8 Structure Formation: 8.1 Inhomogeneity
8 Structure Formation: 8.1 Inhomogeneity
8 Structure Formation: 8.1 Inhomogeneity
Up to this point we have discussed the universe in terms of a homogeneous and isotropic model
(which we shall now refer to as the “unperturbed” or the “background” universe). Clearly
the universe is today rather inhomogeneous. By structure formation we mean the generation
and evolution of this inhomogeneity. We are here interested in distance scales from galaxy size
to the size of the whole observable universe. The structure is manifested in the existence of
galaxies and in their uneven distribution, their clustering. This is the obvious inhomogeneity,
but we understand it reflects a density inhomogeneity also in other, nonluminous, components
of the universe, especially the cold dark matter. The structure has formed by gravitational
amplification of a small primordial inhomogeneity. There are thus two parts to the theory of
structure formation:
1) The generation of this primordial inhomogeneity, “the seeds of galaxies”. This is the more
speculative part of structure formation theory. We cannot claim that we know how this
primordial inhomogeneity came about, but we have a good candidate scenario, inflation,
whose predictions agree with the present observational data, and can be tested more
thoroughly by future observations. In inflation, the structure originates from quantum
fluctuations of the inflaton field ϕ near the time the scale in question exits the horizon.
2) The growth of this small inhomogeneity into the present observable structure of the uni-
verse. This part is less speculative, since we have a well established theory of gravity,
general relativity. However, there is uncertainty in this part too, since we do not know the
precise nature of the dominant components to the energy density of the universe, the dark
matter and the dark energy. The gravitational growth depends on the equations of state
and the streaming lengths (particle mean free path between interactions) of these density
components. Besides gravity, the growth is affected by pressure forces.
We shall do the second part first. But before that we discuss statistical measures of inho-
mogeneity: correlation functions and power spectra.
8.1 Inhomogeneity
We write all our inhomogeneous quantities as a sum of a homogeneous background value, and
a perturbation, the deviation from the background value. For example, for energy density and
pressure we write
where ρ̄ and p̄ are the background density and pressure, x is the comoving 3D space coordinate,
and δρ and δp are the density and pressure perturbations. We further define the relative density
δρ(t, x)
δ(t, x) ≡ . (2)
Since ρ ≥ 0, necessarily δ ≥ −1. These quantities can be defined separately for different
components to the energy density, e.g., matter, radiation, and dark energy. Perturbations in
dark energy are expected to be small, and if it is just vacuum energy, it has no perturbations.
When we discuss the later history of the universe, the main interest is in the matter density
δρm (t, x)
δm (t, x) ≡ , (3)
ρ̄m (t)
Here f could be, e.g., the value of ρ(x) at some location x. The ensemble average is also called
the expectation value. Thus the ensemble represents a probability distribution of universes. A
cosmological theory predicts such a probability distribution, but it does not predict in which
realization from this distribution we live in. Thus the theoretical properties of the universe
we will discuss (e.g., statistical homogeneity and isotropy, and ergodicity, see below) will be
properties of this ensemble.
We now make the assumption that, although the universe is inhomogeneous, it is statistically
homogeneous and isotropic. This is the second version of the Cosmological Principle. Statistical
homogeneity means that the expectation value hf (x)i must be the same at all x, and thus we
can write it as hf i. Statistical isotropy means that for quantities which involve a direction,
the statistical properties are independent of the direction. For example, for vector quantities
v, all directions must be equally probable. This implies that hvi = 0. The assumption of
statistical homogeneity and isotropy is justified by inflation: inflation makes the background
universe homogeneous and isotropic so that the external conditions for quantum fluctuations
are everywhere the same.
If the theoretical properties of the universe are those of an ensemble, and we can only
observe one universe from that ensemble, how can we compare theory and observation? It
seems reasonable that the statistics we get by comparing different parts of the universe should
be similar to the statistics of a given part of the universe over different realizations, i.e., that
they provide a fair sample of the probability distribution. This is called ergodicity. Fields f (x)
that satisfy
f¯ = hf i (6)
for an infinite volume V (for f¯) and an arbitrary location x (for hf i) are called ergodic. We
assume that cosmological perturbations are ergodic. The equality does not hold for a finite
volume V ; the difference is called sample variance or cosmic variance. The larger the volume,
the smaller is the difference. Since cosmological theory predicts hf i, whereas observations probe
f¯ for a limited volume, cosmic variance limits how accurately we can compare theory with
It is positive if the density perturbation is expected to have the same sign at both x1 and x2 ,
and negative for an overdensity at one and underdensity at the other. Thus it probes how
density perturbations at different locations are correlated with each other. Due to statistical
homogeneity, ξ(x1 , x2 ) can only depend on the difference r ≡ x2 − x1 , so we redefine ξ as
From statistical isotropy, ξ(r) is independent of direction, i.e., spherically symmetric (isotropic),
We will have use for both the 3D, ξ(r), and 1D, ξ(r), versions. The correlation function is large
and positive for r smaller than the size of a typical over- or underdense region, and becomes
small for larger distances.
The correlation function at zero separation gives the variance of the density perturbation,
Integrating over r and assuming periodic boundary conditions3 we get the integral constraint
3 b 1 3 3 1
d r ξ(r) = d rd x δ(x)δ(x + r) = d x δ(x) d3 r δ(x + r) = 0 ,
since the latter integral is δ̄ = 0. Since ξ(r) = hξ(r)i the integral constraint applies to it likewise.
Therefore ξ(r) must become negative at some point, so that at such a distance from an overdense
region we are more likely to find an underdense region. Going to ever larger distances, ξ as a
function of r may oscillate around zero, the oscillation becoming ever smaller in amplitude. Most
of the interest in ξ(r) is for the small r within the initial positive region.
f (k) ≡ L3 fk . (22)
replacing the Fourier series with the Fourier integral. The size of the Fourier coefficients depends
on the fiducial volume V – increasing V tends to make the fk smaller to compensate for the
denser sampling of k in Fourier space.
In the limit V → ∞, the approximation in (21) becomes exact, and we have the Fourier
transform pair
f (x) = f (k)eik·x d3 k
f (k) = f (x)e−ik·x d3 x . (23)
Note that this assumes that the integrals converge, which requires that f (x) → 0 for |x| → ∞.
Thus we use only the Fourier series for, e.g., δ(x), but for, e.g., the correlation function ξ(x) the
Fourier transform is appropriate.
Even with a finite V we can use the Fourier integral as an approximation. Often it is
conceptually simpler to work first with the Fourier series (so that one can, e.g., use the Kronecker
delta δkk′ instead of the Dirac delta function δD (k − k′ )), replacing it with the integral in the
end, when it needs to be calculated. The recipe for going from the series to the integral is
3 X Z
→ d3 k
L3 f k → f (k) (24)
L 3
δkk′ → δD (k − k′ ) .
so that, e.g., Z
X 1
fk e → f (k)eik·x d3 k . (25)
An exact treatment in open and closed universes requires expansion in terms of suitable other functions
instead of the plane waves eik·x .
with Z
δk = δ(x)e−ik·x d3 x (27)
and δ−k = δk∗ . Note that
hδ(x)i = 0 ⇒ hδk i = 0 . (28)
In analogy with the correlation function ξ(x, x′ ), we may ask what is the corresponding
correlation in Fourier space, hδk∗ δk′ i. Note that due to the mathematics of complex numbers,
correlations of Fourier coefficients are defined with the complex conjugate ∗ . This way the
correlation of δk with itself, hδk∗ δk i = h|δk |2 i is a real (and nonnegative) quantity, the expectation
value of the absolute value (modulus) of δk squared, i.e., the variance of δk . Calculating
∗ 1 3 ik·x ′ ′
hδk δk′ i = 2
d xe d3 x′ e−ik ·x hδ(x)δ(x′ )i
1 3 ik·x ′
= 2
d xe d3 re−ik ·(x+r) hδ(x)δ(x + r)i
1 3 −ik′ ·r ′
= 2
d re ξ(r) d3 xei(k−k )·x
1 1
= δkk′ d3 re−ik·r ξ(r) ≡ δkk′ P (k) , (29)
where we used hδ(x)δ(x + r)i = ξ(r), i.e., independent of x, which results from statistical
homogeneity, and the orthogonality of plane waves
d3 xei(k−k )·x = V δkk′ → (2π)3 δD
(k − k′ ) . (30)
Note that here δkk′ is the Kronecker delta, 1 for k = k′ , 0 otherwise – nothing to do with the
density perturbation! In the limit V → ∞ we get the Dirac delta function δD 3 (k − k′ ).
Thus, from statistical homogeneity follows that the Fourier coefficients δk are uncorrelated.
The quantity Z
P (k) ≡ V h|δk | i = d3 r e−ik·r ξ(r) , (32)
which gives the variance of δk , is called the power spectrum of δ(x). Since the correlation function
→ 0 for large distances, we can replace the integration volume V in (32) with an infinite volume.
We see that the power spectrum is the 3D Fourier transform of ξ(r), and therefore also
ξ(r) = d3 k eik·r P (k) . (33)
Unlike the correlation function, the power spectrum P (k) is positive everywhere. Perturbations
at large distance scales are more commonly discussed in terms of P (k) than ξ(r).
for a single realization. Note that here we do not need any statistical assumptions (like statistical
homogeneity or ergodicity). Contrast this result with (33).
To exclude scales smaller than R (r < R or k > R−1 ) we filter the density field with a
window function. This can be done in k-space or x-space.
The filtering in x-space is done by convolution. We introduce a (usually spherically sym-
metric) window function W (r) such that
d3 r W (r) = 1 (39)
(normalization) and W ∼ 0 for |r| ≫ R and define the filtered density field
δ(x, R) ≡ (δ ∗ W )(x) ≡ d3 x′ δ(x′ )W (x′ − x) . (40)
and WT (r) = 0 elsewhere, i.e., δ(x) is filtered by replacing it with its mean value within the
distance R. Mathematically more convenient is the Gaussian window function
1 1 2 /R2
WG (r) ≡ e− 2 |r| . (42)
(2π)3/2 R3
By the convolution theorem, the filtering in Fourier space becomes just multiplication:
where W (k) is the Fourier transform of the window function. For WT and WG we have (exer-
One may also ask, whether scales larger than the observed universe (the lower limit k = 0
or ln k = −∞ in the k integrals) are relevant, since we cannot observe the inhomogeneity at
such scales. Due to such very-large-scale inhomogeneities, the average density in the observed
universe may deviate from the average density of the entire universe. Inhomogeneities at scales
somewhat larger than the observed universe could appear as an anisotropy in the observed
universe. The importance of such large scales depends on how strong the inhomogeneities at
these scales are, i.e., how the power spectrum behaves as k → 0. The present understanding,
supported by observations, is that the contribution of such large scales is small.
When plotted on a log-log scale, such functions appear as straight lines with slope −γ and n.
The proportionality constant can be given in terms of a reference scale. For ξ(r) we usually
choose the scale r0 where ξ(r0 ) = 1, so that
ξ(r) = . (50)
4π (2 − γ)π
P (k) = 3
Γ(2 − γ) sin (kr0 )γ
k 2
2 (2 − γ)π
P(k) = Γ(2 − γ) sin (kr0 )γ (53)
π 2
for 1 < γ < 2 or 2 < γ < 3, and
2π 2
P (k) = (kr0 )2
P(k) = (kr0 )2 (54)
In reality the spectral index is very different at small scales than at large scales. Observationally, for small
scales, γ ∼ 1.8, and for large scales, n ∼ 1. We discuss this later.
for γ = 2. Thus
n = γ −3 for 1 < γ < 3, i.e., −2 < n < 0 . (55)
The variance
Z ∞ Z ∞
2 dk 1 n+3 ∞
hδ i = ξ(0) = P(k) ∝ kn+2 dk = k 0
for n 6= −3 (56)
0 k 0 n+3
diverges at small scales (high k) for n ≥ −3 and at large scales (low k) for n ≤ −3. We cure the
small scale divergence with filtering as discussed in Sec. 8.1.5.
