الزبدة يف شرح الربدة للشيخ زين الدين خالد بن عبد اهلل االزهري
By Shaykh Khalid al-Azhari
The Elite
Commentary of
He was born in Jirjā (Upper Egypt) around 838/1434–5. While he was still an infant, his
parents brought him with them to Cairo. Later he worked as a lamplighter (waqqād) in a
mosque, where he began to develop an interest in learning and scholarship. He continued
his studies at al-Azhar, focusing on the propaedeutic (introductory) disciplines, especially
grammar, until he obtained teaching positions himself in various places. He died on his
return from the pilgrimage to Mecca, just before he would have arrived in Cairo, on 14
Muharram 905/21 August 1499.
With the exception of a few works on the Qurʾān and Qurʾān recitation, al-Azharī dedicated
all his writings to the field of grammar. Even this popular, concise, and well-organised
commentary on the mīm-rhyming poem by al-Būsīrī (694/1294) in praise of the Prophet ﷺ
known as al-Burda, focuses on the lexicographical and grammatical problems of the text and
could well have been designed for classroom use. Nearly all of al-Azharī’s works display a
similar didactic (instructive) impulse and were much sought after because of their clarity
and comprehensibility. The summary syntax al-Muqaddima al-Azhariyya was designed to be
learned by heart. The author supplied it with a commentary to assist students in better
understanding it. Al-Azharī also wrote commentaries on popular textbooks by other
authors, such as the Ājurrūmiyya by Ibn Ājurrūm (723/1323), the Qawāʿid al-iʿrāb by Ibn
Hishām (d. 761/1360), al-ʿAwāmil al-miʾa by ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī (471/1078), and the
Alfiyya by Ibn Mālik (672/1274), which al-Azharī commented upon in his Tamrīn al-tullāb fī
sināʿat al-iʿrāb. While these works were directed mainly towards students, others addressed
the specialised expert in the field. Al-Azharī’s most ambitious work of this kind, finished in
896/1491, is entitled al-Tasrīh bi-madmūn al-tawdīh. It is a supercommentary on Ibn
Hishām’s commentary Awdah al-masālik on Ibn Mālik’s Alfiyya. But this time the voice of Ibn
Mālik is only secondary and given no special prominence. Instead, by citing about two
hundred sources, from all periods, critically discussing Ibn Hishām’s views, and engaging a
huge number of controversial issues, the Tasrīh becomes an exhaustive compendium of
morphology and syntax, one that greatly influenced grammatical theory in the following
Extracted from: Bauer, Thomas. " al-Azharī, Khālid b. ʿAbdAllāh ." Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. 09 August
About the author
Sharaf al-Din Abu ‘Abd Allāh Muhammad b. Sa’īd b. Hammād al-Sanhādjī al- Būsīrī was a
celebrated Egyptian poet of the Mamlūk period. He was of Berber origin and born on 1
Shawwāl 608/7 March 1212 at Būsīr or near Dalās in Upper Egypt. He was in fact also known
by the nisba of Dalāsī, it is said that one of his parents originated from Dalās and the other
from Būsīr; he also had a composite nisba, al-Dalāsīrī, but this was never very current. It is
said that al-Būsīrī passed away at a date which varies in the sources between 694 to
696/1294-7 either in Cairo and buried near the tomb of al-Shāfiʿī (204/820) in the Qarāfa
cemetery or in Alexandria, opposite the mosque-complex of his spiritual guide Abū al-
ʿAbbās al-Mursī.
As a young man, Al-Būsīrī appears to have studied Arabic and the religious sciences in Cairo.
He also followed the teachings of the Sūfī Abū l-ʿAbbās Ahmad al-Mursī (686 /1287) and the
Shādhiliyya order. One of his contemporaries described him as ‘short in stature, but of great
Al-Būsīrī was esteemed as a fine poet by many of his contemporaries, and his poems were
collected in his dīwān, which has been edited and published. This work contains over fifty
poems employing a range of rhymes and metres, as well as using various literary devices
(badīʿ) in skilful wordplay. He also extolled the virtues of the spiritual elite, including the
saint al-Sayyida Nafīsa (d. 208/824) and the Sūfī masters Abū al-Hasan al-Shādhilī
(656/1258) and Abū l-ʿAbbās Ahmad al-Mursī.
Al-Būsīrī's highest praise, however, was reserved for the Prophet ﷺOne poem is in
imitation of the famous ode Bānat Suʿād, composed for the Prophet ﷺby Kaʿb b. Zuhayr
(first/seventh century) in exchange for the Prophet's forgiving him for his previous poetic
attacks on him, nonetheless the most celebrated of al-Būsīrī's odes to the Prophet ﷺare
his al-Hamziyya and al-Burda. In al-Hamziyya, al-Būsīrī recounts events in the Prophet's life,
including his birth, the washing of his heart by angels, his receiving revelation from Allāh
سبحانه وتعاىلhis ascension to heaven on the mythical creature al-Burāq, and his struggles
with the infidel Makkans, as well as many of the Prophet's miracles and blessed virtues.
After denouncing the Christians and Jews for their obstinate errors in belief, al-Būsīrī
recounts his own pilgrimage to Makkah al-Mukarramah stage by stage, and then ends the
poem by praising the Prophet’s family and companions and praying for his intercession on
Judgement Day. Al-Būsīrī's al-Burda covers much of the same ground—the Prophet's life and
miracles, the triumph of Islam over unbelief, and the prayer for intercession—though its
length (160 verses) is about half that of al-Hamziyya. Al-Burda has enjoyed greater
popularity than al-Hamziyya, undoubtedly on account of its frame story. Al-Būsīrī, once
suffered a debilitating stroke. He prayed and cried out to Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل for help, and
composed an ode praising the Prophet ﷺThen he fell asleep and dreamed of the Prophet
ﷺwho touched his face and wrapped him in his cloak (burda). Upon waking, Al-Būsīrī
found that the effects of the stroke had vanished and he had been restored to health. Al-
Būsīrī' recounts this as follows:
وحتري فيه اذ ابطل نصفي عجز عن عالجه كل معاجل سبب نظمي اياها انين اصابين خلط فاجل
ان اصنع تذكرت يف ساعة سعيده وقاربت حلول رمسي فلما ايست من نفسي وصفي
ورجوت به الربء وشرعت يف امتداح املصطفي فصح العزم والنيه يف مدح خري الربيه قصيده
قد املصطفي التهامي فلما ختمتها رأيت يف منامي ويسر علي طليب فاعانين ريب والشفا
انتهي مبعناه فدونك وعدت ملا كان من نعيت فعوفيت لوقيت ومر بيده املباركة علي ايت ايل
ونسجت علي نريي اخلالص والصفا قد غزلت من نعوت املصطفي بردة
News of this miracle spread, and others found that recitation and copies of al-Būsīrī's ode,
now named al-Burda, had miraculous healing powers. As a result, this poem has been
copied many times, and its verses have been used in amulets and inscribed on walls to ward
off misfortune. Al-Būsīrī's al-Burda has been the focus of many commentaries, imitations,
and translations, and to this day it is arguably the most famous poem in the Arabic
Al-Burda, formally named الربية الكواكب الدرية يف مدح خري (glittering stars in the praise of the
best of creation) takes a strongly classical form, beginning with the ancient Arabian theme
of the lover soliloquizing amid the remains of his lost beloved’s encampment. Even here,
however, we soon realise that the loved one is not a Bedouin maiden, but is none other
than the beloved of Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه The blessed messenger ﷺhas veiled himself from
this world, and the world is bereft in his absence; but there is still hope. We are exiled from
beauty only by our own ugliness, and therefore the poet must bewail the waywardness of
his ego’s desires. This leads to a realisation of the perfection of the messenger ﷺwhose
moral and spiritual qualities were in precisely that state of harmony which the poet craves.
By considering the miracles which accompanied the Prophet’s birth, he feels hope and
gratitude to Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل by considering his many miracles his faith is strengthened,
and by pondering the deep wisdom of the Qur’an, the mysterious ‘bride’ which the believer
must slowly and courteously unveil, he is reminded of the meaning of history. The poem
then turns to consider the Ascension ()معراج, the climax of the Prophet’s career, in which he
was carried from the Mosque of Jerusalem up through the seven heavens into the divine
Extracted from Homerin, Th. Emil. " al-Būsīrī ." Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. 29 August 2012 and Ed.. " al-
Būsīrī." Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. 29 August 2012
presence. Returning, he risks his life and limb by heroically defending his people against
pagans who have attacked their refuge in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah. Būsīrī then laments
his own sinfulness and his declining years, and yearns for the blessing of the Prophet’s
intercession on the day of Judgement. He knows that given his ruinous and repeated sins,
only Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل can save him; and so he addresses the messenger ﷺwhose
intercessions are, as the hadīth assure us, to be the surest mediator with Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
Finally, he prays for gentleness in this world and the next, ending with a brief allusion to the
Arabian scenery with which he began.
Commentary of al-Burda
Al-Zubda fī Sharh al-Burda is a concise commentary on al-Burda by Shaykh Khālid al-Azharī
which focuses upon the exposition of its language, the grammar of the verses and the
clarification of its meanings with utmost clarity, sufficing on the most authentic position.
When the poet intended to commence the Qasīda (ode) he withheld from himself an
individual whose tears inter-mingled with blood, and so he asked him the cause of this by
addressing himself:
مزجت دمعا جرى من مقلة بدم امن تذكر جريان بذي سلم
Is it from remembering past neighbours at Dhu Salam that you mingle with blood tears shed
from your eyes?3
Or has the wind blown from before Kāzima and the lightning flashed from Idam’s dark.
Translations taken from ‘The Mantle Adorned’ by Abdal Hakim Murad
( أومضto illuminate) i.e. ( ملعto flash)
اضمis a valley on the outskirts of al-Madīna al-Munawwarah
– امنThe hamza أis for ( استفهامinterrogation), the مin منhas a kasra and it is حرف
( تعليلa causative particle) and it is a preposition connected ( )متعلقto مزجت
تذكرis in the genitive case ( )جمرورdue to من
جريانhas a kasra (ِ ) on the جand it is ( مضاف اليهcomplement of a prefixed noun) by
annexing the infinitive ( )تذكرto its object ( )مفعولafter the removal of its subject
Other examples in english may include black darkness or burning fire
هبت الريحis a verb with its subject, and this is the explication ( )تأويلof ( مفردa singular
word) conjuncted to تذكر
من اضمhas a kasra on the hamza إa fatha on the ضand it is the ( حالdenotative of
state) of الظلماء7
The essence of the two verses is that when the poet mentions neighbours ( )جريانhe intends
the beloved ones ()أحبة, and with ذي سلم- كاظمة – اضم their places (rendezvous) are
indicated. By inter-mingling tears with blood he is signifying the severity of his lamentation,
he then inquires the cause by saying, ‘is it remembrance of the absent beloveds? Or the
blowing of the wind and the flash of the lightning from their direction?’
The poet began the first part of one verse with hamza أand the second with أم, in between
however he placed that which he did not inquire about, similar to the following verse of the
Do you think that it is harder to create you or the heavens? Allāh has created it.
Take note that the poet made one of the verses into a sentence, with a structure similar to
the verse of the Qur’ān, where it can be seen that the two clauses, one beginning with
Implication of a missing syntactical part
The described
It is apparent however through the authors analysis of the meaning ( )معينthat اضم منis connected with أومض
(Verifier’s note)
Surah 79:27
hamza أand the second with أمare separated by another clause ( )بَنَاهَاwhich does not have
the action of استفهامupon it, just like the following verse of the Qur’ān:9
Say (O dear messenger )ﷺ, “I do not know whether what you are promised is close or if my
Lord will postpone it for a while.”
What ails your eyes, that when you bid them cease they weep still more? What ails your
heart that when you bid it wake it wanders?
قلبis the ( الفؤادheart) which is shaped like a pine cone ( )صنوبريand located in the
middle of the chest. It is the source of life and cognition. It is a subtle secret with
which one gains ادراك (perception) and يعرب عنه هبذه اجلارحة تقريبا لالذهان (one that
gives expression to the intellect)
استفقis a synonym of افقwhich means to awaken
يهمis the imperfect tense of ( هام علي وجههto wander aimlessly about) when he does
not know where he is (هو )اذا مل يدري اين
– فماThe فis a connective ( )عاطفةthe ماis for استفهامand it is in the nominative
position (رفع )يف موضعdue to ( اإلبتداءbecoming the inceptive)
لعينيكis dual ( )التثنيةand it is the predicate ( )خربof the inceptive ()مبتدأ
إنhas a kasra on the hamza إa sākin on the نand it is ( حرف شرطa conditional
قلت has a fatha on the ت and it is the conditional verb (الشرط )فعلin the jussive
position (جزم )يف موضع
Surah 72:25
أكففاhas a dhamma (ُ ) on the first فa fatha on the second and it is an imperative
(امر )فعلwith its subject, this clause is in the accusative position ( )يف موضع نصبdue
to قلت
مهتا is a verb of the perfect tense with its subject. Originally it was مهيتا the ي
changed into اso it became مهاتاthen the اwas omitted due to the meeting of two
sākin, one on the (first) ا and the other on the feminine )تاء تأنيث( ت since the
movement ( )حتريكon the ا is temporary ()عارض. This clause is the complement
jussive state) since its movement with kasra is temporary, as it is حرف الروي (a
rhyming letter)10
‘O denier of love what has happened to your eyes that if you say to them, hold back your
tears, the tears continue to flow and descend; what has happened to your heart that if you
say to it, awaken from the inundation of love, it wanders still more. Is the flowing of tears
and the wandering of the heart not from the signs of love?’
Now, the poet shifts his address from second person ( )خطابto third person ( )غيبةso he
Reckons the lovelorn man that his love may be concealed, when a torrent’s in one part of
him, and in the other, a conflagration?
The مhas a kasra due to poetic licence, in order to maintain the rhyme
حيسبmeans ( يظنto think or to reckon)
الصبis the lover ( )عاشقbecause when his love intensifies he weeps and his tears are
احلبmeans ( حمبةlove)
منكتمmeans ( مستورconcealed or hidden)
منسجمis a flowing torrent ()هاطل منحدر11
مضطرمmeans burning ( )ملتهبand ablaze ()مشتعل
احيسبThe hamza أis ( استفهام توبيخيinterrogation for censure)
حيسبis the imperfect tense of حسبand it is a transitive verb ( )املتعديhaving two
الصبis its subject
أنhas a fatha on the hamza أtashdīd (gemination)12 on the نand it is ( حرف توكيدa
particle of emphasis) which makes its subject-noun ( )اسمaccusative and its predicate
( )خربnominative
ماis ( زائدةextra)
بنيis ( منصوبaccusative) as it is ( ظرف املكانan adverbial noun of place)
منسجمis مضاف اليهby implicating ( موصوفa qualified noun) between بنيand منسجم
(see the grammar of )يف الظلماء
منهis connected with منسجمthe pronoun ( ه )ضمريis referring to the lover ()الصب
From torrential rain
Doubling the consonant
مضطرمhas a sākin on the ضa fatha on the طand it is conjucted to منسجمby
implicating a ( موصوفa qualified noun) between the connective )عاطف( وand the
conjuncted )معطوف( مضطرم
Does the lover think that his love will be concealed from the people amidst overflowing
tears and a burning heart.
Then the poet shifts his address from third person to second person, by saying:
و ال أرقت لذكر البان و العلم لو ال اهلوي مل ترق دمعا علي طلل
But for passion, you wouldn’t weep at an abandoned camp, nor lie awake at night recalling
the willow and the mount.
اهلويhas ( قصرshortened )ا13 and it is the infinitive of هويwith a kasra on the ( وin
the pattern of )مسعwhich means to love
لو الis a particle which indicates the abstention of something due to the presence of
other than it (غريه )حرف يدل علي امتناع الشئ لوجود
This is when the final يis pronounced -ā without a following hamza
Salix aegyptiaca of Linnæus
اهلويis the inceptive ()مبتدأ, its predicate has been omitted out of necessity, due to
obstruction, therefore لو الfills the place of the complement ( )جوابas it is مطلق
(unrestricted). The implication being موجود لو ال اهلوي
مل ترقhas dhamma on the تa kasra on the رand a sākin on the قThe ملis جازم
which governs the vowelless (apocopate) form and ترقis ( جمزومin the apocopate
form) i.e the final consonant is vowelless
دمعاis its object
علي طللhas fatha on the طand the لand this is connected to ترقThe clause مل ترق
with both of its ( معمولgoverned components – دمعاand طلل )عليis the complement
( )جوابof the condition لو ال Since this condition is غري جازم (doesn’t govern the
vowelless form) there is no position for it, grammatically (االعراب )ال حمل هلا من
و ال أرقتhas a fatha on the hamza أa kasra on the رa fatha on the تand this is
conjucted with the complement of لو ال The ال in ال أرقت is additional ( )زائدةto
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe verse uses paronomasia15 (باملشتق )اجلناس الشبيهwhere the two
words resemble each other due to the similarity of their derivation i.e. مل ترقand أرقتAn
example from the Qur’ān is:
اجلناسis a rhetorical device known as paronomasia, this is a play on words that have similar sounds but may
or may not have the same meanings (N.B. there are many types of – اجلناسsee footnote 88)
َ قَالَ إِنِّي لِعَمَلِكُم مِّ َن الْقَالِنيwhere قالand القالنيare similar.16
به عليك عدول الدمع والسقم فكيف تنكر حبا بعد ما شهدت
So how can you deny your love, when witnesses of tears and sickness have testified to it
against you?
مثل البهار علي خديك و العنم و أثبت الوجد خطي عربة وضين
Lovesick passion has written upon your cheeks two tear-lines like yellow spice and red anam
purpose of the plural is only two, as indicated by that which follows- الدمعand السقم
unless the poet intended ( الدموعtears) with الدمعand ( األسقامsicknesses) with السقم
(sickness) hence the plural is according to its purpose
السقمis ( اطالة املرضthe prolongation of an illness)
الوجدmeans ( احلزنemotional upset)
خطيis the dual form of ( خطa streak)
عربةmeans ( البكاweeping)
ضينmeans ( الضعف واهلزالfeebleness and emaciation)
البهارis a yellow flower with a fragrant smell
العنمis a tree which has red fruit
This type of paronomasia is due to words derived from similar root letters, for instance, the root letters of
ترقare ر ي قand those of أرقتare أ ر قLikewise the root letters of قالare ق و لand those of القالنيare ق ي ل
The meaning of the two words are also different since the translation of the verse is ‘he said, “I am disgusted
with your works.” (Surah 26:168)
فكيفis for ( استفهامinterrogation), here, the meaning is for ( التعجبastonishment)
and it is connected to تنكر
تنكرhas a dhamma on the تand it is a verb of the imperfect tense ( )فعل مضارعwith
its subject hidden within it, out of necessity. Its implication is انت
the explication ( )تأويلof مصدر جمرور (an infinitive in the genitive state) which has
been annexed to بعد Hence, the implication is بعد شهادة عديل الدمع و السقم (…after
the testimony of the two witnesses, the tears and the prolonged illness)
و أثبتis the verb of the perfect tense and it is conjuncted to شهدت
الوجدis the subject of أثبت
خطيhas a fatha on the خand the طwith tashdīd, a sākin on the يand this is the
object of أثبتThe نhas been removed as it is ( مضافoriginally it was )خطني
علي خديكis in the position of the denotative of state ( )يف موضع احلالfor خطيand
و العنمhas a fatha on the عand the نand it is conjuncted to البهار
O the one addressed, how can you deny (your) love after torrents of tears and a variety of
illnesses have testified against you; especially after (your) passion has affirmed it upon your
cheeks. Firstly, the yellowness of the cheeks and then the prominence of the cheekbones as
a result of emaciation. Secondly, the redness of the overflowing tears due to excessive
weeping; whereby the judge of love has ruled in accordance to it.
In this verse the poet has used rhetoric لف و نشر مشوش (disordered complication and
explication)17 as he likens عربة خطيto العنمdue to redness18; and he likens ضينto البهارdue
to yellowness.
Once the addressed ( )خماطبis proven to be the lover, although in effect he (the poet) is the
addressed, he leaves his separation and confesses his love by saying:
Yes! My loved one’s spirit haunted me, and denied me sleep. For love ever obstructs
pleasures with pain.
A construction in which two or more words are mentioned, and, after them, two or more other words, as
epithets referring to the former, however here they are disordered ( )مشوشwhereby the order of the latter
words is contrary to that of those to which they refer.
It is disordered as خطي عربةis mentioned first in the first hemistitch but its epithet, العنمis mentioned last in
يعترض means حيول بينه وبني مراده (it forms an obstruction between him and his
اللذاتis the plural of لذةand it is that with which enjoyment is gained
االملmeans ( وجعpain)
نعمis ( حرف جوابan affirmative particle)
سريis a verb of the perfect tense
طيفhas a fatha on the طa sākin on the يand it is the subject of سري
منhas a fatha on the مand it is ( اسم موصولa conjunct) in the genitive position due to
annexation ( )اضافةwith طيف
اهويis a verb of the imperfect tense and it is ( مسند ايل املتكلمan attributive of the
speaker) This is the ( صلةcomplement) of منand the returning pronoun has been
omitted i.e. من أهواهwho I love (him)
فارقينis conjuncted to سريand its subject is hidden within it ( )هوand returns back to
احلبhas a dhamma on the حand it is the inceptive ()مبتدأ
يعترضhas a fatha on the يa kasrah on the رand it is a verb of the imperfect tense
with its subject hidden within it, returning back to احلب
مين إليك ولو انصفت مل تلم يا الئمي يف اهلوي العذري معذرة
You who blame me for this chaste love: I seek your pardon! Yet had you judged fairly, you
would not have blamed me at all.
May you be spared my state! I cannot hide my secret from my detractors; my sickness will
not leave me.
يف اهلويis connected to الئمي
العذريis the ( نعتqualification) of اهلوي
معذرةis منصوب (accusative) due to an omitted verb; its implication is اعتذر if the
As the action of الis similar to ليسthe predicate is ( منصوبaccusative)
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses ( رد العجز علي الصدرAntistrophe)20 by saying
الئمي and then تلم The verse also uses اجلناس الشبيه باملشتق (paronomasia) where the two
words resemble each other due to the similarity of their derivation i.e. العذريand معذرة
You offer me sincere advice, but I hear it not. A lover is deaf to all his reproachers.
I suspect the counsel even of my own grey hairs; although their advice is far indeed from
احملضmeans ( اخلالصsincere)
النصحis the opposite of ( غشdeception)
العذالis the plural of عاذلand means ( اللوامreproachers)
( صممdeafness) is the opposite of ( السمعhearing)
اهتمتis from the word ( التهمةsuspicion) which is to accuse someone without reason
الشيبis whitened hair
التهمis the plural of ( التهمةsuspicion)
حمضتينcomprises the verb, subject and the first object
النصحis the second subject
لكنis ( حرف ابتداءa particle of inception)21 and ( حرف استدراكparticle of emendation)
لستhas a dhamma on the تcomprising ليسand its subject-noun
This to repeat at the end of the verse the same word with which it begins (literally: to reflect the last part to
the front)
To introduce a new subject matter
امسعهcomprises the verb, subject and the object, this clause is in the accusative case
as it is the predicate of ليس
governed by the infinitive ( )صممcannot precede it, then I say that this does not
O adviser you have counselled me with sincere advice, however due to the magnitude of my
love I do not hear the counsel of the adviser as the lover is deaf in listening to the counsel of
his reproachers, as it is said ويصم ‘ حبك الشيء يعميyour love for a thing blinds and deafens.’
