Experimental Investigation of Agitator To Optimize Performance & Cost
Experimental Investigation of Agitator To Optimize Performance & Cost
Experimental Investigation of Agitator To Optimize Performance & Cost
Abstract- Mixing is one of the most pri mary operati ons in The next objecti ve is to Design of Bi-Directional Agitator
industries like chemical, Biochemical, paper, food, using Scotch Yoke Mechanism. In this objecti ve it is
cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. Thoug h the required to blend the weighty density metal powder in the
customer have standard sized agitator with standard paint. The automobile industries uses low density
parameters but this method is ti me consuming as well as it evaporati ve flui d which when mixed with metal oxi de
consumes the more power for a batch type process. So the powder gi ves superior quality of pai nt. To ensure the good
customer needs to design opti mum agitator which runs quality of paint it is necessary that the oxi de powder is
wi th optimum power and ti me to perform its function. painstakingly mixed with l ow density flui d. The proper
Further he requires small sized agitator which runs Homogenization of pai nt only possible by creating
conti nuously without i nterruption the process flow. In this vig orous shaking in the content. To create high instability
work the power requirement for s mall size agitator to mix in flui d and powder mi xture the i mpeller shoul d rotate in
two fl ui ds are analyzed wi th opti mum ti me. This paper ahead and reverse direction. This bi directi onal Agitator
describes the mechanical design of agitator to mixing gives more effective agitating turbulence.
polyectrol yte havi ng viscosity 1.5cp considering the flui d
forces that are imposed on the i mpeller by the flui d. The Index Term-Agitator shaft,Design of
analysis shows that the forces are a result of turbulent fl ow agitator ,Homogeneous Mi xture,Uni directional,Impeller
of flui d and static flui d forces. The loads are dynamic and bl ades,Oscillating Motion, Polyelectrolyte,Rack And
are transmitted from the i mpeller bl ades to the agitator Pinion,Scotch Yoke Mechanism,Staticflui d
shaft and then to the gear box. Agitator design is often forces,Turbulent flow
though as the applicati on of two engineering disciplines.
The first step is process design from a chemical viewpoi nt I.INTRODUCTION
and invol ves the s pecificati on of the i mpeller pattern,
N this age, mixing is one of the most fundamental
speed, temperature and bl ade angle etc. The next step in
the design sequence is the mechanical design of the I operations in industries like paper, food, cosmet ic, and
chemical, biochemical and process industryapplications.
agitator component. The approach is straight forward
design for the power (torque & speed) then shaft l oads. Agitator is one of the important parts in the mixing process.
The experi ment is carried out for agitator 500 liter of Agitation refers to force a fluid by agitating and to flo w in a
capacity. Drawback of the ol d agitator is removed. The ol d circulatory mot ion. Agitator has various purposes such as
agitator does not gives homogeneous mixing. 1 suspending solid particles, co ming together miscible liquids,
dispersing a gas through a liquid in the fo rm of small bubbles,
and promoting heat transfer between the water and coil or
jacket. There are so me factor affecting the efficiency of
10 May 2016.This project would not have been possible without the kind
agitating, some are linked to the liquid characteristics such as
support and help of many individuals and organizations especially BKWT
OPCLO Engineering Solutions, Dhayari, Pune who giving sponsorship to
viscosity and densities as well as some are related to geometry
this project.The long term work of this project has been carried out under the such as the tankdiameter (D), impeller length (L), revolv ing
guidance of Mr. Manik Bachchav, Technical Head, OPCLO ENGG SOL. speed (N), an height of impeller fro m bottom of the container
LT D. with his constant appreciation and encouragement. We thank him for other distinctiveness of mixing include the liquid the necessity
giving us this opportunity and knowledge throughout our project. of performing the p rocess to make the liquid experience all
N.B.Jadhav student of M.E (Design Engineering) S.N.D.C.O.E& R.C kind of movement inside tank. There is no universal system
Prof.V.G Bhamre is currently working as Head of Department in S.N.D.C.O.E
& RC Yeola.(bhamrevijay@gmail.com)
till now that is valid for all liquids and all tanks. Mixing is a impeller motor are of capacity 1 HP. The space requirement
significant unit operation in many industries like cos metic, for rectangular agitator is 7 m2 .
