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ELISA -A to Z .....

from introduction to practice

Prof. Emer. Gunma University
Technical consultant, Shibayagi, Co., Ltd

I. ELISA is an immunoassay method 1
II. What is ELISA? 8
III. Standard curve of ELISA 12
IV. Procedure of ELISA ...Step by Step 21
V. Fundamental techniques for performing ELISA 25
VI. How to calculate ELISA assay value by EXCEL 39
VII. Important points in performing ELISA 46
VIII. Trouble shooting in ELISA 52

I. ELISA is an immunoassay method

ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is one of immunoassay method using
antibodies to capture an antigen and an enzyme labeled antibody to estimate the amount of

Qualitative detection and quantitative measurement

We sometimes express the presence of a particular substance simply as “+” or “-”. This
expression is called qualitative detection and means that the substance is present more than
detection limit or less, and the judgment or conclusion is dependent on the sensitivity of the
detection method or the certain level set by organization for safety. Quantitative
measurement, on the other hand gives information about “how much”, and this kind of
information is necessary for more detailed and accurate statistical judgment.

What is immunoassay?
The term “immunoassay” is a combined term of “immuno” (= immunological, practically
immunochemical antigen-antibody-reaction) and “assay” (= determination of the purity of a
substance or the amount of any particular constituent of a mixture according to Dorland
Medical Dictionary). So, immunoassay means a method to measure any particular substance
in a mixture using its specific-binding antibody. One of the merits of immunoassay is that we
can measure a substance that is present in a mixture of various contaminants, for example,
one constituent of blood without any purification process.

Important components in immunoassay
Antibody (antiserum)
In immunoasay, we use antibody as a binding reagent of high specificity and high binding
ability, that is, high affinity to the substance to be measured.
Antibody against a particular substance is obtained by immunizing an animal (e.g. rabbit)
with the substance. Some substances easily cause antibody production with a minute amount,
while others cannot produce antibodies easily, and need the help of an adjuvant like Freund’s
complete adjuvant that helps immune response.
Antigen and hapten
We call substances that can produce antibody and can bind the antibody “antigens”. Those
antigens have generally large molecular sizes over 1000 Dalton. Substances with smaller
molecular sizes cannot produce antibody by itself, but they can bind antibody if produced.
Those substances are called “haptens”. In order to get antibody for hapten, it has to be coupled
with some carrier proteins of large molecular size. We can get antibody by immunizing an
animal with such “immunogen” Antibody appears after the first innoculation is IgM-type
which is a pentamer of the basic component of antibody. This type of antibody changes to
IgG-type after the repeated innoculations. This is called “class switch”, and mostly IgG type of
antibodies are used in immunoassay.
Antibodies are also called “immunoglobulins” from their chemical nature, and the basic
molecule is composed of two heavy (H) chains and two light (L) chains, molecular weighs are
50,000-70,000, and 23,000, respectively. Immunoglobulins are classified from the structure of
H-chain as IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE. L-chains are classified into 2 types,
lambda and kappa. IgG, IgD, and IgE are of basic structure and molecular weights are
150kDa, 170-200 kDa, and 190 kDa, respectively. IgA is a dimer type with the molecular
weight of 390 kDa, while IgM is a pentamer type of 900 kDa.
A certain area located at one end of H-chain and L-chain is called variable region (VH, VL)

because of the variability in amino acid sequences within the same class, while the rest of the
chain is called constant region (CH, CL). The variable regions are though to be the place for

recognition and binding with the corresponding epitope (determinant) of antigen...

Polyclonal antibody and monoclonal antibody
Because of high molecular size of antigen, an antigen generally has several regions
(antigenic determinants or epitopes) against which antibody is formed and bound. So,
immunization with an antigen caused the production of several antibodies each recognizes
and binds different epitopes of the antigen. This means that antiserum we get is a mixture of
these antibodies. We call such set of antibodies polyclonal antibody.
With special techniques, we can obtain an antibody that recognizes single epitope in
antigen. For example, after immunization of a mouse with an antigen, we take out its spleen,
and disperse the antibody producing cells. We fuse these cells with mouse myeloma cells, and
dilute the hybridized cells (hybridomas) to a single hybridoma/well and culture them. If cell

culture is successful, the single clone of hybridoma will produce an antibody that recognizes
single epitope, and we can get enough monoclonal antibody by trasplantation of such single
clone to mouse abdominal cavity. Because a monoclonal antibody recognizes only one place of
the antigen, by selecting two monoclonal antibodies, we can easily capture an antigen at two
epitopes located at the places we want, for example, at A-chain and B-chain of insulin.
Affinity of an antibody to the corresponding antigen is expressed by association constant
(Ka) or dissociation constant (Kd).
When angen and antibody are mixed, they will bind to form antigen-antibody complex.
Ag + Ab ⇔ Ag-Ab
This reaction is reversible, and antigen-antibody complex will separate to each component.
Association constant is defined as:
Ka = [Ag-Ab] / [Ag][Ab]
Where [Ag-Ab], [Ag], [Ab] are concentrations of components expressed in M at
the equilibrium state. Kd is defined as 1/Ka
Association constant of antigen-antibody reaction seems to be very large, as shown in the
table below.

Some instances of affinity of antibodies, hormone receptors, and binding proteins

Binding agents Association constant (Ka), Dissociation constant (Kd)

(M−1) P P

Anti-ovine LH 1.5 x 1011 P 6.6 x 10−12 P

Anti-human FSH 4 x 1010 P

P 2.5 x 10−11 P

Anti-insulin 5 x 1011 P
P 2 x 10−12

Receptor (R)
Estrogen R 1010
P 10−10

Rat ovarian FSH-R 1.3 x 1010 P

P 7.2 x 10−11 P

Testicular FSH-R
Rat 1.5 x 108 P
P 6.7 x 10−9 P

Rat 1.3 x 109 P

P 7.8 x 10−10 P

White crowned 1.3 x 109 P 7.8 x 10−10 P

Japanese quail 2.4x108 P
P 4.1 x 10−9 P

Domestic fowl 6.7 x 108 P

P 1.5 x 10−9 P

Binding protein
cAMP binding protein 5 x 108 P
P 2 x 10−9 P

(Here, antibodies are polyclonal. Affinity of monoclonal antibody is told to be less than polyclonal antibody.)

However, if concentrations of both antigen and antibody are very low, for example both of
them are as low as 1 pM, the binding rate will be only 38% even if association constant is as
high as 1012 M-1. (If molecular weight of antigen is 30,000, 1pM is 30pg/ml) as shown the

figure below. When we think about blood levels of hormones (around 1-10ng/ml), binding
reaction will occur at such concentration, and we can understand that the affinity of antibody

is a very important factor.

Binding of antigen to antibody

Relation to their starting concentrations
Calculated when Ka = 1012M -1
80 90.49
70 72.88
Binding,  %

40 38.2
0.98 4.55
10 8.39
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Antigen concentration = Antibody concentration, pM

Standard preparation
Standard preparation is necessary for immunoassay. Using a standard preparation, we
draw a standard curve from graded reaction results of various standard concentrations, and
by comparison of a sample reaction result with the standard curve, we get assay value of the
sample. Assay results are expressed by either absolute amount of the target substance, such
as weight and concentration, or comparative amount such as potency (biological unit,
enzymatic activity, and officially defined international unit).
Even if the absolute amount of a substance is required, purity of the standard preparation
is not necessarily requested if the assay results are not expressed by the amount of the
standard preparation employed. If the purity of the standard preparation, i.e., the content of
the pure substance in the standard preparation is known, it is enough to be used in assay
because assay results can be expressed in terms of pure substance. Sometimes, highly pure
preparation is unstable and easily denatured or inactivated, and sometimes might be lost by
adsorption to the wall of a container. In such case, some protective substances are
Very often, an international organization, like WHO, issues standard preparations in which
the amount of the substance to be measured is expressed as International Unit (IU) per vial.
This IU does not necessarily express the amount pure substance, and in many cases IU is
defined, for example, from the biological potency. So, if this kind of preparation is used, assay
results will be expressed like IU/ml, IU/mg, etc.
If a target substance has small molecular size and highly purified preparation is easily
obtained and is stable, it would be easy to use such pure substance as a standard preparation,
and assay value is expressed like ng/ml, ng/mg, etc.

Labeling materials
In immunoassay, it is necessary to use any marker to know the antigen-antibody
binding. For such purpose, we label either antigen or antibody with some materials that
do not interefere with the binding. We use radioisotopes, enzyme, fluorescent substance
like FITC, chelates of lanthanide elements, and so on, as labeling materials. These are
also very important factors in setting up immunoassays.

Beginning of immunoassay…Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

In 1950’s Solomon A. Berson and Rosalyn S. Yalow worked on the metabolism of insulin in
the blood of diabetic patients to clarify the reason for insulin deficiency. Their hypothesis was
that in diabetic patients, insulin might be decomposed by some factor(s) in the blood. So, they
labeled insulin with iodine-131 and incubated with sera of diabetic patients. After incubation,
the reaction mixture is analyzed by paper-electrophoresis. The radioactive insulin, incubated
with control serum obtained from normal human subject, showed a single peak of
radioactivity, while that with diabetic serum showed 2 peaks of radioactivity. After
examinations, they concluded that the radioactive insulin bound with antibodies which had
been formed in diabetic patient by long term therapeutic treatment of the patient with
porcine insulin.
Yalow wrote in “Principles of Competitive Protein-Binding Assays” 、 Ed. Odell &
Daughaday, J.B.Lippincott Co., pp.1-21, 1971,
“…we studied the metabolism of 131I-labeled insulin in diabetes and made the discovery

that virtually all insulin-treated diabetics had insulin-binding antibodies.

Our attempts to disseminate this information may be of some interest. The first journal to
which we submitted the paper rejected it after many months with a comment by a referee to
the effect that everyone knows that insulin does not make antibodies. We were able, however,
to present the work before the Society of Nuclear Medicine at its first annual meeting in
Portland, Oregon in June, 1955. after which the Seattle group under Robert Williams
provided confirmation. “
Their first publication was:
“Insulin-I131 metabolism in human subjects: Demonstration of insulin binding globulin in

the circulation of insulin treated subject.

Berson, S. A., Yalow, R. S., Bauman, A., Rothchild, M. A. and Newerly, K.
J. Clin. Invest. 35, 170-190, 1956
They found that the radioactivity of the antibody-bound spot decreased by addition of
non-radioactive insulin, while radioactivity of free insulin spot increased, and the ratio of
bound to free insulin decreased in hyperbolic manner with non-radioactive insulin added.
They noticed that insulin could be measured by employing this fact. After various detailed
examinations, they published a report where radioimmunoassay (RIA) was first established.

Quantitative aspects of the reaction between insulin and insulin-binding antibody.
Berson, S. A. and Yalow, R. S.
J. Clin. Invest. 38, 1996-2016, 1959
In the presence of fixed amounts of anti-insulin antiserum and iodine-131 labeled insulin,
non-radioactive insulin added to this system binds anti-insulin antibody in competition with
the labeled insulin if the amount of the antibody is relatively small enough. In the absence of
non-radioactive insulin, the amount of radioactive insulin bound to antibody, B/F is maximal
where B and F are radioactivity of bound and free insulin, respectively. If the amount of
non-radioactive insulin increased, the specific radioactivity of the insulin mixture (radioactive
and non-radioactive) is decreased by isotope dilution. So, if the amount of antibody-bound
insulin remains unchanged, B/F would show a hyperbolic curve. Very often B/Bo (Bo means
radioactivity in the absence of non-radioactive insulin) is also used instead of B/F. Using this
expression the standard curve will be expressed as Y = A / (X+A) x (b/bo)
A: concentration of radioactive insulin (or radioactive ligand)
X: concentration of non-radioactive insulin (or non-radioactive ligand)
bo: concentration of antibody bound insulin (or ligand) when X = 0
b : concentration of antibody bound insulin (or ligand) when X ǂ 0
Because the antigen-antibody binding is a reversible reaction and the amount of antigen
bound to a fixed amount of antibody increases with increasing amount of antigen, b/bo will
increase if X increases, and the extent of increase is inversely related to Ka. This member
b/bo should be called “binding-increasing effect”, on the other hand A / (A+X) will decrease if X
increases, and this member should be called “isotope dilution effect”. The sensitivity of the
standard curve always worse than the curve Y = A / (A+X) due to b/bo, and the shape of the
standard curve apparently looks like hyperbolic but strictly, not.
The principle of RIA is called “competitive binding” which is the first principle used in
immunoassays. The assay methods using competitive binding principle are called
“competitive assays”, and those methods in which radioisotope are used are called
“competitive radioassays”.
In competitive assays, association constant Ka influences b/bo (larger Ka causes lower b/bo,
to make sensitivity better), and the amount of antibody used in the assay also influences b/bo
(larger amount of antibody increases b/bo causing bad sensitivity). Amount of labeled antigen
influences A/(A+X), and large amount of labeled antigen minimize isotope dilution effect,
moving the standard curve to the right.
The sensitivity of insulin radioimmunoassay was enough to measure circulating insulin
levels. So, many scientists started to apply this method to various other hormones. In RIA,
highly purified antigen is necessary for antiserum production and for radioiodination. RIA
systems in 1960’s were established mostly for hormones of animals such as sheep, pig and bull.
Use of antibody caused some difficult problems because of the strict specificity of antibody,
that is, species specificity. One RIA system established for a hormone of one species of animal,

in many cases, cannot be applied to the same hormone of other animal species. It took some
years until most human hormones came to be measured by RIA. Significance of measurement
of human hormones in blood has been so great both in clinical diagnosis and clarification of
endocrine physiology. Yalow was awarded the Novel prize in 1977.

