(Diacid condensed with DETA)
The intermediate described in Example 1 was vac
This assumption is supported by the fact that water uum distilled thereby removing most of the 18 carbon
formed during the reaction is collected at lower temper atom monocarboxylic acids (mainly oleic and elaidic).
ature than when either diacid or any fatty acid is re The remaining 21 carbon dicarboxylic acid was then
acted with a polyamine. blended with DETA at a ratio of l0-30 parts by weight
Condensation products of polyamines and the above diacid to 10 parts DETA and heated to 260°—270° C.
described polycarboxylic acids and polyamines are dis
closed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,447,269 to Schilling et al. until all the distillate was collected. The resulting diacid
Corrosion inhibiting condensates of the present in - DETA condensate was then cooled to 100° C. and 100
vention are obtained when combinations of diacid or parts were diluted with 30 to 100 parts of isopropanol or
triacid and tall oil fatty acids, or other fatty acids and 20 glycol.
Rosin-S are reacted with polyamines. For example,
when 2.5 g/500 ml of diacid-DETA condensate was EXAMPLE 3
added to a fluid containing 15% hydrochloric acid at (Diacid/Rosin-S condensed with DETA)
92° C., there was a 0.0363 lbs/ft2 of weight loss after 6
hrs. Under the same conditions, there was only a 0.0297 25 10-90 parts by weight of the diacid were blended
lbs/ft2 weight loss when the above additive was pre with 90-10 parts by weight of Rosin-S. l0-30 parts of
pared from a diacid/Rosin-S blend and DETA. Simi that blend were then heated with 10 parts by weight of
larly, when 15% sulfuric acid was substituted for 15% DETA at 260°-270° C. until all the distillate was col
hydrochloric acid, there was a weight loss of 0.0842 lected. The mixture was then cooled to 100° C. and 100
lbs/ft2 using a condensate of diacid and DETA. How parts were diluted with 30 to 100 parts isopropanol.
ever, there was a weight loss of only 0.0811 lbs/ft2 when
the polyamine condensate of a diacid-tall oil fatty acid EXAMPLE 4
blend was used. The above compositions are generally (Triacid/tall oil fatty acid condensed with DETA)
diluted with either isopropanol or glycol.
The compositions of the present invention have also 35 280 parts by weight of tall oil fatty acid and 10-60
been found to exhibit a synergistic effect when either parts by weight of fumaric acid were heated to
propargyl alcohol or sulfonated tall oil were added. 200°—220° C. for 4-6 hours in the presence of a catalytic
Thus, condensates of DETA with a blend of diacid and amount of iodine. An intermediate having a 22 carbon
tall oil fatty acids were added at a rate of 75 mg/ 250 ml tri-carboxylic acid (II) as well as the unreacted tall oil
of acidizing ?uid containing 30% hydrochloric acid, the fatty acids (containing partially isomerized oleic acid,
resulting weight loss of 1010 steel was 0.0122 lbs/ft2 i.e., elaidic acid) was thereby produced. After cooling,
over a period of 24 hours at 25° C. However, when the
75 mg of additive contained a 1:1 ratio of condensates to l0-30 parts by weight of this intermediate were heated
propargyl alcohol, the resulting weight loss was only with 10 parts by weight of DETA to 260°—270° C. until
0.0084 lbs/ft2. In both tests the steel specimen used was 45 all the distillate was collected.
identical, i.e., 9 sq. in. (0.0625 sq. ft., approx. 12.5 g). EXAMPLE 5
Similarly, 2.5 g of the same condensate composition
per 500 ml of a corrosive ?uid containing 15% sulfuric (Triacid condensed with DETA)
acid resulted in a weight loss of 0.0811 lbs/ft2 of 1010
The intermediate obtained in Example 4 was distilled
steel at 92° C. after 6 hrs. However, the resulting weight 50
loss was only 0.0625 lbs/ft2 when the condensate was under reduced pressure thereby removing the monocar
combined with sulfonated tall oil fatty acid at a ratio of bo'xylic acids (mostly oleic and elaidic). 10-30 parts by
4:1. weight of the still residue was heated with 10 parts by
The practice of this invention may be more clearly weight of DETA at 260°—270° C. until all the distillate
understood from the following non-limiting illustrative was collected. After cooling to 100° C., 100 parts of the
examples. All amounts shown are by weight. condensate was diluted with 30 to 100 parts isopropa
EXAMPLE 1 nol.