chemical, bio-chemical and applications dairy and food
process industry. For instance, all operations involving The hopper motor runs for 24 Hrs during the all working
blending homogenizat ion, e mulsion preparation, suspension, shift.Fig.2
crystallization, liquid phase reactions, etc., need mixing in one
form or the other. Power consume for one month = 0.18 * 24 * 30
In this work t wo objectives are discussed first one is to design = 129.6 kWh.(1 Unit= 6.89 Rs)
small size agitator to mix polyelectrolyte and second one is to
design & develop Bid irectional agitator to mix paint. For the Electricity bill for one month = 129.6 * 6.89 = 892.9 Rs (1)
first objective a tank of size 500 liter capacity is selected. 4.34
Then the calculat ion for power nu mber, flu id forces, power
requirement for agitation are carried out. For the second 4.32
objective design of scotch yoke mechanis m is carried out. In
this case to achieve the forward and reverse direction
emp loyed Scotch Yoke device with proper arrangement of 4.28
rack & pin ion. Scotch yoke mechanism converts a constant
rotational motion into to and fro mot ion known as simple 4.26
harmonic motion. In present case a rectangular cross - section
bar is attached to the yoke as shown in Fig.12 .For this bar a
rack is attached to rack is a spur gear. As the rack moves back 4.22
and forth it drives the pinion attached to it. Again to and fro
motion converted into rotational motion. This rotational 4.2
motion is then transfer to the bearing and then to impeller 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Da ys
shaft. For 00 to 1800 revolution of the disk the impeller moves
in back and forth direction and 1800 to 3600 the impeller
moves in reverse direction. Hence the high vigorous action is Fig. 2. Power consume by hopper motor (kWh) Vs Days
created in the paint and help to exp loit the Agitating
performance. It is easilyachievable to manage the degree of Power consumed by two impeller motors. Fig 3
rotation of impeller just by changing the pitch circle diameter
of pinion attached to the impeller shafts. = 1.492 (kw) * 24 * 30 * 2 = 14803 Rs (2)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Da ys
Fig. 1.Existing Agitator with Hopper Total Electricity bill Equation 1 + Equation 2
Hence flow in the tank is turbulent and mixing possible. Select maximu m diameter from both theories ie.25mm.Fig 4.
Known Data
= (6)
= 4.41Nm
Te = √ (7)
We know that
= ( ) …» = ( )
» = ( )» =2.83 » lN = 15.56 mm
Fig. 5.Agitator Impeller blade dimensions 45 0 pitch blade
n = Tw = 2
» Pa = π * 2.5 » Pa = 7.85 mm
Fig. 6.Geometry of agitator impeller shaft and blade in Ansys 14.0 l = Pa * n = 7.85 * 2 = 15.7 mm
TG = 14 * 2 = 28
Lw = Pc [4.5 + 0.02 Tw] = 7.85 [4.5 + 0.02 * 2] = 35.64 mm NG = Speed of worm gear in rpm
This length should be increased by 25 to 30 mm for feed » = = 102.8 rpm = 103 rpm (appx.)
marks produced by the vibrating wheel as it leaves the thread
root Lw = Pc [ 4.5 + 0.02 Tw ] = 35.64 + 25 = 60 mm(11)
We have, (16)
Depth of tooth h = 0.623 PC » h = 0.623 * 7.85 » h = 4.89 mm
DOG =DG + 0.8903 PC = 70 + 0.8903 * 7.85 = 77 mm(13) We know that pitch line velocity of worm gear,
Since this is more than the tangential load acting on the Gear
(988 N) therefore the design is safe from the standpoint of
tangential load.
WD = = = 10454.54 N(19)
= 268.56 kWh
Fig. 8.Experimental Setup
Total Electricity Bill = 268.56*6.89 = 1850.37 Rs.
Check the designed worm gearing from the stand point of
tangential load, dynamic load, and static load, wear load and Total Saving = 15695.2 – 1850.37 = 13845.55 Rs/Month
heat dissipation.
Take b = 40 mm.(20)
= = 705.44 N
Materials for rack and pinion are Plain carbon steel [40C8]
Sut=600 N/mm2 ,
Q= = 1(25)
Sw = b*Q*d P * * + (26)
9856.87 = 40*1*4*18*
* +
BHN = 185
For pinion –: Φ = m+0.25√ = 5.06 (27) C] Power Required Running the System[2][4][20]
Input Data
ep = 8+0.63*5.06 = 11.188
1] Kinematic viscosity of paint = 2.4 poise= 240 centipoise
For Rack -: Φ = m+0.25√ = 5.06(28)
2] Specific gravity for paint = 1.59 Kg/lit
ep = 8+0.63*5.06 = 11.188
It is required to calculate the torque which is necessary for the
Total e = 11.188+11.188 = 22.38µm = 22.38*10^-3mm stirring and based on this torque selecting an appropriate
motor after including a suitable factor of safety.