Thus, I suspect every adviser, to the extent that I even suspect my whitened hair in its
advice to me. Nonetheless, from amongst the advisers the whitened hair is least prone to
suspicion, this is because the reproacher can be suspected with envy, greed and jealousy,
whereas this cannot be conceived for the whitened hair.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe second verse uses الصدر ( رد العجز عليAntistrophe) of the type
in which one of the two similar words are in that portion of the first hemistitch that is
مفضولis that which is exceeded (by something else)
comprised between the first and last foot (االول )جعل فيه احد اللفظني املتجانسني يف حشو املصراع
The poet also utilises االشتقاق ( جناسparonomasia) by using these these two words, اين اهتمت
and التهمThere is also repetition ( )التكرارof the word الشيب
Thanks to its foolishness, my ill-urging ego has paid no heed to the warner: white hair and
Neither has it prepared fair deeds in hospitable welcome for a guest who has taken up
residence on my head.
كتمت سرا بدا يل منه بالكتم لو كنت اعلم اين ما أوقره
Had I understood, I would not have honoured it: I would have used katam-dye to hide what it
أوقرهmeans I honoured it ( )اعظمهand revered it ()احترمه
كتمتmeans ( اخفيتI concealed)
الكتمhas fatha on the تand it is a plant used as a dye like ( حناءhenna)
فإن The ف is تعليلية (causative) and the explicative for not accepting the counsel
ماis ( نافيةnegative)
ما أوقرهThis clause comprises the verb, its subject and its object, which becomes the
predicate of أنThis along with both of its ( معمولgoverned components – أينand ما
)أوقرهfill the space of two objects of اعلم
The هin أوقره ماis in reference to الشيب
كتمتhas a dhamma on the تand comprises the verb and its subject and is the
complement of لو
as the light of my old age. Neither was I hospitable during its visit nor did I honour it
precisely how it should be honoured. If I were to know before its visit however, that I would
not be able to respect its honour then I would have used katam-dye the first instance the
whitened hair appeared to me which would have concealed the whiteness underneath it;
whereby greater resistance and reproach would not approach me.
Who will help me curb a bolting rebel’s wilfulness in the way that a rebel stallion may be
curbed with reins?
ان الطعام يقوي شهوة النهم فال ترم باملعاصي كسر شهوهتا
Think not to break unlawful whims by satisfying them. Food only increases a glutton’s
The ego’s like a child: neglect it, and it will grow still suckling; only if you wean it will it be
اجلماحis the infinitive of ( مجح الفرسthe horse bolted) and ( مجح الرجلmeaning – اذا
)ركب هواه وعصر رده فهو مجوحwhen the man follows his whim and it is difficult to
restrain him, so he is defiant
الغوايةmeans ( الضاللةdeviance) and refusal of returning
اخليلis ( اسم مجعa collective noun)and its singular is a horse, in import ()يف املعين
اللجمis the plural of ( جلامrein) which is a persian word which has been arabicised, it
is that which is placed in the mouth of the horse
الرومmeans to desire
املعاصيis the plural of معصيةwhich is the opposite of ( طاعةobedience)
( كسرbreaking) means ( الصرفaverting)
النهمone with a ravenous appetite
النفسmeans ( الروحthe soul)
الطفلis the newborn child
االمهالmeans ( التركleaving)
شبwhen the child grows up
الرضاعis the suckling of milk before the first two years
فطمت املرأة ولدهاThe woman weaned her child
منhas a fatha on the مand it is ( اسم استفهامinterrogative particle) and the inceptive
يلis its predicate
بردis connected to that which the ( جمرورgenitive) before it is connected to24
مجاحhas a kasra on the جand it is مضاف اليه
من غوايتهاhas a fatha on the غand it is connected to برد
كماthe كis a preposition and the ماis ( مصدريةgives the following verb the meaning
of its infinitive)
يردis a verb of the imperfect tense and it is indeclinable as it is in the passive voice
(للمفعول )مبين
مجاحis ( نائب الفاعلa representative subject)
اخليلis مضاف اليه
باللجمhas a dhamma on the لand جthis is connected to يرد
فالis ( حرف هنيa prohibitive particle)
ترمhas a dhamma on the رand it is in the apocopate (vowelless) form due to ال ناهية
(the prohibitive particle)
باملعاصيis connected to ترم
كسرis the object of ترم
شهوهتاis مضاف اليه
ان الطعامcomprises انand its subject-noun
يقويhas a dhamma on the يa fatha on the قand a kasra on the وwith tashdīd and
this is a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject hidden within it returning back
to الطعام
Who will restrain my soul which commands me towards evil, averting me away from that
which it is currently upon of deviance and defiance, through sublime counsel and divine
secrets, just as how a bolting horse is restrained with reins. O the one addressed do not
desire to break your passions through sin, as eating delicious food only strengthens the
passions of the glutton. However, if he were to restrain his soul from sins then it would be
restrained, this is because the soul is just like a suckling infant, in that if you leave him
suckling then he will reach childhood whilst he is still suckling. If you wean him however, he
will desist suckling and will not be harmed.
Frustrate its whim; be wary of giving it power, for whims pollute or pervert whatever they
و ان هي استحلت املرعي فال تسم و راعها و هي يف األعمال سائمة
Guard it as it grazes in the pasture of deeds. And should it find the grazing sweet, let it not
من حيث مل يدر أن السم يف الدسم كم حسنت لذة للمرء قاتلة
Many a delight has it approved which proves murderous, for some do not know that the fat
contains a poison.
احلذرmeans ( التحذيرvigilance)
التوليةmeans ( الواليةempowerment)
تويلmeans ( تأمرto seize power)
يصمwith a dhamma on the يmeans ( يقتلto kill) and with a fatha on the يit means
( يعيبto defect)
راعهاmeans ( الحظهاsupervise it)
السومmeans to graze freely
استحلتmeans to perceive sweetness
املرعيmeans ( الكألpasture)
السمmeans a lethal poison
الدسمmeans ( الودكfat)
فاصرفis an imperative with its subject
هواهاis its object
حاذرis an imperative with the meaning of ( احذرbe wary!)
انhas a fatha on the أa sākin on the نand it is ( حرف مصدريةgives the following verb
the meaning of its infinitive and makes it accusative)
توليهis a verb of the imperfect tense and it is ( منصوبaccusative) due to ان
انhas a kasrah on the إa tashdīd on the نand it is ( حرف توكيدparticle of emphasis)
اهلويis its subject-noun
ماis ( اسم شرطconditional noun) in the meaning of ان
تويلis a verb of the perfect tense in the apocopate (vowelless) position ()يف موضع جزم
due to ما
( يصم1) has a dhamma on the يa sākin on the صa kasra on the مand it is the
complement of the condition
اوis ( حرف عطفa conjunctive) in favour of one of the two ()الحد الشيئني
( يصم2) has a fatha on the يa kasra on the صand it is conjuncted to ( يصم1) The
و راعهاhas a fatha on the رa kasra on the عand comprises an imperative its subject
and object, this is conjuncted to فاصرف
استحلت املرعيThis clause comprises the verb, its subject and its object, together this
is the predicate of هي
The commentator takes this view into consideration
complement of the condition which has been linked together by طلبية ف( فاءwhich is
the complement of the conditional clause)26
كمis ( خربيةpredicative) in the meaning of ( كثريabundant) and it is in the accusative
case as it is ( مصدريةgives the following verb the meaning of its infinitive) i.e كم حتسني
(much beautification)
حسنتhas a tashdīd on the سand it is a verb of the perfect tense. Its subject is
hidden within it which returns back to النفس
لذةhas a fatha on the لand ذwith tashdīd and this is the object of حسنت
للمرءis connected to حسنت
قاتلةis the ( نعتqualification) of لذة
من حيثis connected to قاتلة
مل يدرcomprises ملwhich governs the apocopate (vowelless) form and يدرwhich is in
the apocopate form
أنhas a fatha on the أand it is ( حرف توكيدparticle of emphasis)
السمis the subject-noun of أن
يف الدسم has a fatha on the د and the س and is its predicate. أن and both of its
governed components ( السمand الدسم )يفbecome the object of يدرThen يدرand its
governed component is in the genitive position (خفض )يف موضعdue to its annexation
with حيث من
Seize hold of the reins of the soul and divert its passion away from that which it is currently
upon from its need of pleasure and its preoccupation with its desires. Strive hard to prevent
the sovereignty of passion and its power, because as long as the passion is in control of a
person it will either kill him by wrestling or it will defect him. Secure the protection of the
soul whilst it is grazing in the pasture of deeds so that it does not become too distant whilst
grazing and seeks the sweetness of the pasture. But if it finds the pasture pleasant then do
not graze it there, lest it may rebel against you and become disobedient to you afterwards.
Beware the deception of the soul; how many a delight has it embellished for the people and
Another example may be ( إن يكرمك زيد فال هتنهIf Zayd treats you with honour do not treat him with contempt)
proved fatal, whilst he does not know that the fatty food he is taking delight in eating
contains a lethal poison.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses paronomasia (احملرف – اجلناسsee footnote 88)
where the two words differ in the vowelisation of the letters but agree in the type, number
and the sequence of the letters by saying يصم أو يصم27
The second verse uses ( رد العجز علي الصدرAntistrophe) of the type where one of the two
similar words is at the the end of the first hemistitch and the other at the end of the second
hemistitch. This verse also utilise االشتقاق ( جناسparonomasia which uses derivatives of the
same root) by using سائمةand تسم
Fear the insidious snares of hunger and of satiety, for being hungry is sometimes worse than
having gorged.
Empty out the tears from an eye that has stuffed itself with forbidden delights; hold hard to
a diet of penitence.
اخلشيةmeans ( اخلوفfear)
الدسائس is the plural of دسيسة which means ( الفتنة اخلفيةhidden machination), from
the word ( الدساسةa covert plot)
The idea being that although they look identical, the root letters of يصم ص م يand those of ( يصم2) are
(1) are
و ص مThey also differ in terms of vowelisation, ( يصم1) has a dhamma on the يa sākin on the صand kasra on
the مwhereas ( يصم2) has a fatha on the يkasra on the ص
احملارمis the plural of حمرمwhich means ( احلرامforbidden)
محيةmeans abstaining from that which is harmful28
الندمmeans ( اسفregret)
و اخش الدسائسis an imperative with its subject and object
من جوع و من شبعare both in the position of a denotative of state ( )يف موضع احلالfor
الدسائسThe منis for the explication ()بيان29 of الدسائس
فربis ( حرف جرa preposition)
خممصة is جمرور (genitive) due to رب and this compound is in the nominative case
شرis its predicate, like the saying: ( رب قتل عارmany a murder is manifest)
من التخمhas a dhamma on the تand a fatha on the خwhich is connected to شر
و استفرغ الدمعis an imperative with its subject and object
من عنيis placed as the حالof الدمع
قدis حرف حتقيقthe particle which denotes the affirmation of truth or certainty
امتألتis a verb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it returning back
to عني
This usually applies to abstaining from food which may prove injurious in case of sickness
When منis used for ( )بيانit indicates, or gives evidence of, a circumstance, or state, that is a result, or an
Fear the hidden dangers, some of which are a result of hunger, like bad character,
irascibility, becoming lethargic and feebleness whereas others are a result of satiety, like
laziness, dominance of the desires and the darkness of the heart etc. All of these factors
create disturbance in worship but whereas worship can be achieved with satiety, it cannot
be achieved with hunger, thus hunger is worse than satiety. Consider that which is good for
you and weep excessively over your sins and empty the tears from your eyes which have
been filled with taking pleasure in forbidden sights. And hold fast to piety and abstain from
that which it is necessary for the sorrowful repentant to shun and evade, so that perhaps
Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل may accept your repentance and make your weeping an atonement for
your sins.
Disobey the ego and the devil; dispute with them; suspect them both even when they offer
you true counsel.
Of the twain, obey neither as a plaintiff or an arbiter. Well you know the plaintiff’s and the
arbiter’s ploy.
النفسis the soul but it has also been said that it is the blood or the whole of the body
الشيطانmeans ( مبعدexiled) if it is said to be a derivative of شطنand if it is said to be a
derivative of شاط then it means هالك (destroyed) and حمترق (ablaze). It is on the
pattern of فيعالaccording to the first, and on the pattern of فعالنfor the second.
Somebody who brings a claim against a person, i.e. the satan
Somebody designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgment, in this case the soul
و الشيطانis conjucted to النفس
و اعصهماcomprises an imperative, its subject, and its object and it is conjucted to
خالف النفس The coupling of املخالفة (oppposition) and العصيان (disobedience) is for
emphasis ( )تأكيدthrough the use of the synonym ()املرادف. When the particle وis
used to conjunct the clauses with emphasis then it is charactistic of مث (then), as
حمضاكcomprises the verb, subject and the first object and النصحis the second object.
This clause according to the first opinion does not have a specific case (or mood) as it
is explicative. According to the second view however, the clause is in the nominative
case ( )الرفعas it is the predicate of the ( مبتدأinceptive)
فاهتم is the complement of the condition and the ف is the complement of the
conditional clause and used as a conjunctive since the verb is an imperative,
whereby the مhas a kasrah in accordance with the rhyming letter ()حرف الروي, i.e.
the م
فانتis subject
تعرفis its predicate
كيدis the object of تعرف
اخلصمis مضاف اليه
و احلكمhas a fatha on the حand the كand it is conjuncted to اخلصم
Indeed the soul and the satan are both clear enemies for you, so oppose them in whatever
they command you to do or whatever they prohibit you from, disobey them in this. Even if
they were to give you sincere advice, suspect them, and do not firmly believe in their advice.
As indeed one of them is your adversary and the other is ruling over you and the deception
of the adversary and the oppression of the colluding ruler is manifest.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses الصدر ( رد العجز عليAntistrophe) by repeating
اخلصمand احلكم
When he completed giving sincere advice to the addressed through the purification of those
things he was acquainted with, he admits to himself that he did not act as he has said, thus
he asks for forgiveness from such statements by saying:
لقد نسبت به نسال لذي عقم استغفر اهلل من قول بال عمل
I ask God’s pardon for words not followed by deeds, for by them did I attribute progeny to a
sterile man.
I commend goodness to you while not conforming myself. Being crooked, of what use is my
command to be straight?
No optional devotions have I accumulated, ready for my demise; nor have I fasted, nor
prayed, more than the minimum required.
النسلmeans ( الولدoffspring)
عقمis the infinitive of ( عقمت الرحمthe womb became barren)
االمرmeans ( الطلبdesire)
اخلريis the opposite of ( الشرevil)
ائتمرتmeans ( امتثلتI obeyed)
استقمتmeans ( اعتدلتI became upright)
الزاد originally meant a stock of provisions taken for travelling, the meaning here
however, is of actions which are beneficial in the hereafter
املوتis the separation of the soul from the body
النافلةare those things increased upon the ( واجباتnecessary actions)
سويhas the import of ( غريother than)
استغفرhas a fatha on the أand it is the verb of the imperfect tense with its subject
hidden within it due to necessity
اهللis in the accusative case due to استغفر
من قولis connected to استغفر
بال عملis the qualification ( )نعتof قول
لقدthe لis used in order to emphasise the complement of an omitted oath and قدis
حرف حتقيق the particle which denotes the affirmation of truth or certainty, the
عقمhas a dhamma on the عand the قand it is مضاف اليهThe قoriginally had a
sākin, but due to dialect it is observed that those triliteral nouns which have a
dhamma on the first letter and a quiescent (vowelless) second letter, the latter is
pronounced with the second movent like the first (i.e. dhamma). This is also the case
with عسرand يسر32
امرتك اخلريcomprises the verb of the perfect tense, subject and two objects
لكنis ( حرف ابتداءa particle of inception) and ( حرف إستدراكparticle of emendation)
ماis negative
ائتمرتhas a dhamma on the تindicating the first person and it comprises the verb
of the perfect tense and its subject. Originally, ائتمرتhad two hamza ()ءئتمرت, the
first with a kasra, and the second with a sākin. The second hamza can then change
into يdue to the kasra before
This is also the case with the word بعدwhich shall be mentioned later
أصلis the verb of the imperfect tense and in the apocopate (vowelless) form due to
ملthis is indicated by the omission of ( يfrom the end of the verb)
سويis the object of أصلand it is not ( ظرف زمانan adverbial noun of time)
فرضis مضاف اليه
و مل اصمis conjuncted to مل أصلits object is omitted and it is similar to that which
precedes it, the implication being فرض و مل اصم سويIt was omitted from the second
( )مل اصمso that the first may indicate the omitted portion ()سوي فرض
I seek forgiveness from Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل regarding my statements as I am sterile in
producing actions suitable for such statements. As indeed the result of speech is action, so
when my speech does not result in action it is like a barren womb which does not yield
offspring. By Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل through such speech, devoid of action, it is as though I
attributed offspring to a sterile man. Verily, I commanded you to perform pious actions, yet
I failed to act upon it myself, neither did I become upright by adopting استقامة
(steadfastness) so what is the benefit of saying to you ‘become upright’ when I am not
upright initially and Allāh سبحانه وتعاىلhas mentioned in the Qur’ān:33
َكَبُرَ َمقْتًا عِن َد اللَّهِ أَن َتقُولُوا مَا لَا تَ ْفعَلُون٢َيَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ َآمَنُوا لِمَ َتقُولُونَ مَا لَا َت ْفعَلُون
Nor have I accumulated provisions of optional worship in preparation for the arrival of
death, rather I limited my prayer ( )الصالةand fasting ( )الصومto only that which was
ان اشتكت قدماه الضر من ورم ظلمت سنة من احي الظالم ايل
I’ve wronged the example of him who revived the black nights, praying until his feet
complained of painful swelling.
O People who Believe! Why do you preach what you do not practice? How despicable it is in the sight of
Allāh that you preach what you do not practice (Surah 61:2-3).
Over his belly and soft skin he placed a stone, tightening a belt over it to lessen the hunger
High mountains sought to tempt him by turning to gold, but he showed them lofty height
upon height!
His constraint through poverty only confirmed his detachment from them. A need such as his
shall not lead to transgression.
فاراها اميا مشمhe turned away from them and ascended above them the extremity of
اكدتmeans ( قوتit confirmed)
الزهدis the opposite of ( الرغبةdesire)
ضرورةmeans ( احلاجةrequirement)
ال تعدوmeans ال تظلمit does not transgress
العصمis the plural of ( عصمةpreservation)35
ظلمتhas a dhamma on the تand contains the verb and its subject
سنةhas a dhamma on the سand is object
منhas a fatha on the مand it is ( موصول امسيa conjunct noun) and مضاف اليه
احي الظالم comprises the verb, subject and the object. This clause is the صلة
(complement) of منand the subject of احيis hidden within it and returns back to من
اشتكت قدماهcomprises the verb and its subject, which is the ( صلةcomplement) of أن
الضرhas a dhamma on the ضand it is the object of اشتكت
من ورمis ( جار جمرورthe preposition and the genitive) is placed as a denotative of
state due to الضرor it is connected to اشتكتthrough أنThe منis for ( تعليلcausation)
Literally, he showed them loftiness, what loftiness!
عصمة االنبياءsignifies God's preservation of the prophets, first, by the endowment of them with essential
purity of constitution; then, by the conferring of large and highly-esteemed excellencies; then, by aid against
opponents, and rendering their feet firm; then, by sending down upon them tranquility ( )سكينةand the
preservation of their hearts, and minds, and adaptation to that which is right. And a faculty of avoiding, or
shunning, acts of disobedience, (or of self-preservation therefrom), with possession of power to commit them;
explained as an inability to disobey, or a disposition that prevents disobedience, not such as constrains (to act).
(Lane’s Lexicon)
شدhas a fatha on the شand it is a verb with its subject hidden within it
سغبhas a fatha on the سand the غand it is connected to شد
منis for ( تعليلcausation)
احشائهis the object of شد
و طويhas a fatha on the طand the وthis conjuncted to شد
حتتis ( ظرف املكانan adverbial noun of place) and it is accusative due to طوي
احلجارةis مضاف اليه
كشحاhas a fatha on the كand a sākin on the شand it is the object of طوي
مترفhas a sākin on the تand a fatha on the رthis is the qualification ( )نعتof كشحا
األدمhas a fatha on the أand the دand this is مضاف اليهby annexing the passive
particle (املفعول )اسم36 towards the نائب الفاعل (representative subject). Originally it
مشم has a fatha on the ش and the م and this is مضاف اليه The implication being
فيهاis connected to زهده
ضرورتهis in the nominative case (and has a dhamma on the )تas it is the subject of
إن الضرورةcomprises إنand its subject-noun
الis ( نافيةnegative)
تعدوis a verb with its subject hidden within it, and this the predicate of إن
علي العصم has a kasra on the عof العصمand a fatha on the صThis is connected to
I have left the manner of the Prophet ﷺwho in spite of his sublime rank and elevated
position, spent the dark nights by performing worship on his noble feet, to the extent that
they would become overcome with pain and swelling. He ﷺwould also compress his
blessed middle with a stone and tie his soft and distinguished waist beneath the stone as
alleviation for the pain of hunger, but this is not borne out of incapacity nor an inability to
train in the disciplines necessary for livelihood. This is because lofty mountains made from
pure gold would entice him towards them, but he ﷺwould turn away from them and
show them the greatest ascendency and renunciation. And from that which confirms his
abstinence from the vanities of this world is his need for only necessities and his excess
poverty. Necessity makes the forbidden permissible (احملظورات )الضرورات تبيح, so what could
be said about permissible actions when his need does not hinder his preservation ()العصمة.
As for spending the night in worship, it is from the verse of the Qur’ān:
إِنَّ رَبَّكَ َيعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ َتقُومُ أَدْنَى مِن ثُلُثَ ِي اللَّيْلِ اآليَة
Indeed your Lord knows that you stand up in prayer, sometimes two-thirds of the night… (to
the end of the verse).37
As for the swelling of his feet, it is from the hadīth of the messenger ﷺ
و قد قيل له اتتكلف هذا و قد غفر اهلل لك ما تقدم من ذنبك و ما تأخر فقال افال أكون عبدا شكورا (رواه
It was said to him ﷺwhy do you burden yourself with this whilst Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل has
forgiven, for your sake, the sins of those before you and those after you, so he ﷺsaid,
“should I not be a thankful servant.” (Narrated by Bukhārī and Muslim)
As for tying a stone on his stomach due to hunger, )البخاري فقد وقع له يف حفر اخلندق (رواه
This situation arose whilst digging the trench (at the battle of Khandaq), narrated by
As for the enticement of the mountains, this is taken from the hadīth of the messenger ﷺ
ان جربيل قال له ان اهلل تعايل يقول لك احتب ان اجعل لك هذه اجلبال ذهبا و تكون معك حيث ما كنت
)فاطرق ساعة مث قال يا جربيل ان الدنيا دار من ال دار له (احلديث بطوله يف الشفاء
Jibrīl said to him ﷺthat Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل asks you, ‘would you like me to turn this
mountain into gold, whereby it would accompany you wherever you go,’ so he ﷺbowed
his head for while and then said, ‘O Jibrīl this world is the abode of the one who has no
abode… (the rest of the hadīth is in the Shifā of Qādī Iyād)39
Sahīh Bukharī Book 59, Hadīth 427
…( ومال من ال مال له قد جيمعها من ال عقل له فقال له جربيل ثبتك اهلل يا حممد بالقول الثابتand the property of he who has no
property, and it is accumulated by the one who has no intellect.’ So Jibril said to him ﷺthat Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
has made you firm upon the truth
لو اله مل خترج الدنيا من العدم وكيف تدعو ايل الدنيا ضرورة من
How could poverty tempt him to worldliness when but for him the would not have been
brought from the void?