Exercise: For a power-law spectrum and a Gaussian window function, show that
2 1 n+3
σ (R) = Γ P(R−1 ) . (57)
2 2
dP ≡ n̄ [1 + ξg (r)] dV (58)
where n̄ is the mean galaxy number density, dV is a volume element that is a separation r away
from a chosen reference galaxy, and dP is the probability that there is a galaxy within dV . (Here
dV is assumed so small that there is at most one galaxy in it.)
If the galaxy number density n(x) faithfully traces the underlying matter density, so that
δn δρm
δg ≡ =δ≡ , (59)
n̄ ρ̄m
then ξg becomes equal to the matter density autocorrelation function ξ: The probability of
finding a galaxy in volume dV1 at a random location x is
dP12 = hn(x)n(x + r)idV1 dV2 = n̄2 h[1 + δ(x)][1 + δ(x + r)]idV1 dV2
= n̄2 [1 + hδ(x)i + hδ(x + r)i + hδ(x)δ(x + r)i] dV1 dV2
= n̄2 [1 + hδ(x)δ(x + r)i] dV1 dV2 , (61)
since hδ(x)i = hδ(x + r)i = 0. Dividing dP12 with dP1 we get the probability dP2 of finding the
second galaxy once we have found the first one
Thus ξg = ξ.
It is probable that the galaxy number density does not trace the matter density faithfully,
since galaxy formation is likely to be more efficient in high-density regions. This is called bias.
Specifically the bias, or galaxy bias bg , is defined as the ratio
bg ≡ ⇒ ξg = b2g ξ , (63)
where the expectation is that bg > 1. In principle the bias could depend on the scale k, the time
t (or redshift z), and/or the strength of the density perturbation δm . The simplest treatment of
bias is to assume bg is a constant over the observationally relevant ranges of these quantities.
The bias will depend on the type of tracer (all galaxies, specific types of galaxies, galaxy
clusters) and is typically larger for more massive objects.
+ ∇r · (ρu) = 0 (64)
∂u 1
+ (u · ∇r )u + ∇r p + ∇r Φ̃ = 0 (65)
∂t ρ
∇2r Φ̃ = 4πGρ (66)
Here ρ is the mass density, p is the pressure, and u is the flow velocity of the fluid. We write Φ̃
for the Newtonian gravitational potential, since we want to reserve Φ for its perturbation. The
subscript r in ∇r emphasizes that the space derivatives are taken with respect to the Newtonian
space coordinate r (instead of a comoving coordinate). Although the Newtonian time coordinate
t′ is equal to the cosmic time coordinate t, we need to make a distinction between t′ and t in
partial derivatives as will become clear soon.
The first equation is the law of mass conservation. The second equation is called the Euler
equation, and it is just “F = ma” for a fluid element, whose mass is ρdV . Here the acceleration
of a fluid element is not given by ∂u/∂t′ which just tells how the velocity field changes at a given
position, but by du/dt′ , where
d ∂
≡ ′ + (u · ∇r ) (67)
dt ∂t
is the convective time derivative, which follows the fluid element as it moves. The two other
terms give the forces due to pressure gradient and gravitational field.
We can apply Newtonian physics if:
1) Distance scales considered are ≪ the scale of curvature of spacetime (given by the Hubble
length in cosmology8 )
The last condition corresponds to particle velocities being nonrelativistic, if the matter is made
out of particles. Although the pressure is small compared to mass density, the pressure gradient
can be important if the pressure varies at small scales.
Note: Energy density and mass density. In Newtonian gravity, the source of gravity is mass
density ρm , not energy density ρ. For nonrelativistic matter, the kinetic energies of particles are negligible
compared to their masses, and thus so is the energy density compared to mass density, if we don’t count
the rest energy in it. The Newtonian equations for mass density and energy density are
+ ∇r · (ρm u) = 0 (68)
+ ∇r · (ρu u) + p∇r · u = 0, (69)
where ∇r · u gives the rate of change in the volume of the fluid element and p∇r · u is the work done
by pressure. In Newtonian physics, rest energy (mass) is not included in the energy density. Eq. (69)
applies whether we include it or not. Define total energy density as
ρ ≡ ρm + ρu ,
where ρu is the Newtonian energy density and ρm is the mass density. Adding Eqs. (68) and (69) gives
+ ∇r · (ρu) + p∇r · u = 0 . (70)
For nonrelativistic matter ρu ≪ ρm and p ≪ ρm . We can thus drop the last term in (70) and ignore the
distinction between mass density and total energy density.
ρ̇ + 3Hρ = 0 , (74)
and the condition for a(t) (from the exercise) can be written as
ä 4πG
= Ḣ + H 2 = − ρ. (75)
a 3
You should recognize these equations as the energy-continuity equation and the second Fried-
mann equation for a matter-dominated FRW universe.9 The result for Φ̃, Eq. (73), has no
relativistic counterpart, the whole concept of gravitational potential does not exist in relativity
(except in special cases; like here in perturbation theory, where we introduce potentials related
to perturbations).
The freedom of choosing the initial value of the expansion rate leaves the connection between H and ρ open
up to a constant. This constant has the same effect on the time evolution of a(t) as the curvature constant K in
the first Friedmann equation, but of course in the Newtonian treatment it is not interpreted as curvature, and it
does not otherwise have the same physical effects. We shall (unless otherwise noted) choose this constant so that
the background solution matches the flat FRW universe. Then we have
8πG 3 2
H2 = ρ or 4πGρ = H . (76)
3 2
∂ ∂ 1
= − Hx · ∇x and ∇r = ∇x . (79)
∂t ∂t a
(Later we will work exclusively in the comoving coordinates and write just ∇ for ∇x . The
“original” coordinates r are just an artifact of the Newtonian approach and do not appear in
relativistic perturbation theory.)
v = v⊥ + vk , (99)
where ∇ · v⊥ = 0 and ∇ × vk = 0. For Fourier components this simply means that k · v⊥k = 0
and k × vkk = 0. That is, we divide vk into the components perpendicular and parallel to the
wave vector k. The parallel part we can write in terms of a scalar function v, whose Fourier
components vk are given by
vkk ≡ vk k̂ , (100)
where k̂ denotes the unit vector in the k direction.
We can now take the perpendicular and parallel parts of Eq. (97),
(av⊥k ) = 0 (101)
d δpk
(avk ) + ik + ikΦk = 0 . (102)
dt ρ̄
We see that the rotational part of the velocity perturbation has a simple time evolution,
v⊥ ∝ a−1 , (103)
i.e., it decays from whatever initial value it had, inversely proportional to the scale factor.
The other perturbation equations involve only the irrotational part of the velocity perturba-
tion. Thus we can divide the total perturbation into two parts, commonly called the vector and
scalar perturbations, which evolve independent of each other:
1) The vector perturbation: v⊥ .
2) The scalar perturbation: δ, δp, v, Φ, which are all coupled to each other.
The vector perturbations are thus not related to the density perturbations, or the structure
of the universe. Also, any primordial vector perturbation should become rather small as the
universe expands, at least while first-order perturbation theory applies.10 They are thus not very
important, and we shall have no more to say about them. The rest of our discussion focuses on
the scalar perturbations.
k2 δpk
δ̈k + 2H δ̇k = − + 4πGρ̄δk . (107)
a2 ρ̄
p = p(ρ) (108)
i.e., pressure is uniquely determined by the energy density. Then the perturbations δp and δρ
are necessarily related by the derivative dp/dρ of this function p(ρ),
dp dp
p = p̄ + δp = p̄(ρ̄) + (ρ̄)δρ ⇒ δp = δρ .
dρ dρ
The time derivatives of the background quantities p̄ and ρ̄ are related by this same derivative,
dp̄ dp dρ̄ dp
p̄˙ = = (ρ̄) = ρ̄˙ .
dt dρ dt dρ
Assuming this derivative dp/dρ is nonnegative, we call its square root the speed of sound
cs ≡ . (109)
Thus we end up with an irrotational velocity field. The rotational motion (e.g., rotation of galaxies) which
is common in the present universe at small scales has arisen from higher-order effects from the primordial scalar
perturbations, not from the primordial vector perturbations.
Figure 1: For adiabatic perturbations, the conditions in the perturbed universe (right) at (t1 , x)
equal conditions in the (homogeneous) background universe (left) at some time t1 + δt(x).
(We shall indeed find that sound waves propagate at this speed.) We thus have the relation
δp p̄˙
= = c2s .
δρ ρ̄˙
In general, when p may depend on other variables besides ρ, the speed of sound in a fluid is
given by
c2s = (110)
∂ρ S
where the subscript S indicates that the derivative is taken so that the entropy of the fluid
element is kept constant. Since the background universe expands adiabatically (meaning that
there is no entropy production), we have that
p̄˙ ∂p
= = c2s . (111)
ρ̄˙ ∂ρ S
δp = c2s δρ = δρ . (113)
Adiabatic perturbations have the property that the local state of matter (determined here by
the quantities p and ρ) at some spacetime point (t, x) of the perturbed universe is the same
as in the background universe at some slightly different time t + δt, this time difference being
different for different locations x. See Fig. 1.
Thus we can view adiabatic perturbations as some parts of the universe being “ahead” and
others “behind” in the evolution.
Adiabatic perturbations are the simplest kind of perturbations. Single-field inflation pro-
duces adiabatic perturbations, since perturbations in all quantities are proportional to a pertur-
bation δϕ in a single scalar quantity, the inflaton field.
Adiabatic perturbations stay adiabatic while they are outside horizon, but may develop
entropy perturbations when they enter the horizon. This happens for many-component fluids
(discussed a little later).
Present observational data is consistent with the primordial (i.e., before horizon entry) per-
turbations being adiabatic.
I shall call this the Jeans equation11 (although Jeans considered a static, not an expanding fluid).
This is a second-order differential equation from which we can solve the time evolution of
the Fourier amplitudes δk (t) of the perturbation. Before solving this equation we need to first
find the background solution which gives the functions a(t), H(t) = ȧ/a, and ρ̄(t).
The nature of the solution to Eq. (114) depends on the sign of the factor in the brackets.
The first term in the brackets is due to pressure gradients. Pressure tries to resist compression,
so if this term dominates, we get an oscillating solution, standing density (sound) waves. The
second term in the brackets is due to gravity. If this term dominates, the perturbations grow.
The wavenumber for which the terms are equal,
√ r
a 4πGρ̄ 31
kJ = = H, (115)
cs 2 cs
is called the Jeans wave number, and the corresponding wavelength
2π 2 −1
λJ = = 2πcs H (116)
kJ 3
the Jeans length. In the latter equalities we assumed that the background solution is the flat
FRW universe, so that
4πGρ̄ = 32 H 2 . (117)
For nonrelativistic matter cs ≪ 1, so that the Jeans length is much smaller than the Hubble
length, kJ ≫ H. Thus we can apply Newtonian theory for scales both larger and smaller than
the Jeans length.