Development of immunoassay
Since the establishment of radioimmunoassay, other assay methods have been searched for
by changing the components of RIA, namely assay principle, binding reagent, and labeling
It has been very difficult to find alternative binding reagents, and as the results of such
efforts, RRA (radioreceptor assay) and CPBA (competitive protein binding assay) were
established where only antibody has been replaced for hormonal receptor and binding protein,
while assay principle and labeling material remained unchanged. But affinity of these
reagents for target substances were proved to be not enough (see those data shown in the
table in antibody section), and good sensitivity was not obtained. So, they failed to be popular

assay methods. RRA, however, was found to be useful in analyzing hormone receptors.
Next efforts were finding of proper labeling materials other than radioisotope without
changing assay principle and binding agent, antibody. Radioisotope has many merits such as
simple labeling procedure, easy counting of radioactivity, and simple assay procedure,
however, it needs a special laboratory from the point of protection from radiation exposure,
though very small, and short half-life of radioisotope (125I: 60days,
P 8 days, 3H: 12years).

Tritium has a comparatively long half life, and ”long half life” means “low specific
radioactivity”, resulting in inferior assay sensitivity. In some countries, like Japan, regulation
for radioisotope is very strict. As the results of searching for a good labeling materials, there
found enzymes, fluorescent compounds, lanthanide elements, luminescent compounds, spin
reagents (free radicals) and so on.
A crucial defect of competitive assays is that the antigen-antibody binding has to be done at
very low concentrations of both antibody and antigen (including labeled and unlabeled
antigen). So, the sensitivity is quite limited, and also assay variation is large in lower area of
the standard curve.
Different assay principle has been also a target of researchers, and a second assay principle,
sandwich binding principle, depends upon multi-valency of high molecular size antigen. If an
antigen is large enough and has two epitopes, this antigen can be caught by two different
antibodies which bind to different epitopes, and the complex looks like sandwich, a slice of
ham (antigen) between two pieces of bread (antibody).
The assay method using this principle without changing labeling material and binding
reagent is IRMA (immunoradiometric assay), and as in the case of RIA, labeling has been
made with enzymes, fluorescent compounds, lanthanide elements, etc., as shown in the figure.
This principle has possibility to be more sensitive than competitive binding principle.

II. What is ELISA?

The name ELISA derived from
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This
assay method utilizes enzyme as a labeling
material, and solidified antibody to capture
target antigen.
In ELISA a plate with 96 wells
(well-plate) is used, and wells are coated
with antibodies. These antibodies are
called “capture antibodies”, the role of
which is to capture the target antigen molecules in the sample. Coating is carried out by
adsorption on the surface of bottom area. The well-plate is made of polystyrene which is
modified for highly efficient adsorption. Because the concentration of antibody is related to

efficiency of capturing antigen for excellent sensitivity, antibody preparation is used as IgG
fraction, or monospecific antibody fraction obtained by an affinity chromatography rather
than crude gamma-globulin fraction prepared by ammonium sulfate fractionation.

A basic procedure of ELISA (See the illustration below)

1) Standard solutions or assay samples are added to the antibody-coated wells, and incubated
for several hours so as to the antigen molecules are captured by “capture antibody”.
2) After this binding reaction, the reaction mixture is discarded, and wells are washed to
remove excessive materials.
3) The second antibody which recognizes another epitope in antigen is added. This second

antibody has been labeled with an enzyme such as horseradish peroxidase (HRP).
4) The enzyme-labeled second antibody will bind to the antigen which is bound to the capture

antibody on the bottom area of wells. This means that the enzyme (HRP) is also fixed on the
bottom of wells. The amount of the antigen captured is proportional to fixed enzyme.
5) Enzyme activity is measured by adding a chromogenic substrate of this enzyme. In the case
of HRP, tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) is often used. After incubation for some period, the
chromogenic substrate is changed to a colored product. The reaction is stopped by adding a
reaction stopper, e.g. diluted sulfuric acid, and absorbance is measured using a plate reader.
6) The standard curve is prepared from the concentration of standard solutions and their
absorbance. And the sample assay values are obtained from the absorbance using the
standard curve (calibration curve).

A modified procedure of ELISA using biotin-avidin binding

As the molecular size of enzyme is very large, sometimes the enzyme labeling will interfere
with antigen-antibody binding reaction. To avoid such interference, the second antibody is
often labeled with a very small molecular substance, biotin (MW=244.31), and a specific
binding protein for biotin, avidin is conjugated with enzyme such as HRP. So, the final
reaction product of this type of ELISA is shown below.

Note: Biotin and avidin

Biotin: A kind of growth factor present in every
cells and belongs to vitamin B complex, and is
also called vitamin H. As it acts as co-factor of
various enzymes related to carboxylation
reactions, it is also called coenzyme R. Biotin is
abundant in liver, kidney, pancreas, yeast and
milk. It is important in fatty acid and
carbohydrate metabolism, and its deficiency causes skin lesion.

Avidin: A basic glycoprotein present in raw egg white. Produced in oviducts of avians and
amphibians. It is tetramer of essentially same single chain subunit of 128 amino acids

(N-terminal amino acid is alanine and C-terminal glutamic acid). Molecular weight is about
66,000. It is destructed by heat treatment (cooking) and irradiation.
Avidin binds firmly with biotin and inactivates it. Each subunit can bind one biotin. The
dissociation constant, Kd, is 10-15M. Feeding of a large amount of egg white to rat and

chicken makes biotin deficient and causes skin lesion and growth retardation. This effect is
reversed by biotin administration.

Enzyme and chromogenic substrate

In Shibayagi’s ELISA kits, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is used as an enzyme for labeling
second antibodies or avidin.

Horseradish peroxidase, HRP

Reaction Chromogenic substrate + H2O2 ⇒oxidized chromogen+H2O B B B B B B

Origin Horseradish
Molecular size 40,000
Optimal pH pH 6.5
Substrate Peroxides: H2O2, CH3OOH, C2H5OOHB B B B B B B B B B

No specificity for chromogenic substrate as hydrogen donor

Inhibitors CN-, S--, F-, N3-

Stability Several years in dried, and cooled state. ~1 year in solution

ELISA for measurement of antibody

ELISA system can be also set up for antibody measurement. As shown in the
In this system, antigen molecule, specific to the antibody to be measured, is adsorbed on
the bottom of wells, and samples containing antibody are added to the wells.
For estimation of the captured antibody, the second antibody* labeled with enzyme is
added and washed out after the binding reaction. Then by incubation with chromogenic
substrate, the coloration is measured from the absorbance.
Various modifications have been made on ELISA systems to fit the requests of researchers.
Sandwich binding principle cannot be applied to small molecular substances, haptens such
as steroids, olgo-peptides, neurotransmitters, etc. Small molecular substances cannot have
plural antigenic determinants to form sandwich. For these substances, competitive assay
with an enzyme is applied. Sometime it is called competitive ELISA. But the author thinks
that EIA (enzyme immunoassay, or enzymoimmunoassay) would me proper because of its
competitive binding principle like RIA (radioimmunoassay).

III. Standard curve of ELISA
1. Shapes of standard curves depending on scales in X- and Y-axes.
Standard curve of ELISA prepared by plotting standard concentration on X-axis and
absorbance on Y-axis, both in normal scale, looks like a linear line except for lower
concentration area. In much higher concentration area, it becomes a curve linear with
gradually decreasing slope (not seen in this figure). But this standard curve is very
inconvenient, because the lower standard points are very close. Especially in manual reading
is impossible in this area. Here I show an example of insulin ELISA kit.

Dog insulin standarad curve
Abs. 450(⊿620) nm




0 5 10 15
Insulin, ng/ml

If you plot only lower concentration area, you can see the detail of the standard curve,
which is shown below. But still the lowest part is rather difficult to use for manual reading.

Dog insulin standard curve (lower area)

Abs. 450 (⊿620) nm

0 0.5 1 1.5
Insulin, ng/ml

If the scale of X axis is changed to logarithmic scale as in the figure shown below, all the
standard points become distinguish, however, manual reading is still difficult owing to the
distances in Y-axis are close in low concentration area.

Dog insulin standarad curve


Abs. 450(⊿620) nm




0.1 1 10 100
Insulin, ng/ml

When both X- and Y-axes are transformed to logarithmic scales, the standard curve looks
nearly linear, though still curve linear strictly. By such plotting all the standard points are
located with enough intervals with regard to both axes, and also third order regression fits
very well due to the slight curve. Manual reading is also easy.

Dog insulin standarad curve

Abs. 450(⊿620) nm




0.1 1 10 100
Insulin, ng/ml

But in EXCEL, simple change of to logarithmic scales is not suitable for calculation of
regression, because data themselves are not transformed to logarithm in EXCEL. You can
only see how the standard curve looks like. If you try to get regression equation without
transformation, you will obtain very poor results.

Dog insulin standard curve

y = -0.1635x3 + 0.0885x2 + 1.4158x - 1.1344
0 R2 = 0.9998
Log(Abs.450-620 nm)





-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Log(insulin conc.)

In order to get a best-fit third order regression equation in EXCEL, firstly transform
standard concentration and absorbance to logarithmic value, then draw the curve. As you can
see in the above figure, you can obtain a third order regression equation with excellent fitness
to all the standard points (please, see R2 in the figure). . For calculation of sample assay

values, refer to the part “VI. How to calculate ELISA assay value by EXCEL” on page 38.

2. Influence of affinity and amount of capture antibody on standard curve

Here I would like to try to simulate ELISA standard curve using a very simple hypothesis

that antigen-antibody binding is performed in solution (not solidified system), and that

antigen and antibody bind at 1 to 1, following the low of mass action as is described in former
section “Important factors in immunoasssay”. Though, in ELISA, antibody is fixed in on the
wall of wells, at least this simple postulation is useful in understand how standard curve
changes depending on basic factors, association or dissociation constant, and capture antibody
concentration. Later on, I will show what’s going on practically.
In the former section, log-log transformed standard curve looks a slight sigmoid curve. Why
is not it linear?
From the equation of antigen-antibody reaction, below,
where initial antigen concentration: H, antibody concentration: R ,
dissociation constant: Kd, and bound antigen concetration: b (unit:M),
Kd + H + R − ( Kd + H + R )2 − 4 HR

Above graph shows changes of bound antigen concentration to capture antibody (10000pM)
with various Kd when initial 5-1280pM antigen is added. If the results are plotted with
log-log scales, the binding goes up straightly to some points then bends.
It is shown that the standard curve move toward right depending on Kd, indicating that
assay sensitivity is related to Kd. If Kd is small (that is, affinity constant is large) the
sensitivity becomes excellent.
When the results are expressed with normal scales, like the graph below, each binding
curve shows different slopes depending on Kd.

Binding of Ag to fixed Ab(Fixed Ab = 10000pM)


Antigen bound, pM

Kd= 100
Kd= 300
6000 Kd= 1000
Kd= 3000
4000 Kd=10000


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Antigen added, pM

If Kd is constant, the standard curve (binding curve) moves to the right when fixed antibody
is increased.

