Name:Md Arman Hossan (浩南) STUDENT ID:188801177 Department: Software Engineering Project Name: On-Line Collge Magazine
Name:Md Arman Hossan (浩南) STUDENT ID:188801177 Department: Software Engineering Project Name: On-Line Collge Magazine
Name:Md Arman Hossan (浩南) STUDENT ID:188801177 Department: Software Engineering Project Name: On-Line Collge Magazine
STUDENT ID:188801177
f aculties can post and read various articles, this promoting literary
Existing System:
T his existing system is not providing secure registration and prof ile
• T his manual system gives us very less security f or saving data and
option f or users
kind of reports
and students
System also provides f acility to upload and view articles and articles
Inf ormation
3. Security Authentication
4. Reports
5. General end-users 1
T he administrative user interf ace will maintain the dif f erent users detalls.
the interf ace helps the administration with all the transactional states like
which users sending the mails, and which users receiving whishing mails,
users details inf ormation history And the statistics of the system in
Number of Module
T he system af ter caref ul analysis has been identif ied to be
presented with the f ollowing modules
L.Admin Module
2.Moderators Module
6. Benacts Module
Module Description
1.Admin Module
In this module the user can register an another admin. He can here
also view all the application details of an applicant he also can update
2.Moderators Module
T he register members can post the articles. T hey can view their
protes and the articles list how many articles are accepted by moderator
and how many rejected. T hey can post the queries regarding the rejection
rejection of articles
4. Guest/Anonymous Module(UnregisteredMembers)
T hese people can have reading the articles and download the
articles. T hey dont have permision to change the article T hey have to
T he user details should be verif ied against the details in the user
tables and if it is valid user, they should be entered into the system Once
entered, based on the user type access to the dif f erent modules to be
enabled / disabled and individual user can change their def ault password
or old password
6.Reports Module
In this Module the Administrator can generate the dif f erent types
Conclusion: T here it is our online college magazine.T he project concludes here.T hank you!