Concrete Jackets
Concrete Jackets
Concrete Jackets
Engineering Structures
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Keywords: Analysis of continuous jacketed Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams requires accounting for the nonlinear behavior
Reinforced concrete of the interface and the materials as well as redistribution of moments. This kind of analysis is complex and
Continuous require an advanced level of knowledge and experience to perform. Engineers need simplified yet robust tools to
Jacketing practically predict the actual behavior of jacketed RC beams. In the current practice, slip is neglected in the
analysis and monolithic behavior is assumed for the jacketed section, which result in higher estimates of stiffness
Monolithic factors
and/or capacity. This paper provides a simplified method to analyze continuous jacketed RC beams taking into
Inelasticity account the interfacial slip distribution and the actual nonlinear behavior of both concrete and steel. An iterative
Flexure calculation algorithm is developed to determine the moment–curvature curves of a jacketed beam at different
sections. The developed method allows the evaluation of interfacial slip and shear stress distributions in ductile
reinforced concrete beams. The developed method is utilized to conduct an extensive parametric study, which
resulted into modification factors that can be used to calculate the capacity and deformations of a strengthened
beam considering the interfacial slip.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.M.A. Alhadid), (M.A. Youssef).
Received 9 February 2017; Received in revised form 5 March 2018; Accepted 9 April 2018
0141-0296/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
their flexural performance. the anchors crossing the interface. The former mechanism represents
This paper is a continuation of an ongoing research [16], which the concrete contribution; whereas the second case represents the in-
aims at proposing a simplified method to capture the influence of in- fluence of dowel action. The concrete contribution (vc) is determined in
terfacial slip on the moment-curvature (M-φ) and load-deflection (P-Δ) view of Tassios and Vintzeleou [1] empirical model as a function of the
relationships of jacketed continuous RC beams. This is achieved by lateral slip (S), ultimate slip value at the onset of frictional mechanism
performing nonlinear analysis in view of the material properties and failure (Scu) and ultimate frictional capacity of the interface (vcu). The
interfacial behavior. A calculation algorithm is proposed to determine overall interfacial shear stress (τ) corresponding to any slip (S) value
the slip distribution along the beam length and to obtain the corre- can be obtained as the summation of concrete contribution and dowel
sponding M-φ diagram at both the sagging and hogging moment re- action contribution for given material properties and interfacial surface
gions. This analysis procedure is sensitive to the bending moment dis- condition. A detailed description of this calculation procedure con-
tribution along the beam; therefore, the concept of moment sidering simply supported beams is provided by Alhadid and Youssef
redistribution in indeterminate beams is illustrated and considered in [16].
the analysis. The validated model is used to perform a parametric study
aiming at examining the flexural behavior of the strengthened beams.
4. Assumptions
Finally, a regression analysis is performed to propose slip modification
factors that can be used to obtain the actual M-φ diagram of continuous
Assumptions considered in the current study encompasses the fol-
RC beams considering interfacial slip. The scope of the proposed work is
limited to ductile RC beams by considering sufficient reinforcement to
prevent brittle modes of failure.
(1) Plane sections remain plane after deformation, implying that shear
deformations are small relative to bending deformations.
2. Material models (2) Perfect bond exists between steel reinforcement and the sur-
rounding concrete material. Thus, strain in both concrete and steel
The stress-strain relationship of concrete in compression is con- bars at the same location is identical.
sidered in view of Scott et al.’s model [17] due to its simplicity and (3) The failure criterion of the composite beam is defined by crushing
robustness. The tensile capacity of concrete is assumed to drop after of the extreme compression fiber at a concrete ultimate strain (εcu)
reaching the cracking point. of 0.0035 [21].
