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Spacelab J

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(NASA-CR-191353) SPACELA_ J: N93-13564

(Essex Corp.) 61 p


cooperation in space. Using 5pacelab, which u,as
he Spacelab J mission exemplifies international
built by the European Space Agency (ESA), the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration _\_SA)

and the National Space Development Ageno, of Japan

(NASDA) are conducting investigations in microgravity

and life sciences. During the 7-day mission, 43 experiments

wilt be performed in the Spacelab tong module.

NASDA 'sportion, knou,n as the First Materials Processing

Test (FMPT), consists of 34 experiments ranging from

crystallizing superconducting materials to monitoring the


health of i\54SDA's payload specialist. This complement

of experiments allou,s the maximum number of Japanese

scientists to participate in space-based research, gather

data on mission operations, and demonstrate the effective

use of the space environment for research. SpacelabJ !

will also be the first time a NASDA astronaut has flown

in space.

For NASA, nine experiments wilt expand knowledge of

...... mi:crogravity and life sciences gathered on previous

Spacelab mzssions and will allou, preparatio_Ts for Space

..... Statio,
"- i Freedom. Testing technology and procedures on this

mission will serve as a precursor to Freedom's systems and

= -z
also wilt demonstrate the cooperative working relationship i

developed u, ith one of our Space -Station partners. ".....



- -- ._

Spacelab J
Microgravity and Life Sciences

Table of Contents Mission Overview ..............................................................................


Mission Development .......................................................................

Science .................................................................................................

Microgravity Sciences ......................................................................

Life Sciences ....................................................................... 28

Mission Operations ............................................................. 38

Crew .................................................................................... 42
Future ................................................................................... 44
Experiments and Experimenters ......................................... 46

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Orbital research and development of did not fill the Spacelab
appears to hold many organisms in the absence module, NASA developed
advantages for micrograv- of gravity'. This research and manifested experi-
ity science investigations, will improve crew comfort ments to fill the module
which on this mission and safety on future and complement the
include electronic materi- missions, while helping theme of the Spacelab J
als, metals and alloys, scientists to further under- investigations. Further
glasses and ceramics, fluid stand the most complex negotiations between the
dynamics and transport machine on Earth -- two space agencies, cul-
phenomena, and biotech- the human body. minating in 1991, resulted
noloD,. Gravity-induced NASDA began devel- in plans to share data and
effects such as sedimenta- oping its portion of the samples more widely
tion, hydrostatic pressure, Spacelab J payload, between Japanese and
and convection are known as the First Mate- U.S. investigators to maxi-
reduced or eliminated in rials Processing Test, in mize the science return. []
microgravity. This may 1979 and contacted NASA
allow the investigations in 1984 about the potential
(2 LpacelabJ is a joint on Spacelab J to help
• t,,,_venture between the
National Aeronautics and
scientists develop a better :ca!O : e hpT, em 7o
understanding of how
Space Administration these gravity-induced selected bytheJapanese _ _J_I_'___N/_SD/'a
i (NASA) and the National phenomena affect both
Space De_velopment processing and products
Agency of Japan (NASDA). on Earth and to observe
Using a Spacelab pressur- subtle phenomena that are
ized tong module, masked in gravity,. They
43 experiments -- may even be able to pro- National Aeronautics and
34 sponsored by NASDA duce materials that are Space Administration
and 9 sponsored by NASA significantly different
-- will be performed in from, or even superior to,
the areas of microgravity Earth- developed counter-
and life sciences.
parts: purer, more
These experiments homogenous, or more
benefit from the micro- nearly perfect in internal
gravity environment avail-
able on an orbiting
structure. The data and Missli pi rratio isiTar ei sha red
samples from these inves-
Shuttle. Here, removed tigations will not on[y by the U. S. and Japan.
from the effects of gravity, allow scientists to beiter
scientists will seek to understand the materials
observe processes and involved but also will lead on-orbit mission operations. NASDA pro-
ASA provides payload integration,
phenomena impossible to to improvements in the assembling the different investigation vides science and engineering support at
study on Earth, to develop methods used in future facilities and support hardware in the Spacelab Mission Operations Control dur-
new and more uniform experiments. Spacelab module and ensuring that all ing the mission.
mixtures, to study the Life sciences research systems work properly. NASA is also Spacelab J is currently scheduled to be
effects of microgravity and will collect data on human responsible for launch services; mission launched in the summer of 1992 from
the space environment on adaptation to the micro- management, which includes mission Kennedy Space Center to a 296-kilometer
living organisms, and to gravity environment, oversight, payload integration, and crew altitude orbit with a 57-degree inclination
explore the suitability of investigate ways of assist- training; and some postflight support. for a 7-day mission. The mission plan is
microgravity for certain ing astronauts to readapt NASDA is responsible for supporting the ambitious: the timeline is crew-intensive,
! types of research. to normal gravity, explore selection of the Japanese experiments by many experiments share essential equip-
the effects of microgravity the Space Activities Commission, oversee- ment, and almost every" kilowatt-hour of
and radiation on living ing experiment development, providing a energy available during the mission will
organisms, and gather payload specialist, and ensuring that the be used.
data on the fertilization First Materials Processing Test equipment Careful planning, however, ensures a
is ready for flight. schedule that meets the needs of both the
Mission operations responsibilities are investigators and the crew. The investiga-
shared by the U.S. and Japan. NASA is tions receive the maximum exposure to
responsible for mission design and the microgravity environment, along with

U. _uql,lP _1 U I_ ,, _oL()R PHOTOGRAPH

F_or thespa-cela-B_ssTon, a long module holds

_tutes. e_ht double rack_ur single racks of equip-
ment. The_ all the furnaces, work-
stations, experiment facilities, storage
compartments, and support equipment needed for a
majority of the experiments. Some additional storage
facilities andone experiment are located in the
orbiter miaclec_.-Ther-dis-o_ne viewport and no scien-
tific airlock on theSpacelab J module.

Spacelab pallets areU-shaped platforms where

instruments are mountedand can be exposed
directly to the space environment. These instruments
can then measure the-environment around the
Shuttle, conduct experiments that require exposure
to vacuum con_tiofishrplasma, or perform Earth
and astronomical observations. To aid observations,
_r_r_ _e_Spac___b __o_u]es provide a shirt-sleeve the Spacelab s_5_des a three-axis pointing
e-=n;iro_nn_e_t_o_c_n_-du_tingresearch. These Inborn- system for telescopes and other sensors. Spacelab J
t_c_ _'_as_ configurations: long and will not use any ofthis equipment.
s_)_"_'_e=sE0_ _dul_ can be used fora_-maU
CoCex=-_i__ent_or_ conjunction with experi- The European Space Agency, a consortium of I4
_e_E_n_e_ o_ pall_t,_iri the Shuttle payload bay. European countrie=s sponsoring space research and
]=h_l_n_ r_oduTeEus_ f0_-a large number of exper- technology, was respons_le for funding, developing,
_ __s _a_imilar basic e_ent -and constru6ti_C_. NASA is responsible for
s=u_s=='a_e__-e_a_url__-se workstation and master its launching and oper_ional use. With the Spacelab
Iwith a variety/of J mission, this_s3_i_,_ernational partnership
......iific airlock, viewports, adds a new din_erlsi0n,brTnging together most of the
_. an__d___her_ ne_by a particular mission. partners for space Station Freedom.
--_|_._ _ _--_ ........... __._..
_-_ | =__ _ ____--_
the necessao _ human control needed to perform NASA will have its first science mission spe-
them. The crew operates on a schedule that, while cialist. Under new NASA guidelines for mis-
quite intense, allows them sufficient time for each sions requiring a payload specialist not
operation. provided by the customer, NASA selects a mis-
After completing on-orbit operations, the crew sion specialist to fill those duties. Payload spe-
stores specimens and data and secures the Space- cialists are persons trained to perform specific
! lab module for landing. Certain samples requiring science duties on a particular mission, while
' special treatment are removed as quickly as possi- mission specialists are career NASA astronauts
• a .-.
ble after landing. If the orbiter does not land at trained to operate experiments and standard
Kennedy Space Center, the remaining samples are orbiter and Spacelab hardware. Since the cho-
removed when the orbiter is returned there. sen NASA astronaut will be performing payload
The Spacelab J mission also represents two specialist duties and is a trained mission spe-
; crew "firsts." Although a Japanese journalist has cialist, the term science mission specialist has
_ flown aboard the Soviet Mir spacecraft, Spacelab J been developed. []
-- Components _
will car O' the first NASDA astronaut into space. In
- -Sp-acela-b ................
"= addition to specific mission duties, NASDA's astro-
: naut will help that agency develop the selection,
1 training, and health maintenance procedures for
i an astronaut corps.
can be


to meet

the needs

of any

__ mission.

A fish-we lens provides

this "insider's" view of rack

The modular design of

Spacelab extends to its
equipment racks. Racks,
similar to those on
Spacelab J, are being
O_I_INAL PAGE loaded into a Spacelab
COLOR PHOTOGRAPH module during the final
stages of integration.


Dr. Mamoru Mohri, Dr. Chiaki Mukai, and D_ TakaoDoi

wereselected from more than 500 candidates to train for
the Spacelab J mission as Payload Specialist Candidates.

reparations for Space- An announcement was Spacelab J mission. Under

labJ began in August also made for astronaut this agreement, NASDA
1979 with the develop- candidates, from whom selects and develops its
ment of the concept of the one person would be payload for the Spacelab
First Materials Processing chosen as the payload module, while NASA
Test. It was then thai specialist for the Spacelab J provides launch services
NASDA, after examining Mission. NASDA reviewed and mission management
the potential of micrograv- applications from 533 on a reimbursable basis.
ity research and learning individuals for the posi- In addition, to use the
of the opportunity to tion and selected Dr. module's capabilities fully,
conduct research aboard Mamoru Mohri, Dr. Chiaki NASA develops and mani-
the Space ShuttleSpace- Mukai, and Dr. Takao Doi fests experiments compat-
lab, issued an Announce- as the candidates. Each ible with the FMPT theme
ment of Opportunity trained as a payload spe- of materials processing
for experiments in micro- cialist candidate for the and life sciences.
gravi¢ science and life mission, and in April 1990, The experiments for
sciences. Dr. Mohri was named the NASA portion were
NASDA received 103 to fly on Spacelab J. selected as the result of
proposals from the Japan- Dr. Mukai and Dr. Doi Announcements of
ese scientific communi b, will serve as backups for Opportunity, Dear Col-
and in March 1980 Dr. Mohri and, during the league Letters, and other
selected 62 investigations mission, will work in solicitations sent to scien-
for initial consideration. Spacelab Mission Opera- tists across the country.
After evaluating the pro- tions at Marshall Space The principal investigators
posals and combining Flight Center. for the NASA experiments
some investigations, the NASDA contacted joined with their Japanese
agency selected 34 experi- NASA in January 1984 colleagues to form the
ments whose principal about flying the First Spacelab J Investigator
investigators were named Materials Processing Test, Working Group.
in July 1984. and a Launch Services The Investigator Work-
Agreement between the ing Group consists of the
agencies was signed on principal investigators for
March 31, 1985, for the each experiment and the
mission scientist who
chairs the group. It meets
periodically before the
mission to coordinate
activities and planning

NASDA selects

and develops
between theinvestigators,
todevelop thequalifica- its payload
thepayload specialist(s), for the Spacelab
andtoadvise themission
management teamon
operations.Duringthe =NASA_vides ':=_:_-_
mission,theInvestigator ensure subject
safety and TheProgram
Working Group becomes comfort. Those experi- also assures that mission
_ launch services
the Science Operations ments invoMng non- requirements are under-
: Planning Group and human vertebrates, such stood, approved, and
i meets to consider mission as the frogs and carp budgeted. Program Man-
and mission
developments and, if being studied on Spacelab agers in the Microgravity
' necessary, suggests revi- J, must meet similar guide- and Life Sciences Divi- _. ,managemen t• -_
sions to operations and lines, as well as equally sions perform similar
the timeline to obtain the strict rules of animal care duties for specific items of
maximum scientific return and use. hardware. When a mission
for Spacelab J. NASA Spacelab J contains both Microgravity
The experiments on administration operates Science and Life Sciences
SpacelabJ not only have under the Program Man- research, a Mission Pro-
passed a rigorous selec- ager, who administers all gram Scientist is selected
tion process but have also activities including fiscal from one division and is
met numerous safety and management and the supported by a Program ORIG!i','._,L P;_@E
technical requirements, development of program Scientist from the other. COLOR Pn,..,rOCRAPH
i The Spacelab J team has goals and objectives. The Mission Program
: reviewed each experiment
for potential hazards and ....... -, =_:____
_: has taken steps to reduce _ .....................•....................... . ........ ._ .......
or eliminate those that " i ....... :_..-.e:
were identified. Experi- _ .... ::----_=_r-#7--- _:_7 17_- _ ........
ment hardware has been
tested for both safety and
, reliability, while specially
l designed containers virtu-
- ally eliminate the possibil-
i ity of any sample material
being released into the
i Spacelab environment.
Human experiments _ SL-J IWG _TI_G
also have met exacting
standards designed to a/:_lL18WrT.D:

TheSpacelabJ IWG overseesand directsthe developmentof

missionscienceobjectives.Duringthe mission,the IWG meets
toreview developmentsand suggestchangesto maximize the
scientificreturnof the mission.

Scientist establishes mis- encompasses more than this
Japan's Space Organizations
sion science objectives apparently simple structure.
and oversees science A variety' of NASA centers, NASA is organized as an independent government
development, inchlding such as the Ames Research agency; NASDA comes under the jurisdiction of three
publication of scientific Center (California}, Dryden separate Japanese government organizations: the Min-
results. The Mission Flight Research Facility istry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of
Manager is responsible for (California), Goddard Space Transport, and the Science and Technology Agency.
implementing Spacdab J Fligh! Center (Ma@and), Just as NASA is part of the executive branch of the U.S.

by managing mission Kennedy Space Center government, NASDA, through its parent ministries,
resources, design and (Florida), Johnson Space comes under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister.

development, payload Center (Texas), Lewis

Within the Prime Minister's office is the Space Activities
integration, crew training, Research Center (Ohio),
Commission. This organization is composed of five
and associated scheduling and Marshall Space Flight
eminent individuals and includes the Minister of State
The Mission Scientist Center (Alabama) have
for Science and Technology, who serves as the Space
ensures the maximum been involved in experi-
Activities Commission Chairman. The other four mem-
scientific yieM for the ment developmenl, opera-
bers are nominated by the Prime Minister and approved
mission by working with tionaI support, payload
by the Diet, the Japanese parliament. As one of its
the investigators to estab- integration, and Shuttle
duties, the Space Activities Commission sets space
lish science requirements operations.
policy and recommends budgets for the major organi-
and priorities and by \Vithin the Japanese
zations involved with space exploration and utilization.
serving as the ir_lerface govermnenl, NASDA
For Spacelab J, the commission was responsible for
between the principal operates under the Science
selecting the experiments that make up the First Mate-
investigators and the and "/_'chnology Agency,
rials Processing Test.
Mission Manager. The the Ministo of Posts and
Chief Engineer organizes, Telecommunications, and While NASDA is the largest space development agency
pkms, and directs the thc MinGt D' of TransporL in Japan, there are other governmental departments
technical work necessary" The First Materials involved with space. The first is the Institute of Space

to bring fligla-ready hard- Processing Test mission and Astronautical Science (ISAS), which is an intrauni-

ware together and inte- operates tinder :m Execu- versity research institute under the jurisdiction of the

grate it into a complete tive Director, a Space Ministry of Education. ISAS is responsible for space

package. Experiment Group Director, science research conducted on balloons, sounding

The development and a Project Manager. and a rockets, and light-lift launch vehicles; developing these
managemen! {)f Spacekfl)J Proicct Scientist. [] vehicles and the scientific payloads and satellites car-
ried on them; launching them; and collecting data. The
second is the National Aerospace Laboratory, which is
under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology
Agency. It is charged with expediting the development
FMPT MissionExecutive
of aerospace technology in Japan.
Y.Ishizawa j
Mission Team

f i. \ I ! /
A. Miyarnoto
M. Mohri
C. Mukai
T Mochida
I .......c,o,.
M. Soichi
M Kusanagi
R Saito
T. Mizuno 1
[ Pr0jeclScton|ist J _ _ _
! f. ]
S. Sonada gg,"a'n",t,'n
Gr0KP0:a_:ger Gr:0Paya_ager 1[Pa
J [ laag0¢;';ai'Vst
M K0yama J [Ex_!_aenMb}!!!_frll (_!!iitl!!!!:dr ] [ G_re°!.POH!!rnamal:g°enrS
I [ _eu_12_sauS_!!!rrl1

Space-Related Organizations in Japan and NASDA's Role

I Space
SAC ActivitiesCommission

Responsible GovernmentDepartments ExecutiveOrganizations

Scienceand TechnologyAgency 1 APPS'Pca_ie°ns
J _ /I National
NASDA Space DevelopmentAgency

J Lof Japan

Ministry of PostsandTelecommunications J

[MOT /
Ministry of Transport J

Space Science
Ministry Institute of Space and
MOE of Education } I Astronautica/Science
lSAS 1

Private Sector

Space ActivitiesPromotionCouncil, member companies
Federation of EconomicOrganizations (91 companies)

Societyof Japanese Aerospace member companies
Companies, Inc. (142 companies)


Mission Manager Mission Scientist

Mr. J. AubrayKing Dr.FredW. Leslie
Program Manager Program Scientist
Mr. GaryWoMcCollum Dr. RobedS. Sekolowski
Assistant Assistant
NASAHeadquarters ,
Mission Manager Mission Scientist
Mrs.MelanieB. Stinson Ms.TeresaMiller
Program Manager Program Scientist
Dr. GuyC. Fogleman Dr.ThoraW. Halstead
Mission I Life Sciences Life Sciences
NASAHeadquarters NASAHeadquarters
Chief Engineer
Mr. BobGoss

The Crystalline State
¢,,= Sciences Everydaylife brings us in contact with a number of different
material forms, such as solids andfluids. Just asfluids can be
== The Spacelab J micrograv- subdivided into liquids and gases,solids can be subdividedinto
ity sciences experiments crystalline or non-crystalline (amorphous)forms basedon the
explore five major areas internal arrangementof their atoms or molecules.
-- electronic materials,
The most common form of solids is crystalline.Examplesare
metals and alloys, glasses
minerals, such as geodesor quartz crystals; metals, such as
and ceramics, fluid
steel, iron, or lead;ceramics,such as a dinner plateor floor tile;
dynamics and transport
and semiconductors,such asthe ones in televisions or radios.
phenomena, and biotech-
Crystallinesolids havea long range,three-dimensional order
nology. New materials to
to their internal structure:the atoms lineup on planesthat are
be investigated include
stacked upon eachother. Non-crystalline solids, such as plas-
a variety of advanced
tics, glasses,andwood, haveonly a local order to their atoms.
materials, such as amor-
Pacelab J will perform
research in both micro- phous semiconductors, Crystalstypically havedifferent regions, wherethe planesare
gravity and life sciences lightweight composites, lined up in different directions. This is known as a polycrystalline
with 43 investigations: and superconducting structure, andthe individual elementsare known as grains. The
27 will study microgravity compounds. Studies on size andorientation of thesegrains help determine the strength
sciences and.16 will deoxidation, gas evapora of a metalor the brittlenessof a ceramic. Some materials,such
explore the life sciences. tion, sintering, and other as semiconductors,can benefit from the elimination of all grains
The experiment number areas are expected to yield but one, producing a single crystal with the constituent atoms
issued to each Japanese information useful to the lining up on a single set of geometric planes.
experiment by NASDA is understanding of typical
Crystals canform in manyways: they can result from freezing
listed in parentheses at the materials processing
liquids, the way icecubesform; they can precipitate from solu-
end of the experiment title. technologies on Earth.
tion, the way rock candyis made from a sugar solution; andthey
A technology experiment
can condensefrom vapor,the wayfrost forms in a freezer. In all
will provide data to _lp-
of thesecases, gravity affects how the crystals grow. Bycon-
port these investigations.
ducting experimentson crystal growth in microgravity, scientists
can learn how gravity influencesthis process andhow crystals
grown in microgravity differ from those grown on Earth.

