Paper ST56 0611013501
Paper ST56 0611013501
Paper ST56 0611013501
Fredericton, Canada
June 13 – June 16, 2018/ Juin 13 – Juin 16, 2018
Sad Saoud, K.1, Langlois, S.1,2, Loignon, A.1 and Lamarche, C.-P.1
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
2 (corresponding author email)
Abstract: Lattice towers are extensively used in overhead transmission lines, owing primarily to their
lightness and cost-effectiveness. The modeling of such structures is usually laborious due to various
complex factors including connection eccentricities, rotational stiffness of connections, bolt slippage, among
others. Therefore, full-scale tests are usually performed for the qualification of new overhead line supports,
which is a time-consuming and expensive process. Numerical models used in practice rely on simplified
hypotheses, using linear truss/beam elements assumed to be pin-connected at both ends. Such models
are combined with standard design equations to only evaluate the members’ axial capacities. Finite element
models involving solid/shell elements are generally more accurate, though, the computational cost of the
resulting problems makes it very difficult to evaluate the response of a complete tower. This paper presents
an advanced numerical approach using beam elements aimed at predicting the load-bearing resistance of
steel lattice towers under static load cases. Such approach will serve not only to verify the design of new
towers, but also to understand various phenomena leading to the collapse of towers in the case of
premature failures. The proposed model is developed using the finite element package Code_Aster,
wherein lattice towers are modeled using spatial beams. The highly nonlinear problem is solved in an
incremental way using advanced features to deal with both geometric and material nonlinearities. An
example of a lattice tower loaded until failure is presented and compared with analogous experimental test.
The effect of different geometric imperfections on the failure is particularly highlighted.
The continuous expansion in the worldwide demand for electrical energy brings major challenges to power
transmission system operators, who actively work towards the continuous improvement of their services.
To accommodate the increasing power consumption, new transmission line towers need to be designed
and existing structures must be upgraded to withstand heavier loads. Among other concerns, ensuring the
structural integrity of transmission infrastructures, under normal as well as extreme weather events, is of
substantial value to guarantee the electrical networks’ safety and reliability, and thereby significantly limit
the occurrence of power outages.
Steel lattice towers are intensively employed in high-voltage transmission lines because of their lightweight
construction and excellent strength achieved at a relatively low cost. These towers are conventionally
composed of straight angle members connected together by means of various bolted joints, which results
in cumbersome structural systems often exhibiting complex structural behaviors. Accordingly, destructive
testing on full-size towers are currently required to assess their vulnerability under the most critical loading
conditions before being brought into service. This process is usually costly and time-consuming, and there
is therefore a need to develop accurate numerical approaches with a view to redressing the lack of
awareness and understanding of lattice structures.
The most popular modeling approach used in the design of transmission towers assumes lattice structures
to be linear space trusses, where secondary bracing elements are generally not included in the model
[Kitipornchai et al. (2005)]. In such representations, towers are designed to only carry axial forces, as the
angle members are assembled using exclusively pin-ended connections [CIGRE (2014)]. Various nonlinear
effects are generally accounted for by modifying the effective length of members in the design equations
[Rao and Kalyanaraman (2001)]. In a 3D model exclusively composed of truss elements, numerical
instabilities occur, and hence supplementary efforts are required to remove them [Al-Bermani and
Kitipornchai (1992)]. Moreover, Eltaly et al. (2014) reported that almost a quarter of the tested towers,
designed using the above-mentioned method, experienced premature failures, often at unexpected
Modeling approaches using beam elements may represent a good compromise between accuracy and
computational costs, as shown in the study by Rao and Kalyanaraman (2001). This requires the
consideration of various complex phenomena concerning the connections, such as stiffness and slippage.
Also, initial geometric imperfections, including either connection eccentricities or out-of-straightness of the
members, may have a significant impact on the stability response of lattice towers. However, the relative
contribution of each type of imperfection on the global response of lattice towers is poorly understood and
thus should be closely investigated.
