Abstract Book of ICICS 2018 Papua-2
Abstract Book of ICICS 2018 Papua-2
Abstract Book of ICICS 2018 Papua-2
keynote and invited speakers as well as parPcipants for their contribuPon in mak-
ing the conference success. As general chairperson, I highly appreciate the great
effort of the members of the organizing commi2ee whose hard work really made it
possible to have this conference.
Yohanis Ngili
Chairperson, ICICS 2018
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
Organized by:
Sponsored by:
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 5
Title Page
Preface 2
Organizing Commi2ee Members 4
Content 5
Welcoming Speech From Chairperson of The Organizing 10
Opening Remarks From University of Cenderawasih 12
Program Schedule of the 7th ICICS 13
Oral PresentaPon Schedule 16
Poster PresentaPon List 25
DisPnguished Keynote Speakers 28
DisPnguished Invited Speakers 29
Abstracts of Keynote Speakers 31
Abstracts of Invited Speakers 38
Abstracts of Oral PresentaPons 48
Abstracts of Poster PresentaPons 103
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
Sentani Airport
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 7
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
places to
Visit while in
DisPnguish guests
1. Rector University of Cenderawasih, Dr. Ir. Apolo Safanpo, ST., M.T
2. Dean of Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences, Dr. Dirk Y.P. Runtuboi,
3. Head of Research and Community Services (LPPM) University of Cenderawasih,
Dra. Rosye Tanjung, M,Sc., Ph.D
4. Keynote Speakers, Invited Speakers, ParPcipants, Sponsorships, ladies and gen-
Thank you
Yohanis Ngili
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
Time AcAviAes
08.00-09.00 RegistraPon and Coffee Break
09.00-09.10 Singing of Indonesian Anthem
09.10-09.15 Speech by Chairperson of ICICS 2018 Commi2ee
Time AcAviAes
11.20-11.50 PLENARY SESSION 4.
Time AcAviAes
18.30-18.35 Speech by Head of ICS Branch of Papua
18.35—18.40 Closing Speech by the Chairperson of the ICICS 2018
18.40-18.50 Closing Ceremony by the Mayor of Jayapura City
18.50-19.15 - Signing MoU Between Indonesian Chemical Society and Thailand
Chemical Society
- Awards
19.15- Dinner with the Mayor of Jayapura City
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
15. 16.20- OP28 Diana M Abulais The Effect of Loading Zinc Oxideto The
16.30 Surface Supported by Magnesium Fluo-
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
Room: Yoka 2
11.. 15.50- OP50 Elsye Gun- Test AnPcoagulant AcPvity Ethanol extract
16.00 awan daun jilat (Villebrunea rubescens) Against
Human Blood
12. PP12 Norra Gus Pri- OpPmizaPon of DisPllaPon Ginger Emprit using
ambodo Methods of Boil And ModificaPons
Prof. Dr. Supa Honangbua Tatas H.P. Brotosudharmo, Dipl. Chem., Ph.D
Kasetsart University, Thailand Machung University, Indonesia
3D-Molecular Structural Databases from Thai Natural Products and its Applica-
Aons in Drug Discovery Research
Southeast Asia has been rich of biodiversity, therefore, Natural products have in-
creasingly a2racted much a2enPon as a valuable resource for the development of
bioacPve compounds for drug discovery and development as medicines due to the
structural novelty and good bioavailability. Digital technology provides opportunity
to the collecPon of molecular structures of bioacPve compounds from Natural pro-
ducts with the physico-chemical properPes obtained from both experimental and
calculated data. This necessitates a comprehensive database for the natural pro-
ducts and the fracPonal extracts whose biological acPviPes have been verified. The
first structural database of Thai medicinal plants, Chemiebase, has been built as a
plamorm for virtual screening, using knowledge from Thai tradiPonal medicine and
consisted of about 4,000 acPve compounds. Some examples using data from this
database and other computer-aided molecular design methods to raPonalize Thai
tradiPonal medicine are also presented, starPng with virtual screening exercised on
anP-SARS Corona Protease, anP-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, anP-HIV-1 protease,
anP-influenza A neuraminidase, and anP-cyclooxygenase (COX), candidates. The
second example consists of the use of molecular modeling to propose drug mecha-
nism for anP-tumor compounds, anP-TB, anP-Alzheimer, etc. The database has
been successfully used to screen for novel acPve compounds. Therefore, extension
of this database can be done by addiPon of reported bioacPve compounds from
Thailand such as Mushrooms as well as other regions in Malaysia and Indonesia. At
the end, data science and analyPcs using this available database can be benefit to
an advancement of Natural Products for future drug discovery against emerging
diseases in more effecPveness and efficient to the well being of mankind.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the major problems in biogas uPlizaPon because it
is highly corrosive gas and damages the equipment including pipelines, cogenera-
Pon engines, and microturbine units. During the anaerobic digesPon of sulfate rich
feedstock, H2S can be generated ranging from 1000–30000 ppmv. Therefore, the
biogas cleaning is criPcally important for its diverse end use. Biofilter system is a
promising biological method for H2S removal due to several merits including low
energy consumpPon, ease of process scale-up, and low operaPng and capital
costs. In this process, the polluted gas is passed through packing media in a bio-
reactor, which the liquid is conPnuously recirculated through the packing media.
The recirculaPon media provides moisture, nutrients, pH control to the biofilm,
and allows the removal of inhibiPng products. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB) are
the key microbial group involved in biological oxidaPon of sulfide into elemental
sulfur (S0) and/or sulfate (SO42−) in biofiltraPon system. The efficiency for H2S re-
moval and type of the end products depends on many factors including oxygen/
sulfide raPo, the iniPal H2S concentraPon, type of packing material, the microbial
consorPum, empty bed retenPon Pme.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathema=cs, Universitas of
Cenderarwasih, Kampus Uncen Baru Waena, Jayapura, 99351 Papua, Indonesia
School of Chemistry, University of Nogngham, University Park, Nogngham, NG7
2RD, UK.
The spectroscopy of core electrons is a2racPve for several reasons. The spaPally
local nature of the core orbitals and large energy difference between the core orbit-
als of different elements means that the spectroscopic techniques can provide an
atom specific probe of electronic structure. Recent advances in X-ray sources have
led to a renaissance in spectroscopic techniques in the X-ray region. These tech-
niques that involve the excitaPon of core electrons can provide an atom specific
probe of electronic structure and provide powerful analyPcal tools that are used in
many fields of research. TheorePcal calculaPons can o|en play an important role in
the analysis and interpretaPon of experimental spectra. In this perspecPve, we re-
view recent developments in quantum chemical calculaPons of X-ray absorpPon
spectra, focusing on the use of Pme-dependent density funcPonal theory to study
core excitaPons. The pracPcal applicaPon of these calculaPons is illustrated with
examples drawn from surface science, bioinorganic chemistry, and large systems
such as fullerenes.
It was in August of 2005 when I could visit Papua first Pme. Papua is Paradise-
Bird island rich in natural resources covered with dense unexplored forest and sur-
rounded by blue sea. There are more than 200 naPve tribes who are our human
ancestors of Homo-Sapiens reached to this island 60,000 years ago. A part of Papu-
an people might move to Japan 20,000 years ago and become Jyomon-jin, ances-
tors of our present Japanese.
When we fly from Sentani airport to higher mountain area, we arrive at Wame-
na in Baliem valley, which looks like Shangri-La and completely different country
introduced to the world in 1938. People in Baliem valley have been surviving under
the severe environments for at least 30,000 years. Now it is well-known that the
secret food for their survival under cold climate and poor animal origin foods is
Buah Merah, Red fruits. Buah Merah is exclusively naturally grown in Papua.
Immediately a|er I encountered Buah Merah in Baliem valley in 2005 and I had
decided this fruit must be my second subject to study in my remaining life following
a|er Mengkudu. Buah Merah put on fire to my curiosity.
In 2006, our Buah Merah co-working team with Nagasaki University in Japan
disclosed the richest presence of novel micronutrients, beta-cryptoxanthin as well
as alfa- and beta-carotene, and alfa-cryptoxanthin. This was the first discovery in
the world.
We also demonstrated that the enPre profile of nutriPon in Buah Merah oil and
revealed rich in quality oil including Omega-3, 6 and 9 and vitamin E and beta-
phytosterol. Ingredient rates of Buah Merah oil fa2y acids are compaPble with
those of animal fats. These oil and lipophilic and carotenoids nutrients seem to be
essenPal that Papuan folks living at the higher mountain areas have been surviving
for a period of 30 millennium.
At the end of 20 century, intervenPon studies by excess and synthePc beta-
carotene dosage were found to increase in lung-cancer risks. From these results,
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 37
Some Studies on Phytochemistry and Biological ProperAes of Three Indonesian
Meliaceae Species
Yana M. Syah,a Rahmi RachmawaA,a Iin A. Sitohang,a Ni Komang T. Dharmayani,b
MiranA B. Bumi,a Leny HeliawaA,c Elvira HermawaAa
Organic Chemistry Division, Ins=tut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Ban-
dung, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Mataram University, Jalan Majapahit 62, Mataram,
Department of Chemistry, Pakuan University, Jalan Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
Meliaceae is a large plant family, consisPng of 46 genera and about 560 species.
Among of them, Lansium domes=cum (‘Duku’, ‘Langsat’, or ‘Kokosan’), Sandoricum
koetjapi (‘Ketjapi’) and Dysoxylum densiflorum (‘Majegau’) are of important species
in Indonesia. Lansium domes=cum and S. koetjapi produce edible fruits which of
significant economic value to the local people, while D. densiflorum is an iconic
plant of Bali Island due to the wood is used for construcPons of holy buildings. Pre-
vious chemical invesPgaPon on the three plants showed the presence of typical
Meliaceaous secondary metabolites, namely triterpene and limonoids derivaPves.