ORt_i'.!,':,L _ '_'- |" t ".., _ C.,


The Fluid State Microgravity in Gravity

Everyonehaspracticalexperiencewithfluids--liquids and Manypeopledo notrealizethatEarth'sgravitational field

gases-- andweknowintuitivelyhowa fluidwill behaveunder .... extendsfaroutintospace,in factfar beyondtheorbit
"normal"circumstances. Steamrisesfrom thesurfaceof a hot ........ of theSpaceShuttle.If it werepossibleto builda tower
springor a boilingpot,andwaterspilledon a tabletoprunsover, reaching to theheightoftheShuttle'sorbit, gravitywould
andevenoff,thesurface.Gravityis intimatelyinvolvedwith bealmostasstrongatthetopof thetowerasit is on the
manyof theaspectsof fluidbehaviorweareaccustomed to on ground.A personsteppingoff this towerwoulddrop
Earth. to thecjround,just ashe or shewouldfrom a tall
skyscraper. Butif this is true,whydo Shuttlecrew-
Manyof our intuitiveexpectationsdo notholdup in micrograv-
membersfloatanda microgravity environmentexistfor
ity,however, becauseotherforces,suchassurfacetension,
of liquidcreatedwhentheastronautshave"spilled"waterto Sir IsaacNewtonhypothesizedhowan artificialsatellite
showaudiences whathappens.Surfacetensioncausesdropsof couldbe madeto orbitEarth..He_epvisioned a verytall
anyliquidto form almost-perfectspheres.OnEarth,gravity mountainextendingaboveEarth'satmosphere sothat
distortstheshape;a perfectexampleof suchsurface-tension frictionwith theairwould _-- - ............. __
distortionis theteardropshapeof a beadofwater.Lessvisible, not bea factor.Hethen , .f._
however,is theneedto pressurize tankscontainingfluids,such - imagineda cannonatthe .- /
aspropellanttanks,sothatthefluidswill flowfrom thetankand " " topof thatmoUntainthat /" /
throughthepipes.Whilethesedifferences in fluidbehavioroften i . . firedcannonballs parallel / /,,_.
C- ' i
presentengineers andastronautswith practicalproblems,they ....... '-to theground.Aseach
alsoofferscientistsuniqueopportunitiesto exploredifferent i............ cannonball wasfired,it was
aspectsof thephysicsof fluids. actedon bytwoforces.One
i, "' / /./ !
force,theexplosionof the
Theknowledge of fluid behaviorgainedin spaceis notonly
blackpowder,propelledthe \.
importantto basicsciencebutis alsothekeyto newtechno- cannonball straightout- ......... ""_--- C -_ ................ _-±_
logies.Thebehavioroffluids isat theheartof manyphenomena ward.If no ot_h_er
in materialsprocessing,biotechnology, andcombustionscience. to acton thecannonball, \ "" .....
_"--,... ,/" ..
Surface-tension-driven flows,for example,affectsemiconductor theshotwouldtravelin a .............. I
crystalgrowth,welding,andthespreadof flameson liquids.
straightlineandata constantvelocity.ButNewtonknew
Thedynamicsof liquiddropsarean importantaspectof chemi- thata secondforcewouldact onthecannonball.Gravity
calprocesstechnologies andin meteorology. Research con- -- - . wouldactto pullthe cannonball downtowardEarth.
ductedin microgravity, suchasthat beingconductedon
Becauseofthepresenc.e of gravity,thepaththecannon-
Spacelab J, will increaseour understanding of fluid physicsand baitwouldtravelwouldbebentintoan arcendingat
provideafoundationfor predicting,controlling,andimproving
_-_- _ - _ Earth'ssurface.
a vastrangeof technological processes.
• " Newton'sthoughtexperiment demonstrated howaddi-
tionalcannonballs wouldtraye!fartherfromthemountain
........ if thecannonwereloadedwith moreblackpowdereach
timeit wasfired.With_eachshot,thepathwouldlengthen
andsoon,cannonballs weredisappearing overthehori-
zon.Eventually,a cannonballwasfiredwith enough
energy,in Newton'simagination,thatit fellentirely
aroundEarthandcamebackto its startingpoint.Pro-
videdth_atnothingwould nterferew th thecannonball's ___
motion,it wouldcontinuecirclingEarth:it wasin orbit. -:-

This is howtheSpaceShuttlestaysin orbitaboveEarth....

............ It is launchedin a trajectorythatarcsaboveEarthsothat
theorbiteristravellingatjust theprecisespeedto keep
it failingwhilemaintaining a constantaltitudeabove
thesurface.Forexample,if theShuttleclimbstoa
320-kilometer-high orbit, it musttravelat a speedof i
about27,740kilometersper hourto achieveandmaintain
5r-Sff_HE-at-spe_-a_-_-altitude, theShuttle'sfailingpath
willbe parallelto thecurvatureof Earth.Because the
'- SpaceShuttleisfreefallingaroundEarthandthefriction
withtheupperatmosphere is extremelylow,a m_cro- I
ORl_trh-_L P,,..G,- ...... -.:_gravffyenvironment_stablished. _
_avity is-suchan acceptedpart ofour !..........
--consciouslyconsiderit, thoughit affects everything
dropsomething,itfalls to the-floor;cold, dense
bottomof a room,whilewarmer,leSS-dense air rises;dirtparticles_-__ = _
and linteventuallyfall from the air to createdust onOurshe yes; -_, ---- --_----_-.
and a Ilquldpoursin a gracefularcfroma containerIntoa glass i
becauseo_g_s steadypull. I - _ _ ..........

p-_o¢_ t-ekeintoaccount=the pe_STv_ess of _-_....
gravity.Wheneverpossiblethey= fake advanta=_
ge o_Fo_xan!- .................... :
pie, duringtheprocessingof many metals,waste(called slag)is _-=-_ .... --;-,,..,.,_
srT_op so it canbe skimmedoff_Flowever, it Is _ _- _ __-__-- - .........
not alw_s desirableto,havethe effects caused by gra_ __--_;-;_-- "-_=_:___..... ---

posff[on maynot be as ordered as could be, and oth=er ..................

non-desirable traits may exist. _i:'-":- _'-'-..... _: _ ,

Mtc_ai_)-e=ars to reduceoreliminatesedimer_tation(the __L_ ........ ._ .,,,,,,i.,..

settlingand separationof heavierelements/objects from lighter},
convection[flOWSwithinfluids (liquidsor gases)causedby ,_____......... --
-- _e-mp-e_aturedifferences],and O_herbehaviors causedby gravffy. '_-_-=_
................... O-O_uc_tingr_ea_r_Tnn_l_O_vity can provide a_t_,o-fold .....--__-_......
scientists.First,they canexp ore the scienceof _i_
process_ng___qer_ts and phenomenanormallymasked
by gravity.Second, they can try to create new or improved
Z__ _

This baste researchwillh_sc_-lltLsisbe_er under_tand

the mk;rogravity

UTterly, _hTsresearchmay result in improve-

ments to production methods and materialson
Earth,However,we can no more guessat what
these adva,-,ces_wi!!_be
than people20 years
ago couldhave foreseenportablecompactdisc
playersortiresbelted with materiallighter and
strongerthan steel.
The investiqat!onsconducted on S
w_ prove--e s¢I_t_sts w_t - at_ on a
materials _.ndprocesses. Usingthisas

Electronic Materials

Growth Experiment of Narrow Band-Gap

Pb-Sn-Te Single Crystals in Space
Dr. TomoakiYamada, Principal Investigator
NipponTelegraphand Telephone Corporation(M-l, NASDA)
_ Pb-Sn-Te (lead-tin-tellurium) semiconductor material is used
widely in electronic applications requiring infrared sensitivity
because it can detect a broad range of infrared radiation frequen-
t cies. This sensitivity allows it to be used in products ranging from
g fire and security systems to space-based imaging systems.
This experiment attempts to produce homogeneous crystalline
ingots of Pb-Sn-Te using the Gradient Heating Furnace. A Pb-Sn-
= Te seed and its polycrystalline ingot are placed inside a boron
nitride crucible equipped with a plunger made from the same
z. material. This crucible is sealed in two quartz ampoules and a tan-
talum cartridge for safety. To eliminate a
free liquid surface and attendant surface-
tension-driven convection (Marangoni
convection), the boron nitride plunger,
powered by a graphite spring, pushes the Gradient Heating Furnace
melted material against the sides of the The Gradient Heating Furnace facilitates investigation of crystal
crucible. The cartridge is placed in the formation, eutectics, and solidification of semiconductors, ceram-
furnace where a special heating element, ics, and alloys. It is a moving furnace with three temperature zones,
985 degrees Centigrade (°C) at one end allowing a temperature gradient to be moved over the length of
and 565 °C at the other, moves over the the sample.
sample. This establishes a temperature
As seen in the diagram, a motor-driven screw moves the heating
gradient of 40 °C per centimeter (cm),
which moves at a rate of 0.55 cm per hour unit over the sample cartridge for precise control. The forward part
over the sample, allowing the crystal to of the unit is the high-heat zone, which can reach a maximum tem-
grow directionally. The ingots produced perature of 1,100 °C. The middle portion is the gradient, or cooling
are examined after the flight. section, while the rear portion is the low-heat zone. The cooling
section uses a fluid loop for heat transfer.
Processing in the Gradient Heating Furnace is SignalCable
conducted in a vacuum; however, helium can be
flushed through the unit r Line
for rapid cooling. Heating
Chamber __))"_ AffShe_l


FrontShell DriveMotor

An intedorviewof the GradientHeatingFurnace

The Travelling-Zone Method of Crystal Growth

The travelling-zone method can be used with certain compounds

Growth of Pb-Sn-Te Single Crystal
to provide less strain on the structure of the crystal being pro-
duced than many other methods. This is possible because of an by Travelling-Zone Method in Low Gravity
interesting chemical principle. Dr. YusaburoSegawa, Principal Investigator
Institute of Physicaland Chemical Research (M-2, NASDA)
If you were to mix equal numbers of atoms of certain materials
together, a compound would be formed that has a melting tem- The production of single Pb-Sn-Te crystals is also the subject of
perature higher than for other combinations of the two materials. this investigation, but a combination of the float-zone and travel-
If you were to add more of one of the materials, the melting point ling-zone methods is used in the Image Furnace. This experiment
for the compound would be less than it was for the equal mixture. allows scientists to study the fundamental mechanism of crystal
growth and possibly to propose a new method of crystal growth.
The travelling-zone method makes use of this by having an
excess amount of one component of the compound at one end On Earth, sedimentation and other factors make the growth of a
single homogeneous crystal extremely difficult, limiting studies of
of the sample. In the case of lead-tin-tellurium (Pb-Sn-Te),
the crystal growth process. In microgravity, sedimentation and
excess tellurium might be added. This portion of the sample will
many other gravity-driven phenomena are reduced or eliminated.
melt at a lower temperature than the actual desired compound.
As the melt is moved across the sample, the excess component By processing on Spacelab J and encapsulating the sample in a
moves with it. Since the maximum processing temperature is quartz ampoule (a material to which the molten sample will not
adhere) to eliminate the crystal deformities caused by adhesion,
lower than that required for melting the desired compound, there
is less thermal stress on the structure of the crystal formed. researchers hope to obtain well-grown crystals for study.

The procedures for the experiment are simpler than those of a typ-
ical travelling-zone method. First, the encapsulated sample of Pb-
The Float-Zone Method of Crystal Growth
Sn-Te material is placed on the end of the Image Furnace lower
The float-zone method of crystal production uses a rod of seed shaft. Second, a melt zone is established as the crewmember
material and a rod of raw material. The two rods are joined end- adjusts the power of the lamp. Third, once the proper melt has
to-end in a furnace (see figure 1) and heated. A melt is estab- been established, the Image Furnace automatically controls exper-
lished at the joint (see figure 2) and moved into the raw material iment procedures. The resultant Crystal(s) will be examined on
as desired to produced a crystal or crystals. The crystal is then Earth to determine the effectiveness of this production method
separated from the raw material for analysis. and to study the mechanisms of the crystal growth.

On Earth, gravity distorts the melt, or molten zone of material

(see figures 3 and 4). Rotating the sample will reduce this distor- Growth of Semiconductor Compound Single Crystal
tion but the problem cannot be completely eliminated. Micro- by Floating Zone Method
gravity appears to offer a solution to the distortion and heat
Dr. lsao Nakatani, Principal Investigator
distribution problems and may allow significant improvement in
National Research Instilute for Metals (M-3, NASDA)
the crystals produced. With the knowledge developed from
Spacelab J and other missions, scientists may find a way to This investigation uses the float-zone method in the Image Fur-
address the challenge of Marangoni convection in the melt zone, nace to grow a large-size single crystal of In-Sb (indium anti-
allowing the benefits of using this method in microgravity to be monide'), which has high density and low surface tension in the
fully realized. molten state. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the
properties of ln-Sb crystals grown in space and to verify both the
feasibilit), and the usefulness of the float-zone method for produc-
ing high-density, low-surface-tension crystals in microgravity.

The experiment begins when a crewmember places the rod-like

Fig. 1 Fig.3 samples in the Image Furnace; the lower rod is a single crystal,
while the upper rod is a polycrystalline sample. Once melting is
established at the ends of both samples, the ends are joined, the
melt moved back into the single crystal, and then into the poly-
crystal. Float-zone growth then takes place over the sample, and
Fig. 2
Fig.4 the rods are pulled apart at the end of the growth process. The
resulting samples are studied on Earth after the flight.

12 (_t_tGINAL PAGE
Growth of Silicon Spherical Crystals
and Surface Oxidation

Dr. TatauNishinaga, Principal Investigator

Universityof Tokyo(M-9, NASDA)

This experiment will attempt to produce spherical and hemispher-

ical single crystals of silicon to study its growth behavior, elec-
tronic properties, and surface oxidation. Studies of these two
crystals will give scientists a better understanding of the most
important semiconductor substrate material.