For scales much smaller that the Jeans length, k ≫ kJ , we can approximate the Jeans
equation by
c2 k2
δ̈k + 2H δ̇k + s 2 δk = 0 . (118)
The solutions are oscillating, i.e., we get sound waves. The exact solutions of (118) are Bessel
functions, but for small scales we can make a further approximation by first ignoring the middle
term (which is smaller than the other two) and the time-dependence of a and cs to get that
δk (t) ∼ e±iωt , where ω = cs k/a. These oscillations are damped by the 2H δ̇k term, so the
amplitude of the oscillations decreases with time. There is no growth of structure for sub-Jeans
Exercise: Sound waves. For short-wavelength modes k ≫ kJ , density perturbations in the matter-
dominated universe satisfy (118). Switch to conformal time, dη = dt/a, and solve δk (η) for the Ωm = 1,
In the literature, there is usually no name given to this equation, but the terms Jeans length etc. are standard.
ΩΛ = 0 cosmology, assuming cs = const . How does the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations
change with time and scale factor? (Hint: The solutions are spherical Bessel functions.)
For scales much longer than the Jeans length (but still subhorizon), H ≪ k ≪ kJ , we
can approximate the Jeans equation by
We dropped the pressure gradient term, which means that this equation applies also to nona-
diabatic perturbations for scales where pressure gradients can be ignored. Note that Eq. (119)
is the same for all k, i.e., there is no k-dependence in the coefficients. This means that the
equation applies also in coordinate space, i.e. for δ(x), as long as we ignore contributions from
scales that do not satisfy H ≪ k ≪ kJ .
For a matter-dominated universe, the background solution is a ∝ t2/3 , so that
ȧ 2
H= = (120)
a 3t
8πG 4 1
ρ̄ = H 2 = 2 ⇒ ρ̄ = , (121)
3 9t 6πGt2
so the Jeans equation becomes
4 2
δ̈k + δ̇k − 2 δk = 0 . (122)
3t 3t
The general solution is
δk (t) = b1 t2/3 + b2 t−1 . (123)
The first term is the growing mode and the second term the decaying mode. After some time
the decaying mode has died out, and the perturbation grows
δ ∝ t2/3 ∝ a . (124)
The gravitational potential perturbation is constant in time during the matter-dominated era.
where ρ = ρi . Note that there is only one gravitational potential Φ̃, due to the total density,
and this way the different components do interact gravitationally.
We again have the homogeneous solution, where now each component has to satisfy
δi ≡ . (140)
Separating out the scalar perturbations we finally get
k2 δpik
δ̈ik + 2H δ̇ik = − + 4πGδρk , (141)
a2 ρ̄i
where X
δρk = ρ̄j δjk . (142)
8.2.8 Radiation
Since radiation is a relativistic form of energy, we cannot apply the preceding Newtonian dis-
cussion to perturbations in radiation. However, the qualitative results are similar.
The equation of state for radiation is p = ρ/3, and the speed of sound in a radiation fluid is
given by
dp 1
c2s = = .
dρ 3
Thus the Jeans length for radiation is comparable to the Hubble length, and the subhorizon
scales are also sub-Jeans scales for radiation. Thus for subhorizon radiation perturbations we
only get oscillatory solutions. During the radiation-dominated epoch they are not damped by
expansion, but the oscillation amplitude stays roughly constant.
Relativistic perturbations in non-expanding space. While the full treatment of relativistic
perturbations is beyond the level of this course, we can obtain the limit where we ignore the effect of
expansion by combining special relativity and the Newtonian limit of general relativity. Special relativistic
fluid dynamics follows from the energy-momentum continuity equation
∂T µν
≡ ∂ν T µν ≡ T µν,ν = 0 . (143)
For a perfect fluid
T µν = (ρ + p)uµ uν + pg µν , (144)
µν µ
where the metric is now that of Minkowski space, g = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1). The 4-velocity u is related to
the 3-velocity ~v = v i by
uµ = (γ, γv) , (145)
where γ = 1/ 1 − v 2 .
By contracting the energy tensor T µν with the 4-velocity uµ we obtain uν T µν
,ν = 0, which gives
the energy continuity equation. Subtracting uν times this from (143) we get the special relativistic Euler
(ρ + p)uµ uν,µ + (g µν + uµ uν )p,µ = 0 , (147)
uµ uν,µ ≡ aν (148)
is the 4-acceleration.
For small velocities, v ≪ 1, we can approximate γ ≈ 1, so that
uµ ≈ (1, v) (149)
For several fluid components, not interacting with each other except gravitationally, the fluid equa-
tions become thus
+ ∇ · (ρi vi ) = −pi ∇ · vi
(ρi + pi ) + vi · ∇ vi = −∇pi − (ρi + pi )∇Φ (153)
∇2 Φ = 4πG (ρi + 3pi ) .
For perturbations ρi = ρ̄i + δρi = ρ̄i (1 + δi ), pi = p̄i + δpi , where the background density and pressure
are now constant both in space and time, we get to first order in perturbations
= −(1 + wi )∇ · vi
(ρ̄i + p̄i ) = −∇δpi − (ρ̄i + p̄i )∇Φ (154)
∇2 Φ = 4πG (ρ̄i δi + 3δpi ) .
and for scalar perturbations the first and second equations become
δi δj
= (161)
1 + wi 1 + wj
(which is thus related to ρ̄i ∝ a−(1+wi ) ). For matter components wi ≈ 0, and for radiation
components wi = 31 . Thus, for adiabatic perturbations, all matter components have the same
δi = δm
and all radiation perturbations have likewise
δi = δr = δm .
We can define a relative entropy perturbation13 between two components
δρi δρj δi δj
Sij ≡ −3H − = − (162)
˙ρ̄i ˙ρ̄j 1 + wi 1 + wj
to describe a deviation from the adiabatic case. The relative entropy perturbation is a pertur-
bation in the ratio of the number densities of the two species. For a nonrelativistic species
δρi δni
ρi = mi ni ⇒ δρi = mi δni and δi ≡ = , (163)
ρ̄i n̄i
ρi ∝ Ti4 ⇒ δρi = ρ̄i · 4
δT i
ni ∝ Ti3 ⇒ δni = n̄i · 3
δρi 4 δni
⇒ δi ≡ = . (164)
ρ̄i 3 n̄i
For both cases
δi = (1 + wi ) . (165)
δni δnj δ(ni /nj )
Sij = − = . (166)
n̄i n̄j n̄i /n̄j
Even if perturbations are initially adiabatic, relative entropy perturbation may develop inside
the horizon. We shall encounter such a case in Sec. 8.3.4.
ρ = ρm + ρs (167)
δρ = δρm ≡ ρ̄m δ . (168)
We write just δ for δρm /ρ̄m , since there is no other density perturbation, but note that now
δ 6= δρ/ρ̄ (beware of this trap!).
Assuming adiabatic perturbations, we have then from Eq. (141) that
2 2
cs k
δ̈k + 2H δ̇k + − 4πGρ̄m δk = 0 . (169)
The difference from Eq. (114) is that now the background energy density in the “gravity” term
still contains only the matter component ρ̄m , but the expansion law, a(t) and H(t) comes from
the full background energy density ρ̄ = ρ̄m + ρ̄s .
Newtonian perturbation theory can be applied even with the presence of relativistic energy
components, like radiation and dark energy, as long as they can be considered as smooth com-
ponents and their perturbations can be ignored. Then they contribute only to the background
solution. In this case we have to calculate the background solution using general relativity, i.e.,
the background solution is a FRW universe, but the perturbation equations are the Newtonian
perturbation equations. We can also consider a non-flat (open or closed) FRW universe, as long
as we only apply perturbation theory to scales much shorter than the curvature radius (and
the Hubble length). Thus the background quantities are to be solved from the Friedmann and
energy continuity equations
K 8πG
H2 + = ρ (170)
a2 3
Ḣ + H 2 = − (ρ + 3p) (171)
ρ̇ = −3H(ρ + p) . (172)
dδ̇k dδ̇k
= −2H δ̇k ⇒ = −2Hdt , (177)
dt δ̇k
whose solution is ln δ̇k = −2Ht + const or δ̇k = Ce−2Ht . Integrating this gives
δk = Ae−2Ht + B , (178)
with a constant term and an exponentially decaying term. Thus in a vacuum-dominated universe matter
perturbations stay constant (after the decaying term has died out); or to be more precise and referring
to the original equation (174), the relative change in δk in a Hubble time is of order ρ̄m /ρvac ≪ 1
We shall do this calculation more accurately later, including the transition from matter
domination to vacuum domination. The main lesson now is that the increased expansion rate
due to the presence of a smooth component slows down the growth of perturbations.
Exercise: Find the solution for the Jeans equation for pressureless matter perturbations when a)
the energy density is dominated by a smooth radiation component b) when there is no other energy
component, but the universe has the open geometry (K < 0) and is curvature dominated, considering
only scales ≪ curvature radius.
which enters at the time teq of matter-radiation equality, and the scale
−1 −1 −1/2 Ωr
kdec = (Hdec ) ∼ 91 Ωm1+ (1 + zdec ) h−1 Mpc
−1/2 ωr
≡ 91 ωm 1+ (1 + zdec ) Mpc , (180)
which enters at the time tdec (zdec = 1090) of photon decoupling. Here ωr = 4.18 × 10−5 includes
relativistic neutrinos, since the result above only requires them to be relativistic at tdec . For
ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωm = 0.3, h = 0.7, these scales are
keq = 65 h−1 Mpc = 93 Mpc
kdec = 145 h−1 Mpc = 207 Mpc . (181)
The smallest “cosmological” scale is that corresponding to a typical distance between galaxies,
about 1 Mpc.16 This scale entered during the radiation-dominated epoch (well after Big Bang
The scale corresponding to the present “horizon” (i.e. Hubble length) is
Because of the acceleration due to dark energy, this scale is actually exiting now, and there are
scales, somewhat larger than this, that have briefly entered, and then exited again in the recent
past. The horizon entry is not to be taken as an instantaneous process, so these scales were
We shall later redefine primordial perturbation to refer to the perturbations at the epoch when all cosmologi-
cally interesting scales were well outside the horizon, which is the standard meaning of this concept in cosmology.
Although in coordinate space the relative density perturbation δ(x) is a dimensionless number, the Fourier
quantity δk is not. The size of δk is characterized by the dimensionless value P(k)1/2 .
In the present universe, structure at smaller scales has been completely messed up by galaxy formation, so
that it bears little relation to the primordial perturbations at these scales. However, observations of the high-
redshift universe, especially so-called Lyman-α observations (absorption spectra of high-z quasars, which reveal
distant gas clouds along the line of sight), can reveal these structures when they are closer to their primordial
state. With such observations, the “cosmological” range of scales can be extended down to ∼ 0.1 Mpc.
never really subhorizon enough for the Newtonian theory to apply to them. Thus we shall just
consider scales k−1 < k0−1 . The largest observable scales, of the order of k0−1 , are essentially at
their “primordial” amplitude now.
We shall now discuss the evolution of the perturbations at these scales (k−1 < k0−1 ) after
horizon entry, using the Newtonian perturbation theory presented in the previous section.
3. photons (γ)
4. neutrinos (ν)
(during the time of interest for this section, i.e., from some time after BBN until the present).
ρ = ρc + ρb + ργ + ρν +ρd . (183)
| {z } | {z }
ρm ρr
(Note that ρc here is the CDM density, not the critical density, for which we write ρcr .) Baryons
and photons interact with each other until t = tdec , so for t < tdec they have to be discussed as
a single component,
ρbγ = ρb + ργ . (184)
The other components do not interact with each other, except gravitationally, during the time
of interest. The fluid description of Sec. 8.2 can only be applied to components whose particle
mean free paths are shorter than the scales of interest. After decoupling, photons “free stream”
and cannot be discussed as a fluid. On the other hand, the photon component becomes then
rather homogeneous quite soon, so we can approximate it as a “smooth” component17 . The
same applies to neutrinos for the whole time since the BBN epoch, until the neutrinos become
nonrelativistic. After neutrinos become nonrelativistic, they should be treated as matter (hot
dark matter), not radiation. According to observations, the neutrino masses are small enough,
not to have a major impact on structure formation. Thus we shall here approximate neutrinos
as a smooth radiation component. Dark energy is believed to be relatively smooth. If it is a
cosmological constant (vacuum energy) then it is perfectly homogeneous.