Because these plants are endemic in Indonesia, we have an opportunity to do
some chemical invesPgaPon on these plants: L. domes=cum var. kokosan (seed
and fruit peels), S. koetjape (seed, fruit peels, and roots) and D. densiflorum
(leaves). Twenty six compunds had been isolated, including ten new triterpenes
and limonoids, namely kokosanoic acid (1) from the fruit peels of L. domes=cum
var. kokosan, koetjapins A-D (2-5) and koetjapoic acid (6) from the seeds and ruit
peels of S. koetjape, respecPvely, and a calamenol derivaPve 7 and densiflorinic
acids A-C (8-10) from the seed and leaves of D. densiflorum, respecPvely. The
structures of these compounds were determined mainly by extensive 1D- and 2D-
NMR spectra and supported by their high resoluPon mass spectral data. Prelimi-
nary evaluaPon for anPbacterial acPvity to the isolated compounds showed that
most of the compounds exhibited moderate to weak acPviPes, except that the cal-
amenene derivaPves (such as compound 7) gave significant acPviPes to Bacillus
subs=lis and Shigella dysenteriae (MIC 3.12 mM). The calamenene derivaPves were
also showed significant inhibiPon to the growth of brown- and white-rots compare
to the
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
There have been synthesized the material nature humus-like called syn-
thePc humus named Slow Release of Organic ParamagnePc (SROP) FerPlizer. This
material has the ability to increase soil organic ma2er content, stable in the soil
and affect to soil ferPlity. The SROP made of biochar, hydrochar, biomolecules and
superparamagnePc parPcles mixture through the new road of humificaPon. This
method produce a stable material rich in carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and macro-
micronutrients that plants need to grow up perfectly. The SROP was extracted us-
ing IHSS method to get synthePc humin as the most stable humus fracPon. This
study conducted a thorough synthePc humin characterizaPon using 13C NMR, FTIR,
XRD, SAA and TEM. The SROP has ability to adsorb biomolecule tested through ex-
perimental glucose adsorpPon.
The results showed synthePc humin is an amorphous material with meso-
porous parPcle size that rich by carbon in a stable aromaPc form, and oxygen en-
riched on the surface of synthePc humus. It is also contains silica from rice husk
and Fe as superparamagnePc parPcle. Humin synthePc has the ability to adsorb
glucose, which means synthePc humin and SROP generally can act as hosts for glu-
cose and other biomolecules that exist in the soil.
In November 2011 gold was found in large quanPPes at “Gunung Botak”, Buru Is-
land, Mollucas Province, Indonesia. The local landowners invited illegal miners to
set up operaPons for gold extracPon. More recently mercury has been used in the
trommel method to extract gold from the ore. This requires large volumes of water
for flushing and results in the deposiPon of mercury into the upper catchment of
the Way Lata river system. There are over 2000 trommels on the river banks all us-
ing mercury for gold extracPon. Total mercury in waste ponds was over 680 mg/kg.
In sediments at the mouth of the local river and a small feeder creek >3.00 mg/kg
and 7.66 mg/kg respecPvely. River and bay sediments were proporPonately higher
in in available mercury than elemental mercury and more strongly bound mercuric
sulphide compare to that in trommel waste. From this there is potenPal for food
chain contaminaPon and because of the close relaPonship of the villagers with the
envrionment in relaPon to food resources and food security there is further risk of
human health concerns.
IsolaAon of α-Carotene, β-Carotene, α-Cryptoxanthin, and β-Cryptoxanthin from
Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus Conoideus Lam) by Open Column Chromatography (OCC),
Flash Column Chromatography (FCC) and PreparaAve Column Chromatography
Hendra Wijaya, Ning Ima Arie Wardayanie, Dyah Aninta KusAarini, Nami Lestari,
Fitri Hasanah, Moh. Maman Rohaman, Lukman Junaidi, Rhoito Frista Silitonga,
SanA Ariningsih, Dedy Darmawan Samid, Neneng Dina Darlianty, Indri NovianA
Balai Besar Industri Agro (BBIA)
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 11, Bogor 16122
E-mail: faizawijaya@gmail.com
Red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus Lam) contains acPve components of carotenoids
namely α-Carotene, β-Carotene, α-Cryptoxanthin, and β-Cryptoxanthin. Isolate of
these compounds can be used for food, pharmaceuPcal, chemical standard reagent
needs for analysis so that it is needed to develop isolaPon techniques. The meth-
ods used to isolate each of these compounds were Open Column Chromatography
(OCC), Flash Column Chromatography (FCC), and PreparaPve Column Chromatog-
raphy (PCC). The verificaPon methods of isolaPon performance used were KLT,
spectrophotometer, and HPLC-UV. Based on the results of evaluaPon and opPmiza-
Pon, it was obtained that the isolaPon condiPons by OCC method were silica gel
staPonary phase 64-210 µm, mobile phase hexane: acetone (7:3) flow rate of 15
drops/minute. The isolaPon condiPons by FCC method were Buchi Flashpure
Ecoplex Silica 12 g column, hexane solvent: ethyl acetate (9: 1) and flow rate of 30
mL/minute. The isolaPon condiPons by PCC method were MeOH / MTBE / H2O
mobile phase with gradient eluPon (81/15/4) gradually changing to (6/90/4) for 30
minutes. FCC and PCC method can isolate each compound of α-carotene, β- caro-
tene, α- cryptosanthine, and β- cryptosanthine. OCC method can isolate α/β-
carotene from α/β-cryptosanthine and has not isolated alpha from beta carotene
as well as alpha from beta cryptosanthine.
Keyword: red fruit oil, α-Carotene, β-Carotene, α-Cryptoxanthin, and β-
Cryptoxanthin, OCC, FCC, PCC
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 45
Some medicinal plants are known to produce bioacPve compounds. Endophytes
are microorganism which live inside plant Pssues and do not show negaPve effect
to their host plant. UPlizaPon of bioacPve compounds from plant extract need a
large biomass. Instead, we can use endophyPc bacteria which are known to pro-
duce agrochemicals, anPbioPcs, anPparasiPcs, anPoxidants, anPdiabePc and anP-
cancer agents. It is an opportunity to get bioacPve compounds which are natural,
inexpensive and environmentally friendly. But we sPll need more comprehensive
studies on the chemistry and biology of the bioacPve natural products which are
produced by endophytes.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 49
Chemical Profiling of EssenAal Oil from Zanthoxylum acanthopodium Fruits and Its AnAdi-
abeAc Effect In Vitro and In Vivo
YanA1, Maria Anisa1, Katarina Hana Palupi JaA Savitri1, Vivitri Dewi Prasasty1, Soegianto
Department of Biotechnology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jalan Jenderal
Sudirman 51, Jakarta 12930
Department of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jalan Pluit Raya 2,
Jakarta 14440
Curcumin has been shown to possess many biological acPviPes including anPmalari-
al agents. In order to expand their potenPal as anPmalarials, a series of analogues
curcumin derivaPves were synthesized from vanillin and evaluated for their acPvi-
Pes using Hem PolymerizaPon InhibiPon Assay (HPIA). Three target compounds
have been synthesized from vanillin namely 2,6-bis(4-hydroxy-3-
methoxybenzylidene cyclohexa-1-one (1), 2,6-bis(5-bromo-4-hydroxy-3-
methoxybenzylidene cyclohexa-1-one (2) and 2,6-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-5-
morpholinobenzylidene cyclohexa-1-one (3). The acPviPes anPmalarials test using
HPIA method showed that most potent derivaPves compounds were 1, 2, and 3
with inhibiPon at IC50 of 19.85, 20.88 and 26.56 mM respecPvely. The analogue of
curcumin derivaPves exhibited lower anP-malarial potency against Chloroquine
(IC50 of 6.03 mM) but sPll promising candidates for the further design of novel anP-
malarial agents.
*Corresponding author:
E-mail address: purwono.bambang@ugm.ac.id
Phone number: +6285102967033
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 51
OF AREN’S (Arenga pinata) MIDRIB FLOUR
Keywords: Aren’s midrib flour, total phenolic content, an=oxidant ac=vity, DPPH
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 53
Phytochemicals Content and AnAoxidant AcAvity of Some TradiAonal Medicinal
of Sangihe Ethnics in North Sulawesi Province
Max R.J Runtuwene1,*), Vanda S Kamu1), Paulina Veronika Y Yamlean2), dan Ratna
Chemistry Department, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratu-
langi University
Pharmacy Department, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratu-
langi University
Biology Department, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratulangi
*Corresponding author: runtuwenemrj@unsrat.ac.id
The Sangihe ethnic group in North Sulawesi province has local wisdom in uPlizing
plants to treat various diseases. However, scienPfic informaPon about these plants
are sPll limited. In this study, various aspects of these plants such as phytochemical
content and biological acPvity were invesPgated. Firstly, the extracPon step was
applied by maceraPon method using the methanol solvent. Subsequently, each of
the resulPng extracts was invesPgated for their phytochemicals content and anPoxi-
dant acPvity. Phytochemicals content were determined using convenPonal chemical
methods including precipitaPon and color reagents. AnPoxidant acPvity was deter-
mined using diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The results indicated that all
medicinal plants contain various secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavo-
noids, glycosides, phenols, saponins, and sterols. In addiPon, some plants exhibit
high anPoxidant acPvity. As a conclusion, all results should be invesPgated further
for the ethnomedicinal and pharmacological purposes of those medicinal plants.
GC/MS IdenAficaAon of Tempeh Oil and Its AnAphotoaging Effect in UVB-induced
Photoaging Mice
Polyunsaturated fa2y acid (PUFA) is one of the substances that are consid-
ered could prevent skin photoaging. TradiPonal fermented food, especially tempeh
could be the best source for PUFA to replace animal PUFA from fish and nuts. Here,
we determined the effecPveness of tempeh oil extracted from white and black
soybean on reducing skin photoaging in UVB-induced photoaging mice through
down-regulaPng the gene expression related to pro-inflammatory enzymes and
cytokines by qRT-PCR analysis. Tempeh oil was also idenPfied for its chemical com-
ponents by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). For in vivo study, a
total of 28 male mice aged 6 weeks were divided into 7 group, posiPve control (K+),
negaPve control (K-), standard omega 3 (SO), black soybean tempeh oil 100 mg/kg
body weight (HO100), black soybean tempeh oil 300 mg/kg body weight (HO300),
white soybean tempeh oil 100 mg/kg body weight (PO100), and white soybean
tempeh oil 300 mg/kg weight (PO300). The dorsal areas of the mice were shaved to
give hairless condiPon. UVB radiaPon was given incrementally. Histopathology ex-
aminaPon and gene expression analysis were done from skin sample. GC/MS profil-
ing demonstrated that tempeh oil extracted from white and black soybean tempeh
had high contents of PUFA in parPcular linoleic acids (52.3% and 85.69% in white
and black soybean tempeh oil). Histopathology profile revealed that tempeh oil
treatment affected the mice skin repair through epidermal atrophy by epidermis
thinning and proliferaPon of hair follicles. Both tempeh oil (HO300 and PO300)
effecPvely down-regulated the gene expression of MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, COX-
2, and iNOS in UVB-induced photoaging mice. These data indicate that both white
and black soybean tempeh oil may offer a promising natural cosmeceuPcal candi-
date for treatment of skin photoaging caused by UVB exposure.
