Energy: G.R. Aghajani, H.A. Shayanfar, H. Shayeghi
Energy: G.R. Aghajani, H.A. Shayanfar, H. Shayeghi
Energy: G.R. Aghajani, H.A. Shayanfar, H. Shayeghi
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, a stochastic programming model is proposed to optimize the performance of a smart micro-
Received 9 September 2015 grid in a short term to minimize operating costs and emissions with renewable sources. In order to
Received in revised form achieve an accurate model, the use of a probability density function to predict the wind speed and solar
17 November 2016
irradiance is proposed. On the other hand, in order to resolve the power produced from the wind and the
Accepted 12 March 2017
solar renewable uncertainty of sources, the use of demand response programs with the participation of
residential, commercial and industrial consumers is proposed. In this paper, we recommend the use of
incentive-based payments as price offer packages in order to implement demand response programs.
Smart microgrid
Results of the simulation are considered in three different cases for the optimization of operational costs
Renewable generation and emissions with/without the involvement of demand response. The multi-objective particle swarm
Demand side management optimization method is utilized to solve this problem. In order to validate the proposed model, it is
Demand response program employed on a sample smart micro-grid, and the obtained numerical results clearly indicate the impact
of demand side management on reducing the effect of uncertainty induced by the predicted power
generation using wind turbines and solar cells.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Future distribution systems will certainly face the increased Smart meters with Power Line Carrier (PLC) communications
penetration of wind and solar renewable sources, which have an installed at the customer premises. The smart meter of medium
intermittent natural behavior. This may endanger the security of and large customers using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
the system operation [1,2]. In order to implement advanced plan- could be directly connected to the utility.
ning for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to ensure the eco- To manage all smart meter measured data from each installa-
nomic and safe operation of these systems, and Advanced tion, Data Concentrators (DC) are installed in the proximity of
Measuring Infrastructure (AMI) is necessary [3e5]. AMI establishes 20 kV/400 V distribution transformers. Data concentrators
a bidirectional telecommunication between customers and elec- integrate PLC communications that exchange information with
tricity companies to provide readability, monitoring, and remote smart meters and communicate with central.
control of meters; data collection and transmission to electricity Meter Data Management Systems (MDMSs) are mainly Meter
companies; processing and analysis of information, as well as the Data Management & Repository (MDM/R) systems in which the
implementation of energy consumption management in an received unprocessed data are collected from all meters or
attempt to ensure the reliability of the system and to guarantee the sensors then processed in order to deliver the required data to
creation of a balance between supply and demand [6e8]. distributed system operator and application systems.
To manage and control a smart microgrid, the structure of the
One of the main drawbacks in the management of renewable
resources, including wind and solar energies, is the issue of un-
* Corresponding author. Basij Sq, Ardabil, Iran. Tel./fax: þ98 4533513957. certainty in their behavior, such that before the use of solar and
E-mail address: (G.R. Aghajani). wind energy and other renewable energies in power system,
0360-5442/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637 623
network operators have always used storage services to manage solution to resolve this uncertainty is felt more than ever. One of
production shortages and to create a balance between production these solutions is the use of Demand Response Programs (DRPs)
and consumption. Today, with the advent of renewable energies, [9,10].
such as wind and solar energy, and the lack of certainty in their Recently, significant studies have been conducted for better
production potential, the need to provide storage and find a implementation of demand side management programs and
624 G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637
modeling their roles in creating a balance between generation and Use probabilistic modeling of wind, solar, and wind-solar
consumption in the presence of renewable generation, considering powers as a function of output power generation to provide
their stochastic behavior. Demand response programs were used in more compliance between planning and reality.