The discussion in Sec. 8.2 applies to the case, where ρ can be divided into two components,
ρ = ρm + ρs , (185)
where the perturbation is only in the matter component ρm and ρs = ρ̄s is homogeneous.
For perturbations in radiation components and dark energy the Newtonian treatment is not
enough. Unfortunately, we do not have quite this two-component case here. Based on the above
discussion, a reasonable approximation is given by a separation into three components:
After decoupling, both ρc and ρb are matter-like (p ≪ ρ) and we’ll discuss in Sec. 8.3.4 how this
case is handled. Before decoupling, the situation is more difficult, since ρbγ is not matter-like, the
pressure provided by the photons is large. Here we shall be satisfied with a crude approximation
for this period.
The most difficult period is that close to decoupling, where the photon mean free path λγ
is growing rapidly. The fluid description, which we are here using for the perturbations, applies
only to scales ≫ λγ , whereas the photons are smooth only for scales ≪ λγ . Thus this period
can be treated properly only with large numerical “Boltzmann” codes, such as CMBFAST or
2 + 3y ′ 3
δ′′ + δ − δ = 0, (193)
2y(1 + y) 2y(1 + y)
We see that the perturbation remains frozen to its primordial value, δ ≈ δprim , during the
radiation-dominated period. By t = teq , it has grown to δ = 52 δprim .
During the matter-dominated period, y ≫ 1, the CDM perturbation grows proportional to
the scale factor,
δ ∝ y ∝ a ∝ t2/3 . (195)
In reality, for the case of adiabatic primordial perturbations, there is an additional logarith-
mic growth factor ∼ ln(k/keq ) the CDM perturbations get from the gravitational effect (ignored
in the above) of the oscillating radiation perturbation during the radiation-dominated epoch.
To get this boost the CDM perturbations must initially be in the same direction (positive or
negative) as the radiation perturbations, which is the case for adiabatic primordial perturbations:
For adiabatic primordial perturbations, the baryon, CDM, and radiation perturbations at
are related at horizon entry as δc = δb = 34 δγ . Consider scales that enter during the radiation-
dominated epoch (t < teq < tdec ). The gravitational effect is dominated initially by the radiation
perturbations, which begin to oscillate after horizon entry; the baryon perturbations will oscillate
with them until tdec . CDM on the other hand, does not see the radiation pressure responsible
for the oscillation, it sees only the gravitational effect of the baryon-photon fluid. In the first
phase of the oscillation period δc is of the same sign as δbγ so δbγ adds to the gravitational pull
to increase δc and since at first δρbγ > δρc , this additional pull is larger than that of CDM itself,
leading to a much faster growth of δc (which otherwise would grow very little during the radiation
domination). The flow of CDM is accelerated towards CDM overdensities. In the next phase
of the oscillation, the sign of δbγ reverses, and now the pull of δρbγ on CDM is in the opposite
direction, and will slow down the flow of CDM towards overdensities. But this is not enough
to reverse the CDM flow before the sign of δbγ changes again and begins to accelerate CDM
again towards CDM overdensities. Thus the effect of the radiation oscillations is to increase δc
stepwise, one step for each oscillation period. As the ρ̄γ /ρ̄c ratio decreases the relative increases
per step decrease; but this effect keeps adding steps until tdec . The smaller the scale (the higher
the k) the more steps there are between horizon entry (tk ) and tdec , and the larger the first
steps. The calculation of this effect is too complicated for this course (I do it in Cosmological
Perturbation Theory) but for k ≫ keq the effect is a boost by a factor ∼ 8 ln(keq /6k), so that
(194) is modified to
3 a k
δc ≈ δprim 1 + 8 ln for k ≫ 6keq and t > tdec (196)
2 aeq 6keq
(for k < 6keq ) the logarithm is negative; this approximate result does not apply for such large
and cs is the speed of sound for baryons (i.e., in the baryon-photon fluid before decoupling,
and in the baryon fluid after decoupling). This definition compares baryon pressure to baryon
gravity, so it addresses the question whether baryonic density perturbations can grow under
their own gravity. This is not the question we face in reality, since at early times baryons
were coupled to photons, and after decoupling the gravity of CDM perturbations dominates.
The baryon Jeans length can still be used for order-of-magnitude estimates on at what scales
the baryon perturbations can grow (and for the argument that we cannot match observations
without CDM).
In general,
2 ∂p
cs = , (198)
∂ρ σ
where σ refers to constant entropy per baryon. Since in our case the entropy is completely
dominated by photons,
4π 2 3 2π 4
sbγ ∼ sγ = T = nγ , (199)
45 45ζ(3)
we have
sbγ sγ 2π 4 nγ 1
σ≡ ∼ = ≈ 3.6016 , (200)
nb nb 45ζ(3) nb η
where η is the baryon-to-photon ratio.
We find the speed of sound by varying ρbγ and pbγ adiabatically, (i.e., keeping σ, the en-
tropy/baryon constant), which in this case means keeping η constant. Now
2ζ(3) 3 δT
ρb = mnb = mηnγ = mη T ⇒ δρb = ρ̄b · 3
π2 T
π2 4 δT
ργ = T ⇒ δργ = ρ̄γ · 4
15 T
π2 4 δT 4 δT
pγ = T ⇒ δpγ = p̄γ · 4 = ρ̄γ · .
45 T 3 T
This was a calculation of the speed of sound, which one gets by varying the pressure and den-
sity adiabatically. It is independent of whether the actual perturbations we study are adiabatic
or not.
This result, Eq. (201), applies before decoupling. As we go back in time, ρ̄b /ρ̄γ → 0 and
cs → 1/3. As we approach decoupling, ρ̄b becomes comparable to (but still smaller than) ρ̄γ
and the speed of sound falls, but not by a large factor.
Newtonian perturbation theory applies only to subhorizon scales. The ratio of the (comoving)
baryon Jeans length
λJ = √
a 4πGρ̄b
to the comoving Hubble length
H−1 = q
a 8πG3 ρ̄
is r
λJ 2ρ̄
= HλJ = 2π cs .
H−1 3ρ̄b
Thus we see that before decoupling the baryon Jeans length is comparable to the Hubble length,
and thus all scales for which our present discussion applies are sub-Jeans. Therefore, if baryon
perturbations are adiabatic19 , they oscillate before decoupling20 .
After decoupling, the baryon component sees just its own pressure. This component is now
a gas of hydrogen and helium. This gas is monatomic for the epoch we are now interested in.
Hydrogen forms molecules only later. For a non-relativistic monatomic gas,
c2s = , (202)
where we can take m ≈ 1 GeV, since hydrogen dominates. Down until z ∼ 100, residual
free electrons maintain enough interaction between the baryon and photon components to keep
Tb ≈ Tγ . After that the baryon temperature falls faster,
(as shown in an exercise in Chapter 4). For example, at 1 + z = 1000, soon after decoupling,
Tb = 2725 K = 0.2348 eV and the speed of sound is cs = 5930 m/s. The baryon density is
ρ̄b = Ωb (1 + z)3 ρcr = ωb (1 + z)3 1.88 × 10−26 kg/m3 , and we get for the Jeans length
λJ = (1 + z) √ (204)
If there is an initial baryon entropy perturbation, i.e., a perturbation in baryon density without an accom-
panying radiation perturbation, it will initially begin to grow in the same manner as a CDM perturbation, since
the pressure perturbation provided by the photons is missing. (Such a baryon entropy perturbation corresponds
to a perturbation in the baryon-photon ratio η.) But as the movement of baryons drags the photons with them,
a radiation perturbation is generated, and the baryon perturbation begins to oscillate around its initial value
(instead of oscillating around zero).
We have not calculated this exactly, since all our calculations have been idealized, i.e., we have used per-
turbation theory which applies only to matter-dominated perturbations, and here we have ignored the CDM
component. But this qualitative feature will hold also in the exact calculation, and this will be enough for us
where η10 ≡ 1010 η = 274 ωb or ωb = 0.00365 η10 , and the last number is for η10 ∼ 6.
We define the baryon Jeans mass
MJ ≡ ρ̄b0 λ3J (206)
as the mass of baryonic matter within a sphere whose diameter is λJ . Note that since λJ is
defined as a comoving distance, we must use here the present (mean) baryon density ρ̄b0 . At
−1/2 −1/2
1 + z = 1000, the baryon Jeans mass is ωb 1.3 × 105 M⊙ = η10 2.1 × 106 M⊙ ∼ 9 × 105 M⊙
for η10 ∼ 6. This corresponds to the mass of a globular cluster and is much less than the mass of
a galaxy. Thus, for our purposes, the baryonic component is pressureless after decoupling, i.e.,
baryon pressure can be ignored in the evolution of perturbations at cosmological scales (greater
than ∼ 1 Mpc). (The pressure cannot be ignored for smaller scale physics like the formation of
individual galaxies.)
After decoupling, the evolution of the baryon density perturbation is governed by the grav-
itational effect of the dominant matter component, the CDM.
We now have the situation of Sec. 8.2.10, except that we have two matter components,
ρ = ρc + ρb + ρs , (207)
where ρ̄m = ρ̄c + ρ̄b is the total background matter density and
δρc + δρb
δ= (210)
ρ̄c + ρ̄b
is the total matter density perturbation.
We can now define the baryon-CDM entropy perturbation,
Scb ≡ δc − δb , (211)
which expresses how the perturbations in the two components deviate from each other. Sub-
tracting Eq. (209) from (208) we get an equation for this entropy perturbation,
We assume that the primordial perturbations were adiabatic, so that we had δb = δc , i.e,
Scb = 0 at horizon entry. For large scales, which enter the horizon after decoupling, an Scb never
develops, so the evolution of the baryon perturbations is the same as CDM perturbations.
But for scales which enter before decoupling, an Scb develops because the baryon perturba-
tions are then coupled to the photon perturbations, whereas the CDM perturbations are not.
After decoupling, δb ≪ δc , since δc has been growing, while δb has been oscillating. The initial
condition for Eqs. (208,209,212) is then Scb ∼ δc (“initial” time here being the time of decoupling
Figure 2: Evolution of the CDM and baryon density perturbations after horizon entry (at t = tk ). The
figure is just schematic; the upper part is to be understood as having a ∼ logarithmic scale; the difference
δc − δb stays roughly constant, but the fractional difference becomes negligible as both δc and δb grow by
a large factor.
tdec ). During the matter-dominated epoch, when a ∝ t2/3 , so that H = 2/3t, the solution for
Scb is
Scb = A + Bt−1/3 , (213)
whereas for δc it is, neglecting the effect of baryons on it, from Eq. (123),
We call the first term the “growing” and the second term the “decaying” mode (although for
Scb the “growing” mode is actually just constant). For δc the growing and decaying modes have
been growing and decaying since horizon entry, so we can now drop the decaying part of δc .
To work out the precise initial conditions, we would need to work out the behavior of Scb
during decoupling. However, we really only need to assume that initially there is no strong
cancellation between the growing and decaying modes, so that Scb = δc − δb either shrinks or
stays roughly constant near the initial value of δc . While δc grows by a large factor, δb must
follow it to keep the difference close to the initial small value of δc , so that δb /δc → 1.
