Flyer Pdpi 2021egnegngenegngeneeyjyentene
Flyer Pdpi 2021egnegngenegngeneeyjyentene
Flyer Pdpi 2021egnegngenegngeneeyjyentene
16 National Congress of
Indonesian Society of Respirology
in conjunction with
Supported by:
Claro Hotel
ATION Makassar
September 1st - 4th, 2021
Abstract Deadline July 1st ,2021
Secretariat :
Indonesian Society of Respirology (ISR)
Sulawesi Branch
Gedung Infection Center 2nd Floor, RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 11. Tamalanrea, Makassar
Dear Colleagues,
First of all, let us thank the Almighty Allah SWT, who is by delivering scientific and educational sessions to
always bestow mercy on all of us so that until this explore the latest of information, developments, medical
moment we are still in His guidance in carrying out advances, cutting edge treatments, and breakthroughs
professional duties. in the management of the chronic and critical respiratory
The 16th National Congress Indonesian Society of Respirology disease by involving a strong faculty of international,
(Konferensi Nasional XVI Perhimpunan Dokter Paru regional and local experts to lead postgraduate courses
Indonesia-PDPI), is important of the three early event for and workshops, plenary sessions, symposia at the main
all PDPI members in Indonesia which include an organizational congress, as well as poster and oral presentations.
and scientific discussion forum. This event will be held in In addition to attending scientific events and organizational
conjunction with 1st Indonesia Chronic Lung Disease sessions, we invite colleagues to enjoy the charm of the
International Meeting (ICLIME) with a theme about natural beauty of the city of Makassar and see a variety
“Chronic and Critical Respiratory Disease: Double of cultural arts and crafts of the Makassar community
Respiratory Challenge for Pulmonologist”. Both issues, through a tour program.
Chronic and critical respiratory disease, are the topics of Colleagues of all PDPI members throughout Indonesia,
respiratory disease that must be discovered by a pulmonologist let’s make 16th National Congress of Indonesian Society of
in order to improve comprehensive management of Respirology 2021, fruitful and successful session by
patients to decrease morbidity and mortality to achieve attending, participating, and contributing to this event.
an optimal outcome.
We look forward to your presence and participation in
Furthermore, as like of the philosophy of the sailing boat, Makassar, the City of Maritime that we love.
we need more attention by increasing the effort, focus,
knowledge, and skill to concur a big wave of those topics With Best Our Wishes,
to complete our competency. For that purpose, we aim to dr. Arif Santoso, Sp.P(K), Ph.D., FAPSR
develop an interactive and attractive program in the field
16 th
National Congress of Indonesian Society of Respirology
1 Indonesia Chronic Lung Disease International Meeting (ICLIME) 1
Oral And Poster
Presentation Guideliness
16th National Congress of Indonesian Society of Respirology 4. The abstract of Research category should be including
in conjunction with 1st Indonesia Chronic Lung Disease the following headings:
International Meeting (ICLIME) “Chronic and Critical Respi- a. Introduction and Purpose
ratory Disease: Double Respiratory Challenge for Pulmon- b. Method
ologist” will be held in Makassar, Indonesia on 1st – 4th c. Result
September 2021 in virtual. We invite all of you to submit d. Discussion
your abstract of paper. The abstract can be submitted e. Conclusion
before July 1st, 2021. Please follow the guidelines for f. Keywords
submitting the abstract below. 5. Presenter name must be written in full name with the
title and also institution along with the complete
Abstract Submission address
1. Deadline for abstract submission is July 1st, 2021. Please
submit your abstract as soon as possible before the Abstract Revisions and Reviews
deadline 1. Abstract revision is allowed once and submitted by July
2. Abstract submitted must be in English and sent via 15th, 2021.
email to 2. Abstract will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee
3. Abstract must be submitted with the following identifi- on July 20th, 2021.
cation: 3. Notification of accepted abstracts will be sent by email
Research title, full name of presenter, mobile number of on July 25th, 2021.
presenter, institution with the complete address 4. Template of the oral or poster presentation will be
determined by Committee
Abstract Format
1. Abstract in English and Indonesian format Abstract Publications
2. Abstract is typed using “Arial” font, single space, justify 1. Abstracts that have been evaluated and accepted by
adjustment and a maximum 0f 200 words the Scientific Committee will be published in an abstract
3. The abstract of Case Report category should be includ- book
ing the following headings: 2. Scientific Committee has the right to make edits on the
a. Introduction abstract format for publishing purposes
b. Case Illustrations
c. Discussion
d. Conclusion
e. Keywords
Oral Presentation
1. Notification of Oral Presentation schedule will be sent by email on July 25th, 2021.
2. All participants prepare and send an Oral Presentation video with a duration of 7 minutes with MP4 video format in
480p size. The oral presentation video is saved on the Google Drive link and the link will be sent to the committee no
later than July 15th, 2021. Please inform CP: dr. Musannif Ziad (HP/WA: 081354944778) after send the link
3. Format rename on the Oral Presentation video are as follows:
Name of the presenter, Title, name of the faculty and university of the presenter.
4. Discussions will be held on August 28th– 29th, 2021 via online
5. Discussion schedule will be announced 2 weeks in advance via email
6. The video presentation will be evaluated by the scientific committee.
Rules of competition:
1. The video of Oral and Poster presentation will be reviewed by a team of judges who are appointed by the committee
2. Judge’s decision is inviolable
3. There are 3 prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners
16 th
National Congress of Indonesian Society of Respirology
1 Indonesia Chronic Lung Disease International Meeting (ICLIME) 1
Lung Infection Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
Thoracic Oncology Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
Critical Care Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
Intervensi Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
Sleep Apnea Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
CIPET Workshop, September 1st – 2nd, 2021
organizer co-organizer