Ref. [11] to manage the operation of a smart micro-grid with wind Consider a probabilistic multi-objective model and use the
and solar resources, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algo- MOPSO method by considering Pareto criterion and fuzzy-based
rithm was applied to solve the proposed model so that the pollution mechanism to solve the intended problem.
emission function was not considered in modeling the micro-grid
management. Multi-objective operation planning in a smart dis- The rest of this paper is organized as follows: after the Intro-
tribution grid with wind and solar resources was evaluated in duction, in Section 2, the problem is described in detail. In Section
Ref. [12] as a probabilistic model to reduce operational costs and 3, the studied smart micro-grid is introduced. In Section 4, the
emissions; Rayleigh and beta Probability Density Functions (PDFs) proposed algorithm is presented based on Pareto criterion. In
were used for modeling variations in the wind speed and solar Section 5, the simulation and analysis of numerical results are
radiation, respectively. In this reference, simultaneous modeling of discussed, and finally, the last section reports the important con-
solar and wind power generation is not considered, and on the clusions of this study.
other hand, the definition of pollution function from elements such
as SO2 and NOx is ignored, and the 3-constraint method is used for 2. Statement of the problem
problem-solving. A similar problem was discussed by Zakariazadeh
et at. in Ref. [13], where a scenario tree approach was used to solve In this study, a probabilistic model is proposed for short-term
the problem; in this study, authors have ignored solar power energy management in order to minimize the operational cost
modeling. and emissions in a smart micro-grid. Due to the stochastic behavior
Online optimal management and modeling of a micro-grid with of wind and solar energies, their accurate prediction is not possible
poly-generation were studied in Ref. [14] the using mesh adaptive and is always associated with uncertainty error in next-day plan-
direct search method in which the uncertainty caused by renew- ning. Therefore, to provide more compliance between planning and
able generation was ignored. In Ref. [15], using demand response reality, a PDF is used to model the behaviors of wind, solar and
programs was proposed for controlling the frequency of a smart hybrid solar-wind power systems in an attempt to obtain optimal
microgrid with renewable generation. A multi-objective function results despite uncertainties. To remove the uncertainty induced by
has become a single objective function, and Mixed Integer Liner these resources, incentive-based payment demand response pro-
Programming (MILP) method is used to solve the proposed model. grams are proposed. However, it is assumed that planning for
The use of demand side management in a smart grid, consid- generation resources and consumption demands in a smart micro-
ering the wind power generation (wind farm) and the resulting grid is performed by the distribution system's operator, which has
uncertainty, was studied by Cicke et al. in Ref. [16] in order to in- the possibility of managing and controlling the grid using distri-
crease social welfare. In this research, the authors don't consider bution management systems and advanced metering infrastruc-
the use of solar power generation and do not use incentive-based ture. The following section is dedicated to the modeling and
demand response programs that can cause consumers the moti- introduction of the objective function.
vation to participate. Using a stochastic planning approach based
on the Monte Carlo method was suggested in Ref. [17] for modeling
the stochastic behavior of wind and Demand Response (DR) 2.1. Proposed model for Wind Energy System (WES)
considering the influence of wind power as an operational storage
in an energy market. Wind turbines convert wind energy into electrical energy.
This paper aims to find the optimal operation of the smart Output power from the wind turbine depends on parameters, such
microgrid with the purpose of minimizing operational costs and as wind availability, wind speed, the wind turbine's power curve,
emissions and considering the concept of DR in smart grids for and shape and size of the turbine. Probabilistic models are devel-
covering the uncertainty caused by wind and solar power genera- oped based on available historical information; since wind speed is
tion and taking into account the stochastic natural behavior. Since a stochastic variable, the meteorological data can be appropriate for
consumer's participation in these programs is considered to be
completely voluntary, an incentive-based demand response 1.4
method is proposed for implementing demand response programs.
In this method, programs are considered in the form of offering
packages of price and storage of DR for residential, commercial, and
industrial consumers, where consumers can choose one of the
offered packages and participate in a demand response program 1
posed to model the wind and solar power generation. The proposed 0.8
multi-objective model is solved by using Multi-Objective Particle
Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method, considering the Pareto 0.6
criterion with nonlinear sorting based on fuzzy mechanism.
In short, the main contributions of this study are:
pv 2 ! where PPV(si) indicates the amount of output power from PV (kW)
FV ðvwind Þ ¼ 1 exp (5) for the amount of irradiance s; Ac is surface areas of the arrays (m2);
4 vm
and h is efficiency of the PV system.