In this paper, a finite element modeling approach for the numerical analysis of the structural behavior of
steel lattice towers under static load cases is presented. The proposed modeling approach is developed
using the finite element software Code_Aster. This modeling approach uses three-dimensional beam
elements accounting for warping to model the inelastic behavior of steel angle members, and linear discrete
elements to represent the bolted connections. Other factors such as connection eccentricity and joint
stiffness are also incorporated in this model. The resulting highly nonlinear problem is solved incrementally
using advanced features implemented in Code_Aster to cope with both geometric and material
nonlinearities up to advanced post-critical stages. This work focusses on the study of the impact of two
different geometric imperfections, namely the out-of-straightness and the connection eccentricities, on the
post-buckling response of steel lattice towers under static load cases. An example of a tower quasi-statically
loaded until failure is analyzed herein. The numerical results are compared with similar laboratory tests
performed on a complete 8 m tall downscaled lattice tower specimen. This analysis results emphasize the
high sensitivity of steel lattice towers to geometric imperfections.
2.2 Connections
There is a large amount of bolted connections in steel lattice towers. The increase (or reduction) of the local
stiffness at the various connection locations as well as the introduction of load eccentricities that is inherent
to these connections has a major effect on the global behavior of the structures. In this modeling, their
behavior is represented using discrete elements attached to two superimposed nodes. Each discrete
element has a total number of 12 uncoupled degrees of freedom (3 translations and 3 rotations per node)
obeying a linear elastic constitutive law. The stiffness of the connections may thus be controlled by
modifying the stiffness coefficients of the discrete elements (springs). In this study, multi-bolt connections
are considered as semi-rigid, whereas one-bolt connections are assumed to be pinned about the bolt axis
and rigid in the other directions. The behavior of the connection is therefore controlled by the value assigned
to the rotational stiffness coefficient about the bolt axis. These values are selected based on a study of
typical connections in various lattice towers [Bouchard (2013)]. In this paper, unless otherwise specified,
the expressions ‘semi-rigid model’ and ‘flexible model’ will be used to designate one-bolt connections with
high, and low stiffness coefficients, respectively. The actual behavior of lattice towers is believed to be
bounded between these two extreme cases.
It is worth-mentioning that nonlinear effects including bolt slippage and connection yielding are not
accounted for in the present study for practical reasons. This assumption may significantly affect tower
flexibility, but it is not believed to greatly influence the towers’ ultimate capacity, as shown in a study by Al-
Bermani and Kitipornchai (1992).
2.3 Eccentricities
Steel angle members are generally connected eccentrically. In the case of angle members connected by
only one leg, a rigid link is used to connect the centroid of the angle section to the connection point assumed
to be located in the middle of the connected leg. A similar procedure is also adopted in the specific case of
angle members connected on both legs. However, the connection point in this case coincides with the angle
member’s heel.
Once derived, the nonlinear problem is solved incrementally using Newton’s method. At the beginning of
the incremental static analysis, also referred to as pushover analysis, use is made of classical force control
method. In the vicinity of limit points, the control strategy is manually switched to the path-following arc-
length method [Crisfield (1981)] to effectively circumvent possible nonlinear behaviors such as snap-
through or snap-back buckling, and thus analyze advanced post-buckling responses.
of equal energy dissipation, so that the areas under the curves comprised between the yield point and
ultimate tensile strain are the same [Foster (2015)]. Accordingly, the Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio ν
(assumed value), yield strength Fy, and tangent modulus H are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Geometric and material properties of the angle members constituting the analyzed tower.
The loading pattern composed of gravity load of constant value as well as vertical load and transverse load,
denoted V and T, respectively (in the -z and -x direction, respectively), is applied at the tip of each cross-
arm composing the tower (see Figure 1 for the location of the loading points). Table 2 summarizes the
intensity of the applied loading, which corresponds to the ultimate loads recorded experimentally.
Loading V T
point (kN) (kN)
1 1.36 3.01
2 1.36 2.90
3 1.36 3.08
The tower is fixed at its base. The degrees-of-freedom related to warping are restrained at every joint
composing the tower, thus inducing non-uniform stresses along the beams.
The mesh of each angle member composing the tower is achieved using a total number of 15 linear
elements (first-order interpolation), in accordance with a preliminary mesh convergence analysis.
For the study of the effect of geometric imperfections, let us recall that two types are considered, namely
eccentricities and initial out-of-straightness defects. In the case of eccentricities, the modeling methodology
described previously is used, and the effect of the stiffness of the connections is briefly analyzed. However,
in the case of initial out-of-straightness defects, the methodology is slightly modified so as to neglect the
member eccentricities (connected member centroids meet at a unique point).
b) primary buckling
The test was then pursued until the onset of a secondary buckling in the upper part of the tower body, as
shown in Figure 2(c), leading to the global instability of the structure [Loignon (2015)].
