Grade 10 TLE
Grade 10 TLE
Grade 10 TLE
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
II. Content
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
2. Drill: Learners will identify the personal protective equipment used to assemble
electronic products.
Keep work place well and organized free from known hazard.
Always turn off the equipment and unplug it before you begin to work.
If you have to run the test while the equipment is operating, turn the equipment
on and make your test carefully and then turn the equipment off again.
Always assume that all the parts in the power supply are “HOT”.
Use only plastic screwdriver for shock protection during service operation.
Passages must be free from any obstruction that will hamper the movement of
persons in the area.
Keep hand tools inside the tool cabinet, tool box or on the table to avoid prior
Always use protective equipment like safety goggles if needed while performing a
task or job.
Some test must be connected with power supply applied. Be extremely cautious
when performing these tests.
Be physically and mentally fit when working with electrical or electronic circuits.
1. Generalization: One or two learners will be asked to share to the class their
ideas about what they have learned today.
*Selected learners will explain the importance of policies/procedures.
2. Valuing: One or two learners will be asked to share to the class their
feeling about what they have learned today.
3. Application: The learners will enumerate and explain the acceptable
Occupatonal Health and Safety policies and procedures.