The constitutive relationship of the embedded steel bars is expressed (4) The original RC beam and the added concrete layer are considered
according to the model reported by Karthik and Mander [18] that was to deform by the same curvature through the beam length [20,23].
derived in view of the general formula proposed by Ramberg and Os- (5) The interfacial shear stress distribution within each region is as-
good [19]. It conveniently combines the initial elastic response, yield sumed to vary as a cubic function with the distance from the zero
plateau and strain hardening stages in a single rigorous form to model moment section [22].
the actual behavior of steel reinforcement. The value of the strain
hardening strain (εsh) is set equal to the yield strain (εy) and the strain
5. Typical jacketed section
hardening modulus (Esh) is taken as 1% of the Young's modulus of
elasticity (Es).
The developed model is applicable to analyze symmetric continuous
RC beams subjected to either uniform or concentrate loads. Fig. 1 shows
3. Interfacial shear stress (τ) and slip (S) relationship the geometry and reinforcement details of a typical continuous beam
that will be used for discussion throughout the chapter. The main steel
The shear transfer mechanism is activated by the frictional re- reinforcement in the positive and negative moment regions are assumed
sistance between the contact surfaces and the axial forces developed in to be 20% and 40% of the balanced steel reinforcement ratio,
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
respectively. The compression steel reinforcement is 2–10 M bars. The Assuming a propped cantilever model for each span, the analyzed
amount of jacket reinforcement is assumed as 10M bars placed in one segment within the positive moment zone is taken from the pinned
layer at the maximum spacing provided by CSA 23.3-14 [21]. One half support to the point of maximum bending; whereas, for the negative
of the core and jacket steel bars from the hogging moment region are moment zone, this segment is taken from the point of contraflexure to
assumed to extend throughout the beam. the point of maximum negative bending moment at the fixed end.
Geometry and loading scheme of the continuous beam are assumed The proposed analysis method comprises two main stages. In the
to be symmetric about the intermediate support. Thus, one span of the first one, an iterative sectional analysis procedure is performed at dif-
beam can be modeled as a propped cantilever as shown in Fig. 2(a). ferent load levels only at the maximum sagging and hogging moment
This span is assumed to be composed of several members rigidly con- sections. This results in determining the maximum slip strain (Δεmax) at
nected at their ends as illustrated in Fig. 2(b). Each segment has a de- these locations and the corresponding slip strain (Δε) and slip (S) at the
fined length (Li) and a distinct flexural rigidity (EIi). The segment length other segments along the span. In the second stage, sectional analysis is
is set at about 50 mm, which was found to enhance the accuracy based conducted directly at the remaining segments taking into account the
on a preliminary sensitivity analysis. Δε distribution evaluated from the first analysis step for each segment.
The expected trends of the moment-curvature diagrams in both the The slip distribution is obtained while satisfying the equilibrium and
positive and negative moment regions are shown in Fig. 3. The trend for compatibility conditions at each segment. Details about the mentioned
the positive moment section is characterized by three points; namely, steps are given below.
the yielding of jacket reinforcement, yielding of the core reinforcement The primary challenges for the proposed calculation algorithm are
and crushing of concrete. The trend of the negative moment section is prediction of the slip distribution along the interface and determination
defined by yielding of the core reinforcement and crushing of concrete. of the moment-curvature relationships for the beam segments shown in
Fig. 2. Alhadid and Youssef [16] have proposed a calculation algorithm
to determine these relationships in jacketed RC simply supported beams
6. Proposed calculation algorithm considering slip effect. A summary of the procedure is provided in
Section 6.1 showing the main changes used for analyzing continuous
Slip, and consequently shear stress, reach their maximum value at beams. Sectional analysis procedure to determine the equilibrium
the point of zero moment and fade away as they approach the max- conditions is described in Section 6.2. The influence of moment redis-
imum bending moment section. In continuous RC beams, each span can tribution becomes substantial in the prediction of slip distribution along
be divided into positive and negative moment zones as indicated in continuous beams and is discussed in Section 6.3. An equivalent cur-
Fig. 4. To obtain the complete slip distribution along the span, the vature distribution is then obtained based on the load-deflection re-
analysis procedure is carried out individually for each of the two zones. lationship of the actual curvature distribution considering slip effect as
illustrated in Section 6.4.