For a certain WES, the characteristic of the output power can be Therefore, in the case of using Eq. (8), the probability density
defined as below [19]: function fB(PPV) for the output power of PVS is expressed as follows:
80 vwind < vci >
> Gða þ bÞ
> < ðAc hsiÞa1 ð1Ac hsiÞb1 if PPV 2½0;PPV ðsiÞ
> f PPV ðPPV Þ¼ G ð aÞ G ðb Þ
< PR ðvwind vci Þ
vci vwind < vr >
Pw ðvwind Þ ¼ ðvr vci Þ (6) : 0 otherwise
> PR
> vr vwind < vco
: (13)
0 vwind vco
where vci, vr, vco, and vwind are the cut-in speed, rated speed, cut-
off speed, and actual speed of the wind turbine, respectively, and 2.3. Proposed model for hybrid solar-wind power system (HSWPS)
PR is the rated power of the turbine. The wind turbine used in this
study is of AIR403 type [20], where, PR ¼ 15kW; vci ¼ 3:5m=s; vco ¼ Power generation by hybrid system Ph is equal to total power
18m=s; vr ¼ 17:5m=s . Fig. 2 shows the power curve for this wind output from WES system plus the power output from PVS system.
Ph ¼ Pw þPPV (14)
In this paper, the PDF fPw(Pw) for the output power of WES can be
obtained using Eqs. (4) and (6) by the application of the trans- Assuming that PW and PPV are independent in terms of perfor-
formation theorem [21] as: mance in accordance with relations (6) and (12), density function
> 1 ½Fv ðvco Þ Fv ðvci Þ Pw ¼ 0
> 2 0
> ! 12 3
< v v Pw
p 6 v þ ðv v Þ
f PW ðPw Þ ¼
r ci
$ vci þ ðvr vci Þ$
exp4 @
ci r c PR
A 75 0 < Pw < PR (7)
> PR 2v 2 P p2ffiffiffivm
> m R
Fv ðvco Þ Fv ðvr Þ Pw ¼ PR
626 G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Wind Speed(m/s)
Fig. 2. Wind turbine model AIR403 power curve.
f h ðPh Þ ¼ f PW ðPw Þf PPV ðPPV Þ (15) where r, c, and i represent the number of residential, commercial,
and industrial consumers; RC(r,t), CC(c,t), and IC(i,t) indicate the
Since representing the continuous PDF in the mathematical
amount of load reduction planned by each residential, commercial,
form seems to be difficult, the application of Monte Carlo simula-
and industrial consumer in period t; RCtmax , CCtmax , and ICtmax
tion is used in such cases to achieve different scenarios; yet,
indicate the maximum load reduction proposed by each consumer
generating different scenarios also adds to the mathematical
in period t; zr;t , zc;t , and zi;t show the amount of incentive payment
complexities of the problem. The appropriate strategy for pre-
venting mathematical complexities is to discretize the continuous
PDF by dividing it into different intervals. Depending on the desired
accuracy, PDF function can be divided into a number of discrete
instants with different possible levels. In this case, the surface
enclosed by each interval represents the median probability of that
interval. Therefore, in this paper, the probability density function
proposed for each wind and solar system is divided into seven
ranges per hour in order to supply the requested power. As a result,
any wind and solar systems have seven scenarios to participate in
production planning every hour.
to each consumer in period t; and RP(r,t), CP(c,t), and IP(i,t) repre- probability of scenario Prs during the t th period and sth scenario,
sent the cost due to load reduction by residential, commercial, and which are affected by the probabilistic amounts of wind and solar
industrial consumers in period t for the proposed load reduction, parameters in each scenario. This part of the operational cost
respectively. function includes the running cost of distributed generation units,
cost of load reduction due to demand response programs, and costs
2.5. Objective functions associated with Value of Lost Load (VOLL) and Expected Energy Not
Served (EENS) for consumers.