Bound antigen to fixed antibody


Fix 500
Bound antigen

Fix 1000
Fix 2000

10 Fix 5000

1 10 100 1000
Added antigen, pM

In this simulation, we can understand the changes of standard curve, especially, that of
sensitivity due to Kd and capture antibody. But the lower standard concentration area is
linear, and different from the real ELISA standard curve in which lower area is curve linear.

3. Simulation of ELISA standard curve

So, let us try to estimate how much antigen is bound to fixed capture antibody using real
ELISA kit.
Amount of bound antigen to fixed capture antibody can be estimated by measuring the
residual antigen after incubation with fixed antibody in the well.
So, the author prepared two insulin ELISA well-plates (plate A, and plate B) of Shibayagi’s
rat insulin ELISA Kit. Then added standard series of insulin solutions to plate A, and

incubated for 2 hours. After incubation 100µl of the reaction mixtures were transferred to
plate B and incubated for 2 hours. Plate A and B were washed and treated through the rest of
the assay procedure. A standard curve was prepared using plate A, the amounts of insulin in
plate B were calculated which indicated residual insulin.
Results are shown in the following figure and table.

Standaard curve and residue

Standard curve





0.1 1 10

Added ng/ml Residue ng/ml Residue (%) Bound indulin(%)

10 0.9672 9.7 90.3

5 0.8273 16.55 83.45

2.5 0.5880 23.52 76.48

1.25 0.4844 38.75 61.25

0.625 0.2868 45.89 54.11

0.3125 0.1444 46.21 53.79

0.156 0.0860 55.13 44.87

It is shown that binding percentage decreases if added insulin is less. If 10ng/ml insulin is
added, about 90% is bound to the capture antibody, while binding percentage is about 45%
when 0.156ng/ml is added.
The figure below is obtained by plotting the logarithmic concentration of added insulin
against binding percentage. It seems linear, indicating that binding percentage is
proportional to logarithmic concentration of added insulin.

Added antigen and binding percentage
Binding %

0.1 1 10
Insulin added, ng/ml

This may be explained from the retardation of the antigen-antibody reaction in solid phase
antibody system. Solidified antibody cannot move around the solution and only antigen can
move to fixed antibody. If the concentration of antigen is
low, the efficiency of finding the partner and binding would
be decreased, and takes more time. Incubation for 2 hours
may not enough for the low population of antigen.
The author calls this effect “binding decreasing factor
In ELISA, we have to take another factor into
consideration. It is the binding of labeled antibody to the
antigen captured on solidified antibody. If the all the
captured antigen molecules bind the enzyme labeled second
antibody the specific enzyme activity (enzyme
activity/bound antigen) must be constant. The author found
that the specific enzyme activity that was expressed by absorbance/bound insulin was not
constant but also proportional to added insulin concentration. The author calls this factor
“binding decreasing factor 2 (BDF-2)”.
In order to simulate the ELISA standard curve composed of antigen concentration and
absorbance, bound antigen calculated from the antigen-antibody reaction in liquid phase
should be multiplied by BDF-1 and BDF-2 for correction.
The author tried the simulation for rat insulin ELISA Kit by estimation of bound insulin in
liquid phase with postulation of solid antibody concentration of 10000pM and dissociation
constant of 1000pM, and standard insulin 0.156-10ng/ml (27-1724pM). Then using the
equations of BDF-1 and BDF-2. The results obtained are shown in the figure below.
The simulated standard curve was compared with the real standard curve.
Both curves coincided very well.

Simulated and observed standard curves




0.156 0.313 0.625 1.25 2.5 5 10
Insulin concentration,ng/ml

4. How does variation of absorbance influence on assay value variation?

In competitive assays like RIA and competitive enzyme immunoassay (sometimes called
“competitive ELISA”), relative assay variations in low concentration area are very large
owing to the shape of their standard curves.
Then, how about in ELSA?
The author shows an example indicating the nature of variation in ELSA.
Usually, we draw standard curve of ELISA by plotting standard concentration against
absorbance of coloration of enzymatic reaction product.
Variation in absorbance, of course, depends upon proficiency of a technician who performs
Here we present the results of our trials in Shibayagi Co. Ltd. Then influence of the
variation on assay value will be estimated.
Absorbance obtained by ten replicates assay of standard solutions of a kit are shown below..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean SD CV%

2.398 2.484 2.492 2.464 2.511 2.513 2.486 2.505 2.5 2.492 2.4845 0.0336 1.3545

1.286 1.271 1.272 1.263 1.279 1.3 1.299 1.306 1.285 1.323 1.2884 0.0184 1.4349

0.61 0.604 0.609 0.612 0.61 0.602 0.597 0.606 0.602 0.624 0.6076 0.0073 1.2173

0.275 0.292 0.283 0.286 0.284 0.284 0.271 0.29 0.273 0.287 0.2825 0.0071 2.5375

0.147 0.147 0.144 0.152 0.146 0.149 0.146 0.146 0.149 0.148 0.1474 0.0022 1.5068

0.086 0.088 0.091 0.091 0.092 0.092 0.088 0.089 0.089 0.092 0.0898 0.0021 2.3358

0.07 0.071 0.07 0.075 0.069 0.071 0.071 0.07 0.07 0.072 0.0709 0.0016 2.3460

0.06 0.064 0.06 0.061 0.06 0.06 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.057 0.0605 0.0017 2.8362

The data were expressed in a graph.

SD and CV of Absorbance (10Replicates assay)
0.04 3
SD of absorbance


CV, %
0.02 1.5
0.015 SD 1
0.01 CV%
0 0
2.48 1.29 0.61 0.28 0.15 0.09 0.07 0.06
Absorbance of each Std point

In this figure, data are arranged from the largest standard concentration to the least.
The absolute values of SD of standard points increase in parallel with the standard
concentration, however, CV (RSD) shows an opposite tendency, i.e. CV at the least standard
point is about twice of that at the largest point.
Increase of CV in lower concentration area is possibly influenced by variation of a
plate-reader, heterogeneity of well-plate (such as thickness of the bottom and flaw) and
non-specific adsorption of labeled antibody.

Variation in absorbance and variation of assay values

In order to obtain assay values, we have to read assay values from absorbance using a
standard curve. Then what would happen with variation?
If absorbance of each standard point in increased by 2%, how much difference in assay
value would be? Please, look at the table shown below.

STD. Absorbance Calc. Std. Absorbance+2% Calc. value ⊿%

0.1 0.063 0.1004 0.06426 0.1047 4.28

0.25 0.105 0.2496 0.1071 0.2572 3.04

0.5 0.199 0.5018 0.2034 0.5124 2.11

1 0.426 0.9977 0.4345 1.0159 1.82

2.5 1.173 2.5119 1.1965 2.5612 1.96

5 2.206 4.9683 2.25 5.0902 2.49

10 3.558 10.0479 3.629 10.4286 3.79

We used a standard curve with concentration from 0.1 to 10ng/ml.

Calc. Std. is the value obtained from a regression equation with good fitness (so called
trueness), then we increased each absorbance by 2%, and calculated concentration (Calc.
Value). ⊿% is the percentage of the difference of Calc. Std. and Calc. Value. This will give
relative variation in assay values for 2% variation in absorbance.

Change of absorbance by 2% will cause nearly 2% change around 0.5 to 2.5 ng/ml (in the
middle area of the standard curve), and shows a tendency to increase outside this area. The
lowest and the highest standard show CV nearly 4%. This is due to the difference in slope of
the standard curve. But from our experience, influence of variation in absorption is far
smaller than that of competitive assay, especially in lower concentration area. The slope of
ELISA standard curve expressed by bi-logarithmic scale is steeper than that of competitive

IV. Procedure of ELISA ...Step by Step

In this section the author will introduce assay procedures of two typical assay systems
provided by Shibayagi, one is a basic procedure using HRP-labeled second antibody, and the
other is the procedure using biotin-labeled second antibody and HRP-labeled avidin.
Detail techniques will be explained in the section IV.

1. An example of kits with HRP-labeled second antibody …Rabbit CRP ELISA

Components of the kit
Reagents Amounts
(A) Anti-CRP-coated microplate 96 wells(8x12) / 1 plate
(B) Standard CRP solution (2µg/ml) 200µl / 1 vial
(C) Buffer solution 60ml/1 vial
(D) Peroxidase-conjugated anti-CRP antibody 200µl/ 1 vial
(F) Chromogenic substrate reagent(TMB) 12ml/ 1 vial
(H) Reaction stopper (1M H2SO4)B B B B 12ml/ 1 vial
(I) Concentrated washing buffer(10x) 100ml/ 1 bottle

○Standard solution (B) is provided as an original concentrated solution. A series of

standard solutions of various concentrations are prepared by dilution of this original
solution with buffer (C), in most cases, by serial dilution, while others by proportional
An example of preparing standard solutions
Dilute the original standard solution (B) with the buffer solution to prepare 200ng/ml,
then prepare lower standard solutions by a dilution program shown below.
Concentration, ng/ml 200 100 50 25 12.5 6.25 3.13 0
Standard solution, µl 50** 200* 200* 200* 200* 200* 200* 0
Buffer, µl 450 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
** Original standard solution, *One rank higher standard solution

○ Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-second antibody conjugates (D) is provided as an
concentrated solution, and is used after dilution with the buffer (C), in most cases, 1:100..
○Concentrated washing buffer (I) is used after dilution with purified water to 1:10.
○Chromogenic substrate solution (F) and reaction stopper (H) are used as they are.
All the reagent solutions should be used after getting back to room temperature (20-25C).
Assay procedure
Remove the cover sheet of the microplate after getting back to room
(1) Rinse the anti-CRP coated wells (A) by filling the washing buffer and discard 3 times,
then strike the plate upside-down onto folded several sheets of paper towel, and
remove the excess buffer.
(2) Pipette 50µl of sample solution to the wells for samples.
(3) Pipette 50µl of the standard solution to the wells for preparing standard curve.
(4) Shake the plate gently on a plate shaker for 10-15 seconds.
(5) Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature (20-25C).
(6) Discard the reaction mixture, and then wash wells as described in (1).
(7) Pipette 50µl of peroxidase-conjugated anti-CRP solution to all wells. Then shake
gently on a plate shaker for 10-15 seconds.
(8) Incubate the plate for 1 hour at room temperature.
(9) Discard the reaction mixture, and then wash the plate as (1).
(10) Pipette 50µl of chromogenic substrate solution to wells, and shake as (4).
(11) Let the plate stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.
(12) Add 50 µl of the reaction stopper (H) to all wells and shake.
(13) Measure the absorbance of each well at 450 nm (sub-wave length, 620nm) by a plate
reader within 30 minutes.
Summary of Assay Procedure
Antibody-coated 96 well microplate
↓Washing 3 times
Sample or Standard 50µl
↓Shaking and reaction for 1 hour at room temp.
↓Washing 3 times
Peroxidase-conjugated anti-CRP 50µl
↓Shaking, and reaction for 1 hr. at room temp
↓Washing 3 times
Chromogenic substrate solution 50µl
↓Shaking, and reaction for 30 mins. at room temp
Reaction stopper 1M H2SO4
B B B B 50µl