Keywords: Tempeh oil, white and black soybean tempeh, anP-photoaging effect,
mice photoaging, UVB, in vivo
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 55
This study aims to obtain a module that can be used to improve the thinking skills
of primary college of chemistry educaPon at Cenderawasih University, based on
brainstorming interacPve (BRAIN). This module is devoted to the field of basic
chemistry part one. The development is based on the indicator thinking of
problem solving include to material content of chemistry part one. Design
of modul based reconstrucPon model educaPon (MER). The characterisPcs of this
module are: (1) developed according to the needs and competencies aspects of
the objecPves and funcPons of the curriculum, (2) the material context is adapted
to the needs of Papuan students based on local wisdom, (3) the material content
is adjusted to the cogniPve level of the chemistry part one, (4) the contents of the
module are prepared based on material reconstrucPon from discourse analysis,
subject ma2er clarificaPon, refinement, composite material with thinking, revision
and validaPon of the team. Based on expert validaPon with validaPon model of
exvert judgmentet, known legibility and material conformity 85.3%, accuracy of
illustraPon and picture 90.1%, and accuracy of task and exercise 87.7%. This indi-
cates that the material and thinking instrucPonal module is valid and feasible to
The aim of this research was to synthesize an edible coaPng film named O-
Carboxymethyl N-Palmitoil Chitosan. This film was synthesized through amidaPon
between O-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and Methyl Palmitat. O-Carboxymethyl
Chitosan was prepared from esterificaPon of Aldimine Chitosan and monochloro
acetate acid. Amine subsPtuent at chitosan was protected by converPng
acetaldehyde to aldimine chitosan and followed by deprotecPon by using sodium
carbonate. A|erward, O-Carboxymethyl N-Palmitoil Chitosan was formed as
CoaPng Film using acePc acid 1% which useful as an edible coaPng film. The FT-IR
analysis of O-Carboxymethyl N-Palmitoil Chitosan showed that vibraPon peak at
3466.08 cm-1 indicated –OH vibraPon that overlap with –NH amide. Wavenumber
at 1689.64 cm-1 displayed C=O amide subsPtuent and carboxylic acid that overlap.
Wavenumber at 1562.34 cm-1 exhibited the presence of -NH amide vibraPon, while
wavenumbers at 2920.23 cm-1, 2850.79 cm-1, and 1463.97 cm-1 indicated the –CH
vibraPon which supported by (CH2)n vibraPon at wavenumber of 719.45 cm-1.
Wavenumber at 1072.35 cm-1 indicated C-O-C subsPtent from caboxymethyl ester.
The HLB value of O-Carboxymethyl N-Palmitoil Chitosan is 11.7 which can be
categorized as o/w emulsifier. Based on DTA Termogram, it showed the exothermic
thermal degradaPon temperature is 440oC for coaPng film, while SEM analysis
displayed the changing in the surface of O-Carboxymethyl N-Palmitoil Chitosan. In
addiPon, film tensile test showed that the value of film tensile is 0.02 Kgf. Microbio-
logical tesPng of coaPng film displayed the anPbacterial acPvity with LC50 value of
3738.47 ppm.
Chemistry learning in high school that trains and develops students' self-sufficiency
and independence has not been done opPmally because learners sPll depend on
gejng informaPon and knowledge from teachers. Problem-based learning method
used in the teaching and learning process is expected to facilitate students' with self
-reliance and learning independence. This method is a problem-oriented learning
method that makes students be accustomed to solving problems in order to train
their ability in discoveringa concept in the learning process. Teaching learning pro-
cess with PBL model is done for the subject ma2er of acid & base soluPon and elec-
trolyte & non electrolyte soluPon. Learning independence assessed in this study
were self-management, moPvaPon, and confidence. The data of the study were in
the form of descripPve quanPtaPve data and analyzed using Anava / Anacova test.
The research findings showed that there was a difference of students’ learning inde-
pendence through the applicaPon of problem-based learning method and control
method in teaching and learning process.
CriPcal thinking skills (CTS) become a very important skills consideraPon among oth-
er transferable skills in order to succeed facing dynamic and complex world. The
purpose of this study was to improve the students’ CTS through voltaic cell laborato-
ry acPviPes based on their mental models. It was a mixed methods embedded ex-
perimental model research design. The study involved 15 students who took Physi-
cal Chemistry Laboratory courses, one of university in Papua. Essay test of 5 items
was used to analyze their CTS that calculated by N-Gains value. Each items was de-
signed to interconnect macroscopic, sub-microscopic, and symbolic levels. Then N-
Gain Kruskal-Wallis test have been done between CTS descriptors. Students induced
and considered inducPon descriptor was the highest students mastery meanwhile
other descriptors were the same (no one reached the lowest mastery). It is neces-
sary to integrate physical chemistry laboratory and physical chemistry lecture for
increasing the students’ CTS.
The Effect Of CooperaAve Learning Model Type Review Course Hooray (CRH)
And Jigsaw MoAvaAon and Learning Outcomes in the Redox Materials Subject
on Chemistry EducaAon Tadulako University
This study aimed to determine the effect of cooperaPve learning model Type
Review Course Hooray (CRH) And Jigsaw towards the collage students moPva-
Pon and learning outcomes in the Redox Materials Subject on Chemistry Educa-
Pon Tadulako University. This research was a pre-experimental with the staPc
pretest-pos2est group design. The samples used in the study were students A
(n=40) as a class experiment 1 and students B (n=38) as a experiment 2. The
results of data analysis, the average value of class experiment 1 ( ) was 88.4
Email : septhy.mangiwa@yahoo.com1)
Coffee beans contain a variety of secondary metabolite compounds that are be-
lieved to have various biological acPviPes, one of which is as an anPoxidant. AnP-
oxidant compounds can counteract free radicals and reduce the risk of some dis-
eases. The aims of this study were to determine phytochemical content and anP-
oxidant acPvity of methanolic extract of Arabica roasted coffee beans from Wame-
na and Moanemani. The extracPon was performed by maceraPon method using
methanol as a solvent for 24 hours. Phytochemical screening was carried out using
standard methods. QualitaPve analysis of anPoxidant acPvity was performed by
DPPH method and quanPtaPve analysis was determined by Spectrophotometer Uv
-Vis at 517 nm wavelength. The result showed that methanolic extract of Arabica
coffee beans from Wamena and Moanemani contain of alkaloid, flavonoid, torpe-
doed, siphoning and tannin. Both of extracts have anPoxidant acPvity and can in-
hibit free radical 61,71 and 69, 7 % with IC50 value about 107,97 and 100,91 ppm,
respecPvely. In conclusion, the methanolic extract of Arabica roasted coffee beans
from Wamena and Moanemani can be used as source of natural anPoxidant.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Padjadjaran, JaPnangor 45363, Indonesia.
Central Laboratory, Universitas Padjadjaran, JaPnangor 45363, Indonesia.
Department of Phisiology Medicine, Faculty of medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran,
JaPnangor 45363, Indonesia.
School of Chemical Sciences, Sains Malaysia UniversiP, Minden 11800, Penang,
Department of Food, Life, and Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-8555, Japan.
TransesterificaAon of Used Cooking Oil into Biodiesel Using NaN3/Modified Clay
TransesterificaPon of used cooking oil into biodiesel has been done using NaN3/
modified clay catalyst.The Ni/modified clay catalyst was synthesized by destrucPng
the Merauke clay with 8M HCl soluPon, then NaOH pellet (NaOH/clay raPo = 0.8),
followed by treaPng with AlCl3.6H2O, CTAB and disPlled water. Then the mixture
was regulated to pH of 11.5. Next, the mixture was then poured into a reactor for
hydrothermal process at 140 oC for 72 h. The results of the dealuminaPon of clay
was characterized by X-ray Fluorescence and the synthesized zeolite was character-
ized using X-Ray DiffracPon, surface area analyzer and Scanning Electron Microsco-
py. The synthesized zeolite was impregnated by NaN3 soluPon as a precussor pro-
duced the NaN3/modified clay sample. The transesterificaPon of used cooking oil
process was carried out in the temperature of 65oC and reacPon Pme of 6h. rasio of
catalyst : used cooking oil : methanol was 1.0 : 20.0 : 13.3. The main liquid product
of transesterifikaPon was methyl ester and it was analyzed using Gas Chromatog-
raphy Mass Spectrometer. The resulted showed that the dealuminaPon of clay
had Si content of 34.77 % and Al content of 5.67 %. The results of measurements
with XRD produced a different form of chromatogram and type of zeolite. The
results of transesterificaPon used cooking oil into biodiesel using NaN3/modified
clay catalyst was 91.5 wt %, meanwhile transesterificaPon used cooking oil into
biodiesel using modified clay catalyst was 85 wt % at the same of treatment.
Synthesis of Silver NanoparAcles using Leaf Extract of Medicinal Plants and Analy-
sis of AnAmicrobial AcAvity.
Henry F. Aritonang
The effect of ReacAon Time of Hydrothermal Process on ModificaAon of
Natural Zeolite to Zeolite with RaAo of Si/Al = 1
ModificaPon of natural zeolite to zeolite with Si/Al = 1 raPo has been done. Natu-
ral zeolite is generally found in the form of the zeolite mineral blend systems with
other types of zeolites, amorphous minerals such as feldspar, silica, alumina, transi-
Pon metal oxides, and organic contaminants called heterogeneous composiPon. In
order to funcPon properly as catalyst or adsorbent, it needs to be modified into
zeolite which is more homogeneous. The modified natural zeolite was synthesized
by destrucPng the Klaten natural zeolite with 6M HCl soluPon. A|er drying at 120
C for 4 h, then followed by treaPng with AlCl3.6H2O, NaOH, CTAB and disPlled
water. The mixture was regulated to pH of 11.5. and The mixture poured into a
reactor for hydrothermal process at 140 oC. The reacted hydrothermal process was
carried out in the variaPon of reacPon Pme of 24, 48, and 72 h. Then dried in the
oven for 4 h at 120 °C, and calcined in furnace at 350 oC for 3 h. The synthesized
zeolite was characterized using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red), XRD (X-Ray
DiffracPon), surface area analyzer. The resulted showed that analysing by XRD
were new minerals formed and crystallinity increased.. Analysis of pore size used
BET method, the porosity and surface area increased.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ins=tut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author : lukman_at@chem.its.ac.id, phone : 00-62-31-5943353
Rikson Asman FerAles Siburian1*, Andri Hassan Simbolon1, Minto Supeno1, Herlince
Sihotang1, Nurhaida Pasaribu1, Saur Lumban Raja1, Dewi RaPh1, CrisPna Simanjuntak1
Chemistry Department- Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan-Indonesia
Jalan Bioteknologi No. 01 Kampus USU Medan 20155
*)Email : riksonsiburian2000@yahoo.com
AcPvated carbon is widely used in industrial for various applicaPons such as purifi-
caPon medium and catalyst to improve the chemical process reacPon in the pro-
ducPon of sugars. In this study the effecPveness and efficiently of carbon being
modified into acPvated carbon as a solid catalyst has observed to opPmize the pro-
ducPon of glucose from switchgrass. The size of acPvated carbon was made into 1-
1.5 mm by impregnated carbon into concentrated sulfuric acid.