Muhammad is the master of both worlds, both kinds, and both companies: Arabs and non-
العدمis that which precedes all things, before even their existence
سيدmeans ( اجلليلrevered) ( العظيمhonourable)40
الكونانis in reference to ( الدنياthe world) and ( اآلخرةthe hereafter)
الثقالن is in reference to the humans and the jinn. الثقل (with fatha) is a precious
thing, and the most precious from amongst that on the face of the earth are the
humans and the jinn. For this reason they are named الثقالن
الفريقنيis in reference to the Arabs and the non-Arabs. الفريقis a great congregation,
( العريبArab) one eloquent in Arabic language and ( العجميnon-Arab) is the opposite
وكيفis connected to تدعوwith the import of ( ما نافيةa particle of negation)
تدعوis a verb of the imperfect tense
ايل الدنياis connected to تدعو
ضرورةis the subject of تدعو
منis ( موصول امسيa conjunct noun) and مضاف اليه
A سيدis superior in rank or station or condition; one possessing pre-eminence or excellence; a man of rank or
quality; a personage; a man of distinction: one who surpasses others in intelligence and property, and in
repelling injury, and in beneficence, or usefulness who makes a just use of his property, and aids others by
himself: one possessed of glory, honour, dignity, eminence, exalted or elevated state, or nobility; generous,
noble, or high-born: the most generous, noble, or high-born, of a people: a liberal, bountiful, or munificent,
person: clement; forbearing; one who endures injurious treatment from his people. Devout, abstaining from
unlawful thing, and clement, or forbearing: one who is not overcome by his anger: As, the Arabs say that it
signifies anyone who is subdued, or repressed, by his principle of clemency, or forbearance. (Lane’s Lexicon)
لواله comprises the جار and جمرور (the preposition and the genitive) according to
مل خترجhas a dhamma on the تand fatha on the رThis consists of the جازمand the
الدنياis the ( نائب الفاعلa representative subject) of خترج
من العدمis connected to خترجThe clause مل خترجuntil its end is the جوابof لوالهThus
لوالهand its جوابis the ( صلةcomplement) of منand the هin لوالهreturns back to it.
حممدis in the nominative case and it is the ( بدلsubstitute)41 of منwhich is the subject
of احيin one of the previous verses; either this or that حممدis the inceptive
عجمhas a fatha on the عand the جand this is conjuncted to من عربThe منin both
examples is for ( بيانsee footnote 29)
Indeed, the need of the messenger ﷺdoes not call him towards the vanities of the
ephemeral world, rather, had it not been for him ﷺthe world wouldn’t have been brought
into existence. And how is this not possible when he ﷺis the master of the people of this
world and the hereafter, the master of the humans and the jinn and the master of the
Arabs and the non-Arabs.
An appositional substantive standing in for another substantive
ابر يف قول ال منه و نعم نبينا اآلمر الناهي فال احد
Our prophet, who commands and forbids – there is none more faithful to his word, whether
Yes or No.
He is the loved one whose intercession is hoped for, victor against every terror and calamity.
النيبwithout hamza is from the word النبوةwhich means ( االرتفاعelevation), and with
hamza it is from the word النبأ which means اخلرب (news). According to the first
opinion, (it would mean) one who is elevated in the sight of Allāh وتعاىل سبحانهand in
the opinion of the people. As for the second opinion it means an informant from
Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
اآلمرis ( اسم فاعلthe active particle) from the word ( االمرcommand) which means to
seek an implementation of an action. الناهيis from the word ( النهيprohibition) which
is to seek the abandonment of an action
ابرmeans ( أصدقthe most truthful) and this is ( اسم تفضيلthe elative noun)
الرجاءmeans ( االملhope)
الشفاعةis to beseech someone else for liberation in a terrible matter
اهلولmeans ( املخافةfear)
االقتحامis to fall suddenly into adversity
نبينا اآلمر الناهيare qualifications ( )نعوتof حممد or predicates ()اخبار
inceptive ( )مبتدأor the predicate ()خرب. In both cases however, ابرis not given tanwīn
as it is منصرف ( غريa diptote) due to two reasons; firstly its use as ( وصفan adjective)
and the second reason, that since ابرis اسم تفضيلits ( وزنform) matches that of verbs
يف قولis without tanwīn and it is connected to ابرIt is also مضافand الis مضاف اليه
by the annexation of the infinitive ( )قولto the the object ( )الafter the omission of
the subject.42 If you were to say that annexation cannot take place with احلروف
(particles), we would say that the intention is verbal and just in consideration of the
( لفظword)43
منهis connected to ابرand the pronoun is in reference to the messenger ﷺ
الis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
نعمhas a fatha on the نand the عand it is in the place of ( جرgenitive particle) due
to an omitted مضاف analogous to that mentioned before (i.e. )قول, hence the
من االهوالis the qualification ( )نعتof هول
مقتحمhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the قa fatha on the تand a kasra on the ح
this is also a qualification ( )نعتof هول
Our Prophet ﷺis he who commands towards good conduct and forbids evil conduct, and
whilst the custom of those who possess absolute authority (النهي )اويل االمر وis to shun and
be harsh on those they command and forbid, our Prophet ﷺalong with the severity of his
vehemence as regards to the truth ( )احلقand his harshness in it, he ﷺwas the kindest and
most amiable of people (والينهم )الطف الناسwith regards to affection and compassion. Thus,
neither was harshness found within him when saying ‘No’ at the moment of prohibition, nor
when saying ‘Yes’ at the moment of request. This is corroborated by the hadīth of the
messenger ﷺ بعثت المتم مكارم االخالق (I have been sent so that I may perfect the
excellencies of character). He is the beloved one, whose intercession is hoped for on the Day
of Judgement, from every fear and fright in which the human being will immerse himself
due to the perplexity44 of seeing him ﷺ
To God was his call, and those who hold fast to him hold fast to a rope that shall never
دعا ايل اهللthe messenger ﷺcalled them towards the دينof Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل
استمساكmeans ( االعتصامadherence)
احلبلmeans ( السببrope)
منفصمmeans ( املنقطعdetached)
دعا is the verb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it, being
In consequence of shame and fear
فاملستمسكونis inceptive ()مبتدأ
بهis connected to املستمسكون
مستمسكون is the predicate of the مبتدأ It is also permissible to switch the two
whoever held fast to him ﷺand believed in his message then verily he is holding on to
such a firm rope, that it shall never break.
In his form and his qualities he excelled the other prophets. Their knowledge and nobility did
not rival his own.
Each of them seeks something of God’s messenger – handfuls from the sea, or drops of the
Before him do they stand, respecting their limits; dots to his knowledge, or vowel-signs to his
خلقhas a dhamma on both the خand the لthis means ( السجيةnatural disposition)
and ( الطبيعةcharacter)
اذا قيدهتا بالشكالwhen it is restricted (the legs are bound) with a ( شكالhobble)
احلكمhas a kasra on the حa fatha on the كand this is the plural of ( حكمةwisdom)
with a fatha on the حand the كand it is derived from اللجام ( حكمةappurtenance of
the bridle) as it prevents the horse from bolting. A scholar is known as wise ()حكيم
because his wisdom prevents him from lapses.
فاق النبينيconsists of a verb, its subject and its object
( يف خلق1) has a fatha on the خand a sākin on the لwhilst ( يف خلق2) has a dhamma
on both the خand the لand they are both connected to فاق
مل يدانوهcomprises the جازمand the جمزومthe indication of the apocopate form is the
omission of the ( نoriginally being )يدانونه
يف علمhas kasrah on the عand is connected to يدانوه
و ال كرمis conjuncted to علمand he repeated الto emphasise the negation
كلهمis inceptive
من رسول اهللis connected to ملتمس
ملتمسis the predicate of the inceptive, and he has made it singular (not )ملتمسونin
consideration of the word ( كلwhich is singular )لفظا
غرفاhas a fatha on the غa sākin on the رand a fatha on the فand it is the object of
من البحرis connected to غرفا
او رشفاhas a fatha on the رa sākin on the شand a fatha on the فand it is
conjuncted to غرفا
من الدميhas a kasra on the دand a fatha on the يand this is connected to رشفا
و واقفونis conjuncted to ملتمسbut it is plural in consideration of the import of كل
(which is plural in )معين
لديهand عندare both connected to واقفون
حدهمhas a fatha on the حand it is مضاف اليه
من نقطة has a dhamma on the نa sākin on the قand a fatha on the طand it is
connected to حدهمi.e. within their limits
Further explanation of this shall come under يا اكرم الرسلand و من علومك علم اللوح والقلم
From the knowledge of the messenger ﷺall the other Prophets عليهم السالمacquire the
proportion of a handful (of water) from the sea or some drops from copious rain. They stand
before him, respecting their limits, as points of knowledge or vowels of wisdom. He
specified the ( الشكلةdiacritical vowel) with wisdom due to the greater comprehension with
He it is whose meaning and form reached perfection. Then the Maker of Souls chose him as
His beloved.
Too exalted is his beauty to have a rival. In him is the undivided essence of all beauty.
االنقسامmeans ( االفتراقdivision)
فهوis the inceptive
الذيis its predicate, although it is permissible for it to be conjoined to هو
متhas a fatha on the تand it is a verb of the perfect tense
معناهis its subject, and this clause is the complement of الذي
وصورتهis nominative if it is conjuncted to معناهotherwise it is accusative if considered
to be معه ( مفعولthe comitative object)47
مثhas a dhamma on the مثand it is ( حرف عطفa conjunctive)
اصطفاهis conjuncted to مت معناه
حبيباis ( حالdenotative) in reference to the هof اصطفاه
بارئis the subject of اصطفاه
النسمis مضاف اليه
منزهis the second predicate of هو
عن شريكis connected to منزه
يف حماسنهis connected to عن شريك
فجوهرis inceptive
احلسنis مضاف اليه
فيهis connected to an omitted predicate (of the inceptive)
غريis nominative as a predicate, otherwise it is accusative if considered to be the حال
(denotative) of the ضمري االستقرار (pronoun of the stable adverb)48 which has been
( هو اإلسم املنصوب الذى يذكر بعـد واو مبعىن مع لبيان من فعل معه الفعلIt is a accusative noun which is mentioned after
the وwhich gives the meaning of ( معwith) to denote who the verb was done with.
This is equivalent to ‘is’ in english, thus it would literally mean that ‘the essence of all beauty is present in
him, without division’
منقسمis مضاف اليه
It is he ﷺwho has been perfected with an inner state of excellence and with an outer state
of distinctive attributes. Then the Creator of mankind وتعاىل سبحانهchose him as his beloved,
unrivalled in beauty. The sheer essence of his beauty does not accept any division between
him ﷺand anyone else, just as the indivisible atom (الفرد )اجلوهرis that which presumes to
be whole ()اجلسم. The ( املتكلمونMuslim theologians) say that the ( )اجلسمis compounded to it
without the possibility of division due to many reasons; this is understood neither through
supposition ( )بالفرضnor presumption ()بالوهم. Thus, whoever is ascribed with such perfect
واحكم مبا شئت مدحا فيه واحتكم دع ما ادعته النصاري يف نبيهم
Set aside the claim the Christians made for their prophet. Then compose what praises of him
you wish, and do so well.
وانسب ايل قدره ما شئت من عظم وانسب ايل ذاته ما شئت من شرف
To his essence assign whatever you will of honour. To his stature assign what greatness you
حد فيعرب عنه ناطق بفم فان فضل رسول اهلل ليس له
For the merit of God’s messenger knows no bounds that might be voiced by the mouths of
دعmeans ( اتركleave!)
النصاريis the plural of نصرانjust like سكاريis the plural of سكرانAn opinion has it
that نصرانis a name of a city, and those descending from there are known as نصراين
It has also been said that it is ascribed to ( ناصرةNazareth) the city of Isa السالم عليهم
The جمرور
جارalways belongs to a verb or that similar to a verb; if the verb is not present in words then (the
stable adverb) precedes it through implication ()فجوهر احلسن مستقر فيه غري منقسم
Lastly, it has been stated that the يis for ( مبالغةemphasis)50 and they have been
named نصاريbecause they helped Isa السالم عليهم
احكمmeans ( اقضjudge!)
مدحاmeans ( الثناء احلسنgood praise)
احتكامmeans ( اختصامconflict)
انسبmeans ( اعزhonour!)
الشرفmeans ( رفعةeminence)
الذاتmeans ( احلقيقةtrue meaning)
قدر الشئis its scope ()مقداره
عظمmeans ( تعظيمglorification)
احلدmeans ( الغايةlimit)
يعربmeans ( يبنيto express)
دعconsists of an imperative and its subject
ماis ( موصول امسيa conjunct noun) in place of the accusative as an object of دع
ادعتهcontains the verb and the object
النصاريis subject (of )ادعتهand this clause is the complement of ماThe pronoun
which returns back in نبيهمis connected to ادعته
And not a root letter, since the following view advocates ن ص رas the root letters and it is neither a city nor
a place like the previous opinions, and hence the relative يcannot be added to denote attachment to that
place, thus there must be another reason for the presence of the ي
شئتhas a fatha on the تand contains the verb and the subject and this is the
complement of ماThe pronoun which returns back to it has been omitted, i.e. شئته
مدحاhas been made accusative through the exclusion of the genitive construction,
i.e. من مدحdue to the pattern of that which follows it
فيهis connecte to مدحا
واحتكم and وانسب (with a dhamma on the )س are imperatives and both are
conjucted to دع
implication is شئته
من شرفis for the explication of ( ماsee footnote 29) and it is connected to انسب
وانسب ايل قدره ما شئت من عظمhas a kasra on the عand a fatha on the ظotherwise
the grammar is identical to the hemistitch before it, letter by letter.
إنis ( حرف توكيدparticle of emphasis)
فضلis its subject
رسولis مضاف اليهand also مضاف
اهللis مضاف اليه
ليسis a defective ( )ناقصverb of the perfect tense
لهis its prefaced predicate
حدhas a fatha on the حand it is its deferred subject-noun. The verbal clause is the
predicate of إن
فيعربis a verb of the imperfect tense in the accusative case because انis concealed
( وجوباout of necessity) after the ( فاء السببيةthe فof causality) as the complement of
the negation (through )ليس
Leave what the Christians said about their prophet, that Isa the son of Maryam السالم عليهما
is the son of Allāh وتعاىل ( سبحانهas mentioned in the Qur’ān). Our Prophet ﷺwould totally
prohibit any thing like this, such that he ﷺsaid, عيسي ( ال تطروين كما اطرت النصاريdo not
praise me exceedingly, like the Christians exceeded in their praise for Isa) i.e. بذلك ال تصفوين
(do not ascribe me with that). Apart from this, ascribe to him ﷺwhatever you wish of
perfect qualities, befitting the loftiness of his stature. And argue with whoever you will,
from amongst the adversaries, in proving his excellence. And revere his noble person and
the loftiness of his august stature with whatever you wish of eminence. Whatever honour
and eminence you intend, you will find an immeasurable opening, as indeed the distinction
of the messenger ﷺknows no bounds that one could attempt to articulate with the
(Neither can his qualities be innumerated nor can his merits be exhausted)
احي امسه حني يدعي دارس الرمم لو ناسبت قدره آياته عظما
If his miracles stood in proportion to his greatness, the very mention of his name would
revive dry bones.
آياتهare miracles indicating his grandeur
امسهmeans تسميته (his name)
If the signs indicating his greatness were in proportion to his august stature, whenever one
would pray to Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل with his name, asking Him سبحانه وتعاىل to resurrect the
dead by saying ‘( يا اهلل مبحمد ﷺ احي هذا امليتO Allāh سبحانه وتعاىلI ask you for the sake of
Muhammad ﷺto resurrect this deceased person’) then He وتعاىل سبحانهwould revive him.
This will not occur however, if it were to occur then it would have been conveyed to us, but
it has not. The reason why resurrection of the dead will not happen through the means
( )توسلof his name ( ﷺas part of his miracles) is because his ( آياتmiracles) are not in
proportion to his stature in terms of eminence - rather his stature is much greater than his
حرصا علينا فلم نرتب ومل هنم مل ميتحنا مبا تعيا العقول به
He did not try us with things that baffle the mind – such was his concern for us – so we
neither doubted nor strayed.
Perhaps the phrase ‘out of’ could be affixed to the مفعول الجلهi.e. ‘out of concern’
فلمgoverns the apocopate form
نرتبhas a fatha on the نa sākin on the رand a fatha on the نThis is a verb of the
imperfect tense and it is in the apocopate form due to مل
ومل هنمhas a fatha on the نa kasra on the هand consists of the the جازمand the جمزوم
conjuncted to that which precedes it. Originally, نرتبand هنمwere نرتابand هنيمthen
the اand the يwere omitted due to the meeting of two sākin and the rhyming letter
On account of his ardent concern he ﷺdid not test us with discourses that would misdirect
our minds from the main objective, so that we neither stray, nor doubt the message he ﷺ
brought to us.
للقرب والبعد فيه غري منفحم اعيا الوري فهم معناه فليس يري
Understanding his meaning exhausts the human mind. Near and far, all were seen to be
He is like the sun; to the eye at a distance it seems small, but when near, it dazzles the sight.
اممmeans ( القربproximity)
اعياhas a sākin on the عand it is the verb of the perfect tense
الوريhas a fatha on the وand the رand it is object
فهمhas a sākin on the هand it is the subject of اعيا
معناهis مضاف اليه
فليسis an defective verb of the perfect tense, its subject-noun is ( ضمري الشأنthe
circumstantial pronoun)52 which is hidden within it
يريis in the passive voice
للقربis connected to يريand the لhas the import of ( يفin) or ( معwith)
والبعدis conjuncted to القرب
فيهis connected to يريand the هis in reference to معناه
غريis in the nominative case and the representative subject of يري
منفحمhas a kasra on the حand it is مضاف اليه
كامشسhas the possibility to be placed in the accusative case as a denotative of the
state of فهم معناهOtherwise it may be the qualification of an omitted infinitive, i.e
اعياء كاعياء الشمسor the predicate of an omitted مبتدأfor example, هو كالشمس
تظهرconsists of the verb and its subject
للعيننيis connected to تظهر
من بعدhas a dhamma on the عaccording to a dialect in imitating the dhamma on the
بThis is also connected to تظهر
صغريةis in the accusative case as the ( حالdenotative) of the subject of تظهرwhich is
hidden within it, returning back to الشمس
It is a masculine pronoun of the third person at the beginning of a clause that does not have an مرجع
(antecedent) but the following clause explains it
وتكلhas a dhamma on the تa kasra on the كand comprises the verb of the
imperfect tense with its subject hidden within it, returning back to الشمس
He ﷺis like the sun; at a distance it appears small, the size of a mirror or a shield, but
when it is seen at proximity it dazzles the sight. If it is accepted that this is on account of its
magnitude, (we see that) due its magnitude it dazzles the vision, almost blinding it;
therefore it is apparent that it cannot be perceived in its entirety, even though it can be
observed from afar. Likewise, the true reality and the state of the messenger ﷺcannot be
fully perceived, even though his outer form can be observed.
How can his reality be grasped in this world by people who are asleep, distracted from him
by dreams?
When the complement ( )صلةof this verb is عنfollowed by بit means ‘to be distracted from one thing by
another thing’
كيفis connected to يدرك
يدركhas a dhamma on the يa kasra on the رand it is a verb of the imperfect tense
الدنياis connected to يدرك
حقيقتهis accusative as it is the object of يدركand the pronoun is مضاف اليهto معناه
قومis the subject of يدرك
نيامis the qualification of قوم
تسلواhas a fatha on the تand the سand the لhas a tashdīd. This is a verb of the
perfect tense with its subject
عنه باحللمhas a dhamma on the حand the لand they are both connected to تسلوا
How can those people who are only contented in envisioning him in their sleep, perceive the
true reality of his state? If indeed they do attain his vision in the wordly life.
وانه خري خلق اهلل كلهم فمبلغ العلم فيه انه بشر
The most we know of him is that he is a mortal man, and that he is the best of all God’s
انand its two governed components explain the infinitive and become the predicate
of the inceptive ()مبلغ
وانه خريwhere انhas a fatha on the أand it is conjuncted to the predicate (i.e. )انه بشر
of مبلغ
The limit to creation’s knowledge of the messenger ﷺis that he ﷺis human, and that he
ﷺis the best of all creation.
Every miracle which the noble messengers brought was theirs by virtue of his light alone.
For he is the sun of virtue, and they are its planets. Amid the shadows, they display its rays to
آيis مضاف اليه
أيتis a verb of the perfect tense
الرسلis its subject
الكرامis the qualification of الرسل
هباis connected to أيت
فامناis ( حرف حصرa particle of restriction)
اتصلتis a verb of the perfect tense with its subject hidden within it, returning back
to آي
يظهرنhas a dhamma on the يa kasra on the هand it is a verb of the imperfect tense
with its subject; the pronoun نreturns back to الكواكب
انوارهاis the object of يظهرنand the pronoun is مضاف اليهreturning back to الشمس
للناس يف الظلمare both connected to يظهرن
All the miracles the other messengers عليهم السالمbrought with them were only attained
from the light of the messenger ﷺbecause the creation of his light ﷺpreceded them. In
relation to distinction and nobility, he ﷺis like the sun, and the other messengers are like
stars. This is because the stars are beneficiaries from the light of the sun, since they simply
reflect the rays of the sun to the people in darkness.54 And when the sun manifests itself, no
light remains to be seen in the stars, rather they disappear from sight altogether.
N.B. The modern theory states that stars produce their own light, however there is a classification known as
a double star which can reflect light
باحلسن مشتمل بالبشر متسم اكرم خبلق نيب زانه خلق
How noble the qualities of a prophet adorned by such traits! How full is his beauty! How
gifted with smiling joy!
As a flower in delicacy, as the full moon in honour, like the sea in bounty, as persistent as
time itself.
يف عسكر حني تلقاه ويف حشم كأنه وهو فرد من جاللته
Such is his splendour that even alone in his glory, superb courtiers and guards seem to stand
around him.
خبلقthe بis ( زائدةextra) and is not connected to anything. خلقhas a fatha on the خ
a sākin on the لand this is the subject of اكرم
والبدر يف شرف والبحر يف كرم والدهر يف مهم are all conjuncted to their (respective)
prepositions to that which precedes it.
كأنهconsists of كأنand its subject-noun
Rather than possessing the meaning of the imperative, such as, ‘bestow honours upon…’ the meaning is of
( تعجبamazement) which is constructed as a predicate in the pattern- ( ما اكرمhow noble is…)
وهو فرد is the inceptive along with its predicate, this clause constitutes حال (the
denotative of state)
منis the object of تلقاهand it is not the subject-noun of كأن
من جاللتهis ( مفعول من اجلهan object denoting purpose)
يف عسكرis the predicate of كأن
حني is in the accusative case due to كأن which gives the meaning of تشبيه
تلقاهcomprises a verb, its subject and its object
ويف حشمhas a fatha on the شand the حand it is conjuncted to يف عسكر
How noble is the form of the messenger ﷺembellished with a natural disposition of pure
beauty; characterised with a cheerful countenance: as a flower in elegance, a moon in
distinction, an ocean in generosity, time in determination. Owing to his eminence, it seems
to be as though he ﷺis amongst a huge army and numerous servants, even though he ﷺ
is alone.
In terms of rhetoric ()بديع, the second verse contains ( تشطريpartitioning). This is where the
verse is partitioned into two hemistitches ( )مصراعانand the first hemistitch is made to
rhyme like the second. If however, the first and last foot of the hemistitch differ in their
rhyme, then this is termed التصريعas in the following verses:
From the rich mine of his speech and his smile hidden pearls seemed to sparkle from their
No perfume can rival the earth that holds his bones. Blessed are they that breathe its
fragrance, or kiss it!
اللؤلؤis the plural of لؤلؤةmeaning pearls
املكنونmeans ( املصونconcealed)
الصدفmeans ( املعدنthe place of origin – in this case an oyster shell)
املنطقmeans ( الكالمspeech)
ابتسامis the ( اول الضحكbeginning of laughter) i.e. smiling
الطيبis ( اسم ملا يتطيب بهa substance with which one perfumes himself)
يعدلmeans ( يساويto be equivalent)
التربmeans ( الترابsoil)
ضمmeans ( حويto surround)
اعظمis the plural of ( عظمbone), by referring to the whole object using just a part of
it the entire body is intended. This is because Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل has forbidden the
يعدلhas a kasra on the دand it is a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject and
the predicate of ال
ترباhas a dhamma on the تa sākin on the رand it is the object of يعدل
ضم has a fatha on the ض This contains a verb with its subject and it is the
qualification of تربا
ومن اللؤلؤ عند الكالم يساقطه فمن لؤلؤ يبديه عند ابتسامه
There is no perfume that can compete with the fragrance of that soil which surrounds his
body ﷺThe distinction of this soil surpasses that of the entire earth; may good fortune be
to the one who inhales its fragrance and kisses it.