As mentioned above, the laboratory test is reproduced numerically considering two different geometric
imperfections. The use of geometric imperfections is necessary to initiate the buckling of the structure. In
the case of eccentricities, the modeling approach described previously is used without any additional
treatment. However, a linearized buckling analysis is performed prior to the pushover test in the case of
out-of-straightness defects. Figure 3 presents the first three buckling modes (with eigenvalues λ sorted in
ascending order) obtained for the analyzed structure. Notice that the buckling modes and associated
eigenvalues depicted in Figure 3 corresponds to the case in which all connections are modeled as
concentric. These modes are similar to those obtained for the tower considering eccentricities.
The post-buckling deformed shapes obtained numerically are depicted in Figure 4. On the left-hand side,
Figure 4(a) shows the failure mechanism of the tower considering connection eccentricities, which turns
out to be similar to the one observed experimentally (see Figure 2). It is observed that both the semi-rigid
model and flexible model lead to similar post-buckling configurations, that is to say the rotational stiffness
of the one-bolt connections here do not alter the buckling mechanism. The right-hand side of Figure 4(b)
corresponds to the case of the analysis considering the initial out-of-straightness. In this case, the first
critical mode determined from the linearized buckling analysis (having the lowest buckling load factor λ),
which is identical to the first buckling occurrence observed experimentally, is employed to pre-deform the
analyzed tower. The amplitude of the initial imperfection, denoted r, was varied to take the following values:
1/1000, 1/100, and 1/10. In all cases, the pushover test exhibits an instability localized in the lower part of
the structure. No secondary buckling was observed, even when considering small amplitude of the initial
imperfection. Therefore, in order to analyze the effect of pre-deforming the upper part of the tower, mode 3
with r =1/1000, which is a realistic defect size, was used as an out-of-straightness defect. As in the previous
case, the result simply shows the amplification of mode 3, and no buckling mode was observed in the lower
part of the structure. A supplementary analysis combining both connection eccentricities and out-of-
straightness defect (considering mode 3) shows that the response is similar to the response observed
during the experimental test. The out-of-straightness defect simply decreases the load-bearing capacity of
the structure without affecting its mechanical behavior.
a) eccentricities b) out-of-straightness
Figure 4: Deformed structure obtained numerically.
The load factor ᶯ, defined as the ratio between the load increment and the applied loading (for instance, a
load factor of 1 corresponds to the experimental ultimate load level), is plotted in Figure 5 for each of the
cases studied previously. The sequence Inst does not have any physical meaning in this static analysis. It
only specifies how the applied load is incremented. Figure 5 shows that the ultimate resistance of the lattice
tower is influenced by both the imperfection type and the rotational stiffness of one-bolt connections.
Nevertheless, considering only eccentricities yields to a collapse behavior closer to the one observed during
the experimental test. The comparison also indicates that the carrying capacity of the tower analyzed using
mode 1 as an initial out-of-straightness defect is much higher than the one corresponding to mode 3. Finally,
the combination of connection eccentricities and a realistic out-of-straightness defect slightly reduces the
tower ultimate capacity.
The maximum values of the load factor corresponding to the simulations presented Figure 5 are reported
in Table 3, where the experimental ultimate capacity of the tower is bounded by the numerical collapse
values corresponding to the semi-rigid model and flexible model.
in the present study, considering only connection eccentricities lead to accurate estimation of both
the ultimate carrying capacity and collapse mechanism of lattice structures.
in the present study, initial out-of-straightness defects alone yield to an acceptable estimation of
the tower’s ultimate capacity, but the predicted failure modes do not match the one observed in the
physical test.
the effect of connection eccentricities predominates over the effect of initial out of straightness on
the global behaviour when combining the two types of imperfection.
the actual ultimate capacity of the studied steel lattice tower is comprised between the semi-rigid
and flexible models.
The rotational stiffness of the one-bolt connections was shown to influence the ultimate capacity of lattice
towers. Understanding its effect requires a more in-depth investigation. Finally, for the sake of simplicity,
bolt slippage is not considered herein. This effect should be included in the present model for an accurate
estimation of the tower deflections in future analyses.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC), funding program InnovÉÉ, RTE, Hydro-Québec, and FRQNT
(through the strategic group CEISCE). Bouchard, P.-L. is also acknowledged for his contribution to the
numerical modeling.
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