Although the shape of the crystals pro-

duced will be, on the average, spheri-
cal, detailed study of the crystals is
expected to reveal anisotropy. The Image Furnace
properties of an anisotropic material
differ depending on the direction in The Image Furnace supports
UpperSShaft SampleHolder
which the property is measured. "_"'lJ QuartzTube experiments in crystal growth
Researchers are interested in studying UpperSample _ JEllipsoid Mirror that use the float-zone
the growth, the impurity doping, and method. Two halogen lamps
oxidation anisotropies of the silicon en Lamp and twin ellipsoidal mirrors
crystals to better understand the mech- sharing a common focus
anisms that cause them. make up the furnace section
of the unit. This section can
To produce one crystal, a sphere of sil- Base
be moved up or down the
icon is placed in the Crystal Growth
MoltenZone/,,,,,/ _ _ Socket sample as needed to control
Experiment Facility. There, the silicon
melting and crystal growth.
is melted and grows into a single crys- LowerSample/_',_ CoolingWater
tal, which is cooled and stored for LowerShaft SampleHolder Operations begin when a
study after the Shuttle returns. The payload specialist loads the
second crystal is also grown in a simi- An interior viewof the furnace sectionof the upper shaft of the unit with
lar facility using a rod of silicon mater- Image Furnace showsthe placementof raw material and places crys-
ial, which is melted from one end. samples and the halogen lamps that provide tal seed material into the
Marangoni-type flows in the molten precise heating for the furnace. lower shaft. The shafts move
silicon are eliminated because of the two components together so that they meet in the center of the furnace
the near-isothermal (almost constant section. The furnace is activated and a melt zone established; this zone can
temperature) heating. Barring flows be varied by moving the furnace sec-
created by other sources such as tion. At the end of operations, the RotationMotor
orbiter movements or vibrations from payload specialist can separate the
equipment or activities, the experi- rods and remove the crystal. Video of
ment should result in a uniform distri- each experiment is simultaneously
bution of an impurity that has been recorded and downlinked to the
deliberately added to the samples. ground for the principal investigator. C:*'t'..... '__'
Such a deliberately added impurity is TV Camera
known as a dopant. Because the Thisviewof the entireimage Furnace MonitorPart"_'_._j_ VacuumLine

second crystal will not touch the sides showsthe placement of the furnace
Screen_ (
sectionin relationto the other
of the furnace during growth, contact Screen o°oor.te
contamination is eliminated. The components. Monitor _ -_

spherical shape of the melts is the TV Camera_ I& -.-/

natural result of surface tension Monitor Part - _

combined with the microgravity VrR Interface LinearTransfer Motor

environment. RotationMotor

Continuous Heating Furnace

The Continuous Heating Furnace provides high temperature

(up to 1,300 °C) and rapid cooling to two sets of samples Fabrication of Si-As-Te:Ni Ternary Amorphous
concurrently. Semiconductor in Microgravity Environment
Two heating and two cooling chambbrs are mounted on a worm Dr. Yoshihiro Hamakawa, Principal Investigator
drive inside the unit. After samples have been inserted, the Osaka University (M-13, NASDA)
heating units are activated, and the materials in the sample The semiconductor material Si-As-Te:Ni (silicon-arsenic-tel-
are processed. The chambers are then pulled back, rotated
lurium:nickel) is of interest from both research and technological
90 degrees, and pushed forward again. The two heated samples
applications standpoints. It is considered to be an excellent system
are then covered by the cooling chambers, and two new
for investigating the compositional dependence of atomic and
samples are placed in the heating chamber. Sample exchange
electronic properties in the random ne_'ork of solids because its
takes place after the cooling phase and before the units are
energy gap can be controlled in a range from 0.6 electron volts
pulled back and rotated.
(eV) to 2.5 eV. From the technological standpoint, it can be used in
Heating occurs in vacuum conditions only, while cooling is superlattice and opto-electronic devices. However, it has been dif-
accomplished through a water jacket on the cooling chamber and ficult to produce because of the large differences in the densities,
helium gas. Gas approximating normal Spacelab air replaces melting points, and vapor pressures of the individual elements.
helium in the Microgravity may offer solutions to some or all of these problems.
_ _)_k_ cooling chamber In this experiment, several samples of Si-As-Te, mixed with nickel
_ _ for sample so the electron valence controllability can be examined, are
r_-,.,--_ _ _ 1)/_,1exchange.
placed in the Continuous Heating Furnace and heated to 1,300 °C.
After being heated at this temperature for 1 hour, the samples are
quenched, or rapidly cooled, in a special cooling chamber using
Cooling ) k__ Transfer
helium. In less than 10 minutes, they cool from 1,300 to 45 °C.
After the mission, scientists study the structure and electronic
--,_ _ __VacuurnChamber properties of the materials.
Coo,ng.j_ _ __
Chamber _.._ _ Heating Chamber _:> Crystal Growth of Compound Semiconductors
in a Low-Gravity Environment
Dr. Masami Talsumi, Principal Investigator
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (M-22, NASDA)

On Earth, concentration gradients and/or temperature gradients in

An interior viewof the Continuous HeatingFurnace. molten materials can generate convective flows that adversely
Thesmallerdrawingsshowhow the furnacerotates affect the growth of semiconductor crystals. In microgravity, how-
the heatingandcoolingchambersover thesamples. ever, convective flows are expected to be reduced so that crystal
growth occurs in an environment controlled by diffusion. Diffu-
sion is the mixing of two or more substances because of the ran-
dom motions of their component atoms, ions, and molecules. This
experiment will examine the diffusion growth of crystals and the
impact this method has on the microscopic characteristics and
macroscopic properties of bulk grown ln-Ga-As (indium-gallium-
arsenic) semiconductor crystals.

A polycrystalline sample of In-Ga-As, pressed by a spring to pre-

vent Marangoni convection, is heated in the Gradient Heating Fur-
nace. In the high-heat zone, the temperature is 1,070 °C, while the
lower zone is 600 °C. The temperature changes 60 °C per cm
between these two zones, and crystal growth is obtained by mov-
ing this temperature profile over the sample at a rate of 0.4 cen-
timeters per hour for approximately 7.5 hours. The bulk crystals
produced on the mission are compared with crystals produced by
the same method on Earth, so the effects of microgravity on crys-
tal growth and properties can be determined.

Metals andAlloys

Casting of Superconducting Filamentary

Composite Materials
Dr. KazumasaTogano, Principal Investigator
National Research Institute for Metals (M-4, NASDA)

The progress made in superconductors in the last few years has

propelled these materials from the laboratory toward everyday
use. No longer confined to supercold experiment chambers,
researchers are creating superconducting materials that can work
at higher and higher temperatures-- possibly even at "room" tem-
perature one day.
This experiment investigates two series of new superconducting
compounds• The first series is composed of aluminum, lead, and
bismuth. The second consists of silver and copper; silver, yttrium,
barium, and copper; and silver, ytterbium, barium, and copper.
Both series are expected to have almost no electrical resistance at
the temperature of liquid nitrogen, approximately -195 °C. Themorehomogeneousdistributionof particlesin mlcrogravity is
evident when comparingsamp/esof AI-Pb-Biprocessed under
Scientists want to produce these superconducting compounds in normalgravity(/eft)andmicrogravity(right).
microgravity for the same reason they are producing semiconduc-
tor compounds: to obtain improved conductivity resulting from
more uniform crystal growth. Just as a perfect lattice structure in a
semiconductor increases its conductivity, so it does in a supercon-
ductor. The allws produced in this experiment will be formed into
wire on Earth for resistance testing at various temperatures.

Three samples of each compound are heated in the Continuous

Heating Furnace at 1,300 °C for 17 minutes. The samples cool in
vacuum for 1 minute and then are cooled to room temperature
using helium. The Continuous Heating Furnace is used because
two samples can be cooled while two others are heated, allowing
the 12 experiment samples to be processed efficiently. Each sam-
ple is in a boron nitride container that is triply encapsulated in tan-
talum cartridges for safety'.
A preliminary test of the first series (aluminum, lead, and bismuth)
was conducted on a German TEXUS 13 sounding rocket. The sam-
ple had been preheated to 1,200 °C before flight and was allowed
to solidify in microgravity. This sample showed a much more
homogeneous distribution of the lead and bismuth in the alu-
minum, although a small difference in size distribution apparently
resulted from the presence of a temperature gradient.

OF,,kqlNAL P,-".G_'

The Large Isothermal Furnace

The Large Isothermal Furnace is a vacuum-heating furnace designed to

uniformly heat large samples. It has a maximum temperature of 1,600 °C Formation Mechanism of Deoxidation
and can rapidly cool a sample through the use of a helium purge. Products in Iron Ingot Deoxidized with
Two or Three Elements
The furnace consists of a sample container and heating element,
surrounded by a vacuum Charnber. A crewmember inserts a sample Dr. Akira Fukuzawa,Principal Investigator
cartridge into the furnace and locks it in place. The furnace is activated National Research Institute for Metals (M-5, NASDA)
and operations are automatically controlled by a computer in response Deoxidation products play an important role in the
to an experiment number entered on a switch located production of iron and iron alloys by bonding with
on the control panel. At the end of operations, helium / ...-"_ _1 oxTgen and removing it from the metal. This experi-
discharged into the furnace allows cooling to ..-S._['I/_ Aff_.d Shell ment examines the structure and form (morphology),
start. Furnace cooling is through the Heater J _"_1_ _---.._.._A composition, and distribution of deoxidation prod-
use of a water jacket, while rapid ._ _ ucts in iron and iron-nickel alloys that have had sili-
cooling of samples can be /.,_ _/_'_2__j 7J con, manganese, aluminum, and mixtures of the three
accomplished through _. _ _f.,_'_-_' added for deoxidation. Samples are processed in the
aconti0uousflowof ""'"'( _ _.,_'_ X Large Isothermal Furnace, and the finished products
helium, in addition ;:"" ._>"_ _._.,_r" _ Vacuunl Chamber are examined on the ground.
to the water jacket, i """'_._ _ _ Investigators hope to observe how these deoxidizers
' = Sample
_.: i'f_ 3 Sample behave, form by-products, and affect the structure of
the deoxidized iron and alloys in the absence of con-
"" _ "'" Fore End Shell vection and buoyancy effects.
Sample Cartridge

Preparation of Nickel Base Dispersion

An interior view of the LargeIsothermal Furnace
Strengthened Alloys
Dr. Yuji Muramatsu, Principal Investigator
National Research Institute for Metals
(M-6, NASDA)

Particle dispersion alloys, which are created by

evenly distributing a powder of one meta! in another, can offer sig-
nificant advantages in terms of strength and durability. However,
Microphotographs gravity limits or prevents the use of conventional melting
show the differencein
processes. The particles do not disperse evenly because of the dif-
particle dispersion
ferent specific gravities of the particles and the metal in which they
between gravity
are placed, Most particle dispersion alloys, therefore, are pro-
duced by the powder metallurgical process -- which is compli-
microgravity(bottom). cated, expensive, limits the particle concentration to just a few
percent of the total mass, and is difficult to use in the fabrication of
large products.

The conditions available in the microgravity environment may

allow particle dispersion alloys to be produced using conventional
melting. This experiment processes samples of nickel-molybde-
_:'__:_ num, with particles of titanium carbide added, in the Large Isother-
mal Furnace. By examining the resulting samples, scientists can
determine the effectiveness of processing such alloys in micro-
gravity, the properties of the alloys produced, and the influence of
other factors on the dispersion of the particles.

Diffusion in Liquid State and Solidification
of Binary System
Dr. Takehiro Dan, Principal Investigator
National Research Institute for Metals (M-7, NASDA)

In microgravity, movement within liquid metals, resulting from

differences in density and thermal convection, is reduced, leaving
only the diffusion of constituent atoms. This experiment seeks to
determine precisely this diffusion in a two-element sample, to
understand the mechanism that controls this diffusion, and to
expand the knowledge of the structure of liquid metals.

To do this, rods of silver and gold are joined together at one end
with a hot press and placed in graphite crucibles. The crucibles are
enclosed in two silica ampoules and a tantalum cartridge for
safety. These previously prepared samples are heated in the
Continuous Heating Furnace and cooled at two different rates.
An electron probe micro-analyzer examines the samples after the

Study on Solidification of Immiscible Alloy

Dr. AkihikoKamio, Principal Investigator
TokyoInstitute of Technology(M-IO, NASDA}

Scientists are interested in a number of alloys that cannot be pro-

duced on Earth because the components, like oil, and vinegar, are
immiscible. In early microgravity experiments, scientists tried to
produce uniform mixtures of such materials, conducting experi-
ments with alloys such as aluminum and indium, aluminum and
bismuth, zinc and bismuth, copper and lead, and zinc and lead.
However, the structures of these alloys did not show a uniform
mixture of the components, and scientists have developed a rea-
sonable theory" to explain these results. The goal of this experi-
ment is to provide additional data to confirm theoretical

During the experiment, four samples of indium and aluminum,

with the amount of aluminum being varied, and one sample of
copper and lead are processed in the Gradient Heating Furnace.
Each sample is in a graphite container, and all five of the contain-
ers are placed in a tantalum cartridge with an ultrasonic vibrator
attached. The cartridge is heated initially to 955 °C to melt all the
samples. This temperature is maintained for 56 minutes, during
which the ultrasonic vibrator operates for 10 minutes to mix the
Justlikethe oilandcolored vinegarseen here,
molten samples. The temperature is then reduced to 639 °C for 30
some metalswillnot mix.Scientistsexpectedan
minutes so that only the aluminum and indium samples remain
evenmixture couldbe obtainedin space but
melted. The samples are cooled using the helium purge feature of
previousexperimentshavenot shownthisresult.
the furnace. The processed samples are examined on Earth using
metallurgical microscopes and other instruments to determine the
alloy structure and other features of interest to scientists.

",,_',,IV:ii'i'/]-_L PAGE
Fabrication of Very-Low-Density, High-Stiffness Study on the Mechanisms of Liquid Phase Sintering
Carbon Fiber/Aluminum Hybridized Composites Dr. Shiro Kohara, Principal Investigator
Dr. TomooSuzuki, Principal Investigator Science Universityof Tokyo, (M-12, NASDA)
TokyoInstitute of Technology(M-11, NASDA)
Sintering is a process by which particles are joined together to
Composite materials have revolutionized many facets of everyday form a material using heat and pressure, without reaching the
life, from dent-resistant automobile panels to tennis rackets. These melting point of one or both materials. The growth of solid partl-
high-strength, lighm'eight materials have superseded heavier con- cles when one of the components is melted is of interest to scien-
ventional metals and woods. Construction in space requires mate- tists but cannot be studied effectively on Earth because gravity
rials that have these traits and, ideally, can also be manufactured segregates the solid particles. This segregation affects metallic
on orbit. One potential material would be a finely foamed metal- alloys, reducing desirable traits such as strength and corrosion
ceramic composite. resistance.

There are two major Onboard Spacelab J, the reduced or eliminated segregation avail-
difficulties with tra- able in the microgravity environment should allow data represen- .
ditional foaming tative of theoretical growth behavior to he gathered. These data
methods, however. will help scientists better understand, and possibly improve, sin-
The first is confining tering processes on Earth. It also raises the possibility of conduct-
the cavities to an iso- ing such manufacturing in orbit.
lated fine state in the
The experiment uses tungsten and varying concentrations of
molten metal, which Low-density,high-strengthmaterials have
nickel powder compacted into cylinders. Each cylindrical speci-
is difficult even in many applicationsin spaceand on Earth,
men is in an alumina receptacle, and five such receptacles are
Gravity,however,limitsdevelopmentof these
microgravity. The
materials byinterferingwith the formation placed in a boron nitride container. This container is then placed '
second is finding a
ofproper three-dimensionalarrays,as seen in a tantalum cartridge as an additional safety measure. In this
material suitable as
here in thiscomparisonof a nylon experiment, two cartridges are heated in the Large isothermal Fur-
the foaming agent thread/waxcompositematerial produced nace at 1,550 °C, one for 1 hour and the other for 3 hours. After the
yet safe enough to in microgravity (left)and gravity(right). mission, the samples are cut and polished, then examined using a
use in the fabrication
metal/ographic microscope.

Given these challenges, investigators are

examining a process that may create a
highly porous, lightweight, high-strength
material without the need for foaming. Sealing for Safety
This material would consist of short car-
If a container of material were to burst during the mission, it could do more than
bon fibers, aligned as random three- create a puddle of liquid to be dealt with or create an odor in the air as it would
dimensional arrays, coated and bonded on Earth.
by a low-density metal alloy. A previous
experiment aboard a sounding rocket In microgravity, liquids float around as globular-shaped objects, which are at best
showed promising rest, Its for the three- a nuisance. In the worst case, the liquid could cause electrical shorts or be acci-
dimensional array. dentally ingested by a crewmember. Molten metals could release fumes or parti-
cles that could cause similar problems. To prevent the release of any
For this experiment, carbon fibers are
contaminant, the samples on Spacelab J are doubly or triply encapsulated.
coated with an aluminum alloy using
vacuum evaporation. These fibers are The majority of the materials processing samples are triply encapsulated. The
then cut into 1 mm or shorter lengths and first encapsulation is the processing container, most often either boron nitride or
encapsulated. During the mission, each quartz. This container is usually placed inside another container of the same
sample will be processed in the Continu- substance and finally placed in a tantalum cartridge. Most life sciences materials
ous Heating Furnace and the resulting are only doubly sealed, since they are not subjected to the same stresses (high
composite material analyzed after the heat and rapid cooling) as the materials processing samples.
mission for strength, density, and other
Safety tests conducted on the materials certify them for flight and ensure that
properties. failure of any one containment should not cause all containments to fail. In this
way, both the safety of the crew and the successful operations of the experi-
ments can be assured.

18 w-_,,_,i_,-,-
Gas-Evaporationin LowGravityField:
CongelationMechanismof Metal Vapors Experiment Box _
Inner Door _
Dr. NobuhikoWada, Principal Investigator
Nagoya University(M-14, NASDA)
"__I Slit Light
Particle formation in a gas atmosphere is extremely difficult to
study on Earth. Gravity-induced convection disturbs the formation
and solidification of particles, producing non-uniform particles
and making study of the process difficult, if not impossible. The
microgravity environment offers a solution by reducing or elimi-
nating convection. As long as evaporation takes place at the cen- "x_i_!Sl) , f,_l_\_tll " Experiment
ter of a spherical chamber so that the particle dispersion is even,
such studies are much easier to perform.
L_3_"'_ _ _ _ \ Experiment
For this experiment, several glass bulbs -- containing the metal to ',_t _ I III _-,._ Bulb Take
be evaporated in the center -- are filled with helium or xenon gas I llll ,J_J K on/off
at different pressures. During the mission, the metal samples are --(_._ I "-_, _ Mechamsm
vaporized by heating filaments within the samples. A video cam-
"_.,.,,,, _ ....... \ Solenoid
era records the motion of the par- TVC Bracket (for interlock)
ticles produced, while variations
in heating temperature and gas
In this diagramof the Gas EvaporationExperimentFacilih/,the
pressure are recorded simultane-
glassbulb containingthe sampleto be vaporizedis visiblein
ously, After the flight, an electron z
the uppercenter.
microscope will be used to study
the particles in the hope they will

be of a uniform sub-micron size.
Such uniform particles could be x-:\ -:.r-4#
very useful to science and indus-
try as coatings on high-density
magnetic and optical recording
media, electrodes, fine fluores-
cence screens, and for sintered
materials of high-density alloys
and ceramics.

_:_, : _

ThisGas EvaporationExperimentFacilitybulb
containsa sampleto beprocessed.

_,l,-al, ,:j ,L _'%,'2E


Solidificationof EutecticSystemAlloysin Space
Dr. Atsumi Ohno, Principal Investigator
Chiba Institute of Technology(M-19, NASDA)

Eutectic alloys are combinations of two or more components mixed

in such proportions that the components share a common freezing,
or solidification, point that is lower than that of either material alone.
In this respect, the alloy acts like a single metal, having a single con-
stant temperature for solidification.

---'------ Primary The formation of eutectic structures, especially the relationship

Crystals bem'een primary crystals of the alloy and the eutectic grain structure,
is not well understood. Gravity-induced thermal convection causes
Cu AI the primary crystals to break loose from their formation point on
Crystal mold walls and to migrate into the solid eutectic structure, forming
_ t i
J,_,f .q equiaxed grains. In microgravity, however, this should not occur.

