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IMC - Samples Campaign PDF

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Subject: Integrated Marketing Communications

Lecturer: Tran Dinh Thanh

Le Huy Chuong
Tran Hao Quang
Ngo Thi My Duyen
Ha Thi Thanh Huong
FPT University - IMC

November 19, 2014 1

FPT University - IMC


1. Context
2. Competitors
3. Company

3.2.Coca-cola in Vietnam and in other countries

3.3.Positioning Strategy: Coca-cola is a Drink/ Baverage of Happiness – (Share a

coke – Share happiness)

4. Customers

4.1.Social Problem Need to be Solved in Vietnam

4.2.Customer Insight:

4.3.Approaching Strategy/ Brand Roles of Coca-cola: Inspire Vietnamese youth to

believe in kindness in this country & motivate them to live with care and

4.4.Big Idea:




5.2.Target Audiences


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5.4.Deployment Plan & Media Channels

5.5.Action Plan (detailed plan)

5.6.Contingency Plan (Risk management – Plan B)

5.7.Measurement tracking

5.8.Demo: Awareness raising tactics; Contest for engagement phrase; Transcript of

Viral Clip post campaign

6. Reference

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1. Context

Overview non-alcoholic beverage marketplace in Viet Nam

According to statistics from “Beer - Alcoholic – Beverage” Association Viet Nam. Every year,
each Vietnamese people only drink about 3 liters bottled beverage non-alcohol /year, while the
average of the Philippines is 50 liters / year. But according to research by Vietinbanksc, in 2013,
total sales of non-alcoholic beverage industry was 11 870 billion VND, 2,083 million liters sold;
growth in period 2009-2013 was 19.35 %, which exports reached more than 2 million liters;
expected growth in the period 2014-2018 will be 14.2 %, the number of enterprises producing is
135 companies.

According Vietinbank, Vietnam is a country with a young population structure, with 15-40 year
old age group accounted for nearly half, one age is said to have the highest demand for soft
drinks. Moreover, the rate of increase in fast food services in Vietnam are reaching the threshold
of 10 % / year, accompanied by the demand of non-alcoholic beverages, particularly carbonated
soft drinks.

According to statistics from “Beer - Alcoholic – Beverage” Association Viet Nam. On the
market, there are 300 different accounts divided into three main groups:

- Coke: Sting, Coca-cola, Pepsi, 7up, Soda, Mirinda…

- Non-carbonated soft drinks: Dr.Thanh, Lipton Pure Green, C2, Vfresh…

- Mineral water, pure water : Lavie, Aquafina

Our country we have three companies well known in the industry that is Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Tan
Hiep Phat.

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Economics in 2014 face difficulties caused by the financial crisis, consumer spending tightened,
but with Vietnam’s population reached the figure of 90 million people, mostly young people so
that created attractive for manufacturers beverage investment promotion to win market share. It
is expected that in 2014, non-alcoholic beverage industry in Vietnam reached 2,315 million liters
production, generating sales of 506 million. By 2016, this figure will reach 2,628 million liters,
grossed 626 million dollars.

Participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) gives beverage industry new opportunities
such as increased exports by countries in the TPP tariff elimination commitments apply
mechanism of certificate of origin, the opportunity to attract investment from American
companies and other TPP countries in the beer industry in Vietnam, Vietnam enterprises have
opportunities to participate in global value chains.

Policies and laws of the Government also have positive or negative impact to business sector
non-alcoholic beverage..


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To join in the global economy organization, cut import taxes create conditions for foreign
businesses entering the Vietnam market made difficult for local firms.

2. Competitors

Growing social, human needs increasingly more diverse. The services associated with life
such as food, drink, entertainment ... constantly being improved and upgraded to meet the
demands of modern life of people. Among them, the beverage market is always the
potential market and vibrant with numerous competitors constantly jumping into the
market to make a profit for themselves, notably two giants Pepsi, Tan Hiep Phat
company, etc.

