Review of Related Literature and Systems
Review of Related Literature and Systems
Review of Related Literature and Systems
This chapter presents the related literature and systems which have a
bearing on the present study. The purpose of this review is to provide several
in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter helps
in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.
Related Literature
2004). These codes can be used to provide fast access to URLs, telephone
numbers, and short passages of text (Hoy, 2011). The code consists of black
of QR code include large capacity for data storage, wide scope for encoding,
would not arouse any dispute in intellectual property rights and thus has been
widely deployed in various fields around the globe. After introducing QR code
into China, the Article Numbering Center of China formulated a national
Barcode, to expand the application areas for QR code. When China Mobile
decoding QR code, and tried to apply it to a toll collection system for cars
encoder arithmetic such as addition and multiplication and their inversion. Tao
algorithm (Tao Tao, 2005). Since then, more studies have been carried out in
the applic ation area of QR code. For example, Dong Qiang analyzed QR
outlined above, and have your employees scan one on the way into work and
the other one when leaving work. Since the check-in and checkout date is
stored in spreadsheets, with each scan event tagged by employee name and
merging the two spreadsheets and extracting the start and finish times for
"employees could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their
potential". His research led him to believe that if their same employees were
properly motivated, they could work at 80-90 percent of their capabilities. The
effectiveness and success of an organization lies on the people who form and
human capital of a nation that constitutes its wealth. It follows, therefore, that
and positive work attitude they have been able to acquire from constant
Create, manage, and document your data storage system is a data
tiles that should be managed to avoid disorder. To facilitate access to files, all
tools, to keep track of the history of the data files. This will help with
locations or servers. Data sets that result in many files structured in a tile
critical levels of the directory tree. A "readme" file might include such things as
Paperless Office System (1998), most people who are quite unfamiliar
environment that does not deal with paper files. This is not true as many
offices all across the world deal with a lot of paper documents. These records
are generally those files that are filled with various details, which are basically
needed by a business enterprise for its operational workflow. The real goal of
the paperless office systems is not to remove the tiles, but rather it will work
on the securing of the tiles for future use by the organization. The normal
wear and tear of paper documents is avoided as the digital files will be
available for retrieval at any point for any user authorized to log on to the
system. Hence, it will keep safe the data on the files and as well prevent any
paperless office systems will secure whatever paper forms are received and
processed. However, it is also intended to remove the need to print data onto
paper tiles. It is a system that will promote working online and without any
need to have these data printed on paper. Most common forms and reports
that could potentially lead to online working forms are the financial
statements, the general ledgers, the old letter and memo types, and the
references or source tiles. Generally, the software for the paperless office
systems will work on the enterprise forms automation, which will include text
recognition, data conversion, automated data extraction and data entry and
reports generation. The simplest paperless office systems will use a wide
variety of technologies that include the scanners, the copiers, and of course,
the software that will be used in the document capture and digital process.
The lack of one technology or software application will often affect the
operation of the paperless office systems. it is essential that each tool must
serve as there attendance and for evaluation to the speaker in the said
seminar, it also provides solutions that can automate your document driven
way the system will save not only time but also efforts that were supposed to
prepare the events for training or seminar. It can also help to lessen paper
works wherein the employees in the office can no longer exert more effort
from the manual process they experience. It will also speed up the process of
taking attendance and reservation of participants. The system also takes care
Related Systems
eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance and also
Aquilan, the proponent’s system generates QR code right after the registration
state that the purpose of creating the system is to generate the desired
mobile technology that benefits both students and instructor. The system can
automate the process using the student’s devices rather than the manual
process of calling names one by one. However, for taking attendance, the
challenge is in the fact that the system must guarantee that such a process do
really take place within the classroom and not outside. To take action in that
situation, the proponents system has a login and sign in features in system
that the participants who are not attending the training will not be able to take
monitoring record keeping process in a way that enriches the lectures time.
The system requires a simple login process by the class instructor through its
This can be done at any time before the class. Likewise, the proponent's
system has a login process in the system to secure the progress of every
scanning the stock related information, so that people who work in the
organization can access accurate stock information quickly and easily as and
correctly and easily which leads to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the
as dishonest attendance by loaning the student card equipped with RFID chip
to their friends. In relation to this system, the proponent’s system can remove
these issues because each participant has a QR code right after they register
to the system. So there is no reason that the QR code of their friend can
the information of their Personal Health Record. The patient will get their
laboratory reports quick and in secure form. The system will be helpful to
them to reduce their time to go to the laboratory for taking the reports and also
maintaining all history of reports. Patients will definitely get benefit of this
system and every patient which having smartphone can easily download the
app. The proponent's system can be access through the use of internet so