Shaking and measurement of absorbance
at 450nm(sub. 620nm)
Room temp.: 20~25C
2. An example of kits with biotin-labeled second antibody and HRP-labeled avidin.
...Mouse leptin ELISA KIT
Components of the kit
Reagents Amounts
(A) Anti-leptin-coated microplate 96 wells(8x12) / 1 plate
(B) Standard mouse leptin solution (5,000pg/ml) 500µl / 1 vial
(C) Buffer solution 60ml/1 vial
(D) Biotin-conjugated anti-leptin 200µl/ 1 vial
(E) Peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin 200µl/ 1 vial
(F) Chromogenic substrate reagent (TMB) 12ml/ 1 vial
(H) Reaction stopper (1M H2SO4) B B B B 12ml/ 1 vial
(I) Concentrated washing buffer (10x) 100ml/ 1 bottle
○Standard solution (B) is provided as an original concentrated solution. A series of
standard solutions of various concentrations are prepared by dilution of this original
solution with buffer (C), in most cases, by serial dilution, while others by proportional
An example of preparing standard solutions
Std. Conc.
5000 2000 500 100 50 25 10 0
Std. sol.(µl) Orig. sol. 100** 100* 100* 200* 200* 200* 0*
Buffer (µl) 0 150 300 400 200 200 300 300
**Original standard solution, *One rank higher standard solution
○ Biotin-conjugated second antibody solution (D) is provided as an concentrated solution,
and is used after dilution with the buffer (C), in most cases, 1:100..
○Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated avidin (E) is provided as an concentrated
solution, and is used after dilution with the buffer (C), in most cases, 1:100..
○Concentrated washing buffer (I) is used after dilution with purified water to 1:10.
○Chromogenic substratee solution (F) and reaction stopper (H) are used as t hey are.
All the reagent solutions should be used after getting back to room temperature (20-25C).
Assay procedure
Remove the cover sheet of the microplate after getting back to room temperature.
(1) Rinse the anti-leptin coated wells (A) by filling the washing buffer and discard 4 times,
then strike the plate upside-down onto folded several sheets of paper towel, and remove
the excess buffer.
(2) Pipette 40µl of buffer solution into the wells for samples, then add 10µl of sample to

each well. Alternatively, if you use larger sample volumes (X µl), the volumes of
buffer(C) should be (50 − X) µl to adjust the final volume to 50 µl.
It would be also convenient to dilute the assay samples first in test tubes, and pipette
50µl of the diluted sample to a well.
(3) Pipette 50µl of the standard solution to the wells for preparing a standard curve.
(4) Shake the plate gently on a plate shaker.
(5) 50µl of biotin-conjugated anti-leptin solution to all wells. Then shake gently on a plate
(6) Incubate the plate for 2 hours at room temperature.
(7) Discard the reaction mixture, and then wash the plate 4 times as described in (1), and
remove excess washing buffer remaining in the wells as (1).
(8) Pipette 100µl of HRP-conjugated avidin solution to all wells, and shake as (4).
(9) Incubate for 30 minute at room temperature.
(10) Discard the reaction mixture, and then wash the plate 4 times as (1), and remove
excess washing buffer
(11) Pipette 100µl of chromogenic substrate solution to wells, and shake as (4).
(12) Let the plate stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.
(13) Add 100 µl of the reaction stopper (H) to all wells and shake.
(14) Measure the absorbance of each well at 450 nm (sub-wave length, 620nm) by a plate
reader within 30 minutes.
Summary of Assay Procedure
Antibody-coated 96 well microplate
↓Washing 4 times
Sample* or Standard 50µl

Biotin-conjugated anti-leptin antibody 50µl
↓Shaking and reaction for 2 hour at 20~25C
↓Washing 4 times
Peroxidase-conjugated avidin 100µl
↓Shaking, and reaction for 30 min at 20~25C
↓Washing 4 times
Chromogenic substrate solution 100µl
↓Shaking, and reaction for 30 min. at 20~25C
Reaction stopper 1M H2SO4
B B B B 100µl

Shaking and measurement of absorbance
at 450nm(sub. 620nm)

V. Fundamental techniques for performing ELISA

1. How to use a tip-exchange type pipette

a. “Pre-wetting” method(A technique used most generally)

○ Set a new tip on a the pipette, then push down the plunger to the first stop in the sample
solution and repeat filling and discharging the solution for two or three times within the
range of the first stop to wet the inside of the tip, then finally fill the solution.

○ When taking out the pipette, touch the inner wall of the container of the sample solution
with the tip to remove excess solution outside of the tip (touch and go).
○ When discharge
the solution to a
well, push down
the plunger to the
end to deliver the
completely (blow
out), then touch
and go.
○ Exchange the tip
for the next new
○ In case to deliver
the same solution
to several wells in the same volume, you can use the same tip without pre-wetting from the
second well.

b. “Co-washing” method
This technique can be used only in the case when some buffer or solution is already in the

well. If there is no liquid in the well, use pre-wetting method.
○ Set a new tip, and pushdown the plunger to the first stop, and fill up the solution to be
○ Take out the pipette after “touch and go” at the inner wall of the container.
○ Dip the top of the tip in the buffer of the well and deliver the solution to the well by
pushing the plunger to the first stop, then within the range of the first stop, repeat filling
and discharging of the liquid in the well 2 or 3 times (co-washing), and finally blowout the
solution in the tip by pushing down the plunger to the end.
○ Take out the pipette after touch and go. Then exchange the tip.
These methods are described according to the instruction paper for Eppendorf pipette.

● Pipetting should be carried out using one of the methods described above.
But do not mix up these two methods.
● If possible, we recommend “Co-washing” method for serum and plasma samples because of
high protein concentration with considerable viscosity.
● “Co-washing” method is also recommended for small sample volumes less than 10mcl.
● When sampling volume is rather large, like 50-100mcl, “Pre-wetting” method would be
● Please, pipette every sample and reagent solution after they return to room temperature.
Operation under higher or lower temperature than room temperature may cause inaccurate
pipetting, and increase assay variation.
● Variation of temperature of the reaction mixtures would also influence reaction velocity.
● Generally, after freezing and thawing, solutes would be concentrated to the bottom part of
the liquid. So, any frozen samples should be stirred by Vortex-type mixer and made
homogeneous after thawing.

2. How to prepare standard solution series

a. Serial dilution
Prepare small test tubes as many as the standard solutions including zero point, and
write numbers on them.
First, add buffer of indicated volume to all the tubes.
To the tube of the highest standard, add the indicated volume of the original standard
solution, and mix well.
Then take the indicated volume of the mixture, and add it to the second tube, and mix
well. Then from the 2nd tube, transfer the indicated volume of the mixture to the 3rd tube,
and so on to the No. 1 tube. No.0 should contain only buffer.

b. Proportional dilution

Prepare small test tubes as many as the standard solutions including zero point, and write
numbers on them.
Add the indicated volumes of buffer to the tubes. Generally, the volumes are different from
tube to tube. So, take enough care.
Add indicated volumes of the original standard solution to the tubes, and mix well.
Tube No. O should contain only buffer. In some cases, the original standard solution itself is
used as the highest standard

3. Dilution of labeled (enzyme, biotin) antibody and HRP-conjugated avidin solutions

Labeled antibody solution and HRP-conjugated avidin solution are provided in small vials.
The amount of the solution provided is enough to take out the volume as indicated in the
instruction paper.
Dilution should be carried out in the following way.
First, put the calculated volume of buffer solution to a vessel.
Then from the small vial containing labeled antibody solution or HRP-avidin solution, take

out the volume as indicated in the instruction paper, and add it to the vessel, and mix well.
4. Dilution of concentrated washing buffer
To a 1000ml beaker, add all the content of the bottle containing concentrated washing
buffer, then add a little less than 900 ml of purified water.
Make the mixture to 1000ml by adding purified water little by little. Then mix well.
Transfer this washing buffer to a plate washer, or to a 500ml washing bottle with a jet
5. Structure of antibody-coated microplate and treatment

12 strips of 8 wells connected each other are set in a microplate frame.

The surface of the plate is covered with a seal to avoid dryness. Remove the seal after the
plate gets to the room temperature. Remove the seal just before starting assay.
If you want to use only a part of the wells, cut the part of the seal, and take out the strips
and transfer them to another frame, and remove the seal.
In this case, please, store the rest of the wells at 2-8C, and reagents
and use them within 3 days.
6. How to wash a microplate
The antibody-coated plate should be washed before assay and after each reaction.

a. Before assay, fill the wells with washing buffer using a washing bottle with a nozzle. Then
shake off the buffer from the plate onto a sink. Repeat filling and shaking off as many
times as indicated in the instruction paper.
Complete Removal of residual liquid after washing and pouring off.
After final shaking off the buffer from the plate, strike the plate on to some sheets of paper
towel for several times to remove the residual buffer.
After confirming that no liquid remains in the wells, start pipetting of the reagent solution
of the next step.

b. Washing after the first reaction: The first washing after the first reaction with standards or
samples: Shake off the reaction mixture from the plate onto a sink.
Then add washing solution using a multi-delivery pipette set at 250mcl to avoid carry-over
caused by flowing out the buffer to other wells. Then shake off the buffer. From this step on, it
is not necessary to be afraid of carry-over.
Add new washing buffer from the washing bottle with nozzle, and shake off.
Repeat filling and shaking off as many times as indicated. Then completely remove residual
washing buffer as shown above.

c. Washing after other reaction: Shake off the reaction mixture from the plate into a sink.
Add new washing buffer from the nozzled washing bottle, and shake off.

Repeat filling and shaking off as many times as indicated. Then completely remove residual
washing buffer as shown above.

d. Automatic plate washers are also commercially available

Caution about washer:Adjust the washer so as to give proper strength of operation. Strong
injection and suction of the buffer may remove coated antibody, and may cause a large
assay variation and poor color generation.

7. How to add reagent solution using repeating dispenser

For pipetting reagent solutions common to all the wells, a multi-delivery type pipette (e.g.
Eppendorf multipette plus) is suitable.
We should be careful in using this type of pipette;

○After filling of the liquid, remove the air, and deliver the first one or two strokes back to the
○When deliver the liquid to wells, avoid too strong strokes. A strong stroke may cause
splashing out of the liquid.
○ After delivery of the liquid to a well, perform “touch and go” to the wall of the well.
○Do not dip the top of the tip in the well.

8. Shaking of the well-plate for mixing

After addition of a reagent solution, the microplate should be shaken to mix the solutions. A
short shaking is enough because of the small volume of the reaction mixture.
We recommend to use a microplate mixer (microplate shaker) as shown above. Set the plate
on it, and shake at 800 rpm for approx. 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

If a microplate shaker is not available, shake the plate by hand as is described below.
Place the plate on the flat and smooth surface of a laboratory table, hold the plate and move
the plate roundly to draw circles rapidly for approx. 10 seconds while lightly pressing the
plate on the surface. Repeat 3 times.

9. Color generation
Bluish color generation will occur during incubation with TMB solution owing to enzyme
action of HRP.

10. Careful addition of reaction stopping solution

As the reaction stopper is strongly acidic, please, be careful in treatment of the solution.
We recommend wearing glasses or goggles for protection of your eyes. After addition of the
stopping solution the color of the reaction mixture in the well will change from blue to

11. Measurement of absorption using a plate reader

After stopping the enzyme action, absorbance is read using a densitometer for microplates
(microplate reader). Two types of microplate readers are available, one in which the
wavelength is fixed using a filter, and the other in which wavelength is variable. Use the
reader under good maintenance. In most plate readers, the concentration of the substance
assayed automatically calculated. Because operation of the reader is different depending on
the machine makers, read and follow the instruction of the reader you are going to use.
If possible measure absorbance at both 450nm (for Shibayagi’s kits with TMB as a
chromogenic substrate) and 620nm, and calculate the difference between absorbance at
450nm and 620nm. By doing this, we can compensate influences of some non-specific factors
of wells like small scar on the bottom of well, and the variation in the structure of wells, e.g.,
thickness of the bottom. The difference is expressed as Abs.450(∆620)nm.

12. Preparation of standard curve and calculation of assay values

As to the nature of ELISA standard curve, refer to Part III in page 12..
In manual calculation, prepare a standard curve using bi-logarithmic section paper by
plotting Abs.450(∆620)nm on Y-axis against standard concentration (ng/ml) on X-axis.
Because the coefficients of variation (CV) in absorbance do not change so much throughout
all the assay range, it is proper to choose logarithmic expression in both concentration and
absorbance. This expression allows easy reading of lower concentration area.
Read the concentrations of the substance to measure in samples from their
Abs.450(∆620)nm, and multiply the assay value by sample dilution rate if samples have been
In most microplate readers, some calculation programs have been installed, and the assay

results are automatically calculated by proper setting.
For calculation of assay results with EXCEL, refer to “VI. How to calculate ELISA assay
value by Excel” in page 36.

13. Assay validation and validation tests for performance of an ELISA kit
Any report using an ELISA system should provide the validation data to show evidences
that the assay system gives reliable data. So, the validation tests are necessary to establish
and apply an ELISA system.
In immunoassay system there are 3 kinds of errors, namely accidental error (random error),
systematic error, and gross error (mistake).
○Accidental or random error means, in other expression, variation of assay results. This is
expressed by standard deviation, or relative standard error (RSD, in other words coefficient of
variation (CV).
RSD = CV = SD/mean x 100 (%)
○Systematic error means difference from true value or bias which is related to accuracy.
○Gross error is, in other word, mistake. This kind of error derives from careless mistake in
doing assay, troubles of equipments, denaturation of reagents, etc., which causes cancellation
of assay.
ICH (International Conference of Harmonization, Japan, U.S. and EU) issued a guideline
for immunoassay validation. Governments of above countries urged kit makers and users to
follow this guideline.
Important items for ELISA are as follows. In this text the author will try to explain in later
For standard curve
○Detection limit ( relating assay sensitivity)
○Quantitation limit ( relating assay sensitivity)
○Linearity (not requested for immunoassay)
○Range (= assay range covered by standard curve)
For random error
Repeatability (= intra-assay precision)
Intermediate precision (= inter-assay precision in one laboratory)
Reproducibility (= Variation among different assay laboratories)
For systematic error
For assay system
○Robustness (= stability of assay system under various conditions)

a. Standard curve and assay sensitivity
Assay sensitivity is defined as follows.

