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PHY IIT ADV Test 4 Paper 2

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1. A disc of radius R is rolling without slipping with an angular acceleration , on a horizontal plane.
Four points are marked at the end of horizontal and vertical diameter of a circle of radius r (<R) on the
disc. If horizontal and vertical direction are chosen as x and y axis as shown in the figure, then
acceleration of points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are a1, a2, a3, a4respectively, at the moment when angular
velocity of the disc is .
a.  
a 1=Rrˆi  r2 j

b.  
a 2= Rr2 ˆi rj

c. 
a 3= Rrˆi  r2 )j

 
d. a 4= Rr2 ˆi rj
2. A uniform rod AB of length is free to rotate about a horizontal axis passing through A. The rod is
released from rest from horizontal position. If the rod gets broken at midpoint C when it becomes
vertical, then just after breaking of the rod :

a. Angular velocity of upper part starts to decrease while that of lower part remains constant.
b. Angular velocity of upper part starts to decrease while that of lower part starts to increase
c. Angular velocity of both the parts is identical
d. Angular velocity of lower part becomes equal to zero
3. A uniform hollow sphere is released from the top of a fixed inclined plane of inclination 37° and height
3m. It rolls without sliding
a. The acceleration of the centre of mass of the hollow sphere is 18/5 m/s2
b. The speed of the point of contact of the sphere with the inclined plane when the sphere reaches
half–way of the incline is 3m/s
c. The speed of the point of contact of the sphere with the inclined plane when the sphere reaches
half–way of the incline is 0
d. The time taken by the sphere to reach the bottom is 5/3s
4. For a moving disc is shown, predict about its final motion and forces acting on it

a. finally disc will roll along the initial direction of velocity (v)
b. Initially friction force acts in the direction opposite to that of initial velocity
c. finally, disc will roll in direction opposite to the initial direction of velocity (v)
d. finally, disc stops
5. A hollow sphere is released from the top of a wedge, friction is sufficient for pure rolling of sphere on
the wedge. There is no friction between the wedge and the ground. Radius of sphere is R. At the instant
it leaves the wedge horizontally.
a. Velocity of centre of mass of sphere w.r.t. ground is √(3gh/7)
b. Velocity of centre of mass of sphere w.r.t. ground is √(5gh/7)
c. Angular velocity of sphere is √(12gh/7r^2)
d. Angular velocity of sphere is √(20gh/7r^2)
6. A body of radius R and mass m is placed on horizontal rough surface with linear velocity v0 , after
some time it comes in the condition of pure rolling then determine

a. Time t at which body starts pure rolling is

b. Linear velocity of body at time t is

c. Work done by frictional force in this time t.

d. None of the above

7. A solid uniform cylinder of mass m = 6 kg and radius r = 0.1 m is kept in balance on a slope of
inclination =37° with the help of a thread fastened to its jacket. The cylinder does not slip on the
slope. The minimum required coefficient of friction to keep the cylinder in balance when the thread is
held vertically is given as .Find the value of 4. 3
8. A uniform rod ABC of mass M and length is placed vertically on a rough horizontal surface. The
coefficient of friction between the rod and surface is .A force F = 1.2 mg is applied on the rod at
point B at a distance /3 below centre of rod horizontally as shown in figure. If the initially
acceleration of point A is kthen find value of k. (Friction is sufficient to prevent slipping) 6

9. Kinetic energy of translation of a smooth rod of mass m, where velocity of one end is v 0. is
1/x(mvo^2), the value of x is: 8

10. A uniform sphere of mass m and radius r is projected along a rough horizontal floor with linear
velocity vo and no angular velocity. The coefficients of kinetic and static frictions are represented by s
and k respectively.if the sphere will slide on the floor before it starts rolling is t=2vo/xµg, the value of
x is. 7

11. A block of mass m is attached at one end of a thin light cord, which passes over an ideal pulley. At the
other end, it is wrapped around a cylinder of mass M, which can roll without slipping over a horizontal
plane. the acceleration of the block is xmg/(3M+8m). the value of x is: 8

12. A cylinder of radius r and mass m rests on two horizontal parallel corners of two platforms. Both the
platforms are of the same height. Platform B is suddenly removed. Assume friction between the corner
of the platform A and cylinder to be sufficient enough to prevent sliding. The angular acceleration of
the cylinder immediately after the removal of the platform B is xgsinƟ/r. the value of x is: 0.67
Paragraph-I (13-15)
A mouse, searching for food, jumped onto the rim of a stationary circular disk mounted on a vertical axle. The
disk is free to rotate without friction. The velocity of the mouse was tangent to the edge of the disk before it
landed. When the mouse landed, it gripped the surface, remained fixed on the outer edge of the disk at a distance
R from the center, and set it into rotation. The sketch indicates the situation. The mass of the mouse is m = 0.10
kg, the radius of the disk is R = 0.20 m, and the rotational inertia of the disk is I = 0.0080 kg·m². The speed of
the mouse, just before it landed on the disk is vo = 1.5m/s.

13. Magnitude of the angular velocity of the disk plus mouse, after it landed becomes
a. 0.25
b. 2.5
c. 0. 375
d. 3.75
14. Find the magnitude of the impulse received by the mouse as it landed on the disk.
a. 0.01 kg.m/s opposite to direction of motion
b.0.01 kg.m/s in the direction of motion
c. 0.10 kg.m/s opposite to direction of motion
d. 0.10 kg.m/s in the direction of motion
15. The mouse, still searching for food, crept to the center of the disk (where r = 0). Find angular velocity
of the disk plus mouse, when the mouse was at the center of the disk.
a. 0.25 rad/s
b. 2.5 rad/s
c. 0.375 rad/s
d. 3.75 rad/s
Paragraph –II (16-18)
A disc of mass 2 M and radius R is placed on a fixed plank (rough) of length L. The coefficient of friction
between the plank and disc is = 0.5. String (light) is connected to centre of disc and passing over a smooth
light pulley and connected to a block of mass M as shown in the figure. Now the disc is given an angular
velocity 0 in clockwise direction and is gently placed on the plank. Consider this instant as t=0. Based on above
information, answer the following questions :
16. Mark the correct statement w.r.t. motion of block and disc.
a. The block remains at rest for some time, t > 0.
b. The block starts accelerating just after placing of disc on plank.
c. The disc is performing pure rotational motion for some time t > 0
d. Both (A) and (C) are correct
17. Time t0 upto which the block remains stationary is
a. woR/g
b. 4woR/g
c. Zero
d. Question is irrelevant
18. Time time t01 at which the disc will cross the other end of the plank is:
a. √(8l/g)
b. woR/g+√(8l/g)
c. 4woR/g+√(8l/g)
d. √woR/g+√(4l/g)

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