Concrete Crushing
For each moment zone, the average value of interfacial shear stress
Yielding of Core Tensile Steel (τavg) at any load level can be calculated assuming a direct relationship
with the maximum slip strain (Δεmax) located at the maximum moment
Yielding of Jacket Tensile Steel
section [22–24]. Therefore, the average shear stress can be given ac-
cording to the expression (τavg = γ1 γ2 ks Δεmax L′) in terms of secant in-
terfacial stiffness, ks (N/mm3); the ratios (γ1 = τavg/τmax) and
(γ2 = Δεavg/Δεmax); the average slip strain (Δεavg) from point of zero
moment to maximum positive or negative moment; and the corre-
sponding length, L' (m).
For each of the two moment zones, the analysis procedure to de-
termine interfacial slip distribution is carried out at each applied load
Curvature level (i.e. assumed applied curvature value) until failure occurs. Firstly,
Positive Moment Section Negative Moment Section initial values of the secant interfacial stiffness (ks) and the shear stress
distribution ratios (γ1 and γ2 ) are assumed. Then, for the total curvature
Fig. 3. Moment-curvature diagrams for positive and negative moment sections. (φ) value of the current load increment, two equilibrium conditions are
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
Fig. 4. Bending moment and deflection profile of the propped cantilever model.
applied at the maximum moment sections: (1) equilibrium between the stress distribution ratios (γ1 and γ2 ) are calculated and compared to the
internal forces; and (2) equilibrium between the resultant axial forces at initially assumed values. The analysis continues if they are equal with a
one side of the interface and the resultant shear force acting along the tolerance of 1%, otherwise the whole procedure is repeated with the
interface. Hence, the moment (M) and maximum slip strain (Δεmax) at new calculated values.
the maximum moment sections corresponding to the current curvature If the beams are subjected to initial loading prior to jacketing, then a
value (φ) are obtained. After that, bending moment diagram is con- preliminary sectional analysis on the unjacketed sections has to be
structed along the span assuming uniform load and considering the carried out first to obtain the resulting moment-curvature curve and
obtained maximum moment values. Next, the slip strain (Δε) distribu- strain profile at each beam segment. These diagrams are then included
tion is determined along the span with respect to the location of each as an input in the calculation algorithm of the jacketed beam to obtain
segment as shown in the proposed Eq. (1). its full behavior at different loading stages before and after jacketing.
Δε(i,j) = Δε(m,1) ⎛ ⎞
⎝ L′ ⎠ (1)
6.2. Sectional analysis in jacketed sections
where i is the load step number, j is the segment number and m is the
load step number that produces a bending moment in the mid-span The sectional analysis procedure [25] is implemented to analyze the
segment equals to the moment applied at segment j. Once the slip strain jacketed sections. The upper limit for the thickness of each layer is
(Δε) distribution along the interface is established, both the slip (S) and taken as 0.5 mm as it results in a better accuracy. At every loading step,
the shear stress (τ) in each segment is obtained from Eqs. (2) and (3), an incremental curvature is applied and the strain at each strip in both
respectively. the concrete core and the jacket is calculated based on its location from
n=j the centroid (yi) of the jacketed section. The kinematic and compat-
S(i,j) = ∑ [(Δε(i,n) )(x j )] ibility conditions are considered in view of the corresponding material
n=1 (2) stress-strain relationships and Eq. (4), which relates the incremental
applied moment (ΔM) and axial load (ΔP) to the incremental curvature
τ(i,j) = ks S(i,j) (3)
(Δφ) and axial strain (Δεa) by a defined stiffness matrix. In this equa-
Having obtained the slip distribution for both moment zones, con- tion, n represents the number of discrete layers, Ei is the elastic modulus
tinuity conditions is checked at the point of contraflexure to ensure it is of layer i, Ai is the area of layer i, subscript (c) represents concrete core
satisfied by calculating the error between the obtained slip (S) from the and subscript (J) represents concrete jacket.