Demand response can be categorized based on the consumer's
participation in changing their consumption behavior into two X
groups of price-based and incentive-based demand response pro- Min f 1 ðXÞ ¼ FCost ðtÞ ¼ COCðtÞ þ Prs UOCs ðtÞ
grams (Fig. 3), and each of these groups is divided into several sub- t¼1 t¼1 t¼1 s¼1
groups. More detail is presented in Refs. [9,10]. (19)
Since incentive-based responsibility programs deal with price
signals and are considered voluntary, modeling it on the basis of where Prs is the probability of scenario s. Certain and uncertain
offering packages of price, given the reduced amount of demand, is operational cost functions are defined according to (20) and (21),
represented as Fig. 4 by considering the demand response pro- respectively.
grams based on incentive payment.
COCðtÞ ¼ ½Pi ðtÞpi ðtÞIi ðtÞþSUi ðtÞjIi ðtÞIi ðt 1ÞjþRCDG
i ðtÞ
þ j ðtÞIBuy ðtÞPGridBuy ðtÞpGridBuy ðtÞISell ðtÞPGridSell ðtÞpGridSell ðtÞ
Optimization Model
Stochastic model:
Customers: WECS and PVS
Industrial, Commercial, Residential
Participants Objective Function Operating Cost:
Sources: MOPSO Cost function/constraints
Environmental Cost and Emission
Output Power:
Table 1
Bids and emissions coefficient of the DG sources.
Unit Type Bid (Vct/kWh) Start-up/Shut-down Cost (Vct) CO2 (kg/MWh) SO2 (kg/MWh) NOx (kg/MWh) Pmin ðkWÞ Pmax ðkWÞ
are presented in Table 1, which includes DG price offers, cost of In this study, the concept of Pareto optimization is applied to the
starting up and shutting down of units, amount of greenhouse gas basic principles of PSO algorithm [30] (developing the algorithm of
emissions caused by DGs and utility, as well as minimum and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) [31]),
maximum power generations [29]. simultaneous minimization of operational costs and emission
functions with renewable generation, and DG and DR which are
carried out. Application of the algorithm to the problem considered
3. MOPSO algorithm in this study can be accomplished with the following steps.
Step 1: Defining the input data.
Since multi-objective optimization problems include multiple These data are related to smart micro-grid technical specifica-
conflicting objective functions, equality constraints and inequalities tions and include production capacity, proposed power price, and
must be optimized simultaneously. the operational and emission costs of DGs. In addition, the data
include the mean values and variance of wind speed and solar
Min FðXÞ ¼ ½ f1 ðXÞ f2 ðXÞ … fn ðXÞ T irradiance on the next day, and the requested demand from the
gi ðXÞ < 0 i ¼ 1; 2; :::; Nueq (30)
Subject to : daily load curve.
hi ðXÞ ¼ 0 i ¼ 1; 2; :::; Neq
Step 2: Obtaining the amount of wind and solar power from
proposed equations.
where F(X) is a vector containing objective functions and X is a
Step 3: Generating an initial population as XT¼[X1, X2, …, XT].
vector containing optimization variables, fi(X) is the objective
Step 4: Applying a power dispatch algorithm to the generated
function ith; gi(X) and hi(X) are constraints of equality and
population and calculation of fitness function according to Eq. (19)
inequality; and n is the number of objective functions. For a multi-
or (22).
objective optimization problem either X or Y solutions can be one of
Step 5: Identifying non-dominated solutions.
the two possible solutions. One will dominate another, or none is
Step 6: Separating non-dominated solutions and storing them in
dominated by any of the other solutions. Therefore, in an optimi-
an archive.
zation problem, one solution X will dominate Y if the following two
Step 7: Selecting the best particle from the non-dominated
conditions are met:
response archive as a leader.
The process of selecting a leader is as follows:
c j2f1; 2; :::; ng; f j ðXÞ f j ðYÞ
(31) The explored search space is divided into equal parts and a
d k2f1; 2; :::; ng; f k ðXÞ < f k ðYÞ
probability distribution is distributed to each part. Finally, the best
Therefore, the Pareto set solutions can be obtained through non- particle is selected as the leader using the roulette wheel method.
dominated solutions (desired answers) on search space. Finally, the Step 8: Updating the new velocity and position for each particle.
answer is obtained among non-dominated solutions stored in the Step 9: Updating the best position for each particle.