The finding obtained the highest glucose producPon of 54.71% and this acPvated
carbon was able to be used for three Pmes. Hence, the idea of uPlizing solid cata-
lyst for reuse in the process was supported through finding in this research.
Previous researches have proved that acPvated carbon could be made from
various raw material which contains lignocellulose such as cane dregs and pine
waste. The aim of this research were to synthesis and characterize acPvated
carbon from sago waste due to its ligocellulose content. The synthesis process
was conducted through following stages: dehidraPon, carbonizaPon, silica
extracPon with NaOH, acPvaPon with ZnCl2 10%, and surface modificaPon with
HNO3 65%, successively. The chemical composiPon acquired from X-ray
fluoroscence confirmed that silica content in carbon from sago waste has
disappeared a|er silica extracPon with NaOH. The X-ray diffracPon pa2erns
showed that samples before modificaPon stage have amorphous acPvated cabon
while samples a|er modificaPon stages started forming exfoliated graphite
crystal, as shown from peaks at 2 30,27 and 35,1 . Finally, the infrared
spectra from both acPvaPon and modificaPon stages confirmed that the presence
of oxygen-containing groups has been increased.
This research aims to prepare and characterize catalysts NiMo/NZ and CoMo/NZ.
The bimetallic catalysts NiMo/NZ and CoMo/NZ were prepared by coimpregnaPon
method. AcPvaPon of the catalysts included calcinaPon and reducPon. The
minerals present in the catalyst was analyzed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF),
funcPonal groups was characterized using Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR),
crystallinity was characterized using X-Ray diffrac=on (XRD) and morphology was
characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The result based on
characterizaPon, it is know that catalyst CoMo/NZ shows best amount metal
impregnated (Co metal content is 3,90 % and Mo metal content 8,88%). The CoMo/
NZ metal parPcels contained of CoO, MoO3 and NiMo/NZ metal parPcles contained
of NiO, MoO3.. Ni, Co and Mo metals on the surface had significant influnce on the
crystal structure and morphology accrording to XRD analysis. Base on
characterizaPon of the crystal stucture and the metal content it ist known that the
CoMo/NZ was the best sample compared to NiMo/NZ.
PreparaAon and Morphological Property of Co3O4/ BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (x=0.5-0.7)
Composite Membranes using Starch as Binder Agent
Wahyu Prasetyo Utomo1, Aras Suci WijayanA1, Sillvana Nurherdiana1, Rendy Mu-
hammad Iqbal1, Hamzah Fansuri1*
Department of Chemistry, Ins=tut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indone-
Indonesia has a lot of kind of vegetables, including pok choi which is planted in Bed-
ugul Bali. Due to increase the yield of vegetable, the farmers use chemicals as fungi-
cide, ferPlizers and pesPcides. Pok choi can be contaminated by heavy metals
through absorpPon in metabolism process. The objecPve of this study is to validate
measurements and determine the concentraPon of lead (Pb) in whole pak choi us-
ing anodic stripping voltammetry. Measurements process used electrochemical
detecPon with three electrodes system, namely plaPnum disk as working electrode,
plaPnum wire/coil as counter electrode, and Ag/AgCl as reference electrode. The
results showed the opPmum of deposiPon Pme at 40 seconds, scan rate at 7.5 mV s
-1, and deposiPon potenPal at -0.53 mV. Linear range concentraPon, limit of detec-
Pon, and recovery measurements were obtained between 250 to 1500 ppb, 79 ppb,
and 98,99% 0,13%, respecPvely. Horwitz raPo was less than 2.0 for repeatability
ten Pmes measurements. Although the farmers used chemicals contain Pb, the re-
sult showed the level of Pb was 0.44± 0.19 ppm, not more than acceptable level of
0.5 ppm.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 73
PlasPc waste as a complex problem each country in the world included Indonesia.
Most of development country usually plasPc waste management was not compre-
henship. Many research proved that plasPc waste was potenPal waste converted to
fuel. Although many research only in laboratorium scale that included small weight
sample. Since 2017 , Chemistry Departement in Cenderawasih University had done
producPon of fuel from plasPc waste in pilot plan with reactor of 50 kgs capacity.
Pilot plan was operated in catalityc cracking method with temperature of processes
300-450 oC and powder natural zeolite as a catalyst. This pilot plan have four oulet
product calculated from outlet nearest reactor. This succesfullness program arrived
a new hopeness that prosses developed and implemented in industry and comer-
cially scale. So in the long Pme goals both be2er plasPc waste management and
alternaPve energy source finding.
Research result that 40 kgs of plasPc waste successfully converted to about 34 L of
mix liquid fuel. Mostly of the product was brown-yellowis liquid, easy fluid and easy
burned. The liquid product consisted many fracPon of fuel i.e gasoline, kerosene,
diesel, etc. With fracPonaPon disPllaPon process gasoline fracPon can isolated from
mixture. Gasoline product have characterisPc: very clear, yellowis and very easy
burned. GC-MS of gasoline fracPon showed that more than 90 % as gasoline frac-
Pon like comercial fuel and li2le impuriPes. Octane number parameter was yielded
120 (disPllate product),compared with 88 (premium fuel). ComparaPon of machine
performance test between disPlate product with premium fuel were carried. The
fact showed that respecPvely disPllate product/premium : electricity generator
( 129/128 minutes ), motorcycle ( 44/42 km), minibus car (11/10 km) for every liter.
Based on research result recomanded that plasPc waste prospecPvely and compeP-
Pvely conversed to fuel.
Key words : plas=c waste, alterna=ve fuel, pilot plan
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
Surface modificaAon and characterizaAon of Fe3O4@SiO2 for recovery of Gold
MagnePc nanoparPcles such as magnePte have been studied intensively for their
unique properPes that are suscepPble to a magnePc field, ready to coat with silica
and able to modify with a variety of funcPonal groups. Moreover, the magnePte-
silica core-shell system offers flexibility for extensive modificaPon. In this work, the
magnePc core is coated with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Aminopropyl tri-
methoxy silane was used to give an amine funcPonalized surface. Glutaraldehyde
was further used to link the surface with chitosan to give Fe3O4@SiO2 @chitosan.
The produced material has an affinity to absorb Au3+ with a capacity of over 80
mg/g material. This versaPle material is of future absorbents since, a|er adsorp-
Pon, the material together with the ions can be recovered by use of a magnePc
field before further separaPon and purificaPon.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 75
Study The Influence of DisAllaAonTime on Component Profile of Sweet Fennel
Seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. dulce) EssenAal Oils and Its AnAbacterial
AcAvity against Staphylococcus aureus
Rurini RetnowaA*, Suratmo, Risa Maya Romlah
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences,
Brawiaya University, and LCAMIA-Research Group, Brawijaya University,
Malang, Indonesia.
Email: rretnowaP@ub.ac.id
Sweet fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var dulce) oils has not become a major
commodity although it has potenPal producPon. IsolaPon of sweet fennel oil can be
done by using steam disPllaPon. One of the factor affecPng disPllaPon process is
Pme disPllaPon. Time disPllaPon influence quality and component profile of
essenPal oils. Components of essenPal oils influence its anPbacterial acPvity. This
study aims to know the Pme disPllaPon influence on yield, physical properPes and
component profile of sweet fennel seeds oils also its anPbacterial acPvity against
Staphylococcus aureus. The isolaPon was done by using steam disPllaPon for 5, 7,
and 9 hours. Physical properPes of sweet fennel seeds oils were determined by its
state and appearance, color, odor, refracPve index and specific gravity. Profile
component was idenPfied using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS).
AnPbacterial test of sweet fennel seeds oils was done using disk diffusion on S.
aureus. The results showed that yield of sweet fennel seeds oils obtained by steam
disPllaPon respecPvely were 1.1 %, 1.1 % and 1.19 %. The idenPfied components
using GC-MS analysis are 7, 6 and 11 compounds, respecPvely. The five main
components of sweet fennel oil is anethole, fenchone, estragole, limonene and α-
pinene. The highest concentraPon of anethole (77.57 %) was obtained by steam
disPllaPon for 7 hours. Sweet fennel seeds oils obtained in this research is clear
yellow liquid, has disPncPve fennel spicy odor, with mass gravity of 0.967–0.970 g/
mL and refracPve index of 1.53–1.54. The anPbacterial acPvity of sweet fennel seed
oils against S. aureus is classified as resistance category (8-11 mm). Time disPllaPon
influence the yield, component profile and anPbacterial acPvity of sweet fennel
seeds oils against S. aureus, but it does not influence the physical properPes of
sweet fennel seeds oils.
Keywords: sweet fennel oils, steam disPllaPon, Pme disPllaPon, GC-MS,
anPbacterial acPvity test.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
FTIR and UV-Vis spectrum combined with chemometrics for idenAficaAon and
authenAcaAon method of some medicinal plants
Banana empty fruit bunch as a solid waste was successfully converted into acPvated
carbon using KOH acPvaPon under hydrothermal carbonizaPon. AcPvated carbon
was used as adsorbent for the adsorpPon of phenol and 2-chlorophenol from aque-
ous soluPon. Pore structure was intensively studied involving surface area and pore
size distribuPon. BET surface area shows a result of 624 m2/g. BJH method adsorp-
Pon indicates the mesopores with pore radius of 27.2 A. The surface funcPonal
group are O-H, C=O, C-O, C=C analyzed by FTIR. Morphology structure of acPvated
carbon unsmooth surface with varied pore size. AdsorpPon capacity process was
conducted with different pH soluPon, concentraPon, weight of adsorbent and con-
tact Pme. Equilibrium adsorpPon was examined by the Langmuir and Freundlich
models. The results of phenol and 2-chlorophenol adsorpPon is the mostly in the
range of mesopores and macropores relaPng to the Freundlich method with corre-
laPon coefficient (R2) >0.98.