Thus the baryon density contrast δb grows to match the CDM density contrast δc (see Fig. 2),
and we have eventually δb = δc = δ to high accuracy.
The baryon density perturbation begins to grow only after tdec . Before decoupling the radi-
ation pressure prevents it. Without CDM it would grow only as δb ∝ a ∝ t2/3 after decoupling
(during the matter-dominated period; the growth stops when the universe becomes dark energy
dominated). Thus it would have grown at most by the factor a0 /adec = 1 + zdec ∼ 1100 after de-
coupling. In the anisotropy of the CMB we observe the baryon density perturbations at t = tdec .
They are too small (about 10−4 ) for a growth factor of 1100 to give the present observed large
scale structure21 .
With CDM this problem was solved. The CDM perturbations begin to grow earlier, at
t ∼ teq , and by t = tdec they are much larger than the baryon perturbations. After decoupling
This assumes adiabatic primordial perturbations, since we are seeing δγ , not δb . For a time, primordial baryon
entropy perturbations Sbγ = δb − 34 δγ were considered a possible explanation, but more accurate observations
have ruled this model out.
Figure 3: A figure summarizing the evolution of perturbations at different subhorizon scales. The
baryon Jeans length kJ−1 drops precipitously at decoupling so that all cosmological scales became super-
Jeans after decoupling, whereas all subhorizon scales were sub-Jeans before decoupling. The wavy lines
symbolize the oscillation of baryon perturbations before decoupling, and the opening pair of lines around
them symbolize the ∝ a growth of CDM perturbations after teq . There is also an additional weaker
(logarithmic) growth of CDM perturbations between horizon entry and teq .
the baryons have lost the support from photon pressure and fall into the CDM gravitational
potential wells, catching up with the CDM perturbations.
This allows the baryon perturbations to be small at t = tdec and to grow after that by much
more than the factor 103 , matching observations. This is one of the reasons we are convinced
that CDM exists.22
The whole subhorizon evolution history of all the different cosmological scales of perturba-
tions is summarized by Fig. 3.
with δb = δc = δ, but instead of radiation we have now vacuum energy contributing to the
background solution, which is the Concordance Model discussed in Cosmology I (Chapter 3):
1/3 p
a(t) = sinh2/3 3
2 ΩΛ H0 t . (216)
The Hubble parameter is given by
H = H0 Ωm a−3 + ΩΛ . (217)
Again, it is better to use the scale factor as time coordinate. The difference in the power
of a in the behavior of the two density components is now 3 instead of 1, which makes the
calculation more difficult. We follow here Dodelson[5]. After the change of variable from t to a,
(215) becomes (exercise)
H 3 3Ωm H0 2
δ′′ + + δ′ − δ = 0, (218)
H a 2a5 H
The effect of changing the lower limit of integration can be incorporated in the decaying solution;
so we can set the lower limit to 0. (Equation (218) is valid in general for matter perturbations
with an additional smooth background component. The first forms of the solutions (219) and
(220) are valid when the smooth component is vacuum energy or negative curvature.)
In the limit a ≪ 1, or rather, ΩΛ ≪ Ωm a−3 , the decaying solution becomes
where we have defined δ̃ as the value δ would have “now”23 if there were no vacuum energy, i.e.,
the universe had stayed matter dominated.
Thus we write (223) as
1/2 Z a
5 −3 ΩΛ x3/2 dx
δ = δ̃ a + 3/2 . (226)
2 Ωm 0 ΩΛ 3
1+ Ωm x
Unfortunately, the integral in (226) does not give an elementary function. (I think it is a so-
called hypergeometric function, which does not give much useful information compared to just
integrating (226) numerically.) We can see that at late (future) times, when a ≫ 1, there is very
little growth, since the factor outside the integral approaches a constant and for any a1 ≫ 1 and
a2 ≫ 1, the contribution to the integral,
Z a2 Z
x3/2 dx Ωm 3/2 a2 −3 1 Ωm 3/2 −2
3/2 ≈ x dx = a1 − a−22 (227)
1 + ΩΩm
Λ 3
x a1
is very small.
It turns out that the integral can be done if we extend it to the infinite future (exercise) :
As a → ∞,
5 −3 ΩΛ 1/2 ∞ x3/2 dx 5 Ωm 1/3
δ → δ(∞) ≡ 2 δ̃ a + 3/2 = 6 δ̃ Ω B( 56 , 23 ) , (228)
Ωm 0 ΩΛ 3 Λ
1 + Ωm x
where Z 1
B(p, q) ≡ tp−1 (1 − t)q−1 dt = (229)
0 Γ(p + q)
is the beta function and
5 2
B 6, 3 ≈ 1.725 . (230)
Thus the perturbations “freeze”, i.e., approach a final value
Ωm 1/3
δ(∞) = 1.437 δ̃ . (231)
which for Ωm = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7 gives
i.e., the perturbations will never become much stronger than what they in the matter-dominated
model would be already “now”. To get the present density perturbation δ(a = 1) one has to do
(226) numerically. This is done in Fig. 4, from which one can read that δ(a = 1) ≈ 0.78 δ̃.
For perturbations that entered horizon well before matter-radiation equality teq , we have
from (196) that
3 k
δ̃ ≈ δprim 1 + 8 ln , (233)
2aeq 6keq
Note that we defined “now” as a = a0 = 1, not as t = t0 ; or in more physical terms as T = T0 = 2.725 K.
The comparison situation ( ˜ ) we have in mind is that the early universe (where vacuum energy has no effect)
is the same as in the ΛCDM model, but there is no vacuum energy to accelerate the expansion at late times,
so that by “now” the expansion rate, i.e., H0 is smaller than we observe in reality. The present matter density
ρm0 = (3/8πG)Ωm H02 is the same as in the ΛCDM model, but Ω̃m = 1, so H̃0 = Ωm H0 . The age of the
−1 2 −1/2 −1
universe is t̃0 = 3 H̃0 = 3 Ωm H0 , which for h = 0.7 and Ωm = 0.3 gives t̃0 = 17.0 × 109 years, instead of the
assuming that this is still ≪ 1 so that first-order perturbation theory remains valid, and re-
membering that this was an approximate result that ignored the effect of the baryon-photon
oscillations on CDM during the radiation-dominated epoch. For larger scales, and for what δprim
is, we need the remaining sections of this chapter.
For Ωm = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7, h = 0.7, we have keq −1 = 65 h−1 Mpc and a
eq = 1/3603. Equa-
−1 −1
tion (233) gives then for the scale k = 8 h Mpc,
Observationally, the variance of the top-hat-filtered density field of the galaxy distribution today
is ≈ 1 at this scale. Because of the galaxy bias bg , the corresponding variance for the matter
distribution is less by factor b−2
g , but still not far from 1, meaning that the linear perturbation
theory approximation is beginning to break.
D(a) ≡ (235)
where δ(a) is the density perturbation (δk or δ(x); D(a) is the same function for any k or x)
when scale factor is a and δref is it at some reference time. The choice of reference time fixes
the normalization of D. We define the growth rate
d ln D d ln δ a dδ
f≡ = = , (236)
d ln a d ln a δ da
which is independent of this normalization.
For the ΛCDM model of Sec. 8.3.5, we get from (226) (exercise)
1 5 δ̃
f (a) = a −3 (237)
1 + ΩΩΛ a3 2 δ 2
where γ is called the growth index. (This result assumes General Relativity, and the measurement
of the growth index from galaxy surveys is a way of testing gravity theory.) We plot D, f , and
the approximation (238) for ΛCDM in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: The growth function D(a) (blue, with normalization δref = δ̃), growth rate f (a) (red) and the
approximation (238) (red, dashed) for ΛCDM with Ωm = 0.3.
For the background metric, ḡµν , we choose that of the flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
ds2 = ḡµν dxµ dxν = −dt2 + a(t)2 (dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 ) (240)
The restriction to the flat case is an important simplification, because it allows us to Fourier
expand our perturbations in terms of plane waves.25 Fortunately the real universe appears to
be flat, or at least close to it. And earlier it was even flatter. Inflation predicts a flat universe.
For the metric perturbation, we have now 10 functions δgµν (t, x). So there appears to be ten
degrees of freedom. Four of them are not physical degrees of freedom, since they just correspond
to our freedom in choosing the four coordinates. So there are 6 real degrees of freedom.
Two of these metric degrees of freedom couple to density and pressure perturbations and
the irrotational velocity perturbation. These are the scalar perturbations. Two couple to the
rotational velocity perturbation to make up the vector perturbations. The remaining two are not
coupled to the cosmic fluid at all26 , and are called tensor perturbations. They are gravitational
waves, which do not exist in Newtonian theory.
The vector perturbations decay in time, and are not produced by inflation, so they are the
least interesting. Although the tensor perturbations also are not related to growth of structure,
they are produced in inflation and affect the cosmic microwave background anisotropy and
polarization. Different inflation models produce tensor perturbations with different amplitudes
and spectral indices (to be explained later), so they are an important diagnostic of inflation. No
tensor perturbations have been detected in the CMB so far, but they could be detected in the
future with more sensitive instruments if their amplitude is large enough.27
Since the three kinds of perturbations evolve independently of each other, they can be stud-
ied separately. We shall first concentrate on the scalar perturbations, returning to the tensor
perturbations later.
There are two common ways to specify a gauge, i.e., the choice of coordinate system in the
perturbed universe:
• A statement about the relation of the coordinate system to the fluid perturbation. This
will lead to some condition on the metric perturbations.
• A statement about the metric perturbations. This will then lead to some condition on the
coordinate system.
The two gauges (C and N) we shall refer to in the following, give an example of each.
The comoving gauge is defined so that the space coordinate lines x = const follow fluid flow
lines, and the time slice, the t = const hypersurface is orthogonal to them. Thus the velocity
perturbation is zero in this gauge,
vC = 0 . (241)
The conformal-Newtonian gauge, also called the longitudinal gauge, or the zero-shear gauge,
and sometimes, for short, just the Newtonian gauge, is defined by requiring the metric to be of
the form
ds2 = −(1 + 2Φ)dt2 + a2 (1 − 2Ψ)(dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 ) . (242)
This means that we require
(This is possible for scalar perturbations). The two metric perturbations, Φ(t, x) and Ψ(t, x) are
called Bardeen potentials.28 Φ is also called the Newtonian potential, since in the Newtonian limit
(k ≫ H and p ≪ ρ), it becomes equal to the Newtonian gravitational potential perturbation.
Thus we can use the same symbol for it. Ψ is also called the Newtonian curvature perturbation,
because it determines the curvature of the 3-dimensional t = const subspaces, which are flat in
the unperturbed universe (since it is the flat FRW universe).
It turns out that the difference Φ − Ψ is caused only by anisotropic stress (or anisotropic
pressure). We shall here consider only the case of a perfect fluid. For a perfect fluid the pressure
(or stress) is necessary isotropic. Thus we have only a single metric perturbation29
Ψ=Φ (244)
The density perturbations in these two gauges become equal in the limit k ≫ H, and we can
then identify them with the “usual” density perturbation δ of Newtonian theory.
the comoving gauge.30 For adiabatic perturbations, the curvature perturbation R stays constant
in time outside the horizon.
Using gauge transformation equations R can be related to the metric in the Newtonian
gauge. The result is
5 + 3w 2
R = − Φ− H −1 Φ̇ , (247)
3 + 3w 3 + 3w
where w ≡ p̄/ρ̄.
Because Rk stays constant while k ≪ H, it is a very useful quantity for “carrying” the
perturbations from their generation at horizon exit during inflation to horizon entry at later
times. We now define the primordial perturbation to refer to the perturbation at the epoch
when it is well outside the horizon. For adiabatic perturbations, the primordial perturbation
is completely characterized by the set of these constant values Rk . We shall later discuss how
the primordial perturbation is generated by inflation, and how these superhorizon values Rk are
determined by it.