630 G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637
For updating the best position, the particle's new position is calculated using optimization results for each objective function. mki
compared with its previous position. is in the range of 0e1 such that mki ¼ 0 indicates incompatibility of
8 the solution with the objectives of designer, while mki ¼ 1 repre-
> Pbest;i ðtÞ Pbest;i ðtÞ3Xi ðt þ 1Þ sents full compatibility.
Xi ðt þ 1Þ Xi ðt þ 1Þ3Pbest;i ðtÞ Fig. 7 shows the flowchart of the proposed algorithm used for
Pbest;i ðt þ 1Þ ¼ (32)
> select randomly
> solving the optimization problem.
Residential Industrial Commercial
Demand(% of Maximum) 80
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Fig. 8. Daily load curves for different consumers.
Case 1: Considering operational cost and emission functions
without demand response
3 Case 2: Considering operational cost and emission functions
with demand response
2.5 Case 3: Simultaneously considering multi-objective functions of
operational costs and emissions
1.5 In all the cases, power generation units are supposed to have the
capability of participating in the smart microgrid depending on
their technical and economic characteristics and exchange of en-
0.5 ergy with the utility through a Point of Common Coupling (PCC) in
the case of excessive generation and demand. In order to evaluate
0 the effects of the proposed model, it has been implemented in
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(h) MATLAB software on a PC (2.6 MHz with 4 GB of RAM).
Case 1: Operational cost and emission functions without demand
Fig. 9. The real-time market prices of APX. response
Wind Speed(m/s)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Fig. 10. Hourly wind speed forecast.
632 G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637
when energy prices are high, the utility purchases energy from the
1 smart microgrid in which the power consumption is provided by
DGs with the priority of offered price. The results of Table 4 show
that, in most operational periods, due to the high pollution of
utility, the utility purchases power from the smart microgrid in
solarirradiance(kW/m )
most of the periods. Results in Fig. 12 indicate that, since wind and
solar power are devoid of any pollution most of the time, these
0.6 resources reach their maximum power generation by considering
the pollution emission function.
However, since the offered price of these resources is higher
0.4 than that of other power generation resources, they cannot receive
much attention when considering the optimal operational cost.
Results reported in Ref. [29] verify this conclusion.
0.2 Case 2: Operational cost and emissions functions with demand
In this step, operational costs and emissions are separately
0 minimized with the involvement of DR. The optimal allocation of
0 5 10 15 20 25
power generation of units for minimizing operational costs and
emissions is shown in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.
Fig. 11. Hourly solar irradiance forecast. Comparison of the results presented in Tables 3 and 5 show that,
in the case of using demand response programs, wind power
generation is reduced from 8.51 kW to 7.87 kW, and solar power
Table 2 generation is reduced from 4.82 kW to 3.34 kW. On the other hand,
Price-quantity offer package for DRPs.
comparison of results obtained from the optimization of emission
Quantity (kW) function with/without DR indicates that use of these programs
Price (Vct/kWh) reduces the wind and solar power generations from 50.61 kW to
47.39 kW, and from 91.39 kW to 89.50 kW, respectively. Fig. 13 shows
DRP1 0e5 5e10 10e50 50e70
0.06 0.13 0.26 0.36 the amount of power generation by wind turbine and solar cell
DRP2 0e5 5e20 20e30 30e60 considering the operational cost and pollution emissions with the
0.04 0.07 0.28 0.43 involvement of demand response.
According to Fig. 14, it can be said that, considering the pollution
emissions, the use of DRPs reduces the production capacity of wind
In this case, the operational costs and emission are separately turbine and solar cell, and also shifts the demand from peak periods
minimized without considering the DR. The optimal allocation of to off-peak periods. In this case, when the customers participate in
the power generation of the units for minimizing the operational the DR program and accept a reduction of their consumption at a
costs and emissions is shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The specific hour, it allows the system operator to reduce the scheduled
results of Table 3 suggest that in the early hours, when the price of power of generating units.
energy is low, the battery starts to be charged, and from 9 to 16, Case 3: Simultaneous consideration of multi-objective operational
Table 3
Energy resources scheduling for operation cost objective function without DR.