Keywords: Banana empty fruit bunch, Ac=vated carbon, KOH ac=va=on, Hydrother-
mal, Adsorp=on
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 79
An invesAgaAon into the use of sand media planted with Thypa la(folia in
constructed wetland ecotechnology in removing organic maker, suspended solids
and nutrients from domesAc wastewater
CharacterizaAon of The Dominant Carotenoids in Red Fruit Oil
by Chromatography and Spectroscopy Techniques
Indra Ajie Gunawan1, Heriyanto1,2, Yuzo Shioi2, Leenawaty Limantara2,3, and Tatas H.P.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Ma Chung, Jl. Villa
Puncak Tidar N-01, Malang 65151, East Java, Indonesia
Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthe=c Pigments (MRCPP), Universitas Ma Chung, Jl.
Villa Puncak Tidar N-01, Malang 65151, East Java, Indonesia
Center for Urban Studies, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jl. Cendrawasih Rata B7/P, South
Tangerang 15413, Banten, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: tatas.brotosudarmo@machung.ac.id
Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) is an indigenous plant in Papua Island and is well
known to have many funcPons for health, such as lowering blood sugar, prevenPng cancer
[1, 2]. In addiPon, Papua residence uses red fruit as food source, edible oil source, natural
colorant, etc. The red color appearance of red fruit oil is strongly influenced by the presence
of carotenoids. Previously several studies have been idenPfied some minor carotenoids, such
as α- and β-carotenes and α- and β-cryptoxanthins, in the red fruit oil, although the other
dominant carotenoids have not been characterized [3, 4]. The aim of this study is to charac-
terize the dominant carotenoids in red fruit oil by chromatography and spectroscopy tech-
niques. The separaPon and purificaPon of the dominant carotenoids were carried out by
reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) using a gradient eluPon
of methanol, methyl ter-buthyl ether and water. The isolated carotenoids were then idenP-
fied based on the spectrophotometric, chromatographic and mass spectrometric properPes
compared to those in the references [5, 6]. Carotenoids from red fruit oil were well separat-
ed within 30 min by HPLC analysis. A trace amount of b-Cryptoxanthin, α- and b-carotenes
were detected, while the dominant carotenoids were eluted in front of those three pro-
vitamin A carotenoids. Five dominant carotenoids had the maximum absorpPon wavelength
(λmax) in the range of 470–480 nm. The mass spectra of the 2nd and 5th dominant carotenoids
showed [M + H]+ at m/z 601.4 and at m/z 569.6, respecPvely. These carotenoids were tenta-
Pvely idenPfied as b-carotenone and semi-b-carotenone from the analysis of molecular ion
and λmax according to Bri2on et al. [6]. Moreover, the absorpPon spectra of these keto-
carotenoids dissolved in several solvents showed different fine structures, indicaPng the
presence of keto group in their molecular structure. The test of funcPonal group and advance
characterizaPon of these carotenoids will be carried out by FT-IR and NMR, respecPvely. b-
Carotenone and semi-b-carotenone were first keto-carotenoids found in red fruit oil and the
other three dominant carotenoids are sPll under the study.
Chemical Profiling of Two Medicinal Plants, Kaempferia rotunda and Garcinia cam-
bogia, using UPLC/QTOF-MS
Kaempferia rotunda and Garcinia cambogia is a plant that has been widely
used as a tradiPonal medicine because it has potenPal as an anPcancer, anPbacteri-
al, anP-inflammatory, anPoxidant and anPfungal. This research used ultra-
performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole Pme of flight mass
spectrometry (UPLC/QTOF-MS) to profile the phytochemical of K. rotunda and G.
cambogia. The possible chemical compounds were idenPfied from mass spectra da-
taset using MZmine. The predicPon of the compound is determined by comparing
the m/z with the database of compounds present in the genus kaempferia or
garcinia. EvaluaPon of the MS data showed fourteen compounds were idenPfied on
K. Rotunda. The main consPtuent were had m/z 363. Sesquiterpene dimer, Parviflor-
ene A is contained therein in large quanPPes. Thirty-one compounds were idenPfied
on G. cambogia. Compounds idenPfied belongs to a class of phenolic acids and bifla-
vonoid. Hydrocytric acid (HCA), which is a marker compound of G.cambogia, was
idenPfied at 6.33 min with m/z 209.
Avicennia marina is one of the mangrove species have various properPes in tradi-
Ponal medicine such as for rheumaPsm, skin diseases, inflammatory, contracepPves
and gout medicine. Previous research showed that the aqueous extract of this man-
grove exudate has anPhiperurisemia acPvity. This study was aimed at studying the
drying influence of the extract on the content, chemical composiPon and xanthine
oxidase (XO) inhibiPon of Avicennia marina exudate. Drying the extract is done by
freeze drying and spray dryer. ComposiPon and chemical content were analyzed by
LC-MS. XO inhibitory acPvity performed in vitro. The study results showed that the
method of drying effect on the content and composiPon of the extract. Extracts
were dried by freeze drying method has a be2er XO inhibitory acPvity than spray
drying method
Key Words: xanthine oxidase, Avicennia marina, chemical content, freeze drying,
spray drying
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 83
ExtracAon and characterizaAon of fish oil from various parts of snakehead fish
(Channa striata).
Julius Pontoh
Department of Chemistry
Sam Ratulangi University
Snake head fish (gabus fish) is rich in omega three fa2y acids, therefore it is inter-
sted to study the potenPal for the producPon of omega three suplement. This
study is focused on the extracPon metode for omega three extracPon. Snake head
fish was purchased from lokal fishermen in Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi. The fish
was cuted into three main parts including head, body and viscera. The fish parts
were boiled with water to extract the oil and the fa2y acid composiPon were deter-
mined by gas chromatographic method. The total oil content for whole fresh fish
was 0,41 percent. The highest oil content in the mussles of snakehead fish were in
the head (63.8 %) followed by viscera (19.9 %) and abdomen (16.3 %). The fa2y
acid composiPon of head, viscera and abdomen is consisPng of lauric, palmiPc, pal-
mitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The
eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids are relaPvely lower than those previ-
ously observed.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
FabricaAon and Modeling Solar Cell using Gowok Fruit (Syzygium polycephalum)
as SensiAzing and deposiAon TiO2 exert Spin CoaAng Technique
The Focus of this research is DSSC gowok fruit (Syzygium polycephalum), dye has
been comporPng like chlorophyl which absorpPon the light and then producted a
carrier. The purpose of this researches are making DSSC and modeling it’s in order
to finding magnitude of the charge carrier. Modeling with using one of numerical
method i.e least square method for determine several internal parameters
microscopic. The Least Square Method was the method of fiPng curve where the
curve is a funcPon i.e current I as the funcPon of voltage V. DeposiPon TiO2 applying
for technical of Spin CoaPng, characterisPcs of the curent voltage be2er by use of
the method than that of using previously method, automaPcally increasing efficien-
cy. From the analysing of the curve characterisPcs then writer obtain a formulas to
solar cell specifically gowok fruit. The current influenced by the process of harvest
light, electron injecPon, charge collecPon and the maximum voltage under
iluminaPon had been around of difference between quasi Fermi level
semiconductor oxides and redox pairs within electrolyte. The voltage which
retained comes from differences between the level conducPon energy electrode
TiO2 with potenPal of the electrochemical electrolyte of pair redox whereas the
current retained concerned straightly from the number of photon which involved in
the process conversion and dependence at the intensiPes of radiaPon and so the
acPvity of dye which are using. IlluminaPon current IL be equal to ISC that have
value 9,8.10-5 A. A quanPty q related to diffusiPvies and mobiliPes of the carrier.
DiffusiPvies and mobiliPes of the carrier have values that variably while occur
process photocurrent. Since γ of the equaPon solar cell gowok fruit is a funcPon
that change so γ relaPon deeping from voltage (voltage is the variable which can be
changes). It was made too the equaPon of DSSC gowok fruit which presented to the
last equaPon of this research. Writer also finding the charge carrier i.e 0,0044kT.
The LocaPon of the research taken place in the Laboratory of InsPtut Pertanian
Vapors Induced Phosphorescent Changes in Molecular Self-Assembly of Copper
Pyrazolate Complexes for Chemical Sensors of Methanol to Hexanol
The existence of nitrite and nitrate ions in water could lead to negaPve effects to
both human and environments. Graphene oxide has been reported as a potenPal
fluorescence sensor for detecPon of these ions. In this study, we further revealed
the use of the graphene oxide for detecPon of nitrate and nitrite ions up to 100
mM. The reproducibility and the sensiPvity in the presence of other interference
ions were also evaluated. The computaPonal study showed that among the possible
sensing sites in graphene oxide, the hydroxyl and carboxyl sites were confirmed to
show superior binding energy for nitrites and nitrates. The interatomic distances
between these sensing sites and nitrites were closer than those between the sens-
ing sites and nitrates. It was suggested that the interacPons came from the hydro-
gen bonding. The stronger interacPons between the graphene oxide and nitrites led
to be2er detecPon towards the nitrites than the nitrates.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 87
The extent of applicaPons in various fields makes the need for gelaPn conPnue to
increase in the global market. Fish gelaPn is an alternaPve to mammalian gelaPn
and its use is more universal because it can be consumed by all religious followers.
Fish gelaPn has never been mass produced in Indonesia. Although the laboratory
scale of fish gelaPn has been successfully carried out, the standardizaPon process to
achieve commercial standards has also never reported. In this study, gelaPn
extracPon from Red Snapper scales was conducted chemically using acid as a curing
soluPon, i.e., HCl, H3PO4 and CH3COOH. The opPmum condiPons in the extracPon
standardizaPon obtained were using 1% curing H3PO4 soluPon for 24 hours with an
extracPon temperature of 80 °C for 4 hours, i.e., using parameters of swelling
degree of 95.96 ± 0.54%, yield of 20.37 ± 0.23%, melPng point of 60 °C and water
content of 4,395 ± 0.025%. The existance of gelaPn was confirmed by FT-IR spectra.
The analyses over mineral content of mangrove crab shells from Merauke have
been studied. The shells of the mangrove crab that have been cleansed and dried
under the sun for 24 hours, were mashed and then divide into two parts. The first
secPon was used for the analyses of mineral composiPon, while the second part
was previously calcined at three different temperature, 1173 K, 1273 K and 1373 K
for 5 hours before analysed. The results showed that the raw powder of mangrove
crab shell was contained 90,46% of calcium and 9,64% of other mineral content.
The calcined process has succeeded to decrease the carbon content. It can be con-
cluded that the mangrove crab shells from Merauke possess basic materials as bioc-
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 89
The Morphology, ecologycal, and biological condiPon on Demta Gulf is forming an
ecosystem zone consisPng of coral reefs ecosystem, seagrass, and mangrove.