Pepsi Tan Hiep Phat

Target Pepsi Perfect target market is generally Age: from 15 to 29 years old. They are
Customer anyone between the ages of 15 to 50, the active group involved in many
specially those peoples they are health outdoor activities, and use ready-to-drink
conscious and those they want to products very often.
purchase novelty things.
Income: Because of its higher price
compared to the other soft drinks, THP
targets people whose income in the
middle group

Highlight For young people in Vietnam, the To prepare for expanding its market to
Campaign statement “Da qua Pepsi oi” in Pepsi some other Asian countries, besides of
ad has shown strong impression, most being a sponsor for annual activities and
people will remember this impressive contributing to charity funds, 0° Tea will
statement when they mention Pepsi- be one of the main sponsors for the two
Cola. With style of humor, witty, Pepsi great events in 2008 (Tiger Cup and Miss
has put a lot of sympathy for the Vietnam Contest 2008), which

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young. promisingly develop its image in and

outside Vietnam.
To focus on psychology of the young,
Pepsi invited favorite stars to promote
their brand. A “Pepsi generation”
grew up with idols like Britney Spears,
David Beckham… In Vietnam, stars
like My Tam, Kasim Hoang Vu, Ha
Anh Tuan, Kim…were invited to the
ad for brand.

Strength Product diversity. Take the prominent feature in the

Extensive distribution channel. drinking habit of Vietnamese people.
Successful marketing and advertising
Be a product of THP, which has a
reputation for its beverage products.
Complementary product sales
Proactive and progressive. Adopted by large layers of population.

Has larger product options than other


Has large distribution networks all over

the country.

Weakness Over-dependence on Wal-Mart. Raw material source supplied depends on

Low pricing. many factors, such as weather, natural
Questionable practices disasters, increasing in fertilizer price,
Much weaker brand awareness and etc.
market share in the world beverage
Has higher price in comparison with the
market compared to Coca-Cola.
domestic same kind of product.
Too low net profit margin.

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Have not developed any new flavor

within the last 1 year.

Market Pepsi divide the target market in to Maintain the market leading position in
share different groups. They may differ in Vietnam, gain 65% market share at the
wants, resources, locations and buying end of 2013.
Increase sales by 50% in 2013.
Through market segmentation
Introduce at least one flavor before each
companies can be reached more
efficiently and effectively with
products and services that match their Develop a new market in SEA in 2014.
unique needs.

Source: Pepsi and Tan Hiep Phat Report, 2013

3. Company


Strengths: Weakness:

- One of the most valuable brand in the -Taste- in the Vietnam market, the taste of
world, includes the brand value, the Coca cola inappropriate taste of the
numerous factories and assets spread out Vietnamese, the Vietnam-taste like charming
across the world and the complete than pale of Coke.
operations cost and profit of Coca cola.
-Distribution system- Has not provided a
- Next 3-year plan (2013-2015) of the distribution system as well as Pepsi. Because
company, Coca-Cola plans to invest $ 300 of, Pepsi entered Vietnam and establish a
million more to expand business in national distribution system before Coca Cola.

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- In addition to agents and general agents,

-Marketing strategy - Unique and solid, Pepsi still access most of the coffee shop, which
Coca Cola Vietnam has received a lot of promote and consume a huge amount of Pepsi
positive feedback from customers. soft drinks.

-Staffs of highly skilled and advanced

technology bring Coca Cola’s products is

Opportunities: Threats:

-Beverage consumption – According from -Markets- there are a lot of companies easily
a interviews Mr. Muhtar Kent said that enters the potential markets.
the consumption of non-alcoholic
beverage of the new Vietnam by 20% of -Competitor – Coca Cola has a competitor
the world average level perennial is Pepsi, so competitive is higher.
Growth-in 2011, Coca-Cola Vietnam has
growth figure 2. Within 3-5 years, this -Target customer: young, strong components who
growth will be sustained. is easy to change. Besides, loyalty of customer is
not high with product.

Source: Cocacola Report, 2013

3.2.Positioning Strategy: Coca-cola is a Drink/ Baverage of Happiness – (Share

a coke – Share happiness).

Coca-Cola mission:

 To refresh the world...

 To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
 To create value and make a difference.

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(source: website www.coca-colacompany.com/)

Then Coca-cola position it as a Drink/ Baverage of Happiness – (with Share a coke – Share
happiness well-known campaign around the world).

4. Customer

4.1.Target Customer

Vietnam is a young and high growth population country which entering golden
population with nearly 50% of population is under 35 years old:


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As in other country, Coca-Cola target on young consumers. Coca-Cola’s target customer profile
in Vietnam:

Age Gender Income Area Habit &


15-34 years Male & Female ABCD+ Both rural and - Loves media
old (bull- urban area exposure
(lower class,
eyes, main (bull-eyes at
lower middle - Mobile
target at 18- urban area)
class, middle generation &
25 years old
class, lower social media is
upper class, part of daily life
upper class)
- Connected
people; they like
they like being

Source: Cocacola Report, 2013

4.2.Social Problem Need to be Solved in Vietnam

Vietnamese people especially Vietnamese youth tend to live carelessly. Search results
on google show nearly 1,000,000 results on less than 5 seconds.