(Diacid/tall oil fatty acid condensed with DETA) EXAMPLE 6
280 parts tall oil fatty acid and 10-36 parts of acrylic 60 (T riacid/Rosin-S condensed with DETA)
acid were reacted in the presence of a catalytic amount
10-90 parts by weight of the residue obtained in Ex
of iodine at 250° C. to form an intermediate. (Formula
I). The intermediate formed comprised a 21 carbon ample 5 were heated with 90-10 parts by weight of
dicarboxylic acid in addition to the unreacted tall oil Rosin-S. 10-30 parts by weight of this blend were then
fatty acids. This process is described with greater par 65 reacted with 10 parts by weight of DETA at 260°—270°
ticularity in U.S. Pat. No. 3,753,968. 10-30 parts of the C. until all the distillate was collected. The condensate
above intermediates were then reacted with 10 parts, by was cooled to 100° C. and 100 parts diluted with 30 to
weight DETA and heated to 260°~270° C. until all the 100 parts isopropanol.
4,614,600 '
9 10
EXAMPLE 7 TABLE I-continued
(Tricarboxylic acid anhydride condensed with DETA) Hydrochloric Acid at 25° C. (Exposure Time:
280 parts by weight of tall oil fatty acid such as L-5 (a 24 hrs., INHIBITOR DOSAGE: 75 mg/250 ml)
Westvaco designation of a tall oil fatty acid fraction Weight Loss
containing about 5% rosin consisting mostly of linoleic (lbs/sq.
ft. >< hrs)
and oleic acid) or 1483 (a Westvaco designation of a
Condensate B/Propargyl Alcohol ( 1:1) 0.00037
distillate removed from the crude diacid containing
3—5% rosin consisting mostly of oleic and elaidic acid) "The blend is the unre?ned mixture of L-5 reacted with 12% acrylic acid by weight.
were heated with 100-150 parts by weight of maleic hBlend prepared from 1483 and maleic anhydride at a ratio 5.6:].0 without iodine.
‘Blend prepared from L-S with fumaric acid at a ratio of 6.25:1.0 with iodine as
anhydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of io catalyst.
dine or without iodine for 4-10 hours at l80°-220° C. In ‘jEmpol 1010, manufactured by Emery Industries, Inc.
the presence of iodine, a mixture of anhydrides having a
cyclohexene ring system (cyclohexene dicarboxylic As seen in TABLE I, the compositions of Examples
acid anhydride type (III A) and a non-cyclic succinic 1, 2, 4, and 7 perform better than propargyl alcohol
acid anhydride type (III B and III C) were obtained. alone, condensates of tall oil fatty acids and DETA, or
When reacted without iodine, only succinic acid type condensates of dimer acid and DETA. The improved
anhydrides (III B and III C) were obtained. 10-30 parts anti-corrosive effects of the compositions of Examples 1
by weight of these anhydrides (with some unreacted 20 and 4 is even more pronounced when propargyl alco
monocarboxylic acid) were heated to 260°—270° C. until hol, a commonly used corrosion inhibitor, is mixed
all the distillate was collected. After cooling to 100° C., therewith at a 1:1 ratio.
the condensate was diluted with isopropanol. As shown
in Examples 1, 3, 4, and 6, blends of these tricarboxylic
acids with Rosin S or tall oil fatty acid may be prepared. 25 (Comparative tests)
EXAMPLE 8 The compositions of Examples 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 of the
present invention were compared to condensates of
(Comparison tests) DETA and dimer acid (Empol 1010, Emery Industries,
The compositions of Examples 1, 2, 4, and 7 of the Inc.) and dimer acid/rosin blends. The tests were car
30 ried out using 2.5 g of inhibitor per 500 ml of ?uid
present invention were compared to other anti-corro
sive compositions. The corrosion tests were carried out containing 15% hydrochloric acid at 92° C. In the high
in the following manner: temperature test 500 ml acid containing the inhibitor
A 1010 steel coupon (Q-Penel Company, Cleveland, was heated in a 3-necked ?ask equipped with a con
Ohio) having about 9 in. sq. surface area and 12.5 g was 35 denser and thermometer. The steel coupon was inserted
rinsed with acetone. After drying the coupon was in in the corrosion liquid after the predetermined tempera
serted in to a glass bottle containing 250 ml acidizing ture was reached. Weight loss measurements with 1010
?uid (30% HCl) and corrosion-inhibitor. The-coupon steel were made after 6 hrs. exposure time with the
was removed, rinsed with water and re-weighed after results shown in TABLE II.
drying. v 40 TABLE II
The tests were carried out using 75 mg of inhibitor CORROSION OF 1010 STEEL IN 15% l-ICl at 92° C.
per 250 ml of acidizing ?uid. The weight loss for the (Exposure Time: 6 hrs, Inhibitor Dosage: 2.5 g/500 ml)
1010 steel coupon after 24 hours of exposure at 25° C. Weight Loss
was then determined. The results are shown in the (lbs/sq.