Dynamic Load
Total Torque Required = Torque overcome to viscous force +
Pd = (29) Torque overcome to
static Pressure
= 1866.89{C= Deformat ion constant and for material 40C8 (Diameter of blade = 10cm)
it is 11400}
Actual motor speed 1400 rpm.[V.R.10 Hence N=140]
Peff = Cs*Pt + Pd = 1*706.44 + 1866.89 = 2573.33(30)
Tangential speed of shaft = u=π*D*N/60 (33)
Fs = = = 3.83(31)
= π*0.10*140/60 = 0.733 m/sec
Mounting Distance (a) = Z*m/2+H+X*m(32) Power = F * u = 0.211 * 0.733 = 0.155 watt (34)
A= 40 * 10^3 mm2 = 0.04 m2 . performance over conventional method. This bi- d irectional
mixer rotates in both directions and it gives better agitating
Shear Force (F) =Ʈ * Area 17.592 * 0.04 = 0.704 N. effecting in mo re uniform mixture of product. It is observed
Total shear force (F) = 3F = 3 * 0.704 = 2.111 N that the quality of mixture is very high. The cost also reduced
by compact size of mixture wh ich leads to low space
Power = F * u = 2.11 * 0.73 = 1.55 watt (35) requirement. Th is new developed mixer has low cost, high
performance and structural simplicity. M ixing process has
C] Calculation of torque o wing to static total pressure acting
on the blades by benefit of stationary fluid [3][4][20] been accomplished which chase that the proposed mixing
avoid the format ion of segregated region hence optimize the
Specific Gravity = 1.59 Kg/lit = 1.59 * 1000 Kg/m3 mixing t ime than other mixing method. Also by using the
bidirectional mixer in tank create turbulent flow of mixture
Pressure = ρ* g*h*A and we get the homogeneous mixture.
= 1590*9.81*1*0.04
= 623.91 N
d = Pitch circle diameter = mz
Torque that each pinion has to overcome to rotate about its da = Addendum circle diameter = m (z+2)
own axis is given by df = Dedendum circle diameter = m (z-2.5)
b = Face width
T = F * Distance*Radius = 623.916 * 0.04 = 24.95 Nm M t = Transmitted torque (N-mm) (T)
σb = Permissible bending Stress
Power required at output shaft to overcome the static Sut = Ultimate tensile stress
opposition of fluid is Fs = Factor of Safety
ZP = No.of teeth on pinion
Ps = = 365.883 watt (36) ZR = No.of teeth on rack
Pt = Tangential component
The net power required at the output shaft is the addition of Pr = Radial component
above three powers [Equation 34+35+36] Y = Lewis form factor
Peff = Effective force
PNET = 0.155 + 1.547 + 365.883 = 368 watt. Sb = Beam strength of gear tooth
Cs = Service Factor
The scotch Yoke mechanism used for converting rotary CV = Velocity factor
motion into recip rocating motion is not tested for its efficiency α = Pressure angle
so assuming only 50% efficiency. So me quantity power is loss W T = Tangential load on the gear
in rubbing between Rack and Pinion as sume it is 10%. So W D = Dynamic load
overall efficiency is 100 – 60 = 40 % DT= Throat Diameter
Fs = Factor of Safety
Total Power required for 40 % efficient mechanism is NRE = Reynolds Number
ρ = Fluid Density kg/m3
P = 368 + 40 / 100 * 368 = 515 watt. = 690.626 watt » 1HP N = Impeller rotational Speed RPM
µ = Viscosity of fluid Pa-S
Po = Impeller power number
This paper presents the mechanical design procedure DB = Bottom diameter of tank mm
of an agitator capacity 500 liter based on the polyectrolyte fH = Hydraulic service factor
flu id having viscosity 1.5 cp. It is observed that new develop Te = Equivalent twisting moment
agitator is energy efficient than conventional one. It saves Me = Equivalent bending moment
13845.55 Rs/Month because it uses only one motor to drive λ = Lead angle
the impeller. While conventional agitator uses 3 motors. The Tw = Number of starts on worm
lN = Normal lead.
dosing system not exp lained in this paper beyond the scope of
the paper. The impeller is design considering the bending ACKNOW LEDGEM ENT: Authors are thankful to
mo ment, static forces, pressure on blades etc. The detail S.N.D.C.O.E.&R.C.Yeola for provid ing library and laboratory
design method of worm and worm wheel reduction gear box facilit ies. The authors would like to thank HOD, PG
14: 1 explained. Coordinator, and Gu ide fo r useful discussions, guidance, and
The development of this bidirectional agitator many
changes are done in conventional design of mixer. The results
of this work are encouraging and giving good agitating