His birth revealed the purity of his ancestry. How fine his origin, how pure his final end!
العنصرmeans ( االصلthe ancestry), the purpose of saying طيب العنصرis the chastity
and purity of the ancestry from depravities (الرذائل )طهارته وخلوصه عن
مبتدأ الشئis its inception ()اوله56
خمتتم الشئis its termination ()انتهاؤه
ابان مولدهconsists of a verb of the perfect tense and its subject
عن طيبis connected to ابان
عنصرهhas a dhamma on the عand the صand it is مضاف اليه
ياis ( حرف نداءa vocative particle) and the ( مناديthe object of the vocative particle)
has been omitted
طيبhas a kasra on the طand it is the object of an omitted verb; its implication is:
( يا عقالء انظروا طيبO those with intellect, consider the purity of…)
مبتداis مضاف اليه
منهis the qualification of مبتدأ
وخمتتمhas a fatha on each تand it is conjuncted to مبتدأIts qualification has been
omitted, with the implication being منهThe pronoun is for the messenger ﷺ
Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل exhibited, at the birth of the messenger ﷺthe purity of his essence,
The verse uses two types of rhetoric ()بديع, the first is ( التكرارrepetition) by saying عن طيب
and then طيب ياThe second type is مراعاة النظري (consideration of reciprocals) by using مبتدأ
and خمتتم
Here, مبتدأis used in its literal sense without any grammatical connotations
قد انذروا حبلول البؤس والنقم يوم تفرس فيه الفرس اهنم
That day the Persians sensed that they had been warned of the descent of defeats and
descendants of Fāris ( )فارسwho is from the progeny of السالم سام بن نوح عليهماthey
are accordingly named.
االنذارis ( االعالم بالشئ املخوفa warning about a perilous occurrence)
البؤسmeans ( الشدةadversity)
النقمis the plural of نقمةwhich means ( عقوبةrevenge)
يومis the predicate of an omitted inceptive, i.e. )يوم والدته( يوم
تفرسhas a fatha on the تthe فand the رwhich has tashdīd and this is a verb of
the perfect tense.
فيهis connected to تفرسand يفhas the import of من
الفرسhas a dhamma on the فa sākin on the رand it is the subject of تفرسThis
clause is the ( صفةepithet) of يوم
البؤسhas a dhamma on the بa sākin on the وand it is مضاف اليه
والنقمhas a kasra on the نa fatha on the قand this is conjuncted to البؤس
At the time of the birth of the messenger ﷺthe Persians intuited that misery and
retribution shall afflict them.57
كشمل اصحاب كسري غري ملتئم وبات ايوان كسري وهو منصدع
By night the Arch of Kisra split assunder. Likewise his horde, never to be restored.
The mention of these calamities follows
اصحابis مضاف اليهand مضافhereafter
كسريis مضاف اليهand he shifted from using the pronoun ( )اضمارto instead making it
apparent ()اظهار, in order to humiliate the name
All of it was not completely destroyed, so it may serve as admonition for the people.
Only fourteen balconies collapsed and his ( )قوصرةwhich is known as an arch; the rest of the
remains, to this day, are according to what the visitors say about it.
The sacred fire breathed its last from sorrow. Out of anxiety the Euphrates lost its way.
مخدت النار means that the flames of the fire ceased but its embers remained
االنفاسis the plural of نفسwith a fatha on the فIt is that which is emitted from
inside the lungs to the outside, i.e a breath
االسفmeans ( احلزنsorrow)
النهرhere means ( الفراتthe Euphrates) which lost its path and entered the valley of
Samāwah, a desolate region between Syria and Irāq; namely because the Tigris river
ends and branches into the cities of Persia. Then, the Euphrates overflowed, to the
extent that the valley of Samāwah became saturated.
ساهيmeans (to becomes stagnant)58
السدمmeans ( احلزنsorrow)
Literally, it forgot its sight
والنار خامدةconsists of the inceptive and its predicate
االنفاسhas a fatha on the أand it is مضاف اليه
من اسفhas a fatha on the أand the سand it is connected to خامدةas this is the
cause ( )علةfor the fire to subside.
عليهis connected to and the pronoun is in reference to ايوانor الكفرas indicated by its
position ()مقام
The fire which the Persians would worship had not ceased since it was lighted, not subsiding
before this for a thousand years, in lamentation for the feebility of polytheism. And for this
reason, the flowing river became stagnant in sorrow.
In this verse there are two indirect metaphors (بالكناية )استعارتانwhereby he mentions two
related traits– fire ( )النارand water ()النهر. These metaphors are both ( ختييليتانexamples of
imagery) whereby he attributes the quality of breathing ( )االنفاسto the fire and the quality
Sāwah endured the drying of its lake. The thirsty who sought water there returned in rage.
A city in Persia
غاضتmeans ( ذهب ماؤها ونضبits water receded and dried up)
حبرية ساوةis a vast lake in length and width near Sāwah, as it is said ( حبرية طربيةLake
ردmeans ( رجعto return)
الواردis one who comes to the water to drink
الغيظis a synonym for ( غضبanger)
ظميmeans ( عطشto be thirsty)
ساءis a verb of the perfect tense
ساوةhas a fatha on the وand it is object by removing the مضافOriginally it was اهل
( ساوةthe people of Sāwah) just as ( واسل القريةAsk the city) means ( اهلهاits people)
انhas a fatha on the أa sākin on the نand it is ( موصول حريف مؤولan explicative
conjunct particle) with its complement and it is in the nominative case as the subject
of ساء
غاضتis a verb of the perfect tense تis for the feminine form
حبريهتاhas a dhamma on the بa fatha on the حand it is the subject of غاضتThe
pronoun is in reference to ساوة
Tiberias is a city in Palestine
ظميhas a fatha on the ظa kasra on the مa sākin on the يwhich has been changed
from hamza, and it is a verb of the perfect tense with its subject hidden within it,
returning to واردها
The desiccation of the lake saddened the people of Sāwah, as did the raged return of the
frequenter of the lake when he could not quench his thirst. Although, there were churches
and synagogues in the vicinity, the desiccation of the lake served as its destruction, and it
was not inhabited thereafter.
As though fire itself, from, grief, was as wet as water; while water blazed like fire.
ضرمhas a fatha on the ضand the رand explains the second conjunct ( )ماA second
مفعول الجله (an object denoting purpose) has been omitted so that it may be
indicated by the first (i.e. )حزناThe اand the لin النارand املاءare الذكري ( العهدused
to distinguish a noun which has been mentioned before) hence النارis that fire which
It is as though fire, which has a disposition of heat and incineration, is as wet as water; the
reason for becoming cold and extinguished is grief. And it is as though water, which has a
disposition of being cool and cold, is blazing like fire; the reason again being grief.
Jinn called out. Lights shone, dazzling. Truth was made manifest in word and in fact.
اجلنdiffering from humans, they have been named اجلنdue to being concealed from
sight ()اجتناهنم61
Many others words have been derivatised from the same root with the theme of concealment apparent in
them, such as ( جنةparadise), ( جنونinsanity), ( جنةa shield), etc.
واجلن هتتفhas a fatha on the first تand a kasra on the second تand consists of the
inceptive and its predicate
واالنوار ساطعةcontains the inceptive and its predicate
واحلق يظهرcomprises the inceptive and its predicate
من معين ومن كلمhas a kasra on the لand they are both connected to يظهر
Jinn would shriek and tremble out of fear and fright, whilst talking to their neighbours about
the unexpected happenings. Lights which became apparent at the time of his birth ﷺ
would be elevated to the horizons. Verification of the truth would manifest itself through
the meanings brought by the revealed books and that speech which articulates the manner
of the priests and monks.
Blind and deaf were they, so the good news announced went unheard, while the lightning-
flash of warning went unseen.
This even though the diviners had advised their people that their crooked religion could no
longer stand.
العميmeans blindness
الصممmeans deafness
االعالنmeans ( اظهارmanifestation)
البشائرis the plural of بشارةor بشريwhich means ( اخلرب السارglad tiding)
بارقة is from the word ( برقlightning) when it flashes ( )اذا ملعand the ةis for مبالغة
االنذارmeans ( االعالمa warning)
تشمis from ( مشت الربقI observed the lightning) اذا انظرت ايل السحابة اين متطر اي مل تبصر
(this is when you look towards the cloud thereof, to see where it would rain, but
cannot see it)
االقوامis the plural of قومand applies to males and females, although it has been said
to be specifically for males62
الكاهنas said by al-Rāghib63 is someone who gives information about the hidden
past - a soothsayer (املاضية )الذي خيرب عن املغيبات
دينهمmeans ( طريقتهمtheir path) which all of you follow ()تدينوا هبا
( اعوج الشئyou say) the distorted thing, ( فهو معوجso it is distorted), i.e. صار ذا عوج
(it possessed distortion) It has been said that when it is an attribute of الدينthen عوج
has a kasra on the عand a fatha on the وAnd if it is an attribute of wood, then it has
مل يقمmeans مل يدمand since (it is said that) ( من قام االمر دامwhoever puts the matter
right maintains it), it is Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل who has established the دينand it is He
سبحانه وتعاىلwho will make it perpetual
عمواhas a fatha on the عand consists of a verb and its subject. The pronoun is in
reference to ( الفرسthe Persians)
وصمواhas a fatha on the ص and it is a verb with its subject and this clause is
conjuncted to عموا
Imām Rāghib al-Isfahāni, the author of al-Mufradāt fī Gharāib al-Qurān
من بعدis connected to صمواdue to its proximity ()لقربه.64 It can also be suggested for
عمواin respect of ( معينits meaning) by way of ( تنازعcontention).
ما is موصول حريف (conjunct particle) and with its complement forms a genitive
مل يقمhas a fatha on the يand a dhamma on the قor a dhamma on the يand a
kasra on the قfrom the word اقامةThis clause is the predicate of ان
They are blind as they do not see the lightning-flash of warning, and they are deaf as they
do not hear the announcement of glad tidings, even after their soothsayers have informed
them that their religion is deviating from the truth, and neither will it continue nor last.
In terms of rhetoric ()بديع, the first verse uses مشوش ( لف و نشرdisordered complication and
explication)65 and the second uses باملشتق اجلناس الشبيهbetween االقوامand مل يقم
And even though their eyes beheld on the horizon great meteors falling, as idols toppled on
صمواis closer to من بعدthan عمواin the word order
عمواis mentioned first but explained last ()وبارقة االنذار مل تشم, whereas صمواis mentioned
It is disordered as
last but explained first (( )فاعالن البشائر مل تسمعsee footnote 18)
من الشياطني يقفو اثر منهزم حيت غدا عن طريق الوحي منهزم
Until, sent flying from revelation’s road, demons fled after those who were overthrown.
It is also permissible to pronounce it in the genitive case (with a kasra on the )دby
conjunction to the actual word ()لفظ66 This is also the case in his verse:
Since the first بعدis genitive due to منand the second بعدis conjuncted to it, then it is also genitive due to من
ودون معد فلترعك العواذل فان مل جتد من دون عدنان والداwhereby the second دونhas
been transmitted in both manners, in the accusative case and the genitive case
ماis ( اسم موصولa conjunct)
عاينواis its complement and the returning pronoun has been omitted, originally it was
يف االفقhas a dhamma on the أa sākin on the فand it is connected to عاينوا
من شهبhas a dhamma on the شand the هand it is the explication of ما
منقضةhas a dhamma on the م a sākin on the نa tashdīd on the ض and it is the
qualification of شهب
وفقhas a fatha on the وa sākin on the فand it is accusative through the removal of
the preposition, originally it was وفق علي
ماis ( موصول امسيa conjunct noun)
يف االرضis its complement
من صنمhas a fatha on the صand the نand it is the explication of ما
حيتis ( حرف غايةa particle denoting the end of an extent)
غداis a verb of the perfect tense
عن طريقis connected to غدا
الوحيis مضاف اليه
منهزمhas a dhamma on the مa kasra on the زand it is the subject of غدا
من الشياطنيis the qualification of منهزم
يقفوis a verb of the imperfect tense and its subject is hidden within it which returns
back to منهزمand this clause is the second qualification of منهزم
Even though they had observed the blazing fire (i.e. the shooting stars) darting down from
the sky at the devils that would attempt to hear, by stealth (the conversation of the angels),
in unison to the inversion of the idols on earth, to such an extent that each and every devil
had fled from the doors of the sky in fright, tagging along to the trail of the fleeing devil.
Fleeing like the champions of Abraha; or like a host pelted with pebbles from His hand
They sang glory in his hand, and then were cast like the praising Jonah, cast from the whale’s
The tip of his nose is said to have been cut off during a duel with his rival, Aryāṭ, in Yemen. According to
another explanation, a stone struck his nose during the ‘Expedition of the Elephant’. He may have alluded to
this incident at this stage since some traditions say that birth of the messenger ﷺwhich is usually given as
570 C.E., coincided with the Year of the Elephant, while others hold that he ﷺwas born 23 or 40 years after
the Year of the Elephant, which would put the Year of the Elephant at sometime between about 530 and 547
C.E. (Rubin, Uri. " Abraha ." Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Brill Online , 2012. 05 September 2012)
( املسبحthe glorifier) in this context is ( يونس عليه السالمJonah) from the verse of the
Qur’ān:68 And were he not one of those who praise. َفَلَ ْولَا أَنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْمُسَبِِّحِني
االحشاءis the plural of حشاwhich is that (cavity) ( ما انضمت عليه الضلوعenclosed by
the ribs)
( امللتقمconsumer) is in reference to the fish which engulfed يونس عليه السالمaccording
to the verse of the Qur’ān:69 The fish then swallowed him. ُاْلحُوت فَالَْتقَمَ ُه
كاهنمthe كأنis ( حرف تشبيهa particle of comparison), which makes its subject-noun
accusative and its predicate nominative. The pronoun is its subject-noun
هرباis ( حالthe denotative of state) and its ( العاملcausative agent) is the comparative
meaning in كأنThe احلال ذوis the subject-noun of كأنi.e. همthis means that its state
has been denoted by هربا
messenger ﷺ
رميis constructed in the passive voice and it is conjuncted (in meaning) to ابطال
The implication of this verse is the following:
ﷺ كأن الشياطني يف حال كوهنم هاربني ابطال ابرهة او كاهنم عسكر رمي باحلصي من راحيت النيب
It is as though the state in which the devils are fleeing is like the brave men of
Abraha, or like the army pelted with pebbles from the hands of the messenger ﷺ
Surah 37:143
Surah 37:142
نبذاis ( مفعول مطلقan unrestricted object) and the accusative case is governed by رمي
since الرميand النبذboth have a similar meaning in accordance with قعدت جلوسا70
بهand بعدare both connected to رميbut it is not possible for them to be connected
to نبذاbecause املؤكد ( املصدرthe emphatic infinitive) does not govern
تسبيحis مضاف اليه
ببطنهماis the qualification of تسبيح
نبذ is a type of مفعول مطلق (an unrestricted object) known as نوعي تشبيهي
(comparitative modality) i.e. نبذ ( مثلthrown like…)
املسبحhas a dhamma on the مa kasra on the بwith tashdīd and it is مضاف اليه
من احشاءis the ( حالthe denotative of state) of املسبح
ملتقمhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the لa kasra on the قand it is مضاف اليه
In their flight, the devils resemble the brave men of Abraha who fled with haste when they
were pelted with pebbles of clay. Or the devils resemble the huge army, which was pelted
with pebbles from the palms of his hands ﷺat which they fled, as it occurred at the battles
of Badr and Hunain71, except that the pebbles were not heard to declare the tasbīh in these
two (battles). It is just narrated from Anas رضي اهلل عنهwho said that, “the messenger ﷺ
took a handful of pebbles, at which they began to declare the tasbīh in his blessed hand to
such an extent, that we heard the tasbīh.”
روي عن انس رضي اهلل عنه قال اخذ رسول اهلل صلي اهلل عليه وسلم كفا من حصا فسبحن يف يده الشريفة
حيت مسعنا التسبيح
مفعول مطلقdoesn’t have to be a infinitive of that particular verb, but it can be of a
The idea is that the
synonymous verb, just as جلسand قعدare synonymous verbs
In another transcript, Khaybar is mention instead of Hunayn
The apparent meaning ()ظاهر72 of this statement is the ( نظمcomposition) of الرميand التسبيح
in one place, but this requires consideration (نظر ;)فيهunless the statement is understood to
mean that the tasbīh took place silently, then this affirms the verse,
نبذا باحلصا املسبح يف بطن راحتيه مثل نبذ يونس املسبح يف بطن احلوت امللتقم له
(the pebbles were cast declaring tasbīh in the palms of his hands like the glorifying Jonah
cast from the belly of the fish which swallowed him).
The purpose of comparing the messenger ﷺcasting stones declaring tasbīh at the huge
army which fled humiliated, with Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه casting Yūnus السالم عليهalive from the
belly of the fish, is that both are خارق للعادة (contravene the conventional practice). In
addition it is a very subtle ( )لطيفcomparison, between the enclosure of the ribs with a
glorifying man in its cavity and the adjoining of the fingers enclosing in the palm of the hand,
pebbles declaring the tasbīh; a very subtle comparison ( )مقابلةindeed.
متشي اليه علي ساق بال قدم جاءت لدعوته االشجار ساجدة
Trees came prostrate to heed his call, their trunks walking to him though they had no feet.
It was as though their branches were writing lines as they came along, with the finest
And like the cloud, how it moved about, to protect him from the midday heat, red-hot!
It is the meaning first comprehended by the mind upon hearing a particular term or expression that
potentially has two or more meanings. (Wael Hallaq. " Zāhir." Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Brill
Online , 2012. 05 September 2012.)
ساجدةmeans ( خاضعةsubmissive)
قدمis the foot ()طرف الرجل
السطرmeans ( اخلطa line)
فروع الشجرةmeans ( اعالهاits uppermost part i.e. its branches)
البديعmeans ( الغريب والعجيبwonderful and marvellous)
اللقمhas a fatha on the قand it means ( الطريقthe path)
الغمامةis the singular of الغمامwhich means ( السحابclouds)
تقيهmeans ( حتفظهthey protect him)
وطيسmeans ( التنورa furnace)
اهلجريmeans ( نصف النهارmidday) when it becomes hot – midday heat
محي الوطيسis when the furnace becomes severely hot
جاءتis a verb of the perfect tense and the تis for the feminine form
لدعوتهis connected to جاءت
االشجارis the subject of جاءت
ساجدةis ( حالthe denotative of state) of االشجار
متشيis the second ( حالthe denotative of state) of االشجارor of the subject of ساجدة
which is hidden within it. The first is according to ( احوال املترادفةsynonymous states)
and the second is according to املتداخلة ( احوالintermixed states)
اليه علي ساقare both connected to متشي
بال قدمhas a kasra on the ب a fatha on the ق and the د and its position is the
qualification of ساق
سطرتhas a fatha on the سand the طand it is a verb of the perfect tense with its
subject hidden within it, returning back to االشجار
كتبتis a verb of the perfect tense and the تis for the feminine form
فروعها is the subject of كتبت and this clause is the complement of ما with the
meaning of يف
مثلis in the accusative case as the ( حالthe denotative of state) for the subject of
متشيor in the nominative state as the predicate of an omitted inceptive, i.e. امرها مثل
(its matter is like)
الغمامةis مضاف اليه
اينhas a fatha on the أand the نwith tashdīd, this is ( ظرف زمانan adverbial noun of
time) and has the meaning of ( الشرطcondition)
سارis the verb of the condition
سائرةis in the accusative case as the حال (the denotative of state) for الغمامةIt is
correct to bring the حالfor the )الغمامة( مضاف اليهbecause the )مثل( مضافis in the
meaning of مماثل (resembling) hence it is العامل (the causative agent)74 in حال The
complement of the condition is omitted, i.e. معه …( فهي سائرةthey went with him)
As it is similar to a verb
تقيهhas a fatha on the تa kasra on the قand it is a transitive ( )متعدverb of the
imperfect tense with two objects; the first is the هand the second is حر
حرhas a fatha on the حand the ( رwith tasdīd) This clause is either the ( صفةepithet)
of سائرةconstructed on the basis that يوصف ( ان الوصفthe description is described)
and this is صحيح (the authentic opinion) or it is the حال of الغمامة or the hidden
pronoun in سائرة
The messenger ﷺsummoned a tree, immediately, it came forth submissively, walking
upon its trunk, and as it did so, the tree cleaved the ground, furrowing it. Neither was their
any crookedness in its walk nor inclination, rather it walked straight, like the walk of a
human being who is well-taught and without defect, resembles that line which a writer
draws so he may write upon it. So in its walk, it is as though the tree drew a straight line
upon which it walked in the middle of the pathway. The example of the trees coming forth
to him ﷺat his command and indication is similar to the clouds shading him ﷺfrom the
heat of the midday sun, in that they contravene the conventional practice (للعادة )خارقتان,
one in the lowest degree and the other in the highest degree.
By the moon split in twain, truly it has, I swear by an oath that is true, a link with his heart.
اقسمتhas a dhamma on the تand consists of a verb and its subject
بالقمرis connected to اقسمتby implicating a مضافbetween the preposition and the
genitive, i.e. القمر برب
املنشقis the qualification of القمر
انhas a kasra on the إand it is ( حرف توكيدparticle of emphasis) which makes its
subject-noun acccusative and it predicate nominative
لهis the prefaced predicate of انand the pronoun refers back to القمر
من قلبهis connected to نسبةand the pronoun is for the messenger ﷺ
نسبةhas a kasra on the نa sākin on the سa fatha on the بand it is the deferred
subject-noun of انThe clause of ان and its two governed components becomes the
occurrences were against the norm (العادة )خالفin cleaving and restoration, leaving behind
neither an impression nor an imperfection.
وكل طرف من الكفار عنه عمي وما حوي الغار من خري ومن كرم
And by the goodness and nobility embraced by the cave when every unbelieving eye was too
blind to see him.
الغارis the place within which the messenger ﷺwas concealed along with Abū Bakr
رضي اهلل عنهIt is a cave of a mountain known as Thawr in the lowest part of Makkah
اخلريhas a fatha on the خ meaning كثري اخلري (abundant goodness), it can also be
الكرم according to al-Qāmūs means الشرف واالصل واهليبة (distinction, nobility and
من خري ومن كرمare both connected to حويand the منis for the explication of ما
through the implication of a مضاف i.e. من صاحب اخلري ومن صاحب الكرم (one
possessing absolute goodness and the other possessing nobility)
كل طرفhas a fatha on the طa sākin on the رand this is the inceptive and مضاف اليه
من الكفارis the qualification of طرف
عنهis connected to عميand the pronoun refers back to حويfrom which it is inferred
that it is inclusive of the messenger ﷺand his companion Abū Bakr عنه رضي اهلل
عميis a verb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it returning to كل
طرفThis clause is the predicate of ( كل طرفthe inceptive)
From amongst the miracles of the messenger ﷺis the incident when he ﷺand Abū Bakr
رضي اهلل عنهconcealed themselves in the cave of Thawr in order to flee from the infidels. The
infidels then searched for them, to the extent that they stood at the mouth of the cave, at
which Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل blinded them from seeing the two in the cave due to the بركة
(blessing) of the messenger ﷺ
They were saying that none drew breath in the cave, while Belief in the cave, and the
Believer, did not waver.