Equiaxed-- To investigate the solidification of eutectic alloys in space, four sam-

Eutectic J . J • r-..(T'k ples of hypoeutectic and _'o samples of hypereutectic aluminum
Grain Lv 1

"r_ \" J and copper alloys are processed for 5 minutes each at 700 °C in the
Continuous Heating Furnace. The hypo- and hyper- prefixes refer to
the amount of copper in the alloy in relation to the alloy eutectic
Illustrations show the structure ofa hypo-eutecticalloy(left)
point. If the alloy consists of less copper than it would at the eutectic
and a hyper-eutectic alloy (right) processed under normal gravity.
point, it is referred to as hypoeutectic. If it contains more copper, it is
then referred to as hypereutectic.

The processed samples are examined after the mission for both com-
position and structure. As the initial samples are unidirectionally
solidified structures, changes to tbe structure after processing allow
scientists to examine the solidification mechanisms of the space-
processed alloy.

GrowthExperimentof OrganicMetal Crystal

3rd Casing -- Outer Housing
in LowGravity
Spur Gear B,. _ / .2nd Casingt, . .
Dr. Hiroyuki Anzai, Principal Investigator
(withrachet)_ _-_'-E_//7 lsteasingl Inner Nous,ng National ElectrotechnicalLaboratory(Mo21, NASDA)
_1< _'_1_ _ . Spur Gear B
Tile purpose of this experiment is to grow two single, large crystals
III I _I,_'/'(/_.__-_J 7%_/ _ / (with ratchet & over torque
of the organic metal TMTIT-TCNQ (tetramethyltetrathiafulvalenium
tetracyanoquinodimethanide). Organic metals are organic com-
Spur Gear A ,_ _ limit mechanism) pounds that have metal atoms or ions bound to them, allowing them
to conduct electricity.
In gravity, convection and sedimentation cause such crystals to be
o small and imperfect, making it difficult for scientists to examine their
properties. Scientists want to understand these properties, since
organic metals may make important contributions to electronics in
Plug Ste_rtition:, ' _ t.-" \LockPin the near future. In microgravity, it should be possible to grow larger.
B'adder" _ " Plug Manipulation Handle more perfect crystals for such studies. Indeed, organometallic crys-
Spur Gear A tals grown in microgravity may even have different physical proper-
ties, such as superconductivity, from crystals grown on Earth.
In the Organic Crystal Growth Experiment Facility, one crystal grows
The Organic Crystal Growth Experiment Facifity
for nearly 8 hours in a small cell observed by a still camera. In the
large crystal growch cell, growth takes place for 5 days. Because it
only takes a very weak force to break them, the resulting crystals are
then placed in organic solvent for protection during the return to
Earth, where they are examined after the mission.

Glasses and Ceramics

High Temperature Behavior of Glass

Dr. Naohiro Soga, Principal Investigator
KyotoUniversity(M-8, NASDA)
The twofold purpose of this experiment is to obtain data on the
occurrence of flow in a viscous glass sphere in microgravity and to
confirm data obtained on Earth for volume-temperature relation-
ships of glass.

To do this, a spherical sample of glass laced with gold particles is

heated in the Image Furnace. The sample's properties are measured
at high temperature, and the expansion coefficient will be deter- A g/asssamplecanbe seenbeingheated (left)andmolten(right)
mined by measuring the volume of the sample as the temperature in a testof acousticlevitationconductedduring the briefperiodof
changes. Movement of the gold particles, if any, will determine flow microgravityavailableduringparabolicflightof an aircraft.
within the sample.
The data from this experiment will be compared with data previ-
ously collected on Earth.
Preparation of Optical Materials Used
MirrorFurnace Furnace CoolingTube SampleHolder
in Non-Visible Region
_ FiberscopeFixture
Dr. Junji Hayakawa, Principal Investigator
GovernmentIndustrial Research Institute Osaka (M-17, NASDA)
The purpose of this experiment is to create a non-silicon-based
glass that has superior transmission properties in the infrared wave-
length region. To achieve this goal, the experiment continues the
development of containerless glass-melting techniques using the
Acoustic Levitation Furnace. Reflector
To levitate the sample, the Acoustic Levitation Furnace uses sound ReflectorUnit
waves travelling between twin ellipsoida[ mirrors that share a com-
mon focus. A speaker located in one mirror and a microphone in
the other provide precise control of the levitation acoustics. Kryp- Sample& SampleCage
Speaker Fix Unit
ton gas, which is chemically inert, transmits the sound waves. Two
halogen lamps heat the suspended sample, which is a glass com-
Thisinteriorviewof the AcousticLevitationFurnaceshowsboth
posed of calcium-oxide (CaO), gallium-oxide (Ga203), and germa- the samplecageand the equipmentnecessaryto levitateand
nium-oxide (GeO2). processthe sample.
Growth of Samarskite Crystal in Microgravity
Dr. Shunji Takekawa, Principal Investigator
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials
(M-20, NASDA)
Samarskite is an unusual mineral composed of calcium, iron, yttrium,
uranium, thorium, niobium, tantalum, oxygen, and other elements.
Alpha particles from the radioactive uranium and/or thorium have
destroyed the original structure of the Samarskite without damaging
the chemical composition and external form. Scientists wish to study
this mineral because its structure is not known. By learning its struc-
ture, scientists hope to understand how it was formed.

To help with these studies, a custal is produced on Spacelab J using O<Jcal;,;i ,k _2m_"
the travelling solvent float-zone method, and phase relationships of
the Samarskite-related systems are studied in the liquid phase using COLOR PHOTOGRAPH
the slow cooling float-zone method. A sample is placed in the Image
Furnace and a melt zone created so that a single crystal can be
grown. Phase relationships in the crystal will be studied during con-
trolled cooling.

Fluid Dynamics and TransportPhenomena

Drop Dynamics in Space and Interference

WipperShaftGuide Speaker
with Acoustic Field
Dr. Tatsuo Yamanaka, Principal Investigator
_.._ Levitation
FiberLight Guide r Wipper Handle National Aerospace Laboratory (M-15, NASDA)

(for strobelight) __Liquid This experiment uses drops of mineral oil to examine the behavior
of liquid drops being levitated in an acoustic field. Drops of 10, 19,
and 23 millimeters (mm) are examined in the Liquid Drop Experi-
ZoomLens------._ _ _ LiquidInjecter
ment Facility to determine stable positioning, rotation, and the
TVCBracket_ _ ' _X,_'_with needleat tip) excitation of capillary waves (waves on the surface) on the drop.
The information gathered will lead to abetter understanding

Close-UpLens_ _y_inder of drop shape and behavior, which is of fundamental scientific

I /OcOupleLamp/Liquid
."_ ck Valve interest and is necessary for the development of containerless

LampSwitch NeedleMovementHandle processing.

The facility consists of a cubical acoustic chamber inside which

The Liquid Drop Experiment Facility three orthogonally mounted speakers generate a standing wave. A
video camera records images of the levitated drops as the phases
of the sound are changed in the facility.

Marangoni Induced Convection

Slit Light
in Materials Processing Under Microgravity

5/ Dr. Shintaro Enya, Principal Investigator

IshikawajlmaoHarima Heavy Industries, Ltd. (M-18, NASDA)
VTR Camera
Interface Understanding Marangoni convection is of prime importance to
potential space-based manufacturers. It is especially important to
determine its role in float zone melt growth. This experiment
investigates Marangoni convection in paraffin by using fine alu-
minum flakes as tracers.

The paraffin is enclosed in a cylinder of the Marangoni Convection

Experiment Unit, which has a cold "top" wall and a hot "bottom"
wall. When melted (liquified), this column of paraffin simulates
Sample Holder
Movement Handle the melt in unidirectional growth. The free surface, subject to
FiberScope Marangoni convection, is formed just below the "top" wall. Con-
trolling the temperature gradient between the two walls increases
An interior view of the or decreases Marangoni convection. Fiber optics are used to
Marangoni Convection Experiment Unit record the motions in the column on video tape. Three experi-
ment runs of 40 minutes each are planned for this experiment,
with the last run slowly solidifying the paraffin. Particle velocity
and the paths the particles follow (the stream lines) can be
obtained from the video data.

Or,i_l,'_L P;,GE

Study of Bubble Behavior
Dr. Hisao Azuma, Principal Investigator
National Aerospace Laboratory(M-16, NASDA)

In microgravity', bubbles in a liquid move little unless an outside

force is imposed, such as Marangoni force (surface-tension-driven
convection) from temperature gradients, sonic pressure from an
acoustical source if used, and from residual accelerations. Sonic
pressure may play a very important role in future materials pro-
cessing as a means of removing bubbles from liquids or molten
materials being processed in microgravity.

An understanding of bubble behavior under the influence of one

or more of these forces is necessary' for developing and refining
microgravity materials pro-
cessing techniques, as well
as for augmenting basic
scientific knowledge. The
microgravity environment of
Spacelab J offers a way to
measure exactly the velocity
of bubble migration and
movement in thermal gradi-
ent and acoustic fields.

Previous bubble behavior

experiments in microgravi W
have not examined the inter-
action between bubbles or
bubble behavior at high
Marangoni numbers (high
rates of surface-tension-dri-
ven convection). The objec-
tives of this experiment are to measure bubble migration speed Bubblesare formed
over a range of Marangoni convection values, the hydrodynamic byinjectingonelarge
bubbleinto an
and thermal interaction between bubbles, the speed of sound in a
bubble liquid, as well as to observe bubble movement and collec-
tive behavior in a stationary' sonic wave.

To do this, a payload specialist uses a syringe to create bubbles or

droplets in experiment cells containing silicone oil. Air is injected
into _'o cells and water into a third cell. To create fine (small)
bubbles, several large bubbles are injected, and the ceil is shaken.
Shaking disrupts the surface of the bubbles, causing the large bub-
bles to break down into numerous small ones. Various experi-
mental conditions are imposed on the cells in the Bubble Behavior
Experiment Unit, and a video camera records the results.



Protein Crystal Growth

Dr. CharlesE. Bugg, Principal Investigator
University of Alabama at Birmingham (NASA)

Proteins play important roles in everyday life, from providing

nourishment to fighting disease. Scientists not only want to
explore what each protein does but also how its structure affects
those processes. X-ray crystallography is the only general method
for determining the three-dimensional structures of proteins, but it
requires large, single protein crystals f9r analysis. Crystals grown
on Earth that are large enough to study can possess numerous
flaws caused by gravity. Crystals grown in microgravity tend to be
larger, have a more uniform internal structure, and allow much
better X-ray diffraction studies of that structure. Examination of
such crystals provides information on basic biological processes
Phospholipasecrystalsgrown on a previousPCG missionform an
and could lead to the development of foods with higher protein
interestingmosaic as theyfloat in the microgravityenvironmentof
content and more effective drugs. As a result, the Protein Crystal
the growthchamber.Bystudyingthe crystallineformof proteins,
scientistscan learn bothhow and whytheywork. Growth experiment has more than 50 co-investigators from the
academic and industrial communities.

The Spacelab J Protein Crystal Growth

experiment uses multiple samples of 10 to
15 different proteins. The proteins are
injected from one side of double-barrelled
syringes into 60 temperature-controlled
sample containers. The other barrel of each
syringe contains a precipitant solution that
causes the crystals to grow. The two solu-
tions mix and form a drop suspended on the
tip of the syringe. Crewmembers photo-
graph the growth of crystals in each drop.
Upon completion of the experiment, the
drop containing the crystals is withdrawn
into the syringe for postflight examination.

While NASDA considers biotechnotogy to be

a life sciences discipline, NASA considers it
to be both microgravity sciences and life
sciences. Accordingly, the NASDA biotech-
nology experiments are listed in this section
of the brochure.

Usingthe datagatheredwith X-ray crystallography,scientistscan developa

detailedthree-dimensionalcomputermodelof the structureof a protein.This
modelof influenza neuraminidasewas developedusingcrystalsgrown on a

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- " 'I

H_¸ •

= -

MPE _ StamOo _J_SOk Mate_ Sde_m _BA Ma_WI _

Reck0 J Rack8

5 ..... _ ,29 38 46
1 4
23 30
6 39
15 24 31 47
19 25 32 4O

2 9 16 41 48
26 42 54
3 7 10 49
11 43
I=Of_NARO 34 5O
12 55
22 27 35
17 36 51
le ¸ 28 37 45 52

TOp sections of module racks are shown _E FlulU Loop Conn_


Starboard Side 1.
31. CentralinterfaceandControlEquipment
32. ContinuousHeatingFurnaceControls
Grey= MissionSupportHardware 3. High DataRateRecorder 33. ContinuousHeatingFurnace
: Blue= MicrogravityScienceRelatedHardware 4. Cautionand Warning/FireSuppression 34. VacuumPumpPackageEquipment
Yellow= BlankC/osure Panels SystemControlPane/ 35.Pilot ValveUnit
Greet}= LifeSciencesRelatedHardware 5. PyroControlAccess 36. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanelAccess
6. ElectricalPowerDistributionSystemMonitor
37. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanel
and Control
38. OrganicCrystalGrowthFacility
7, Dataoisp/aySystem
39. Large isothermalFurnaceControls
8. VideoCassetteRecorder
40. LargeIsothermal Furnace
9. VideoAnalogSwitchControls
10.IntercomRemoteStation 41. GradientHeatingFurnaceConlro/s
11.Fluid LoopMonitorandControlPane/ 42. GradientHeatingFurnace
43. AcousticLevitationFurnaceControls
13.ExperimentHeat Exchanger 44. AcousticLevitationFurnace
14. VideoSystemPowerSwitches 45.Power DistributionBox#2
15. VideoCassetteRecorder 46. LiquidDropExperimentFacility
16. TelevisionMonitor 47, SpecificExperimentControlEquipment
17.RemoteAccessUnitAccessPanel 48. Fluid PhysicsExperiment
18.ExperimentPowerSwitchingPane/ 49. CrystalGrowthExperimentFacility/GasVapor
19.FrogEmbryologyExperimentRackStowage ExperimentFacility
Container 50. CompressedGas SupplyEquipment
20. FrogEmbryologyExperimentRackStowage 51. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanelAccess
52. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanel
21. FroqEmbryologyExperimentRackStowage
53. LowerBodyNegativePressureExperiment
Rack StowageContainer
22. RackStowageContainer
54. Fluid TherapySystemRackStowage
23. SampleStowageContainer
24. Image FurnaceDrive Controls
25. Image FurnaceControl 55, LowerBodyNegativePressureExperiment
26. image Furnace RackStowageContainer
27. SampleStowageContainer
28. PowerDistributionBox#1 NOTE:Blankclosurepanelscoverequipmentfor
29. VacuumVent(Blue) safetyandto provideproperairflow
30. DataRecordingVideoTapeRecorder for operations.
Why StUdy Materials Science In Microgravity?
i iii i

- r_ust settles gently onto a desktop, highlighted by a sunbeam through a win-

; LJdow; a long fly ball arcs into centerfield where a player races to meet it; a
glass-blower at a county fair spins molten glass to keep it from sagging as it is
shaped; and a small child looks in wonder at the rain bouncing and splashing on
the surface of a lake. Gravity is such an accepted part of our lives that we rarely
think about it, even though it affects everything we do. It Causes things to settle to

the ground and provides an up-and-down frame of reference for our everyday
The effects caused by gravity are not always desirable, however. This is especially
i true for certain phases of materials processing. Mixers must operate almost con-
Larger, more perfect protein Just like the oil and colored
i stantly to keep ingredients uniformly blended; molten items produced by some
crystals,such as these vinegar pictured, some
_J i methods must be cooled quickly, or spun like the molten glass at the county fair,
lysozyme crystals, can be metals will not mix. Scientists
i to prevent distortion of their external shape; and some products that depend on a grown in microgravity. expected that an even
_, well-ordered internal arrangement, such as electronic components, are not as per- mixture could be obtained in
.' fectly ordered as they could be because of gravity's effects. the},"work. Earth-grown space. However, previous
crystals that are large experiments did not show
i Gravity also limits scientists' efforts to study the various processes used in manu-
enough to study often have this result.
facturing and the internal changes to the structure of the material as it reaches its numerous flaws caused by
_ ...... final form. For example, gravity is the driving force behind convection currents gravity. The study of crystals developed a theory to
=_ between hot and cold regionsl These currents mask other events that scientists grown in microgravity could explain the results. The
wish to study and can lower the quality of the final product by causing it to be lead to the development of Spacelab J experiment is
improperly mjxed. Gravity also causes other phenomena that can mask subjects foods with higher protein being conducted to help
of interest to scientists. content and to the design of confirm the theory.
more effective drugs. The
In a spacecraft orbiting the Earth, gravity is greatly reduced. In this environment,
Spacdab J experiment will
known as microgravity, scientists can strip away the masking effects of gravity grow 10 to 15 different
, and pursue research not possible on Earth. Conducting materials science types of protein cq/stals.
research in microgravity may eventually lead to improvements in both production
_ methods and final products. Solidification Of
iii ii i ii i Immiscible Alloys
Scientists are interested in a
There will be 27 microgravity sciences experiments con- Protein number of alloys that can-
ducted on Spacelab J, exploring the areas of electronic Crystal Growth not be produced on Earth
_ materials, metals and alloys, glasses and ceramics, fluid Proteins play an important because the ingredients, like
d3_amics and transport phenomena, and biotechnolog1,. role in everyday life, from oil and water, are immisci-
providing nourishment to ble. Previous experiments in
The ex!oeriments wilt attempt to produce new producLs
fighting disease. Analyses of microgravity did not result
evaluate new or improt,_ed production methods, and
the crystal forms of proteins in uniform mLxtures as
examine the suitability of microgratqo,Jbr certain manu- To study bubble behavior and
can reveal much about how expected and scientists have interaction, a large bubble is
facturing processes. One technolool; eapertment will
injected into the chamber
support the others by gatberhtg data on the acceleration and the chamber is shaken
environment of the Spacetab module. Fxamples of to produce a large number
Spacelab J hwestigations include the fotlouqng: of smaller bubbles.