Mangrove ecosystem is very usefull as habitat, nursery ground, feeding ground, and
spawning ground for various species of fish. This study was conducted from April to
June 2018 in the mangrove ecosystem of Demta Gulf, Demta District, Jayapura
regency, Papua. There were 3 research staPons with 3 transects per staPon so that
9 transects and 28 fish capture effords. Data analysis were provided by Shannon-
Wiener Diversity Index (H), Equivalence Analysis (E), Abundance Analysis. The result
showed that Mangrove ecosystem of Demta Gulf had high fisheries resources was
consisted of 21 families and 30 species. The level of diversity in St. Ambora is high
2.4 and abundance was 2241 individual/ ha, St. Yougapsa is high 2.8 and abundance
was 1808 individual/ ha, Ambora-Tarfia is high 2.8 and abundance was 2550
individual/ ha. Fish resources and producPvity will be highest and increase where
mangrove producPvity is hight, the total area of mangrove is an increase, and
mangroves have greater physical complexity.
Due to its applicaPon prospect, especially for slow/controlled release ferPlizer, drug
delivery, ion exchanger, and absorbent materials, hydrogel has been becoming an
a2racPve material and being great interest of many scienPsts. However, the use of
biodiversity-based hydrogels is sPll limited. In this study, we have synthesized a hy-
drogel from composites of gracillaria (GR), poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA), glutaraldehyde
(GA), and carbon nanotube (CNT) later then denoted as GR/PVA/GA and GR/PVA/
GA/CNT for sample without and with CNT addiPon, respecPvely. In parPcular, two
kinds of PVA (technical and pro analysis grades) were used in this study. The charac-
terizaPon of hydrogels was conducted by means of FTIR and SEM. Meanwhile, the
performance parameters of hydrogels i.e. swelling raPo, water retenPon, and re-
lease behavior of potassium from hydrogel into aqueous media were evaluated.
FTIR spectra showed that the interacPon of hydrogel components involved some
funcPonal groups. Meanwhile, the SEM images confirmed that the hydrogels were
porous like material. The swelling raPo of technical PVA-based hydrogel was higher
than that of pro-analysis one. Similarly, the hydrogel dried in incubator exhibited
higher swelling raPo than that of dried without incubator. AddiPonally, the hydro-
gel demonstrated larger water retenPon. InserPon of CNT and K ions into hydrogel
remarkably increased water retenPon. The hydrogel showed a typical slow release
behavior for potassium ion. It can be inferred that the synthesized hydrogel is
promising to be applied as slow-controlled release material (S-CRM).
Orchid found as one of medicinal plant in some areas, especially Dendrobium. Some
species were invesPgated its anPbacterial acPvity, but the informaPon about
anPbacterial acPvity of Papuan Dendrobium species is sPll limited. The aim of this
research was to determine the anPbacterial acPvity of Dendrobium species from
Papua against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. There are three species
of Dendrobium; Dendrobium spectabile (leaves and stem), Dendrobium
violaceoflaveus (leaves and stem), and Dendrobium antenatum (stem). Dried
simplisia was maserated using ethanol, then tested for the phytochemical content.
Total ethanolic extract was fracPonated into three fracPons (ethanol, ethyl acetate
and hexane fracPons). Disc diffusion assay was used to examine the anPbacterial
acPvity of the total extract and the fracPons.Total extract are posiPve for flavonoid,
alkaloid and tanin, except Dendrobium spectabile stem extract. Saponin was not
found in all of the total extract. The highest acPvity resulted from ethyl acetat
extract of Dendrobium spectabile leaves in inhibiPng S. aureus with diameter zone
20,5443 ± 1,4741 mm. It is indicated that the ethyl acetat of Dendrobium spectabile
leaves is potenPal to be developed in anPbacterial drug design research.
Yellow rope (Archangelisia flava) is known as a vine plant mostly found in the
forests of Papua, West Papua and Kalimantan. TradiPonally, this plant used by the
indigenous people of Papua for health recovery, cleaning postpartum (puerperal
women), and fever (caused by malaria). This study was aimed to determine the
content of secondary metabolites and to test the anPoxidant acPvity of bark extract
infusion from yellow rope. ExtracPon method was applied in this research followed
by evaporaPon to produce condensed extract product/dry product which further
used for phytochemicals and anPoxidant tests. Screening of phytochemical test was
done using chemical reagents while the anPoxidant test applied free radical meth-
od DPPH. The results showed that the water extract of the bark of yellow string
contains as much as 8.36% of a group of secondary metabolites called terpenoids,
alkaloids and flavonoids. Furthermore, anPoxidant test obtained IC50 correspond-
ing to a value of 49.04 mg / mL in which categorized as very strong.
Keywords : Yellow rope, infusion, anPoxidant
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
SPnging ne2le (Laportea aestuans (Linn) Chew) have been used empirically as re-
lieving pain such as sPffness, headache, abdominal pain, muscle aches, joints and
bruises. The aims of this study was to determine the effect of ethanol extract of
sPnging ne2le leaf as an anPcoagulant that used human blood (A, B, O and AB)
using Lee-white method and blood smear. The sPnging ne2le leaf samples were
taken from Biak Numfor, made simplicia, and macerated by 96% ethanol. The anP-
coagulant acPvity of ethanol extract was tested with preliminary of 50, 100, 150,
200, and 250 ppm. Then test was followed by anPcoagulant acPvity by Lee White
method and eustek method (blood smear). The results showed that in the prelimi-
nary test the minimum concentraPon of extracts of 45 ppm was observed for 120
minutes. Extracts Laportea aestuans have anPcoagulant acPvity against various
human blood groups as well as posiPve controls of EDTA. Both of them can binding
calcium that the blood clojng factors so blood did not freeze. Blood clojng acPvi-
ty by eustek method showed that the extract of Laportea aestuans seen in the mi-
croscopic blood cells did not freeze because the unrelated blood cells were intact
and separated from each other.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 95
1. Biology Department of FMIPA Cenderawasih University, Jayapura Papua
*Corresponding author: henderinaj.keiluhu@gmail.com
An ecological study to find out the species of food plants of Victoria ground pigeon
(Goura vicoria) was taken in the Yenggu Village in the Nimbokrang forest area of
District Jayapura, Papua. Specific purposes of the research was to obtain the
informaPon about plants species including fruits and other parts which were used
as natural food of Goura victoria as their natural feed. Data collecPon was carried
out during June-July 2018, used survey method with interview technique. The
research showed that only 16 species of plants from 12 families were naturally
documented as Goura victoria food. Goura victoria preferred mostly fruits and
usually le| other plant’s part such as shoot, leaves and twigs. The size of edible
fruits ranged from 2.10 mm to 55.40 mm on diameter while fruit colors recorded as
red, orange, green and red-purple black.
Key word: Victoria ground pigeon, food plants, Yenggu Village, Papua
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society
D-loop Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of buffalo’s sequences had been used as a de-
terminant of genePc distance and spread of migraPon that useful for study of hu-
man prehistory migraPon. The study of Bubalus bubalis had been conducted in
Egypt, China, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand; for Buba-
lus bubalis carabanensis in India; and for Syncerus caffer in South Africa, Belgium,
Netherland, Denmark, and Norway, however overall it had not been summarized.
This is study by collecPng 400 D-loop Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of buffalo’s se-
quences from GenBank DDBJ. Furthermore, it was analyzed by Spreadsheet, PHYLIP,
ANN methods and visualizaPon by using TreeView and MatLab. The result is showed
that genePc distance was 0 between DQ364163 (China), KR872756 (Indonesia), and
KR872764 (Indonesia) by Spreadsheet method and the spread centered was India
by ANN (MatLab) method. GenePc distance was 100% between DQ364163 (China),
KR872756 (Indonesia), and KR872764 (Indonesia) by PHYLIP method and the spread
centered was China by TreeView. GenePc distance was 0,2040 between the China
and Indonesia populaPons and spread centered was Norway by Spreadsheet meth-
od. GenePc distance was 0,1460 between the China and Indonesia populaPons and
the spread centered was Norway by ANN (MatLab) method.
AnAbacterial AcAvity of Daun Afrika Extract (Vernonia amygdalina) Papua to
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Bacterial
Daun Afrika from Papua widely uPlized by local people, one of them to treat acne.
Some research of Vernonia amygdalina contained flavonoids, tannins, saponins
andterpenoids. The aim of this study was to invesPgate the AnPbacterial AcPvity of
Vernonia amygdalina Extract from Papua to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia
coli bacterial byusing Diffusion Assay. Research result show that the extract inhibit-
ed the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. InhibiPon zone was
observed in leaf ofVernonia amygdalina agains Staphylococcus aureus 100 µg/ml
(6,69 mm) and Escherichiacoli 100 µg/ml (6,52 mm) respecPvely. The extract of
Vernonia amygdalina leaves fromPapua has a anPbacterial acPvity at minimum
concentraPon extract, can be taken as good evidence for a possible aplicaPon of
those compounds as anPbagterial agents.
Daun jilat (Villebrunea rubescens) is one of the tradiPonal remedies in the Yapen
Islands District that is empirically used to treat bruises or bruises. The samples of
daun jilat used were taken from the Yapen Islands Regency and macerated with
96% ethanol. This study aims to determine the acPvity of anPcoagulant extract eta-
nol daun jilat (Villebrunea rubescens) against various types of human blood group.
The method used is Lee-white and Eustek (blood smear) with a concentraPon of 250
ppm. The results obtained from ethanol extract of daun jilat on Lee-white and
Eustek methods indicate the existence of anPcoagulant acPvity against various
types of human blood group.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 99
Mitochondrial genome mutaAon analysis: Papuan mtG comparaAon with several
GenBank sequence data on gene control and encoding regions
NutriAon and anAoxidant properAes of Pleurotus sajor-caju
from Jayapura, Papua
CharaterizaAon of Microalgae from Freshwater Pond of Buper Jayapura and from
Seawater of Harlen Beach Jayapura Based on Their Lipids, Chlorophylls, Protein,
and Carbohydrate Contents
Yohanis Ngili, Frans Agus=nus Asmuruf, Budi P. Waromi, Yohanis Irenius Mandik*
ed at the peak of growth rate were 2.837 0.149 mg/L while the lipids content
was 13-37%, Protein content was 48.22%, and Carbohydrate content was 12.29%.
Meanwhile, Chlorophylls content of marine Chlorella sp., harvested at the peak of
growth rate were 2.046 0.343 mg/L while the lipids content was 6-28%, Protein
content was 36.48%, and Carbohydrate content was 16.50%. Both of Jayapura iso-
lates of freshwater Chlorella sp. and marine Chlorella sp., exhibit great ability to
grow in a cheap ferPlizer containing medium. The lipids could be uPlized as bio-
diesel feedstock, the chlorophylls are applicable as healthy food supplement and
anPoxidant products, the carbohydrate could be uPlized for fermentable sugar pro-
ducPon, while protein could be applied in animal feed producPon.