We can think that the sensitivity is the standard concentration to give significantly higher
absorbance than that of blank.
Another way to estimate the sensitivity is to show the concentration of the standard at the
middle point of standard curve. From this value we can guess the practical assay range.

As for lower limit of assay range, we should start from QL rather than DL because at DL,
assay precision (CV) will be 30% and is thought to be too big. At QL, CV will be 10% and
would be permissible.
The highest limit of assay range has some problems. Some people define the upper limit of
assay range to be the concentration which gives an absorbance of highest absorbance –3SD.
I myself think that absorbance should not be larger than 2.5. We cannot trust a colorimeter
if the absorbance is more. The slope of ELISA standard curve, if standard concentration goes
up, gradually becomes smaller and smaller until reaching its maximum. If slope becomes
smaller, the CV of the calculated assay value increases, so, only a minor change of absorbance
causes a big change of calculated concentration.
b. Assay precision (“Repeatability” according to ICH definition)
This is also called within assay variation or intra-assay variation. If the variation is small,
the mean assay value will be trustworthy.
This is expressed by CV % (coefficient of variation) of a sample which is measured by in one

assay trial. One assay sample is measured using several wells, and the mean and standard
deviation (SD) are calculated, then CV% is obtained as CV (%) = SD/mean x 100. Usually,
several samples are measured and their average CV % is shown. An ELISA system is
expected to give CV% less than 5% from our experience.
An example of within assay variation [Rat C-peptide ELISA KIT (U-type)]
Two samples, A and B were measured using 8 wells for each sample.
Well/Sample A B
1 1015 214
2 1027 222
3 1038 211
4 1043 219
5 1029 232
6 1034 209
7 1039 231
8 1041 224
mean 1033 220
SD 9.60 8.51
CV (%) 0.93 3.86
Unit: pg/ml

Comment on “3 dilution and duplicates assay”

A test for repeatability “ 3 dilution-duplicates assay” is often used.
This testing procedure is to take 3 aliquots are taken from a sample, and are diluted
separately. Then each diluted samples are assayed in duplicates, and their assay values are
compared (means and CVs) as shown in the figure below as “procedure 1”. However this is not
suitable for testing precision of an assay kit. The results of procedure 1 contain variation
composed of pipetting variation and dilution variation and assay kit variation. If the volume
for dilution is very small, influence of pipetting technique is large.
On the other hand, variation of 6-replicate assay is consisted mostly of assay kit variation and
influence of assay technician’s skill is less. Six replicates assay has high reliability of CV.
If both procedures are used together, proficiency of technician would be clarified.

Rf: According to ISO 8655-5, maximum permissible random error for single-stroke dispenser
with nominal volume of 10µl is 0.1µl. If a pipette of a larger nominal volume like 50µl is used,
the maximum permissible random error is 0.2µl. Pipettes are so made. However, practically,
proficiency of pipetting technique is requested more seriously in precise delivering if the
sample is serum or plasma. They are viscous and should be pipetted very carefully. (Please,
refer to the pipette’s sections in p.25 and 52.)

c. Reproducibility (“Intermediate precision” according to ICH definition)
Reproducibility means that, if one sample is measured repeatedly in different assay trials,
the assay values obtained in those trials are always constant or not.
This is also called between assay variation or inter-assay variation, and is also expressed by
CV%. One sample is measured in several assay trials, and from assay values of trials mean
assay value and SD, CV (%) is calculated. If the number of wells in each trial is larger, the
more trustable reproducibility will be given. We expect CV% less than 10%, hopefully less
than 5%.
An example of between assay variation [Rat C-peptide ELISA KIT (U type)]
Three samples, C, D, and E were measured using 4 wells/sample, and assays were
repeated 4 times on different days.

Sample/day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 mean SD CV (%)

C 1499 1435 1491 1458 1471 29.68 2.02
D 599 605 569 559 583 22.55 3.87
E 63.9 58.2 59.9 64.2 61.6 2.98 4.83
Unit: pg/ml
Reproducibility of ICH definition is difficult to estimate without any comparative project,
especially for single assay laboratory.
d. Specificity
It is necessary to be confident that the ELISA system in question measures only the
substance aimed, and no other substances positively measured due to cross-reaction. The test

on this problem is carried out using several candidate substances suspected to cross-react to
the system from similarity of their chemical structure to the aimed substance. Varied
amounts of candidate substances are measured, and the assay values are examined. If those
candidates give no detectable assay values, specificity of the assay system will be confirmed.
If any candidate gives a significant assay value, its cross-reactivity is expressed as the
percentage of the assay value to the amount of the candidate.
Sometimes, the apparent cross-reactivity is due to the contamination of the aimed
substance in the candidate preparation
An example of cross-reactivity test [Rat C-peptide ELISA KIT (U type)]]
Species Substance Cross reactivity(%)*
Rat C-peptide 100
Insulin Less than sensitivity
Pro-Insulin Less than sensitivity
Mouse C-peptide 75
Insulin Less than sensitivity
Human C-peptide 85
Insulin Less than sensitivity
Pro-Insulin Less than sensitivity
Pig Insulin Less than sensitivity
Cow Insulin Less than sensitivity
*Cross-reactivity was estimated with 15,000 pg/ml of the substance

e. Accuracy
Accuracy of assay system, i.e. whether the assay value obtained really reflects the amount
of the aimed substance or not, should be confirmed through several tests, like recovery test,
linearity of dilution test, and comparison with other assay system.
○ Spike recovery test
Sample serum/plasma is divided into two portions. And a certain amount of the standard
preparation is added to one portion (sometimes called “spike”), while the other is left intact.
Both portions are assayed, and from these two assay values, recovery of the standard
preparation added (spike-recovery) was estimated by subtraction. Recovery of the added
standard should be around 100% within the range of assay precision. In the recovery tests
shown below, three different amounts of the standard are added

Examples of recovery tests [Rat C-peptide ELISA KIT (U type)]

Duplicate assay Unit:pg/ml
Added Found Recovered Recovery %
0.00 180 - -

110 291 111 101
161 332 152 94.5
209 379 199 95.1

Added Found Recovered Recovery %

0.00 360 - -
263 616 256 97.1
526 909 549 104
658 1040 680 103
○ Dilution test
Dilution test is performed to see whether or not the assay system is influenced by
constituents of serum or plasma. The blood sample is diluted with assay buffer by 2, 4, and 8
times for example, then those diluted samples and not diluted sample are assayed. All the
assay values should be nearly the same after multiplied by dilution factor, in other words, if
their assay values are plotted against concentration of the blood samples (undiluted =1.0),
they must be on a linear line.
An example of dilution test (Rat C-peptide ELISA KIT) is shown below.
The test was carried out using two assay sample sera containing different amounts of the
target substance.
As shown in the figure, plotted assay values were on linear lines, and each regression lines
pass closely to the origin of the coordinates. This means the dilution curves are almost
parallel to the standard curve, and assay values give the constant value if multiplied by
dilution factors.

Dilution test

Concentration, pg/ml


R2 = 1.00



R2 = 1.00
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Dilution (serum concentration)

○ Comparison with other assay system

Comparison with other assay system is also an important test of the ELISA system in

question. In trying this test, we have to collect many samples containing various amounts of
substance to be measured in a wide range. Those samples are assayed by two assay systems
for comparison. From assay values, their correlation coefficient and an equation of first order
regression (y = ax+ b) are calculated. If the standard preparation is commonly used in two
assay systems, the slope, a, must be nearly 1.0, and b must be small enough compared with
assay values. If those two systems use different preparations of the standard, the slope, a, is
not necessarily 1.0, depending on the difference of purity of the preparations. The correlation
coefficient should be nearly 1.0.
An example of comparison between Shibayagi’s two rat insulin assay kits is shown.

Correlation (Normal type/U-type)


y = 0.96x + 64
Assay value by U-type (pg/ml)



600 1100 1600 2100

Assay value by normal type (pg/ml)

Another example is the comparison of rat insulin ELISA KIT (T-type) with S-type
T-type kit cross-reacts proinsulin, while S-type is more specific to insulin, and this
difference possibly makes the slope value 1.2.

Correlation between assay values

by Rat Insulin ELISA kits T-type and S-type

y = 1.2091x + 0.1058
Insulin byT-type kit (ng/ml)

6 2
R = 0.9893
0 2 4
Insulin by S-type kit (ng/ml)

14. Evaluation of an ELISA kit from its diagnostic usefulness.

An ELISA system is evaluated also from its usefulness in diagnosis of any disease. If one

disease (D) is known to show significant increase or decrease of the blood level of a substance,
and an ELISA system is established for this substance, this ELISA system is tested in clinical
sections as follows.
Blood samples are collected from normal subjects, D-patients, patients of other D-like
diseases to be distinguished from D, and measured for the substance in question. From the
assay data, two indices, sensitivity and specificity (though names are same to the indices for
assay performance) are calculated.
Sensitivity: percentage of significant change of the substance to disease D patients
Specificity: percentage of significant change of the substance in disease D to all signigicant
change of the substance.
If these the percentages of these two indices are high, diagnostic usefulness of the ELISA is
thought to be high.

VI. How to calculate ELISA assay value by EXCEL

In usual step for calculate the assay value of ELISA is to draw a standard curve, absorbance
on Y-axis against concentration on X-axis, then to estimate assay value from the absorbance
of the sample.
EXCEL is really an excellent tool, however, it does not give X value from Y. so, the usual
standard curve by EXCEL is not useful for assay value calculation.
I suggest a method to calculate assay value by using a reverse standard curve where
absorbance on X and concentration on Y. The procedure will be shown step by step.
In ELISA, the standard curve is nearly linear and excellent fitness is easily obtained by
logarithmic transformation of both absorbance and concentration, the method starts from
logarithmic transformation of the data.

Procedure of calculation step by step with an example of our insulin assay data
Input of data in EXCEL spread sheet.
Standard points of rat insulin: 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 ng/ml
First make up a table for standard concentration and absorbance as shown below. The
example shown here is a duplicate assay, and as TMB is used as chromogenic substrate, we
measured absorbance at 450nm. If possible, as absorbance, difference of absorbance at 450nm
and 620nm is preferable. Subtract the mean of blank absorption from each mean absorbance
to make ∆Blank.
1 Insulin Abs.450(∆620)nm Mean ∆Blank
2 10 2.316 2.214 2.265 2.233
3 5 1.312 1.227 1.270 1.238
4 2.5 0.614 0.641 0.628 0.596

5 1 0.217 0.209 0.213 0.181
6 0.5 0.112 0.108 0.110 0.078
7 0.25 0.064 0.061 0.063 0.031
8 0.1 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.013
9 0 0.031 0.032 0.032

Add two columns for logarithmic transformation.

1 Insulin Ln(conc) Abs.450(∆620)nm Mean ∆Blank Ln(∆Blk)
2 10 2.316 2.214 2.265 2.233
3 5 1.312 1.227 1.270 1.238
4 2.5 0.614 0.641 0.628 0.582
5 1 0.217 0.209 0.213 0.181
6 0.5 0.112 0.108 0.110 0.078
7 0.25 0.064 0.061 0.063 0.031
8 0.1 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.013
9 0 0.031 0.032 0.032

For transformation, natural logarithm is more convenient

To B2 cell, write” = LN(A2) “, the logarithmic value will appear in B2, and using
fill-handle, transform other cells in B column(B3-B8, except B9)
Then transform ∆Blk (F column) in the same way.
The result will be:
1 Insulin Ln(conc) Abs.450(⊿620)nm mean. ⊿Blank Ln(⊿Blk)
2 10 2.302585 2.316 2.214 2.265 2.233 0.803346
3 5 1.609438 1.312 1.227 1.270 1.238 0.213093
4 2.5 0.916291 0.614 0.641 0.628 0.596 -0.51835
5 1 0 0.217 0.209 0.213 0.181 -1.70926
6 0.5 -0.69315 0.112 0.108 0.110 0.078 -2.55105
7 0.25 -1.38629 0.064 0.061 0.063 0.031 -3.49003
8 0.1 -2.30259 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.013 -4.38203
9 0 0.031 0.032 0.032
By using this table , prepare “a standard curve for calculation” with following steps.