Bubble Behavior
In the absence of gravity,
do bubbles still rise to the
top of a fluid? While experi-
ments have been performed
to answer this and other
basic questions about bub-
ble behavior in microgravi-
ty, many areas still await
examination. One Spacelab
J experiment wilt examine
b_u_bl)lc,behavior under a _
Gravity-induced flows can cause defects inside many
variety of conditions and
materials, especiN/y those with crystalline or lattice structures.
examine how the bubbles
These defects can cause structural weakness or prevent
interact with one another,
electricity from being transmitted efficiently. Theyalso/imit
Th_ata Will i_enefit botl{-;.i
what can be/earned about the structure and function of
materials processing and
various crystals.Processing in microgravity can result in nearly
perfect internal structure. basi c scientific knowledge.




WhyStudyLifeSciencesIn Microgravity?
[X ,t' t.; _i.,/
There are many reasons to study life sciences in microgravity, from obvious
/ones such as ensuring astronaut health to less obvious ones such as improv-
ing health care on Earth.
/ 1, !' ,4,,, ,,J .i
The human body is designed to operate in Earth's gravity field (l-g). Our skeletal
structure, muscles, tendons, and ligaments developed to support our weight
against this constant pull. Other systems regulate the even distribution of fluids,
organize sensory input to provide us with balance and coordination, and provide a This transverse MRI image
rhythm to the operations of the body. When the human body is removed from this details all the different
structures in a portion of the
gravitational environmer_t, as it is when a person travels in space, many complex
thigh of a bedrest subject.
-- changes take place: bones become weaker, fluids shift toward the upper body, Radiation causes cells on the
the daily rhythms of the body are disrupted, and a person may suffer from motion wings of fruit flies to produce
compared with those of
sickness until the body adapts to the new environment, morethanonehair.
bedrest subjects to deter-
mine the changes brought Informationdevelopedfrom
Scientists need to understand these changes so that countermeasures can be
about by the microgravity thisexperimentcanbeused
developed for long-term spaceflight. These countermeasures will help make long
environment. by thepeopledeveloping
stays on a space station or a trip to another planet feasible, Also, studies of some radiationprotectionfor
of these effects can provide important new medical information that may affect SpaceStationFreedomand
many other areas -- from the care of persons exposed to prolonged bedrest (such Genetic Effects of similarspacecraft.
as the critically ill or injured) to those with osteoporosis. HZE and Cosmic
Radiation Fluid Therapy
In addition, microgravity may offer unparalleled opportunities for research on par-
This experiment will study System
ticular body systems and the production of advanced medical products. Just as
fruit flies (Drosophila On Earth, patients needing
materials science benefits from microgravity, so may the processing of pharma- melanogaster) to investigate fluids have a hag or bottle of
ceutical agents. New and more potent medicines are just one possible benefit of the possible effects of high- the appropriate fluid hung
such research and processing. charge and high-ener D" above them and a drip initi-
Life sciences research allows us to begin planning for truly long-term stays in galactic rays (HZE) and ated into a vein, a process
other cosmic radiation on known as intravenous (IV)
space by answering such questions as "Can life be conceived and develop nor-
living organisms, Of particu- fluid therapy. Gravity pro-
mally in the absence of gravity?" and "What are the effects of cosmic radiation,
lar interest are the genetic vides the force necessatT for
and how can we best minimize such exposure?"
effects. This species of fruit this process. But how can an
fly Jsused because muta- astronaut get an IV in space?
tion-inducing radiation The answer is the Fluid
7here will be 17 l_, sciences investigations conducted Magnetic _: causes cells on the fly's Therapy System, being
on Spacelab J, exploring the areas of cell and develop- Resonance Imaging wing to produce several developed for Space Station
mental biology, human physiology, and radiation and (MRI) hairs, instead of the usual Freedom. This system is
environmental health. One technical experiment will This experiment does not one hair. This mutation, designed to produce sterile
examine tbe production of medicines and the adminis- actually take place in space therefore, is easy to spot water, formulate the appro-
but on the ground before and can provide scientists priate solutions, and pump
tration of medicaI flu,'ds as part of the preparations for
and after the mJssion. with information on radia- them into the patient. It will
Space Station Freedom. Some examples of Spacelab J
Unlike X-rays, which use tion levels and effects. This be tested under microgravity
life sciences investigations include the following: information is useful for
harmful (ionizing) radiation, conditions on Spacelab J, so
Muscle size in the legs changes MRI uses low-frequency planning long-term mis- any changes needed in either
withexposuretomicrogravi_ radio waves to probe the sions, especially those at the the hardware or operating
A stockingplethysmograph, body. MRI scans allow altitude of Space Station procedures can be made and
a deviceformeasuringthe researchers to distinguish Freedom, where radiation tested again before installa-
volumeof a limb,willbeused bem'een fat, muscle, blood, levels are higher. tion on Freedom.
on SpacelabJ tohelpdetermine cartilage, bone, and other
thesechanges.Severn times tissues. By doing pre- and
overthecourseof themission,:-| postmission scans,
anastronautwillput on the I researchers can determine
plethysmograph -- similar to
changes not only in the size
the one pictured -- pull the
but also in the chemical
tapes tight and mark them.
composition of the body
By comparing the marks,
parts being scanned, The
changes in muscle volume
can be measured. SpacelabJ data can then be

On Earth,gravitypowersIV fluid therapy,butspecialequipment

isneededin microgravity.TheFluidTherapySystem,developed
ORIGINAL PAGE foruseonSpaceStationFreedom,willbe testedon SpacelabJ.

"1 r" , F'Li'--I '1 r"
SMICEX NJLSDA Lib Sclenc_ E Fn_nk_y.._.,_ _ Work Ber_ctl

RIk9 ReckT I_NkS RII_$ Rn_I

16 32 34
12 17 33 35

8 I3
9 14
18 28 3O

1o 36
4 19 26
11 15 27 29 31


Top secUonsof module racks are shown
rotated to vertical pos_lion to allow
iliustraNon of rack pane_ sizes

Port Side 1. LowerBodyNegativePressure 26. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPane/Access

Experiment/Life SciencesLaboratory 27. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPane/
Grey= MissionSupportHardware EquipmentMicrocomp_ler 28. FrogEnvironmentalUnit
Bfu-e-_ MicrogravitySciencesRelated
Hardware 2, LowerBodyNegativePressureExperiment 29. ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanel
RackinterfacePane/ 30. Genera/PurposeWorkStationSystem
_ LifeSc_,_es_eiatedHardware
3, LifeSciencesLaboratoryEquipment 31. Genes/Purpose Work StationLower
Refrigerator/Freezer ElectronicsBox
4, ExperimenlPowerSwitchingPane/Access 32, PayloadStowageContainer
5, ExperimentPowerSwitchingPanel 33. ToolandMaintenanceEquipmentStowage
6. Lower BodyNegativePressureExperiment 34. StandardSpace/abStowageContainer
RackStowageContainer 35. StandardSpacelabStowageContainer
7. AutomaticBlood PressureMonitoringSystem 36. SpacelabWorkbench
8. American FlightEchocardiograph 37. SpareLithiumHydroxideCanisters
9, PayloadStowage
10. SpaceAccelerationMeasurement System NOTE:Blankclosurepanelscover equipmentfor
11, SpaceAccelerationMeasurementSystem safelyandtoprovideproperairflow
ConnectorBracketPane/ foroperations.
12, Fluid TherapySystemRackStowage
CoW, airier
13. Fluid TherapySystem Stowage
14, PayloadStowage
16.Lile SciencesStowage
17,Life SciencesStowage
19.Free FlowEtectrophoresisUnit
Dala (Telemetry)Interface Rack
21, LightImpulse Controller
22. DataInterlaceUnit
23. PowerDistributionBox
24, High-TemperatureThermoelectricIncubator
25. VestibularFunctionExperimentUnit



The SpacelabJ Mission
Mission Overview Mission Operations
Spacelab J is a joint venture between the National Aeronautics and Space Spacelab J is scheduled to be launched from the Kennedy Space
Administration (NASA) and the National Space Development Agency of Center to a 296-kilometer (160-nautical mile) orbit for a 7-day mis-
Japan (NASDA). Crewmembers in a pressurized Spacelab long module will sion. The mission plan is ambitious: the crew is extremely busy,

perform 43 experiments -- 34 from NASDA and 9 from NASA -- primarily in many experiments share the same equipment, and almost every
the areas of materials processing and life sciences. These experiments will kilowatt-hour of available energy is used. Careful planning, howev-
explore the suitability of microgravity for certain types of research and man- er, ensures a schedule that meets the needs of both the crew and

ufacturing, the possibilities for new materials that can only be produced in the investigators.
microgravity, the development of new and refined production methods, and
Upon reaching orbit, crewmembers prepare the Spacelab module
the effects of microgravity and the space environment on living organisms.
for operations and retrieve materials from the middeck storage
NASDA began developing its portion, known as the First Material lockers for use in the module. The Shuttle is positioned with its tail

Processing Test (FMPT), in 1979 and contacted NASA in 1984 about con- pointed toward Earth (known as a gravity-gradient attitude) to

ducting a cooperative effort on the Shuttle. Since the Japanese experiments minimize thruster firings, which disturb sensitive experiments. A
did not fill the Spacelab module, NASA developed and manifested experi- number of experiments, especially in the life sciences, begin less
ments complementing the theme of the Japanese investigations. Further than 7 hours after launch to prevent damage to perishable sam-
negotiations between the two space agencies, culminating in 1991, resulted ples, to measure changes in specimens that rapidly adapt to
in plans to share data and samples more widely between Japanese and microgravity, and to ensure maximum exposure to the microgravi-
U.S. investigators to maximize the science return. ty environment.

Mission responsibilities are shared by the U.S. and Japan. NASA provides Spacelab deactivation begins near the end of the sixth day and
payload integration, launch services, mission management, and some post- the crew spends the seventh preparing for landing. Some 3 hours

flight support. NASDA is responsible for selecting the Japanese experi- after landing, technicians remove the items stored in the middeck
ments, overseeing their development, and ensuring that all equipment is refrigerator/freezer, while the animal experiments are removed

ready for flight. within 24 hours of landing.

Crew Seven crewmembers comprise the creu' for the Spacelab J mission. Working in
two sh_s, they are an integral part of the research, both controlling experiments and
parlicipati_lg as experimental subjects.

CaptainRobedL. MajorCudisL. Brown, Dr.JayAptis the LI. CoLMarkC. Lee Dr,MaeC.Jemlson, Dr.N. JanDavisisthe Dr.MamoruMohriis the
"Hoot" Gibsonis the Jr.,istheSpacelabJ Spacelab
J Flight is thePayload M.D.,is theSpacelabJ MissionSpecialist first NASDAastronaut
J Mission Pilot.Heearneda bache- Engineer.
Heearneda Commander for Spacelab ScienceMission assignedto SpacelabJ. andistheJapanese
Commander. Heearned lor of sciencedegreein bachelorofartsdegreein J.Heearnedhis bachelor Specialist.Beforejoining Sheearnedher bachelor PayloadSpecialistfor the
his bachelorof science electricalengineering physicsfromHarvard of sciencedegreeinCivil NASAin 1987,she of sciencedegreein mission.Hereceivedhis

degreefromthe fromtheU.S.Air Force Universityin 1971,and Engineering

from the workedin bothengineer- AppliedBiologyfromthe doctorate
from Flinders
CaliforniaPolytechnic Academyin t978, his doctoratein physics U.S.AirForceAcademy ingandmedical Georgiainstituteof University,Australia,in
StateUniversityin 1969, attendedtheAir Force fromthe Massachusetts in 1974andhis master research.Sheearneda Technology
in 1975,a 1976.Hismajorfieldsof
is a certifiedtest pilot,is FighterWeapons
School Instituteof Technologyin of sciencedegreein bachelorof science bachelorof science studyweresurface
a graduateofthe Naval in 1983,andgraduated 1976.Hehaspreviously MechanicalEngineering degreeinChemical degreein Mechanical physicsandultra-high
FighterWeaponsSchool fromtheAir ForceTest flownon STS-37. fromthe Massachusetts Engineering
from Engineering
fromAuburn vacuumscience.
("Topgun"),andhas PilotSchoolin 1986. InstituteofTechnologyin StanfordUniversityin University
in 1977,and
receivednumerous SpacelabJ willbe his 1980.Hehaspreviously 1977andherdoctorof hermasterof science

awardsincludingthe first spaceflight. flownon STS-30. medicinedegreefrom anddoctoratedegreesin

Flying CornellUniversityin Mechanical
Cross.Hehasflownon t981. from theUniversityof
and AlabamainHuntsvillein
STS-27. 1983and1985,respec-

N/ A
Natk)nal Aeronautics and

COLOR PHOTOGRAPN' Space Administration

Separation of Biogenic Materials
by Electrophoresis Under Zero Gravity

Dr. Masao Kuroda, Principal Investigator

Osaka University(L-3, NASDA)

Electrophoresis is a process for separating biological materials into

individual components using an electrical field. Each element and
compound has its own net electrical charge. When numerous
compounds are mixed together, subjecting the mixture to an elec-
tric current causes the different compounds to separate, based on
each compound's electric charge.

There are two standard types of electrophoresis. In one, the mate-

rial to be separated is placed on a gel and the current applied. The
second, free-flow electrophoresis, places the material into a mov-
ing stream of buffer solution. As the material passes through an
TheFree FlowElectrophoresisUnit willprocess
electrical field, the individual components congregate into dis-
a varietyof materialson SpacelabJ, as well as
crete streams in the solution. This method is used to process large
comparethe performance of a regularchamber
quantities of materials, something not possible with the gel anda thickchamber.

While Earth-based electrophoresis processing provides better sep-

aration than many other processes, the purity of some materials
still can be improved. Earth's gravity
causes convection currents and sedi-
mentation, which remix the com-
pounds. Previous experiments in Protein Crystal Growth Methods
microgravity have demonstrated that
free-flow electrophoresis is signifi- There are several methods of growing protein crystals in microgravity, some of
which have been investigated on previous missions. The protein crystal growth
cantly improved in microgravity.
experiments on Spacelab J will use the vapor diffusion and the liquid diffusion
This experiment examines a Japan- methods.
ese-designed and -built elec-
trophoresis unit and quantifies the The liquid diffusion method, used in Dr. Morita's crystal growth experiment, mixes
effects of microgravity on the protein and crystallization solutions in a temperature-controlled chamber. Mixing
process. The unit separates a sample the two solutions creates a supersaturated solution, one in which there is more
of mixed proteins (cytochrome C, of a substance than can be dissolved in the volume of fluid. As a result of this
bovine serum albumin, canavalin, supersaturation, the protein crystals "fall out" of solution and begin to grow. This
and trypsin inhibitor) during several method is used to grow crystals in a short period of time, since the conditions for
runs. The sample containers col- growth are reached almost immediately after the mixing takes place.
lected from the electrophoresis unit The vapor diffusion method also mixes protein and crystallization solutions to
are stored and examined after the
form crystals. In Dr. Bugg's experiment, the two solutions are contained in dou-
ble-barrelled syringes. Moving a plunger mixes the two solutions in a drop sus-
pended on the end of the syringe, which is at one end of a chamber. This
chamber is lined with a wick material soaked in a very concentrated precipitant
solution. Because of the difference in the vapor pressure of the two solutions,
water in the drop migrates to the wick material. As this process takes place, the
conditions for crystal growth are achieved and growth takes place at a uniform
rate over a long period.

Each method has its advantages, and by using both on Spacelab J, scientists
obtain the maximum benefit for their studies of protein crystals.

O_iGi!']?,L P,",G: _ 25
Crystal Growth of Enzymes in Low Gravity
Dr. Yuhei Morita, Principal Investigator
Kyoto University(L-5, NASDA)

As discussed in the NASA protein crystal growch write-up, proteins

play a critical role in all life on Earth. From nourishing cells to
coagulating blood, proteins are indispensable. As scientists under-
stand more and more about these building blocks of life, it may
become possible to produce proteins with new specific functions,
which could lead to improvements in nutrition and medicine.
Before such things can happen, however, scientists need to under-
stand more about the basic structure of proteins.

On Earth, gravity limits the size and perfection of crystals that can
be studied with methods such as X-ray and neutron diffraction.
However,' just as metal and glass crystals can be grown better in
space, so can many protein crystals.

This experiment attempts to grow large crystals of a functional

protein and four kinds of enzymes for structural analysis. This is
done by mixing two solutions in a special chamber: one contains
the protein; the other contains materials to induce crystallization.
Once mixing and crystal formation are unde_'ay, the chambers
must be stored in an incubator at 20 °C, both to control the rate of
crystal growth and to ensure that the fluid will move as little as
possible for tile duration of the mission. The crystals grown in this
experiment are examined after the mission.

Separation of the Animal Cells and Cellular

Organella by Means of Free Flow Electrophoresis
Dr. TokioYamaguchi, Principal Investigator
TokyoMedical and Dental University (L-8, NASDA)

As mentioned earlier, each element and chemical compound has

its own specific electrical charge. So too do different types of cells,
even cells that are very similar. Scientists, however, have not been
able to separate similar cells at acceptable purity levels in normal

This experiment seeks to demonstrate the effectiveness of the

microgravity environment for separating similar types of cells. To
do this, scientists will attempt to obtain relatively pure samples of
a strain of Salmo_zella bacteria.

They are also evaluating the effectiveness of a thick chamber in

the etectrophoresis unit. This chamber will be much thicker than
those in use on Earth. A thick chamber offers m'o major advan-
tages in processing: increased volume and reduced wall effects.
By using a thick chamber, scientists can increase the sample con-
centration and amount, thus producing larger volumes of
processed materials. Wall effects interfere with electrophoretic
separation by causing some of the fluid to flow at a different rate
from the rest. This means that the sample is not uniformly exposed
to the electrical field, resulting in lower purity. A thick chamber,
however, reduces wall effects and increases purity levels.


Space Acceleration Measurement System

Mr. Richard DeLombard, Project Manager
NASA Lewis Research Center (NASA)

Microgravity is an ideal environment in which to conduct many

different types of research. Away from the effects of Earth's grav-
ity, purer products can be produced, larger, more perfect crystals
grown, and more uniform mixtures created: including some not
possible to create on Earth because of the differences in the den-
sities of the component materials.