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Coca-Cola want to become an inspirer to youth in Vietnam to make change and make their
people live with care and kindness. It is really relevant to positioning strategy of Coca-Cola:
Drink of Happiness.

4.3.Customer Insight:

less care, less troubles

“Because there are a lot of dangerous thing outside of the society, then, I think that I should be
careless to other people to avoid uninvited troubles. All people here do so. I will do as well”

4.4.Approaching Strategy/ Brand Roles of Coca-cola

Inspire Vietnamese youth to believe in kindness in this country & motivate them to
live with care and kindness.


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less care, less troubles
“Because there are a lot of Approaching Strategy:
dangerous thing outside of Cocal-Cola inspires Big Idea:
the society, then, I think Vietnamese youth to COCA-COLA BELIEVES THAT
that I should be careless to believe in kindness in this SANTA CLAUS IS REAL
other people to avoid country & Motivate them
uninvited troubles. All to live with care and
people here do so. I will do kindness.
as well”.

5. Campaign


+ Social Objective:

Christmas 2014, Coca-Cola wants to inspire young people in Vietnam to believe that
Santa Claus is not only in the imagination, because all people can become Santa Claus
and bring the parts warm gifts for other people, especially people with loneliness,
poverty. Besides, coca want to give advice to people living carelessly to live right moral
standards of the people, known sympathy with the people.

+ Business Objective:

Increase loyalty customers. Strengthen Coca-Cola as youth’s beloved beverage. Increase

sales of the business, and stir the world of young people, making them "talk more about
Coca Cola, and consume more". We estimate that our sales revenue will increase by
5% after 3 months of the campaign. Objectives for the Coca-Cola Company are to be
globally known as a business that contribute corporate social responsibility to the society.
By having these objectives, it forms the foundation for companies in the decision making

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5.2.Target Audiences

Age Gender Income Area Habit &


15-14 years Male & Female ABCD+ Both rural and - Loves media
old (bull- urban area exposure
(lower class,
eyes, main (bull-eyes at
lower middle - Mobile
target at 18- urban area)
class, middle generation &
25 years old
class, lower social media is
upper class, part of daily life
upper class)
- Connected
people; they like
they like being

Source: Cocacola Report, 2013

Coca-Cola targeting is not based on gender but the results show that both genders like
this product and use it (almost 50/50). It is aimed more at teenagers (male and female)
which is from 15 to 34 years old than any other age group. Because it is mainly promoted
on the television which is mostly watched by teenagers rather than older people. It is sold

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all around so that everyone can buy it but not many older people will because they
usually prefer pure water drinks.

Coca-Cola consider each customer as a target and a potential consumer. All age groups
are being targeted but the most potential is the age group from 18-25 that covers around
40% of total age segments.

Life style: no life style targeted but busier and mobile generation (youth) are considered
to be the most important part of consumers.

Customer’s Media Habits which are given as follow:

· The young target audience of the brand loves media exposure

· Mobile generation & social media is part of daily life

· Connected people; they like innovations, they like being surprised.


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“Miracle, if it exist, surely will come from the love and care between human. Coca-Cola
believes that Santa Claus is real because all of us can become Santa Claus in our own

A Russian writer once said: "It is not the coldest Arctic that is where there is no love."
Insensitivity also likened the disease "cancer souls ". Insensitivity actually not just a mental
state of humans anymore, but it becomes a worrisome disease, common in many young
people today. Delving deep into the vortex of modern life, emotionless become an incurable
disease which is difficult to treat.

