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Contenidos Inglés: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1

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Contenidos Inglés

A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1
Nivel Unidad Contenido Actividades Gramática Vocabulario
Spelling bee. Addition and
subtraction exercises.
Mental calculation. Numbers, days
Verb be+personal
Personal presentation. of the week,
pronouns. Verb be
Nice to meet you. I Name people and objects countries and
questions and
am not English, I around the classroom. nationalities,
am Scottish. His Substitution drills. personal
1 Possessive
name, her name. Meaningful questions. information, the
adjectives. a/an
Turn off your Personal information and classroom,
mobiles! Wh questions. Dialogue common objects,
A demonstrative
´Nice to meet you´ classroom
1 adjectives
Listening ´Self language
presentation´ Dialogue
´This is my laptop´
I Cappuccino and Quiz. Song ´You got a Present simple:
N chips. When friend´. Presentation ´My affirmative and
Verbs. Irregular
C Natasha meets favorite holiday is´. negative
2 plurals, jobs,
I Darren…An artist Listening: ´The calendar´. statements.
P and a musician. Meaningful question. Questions. Jobs.
I Relatively famous Video: ´Telling the time´ Possessives
N Describe your favorite
Pretty woman. Wake actor or actress. Describe Adjectives,
T Adjectives. Telling
up, get out of famous cartoon quite/very. Daily
E the time, Present
bed…The island with characters. Moods. Poem: routine, time
S 3 simple. Adverbs of
a secret. On the last ´What a beautiful day´. words and
Wednesday in Listening. Stop game. expressions.
prepositions of time
August Video. Dialogue: ´At the Date
Reading of dialogue ´what Verb phrases.
I can't dance. can/ can't.
can you do?´ "In a clothes Free time
Shopping-men love like+verb+ing
4 shop" activity. Writing activities. Love
it! Fatal attraction? Object pronouns.
´Describing a friend…´ story phrases.
Are you still mine? Possessive pronouns
Game: The basket. Quiz Music. Places

Nivel Unidad Contenido Actividades Gramática Vocabulario

Reading of dialogue
´where were you
Who were they? yesterday?´ Drills using Past simple of be:
information. Past
Sydney, here we places and adjectives. was/were. Regular
1 come! Girls' night Writing ´10 years ago…´ and irregular verbs:
expressions. Go,
out. Murder in a Reading: ´It was Past simple. Past
have, get.
country house unbelievable…´ Drawing time expressions.
Irregular verbs.
´The castle´ Game: Clue.
Song: ´How about you?´
Crossword. Video: Chores.
Act out and guess.
Listening: ´Guess what
A house with a There is/ there are.
they are doing?´ What´s Houses and
history. A night in a There was/ there
your phone number?, furniture.
haunted hotel. were. Present
2 What´s your e-mail Prepositions of
Neighbors from hell. continuous. Present
address? What is she place. Places in
When a man is tired simple or present
doing in, on, at…? the city.
of London… continuous?
Telephone conversation.
Real phone conversation
with the students. The
routine song.
Funny jobs. Reading
´Gordon the chef´
Reinforce ´My daily
routine´ Different habits
people have. Fill in the
blanks exercise. Video.
What does your food
A Vocabulary: Food. Parallel a/an, some/any
say about you? How
2 between verb be and how much/ how Food. Countable/
much water do we
action verbs. Dialogue many quantifiers: a uncountable
3 really need?
B ´It´s ice cream time!´ lot, not much… be nouns. Drinks.
Changing holidays.
Á Making invitations. going to. Plans and Holidays.
It's written in the
S Reading: ´Kim and Predictions
I Carlos´. Wh questions
C reading comprehension.
O Listening: ´Nick and
Melanie´ Meaningful
questions. Quiz. Song:
´The reason´
Reading: ´My school is the
best´. Game: If you´re
happy. Describe your
The True False classmates. Listening
Show.l The highest ´guess who?´ Meaningful
Comparative and Adjectives, the
city in the world. questions. Reading: ´The
Superlative. Would weather,
4 Would you like to cobra snake´. Exercise:
like to… like to… adventures,
drive a Ferrari? They Things you like, love and
Adverbs common adverbs
dress well but drive hate doing. Reading: Polar
badly. bears. Research:
Incredible animals.
Reading ´Dinosaur´s
Listen and complete.
Listening Mr. Browning.
Reading: ´Sebastian´s
weekend´ Listening
´Castaway´ Writing:
Before we met. I've Present perfect.
Where have you been to been to, past
5 reaad the book, I've Present perfect or
in the weekend? Reading participles
seen the film. past simple?
´My trip to California´
Unscramble sentences.
Comic strip ´The
prankster´ Read and
match. Quiz