sagging moment zone and the hogging moment zone. The procedure is
repeated if the error is more than 1% by adjusting the slip strain (Δε) at
all segments and repeating the analysis to check equilibrium and
compatibility conditions. Finally, based on the obtained slip and shear
stress distributions, the secant interfacial stiffness (ks) and the shear
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
decrease gradually with the applied load until it equates the stiffness at
the positive moment section. In this case, the bending moment diagram
obtained from stiffness analysis will be identical to that obtained from
elastic structural analysis. As the load keeps increasing, the hogging-to-
sagging stiffness ratio further decreases resulting in a shift of the point
of zero moment towards the intermediate support as more proportion of
the additional load is carried by the sagging moment region. However,
since the length of each element, and consequently the reinforcement,
is assumed to be fixed up to failure, part of the assumed hogging mo-
ment region will start to resist small amount of positive moment as
shown in Fig. 4(c). The influence of this overlap is insignificant since
the moment values adjacent to the point of contraflexure are relatively
Fig. 5. Element forces and displacements. low. Failure of the beam is activated by crushing of the extreme con-
crete fibers at the intermediate support where the maximum moment is
n n anticipated. The expected load-deflection curve of the modeled propped
∑ (Ei,c Ai,c + Ei,J Ai,J ) yi2 − ∑ (Ei,c Ai,c + Ei,J Ai,J ) yi ⎞⎟
⎜ i=1 cantilever is presented in Fig. 4(d). It shows both the point of maximum
⎛ Δφ ⎞
( ΔM
ΔP )
=⎜ n
n ⎟ Δε
⎜ ⎟ deflection and the inflection point that is determined at the initial
loading steps and fixed throughout the analysis.
∑ (Ei,c Ai,c + Ei,J Ai,J ) ⎟⎟ ⎝ ⎠
⎜− ∑ (Ei,c Ai,c + Ei,J Ai,J ) yi
⎝ i=1 i=1 ⎠
(4) 6.4. Load-deflection relationship and equivalent curvature distribution
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
(a) jacketed beam longitudinal view and location of the applied loads
450 further validation. The connection between the concrete core and the
400 Finite Element surrounding jacket is modeled assuming full bond between the adjacent
(Monolithic) nodes. Geometrical details of both the concrete core and the jacket are
350 modeled using SOLID65, which is an 8–node solid element. This ele-
ment is capable of cracking under tensile stresses and crushing when
Applied Load (kN)
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
obtained from the developed finite element model with a percent dif- 18.0 Monolithic
ference of 5.2% and 6.4% for stiffness and yield stress, respectively. Slip
16.0 3.3%
Table 1
Geometry of the discussed jacketed beams.
Section Studied parameters Span (m) bc (mm) hc (mm) hJ (mm) fc' (MPa) fy (MPa)
B-1 hJ, fc , fy 3 200 300 100 30 400
B-2 hJ 3 200 300 150 30 400
B-3 hJ, bc, hc, Span 3 200 300 200 30 400
B-4 hc 3 200 450 200 30 400
B-5 hc 3 200 600 200 30 400
B-6 bc 3 300 300 200 30 400
B-7 bc 3 400 300 200 30 400
B-8 Span 4 200 300 200 30 400
B-9 Span 5 200 300 200 30 400
B-10 fc' 3 200 300 100 25 400
B-11 fc' 3 200 300 100 35 400
B-12 fy 3 200 300 100 30 300
B-13 fy 3 200 300 100 30 500
B-14 Δε, S, τ 3 200 450 150 30 300
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
16 Sagging 16 Sagging
14 Hogging 14 Hogging
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
B-10 B-1 B-11 B-12 B-1 B-13
Section Section
(e) concrete compressive strength (f) steel grade
Fig. 11. Variation of sagging and hogging initial stiffness with various parameters.