Preparation of reversed graph and regression equation

1.Click “Graph wizard” in tool bar.
2.Choose “scatter diagram”
3.Choose default, i.e.” plotting only” then next.
4.Indicate the column of “Ln(conc)” (in our example, B2-B8 as date area.

Click” column” as date series
5.Click “series” and choose data area of X.
6.Indicate the column of Ln(⊿Blank) (in our example G2-G8) as date area of X, then “next.”
7.Click “Title and label” tag, and write the graph title, names of X and Y axis. Click “legend”
tag and uncheck “show legend”
8.Click ”finish to show a graph on the data sheet.

X⇔Y Logarithmic graph


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 0 1 2


As the graph appears as above is not good looking, so we should move X and Y axis.
To move X axis, double click the figure on X-axisto show X-axis setting window, and at
“scale” tag uncheck the automatic checking of “intersection with Y, and write the intersection
wanted (in our example, -5”, then OK. Y-axis is move in the similar way to X-axis. Wite “-3” in
our case.
Then the graph appears as shown below.

X⇔Y Logarithmic graph


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

Now let’s get regression equation

9.Click one data point on the graph to make color change, and click “graph” in the task bar,
then choose “Add regression curve”
10.Choose “multimember regression”, and set the order “3”. Click “option” tag, and check
“show equation” and “show R-2”., then “OK”.

Now, we get the reverse standard curve with equation and R2. From R2, we can estimate P

fitness of the curve.

X⇔Y Logarithmic graph

3 2
y = 0.0222x + 0.1324x + 0.997x + 1.4003
2 2
R = 0.9998

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

The R2 value, 0.9998, obtained indicates that the fitness of the third order regression

curve in our example seems to be excellent.

Let’s check fitness of the equation by calculation the assay value from standard data.

Using the equation we can calculate the assay value of samples and also fitness of the
regression equation to the standard curve. Before calculation of sample assay values, I
recommend to check the fitness.
In order to examine fitness, we add two columns next to the column Ln(∆Blk) (columns H
and I). For column H, we will fill calculated logarithmic concentrations, i.e. Cal.Ln(conc),
then we tranform them to normal value, and write them to the column I as Calc.conc. We
will explain the step using our example.
To the cell H2, copy a part of the third order equation shown in graph, and change x to G2
and push Enter key. Then 2.298192 will be written into H2 cell. The again point H2 to
activate H2, and drag the fill handle of the cell until H8 to calculate all the standard data.
The next step is to write “=EXP(H2)” to the I2, and push Enter key. Then the value 9.956164
will be written in I2. After activation of the cell I2, drag the fill handle until I8. Then all the
logarithmic concentration will be transformed into normal value.
You can compare those value in the column I with those in column A, you can examine the

The results of our example calculation are shown in the table below.

Cal. Cal.Conc.
1 Insulin Ln(conc) Abs.450(⊿620)nm mean. ⊿Blank Ln(⊿Blk) Ln(conc) Fitness

2 10 2.302585 2.316 2.214 2.265 2.233 0.803346 2.298192 9.956164

3 5 1.609438 1.312 1.227 1.270 1.238 0.213093 1.618981 5.047943

4 2.5 0.916291 0.614 0.641 0.628 0.596 -0.51835 0.915984 2.499233

5 1 0 0.217 0.209 0.213 0.181 -1.70926 -0.02788 0.972509

6 0.5 -0.69315 0.112 0.108 0.110 0.078 -2.55105 -0.65002 0.522038

7 0.25 -1.38629 0.064 0.061 0.063 0.031 -3.49003 -1.4103 0.24407

8 0.1 -2.30259 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.013 -4.38203 -2.29422 0.10084

9 0 0.031 0.032 0.032

Calculation of sample assay values

Prepare a table of [sample absorbance-blank absorbance] for each well, and transform them
into logarithmic values. Then fill the logarithmic assay values in the columns “LN(AV)1” and
“LN(AV)2,” using the equation as in the fitness examination. Then fill the columns “AV1” and
“AV2” with the assay values transformed from the logarithmic assay values. I would be
convenient to calculate mean assay values, SD, and CV as shown in the example table below.
(AV: assay value)

No. Abs.1 Abs.2 LN(Abs1) LN(Abs2) LN(AV)1 LN(AV)2 AV1 AV2 Mean SD CV

1 0.125 0.127 -2.07944 -2.06357 -0.30001 -0.28836 0.740811 0.749495 0.745153 0.006141 0.824131

2 0.138 0.136 -1.9805 -1.9951 -0.22739 -0.2381 0.796608 0.78812 0.792364 0.006002 0.757479

3 0.075 0.077 -2.59027 -2.56395 -0.67968 -0.65976 0.506778 0.516974 0.511876 0.00721 1.408496

4 0.096 0.093 -2.34341 -2.37516 -0.49469 -0.51827 0.609763 0.595548 0.602655 0.010052 1.667886

5 0.186 0.191 -1.68201 -1.65548 -0.00772 0.01192 0.992305 1.011992 1.002148 0.013921 1.389083

6 0.156 0.162 -1.8579 -1.82016 -0.13738 -0.10963 0.87164 0.896166 0.883903 0.017343 1.962064

7 0.256 0.251 -1.36258 -1.3823 0.231465 0.216493 1.260445 1.241715 1.25108 0.013244 1.058621

8 0.897 0.889 -0.1087 -0.11766 1.293463 1.284792 3.645387 3.613915 3.629651 0.022254 0.613122

9 1.254 1.238 0.226338 0.213497 1.633 1.619408 5.119207 5.050098 5.084653 0.048868 0.961079

10 2.213 2.254 0.794349 0.812706 2.286936 2.309934 9.844731 10.07376 9.959246 0.161948 1.626109

In our example, results with 10 samples are shown. More samples can be treated.
Preparation of a template for calculation
It would be convenient to prepare a template for ELISA calculation and store the file. What
you should do is only to take out the file and fill the table with absorbance of standard and
samples, and store the results table with a new file name. Duplicate assay is intended. The
figures 1and 2 indicate well1 and well2, respectively.

Preparation of a template for standard curve.
First, prepare a table in EXCEL.Let us call the cells A-1~H-8.
Cells in line 1 are used only for identification. Just write as are shown in the model table.
In the cell C2, write “=LN(A2)”
In the cell E2 write “=(C2+D2)/2
Leave F2 untouched. To the cell F2 write “=E2-average absorbance of blank” after assay.
In the cell G2 write “=LN(F2)”
Leave the H2 untouched. (After assay write the equation to H2)
In the cell I2 write “=EXP(H2)”
Then you will get a table as shown below.

1 Conc. Ln(conc) Ab 1 Ab 2 Mean ∆Blank Ln(∆Blank) CalLn(conc) Cal conc
2 #NUM! 0 #NUM! 1
Store the template and use a copy.
How to use the template for the standard curve
Using the data for standard solutions, first finish calculation until the column G.
Before starting calculate the average of blank absorbance.
a. In the column A write concentrations of standard solutions starting from the highest.
Then B2 cell will be filled with the logarithmic transformation of the highest standard
b. Activate B2 cell and drag the fill handle until B8 to complete transformation.
c. Write pairs of absorbance of wells in columns C and D.
d. Point E2 to activate, and drag fill handle until E8 to obtain means.
e. Write “=E2-blank absorbance(calculated above)” in F2, then drag fill handle to F8 for
f. Activate G2, then drag the fill handle until G8 to obtain logarithm of ∆Blank.
g. Get the reverse regression curve as stated above (p.32)
h. Write the equation of 3rd order regression curve in H2 as described above (p.34), then

i. Activate H2, and drag the fill handle until H8.
j. Point I2, then drag I2 fill handle until I8.
k. Compare the assay values in the column I with the concentrations in A for fitness.
The equation written in H2 can be used for sample calculation, by copying.

Preparation of a template for sample calcualtion

First, prepare a table in EXCEL.Let us call the cells A-1~N11 (The template uses only

Cells in line 1 are used only for identification. Just write as are shown in the model table.
Ab: absorbance of sample before subtraction of blank absorbance
∆Bk: absorbance of samples subtracted blank absorbance
LN( ): natural logarithm of ∆Bk
Cal:natural logarithm of calculated sample assay value
Av: Assay value of sample, transformed to normal number
Mean: acerage of well 1 and well 2, SD: standard deviation, CV: Coefficient of variation
In the cells in the column A, write sample number.
The cell D2 is left empty until use. After assay write “=B2-Blank”
Blank: mean blank absorbance value
The cell E2 is left empty until use.
In the cell F2, write “=LN(D2)”
Leave the cell H2 untouched. (After assay write the regression equation)
The cell I2 is left untouched
In the cell J2, write “=EXP(H2)”
In the cell L2 write “=(J2+K2)/2
After assay fill M2 with SD using function STDEV
In the cell N2, write “=M2/L2*100”
(Do not include quotation marks in writing.)
Then you will get a template table as shown below.
Store the template until use, and use it after making a copy.


1 No. Ab1 Ab2 ⊿Bk1 ⊿Bk2 LN(1) LN(2) Cal.1 Cal.2 Av.1 Av.2 Mean SD CV

2 1 #NUM! #NUM! 1 1 1 0 0

3 2

4 3

5 4

6 5

7 6

8 7

9 8

10 9

11 10

How to use the template for sample calculation

After preparation of this template table, store the file. After an assay, take out the file and
once store with proper naming. then input the first pair of absorbance in the cells B2 and C2,
and “=D2-average blank absorbance” in D2, and regression equation in H2, as shown in the
previous page. In this case, By dragging of the fill handle of D2 to E2, the function will be
copied to E2, and the cell numbers are changed automatically. The situation is the same with
G2, I2, and K2. The results of calculation appear in those cell of the line 2. By dragging each
fill handle down to the last cell, results of calculation will appear when each pair of sample
absorbance are input. The calculation will be completed after the input of absorbance of the
last sample.
Number of samples is not limited.
You can download the template ready to use from Shibayagi’s web site.

When using downloaded template, prepare a copy first to avoid erasing.

VII. Important points in performing ELISA and improvement of assay


1. Sampling and treatments of samples

Serum or plasma?

In general, we recommend using serum samples.

In getting plasma, heparin is most often used as an anti-coagulant at a final concentration
of 1.2-12U/ml (10-100µg/ml), however, in some kits, such as rat/mouse TSH assay kit, heparin
interferes with the reaction, causing concentration-dependent poor assay values. In such case,
we recommend to use EDTA-2Na (at a maximum final concentration of 1mg/ml). Use of
fluoride must be avoided because fluoride ion is a potent inhibitor of peroxidase. Even if wells
are washed after the binding reaction to capture antibody a trace amount of remaining
fluoride ion may interfere with the enzyme activity.
An important phenomenon with frozen plasma is that an insoluble substance (fibrin) will
be formed when thawed. In this case, the sample must be vortexed and centrifuged, then the
insoluble cluster flowing in the plasma should be taken out by a thin wire needle sharply bent
at an end. If such fibrin remains in the sample, it may clog the tip of a pipette and influences
assay variability.
Influence of hemolysis
As an example, the results of a test with rat insulin assay kit are shown below. The test
was carried out with n=5.
With hemoglobin concentration above 40mg/dl, the assay values are lowered significantly.

Samples Hemoglobin concentration (mg/dl)

0 10 20 40

Assay value, ng/ml 0.521 0.533 0.500 0.456

% 100% 102% 96.0% 87.5%
Assay value, ng/ml 1.04 0.998 0.989 0.925
% 100% 96% 95.1% 88.9%
Assay value, ng/ml 3.56 3.35 3.39 2.56
% 100% 94.1% 95.2% 71.9%
Hemoglobin concentration and sample color

Be careful! Mouse blood is easily hemolysed.

Sodium azide (NaN3) is very often used as an antiseptic. But better to avoid this substance

because it is a potent inhibitor of peroxidase from the similar reason to fluoride ion.
In ELISA, NaN3 in samples is washed out after antigen-antibody reaction, but we are not

sure about complete elimination. We are afraid of influence of peroxidase inhibiting action of
NaN3 remaining in wells after washing.

ProClin 300 (at final concentration 0.02-0.01%) may be allowed.