TABLE I. ft. X hours)
DIACID l550/Rosin S-DETA (l.0:l.0:l.0) 0.00495
TABLE I Condensate
CORROSION OF 1010 STEEL IN 30% C19—Dicarboxylic Acida/Rosin S- 0.00578
Hydrochloric Acid at 25° C. (Exposure Time: DETA (l.0:1.0:1.0) Condensate
24 hrs., INHIBITOR DOSAGE: 75 mg/250 ml) DIACID lSSO-DETA (2.5:1.0) Condensate 0.00605
Cgg-Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydrideb/ 0.00623
Weight Loss Rosin S-DETA (l.0:1.0:l.0) Condensate
(lbs/sq. Diacid l550-Rosin S-TETA (1.0:I.0:l.0) 0.00578
ft. >< hrs) Condensate
Controls C22——Tricarb0)tyliC Acid/ 0.00632
Tall Oil Fatty Acid~DETA (2.8:1.0) Condensate 0.00148 Rosin S-DETA (1.0:l.0:1.0) Condensate
Dimer Acidd-DETA (1.00.0) Condensate 0.00356 Cgg-Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydridec/ 0.00858
55 Rosin S-DETA (1.0:l.0:1.0) Condensate
Example 1
Cy-Tricarboxylic Acid/ 0.00885
DIACID 1550/1‘all Oil Fatty Acida-DETA 0.00051 Tall Oil Fatty Acidd-DETA (1.0:1.5:1.0)
(1.0:l.5:1.0) Condensate (A) Condensate
Example 2 Dimer Acid"-DETA (1.0:1.0) Condensate 0.01770
DIACID l550(C21—dicarboxylic acid)- 0.00071 Tall Oil Fatty Acid-DETA (2.8:l.0) Condensate 0.01870
DETA (2.5:1.0) Condensate 60 Dimer Acid‘VRosin S-DETA (1.4:l.4:l.0) 0.02422
Example 4 V Condensate
C23-—Tricarboxylic Acid/T all Oil Fatty 0.00058 Notes
Acidt-DETA (l.0:l.5:l.0) Condensate (B) “Supplied by Union Camp Corp.
Example 7 bclr-Tricarboxylic anhydride prepared from L-5 and maleic anhydride at 2.8:1.0,
with iodine as catalyst.
Cgg-Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydride/ 0.00052 65 fC33—Tricarboxylic anhydride prepared from 1483 and maleic anhydride at 2.8:l.0
Tall on Fatty Acidb-DETA (1.25:1.25=1.0) without iodine.
Condensate dBlend prepared from L6 and fumaric acid at a ratio of 6.5:l.0.
Propargyl Alcohol 0.00082 "Empol 1010, manufactured by Emery Industries, Inc.
Condensate A/Propargyl Alcohol (1:1) 0.00035
4,614, 600
11 12
As seen in TABLE II, the compositions of the pres TABLE IV
ent invention are signi?cantly more effective anti-cor
rosives (at least twice as effective) than conventional PHOSPHORIC ACID AT 25“ C.
dimer acid-DETA condensates or tall oil fatty acid (Exposure Time: 170-190 hrs., Inhibitor
DETA condensates, and dimer acid/Rosin S-DETA Concentration: 75 mg/250 ml)
condensates. Weight Loss
EXAMPLE 10 ft. >< hours)
(Comparative Tests) DIACID 1550/Tall Oil Fatty Acida-DETA
10 (1.0:l.5:1.0) Condensate
The compositions of Examples 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of the Czg-Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydride/ 0.000067
present invention were compared to propargyl alcohol Tall Oil Fatty Acidb-DETA (1.0:l.5:1.0)
alone as well as to the condensate of Rosin-S and Condensate
DETA. The tests were carried out as in Example 9, C22—Tricarboxylic AcidC/T all Oil Fatty Acid- 0.000067
except that the amount of inhibitor was decreased from 15 DETA (1.0:l.5:1.0) Condensate
2.5 g/500 ml to 0.5 g of amine condensate plus 0.5 g Notes
"The blend is the unre?ned mixture of L5 reacted with 12% acrylic acid (by
propargyl alcohol per 500 ml of corrosive ?uid. The weight)
results are shown in TABLE III. I’Blend prepared from 1483 and maleic anhydride at a ratio 5.6:l.0 without iodine.
cBlend prepared from L-S with l'umaric acid at a ratio of 6.25:1.0 with iodine as
TABLE III catalyst.
