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Review of Related Literature and Systems

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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Systems

This chapter presents the related literature and systems which have a

bearing on the present study. The purpose of this review is to provide several

ideas, concept, understanding, and generalization or conclusions and different

development of the proposed system which serves as the researcher’s guide

in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter helps

in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

QR code or “Quick Response” codes, is a kind of two-dimensional

barcode matrix that can be scanned by mobile smartphone cameras designed

by a Japanese company named Dense Wave in September, 1994 (Qi Jinyue

2004). These codes can be used to provide fast access to URLs, telephone

numbers, and short passages of text (Hoy, 2011). The code consists of black

modules arranged in a square pattern with functions such as encoding, image

searching, decollating, image allocation and image revision. The advantages

of QR code include large capacity for data storage, wide scope for encoding,

mini-size printout, hypervelocity reading, strong error correction capability as

well as being dirty-resistant, damage-resistant and 360 degrees readable

(Zhu Mingli 2006). The Barcode Automatic Identification Techniques

Committee created the international standard for QR Automatic identification

and data capture techniques - Bar code symbology - QR code. QR code

would not arouse any dispute in intellectual property rights and thus has been

widely deployed in various fields around the globe. After introducing QR code

into China, the Article Numbering Center of China formulated a national

standard for QR code known as GB\T18284-2000, the Quick Response Matrix

Barcode, to expand the application areas for QR code. When China Mobile

launched the cellphone two-dimensional barcode operations in August, 2006,

QR code was chosen as one of the cellphone two-dimensional barcodes.

Before 2006, studies on QR code were mostly theoretical. For

example, Yang Qiuying performed a theoretical research on encoding and

decoding QR code, and tried to apply it to a toll collection system for cars

(Yang Qiuying, 2003). Tao Tao testified the realization of QR code's RS

encoder arithmetic such as addition and multiplication and their inversion. Tao

also used the decomposed non-inversion BM algorithm to achieve decoding

algorithm (Tao Tao, 2005). Since then, more studies have been carried out in

the applic ation area of QR code. For example, Dong Qiang analyzed QR

code’s intellectual image recognition function, and discussed the feasibility of

applying it to videophones. Using actual cases, Dong laid theoretical

foundation and preliminary practical foundation for the cellphone barcode

recognition system (Dong Qiang, 2006). With the rapid adoption of

smartphones, applicant is able to use QR codes to promote services and help

users select seminars or trainings quickly and independently.

QR Codes for Attendance Tracking is an alternative use of this type of

QR code could be for logging employees in and out of work, whether it be

onsite employees or remote employees. All you would need to do is create 8

“Check-In” QR code and a separate “Check-Out” QR code using the process

outlined above, and have your employees scan one on the way into work and

the other one when leaving work. Since the check-in and checkout date is

stored in spreadsheets, with each scan event tagged by employee name and

time-stamped, calculating employee hours would simply be a matter of

merging the two spreadsheets and extracting the start and finish times for

each employee (Admin, 2017).

According to William James of Harvard University estimated that

"employees could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their

potential". His research led him to believe that if their same employees were

properly motivated, they could work at 80-90 percent of their capabilities. The

field of manpower training and development appears to be fertile ground

researcher as evidence by the volume of literature available on it. According

to Adeniyi (1995), Manpower or staff training and development is a necessary

work activity that makes a very significant contribution to the overall

effectiveness and profitability of an organization, for Fajana (2002) the

effectiveness and success of an organization lies on the people who form and

work within the organization.

The observation of Onuka (2006) implies that it is the developed

human capital of a nation that constitutes its wealth. It follows, therefore, that

employees’ performance in respect of achieving organizational goals and

successes is a function of the quantum of the relevant skills and knowledge,

and positive work attitude they have been able to acquire from constant

manpower development programs whether through committee/on the job

training or in house training programs of out of work training courses they


Create, manage, and document your data storage system is a data

tiles that should be managed to avoid disorder. To facilitate access to files, all

storage devices, locations and access accounts should be documented and

accessible to team members. Use appropriate tools, such as version control

tools, to keep track of the history of the data files. This will help with

maintaining tiles in different locations, such as at multiple off-site backup

locations or servers. Data sets that result in many files structured in a tile

directory can be difficult to decipher. Organize tiles logically to represent the

structure of the research/data. Include human readable "readme" files at

critical levels of the directory tree. A "readme" file might include such things as

explanations of naming conventions and how the structure of the directory

relates to the structure of the data (Oledorf & Stevenson, 2002).

