MGT402 - MAA - Course Outline
MGT402 - MAA - Course Outline
MGT402 - MAA - Course Outline
Subject Outline
1. Lectures
Approach to Learning 2. Student presentation and class room
3. Group discussion
4. Case Analysis
Participants will be assessed on both
Assessment Strategy conceptual understanding and business
application of Management Accounting
subject by way of:
Participation in the class discussions
Case study discussions & solving
examples in the class
Submission of assignments
Written Exam
Weigh Learning Outcomes day/week
Assessment Description of
No t Assessed (assignments) or
Method* Assessment Method
% length (exam)
1 2 3 4
1 PF Class Participation 10% X X Weekly
2 CS Case Study 20% X X Two case studies
per term
3 DTA Assignments 20% X One Assignments
per term
4 EX Exam 50% X Term end Exam
Reference Materials