Each youth should live right moral standards of the people, known sympathy with the people,
know -improvement, learning life lessons about justice, charity, love those around you. We
cannot be exchanged for ordinary matter that only the sincere interest can maintain a
sustainable relationship. Given away lots of love, caring and sharing we will not regret it,
because we will get the affectionate kindness of others. To "destroy" insensitive disease
thoroughly, we should live with love and responsibility to the community and especially to
open up to life. We should have a "hot heart" for crying, laughing, listening, loving, knowing
vibe with everyone. “Miracle, if it exist, surely will come from the love and care between
human. Coca-Cola believes that Santa Claus is real because all of us can become Santa
Claus in our own ways”

5.4.Deployment Plan & Media Channels

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Material www.icare.vn/ www.toiquantam.vn
Phase 1 - Raise your Voice Phase 2 - Join Us Phase 3 - Act it out
Message People in Vietnam tend to live Coca-Cola tend to do Coca-Cola believe that
carelessly. Do you want to be the something to make Santa Claus is real
pioneer raising voice for change? change. Are you dare to because we understand
join us to become that everyone is able
change-markers? to become Santa Claus
as their own way.

Key -V-log: Hanoian live more - Live carelessly Film - Big Event “I Care –
Hook carelessly or Saigonian? Contest Miracle Christmas”
-“I Care” project writing (24/12)
-Real story about how people live contest -Viral Clip post-event
carelessly in Hanoi and in Sai -Online Santa Claus’ - Report post-event
Gon (PR article) Challenges

Key Social media; Forum seeding Social media; Forum TV

Channels/ PR articles seeding Happiness Foundation
Partners Partners: hot V-logger JVermind, TVC PR articles
NGO – SJV PR Social media; Forum
Icare.vn seeding
Brand Invisible Motivator Connector Inspirer
Key Debate to make two crowds and High-rewards, Word of Emotional & Record
tactics gather a big crowd, Word of Mouth making, Word of
Mouth Mouth
Timeline 9/2015 10-11/2015 12/2015

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Source: Internal Report, 2014

5.5.Action Plan (detailed plan)

Dividing three phase with the purpose “long rains saturate the soil” make target customer is
teenagers more concerned with status emotionless life on today. Besides, each phase will be a
difference message, ways difference appropriate that it hidden within each phase are carrying the
message associated with the meaning of campaign. This is help people is similar teenagers live
sympathetic, love one another.


CHRISTMAS – WARMNESS FROM STRANGERS) will divide three phases:

Phase 1 “Raise Your Voice”, with the message “you are the pioneer change emotionless life
problem is steeped in today’s society”. Name of phase one associated with the message that the
host wants to bring the young. Increasing your voice and courage to say, remarks reflect the
emotionless lifestyle. This is campaign’s phase one, Coca Cola will be anonymous which will
show brand name. It just bring a true sense of concern, love, sympathy and share mutual problem
of audience. For the first step affects the viewer, making them aware of the problem. The phase
period time will be extended for one month from August to October 2015.

“Raise Your Voice” will push to audience through multiple media, and the media will be used in
this phase is Social Seeding, Forum Seeding, NGO, SJV Vietnam and PR articles.

As Social Seeding and Forum Seeding, with the topic keyword is “argument” about emotionless
lifestyle. Post article and video on truongton.net/ webtretho/ voz/ fanpage public/ fanpage NGO,
etc. The content is at the below table

Phase 2 “Join Us” with a message “there are a lot of people is similar you also would like to
concern to difference people”. This is phase of practical application, an overview of youth
thinking from this period. To promote the hidden heart of the young when they was not show
outside. The important point is Coca Cola will appear on phase and perform the content include:

- Run icare.com website/ toiquantam.com.vn website. Putting the articles promoting the
competition, clearly information about how to get join and clear time.

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- The competition writing and filmmaking project “Chống lại sống Vô Cảm – Against
emotionless life”. Registration for participation in the competition in the following steps:

- Miracle Chrismas Big event

- Warm Christmas – Warmness from Stranger activity with free hug and free gifts for poor
people and homeless children who don’t feel that the Christmas Night is warm with them
(they can not enjoy the Christmas night with their beloved people)

This phase will be done in one month from October to November 2015. The media for this
period, Social Seeding, Forum, TVC, PR and Icare.com/toiquangtam.com.vn. As for Social
Media and PR article on online newspaper. Communication the competition via Facebook by
fanpage, Forum as truongton.net/ webtretho/ voz/ fanpage public/ fanpage NGO- it is one of the
steps to connect and register for the competition. Posting on the Forum to introduce competition
and lead seeding "link" to join in the competition website.

As for advertising on TV, using the TVC that advertising for campaign through game show.
Running TVC 30s introduced "Icare campaign" and the website: icare.com: Young people has a
depressed mood, feeling boring life. Drink coca and found competition "Icare" of Coca-Cola -
the website address "icare.com" and awards of up to 500 million: a trip to Disneyland Hong
Kong with his family and many other attractive prizes for the participation.