الصدق means ذو الصدق (one possessing the truth), this is in reference to the
messenger ﷺ
الصديقis an epithet of Abū Bakr رضي اهلل عنه
مل يرماmeans (both of them did not move)
ارمmeans trace and it is ( احد املالزم للنفيone of the reasons for the negation)
الصدقis the inceptive by implicating a مضافi.e. ذو الصدق
يف الغارis connected to يرما
والصديقis conjuncted to الصدق
This clause of is يرما ملwith a fatha on the يand a kasra on the رis the predicate of
the inceptive and it is not conjuncted. Originally, مل يرما was مل يرميان the ن was
ارمhas a fatha on the أa kasra on the رand it is a deferred inceptive. This clause is a
statement of يقولون
The messenger ﷺand Abū Bakr رضي اهلل عنهdid not move in the cave. As for the infidels,
they could not see them, so when they saw the spider’s web at the mouth of the cave and
the circulating pigeons they said, ‘there is no-one in the cave.’
In terms of rhetoric ( )البديعthe verse uses ( جناس املشتقparanomasia which uses derivatives of
the same root) by using والصديق and الصدق The verse also contains رد العجز علي الصدر
(Antistrophe) by using يرما ملand ارم
خري الربية مل تنسج ومل حتم ظنوا احلمام وظنوا العنكبوت علي
Imagining that for the Best of Creation, the spider had woven no web, and that the dove had
found no perch.
الربيةhas a fatha on the بa kasra on the رa tashdīd on the يand it is مضاف اليه
مل تنسجhas a fatha on the تa kasra or a dhamma on the سand it is a verb of the
imperfect tense with the pronoun referring back to العناكبas its subject. This clause
been omitted. This clause is in the position of ( املفعول الثاينthe second object) of the
first ظنواThe implication in this verse is the following:
ظنوا احلمام مل حتم علي خري الربية وظنوا العنكبوت مل تنسج علي خري الربية
When the infidels observed the pigeons circulating around the cave and that the spider, in
just a moment, had woven a web at the mouth of the cave, they assumed that the best of
creation ﷺand his companion عنه رضي اهللwere not in the cave due to their presumption
that it would be inconceivable for the pigeons to circulate around cave and for the spider to
weave (its web) upon it in such a short space of time, it would be impossible.
In terms of rhetoric ()بديع, the verse uses اللف و النشر علي خالف الترتيب (disordered
God’s guardianship made extra armour needless, neither did they need lofty castles.
وقايةmeans ( احلفظprotection)
اغنتmeans (to suffice)
الدروع املضاعفةmeans chainmail ( )املنسوجة حلقتني حلقتنيwhich is worn as protection
from the enemy
It is disordered as احلمامis mentioned first but explained last ()مل حتم, whereas العنكبوتis mentioned last but
explained first (( )مل تنسجsee footnote 18)
االطمmeans ( احلصونfortresses), its singular is اطمةwhich also has another plural form
وقاية اهللhas a kasra on the وand consists of the inceptive and مضاف اليه
اغنتthis is its predicate
عن مضاعفةis connected to اغنت
من الدروعis connected to an omitted (verb) and it is the qualification of مضاعفة
وعن عالis conjuncted to عن مضاعفة
من االطمhas a dhamma on the أand the طit is connected to an omitted (verb) and it
is the qualification of عال
Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل protected the messenger ﷺand his companion رضي اهلل عنه from the
enemies with just a cave, which was sufficient from (any need of) chainmail or lofty
fortresses. All of this is out of the ( بركةblessing) of the messenger ﷺ
اال ونلت جوارا منه مل يضم ما سامين الدهر ضيما واستجرت به
Never does this age oppress me, but that I seek his protection. His protection do I find – and
the oppression is no more.
اال استلمت الندي من خري مستلم وال التمست غين الدارين من يده
Never do I seek from his hand the goods of both worlds without gaining my share from the
best of all givers!
منهis the qualification of جواراand the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
مل يضمhas a dhamma on the يa fatha on the ضand it is also a qualification of جوارا
والis negative
التمستhas a dhamma on the تand consists of a verb with its subject
غينhas a kasra on the غwith ( قصرshortened )ا76 and tanwīn. This is the object of
التمستand it is مضاف
الدارينis مضاف اليه
من يدهis connected to التمستand the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
االis ( حرف اجيابaffirmative particle)
استلمتhas a dhamma on the تit is a verb with its subject and it is in the position of
the حالof ياء املتكلم
النديhas a fatha on the نit has قصرand the object of استلمت
من خريis connected to استلمت
مستلمhas a fatha on the تand the لand it is مضاف اليه
Whenever I sought protection from the messenger ﷺwhen I was oppressed, I received his
honourable protection and whenever I sought from his bounty, sufficient wealth in this
world and security in the hereafter, I would be able take the gift from the goodness that was
sought from him as he ﷺdoes not turn away the one who beseeches him.
In terms of rhetoric ( )البديعthe first verse uses جناس املشتق (paronomasia which uses
derivatives of the same root) by using استجرتand جواراThe second verse makes use of
( جناس القلبrearranged paronomasia)77 by using التمستand استلمت in addition to رد العجز
( علي الصدرthe Antistrophe) i.e. استلمتand مستلمIt also contains ( التورية املرشحةinsinuated
This is when the final يis pronounced -ā without a following hamza
This is where the two words have the same root letters but they are rearranged differently. س ل مin التمست
double entendre)78 in saying as its ‘nearer’ meaning ( )معين القريبis ( العضوthe body part, i.e.
the hand) and its ‘farther’ meaning ( )معين البعيدis النعمة (blessing). The املرشح للقريب (noun
قلبا اذا نامت العينان مل ينم ال تنكر الوحي من رؤياه ان له
Deny not the revelation in his dream-visions, for his was a heart which slept not, though his
eye slept.
Thus it was at the outset of his Prophethood; so when adult, his dream-visions are not
االنكارmeans ( اجلحدrejection)
الوحيmeans the ( االحكامlegal rulings) which were given to him ﷺ
رؤياهmeans the visions he ﷺsees whilst sleeping. Sleep of the eyes is ( فترةnatural)
and طبيعية (inherent) and disconnectes animals by divesting them of their senses
(حواسه )تعتري احليوان تتعطل هبا. Sleep of the heart divests one from the perceptive
faculty of the mind (املدركة )تعطيل القويand it is this which is meant by الوحي من رؤياه
البلوغmeans ( الوصولarriving at)
احملتلمmeans ( البالغadult) and ( العاقلone in full possession of one’s mental faculties)
التوريةis known as a double entendre and this figure of speech depends on the “nearer” meaning ()معين القريب
of a noun, adjective, or a verbal form “hiding” ( )وريthe “farther” meaning (البعيد )معينintended by the poet.
التورية املرشحةcontains attribute(s) supporting the ( معين القريبor )املوري بهwhich is actually not the intended
meaning. (It is معين البعيدwhich is intended by the poet and thus معين القريبjust insinuates the more probable
meaning) (Bonebakker, S.A.. " Tawriya." Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Brill Online , 2012. 08
September 2012)
الis negative
تنكر has a kasra on the ك and it is a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject
hidden within it
الوحيis object
من رؤياهis connected to تنكرand منhas the meaning of يفThe pronoun is for the
messenger ﷺ
انhas a kasra on the إa tashdīd on the نand it is حرف توكيد
لهis the prefaced predicate of ان
قلباis the deferred subject-noun of ان
اذاis ( ظرف للمستقبلan adverbial noun denoting future time) and implies the meaning
of ( الشرطa condition). It is in the accusative case due to ينم
نامت العينانis ( مجلة فعليةa verbal clause) consisting of a verb with its subject, and it is
in the genitive position as it is annexed to اذا
مل ينم is also مجلة فعليةcomprised of a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject
hidden within it, returning back to قلبا It does not have a particular position as it is
the complement of اذاwhich is ( شرط غري جازمa condition that does not govern the
apocopate form)
فذاكis ( اسم اشارةa demonstrative pronoun) which is the inceptive with حرف خطاب
(the particle of address i.e. the )ك79
حنيis in the accusative case due to an omitted ( االستقرارstable adverb) and it is the
predicate of فذاك
ينكرis constructed in the passive voice and the representative subject is hidden
within it, returning to حال
فيهis connected to ينكرand the pronoun returns back o حني بلوغthis clause is the
prefaced predicate of
حالis its deferred subject
حمتلمhas a kasra on the لand it is مضاف اليه
O obstinate one, do not reject the revelation occurring to the messenger ﷺin his sleep,
this is because when his eyes sleep, his heart does not, as it has been authenticated in a
hadīth from the الصحيحني80 that he ﷺsaid,
My eyes do sleep, but my heart does not.” انه قال ان عيين تنامان وال ينام قليب
Revelation coming to him ﷺin his dreams were upon declaring Prophethood at the age of
forty, this is such a time in which the vision of revelation by an intelligent adult in his sleep
cannot be rejected.
Blessed is God! Revelation is not acquired. Nor is a prophet to be accused when he speaks of
hidden things.
التهمةmeans ( الريبةdoubt)
Sahih al-Bukhāri and Sahih al-Muslim
تباركis ( فعل ماض جامدan aplastic verb of the perfect tense)81
اهللis its subject
ماis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
وحيis the subject-noun of ما
مبكتسبhas a fatha on the سand it is the predicate of ما
والis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
نيبis the subject-noun of ال
علي غيبhas a fatha on the غand it is connected to مبتهم
مبتهمhas a fatha on the تand it is the predicate of الThe is ( زائدة بextra) in both
cases ( مبكتسبand )مبتهم
Neither can revelation ( )الوحيbe achieved through the effort of any prophet, nor can any
prophet be doubted when he informs about الغيب (the unseen), this is because all the
How many patients were healed by his hand’s touch! How many madmen did he release
from their chains!
This is such a verb that has only one tense and no infinitive
اربا with a kasra on the ر means حمتاجا (one in need) from which it is said
( ارب الرجل اذا تساقطت اعضائهwhen his limbs drop off) and االربwith a fatha on the ر
means ( احلاجةa need)
الربقhas a kasra on the رand it is a cord having with it a number of loops with which
something is tied. One of these loops is termed ربقةand its plural is رباق
مفعول فيه (the vessel in which the verb occurs)82 or مفعول مطلق (an unrestricted
The vessel can either be time or place
The messenger ﷺwould not pass his noble hand over an ill person except that he would
be healed, nor over one who had been afflicted with a disease except that Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
would free him from it. As for the first, it is narrated that the messenger ﷺpassed his
noble hand over the eye of Qatādah after it had become blind, whereby Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
returned his sight to him, such that it became better than the other eye. As for the second,
it is narrated that a woman came to the messenger ﷺwith her child who had a disease, so
the messenger ﷺpassed his noble hand over his head, at which, Allāh وتعاىل سبحانهcured
him. It is also narrated that a man fell from a height and broke his leg, so the messenger ﷺ
passed his noble hand over it, after which he did not complain about it ever. Incidences such
as these are abundant.
A time of drought was given new life by his call. After dull ages – a blaze of light!
All by a rain-giving cloud. Or you would think the valleys were thus engulfed by the sea, or
by a flood of Arim’s dam water.
The whiteness may be caused by snow, hence the name ( سنة بيضاءthe white year)
So called because the trees and palm trees are a mix of black and green and green nearly resembles
blackness, thus anything that is ( اخضرgreen) the Arabs term ( اسودblack)
Another word, شهبةmeans a grey colour, in which whiteness predominates over blackness
االعصرis the plural of عصرwhich means ( الزمانtime)
الدهمis the plural of which means ( االسود الشديد الزرقةdeep black)
عارضmeans ( السحابa cloud)
جادmeans it rained abundantly
خلتmeans ( ظننتI would think)
البطاحis the plural of ابطحwhich is الوادي املتسع املشتمل علي احلصبا (a wide valley
composed of pebbles)
السيبmeans ( اجلريthe flow)
اليمmeans ( البحرthe sa)
العرمmeans ( الواديa valley)86
واحيتis conjuncted to ابرأت
السنةhas a fatha on the سand the نwithout tanwīn and it is the object of احيت
الشهباءhas a fatha on the شand the بand it is the qualification of السنة
دعوتهis the subject of احيت
حيتis ( حرف ابتداءa particle of inception)
العرمhas been said to be the plural of عرمةit is a dam-like structure designed to hold back flood water. This
word has been mentioned once in the Qur’ān when describing the flood which drowned the people of Sheba
along with their gardens and wealth. (Khoury, R.G.. " Al-ʿArim ." Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān. General Editor:
Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Georgetown University, Washington DC. 10 September 2012)
However, ( اآلخرونthe later scholars) say that العرمin the verse ِ فََأرْ َسلْنَا َعلَْيهِمْ سَْيلَ الْعَرِمis from العرامةwhich means
( الشدةseverity) and ( الصعوبةdifficulty) by annexing the qualified noun ( )املوصوفto its qualification ()صفة, hence
the translation of the verse by Imam Ahmed Rida Khan as (translated from the original): “We therefore sent
upon them a tremendous flood.” (Ta’līqāt Jadīdah min al-Tafāsīr al-Mu’tabirah li-Hall al-Jalalayn)
Ibn Abbas رضي اهلل عنهماhas said that it is a name of a valley (perhaps the reason for the commentator’s
حكتhas a fatha on the حand the كand it is a verb of the perfect tense with its
subject hidden within it returning back to السنة
غرةhas a dhamma on the غa fatha on the رand it is the object of حكت
يف االعصر has a fatha on the أ a sākin on the ع a dhamma on the ص and it is
connected to حكت
الدهم has a dhamma on the د and the ه and it is the qualification of االعصر
Characterising the time with blackness is in order to illustrate the bad situation
()سوء احلال
qualification of سيل
How many a time would his call give life to the barren year, wherby that particular year
would resemble a blaze of light in dark times due to the deep green crops in that year to
such an extent that it could also be seen that it was even darker as a result of the
unexpected collection of clouds in the horizon that rained with such abundance that I would
think that the vast valley contains water which has flowed from either the sea or from the
The first verse contains ( اجملازa trope)87 through the use of the word احلياة (life) to depict
( النباتverdure). The second verse uses ( اجلناس املناقصdefective paronomasia)88 by using سيب
and سيلThis verse also uses ( التضمنيenjambment)89 since بعارضis adjoined to حكتin the
verse before it.
ظهور نار القري ليال علي علم دعين ووصفي آيات له ظهرت
Leave me to describe his signs, which appeared like a hospitable fire lit by night on a hilltop.
وليس ينقص قدرا غري منتظم فالدر يزداد حسنا وهو منتظم
Pearls glow more brightly when on a string, yet are no less precious when they are separate.
It is a word or phrase which is used in a sense different from which it was originally applied to denote, by
reason of some analogy, or connexion between the two senses. Here, the connexion between ( احلياةlife) and
( النباتverdure) is clear
This occurs between two words due to a difference in any one of the following: ( نوع احلروفthe type of
letter), ( شكلهاtheir vowelisation),( عددهاtheir number) and ( ترتيبهاtheir sequence). The first type occurs here and
is thus known as احملرف اجلناس.
Enjambment or versification is to make a verse incomplete otherwise than with that which follows it; in
other words it is to break up a syntactic unit (i.e. a clause) between two verses
املنتظمmeans ( اجملتمع علي السلكarranged upon a thread), نظم الكالمmeans ( ترتيبهits
دعينis an imperative containing its subject and object
ووصفيis ( مفعول معهthe comitative object – see footnote 47) which is an infinitive
annexed to its subject, in this case املتكلم ياء
آياتhas a madd on the أa kasra on the ( تwith tanwīn) and it is the object of وصفي
لهis the qualification of آيات
ظهرتis a verb of the perfect tense and the تis for the feminine form
ظهورis مفعول مطلق (an unrestricted object) مبني للنوع (for the explication of the
نارis مضاف اليهand also مضاف
القريhas a kasra on the قa fatha on the رand it is مضاف اليه
ليالis ( مفعول فيهthe vessel in which the verb occurs)
علي علمhas a fatha on the عand the لof علمand this is connected to ظهور
فالدرhas a dhamma on the دand it is the inceptive
يزدادis a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject hidden within it
حسناhas a dhamma on the حand it is the object of يزدادbecause it is ( مطاوعa quasi-
passive verb) The transitive verb زادhas two objects thus يزدادhas one. This clause is
the predicate of فالدرand they are linked by the hidden pronoun in يزداد
وهو منتظمconsists of the inceptive and its predicate in the position of the accusative
case as the حالof the subject of يزدادlinked by وand the pronoun هو
وليسis an defective ( )ناقصverb of the perfect tense and its subject-noun is hidden
within it returning back to الدر
قدراis the object of ينقصand this clause is in the position of the accusative case as
the predicate of ليس
ما فيه من كرم االخالق والشيم فما تطاول آمال املديح ايل
The praise-giver reaches high, but cannot reach the noble qualities and graces which he
تطاول ايل كذاmeans ( طلب الوصول اليهhe sought to attain it) and when
( مد عنقه ينظر ايل شئ بعيدone cranes his neck so he may look at something distant)
اآلمالis the plural of املwhich means ( الرجاءexpectation)
املديحmeans ( الثناء احلسنbeautiful praise)
االخالق is the plural of خلق with a dhamma on the خ and the ل and it is the
disposition which one possesses
الشيمis the plural of شيمةwhich means ( الغريزةnature) and ( الطبيعةdisposition)
فما is استفهام استبعادي (interrogation for impossibility) in the position of the
nominative case as an inception
تطاولhas a dhamma on the وand the لand it is the predicate of فما
آمالhas a madd on the أand it is مضاف اليهby annexing the infinitive ( )تطاولtowards
its subject ()آمال
املديحis in the genitive case as it is the مضاف اليهof آمالand in another transcript (of
the poem) it is rendered as آمايلby annexing the املتكلم ياءto it. املديحhas been said to
be in the accusative case either due to آمايلor the removal of a preposition ()اخلافض.
Both of them however are غري مقيس (anomalous), the first is because
( املصدر ال يعمل مكسراthe infinitive ( )املdoes not govern when it is broken, i.e. )آمايل90
and as for the removal of the preposition, this is anomalous as it is dependent upon
مساع (being established by received usage from the Arabs) in the absence of the
فيهis the complement of ماand the pronoun is for the messenger ﷺ
من كرمis for the explication of ماand it is connected to that which فيهis connected to
االخالقhas a fatha on the أand it is مضاف اليه
والشيمhas a kasra on the ش a fatha on the ي it is conjuncted to االخالق and its
When a limit cannot be perceived for the signs of the messenger ﷺhow can the
expectations of the praise-givers reach him by comprehending the excellencies of his
character and his natural disposition upon which he ﷺhas been formed.
Though they are renewed, signs of truth from the Merciful precede time itself; their quality is
that of Him who is eternal.
It is broken through the addition of ياء املتكلمand hence, it cannot make املديحaccusative
Surah 26:5
َالرحْمَنِ ُمحْدَثٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا عَنْهُ ُمعْرِضِني
َّ ََومَا َيأْتِيهِم مِّن ذِكْرٍ مِّن
And never does a new advice come to them from the Most Gracious, but they turn away
from it. ( ُمحْدَثmeans – انزالهits revelation is recent)
آيات حقconsists of the inceptive and the )حق( مضاف اليه
من الرمحنis the first predicate
حمدثة قدمية are the second and third predicates, respectively. Also,the متييز
(specification) for each of them is omitted; originally it was ( حمدثة انزاالnew in terms
of revelation) and ( قدمية معينold in terms of meaning)
صفة املوصوفis the fourth predicate and املوصوفis مضاف اليهThose who disallow
numerous predicates, implicate an omitted inceptive before each predicate, except
from the first (predicate).
بالقدمhas a kasra on the قa fatha on the دand it is connected to صفة املوصوف
The verses of the truth are existent from the Most Gracious, their revelation is recent but
their meanings are self-existent because they are the attribute of the Self-Existent since the
Self-Existent cannot be attributed with something recent.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe verse uses رد العجز علي الصدر (Antistrophe) in saying
عن املعاد وعن عاد وعن ارم مل تقترن بزمان وهي ختربنا
This means to say that it is not created
االقترانmeans ( املصاحبةassociation)
املعادmeans ( عود اخللق بعد اعدامهrestoration of the creation after their destruction, i.e.
the day of resurrection)
عاد is a name of a tribe which has been named after its forefather known as:
عاد بن عوص بن ارم بن سام بن نوحHe lived for one thousand and two hundred years
and from his loins he was endowed with four thousand children, and he married one
thousand women and died as an infidel.
ارمis a city built by شداد ابن عادThe reason for building it was because he had heard
the description of ( اجلنةparadise) and everything in it, so he said, “it is not impossible
for me to build something similar to it.” Thus, he built the imitation of paradise in
three hundred years, making its castles from gold and silver, its columns from زبردج
(chrysolite) and ( ياقوتruby), placing within it streaming rivers and varieties of trees.
At its completion, he rode to it with the people of his kingdom, but when he was at a
travelling distance of a day and a night, Allāh وتعاىل سبحانهinduced such a vehement
cry from the heavens that they were destroyed before they could even reach it.
مل تقترنis a verb of the perfect tense and its subject is a hidden pronoun within it,
returning back to آيات حقby implication of an omitted حال
بزمانis connected to تقترنand the implication (in this clause) is:
( مل تقترن االيات حال كوهنا قدمية بزمانin the state of the verses being self-existent, do
not associate them with time)
وهي ختربناcontains the inceptive and the predicate
عن املعاد وعن عاد وعن ارمhas a kasra on the إand a fatha on the رof ارمand they are
all connected to ختربنا
These self-existent verses are not associated with time, even though they include
information about the ( املعادresurrection), according to the verse of the Qur’ān;93
Surah 30:27
َُوهُ َو الَّذِي يَبْ َدأُ اْلخَلْقَ ثُمَّ ُيعِيدُه
And it is He Who initiates the creation, and will then create it again…
And We sent Hud to the people of Aad from their own community…
Did you not see how did your Lord deal with (the tribe of) Aad? ٍأَلَمْ تَرَ كَ ْيفَ َفعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِعَاد
In terms of rhetoric ()بديع, the verse contains الناقص ( اجلناسdefective paronomasia) by using
املعادand عاد this is defective paronomasia due to the different number of letters (عددها –
see footnote 88)
Constantly with us, above every miracle of prophets of old, which came and went.
Surah 7:65
Surah 89:6-7
دامتis a complete ( )تامverb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it
returning back to آيات
جاءتis a verb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it, returning ack
to كل معجزة The feminine ت is due to the consideration of the مضاف اليه (in
determining the gender of the verb)
ومل تدمis ( مجلة فعليةa verbal clause) and the حال of the subject of جاءتwhich is
hidden within it
These verses (of the Qur’ān) are a (living) miracle of the messenger ﷺin that they still
remain even after his passing ( ﷺfrom this world). As a result, this miracle surpassed all of
the miracles from the previous Prophets السالم عليهمbecause the miracles they brought did
not remain after their passing, in contrast to the verses (of the Qur’ān) which will remain
until the Day of Judgement.
Clear and strong, these signs leave no doubt to be stirred up by the mischevious, and need
no arbiter.
حمكمات It is possible that it is derived from the word احلكم i.e. جعلت حاكمة
(they are appointed as judges) considering the fact that ( االحكامlegal rulings) will be
As for the miracles, they came and did not remain, and it is because of this that the eternal verses surpass
taken from the verses. Or it is from the word احلكمة (with a kasra on the )ح
i.e. جعلت حكيمة (they possess wisdom) in view of the fact that the verses
incorporate much wisdom (احلكم )الشتماهلا علي. Or it is from the word ( االحكامwith a
kasra on the )إi.e. جعلت حمكمة (they have been rendered valid)97 in such a manner
that they leave no possibility of abrogation, alteration nor contradiction
(والتناقض )حبيث ال حتتمل النسخ والتبديل. Or it is from the word ( احلكمةappurtenance)98
with a fatha on the حand the كi.e. جعلت ممتنعات حمفوظات من التحريف (they are
inimitable and protected from corruption)
فما تبقنيmeans ( فما تتركنthey do not leave)
شبهis the plural of شبهةwhich means ( التبليسdeception)
ذيhas the meaning of ( صاحبpossessor)
الشقاقmeans ( اخلالفdissension)
تبغنيmeans ( تطلنبthey seek)
احلكمhas a fatha on the حand the كand means ( احلاكمjudge)
حمكماتis the qualification of آيات
فماis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
تبقنيhas a dhamma on the تa kasra on the قand and it is a verb with its subject,
the pronoun is in reference to آيات
See the explanation of احلكمin the verse: و واقفون لديه عند حدهم من نقطة العلم او من شكلة احلكم
الis negative
تبغنيhas a fatha on the تa sākin on the بa kasra on the غand it is conjuncted to
منis ( زائدةextra)
حكمhas a fatha on the حand the كand it is the object of تبغني
These verses are valid and judicious, assisting the people of truth, eradicating the doubts
from the people of misguidance such that no doubt remains for the deviant. In addition,
these verses do not require an arbitrator to judge against the rejector of the truth because
to him, the proofs of the verses are manifest.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe verse uses االشتقاق جناسand ( رد العجز علي الصدرAntistrophe)
in saying حمكماتand حكمThe verse also contains (احملرف )اجلناسin using تبقنيand ( تبغنيsee
footnote 88)
اعدي االعادي اليها ملقي السلم ما حوربت قط اال عاد من حرب
Whenever attacked, the most bitter of their foes return from the fray begging to submit.
