Deform 3D PDF
Deform 3D PDF
Deform 3D PDF
DEFORM-3D is a powerful process simulation system designed to analyze complex, Product Specifications
three-dimensional (3D) metal forming processes. It is a practical and efficient tool for
the prediction of metal flow, heat transfer and more. Manufacturing operations can be
• Deformation and heat transfer are
simulated on the computer, avoiding much of the cost and delay of shop trials. Typical
calculated in an integrated simulation
applications include hot forging (closed and open die), warm and cold forming, cogging,
rolling, drawing, extrusion, heating, machining and mechanical joining.
• 3D simulation describes a wide range
Based on the finite element method (FEM), DEFORM has proven to be an accurate and
of complex geometries, processes
robust solution in industrial applications for over three decades. The simulation engine is
and behaviors.
capable of predicting large deformation metal flow with high precision. An advanced mesh
generator automatically applies an adaptive, optimized mesh to parts and tooling. This
• Planar and rotational symmetry is
captures important model detail while minimizing the simulation time. User-defined
easily defined, when applicable.
meshing tools allow advanced users to customize the mesh to their requirements.
• Automatic, adaptive remeshing is
performed during simulations.
- 16 GB RAM
- 1 TB free disk space
- DVD writer
- Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit) or select
Linux configurations.
• The FEM engine is licensed to run on
one CPU thread. Parallel processing
options are available.