100 100
B-3 (hJ = 200 mm) B-3 (hJ = 200 mm)
75 75
Moment (kN.m)
Moment (kN.m)
25 25
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Curvature (Rad/km) Curvature (Rad/km)
Fig. 12. Effect of varying hJ on the M-φ relationship (sagging). Fig. 13. Effect of varying hJ on the M-φ relationship (hogging).
ductility increase is insignificant when slip is considered for the sagging identical beyond the yielding point of the jacket steel bars regardless of
moment region indicating that the compressive strains at the extreme the slip strain. However, in the hogging moment region, as the jacket
compression fibers reach the concrete crushing strain value at the same thickness increases, the contribution of the concrete material and the
curvature. This happens since the axial stress in the jacketing layer compression steel bars located in the jacket layer becomes more pre-
assuming both monolithic and partially composite actions become valent relative to the entire section. Therefore, slip strain reduces the
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
generated compressive stresses within the jacket layer at the same bending moment, this higher stress at the tension steel bars is translated
curvature value. This results in delaying the concrete crushing and into higher compressive stresses at the compression face of the jacketed
consequently increasing the ductility as the jacket height increases re- beam causing the concrete to reach its crushing strain at lower curva-
lative to the monolithic beams. ture values. Regarding the slip influence on the flexural behavior of
these beams, the initial stiffness reduction rate decreases as the original
9.2. Effect of beam width (bc) section height increases for both the sagging and hogging moment
cases. This decrease is a result of the higher slip strain required to
Increasing the beam width results in a consequent increase in both equilibrate the axial force within the jacket with the horizontal shear
the initial stiffness and capacity with minor influence on the flexural force along the interface.
ductility. Regarding the slip influence, increasing the beam width re-
sults in decreasing the reduction rate of the initial stiffness in both 9.4. Effect of beam span (L)
sections. This is justified by the larger contact area between the con-
crete core and the jacket that is provided by the additional beam width. The M-φ curve assuming monolithic interaction between the core
Two main differences arise from changing the location of the contact and the jacket are identical regardless of the span as they depend
surface with respect to the neutral axis. When the interface is located at merely on the cross-sectional properties. However, including the slip
the tension side (i.e. sagging moment section), the reduction in the effect activates the partially composite action and consequently the
elastic stiffness is relatively smaller than the case of hogging moment. horizontal shear distribution along the interface becomes a major
This variation in stiffness reduction is attributed to the contribution of player in determining the flexural behavior of any section along the
both concrete and steel in determining the slip strain (Δε) at each beam. In both the sagging and hogging moment cases, as the span in-
section. For the sagging moment region, the bending stresses at the creases, the elastic stiffness reduction rate decreases proportionally.
tension side are resisted by both the core steel bars and the jacket steel This observation is justified by the higher contact area provided by the
bars especially after concrete cracking takes place. This means that the larger span and consequently the increased frictional forces along the
steel in the jacketing layer sustains part of the generated tensile stresses jacketed beam. For the positive moment section, the partially composite
and the remaining part is resisted by the steel bars in the original beam. flexural behavior becomes identical to the monolithic counterpart once
Thus, the slip strain required to achieve equilibrium at any section jacket steel bars yield. This happens due to the small variation in the
along the jacketed beam is governed by a portion of the total tensile axial stresses governed by the strain hardening modulus of jacket steel
stress generated at a given applied load. A different situation is ob- bars after yielding occurs. Thus, at the same curvature value, the stress
served along the hogging moment region where the jacketing layer is at in these steel bars is almost identical to the ones in the monolithic case.
the compression side. In this case, the entire concrete material is uti- Although it still exists, the influence of slip strain diminishes even more
lized along with the jacket steel bars to resist the same applied load. at higher loading values due to the higher contribution of compression
This indicates that a larger portion of bending is carried by the jacket concrete and tension core steel bars while the stresses in the jacket steel
part causing an increase in the slip strain required to achieve equili- bars remain almost constant. Regarding the hogging moment region,
brium at any segment along the hogging moment region. the variation between the partially composite scenario and monolithic
The other difference that prevails from changing the location of the behaviors persists within a portion of the inelastic region. This occurs
interface with respect to the neutral axis is the point which the M-φ since the jacketing layer is governed by the compressive stresses de-
curves ignoring and including slip effects follow the same path. For the veloped in concrete and the embedded steel bars rather than the tensile
sagging moment region, the major difference in the moment-curvature stresses generated merely in the steel bars. Thus, even after yielding of
diagram is within the elastic region before yielding of the jacket steel the section takes place, the axial force within the jacket at any section
bars. This is justified by knowing that the axial force at any section is remains different from the monolithic case due to the influence of slip
determined by the jacket steel bars. So, once these bars yield, the tensile strain which decreases the jacket stresses at any curvature value. At
forces in the jacket steel bars becomes almost constant and any increase higher loading values, the slip strain becomes less pronounced relative
depends on the strain hardening modulus. Thus, after jacket yielding is to the higher curvature values and consequently its influence becomes
reached, the influence of slip strain becomes negligible in changing the less substantial.