However, we would like to describe the perturbation in more “familiar” terms, the gravita-
tional potential perturbation Φ and the density perturbation δ. When Rk remains constant this
turns out to be easy. Eq. (247) can be written as a differential equation for Φk ,
2 −1 5 + 3w
H Φ̇k + Φk = −(1 + w)Rk . (248)
3 3
During any period, when also w = const, the solution of this equation is
3 + 3w
Φk = − Rk + a decaying part . (249)
5 + 3w
Thus, after w has stayed constant for some time, the Bardeen potential has settled to the
constant value
3 + 3w
Φk = − Rk (w = const ) . (250)
5 + 3w
In particular, we have the relations
Φ k = − Rk (rad.dom, w = 31 ) (251)
Φ k = − Rk (mat.dom, w = 0) . (252)
After the potential has entered the horizon, we can use the Newtonian perturbation theory
result, Eq. (106), which gives the density perturbation as
k Φk 2 k 2 2 k 2
δk = − = − Φk = − Φk , (253)
a 4πGρ̄ 3 aH 3 H
Technically, R is defined in terms of the trace of the space part of the comoving gauge metric perturbation
(−Ψ is the corresponding quantity in the Newtonian gauge), and it is related to the scalar curvature (3) RC of the
comoving gauge time slice (the (3) reminds us that we are considering a 3-dimensional subspace, and the C refers
to the comoving gauge) so that
(3) C
R = −4a−2 ∇2 R . (245)
For Fourier components we have then that
1 a 2 (3) C
Rk ≡ Rk . (246)
4 k
Another similar quantity is the (uniform-density-gauge) curvature perturbation ζ that is defined the same way,
but for the uniform-density-gauge time slice. For superhorizon scales they are equal, R = ζ (in the limit k ≪ H).
8πG 3
H2 = ρ̄ ⇒ 4πGρ̄ = H 2 . (254)
3 2
The problem is to get Φk from its superhorizon epoch where it is constant (as long as
w = const) through the horizon entry to its subhorizon epoch where it evolves according to
Newtonian theory. For scales k which enter while the universe is matter dominated, this is easy,
since in this case Φk stays constant the whole time (until dark energy becomes important).
Thus we can relate the constant values of Φk , and the corresponding subhorizon density
perturbations δk during the matter-dominated epoch to the primordial perturbations Rk by
Φk = − Rk (mat.dom)
2 k 2 2 k 2 1
δk = − Φk = Rk ∝ ∝ t2/3 ∝ a
3 H 5 H (aH)2
Note that by Rk we refer always to the constant primordial value, when we use it in equations,
like (255), that give other quantities at later times.
For perturbations which enter during the radiation-dominated epoch, the potential Φk does
not stay constant. We learned earlier, that in this case the density perturbations oscillate with
roughly constant amplitude, which means that the amplitude for the potential Φ must decay
∝ a2 ρ̄ ∝ a−2 . This oscillation applies to the baryon-photon fluid, whereas the CDM density
perturbations grow slowly. After the universe becomes matter dominated, it is these CDM
perturbations that matter.
We shall now make a crude estimate how the amplitudes of these smaller-scale perturbations
during the matter-dominated epoch are related to the primordial perturbations. These pertur-
bations enter during the radiation-dominated epoch. Assume that the relation Φk = − 23 Rk
holds all the way to horizon entry (k = H). Assume then that the Newtonian relation (253)
holds already. Then
2 k 2 2 4
δk ≈ − Φk = − Φk ≈ Rk (256)
3 H 3 9
at horizon entry. The universe is now radiation-dominated, and therefore δrk = δk . We are
assuming primordial adiabatic perturbations and therefore the adiabatic relations δc = 34 δr ,
δγ = δr hold at superhorizon scales. Assume that these relations hold until horizon entry. After
that δγk begins to oscillate, whereas δck grows slowly. Thus we have that at horizon entry
3 1
δck ≈ δk ≈ Rk . (257)
4 3
Ignoring the slow growth of δc we get that δck stays at this value until the universe becomes
matter-dominated at t = teq , after which we can approximate δk ≈ δck and δk begins to grow
according to the matter-dominated law, ∝ 1/H2 .
δk (teq ) ≈ Rk (258)
1 Heq 2 1 keq 2
δk (t) ≈ Rk = Rk for t > teq , (259)
3 H 3 H
as long as the universe stays matter dominated.
1) The transition from k ≪ keq behavior to k ≫ keq behavior is, of course, smooth.
2) The effect of baryon acoustic oscillations (i.e., the oscillations of δbγ before decoupling,
which leave a trace in δb ) shows up as a small-amplitude wavy pattern in the k > keq part
of the transfer function, since different modes k were at a different phase of the oscillation
when that ended around tdec .
We have calculated everything using linear perturbation theory. This breaks down when
the perturbations become large, δ(x) ∼ 1. We say that the perturbation becomes nonlinear.
This has happened for the smaller scales, k−1 < 10 Mpc by now. When the perturbation
becomes nonlinear, i.e., an overdense region becomes significantly denser (say, twice as dense)
as the average density of the universe, it collapses rapidly, and forms a gravitationally bound
structure, e.g. a galaxy or a cluster of galaxies. Further collapse is prevented by the angular
momentum of the structure. Galaxies in a cluster and stars (and CDM particles) in a galaxy
orbit around the center of mass of the bound structure.
Rotation by 45◦ , i.e., cos ϕ = sin ϕ = 1/ 2, gives
1 h
[gµν ] = a2
h 1
We call (267) the + mode and (269) the × mode. An arbitrary orientation of the stretch/compress
pattern can be obtained as a linear combination of these two modes, so that the general form
of the tensor perturbation is
1 + h+ h×
[gµν ] = a2
h× 1 − h+
ds2 = −dt2 + a(t)2 (1 + h+ )dx2 + 2h× dxdy + (1 − h+ )dy 2 + dz 2
= a(η)2 −dη 2 + (1 + h+ )dx2 + 2h× dxdy + (1 − h+ )dy 2 + dz 2 (271)
for a Fourier mode in the z direction. Thus we have two Fourier amplitudes h+k (t) and h×k (t)
for each wave vector k. In the following we mostly write just h(t) to represent an arbitrary such
The evolution equation for h(t),
ḧ + 3H ḣ + h=0 ⇔ H −2 ḧ + 3H −1 ḣ + (k/H)2 h = 0 , (272)
can be obtained from the Einstein equation. This derivation is beyond the level of this course,
but the equation has a simple and plausible form: it is the wave equation with a damping term
3H ḣ; the wave velocity is the speed of light = 1.
For superhorizon scales we can ignore the last term, and we get h = const as a solution
and another solution where ḣ ≡ dh/dt ∝ a−3 so it also approaches a constant. Thus tensor
perturbations remain essentially constant outside the horizon.
For evolution inside the horizon we get oscillatory solutions and then it is better to work
with conformal time. The h(η) evolution equation is
where ′ ≡ d/dη. If we first ignore the middle term, we get solutions of the form h ∝ e±ikη , where
− represents a wave moving in the k direction and + in the −k direction. These are gravitational
waves. They propagate at the speed of light and they are transverse waves. During one half-
period of the wave oscillation, space is stretched in one direction orthogonal to the direction of
propagation, and compressed in the other orthogonal direction. During the next half-period the
opposite happens. The amplitude of the stretching is given by h, meaning that the maximum
stretching is by factor 1 + |h| and the maximum compression is by factor 1 − |h|.
The middle term in (273) represents the damping of gravitational terms due to the expansion
of the universe. Write
h(η) = A(η)e−ikη (274)
and insert this into (273) to get
For k ≫ H, the part 2ik(A′ + HA) dominates the left-hand side, and we get
a′ 1
A′ + HA = A′ + A = (aA)′ = 0 ⇒ aA = const ⇒ A ∝ a−1 . (276)
a a
Thus gravitational waves are damped inside the horizon as a−1 independent of the expansion
For simple expansion laws one can also solve Eq. (273) exactly, covering also horizon en-
try/exit. These solutions are Bessel functions.
Ωi Ω(ψ)
a(ψ) = ai (1 − cos ψ) = a(ψ) (1 − cos ψ)
2(Ωi − 1) 2[Ω(ψ) − 1]
Ωi Ω(ψ)
t(ψ) = Hi−1 (ψ − sin ψ) = H(ψ)−1 (ψ − sin ψ) , (277)
2(Ωi − 1)3/2 2[Ω(ψ) − 1]3/2
where ai , Ωi , and Hi are the scale factor, density parameter, and Hubble parameter at some
reference time ti (usually chosen as the present time t0 , but below we will instead choose ti to
be some early time, when Ω is still very close to 1). In the second forms we took advantage of
the fact that we can choose ti to be any time during the development and replaced it with the
“current” time. See Fig. 5 for the shape of a(t). This curve is called a cycloid. (It is the path
made by a point at the rim of a wheel.) From (277) we solve
Ω(ψ) = . (278)
1 + cos ψ
The scale factor reaches a maximum ata (and the density a minimum) at the “turnaround”
time tta , when ψ = π, so that
Ωi π −1 Ωi (Ωi − 1)3
ata = ai , tta = Hi , and ρ(tta ) = ρi . (281)
Ωi − 1 2 (Ωi − 1)3/2 Ω3i
3Ωi Hi2 3π
ρi = we have ρ(tta ) = . (282)
8πG 32Gt2ta
scale factor
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 5: The expansion law for the flat matter-dominated universe (blue) and for closed matter-
dominated universes with different initial values Ωi > 1 for the density parameter. Both axes are linear,
the units are arbitrary.
In linear perturbation theory, which applies when δ ≪ 1, density perturbations in the flat
matter-dominated universe grow as
δlin ∝ a ∝ t2/3 . (286)
When the density contrast δ becomes large it begins to grow faster. Compare now the linear
growth law to the above result for δ at turnaround.
The initial density contrast δi is given by ρi = (1 + δi )ρ̄i . On the other hand
8πG 8πG
H̄i2 = ρ̄i and Hi2 = Ω i ρi (287)
3 3
so that
Hi2 H2
1 + δi = Ωi or at any time 1+δ =Ω . (288)
H̄i2 H̄ 2
Thus the density contrast is not simply given by Ω− Ω̄ = Ω−1, since also the Hubble parameters
are different for the two solutions. We can sort out the separate contributions from Ωi − 1 and
(Hi /H̄i )2 at an early time when Ω − 1 ≪ 1 and ψ ≪ 1, by expanding Ω, H and H̄ from (278),
(279) and (283&277) in terms of ψ (exercise) to get
Ωi ≈ 1+ 41 ψi2 and 1 2
≈ 1− 10 ψ ⇒ 3 2
1+δi ≈ 1+ 20 ψ ⇒ δi ≈ 35 (Ωi −1) . (289)
We can now give the linear prediction for the density contrast at turnaround time34 :
2/3 2/3 2/3
lin āta tta 3π δi 3 3π
δta = δi = δi ≈ ≈ ≈ 1.0624 , (290)
āi ti 4 Ωi − 1 5 4
where we approximated
π −1 1
tta ≈ H̄i and ti = 23 H̄1−1 . (291)
2 (Ωi − 1)3/2
Thus we conclude that density perturbations begin to collapse when the linear prediction is
δ ∼ 1, at which time the true density perturbation is already over 4 times stronger.