Paperless Office System (1998), most people who are quite unfamiliar

with paperless office systems, they would always assume it as an office

environment that does not deal with paper files. This is not true as many

offices all across the world deal with a lot of paper documents. These records

are generally those files that are filled with various details, which are basically

needed by a business enterprise for its operational workflow. The real goal of

the paperless office systems is not to remove the tiles, but rather it will work

on the securing of the tiles for future use by the organization. The normal

wear and tear of paper documents is avoided as the digital files will be

available for retrieval at any point for any user authorized to log on to the

system. Hence, it will keep safe the data on the files and as well prevent any

users from indicating the documents. it is essential to understand that the

paperless office systems will secure whatever paper forms are received and

processed. However, it is also intended to remove the need to print data onto

paper tiles. It is a system that will promote working online and without any

need to have these data printed on paper. Most common forms and reports

that could potentially lead to online working forms are the financial

statements, the general ledgers, the old letter and memo types, and the

references or source tiles. Generally, the software for the paperless office

systems will work on the enterprise forms automation, which will include text

recognition, data conversion, automated data extraction and data entry and

reports generation. The simplest paperless office systems will use a wide

variety of technologies that include the scanners, the copiers, and of course,

the software that will be used in the document capture and digital process.

The lack of one technology or software application will often affect the

operation of the paperless office systems. it is essential that each tool must

work together to achieve this streamlined operational workflow.

In connection with the Literatures mentioned above, applying QR code

for Learning and Development Management System of Civil Service

Commission Office will help to improve facilitator and participants to a more

convenient environment for reservation of training, monitoring of attendance

and requesting for certificates. With the use of QR Code of participants as

serve as there attendance and for evaluation to the speaker in the said

seminar, it also provides solutions that can automate your document driven

business processes in a timelier, accurate and cost-effective manner. This

way the system will save not only time but also efforts that were supposed to

prepare the events for training or seminar. It can also help to lessen paper

works wherein the employees in the office can no longer exert more effort

from the manual process they experience. It will also speed up the process of

taking attendance and reservation of participants. The system also takes care

of preventing unauthorized attendance registration using multi-factor


Related Systems

According to the system of John Aquilan entitled “Automation of time

attendance system” in 2004. Automation of the time attendance records, time

in and time out of every employee is using barcode system. it tends to

eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance and also

include salary computation of every employee. Similar to the system of John

Aquilan, the proponent’s system generates QR code right after the registration

of the participants. The QR code serves as identification of taking attendance

and it will be sent to the email of participants.

The system about Attendance Management system by Abdullerhy

state that the purpose of creating the system is to generate the desired

reports automatically at the end of the session. Similar to the purpose of

creating system, the proponent’s system will generate reports about

attendance and other documents that related to the program.

Student’s attendance management system using QR code uses a

mobile technology that benefits both students and instructor. The system can

automate the process using the student’s devices rather than the manual

process of calling names one by one. However, for taking attendance, the

challenge is in the fact that the system must guarantee that such a process do

really take place within the classroom and not outside. To take action in that

situation, the proponents system has a login and sign in features in system

that the participants who are not attending the training will not be able to take

attendance otherwise the participants will login as admin.

Review of student pron/a management system using QR code lies

between online learning and traditional learning as facilitation for the

monitoring record keeping process in a way that enriches the lectures time.

The system requires a simple login process by the class instructor through its

server module to generate an encrypted QR code with specific information.

This can be done at any time before the class. Likewise, the proponent's

system has a login process in the system to secure the progress of every

regional offices of civil service commission in the Philippines.

QR Based Stock Management System is use for the recording or

scanning the stock related information, so that people who work in the

organization can access accurate stock information quickly and easily as and

when required, thereby improving its operational efficiency and effectiveness.

It helped in easy storage and access of all information in a short period of

time. The development of this system access facilities accurate information

correctly and easily which leads to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the

organization too. The proponent’s purpose of creating a system is to have a

convenient transaction in participants and facilitator as well as the


A study on development of OTIP system using QR code based on

Smartphone, taking of attendance can be done through the use of

smartphones. According to the study, attendance system has a problem such

as dishonest attendance by loaning the student card equipped with RFID chip

to their friends. In relation to this system, the proponent’s system can remove

these issues because each participant has a QR code right after they register

to the system. So there is no reason that the QR code of their friend can

access the name of the participants that has no QR code.

Health Management System using QR Code provides patients to know

the information of their Personal Health Record. The patient will get their

laboratory reports quick and in secure form. The system will be helpful to

them to reduce their time to go to the laboratory for taking the reports and also

maintaining all history of reports. Patients will definitely get benefit of this

system and every patient which having smartphone can easily download the

app. The proponent's system can be access through the use of internet so

that every government employee can access the system.


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