Supremum and infimum,Field
axioms, Order axioms and Completeness axioms on ℝ, Mathematical induction, Well
ordering principle, Archimedean property of real numbers, Denseness property of rational
numbers in ℝ, Dedekind theory of real numbers, Absolute value of real numbers,Properties
of modulus, Inequalities of Cauchy-Schwartz, Minkowski and Holder, Finite and Infinite
sets, Countable and uncountable sets.
UNIT II: Sequence of Real Numbers 12
Concept of sequence, Limit points of a sequence, Bolzano Weierstrass theorem for
sequence, Limit inferior and superior, Convergent, divergent and oscillate sequences,
Bounded and unbounded sequences, Cauchy’s general principle of convergence, Algebra of
sequences, Subsequences, Monotonic increasing and decreasing sequences, Cantor’s theory
of real numbers.
UNIT III: Series of Real Numbers 12
Introduction to series of real numbers, Sequence of partial sums and convergence of infinite
series, Necessary condition for the convergence of an infinite series, Positive term series,
Comparison tests (first type and limit form), Cauchy root test, D’Alembert’s ratio test with
their applications, Alternating series, Leibnitz test, Absolute and conditional convergence,
Series of arbitrary terms, Abel’s and Dirichlet’s tests, Rearrangement of series.
UNIT IV: Elements of Point Set Topology on ℝ 12
Neighbourhood of a point, Interior points, Open sets, Limits points and derived set,
Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, Adherent point and Closure of a set, Closed sets and their
sequential characterization, Compact sets and their sequential characterization, Heine-Borel
theorem, Connected sets, Dense sets, Perfect sets.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *R. G. Bartle and D. R. Sherbert: Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,
Text Books*/ Singapore, 3rd Ed, 2003.
References 2. * S. C. Malik and S. Arora: Mathematical Analysis, New Academic Science Ltd, 5th
Books Ed, 2017.
3. W. Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New
York, 3rd Ed, 1976.
4. A. Kumar and S. Kumaresan: A Basic Course in Real Analysis, CRC Press, 2014.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Group Theory
Course Number MMB-552
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills.
The definition of the basic concepts of abstract algebra. The application of the concept of
binary operations and groups. The proof of the basic properties of groups and subgroups.
Exploring different types of subgroups and cyclic groups. The definition of cosets and the
Theorem of Lagrange. Analysis of the concept of permutation groups. The definition of
group homomorphism and factor groups. Computing direct products of groups. Analysis of
the finitely generated abelian groups. We are improving the student’s abstract and logical
thinking capabilities, applying students' mathematical ability to handle proofs.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Prove the basic structural properties of groups and subgroups.
• Test the group axioms in different problems.
• Verify the basic properties of subgroups and cosets.
• Prove or disprove the validity of some group-theoretic statements, including isomorphic
groups, normal subgroups, and simple groups.
• Prove Lagrange’s theorem and some of its corollaries.
• Apply Lagrange’s theorem to some exercises.
• Explore the groups of permutations and the alternating groups.
• Compute the direct products of groups.
• Analyze finitely generated abelian groups.
• Examine the subgroup and normal subgroup structure of a group.
• Decide whether two groups are isomorphic.
• Decide whether a given subgroup of a group is normal.
• Determine the automorphism group of any cyclic group.
• Prove Cayley’s theorem and its generalization.
• Prove isomorphism’s theorems.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basic concepts 12
Binary relation, Function, Binary Operation; Groups, its examples and basic properties, Order of an
element in a group, Subgroups, its examples and some basic properties, Centre of a group,
Normaliser of a set, Product of two subgroups, Cyclic groups, Generators, its examples and related
UNIT II: Lagrange’s Theorem, Homomorphisms and Normal Subgroups 12
Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem and its related results, Index of subgroup of a group, Euler’s theorem,
Fermat’s theorem, Isomorphism and homomorphism of groups with examples and related results,
Inner automorphism; Normal subgroups and simple Groups, their examples and related results.
UNIT III: Quotient Groups, Isomorphism Theorems and Direct Product 12
Commutator subgroup and some basic properties, Quotient groups with examples, First, second and
third isomorphism theorems and their related results, Internal and External direct product of groups
and their related results, Characterization of a group as a direct product of its two subgroups.
UNIT IV: Permutation Groups 12
Permutations, even and odd permutations, Order of a permutation, Transposition, Cycle and its
length, Disjoint cycles and their examples, Permutation groups, Alternating groups and their related
results, Signature of a permutation, Cayley’s theorem, Cauchy’s theorem for finite abelian groups.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Book*/ 1. *N. S. Gopalakrishnan: University Algebra.
Reference Book 2. Joseph A. Gallian: Contemporary Abstract Algebra.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Set Theory and Number Theory
Course Number MMB-553
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills.
The first two units of this course will consist of the basics of mathematical set theory,
including well-orderings, cardinality, Characteristic functions and choice functions,
Equipotent sets, Cantor’s theorem, Schroeder Bernstein theorem proved and Maximal and
minimal elements.
Next, two units of this course will consist of Mathematical induction, divisibility, prime
numbers, congruences, factorization, arithmetic functions, quadratic reciprocity, primitive
roots, Diophantine equations, Chinese remainder Theorem, Algebraic congruence mod p,
Lagrange’s theorem, Wilson theorem, and their applications.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• The relations between other papers of Mathematics;
• To study and to learn the cause-effect related to these;
• Visualization of the transformation of the mathematical quantities from
one space to other and their expressions.
• The applications in observing and relating real situations/structures.