Protease or peptidase inhibitors
In some cases, a preservative such as aprotinin/trasylol, which is a kallikrein (a serine
protease) inhibitor, is necessary to protect the substance to be assayed. Aprotinin is an
alkaline polypeptide of 6.5kDa, and also inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin, and plasmin.
Aprotinin binds these protease at 1:1 ratio. Aprotinin should be added to serum (plasma) at a
final concentration of 100-500KIU/ml.
An example of using aprotinin
Aprotinin (50,000KIU) (Wako Pure ChemicalsCat. No. 010-11834) is dissolved in 5ml

of physiological saline to make 10,000KIU/ml. The this solution is added to the blood sample
at 1/100.(v/v) (final concentration is 100KIU/ml). Then serum or plasma is separated.
Amount of aprotinin is expressed as KIU(kallikrein inhibitor unit), TIU (trypsin inhitor
BAPNA unit (N α -benzoyl DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide unit), BAEE unit
(Benzoyl-L-arginine ethylester unit), or UIP (Peptidase inhibitor unit).
1 TIU is the amount to reduce 2trypsin units by 50%.
1trypsin unit is the amount of trypsin to hydrolyses1µmole of BAPNA per minute
at 25oC, pH 7.8. P P

1 KIU is the amount to inhibit 32.5FIP unit trypsin.

FIP unit: amount of enzyme to hydrolyse 1 µ mole of BAEE per minute,
1 TIU≒900KIU (J. Gen. Physiol. 19, 991, 1996) 229,100 KIU = 254 TIU
In GLP-1(glucagon-like peptide-1) assay, it is necessary to use DPP-1(dipeptidyl peptidase
IV) inhibitor because the active forms of GLP-1, GLP-1(7-36)amide and GLP-1(7-37), are
hydrolyzed by DPP IV to GLP-1(9-36)amide, and GLP-1(9-37), respectively, and cannot be

pH of samples
Serum or plasma, when fresh, shows pH near neutral, however, it very quickly goes to
alkaline more than pH 8 by losing CO2. Our observations on the change of pH of mouse serum

and plasma are shown below.

Mouse: BALB/cA, 6 weeks of age,♂, free access to food and water.
Samples sera from 2 mice were obtained by heart puncture, and kept standing at
2~8oC in PP vials after preparation,

Sample plasma from 2 mice were obtained by heart puncture using EDTA-2Na, and
kept standing at 2~8oC in PP vials after preparation,

pH meter: Twin PH (HORIBA) Model: B-111

Immediately after preparation sera showed physiologically neutral pH, however, within 1
hour after preparation, pH went
Changes of mouse serum pH after sampling
up rapidly by losing CO2, and B B

8.4 reach around 8 after 2 hours.

8.19 8.26 Individual difference was also
7.89 observed.
7.66 7.89 In the present observation, sera
were kept at 2~8oC. If the

7.45 7.67

7.4 7.24
temperature goes up, pH will
7.2 change more quickly.
7 When frozen the solubility of CO2
is reduced, and shows alkaline pH
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Time after sampling, min very quickly after thawing.

The figure shows the observation with plasma obtained using EDTA-2Na.
EDTA itself is rather strong acid,
Changes of mouse plasma pH after sampling
but its sodium salt is weakly
8 acidic, and used as anticoagulant.
7.8 So, the plasma showed slightly
7.6 acidic pH at 15 min. after
7.35 preparation. pH also went up, but

7.17 7.31 7.32 not so markedly, to 7.2 after 1 hour,
7.09 7.25
6.94 7.15 and 7.3 after 4 hours.
7 7.07
6.91 EDTA-2Nais generally used at
final concentration of 1mg/ml,
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 namely 0.1%. It reduced plasma
Time after sampling, min
pH to 6.8 at first, and showed
some buffering action to resist pH upraising due to CO2 loss. B B

If we use heparin sodium as anticoagulant, the situation may be different. Heparin is a

sulfated polysaccharide. According to Merck Index, pH of 1% aqueous solution of heparin
sodium is 6.8~7.5. Heparin sodium is used with final concentration of 10µg/ml (1.2U/ml), i.e.
0.001%. So, its effect on plasma pH will be negligible, and change of pH after preparation may
be similar to that of serum.
In alkaline pH, the antigen-antibody reaction is interfered. In ELISA, if serum or
heparinized plasma samples are directory added to the empty antibody-coated wells and
incubated at room temperature for several hours, pH would be upraised, resulting in
cancellation of the assay or giving inaccurate assay values. So, in such case, beforehand
dilution of serum or heparinized plasma with assay buffer will be helpful.
When in cell- or tissue culture media or in vitro incubation media are assayed, pH if those
samples may be also upraised if buffered with bicarbonate. They have to be treated with
phosphate buffer before assay.

Storage temperature and freezing-thawing

Sample storage temperature is better to be lower than -35oC. Ultra-low temperature such P

as -80oC is recommended for a long-term storage.


A long storage in a home freezer is not recommended because the sample is frozen very
slowly and the solute may separate from solvent, and is concentrated at to the bottom of the
storage tube. This may sometimes cause inactivation.
When samples are frozen and stored, first snap-freeze the sample using dry ice-acetone
mixture or dry ice-ethanol, then transfer them into a freezer.
Repeated freezing and thawing is also harmful to the protein, and may cause inactivation.
When samples are taken out from the freezer and thawed, never forget to vortex these

samples because the solution after thawing is not homogeneous, and the bottom area contains
more solute.
How many wells should we run per one sample?
– Number of replicate and confidence limit of mean
In ELISA someone assay
samples in duplicates, and
others in triplicates. The
graph shown below indicates
how 95% confidence limits
change according to number of
If number of replicate is n,
95% confidence limit of the
mean is calculated as;
Mean ± tn-1(0.05) x SE

SE: standard error

tn-1(0.05) : value of t found

in t-table at p=0.05 and degree

of freedom= n-1
If a sample is measured in duplicate, and mean assay value is 1.00 with SD is 0.05 (i.e. CV
=5%), 95% confidence limit will be from 0.55 (lower limit) to 1.45(upper limit). This means
that the reliability of the obtained mean value is very low.
Then, how about in the case of triplicates assay? With same mean assay value of 1.00 and
SD of 0.05, the confidence limit will be from 0.88 to 1.12. Addition of only one well more
changes the reliability nearly 4x. The influence of replicates> 4 on reliability is not so big.
So, the author recommends triplicates assay from the point of efficiency in reliability and

2.Stability of assay samples

In assay, the problem of sample stability, i.e. how long the substance to be measured can
keep its immunoreactivity, in serum or plasma, is very important. Blood samples also contain
enzymes to destroy peptides or proteins, and stability against those enzymes differs from
substance to substance.
In establishment of any assay system, the stability of the target substance has to be examined
by changing storage conditions and periods. As test samples quality control sera (QC) are
suitable. QC are prepared in a larger volume to contain low, (middle), and high levels of target
substance, and stored at ultra-low temperature in many aliquots, and are measured together
with samples in every assay to make sure of the assay reproducibility and robustness.

Examples of guideline for stability test using LQC (low content QC) and HQC ,by triplicates
Stability at room temperature: 2 hours
Stability at refrigerator temperature: 24 hours
Stability against freezing-thawing: 3 times
Stability for long period: at –20℃ or−80℃
We tested mouse insulin stability in serum.
Serum samples were stored in a refrigerator
(4oC) and in a freezer (-20oC). As shown in

the right figure, insulin was stable for 50

weeks at –20oC, while it lost reactivity was

lost quickly at 4oC. P


Freezer of –20oC is not trustable for the


constancy of temperature, and freezing at

–20oC P P may cause heterogeneous
concentration of protein solution, use of a
freezer of –35oC or lower temperature is

recommended. Snap freezing of samples in

dry ice-acetone mixture or in liquid nitrogen
before placing them in a freezer is also recommended.

3. Influence of humidity and air stream

As ELISA is carried out in small volume of reaction mixture in shallow wells, the ratio of
surface area to the liquid volume is large. This means that evaporation of water from the
surface during incubation cannot be ignored. During all the incubation process, the well-plate
should be covered using the attached plate cover. Plate cover is effective only under the most
suitable condition, i.e. room temperature, humidity more than 50%, and air stream of less
than 0.2m/sec. If the humidity is less than 30%, and the air is moving at more than 0.4m/sec,
even with plate cover, good calibration curve cannot be obtained. Absorbance of all the wells
including blank will become high, and differences of absorbance between lower standard
points become smaller and assay sensitivity becomes worse. Such trouble may be due to
abnormal adsorption by water evaporation at the edge of the solution in the well. The best
way is to control of humidity and air stream by using a humidifier and turn down the air flow
of the air conditioner. But if the suitable condition cannot be attained, we recommend to get a
small semi-transparent plastic box, and put moistened paper towel on the bottom. Place the
well-plate with plate cover in the box and close during incubation. Maybe you can seal the
well-plate with Parafilm, however, it would be troublesome to use Parafilm in every
incubation process.

4. Pipettes
Selection of pipettes
Pipettes for samples and standard solutions are especially important because their
precision directly influence the assay precision. When you add samples or standards at a
volume of 5 or 10 µl, for example, use a pipette with the maximal setting volume of 5 or 10µl,
and never use with the maximum setting volume of 100µl or more. In other words, use
volume-matched pipette. If you measure 100µl with maximum 100µl pipette, the precision of
the delivery volume is about 1%, however, when you measure 5µl with the same pipette, the
precision will be nearly 30%.
With a widely used tip-type pipette, the important factor is the temperature of the solution
to be delivered. If the solution temperature is higher than room temperature, it may cause an
expansion of the air in the tip and the pipette, thus delivers smaller volume of the solution.
On the other hand, colder solution than room temperature causes shrinkage of the air, and
delivered volume will be more than setting. If the sample solution were highly viscous, the
liquid attached to the inner wall of the tip would be more than that of thinner solution, so the
first delivery volume would be less. The amount of solution attached to the outside of the tip
would be also important, and in order to remove this, “touch and go” procedure is necessary.
We do not recommend a multi-channel pipette. We are afraid that it possibly scratches the
bottom of wells because of difficulty of holding it in parallel with wells, resulting in removal
of antibody coating the surface of the bottom and big variation.
In pipetting reagent solution to be added to all the wells, we recommend a repeating
dispenser such as ”Eppendorf multipette plus”. Using this type of pipette, we can dispense
rapidly and are able to save time without scratching the bottom.
Whenever you start using a new type of pipette, please, read the instruction paper from the
pipette maker carefully to avoid misuse of the pipette. Please, refer to Part V.

VIII. Trouble shooting in ELISA

Coloration in general
Standard curve
Assay precision (variation)
Plate seal

Coloration in general
Troubles Possible Causes and Measures

Poor or no coloration after the 1) The standard or samples might not be added.
last step.
2) Reagents necessary for coloration shown below might not
be added.
①Biotin-labeled antibody
②HRP-conjugated avidin
3) Wrong reagents related to coloration might have been
Wrong dilution of biotin-labeled antibody or HRP-avidin
4) Contamination of enzyme inhibitor(s).
Bottles or vessels used for dilution of HRP-avidin
conjugate might have been contaminated with sodium
azide (NaN3) or fluoride, and inactivates HRP..

Especially, NaN3 is very often added to various buffer


solutions and contaminates vessels. So, please, be

5) Influence of the temperature under which the kits had
been stored. Freezing and thawing might cause
denaturation of HRP-avidin conjugate.
6) Excessive hard washing of the well plate.
Especially, in using an automatic plate washer, if you set
the washing power to give a strong water pressure, it may
result in washing off of the antibody coated on the well. The
machine should be adjusted to give the best coloration.
Also, in manual washing using a jet bottle, be careful not
to press the bottle strongly. Pour the washing buffer gently
onto the well.
We recommend you to increase frequency of the gentle
washing rather than strong flashing for better washing.
7) Addition of TMB solution soon after taking out from a
refrigerator might cause poor coloration owing to low
temperature. All the reagent solutions for ELISA should be
used after fully warmed up to room temperature (20-25°C)

Satisfactory absorbance was The plate-reader might not be adjusted to the correct
not obtained by the wavelength (450nm for TMB). ⇒ Check the reader and
densitometer though the adjust the wavelength. In the case of a filter-type
coloration is apparent to the plate-reader, check the wavelength of the filter, and replace
eye. for right one when wrong.