behavior of the M-φ diagram compared to its monolithic counterpart.
Regarding the hogging moment region, yielding point is dictated by the 9.5. Effect of concrete compressive strength ( fc′)
tensile steel reinforcement in the concrete core. Therefore, the yielding
point considering slip occurs at a larger curvature value compared to Increasing the concrete compressive strength results in a consequent
the monolithic case. Since the tensile stresses in the jacketing layer are increase in the beam capacity as it resists higher stresses for the same
governed by the compression behavior of both the concrete material peak strain value. Also, increasing the concrete grade rises the concrete
and the embedded jacket steel bars, the influence of slip strain remains modulus resulting in a higher elastic stiffness value. Regarding the slip
considerable in reducing the moment carrying capacity at a given effect, increasing the concrete compressive strength decreases the
curvature. As the load increases, the effect of slip strain diminishes until stiffness reduction rate indirectly through increasing the friction be-
the moment-curvature behavior of the partially composite section be- tween the two surfaces. This is inferred by examining the change in
comes identical to the monolithic one. flexural behavior when slip is considered in both the sagging and
hogging moment regions.
9.3. Effect of existing beam depth (hc)
9.6. Effect of steel grade ( f y )
In both the sagging and hogging moment cases, increasing the ex-
isting section height increases both the elastic stiffness and capacity of Increasing the steel yield strength has a negligible influence on the
the jacketed beams. This is justified by the larger concrete material initial stiffness of the jacketed beams but a substantial enhancement to
available in the compression side and the longer lever arm the tension its capacity. The main reduction in stiffness will be in the elastic zone in
steel bars have. The ductility, on the other hand, decreases as the sec- which the steel elastic modulus plays the major role. Considering slip in
tion height increases and becomes even more pronounced if the inter- the analysis shows that as the steel grade increases, the drop in flexural
face is at the compression side. This drop in ductility is related to the stiffness also increases for both the sagging and hogging moment sec-
higher stresses developed in the tension steel bars as the original beam tions. This happens since the steel bars with higher grade within the
height rises at any curvature level. Therefore, at the same applied jacket resist larger axial forces before yielding and consequently result
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
Yielding of Tension Rft.
Slip, S (mm)
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
Elastic Region
Distance from Support (mm)
The influence of interfacial slip between the concrete core and the
Slip, S (mm)
underlying jacket layer is investigated in view of the slip strain (Δε), slip 0.00
(S) and interfacial shear stress (τ) distribution along the continuous 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
beams under different loading values. Beam B-14 in Table 1 is con-
-0.20 Elastic Region
sidered for the following discussion. The coefficient of friction between
the two surfaces is taken as 0.4 and 1.0 which represent untreated
surfaces and intentionally roughened surfaces, respectively. Figs. 14–18 -0.40
represent the distribution along one span only of the continuous beam.
Distance from Support (mm)
10.1. Slip strain (Δε) distribution
w = 30 kN/m w = 90 kN/m w = 106 kN/m w = 115 kN/m
Figs. 14 and 15 illustrate the slip strain distribution from the edge Fig. 17. Slip distribution along beam B-5 (μ = 1.0).
support towards the intermediate support for coefficient of friction of
0.4 and 1.0, respectively. Four loading values representing the elastic
range, onset of jacket yielding, onset of core yielding and maximum
capacity of the section at the intermediate support at the onset of 1.50
Yielding of Tension Rft.
concrete crushing. Both figures show the same trend in which the slip
Interfacial Shear Stress, IJ (MPa)
strain at any section increases with the applied load except at the points 1.00
of zero moment (i.e. the edge support and the point of contraflexure).