Icare.com. propaganda competition make film about emotionless life today. The end result is to
find the leader of the project, "emotionless lifestyle improvement" project through writing
competition for "iCare" campaign. Awards and grants for two relief projects to actually run in
phase 3.

Phase 3 “Action It Out” with message “Santa Claus is real because we all have to become
Santa Claus”. This phase is the final phase of the campaign, conduct advertising and running the
award-winning project. This phase will be done in 1 month from November to December 2015.
The content of this phase include:

- To run the winning projects. Back then start to release clips on the media.

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- Organize the night 24/12: including awards night for leaders gave away gifts to people
not to go out and hug them on Christmas - Christmas warmth - the warmth from
strangers. And, Organization of the festival "Gíang sinh diệu kỳ- Christmas miracles " in
the center of Ho Chi Minh City from District 1 - vehicle Coca - Cola go around the city
for fresh water and a blessing to the 12 districts in the city.

Promotion tools are applied at this phase on TV advertising, PR article. As advertising on TV,
TVC 30s run introduce "Icare campaign" and the leader of the competition. PR article in online
newspaper - and social media in a video posted to YouTube, Facebook about the festival "Gíang
sinh diệu kỳ - Christmas miracles" in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.

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N Time Activities Details Media Cost

o Channels/
. Touchpoints
RAISE YOUR VOICE (August to October 2015)
Are you dare to become the pioneer change careless living lifestyle in today’s society?
1 01/08/15 Sponsoring for SJV*’s Sponsor for project getting SJV’s owned $10,000
project involved in youth’s living media channels
with care and kindness PR articles
Unbranded sponsorship Hot V-logger JVevermind Social media, $3,000
for hot V-logger JVever (favourite v-logger of newspapers and
mind to creat V-log: youth) make a video talk online
Hanoian live more about whether Hanoi newspapers,
carelessly or Saigonian? people or Saigon people Forum seeding
live more careslessly
Push the clip to attract Use forum seeding team Forum seeding $1,000
more point of view & and PR articles about to make debate
debate then make it go JVevermind to attract more and arguments
viral people taking part in between Hanoi
debating about his view people and
point Saigon people
Real story about how Unbranded attractive real Forum seeding, $5,000
people live carelessly in story to make people Social network
Hanoi and in Sai Gon debate about whether sharing,
(PR article) Hanoi people or Saigon Newspapers and
people live more carelessly online
newspapers for
Phase 1’s total fee $19,000
JOIN US ( October to November 2015)
Officially run the website www.icare.vn/www.toiquantam.vn
Coca-Cola tend to do something to make change. Are you dare to join us to become change-markers?

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TVC 30s Miracle TVC description as below TV: HTV9, $40,000

Christmas (1/10 – VTV3, YanTV,
25/10/2015) Yeah1 TV, …
Run the website Run the website including Online $3,000
officially information about the newspapers
campaign and contests
Live carelessly Film Run the film contest to Newspaper, $20,000
Contest (15/10 – 30/10) encourage youth make the Online
film about careless living newspaper,
lifestyle in Vietnam Social media,
Poster at
Forum for youth
“I Care” project writing Run the contest to Newspaper, $30,000
contest (01/10-30/10) encourage youth to write Online
down the project to solve newspaper,
the careless living lifestyle Social media,
in Vietnam. 2 winning Poster at
project will have chance to university,
be sponsored by Coca- Forum for youth
Cola’s Happiness
Online Santa Claus’ Challenge that encourage Fanpage Coca- $5,000
Challenges (15/10- customer to be involved in Cola, Social
30/10) a game on facebook. They Media, Forum
will write down on their for youth
private facebook: “ I
believe that Santa Claus is
real, because….. (their
reason)” then they use
hastag Coca-Cola fanpage

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and tag 3 people they

want to go with at
Christmas night the most.
Each week, there will be
10 winner with ticket to the
Miracle Christmas event
and a secret Christmas gift
from Coca-Cola.
Additional tromotional Promotional activities to Social media, $25,000
during the phase promote the two contest Forum seeding,
and the online challenge Online
newspaper, Post
at the university
Phase 2’s total fee $123,000
Coca-Cola believe that Santa Claus is real because we understand that everyone is able to become Santa
Claus as their own way.
Communication activities Press release, attendance Social Media, $5,000
before big event confirm to people of press Newspapers,
and media Online
Forum seeding
Free-tickets at
the university
Big Event “I Care – Big Event which gather Center of the $25,000
Miracle Christmas” people enjoying Christmas city or Phu My
night with Coca-Cola by an Hung
exciting event with music,
free hugs and free of Coke.
Warm Christmas Night People at the the above On the street $10,000
– Warmness from Miracle Christmas event