However, microgravity, as its name suggests, is not the absence of

gravity. Although the effects of Earth's gravity are significantly
reduced, crew movements, equipment operations, and Shuttle
maneuvers can produce accelerations that mimic the effects of
gravity. So that scientists conducting experiments in Spacelab can
Three triaxial sensor heads, like this one, wilt be located in
know what gravitational and gravity-mimicking forces may have
different parts of the Space/ab module during Spacelab J.
affected their experiment, the Space Acceleration Measurement
Each head sends data back to the central processing unit,
System will be flying on Spacelab J. mounted in the center aisle of the module.
The system uses three sensor heads to measure accelerations
along three orthogonal axes at remote locations in the Spacelab
module. Data collected at each location are transmitted to a central
microprocessor and stored on optical disks. The data not only
benefit the scientists taking part in Spacelab J but also serve to fur-
ther characterize the Spacelab acceleration environment. This
characterization assists in planning future missions by allowing
experiments that are extremely sensitive to vibrations and acceler-
ations to be placed in the most advantageous location and by
providing guidance to scientists designing experi-
ments and equipment for Spacelab. Gravityin Gs
-0.0008 i I ! i ! i


- 0.001-




-0.0014 --

-0.0015 l I I I I I I

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time in seconds

This typical Space AcceTeration Measurement System data plot, obtained on the
IML- 1 mission, shows a portion of the acceleration data from a triaxial sensor head.
Scientists conducting experiments can obtain data from one or all three remote sensor
heads to determine the acceleration environment to which_the experiment was
exposed during the mission.
Life Sciences
Sixteen investigations
examine three areas of life
science -- cell and devel-
opmental biology, human
physiology, and radiation
and environmental health. ----- Why Cond_ctLjfe Sciences Research in Microgravity?
These experiments seek to r i A_bda_mental t:eas0n for doing life sciences research is, of course,
discover the effects of the {0 Ufid_"s_ah_ _haeges brough{ about in plant and animal life as a
space environment on life result of the mlcrogravity environment. What happens to organisms :_J
forms, identify ways to • cuesl Suctraslgrav_{y_moved?. :_ ZZ
correct or prevent prob-
lems associated with
" ....... 7nlife
working and living in
space, and improve the I
quality of life on Earth by
Z_mo-tion sickness)'a'nd__'y/__._hey r_W--_. _
advancing knowledge in
also develop a
better of
biological sciences. In
From _ opment
addition, one technology
growth to the development _:growth of ent re organisms, the mecha>-
experiment will examine
nisms that contro! _afiou_processes can be identified_ studied ` and _--:
the production of medi-
--- #e_ps-eventuaiTy_entrB][ed: This _kfiowl_edg_ufcl lead to a better _, L_
cines and the administra-
""_rs_n-ding_f-a:var!_et-y -of!n=ju%_esancFd&eas_ an(_ {he dev_]_)p_n_ -
tion of medical fluids as
:__ of-hardier and_ore'hhtri{k_us plants. Such plants cou_ help combat :
part of the preparations
........ hu_ and pollution on Earth, as well as provide food and oxygen dui_-
for Space Station Freedom.
ing long-term space efforts.

as experimenfihg in:rnicrogravity can benefit materiais processing,

so too can it benefit biological processing. The microgravity environment
is dea for the prodtaction and refinement of drugs and other biological
__ : materials_ Gravitational efffcts such as sedimentation and thermal con-
_tion_are__re_duc_ed or eliminated, allowing greater quantities of materi-
alsO_tobe-_fined or]3roduced at higher levels of purity than possible on
..... Ea_t_. It h_s been previously estimated that more than 25 million people
a year cou db. enefit-froth s paCeTbased free-flow electrophoretic_ro-
___materjals suc_n_asifiie _rferon_-rn-oph_ic pr_od-
i _wth_rmone products, and beta ceils.
i -- - 7

The ex#eriments on Spacelab J examine many of these areas, from

research into t_uses and control of Space Adaptation Syndrome to :::
the evatuation of a thick-chambered free:flow etectrophoresis unitl Whife _
_perime_rov_ide _he ultimate answer lo any of tt_e-
queSfions being ihvest_gated, they are an integral part Of finding those
an§wers and solutions to both Earth and space-based problems.

O,,,G,, ,_-,L PAGE
CeU and Developmental Biology

Plant Culture Research

(Gravity, chromosomes and organized development in
aseptically cultured plant cells)
Dr. Abraham Krikorian, Principal Investigator
State University of New York at Stony Brook (NASA)
- Co-Investigation with Dr. Atsushlge Sato, L-6

As discussed earlier, there are many questions about cell develop-

ment in microgravity. The potential problems related to early devel-
opmental stages may affect not only animal life but plant life as well.

This experiment uses aseptic carrot and daylilly cultures to investi-

gate how microgravity affects plant cell division and development.
Specifically, it examines the effects on growth and differentiation of
This microscopic view
• plant cells, and on mitosis and chromosome behavior.
shows an early stage of a
The experiment uses NASDA-provided petri dish-type metal culture carrot embryo derived from
chambers, A precisely controlled semi-solid agar based nutrient a body (somatic) cell• One of

(enabling) medium J_ distributed throughout a honeycomb support the goNs of the Plant
Culture Research
structure. This medium will allow the cultures to grow from unorga-
experiment is to determine if
nized cells into embryos, if the microgravity conditions are favorable
such embryos will form in
for growth. The cultures are analyzed on the ground using conven-
i tional and scanning electron microscopes and chromosome analysis.

Studies on the Effects of Microgravity on the Ultra-

structure and Function of Cultured Mammalian Cells This close-up view shows dayli/y

Dr. Atsushige Sato, Principal Investigator embryos growing on a nutrient

medium within a honeycomb
Tokyo Medical and Dental University (L-6, NASDA)
support structure. The extent to
Despite numerous studies of cultured animal cells during spaceflight, which such development will occur
scientists do not fully understand the influence of microgravity on in microgravity witl be examined on
cell structure and function. To better understand how microgravity Spacelab J.
affects animal cells, this experiment grows cell cultures in a thermo-
electric incubator.

Four cultures of kidney epithelial cells are grown on orbit using a

commercial growth medium supplemented with 10-percent fetal
bovine serum, which provides nutrients for the cells. Two cultures
will be treated in orbit with trypsin, an enzyme which breaks cells
free from each other and from the walls of the culture chamber, and
fixed with glutaraldehyde. The first culture is fixed immediately after
trypsinization and the second after 24 hours. These two are stored at
4 °C until they are examined on Earth. Cells in a third culture are har-
vested after being grown in serum-free medium for 48 hours; then
the medium is frozen. The fourth culture is used to observe micro-
scopically any effects of microgravity on the cells.

By examining these cultures using electron microscopes and chemi-

cal analysis, scientists hope to observe the rearrangements of inter-
mediate filaments and microfitaments in the cell. These filaments,
which compose the skeletal structure of cells and moderate cellular
functions such as mitosis (cell dMsion), can be examined using an
Intermediate and micro- (arrow) intracellular
electron microscope. Other analyses examine the nutrient consump-
filaments are visible in this electron
tion and urokinase (an enzyme that dissolves blood clots) productiv-
microphotograph of a cell.
it), of the cultures.

ANIMALPOLE GREY A.P. SPERM The Effectsof Weightlessnessonthe Development
I of AmphibianEggsFertilized in Space
Mr. Kenneth A. Souza, Principal Investigator
NASA Ames Research Center (NASA)

Many people look forward to long-term space ventures, from mis-

I I t _="_
VEGETALPOLE V.P. 90 minutes_ sions to Mars to space colonization, but before lwing and working
0 minutes 60 minutes in space is attempted, numerous questions must be answered.
Two extremely important ones are: What role does gravity play in
the early development of an organism? Can new generations of a
species be conceived and develop normally in microgravity?

This experiment examines aspects of these questions by investi-

D gating the effect of microgravity on amphibian development. The

DORSALL P role of gravity in amphibian development has been the subject of
4 months 9 hours 9 hours
considerable debate. Previous experiments have failed to provide
conclusive data, since the experimental procedures may have
The development of an egg into an adult frog is seen in this
been flawed because the fertilization of the eggs took place on
progression which shows the sperm entry point determining
dorsal/ventral axes. Earth. It is now believed that the portions of development most
sensitive to gravity may occur during and just after fertilization.

To examine this theory, female frogs carried aboard SpacelabJ are

induced to ovulate and shed eggs. These eggs are then fertilized in
the microgravity environment. Half are incubated in microgravity,
while the other half, serving as a control group, are incubated in a
centrifuge that spins to simulate normal gravity. At various times,
some eggs from both groups are fixed with formaldehyde and
stored for postmission examination. The remaining eggs develop
undisturbed until after the mission so further studies can be per-
formed, including examinations of the swimming behavior of tad-
poles grown in the absence of gravity.

Of particular interest is the role of gravity in the process of bilateral

symmetry, dorsal/ventral axis formation, and the development of
the inner ear and related gravity-sensitive components. Normally,
female frogs shed their eggs into rivers, streams, or other bodies of
water. Male frogs release sperm in close proximity to the eggs.
After a sperm enters an egg, the egg rotates in response to gravity',
and the dorsal structures, better known as the future backbone,
form opposite the Ix>int where the sperm entered.

For more than a century, embryologists (scientists who study the

development of animals from the fertilization of eggs to maturity)
This photograph Shows fertilized frog eggs
have wondered whether egg rotation to align with gravity is essen-
that have rotated with respect to gravity.
The heavier yellow hemisphere points tial for normal development. This experiment may provide the

toward gravity, while the lighter brown answer. Scientists expect that microgravity will not significantly

hemisphere points away from gravi_ The alter the normal process of amphibian fertilization and develop-
dark spot appearing on some eggs is where ment. However, they do expect that gravity-sensing structures,
the sperm penetrated the egg. such as the inner ear, may differ from normal and that there could
be abnormalities in subsequent development and reproduction. If
confirmed, this could pose problems for the long-term presence of
other species, including humans, in space unless gravity is artifi-
cially induced so that conception and development can take place

30 ,"+_-,,- PAGE

Autogenic Feedback Training Experiment:

A Preventative Method for Space Motion Sickness
Dr. Patricia S. Cowings, Principal Investigator
NASAAmes Research Center (NASA)

Autogenic Feedback Training was developed as a method to con-

trol or minimize space motion sickness without the use of drugs,
using biofeedback techniques. This experiment flew previously
on Spacelab 3, but the hardware has been extensively redesigned
to allow better data collection and improve crew comfort. Two
volunteer crewmembers on Spacelab J act as subjects for the
experiment. One receives training in voluntary control of his or
her physiological responses to motion sickness stimulation. The
other does not and se_'es as a control subject.

Instruments within the Autogenic Feedback Suit measure each

crewmember's pulse rate, blood pressure, skin temperature,
blood volume, skin conductance, respiration, and head accelera-
tions in three orthogonal axes on a continuing basis. The suit is
worn at all times except during sleep periods. Participants can
check their current physiology on a wrist display unit, which dis-
TheAutogenicFeedback TrainingSystem2
plays heart rate, blood volume, respiration rate, and skin conduc-
suit,seenherebeing worn by alternate
tance, as well as the time. Trained individuals use this information PayloadSpecialistDr. StanleyKoszelak,
to control their physiology and suppress symptoms• Augmenting provides informationfroma varietyof
these data is a written log of symptoms experienced by the sensorsfor bothcrewmemberuse in
crewmember. combatingSpaceAdaptationSyndrome
and forpost-mission analysis.
Before the mission, both participants have preliminary data taken
and undergo motion sickness stimulation. The experimental sub-
ject receives 6 hours of training on how to control the appropriate
physiological responses. This crewmember is also encouraged to
continue practicing these techniques using portable Autogenic
Feedback Training equipment•

The use of this experiment on Spacelab J will expand the experi-

Theseosteoblasticcells havebeen stained
mental sample size, which calls for acquiring data from a total of
to showthe productionof a collagen-
16 subjects, half of which form the control group. Analysis of the
data will allow Autogenic Feedback Training to be evaluated as a
on SpacelabJ willbe examinedby a variety
countermeasure for space motion sickness by comparing inflight of methodstohelp answerquestionsabout
data with ground-based motion sickness data. This could lead to the effectsof microgravity onbone cells.
the ability to predict crewmember susceptibility to space motion • . _ _',_t;:_7 -t:_', ": ,_.

Bone Cell Research

Dr. Nicola Partridge, Principal Investigator
St. LouisUniversitySchool of Medicine (NASA)
Co-Investigationwith Dr. AtsushigeSato, L-6

As humans begin to work and live in space, the effect of micro- -. ,-_._" "_ _;; :. * _¢.5_._.#."_%_- *._l
gravity on bone growth and mineralization becomes increasingly
important. From previous spaceflights, it is known that bones can
be weakened by the absence of gravity. This results from a com-
plex process that includes less new bone formation (rather than an
increase in bone breakdown), changes in bone shape, redistribu-
tion of minerals and fluids, and weaker muscles• Given these

effects, what might happen to the bones of people working for
extremely long durations in space or to those of children growing
up there?

This experiment attempts to answer some of the questions about

bone changes by examining the effects of microgravity on bone
cell responsiveness, shape, and protein production. This is done
by growing cultures of rat osteoblastic cells (bone forming cells) in
a thermoelectric incubator using the same type of chambers as for
experiment L-6. Investigators study these cultures through the use
of photomicroscopy and biochemical analysis to determine
whether the cells change either shape or function compared to
cultures maintained on Earth. By understanding how spaceflight
causes changes in bone cell function, scientists can better under-
stand why bones become weaker during spaceflight.

Lower Body Negative Pressure: Countermeasure

for Reducing Postflight Orthostatic Intolerance
Dr. John B. Charles, Principal Investigator
NASAJohnsonSpace Center (NASA)

Over the course of a mission, television viewers might notice that

astronauts' faces become puffy and swollen. This is because fluids
tend to migrate out of the lower body toward the head and chest
in the absence of gravity. While not a problem in orbit, the fluid
shift and associated fluid loss can cause problems when the astro-
nauts return to Earth. Because of fluid loss, astronauts returning
to Earth can experience reduced blood flow to the brain when
standing up, raising their pulses and possibly causing a loss of
The LowerBody consciousness.
NegativePressure The investigators hypothesize that orthostatic intolerance, as the
condition is known, can be countered by ingesting a liter of iso-
tonic saline solution while exposing the lower body to a reduced
SpacelabJ. On-
atmospheric pressure. This lower pressure should cause fluids to
orbit, the equipmentwillbe used to simulateorthostaticintolerance
and testa countermeasurefor thiscondition. redistribute to the lower body, where they should remain for up to
24 hours.

The Lower Body Negative Pressure experiment uses a cylindrical

fabric device, which seals around the waist of the astronaut, as a
pressure vessel. This cylinder, attached to the floor of the Spacelab
module, has a controller that operates a pump to change the pres-
sure inside it. The experiment on Spacelab J attempts to simulate
orthostatic intolerance using negative pressure and to evaluate the
effectiveness of the saline ingestion during Lower Body Negative
, ijt-- Pressure as a countermeasure.

Effectiveness of the treatment is determined by examining data

" o _ from an echocardiograph, an automatic blood pressure monitor-
ing system, and an ultrasonic limb plethysmograph (a device for
measuring the size and volume of a limb and establishing the
changes in these parameters). This equipment monitors pulse rate,
blood pressure, cardiac dimensions and function, calf dimensions,
On SpacelabJ, the LowerBodyNegativePressureDevicewill be and leg volume so that fluid shifts and physiological responses can
located at the aft endof the Spacelabmodule. be determined.

Cl TM .... _'_i p,"

chemical form also allows researchers to detect shifts in the chem-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
After Exposure to Microgravity ical makeup of a region, allowing them to detect subtle changes
or injuries.
Dr. Adrian LeBlanc, Principal Investigator
The procedure for this experiment is relatively simple. Before the
Baylor College of Medicine and Methodist Hospital (NASA)
mission, the crewmembers taking part in this experiment have
This experiment does not actually take place in space but on the scans made of their legs and spines. After landing, similar scans
ground before and after the mission. It seeks to develop Magnetic are performed, and comparisons are made bem'een the two sets
Resonance Imaging as a non-invasive tool for of scans. In particular, the investigators examine
studying physiological changes brought about the muscle volume in the calf and thigh, fat and
by exposure to microgravity and to compare water changes in spinal bone marrow, and
data from SpacelabJ crewmembers with those of changes in the volume, shape, and water content
bedrest patients. Assessments will be made of of the spinal discs (vertebrae). The changes found
muscle atrophy and bone marrow and vertebral are compared to the changes in subjects undergo-
disc changes. ing a bedrest experiment in Houston. By compar-
ing data from the two groups, the astronauts and
Unlike conventional X-rays, which use ionizing
the bedrest subjects, researchers hope to under-
radiation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging uses
stand better the mechanisms behind muscle atro-
low-frequency radio waves to probe the body,
phy and the effects of reduced gravity on the
giving the process no known health hazards.
spine. This could not only benefit astronauts but
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is sensitive to
also patients whose injuries or illnesses require
hydrogen and actually forms its image by "read-
prolonged periods of bedrest.
ing" the hydrogen in the area being scanned.
The scan not only measures the quantity of hydrogen in an area, This MagneticResonanceImaging transverse image of a human leg
but distinguishes between the different chemical forms of the ele- shows the many different structureswithin that section,including
ment -- allowing researchers to distinguish bem'een fat, muscle, the soft tissues that X-rays cannot image. Since MRI uses low-
frequency radio waves, rather than harmful ionizing radiation like
blood, cartilage, bone, and other tissues. This sensitivity to
X-rays, there is no known health hazard to its use.

