An Omni-Directional Wall-Climbing Microrobot With Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated With Electromagnetic Micromotors
An Omni-Directional Wall-Climbing Microrobot With Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated With Electromagnetic Micromotors
An Omni-Directional Wall-Climbing Microrobot With Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated With Electromagnetic Micromotors
An Omni-directional Wall-climbing
Microrobot with Magnetic Wheels
Directly Integrated with
Electromagnetic Micromotors
Regular Paper
DOI: 10.5772/45663
© 2012 Tang et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Xiaoning Tang, Dawei Zhang, Zhenbo Li and Jiapin Chen: An Int J Adv Robotic Sy,
Omni-directional 2012, Vol. Microrobot
Wall-climbing 9, 16:2012 1
with Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated with Electromagnetic Micromotors
examples of other adhesion principles, such as suction optimal design of magnetic wheel is given in Section 4.
cups, grasping mechanisms or gripping with a claw, as The preliminary experiment is presented in Section 5,
applied to wall‐climbing microrobot with a small volume
which is followed by the conclusion in Section 6.
are rare. Takeda developed a wall‐climbing microrobot
with two differential magnetic wheels actuated by radial‐
2. Design of the microrobot
gap cored electromagnetic micromotors [1]. Fischer
developed a foldable magnetic wheeled climbing robot
2.1 Electromagnetic micromotor
for the inspection of gas turbines and similar
environments with very narrow access holes [2]. Rochat
The microactuator is a crucial part in the design of
developed a cylindrical wall‐climbing microrobot with
microrobots, mainly because of the lack of currently
two wheels and magnetic adhesion, which has good
available micromotors and the unsatisfying performance
mobility and can make the transition to almost any
of existing ones. Compared with other varieties of
intersecting sheet from 10° to 360° [3]. Aoyama developed
micromotors ‐ such as electrostatic, piezoelectric,
a modular microrobot with wall‐climbing ability and
ultrasonic, pneumatic and shape memory alloy ‐ the
high mobile accuracy which adopts electromagnetic
electromagnetic micromotor has a larger output torque
adhesion and is actuated by a piezoelectric driver [4].
and a higher efficiency in the same volume [13].
Greuter designed an autonomous microrobot with tread‐
According to the directions of magnetic flux,
based locomotion mechanisms and silicone rubber
electromagnetic micromotors can be generally divided
adhesive [5]. Unver designed a sixteen‐legged palm‐sized
into two types: radial flux and axial flux micromotors.
wall‐climbing microrobot using a flat bulk tacky
Comparing with radial flux micromotors, axial flux
elastomer adhesive [6]. Daltorio designed a four wheel‐
motors can improve the efficiency of electromagnetic
legs wall‐climbing microrobot using Scotch tape as the
energy transformation, enlarge the electromagnetic
foot adhesive [7]. The two adhesion principles listed
interaction area (the most important parameter for a
above have their own advantages and drawbacks. The
micromotor) between a rotor and a stator, and shrink the
synthetic adhesive enables the robot to traverse a wide
whole volume. Therefore, in this section, an original axial
variety of surfaces, but its adhesive ability may be
flux millimetre‐sized electromagnetic micromotor with
degraded quickly when it is contaminated by dust and
the structure of one rotor, two stators and axial flux is
dirt. Magnetic adhesion suffers from the major drawback
developed, as shown in Fig. 1(a).
of being only suitable for ferromagnetic structures, but its
adhesion force and reliability is superior to other known
adhesive principles [8]. In comparison with
electromagnets, both permanent magnets and synthetic
adhesives have the advantages of a simpler structure and
lower energy consumption. Thus, they are more suitable
for a wall‐climbing microrobot.
Omni‐directional wall‐climbing robots have also been
researched by several groups due to their flexible
(a) Structure
mobility. Generally, the Mecamun wheel [9‐10], the
steered standard wheel [11] or the caster wheel [12] has
been adopted, and the adhesive principles used by them
have mainly involved a suction cup [10‐11] or a magnetic
force [9‐12]. However, they generally have a larger size
because of their complicated mechanical structures and
because of the scarcity of suitable microactuators with a
high torque and a small volume.