ماis negative
حوربتhas a dhamma on the حa kasra on the رand it is a verb of the perfect tense
in the passive voice. It representative subject is a pronoun hidden within it returning
back to آيات
قطhas a fatha on the قa dhamma on the طwith tashdīd and it is connected to
االis ( حرف اجيابaffirmative particle)
عادis a verb of the perfect tense
من حربhas a fatha on the ح and the ر and it is connected to عاد The is تعليلية
اعديhas ( قصرshortened )اand it is the subject of عاد
االعاديis مضاف اليه
اليهاis connected to عادand the pronoun is in reference to آيات
ملقيhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the لa kasra on the قand it is the حالof the
subject of عاد
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe verse uses جناس االشتقاقon two occasions; between حوربت
and حربand also اعديand االعادي
Their eloquence routs their enemy’s claims, as a zealous man protects his wife from an
البالغة يف الكالم (eloquence in speech) means مطابقته ملقتضي احلال مع فصاحته (its
suitability to the requirement of the moment with eloquence)
املعارضةmeans ( االيتان باملثلperformance of something similar)99
الغيورis in the intensive form ( )صيغة مبالغةfrom the word ( الغريةconcern)
اجلاينis from ( اجلنايةcrime) as it is said جين عليه جنايةi.e. ( فعل به مكروهاhe committed
an offence against him)
احلرمis (the man’s wife), its singular is حرمةand احلرمةis ( ما ال حيل انتهاكهthat which is
unlawful to neglect)
ردت بالغتهاconsists of a verb with its subject
دعويis its subject
معارضهاis مضاف اليه
is تشبيهي ( مفعول مطلقa comparitative unrestricted object) i.e. ( ردا مثل ردaverting just
as (the zealous man) averts…)
الغيورhas a fatha on the غa dhamma on the يand it is مضاف اليهby annexing the
infinitive ( )ردto its subject ()الغيور
In retaliation to the Qur’ān
وفوق جوهره يف احلسن والقيم هلا معان كموج البحر يف مدد
Meaning’s they have like the wide sea’s waves, their beauty and worth more precious than
the ocean’s treasures.
وال تسام علي االكثار بالسأم فما تعد وال حتصي عجائبها
Their marvels stand beyond count and reckoning. None grows tired of them, however oft-
The difference between ( )قيمةand ( )مثنis that قيمةis the real worth of something whereas the ( مثنprice) is
determined through mutual consent, regardless of whether its worth is excessive or deficient
يف مددhas a fatha on the مand the دand it is connected to the comparative meaning
in the ك
hidden within it, returning to املتنازع فيه (that which contends for the verb) which is
وال تسامhasout hamza and it has a dhamma on the ت a fatha on the س and it is
علي االكثار بالسأمhas a kasra on the إof اإلكثارa fatha on the سwith tashdīd of بالسأم
and they are both connected to تسام
The meanings of these verses are beyond measure, resembling the waves of the ocean in
their abundant supply, yet they are far superior to the ocean’s treasures, both in beauty and
worth. Regardless of their unlimited meanings, they are not stigmatised with weariness
since their marvels cannot be enumerated nor encompassed.
لقد ظفرت حببل اهلل فاعتصم قرت هبا عني قاريها فقلت له
They delighted the soul and senses of one that recited them. So I told him: ‘Yours is God’s
rope – so hold on tight!’
If you recite them in fear of a blazing Fire, their wellsprings shall extinguish that fire and
قرت means بردت بالسرور وزاد نورها (it became cool out happiness and its light
الظفرmeans ( الفوزvictory)
حببلmeans ( بسبب يوصلك ايل دار كرامتهby means of access unto His generosity
)سبحانه وتعاىل
فاعتصمmeans ( استمسك بهhold fast to it)
التالوةmeans ( القراءةrecitation)
اخليفةmeans ( اخلوفfear)
لظيmeans ( جهنمthe hell fire) and it is one of the names of fire
وردهاmeans ( موردهاits watering pool)
الشبمmeans ( الباردcold)
قرتhas a fatha on the قand the رwith tashdīd and it is a verb of the perfect tense
with the sākin تindicating the feminine form
لقدis حرف حتقيقthe particle which denotes the affirmation of truth or certainty
ظفرتhas a fatha on the ت and it is a verb with its subject. This clause is the
complement of an omitted oath
حببلis connected to ظفرت
اهللis مضاف اليه
فاعتصمis an imperative with its subject
انis ( حرف شرطa conditional particle)
تتلهاis the ( فعل الشرطthe conditional verb) and it is in the apocopate form due to ان
this is indicated by the omission of the و
Rather than concealing لظيin a pronoun to return back to it i.e. حرهthe pronoun has been made apparent
by لظي
unto His generosity وتعاىل سبحانهso hold fast to it. If you read these verses fearful of the hell
fire, you shall indeed extinguish its heat from the cool watering pool.’103
The poet resembled آياتto ( املاءwater) because the آياتare the means of life for the soul,
just as water is the means of life for the body. Therefore, he made the موردi.e the mouth104
sufficient for extinguishing the fire.
من العصاة وقد جاؤه كاحلمم كاهنا احلوض تبيض الوجوه به
Like the pool of Paradise they make sinners’ faces shine, though they had come to it as black
as charcoal.
Like the Bridge over Hell, and the Balance of Right. Justice made by another shall not be true
among mankind.
Bear in mind that وردis also a set portion of the Qurān, derived from its use to mean a watering pool since
animals and humans alike visit again and again to quench their thirst, hence the former signification
Since it is used in recitation
كاهناis ( حرف تشبيهa particle of comparison) and the pronoun is in reference to آيات
which is its subject-noun
احلوضis its predicate
تبيض الوجوهconsists of a verb with its subject and it is the حالof احلوض
بهis connected to تبيض and it serves to link the حالto its possessor ()احلوض
also gave expression to water through the use of the pond ()احلوض, since it is the place of
Indeed these verses are true, upright and just; they are upright like the Bridge and resemble
the Balance in perpetual justice, such justice that apart from these verses, it does not exist
with the people, rather it has been revoked.
This means that it is the حالof the pronoun in جاؤهwhich happens to be the subject and gives the meaning
of ‘they’
آيات حق من الرمحن حمدثة قدمية صفة املوصوف بالقدم
جتاهال وهو عني احلاذق الفهم ال تعجنب حلسود راح ينكرها
Be not amazed at an envier who denies them, pretending unawareness though he has a
deep understanding.
وينكر الفم طعم املاء من سقم قد تنكر العني ضوء الشمس من رمد
A sick eye may deny the light of the sun; a sick tongue may even abhor the taste of water.
العجبmeans ( االستعظامreckoning)
احلسودis ( الذي يتمين زوال النعمة عن غريه سواء وصلت اليه ام الone who wishes that a
blessing may depart from another, regardless of whether it might be transferred to
himself or not)
راح ينكرهاmeans ( ذهب جيهدهاhe set out to deny them)
جتاهالmeans ( ان يظهر اجلهل من نفسه وليس عندهfeigning ignorance)
احلاذقmeans ( املاهرproficient)
الفهمmeans ( الكثري الفهمabundant understanding)
الرمدis an illness which afflicts the eye (i.e. ophthalmia)
السقمmeans ( املرضsickness)
الis حرف هني (a particle of prohibition)
تعجنبhas a sākin on the نwithout tashdīd and it is a verb of the imperfect tense
with its subject hidden within it, out of necessity
حلسودhas a kasra on the لa fatha on the حa dhamma on the سand it is connected
to تعجنب
O believer, let not the jealous cause you to wonder in these verse, for the messenger ﷺ
ascribed his jealousy in denying the verses to feigned ignorance, whereas the actual case is
that he is knowledgeable and not ignorant, rather he is the epitome of proficiency with an
abundance of understanding, but there is a sickness in his heart which causes him to deny
the verses. As indeed, when the perceptive eye is afflicted with ophthalmia, it disallows the
light of the sun and when one becomes ill, the mouth disguises the taste of sweet water.
سعيا وفوق متون االينق الرسم يا خري من ميم العافون ساحته
O best of those whose courtyard is sought by the needy; they run, or ride the backs of tireless
Hence, the meaning of the verb is ‘to disguise’
O greatest sign for those who seek to learn! O greatest grace for those who seek to gain!
( وtherefore )اينق
الرسمhas a dhamma on the رand the سand it is the plural of رسومwith a fatha on
the ر and it is applied to that which makes markes upon the ground due to the
vehemence of its tread (i.e. the she-camel)
اآليةmeans ( العالمةthe sign)
املعترب is هو الذي يصرف فكره ايل معرفة احلق من الباطل (one who who devotes his
contemplation in the cognisance of the truth, rather than falsehood)
النعمةis the singular of النعمand it means (an affluence of living)
العظميis the feminine form of ( االعظمthe greatest)
املغتنمis from the saying اغتنمت الشئwhich means ( اخذته غنيمةI took it as booty)
ياis ( حرف نداءa vocative particle)
خري منhas a fatha on the مand it consists of the ( منادي منصوبthe accusative object
of the vocative particle) which is خريand the conjunct منas مضاف اليه
ميم العافون ساحتهis comprised of a verb, its subject and its object, this clause is the
complement of منand the هin ساحتهreturns back to it
complement of من
ٍُل ضَامِر
ِّ َيأْتُوكَ ِرجَالًا َوعَلَى ك
O the greatest sign for the one who desires cognisance with the truth as opposed to
O the greatest blessing for the one who wishes to acquire it, this being guidance to Islām.
In terms of rhetoric ()بديع, the second verse uses ( املوازنةit is equiponderant), this when two
Surah 22:27
كما سري البدر يف داج من الظلم سريت من حرم ليال ايل حرم
You rose by night from sanctuary to sanctuary, as the full moon travels through the
firmament of dark.
من قاب قوسني مل تدرك ومل ترم وبت ترقي ايل ان نلت منزلة
And through the night you rose until you gained a stage of Two Bows’ Length hitherto never
reached or hoped for.
سريتhas a fatha on the تand it is a verb with its subject
من حرم ليال ايل حرمare both connected to سريت
كماwhere كis a preposition and the ماis in the genitive case, it is also ( مصدريةit
gives the following verb the meaning of its infinitive)
القرينةis a clause which is considered to be connected with a similar clause preceding or following it,
together they are known as القرينتان
قابis the portion of the bow that is between the part that is grasped by the hand and the curved extremity,
there are two of these in every bow known as قابانAccording to some, the following verse of the Qur’ān is an
inverted phrase: فكان قاب قوسنيmeaning قوس ‘ فكان قايبAnd he was at the measure of the two portions between
the part that which is grasped by the hand and each of the curved extremities of a bow.’ It has also been said
that it means, at (the distance of) the length of two bows.
سري البدرis a verb and its subject, and this is the complement of ما
يف داجis connected to سري
من الظلمhas a dhamma on the ظa fatha on the لand it is the qualification of داج
وبتhas a kasra on the بa fatha on the تwith tanwīn and it is an defective verb of
the perfect tense with the تas its subject-noun
ومل ترمhas a dhamma on the تa fatha on the رand it is conjuncted to مل تدرك
O messenger of Allāh ﷺyou travelled by night from al-Masjid al-Harām to al-Masjid al-
Aqsā , just as the full moon travels in the dark night. You ﷺdid not cease to ascend until
you reached a close station to the divine presence at a distance of two bows length. This is
such a station that that no other Prophet other than you ﷺhas reached, nor has it been
sought after due to its distinction.
The comparison is to illustrate the speed of the journey, perfection, illumination and
traversing distances.111
منازلis the plural of منزلwhich is the space which one traverses in a journey
والرسل تقدمي خمدوم علي خدم وقدمتك مجيع االنبياء هبا
There all of the Prophets gave you precedence. The Messengers too, as servants give way to
their master.
يف موكب كنت فيه صاحب العلم وانت ختترق السبع الطباق هبم
You broached the seven-tiered skies, with them behind you, in a procession where you were
the standard bearer!
التقدميis the opposite of ( التأخريdeferment) and ( املقدمthe one who has precedence) is
at the status of ( املخدومa master) and the ( املتأخرthe one who is deferred) is at the
level of ( اخلادمa servant)
Qur’ān:112 طِبَاقًا ٍ( الَّذِي خَلَقَ سَبْعَ سَمَاوَاتThe One Who created the seven heavens atop
each other). الطباقis the plural of or and it means that some heavens are on top of
others, with different realities. Al-Kamāl al-Damīrī relates from Ka’b al-Ahbār that he
said, ‘Allāh تعاىلcreated the first sky from confined water (مكفوف )موج, the second
from rock, the third from iron, the fourth from copper ()حناس, the fifth from silver,
the sixth from gold and the seventh from ruby.’
موكب is a procession of cavaliers (الفرسان )اجلماعة من, the signification here is a
procession of Angels
العلمis ( رمح يف رأسه رايةa spear with a flag tied upon the top, i.e. a standard). Here,
the meaning of العلم صاحبis the chief of a nation, the one who has precedence over
them; the intention is not however, the standard-bearer
وقدمتك مجيعconsists of a verb, its object and its subject
االنبياءis مضاف اليه
Surah 67:3
هباis connected to قدمتكthe بis ( الظرفيةadverbial)113 and the هاrefers back to املنزلة
(see the previous verse)
والرسلFor the genitive case it is conjuncted to االنبياءby means of conjuncting اخلاص
(the specific) to ( العامthe general). For the nominative case, it is conjuncted to مجيع
and for the accusative case it is considered as معه ( مفعولthe comitative object)
تقدميis ( مفعول مطلقan unrestricted object)
خمدومis مضاف اليه
علي خدمhas a fatha on the خand the دand it is connected تقدمي
وانتis the inceptive
ختترق السبعconsists of a verb, its subject and its object, this is the predicate of انت
الطباقhas a kasra on the طand it is the qualification of السبع
هبمis connected to an omitted حالi.e. ( مارا هبمpassing by them)
يف موكبhas a fatha on the مa kasra on the كand it is also connected to the omitted
كنتhas a fatha on the تand it is a defective verb of the perfect tense with the ت
as its subject-noun
فيهis connected to كانand the pronoun is in reference to موكب
صاحبis the predicate of كان
العلمhas a fatha on the عand the لand it is مضاف اليه
All of the Prophets and Messengers عليهم السالمgave you ﷺprecedence in status, such
precedence that is given to the master over his servants. And you traversed the seven skies,
one after another, in such a state that you passed by one messenger after another. Indeed
you passed by Adam عليه السالمin the first sky, Īsā عليه السالمand Yahyā عليه السالمin the
second sky, Yūsuf عليه السالم in the third sky, Idrīs عليه السالم in the fourth sky,
Denotes time and place, adverbially
Hārūn عليه السالمin the fifth sky, Mūsā عليه السالم in the sixth sky, and Ibrāhīm السالم عليهin
the seventh sky. And in the group of the noble Angels you are the possessor of salutation
and honour (واالكرام )صاحب التحية.
من الدنو وال مرقي ملستنم حيت اذا مل تدع شأوا ملستبق
Until your closeness left no space for others on the quest; nor summit for others to attain.
You did not cease to traverse until such a time, in which you did not leave any aspiration for
the one seeking precedence in proximity, nor did you leave any place of ascension for the
one seeking loftiness.
نوديت بالرفع مثل املفرد العلم خفضت كل مقام باالضافة اذ
All other ranks lay beneath you in conjunction, when see! you are addressed directly, your
noun alone His object.
All this that you should triumph through Arrival. Hidden from sight – how hidden a secret!
بالرفعis connected to نوديت
مثل is the qualification of an omitted infinitive (حمذوف )مصدر114 and it is in the
تفوزis a verb of the imperfect tense in the accusative case due to an implied انafter
بوصلis connected to تفوز
أيhas a fatha on the hamza, a tashdīd on the يwith kasra and it is the qualification
of وصل
of سر
The collection of the words اخلفض- االضافة- النداء- الرفع- املفرد- العلمin the first verse is a
beautiful collection (due to their grammatical connotations)
و جزت كل مقام غري مزدحم فحذت كل فخار غري مشترك
Unrivalled were the proud honours you received. None other was with you as you gained
each degree.
How glorious, the precious ranks you were granted! How hard to list the graces you
احليازةmeans ( اجلمعcollection)
الفخارis a source of pride regarding particular qualities
املشتركis the opposite of ( املختصdistinguished)
اجلوازmeans ( املرورtraversal)
املقامmeans a rank
االزدحامmeans ( املزامحةcompetition)
جلmeans ( عظمto be great)
املقدارmeans ( القدرstatus)
ما وليتmeans ( قلدتthat which you have been entrusted) i.e. its affairs have been
conferred to you
الرتبis the plural of ( رتبةa high rank)
عز الشئmeans the thing became difficult – impossible
االدراكhere means ( الوجدانperception)
اوليتmeans (you have been given)
النعمis the plural of ( نعمةblessing)
فحذتhas a dhamma on the حa sākin on the ذa fatha on the تand it is a verb with
its subject
كلis its object
فخارhas a fatha on the فand the خand it is مضاف اليه
غريis in the accusative case (a fatha on the )رas it is the qualification of كل
مشتركhas a fatha on the رand it is مضاف اليه
و جزتhas a dhamma on the جa sākin on the زand it is a verb with its subject
كلis its object
مقامhas a fatha on the مand it is مضاف اليه
غريis in the accusative case (a fatha on the )رas it is the qualification of كل
مزدحمhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the زa fatha on the دand حand it is مضاف
و جلhas a fatha on the جand it is a verb of the perfect tense
مقدارis its subject
ماis ( موصول امسيa conjunct noun) in the genitive position due to ( االضافةannexation
with )مقدار
وليتhas a dhamma on the وa tashdīd on the لwith kasra, a sākin on the يa fatha
on the تand it is an indeclinable verb of the past tense, in the passive voice – the ت
being its representative subject. This is the ( صلةcomplement) of ماand the returning
pronoun has been omitted i.e. وليتهyou have been entrusted (it)
من رتبhas a dhamma on the رa fatha on the تand it is the explication of ماand it
is connected to وليت
و عزhas a fatha on the عand ز with tashdīd, and it is a verb of the past tense
conjuncted to جل
of ماand the returning pronoun has been omitted i.e. اوليتهyou have been entrusted
من نعمhas a kasra on the نa fatha on the عand it is the explication of ماand it is
connected to اوليت
You ﷺhave collected every single honour, independently, without any other participant.
You ﷺhave traversed each and every station, solely yourself, without any competitor.
How great is the noble position you ﷺhave been entrusted, that it is impossible to attain
the perfection of the exalted qualities which you ﷺhave been granted.
In terms of rhetoric, the first verse uses paronomasia (احملرف )اجلناسby using حذتand جزت
The second verse contains اجلناس الناقص (defective paronomasia) by using وليتand اوليت
(see footnote 88)
من العناية ركنا غري منهدم بشري لنا معشر االسالم ان لنا
Good news for us, people of Islam! For we possess a pillar of God’s care that shall not be
باكرم الرسل كنا اكرم االمم ملا دعا اهلل داعينا لطاعته
When God, our Summoner, called us to serve Him through the noblest of Messengers, we
became the noblest of nations.
بشري is a noun derived from the word which is generally used to indicate glad
tidings, useful for mankind
املعشرis a collective body whose state of circumstances is one
العنايةis from ( عين حباجيتhe became concerned with my need) i.e. اعتين هبا
( ركن الشئthe pillar of something) is that which can be depended upon ()ما يعتمد عليه
االهندامmeans ( التغريceasing to have the quality which it had)
دعاmeans ( مسيto name)
( داعيناone who invites us) i.e. the messenger ﷺ
الطاعةis the opposite of املعصية
االممis the plural of ( االمةa nation)
بشريis the inceptive and its qualification has been omitted, i.e. ( بشري عظيمةgreat
glad tidings)
لناis its predicate
معشر is accusative due to distinction ( )االختصاصwith an omitted verb, the
( تعليل مستأنفan inceptive causation)115 whereas if it is read with a fatha, then a الم
( العلةcausative particle) has been implied, i.e. الن
ملاhas fatha on the لa tashdīd on the مand it is either ( حرف وجود لوجودa particle
indicating an occurence due to another)116 or حني ( ظرف مبعينan adverbial noun with
the import of ‘when’) according to two opinions
دعا اهللcomprises a verb and its subject
This occurs during a sentence, but the causation is detached from the clause preceding it
Its definition is as follows: ( حرف يدل على وجود شيء لوجود غريهa particle indicating the presence of something
داعيناis its object, the يis given sākin according to the dialect of those who decline
( االسم املنقوصthe defective noun) in all three cases through the implication of vowel
لطاعتهis connected to داعينا
باكرمconsists of the preposition and the genitive, and it is connected to دعا
الرسلhas a sākin on the سand it is مضاف اليه
كناconsists of كانand its subject-noun
اكرمis its predicate
االممis مضاف اليه
كنا اكرم االممThis clause is the ( جوابcomplement) of ملا
Great glad tidings are for us, O Muslims, because we have a permanent law that shall not be
abrogated. And when Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل named our prophet ﷺas the noblest of all
messengers, we became the most honoured nation from all those nations to have preceded
Islām. The proof for this is the verse of the Qur’ān:118 ِ كُنتُم خَريَ أُمَّةٍ أُخرِجَت لِلنَّاسi.e. you are
the best nation. And his nation is superior to all nations only because he ﷺis the best of all
This means that the sākin remains on the يin all cases, whereas an alternate view (and the most common)
is that the يis given a fatha when the word is in the accusative case (as is the occurrence here)
Surah Āle Imrān
كنبأة اجفلت غفال من الغنم راعت قلوب العدا انباء بعثته
News that he was sent, made foemen quake, just as a lion’s roar shakes heedless sheep.
حيت حكوا بالقنا حلما علي وضم ما زال يلقاهم يف كل معترك
On every battlefield he did not shy to meet them, until lances made them seem like flesh
upon a butcher’s block.
راعتis a verb of the perfect tense and the تis for the feminine form
قلوبis its prefaced object
العداcan be read with a kasra or a dhamma on the عand it has ( قصرsee footnote 13).
This is اليه مضاف
الصرخةmay mean a scream, however the signification with sheep suggests that the roar of a lion is intended
انباءhas a fatha on the first hamza, a sākin on the نa fatha on the بand madd. This
is the deferred subject of راعت
بعثتهhas a kasra on the بa fatha on the ثa kasra on the تand this is مضاف اليه
كنبأةhas a fatha on the نأ a sākin on the بa fatha on the hamza and it is in the
position of the denotative of state ( )حالfor انباء
اجفلتis a verb of the perfect tense with its subject hidden within it returning back to
نبأةand the following clause is its ( صفةepithet)
غفالhas a dhamma on the غa sākin on the فand it is the object of اجفلت
من الغنمhas a fatha on the غand the نand it is the qualification of غفالThe منis for
( بيانexplication)
ماis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
زالis a defective verb (see footnote 23) of the perfect tense and its subject-noun is
hidden within it returning back to the messenger ﷺ
يلقاهمhas a dhamma on the مand it is a verb of the imperfect tense, the subject and
object are hidden within it – the pronoun referring to the ‘enemies’ from amongst
the disbelievers. This clause is in the accusative position as the predicate of زال
Indeed the news of the messenger ﷺbeing sent frightened the hearts of enemies and
unsettled their state of affairs just as the roar of the lion frightens the hearts of the heedless
sheep. The messenger ﷺdid not cease to fight them until he ﷺcarved them up, and
they ended up like discarded meat upon the ground, eaten by predators, wild beasts and
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses paronomasia (باملشتق )اجلناس الشبيهwhere the
two words resemble each other due to the similarity of their derivation (see footnote 16) by
using انباءand نبأة
They longed to run away, almost jealous of the carrion borne away by hawks and vultures.