This increase corresponds to the rise in the axial stresses within the 0.50
jacket layer to maintain the equilibrium condition with the interfacial
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
Elastic Region
Distance from Support (mm)
Fig. 18. Interfacial shear stress distribution along beam B-5 (μ = 0.4).
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
in a larger contact area and friction resistance and consequently less slip 2.00
strain in the former case. Also, the slip strain is proportional to the Ultimate
bending moment that develop axial stresses within the jacket. Since the
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
influence of slip in the analysis is tedious and requires a sequence of monolithic (φu) and partially composite (φ∗u) actions. For the initially
nested iterations that may not be convenient for design engineers. Here loaded beams, two additional terms are introduced that define the both
comes the importance of providing the engineers with expressions that the moment (Minitial) and the equivalent curvature (φinitial) corre-
improves the accuracy of their designs with less time and effort. The sponding to the initial loading value at the onset of jacketing as in-
extent of flexural stiffness reduction as well as the point at which both dicated in Fig. 20(b).
the monolithic and partially composite curves becomes almost identical The proposed design procedure is summarized in the following
differ between the sagging and hogging moment regions. Therefore, three steps to obtain the actual load-deflection curve considering the
different expressions are provided to adjust the monolithic M-φ dia- sliding between the two surfaces:
gram of each region by considering the slip effect. Eqs. (6)–(9) provide
the expressions for αy and αu that represent the yield monolithic factor (1) Plot the M-φ diagram for the sections representing both the sagging
and ultimate monolithic factor for the hogging moment section, re- and hogging moment regions assuming monolithic interaction be-
spectively. Eqs. (10) and (11) presents the yield monolithic factor (αy) tween the original beam and the attached jacket. The hogging M-φ
for the sagging moment section. diagram is assumed bilinear and can be plotted by evaluating the
yield and ultimate points. Regarding the sagging moment section,
α y−ve = (ξ y−ve ) + [22.6645(ξ y−ve )2−46.3178(ξ y−ve ) + 23.6573] (6) only the yield point is required since concrete crushing usually
occurs at the negative moment section in continuous beams sub-
ξ y−ve = 1.15545−2.661 × 10−4fc′ + 3.229 × 10−5f y −1.266 × 10−5L
jected to static loads.
hJ2 (2) Modify these M-φ diagrams in view of Fig. 10(a) and Eqs. (6)–(11)
+ 3.30 × 10−7bc2−2.811 × 10−4bc−1.704 × 10−5hc + 5.22 × 10−6
bc for beams not subjected to initial load during jacketing. If the beam
−1.57 × 10−5hJ −0.037306 μ ⩾ 1.0 was subjected to initial loading prior to jacketing, then modify the
M-φ diagrams in view of Fig. 20(b) and Eqs. (12)–(14) taking into
αu−ve = (ξu−ve ) + [1.4756exp(138.9291ξu−ve )] (8) account the initial applied load level and the monolithic factors for
unloaded beams obtained from Eqs. (6)–(11).
ξu−ve = 1.11070−1.108 × 10−4fc′ + 3.459 × 10−5f y −1.018 × 10−5L (3) Use the equivalent M-φ diagrams obtained at the sagging and
hogging moment regions along with the moment-area theorem to
+ 1.90 × 10−7bc2−1.784 × 10−4bc−8.39 × 10−6hc + 2.857 × 10−5 obtain the load-deflection diagram at any point along the beam.
−9.06 × 10−6hJ −0.033465 μ ⩾ 1.0 (9) The expectation function of the proposed monolithic factors is de-
termined considering nonlinear regression analysis of the data.
α y+ve = (ξ y+ve ) + [20.3463(ξ y+ve )2−41.0203(ξ y+ve ) + 20.6732] (10) Fig. 21(a), (b) and (c) present the line of equality corresponding to α y−ve ,
αu−ve and α y+ve without initial loading, respectively.