Nivel Unidad Contenido Actividades Gramática Vocabulario

At the airport. Describing

Word order in Classroom
yourself (practice).
Who's who? Who questions. Present language.
Reading "who knows you
knows you better? simple. Present Family.
better, your family or your
1 At the Moulin continuous. Relative Personality.
friends?" Speaking about
Rouge. The Devil's clauses (a person Body.
you life, likes, studies, etc.
Dictionary who…, a thing Prepositions of
Reading: "a different kind
which…) place.
of dictionary".

At the conference hotel. Past simple: regular

Right place, wrong Writing "the story behind and irregular verbs.
prepositions of
time. A moment in the photo" Match. Reading Past continuous.
time and place:
2 time. Fifth years of "Who wrote Imagine?". Questions with and
at, in, on.
pop. One October Song: Imagine. Social without auxiliaries.
Question words.
evening. English: "Coffee before the So, because, but,
Pop music
conference". although
Going to. Present
Phrasal verbs:
Where are you Restaurant problems. continues (future
look (after, for,
going? The Reading: "Promises, arrangements) Will
etc.) Opposite
pessimist's phrase promises". Conversation: / Won't (predictions,
3 verbs,
book. I'll always "understanding your promises, offers,
love you. I was only dreams". Writing: "an decisions). Review
dreaming informal letter" of tenses: present,
past and future.

Present perfect
(experience) +
Lost in San Francisco.
ever, never; present
Speaking: describing Clothes, verb
perfect or past
From rags to riches. where you live. Reading: phrases, time
simple? Present
Family conflicts. "Zara Store". Song: "True expressions:
perfect simple+yet,
4 Faster, faster! The blue". Giving your opinion: spend time,
just, already.
B world's friendliest "hates". Conversation: waste time, etc.
1 city. "Problems with your Opposite
as…as/ less..than…
teenage children". adjectives.
P Writing: "Big cities".

- At a department store.
Verbs +
I Are you a party Writing: "a formal e-mail".
Uses of infinitive infinitive. Verbs
N animal? What Conversation: "How to
(with to). verb+ing. followed by ing.
T makes you feel survive a party?".
Have to, don't have Modifiers: a bit,
E 5 good? How much Reading: "The new face of
to, must, musn't. really, etc.
R can you learn in a chess". Writing and
Expressing Prepositions of
M month? The name of speaking: "your most
movement movement.
E the game exciting sporting
D moments..."
I At the pharmacy. Writing:
O "letter to a friend".
will+infinitive (first
If something bad Conversation: "Murphy's
1 can happen, it will. Law". Speaking: "Would Confusing verbs,
Never smile at a you survive". Reading: animals, word
6 Would+infinitive
Y crododile. Decisions, "Nature's perfect killing building, noun
(second conditional)
decisions. What machine". Writing: formation, get.
2 should I do? "Decision making". Giving
(possibility) Should
your opinion: "A question
/ Shouldn't
of principles".
A board trip. Speaking:
Words related to
"describing a building".
Famous fears and fear.
Reading and writing: Present perfect+for
phobias. Born to Biographies.
"We're all afraid…". and since. Present
direct. I used to be School subjects:
7 Conversation: "Hitchcock perfect or past
a rebel. The history,
or Tarantino?". Listening: simple? Used to.
mothers of geography…Verb
"How has she changed?". Passive
invention. s: invent,
Writing: "Did you know…?.
On the phone.
Conversation: "activities
on weekends". Reading:
"Doctor's verdict". Something,
I hate weekends! Speaking: "What's your anything, nothing,
ending in -ed
How old is your body age? Listening: etc. Quantifiers,
and -ing. Health
8 body? Waking up is "David's activities". too, not enough.
and lifestyle.
hard to do. "I'm Reading: "Are you allergic Word order of
Phrasal verbs.
Jim." "So am I." to mornings?" Speaking: phrasal verbs. So /
"about genes". Giving your neither + auxiliaries
opinion: The good side
and the bad side of a
Love story. Speaking and
listening: "then he kissed
What a week! Then
me". Conversation: "My Adverbs:
he kissed me.
favorite picture". Past perfect. suddenly,
9 Famous photos.
Grammar and vocabulary Reported speech. immediately, etc.
Where are you
review. Writing: Say, tell or ask?
going on holidays?
"vacation". Match and fill
in the blanks.

