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Alpine WSG

Water Soluble Granule Insecticide

KILLS: Ants (including Argentine, Carpenter, Harvester, Odorous House, Red Imported and Southern Fire; excluding Pharaoh), Asian Lady Beetles, Bean Plataspid
(= Kudzu Bug), Bed Bugs, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Centipedes, Collembola, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas, German Cockroaches, House Flies, Millipedes,
Mosquitoes (Anopheles), Paper Wasps, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Spiders (excluding Brown Recluse) and Yellowjackets
FOR USE IN AND AROUND: Apartments; Campgrounds; Cemeteries; Clinics; Dog Kennels; Green Belts; Homes; Hospitals; Hotels; Mausoleums; Mobile
Homes; Motels; Non Food/Feed Areas of Food Processing Plants; Nursing Homes; Resorts; Schools; Storage Buildings; Trailers; Transportation Equipment
[Autos, Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, Planes (cargo areas only)]; Utilities; Warehouses; Commercial, Industrial and Residential Buildings; Theme Parks;
Parks & Recreational Areas, and Zoos

Dinotefuran: N-methyl-N-[(tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methyl]guanidine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.0%
OTHER INGREDIENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.0%
TOTAL: 100.0%

EPA Reg. No. 499-561

FIRST AID be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water PRODUCT INFORMATION
IF IN EYES: Hold eyes open and rinse slowly adjacent to treated areas. Do not contaminate This product is a water-soluble granule contain-
and gently with water for 15 − 20 min. Remove water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of ing the non-repellent active ingredient, dinotefu-
contact lenses, if present after the first 5 min, equipment washwaters. ran. Apply indoors and/or outdoors via Crack &
then continue rinsing eyes. Call a poison con- Crevice, spot or surface application for the listed
trol center or doctor for treatment advice. Do not apply water-based sprays of this product
Have the product container or label with you to conduits, motor housing, junction and switch MIXING INSTRUCTIONS
when calling a poison control center or doctor, boxes or other electrical equipment because Thoroughly clean spray equipment before
or going for treatment. You may also contact of possible shock hazard. Do not spray where mixing and application of this product.
1-800-832-HELP, 7 days/week; 24 hr/day, for electrical short circuits might result, such as Add approximately 1/2 of the water to the spray
emergency medical treatment information. wall outlets, conduits, etc. tank. Tear open the packet and add contents
to water, then complete the filling of the spray
PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS DIRECTIONS FOR USE tank. Agitate the tank until the product is com-
IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW pletely dissolved. Reagitate finished dilution if
HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND application is interrupted for an extended period
DOMESTIC ANIMALS TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER of time or if dilution is left in tank overnight.
CAUTION. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING.
contact with eyes or clothing. Wash hands thor- USE RESTRICTIONS: SPRAY DILUTION CHART
oughly with soap and water after handling and • Do not apply within aircraft cabins. Desired Amount Amount Amount Amount
before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobac- • Do not use in outdoor residential misting
of prod-
uct to
of prod-
uct to
of prod-
uct to
of prod-
uct to
co or using the toilet. Wear long-sleeved shirt and systems. gConcen- make 1 make 5 make 25 make 50
long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resis- • Do not apply to humans or their clothing. Do
tration gal of
gal of
gal of
gal of
tant gloves (made out of any waterproof material, not allow children or pets to contact treated dilution dilution dilution dilution
such as Natural Rubber, selection Category A). surfaces until spray has dried.
to treat
up to
to treat
up to
to treat
up to
to treat
up to
1,000 ft 2 5,000 ft 2 25,000 50,000
USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS • Do not apply to household pets. Cover fish ft 2 ft 2
Users should: tanks prior to application near tanks.
0.1% 10g 50g 250g 500g
• Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing • Do not apply this product in patient rooms
gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. while occupied. 0.2% 20g 100g 500g 1,000g

• Remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide • Do not apply to classrooms when in use. 0.3% 30g 150g 750g 1,500g
gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put • Do not apply in food/feed areas of food
on clean clothing. Refer to specific pest categories below for
handling establishments. When applying in the proper use rate. One gallon of finished
• Remove PPE immediately after handling this residential or commercial structures, do not dilution treats 1,000 ft 2. Depending on the
product. Wash the outside of gloves before contaminate food, feed stuffs or water sup- surface, more or less water may be used to
removing. As soon as possible, wash thor- ply. Do not contaminate food preparation properly treat areas with different application
oughly and change into clean clothing. surfaces, kitchen utensils, dishes or food/ apparatus, but the proper amount of active
feed storage containers. Cover any food/feed ingredient should be used per square footage.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS contact surfaces and cooking utensils, in the
This pesticide is toxic to shrimp. Do not apply treatment area, before treatment or thor- Tank Mixing: This product may be tank mixed
directly to water, or to areas where surface oughly clean after treatment and before using. with other water based insecticides including,
water is present or to intertidal areas below but not limited to insect growth regulators (IGR),
the mean high water mark. Do not apply when • Apply to the point just prior to run-off. Do quick knockdown products and residuals. Before
weather conditions favor drift from treated not allow application to drip or run-off from mixing test to see if products are compatible.
areas. Drift and runoff from treated areas may surfaces. When tank mixing, follow the more restrictive
label use directions of the mixed products.

NOTE: This specimen label is for informational purposes only. All uses may not be approved in all states. See labeling which accompanied product for
Directions for Use or call 800-777-8570 for more information.
Alpine® WSG Water Soluble Granule Insecticide