The collapse is completed at tcoll = 2tta , when the linear prediction gives
δcoll = 22/3 δta
≈ 1.6865 . (292)
The above special case can be extended to the situation where the background universe is a
closed or open Friedmann model (i.e., a matter-dominated FRW universe), and to the ΛCDM
model, with more complicated math.
case), after which they will move away from the center and will be decelerated, eventually falling
back in and ending up orbiting the center, forming a cluster of galaxies.
For the real universe the different distance scales are in a different stage of the collapse. The
largest distance scales are still “falling in”, leading to flattened structures at the largest scales
and elongated structures, “filaments”, at somewhat smaller scales. These structures surround
rounder underdense regions, “voids”. Smaller scales have already collapsed into galaxy clusters.
k ik
wk (t) = i+ exp . (306)
aH aH
(Exercise: Show that this is a solution of (299) when H = const and m2 = 0.) The time
dependence of (305) is in
a = a(t) ∝ eHt . (307)
Well before horizon exit, k ≫ aH, the argument of the exponent is large. As a(t) increases
the solution oscillates rapidly and its amplitude is damped. After horizon exit, k ≪ aH, the
solution stops oscillating and approaches the constant value i(Ak − Bk ).
We have cheated by ignoring the metric perturbation. We should use GR and write the
curved-spacetime field equation using the perturbed metric. Perturbations in a scalar field
couple only to scalar perturbations, so we need to consider scalar perturbations only. For
example, in the conformal-Newtonian gauge the correct perturbation equation is
" #
k 2
δϕ̈k + 3Hδϕ̇k + + V (ϕ̄) δϕN
k = −2Φ k V (ϕ̄) + Φ̇ k + 3Ψ̇ ˙.
k ϕ̄ (308)
That is, there are additional terms which are first order in the metric and zeroth order (back-
ground) in the scalar field ϕ.
Fortunately, it is possible to choose the gauge so that the terms with the metric perturbations
are negligible during inflation36 , and the previous calculation applies in such a gauge. The
comoving gauge is not such a gauge, so a gauge transformation is required to obtain the comoving
gauge curvature perturbation R. Gauge transformations are beyond the scope of these lectures,
but the result is
R = −H . (309)
Thus it is clear what we want from inflation. We want to find the inflaton perturbations δϕk
some time after horizon exit. We can use the constant value the solution (305) approaches after
horizon exit. Then Eq. (309) gives us Rk , which remains constant while the scale k is outside
the horizon, and is indeed the primordial Rk discussed in the previous section. And then we
can use the results of Sec. 8.4 to get δk .
We are still missing the initial conditions for the solution (305). These are determined by
quantum fluctuations, which we shall discuss in Sec. 8.6.3. Quantum fluctuations produce the
initial conditions in a random manner, so that we can predict only their statistical properties. It
turns out that the quantum fluctuations are a Gaussian process, a term which specifies certain
statistical properties, which we shall discuss next before returning to the application to inflaton
perturbation X
g(x) = gk eik·x , (310)
where the set of Fourier coefficients {gk } is a result of a statistically homogeneous and isotropic
Gaussian random process. We assume g(x) is real, so that g−k = gk∗ . We write gk in terms of
its real and imaginary part,
gk = αk + iβk . (311)
For Fourier analysis of statistically homogeneous and isotropic random perturbations, see
sections (8.1.1, 8.1.3, 8.1.4), where the probability distribution was treated as unknown. The
new ingredient (in addition to the assumption that the perturbations are small, allowing the
use of first-order perturbation theory, which we introduced in Sec. 8.2), is that the probability
distribution is known to be Gaussian. This means that
1 1 |gk |2
Prob(gk ) = exp −
2πs2k 2 s2k
1 1 α2k 1 1 βk2
=√ exp − 2 × √ exp − 2 ,
2πsk 2 sk 2πsk 2 sk
i.e., the real and imaginary parts are independent Gaussian random variables37 with equal
variance s2k .
The expectation value of a quantity which depends on gk as f (gk ) is given by
hf (gk )i ≡ f (gk )Prob(gk )dαk dβk , (313)
hgk i = 0 (314)
and variance
h|gk |2 i = 2s2k (315)
of gk .
The distribution has one free parameter, the real positive number sk which gives the width
(determines the variance) of the distribution. From statistical isotropy and homogeneity follows
that sk = s(k) and
hgk∗ gk′ i = 0 for k 6= k′ . (316)
We can combine Eqs. (315) and (316) into a single equation,
δkk′ 2π 2 δkk′
hgk∗ gk′ i = 2δkk′ s2k = δkk′ h|gk |2 i = Pg (k) = Pg (k) , (317)
V V k3
where 3
L V 3
Pg (k) ≡ 4πk3 h|gk |2 i = k h|gk |2 i , (318)
2π 2π 2
gk is a complex Gaussian random variable and αk and βk are real Gaussian random variables.
which gives the dependence of the variance of gk on the wave number k, is the power spectrum
of g.
Going back to coordinate space, we find
* +
hg(x)i = gk e = hgk ieik·x = 0 (319)
k k
since g(x) is real. The typical amplitude of the perturbation is described by the variance, the
expectation value of this square,
X X X 3 X
2 ′ 2π 1
hg(x) i = hgk∗ gk′ iei(k −k)·x
= 2
h|gk | i = 2 2
sk . = Pg (k)
L 4πk3
kk k k k
Z 3 Z ∞ Z ∞
1 d k dk
→ Pg (k) = Pg (k) = Pg (k)d ln k . (321)
4π k3 0 k −∞
Note that there is no x-dependence in the result, since this is an expectation value. g(x)2 of
course varies from place to place, but its expectation value from the random process is the same
everywhere—the perturbed universe is statistically homogeneous.
Thus the power spectrum of g gives the contribution of a logarithmic scale interval to the
variance of g(x). For Gaussian perturbations, the power spectrum gives a complete statistical
description. All statistical quantities can be calculated from it.
In practice the integration is not extended all the way from k = 0 to k = ∞. Rather, there
is usually some largest and smallest relevant scale, which introduce natural cutoffs at both ends
of the integral. The largest relevant scale could be the size of the observable universe: The
perturbation g(x) represents a deviation from the background quantity, but the best estimate
we have for the background may be the average taken over the observable universe. Then
perturbations at larger scales contribute to our estimate of the background value instead of
contributing to the perturbation away from it. The smallest relevant scale could be the resolution
of the observational survey considered. For example, density perturbations are observed as
perturbations in the number density of galaxies; such a number density can only be meaningfully
defined at scales larger than the typical separation between galaxies.
It can be shown (under weak assumptions about the power spectrum), that statistically
homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian perturbations are ergodic, so that we do not need to make
a separate assumption of ergodicity.38
An alternative definition for the power spectrum is
While this definition is simpler, the result for the variance of g(x) in terms of it and thus the
interpretation is more complicated. Because of the common use of this latter definition, we shall
make reference to both power spectra, and distinguish them by the different typeface. They are
related by
2π 2
Pg (k) = 3 Pg (k) . (323)
Liddle & Lyth [2], in Sec. 4.3.3, make this claim but do not provide a proof.
turbations”), the relationship is linear. We can express these linear relationships as transfer
functions T (t, k), e.g.,
gk (t) = Tgϕ (t, k)δϕk (tk ) . (326)
The linearity implies several things:
2. The relationship is linear, so that if δϕk were, e.g., twice as big, then so would gk be.
We could also define transfer functions relating perturbations at any two different times, t
and t′ , and call them T (t, t′ , k), but here we are referring to the inflaton perturbations at the time
of horizon exit, tk , which is different for different k. Actually, by δϕk (tk ) we mean the constant
value the perturbation approaches after horizon exit in the H = const = Hk approximation.
That the transfer function depends only on the magnitude k results from the fact that
physical laws are isotropic. The transfer function of Eq. (326) will then relate the power spectra
of {gk (t)} and {δϕk (tk )} as
Pg (t, k) = Tgϕ (t, k)2 Pϕ (k) . (327)
The transfer functions thus incorporate all the physics that determines how structure evolves.
For the largest scales, k−1 ≫ 10h−1 Mpc, the perturbations are still small today, and one
needs not go beyond the transfer function. For smaller scales, corresponding to galaxies and
galaxy clusters, the inhomogeneities have become large at late times, and the physics of structure
growth has become nonlinear. This nonlinear evolution is typically studied using large numerical
simulations. Fortunately, the relevant scales are small enough that Newtonian physics is usually
We are now in position to put together all the results we obtained. From Eq. (309)
Rk = −H , (328)
so that
TRϕ (k) = − (329)
˙ k)
and 2 2
PR (k) = Pϕ (k) = , (330)
ϕ̄˙ ϕ̄˙ 2π H=k
where we used the result (325).
This primordial spectrum is the starting point for calculating structure formation (discussed
already) and the CMB anisotropy (Chapter 9). Thus CMB and large-scale structure observations
can be used to constrain PR together with other cosmological parameters.
inflaton perturbation equation (see Eq. 308), contains also the quantum treatment of scalar
metric perturbations.
Likewise, we have quantum fluctuations of tensor metric perturbations during inflation.
These do not couple to density perturbations, but they become classical gravitational waves
after horizon exit. These primordial gravitational waves have an effect on CMB anisotropy and
polarization. √
In the quantum treatment, (MPl / 2)h fluctuates like a scalar field, so that in inflation the
gravitational wave amplitudes h acquire a spectrum
2 2
V 2 H 8 H
Ph (k) ≡ 4 2 k3 h|hk |2 i = 4 2 = 2 (331)
2π MPl 2π H=k MPl 2π H=k
(the factor 4 in this customary definition is related to the way h appears in several places in the
metric and to there being two modes for each k).
The tensor-to-scalar ratio is the ratio of the two primordial spectra (331) and (330),
Ph (k) 8 ϕ̄˙
r ≡ = 2 . (332)
PR (k) MPl H H=k
(The −1 is in the definition of ns for historical reasons, to match with the definition in terms of
density perturbations, see Sec. 8.7.2.) If the spectral index is independent of k, we say that the
spectrum is scale free. In this case the primordial spectra have the power-law form
ns −1 n t
2 k 2 k
PR (k) = As and Ph (k) = At , (342)
kp kp
where kp is some chosen reference scale, “pivot scale”, and As and At are the amplitudes at this
pivot scale.
If the power spectrum is constant,
P = const. , (343)
d ln k d ln(aH) ȧ Ḣ
= = + = (1 − ε)H ,
dt dt a H
where we used Ḣ = −εH 2 (in the slow-roll approximation) in the last step. Thus
d 1 1 d 1 ϕ̇ d M2 V ′ d ′
2 V d
= = = − Pl ≈ −MPl . (344)
d ln k 1 − ε H dt 1 − ε H dϕ 1 − ε V dϕ V dϕ
Let us first calculate the scale dependence of the slow-roll parameters:
" # " ′ 2 ′′ #
2 ′ 2
dε ′
2 V d MPl V 4 V′ 4 V V
= −MPl = MPl − = 4ε2 − 2εη (345)
d ln k V dϕ 2 V V V V
= . . . = 2εη − ξ , (346)
d ln k
where we have defined a third slow-roll parameter
4 V ′ ′′′
ξ ≡ MPl V . (347)
The parameter ξ is typically second-order small in the sense that |ξ| is of the same order of
magnitude as ε and η. (Therefore it is sometimes written as ξ 2 , although nothing forces it to be
We are now ready to calculate the spectral indices:
1 dPR ε d V 1 dV 1 dε
ns − 1 = = = −
PR d ln k V d ln k ε V d ln k ε d ln k
2 V 1 dV
= −MPl · − 4ε + 2η = −6ε + 2η
V V dϕ
′ 2
1 dPh 2 V 1 dV 2 V
nt = = −MPl = −MPl = −2ε . (348)
Ph d ln k V V dϕ V
Since ε > 0, the tensor spectrum is necessarily red. (This follows already from (334), since H
is decreasing, or from (335) since V is decreasing.) Slow-roll requires ε ≪ 1 and |η| ≪ 1, so
both spectra are close to scale invariant. For scalar perturbations this is verified by observation.