(b) Stator
In this paper, an original omni‐directional wall‐climbing
microrobot with magnetic wheels directly integrated with
electromagnetic micromotors based on MEMS technology
is studied. The magnetic element and the wheeled
mechanism have been chosen due to their high reliability,
low power consumption, simple structure and control,
flexible mobility and high efficiency. The remainder of
the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
(c) Rotor
detailed design of microrobot. Section 3 derives the
Figure 1. Electromagnetic micromotor
required magnetic force and torque by static analysis. The Xiaoning Tang, Dawei Zhang, Zhenbo Li and Jiapin Chen: An Omni-directional Wall-climbing Microrobot 3
with Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated with Electromagnetic Micromotors
orientation and weight distribution of the microrobot will The force balance equation in the Z‐direction is:
not change, which is beneficial to improving its wall‐ 3
climbing stability. This is also the main reason why we Fi G (3)
i 1
have applied the previous omni‐directional structure of
the millimetre‐sized mobile microrobot for Where Fi is the static friction force between the wheel (#i)
microassembly on the plane [15] to the wall‐climbing and the wall and its direction is opposed to that of gravity G.
microrobot. The omni‐directional movement
characteristic of the microrobot can be proven by To prevent the microrobot from sliding along the wall, the
analysing its corresponding kinematics matrix [15]. sum of the maximum static friction force of the three wheels
should be not less than the gravity of the microrobot, i.e.
The ring permanent‐magnet is made of NdFeB (Type:
3 3
N35) due to its high coercivity and magnetic energy max( Fi ) Ni 1 G (4)
product, and the round ferromagnetic piece is made of a i 1 i 1
FeNi alloy (Type: 1J36) because of its easy machinability Where μ1 is the static friction coefficient of the wheel on
and high magnetic permeability. The other mechanical the wall.
components of the microrobot are mainly made of
aluminium alloy (Type: 7075) due to its high hardness, For each wheel (#i), it is driven by the torque Mt of the
high strength and low density, so as to reduce its mass. micromotor and it rotates clockwise. Since wheel (#i) has
a backward movement trend with respect to the wall, the
3. Static analysis wall will generate a reaction Fri. The direction of Fri is the
same as that of the movement of wheel (#i) and it can be
seen as the rolling friction of the wall. Though Fri prevents
wheel (#i) from rotating, it is regarded as the traction
force in this situation and it is responsible for pushing it
so as to move forward. The relationship between Fri and Fi
can be expressed as:
Fri Fi sin i 1, 2,3 (5)
In addition, since the micromotors of the three wheels are
driven synchronously as a whole, the traction force provided
Figure 4. Force and moment analysis during movement (left:
by each wheel should be maintained as same so as to avoid
bottom view, right: side view along Yr shown on the left) slip. Therefore, the maximum static friction force of each
wheel must also satisfy the following equation:
The static analysis that the wall‐climbing robot moves on
max( Fri ) max( Fi sin )
the wall has been done so as to derive the required
magnetic force and torque for its movement. As shown in G sin (6)
N i 1 sin , i 1, 2, 3
Fig. 4, assuming that the gravity centre of microrobot is 3
point C, the height of the centre of gravity is H, the
Thus, by equations (2) and (6), the required magnetic
gravity is G, the direction of movement is α (0≤α≤π) and
force can be derived as:
the distance between the centres of wheel #1 and wheel #2
(or wheel #3) is L.
GH sin G
The force balance equation in the Xr‐direction is: Fm
L 31 (7)
3Fm N i (1)
i 1 By the static analysis above, it can be seen that the
microrobot can move safely along the wall as long as the
Where Fm and Ni are, respectively, the magnetic force of
required magnetic force is satisfied.
wheel #i and the counterforce of wall against it.
For the wheel (#i), assuming that the rolling resistance
The torque equilibrium equation around the bottom
moment between it and wall is Mri, the rolling resistance
contact line between the wheel (#2 and #3) and the wall is:
moment generated by the two micro‐rolling‐bearings in
its wheel carrier is Mbi. The torque equilibrium equation
GH sin ( Fm N1 ) L (2) for the movement of the microrobot can be presented as:
3 3
Where N1>0 and which can ensure that the microrobot
3M t M bi M ri GH sin (8)
will not overturn. i 1 i 1 Xiaoning Tang, Dawei Zhang, Zhenbo Li and Jiapin Chen: An Omni-directional Wall-climbing Microrobot 5
with Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated with Electromagnetic Micromotors
GH G calculate their gravity and the height of their centre of
Fm k ( )
L 31 (13) gravity accurately, as shown in Fig 7. With the following
parameters initialized: μ1=0.3, μ2=0.001, μ3=0.5, r2=1.5mm,
k1=1.5, the eligible design variables can be found, firstly,
Where k is a safety factor, G = GR + GL, and where GR and
by equation (13), followed by the computation of the
GL are, respectively, the gravity of the microrobot body
required torque by equation (16), and finally the
and the maximum designed load carried by it.
determination of the minimum.
