United States Patent (19) : Brady (45) Aug. 28, 1973
United States Patent (19) : Brady (45) Aug. 28, 1973
United States Patent (19) : Brady (45) Aug. 28, 1973
\(, , - , J.W.
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hydroxyl-terminated homopolymeric butadiene having in which n is from 44 to 75 repeating molecular units,
the formula having a nominal viscosity of about 50 to about 200
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in which n is from 44 to 75 repeating molecular units, poises, in solution in an extender oil which forms a so
having a nominal viscosity of about 50 to about 200 55 lution with said homopolymeric butadiene, an organic
poises, in solution in an extender oil which forms a so diisocyanate dissolved in said extender oil, microfine
lution with said homopolymeric butadiene, an organic polypropylene powder having a size from about 30 mi
diisocyanate dissolved in said extender oil, microfine crons to about 100 microns dispersed in said extender
polypropylene powder having a size from about 30 mi oil and being insoluble in said oil, and an accelerator,
crons to about 100 microns dispersed in said extender 60 the proportions of said homopolymeric butadiene, or
oil and being insoluble in said oil, and an accelerator, ganic diisocyanate and extender oil being such that
the proportions of said homopolymeric butadiene, or there are 100 parts by weight of homopolymeric buta
ganic diisocyanate and extender oil being such that the diene, 50 to 70 parts by weight extender oil, 7 parts by
mixture is pourable and self-curing to a solid state and weight diisocyanate, and 75 parts by weight polypro
the weight of the solid polypropylene being at least 30 65 pylene powder.
percent by weight of the homopolymeric butadiene and 10. A composition according to claim 9 in which in of
not substantially exceeding 75 percent of the weight of the polybutadiene is between 65 and 75.
the butadiene. k xk k sk x