Hour units
Table 4
Energy resources scheduling for emission objective function without DR.
Hour units
Forecast 60 Forecast
WT Powr for Operation Cost without DR PV Powr for Operation Cost without DR
WT Power for Emission Cost without DR PV Power for Emission Cost without DR
WT Power(kW)
PV Power(kW)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(h) Time(h)
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Output power (a) Wind turbine (b) Solar cell, considering operating cost and emission without DR.
and emission cost functions simultaneous minimization of these two functions when demand
In case 3, the optimal power allocation of the units is carried out response programs are implemented.
for the simultaneous minimization of operational costs and emis- The results of Fig. 16 show that maximum wind and solar power
sions as two inconsistent functions with/without the involvement generation is related to the case in which pollution emission is
of DR. According to Fig. 15, since the objectives of operational cost taken into account; therefore, it is possible to establish a balance
and emissions costs are opposite, moving from initial points on between them by simultaneous optimization.
curves toward the endpoints along the Pareto path is equal to the Results are shown in Table 7 for a better comparison of output
change in the operation behavior from low cost and more pollution wind power and solar cell power from the perspective of operation
to higher cost and low pollution, where the optimal operation point costs and emissions with/without the presence of demand re-
can be determined by fuzzy mechanisms. sponses. Results show that among the proposed scenarios, the state
The results of Fig. 15 indicate that, in the case of using demand of considering the operation cost is the best state to resolve the
response programs, it is possible to improve the optimal operation uncertainty resulted from solar and wind resources.
point such that the operational cost and pollution emissions are By comparing the results of simulations calculation of requested
reduced by 21% and 14%, respectively. Fig. 16 shows the amount of power in different cases and the amount of requested energy (4034
wind and solar power generation with the minimization of oper- kWh), it can be observed that the amount of energy not supplied is
ational cost function and emissions function, as well as with the negligible and does not have much impact on the results.
634 G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637
Table 5
Energy resources scheduling for operation cost objective function with DR.
Hour units
Table 6
Energy resources scheduling for emission objective function with DR.
Hour units
Results are given in Table 7 for a better comparison of solar and of an optimization function with two inconsistent objectives. The
wind generation capacities from the perspective of operating costs total operational cost of the microgrid, and pollution caused by
and emissions with/without DR. We see that among the proposed pollutants were considered in three different conditions. Moreover,
modes, taking into account operating costs is the best case to a probabilistic programming method was used to model the sto-
resolve the uncertainty derived from wind and solar resources. chastic behavior of the wind and solar cells' power generation. For
better performance of the smart microgrid, the possibility of energy
exchange with the utility was assumed.
5. Conclusion In order to manage consumption, it is assumed that consumers
can participate in DRPs based on incentive payment. The proposed
In this study, a probabilistic programming was implemented for price package and the amount of demand reduction are used to run
the smart microgrid, by considering the DR as the compensation for these programs.
uncertainty caused by wind and solar power generation in the form
G.R. Aghajani et al. / Energy 126 (2017) 622e637 635
Forecast 60 Forecast
25 PV Powr for Operation Cost with DR
WT Powr for Operation Cost with DR
WT Power for Emission Cost with DR PV Power for Emission Cost with DR
WT Power(kW)
PV Power(kW)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(h) Time(h)
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Output power (a) Wind turbine (b) Solar cell, considering operating cost and emission with DR.
X: 1585
2080 Y: 2070
X: 1759
Y: 2751 2060
2650 2000
2600 1980
Best Solution With DR
Best Solution Without DR 1960
Cost Optimization
Cost Optimization
20 Emission optimization 60 Emission optimization
Multi-Objective Optimization
Multi-Objective Optimization
WT Power(kW)
PV Power(kW)
10 30
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(h) Time(h)
(a) (b)
Fig. 16. Power generation (a) Wind turbine (b) Solar cell.
Table 7
Comparison of solar and wind generation capacity from the perspective of operating costs and emissions without/with DR.
Cases Wind power Solar power Wind power forecast Solar power forecast Cover percentage of wind Cover percentage of solar
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) power power
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