CORROSION OF 1010 STEEL IN 15% I-ICI at 92° C.
(Exposure Time: 6 hrs., Inhibitor Dosage: 0.5 g Amine
Condensate + 0.5 g Propargyl Alcohol/500 ml) EXAMPLE 12
Weight Loss (Comparative Tests)
(lbs/sq. ft. X hours)
The compositions of Examples 2, 3, and 6 of the pres
Propargyl Alcohol (1.25 g) 0.0009166
DIACID 1550/Rosin S-DETA (3.0:1.0) 0.0003166 ent invention were compared with the condensates of
Condensate Rosin S and tetraethylenetriamine (TETA) as well as
Rosin S>DETA (3.0:1.0) Condensate 0.000358 the condensates of tall oil fatty acid/Rosin S with
(Turbid)” DETA. The tests were carried out using 1 g. of inhibi
C22—Tricarboxylic Acid/Rosin 8- 0.000366 30
DETA (1.0:1.0:1.0) Condensate tor per 500 ml of corrosive ?uid containing 15% phos
Dimer Acidb/Rosin S-DETA (1.4:1.4:1.0) 0.000383 phoric acid at a temperature of 92° C. After 6 hours, the
Condensate (Turbid)” resulting weight loss to 1010 steel was measured and the
Diacid 1550/Rosin S-DETA (1.0:1.0:1.0) 0.000383
results are shown in TABLE V.
Cgz-Tricarboxylic Acid Anhydridec/ 0.0004333 35 TABLE V
Rosin S-DETA (1.0:1.0:1.0)
Condensate CORROSION OF 1010 STEEL IN 15%
DIACID 1550-DET>A (2.5110) 0.000667 PHOSPHORIC ACID AT 92° C. (Exposure
Condensate Time: 6 hrs., Inhibitor Dosage: l g/500 ml)
C2Z—Tricarboxylic Acid- 0.000833 Weight Loss
DETA (1.0:1.0) Condensate (lbs/sq.
C19—Dicarboxylic Acidd-DETA (20:10) 000135 ft. >< hours)
Rosin S-TETA (2.0210) Condensate (Turbid) 0.00377
I‘Not all of the reactive product is soluble in the acidic fluid.
DIACID 1550/Rosin S-DETA (1.0:l.5:1.0) 0.00620
I’Empcl I016 manufactured by Emery Industries, Inc. Condensate
"Prepared from 1483 and maleic anhydride at a ratio of 2.8:1.0 without iodine. 45 C32—Tricarboxylic Acid/Rosin S- 0.00627
dSupplied by Union Camp. Corp. DETA (1.0:1.0:l.0) Condensate
C|9—Dicarboxylic Acid/Rosin S-DETA 0.00838
Even though less than half the amount of additive (1.0:l.0:1.0) Condensate
DIACID 1550-DETA (2.5:l.0) Condensate 0.01032
was used in this example than in Example 9, the compo Tall Oil Fatty Acidb/Rosin S-DETA 0.01148
sitions of Example 10 were nonetheless more effective 50 (l.27:l.27:l.0) Condensate (Turbid)
corrosion inhibitors due to the synergistic effects which Notes
propargyl alcohol has on the condensates of the present "Supplied by Union Camp Corp.
invention. It can also be seen that the diacid/Rosin Imm oil fatty acid: L-S
S-DETA condensates of Example 1 are more effective
than the dimer acid Rosin S-DETA condensates. Rosin 55 As seen in TABLE V, the compositions of the pres
S-DETA and dimer acid-Rosin S-DETA condensates ent invention give clear solutions and are more effective
give turbid solutions whereas solutions of the conden than the condensates of tall oil fatty acid/Rosin S with
sates containing diacid/Rosin S or czg-tricarboxylic DETA. ~