VOID/CRACK & CREVICE® Carpenter Ants (20g/gal): Make spot, broadcast applications can be made to yards,
APPLICATION Crack & Crevice and/or void applications to lawns, fields, parks, cemeteries, landscaping
Apply into cracks, crevices and voids with equip- any trails, inside or outside, around doors and and structures. To help prevent infestations,
ment designed for such applications. Follow the windows and other places where ants may make exterior structural and surrounding area
manufacturer’s recommendations for proper enter premises (such as atriums, attic venting, applications according to this label.
equipment set-up and operating pressures. crawl spaces, ceilings, fences, exterior building Mosquitoes (Anopheles) (20g/gal): Apply
Place the tip of the applicator at or into the surfaces, landscape timbers, garages, hollow using hand-held, back-pack or truck mounted
crack, crevice or void to be treated. Apply prod- doors, soffits, wall voids, weep holes and other sprayers only. Not for use with truck mounted or
uct in short bursts while keeping tip in position. void areas). Where possible, directly apply to handheld cold aerosol ULV sprayers, or thermal
Allow the air stream to push the finished dilution ant nests or infested wood or trees. fogging devices. Do not apply by aircraft. Use up
into voids and/or cracks and crevices. Apply in Paper Wasps and Yellowjackets (30g/gal): To to 50 gal of diluted spray per 50,000 ft 2. Apply
such a manner to avoid dripping and run-off. treat a yellowjacket or wasp nest, apply liberally to shrubbery, vegetation and other areas where
to the nest and the surrounding area. For nests mosquitoes may rest. Shrubbery and vegetation
INDOOR APPLICATIONS inside wall voids, inject an amount sufficient to around stagnant pools, marshy areas, ponds
Dilute to the proper concentration according to treat the entire nest. Most applications should and shorelines may be treated if applied as a
targeted pest infestation. Follow the mixing direc- require about 0.5 gal of diluted material. Pay wet spray. Direct application of this product to
tions found in the dilution chart. Use 1 fl oz of attention to surfaces or items that the product any body of water is prohibited.
finished dilution per 7 – 10 ft2. may contact (i.e. electrical wiring). Do not use
Crawling Insects/Pests [including: German where there is an electrical shock hazard. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL
Cockroaches, Pillbugs, Crickets, Millipedes THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT PROVIDE Do not contaminate water, food or feed by stor-
and Spiders (excluding: Brown Recluse)] INSTANT KNOCKDOWN. age or disposal.
(30g/gal): Make spot and/or Crack & Crevice PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry
applications into hiding places and entry points OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS area away from heat or open flame.
such as cracks and crevices, void areas, moist Exterior Structural and Surrounding Area
areas, openings around pipes and sinks, under Applications for Crawling Insects/Pests PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from
refrigerators or vending machines, interiorscapes, [including: Collembola, Crickets, Earwigs, the use of this product may be disposed of on
across lower doorway frame and window openings. Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs and Spiders site or at an approved waste disposal facility.
House Flies (20g/gal): Make spot applications on (exluding Brown Recluse)] (30g/gal): Directly CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Nonrefillable con-
surfaces where flies frequently roost such as door contacting pests, apply where pests rest, trail tainer. Do not reuse or refill this container.
and window frames, screens, trash cans, plants, and harbor, such as structural and other voids Offer empty packet for recycling, if available,
interiorscapes, ceilings and upper wall surfaces. [including voids associated with and around doors, or dispose of in the trash or by incineration,
windows, utility entry points, behind siding, weep or if allowed by state and local authorities, by
Bed Bugs (30g/gal): Make spot and/or Crack burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.
& Crevice and/or void applications where evi- holes and tree hollows], eaves of structures,
dence of bed bug infestation occurs or bed bugs around lights or other insect attractant areas,
foliage, bushes, landscape materials, garbage CONDITIONS OF SALE AND WARRANTY
are suspected, such as bed frames; box springs; Follow the Directions for Use. It is impos-
inside empty dressers, clothes closets and lug- receptacles, under trees and other shaded areas.
House Flies (20g/gal): Apply to outside surfac- sible to eliminate all risks inherently associ-
gage; carpets; draperies; furniture; headboards; ated with use of this product, and therefore
high and low wall moldings and wallpaper es of screens, doors, window frames, porches,
in garages, on foliage or wherever flies enter or all such risk shall be assumed by the Buyer.
edges. Do not apply to mattresses. Whitmire warrants that this product conforms
Ants [excluding Pharaoh] (10g/gal): Make congregate around or on the building, directly
contacting flies. Apply to inside and outside sur- to the chemical description on the label and is
spot, Crack & Crevice and/or void applications reasonably fit for the purposes referred to in
where ants may be foraging and/or nesting, such faces of dumpsters, other trash holding contain-
ers and surrounding surfaces, directly contacting the Directions for Use, subject to the inher-
as, around doors, window frames, under sinks, ent risks, referred to above. TO THE EXTENT
around pipes and in pipe voids, attic venting and flies. Begin applications at the start of fly season
and repeat during periods of heavy fly activity. CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW: (A)
other areas where ants may find access or nest. WHITMIRE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES
Fleas (10g/gal): Apply to infested areas or poten- Fleas (10g/gal): Apply to yards, porches, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
tially infested areas, such as rugs, floors, carpets, patios or other areas of habitation for fleas, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR
upholstered furniture, pet beds and pet resting especially areas that pets frequent, directly con- PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, (B) BUYER’S
areas. When applying to upholstered furniture, treat tacting fleas. Pay particular attention to shaded EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND WHITMIRE’S AND
under cushions and areas where flea development areas with low protective covering such as SELLER’S EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY, WHETHER
can occur. Do not treat pets with this product. under bushes, under decks, lawn furniture, lawn IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT
ornaments and other landscape materials. Apply LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED
INDOOR AND OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS to pet entry areas such as steps and stoops and TO REPAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE
Asian Lady Beetles, Brown Marmorated other areas where pets rest or sit for extended OF THE PRODUCT, AND (C) WHITMIRE AND
Stink Bugs, Bean Plataspid (= Kudzu Bugs) periods of time, directly contacting fleas. THE SELLER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR
and Centipedes (30g/gal): Make spot, Crack Ants [exluding Pharaoh] (10g/gal): Make CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL
& Crevice and/or void applications where these spot and/or Crack & Crevice applications to OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM
pests may harbor or hibernate, such as cracks and any foraging trails, nests or mounds where ants THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT.
crevices, in weep holes, wall voids, around window are present. Make spot and/or Crack & Crevice Whitmire and the Seller offer this product,
and door frames, attics and behind siding. Apply applications to exterior areas where ants may and the Buyer accepts it, subject to these
to exterior wall surfaces around entry points and enter a structure. Where possible, directly apply Conditions of Sale and Warranty which may
resting areas where insects congregate. to ant nests or infested wood or trees. Curative be varied only by agreement in writing signed
by a duly authorized representative of Whitmire.

Manufactured for:
Whitmire Micro-Gen Research Laboratories, Inc.®
by BASF Corporation
3568 Tree Court Industrial Blvd.
St. Louis MO 63122-6682
Questions? Call 1-800-777-8570
© 2012 Whitmire Micro-Gen Research Laboratories, Inc.®

NOTE: This specimen label is for informational purposes only. All uses may not be approved in all states. See labeling which accompanied product for
Directions for Use or call 800-777-8570 for more information. 120829-11

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