The nights kept passing, but they forgot how many, apart from the nights of the Sacrosanct
الليايلis a non-analogous plural of ( ليلةa night). The intended meaning is days and
nights, but the latter has been specified because enduring worries at night is more
ال يدرونmeans ( ال يعلمونthey do not know)
العدةmeans ( العددthe number)
االشهر احلرم (the sacred months) are four: احملرم ذو احلجة ذو القعدة رجب
احلرمis the plural of ( حرامsacred)
ودواhas a fatha on the وa dhama on the دand it is a verb of the perfect tense with
the pronoun as its subject referring to العدا
الفرارhas a kasra on the فand it is the object of ودوا
فكادواis a (defective) verb of the perfect tense and the pronoun is its subject-noun
يغبطونhas a fatha on the يa sākin on the غa kasra on the بa dhamma on the ط
and it is a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject. This clause is in the accusative
position as the predicate of كاد
شالتis a verb of the perfect tense and its subject is hidden within it returning back
to أشالءThis clause is the qualification of أشالء
معcan be read with a fatha on the عor a kasra and it is connected to شالت
العقبانhas a kasra on the عand it is مضاف اليه
و الرخمhas a fatha on the رand the خand it is conjuncted to العقبان
متضي الليايلconsist of a verb, its subject and an omitted conjunction i.e. ( و االيامand
days) similar to the following example والربد ( سرابيل تقيكم احلر ايclothes protect from
the heat – and the cold)
و الis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
يدرونis a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject
عدهتاhas a kasra on the عand it is the object of يدرون
ماis ( ظرفية مصدريةadverbial and gives the following verb the meaning of its infinitive)
مل تكنis the complement of ماand the subject-noun of is hidden within it returning
back to الليايل
For indeed, whenever the human being finds himself in a difficult position, and he cannot
locate an escape from his impediment nor be free from his difficulty, he wishes for death.
And when he is overtaken by fear, he cannot distinguish between days and nights, nor can
he accurately surmise them. Therefore the days and nights continue to pass by them, whilst
they have no knowledge as to their number due to the severity of the fighting they are
faced with. Thus, whenever the sacred months begin they recognise the number of days and
nights since the messenger ﷺdesists from fighting in these months out of consideration of
their sanctity and in fulfillment of their rights.
بكل قرم ايل حلم العدا قرم كامنا الدين ضيف حل ساحتهم
As though Religion were a guest come upon their gate, met by voracious foes hungry for
their flesh.
الدينmeans Islām
حلmeans ( نزلto descend)
الساحةmeans ( املكانplace)
قرمwith a sākin on the رmeans ( السيدa man of distinction) and with a kasra it means
a strong desire for flesh i.e. a strong desire to kill the enemies of the religion
كامناis ( حرف تشبيه مهملan inactive particle of comparison – see footnote 73)
الدينhas a kasra on the دand it is the inceptive
ضيفis its predicate
حلhas a fatha on the حand it is a verb of the perfect tense with its subject hidden
within it returning back to ضيف
ساحتهمis ( مفعول فيهthe vessel in which the verb occurs – see footnote 82) of حلThis
clause is the qualification of ضيف
It is as though the religion of Islām is a guest that has descended upon the courtyard of the
distinguished companions ()الصحابة, having a voracious appetite to kill the disbelievers and
to tear their flesh.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses paronomasia (احملرف )اجلناسwhere the two
words differ in the vowelisation of the letters but agree in the type, number and the
sequence of the letters by using قرمwith a sākin on the رand قرمwith a kasra on the ( رsee
footnote 27)
A sea-like host riding swift steeds, casting forth a wave of surging heroes.
Volunteers for God, hoping for His reward, heroic and bold in uprooting disbelief.
خيل ساحبةis an epithet given to a horse, meaning that it stetches forth its fore legs
well in running – like one does to the arms in swimming
االبطالis the plural of بطلwith a fatha on the طwhich means a courageous man
موج ملتطمwhen waves clash due to their multitude ()دخل بعضه علي بعض لكثرته
املنتدبmeans ( اجمليبthe respondent), it is said ( ندبه لكذا فانتدبi.e. he summoned him
for such a reason so he responded)
احملتسبis one who performs goodness, seeking thereby a reward
يسطوmeans ( يصولto attack)
مستأصل للكفرmeans (to eradicate disbelief from its root)
االصطالمmeans ( االستئصالeradication)121
This has been mentioned in al-Qāmūs
This has been mentioned in al-Sihāh
جيرhas a dhamma on the جand it is a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject
hidden within it returning back to الضيف
من كلis ( بدلa substitute – see footnote 41) for من االبطالby repeating the من
منتدبhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the نa fatha on the تa kasra on the دand
it is اليه مضاف
هللis connected to منتدب
حمتسبhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the حa kasra on the سand it is the
qualification of منتدب
يسطوhas a fatha on the يa sākin on the سa dhamma on the طand it is a verb of
the imperfect tense with its subject hidden within it returning back to منتدب
مبستأصلhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the سa fatha on the تa sākin on the
hamza, a kasra on the صand it is connected to يسطوby implication of ( مضافa
prefixed noun) between the preposition ( )بand the genitive ( )مستأصلi.e. بسيف
( مستأصلwith the vanquishing sword)
للكفرis connected to مستأصلby implication of ( مضافa prefixed noun) between the
preposition ( )لand the genitive ( )الكفرi.e. الكفر ( الصلfor the foundation of disbelief)
مصطلمhas a dhamma on the first مa sākin on the صa fatha on the طand the لand
it is the qualification of منتدب
That guest (mentioned in the previous verse) is dragging an army surging forth like the
waves of the turbulent sea (riding) on top of gliding horses with each rider responding to
Allāh وتعاىل سبحانهseeking reward for his actions from Him سبحانه وتعاىلand attacking with a
vanquishing sword, eradicating the foundation of disbelief, destructive to its adherents.
من بعد غربتها موصولة الرحم حيت غدت ملة االسالم و هي هبم
Until the Religion of Islām became, through them, as one flesh, having once been exiled and
و خري بعل فلم تيتم و مل تئم مكفولة ابدا منهم خبري اب
Shielded for all time from evildoers by the best of fathers and husbands, so that no longer
were they orphans or widows.
( يتم الصىبwith a kasra on the ) ت122 a child becomes an orphan when his father
passes away
( آمت املرأةthe wife became a widow) when she is bereft of a husband
حيتis ( حرف ابتداءa particle of inception)
غدتis a defective verb of the perfect tense
ملةis its subject-noun
االسالمis مضاف اليه
و هي هبمconsists of the inceptive and its predicate, the pronoun هبمrefers to االبطال
This clause is the حالof ملةand it is linked by وand the pronoun هي
This meaning is apparent when the verb of the perfect tense is in the aforementioned pattern and the verb
of the imperfect tense ( )ييتمhas a fatha on the تon the pattern of يسمع مسع
The swords did not cease to vanquish (the enemy) until the religion of Islām became united
after its union had been severed. Its welfare being ensured by the best of fathers and the
best of husbands, i.e. the messenger ﷺsuch that orphanhood does not transpire (in
respect to the father) nor does widowhood (in respect to the husband) because he ﷺis
the father of the religion and its husband, in terms of affection for it people.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses نشر ( لف وcomplication and explication) due to
the negation of orphanhood after mentioning the presence of fatherhood, and the negation
of widowhood after mentioning the presence of husbandship.
Mountains were they! Ask those who collided with them what they saw in them on every
field of honour.
Ask Huneyn. Ask Badr. Ask Uhud. Fateful seasons, against evil worse than plague.
هم اجلبالconsists of the inceptive and its predicate
فسلis an imperative with its subject
عنهمis connected to سل
مصادمهمhas a dhamma on the first مa fatha on the second مa kasra on the دand it is
the object of سلthe pronoun referring to االبطال
In the first verse it is mentioned سل مصادمهم (ask their places of battle) – this is general. Then in the
second verse the specific places (احد )حنني و بدر وhave been conjuncted to the general
substitution ( )البدليةwith the above mentioned three places because they denote the
time within which the battles took place at those locations
حتفhas a fatha on the حa sākin on the تand it is مضاف اليه
هلمis connected to حتف
ادهيis ( اسم تفضيلthe elative noun) and it is the qualification of حتف
من الوخمhas a fatha on the وand the خand it is connected to ادهي
They are the brave warriors, well-versed in combat. Ask the places of battle about them,
what they saw in each place they were encountered, ask the battle of Hunayn, Badr and
Uhud about them. They shall inform you that a devastating plague and destruction had
reigned upon the enemy.
White swords shone red after their encounter with the black heads of the foemen.
Like scribes whose pens, tracing with brown ink, left no body devoid of points and vowels.
املصدريis the plural of مصدرand it is derived from their statement صدر عن املاءi.e.
( رجع عنهhe returned from water) and thus ( اصدر غريهto cause something to return)
becomes ( مصدرreturning)
اللممis the plural of ( ملةwith a kasra on the )لthis is the hair that descends below the
lobe of the ear; when it reaches the shoulders it is known as مجة
السمرmeans ( الرماحspears)
اخلطis the name of a tree from which the wood of a spear is extracted and it is also
the name of a place in Yamāmah, thus the spears are called خط هجرbecause they
are imported there from India and straightened in that place; it is from here that
الرماح اخلطيare attributed
االقالمis the plural of ( قلمpen), the intended meaning being ( اسنة الرماحthe points of
the spears)
احلرفmeans ( الطرفthe extremity)
منعجمis derived from ( اعجمت الكتابI pointed the book)124 the original meaning of
the word is العجمة ( ازلت عنهI removed its need of clarity)
املصدريhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the صa kasra on the دand it is in the
genitive case as it is the qualification of االبطالmentioned six verses prior to this
verse. The نhas been omitted (originally )املصدرينbecause it is مضاف
البيضis مضاف اليه
محراhas a dhamma on the حand it is the حالof البيض
بعدis an adverbial noun of time, and it is accusative due to املصدري
ماis ( مصدريةit gives the following verb the meaning of its infinitive)
وردتis the complement of ما
من العداcan be read with a kasra or a dhamma on the عand this is connected to
كلis the object of ع
مسودhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the سa fatha on the وa tashdīd on the دand
it is اليه مضاف
من اللممhas a kasra on the لa fatha on the first مand it is the qualification of مسود
With diacritical points
و الكاتبنيis conjuncted to املصدري
بسمرhas a dhamma on the سa sākin the مand it is connected to الكاتبني
اخلطis مضاف اليه
ماis negative
تركت اقالمهمconsists of a verb and its subject
حرفhas a fatha on the حa sākin on the رand it is the object of تركت
جسمhas a kasra on the جand it is مضاف اليه
غريis in the accusative case as it is the qualification of حرف
منعجمhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the نa fatha on the عa kasra on the جand
it is اليه مضاف
Their polished swords returning, gleaming red from the blood of those killed in battle after
they had reached every black hair and their spears had pierced each and every body, not
leaving an extremity without the trace of laceration.
In terms of eloquence, the collection between الورودand الصدورin the first verse125 is a type
of ( املطابقةcommensuration). The collection of السواد ( البياض و احلمرة وwhite, red and black) is
due to النظري ( مراعاةconsideration of the interrelated).126
Meaning ‘arriving and returning’
It is an expression whereby the speaker combines one thing and something which is related to it
(يناسبه )وهو عبارة عن أن جيمع املتكلم بني أمر وما, in this case the colours
و الورد ميتاز بالسيما من السلم شاكي السالح هلم سيما متيزهم
In shining armour, theirs was a sign which set them apart, just as a rosebush may be
distinguished from an acacia.
Winds of victory honour you with their perfume. You’d think them blooms ripe to come from
the spathe.
شاكيis in the accusative case as the حالof من االبطالbecause it is an epithet
annexed to its governed component (معموهلا )صفة مضافة ايل, and this annexation does
not give rise to ( التعريفdefinition). Originally it was شاكنيbut the نhas been omitted
due to annexation
السالحis مضاف اليه
هلمis a prefaced predicate and the pronoun refers to االبطال
سيماhas a kasra on the سa sākin on the يit has qasr and it is the deferred inceptive
متيزهمhas a dhamma on the تa kasra on the يwith tashdīd and it consists of a verb
and its subject; it is the qualification of سيما
فتحسبis a verb of the imperfect tense and it is transitive ( )تعديupon two (objects)
الزهرis its first object
يف االكمامhas a fatha on the hamza and it is the حالof الزهر
كلis the second object of حتسب
كميhas a fatha on the كa kasra on the مand it is مضاف اليهThe verb حتسبis from
( افعال القلوبthe verbs significant of the operations of the mind), originally it was:
( فتحسب كل كمي الزهر يف االكمامyou would think that each courageous soldier is a
flower in its coverings)
When the brave warriors are exhibiting the vehemence of their armour it is a mark of their
distinction from others, just as the rose tree is distinct from the Salam due its sweet scent,
grand appearance and its beautiful disposition. Winds of assistance direct you to their
informing scent so that you think that each courageous man is concealed with his armour,
as though he is a flower concealed with its calyces, because it is in this state that it has a
sweeter fragrance and a more delightful appearance.
In terms of rhetoric, the first verse uses paronomasia ( )اجلناس الشبيه باملشتقwhere the two
words resemble each other due to the similarity of their derivation, i.e. االكمامand كمي
من شدة احلزم ال من شدة احلزم كاهنم يف ظهور اخليل نبت ربا
In the saddle they were as flowers on a hilltop, their strength from resolve, not from strap
and stirrup.
فما تفرق بني البهم البهم طارت قلوب العدا من بأسهم فرقا
Their boldness put their enemies’ hearts to flight, until you could not tell herd from host.
اخليلis ( اسم مجعa collective noun), its singular is a horse (in import)
رباis the plural of ( ربوةa hill) with a dhamma or a fatha or a kasra on the ر
احلزمwith a sākin means prudence and perseverance
احلزمwith a dhamma on the حand the زis the plural of حزامon the pattern of كتب
and كتابIt is the thing with which one girths the saddle on to the back of an animal
كاهنمconsists of كأنand its subject-noun
يف ظهورis the حالof the subject-noun of كأن
اخليلhas a fatha on the خand it is مضاف اليه
نبتhas a fatha on the نa sākin on the بand it is the predicate of كأن
رباhas a dhamma on the رa fatha on the بit is with qasr and it is مضاف اليه
من شدةhas a kasra on the شand it is connected to كأنwhich gives the meaning of
( تشبيهcomparison)
احلزمwith a fatha on the حand a sākin on the زis مضاف اليه
ال من شدة has a fatha on the (meaning tautness) and it is conjuncted to the
preposition and the genitive before it (شدة – منwith a kasra on the )ش
احلزمwith a dhamma on the حand the زis مضاف اليه
طارت قلوبconsists of a verb and its subject and it is ( مجلة مستأنفةan inceptive clause)
العداhas a kasra on the عit is with qasr and it is مضاف اليه
من بأسهمis connected to طارت
فرقاhas a fatha on the فthe رand the قand it is ( مفعول الجلهan object denoting
فماis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
تفرقhas a dhamma on the تa fatha on the فa kasra on the رwith tashdīd and it is
a verb of the imperfect tense with its subject hidden within it returning back to العدا
بنيis an adverbial noun of place in the accusative case due to تفرق
البهمwith a fatha on the بand a sākin on the هis مضاف اليه
البهمwith a dhamma on the بand a fatha on the هis conjuncted to the preceding
( البهمwith a fatha on the بand a sākin on the )ه
It is as though their resolve upon the backs of horses is like the stability of vegetation upon
the hilltop since this vegetation is more stable than other plants due to the length of their
roots when seeking water. Their resolve on the backs of horses is due to their perseverance,
not from the tautness of the girdle on the saddle.
The hearts of the enemies tremble from the resolve of their fighting, fearing them, such that
in their bewilderment, they cannot distinguish between lambs and courageous knights.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe first verse uses paronomasia (احملرف )اجلناسtwice (see footnote
27), first by using ( شدةwith a kasra on the )شand ( شدةwith a fatha on the )ش, the second
occasion being the use of ( احلزمwith a fatha on the حand a sākin on the )زand ( احلزمwith a
dhamma on the حand the )زThe second verse also uses paronomasia ( )اجلناس احملرفby
saying ( البهمwith a fatha on the بand sākin on the )هand ( البهمwith a dhamma on the ب
and a fatha on the )ه. It also uses paronomasia (باملشتق )اجلناس الشبيهthrough the use of فرقا
and تفرق
Then the author begins to elucidate the intrinsic reason for this:
Lions in their abode stand humbled and dazed by him whose victory comes through God’s
You shall see no saint that is not helped through him, and no foe that is not overwhelmed.
النصرةmeans ( التأييدassistance)
االسدis the plural of ( اسدa lion) and it is ( احليوان املفترسa predatory animal)
اآلجامis the plural of امجةwhich means ( الغابةjungle)
جتمis the imperfect tense of the verb وجمwhen one is dumbstruck due to fear, awe
and the like
تريmeans ( تبصرto see)
من ويلi.e ( صديقa friend)
املنتصرmeans ( املنتقمan avenger)
منقصمwith a قit means ( املنكسرbroken) and ( املقطوعsevered), with a فit means بال
( قطعnot fully severed), however it has been narrated with a ق
و منhas a fatha on the مand it is a conditional noun ( )اسم شرطand the inceptive
تكنcan be read with a تor a يand it is a conditional verb ( )فعل الشرطand the
predicate of من since it governs the apocopate form in letter ( )لفظاand the
nominative position in the clause. If it is read يكنthen its subject is hidden within it
برسول اهللis the prefaced predicate of تكنand if it was read يكنthen this clause is
the prefaced predicate
نصرته is the deferred subject-noun of تكن and if it was read يكن then it is the
انhas a kasra on the hamza, a sākin on the نand it is ( حرف شرطa conditional
تلقهis a conditional verb ( )فعل الشرطand the sign of its apocopation is the omission of
the ( اotherwise )تلقاهThe pronoun returns back to the conditional من
االسدhas a dhamma on the hamza, a sākin on the سand it is the subject of تلقه
يف آجامهاhas a madd on the hamza and it is the حالof االسد
جتمhas a fatha on the تa kasra on the جand it is the complement ( )جوابof انthus
and its complement comprise the complement ( )جوابof من
تريis accusative due to لنthe sign being an implied fatha on the اand its subject is
the addressing pronoun (املخاطب )ضمري
من ويلis the object of تريand the منis extra
غريis genitive as the qualification of ويلand accusative due to its position (in the
clause) if تريis ( بصريةvisual) and active then it is its second object
In terms of rhetoric, it is apparent that the author has used ( التكرارrepitition) and ( املوازنةit is
equiponderant) this when two clauses ( القرينتان-see footnote 109) are equal in ( الوزنmeter)
The stronghold of his faith is where he set his people, like a lion which places its cubs in the
safest place.
يف حرزmeans ( يف حصن حصنيin a fortified stronghold)
امللةis a religion which has been dictated from the heavens, that is Islām
الليثis ( االسدa lion)
االشبالis the plural of ( شبلa lion cub)
اجمwith two fatha is the plural of امجةwhich means ( الغابةjungle)
احلhas a fatha on the hamza and the حand it is a verb of the perfect tense, its
subject is a pronoun hidden within it, returning back to the messenger ﷺ
امتهis its object
يف حرزis connected to احل
ملتهis مضاف اليه
كالليثis in the position of the حالfor the subject of احلhidden within it
حلis verb of the perfect tense with is subject hidden within it returning back to الليث
and this clause is the of الليث
The author compares االمة (the Nation) to lion cubs because the messenger ﷺis their
source of Islām and his wives are their mothers and he ﷺis the cause of their true
existence and they are nurtured by him ﷺ
فيه و كم خصم الربهان من خصم كم جدلت كلمات اهلل من جدل
How often have God’s words felled those who oppose him, and how many a debater has
been defeated by His Proof!
اجلدالةmeans ( وجه االرضthe ground) thus جدلهmeans ( اوقعه علي اجلدالةhe threw him
down upon the ground)
كلمات اهللmeans the Qur’ān
اجلدلwith a kasra on the دmeans ( كثري اجلدالfrequent argumentation)
خصم with a fatha on the خ and the ص means غلب يف اخلصام (to defeat in an
الربهانmeans ( الدليل القاطعthe decisive proof)
اخلصمwith a kasra on the صmeans ( االلد الشديد اخلصامone vehement in contention)
كمis predicative and it is in the accusative position due to being ( الظرفيةan adverbial
noun) or ( مصدريةgiving the following verb the meaning of its infinitive)
جدلتhas a fatha on the جand the دwith tashdīd and it is a verb of the perfect
tense with a feminine ت
من خصمhas a fatha on the خa kasra on the صand it is the object of خصمthe من
being extra. The ( متييزspecification) of كم in both places has been omitted, i.e. مرة
How many times the verses of Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل have defeated the argumentative in
contention. And how many times the decisive proof has vanquished those vehement in
االميis in relation to the condition in which his mother brought him forth. In practice,
it is in respect to anyone not knowing the art of writing, nor that of reading and has
not learnt through the normal method from a teacher
اجلاهليةis a time of intense ignorance
التأديبis the infinitive of ادبهand االدبis the acquisition of good qualities of the soul
and every praiseworthy discipline by which a man is trained in excellence
اليتمis the infinitive of ( يتمto become an orphan) this is when ones father passes
away whilst he is young
كفاكcomprises a verb of the perfect tense and its object
بالعلمis its subject and the بis extra
يف االميis the حالof بالعلم
معجزةis ( متييزspecification)
يف اجلاهليةis connected to an omitted حالof العلم
و التأديب can be read in the genitive case by conjunction with العلم or in the
nominative case in conjunction to its position (in the clause), however the first
reading has been narrated
يف اليتمhas a dhamma on the تdue to dialect, not in view of the preceding يand it
is the حالof التأديب
O the one addressed, it shall suffice you in knowledge, that which the messenger ﷺhas
brought; a miracle no less for he has not been taught how to read nor write, and in birth he
ﷺarrived at a time of intense ignorance, devoid of any knowledge that he ﷺmay
acquire. And it shall suffice you in the acquisition of good qualities that which can be
acquired from him ;ﷺa miracle indeed, for he ﷺhad none to refine him as he ﷺwas
raise an orphan without a father to instruct him.
By this eulogy have I served him, hoping to be redeemed from the sins of a life of odes and
That life yoked me with collars of ominous portent as though I were a ritual lamb destined
for slaughter.