Nivel Unidad Contenido Actividades Gramática Vocabulario

Reading: shopping in
Should; present
supermarkets or local Shopping,
Think global, act simple passive;
shops. Speaking: What do economics,
0*1 local. Mr. And Ms. because of, due to,
you do about recycling? advantages and
Right ought to, could,
Discussion about growing disadvantages
you'd better
your own food.
Listening:three contrasting geography:
views of immigration. world's largest
Bright lights, big Comparatives with
Writing:send an email cities. Media
2*3 city. Fame and modifiers. May and
home. Reading: Plusses studies: how the
Fortune might
and minuses of being a media selects
famous and manages the
Reading: animal behavior.
Discussion: Do animals
Relative clauses; habitat loss and
rights come before
Animal passions. Did definite article. bush meat affect
4*5 scientific research?
it really happen? Would, used to, threatened
Description of things you
past perfect species in Africa.
remember from your
Listening: interview about
solar-hydrogen powered
Present and past Communication
house with Malaysian
simple passives. waves.Global
You are being professor-inventor.
6*7 When, unless, in Environmental
watched. Oil crisis Opinion about the future
case, zero and first issues.Pollution.
of oil. Creative writing: a
conditionals Greenhouse
B world where everyone is
2 watched.
Formal letter of application
English for
I to a college abroad.
N Listening: three different
Exam pressure. Give Second conditional. purposes. Peace
T 8*9 campaigns for peace.
peace a chance Cohesive devices studies: role of
E Writing: article for
the United
R magazine about peace and
M war
E Social studies:
Listening: Poverty-making
D child poverty in
a living from garbage in Verb patterns after
I Britain. Health
Brazil and South Africa. wish and hope.
O I must have one of education:
10*11 Reading: Houston, fat Although,(even)
those. Globesity Worldwide
capital of America. Write though,in spite of,
1 evidence of
an advertisement for a despite
fitness club.
Y obesity
Listening: Maglev trains
Design: modern
2 and trans-atlantic tunnel.
design in
Write an article describing
Presente perfect Germany and
an old national custom.
Cities of the future. passive; future America.
12*13 Report on your plans for
Call of the wild. simple passive. Constitutional
your ideal city of the
Reported speech Law: US Bill of
future. Discussion:For and
rights, the right
against hunting wild
to bear arms
Discussion: what videos to
watch: horror or fantasy?
Passives with nstein. Business:
Reading:Ursula K Le
modals (can be types of
Fantasy Worlds. Guin's A Wizard of
14*15 seen, shoul be read) employment,
Think big! Earthsea. Speaking: what
Verbs+ing or an manufacturing
kind of job do you want.
infinitive and service
Writing a formal job
Reading:drugs therapy in Human rights:
Holland or the death The Universal
Third conditional.
Throw away the penalty in China? Declaration of
Past use of wish.
16*17 key. Surviving Discussion: attitudes to Human Rights.
disaster drug problems. Listening: Physical
present perfect
lost in a snow storm on a geography: the
mountain in Scotland Andes
Listening: interview with
an expert from the Search Astronomy: the
Must/ might/ could/
for Extra Terrestrial Solar System
18 Alone in space can't + present
Intelligence and Life. and the speed of
Speaking: Do you think light.
that UFOs are real?