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strangers. will be encouraged to go

along with Coca-Cola
employee to give gifts and
free hugs people who don’t
have chance to relax on
Christmas night such as:
homeless children, poor
people selling gifts on the
Happiness Foundation Sponsor for anti-careless Newspaper, $20,000
living lifestyle contest’s online
winner at phase 2 and newspaper,
promote them on media Social media
Unbranded clip about Push the unbranded clip to Social media $5,000
Warm Christmas Night- go viral and be shared by Forum of youth
Warmness from strangers youth on the social
go viral networks and forums
Post-Campaign clip Branded clip reviewing Coca-Cola $3,000
the whole campaign, its youtube channel
meaning and introduce a
little bit about next year’s
Phase 3’s total fee $68,000
Source: Internal Report, 2014

*SJV is an youth NGO that promote values of care, kindness and encourage youth around the
world to travel to do good and make cultural exchange. Its core values are really relevant to
this campaign message and HAPPINESS positioning value of Coca-Cola

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- Banner demo for phase 2: JOIN US (launching the website

www.icare.vn/www.toiquantam.vn officially)

Source: Internal Report, 2014

- Description for the warm Christmas – warmness from strangers clip in phrase 3:

The clip start with the scenes of warm atmosphere of Christmas where a lot of youth and
teenagers enjoy their Christmas with their beloved people. Oh, Christmas with them is
really warm. Besides that, there are homeless children, poor people walking on the street
alone to sell Christmas gifts for youth. Then there are a lot of people with red hat of
Santa Claus (and Coca-Cola logo) appear to hug them and give them secret Christmas

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4.2.Contingency Plan (Risk management – Plan B)

Here are some unexpected problems that can happen when we carry on the campaign:

- We cannot cooperate with NGO – SJV Vietnam. In this case, we will try to
connect with other NGO as backup plan from the first beginning. In addition, we will
try to do that, because NGO is good partner for raising awareness in the community.
They are more trust-worthy than a company when make people pay attention to the
social issue. (No additional fee)

- Jvevermind (celebrity endorsed) scandal: it is not harmful at all, because, we

don’t use brand on his video, we are invisible motivator at that time. (No additional

- People don’t attend to the contest: We will push and spread the information more
on the media channels to introduce the contest. More people know, more people share
and more people join. (Need about $20,000 to promote the website www.icare.vn
and the contest as well as the online challenge more)

- Competitors focus on tax scandal of Coke in the past: We will pay for some PR
article to debate it instead of keeping silent. If we can manage the communication
crisis, it will turn out to be opportunity for us to introduce our new campaign.
($30,000 to pay for PR articles to manage the communication crisis and attack
the competitors’ critical opinion)

4.3.Measurement tracking

- Number of view of JVevermind viral clip comparing Hanoi people and Saigon people
lifestyle in phase 1.

- Number of like, share, comment and other interactions in Coca-Cola fanpage during 3

- Numbers of people visit the website www.icare.vn/ www.toiquantam.vn in phase 2

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- Research agency will evaluate our brand loyalty, brand engagement during and after the
campaign the measure effectiveness.

- Sales revenue report of the company

- Online survey done by research agency after campaign

5. Reference

Reference of book:
Belch, G & Belch, M 2013, An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective: The
Promotion Mix: The tools For IMC, 9th end, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Belch, G & Belch, M 2013, An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective: The IMC
Planning Process: Budget Determination, 9th end, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Belch, G & Belch, M 2013, An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective:
Marketing Strategy and Analysis, 9th end, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Belch, G & Belch, M 2013, An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective: A basic
Model of Communication, 9th end, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Belch, G & Belch, M 2013, An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective: The
Media Mix, 9th end, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Reference of online newspaper:

Nhật Minh, 2012, ‘Chủ tịch Coca-Cola: 'Đầu tư vào Việt Nam vẫn rất hấp dẫn’’,
VNEXPRESS, 29 October, viewed 19 November
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