خدمتهmeans ( مدحتهI praised him) the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
املدحis the numeratation of merits and their exposition. املديحis that with which one
is eulogised with beautiful praise (احلسن )ملا ميدح به من الثناء
استقيلmeans ( اطلب االقالةI seek redemption)
الذنوبis the plural of ذنبmeaning ( اجلرائمcrimes)
عمر االنسانof a human being is his lifespan ()مدة حياته
مضيmeans ( ذهب و قارب الفراغit has passed and inoccupation is near)
الشعرmeans ( الكالم املوزون من اي حبر كانpoetry) of any sort of meter
اخلدمis the plural of خدمةand it is that through which one allies himself to another
(الغري )ما يتقرب به ايل
قلداين is derived from قلدته االمر (I obliged him to do such a thing) meaning
( جعلته كالقالدة علي عنقهI made it like a necklace upon his neck)
اخلشيةmeans ( اخلوفfear)
العواقبis the plural of عاقبةmeaning the ultimate result of a particular matter, thus
the عاقبةof everything is its outcome
الشعرand اخلدم
ماis a qualified common noun in the position of its second object, i.e. ( امراa matter)
ختشيhas a dhamma on the تa sākin on the خa fatha on the شand it is a verb of
the imperfect tense in the passive voice
عواقبهis its representative subject and this clause is the qualification of ماlinked by
the pronoun in عواقبه
كانينis ( حرف تشبيهa particle of comparison) the ياء متكلمis its subject-noun
هبماhas a kasra on the بand it is the of the subject-noun of كأن
هديhas a fatha on the هa sākin on the دand it is the predicate of كأن
من النعمhas a fatha on the نand the عand it is the qualification of هدي
I have praised the messenger ﷺwith an eulogy, with which I seek from Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
redemption for the sins of my past life, the majority of which has been spent in the recital of
odes and services to those of the worldly life, amongst them kings and ministers. For indeed
poetry and service have burdened me by committing loathsome actions, their outcomes
being feared, as though it is a necklace, hung around my neck. And in blind imitation I am
like a collared camel to be offered (for sacrifice) in the sanctuary.
In terms of rhetoric ( )بديعthe second verse uses ( رد العجز علي الصدرAntistrophe) by saying
خدمتهand then اخلدمThere is also an intricate detail in ( التشبيهcomparison) with a sacrificial
animal, since he fears the same impending perdition upon himself as that of the collared
مل تشتر الدين بالدنيا ومل تسم فيا خسارة نفس يف جتارهتا
Such a loss to my soul was the deal that it struck! It didn’t buy (or even seek to buy!) the
next world at this world’s price.
الغيmeans ( الضاللenticement)
الصباmeans ( حداثة السنyouthfulness)
( احلالتنيthe two states) means the state of reciting poetry and the state of service
اآلثامmeans ( الذنوبsins)
الندمmeans ( احلسرةsorrow)
خسارةis the opposite of profit, i.e. loss
التجارةmeans ( التقليب يف املال لطلب الربحbuying and selling to seek profit)
السومmeans ( العرض للشراءoffering for sale)
اآلجلwith a madd on the hamza, is the opposite of ( العاجلimmediate)
يبعmeans ( يعطيto give)
ينبmeans ( يظهرto appear)
الغنبmeans ( النقصloss)
السلمis a type of transaction, i.e. deferred payment
اطعتhas a dhamma on the تand it consists of a verb with its subject
غيhas a fatha on the غand it is the object of اطعت
الصباis مضاف اليه
يف احلالتنيis connected to اطعت
و ماis ( حرف نفيa particle of negation)
حصلتconsists of a verb with its subject
االis ( حرف اجيابaffirmative particle)
علي اآلثامhas a fatha on the extended hamza ( )اهلمزة املمدودةand the ثand it is
connected to حصلتThe عليis املفرغ ( االستثناءa hollow exception)128
This is when the منه ( مستثينfrom which the exception is made) is not mentioned
و الندمhas a fatha on the نand the دand it is conjuncted to اآلثام
فياis ( حرف نداءa vocative particle)
خسارة نفس is منادي (the object of the vocative particle) by way of التعجب
(astonishment), i.e. نفسا ( ما اخسرwhat a loss the soul has suffered)
يف جتارهتاis connected to خسارة
مل تشترconsists of the جازمand the جمزومand it is the qualification of نفس
الدينhas a kasra on the دand it is the object of مل تشتر
بالدنياis connected to تشتر
ومل تسمhas a dhamma on the سand it is conjuncted to مل تشتر
و منhas a fatha on the مand it is ( اسم شرطa conditional noun) and the inceptive
يبعis its predicate
آجالwith a madd on the hamza is the object of يبع
منهis the qualification of آجالand the pronoun refers to من
بعاجلهis connected to يبع
ينبhas a fatha on the يa kasra on the بand it is the complement of the condition
لهis connected to ينب
الغنبhas a fatha on the غa sākin on the بand it is the subject of ينب
يف بيعis connected to الغنب
و يف سلمhas a fatha on the سand the لand it is conjuncted to يف بيع
I have obeyed the command of my beguiling youth, whilst being occupied in poetry and
serving the people; thus I have not attained anything except sin and regret. My soul has
suffered such a loss in its trade that it has not taken anything for the next life in exchange
for the worldly life, and it has not even offered it for trade. Rather it has become
preoccupied with the world and disregarded the religion, which shall liberate the soul in the
next life.
The example of ( خسارةloss) is like the one who sells ready merchandise for nonexistent
money. So if the payment is delayed then he shall be led to deception, whether he carried
out the transaction with the words of ( البيعa transaction) or ( السلمdeferred payment).
How is it that one can sell goods that bring long term benefits although it may harm him
presently? For indeed, it is he who has been severely cheated.
العهدmeans ( امليثاقa covenant) and breaking a covenant means ( عدم الوفاء بهto not
fulfil it)
احلبلmeans ( الوصلthe connection)
مبنصرمmeans ( املنقطعsevered)
الذمةmeans ( االمانcovenant of protection)129
التسمييتis to make a word into a proper noun for a person
اويف is اسم تفضيل (the elative noun), derived from ويف بالعهد (he fulfilled the
This has been said by Abu Ubayda
عهديis its subject-noun130
مبنتقضis its predicate
من النيبis connected to منتقض
و الis a particle of negation
حبليhas a fatha on the حa sākin on the بand it is its subject-noun (see footnote
مبنصرمhas a dhamma on the مa fatha on the ص a kasra on the ر and it is its
The clause beginning from عهدي فماto its end is the complement of the condition by
placing السبب (a cause) in the place of املسبب (the effect). Originally it was
( ان آت ذنبا فاين ارجو ستره و غفرانه الن عهدي ثابتif I commit a sin then I hope for its
concealment and forgiveness because my covenant is permanent). It is not correct to
make this the جواب (complement) directly, since it will impair the meaning, the
import will thus be: ( اذا مل يات ذنبا فانه ينتقض عهدهwhen he does not commit a sin
then he will break his covenant), and this is not the case because the covenant is
permanent in every state, whether he commits a sin or not
فانhas a kasra on the hamza, a tashdīd on the نand it is ( حرف توكيدa particle of
يلis its prefaced predicate
ذمةhas a kasra on the ذand its deferred subject-noun
منهis the qualification of ذمةand the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
بتسمييتis connected to ذمةand the بis for ( السببيةcausality). It is an infinitive and it is
transitive upon two objects; it is annexed to its first object, i.e. the متكلم ياء
حممداis its second object
و هو اويفhas a fatha on the hamza and consists of an inceptive and its predicate
اخللقis مضاف اليه
بالذممhas a kasra on the ذa fatha on the first مand it is connected to اويف
If after my repentance I transgress and commit a sin, then I am (still) hopeful that he ﷺ
shall forgive me; this is because a breach in my repentence does not violate my covenant
with the messenger ﷺand it does not sever the cause of my connection with him ;ﷺfor
indeed I am under his protection because I am named after his noble name and committing
sins does not detach an appellation for he ﷺis the most faithful in keeping a covenant.
فضال و اال فقل يا زلة القدم ان مل يكن يف معادي آخذا بيدي
In the afterlife, if he takes not my hand kindly, then my feet will slip: alas for such
او يرجع اجلار منه غري حمترم حاشاه ان حيرم الراجي مكارمه
Far be it from him to deprive the hopeful of his gifts. Or that a neighbour seeking safety
should return without being honoured.
يكنis جمزومand its subject-noun is hidden within referring back to the messenger ﷺ
مل يكنis in the jussive position due to ان
يف معاديhas a fatha on the مand the عa kasra on the دand it is connected to يكن
آخذاwith an extended hamza ( )اهلمزة املمدودةis the predicate of يكن
بيديis connected to آخذا
فضالis ( مفعول الجلهan object denoting purpose) and it is accusative due to آخذا
و االconsists of a conditional particle connected to a particle of negation (i.e. )ال. The
verb of the condition and its complement have both been omitted, i.e.
( و ان كان آخذا بيدي فزتand if he is to take my hand then I have triumphed) this is
because the negation of a negative is an affirmative (اثبات )نفي النفي. This clause is
linked by a parenthetical )واو االعتراض( و between the first condition and its
complement; in some commentaries و ان مل يكن آخذا بيدي has been implied. اال
provides emphasis for the first condition, and there is consideration ( )نظرin terms of
omitting the condition and conjuncting with the وthis is because omission opposes
( توكيدemphasis) and conjuncting clauses with emphasis is specific to مثThe first has
been said by Ibn Mālik and the second by Ibn Hayyān
فقلis the complement of the first condition
ياis حرف نداء
زلةhas a fatha on the زit is ( مناديthe object f the vocative particle) and accusative
القدمwith a fatha on the دis مضاف اليه meaning O slip of the feet, تعايل فهذا اوانك
(such a misfortune that this is your time)
حاشاهis an infinitive in the accusative case due to an omitted verb and the pronoun
is اليه مضافThe implication being احاشيه حاشاmeaning ( انزهه تنزيهاI deem him above)
انhas a fatha on the hamza and a sākin on the ن
حيرمhas a dhamma on the يa kasra on the رand it is the imperfect tense of the verb
احرم in the active voice. Its subject is hidden within it returning back to the
messenger ﷺ
الراجيhas a sākin on the يaccording to one dialect and it is the first object of حيرم
مكارمهis its second object
او يرجعis accusative as it is conjuncted to حيرم
اجلارis the subject of يرجع
منهis connected to يرجعand the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
غريis the حالof اجلار
حمترمhas a fatha on the تand the رand it is مضاف اليه
If I return to the place of reckoning on the day of judgement and the messenger ﷺis not
to take my hand and intercede for me out of his generosity, then alas my feet may slip from
the straight path towards the hell-fire. However, if matter is as I hope ٍَنعِيم ُفَرَوحٌ وَرَحيَانٌ َوجَنَّت
(then is relief, and flowers – and gardens of peace). And it is below his ﷺexalted status for
him to deprive the humble hopeful from his ﷺabundant generosity and for him ﷺto
return the one who seeks refuge in his ﷺmighty court and eminent presence, denied of
his ﷺvast favours.
ان احليا ينبت االزهار يف االكم و لن يفوت الغين منه يدا تربت
His wealth will not ignore a dusty hand. Showers bring flowers to arid hilltops.
يدا زهري مبا اثين علي هرم و مل ارد زهرة الدنيا اليت اقتطفت
And yet I crave not the worldly flowers which the hand of Zuheyr131 once picked by praising
A pre-Islamic poet, whilst King Herem was his patron
الزمت نفسي االمرmeans ( جعلتها الزمة لهI made it necessary for it)
االفكار is the plural of ( فكرthought), this is the ability within the human for التأمل
(mental examination)
املدائح is the plural of مدحية (praise) and not that of مديح because فعيل does not
افكاريhas a fatha on the hamza and it is the first object of الزمت
مدائحهis its second object
وجدتهconsists of a verb, its subject and its first object
خلالصيis connected to وجدت
خريis the second object of وجدت
ملتزمhas a kasra on the ز (according to the most reputable narration) and it is
مضاف اليه
و لن يفوت consists of the ناصب (particle governing the accusative case) and the
( منصوبaccusative)
الغينhas a kasra on the غa fatha on the نand it is the subject of يفوت
منهis connected to يفوتand the pronoun refers to the messenger ﷺ
يداwith a fatha on the يis the object of يفوت
تربتhas a fatha on the تa kasra on the رa fatha on the بand it consists of a verb
with its subject and this is the qualification of يدا
االزهارhas a fatha on the hamza, a sākin on the زand it is the object of ينبت
يف االكمhas a fatha on the hamza and the كand it is connected to ينبت
و مل اردhas a dhamma on the hamza, a kasra on the رand it is a verb with its subject
hidden within it due to necessity
زهرةhas a fatha on the زand it is its object
الدنياis مضاف اليه
اليتis ( اسم موصولa conjunct)
اقتطفتis the ( صلةcomplemet) of اليتand its retuning pronoun has been omitted, i.e.
يداis the subject of اقتطفتand the نhas been omitted due to annexation, deeming it
to be dual, (i.e. )يدان. It is also permissible for it to be singular (i.e. one hand) with
قصرaccording to the following dialect:
زهريhas a dhamma on the زa fatha on the ه and it is اليه مضاف
مباthe بis for ( السببيةcausality) and it is connected to اقتطفتThe ماis ( حرف موصولa
conjunct particle)
اثينhas a fatha on the hamza, a sākin on the ثa fatha on the نand it is a verb of the
perfect tense with its subject hidden within it returning back to زهريThis clause is the
complement of ما
علي هرمhas a fatha on the هa kasra on the رand it is connected to اثين
Since I compelled my thoughts to praising him ﷺI found him to be the best guarantee for
my salvation from adversity. His gifts do not disregard the hand of the needy beggar, just as
rain, when it descends upon the earth, is universal upon the pious and otherwise, cultivating
plants and flowers upon dwellings and hilltops.
I, according to my poverty and my intense need, do not require anything from the vanities
of the ethereal world by praising him – ﷺlike Zuhayr acquired from Harim bin Sinān. This
is because his praise was only to attain the ephemeral things of this transitory world,
whereas I desire intercession from the burden of my actions. Thus I say:
سواك اند حلول احلادث العمم يا اكرم اخللق ما يل من الوذ به
Most noble of messengers! To whom but you shall I turn, when the General Calamity befalls?
اذا الكرمي حتلي باسم منتقم ولن يضيق رسول اهلل جاهك يب
God’s Messenger! Your merit shall not shrink on my account when the Generous God
appears with the name Avenger.
ياis ( حرف نداءa vocative particle)
اكرم اخللقconsists of the ( مناديthe object of the vocative particle) in the accusative
state and the اليه مضاف
ماis a particle of negation
يلis the prefaced predicate
منhas a fatha on the مand it is the deferred inceptive and it is ( نكرة موصوفةa
common qualified noun) with the import of ( احدanyone)
الوذhas a fatha on the hamza, a dhamma on the لand it is a verb of the imperfect
tense with its subject hidden within it out of necessity
بهis connected to الوذand this clause is the epithet ( )صفةof منwith the returning
pronoun being the هof به
سواكhas a kasra on the سit has قصرand it is ( بدلthe substitute) of a common noun
or its second epithet, i.e. غريكOr it may be ( ظرف مكانan adverbial noun of place),
i.e. مكانك
tense with its subject hidden within it returning back to الكرمي This clause has also
been narrated with ( اذa sākin on the )ذ, thus الكرميis the inceptive and حتليis its
باسمis connected to حتلي
منتقمhas a kasra on the قand it is مضاف اليه
فانis ( حرف توكيدa particle of emphasis)
من جودكhas a dhamma on the جand it is the prefaced predicate of ان
الدنياis its deferred subject-noun
و ضرهتاhas a fatha on the ضand the تand it is conjuncted to الدنيا
و من علومكis conjuncted to من جودك
علمhas a kasra on the عand it is accusative as it is conjuncted to الدنياby conjuncting
the subject-noun to the subject-noun and the predicate to the predicate. The منhas
inceptive with its predicate preceding it (i.e. )من علومكand this is ( مجلة مستأنفةan
inceptive clause). Nonetheless, the first opinion is more appropriate due to the
emphasis through ان
Surah 84:1
O the noblest of creation, I do not have anyone except you ﷺto seek refuge in from the
extensive terror of the day of judgement. The creation seek to reach your elevated rank and
your insurmountable honour, but your status shall never be demeaned in my eyes when the
anguish shall intensify, patience shall diminish and Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل shall avenge the
disobedient. For indeed you ﷺare the greatest creation of Allāh سبحانه وتعاىلand from
your generosity is the best of this world and the next and from your knowledge is the
knowledge of the Tablet and the Pen and you ﷺare etitled this. Intercession is entrusted
to you ﷺand I do not give up hope in you ﷺthus I say:
تايت علي حسب العصيان يف القسم لعل رمحة ريب حني يقسمها
It may be, when my Lord distributes His mercy, that it will come in proportion equal to our
القنوطmeans ( اليأسdespair)
الزلةmeans ( الذنبa sin) including both major and minor sins
عظمتmeans ( كربتto be great)
الكبائرis the plural of ( كبريةa major sin)
الغفرانmeans ( املغفرةforgiveness)
اللممmeans ( صغار الذنوبminor sins)
حسبhas a fatha on the سmeaning ( القدرamount)
العصيانis the opposite of ( الطاعةobedience) and includes both major and minor sins
القسمis the plural of قسمةand it is that which Allāh سبحانه وتعاىلdistributes to His
creation (خللقه )ما يقسمه اهلل تعايل
ياis ( حرف نداءa vocative particle)
نفسhas a kasra on the سit is مناديand it is the مضافof the ( ياء متكلمi.e.the ياءof
the first person used to denote something belonging to the speaker), this is the
مضاف اليهand it has been omitted, sufficing with only the kasra. And if it is read with
a dhamma, then this is a rare dialect, except if it is نكرة مقصودة (an intended
common noun)
الis a particle of negation
تقنطيhas a kasra on the نand it is in the apocopate form due to الindicated by the
omission of the ن
O my soul, do not despair for the forgiveness of the major sins; indeed major sins are like
minor sins in the authorisation of forgiveness, for Allāh سبحانه وتعاىل states:133
ُإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَغ ِفرُ أَن يُشرَكَ بِهِۦ وَيَغفِرُ مَا دُو َن َذلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاء
“Undoubtedly Allāh does not forgive (the sin) of disbelieving in Him and forgives anything
lover than it to whomever He wills.”
Perhaps when my Lord will distribute His mercy, it shall eliminate sins proportionately,
encompassing both major and minor sins. And since I am an extreme sinner, I hope that His
allocation of mercy is proportionate to my sins.
لديك و اجعل حسايب غري منخرم يا رب و اجعل رجائي غري منعكس
My Lord! Let not my hope in You be overthrown, nor let my credit with You be void of worth.
Surah 4:48
و اجعل رجائي is with madd and it is conjuncted to an omitted clause before it, its
implication being حقق ظين و اجعل رجائي (make my opinion reality and make my
غريis accusative and the second object of اجعل
منعكسis مضاف اليه
لديكhas a fatha on the دand it is connected to منعكس
و اجعلis a verb with its subject
حسايبis its first object
غريis its second object
منخرمhas a fatha on the خa kasra on the رand it is مضاف اليه
و الطفhas a dhamma on the طand it is conjuncted to اجعل
بعبدك يف الدارينare both connected to و الطف
ان لهconsists of انand its predicate
صرباhas a fatha on the صa sākin on the بand it is the subject-noun of ان
ميتhas a fatha on the ت and it is ظرف زمان (an adverbial noun of time), it is
O my Lord, make my expectation of hope in You unopposed, and make my sincerity in You
forgiven, free from fault. For indeed, You have promised ( االجابةfulfilment) as You have said:
O my Lord, be gentle with Your servant in that which You have ordained for him in this
world and the hereafter. This is because his patience is weak and he shall not be able to
endure the terrors and adversities of the day of judgement, thus when the terrors call out to
him, he shall flee immediately and not return. As a result, he is in severe need of the
kindness and munificence of Allāh وتعاىل سبحانه
و اطرب العيس حادي العيس بالنغم ما رحنت عذبات البان ريح صبا
For as long as the east wind stirs the willow-branches, and camel drivers rejoice their grey
steeds with song.
و ائذنmeans ( مرcommand!)
السحبis the plural of سحابmeaning ( الغيمclouds)
الصالةupon the prophets عليهم السالمis to seek greater mercy and nobility for them
(هلم )طلب مزيد الرمحة و الكرامةIt is disliked to separate it from ( السالمas it is usually
)الصالة و السالمin prose, poetry or calligraphy
اهنل املطرmeans ( سال بشدةit rained torrentially)
انسجمmeans ( سال بشدةit rained torrentially) and so forth
رحنت الريح الغصنmeans ( امالتهthe wind swayed the branch)
عذبات البانmeans ( اغصانهthe branches of a tree)
البانis a type of tree with delicate branches, also named ( اخلالفsee footnote 14)
الصباis the easterly wind, it is named this because it is the wind that blows in the
direction of the door of the Ka’bah, as though yearning towards it. It is also
called القبولsince it is opposite to the wind named ( الدبورwesterly wind)
الطربis ( اخلفة احلاصلة من شدة السرور مقتضية للهزة و احلركةa lively emotion caused by
intense joy, compelling rapture and motion)
العيسis the plural of االعيسwhich is ( االبل اليت خيالط بياضها الشقرةa camel of a white
colour with a red hue). Another opinion is that they are camels of good breed
(الكرائم )االبل
حادي االبلis ( هو الذي يسوقهاthe one who drives camels) and احلداءwith madd and a
dhamma or a kasra on the حmeans ( الغناءsinging), as the poet has said:
Sing to them and you shall be recompensed, indeed singing to the camels is (known as)
و ائذنhas a sākin on the hamza, a fatha on the ذand it is a verb with its subject
لسحبhas a dhamma on the سa sākin on the حand it is connected to ائذن
صالةis مضاف اليه
منكis the qualification of صالة
دائمةis genitive and it is a qualification of صالةand it can also be accusative as its حال
علي النيبis connected to دائمةand not صالةbecause the qualified infinitive preceding
the effect ( )العملdoes not govern ()ال يعمل
مبنهلhas a dhamma on the مa fatha on the هa tashdīd on the لand it is the
qualification of by implicating a qualified noun between the preposition and the
genitive, i.e. منهل ( مبطرwith torrential rain) The بis for ( املصاحبةassociation)
ومنسجمhas a dhamma on the مa sākin on the نa fatha on the سa kasra on the ج
and it is conjuncted to منهل
ماis ( الظرفيةadverbial)
رحنتhas a fatha on the رand the نwith tashdīd and it is a verb of the perfect tense
with the feminine ت
عذباتhas a fatha on the عthe ذand the بa kasra on the تand it is the object of
البانis مضاف اليه
ريحhas a kasra on the رa sākin on the يand it is the subject of رحنت
صباhas a fatha on the صand the بit is with قصرand it is مضاف اليهby annexation of
( العامthe general – easterly wind) to ( اخلاصthe specific - wind)
و اطربhas a fatha on the hamza, a sākin on the طa fatha on the رand the بand it
is conjuncted to رحنت
العيسhas a kasra on the عa sākin on the يand it is the object of اطرب
حاديhas a fatha on the حa kasra on the دand it is the subject of اطرب
العيسand in another manuscript ( الركبmounts) is مضاف اليه
بالنغمhas a fatha on the نand the غand it is connected to اطربThe بis حرف استعانة
(a particle denotative of seeking aid)
O my Lord the one who is Kind to His servants, I request that You command Your clouds to
send eternal peace and mercy upon Your messenger Muhammad ﷺthe one You have
collected within him ﷺevery perfection and excellence without exception and completed
him possessing every great merit and small, as long as the easterly wind sways the branches
and as long as the camel driver enraptures the camels with melodies and tunes; for as long
as the pledge is remembered within the pastures and dwellings.
For You have commanded us (in pre-existence) to send peace and mercy upon him:
إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وملـٰئكتَهُ ُيصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِىِّ يـٰأيّها ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَي ِه وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسلِيمًا
Indeed Allāh and His angels send blessings on the Prophet; O people who Believe! Send
blessings and abundant salutations upon him.
Everlasting peace and unlimited blessings be upon our master Muhammad ﷺ
ظلمت سنة من احي الظالم ايل * ان اشتكت قدماه الضر من ورم
I’ve wronged the example of him who revived the black nights, praying
until his feet complained of painful swelling.
ورمmeans ( االنتفاخswelling)
سغبmeans ( اجلوعhunger)
الطيmeans ( الثينtying)
الكشحis the area between the hip and the false ribs (the flank)