Health Monitoring of Japanese Payload Specialist Endocrine and Metabolic Changes

Dr. ChiharuSekiguchi, Principal Investigator in Payload Specialist
NASDA(L-O, NASDA) Dr. NobuoMatsui, Principal Investigator
Nagoya University (L-l, NASDA)
In addition to science collaboration with the Autogenic Feedback
Training Experiment, this investigation uses a physiological moni- Spaceflight and adaptation to microgravity place a variety of
toring system and echocardiography to monitor the Japanese pay- stresses on the human body. These stresses, along with the adap-
load specialist during flight. For the Japanese, this is an tation process, result in changes to normal body biochemistry.
opportunity to examine first hand the effects of microgravity on To quantify and understand these changes better, this investiga-
human physiology. tion examines blood and urine samples taken from the Japanese
They are particularly interested in the adaptation process and how payload specialist. The payload specialist records the type and
it relates to space motion sickness and cardiac deconditioning By quantity of fluid intake during the mission for use in the examina-
comparing data from their own experiments to data collected by tions. By analyzing the blood and urine samples, investigators
others, they hope to understand the processes involved and find hope to assess stress reactions by determining the presence and
ways to avoid these problems for future Japanese astronauts levels of stress hormones, to determine the relationship between
onboard Space Station Freedom and on Japanese space ventures. upward fluid shift and water-electrolyte metabolism and the asso-
ciated regulatory hormones, to clarify the relationship between
bone-muscle atrophy and anabolic and catabolic hormone
secretion, and to study the circadian rhythm of hormone secretion.

Neurophysiological Study on Visuo-Vestibular
Control of Posture and Movement in Fish During Comparative Measurement of Visual Stability
Adaptation to Weightlessness in Earth and Cosmic Space
Or. Shigeo Mori, Principal Investigator Dr. KazuoKoga, Principal Investigator
Nagoya University(L-2, NASDA) Nagoya University (L-4, NASDA)
Many people going into space suffer from Space Adaptation Syn- Another possible contributor to Space Adaptation Syndrome is the
drome for the first day or two after launch. One possible explana- loss of visual stabili B, caused by a lack of cooperative movements
tion for this could be sensory conflict, caused by differing signals between the eyes, head, and body.
sent to the brain from the eyes and inner ear.
To examine this theory, the Japanese payload specialist attempts
To gather data on this theory, two carp are flown in a special facil- to track a flickering light target while eye movements and neck
ity on Spacelab J. One carp has had its otolith, a gravity-sensing muscle tension are measured. This is done in four different posi-
organ, removed. On each carp, an electrode placed on the cere- tions in relation to the Spacelab module -- rightside up, upside
bellar surface is connected to a pre-amplifier on the skull. down, and two different 45-degree angles. An electrode attached
Twice a day during the mission, the carp are subjected to light near the eye monitors head and eye movement, while another
coming alternately from the top and side of the containers while monitors neck muscle tension. A camera records the payload spe-
video and brain wave recordings are made. The data collected cialist's face, and the principal investigator monitors the experi-
allows scientists to identify adaptation to microgravity through the ment from the ground to make changes in the experiment as
reaction to the light and through the cerehellar actMty. By com- needed.

paring the data from each fish, scientists can determine the extent
of sensory" conflict as a contributor to Space Adaptation Syndrome.
The Effect of Low Gravity
on Calcium Metabolism and Bone Formation
Dr. TatsuoSuda, Principal Investigator
Showa University(L-7, NASDA)
zpg The loss of calcium from bones and the resultant loss of bone den-
sity during spaceflight has been well documented. These prob-
lems appear to result from a decrease in bone formation rather
than from bone resorption and are related to the length of the
spaceflight. Before humans can live and work for truly long peri-
ods of time in space, this process must be fully understood and
countermeasures developed.
To understand the mechanism behind the halt in bone formation,
30 fertilized chicken eggs are flown on SpacelabJ, while 30 remain
on the ground as a control group. The eggs are different ages: 5
are 0 days old, 5 are 2 days old, 10 are 7 days old, and the final 10
are 11 days old. At the end of the mission, they are 7, 9, 14, and 18
days old. Some of the eggs are examined immediately after land-
ing for cartilage growth, bone formation and resorption, differen-
_is photographshowsfishin the VestibularFunctionUnitduring
ground tests. In microgravity, the fish are expected to rotate as the tiation of chondroblasts (collagen-forming cells), osteoblasts
lighf is moved from the top to the side of the experiment chamber. (bone-forming cells) and osteoclasts (bone-degrading cells),
biosynthesis of actin and myosin (muscle proteins responsible for
contraction), muscle fiber formation, collagen biosynthesis, and
calcium and vitamin D metabolism. The results of these experi-
ments are compared to those of an equal number of the control
group. The rest of the embryos are allowed to develop normally
so that further data can be obtained on future development.

The results from this experiment could not only help astronauts
but also people subjected to prolonged bedrest on Earth.

r._# , -
Research on Perceptual-Motor Functions
Under the Zero Gravity Condition
Mr. Akira Tada, Principal Investigator
National Aerospace Laboratory(L-10, NASDA)

Using the same equipment as the visual stability experiment (L-4), Delivering Eggs to Space
this investigation obtains data on human function and perfor-
While the Shuttle is the most gentle ride into space NASA has
mance in tracking control operations. Such data could help deter-
ever had, occupants are still subjected to several times their own
mine how much automation is needed to assist a pilot in flying a
weight in acceleration forces. In addition, vibrations occur across
a broad spectrum of frequencies.
Unlike the visual stability experiment, the payload specialist
remains in one position. As the light target moves, the subject Getting fertilized eggs
moves a joystick to match the target's movements. In addition to safely into orbit for exper-
data on eye movement and neck muscle tension (to determine imentation on Spacelab J
has been difficult. First,
physiological changes caused by microgravi_), the movements of
the joystick will be compared to the movement of the target so that the eggs must be pro-
tected from the forces of
operator characteristics, tracking performance, and hand move-
ment effectiveness can be evaluated. ..... launch and landing.
Second, they must be
protected from certain
Circadian Rhythm of Conidiation frequencies of vibrations,
in neurospora crassa ......... _s those vibrations would
Chicken eggscan be seensafely
Dr. YasuhiroMiyoshi, Principal Investigator kill the developing
nestledin their protectivepaddingin
TokyoUniversity(L-12, NASDA) thisphotographof the SpacelabJ egg
rack. Therackwas developedto For the flight, a new egg
Many life forms exhibit a circadian rhythm, a cycle of activities
protect the eggsfrom the forcesand rack was designed to
based on Earth's 24-hour day. A prime example of circadian
vibrationsof flight.
rhythm is the human sleep cycle. But does this cycle hold true in hold the eggs firmly in
space, away from Earth? place and in the proper position for launch and landing. Placing
them in the proper position reduces strain on each egg, while the
To determine if these rhythms still occur away from the influences
restraints prevent them from breaking against each other.
of Earth, scientists are experimenting with a strain of neurospora
crassa, a fungus, to see if it still follows normal spore formation Certain frequencies of vibration were the major concern with
cycles and if they differ from the cycles on Earth. A special fungi the egg rack. To eliminate them, a tuned padding and suspen-
growth chamber in Spacelab is kept for 1 day in constant light at sion system was developed to eliminate the majority of harmful
20 °C. The crew photographs the fungi growth front; then, the vibrations.
chamber is placed in the dark for 5 days, also at 20 °C. The crew
With these problems
again photographs the growth front and stores the culture in a
controlled, scientists are
refrigerator for postflight analysis.
able to complete their
experiments without
breaking an egg.

With the egg holder

mounted in place, the egg
rack'stunedsuspensionand padding preventsharmful vibrations from
killingthe embryonicchickens,as well as keepingthe forcesof launch
andlandingfrombreakingthe shells.

OR_G;;'!?,L PF,GE

Radiation and Environmental Health

Genetic Effects of HZE and Cosmic Radiation Study on the Biological Effect of Cosmic Radiation
and the Development of Radiation Protection
Dr. Mituo lkenaga, Principal Investigator
KyotoUniversity (L-9, NASDA)
Dr. Shunji Nagaoka, Principal Investigator
It is well known that certain high-energy radiation can destroy
cells, induce mutations or malignant tumors, or even kill if expo-
sure is high enough. Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field screen This experiment is also concerned with HZE radiation and its bio-
out most harmful radiation, but that protection is obviously logical effects. However, it seeks to measure the amounts and
reduced or eliminated for people in space. The higher one goes in types of radiation inside spacecraft like the Space Shuttle and
orbit, the more exposure there is to radiation; therefore, the D'pes, examine the effects of that radiation from a radiation biology
amounts, and effects of radiation impacting the Shuttle or any viewpoint. The data gathered are analyzed to understand the bio-
space structure are of no small concern. While previous experi- logical effects as well as the physical nature of the radiation
ments have shown the dosage of harmful radiation during a 7- to detected.
10-day Shuttle flight to be so small as to pose no hazard, this can To accomplish this, a Radiation Monitoring Container Device
be a concern for Space Station Freedom and similar structures package is placed on the aft end cone of the Spacelab module, and
designed to support long-term life in space. passive dosimeters are placed in other Spacelab locations. The
This experiment seeks to examine the possible effects of high- Radiation Monitoring Container Device consists of layers of solid-
charge and high-energy cosmic rays (HZE) and other cosmic radi- state track detectors and biological specimens: maize seeds (Zea
ation on living : ,, mays), shrimp eggs (Altemia satina), and bacterial spores (Bacil-
lus subtilis). The track detectors are sheets of plastic material,
organisms, par_ i ! ! _,, , N /_/ called TS-16 and CR-39. The dosimeters are conventional detec-
ticularly the
tors made of lithium fluoride or magnesium-silica-terbium.
To do this,
genetic fruit
effects, k _ ¢' "_'" "_ , i / Using this equipment, both the amount and trajectory of high-
flyla_'aeofthe / />, _ ,_,'J I_,,* *_t." '_ * f energy radiation can be determined in postflight analysis. The
plastic detector sheets record individual nuclear tracks in three
Drosophila dimensions, while the dosimeters give a record of the accumu-
melanogaster lated radiation energy. The detector sheets are etched chemically
to visualize the radiation tracks, the geometric properties of which
are incubatedfly / _ i! i _ /;
in special _ j [ _ t can reveal the angle of penetration, energy, and whether the par-
ticle was a proton or a neutron. By using a computerized micro-
containers and
the containers \ / ! iN_ _ j j_ _ / / scopic image handler, the radiation path through the Radiation
Monitoring Container Device is determined. This allows the bio-
ferent locations
placedindif-i '_ i'_ it _ 2 { ii_ 7! logical materials affected by the radiation to be examined during
different stages of development so that the effects of the exposure
in Spacelab. :_ i i ; I,_ 4 " l can be observed.
species is used .i
because, while ' .

each cell on / J _ /k i] "_/_i

the fly's wing J--
normally pro- Thepassageof ionizingradiationiseasily
duces only one detected in this photograph of a fruit fly wing.
hair, mutation- While each cell normally produces only one hair,
inducing radia- the exposure causes cells to grow multiple hairs.
tion causes more than one hair to grow. This mutation is easy to
spot and can provide scientists with information on radiation lev-
els and effects.


Fluid Therapy System: Inflight Demonstration of the

Space Station Freedom Health Maintenance Facility
Fluid Therapy System
Dr. CharlesW. Lloyd, Principal Investigator
NASAJohnsonSpace Center (NASA)

On Earth, when a patient needs flu-

ids, a container of the appropriate
solution is hung above the person
and a steady drip initiated into a
vein. This combination of fluid and TheFluid TherapySystemis flying on
delivery is called intravenous (IV) SpacelabJ to test the productionand
fluid therapy. Under the influence the administrationof medicalfluids in
of gravity, fluids flow from the con- the microgravity environment.
tainer into the body. But what hap-
pens if an astronaut requires an tV
in space? How can it be adminis-
tered without gravity? Where will
the bulky fluids be stored?

The answers lie in the Fluid Therapy System, designed specifically

for Space Station Freedom. This multipurpose unit produces ster-
ile water from onboard water sources, formulates and stores solu-
tions, and infuses the appropriate solution into the patient. By
preparing these solutions from concentrates, the need to store
bulky and perishable fluids is reduced.

This equipment is being tested on Spacelab J. From 10 liters of

source water having a known amount of impurities, the system
produces at least 6 liters of purified water. It then formulates vari-
ous solutions and stores them in sterile containers. To demonstrate
IV administration and verify the accuracy of the system pump, On Earth,gravityprovidesthe power necessaryfor
which is used in place of gravity, crewmembers administer one IV fluids to flow into a patient.In microgravity,special
solution to a mannequin arm equipped with simulated veins and a equipmentis needed to get fluidsinto a patient.
solution reception container.
After the mission, investigators analyze the sterile water and solu-
tions to determine both quantity and quality. Any needed changes
in the equipment or procedures can be made and tested again
before installation onboard Space Station Freedom.


= 37

Mission operations these operations before Also during this time,
Pacelab J is an ambi-
could be said to com- the mission. crewmembers involved in
tious mission. Many
investigations must share mence more than a year As the year progresses, the human research exper-
the same hardware and before the launch, when training staffs conduct iments participate in
technicians assemble a simulations in the Payload additional actMties at the
data-recording equipment,
mockup of the Spacelab J Crew Training Center, the Baseline Data Collection
putting constraints on
when and how long module in the Payload Mission Control Center at Facility at Kennedy Space
experiments can run, Crew Training Center at Johnson Space Center, and Center. Here, control data
Some cannot run concur- Marshall Space Flight Spacelab Mission Opera- are obtained for compari-
rently because of the Center and the crew and tions Control at Marshall son against data collected
vibrations they create or operations cadre begin Space Flight Center. Closer INNEL during and/or after the
the power they require. training. At Kennedy to launch, joint integrated mission to determine the
The crew must monitor Space Center's Life Sci- simulations take place, various effects of micro-
: or take part in many of the ence Support Facility', bringing together people gravity on the human
investigations, making it simulations of experiment in the different ground organism.
a very crew-intensive procedures and processes facilities and the Starting approximately
, mission. test, correct, and refine crewmembers to practice 30 hours before launch,
mission operations. These technicians load the time-
simulations prepare the sensitive items for the
mission team to execute mission m the frogs, carp,
both routine procedures and other materials
and those required should into the Spacelab module.
equipment or systems fail Usingthe Module Vertical Since the orbiter is on the
to operate as planned. AccessKit, a specialrig launch pad, the module is
that allows/ate entryIntoin a vertical position. So to
the Spece/abmodule, load the specimens and
samples, a member of the
Shuttleshortlybefore ground crew is lowered
launchto place animalsin
into the Spacelab module
in a special sling-chair
arrangement. This equip-
ment must he removed
Techniciansassernble Techn/clanschecktheir
before storing the protein
equ/prnentracks/n the /nstallatlonof equ/prnent
seed crystals, cell cuhures,
Space/abJ rnockup at the racksin the Space/abJ
and other items in the
Payload Crew Training rnockup,
orbiter middeck:r.efrigera-
Complexat the Marshall
SpaceFlight Center. tot/freezer' ._'.approxi-
mately 14 hours before

, ,o,-,- PAGE
__i ¸.

The flight is controlled by the

Mission Control Center at

Johnson Space Center;

science operations are

controlled from the

Space/ab Mission Operations

Control at Marshall Space

Flight Center. ...........................

40 OP,,Gi, 4,-,L PAGE

Upon reaching the While the flight is Initial ground studies
mission's 57-degree, 296- controlled by the Mission of the animal experiments
kilometer orbit, crewmem- Control Center at Johnson will be conducted at the
hers prepare the Spacelab Space Center, science landing site, along with
module for operations and operations are controlled postflight measurements
retrieve materials from from the Spacelab Mission of the crewmembers
middeck storage lockers Operations Control at involved in the human
and the refrigerator/incu- Marshall Space Flight experiments. It is critical
bator and move them to Center. This facility is the to perform these studies
the Spacelab module. The nerve center for the mis- as soon as possible after
Shuttle is placed in a sion, coordinating commu- landing, so that the effects
gravity-gradient attitude nications, receiving of microgravity on living
for the mission so there engineering and science organisms can be exam-
are few thruster firings to data, and providing facili- ined before the return to
disturb sensitive experi- ties and information to the gravity initiates further
ments such as those grow- investigators. changes.
ing various crystals. Communications are If the orbiter does not
Activation of the Space the key to Spacelab Mis- land at Kennedy Space
Acceleration Measurement sion Operations Control Center, the rest of the
System experiment occurs activities. From the real- experiment samples are
approximately 6 hours time data received at the removed for study after
after launch so accelera- facility, the mission man- the orbiter is returned
tion measurements of the ager and his team monitor there. The initial examina-
Spacelab environment can the mission and make tions take place at
be made. A number of changes in the timeline Kennedy's Hangar L,
experiments, especially and activities as required. while more detailed stud-
in the life sciences disci- These same data allow ies are conducted at indi-
plines, begin less than 7 investigators to monitor vidual research labs. prl
hours after launch to their experiments, chang-
ensure maximum expo- ing procedures or parame-
sure to the microgravity ters as circumstances
environment. dictate. When necessary,
The crew works in two scientists can talk directly
shifts, Red and Blue, with the crewmember
during the mission. These working on an experiment,
shifts alternate sleep taking advantage of a level
periods, allowing opera- of interaction almost equal
tions to continue around to the investigator being
the clock. The Blue shift aboard Spacelab.
sleeps first, starting their Spacelab deactivation
sleep period approxi- begins near the end of the
mately 3 hours after sixth day and the crew
launch. At the end of the spends the seventh prepar-
mission, the shifts are ing for landing. Some 3
adjusted so both teams are hours after landing, techni-
awake for preparations to cians remove the items
leave orbit. stored in the middeck
refrigerator/freezer, while
the animal experiments are
removed within 24 hours
of landing.