4.2 Design variables
By the analysis above, it can be seen that there are mainly
four design variables, including t, r, σp and σd. To simplify
the optimal design of the magnetic wheel, some of the
design variables above are determined in advance
according to the present level of mechanical machining
and assembly techniques, i.e.
p 0.1mm, d 0.5mm (14)
Thus, the number of design variables becomes two, (a) Distribution of magnetic flux density
namely r and t. By combining their physical meanings
r [4, 6], t [1.2, 4.5] (15)
4.3 Objective function 0
4 6
The design target is to minimize the required torque 3 5.5
2 5
consumption of the microrobot by optimizing r and t. Thickness(mm) 1 0
4.5 Radius(mm)
Therefore, by equation (11), the objective function is
devised as: (b) Magnetic force of the wheel
Figure 6. Results of ANSOFT simulation
M min M t (r , t )
The results for the eligible design variables are listed in
G (r , t ) 2 r2 3Fm (r , t ) 1 G (r , t ) H (r , t ) (16) Table 1, including gravity, the magnetic force of wheel,
3 height of the centre of gravity, and the required torque.
From Table 1, it can easily be seen that the required
4.4 Results torque is minimized when the radius and thickness of
magnetic wheel are, respectively, 4.9mm and 2.1mm. The
The solution of the permanent‐magnetic field is a optimal results are labelled in bold font in Table 1. By
nonlinear problem. To ensure computational accuracy, analysing the results in Table 1, the following conclusion
ANSOFT Maxwell® 2D was employed. The magnetic can be obtained: with the design constraints detailed
force of a single magnetic wheel with a different radius above, neither the smaller nor the larger wheel radius will
and thickness are computed as shown in Fig 6. Since it is minimize the required torque. The reason is: the bigger
difficult to achieve high machining accuracy (<0.1mm) for wheel radius will increase the height of the centre of
a permanent magnet made of fragile NdFeB, the gravity of the microrobot, thus increasing the required
calculation interval (i.e. the optimal resolution) of r is torque; although a smaller wheel radius is helpful for
chosen as 0.1mm. Accordingly, the calculation interval of reducing the height of the centre of gravity, the thickness
t is chosen as 0.3mm. Since the mechanical structure of of the magnetic wheel will have to be increased so as to
the microrobot is not regular, its CAD model (including satisfy the required magnetic force. Besides, this will also
the maximum designed load of 3g mounted on its chassis increase the gravity of the microrobot, thus increasing the
‐ i.e. GL=29.4mN ‐ which we assume to be the microsensor required torque on the whole. Therefore, it can be seen
carried by it) for a different radius and thickness are that the torque loss of the microrobot can be minimized
developed using Pro/Engineer simulation, so as to by the above optimal design.
microrobot. The other three half‐bridges are used to drive
the steering micromotor of it. A visual control panel was
10 developed in the host computer using Visual C++ 6.0 and the
user can transmit related commands (such as translation,
steering, stop, velocity set, etc.) to the slave controller by it,
6 thus controlling the movement of the microrobot.
4 6
3 5.5
2 5 An experiment whereby the microrobot avoids obstacles
T hickness(mm) 1 4.5
0 4 Radius(mm)
and moves along a broken line on an erect ferromagnetic
(a) Height of the centre of gravity plate was firstly done to demonstrate its wall‐climbing
ability and flexible mobility, as shown in Fig. 10. In the
experiment, the microrobot starts from point S, avoids and
200 goes through the raised grids on the ferromagnetic plate,
and finally arrives at the destination point D. The basic
150 control process is that the microrobot should move linearly
to a corner first, and then immediately stop so as to quickly
adjust the direction of its wheels in situ due to its zero
50 turning radius, and then continue to move towards the next
4 6 corner. Thus, the microrobot can quickly arrive at its
3 5.5
2 5 destination via several broken‐line movements. During
T hickness(mm) 1 4.5 Radius(mm)
0 4 steering, the micromotors for translational movement need
(b) Gravity to be electrified continuously so as to prevent the magnetic
wheels from rolling down. In addition, and in order to
Figure 7. Results of Pro/Engineer simulation
reduce the power consumption of the microrobot, its wheel
direction should be adjusted to 0º (i.e. α=0, the power
consumption is equal to 0 by equation (9) at the time) after it
arrives at the destination point D and remains stationary. With
an external supply voltage of 6V, the microrobot can move at a
speed of 2.5cm/s and its load capacity can be up to 3g.
Figure 8. Photograph of the microrobot next to a 16mm coin
5. Experiment
A prototype of the proposed microrobot was fabricated
according to the optimal results presented above. The size
of the microrobot body is 26mm in diameter and 16.4mm
in height, and its mass is 7.2g, as shown in Fig. 9. The
magnetic force of the microrobot was tested by using a Figure 9. The microrobot goes through and avoids an obstacle zone Xiaoning Tang, Dawei Zhang, Zhenbo Li and Jiapin Chen: An Omni-directional Wall-climbing Microrobot 7
with Magnetic Wheels Directly Integrated with Electromagnetic Micromotors
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