OP 54
Coconut Oil ProducAon via Coconut Cream FermentaAon by
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
PreparaAon of chitosan with variaAons of molecular weight and its effect on de-
polymerizaAon of chitosan with hydrogen peroxide using microwave technique
Chitosan depolymerized with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) using microwave technique
has been done by varying molecular weight of chitosan. This study aims to deter-
mine opPmum condiPons of chitosan depolymerizaPon and influence of molecular
weight for preparaPon of chitosan depolymerized. Chitosan was produced with
different molecular weight by variaPon of chitosan heaPng Pme in 5% acePc acid
for 2, 12, 24, and 24 hours and molecular weight of chitosan was determined by the
viscometric method. Chitosan produced from technical chiPn has molecular weight
7.90 x 103 (TC-2), 6.70 x 103 (TC-12), 6.50 x 103 (TC-24) and 5.60 x 103 g/mol (TC-
120) for 2, 12, 24, and 120 hours of heaPng Pme, respecPvely. These results sug-
gest that the resulPng chitosan was affected by the heaPng Pme. The longer heaPng
Pme, the lower molecular weight of chitosan are produced. Next, the chitosan has
depolymerized by varying concentraPon of H2O2 and depolymerizaPon irradiaPon
Pme using microwave technique. The process of depolymerizing chitosan with H2O2
was influenced by H2O2 concentraPon and irradiaPon Pme which the opPmum con-
diPons were 6% H2O2 and irradiaPon Pme for 75 seconds for TC-2 which produced
oligochitosan with molecular weight of 3.5 x 103 g/mol and rendemen 25.65%.
Synthesis of magneAte/TiO2-Cu as recoverable and sensiAve photocatalyst under
visible light radiaAon
M. Miqdam Musawwa1), Eko Sri KunarP2), Sutarno2)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathema=c and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathema=c and Natural Sciences, Gadjah
Mada University
Corresponding author: muhmiqdam@gmail.com (085641761731)
Study and FormulaAon of Anionic Surfactang For Enhanced Oil Recovery
Chemistry Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Sodium Ligno Sulphonate (SLS) is one of the types of anionic surfactants that can be
made from oil palm empty fruit bunches’s lignin. Therefore, these surfactants have
the opportunity to applied as cheap EOR agent because of the presence of highly
abundant raw materials. In this study, we invesPgated the ability of lone SLS and
mixed SLS with some support materials as EOR agent. In the iniPal screening, we
conducted IFT test for selecPng viable EOR agent where surfactant's IFT value must
be in range 10-3 mN/M. This test was very important for a preliminary test like core
flooding and another advanced test. The results demonstrated that SLS can’t stand
alone as EOR agent and must be blended with another supporPng materials like Na-
fa2y acid and cosolvent. There are 4 surfactant formulas that potenPally as EOR
agent, BRP14, CRP14, B3RP14, F1RP14 and HRP14.
Email: tatang_shabur@uii.ac.id
A study in producPon of bioethanol from rice straw using SSF method has
been done. Rice straw is an agricultular waste containing lignocellulose that can be
uPlized for manufacturing alternaPve energy such as bioethanol. This study aimed
to determine the opPmum both fermentaPon Pme and volume of cellulose enzyme
on the concentraPon of ethanol produced, also to know the effect of base
pretreatment on straw sample on the concentraPon of ethanol produced. The
method used is SSF (Simultaneous Saccharifica=on and Fermenta=on) where the
process of hydrolysis and fermentaPon was done simultaneusly. The advantages of
this process are the short period of SaccharificaPon and FermentaPon, occuring in
one reactor and saving the producPon cost. The hydrolysis process was carried out
by cellulase enzyme extracted from oyster mushroom stem, while the fermentaPon
process was done by yeast S. cerevisiae. The rice straw samples were smoothed and
dried to remove the moisture content. The samples were mixed into an SSF
medium containing aquadest, cellulase enzymes and yeast S. Cerevisiae and then
fermented for several days. Cellulose content in straw would be hydrolyzed into
glucose by cellulase enzymes, and then would be directly converted to ethanol by
yeast S. Cerevisiae. PurificaPon of ethanol was done by simple disPllaPon. Variables
used were cellulase enzyme volume and fermentaPon Pme. VariaPons in cellulase
enzyme volume ranged from 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mL. While the fermentaPon Pme
starts from 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days. Based on the results of the research, it was found
that the highest bioethanol concentraPon was 14.52% with the variaPon of 10 days
fermentaPon Pme and 25 mL enzyme volume, while the bioethanol concentraPon
in the control sample (base pretreatment) was 9.75%.
Green Synthesis of Gold-Palladium Core-Shell NanoparAcles (Au@Pd CSNPs) Us-
ing Citrus Peel Extract
Wiyogo P. Wicaksono*, Della Amalia, and LaPfatul Uyun
Department of Chemisty, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences, Universi-
tas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: wiyogo.prio@uii.ac.id
Email: henryaritonang@yahoo.com
This study is a preliminary study to analyze the anPmicrobial acPvity of the bacteri-
al cellulose/ZnO/Ag nanocomposite membrane. Therefore, various microscopic
and spectroscopic techniques not done. The bacterial cellulose/ZnO/Ag nanocom-
posite membrane has been synthesized by co-precipitaPon method. These were
obtained by immersing bacterial cellulose into Zn(NO3)2.4H2O and AgNO3 soluPon
under basic condiPons. Furthermore, dry nanocomposite membranes were tested
for their anPbacterial acPvity using Gram-negaPve Escherichia coli (E. coli) and
Gram-posiPve Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). The nanocomposite membranes
exhibited strong anPmicrobial acPvity against Gram-negaPve and Gram-posiPve
Extract of Zingiberaceae Leaves Steam DisAllated Residue as AnA-bacterials and
Biofilm Degradator Against Streptococcus mutans
The purpose of this research is to extract the anthocyanin pigment from eggplant
peels which can be used as natural acid indicator. This extracPon was performed by
using two techniques i.e. maceraPon and microwave techniques. The research
steps include sample preparaPon; maceraPon and microwave extracPon using eth-
anol : HCl 1% (2: 1); phenolic compound test; anthocyanin compound test; pH
soluPon test, idenPficaPon using UV-Vis Spectrometer, FTIR and LC-MS / MS as well
as applicaPon of extract eggplant peels as natural acid indicator. The results
showed the yield obtained from eggplant peels extract in maceraPon technique for
48 hours was 3.18% while in microwave technique with Pme variaPon of 3, 5 and 7
minutes were 3.14%, 2.85% and 2.97%. Eggplant peels extract was further idenP-
fied by FTIR and LC-MS / MS. The results of idenPficaPon using FTIR showed the
presence of aliphaPc C-H groups, C = C aromaPcs, and O-H, the group was also pre-
sent in the anthocyanin group. The result of idenPficaPon using LC-MS / MS
showed the presence of two components of anthocyanin group compound with
Delphinidin 3 Glucoside type at retenPon Pme of 3.02 with m/z = 465 and Peonidin
3 Glucoside at retenPon Pme 3.07 with m/z = 463. The qualitaPve test result of
eggplant peels extract showed the existence of phenolic compound marked by col-
or changing into blackish green. The posiPve pH test on the eggplant peels extract
using 1-12 pH soluPon was at pH 3-4. The research showed that eggplant peels ex-
tract can be applied as natural acid indicator at pH 3-4.
Quality Test of Natural Bath-Soap with Clove Oil and
Its AnAbacterial AcAvity Against Staphylococcus Epidermidis
Main object of the present work was to use clove oil as an addiPve to make
natural bath-soap as a new approach of herbal cosmePcs and medicine. Product of
natural bath-soap with clove oil was expected to have a good quality based on In-
donesian NaPonal Standart 2016 and effecPve as potenPal anPbacterial agent.
Natural bath-soap was made by saponificaPon reacPon of olive oil, palm oil, vco
and castor oil with aqueus NaOH via cold process methods. SPrring was done unPl
a trace-soap formed at room temperature, then clove oil was added. The mixture
was poured in mold and wait for 2 days unPl solid-soap ready to unmolding. Curing
process was done for 3-4 weeks. AnPbacterial acPvity tests was performed by Kirby
-Bauer diffusion method against Staphylococcus epidermidis. The soap quality as
water content, total fat, insoluble material in ethanol, total free alkali, total chlo-
ride and unsaponificable fat are 1.524%,. 92.052%, 0.8%, 0.0053%, 1.17%, and
0.0038%, respecPvely. The highest inhibitory zone diameter is 22,28 mm on 10%
(m/v) concentraPon at 12 hours incubaPon. Thus, the addiPon of clove oil in natu-
ral bath-soap proved to be effecPvely used as an anPbacterial soap.
Waste Management of Integrated Laboratory of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)
using AdsorpPon Technique with AcPvated Carbon and CoagulaPon with Poly Alu-
minum Chloride (PAC)
Riyanto, 1*Cecep Sa’bana RahmaAllah
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences,
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta
*Email: cecep@uii.ac.id
EffecAveness of AcAvated Charcoal from Cassava Skin as Adsorbent of Cu Ion on
Wastewater Integrated Laboratory of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of MathemaPcs and Natural Sciences,
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta
*Email: tohari@uii.ac.id
One method to get ginger (Zingiber officinale) essenPal oil is disPllaPon. This study
aims to determine the effect of preparaPon and differences disPllaPon methods on
the yield of ginger oil. The disPllaPon methods used are boiled disPllaPon and
modified boiled disPllaPon. Samples of ginger were ground and sliced for 3 kg to
each methods. The disPllaPon process is carried out for 2 hours using maximum
fire from the gas stove. The opPmum results obtained from modified disPllaPon
with milled ginger samples yielded 0.4% yield, oil has a disPncPve ginger smell,
clear yellowish color.
Is FaAmah1*,
Chemistry Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl.
Kaliurang Km 14, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55584
*e-mail: isfaPmah@uii.ac.id
PreparaPon of silica material from Salacca leaves ash has been invesPgated. Silica
was causPc extracted and the physic-chemical characterizaPon was performed by
using x-ray diffracPon (XRD), scanning electron microscope energy dispersive x-ray
(SEM-EDX), and Brunair-Emmet-Teller (BET) gas sorpPon analysis. The result was
applied for salycilic acid adsorpPon. The result showed that silica was obtained with
the specific surface area of about 14.2 m2/g and dominated with silica. It is found
that it is a potenPal performance of silica preparaPon and adsorpPon capability of
the derived material.