ξ y+ve = 1.11354−1.108 × 10−4fc′ + 3.459 × 10−5f y −1.018 × 10−5L The line of equality plots for all factors reveal that the model pro-
+ 2.20 × 10−7bc2−2.043 × 10−4bc−8.39 × 10−6hc−2.190 × 10−5hJ vides a very good prediction of the actual behavior. Residual analysis
for the three factors clearly shows a normally distributed pattern of the
−0.033465 μ ⩾ 1.0 (11)
residuals about the mean. The small positive value of mean indicates
where fc′ is the concrete compressive strength in MPa; f y is the steel that the proposed expressions tend to slightly round up the actual factor
yield strength in MPa; L is the beam span in mm; bc is the section width resulting in higher stiffness reduction and therefore more conservative
in mm; hc is the section height in mm; hJ is the jacket thickness in mm estimates. Similar statistical analysis is carried out for the factors when
and μ is the coefficient of friction between the original beam and the initial load level is considered and a very good agreement is also found.
attached jacket. If the beams were subjected to initial loading before
jacketing, then the monolithic factors should be reduced according to 12. Summary and conclusions
the expressions given in Eqs. (12)–(14) for hogging ultimate monolithic
factor, hogging yield monolithic factor and sagging yield monolithic An investigation of the influence of RC jackets on the flexural be-
factor, respectively. havior of continuous RC beams was presented. A parametric study in-
1.327 cluding 5103 symmetric continuous beams subjected to uniformly
Minitial ⎞
(α y−ve )initial = α y−ve−⎜⎛ ⎟ (α y−ve−1.0) ⩾ 1.0 distributed loads is carried out. The jacket is applied from one side at
⎝ Mu,unjacketed ⎠ (12) the soffit of all beams. Different parameters including the geometrical
properties (i.e. original beam width, original beam depth, jacket
Minitial ⎞ thickness and beam span); mechanical properties (i.e. concrete com-
(αu−ve )initial = αu−ve−⎛⎜ ⎟ (αu−ve−1.0) ⩾ 1.0
⎝ ,unjacketed ⎠
u (13) pressive strength and steel yield strength); and surface treatment (i.e.
interfacial friction coefficient) are investigated. An analytical model
Minitial ⎞ encompassing sectional and interfacial analyses were developed taking
(α y+ve )initial = α y+ve−⎛⎜ ⎟ (α y+ve−1.0) ⩾ 1.0 into account that constitutive, compatibility and equilibrium conditions
⎝ Mu,unjacketed ⎠ (14)
are satisfied. The proposed model was validated in view of the ex-
where Minitial is the maximum applied moment during jacketing and perimental work performed by Cheong and MacAlevy [15]. Due to the
Mu,unjacketed is the flexural capacity of the unjacketed section. In these lack of other relevant experimental studies, a finite element model was
expressions, the section subjected to maximum negative moment is also developed for further validation. The parametric study revealed
considered to determine the hogging moment, while the section sub- that including the slip influence in the analysis results in a reduction of
jected to maximum positive moment is used in evaluating the sagging stiffness that should be considered when designing jacketed sections.
moment. Fig. 20(a) and (b) detail the variation in a typical equivalent For the beams considered in the analysis, ductile failure mode char-
moment-curvature diagrams assuming monolithic and partially com- acterized by yielding of tension steel bars followed by concrete crushing
posite sections without and with initially applied load, respectively. at the extreme compression fiber was detected. The effect of each of the
The main parameters defining the curves in Fig. 20 are the yield studied parameters on the M-φ relationship is similar for both the
moment (My) and the corresponding equivalent curvature assuming hogging and sagging moment regions but shown to be more pro-
monolithic (φy) and partially composite (φ∗y) actions; and ultimate nounced in the former zone. A design procedure and stiffness mono-
moment (Mu) and the corresponding equivalent curvature assuming lithic factors are introduced in terms of the studied parameters to obtain
M.M.A. Alhadid, M.A. Youssef Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 108–120
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