Nivel Unidad Contenido Actividades Gramática Vocabulario

Expressions used
e of TV commercials; Marketing,
before challenging.
Buy now, think later- Celebrities out of a consumers,
1*2 Advertising. Express job".Reading:"Arts, Spoils industry. High
osting phrases:
yourself- The arts. of War". Listening: culture, pop,
cigarette warning labels. culture, history
Writing emails
Expressions for
The sky’s the limit!- Film:Success stories. downplaying- Measures of
Ambitions. Are you Reading: Youth culture. Justifying an social success.
looking at me?- Writing: Report, letter or e- argument. Forms of
Bullying. mail Modifying words- bullying. Jobs.
Expressing beliefs.
Reading: "Japanese
Frills and thrills- women and designer
Designer fashion" "Sports and Adjectives. The Fashion trends.
5*6 goods/fashion. competitiveness". Creative passive. Short Competitiveness,
Playing to win- writing. Video: PETA story. sports
Competitiveness. campaign against wearing
Reading:"Business: Farm
subsidies; virtual reality
economy". Listening: How Intransitive and
Profit and loss- war affects the economy. transitive verbs. Economics,
Economic issues. Reading: "Buffy the Signposting words: trade.
Into de future-Equal Vampire Slayer". Arguments (1). Environment:
opportunities. Listening:The Skeptical Business report. climate change.
Environmentalist: Bjorn Article, proposal.
Lomborg. Scientific
Reading: "Society:
Leaving home; regional
independence Signposting
Free to choose-
movements". Listening: phrases: Arguments
Independence. Do I
Hanni, the guide dog. (2). Intensifiers.
get a say?- Government.
9*10 Presentation on Challenging
Individual and Rights. History.
government. arguments and
young people’s
Reading:"Human rights". opinions. Active and
C Audio:Tough-discipline passive voices.
1 schools for "problem"
Reading: "International
News". Listening: A
tropical storm and flooding Tentative New items.
N Peace around the
in Haiti. Presentation on expressions. Computers,
Z world-International
11*12 drama. Reading: "Cyber Presentation on information
A events. Click here!-
news: Professional drama. Uncountable technology:
D Using the internet.
computer gamers". Video: nouns. Deducing viruses.
Languages used on the

Reading: "Media: Media

mogul Berlusconi;
Sensorship". Video: TV Colloquialisms. TV, radio,
What’s in the news?- news channel Idiomatic newspapers.
Heroes and villains documentary. Reading: expressions. Using Personal
"Pop culture: Eminem, pop quotes. qualities.
culture icon". Listening:
Comic book superheroes.

Reading: "Family:New
feminism; Fathers' rights".
Listening: Interview with a
Family matters. Conditionals.
teenage mother. Family. School
15*16 Let’s change the Signposting Word:
Presentation on family. subjects
subject! sequencing
Reading: "Education:
rewriting the hsitory of
Reading: "Science and Expressions used to
technology:Bionic suit; introduce
"spider-goats" super web assertions.
Adventures in
material". Video: Space Developing an
debris. Technicaln argument. Science. Social
17*18 developments. The
presentation. Reading: Expressions used to problems.
company we keep-
"National news: hidden contradict.
Social issues.
homeless". Listening: Summarising
Computer training for information, ideas
slum dwellers in Brazil. and arguments.
Reading: "Health: Prime
Minister, fitness fan;
Watching fish eases Language of empathy
Stressed out! - Stress
stress". Listening: Laugher and sympathy. Ways of reducing
management. Shock
19*20 Clubs. Presentation on Magazine article. stress. Types of
tactics - Young
stress. Reading: "Crime. Language of caution. teenage behaviour.
people’s behavior
Part-time jobs. Audio: Eliciting feedback.
Binge drinking among
young British people.

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