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 117
Analysis Of Ferrous Ion Species In Cinnamomum burmanii Leaves As BiosensiAzer
In Iron PhotoreducAon Process Using Fluorocent Light
EmulsificaAon for FormulaAon of Natural Folic Acid Supplements prepared from
Soybean Tempe (Glycine soya L.) and Fermented Spinach (Amarantus sp) for the
Needs of Pregnant Women
Folic acid naturally can be obtained from vegetables and fruits. RouPne
consumpPon of folic acid for pregnant women before and during pregnancy lowers
neural tube defects (NTDs) risk for infants, spina bifida (anomalies in the spine) and
anencephaly. Folic acid supplements are recommended for the pregnant women,
since it has acPve therapeuPc funcPons prevenPng neural tube defects. The role of
food supplements are to balance nutriPonal food needs of pregnant women. This
study was purposed to invesPgate emulsificaPon process for the formula of natural
folic acid supplementaPon from the mixture of fermented soybean tempe (glycine
soya L.) and spinach (Amarantus sp). RaPo of fermented soybean tempe by Rhizopus
oligosporus C1 and fermented spinach vegetables by kombucha culture was 1:2.5% ;
1:5% ; 1:7,5%, with the addiPon of emulsifier raPo of carboxy methyl celullose and
gelaPn, with concentraPon variaPons (0.2:4) and (0.4:8). The results showed that
the highest levels of folic acid were found in mixed paste preparaPons (1:2.5%) with
0.4% CMC (w/w) with gelaPn at concentraPon of 769.67 g/mL).
Keywords: supplement, folic acid, emulsifier, fermenta=on
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 119
IdenAficaAon of Chemical Content and AcAvity of EssenAal Oil of Citronella
Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) Against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
EssenPal oil of citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) is one of the many essenPal oils
produced in Indonesia that are used as anPbacterial. The purpose of this study was
to determine the essenPal oil content of citronella (Cymbopogan nardus) and to
see anPbacterial acPvity against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Esche-
richia coli bacteria. This anPbacterial acPvity test was performed by disc diffusion
method. EssenPal oils (Cymbopogon nardus) have anPbacterial acPvity against
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. From the results of the discovery of
components using GC-MS showed that the largest content was 33.86% sitronelal,
geraniol 18.29%, sitronellol 14.97%. EssenPal oils (Cymbopogon nardus) have anP-
bacterial acPvity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In the diffu-
sion method the concentraPons can inhibit Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus bacteria at a concentraPon of 700 ppm with moderate inhibitory power. The
citronella essenPal oil has a smaller anPbacterial ability than the chloramphenicol
EfecAvity and CharacterisAc Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L.)
Oil LoAon as Mosquito Repellent
Repellent is a material that has the ability to protect humans from mosquito
bites when applied to the surfaces of the skin. One of the natural ingredients
that has the potenPal as a repellent is the citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L) with
sitronellol and geraniol as the main compounds. Lemon grass oil is formulated
into a loPon preparaPon with concentraPon variaPons of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%. the
purpose of this research is to make citronella oil loPon and test the characteris-
Pcs, stability, and protecPon against mosquito bites. LoPon formula is then test-
ed by measuring the stability of pH, color, texture, aroma, and consistency. Effec-
Pveness test is done through protecPon power test by using alive mosquito di-
rectly. The result of this study shows that all of the three formulas of citronella
oil loPon have sensory characters with good color, aroma, texture, and con-
sistency. The stability of resulPng loPon is homogeneous and has a pH in the
range of 7-8 and has an acceptance level above 60% in the organolepPc test. The
loPon formula with a concentraPon of 1.5% has 50% mosquito bite protecPon
for 6 hours of tesPng Pme. The formula also does not have an irritaPng effect.
AnAbacterial AcAvity Test of Klebsiella pneumonia from Tomato Fruit Extract
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) as a prevenAon of Pneumonia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathema=cs and Natural Sciences, Universi-
tas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang KM 14.5, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55584
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Hospital
Jl. Cendelaras Raya, Karangsari,Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta, In-
donesia, 55584
Corresponding author:habibihidayat13@uii.ac.id
Tomato is a fruit that a lot of spread in almost every region in the archipelago and
has a high nutriPonal value. The process of isolaPon and idenPficaPon of tomato
extracts has been done. FermentaPon process from tomato fruit for each fermenta-
Pon Pme and obtained pH range as many as 5.0 and 4.0. The idenPficaPon mor-
phology of bacteria for each T36 and T48 samples were shaped bacil and posiPve
Gram, don’t have spores and colonize and then, the samples is done to acid re-
sistance test at pH 2.0 unPl pH 6.0 and obtained for each T36 and T48 samples having
resistance at pH 4.0 and 3.0. So that, the samples sPll able to survive in an acid con-
diPon. A|er that, all of the samples is done to anPbacterial acPvity test with using
Mueller Hinton and Agar nutrient medium into petridish. The process of acPvity
test that carried out for 3 days using anPbioPc as control like an ampicillin and
erythromycin when using Klebsiella pneumonia as test bacterial obtained clear zone
value from T36 sample respecPvely as many as 7 mm, 10 mm and 11 mm while T48
sample as many as 17 mm, 17 mm and 18 mm. So, the conclude that tomato fruit
extract having ability as anPbacterial against Klebsiella pneumonia bacteria in an
effort to prevenPon of pneumonia.
COCOR BEBEK LEAF (Kalanchoe millo(i)
Lilis Si( Aisyah1, Yenny Febriani Yun1, Fariha1, Issana Pramordha Wardhani1,
Nurhabibah Alawiyah1, Dewi Melia( Agus(ni1,Sari Purbaya1, Unang Suprat-
man2 , Yoshihito Shiono3
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and InformaPcs, Jenderal Achmad
Yani University, Cimahi 40528
Natural Product Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathe-
maPcs and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Sumedang Km 21,
JaPnangor, Sumedang 45363
Department of Food, Life, and Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-8555, Japan
*Correspondent author : lies.syarifudin@lecture.unjani.ac.id
Phytochemical and BioacAvity of Ethanol Extract of Cauliflower
(Brassica Oleracea Var. BotryAs)
AnPoxidants are compounds that can inhibit the reacPon of free radicals in the
body. This study aims to determine the phytochemical content of cauliflower by the
Harbone method, the anPoxidant acPvity with DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-pikril hidrazil)
method and toxicity test by the BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) method of
cauliflower extract (Brassica oleracea var. BotryPs). Cauliflower extract was made
using maceraPon extracPon method with ethanol solvent p.a. The results showed
that the phytochemical test of cauliflower containing alkaloids, glycosides, steroid,
triterpenoids, flavonoids, and saponins. The IC50 value of cauliflower ethanol extract
was 292.26 ppm and LC50 677.95 ppm. While the IC50 value of vitamin C is 6.733
ppm. This value shows cauliflower has weak anPoxidant acPvity, but at IC50
concentraPon is not toxic to shrimp larvae.
DeterminaAon EncapsulaAon Efficiency Beta Carotene and Vitamin C In Liposomes
of Coconut Phospholipids (Cocos Nucifera L.) Choline Species
Dwi HudiyanP1, a), Marliana JayanP2, and Khairul Anam1
Chemistry Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Undergraduate Program, Chemistry Department, Diponegoro University, Sema-
rang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: dwi.hudiyanP@live.undip.ac.id
PurbowaAningrum R Sarjono, Nies S Mulyani, Dewi Kusrini, Ngadiwiyana,
Ismiyarto, Qisthy HanifaA Hazrina
AdsorpAon of Eosin Y Dyes Using Modified Silica Gel Composites
3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) - AcAve Carbon from Natural Resources
Eosin Y dye have been successfully tested on adsorpPon using silica gel, acPvated
carbon, and composite adsorbent. IniPal effect on pH and contact Pme showed
that the adsorbents are on pH 4 and 30 minute, respecPvely. The isotherm
adsorpPon model of eosin Y toward silica gel composite modified by APTES –
acPvated carbon following the Langmuir isotherm with maximum adsorpPon
capacity and Langmuir constant value are 21,28 mg g-1 and 0,165, respecPvely.
Keywords: Adsorp=on, Eosin Y, Rice Husk Ash, Coconut Shell, Ac=vated Carbon,
Silica Gel, APTES, Composite
Interna(onal Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society 129
This study aims to determine the results of authenPc assessment of students that
include cogniPve, affecPve and psychomotor aspects during acid-base learning
process using flipped classroom model. The qualitaPve method was used in this
study with data collecPon techniques through learning outcome tests for cogniPve
aspects, observaPon for assessment of affecPve and psychomotor aspects, and
quesPonnaires. Flipped classroom model is done by combining 50% of acPviPes in
the classroom and 50% of acPviPes outside the classroom. The learning process
uses four learning videos consist of two videos about the concept of acid-base and
two video experiments on acid-base. The results showed that student learning
outcomes increased on cogniPve aspects. It is supported by changes in affecPve
and psychomotor aspects during the learning process. The average score of stu-
dents in each indicator of affecPve and psychomotor aspects has increased. It can
be concluded that flipped classroom model can be used to improve student learn-
ing outcomes on cogniPve, affecPve and psychomotor aspects.
Email : dewakatja@yahoo.com
This study aims to determine the class of secondary metabolites, compounds and
anPoxidant acPvity of each extract of the bark of Chisocheton sp. (Meliaceae). The
extracPon of 40 g of powdered bark Chisocheton sp (Meliaceae) with n-hexan,
ethyl acetate and methanol each with 2000ml (3x2000mL) successively produced 8
g of n-hexan ekstrat concentrated, 5.2 g of concentrated ethyl acetate extract and
6.7 g of concentrated methanol extract. Phytochemical test results indicate the
presence of compounds of flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids and phenols. The test
results of anPoxidant acPvity with DPPH method showed that the ethyl acetate
extract gives IC50 value of 22 ppm less than the IC50 vitamin C at 22 ppm, which
means ethyl acetate extract had the greatest ability to capture free radicals.
The aim of this research was to characterize the mechanical and chemical proper-
Pes of the carrageenan based edible film. Edible film made by blending method.
Carrageenan was mixed with sorbitol with carrageenan concentraPon 0.6;0.8;1;1.2
and 2%. Variable analyzed were tensile strength , elongaPon at break and FTIR.
Research showed that the best mechanical characterisPcs was resulted from edible
film made from 2% carrageenan, with tensile strength 39,168 Mpa and elongaPon
at break 41,533%. FTRI analysis showed thar the addiPon of sorbitol caused the
decreasing of internal hydrogen bonding between polimer in the matrix.