Based on CMB anisotropy data from the Planck satellite, the Planck Collaboration [4] finds
If one were able to measure all three values ns , r, and nt from observations, one could solve
from them the slow-roll parameters ε and η and moreover, check the consistency condition
nt = − (350)
for single-field slow-roll inflation. This consistency condition is the only truly quantitative
prediction of the inflation scenario (as opposed to some specific inflation model) – all the other
predictions (Ωk very small, ns close to 1 and nt close to 0, primordial perturbations Gaussian)
are of qualitative nature, not a specific number not equal to 0 or 1.
Unfortunately, the existing upper limit to r already means that it will be difficult to ever
determine the spectral index nt with sufficient accuracy to distinguish between nt = −r/8 and
nt = 0. The most sensitive probe to primordial gravitational waves is provided by polarization of
CMB on which they will imprint a characteristic pattern (discussed briefly in the next chapter).
The theoretical limit to detection is r ∼ 10−4 and there are proposals41 for future CMB satellite
missions that could reach r ∼ 10−3 . If r is significantly larger than these detection limits, after
detection one could still measure nt accurately enough to distinguish, say, nt ≈ −1, nt ≈ 0
(which includes the case nt = −r/8), and nt ≈ 1 from each other. There have been other
proposals (other than inflation) for very-early-universe physics, which predict primordial tensor
perturbations that deviate from scale invariance this much or more.
Detection of primordial gravitational waves, i.e., measurement of r, would be enough to
determine ε and η and thus the inflation energy scale from Eq. (338).
One can also calculate the scale-dependence of the spectral index (exercise):
= 16εη − 24ε2 − 2ξ . (351)
d ln k
It is second order in slow-roll parameters, so it’s expected to be even smaller than the deviation
from scale invariance, ns − 1. Planck Collaboration finds it consistent with zero to accuracy
O(10−2 ), as expected.
Cosmologically observable scales have a range of about ∆ ln k ∼ 10. Planck measured the
CMB anisotropy over a range ∆ ln k ∼ 6 (missing the shortest scales, where the CMB is expected
to have negligible anisotropy). Some inflation models have |ns −1|, r, and |dns /d ln k| larger than
the Planck results, while others do not. These observations already ruled out many inflation
Example: Consider the simple inflation model
1 2 2
V (ϕ) = m ϕ .
In Chapter 7 we already calculated the slow-roll parameters for this model:
See, e.g., http://www.core-mission.org/
ϕ2 = ϕend 2 + 4MPl
2 2
N = 2MPl 2
+ 4MPl 2
N ≈ 4MPl N.
Thus 2
MPl 1
ϕ 4N
ns = 1− ≈ 0.96
dns 2
= − ≈ −0.0008
d ln k N2
r = ≈ 0.16
nt = − ≈ −0.02
We see that this model is ruled out by the observed upper limit r < 0.1.42
the universe stays matter dominated. This allows the discussion of the primordial spectrum
at subhorizon scales, where we can talk about the density perturbations without specifying a
From Eq. (255), the gravitational potential and density perturbation are related to the
curvature perturbation as
Φ k = − Rk (mat.dom)
2 k 2 2 k 2
δk = − Φk = Rk ,
3 H 5 H
9 9
PΦ (k) = PR (k) = A2s = const (354)
25 25
4 k 4 4 k
Pδ (t, k) = PΦ (k) = PR (k)
9 H 25 H
4 k
= A2s ∝ t4/3 k4 (355)
25 H
Thus perturbations in the gravitational potential are scale invariant, but perturbations in density
are not. Instead the density perturbation spectrum is steeply rising, meaning that there is much
more structure at small scales than at large scales. Thus the scale invariance refers to the
gravitational aspect of perturbations, which in the Newtonian treatment is described by the
gravitational potential, and in the GR treatment by spacetime curvature.
The relation between density and gravitational potential perturbations reflects the nature of
gravity: A 1% overdense region 100 Mpc across generates a much deeper potential well than a
1% overdense region 10 Mpc across, since the former has 1000 times more mass. Therefore we
need much stronger density perturbations at smaller scales to have an equal contribution to Φ.
However, if we extrapolate Eq. (355) back to horizon entry, k = H, we get
2 4 2
δH (k) ≡ “Pδ (k, tk )” ≡ PR (k) = As = const (356)
25 5
Thus for scale-invariant primordial perturbations, density perturbations of all scales enter the
horizon with the same amplitude, δH = (2/5)As ∼ 2 × 10−5 . Since the density perturbation
at the horizon entry is actually a gauge-dependent quantity, and our extension of the above
Newtonian relation up to the horizon scale is not really allowed, this statement should be taken
just qualitatively (hence the quotation marks around the Pδ ). As such, it applies also to the
smaller scales which enter during the radiation-dominated epoch, since the perturbations only
begin to evolve after horizon entry.
What is the deep reason that inflation generates (almost) scale invariant perturbations?
During inflation the universe is almost a de Sitter universe, which has the metric
ds2 = −dt2 + e2Ht (dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 )
with H = const . In GR we learn that it is an example of a “maximally symmetric spacetime”.
In addition to being homogeneous (in the space directions), it also looks the same at all times.
Therefore, as different scales exit at different times they all obtain the same kind of perturbations.
In terms of the other definition of the power spectrum, P (k) ≡ (2π 2 /k3 )P(k), the relations
(355) for scale-invariant perturbations give
PR (k) ∝ k−3 PR ∝ k−3
Pδ (k) ∝ k−3 Pδ ∝ k4 PR ∝ kPR ∝ k
For PR (k) ∝ kn−1 we have Pδ (k) ∝ kn . This is the reason for the −1 in the definition of the
spectral index in terms of PR —it was originally defined in terms of Pδ .
Thus the present-day density power spectrum rises steeply ∝ k4 at large scales, but turns at
∼ keq to become less steep (growing ∼ ln k) at small scales. This is because the growth of density
perturbations was inhibited while the perturbations were inside the horizon during the radiation-
dominated epoch. The ∼ ln k factor comes from the slow growth of CDM perturbations during
this time.
−1 ∼ 100 Mpc.
Thus the structure in the universe appears stronger at smaller scales, down to keq
The ∼ 100 Mpc scale is indeed quite prominent in large scale structure surveys, like the 2dF-
GRS and SDSS galaxy distribution surveys. Towards smaller scales the structure keeps getting
stronger, but now more slowly. However, perturbations are now so large that first-order pertur-
bation theory begins to fail, and that limit is crossed at around k−1 ∼ knl ∼ 10 Mpc. Nonlinear
effects cause the density power spectrum to rise more steeply than calculated by perturbation
theory at scales smaller than this.
The present-day density power spectrum Pδ (k) can be determined observationally from the
distribution of galaxies (Fig. 7). The quantity plotted is usually Pδ (k). It should go as
See Fig. 8.
whereas inside the horizon they become gravitational waves whose amplitude decays
|hk (t0 )|
Th (k) ≡ , (362)
Figure 6: The whole picture of structure formation theory from quantum fluctuations during inflation
to the present-day power spectrum at t0 .
Make the approximation that the transition from (360) to (361) is instantaneous at horizon
entry defined as
k = H = aH . (364)
Denote these values of a, H, and H by ak , Hk , and Hk . Then
Th (k) = = ak . (365)
The shape of the transfer function is determined by the rate at which different comoving scales
k enter horizon as the universe expands. This is determined by the evolution of the comoving
Hubble distance H−1 .
In the matter-dominated universe
a ∝ t2/3 and H = ∝ a−3/2 ⇒ H ∝ a−1/2 . (366)
Make first the approximation that the universe is still matter dominated. Then
−2 −2
ak Hk k
Th (k) = = = (H0 < k < keq ) (367)
a0 H0 a0 H 0
Figure 7: Distribution of galaxies according to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This figure shows
galaxies that are within 2◦ of the equator and closer than 858 Mpc (assuming H0 = 71 km/s/Mpc).
Figure from astro-ph/0310571[9].
k P(k) / 2π
0.01 0.1 1
k [Mpc ]
P(k) [Mpc ]
0.01 0.1 1
k [Mpc ]
Figure 8: The matter power spectrum from the SDSS obtained using luminous red galaxies [10]. The
top figure shows Pδ (k) and the bottom figure Pδ (k). A Hubble constant value H0 = 71.4 km/s/Mpc has
been assumed for this figure. (These galaxy surveys only obtain the scales up to the Hubble constant,
and therefore the observed Pδ (k) is usually shown in units of h Mpc−1 , so that no value for H0 need
to be assumed.) The black bars are the observations and the red curve is a theoretical fit, from linear
perturbation theory, to the data. The bend in P (k) at keq ∼ 0.01 Mpc−1 is clearly visible in the bottom
figure. Linear perturbation theory fails when P(k) & 1, and therefore the data points do not follow the
theoretical curve to the right of the dashed line (representing an estimate on how far linear theory can
be trusted). Figure by R. Keskitalo.
so that the scale k = H0 is actually exiting now, and it entered at an earlier time t1 when the
expansion was still (barely) matter dominated. Thus the above result for Th (k) should apply
(roughly) at that earlier time:
−2 −2
k k
Th (t1 , k) = = (H0 < k < keq ) (368)
a1 H1 a0 H 0
While the scale k = H0 was inside the horizon, the universe expanded by about a factor of two,
so the correct transfer function is about half of (367).
Exercise: Extend the result (367) to scales k > keq . You can make the approximation where the
transition from radiation-dominated expansion law to matter-dominated expansion law is instantaneous
at teq . (This approximation actually underestimates Th (k > keq ) by a factor that roughly compensates
the overestimation in (367) from ignoring dark energy at late times.)
Gravitational waves were detected for the first time on September 14, 2015 at the LIGO observatory.
These were not primordial gravitational waves; they were caused by a collision of two black holes about 400
Mpc from here, and they were observed only for about 0.2 seconds. The peak amplitude was h ≈ 10−21 .
LIGO is sensitive to frequencies near 100 Hz, and with further refinements it is expected to reach a
sensitivity of h = 10−22 . Assume the primordial tensor perturbations had amplitude h = 10−5 (close to
the upper limit from CMB observations). What is their amplitude today at the 100 Hz frequency?
ESA is planning to launch a space gravitational wave observatory (LISA) in 2034. It would have
similar sensitivity as LIGO, but for frequencies lower by a factor 10−4 . What do you conclude about the
prospect for observing primordial gravitational waves this way?
[1] J.A. Peacock: Cosmological Physics (Cambridge University Press 1999), Chapter 16
[2] A.R. Liddle and D.H. Lyth: Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure (Cambridge
University Press 2000)
[3] Planck Collaboration, Astronomy & Astrophysics 594, A13 (2016), arXiv:1502.01589
[4] Planck Collaboration, Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, arXiv:1807.06209
[6] E.W. Kolb and M.S. Turner: The Early Universe (Addison-Wesley 1990)
[7] P.A.R. Ade et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 241101 (2014), arXiv:1403.3985
[8] Planck Collaboration, Astronomy & Astrophysics 586, A133 (2016), arXiv:1409.5738
[9] J. Richard Gott III et al., A Map of the Universe, Astrophys. J. 624, 463 (2005), astro-
[10] M. Tegmark et al., Cosmological Constraints from the SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies, Phys.
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