The wells showed coloration The chromogenic substrate TMB used in our assay kits
before the addition of reaction shows bluish color when oxidized by HRP at the neutral pH,
stopper. and turns to yellow-orange color under an acidic pH caused
by addition of sulfuric acid (the reaction stopper). This color
absorbs the light of 450nm wave length. So, the coloration
before the addition of the reaction stopper is natural.

After enzyme action After reaction-stopper

All the wells showed high TMB solution might have been oxidized by some agents..

Standard curve
Troubles Possible Causes and Measures
Flat standard curve. Standard solutions are not added.
All the wells for the standard In the dilution of original standard solution, other solution
curve showed very low
coloration, though sample than the right original standard solution might be used, or
wells gave good coloration. simply the original standard solution was forgotten.

Please, read the section of coloration in general.

Flat standard curve.
All the wells for both the
standard curve and samples
showed very low coloration.

Absorbance of the blank 1) Possibility of edge effect.

(0-conc.) was higher than that Wells locating at the edge (columns 1 and 12, and lines A
of the lowest standard. and H) of a well-plate are liable to be influenced by heat from
outside circumstances, and the reactions in those wells may
proceed more rapidly or more slowly than in other inside
wells. We call this phenomenon “edge effect”.
Sometimes, a well-plate, kit reagents, and samples which
have been stored in a refrigerator are used soon after taken
out while they are still cooler than room temperature, wells
at the plate edge would be warmed up than other inside
wells, causing reactions to proceed rapidly.
In winter those wells may be heated by warm air derived
from a heater and a radiant heat from a stove or a steam
As a result, the absorbance wells along the edge may be
higher than those of low standards, or in duplicated
standard wells those wells located along the edge of the
plate always give higher absorbance than corresponding
inside wells.
To minimize the edge effect, 1) get back well-plates,
reagents, and sample fully to the room temperature, 2)
avoid working near heat source and away from the outlet of
air conditioner, and 3) cover the well-plate with a
transparent or semi-transparent plastic box twice bigger
than the plate during incubation process.

The wells used for blank are in most cases located at A1-A2
or H1-H2 (in duplicated standard wells). And are most liable

to be influenced by the edge effect.
One possible cause of the edge effect on such blank wells
may be heat from the fingers which keep holding the
well-plate during the addition of TMB solution. Please, do
not hold the well-plate. To avoid the holding, we recommend
the use of “non-slip sheet”…A very cheap and thin rubber
sheet generally used under a doormat. In our laboratory, we
cut such sheet to a size a little bigger than a well-plate, then
put a plate on it. By doing this the plate will never move
while pipetting without holding.
If you do not like to use non-slip sheet, just hold the plate
at a side with a fingertip to minimize the heat transfer.

2) Possibility of dried-up well

The long interval between the end of washing buffer
removal and addition of the reagent solution of the next step
may cause the dryness of the wells owing to the air stream
from the air conditioner.
Please, check such possibility and try to make the interval
as short as possible.

3) Wrong dilution of reagent supplied as concentrated

solution. Please, check the dilution procedure.

4) Incomplete washing and carry-over.

If you use an automatic plate washer, check the
aspiration and washing volumes, and the amount of solution
left in the well. Do not use pipette in washing.
In order to avoid carry-over, every addition of the reagent
solution and washing buffer (including standard solutions)
should start from the blank wells to higher standard wells.
Especially in the first addition of washing buffer after the
reaction between the coated antibody and standard/sample
solution, we recommend you to use a repeating dispenser set
at 250µl to add washing buffer. In the second washing
downward, a flashing bottle with a nozzle will do.

5) Improvement of blank absorbance and its variation by

increase repetition of washing.
As shown in the graph below, in our trial, increase of
washing repetition from 4 times to 8 times lowers blank
absorbance as well as standard deviation.
This is especially effective in the step of washing after
incubation with HRP-conjugated antibody or biotin-labeled
antibody and HRP-conjugated avidin.

Washing repetition and blank absorbance
(Mean & SD)

Absrobance ⊿450(620) nm
0.140 0.118
Washing 4 times Washing 8 times
5) Possibility of excessive reaction
Incubation of the well-plate must be carried out at the
right temperature for the right period indicated in the
instruction paper.

Absorbance of the standard Order of the standard solutions might be reversed.

decreased when standard
concentration increased.

The standard curve obtained There might be some mistake in the serial dilution of the
was not smooth. original standard solution. Pay attention to volumes of
standard and buffer solutions and enough mixing.

For beginners, we recommend to use serial dilution with

the interval of 1/2. This will be helpful in avoiding dilution

The standard curve obtained 1) The standard preparation might have been denatured.
moved toward right than that
shown in the instruction 2) The wrong initial dilution of the original standard
paper. solution.

3) The vortex mixing in the dilution of original standard

solution might not be enough, and the mixture might not be

4) The reaction period might not be enough by any mistake.

In duplicated standards, those This may due to “edge effect”. Please, read above section
wells located along the edge of describing the edge effect.
the plate always gave higher
absorbance than inner wells.

Troubles Possible Causes and Measures
1) In case NaF-coated blood-sampling tubes are used, or
Assay values were not NaN3 is added to assay sample as a preservative, they may
obtained because samples

influence the enzyme action of HRP though wells are washed

gave lower absorbance than before the addition of HRP-conjugate. The best way is not to
that of blank though the use NaF and NaN3. The preservative NaN3 can be replaced
standard curve seemed to be

with ProClin 300 (final concentration, 0.02-0.01%). In some

normal. kits, heparin is harmful for antigen-antibody reaction. We
rather recommend serum than plasma.

2) Inactivation of the substance to be measured.

Inactivation may happen during storage of samples. Blood
samples should be snap-frozen and stored at lower than
–35oC, preferably ultra-low temperature like –60oC. Addition

of a kallicrein inhibitor like aprotinin (100~500KIU/ml) is

recommended. We suggest examining the best procedure to
avoid inactivation for your laboratory. DPP-IV inhibitor is
necessary in measurement of GLP-1.

3) In order to check the presence of any interfering

substances in blood samples, please, try a dilution test where
sample is assayed after serial dilution, and see if the “assay
value x dilution factor” gives always same value.

4) Low assay values owing to hemolysis. A slight hemolysis

will not influence on assay value, however, too much
hemolysis (hemoglobin concentration more than 40mg/ml)
may interfere significantly with the assay reaction.

5) Low assay values due to pH of serum/plasma samples.

Blood samples like serum or plasma easily lose carbon
dioxide soon after preparation, and pH will become alkaline
(> pH 8) which may interfere with antigen-antibody binding.

6) Blood samples obtained from animals by heavy ether

anesthesia contain ether which may influence on assay

7) Deep ether anesthesia may reduce the blood levels of some

hormones like TSH and prolactin.

8) Response of blood levels of anterior pituitary hormones

may be influenced by many anesthetics via hypothalamic
control. For example, effect of cold exposure on TSH level is
blocked or retarded by many anesthetics.

This may be due to the difference in purity of the standard

Lower assay values with preparations. If the standard preparation is of lower purity,
normal animal samples assay values will be high, and highly pure standard
compared with those obtained preparation will give lower assay values, when the assay
with other maker’s kit, or values are expressed by the weight of the standard
those appeared in previous preparation employed. If the values are expressed as the
reports. international standard unit (or weight) the assay values will
remain similar range. This phenomenon very often happened
if you check various reports published in the past.

Lower assay values with 1) The substance in the sample might have been denatured
normal animal samples during the storage.
compared with those obtained
in the previous assays using 2) There might be some seasonal or diurnal changes in the
the same kit. blood level of the substance to be measured.

3) We recommend the use of positive control samples which

have been prepared and divided into many aliquots, and
stored at ultra-low temperature. One aliquot is measured as
a sample in every assay. This will be helpful in quality
control of assays.

Higher assay values with 1) This might be due to the same reason stated above, i.e.
normal animal samples difference in the purity of the standard preparation used.
compared with those obtained
with other maker’s kit, or 2) The standard preparation in the present assay might be
those appeared in previous inactivated by denaturation. Please, check the standard
reports. curve if the curve has not shifted to the right.

3) There might be some seasonal or diurnal changes in the

blood level of the substance to be measured. You can check it
by using control samples in each assay.

Assay values were not 1) pH of the sample might be out of the permitted range of
obtained with samples from the assay (pH 6.5 –8.0). Please, check pH and, if necessary,
the tissue or cellar extraction, neutralize by dilution with buffer, or by small volume of
chromatographic, isoelectric acidic or alkaline solution.
focusing, or electrophoresis.
2) Contamination with some organic solvents. Organic
solvents may interfere with the assay reaction. Please, dilute
them with buffer, or remove solvents with nitrogen stream or
placing under reduced pressure for same period.

Validity of a treatment method should be checked by a

recovery test.

Assay precision (variation)

Possible Causes and Measures
Big variation between two
The major factors making assay variation bigger are
wells in duplicated assay was heterogeneous proceeding of the reaction, unsuitable
pipetting, and heterogeneity of samples.
Factors causing heterogeneous proceeding of assay
1) Scratching the bottom of the well by aspirator tip during
aspiration of washing buffer.
2) Scratching the bottom of the well by pipette tip during
addition of standards, samples, or reagents. Addition of the
reagent solution using a pipette with 8 or 12 tips is not
recommended because holding of such pipette in parallel
with the well-plate is very difficult and may easily cause

The antibody coated on the bottom of well is not so stable,
and may be removed by scratching or hard water jet. The loss
of antibody makes heterogeneity among wells.
3) Assay might be started while the well-plate was still cooler
than room temperature, and this made the heterogeneity in
the temperature among wells, and the edge effect happened.
The well-plate and all reagents as well as assay samples
which have been stored in a refrigerator, should be set back
to room temperature by placing them outside at least for 1.5
hour before starting assay.
4) Air stream, warmer or cooler than room temperature from
air conditioner, cooling system of various apparatus
including personal computer might influence well-plate
temperature. Heat radiation from a stove or instrument also
might give the same effect (edge effect).
5) Air stream from air conditioner or other instruments
might dry wells.
6) Insufficient removal of washing buffer from the wells
might dilute reagent solution added in the following step of
the procedure. The washing buffer should be completely
removed by striking well plate upside down on folded several
sheets of paper towel.
Assay variation due to pipetting
1) Variation of pipetting of standard solutions and samples
directly caused assay variation. To use proper pipette in
proper way is one of the most important points in ELISA.
The upper limit of the pipette must be coordinated to the
volume of standard or sample. Never use 100µl pipette, for
instance, for delivering 5 - 10µl standard or sample solution.
Also, it is necessary to check the variation of every pipette
with proper interval.
2) There are two methods for the tip-type pipette do not mix
up “Pre-wetting method” and “Co-washing method”. These
methods were described in the text (Part V).
3) Temperature of solution to be delivered might influence
variation in assay. If solution to be delivered is cooler or
warmer than room temperature, the volume of the solution
may be smaller or larger than setting, respectively. All the
solutions used in assay should have been stayed at room
temperature for enough period to get to the room
4) Choking up of the pipette tip might influence the variation
by decreasing the volume to be delivered. If plasma
samples are frozen-stored and thawed, there formed fibrin
particles which chokes up a pipette tip, interfering with
pipetting. Please, check carefully the state of the samples
after thawing, and if you find fibrin particles, remove them
by any proper way.

5) Big variation would be obtained if the sample is not
homogeneous. When serum/plasma samples are stored
frozen, please be careful about the freezing method and
temperature. Slow freezing causes concentration gradient of
protein components, leaving high concentration in the
bottom. Also, when thawing thinner part will remain as ice
at the top. So, samples should be snap-frozen in a very low
temperature obtained by using dry ice-acetone mixture or
dry ice-ethanol mixture, and stored under ultralow
temperature if possible. After thawing, please, stir the
sample well on a vortex mixer.

Plate seal
Trouble Possible Cause and Measure

Plate seal could not be The seal might be removed soon after the plate was taken out
removed completely, and some from a refrigerator.
parts remained on the plate.
The plate seal has been attached to the plate with heat
(without any glue). If you try to remove seal from the plate
soon after taking out from a refrigerator, it is not easy to
remove completely. Please, wait until the plate gets back to
the room temperature. At room temperature, the seal is
easily peeled off.

Trouble Possible Cause and Measure

Some crystals were found in From the solubility of the components, some crystals might
the reagent solution. be formed in reagent solution. In such case, please, warm up
the solution by placing the bottle in warm water (lower than
37oC) until those crystals are dissolved, then stir the bottle

and place it in water of room temperature for some period.

Revised 2010/03/25


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