0 ,,_b,'d_,L
Dr. Jay Apt is the Flight Engineer for Space-
labJ. He joined the NASA astronaut corps in
1985 and completed training in 1986. Before
becoming an astronaut, he was a 1976 post-
doctoral fellow in laser spectroscopy at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a staff
Captain Robert L. member at Harvard University's Center for
"Hoot" Gibson is Earth and Planetary Physics from 1976 to
the SpacelabJ Mission 1980, and assistant director of Ha_'ard Univer-
Commander. He joined sity's Division of Applied Sciences from 1978
NASA from the U.S. to 1980. He joined NASA in 1980, working in
NaW in January 1978 the Earth and Space Sciences Division of
and qualified as a pilot NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In 1981, he
he Spacelab J crew in August 1979. He became science
reflects the interna- earned his bachelor of science degree in 1969 manager for the
tional scope of the mis- from the California Polytechnic State Univer- laboratory's Table
sion. Along with the sity, is a certified test pilot, is a graduate of the Mountain Observa-
American crewmembers, Naval Fighter Weapons School ("Topgun'), toq,- and in 1982
the first NASDA astronaut and has received numerous awards including became a flight con-
will fly as a payload spe- the Distinguished Flying Cross. Gibson has troller at the Johnson
cialist. Trained extensively more than 4,600 hours flight time in more Space Center.
in the complex operations than 45 tTpes of civilian and military aircraft Apt earned a
of the multitude of experi- and has a total of 442 hours in space. bachelor of arts
ments, the science crew He served as pilot of STS 41-B in Februar 3" degree in ph}\sics from Harvard University in
works in concert with the 1984, where a variety of projects were per- 1971 and his doctorate in physics from the
scientists on the ground to formed, including the first use of the Manned Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976.
attempt to anm'er a vari- Maneuvering Unit (MMU) during an Extrave- He was a mission specialist on STS-37, the
e_" of questions anti open hicular ActMty (EVA). He was commander of Gamma Ray Obse_'atory mission. During that
up entirely new areas in STS 6-C in January 1986, which deployed a flight, he performed one scheduled and one
space research. communications satellite and performed unscheduled spacewalk. SpacelabJ will be his
experiments in astrophysics and materials second mission.
processing. He was commander of STS 27 in
December 1988, which carried a Department Lt. Colonel Mark C. Lee is the Payload
of Defense payload. Spacelab J will be his Commander for the mission. A mission spe-
fourth mission. cialist, Lee joined NASA in 1984 and com-
pleted training in 1985. Fie joined NASA from
Major Curtis L. Brown, Jr., is the Pilot the U.S. Air Force
for the mission, tie joined NASA in 1987 and where he served as
completed training in 1988. the Flight Commander
He came to NASA from the Air in the 4th Tactical
Force where he was serving as Fighter Squadron at
a test pilot for the A-10 and Hill Air Force Base,
F-16 aircraft at Eglin Air Force Utah.
Base, Florida. Lee earned a bach-
Brown earned a bachelor elor of science degree
of science degree in electrical in Civil Engineering
engineering from the U.S. Air from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1974 and
Force Academy in 1978 and a master of science degree in Mechanical
began his Air Force career flying the A-10, He Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute
was later reassigned as an instructor pilot for of Teclmology in 1980. He was awarded the
the aircraft; then, after attending the Air Force bleritorious Se_-ice Medal and two Air Force
Fighter Weapons School in 1983, he became Commendation Medals. Flying predominately
an instructor in A-10 vceapons and tactics. He T-38, F-4, and I:-16 aircraft, he has logged
attended Air Force Test Pilot School in 1985 more than 2,500 hours of flight time. Lee was
and, upon his graduation in 1986, was a mission specialist on STS-30, which
assigned to Eglin Air Force Base. He has more deployed the Magellan Venus probe. This will
than 3,100 hours of flight time in jet aircraft. be his second spaceflight.
Spacelab J will be his first spaceflight.

O, :;,ab,',/-,L PAGE
Dr. Mae C. Jemison, M.D., is the Space-
labJ Science Mission Specialist. Dr. Jemison
joined NASA in 1987
and completed train-
ing as a mission Dr. Stanley N. Dr. Chiaki Mukai, M.D., is one of two
specialist in 1988. Koszelak has been alternate Japanese Payload Specialists. Dr.
Before becoming an designated as Dr. Mukai earned the degree of medical doctor
astronaut, she Jemison's backup for from Keio University and passed the National
worked in both engi- the Spacelah J mis- Board for Medical
neering and medical sion. He is a research Practitioners exam in
research in such areas biochemist at the 1977. She received a
as computer pro- University of California, Riverside. He has doctorate in physiol-
gramming, nuclear magnetic resonance spec- been a co-investigator in previous protein ogy from Keio Univer-
troscopy, computer magnetic disc production, c_'staI growth experiments flown on the sity in 1988.
and evaluation of trophic factors for rat epi- Shuttle. Dr. Mukai served
didymides. She completed her internship at Koszelak earned a bachelor of science her residency in gen-
the Los Angeles County/'University of South- degree in Microbiology from the University eral surgery and
ern California Medical Center in 1982 and of Oklahoma in 1976 and a master of science became an instructor
worked as a General Practitioner before and a doctorate from the University" of Okla- in the Keio Universit3_ Department of Cardio-
becoming the Area Peace Corps Medical homa Heahh Sciences Center in 1981 and vascular Surge U in 1979. She has been an
Officer for Sierra Leone and Liberia in West 1984 respectively. astronaut candidate with NASDA since 1985.
Africa. Upon her return to the United States,
she joined ClGNA Health Plans of California. Dr. Mamoru Mohri Dr. Takao Doi is the other alternate Japan-
Jemison earned a bachdor of science is the Japanese Pay- ese Payload Specialist. Dr. Doi received his
degree in Chemical Engineering and a bache- load Specialist flying doctorate in aeronautics from the University
lor of arts in African and Afro-American Stud- on Spacelab J. of Tokyo in 1983, with his major field of study
ies from Stanford University in 1977. She Dr. Mohri received being space propulsion systems. He had
earned her doctor of medicine degree from his doctorate from previously earned his master's degree in
Cornell University in 1981. Spacelah J is her Flinders University, aeronautics from the University of Tokyo in
first spaceflight. Australia, in 1976 1980.
with major fields of Dr. Doi was a research associate with the
Dr. N. Jan Davis is the Mission Specialist study in surface Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
assigned to Spacelab J. Davis joined the NASA physics and ultra-high vacuum science. He from 1983 to 1985. In 1985, he served as a
astronaut corps in 1987 and completed train- studied previously at Hokkaido University, National Research Council Research Associate
ing in 1988. Before becoming an astronaut, where he completed the master course in. at NASA's Lewis
she worked at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Research Center until
ph_:sical science.
Center as an aerospace engineer. While there, his selection as a
He taught in the Department of Nuclear
she worked on the Hubble Space Telescope Engineering of Hokkaido University from NASDA astronaut
and the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility 1975 to I985, last serving as Associate Profes- candidate. []
and was the lead engineer for the redesign of sor. He has been an astronaut candidate with
the Solid Rocket Booster external tank attach- NASDA since 1985.
ment ring.
Davis earned a bachelor of science degree
in Applied Biology from the Georgia Institute
of Technology in 1975, a bachelor of science
degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Auburn University in 1977, and a master of
science and a doctor-
ate in Mechanical
Engineering from the
University of Alabama
in Huntsville in 1983
.,,- PAGE
and 1985, respec-
tively. Spacelab J is {30LOR PHOTOGRAPH
her first spaceflight.


---_-7 _ -

_.-_ _: ._-£.....

Experiments and Experimenters
For ease of reference, NASA's investigations are listed first, in alphabetical order,
and NASDA's are listed in numerical sequence.

Microgravity Science
Experiment Principal Investigator Page

Protein Crystal Growth Dr. Charles E. Bugg 24

Space Acceleration Measurement System Mr. Richard DeLombard 27

Growth Experiment of Narrow Band-Gap Dr. Tomoaki Yamada tl

Semiconductor Pb-Sn-Te Single Crystals in Space (M-t)

Growth of Pb-Sn-Te Single Crystal Dr. Yusaburo Segawa 12

by Travelling-Zone Method in Low Gravity (M-2) ¢
Growth of Semiconductor Compound Single Crystal Dr. Isao Nakatani 12
by Floating Zone Method (M-3) l
Casting of Superconducting Filamentary Dr. Kazumasa Togano 15 t
Composite Materials (M-4) F

Formation Mechanism of Deoxidation Products in

Iron Ingot Deoxidized with Two or Three Elements (M-5)
Dr. Akira Fukuzawa 16 I
Preparation of Nickel Base Dispersion Dr. Yuji Muramatsu 16
Strengthened Alloys (M-6)

Diffusion in Liquid State and Solidification Dr. Takehiro Dan 17

of Binary System (M-7)

High Temperature Behavior of Glass (M-8) Dr. Naohiro Soga 21

Growth of Silicon Spherical Crystals Dr. Tatau Nishinaga 13

and Surface Oxidation (M-9)

Study on Solidification of Immiscible Alloy (M-10) Dr. Akihiko Kamio 17

Fabrication of Very-Low-Density, High-Stiffness Carbon Dr. Tomoo Suzuki 18

Fiber/Aluminum Hybridized Composites (M-11)

Study on the Mechanisms of Dr. Shiro Kohara 18

Liquid Phase Sintering (M-12)

Fabrication of Si-As-Te:Ni Ternary Amorphous Dr. Yoshihiro Hamakawa 14

Semiconductor in Microgravity Environment (M-13)

Gas-Evaporation in Low Gravity Field: Dr. Nobuhiko Wada 19

Congelation Mechanism of Metal Vapors (M-14)

Drop Dynamics in Space and Interference with Dr. Tatsuo Yamanaka 22

Acoustic Field (M-15)

Study of Bubble Behavior (M-16) Dr. Hisao Azuma 23

Preparation of Optical Materials Used in Dr. Junji Hayakawa 21

Non-Visible Region (M-17)

Marangoni Induced Convection in Materials Processing Dr. Shintaro Enya 22

Under Microgravity (M-I8)

Solidification of Eutectic System Alloys in Space (M-19) Dr. Atsumi Ohno 20

Growth of Samarskite Crystal in Microgravity (M-20) Dr. Shunji Takekawa 21 E

Growth Experiment of Organic Metal Crystal Dr. Hiroyuki Anzai 20

in Low Gravity (M-21)
Crystal Growth of Compound Semiconductors in a Dr. Masami Tatsumi 14
Low-Gravity Environment (M-22)
Life Sciences

Experiment Principal Investigator Page

Dr, Patricia S. Cowings 31

Autogenic Feedback Training Experiment:
A Preventative Method for Space Motion Sickness;
Autogenic Feedback Training for Vestibular Symptomatology

Bone Cell Research Dr. Nicola Partridge 31

Fluid Therapy System: Inflight Demonstration of the Dr. Charles W. Lloyd 37

Space Station Freedom Health Maintenance Facility
Fluid Therapy System
Mr. Kenneth A. Souza 30
The Effects of Weightlessness on the Development
of Amphibian Eggs Fertilized in Space

Lower Body Negative Pressure: Countermeasure for Dr. John B. Charles 32

Reducing Postflight Orthostatic Intolerance
Dr. Adrian LeBlanc 33
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
After Exposure to Microgravity

Plant Culture Research Dr. Abraham Krikorian 29

(Gravity, chromosomes and organized development in
aseptically cultured plant cells)

Health Monitoring of Japanese Payload Specialist Dr. Chiharu Sekiguchi 33


Endocrine and Metabolic Changes in Payload Specialist Dr. Nobuo Matsui 33


Neurophysiological Study on Visuo-Vestibular Control Dr. Shigeo Mori 34

of Posture and Movement in Fish During Adaptation
to Weightlessness (L-2)
Dr. Masao Kuroda 25
Separation of Biogenic Materials by
Electrophoresis under Zero Gravity (L-3)

Comparative Measurement of Visual Stability in Dr. Kazuo Koga 34

Earth and Cosmic Space (L-4)
Dr. Yuhei Morita 26
Crystal Growth of Enzymes in Low Gravity (L-5)

Studies on the Effects of Microgravity on the Dr. Atsushige Sato 29

Ultrastructure and Functions of Cultured Mammalian Cells
Dr. Tatsuo Suda 34
The Effect of Low Gravity on Calcium Metabolism
and Bone Formation (L-7)

Separation of the Animal Cells and Cellular Organella Dr. Tokio Yamaguchi 26
by Means of Free Flow Electrophoresis (L-8)

Genetic Effects of HZE and Cosmic Radiation (L-9) Dr. Mituo Ikenaga 36

Space Research on Perceptual-Motor Functions Mr. Akira Tada 35

Under the Zero Gravity Condition (L-10)

Dr. Shunji Nagaoka 36

Study on the Biological Effect of Cosmic Radiation and
the Development of Radiation Protection Technology (L-11)

Circadian Rhythm of Conidiation in neurospora crassa Dr. Yasuhiro Miyoshi 35





• r_ _
Suggested Terms Glossary
for Database Searches

The following acronyms and abbreviations LCC Launch Control Center

Acoustic Levitation
are provided as document and mission LDF Liquid Drop Experiment Facility
Autogenic Feedback
references. Those not found in this brochure LIC Light Impulse Controller
Biofeedback are provided as assistance in monitoring the LIF Large Isothermal Furnace
Biogenic Materials mission. LIS Light Impulse Stimulator

ABPS Automatic Blood Pressure System LOS Loss of Signal

Containerless Processing
AFD Aft Flight Deck m Meter
Cosmic Radiation
AFE American Flight Echocardiograph MCC Mission Control Center
Developmental Biology AFTE Autogenic Feedback Training MCU Marangoni Convection Experiment
Electrophoresis Experiment Unit
ALF Acoustic Levitation Furnace MD Middeck
Eutectic Alloys
AOS Acquisition of Signal MET Mission Elapsed Time
First Material Processing Test (FMPT) ARC Ames Research Center
(Time since launch)
Free Flow Electrophoresis BBU Bubble Behavior Experiment Unit mi Mile
CCC Cell Culture Chamber
Gravitational Biology MOU Memorandum of Understanding
CGF Crystal Growth Experiment Facility
MMU Manned Maneuvering Unit
Hybridoma Cells CHF Continuous Heating Furnace
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Japan, Japanese Space Efforts CI Co-Investigator
MS Mission Specialist
ECG Electrocardiograph
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MSFC George C. Marshall Space
EKG Electrocardiogram
Marangoni Convection EMI Electromagnetic Interference Flight Center
Materials Processing in ESA European Space Agency NASA National Aeronautics and Space
Space/Microgravity/Zero Gravity eV Electron Volt Administration
FEE Frog Embryology Experiment NASDA National Space Development
Metallic Crystals
FEU Frog Embryology Unit Agency of Japan
FFEU Free-Flow Electrophoresis Unit OCF Organic Crystal Growth Experiment
National Space Development Agency FMPT First Material Processing Test
[of Japan (NASDA)] FPS Fluid Physics Experiment Facility PCG Protein Crystal Growth Experiment
Organic Crystals FTS Fluid Therapy System
PCTC Payload Crew Training Complex
GEF Gas Evaporation Experiment Facility
Pharmaceutical Production in Microgravity PI Principal Investigator
GHF Gradient Heating Furnace
POCC Payload Operations Control Center
Physiological Development GPWS General Purpose Work Station
PS Payload Specialist
Radiation GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
SAMS Space Acceleration Measurement
HMF Health Maintenance Facility
Radiation Protection
IMF Image Furnace System
Semiconductors IMU Inertial Measurement Unit SAS Space Adaptation Syndrome

Space Acceleration Measurement System IR Infrared SL Spacelab (Designator denotes

(SAMS) ISAS Institute of Space and Aeronautical specific mission)
Science SMAC Shuttle Maximum Allowable
Space Adaptation Syndrome (SAS)
IV Intravenous Concentration
Space Biology IWG Investigator Working Group SMS Space Motion Sickness
Space Medicine JSC Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center SSF Space Station Freedom
km Kilometer
Space Motion Sickness (SMS) STS Space Transportation System
KSC John E Kennedy Space Center
SWC Source Water Container
Space Physiology kW Kilowatt
TEl Thermoelectric Incubator
- Spacelab I Liter
TNSC Tanegashima Space Center
LBNP Lower Body Negative Pressure
- Spacelab J TKSC Tsukuba Space Center
" Superconductors LBNPD Lower Body Negative UMS Urine Monitoring System
Pressure Device VFEU Vestibular Function Experiment Unit
Ternary Compounds




This brochure was developed by Essex Corporation through a contract with Teledyne Brown Engineering under
the auspices of the Payload Projects Office, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama.

Editorial Review Team:

Mr. J. Aubray King, Spacelab J Mission Manager

Mrs. Melanie Stinson, Spacelab J Assistant Mission Manager
Dr. Fred Leslie, Spacelab J Mission Scientist
Ms. Teresa Miller, Spacelab J Assistant Mission Scientist
Mr. Robert B. Goss, Spacelab J Chief Engineer
Mr. Gary McCollurn, Spacelab J Program Manager
Dr. Robert Sokolowski, Spacelab J Program Scientist
Dr. Guy Fogleman, Spacelab J Life Sciences Program Manager
Dr. Thora W. Halstead, Spacelab J Life Sciences Program Scientist
Ms. Stephanie Zak Jerome, Policy Analyst, Office of Space Science and Applications -=-

With appreciation for their contributions: The Spacelab J principal investigators, the payload experiment developers,
and the engineers and scientists on their teams; the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA);
the Spacelab J Payload Mission Integration Contractor, Teledyne Brown Engineering; and other participants in the
Spacelab J missionwho provided information and illustrationsand/or reviewed this document.
Graphic Designer: Brien O'Brien, O'Brien Graphic Design, Huntsville, Alabama

Cover Painting: Mark Maxwell, Mark Maxwell Illustration, Knoxville, Tennessee

Brochure Illustrations

Illustrationson pages 38, 40 & 41 by Mark Maxwell

lllustrations on pages 11, 13-16, 18-23, 25, 29, 34 & 36 courtesy of NASDA
Illustrationson page 12 by Becky Caneer, NASA MSFC Graphics
Photographs on pages 8, 17 & 39 by C. Blake Powers, Essex Corporation
Photograph on page 24 courtesy of the Center for Macromolecular Crystallography
Photograph on page 9 copyright C. Blake Powers
Photograph on page 33 courtesy of Dr. Adrian LeBlanc
Photograph on page 37 courtesy of Northshore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York
Geode pictured on page 8 courtesy of Dewey C. Moss, Huntsville, Alabama

All other photographs and illustrationscourtesy of NASA.

Fold-out Illustrations

Centerfold Art: Mark Maxwell, Mark Maxwell Illustration, Knoxville, Tennessee

Illustration of lattice structures by Becky Caneer, NASA MSFC Graphics
Photograph of oil and vinegar by C. Blake Powers, Essex Corporation
Photograph of bubbles courtesy of NASDA
Photograph of MRI scan courtesy of Dr. Adrian LeBlanc
Photograph of fly wing courtesy of NASDA
Photograph of IV courtesy of Northshore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York

All other photographs and illustrationscourtesy of NASA


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